From the Turnrow Rookie cotton grower leads with PhytoGen
From the Turnrow Rookie cotton grower leads with PhytoGen
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L12-076-028 (03/13) BR 010-34200-B DAAGPHYG2100 ® We want to hear from you! Our experienced staff is always available to visit your farm to discuss varieties and assist with seed selection. [REP_IMG] [Rep_Name] Dow AgroSciences Sales Representative [Rep_Phone] [Rep_Email] Plan for planting. Variety selection is a key decision for growers each year. Matching the right variety to the right field can mean the difference between a successful trip to the gin or a disappointing harvest. After the seed is in the ground, vigor takes over as the star of the show. Early season vigor is critical to getting the crop off to a strong start. Be sure you select varieties with the yield potential, quality and traits you need. If you haven’t yet planted PhytoGen® brand PHY 499 WRF, this is the year to try it. We released the variety with great excitement last year, and it exceeded our expectations. Growers are talking about outstanding yields, high gin turnout and getting their hands on as much PHY 499 WRF as possible for 2013. PhytoGen has put together a strong team of cotton experts with a wealth of experience. Please call on our team of experts as you plan for 2013. Good luck as you hit the field. Duane Canfield General manager and portfolio marketing leader for PhytoGen This edition of FieldNotes has been sent to you on behalf of your Dow AgroSciences sales representative. FieldNotes Volume 7, Issue 2 • Spring 2013 From the Turnrow Dr. Robert Lemon Cotton Development Specialist In Texas, we ran the spectrum from drought conditions around Corpus Christi to a recordsetting crop in the Upper Gulf Coast — all within 150 miles of each other. I suppose we can’t count on a consistent weather pattern in Texas, but when it comes to cotton varieties, we believe there are two consistent performers: PhytoGen® brand PHY 499 WRF and PHY 375 WRF. Looking back on a hot and dry 2011, PHY 499 WRF had an unprecedented performance in the Extension Replicated Agronomic Cotton Evaluation (RACE) trials. By replicating and randomizing each variety three times, RACE trials help us separate the effects of field variability from the varieties or treatments themselves. In the Upper Gulf (continued on next page) PhytoGen customer agronomist Paul Pilsner (left) stands with Frank and Eric Murta, El Campo, Texas. Rookie cotton grower leads with PhytoGen® cottonseed. There’s a first time for everything, and for Frank Murta, 2012 marked his first year growing cotton. The El Campo, Texas, farmer typically grows rice, soybeans, corn and milo but decided to try cotton at the urging of his son, Eric. Eric is a consultant for BH Genetics and noticed a lot of producers having success with PhytoGen® cottonseed, so he talked his dad into trying it. Murta says he enjoyed growing cotton his first year but, like all new things, it was definitely a learning experience. “It really helped to have our PhytoGen customer agronomist Paul Pilsner regularly checking the fields,” Murta says. “He was instrumental in educating me on how the PhytoGen brand varieties grow, and his knowledge of the crop gave me the confidence that my cotton was being checked right.” PhytoGen customer agronomists work with the breeders and in the field to develop and test new varieties. “I enjoy seeing new varieties on-farm,” Pilsner says. “The best part of my job is working with growers to see how PhytoGen varieties fit on their operations.” In his first season as a cotton grower, Murta grew PhytoGen brand PHY 375 WRF and PHY 499 WRF. “PHY 499 WRF had great seedling vigor and it picked very clean,” Murta says. “Paul encouraged us to plant around three seeds per foot and said it would yield about 2 bales per acre. It ended up yielding over 3 bales per acre. It worked perfectly.” Push performance with PhytoGen® brand PHY 499 WRF. (continued from front page) Coast Region trials, PHY 499 WRF had a numeric ranking of 1.3, which means it was No. 1 in two trials and No. 2 in another. The 2012 Upper Gulf Coast Region trials included more locations and significantly more rainfall. The numeric ranking of PHY 499 WRF was again 1.3. Now that’s consistency. The nearest competitors had rankings of 3.6, 3.7 and 4.4. Uniform Stacked-gene Cotton Variety Trials, 2012, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Combined Analysis Across Lower Gulf Coast County Locations Nueces Dryland, Nueces Irrigated, Nueces Monster, San Patricio, Victoria, Calhoun and DeWitt Variety Lint Yield (lb./A) Lint Value ($/A) PHY 499 WRF 1220 632 PHY 375 WRF 1129 CG 3787 B2RF DP 1219 B2RF So, in a dry or wet year, we know PHY 499 WRF performs. Can you say that about some of the new varieties our competitors are recommending for 2013? Be careful about making wholesale changes to your variety selection based on limited trial results, especially when the varieties being touted are not included in the Extension RACE trials. I hope to see you soon on the turnrow. Uniform Stacked-gene Cotton Variety Trials, 2012, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Combined Analysis Across Upper Gulf Coast County Locations Jackson, Matagorda, Colorado and Fort Bend Counties Variety Lint Yield (lb./A) Lint Value ($/A) PHY 499 WRF 1903 1019 583 NG 1511 B2RF 1724 907 1115 588 CG 3787 B2RF 1721 910 1110 588 DP 1048 B2RF 1695 899 The 2012 season is in the books, and the muchanticipated PhytoGen® brand PHY 499 WRF is the talk of the gin. From the Southwest to the Mid-Atlantic, PHY 499 WRF topped trials in both dryland and under irrigation. Although a grower in North Carolina may not be concerned with how a variety performs in a field in Texas, these trial results showcase variety consistency — the ability to perform in much different geography, under widely varied environmental conditions. “PHY 499 WRF is the best-growing, best-yielding cotton since DP 555 BR,” says Brian Pickle of Colquitt, Ga. “One hundred percent of my 2013 acres will be PHY 499 WRF.” North Carolina State 2012 Average Lint Yields 1500 2,000 1,500 Irrigated 1,000 Dry 500 0 589 AT NITRO-44 B2RF 1648 880 NG 1511 B2RF 1082 549 FM 1944GLB2 1630 870 DP 1044 B2RF 1081 552 ST 5458B2RF 1622 852 ST 5458B2RF 1063 543 DP 1044 B2RF 1615 855 FM 1944GLB2 1029 539 PHY 375 WRF 1588 843 FM 8270GLB2 964 514 FM 2989GLB2 1353 712 1150 Mean Across Locations 1088 568 Mean Across Locations 1650 875 1050 9 Y4 PH RF RF RF DP 5 10 RF 2 7B 2 0B 9W 1094 DP 3 11 DP 5 12 “I really liked the nematode tolerance of PHY 367 WRF,” says Glen Martin, Brownfield, Texas. “It came up fast and vigorous and never stopped. Yielded right at 3 bales per acre.” 1000 750 RF 9W 9 Y4 PH DP F 2R 8B 2 10 750 RF 2RF 2RF 2RF 2RF RF 2RF 2RF LB2 LB2 RF B2F 2RF 9 W 1 B 21 B 70 B 12 B 39 W 50 B 11 B 44G 46G 75 W 5288 48B 1 5 3 15 13 19 13 Y 3 ST 15 P 13 P 25 P 09 HY ST P AM DP FM BX PH D D NG D 9 Y4 PH 3 11 F 2R 7B DP F 2R 2B DP 1 09 AM F 2R 0B 5 15 DG F 2R 0B 7 25 DP F 2R 4B 3 10 PhytoGen Innovation Plot Terry County, Texas Lint Yield Portageville, Mo. Dryland Lint Yields 850 PhytoGen® brand PHY 367 WRF, an early maturing variety with RKN tolerance, is the choice of many growers facing nematode pressure. In addition to RKN tolerance, PHY 367 WRF provides excellent yield potential and fiber quality and strong tolerance to verticillium wilt. PHY 367 WRF is an excellent fit for fields across the Cotton Belt that have a history of RKN or verticillium wilt. 1250 2 2B 950 Although so tiny they can’t be seen with the naked eye, root-knot nematodes (RKNs) can do big damage to a cotton crop. The wormlike animals feed on the roots of cotton plants. Damage includes stunting, yellowing and plant stress. Yield loss can be severe. An excellent RKN management strategy is to plant tolerant varieties. “PHY 499 WRF has been the yield-leading cottonseed in the Official Variety Trials for three years,” says Joel Faircloth, PhytoGen cotton development specialist. “Winning one year is an accomplishment, but results often depend on that year’s environment. Winning multiple years and in various geographies shows a variety can perform consistently.” University of Georgia Full-season OVTs 2010-12 Average Lint Yields AT NITRO-44 B2RF PhytoGen® brand PHY 367 WRF is the niche specialist. As important as reviewing multiple sources of yield data is looking at multiple years of data. PHY 499 WRF has topped the trials for the past three years. 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 750 RF RF 7W 9W 9 Y4 PH PH 6 Y3 DP F RF 2R 4B 4 10 5W PH 7 Y3 FM F B2 60 91 ST F 2R 8B 5 54 The PhytoGen fan club is growing by leaps and bounds. PhytoGen’s Best Yielder Club is again open to new members, and fans of PhytoGen® cottonseed are taking the opportunity to share their success stories and be entered for a chance to win a John Deere® UTV. Visit to get your shot at winning. This is what growers are saying about the 2012 season: As an early maturing variety, PHY 367 WRF also gives growers the flexibility to double-crop after wheat when possible. Visit or contact your PhytoGen representative to see if this variety fits your management style. “We got back into the cotton business because of the potential for 4-bale cotton. We now know that with PhytoGen varieties that is an easy number. Now 5-bale is the new number to shoot for. Our yield-breaker for the year was right at 5.2 bales to the acre.” — James Johnson, Columbus, N.M. “PhytoGen has been a member of our team since we found out that we could not beat it on our light-colored soils. This is a third-year success story.” — Heber Respass, Plymouth, N.C. “For the past five years, I have been backing more and more away from other varieties. You can’t beat the way (PhytoGen brand) PHY 375 WRF and PHY 499 WRF perform. Dryland and irrigated. And y’all keep coming out with better stuff every year. Thanks!” — Matthew Driggers, Tifton, Ga. “PHY 499 WRF was the best dryland cotton I have ever raised.” — Willmond Maresh, Burlington, Texas
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