From the Turnrow Managing Nematodes With PhytoGen® Brand
From the Turnrow Managing Nematodes With PhytoGen® Brand
FieldNotes Volume 6, Issue 4 • Fall 2012 From the Turnrow Where are the nematodes? There were none in soil samples taken in 2011 following repeated seasons with PhytoGen® brand PHY 367 WRF in fields on Mike Godley’s North Carolina farm, which once had heavy nematode pressure. Dr. Joel Faircloth Cotton Development Specialist After an unseasonably cool start in the Mid-Atlantic, most growers faced a host of fieldspecific challenges in season. To help with late-season management, here are a few variety-specific harvest tips for PhytoGen® brand varieties. PhytoGen brand PHY 367 WRF: Being the earliest-maturing in the portfolio, PHY 367 WRF can frequently be defoliated and harvested prior to the onset of inclement weather without sacrificing yield. The root-knotnematode tolerance allows for better root growth than competitors and makes it more likely to resume development following stressful periods. The excellent fiber quality of this variety provides some flexibility with respect to defoliation timing, and it should be defoliated around 75 percent open boll. (continued on next page) Temik is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Managing Nematodes With PhytoGen® Brand PHY 367 WRF Mike Godley discovered he had a root-knot-nematode problem in a field when he planted it to soybeans about four years ago. He addressed the problem by coming back with PhytoGen® brand PHY 367 WRF. “The problem was masked when I grew cotton and had Temik nematicide available,” Godley recalls. For the next three years, he sampled for nematodes and planted PHY 367 WRF in those fields where nematode pressure was at or above the economic threshold. He continued to also plant PhytoGen brand PHY 375 WRF and several competing varieties in other fields. “In 2010, I grew some of my best cotton ever,” Godley says. “PHY 367 WRF and PHY 375 WRF were the best-yielding that year.” In 2012, the samples showed the nematode problem was resolved. “I stuck with PHY 367 WRF in case there’s an anomaly,” Godley says. “But, according to the science, we don’t have a nematode problem.” When choosing varieties, Godley plants a mix of maturities to spread the risk of adverse weather impacts and create a smooth harvest sequence. When a new variety catches his attention, he orders a planter full, preferably about 12 bags. For 2012, that variety was PhytoGen brand PHY 499 WRF. Each year, he increases the acres of those varieties that consistently perform and drops the ones that don’t. To know which varieties perform, look at his acreage mix: PHY 375 WRF, 45 percent; PHY 367 WRF, 22 percent; PHY 499 WRF, 12 percent. All others, 21 percent. And pay close attention to the times he made an exception to his rules. The exceptions since he started growing cotton in 1998 are PHY 367 WRF and PHY 375 WRF. “I don’t think I was ever at the 12-bag stage with either of those. I’m not starting out with just 12 bags of 499 either.” (continued from front page) PhytoGen brand PHY 375 WRF: This variety should be ready to terminate just following PHY 367 WRF. The stamina of this variety frequently shows up as a nest of additional bolls in the top one-third of the plant. Like PHY 367 WRF, the micronaire is well below the industry average, providing flexibility in defoliation timing. The recommended defoliation timing for this variety is 75 percent open boll. PhytoGen brand PHY 499 WRF: During the season, PHY 499 WRF lived up to its reputation for exceptional vigor and robust plant growth. Producers across the Cotton Belt noted the unique tendency of the variety to start fruiting higher on the plant and to continue fruiting on outer positions. However, the characteristic we all are graded on is yield, and it continues to perform at a notch above the competition. So do we need to prepare PHY 499 WRF for harvest differently than other varieties? To optimize micronaire and yield, this variety should be defoliated at the traditional 60 percent open or three nodes above cracked boll. Defoliant coverage is important with this aggressive-growing variety. PhytoGen® brand PHY 499 WRF provides exceptional vigor and robust plant growth. You may already have noticed this it is not a particularly showy variety, although the yield and turnout may leave you scratching your head. PhytoGen brand PHY 565 WRF: The low micronaire associated with this mid- to full-maturing variety allows for flexible defoliation timing. This variety should be defoliated at 75 percent open boll. For more information on PhytoGen varieties, please contact [rep_name] at [Rep_Phone] or me. Whether this is the first year you’ve planted PhytoGen cottonseed or you are a repeat customer, we really appreciate your business. Have a safe harvest. Georgia Cotton Family Wins $1,000 From PhytoGen First Team Retailer Program group of retailers identified by PhytoGen as First Team Retailers — the MVPs of PhytoGen seed dealers. Membership in the program is based on sales performance, product service and promotional activities on behalf of PhytoGen. Tommy Sumner, the manager of Sumner Peanut Co., teased his cousin when she set up PhytoGen materials in the office and took pictures of them for a sweepstakes. What, after all, were the chances that Angie Davis, the family-owned PhytoGen agronomist Baxter Clark presents First Team Retailer winner Ultimately, Davis says the company’s secretary/ Angie Davis with a Cabela’s gift card from PhytoGen. award is further proof of treasurer, would win the what her family already knows: “We keep coming back grand prize, a $1,000 gift card to Cabela’s? to PhytoGen cottonseed because it makes money for us.” Pretty good, apparently. Davis recently was named the And, thanks to her cousin’s teasing, Davis feels grand-prize winner of PhytoGen’s First Team Retailer no obligation to share this most recent windfall. Sweepstakes. Sumner Peanut Co. belongs to an elite ® Winning With PhytoGen PhytoGen® cottonseed gave North Carolina cotton grower Lee Dickens two firsts: his first two-bale harvest — which became an annual two-bale average expectation — and his first contest win. Dickens of Garysburg, N.C., won a John Deere® Gator™ 550 XUV from the PhytoGen Best Yielder Club. Winning the Gator was a singular joy for Dickens, but his entry was one of hundreds and his story about PhytoGen brand PHY 375 WRF is often heard. Best Yielder Club winners Lee and Melissa Dickens with their new John Deere® Gator™ 550 XUV. “Under adverse conditions, it will make a good crop,” Dickens reports regarding PHY 375 WRF. “Under favorable conditions, it will bust the windows open.” “I’ve been telling myself I don’t know why I do it,” Dickens says. “Every year, the PhytoGen cottonseed is the best, so why don’t I just pick two PhytoGen varieties and grow those. This year, that’s what I did.” For his part, Dickens didn’t want to bust the windshield and was even a little concerned about getting his new Gator dirty after it was delivered to the farm. Pushing the buttons, however, was a given. That’s how he discovered the hydraulic lift on the cargo bed. Dickens stuck with PHY 375 WRF — the strongest player in his fields for the last four years — and PhytoGen® brand PHY 499 WRF, the newest player in PhytoGen’s lineup and a winner in university Official Variety Trials across the Cotton Belt. Putting a pencil to his records is how he confirmed the power of PhytoGen cottonseed. Dickens planted 100 percent PhytoGen cottonseed on his cotton acres in 2012 — not because he won the Gator, but because he took a little time during the winter to review his records. In prior years, he tried a few competitive varieties in a couple of fields. Growers who win with PhytoGen cottonseed in the field also can join Dickens as a winner in the Best Yielder Club. Upon joining the Best Yielder Club, all new members receive a high-quality knit shirt and baseball cap, both with the Best Yielder Club logo. To read what other growers are saying about PhytoGen cottonseed, visit Pipeline Varieties PhytoGen strives to remain on the cutting edge of variety development. This year, PhytoGen is expanding its portfolio with three new varieties to meet the needs of growers throughout the Cotton Belt. PhytoGen® brand PHY 339 WRF • Earliest variety in the PhytoGen lineup • Stable and broadly adapted • Great color, micronaire, length and strength • Semi-smooth leaf PhytoGen brand PHY 575 WRF • Full-season maturity similar to PhytoGen brand PHY 565 WRF • Extreme yield potential • Tall plant with a great fiber package • Smooth leaf PhytoGen brand PHY 811 RF • PhytoGen’s newest Pima offering • Seven to 10 days earlier maturity than PhytoGen brand PHY 805 RF • Similar yield to PHY 805 RF • Solid fiber package •R ace 4 tolerance similar to PHY 805 RF “In trials, this aggressive variety yielded as well as PhytoGen brand PHY 499 WRF,” says Russell Nuti, cotton development specialist for PhytoGen. “This variety should be our fullestseason variety,” Nuti says. “It looks as strong or stronger than anything in our lineup.” “We are excited to deliver these new varieties, which all represent new genetic lines,” Nuti says. “We are committed to maintaining high yield potential with every variety we introduce.” CUSTOMER INFORMATION center 9330 Zionsville Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Presorted Standard U.S. POSTAGE PAID Battle Creek, MI Permit No. 1511 [MR_CODE] [SRC_ID] [PREFIX]{“ “}[FI]{“ “}[FIRSTNAME]{“ “}[MI]{“ “}[LASTNAME]{“ “}[SUFFIX] [COMPANY] [ADDR1] [ADDR2] [CITY]{“ “}[STATE]{“ “}[ZIPCODE] ® For more information about Dow AgroSciences or any of our products, call 800-258-3033. Or email us at [email protected] or visit our website at Always READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. ®Genuity, Genuity and Design, Genuity Icons, Roundup and Roundup Ready are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. ©2012 Monsanto Company. ® PhytoGen and the PhytoGen Logo are trademarks of PhytoGen Seed Company LLC. ®DOW Diamond and the WideStrike Logo are trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. ®Cabela’s is a registered trademark of Cabela’s Inc. Cabela’s is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this sweepstakes. ®™Gator and John Deere are trademarks of Deere and Company. Deere and Company is not a sponsor or co-sponsor of this contest. Temik is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions. PhytoGen Seed Company is a joint venture between Mycogen Corporation, an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences LLC, and the J.G. Boswell Company. L12-076-025 (09/12) BR 010-34021-F DAAGPHYG2060 We Want to Hear From You! Our experienced staff is always available to visit your farm to discuss varieties and assist with seed selection. [REP_IMG] [Rep_Name] Dow AgroSciences Sales Representative [Rep_Phone] [Rep_Email] Reflecting on 2011 and Looking Forward to 2012 We wish everyone the best for a successful harvest and are proud you chose to partner with PhytoGen this year. As you look back on 2012 and begin to look forward to 2013, we want you to keep in mind the exciting new varieties from PhytoGen. PhytoGen® brand PHY 339 WRF will fit well in the early season market and is resistant to blight. PhytoGen brand PHY 575 WRF has a maturity similar to PhytoGen brand PHY 565 WRF and the yield potential of PhytoGen brand PHY 499 WRF. In the west, PhytoGen brand PHY 811 RF offers a solid fiber package and yields similar to PHY 805 RF. We continue to hear rave reviews for PHY 499 WRF. This midmaturing variety was selected for its very broad adaptation. It excels throughout the Cotton Belt with stable, superior yields and quality. If you have a story about PHY 499 WRF or an experience with any of the PhytoGen® brand varieties, visit to share your story. Duane Canfield General manager and portfolio marketing leader for PhytoGen This edition of FieldNotes has been sent to you on behalf of your Dow AgroSciences sales representative.
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