Annual Report - DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
Annual Report - DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
DeKalb Chamber of CommerCe 2013 Annual Report PLATINUM SPONSORS 2013 YEAR IN REVIEW MISSION STATEMENT To serve and advance business interests of the Greater DeKalb Region. ACCOMPLISHMENTS Increased membership by nearly 100 new members. Expanded our Chamber Membership to nearly 550 Members for the year. Recognized nearly 75% of Members as 110% Club Members. ANNUAL SPONSORS Retained more than 90% of existing members. Increased dues income by more than 7% and other revenue by more than 30%. Conducted 26 ribbon cuttings, 12 Business After Hours (including 35 Members), and a Candidates Night. Partnered with Sycamore Chamber for the 2013 Community Expo, held at the Sycamore High School Field House with more than 120 vendor booths. Provided internship opportunities for 5 area interns from Northern Illinois University and Kishwaukee College. Awarded 2 scholarships to DeKalb High School students totaling $1,250. Participated in welcoming NIU students to the area by handing out 750 bags of member information to new students and family members. 2013 AT A GLANCE 1st Quarter: Monthly After Hours Events, Member Roundtable on the new tax laws, Public Policy Discussion with a guest speaker from the Illinois Policy Institute, Candidates Night (General Election), 2012 Annual Celebration Dinner, Community Expo 2nd Quarter: Monthly After Hours Events, Member Roundtable with Constant Contact on Email & Social Marketing, Speed Networking, Leadership Academy Graduation, Annual Golf Outing (Luau theme), Downtown After Hours 3rd Quarter: 4th Street Family Fun Fest, Kishwaukee Fest, Farmer’s Markets, 4th Annual State of the City, New Teachers Welcome Event, A Taste of Northern, Corn Fest, Kite Fest, Oktoberfest at the DeKalb Airport, Monthly After Hours Events, Member Roundtable – Utilizing Interns Effectively Mailing & Printing Services 4th Quarter: Speed Networking, Public Policy Discussion Panel, DeKalb High School Career Fair, ATHENA Award Reception, Monthly After Hours Events, Winter Bash at Faranda’s Grand Opening, Member Roundtable – Being Top of Mind in 2014, DeKalb County’s Largest Holiday Office Party, Hollydays, Spooktacular, Santa Comes to town, Downtown Carriage Rides DeKalb Chamber of Commerce 164 E. Lincoln Highway • DeKalb, IL 60115 • (815)756-6306 • [email protected] • Cover photo provided by Jeff Struthers –3– OFFICERS OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS & STAFF 2013 Mark Smirz Steve Braser Kristina Garcia Kim Goyke Wendy West-Krauch Matt Duffy Board Chair TBC Net, Inc Vise Chair Resource Bank BOARD MEMBERS Secretary Sonoco Alloyd Treasurer Conexion Comunidad Past Chair Siepert West Financial Consulting Executive Director DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Lisa Angel Debbie Armstrong Ron Breese Jim Briscoe Mike Cullen Rudy Espiritu Gary Evans Bill Finucane Shaw Media National Bank & Trust Co. DeKalb County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Breezy’s Heating & A/C City of DeKalb Castle Bank –4– DeKalb Community Schools Northern Illinois University Jim Fox Dr. Jeffrey Frank David Galica Mark Kerman Rob Larkins DJ Larson Lisa Small Jill M. Tritt Lauren Woods Dave Yanke Beth Young Corporate Counsel Foster & Buick Law Group, LLC Corporate CPA Siepert & Co., LLP Floor to Ceiling Store Spex Expressions Northern Rehab Physical Therapy Specialists Foster & Buick Law Group, LLC Cracker Jax Lehan Drugs BOARD MEMBERS Keith Foster Armor Technologies DeKalb Park District LINE-X of Greater Illinois Kishwaukee College STAFF Josh Waddle Membership Manager Rosalie Williams Administrative Assistant Jessica Struthers Events Manager –5– Anthony Affrunti Marketing Intern Jeff Kamholz Marketing Intern COMMITTEE ACHIEVEMENTS Chamber committees consist of active member volunteers who meet regularly to discuss issues relative to theircommittee. The committees help plan, organize and carry out activities that promote the Chamber and accomplish the committee’s objectives. These volunteers also participate in fundraising for the Chamber and are called on year-round to assist the Chamber in a variety of events. The Chair of each committee guides each group of volunteers and acts as a community leader and representative of the Chamber. Ambassadors Committee 26 Ribbon cutting ceremonies Member gifts provided to each New Member by Cracker Jax Continued our Ambassador Mentor program for new members Increased our number of Ambassadors to 30 57 Chamber members participated in hosting our After Hours events in 2013 BUSINESS EDUCATION COMMITTEE Hosted New Teacher Welcome luncheon for 38 new teachers and staff members Presented 2 scholarships to DeKalb High School students totaling $1,250 Co-hosted DeKalb High School Career Fair for 9th -12th Grade students DEKALB LEADERSHIP ACADEMY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Graduated 2012-2013 class of 24 future leaders Recruited and selected 2013-2014 class with 25 future leaders for the 10th Leadership Academy Class Oversaw the planning of the DeKalb Leadership Academy Maintained high standards for the program by holding monthly session reviews Featured a student bio weekly in the Daily Chronicle and in the Chamber E-Connection newsletter Fundraiser raised over $4200 for the Leadership Academy endowment fund and the Junior Leadership Academy Class completed three community projects: Beatin’ Betes 5K, Bike Rodeo, Meals on Wheels Marketing Plan Graduated the third Junior Leadership Academy class of 22 high school students from DeKalb and Sycamore PUBLIC POLICY COMMITTEE Hosted a Candidate’s Night at the Egyptian Theatre for the April elections Hosted two Healthcare Discussions regarding the new Healthcare Laws Held the Fourth Annual State of the City Event in conjunction with new NIU President Doug Baker Brought in various community leaders to find out more about important issues and changes affecting the DeKalb area –6– Referral Group 2013 has seen growth for the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Referral Group. We have added a second group in 2013 that meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month. The addition of a second group adds even more value to the chamber, while helping drive business to participating members. This year’s group chairs were Dave Yanke of Line-X and DJ Larson of Lehan Drugs. Look for more exciting things to come in 2014! COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENTS NIU Huskies Football Team has the longest home winning streak in the NCAA of 26 games. Jordan Lynch finished 3rd in the Heisman Trophy voting. City of DeKalb completes construction of a new police station. DeKalb & NIU hosted the IHSA Football Championships in 2013 and will continue every other year through 2021 Chessick Indoor NIU Athletics Practice Center opened in October. Additional cooperativeness with NIU Athletics throughout Downtown DeKalb –7– PROGRAMS AND EVENTS ANNUAL DINNER MEETING CELEBRATION This is the Chamber’s annual celebration of our successes of the past year and a look at the challenges to come. The dinner meeting includes introduction of the new Officers, verification of the membership’s election of new Board members, a thank you to our outgoing Board members and officers, and recognition of the Business of the Year, Ambassador of the Year and the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce Business Hall of Fame inductees. COMMUNITY EXPO Each year we partner with the Sycamore Chamber and present the annual Community Expo. In 2013, we held it in the Sycamore High School Field House and filled the facility with more than 120 vendor booths for throughout the area. The event continues to expand and evolve to meet the needs of our members and reach out to the community. The Expo provides both a great business to business networking opportunity and a great community event. Farmers’ Market The Farmers’ Market was held every Thursday beginning in June through September at Van Buer Plaza. The market brought an average of 25 vendors per week to offer fresh local produce, baked goods, and various handmade items. The Egyptian Theatre helped provide local musical talent for entertainment during the lunch hours. The Farmers’ Market also accepted credit, debit, and Link cards to make purchasing healthy food accessible for all. Hollydays Hollydays encompasses all the holiday events that go on Downtown DeKalb. The first holiday happening begins with Hollydays Open Houses the weekend before Thanksgiving for all downtown merchants. This weekend gives merchants a chance to give their customers a sneak peak at their holiday merchandise and offer early purchase incentives. Santa came to town the first Thursday in December. The evening began with cookies, cocoa, and caroling with the DeKalb High School Madrigals in the Egyptian Theatre. Santa was then ushered into town by DeKalb Police and Fire departments. After Santa made his grand entrance children visited with him after the Mayor and our Sponsor, NB&T, officially opened the house for the season. Visits with Santa and Carriage Rides took place every Saturday in December before Christmas where the public visited with Santa in his house and took complimentary carriage rides through Downtown DeKalb from the DeKalb Public Library. Member and Community Promotion DeKalb Chamber of Commerce members are promoted through many different avenues including: website listings, social media, award winning annual business directory, and the Chamber E-Connection Newsletter. Hundreds of exclusive member referrals are given out over the phone and in our office as well. The DeKalb Chamber of Commerce also has a monthly radio show on WLBK, providing a forum for the public to become aware of Chamber programs and events. Nonprofit members are invited on-air to provide them with an opportunity to keep the community informed about upcoming activities. A regular column is written for the Daily Chronicle and NI Business Connections to highlight or recognize various people, keep the community informed about key business topics and review past events. –8– Member Roundtables 2013 brought a lot of new ideas to our “Member Roundtable” series. We started off the year with a Tax member roundtable that was highly attended and hosted by Resource Bank. In April a marketing expert from Constant Contact presented new digital marketing ideas including social media hosted by the Egyptian Theatre. September brought us to NIU to talk about how to use Interns effectively, and finished the year with a discussion on how member businesses will stay “Top on Mind in 2014” in our community. Important and fun topics will continue to be covered in 2014 based on the feedback from our membership! MEMBER2MEMBER PROGRAM The Member2Member program is the perfect way to extend exclusive deals to fellow Chamber Members. This program helps encourage DeKalb Chamber Members to do business with other Members. The deals are promoted throughout the year via the Chamber website (, E-Newsletter (Chamber E-Connection) and other E-Blasts. NEW NEIGHBOR PROGRAM The Chamber offers a New Neighbor Program to allow our Members to connect with new businesses and new residents to the area. Each month DeKalb Chamber Members have access to lists of new residents and businesses to allow them to reach out to those new contacts. SHOP LOCAL PROGRAM The Shop Local Program is a great way to promote your business throughout the year giving special deals to both chamber members and the public. Shop local is promoted via the DeKalb Chamber website (, E-Newsletter (Chamber E-Connection) and other E-blasts. During the 2013 Holiday season, the DeKalb Chamber of Commerce and Castle Bank teamed up to push shopping local in the community with special shop local cards that were available at all DeKalb, Castle Bank locations. Spooktacular Downtown DeKalb plays host to the annual trick-or-treating for children the Saturday before Halloween. Nestle kindly donates the candy for all downtown merchants to pass out as costumed children go door to door to trick-or-treat, make creepy crafts, and go through the kid version of the Egyptian Theatre’s Amenti haunted house. UNITE FOR IMPACT For the past four years, there has been a partnership formed between five area Chambers and the Kishwaukee College Center for Business Development and Continuing Education. This partnership is called Unite for Impact and provides an opportunity to fill common needs for all organizations involved and our members. This year the group worked together to help with the coordination of the Industrial Workforce Initiative with the DCEDC. The five participating Chambers include DeKalb, Genoa, Kirkland, Rochelle and Sycamore. –9– NEW MEMBERS Alarm Detection Systems, Inc Alexis Kay Designs, Inc Allstate Insurance - Patrick Shafer American Red Cross Armor Technologies - Rochelle Barb City Automotive Barsema Alumni & Visitors Center Baymont Inn & Suites - Rochelle Bob-Jo Cycle Bubble Bath Bay Car Wash Buffalo Wild Wings C.S.R. Bobcat, Inc Carmine’s Subs Wraps Salads Cassie’s Popcorn CMJ Technologies Debutantes School of Cosmetology & Nail Technology DeKalb Citgo DeKalb County State’s Attorney, Richard Schmack DeKalb Harley-Davidson DeKalb Iron & Metal Co DeKalb Masonic Lodge #144 Dixon Ottawa Communications DNA Communications Ducky’s Formal Wear Family Wellness & Rehab SC Fanatico Faranda’s Banquet & Conference Center Fifth Third Bank Finest Furniture Fritzee’s Garage Doors, Inc Glidden Florist, Glidden Goods, A Fair Trade Emporium Grace Place Hampton Inn - DeKalb Hanlon Child Care Hauser-Ross Eye Institute Hauser-Ross Optical Hillside Restaurant, Inc. Hometown Sports Bar & Grill Illinois Chaos Illinois Valley Business Equipment Inc –10– Intelligent Computing Solutions Irving Construction Co, Inc. j & d mini storage Jerry Smith Jersey Mike’s Subs KishHealth System Center for Family Health, Malta KishHealth System Laboratories, Midlands Court KishHealth System Laboratories, Plank Road Klein, Stoddard, Buck & Lewis, LLC La Di Events LaBella Baskets LegalShield - Worry Less. Live More. Lovell’s Discount Tire McDonald’s East MCR Framing Mikimoto Japanese Steak House Mutual of Omaha - Lisa Busch Ollie’s Frozen Custard OLT Marketing, Inc OSP Services Ritz’s Southtown Auto Rosy’s Roadhouse Smalltown Skate Shop State Farm State Farm - Scott Zeimet Syndeo Networks, Inc T. Allen & Associates, LLC – Genoa T. Allen & Associates, LLC – Sycamore Tapa La Luna Thayer Lighting, Inc. The Huddle Restaurant The Petal Boutique Think Driven Tom & Jerry’s Restaurant U-Haul Unified Wire University Shell Inc William James Studio World Finance Corp. Yamber Properties LLC AWARDS 2012 2013 Ambassador of the Year: Jackie DiNatale ATHENA Recipient: Ann Lehan 2012 Business of the Year: The Lincoln Inn 2013 Hall of Fame Inductees: Frank Roberts and Jerry Smith –11–
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