Quarry blasts discrimination for the events near BURAR array


Quarry blasts discrimination for the events near BURAR array
Quarry blasts discrimination for the events near BURAR array (Romania) using different specic
F. Borleanu, M. Popa, B. Grecu, M. Radulian
National Institute for Earth Physics, Măgurele, Romania
 The Bucovina array (BURAR) is located in the northern
 The purpose of the present study is to discriminate artificial
part of Romania in the neighborhood of the Ukraine
border (Figure 1), in a complex geotectonic region at
the contact between Carpathian orogen and East
European Platform. The contact belongs to the Trans
European Suture zone (Figure 2).
seismic events from tectonic ones for the events produced near
BURAR array (Figure 1).
 Different discrimination methods are tested.
 The array consist of 10 seismic sensors (nine vertical
component short period and one broadband threecomponent) were installed in boreholes and
distributed on 5 X 5 km area (Figure 2) and it was
installed in cooperation with the Air Force Technical
Applications Center (USA) and has been operating
since 2002 (Grigore et al., 2002).
 For the present study we considered earthquakes and quarry
blasts (occurred near BURAR array) recorded by two neighbor
elements of the array, one in borehole (BUR31) and other at the
surface (BUR01).
 The array was upgraded in 2008 when 5 new sensors
Figure 1 Left side: BURAR array location on Romania map. Red and black dots represent the crustal and intermediate
depth earthquakes. Right side: analyzed events (earthquakes with black squares, blasts with green dots), stations used
(magenta triangles) and Manaila quarry (white star)
(CMG40T) were added: three at the same positions
with BUR01, BUR05, BUR09 and two at new places
Figure 2 Left side: simplified tectonic map of the central Europe. TESZ – Trans-European suture zone (after Grad
et al., 2006) . Right side: array stations distributions; red - broadband sensors; blue - short period sensors
- Specific features of local earthquakes and blasts are
emphasized using a data set recorded by BURAR array.
- The similarity of waveforms for quarry blasts data
(recorded at different times) shows that all this events
belong to the same quarry.
Seismograms of an
earthquake occurred on
Seismograms of a
quarry blast occurred
on 04/25/2013
Earthquake and quarry blast location
related to BUR01 and BUR31
Seismograms of an
earthquake occurred on
Seismograms of a quarry
blast occurred on
Earthquake and quarry blast location
related to BUR01 and BUR31
Seismograms of an
earthquake occurred on
Seismograms of a quarry
blast occurred on
Earthquake and quarry blast location
related to BUR01 and BUR31
The length of the signal is shorter for quarry blasts then
for natural earthqaukes.
- Spectral analyses shows a significant difference in
the frequency range for seismic events relative to quarry
blasts: predominant radiation at 3-6 Hz, both on
horizontal and vertical components for earthquakes and
predominant radiation at 8-12 Hz on the vertical
component, for quarry blasts.
- In all cases the Pg phase is impulsive for quarry
blasts and emergent for the earthquakes.
Spectra of the Pg and Lg
phases computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
(for earthquake)
Spectra of the Pg and Lg
phases computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
(for quarry blast)
Spectra of the
earthquake computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
Spectra of the quarry
blast computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
Spectra of the Pg and Lg
phases computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
(for earthquake)
Spectra of the Pg and Lg
phases computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
(for quarry blast)
Spectra of the
earthquake computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
Spectra of the quarry
blast computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
Spectra of the Pg and Lg
phases computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
(for earthquake)
Spectra of the Pg and Lg
phases computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
(for quarry blast)
Spectra of the
Spectra of the quarry
earthquake computed on
blast computed on
BUR31 (up) and BUR01 BUR31 (up) and BUR01
(down) components
(down) components
The authors are grateful to AFTAC for continuous support and
 Some of the figures in this paper were produced using GMT
(Wessel and Smith, 1998).
Particle motion: Pgphase (up) and Lgphase (down) for
Particle motion: Pgphase (up) and Lgphase (down) for
quarry blast
Spectrograms of the Spectrograms of the quarry
earthquake computed on blast computed on BUR31
BUR31 (up) and BUR01 (up) and BUR01 (down)
(down) vertical
vertical components
Particle motion: Pgphase (up) and Lgphase (down) for
Particle motion: Pgphase (up) and Lgphase (down) for
quarry blast
Spectrograms of the quarry
Spectrograms of the
blast computed on BUR31
earthquake computed on
(up) and BUR01 (down)
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
vertical components
(down) vertical components
Particle motion: Pgphase (up) and Lgphase (down) for
Particle motion: Pgphase (up) and Lgphase (down) for
quarry blast
Spectrograms of the quarry
Spectrograms of the
earthquake computed on blast computed on BUR31
(up) and BUR01 (down)
BUR31 (up) and BUR01
vertical components
(down) vertical components
Grigore, A., Grecu, B., Rizescu, M., Ionescu, C., Ghica, D., Popa, M., 2004. A New
Station in Romania: Bucovina Seismic Array, Revue Roumaine de Geophysique, 48,
Grad M., et al., 2006. Lithospheric structure beneath trans-Carpathian transect from
Precambrian platform to Pannonian basin: CELEBRATION 2000 seismic profile
CEL05, J. geophys. Res., 111(B03301)
Wessel and Smith, 1998, New version of the generic mapping tools (GMT) version 3.0
released,” EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union, vol. 76, p. 329.