PathStone Annual Report 2014
PathStone Annual Report 2014
2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT Connecting You to Opportunities Conectándole con oportunidades 2014 INFORME ANUAL Thank you for your patience with us as we grow greener! [email protected]. To receive future PathStone publications electronically, please send an email with your preferred email address to HELP US GO GREEN! DESIGNER: MillRace Design Associates EDITOR: Kelsey Delmotte PUBLISHER: PathStone Corporation ISSUE DATE: September 2015 ISSUE NO: 1 The PathStone Annual Report is a periodical published once a year by PathStone Corporation, 400 East Ave., Rochester, N.Y. 14607. El Informe Anual PathStone es un periódico publicado una vez al año por PathStone Corporation, 400 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14607. EDICIÓN N º: 1 FECHA DE EMISIÓN: Setiembre 2015 EDITOR: PathStone Corporación EDITOR LITERARIO: Kelsey Delmotte DISEÑADOR: MillRace Design Associates ¡AYÚDANOS A SER ECOLÓGICO! Para recibir las publicaciones futuras de PathStone electrónicamente, por favor envíe un correo electrónico con su dirección de correo electrónico preferido a [email protected]. ¡Gracias por su paciencia con nosotros mientras crecemos más ecológicos! FastFacts 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 1 38,164 Participants served, benefiting 70,863 family members Child and Family Development Services Property Management/ Resident Services 71% 57% Female , 43% Male GENDER AGE Female , 29% Male 100% 15 and younger ETHNICITY Training and Employment GENDER 47% AGE AGE 28% 15 and younger, 5% 16-21, 22% 22-44, 15% 45-54, 30% 55 and older ETHNICITY 41% White, 34% Black, 25% Hispanic,<1% Asian, <1% Native American 2014 53% Hispanic, 45% White, 2% Black GENDER Female , 53% Male 8% 16-21, 43% 22-44, 12% 45-54, 37% 55 and older ETHNICITY 57% Hispanic, 24% White, 19% Black Section 8 GENDER 88% Female , 12% Male AGE 11% 18-29, 26% 30-39, 20% 40-49, 18% 50-59, 13% 60-69, 8% 70-79, 4% 80+ ETHNICITY 46% White, 38% Black, 15% Hispanic, <1% Asian, <1% American Indian/Native Alaskan, <1% Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Administrative Offices PRESIDENT/CEO Stuart J. Mitchell Chief Executive Officer 400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 [email protected] (585) 340-3368 FINANCE Kevin Ryck Chief Financial Officer 400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 [email protected] (585) 340-3364 HUMAN RESOURCES Anne R. Babcock-Stiner, Esq. General Counsel & Sr. Vice President of Human Resources 400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 [email protected] (585) 340-3367 DIRECT SERVICES Jeffrey Lewis Sr. Vice President for Direct Services New York, Ohio, Vermont, Puerto Rico 400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607 [email protected] (585) 340-3365 DIRECT SERVICES B. Kay Washington Sr. Vice President for Direct Services Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia 1625 North Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17102 [email protected] (717) 234-6616 HOUSING SERVICES Monica C. McCullough, Esq. Sr. Vice President for Housing New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Puerto Rico 7 Prince Street, Rochester, NY 14607 [email protected] (585) 340-3306 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Kathryn Bryan Sr. Vice President for Property Management New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Ohio 6 Prince Street, Rochester, NY 14607 [email protected] (585) 546-6340 x304 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT PathStone OU R M I S S I O N : PathStone builds family and individual self-sufficiency by strengthening farmworker, rural and urban communities. PathStone promotes social justice through programs and advocacy. P AT H S T O N E is a visionary, diverse organization empowering individuals, families and communities to attain economic and social resources for building better lives. Service Area Puerto Rico Vermont New York Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania Virginia New Jersey 3 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 A Message “W e know we do our best work when we demonstrate our untiring commitment to maintaining “Habits of Excellence.” ” S T U A RT J . M I T C H E L L President & CEO F RO M T H E B OA R D C H A I R A RISTOTLE SAID, “W E ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO. E XCELLENCE THEN, IS NOT AN ACT, BUT A HABIT.” We present PathStone’s 2014 Annual Report as a testament of our efforts to accomplish our “Habits of Excellence” in our work to assist participants in achieving economic self-sufficiency. We know we do our best work when we demonstrate our untiring commitment to maintaining “Habits of Excellence.” We are often inspired by the courageous decisions our participants make in order to develop and sustain their “Habits of Excellence.” Our participants, very often, demonstrate extraordinary commitment, resolve and grit as they boldly venture into unknown and often very frightening arenas in order to take advantage of opportunities. We have included a few stories of participants who have combined their commitment to “Habits of Excellence” with an untiring resolve. These success stories demonstrate that striving for excellence can become routine and customary. 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT AND PRESIDENT & CEO OF In 2014, each of our lines of business demonstrated growth in resources and services provided. We have explored and taken advantage of several new programs that have delivered important new services to low income families living in the communities in which we work. For example, our Training and Employment line of business added a new program called the Face Forward 2 program, geared toward youth, which provides youth who have been impacted by the justice system with an alternative to incarceration. P AT H S T O N E We invite you to join us in our ongoing effort to sustain our “Habits of Excellence.” We humbly and courageously accept our leadership responsibility to ensure that every decision will be a building block for our foundation of excellence. Stuart J. Mitchell, President & CEO Mark St. John, Chair, Board of Directors We focused considerable effort to assess our organizational and staff leadership structure. We combined housing services under one division and organized our participant services from three into two collaborative divisions. We created a corporate-wide data management and reporting system that will provide critical program performance data to the Board of Directors and leadership staff. Our 2015 – 2020 strategic plan is built on the foundation of our 2014 measures of success as highlighted in this annual report. M A R K S T. J O H N Chair, Board of Directors 5 6 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Adult Training & Employment P ERLEY J EROME was recruited into When the PathStone Training and Employment Program, he was desperate to get out of the situation that he felt was holding him down. He had been working on the same farm for seven years and still sleeping in the same room and bed where his wife died two years prior. Due to his inability to read and no other employment skills, farming appeared to be his only option. Every conversation he had with his case manager ended with, “I’ve got to get out of there.” PathStone staff completed his assessments and began to seek alternatives to his housing, while referring him to Vermont Adult Literacy training to assist him with learning to read. Staff provided him with vouchers for transportation, food and helped him open a bank account. Through Job Readiness Training with PX2 (Extreme Excellence mind-set change) training, staff worked with Perley to build a resume, prepared him for employment outside of farm work and job interviews. Through case management, intensive individual counseling and supportive service referrals, staff was able to find suitable housing and assist with rent. PathStone NFJP (National Farmworker Jobs Program) assisted Perley with car repairs so he had transportation to get to work, since there is no mass transportation in the area. Perley now works at G-Stone Motors in Middlebury, Vermont as a mechanic making $12.00 per hour. S E RV I C E S Skills assessment Career exploration Job training Job placement and retention Services offered in New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Vermont and Virginia D ATA 3,483 People enrolled in programs 877 People placed in jobs 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT Youth Education & Training T V RACEY O is currently a senior at Upper Merion High School. Tracey came to the PathStone Montgomery County Youth Empowerment Program hoping for another chance to get her life back on track in hopes of having a brighter future. Tracey was born with a neurological disorder and has overcome many obstacles to achieve success. Within the first three months of being enrolled and with the support and assistance from her PathStone Workforce Development Associate, Tracey has completed and has become certified in both Microsoft Digital Literacy and Customer Service & Sales Certification under the National Retail Federation. In conjunction to being enrolled in the Youth Empowerment Program, Tracey has also enrolled in the Positive Directions program that is affiliated and sponsored by the Montgomery County Community College. Tracey has been accepted into numerous colleges and is researching where will be the best match for her. Recently, Tracey was accepted into Jobs 1st Internship and will work with the IT department in Montgomery County. She continues to make great progress each and every day. S E RV I C E S Assertiveness, communications and leadership skills workshops Job training D ATA 95 Youth placed 82 Youth trained with 71credentials High school equivalency diploma courses (GED) Tutoring, mentoring and drop-out prevention Family-based prevention programs Services offered in Ohio and Pennsylvania 7 8 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Child & Family Development C AYDEN C AMPOMIZZI S E RV I C E S Assist children to mature socially, emotionally, educationally and nutritionally Prepare all children for School Readiness Provide Family Engagement activities that strengthen families well-being and self sufficiency Full-day child care provided at Head Start and Pre-K Counts classrooms Distribute free books and literacy information to parents Provide nutritious meals to children Services offered in New Jersey and Pennsylvania is four years old and in his second year of Head Start. Since the beginning of the school year, Cayden has worked very hard along with his teachers to further develop his speaking skills. He improved from one word responses and the use of sign language to two to three word sentences! Although some conversations are still difficult to understand, Cayden now knows he can point to items to aid others in understanding him. Cayden was very quiet and shy in the beginning of the year; he now enjoys socializing with adults and children in the classroom and is often seen helping others. He also likes to listen to stories during circle time and answer questions, two things he struggled with at first. Cayden has also improved writing and spelling his first name which will be essential for his success in Kindergarten. Other skills that have improved over the year are identifying colors, shapes, counting and identifying numbers 0-10, drawing a person, and identifying most letters of the alphabet. Cayden is a very curious child and enjoys observing and exploring his environment. He will ask “why?” if he wants more information and uses that information to process new ideas. Cayden’s smile has brought much happiness to the classroom. Because of Head Start, Cayden will bring happiness to many more as he moves on to Kindergarten. D ATA 635 Children served in Migrant and Regional Head Start programs 100 Children served in Early Head Start programs 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT Housing Assistance Services K ATHERINE ROBLES , a talented singer, became a Section 8 participant in Dutchess County in 2009. She married her partner, Raul Perez, a man with an interest in auto mechanics, shortly after. They set goals for the family of attaining certifications, paying off debt, starting their own business and buying a home back in 2010 when Katherine enrolled in the Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency Program. Over five years they worked steadily towards achieving all of those goals. They now operate their own Auto Shop, a family business where both Katherine and Raul work full time. They participated in Financial Literacy workshops, Homeownership workshops and the First Time Homebuyers club. They graduated from the Family Self-sufficiency Program in June 2015 and are using their earned escrow funds towards the down payment on their first home! D ATA S E RV I C E S 5,341 Combined number of families Landlord/tenant conflict resolution and counseling 17 Graduates completed 5-year contract for Section 8 Family Self Sufficiency Program Relocation assistance served by Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and Project Based Voucher Program 77 Section 8 First Time Home Owners, 64 of which are Family Self Sufficiency Program participants Family rental assistance Family unification services Services offered in New York 9 10 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Real Estate Development Clockwise from upper left: Long Pond Apartments Enriched Senior Housing Rochester, NY 54 Units West Broadway Villas Affordable Family Rental Monticello, NY 42 Units Portal de San Germán Affordable Family Rental San Germán, PR 56 Units S E RV I C E S Development and acquisition of affordable rental housing for families, farmworkers, seniors and special needs populations Affordable single family for-sale home construction Services offered in Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico D ATA 513 Newly constructed affordable housing units 42 Affordable housing units acquired or preserved $56,611,619 invested in affordable housing development 610 Manufactured homes preserved through resident ownership since program inception Property Management L 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT C OYDA HINA is a wife and mother of three. She came to the PathStone family through Rochester Works and the DHS Work Experience Program. As a beneficiary of public assistance, she was required to do 30 hours per week. Despite hurdles, she managed to come to work every week and complete her hours and do more than was asked. In her first few days at the reception desk, Loyda took care of any concerns that our residents had, such as receiving rent payments, work orders, complaints, filing, phone calls and more. Loyda was the first person to arrive at the office at Pinnacle Apartments. She came to work with a wonderful smile, great attitude and was ready to work and learn new systems. She not only assisted the Management Office, she also assisted the Resident Services Office, and the Security and Maintenance Departments. She was strongly recommended for a position in one of our properties and was hired in an instant, due to her hard work and the ethic she demonstrated during her time at Pinnacle Apartments. Loyda is currently working as a Property Manager. PathStone helped her achieve one of her goals, to be financially independent and to be able to provide for her family. She was recently approved for housing in one of our properties and will soon be purchasing a car. D ATA 7,108 Number of residents 73 Number of locations 2,957 Total Number of units: 1,397 Elderly 68 Farmworker housing 114 Special needs 1,378 Family units $2,166,634 Total Property Taxes paid S E RV I C E S Management of PathStone and affiliate properties including housing for seniors, families, farmworkers and people with disabilities Services offered in New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania 11 12 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Housing Rehabilitation and Energy Services JACK AND ANGELA NORTHRUP own an 1850’s house in Canandaigua, NY. Rising home heating bills and cold sections of the house led the Northrups to seek assistance through the PathStone Home and Energy Improvement Program. This program matches City of Canandaigua funds with our New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)funded Green Jobs-Green New York Program to support home rehabilitation and energy improvements for lower income families. The Northrups had a home energy audit which showed that some furnace ducts were disconnected, insulation was missing and there were several gas leaks in the basement. A PathStone rehabilitation inspection revealed other critical needs in the home. The Northrups decided to have their home insulated, ductwork fixed, new electrical and water services installed and gutters repaired. “This is the first year we haven’t had to use a space heater in our bedroom,” said Angela Northrup. “Our electric bills have been cut in half and our gas bills are drastically reduced.” S E RV I C E S Provides free and low cost home repair services such as structural or mechanical repairs, energy conservation upgrades, lead-based paint remediation, and access upgrades for seniors and persons with disabilities Improves housing conditions, addresses health and safety issues and reduces home energy consumption through grants and low-interest loans Services offered in Indiana and New York D ATA 26 Housing Units Rehabilitated $789,669 Housing Rehabilitation investment 351 Weatherization & Energy Services units $689,432 Weatherization & Energy Services investment 333 Housing units repaired Housing Counseling 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT R EBECCA wanted to purchase a home for herself and her three children and wished to get her finances prepared. Our PathStone office in Chambersburg , PA was able to provide her with loan options and corresponding financial advice. Rebecca began tidying up her credit score, solidifying her income, and gathering documentation that would be needed in the underwriting process. Several months later, she was prepared and went to a conventional local bank, one she had banked with for close to a decade, and was turned down for a traditional loan. Rebecca then sought out PathStone and was given the option of applying for a rural USDA loan. Rebecca completed our First Time Homebuyers workshop and began the loan process. PathStone was readily available to answer her questions and speak on her behalf with USDA representatives. Rebecca moved into her home, and her family now benefits from financial stability of homeownership, has enough room for all three children, and has an enclosed back yard for the children to safely play in. D ATA S E RV I C E S 662 Number of individuals graduating First-time homebuyer education and counseling on their first home Foreclosure prevention from Homebuyer Education 310 Number of families closing 880 Individuals receiving foreclosure prevention counseling 248 Number of homes preserved from foreclosure prevention counseling 1,540 Number of individuals completed rental counseling workshops Financial education Rental counseling Services offered in Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico 13 14 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Resident Services & Supportive Housing E LENA was born in Munich, Germany and moved to the United States at a young age. She graduated from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, earning her Ph.D. in Musicology with a dream of one day becoming a concert pianist. Elena worked on her music for many years, though in the end, her hands were too small to be a concert pianist. Following this, Elena began to drink heavily which led her to a downward spiral. Eventually she lost everything including her home and her beloved grand piano. One day, Elena walked through the doors of Sojourner House. There, she worked hard on her sobriety, self-esteem, and her recovery. She remained at Sojourner House for six months while rebuilding her life and regaining the skills necessary to lead a productive and independent life. She was able to secure a permanent apartment within the City of Rochester. On Elena’s last day at Sojourner House, she played the piano again for the first time in 12 years. Soon after moving to her new apartment, a wonderful Sojourner House volunteer donated a keyboard for Elena. S E RV I C E S Individualized counseling and life skills Education and enrichment programs for adults and children Domestic Violence services Elena now lives independently, has maintained sobriety, has a life full of music, and was recently elected to serve on the Sojourner House at PathStone Board of Directors. Supportive housing for families D ATA Referrals to area agencies services Safe housing for victims of domestic violence Community and leadership development for tenants Community organizing, advocacy and civic engagement Services offered in New York 3,859 Number of participants receiving 152 Number of residents actively engaged in community improvement work 161 Number of supportive housing units 37 Women who were victims of domestic violence and their children received emergency shelter services 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT Economic Development TK F LOORING I NC . is a Rochester-based startup flooring company that came to PathStone Enterprise Center when the owner, Mr. Thoue Kongmany, decided to strike out on his own after working as a crew foreman for a large established flooring company for several years. Because of the startup status and competitive nature of the business, the Enterprise Center loan committee was reluctant to make a loan to TK and initially turned him down, but offered him a chance to come back if he was able to provide his list of pending contracts and better financial data. Mr. Kongmany came back, and the loan committee approved him for $10,000 and soon an additional $10,000 and $25,000. Each time, Mr. Kongmany heard the concerns of the loan committee and adjusted his business practices accordingly. He has now been approved for a $100,000 loan based on the 11 contracts he has been awarded and is talking with a community bank about a line of credit once he has been in business for enough time to meet their underwriting standards. D ATA 35 Number of loans closed $2,265,000 Dollar value of loans closed $3,896,100 Dollar value of loans currently in the portfolio 1.17% Default rate S E RV I C E S Originates micro business loans and small business loans Assists with financing for New Market Tax Credit deals Technical assistance to small business owners and start-ups Microenterprise training programs Business skills training Services offered in New York and Puerto Rico 15 16 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Emergency & Supportive Services A MY is a 30-year-old, single custodial mother of a 3 year old boy, who was receiving Reach-Up (which helps families with children by providing cash assistance for basic needs and services) when she applied to PathStone’s Training and Employment program in Vermont. Amy’s PathStone Case Manager did some counseling and brain storming with Amy, including assessments, transferable skills and interest profiling. She was also taking two courses in early childhood education at the community college to add to the credits she already had towards a degree. Amy decided that she wanted to become a Para-educator in Early Childhood Education. Amy continued to work in an after school program, and with PathStone’s assistance, she began a Para-pro training program designed to help people succeed on the Para-pro certification examination. While attending classes, her automobile ceased working, and then she was forced to move out of her apartment in the middle of winter. Amy persevered through these difficulties and, with financial assistance from PathStone, her vehicle was repaired. As soon as she found a new place, PathStone assisted her by paying her first month’s rent, and as she got settled, she completed the Para-pro readiness course. At this time Amy began getting called in as a substitute teacher for the Orleans Supervisory Union. When she had another problem with her vehicle, she used a friend’s car to keep everything running, and in February found a vehicle of her own. Amy had put taking the Para-pro exam on hold, as she had to deal with these life events, as well as maintaining her grades and completing her homework and assignments for college. Amy found employment with the City of Newport Board of Education as an instructor. D ATA S E RV I C E S Emergency food and lodging for farmworkers and other families in need Services offered in Indiana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico and Vermont 1,781 Farmworker and Low-Income households received Emergency and Supportive Services 1,387 Farmworker and Low-Income households received Emergency Food Services 394 Individuals were served with emergency farmworker housing funds Health & Safety 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT PathStone’s Women’s Issues Now (WIN) Program in Albion, NY provides emergency shelter and supportive services to survivors of domestic violence. ANE *, a farmworker residing in Orleans County, entered into PathStone’s Safe Dwelling with her two children. One of the challenges that Jane faced in making her transition to permanent housing was her immigrant status. PathStone staff referred Jane to the Lawyers Project in Buffalo. Soon after Jane came into contact with her attorney she was granted a temporary work visa. Jane was saddened by the manner in which she remained in the US, because she knew the abuse she endured for so long was wrong and against the law. Jane continues to live in Orleans County independent from her abuser, and is still employed as a farmworker. She is happy with her children, in safe permanent housing and learning English in hopes of finding a better job. Jane still has contact with PathStone staff, and she is thankful that she sought help and for the assistance she received. Most importantly, Jane and her children have a positive outlook on the future! J *Name has been changed to protect identity. S E RV I C E S Occupational health and safety training for farmworkers D ATA 113 HIV-Infected Individuals were enrolled into health care 75 HIV-Infected/Affected Households received Short-Term Rental Assistance 44 HIV-Infected/Affected Households received Long-Term Rental Assistance Peer-delivered HIV prevention education for at-risk populations HIV counseling, testing and referral Assist participants in accessing quality health care services HIV and STD education and prevention programs Rent and utility assistance for those affected/infected by HIV/AIDS Services offered in New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Puerto Rico 17 18 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Contributions, Investments and Donations PUBLIC FUNDING FINANCIACIÓN PÚBLICA Federal Internal Revenue Service Senior Community Service Employment Program United States Department of Agriculture United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development United States Department of Education United States Department of Energy United States Department of Health and Human Services United States Department of Housing and Urban Development United States Department of Justice United States Department of Labor United States Department of the Treasury United States Department of Veterans Affairs State East Coast Migrant Head Start New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute New York State Department of Labor New York State Department of Social Services New York State Department of State New York State Energy Research and Development Authority New York State Homeless Housing Assistance Corporation New York State Homes and Community Renewal New York State Housing Finance Agency New York State Housing Trust Fund Corp. New York State Occupational Safety and Health Hazard Abatement Board New York State Office of the Attorney General New York State Urban Development Corporation Ohio Community Services Block Grant Ohio Department of Labor Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Ohio Housing Finance Agency Pennsylvania Department of Education Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Pennsylvania Department of Labor Pennsylvania Head Start Association Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency Puerto Rico Department of Labor State of New York Mortgage Association County Adams County, PA Chester County, PA Cumberland County, PA Genesee County, NY Monroe County, NY Montgomery County, PA Orleans County, NY Pocono County, PA Wood County, OH Local Anderson, IN Canandaigua, NY Gettysburg, PA Greece, NY Irondequoit, NY Muncie, IN Rochester, NY P R I VAT E F U N D I N G FINANCIACIÓN P R I VA D A Corporations, Non-Profits, Religious Groups 45 East Fine Jewelers A Different Point of View A Gust of Sun Winery & Vineyard A.M. Colaruotolo Accurate Accoustical, Inc. Action For A Better Community Adams Bell Adams, P.C. Adirondack Sports Club LLC AIIA Construction Company, Inc. Al Sigl Center Alpha Chi Omega Alternatives For Battered Women, Inc. American Association of University Women American Plumbing, Inc. Andrew Consulting Archonette Club of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Archwood, Inc. Argyle Grill Assisi Institute Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs B & D Farms B & L Wholesale Supply, Inc. Bank of America Bank of Castile Baxter Health Care Beaulac Associates, LLC Berkeley Heating and Cooling, Inc. Bernunzio Uptown Music Bibleway Healing Assembly Bill Gray’s Black & Blue Steak & Crab Bluffton University Boylan Code Bridgewater Associates, LP 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 F I S C A L Y E A R : O C T. 1 , 2 0 1 3 - S E P T. 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 Brite Computers, Inc. Caine & Associates Calvary Community Church Canandaigua National Bank & Trust* Cardinal Lawn and Landscape Catenary Construction Corp. Century Liquor and Wines Charles D’Amico High School Chatham Financial Charitable Gift Fund Chatham Housing and Development Corp. Cherry Lawn Fruit Farms, LLC Christa Construction Church of the Resurrection Citizens Bank City Blue Imaging* CMS Community Services Council of Madison County Concord Electric Corporation Conifer, LLC Constance Mauro Studio and Gallery Cornell’s Jewelers Country Neighbors Quilt Guil Cultrara Associates Cumberland Nurseries, L.L.C. Dani Crino Photography Darn Good Cookie Company Davidson Fink, LLP Davie Kaplan, CPA, P.C. Diva Shoes Inc. Dolls and Cents Douglas Electric Co., Inc. Doyle Security Systems, Inc. Duke Company Dyna-Mole of Rochester, LLC East Avenue Liquor & Wine Store Ehrlich Pest Control Eileen C. Semmler, CPA Elmwood Dental Group Empire Valuation Consultants Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. ESL Federal Credit Union Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Exele Information Systems F.M. Resources Faith Temple Apostolic Church Family Service Communities Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis Federal Home Loan Bank of New York Finger Lakes Beer Company, LLC First Congregational Church First Merchants Bank N.A. First Merit Bank First Niagara First Sterling Flower City Fashionista Flower City Glass Flower City Management Food Bank of Northeast NY Foodlink Fortis Management Group LLC Foundation for Enhancing Communities Gallina Development Corporation Garth Fagan Dance Glasow Simmons Architecture, LLP Glow Sunless Tanning Salon Gordon, Chodak & Chapin, CPA’s, P.C. Granger Homestead and Carriage Museum Greater Rochester Health Foundation Greater Rochester Housing Partnership Gustavo Mason Construction, Inc. H.H. Dobbins & Son, LLC Hampton Inn & Suites Harris Seeds Harter Secrest & Emery, LLP Hartter Chiropractic Henrietta Building Supplies, Inc. Henry Isaacs Home Remodeling Heveron & Company CPAs, PLLC* Hewlett Packard Home Depot Howl Le Luiah Groomers HSBC Hunt Country Vineyards IBEW Local 86 Interior Moving Services Inc.* Interstate Batteries of Rochester4021 J & G Squires Onions J & R Specialties, Inc. Jachles Imperial, LTD. Jenny Nails Jewish Community Federation of Greater Rochester John B. Martin & Sons Farms, Inc. JP Morgan Chase Bank Junior League of Rochester, Inc. KA&S Construction, LLC KB Graphics, Inc. Keith Trammel Creative Portraiture Ken’s Pizza Corner KeyBank Labor Ready Laborer’s International Union of NA Local 435 Lake Avenue Memorial Baptist Church and Society Lamb Farms Landmark Group of Brighton, Inc. Leaf & Bean Coffee Co. Leighton Design Group LG Evans Construction, Inc. Lisa’s Liquor Barn 19 20 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Contributions, Investments and Donations LISC LMC Industrial Contractors, Inc. Los Gatos Bed & Breakfast M&T Bank Macy’s Marathon Development Group, LTD. Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson Foundation Mario’s Italian Restaurant Mary Magdalene Church MAS Translation And Interpreter Matthews and Fields Lumber Company of Henrietta, Inc. Medina Area Association of Churches Memorial Art Gallery Mengel, Metzger, Barr & Co., LLP Michael E. Wagner Enterprises, Inc. Michael R. Boccacino, Inc. Midtown Athletic Club MillRace Design Associates, LLC Mitchell Joseph Agency MP&SM Muncie, IN Neighborhood Improvement Program N.H. Architecture P.C. Nathaniel Development Corp. Nathaniel General Contractors National City Bank National Council of Jewish Women National Council on Aging National Equity Fund, Inc. National Fuel Gas Company Foundation National Property Inspections Nazareth Arts Center Nazareth College School of Management NeighborWorks Rochester NeighborWorks® America New York State Fence, Inc. North Coast Painting Northwood Teachers Association Nouveau Wine and Spirits Nova Fitness Novak Media, LLC Office of Head Start Office of Multicultural Affairs and Diversity Programs Old National Bank Foundation One Custom Clothiers Open Face Sandwich Eatery Orkin OT Creations LTD Our Lady of Lourdes Overhead Door Co. of Jamestown Oxford Consulting, Inc. Palmer Food Service Panther Valley Women’s Club Paris-Kirwan Associates, Inc.* Patricia’s Fabric House Paul H. Bush Associates, Inc. Paychex, Inc. Peace of Christ Parish Penfield Sport & Fitness People’s Pottery Perinton Quilt Guild Pierrepont Visual Graphics, Inc. Pinnacle Wine & Liquor Pittsford Tree & Landscape, Inc. Pittsford Tree and Landscape Posh Nail & Spa Profeta, Inc. Quality Carpets, Linoleum & Design Center Rainbow International Red Osier Landmark Restaurant Reen’s Bed & Breakfast Relph Benefits Advisors River View Farms RJ Taylor General Contractors, Inc. Rochester Area Community Foundation Rochester Civic Garden Center Rochester Contemporary Art Center Rochester Friends Meeting Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation* Rochester Housing Authority Rochester Museum & Science Center Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Rochester West Indian Festival Organization Rochester Yoga Preschool Rochester’s Cornerstone Group, Ltd. Rock Ventures Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities of Rochester Roseland Waterpark Rural & Migrant Ministry Inc. Rural LISC Rustic Village Apartments Ryan Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, & Fire Protection Salon Lidori Salvatore’s Old Fashioned Pizzeria Santiago Burger Annechino, LLP Schindler Elevator Corporation Seabreeze Amusement Park Seneca Park Zoo Sherwin Williams Paint Skanex Inc. Small Business Council of Rochester Solar Nail Spa South Wedge Planning Committee Spoleta Construction Corporation St. Louis Church of Pittsford St. Thomas More/Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish Stanley Steemer of Rochester, Inc. Strands Hair Studio Strathallan Hotel Suburban Disposal Corp. Susan B. Anthony House, Inc. Swan Creek Landscaping SWBR Architects, P.C. Tambe Electric, Inc. Tempro Development Company The Enterprise Foundation The Gap, Inc. The Henry County Bank The Little Theatre The M&T Charitable Foundation The Pelican Bay Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management The Spa at La Bella The Williams Law Firm, LLP The Women’s Foundation of Genesee Valley 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 F I S C A L Y E A R : O C T. 1 , 2 0 1 3 - S E P T. 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 Thelma’s Thomson Reuters Three Days Smoke Shop Time Less Classics Tompkins Financial Advisors Tops 1643 Town and Country Pest Solutions Trata Trillium Health Trinity Lutheran Church True Insights Consulting U.S. Security Associates, Inc. Ulster Savings Bank Union Church United Church of Christ, Webster NY United Church of Pittsford United Way of Carbon County United Way of Genesee County United Way of Greater Rochester United Way of Madison County United Way of Orleans County United Way of Southern Chautauqua County University of Rochester University of Rochester Medical Center University of Rochester River Campus Libraries Ursula Granite US Ceiling Corp. USA Payroll, Inc. Van Zile Travel Service Variety Farms, Inc. Village Bakery and Cafe Visions Federal Credit Union Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Wesley United Methodist Church Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corporation Winn Managed Properties, LLC* Winn Residential Wonder Nails Woods, Oviatt, Gilman, LLP YMCA of Greater Rochester Foundations & Trusts Alstom Signaling Foundation Bank of America Foundation Charles E. Weniger Family Charitable Trust Citizens Bank Foudation Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation ESL Charitable Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. Farash Foundation First Niagara Bank Foundation Foundation For The Future, Inc. Fred and Floy Willmott Foundation Gap Foundation Jacqueline and Richard Archer Advised Fund JP Morgan Chase Foundation* Klipstein Family Fund Lang Thomas Charitable Gift Fund Linda W. Davey Charitable Checking Account Massie Family Fund Melvin B. Neisner Charitable Checking Account Patricia D. Walsh Charitable Checking Rochester Area Community Foundation Taub Foundation The Foundation for the Jewish Federation The Guido and Ellen Palma Foundation The Rubin Family Foundation Individuals Nancy Abarca-Hernandez Heather Abbott Peter Abdella Doug Ackley and Mary Staropoli Genoveva Acosta Rivera Jacob and Heather Adams Paul Adams Robert Adams Margarita Aldaco John and Katherine Alessi Steven Alexander Anne Allen Chris Allen Raelyn Allen Mona Alongi Richard and Kathleen Alrutz Brandy Alvarado-Williams Judith Ames Suzanne Anarde Velma Anderson Anthony Arbore Beatriz Arce Mary Lou Ardell Rich Ardell-Magin Jeanine Arden-Ornt, Esq. and Daniel B. Ornt, M.D. Marliessa Armentrout Julian Atwater William and Luisa Baars* Anne Babcock-Stiner John and Lynda Bailey Matthew Bain Stephanie Balderston Linda Baldwin Alma Balonon-Rosen Simeon Banister Lewis Banks Robert Bannister Joseph Baran Michael and Susan Bargmann John and Lisa Baron Margaret Barry Stephen and Anne Bauer Sheila Bazil Lee Beaulac* Judith Bennett Michael and Tobey Berke John Biles and Susan Herzberg Tina Blocker William and Eleanor Bluhm Samuel and Karen Bonacci Angela Bonazinga Susan Boss Joe Bowes Donald and Jacqueline Bowman Richard and Joan Boy 21 22 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Contributions, Investments and Donations Nancy Boyer Valerie Bradley Cheryl Brady-Thompson Stephen Brauer and A. Joan Saab Madell Breedlove Latiayah Brickle William Britton Danielle Brown Mary Brown Harry Bruno Kathryn Bryan* James Budd Carl and Rita Bundschuh Cathleen Burnham Megan Burritt Chris Burton Gary and Rebekah Burton Carolyn Butts Anita Caboot Rebecca Caico Robert Cain Eric Caine Yvonne Caine Nicole Calcagni Essie Calhoun-McDavid and Bernard McDavid Velma Campbell Olga Campos Lisa Capizzi Sandra Carbone Robin Carlisi Marlene Caroselli Robert and Winsome Carter Sandra Casamento Amy Casciani Danielle Case James Case Melanie Caudill Edward and Margaret Cavalier Michelle Cavallaro Leticia CervantesQuiroz Walter and Barbara Chaffee Derek Chapman Joseph Chavez Mark Chester Cynthia Childs and Rolf Orsagh Christopher Churchill Sandra Ciaccia Joseph Cipolla Cassandra Claboine Helen Clark Margaret Clark Mary Lu Clark Jennifer Clavijo Maddie Clemonds Tree Clemonds Steven Cohan Anita Cohen A.M. Colaruotolo Sarah Collins Ann Coon and Craig Zicari Brenda Soto Colon Melissa Santiago Colon Marangeli Oliveras Colon Laura Colón Margarita Concepcion Dennis and Sharon Conheady Alicia Conklin-Wood Margo Connelly Marian Considine Patricia Constantino James Cooper Dyana Costas-Ortiz Anthony and Elaine Costello Kevin and Michelle Costello Donald and Marilyn Cranson Walter and Lisa Critchley Claudine Crooks Fitzroy Crosdale Suzanne Crothers-Earl Forrest and Juliette Cummings Mark Cunningham Martin Cunningham Paul Curtis Harlow Cushman Sean Cutt William Dadey Nita D’Agostino Vince and Kathleen Daniele Ruth Danis Kathleen Darroch Adrienne Davis VerKisha Davis Felipe De Chateauvieux Harry De Wald Cassandra Dearring Diana DeBruycker Michelle Deforest and Brian K. Lindsay George DeGraca Lizbeth Del Valle Rolland Dennis DeLeo Maria Delestre Carlos Delgado Elizabeth Dell Kathleen Delmotte Ricky DeLyser Viki DeMarco Michael DerCola Stephen Dertinger John and Maria DeStephano Marty DeVinney Don DeVitto Rose Dilaura Robbie DiMarco Patricia Dodge Ken Dodgson Cornelius Dollison Colleen Donaldson John and Betsy Donnelly Robert and Joanne Donovan Deborah Dooley and Paul Mittermeyer Annette Dotter Joseph Doyle Eric Dreyfuss Christine Druffner Lancelot and Hope Drummond Jonathan Dubner Dennis and Cathy Dudley Warren and Jane Duerr Janet Duff John and Elizabeth Duford Craig Dupra Tammy Elkins Herbert Engman Paul and Rose Ericson Margaret Evans Richard Evans Julie Everitt Barbara Fallisen Alfred and Molly Fant Raymond and Susan Feasey Harold Feinbloom Elis Feliz Carrion DeWain Feller Paul Ferber Rochelle Fields Nilsa Figuroa Arroyo Thomas Fink Mary Fisher Larry and Maria Fitzpatrick Donna Flad Phyllis Fleischman Joyce Flesch Don Fletcher Yessenia Flores Gail Flugel J.T. and Cynthia Flynn Robert Fogel Geoff and Lois Foley Suressa Forbes Nancy Forgue Jed and Peggy Fox Sandra Frankel Bernetta Frantz Jennifer Fuller 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 F I S C A L Y E A R : O C T. 1 , 2 0 1 3 - S E P T. 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 Peter and Nancy Gaess* Dave Galeazzo Angel Garcia Sheila Garcia-Apple Patricia Garrison Lynn Gebhardt Mary George Cassandra George Ramos Frank Geraci Andrew and Jacquie Germanow Charlotte Giebel James Gillette Raymond and Kelly Gilman Mary Santa Giordano Anne Giuliano Coral Glassman David and Jean Gloss Constance Glover James Gocker Diana Godish Kenneth Gold Jaime GomezCastaneda Damaris Gonzalez Lissette Gonzalez Sosa Markus GonzalezCollazo Steven and Susan Gordon Suzanne Gouvernet Tracey Graney Barbara Granite Ursula Granite Deborah Grasberger Fritz and Martha Grasberger Barbara Greathead Newton and Sarah Green Connie Gregory Linda Gregory Gabriele Greiner Penny Griffin Kathryn Gringer Onalee Grower Ed and Lilibeth Gucker* Amanda Gullo Rosemarie Gutierrez Patricia E. Hagerman and Cindy E. Jones Rosemary Hahn Michael Hakiel Mary Hale William Hale Kathryn Hall Neil Hall James Hallahan Helen Haller Herbert and Monika Hallman Emily Hamilton Allyn Hammel Barb Hancock Joseph Hanna Lucas N. Hanna Kelvin and Diane Harbun James Hardy and Mary Kneip-Hardy Reverend Lawrence Hargrave and Brenda D. Lee Frances Harmon John Harrison Patricia Hart Steve and Meg Hart Irene Hartley Albert Hartsig Gregory Hartz William Helferich Barbara Hendry Abraham Hernandez Diana Hernandez Ken and Hope Herting Michelle Hills Linda Hogenes Grant Holcomb Elizabeth Hollinger April Holmes Gloria Howard Wayne Hulbert Nicole Hungate Edmund Hunt Kalika Hunter Frank Iacovangelo Ernest and Roberta Ierardi Angela Iocolano Diana Irizarry Lillian Irrera Bridget Iwankow Kristy Jackson Keith and Mercelle Jackson Theresa Jackson Laurie Jacobson Margit Jacobson Floyd Jamsion Doris Jenkins Kayla Jenkins Carlos Rodriguez Jimenez Shawn Johnson William Johnson Tracy Jones Theodore Jordan Jeffrey Joseph Kevin Kane Raymond Kasper Al and Heather Katawazi Lawrence Keller Johanna Kelly Sharon Kelly Martin Kennedy Susan Kennedy Clare Kerber Thomas Kicior and Monica McCullough* William Kilgore Christine Kingsley Donald and Susan Kitchen Mary Klemmer Michael Kllc Nancy Klotz Philip and Suzanne Knauf Joan Kohout James Koller Carol Krebs John Krieg Irene Kuleszyn Alissa Kulow Stephen and Isadora Kunitz William and Ann LaForte Christian LaBella Christopher Lada Linda Lakeman Thomas Langelotti Nilsa Lara Deborah Larcinese R. Alan and Deborah Lattime Gordon Leichter Mary Leo Karen Leonardi Carl Lewis Galen Lewis Jeffrey Lewis Robert Lighthouse Christopher and Bettie Lindley Helen Lindley Jonathon Ling Scott Linhardt Harry Lloyd Mary Lou Lockemeyer Penny Lohkamp Pierre Loncle Maura Loop Jean Lowe Linda Lowenstein Arthur Lowenthal Michele Ludlam Tammy Luevano Steven Lynch John and Judy Lynd Robert and Marcia Lyons Cynthia Machia George and Stella Maderer Molly Maguire Peter Makarewicz James and Victoria Maley 23 24 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Contributions, Investments and Donations Martin Maltz Christina Mancini James and Sharon Manuele Helen Marano Karen Maras Annette Marchese Hope Marinetti James Martel Carol Martin James Martin Margaret Martin Robert Martin Juan Martinez-Guzman Daniel Martinez-Nieves Robert and Frances Marx Anthony Mascaro Max Mason George Master Gail Mazur Thomas Mazur Marvin Mc Mickle Joyce McAndrew Shirley McCown George and Cass McCrory Ceci McCurdy Roger McDougal Fran McKenna Bruce McLear James McMahon James McNamara A. Memmott James Memmott and Cynthia Schmitt Ely Mercado Tracie Mercado Frank and Madeline Merkl James and Birgit Merritt Edward and Susan Messing Rita Metras Jed Metzger Dan Meyers Bradley Mikolajczyk Doug and Sally Miller Susan Orr Miller JoAnn Mills Jan Minnis Sue Miranda Vincenti Dale E. Mitchell Stuart J. Mitchell and Martha C. Neubert* Yolanda Mitnaul Patricia Mogan Juana Molina-Llanos Kenneth Moore Lorraine Morales Glorymar Morales Rivera Dave Morgan Mary Morgante-Rice Lucien Morin Michael and Meredith Mortimer Greta Mosley Deborah Muratore Joyce Murphy Maureen Murphy Daniel Myers Marilyn Negron-Ramos Martha Neubert Stephen Neubert Gary Neuderfer Sharon Neufeglise David Newton Daniel Nichols Joanne Nigro Ted and Kathy Nixon Linda Noeth Christina Northrup Marie Northrup Jane Nutter David and Ann Marie O’Connor DT Ogilvie Walter and Marjorie Oi Eugene and Carol Oliver Tobie Olsan Kathleen O’Neill James and Rosemarie Oppelt Elayne Orange Kevin O’Reilly* James Present and Barbara Orenstein David Ortega Luayda Ortiz Maria Ortiz Lisa Ortiz-Ortiz Clayton and Dorelis Osborne Scott Osterman Susan Ottenweller Joy Pacheco George Parker Donald Parry Renee Partington Gary and Fran Passero Janice Paternico Sue Peden Ida Perez Rosa Perez Torres Gilbert Perez* Lourdes Rodriguez Perez H. Wesley Perkins Joseph Petrella Rosalie Petro Annette Phillips Laura Phonharath Kathleen Piehler Bruce Piner Robert and Mabelle Pizzutiello Tammy Plummer Jay and Mary Kay Polston Karen Anne Poole Brian Pouthavong John and Frances Powarzynski Steven and Mary Chris Pratt Sandra Price Anita Principi Mary Jane Proschel Curt Provenzo Hodari Pryce Edwin and Roberta Przybylowicz William and Barbara Pulsifer Stephen Pulver Joan Quigley Michael Ralph Roberto Ramirez Morales Edward Raskin Chris Raymond Michael Rechin Alan Redfern Robert and Jenny Redfern Kathleen Revene Mellisa Reyes Jaclyn Richard Duncan and Valerie Richards Cassie Rickenberg Edward Rider Clifton Rife Gail Riina James Riotto Joseph and Christina Rivellino Albert Rivera Isamary Vazquez Rivera Seth Rodriguez Rivera Sandra Rivera-Lugo Dorothy Roach Amy Robbins Elizabeth Robertson Craig and Donna Robinson Janet Roche Evelyn Rodriquez Ned and Judy Roman Jemerly RosadoSantiago David Rose Irving Rosenstein R. Danforth and Judy L. Ross Jean-Claude and Velta Rouchon Leonard Ruggles Ingrid Ruiz-Rivera Susan Rupp Debbie Russell Judy Russell Patricia Russo 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 F I S C A L Y E A R : O C T. 1 , 2 0 1 3 - S E P T. 3 0 , 2 0 1 4 Kevin Ryck Sara Sabatine Drs. Carl and O.J. Sahler Ana Sanchez Evelyn Sanchez James and Carol Sands Ilan Sankowski Joshua Sankowski Gloria Santana Fernando Santiago Michelle Sawhill Dave Schaeffer Kim Schaff and Cork Young Nan Schaller Justin Schiess Scott Schmid Keith Scholes Jack Schroeder Arthur and Kathryn Schuster Douglas and Gayle Schwartz Charles Scott Elizabeth Scott Ellen Scott Brian and Kelly Scudder Carol Seelman Carol Jean Seidel Eileen Semmler Fred and Josephine Shank Scott Shaw Eric Shoen Eugene and Pauline Short Cecille Shorter Henry and Dvorah Shulman Mary Sibbach Christine Sibilio Carol Siebert Bob Singer Teresa Sipone Kelly Siracuse Donna Skinnell Patricia Sladden Kenneth and Alice Slining Liz Sloan Elizabeth Sluder William Sly Adam Smith Alicia Smith Sara Smith Michael and Genevieve Solazzo Jeffrey and Jennifer Sommers Blanchet Monagas Soto Mileidy Soto-Torres Fran SpadaforaManzella Peg Speer Lenore Spindelman Gregory and Sandra Squires Mark St. John Karen Staertow Frederick Stahl Shelby Stenson John Stiles June Stornelli Patricia Stovall Richard and Jean Stowell Holly Strait Kathleen Suher Gregory and Linda Swanson James Sweeting Cheri Switzer Franka Syracuse Frank Tantalo Greg Taylor Sara Taylor Susan Taylor-Brown Evelyn Thack Heidi Thatcher Bill and Kathryn Thomas Susan Thomas Brenda Thompson Robert Thompson Yvonne Thompson Samuel and Mary Tilton Donald Tingley Alan Tinkous Laurie Tinsley Preston Tollett Craig Tolosky Nelida Torres Wilnelia Torres Velazquez Bruce Townson Erin Tubbs Shauna Tucker Patricia Turner Jane Tuttle Elizabeth Tyson James and Karen Unckless Gordon Upchurch Gay Usher Kathy Valentine Maritza Valle Pagan Hubert Van tol Harold Van Voorhis Paul and Joan VanNess Gladys Vasciannie Vionette Serrano Vega David Vickers Stacey Wagner William Wagner John Wahl Frederick and Marlene Walvoord Tom and Irene Ward Raymond Ward Kay Washington Thomas and Vera Wasnock Leah Watson Nancy Watson Jane Weeden Steve Weinert Ann Weintraub Armin and Margaret Weiss James Weis Eugene Welch Jerry Welcher Thelma Wells Christopher Werner Reginald Westfahl Carl Wheat Mary Whelehan Chris White Leighton Wiant Richard and Anna Wilbert Helen Wiley Brent and Amy Williams Diane Williams Timothy and Betsy Williams Louis and Mary Willsea Arlene Wilson John Wiltse Charles Wochelle Delelegue Woldmedhin Jack Wolsky Barbara Woods Jeanie Wright Luke Wright Richard and Caroline Yates Daniel and Andrea Yawman Phillip and Cheryl Yawman Mia Young Robert Young BJ Yudelson Caroline Zane Lisa Zhu Arthur Zimmer Miriam Zinter Andrea Zuegel David Zuidema Names in italic reflect individuals and organizations that provided funding or donated to Sojourner House at PathStone, Inc. * Asterisk denotes funders and/or donors to both PathStone Corporation and Sojourner House at PathStone, Inc. 25 26 A N N U A L R E P O RT 2 0 1 4 Housing FinancialRehabilitation Overview and Energy Services Adult Training 32.81% Child Development 14.79% Other Affiliates 15.56% Housing Services 12.62% PathStone Dev and Affiliates 5.37% Housing Development 4.73% PathStone Housing Action Corporation 4.13% 2.65% Health & Safety 2.37% Youth & Adult Education 1.94% Economic Development 1.65% Management & General 0.98% Emergency Services 0.41% Fundraising & Advocacy 2014 REVENUES: Program Related Other Total Revenues 50,910,595 4,638,675 55,549,270 Adult Training Other Affiliates Child Development Housing Services PathStone Dev and Affiliates Housing Development PathStone Housing Action Corporation Health & Safety Youth & Adult Education Economic Development Management & General Emergency Services Fundraising & Advocacy Total Expenditures 16,292,256 7,728,965 7,344,827 6,267,690 2,666,761 2,346,845 2,051,427 1,317,082 1,177,190 964,067 818,166 484,656 202,514 49,662,446 EXPENDITURES: Excess Revenue over Expenses 5,886,824 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O RT PathStone Board of Directors October 1, 2013- September 30, 2014 PROGRAM AREA ADVISORY COMMITTEES New York Henry Byrd Nicole Terry* New Jersey Hugo Rivera Ohio Sarah Bonilla Allen Joshua Pennsylvania Miriam Diaz Wilguere Juste Puerto Rico Miguel Sanchez Aponte Marilyn Negron Vermont Robert Young CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ADVISORY COUNCILS New Jersey/Pennsylvania Head Start & Migrant Head Start Sergio Ceballos Tayler Gottschall RESIDENT ADVISORY COUNCIL New York Heather Abbott April Colson AFFILIATE CORPORATION REPRESENTATIVES PathStone Development Corporation Arleen A. Wilson* PathStone Development Corporation of Indiana Mark St. John* PathStone Development Corporation of Ohio Bill Kilgore* PathStone Development Corporation of Pennsylvania George Master PathStone Community Development Corporation of Puerto Rico Andres Ramos* PathStone Enterprise Center, Inc. Joy Pacheco* PathStone Housing Action Corp. Abraham Hernandez Sojourner House at PathStone, Inc. Lisa Marcello COLLABORATIVE ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVES Early Childhood Quality Council Ida Perez* New York Apple Association Paul Baker Pennsylvania Association of Non-Profits Patricia Mogan Lifespan B.K. Gaur* INDIVIDUAL/AT-LARGE REPRESENTATIVES Fernando Santiago, Attorney Eric Schoen, Fundraising Names with * denote Executive Committee members 27