PathStone Annual Report 2013


PathStone Annual Report 2013
30,321 Participants served, benefiting 75,803 family members
Child and Family Development
32% 15 and younger,
11% 16-21, 23% 22-44,
11% 45-54, 23% 55 and older
Female , 46% Male
100% 15 and younger
Hispanic, 44% White
Training and Employment
53% White, 40% Black,
6% Hispanic,<1% Asian,
<1% Native American
Section 8
Female , 56% Male
8% 16-21, 44% 22-44,
13% 45-54, 35% 55 and older
58% Hispanic, 25% White,
16% Black, 1% Asian
Property Management/
Resident Services
61% Female , 39% Male
79% Female , 21% Male
11% 18-29, 26% 30-39,
20% 40-49, 18% 50-59,
13% 60-69, 8% 70-79,
4% 80+
69% White, 18% Black,
12% Hispanic, <1% Asian,
<1% American Indian/Native
Alaskan, <1% Native
Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Administrative offices
Stuart J. Mitchell
Chief Executive Officer
400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607
[email protected]
(585) 340-3368
Kevin Ryck
Chief Financial Officer
400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607
[email protected]
(585) 340-3364
huMAn ReSouRceS
Anne R. Babcock-Stiner, Esq.
General Counsel & Sr. Vice President of
Human Resources
400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607
[email protected]
(585) 340-3367
diRect SeRViceS
Jeffrey Lewis
Sr. Vice President for Direct Services
New York, Ohio, Vermont, Puerto Rico
400 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607
[email protected]
(585) 340-3365
diRect SeRViceS
B. Kay Washington
Sr. Vice President for Direct Services
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia
1625 North Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17102
[email protected]
(717) 234-6616
houSinG SeRViceS
Monica C. McCullough, Esq.
Sr. Vice President for Housing
New York,Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Puerto Rico
7 Prince Street, Rochester, NY 14607
[email protected]
(585) 340-3306
pRopeRty MAnAGeMent
Kathryn Bryan
Sr. Vice President for Property Management
6 Prince Street, Rochester, NY 14607
[email protected]
(585) 546-6340 x304
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
ou R M i S S i o n :
PathStone builds family and
individual self-sufficiency by
strengthening farmworker, rural and
urban communities. PathStone
promotes social justice through
programs and advocacy.
pAt h S t o n e is a visionary,
diverse organization empowering
individuals, families and
communities to attain economic and
social resources for
building better lives.
Service Area
Puerto Rico
New York
New Jersey
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
A Message
F Ro M t h e
B oA R d c h A i R
ARe pRoFoundly
honoRed to present the 2013
e whole-heartedly
embrace the
opportunity to adapt
and explore new
solutions to perennial
and seemingly
intractable personal and
social issues that
prevent families and
communities from
reaching their full
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
PathStone Corporation annual report.
We are keenly aware of our responsibility
to represent the legacy and accomplishments of all those who have labored
tirelessly to build PathStone Corporation.
This annual report reflects the many
different ways our work has impacted
thousands of participants who have
engaged in partnership with us to create
new pathways of opportunity for themselves,
their family and their community.
In the following pages, you will have the
opportunity to review several personal
profiles of those who have broken through
many barriers to experience personal
growth and success. Throughout 2014
we are celebrating PathStone’s 45 years
of service. This remarkable benchmark
is attributed to the ever evolving entrepreneurial commitment and expertise of our
board and staff to confront and address
the myriad of issues faced by low income
individuals and families. We are a strong
and viable organization BECAUSE we
enthusiastically explore opportunities that
create sustained social value. We wholeheartedly embrace the opportunity to adapt
pReSident & ceo
p At h S t o n e
and explore new solutions to perennial and
seemingly intractable personal and social
issues that prevent families and communities
from reaching their full potential.
Throughout this annual report you will read
about examples of social entrepreneurship.
The leadership of PathStone Corporation
is committed to executing sound business
principles to reach our mission. We work
diligently and creatively to transform the
social capital we have created throughout
our 45 year history into specific, asset
building resources that are readily accessible
to the families and communities we serve.
PathStone Corporation evaluates our
investment of social capital by replicating
our successes and learning from our
mistakes. We work collaboratively with
hundreds of community partners and leave
no stone unturned in our quest to make
a difference for each and every individual,
family and community with whom we
partner. We warmly invite you to join us
in our journey.
Stuart J. Mitchell, President & CEO
William Kilgore, Chair, Board of Directors
S t u A Rt J . M i t c h e l l
President & CEO
WilliAM KilGoRe
Chair, Board of Directors
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Adult training & employment
V eRnon “h ouSton ”
S Mith J R . was a dairy farmhand
for about five years in Vermont and had
worked on various farms in the South for
about 10 years. At the age of 44,
Houston wanted to provide a better life
for his family.
PathStone staff enrolled Houston in the
Training & Employment program in April
2012 with the intention of getting a
Class “A” Commercial Driver’s License
(CDL). He completed assessments, a
Job-Readiness-Training and even applied
for additional grant funding for his CDL
Training through the Vermont Student
Assistance Corp (VSAC). With the VSAC
and National Farmworker Jobs Program
Grant combined, the money was enough
to cover the cost of the training.
PathStone assisted Houston and his
family with money for food and gas, and
helped him get caught up with past due
rent when his housing was in jeopardy.
In February, 2013 Houston obtained his
Class “A” CDL. He now drives trucks
Over-The-Road, and is happy that he is
able to better provide for his family.
S e RV i c e S
Skills assessment
Career exploration
Job training
Job placement services
Services offered in New Jersey, New York,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Vermont
and Virginia
d AtA
825 People placed in jobs
1,753 People trained with 28 credentials
80% Retention Rate
Senior Program Participants funded
through the SCSEP program comprised
1,027 number of the Adult participants
served and trained in the past year.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
youth education & training
B RittAny came to HOOD
(House of Original Dreams) in
Pennsylvania as her last opportunity to
earn her diploma. While studying for
her General Equivalency Diploma
(GED), Brittany also worked with her
PathStone Workforce Development
Associate on resume writing,
interviewing, the job search, and
building her portfolio to present during
an interview. On September 27th
2013, Brittany earned her GED with a
perfect score of 800 in Reading and an
overall score of 2810. Brittany majored
in Health Information Technology at
DeVry University, where she earned a
scholarship of $20,000. Brittany
continued to attend The HOOD
program in order to accomplish her
goal of employment. She continued to
work with PathStone staff and
completed her Microsoft Digital Literacy
Certification. She now works full time at
the Goddard School. She is an
advocate for the One Stop workforce
system in Chester County, and provides
guidance and leadership to her peers
on what they can accomplish if they
are dedicated.
S e RV i c e S
Assertiveness, communications and
leadership skills workshops
Job training
High school equivalency diploma courses
Tutoring, mentoring and drop-out
Family-based prevention programs
Services offered in Pennsylvania and Ohio
d AtA
96 Youth placed
209 Youth trained with 161credentials
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
child & Family development
l iliAn V illAGoMez
S e RV i c e S
Assist children to mature socially,
emotionally, educationally and nutritionally
Prepare all children for School Readiness
was a student of Cumberland County
Migrant and Seasonal Head Start. Now
her son Edgar is enrolled in the Cumberland County NJ Program. Lily began as
an infant and completed our preschool
program until she transitioned to Kindergarten. Lily’s family stayed active with
PathStone’s program, continuing to attend parent meetings/events to advocate
for other families. Lily finished high school
and enrolled at Cumberland County
Community College for a degree in
Healthcare Management. She also
worked on the farms alongside her
mother and sister until giving birth to her
son, Edgar. Lily is now a strong advocate
for PathStone’s program. She was elected
to be a representative for East Coast
Migrant Head Start’s Board of Directors.
She will complete her Associates Degree
in May and looks forward to becoming a
nurse once she completes her schooling.
She is extremely proud of Edgar’s development. Her goal for her son is school
readiness to give him the education to
secure decent, year-round employment.
Provide Family Engagement activities
that strengthen families well-being and
self sufficiency
Full-day child care provided at Head Start
and Pre-K Counts classrooms
d AtA
Distribute free books and literacy
information to parents
785 Children served in Migrant and
Provide nutritious meals to children
Services offered in New Jersey and
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Regional Head Start Programs
101 Children served in Early Head
Start Programs
housing Assistance Services
After 20 years,
J uliA d uGAS
decided to go back
to school to study
nursing. Julia is a
graduate of the
Dutchess County, NY
Family Self
Sufficiency program.
The Family SelfSufficiency (FSS)
program is a five
year voluntary
program designed to
assist Section 8
Housing Choice
Voucher Program
families, helping
them become independent of most or all government cash assistance programs. After
completing school, she was able to get a job at “Ability Beyond Disability,” a health
and human services provider serving adults and young adults with disabilities,
including developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, autism, down syndrome
and mental illness. Through innovative job training and placement, supported living,
and educational & recreational opportunities, Julia is able to help individuals of all
disabilities to live full and rewarding lives in the community. She is in the process of
buying a home with the Home Ownership Program, and will use the money saved in
her PathStone Escrow Account toward the down payment.
d AtA
S e RV i c e S
4,474 Combined number of families
Landlord/tenant conflict resolution and
served by Section 8 Housing Choice
Voucher Program and Project Based
Voucher Program
29 Graduates completed 5-year contract
for Section 8 Family Self Sufficiency
Family rental assistance
Relocation assistance
Family unification services
Services offered in New York
65 Section 8 First Time Home Owners,
36 of which are Family Self Sufficiency
Program participants
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Real estate development
Sisson Reserve, Phase I
80 units of family rental housing
Moreau, NY
Bradmar Apartments
100 units of family rental housing
Jamestown, NY
Sisson Reserve, Phase II
64 units of family rental housing
Moreau, NY
S e RV i c e S
d AtA
Development and acquisition of affordable
rental housing for families, farmworkers,
seniors and special needs populations
120 Newly constructed affordable
Affordable single family for-sale home
534 Affordable housing units acquired
Services offered in Indiana, New Jersey,
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and
Puerto Rico
$45,626,858 invested in affordable
housing units
or preserved
housing development
610 Manufactured homes preserved
through resident ownership since program
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
property Management
At moved into Paul’s Place
(Pinnacle Apartments original name) in
1972 as one of the original residents.
Shortly after moving in she was hired
on as cleaning staff. She lived and
worked at the newly named Pinnacle
Place for over 15 years. In 1987, an
unfortunate family situation pulled her
away for a short time. Pat always
maintained her vibrant caring presence
at Pinnacle. She would return to help
out old neighbors with errands and
cleaning. However, Pat always longed
to move back to Pinnacle. Her dreams
came true in 1992; Pat was able to
move back to her home and has been
“feeling blessed” ever since. “I love
and respect what PathStone has done
since their arrival. It was like a
Christmas present for the whole
building.” Ms. Brammer acts as a
welcoming committee for new residents
as she loves her newly renovated unit
dearly. She is a great addition for the
Pinnacle community.
d AtA
S e RV i c e S
7,108 Number of residents
73 Number of locations
2,957 Total Number of units:
1,397 Elderly
68 Farmworker housing
114 Special needs
1,378 Family units
$2,050,598 Total Property Taxes paid
Management of PathStone and affiliate
properties including housing for seniors,
families, farmworkers and people with
Services offered in New York, Ohio and
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
housing Rehabilitation and energy Services
the leSSARS settled into their 1958 home 11 years ago in Brockport, New York.
Over the years, the Lessars noticed the aging furnace in the house was pushing energy
costs sky high. With her children’s wellbeing as top priority, Jennifer Lessar made the
choice to call PathStone and inquire about the Green Jobs—Green New York Program
made possible by NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development
Authority). Home Energy Performance by HALCO auditors performed a free
comprehensive home energy assessment, finding a leak in their old furnace and other
inefficiencies. Jennifer chose to repair the furnace and improve the level of insulation in
the attic and crawl
spaces. “I was very
pleased and happy
with the crew’s
said Lessar. Living
in her home after the
improvements were
installed, Jennifer reports
that “the temperature is
more constant. I can tell
the furnace doesn’t have
to work as hard or kick
on as much.” She also
reports that she is saving
about $60 a month.
S e RV i c e S
d AtA
Provides free and low cost home repair
services such as structural or mechanical
repairs, energy conservation upgrades,
lead-based paint remediation, and access
upgrades for seniors and persons with
27 Housing Units Rehabilitated
$504,962 Housing Rehabilitation
Improves housing conditions, addresses
health and safety issues and reduces home
energy consumption through grants and
low-interest loans
Energy Services units
Services offered in Indiana and New York
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
326 Weatherization &
$742,964 Weatherization & Energy
Services Investment
227 Housing Units Repaired
housing counseling
d iAnA And A nthony
d oBBS have experienced many
ups and downs since obtaining their
mortgage in 2003. Diana and
Anthony went through two loan
modifications and experienced
multiple job losses and significant
health issues since purchasing their
Muncie home with an adjustable rate
mortgage in 2003. In 2010 Diana’s
income was cut significantly and in
2012 Anthony was diagnosed with
cancer, forcing him out of work.
Determined not to give up hope the
Dobb’s applied with their lender for a
third modification which was denied.
In December of 2013, the Dobb’s
applied for assistance through the
Indiana Foreclosure Prevention
Network and PathStone was assigned
their application. After obtaining a
postponement of a foreclosure sale
and submitting all the required
paperwork for HHF review, Mr. and
Mrs. Dobbs were approved for
reinstatement assistance in the amount
of $12,254.98.
d AtA
899 Number of individuals graduating
from Homebuyer Education
S e RV i c e S
First-time homebuyer education and
Financial education
Foreclosure prevention
Services offered in Indiana, New York,
Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico
292 Number of families closing
on their first home
924 Number of homes preserved from
foreclosure prevention counseling
1,640 Number of individuals completed
rental counseling workshops
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Resident Services & Supportive housing
For more than
13 years, the
d ReAMSeed
in Rochester, NY
has provided highly
academic, cultural,
and recreational
including one-onone mentoring and
tutoring, creative
and therapeutic
art, music and
dance and
excursions to special events and community programs. The Dreamseeds Program strives
to foster creativity, resilience, leadership, and self-determination in the students who
participate. In the past year, Dreamseeds has seen some incredible successes, resultant
of the labors of both staff and students involved. In Spring 2013, three Dreamseeds
students were given the opportunity to audition for a scholarship to Garth Fagan Dance
School. Throughout the year, they have performed with Garth Fagan Dance multiple
times, including this past November at Nazareth College Arts Center, for the premier of
“No Evidence of Failure.” This past winter, a seven-year Dreamseeds student was
accepted into Eastman Community Music School, where he will study Drumming.
S e RV i c e S
d AtA
Individualized counseling and life skills
3,859 Number of participants receiving
Education and enrichment programs for
adults and children
Referrals to area agencies
Community organizing, advocacy and
civic engagement
Services offered in New York
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
152 Number of residents actively
engaged in community improvement work
Community and leadership development
for tenants
161 Number of supportive housing units
economic development
t he G luten
F Ree c heF
M ARKet And
B AKeRy, llc,
a dedicated gluten
free facility opened for
business on June 10,
2014. The dream
of owner/operators
Blossom Fox and
Calvin Eaton, the
bakery is committed
to providing high
quality, all natural,
gluten-free baked
goods to the Rochester
Celiac community and beyond. Blossom Fox, a French-trained pastry chef who studied
at Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Orlando met up with celiac (gluten-sensitive)
diagnosed home baker and gluten free food blogger Calvin Eaton during a chance
business encounter in early fall 2013.
The chefs reached out to PathStone Enterprise Center in the summer of 2014 to take part
in Small Business Administration Loan Program for financial assistance to further expand
their rapidly expanding business. Say the chefs “We are very thankful to PathStone for
believing in our business plan and vision and aiding us in getting the funds needed to
expand our bakery.”
d AtA
S e RV i c e S
21 Number of loans closed
$1,677,541 Dollar value of loans
Originates micro business loans and small
business loans
Assists with financing for New Market Tax
Credit deals
$3,236,055 Dollar value of loans
Technical assistance to small business
owners and start-ups
1.2% Default rate
Microenterprise training programs
currently in the portfolio
Business skills training
Services offered in New York and
Puerto Rico
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
emergency & Supportive Services
M S . R eyeS , a migrant
farmworker, arrived at PathStone’s
Ohio Migrant Rest Center in August
2013. Coming from Florida earlier in
the season, she was in need of
emergency housing until the end of
the tomato harvest. Ms. Reyes was
given referrals to programs she was
eligible for and she received
emergency food and transportation
assistance. At the end of the season
she will travel to Michigan for the apple
season and then return to Florida to
harvest potatoes. Ms. Reyes expresses
sincere gratitude for the services she
has received.
S e RV i c e S
d AtA
Emergency food and lodging for
farmworkers and other families in need
1,079 Farmworker and Low-Income
Services offered in Indiana, New Jersey,
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and
Puerto Rico
1,020 Farmworker and Low-Income
Households received Emergency and
Supportive Services
Households received Emergency
Food Services
135 Farmworker Households received
Rent/Mortgage Assistance
6 Farmworker Households received
Utilities Assistance
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
health & Safety
eW eRSey S Child and
Family Development and Training and
Employment programs worked in
partnership to ensure that farmworker
families were educated about the “take
home” dangers that pesticides pose to
families. Recognizing the benefit of the
LEAF (Limiting Exposure Around Families)
curriculum delivered by NJ Training and
Employment staff, Head Start advocates
arranged for a presentation of these
materials during monthly parent
meetings. Forty-two families received
information that increased their
awareness and empowered them to
mitigate the risk of transferring
agricultural pesticide residue from their
work environment into their homes.
Additionally, New Jersey Training and Employment staff visited 37 migrant camps
across the state educating 804 Farmworkers regarding the dangers of pesticide
exposure, and collected and distributed 405 long sleeve shirts to aid in the prevention
of exposure. Information regarding the prevention of “Heat Stress” and other heat
related-illnesses was also shared with 600 farmworkers. These programs were
delivered in English, Spanish and Creole.
S e RV i c e S
Occupational health and safety training for
d AtA
Domestic Violence services
112 HIV-Infected Individuals were
Peer-delivered HIV prevention education
for at-risk populations
116 HIV-Infected/Affected Households
HIV counseling, testing and referral
received Short-Term Rental Assistance
Supportive housing for families
59 HIV-Infected/Affected Households
Assist participants in accessing quality
health care services
16 Women who were victims of
HIV and STD education and prevention
enrolled into health care
received Long-Term Rental Assistance
domestic violence and their children
received emergency shelter services
Safe housing for victims of domestic violence
Rent and utility assistance for those
affected/infected by HIV/AIDS
Services offered in New Jersey, New York,
and Ohio
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
contributions, investments and donations
puBlic FundinG
Internal Revenue Service
United States Department
of Agriculture
United States Department
of Education
United States Department
of Health and Human Services
United States Department
of Housing and Urban
United States Department
of Justice
United States Department
of Labor
United States Department
of Veteran Affairs
Indiana Department of Labor
Indiana Housing and
Community Development
New York State Association
for Affordable Housing
New York State Department
of Health AIDS Institute
New York State Department
of Housing and Urban
New York State Department
of Labor
New York State Department
of State
New York State Energy Research
and Development Authority
New York State Homes and
Community Renewal
New York State Neighborhood
Preservation Fund
New York State Occupational
Safety and Health Abatement
New York State Office of
Temporary and Disability
Assistance, Poughkeepsie
New York State Office of the
Attorney General
New York State Rural
Preservation Fund
New York State SOARS Program
Ohio Community Services
Block Grant
Pennsylvania Department
of Community Development
Pennsylvania Head Start
Puerto Rico Department of Labor
Senior Community Service
Employment Program
State of New York Mortgage
Atlantic County, NJ
Bucks County, PA
Chester County, PA
Cumberland County, PA
Dauphin County, PA
Monroe County, NY
Poconos County, PA
Greece, NY
Irondequoit, NY
Rochester, NY
p R i VAt e F u n d i n G
p R i VA d A
Religious Groups
45 East Fine Jewelers
A Gust of Sun Winery &
A. Cameron Salon & Spa
A.R. Pierrepont Company, Inc.
Action For a Better Community
Adams Bell Adams, P.C.
Adams County Winery
Adirondack Sports Club, LLC
AIIA Construction Company, Inc.
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Al Sigl Center
Alpha Chi Omega
American Plumbing, Inc.
Amiracle4sure, Inc.
Anderson, IN Homeownership
Anthony L. Jordan Health Center
Apple Hill Farms
Arbor Housing and Development
Archer Communications, Inc.
Archonette Club of Zeta Phi
Beta Sorority, Inc.
Archwood, Inc.
Armbruster Capital Management
Assisi Institute
Association of Farmworker
Opportunity Program
Atlantic County Emergency
Food Assistance
Atlantic County Rent and
Utility Assistance
Atlantic/Cape May NJ
Community Action Agency
B & L Wholesale Supply, Inc.
Baier Pottery
Bank of America
Barre Center Presbyterian Church
Barton Partners
Architects Planners, Inc.
Beat Addicts
Beaver Boys Construction
Becker’s School Supplies
Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream
BFW Group, LLC
Bill Gray’s
Black & Blue Steak & Crab
Bluffton University
Bob Johnson Chevrolet
Breame Orchards
Breast Cancer Fund of Ohio
Brickwood Grill
Bruce’s Auto Stop
Buckman Heights Sunshine Club
Burke Group, LLC
Cameron Community Ministries
Canandaigua National
Bank & Trust*
Cannon Electric
2 0 1 3 F i S c A l y e A R : o c t. 1 , 2 0 1 2 - S e p t. 3 0 , 2 0 1 3
Capizzo’s Restaurant &
Cardinal Lawn and Landscape
Casa Larga Vineyards & Winery
Catenary Construction Corp.
CC Interactive Marketing
Chances & Changes, Inc.
Charles D’Amico High School
Charlotte’s Angels
Chatham Financial Charitable
Gift Fund
Chatham Housing and
Development Corp.
Chautauqua Brick Co., Inc.
Christa Construction, LLC*
Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints
Citizens Bank
City Blue Imaging
City of Rochester
Clarendon Town Hall
Cleverex Systems, Inc.
Cochran, Cochran & Yale
Community Development
Concord Electric Corporation
Conifer, LLC
Constance Mauro Studio
and Gallery
Continental School of Beauty
Cornell’s Jewelers
Cornerstone Design
Culligan Water
Cumberland Literacy and
Credentialing Project
Cumberland Nurseries, L.L.C.
Darien Lake
Darn Good Cookie Company
Davidson Fink, LLP
Davie Kaplan, CPA, P.C.
Democrat & Chronicle
Design 6
Dirt Worx
Downstairs Cabaret Theatre
Downtown United Presbyterian
Doyle Security Systems, Inc.
Dutchess County NY
Community Action Agency
Dyna-Mole of Rochester, LLC
E.G. Stoltzfus
Eastman Kodak Company
Edgemere Development
Ehrlich Pest Control
El Mercadito
ELKline Consulting &
Management, LLC
Elmwood Dental Group
Empire Justice Center
Empire Valuation Consultants
Enterprise Community
Partners, Inc.
Enterprise Green Communities
Environmental Training &
ESL Federal Credit Union
Excalibur Entertainment
Exele Information Systems
Exodus Exterminating
Fairville Management
Company, LLC
Finger Lakes Service Group, Inc.
First Baptist Church of
Medina, NY
First Niagara
First Sterling
First Unitarian Church of
Flower City Glass
Flower City Habitat for Humanity
Flower City Management
Flower City Monitors
Food Bank of Northeast NY
Friends of Lovely A. Warren
Fusion Moose Shop
Gallina Development
Garth Fagan Dance
Gatti Plumbing
Geva Theatre Center
Gideon’s International
Giorgi Mushrooms
Girl Scout Troop 60116
Global Commerical Banking
Glow Sunless Tanning Salon
Goodman Janitorial Supply, Inc.
Gordon, Chodak & Chapin,
CPA’s, P.C.
Granger Homestead and
Carriage Museum
Greater Rochester Housing
HACC-Central Pennsylvania’s
Community College
Hampton Inn & Suites
Harleysville Insurance
Henrietta Building Supplies, Inc.
Henry Isaacs Home Remodeling
Heveron & Company CPAs*
Hollabaugh Brothers, Inc.
Howl Le Luiah Groomers
Hunt Country Vineyards
Installers Warehouse, Inc.
Interior Moving Services, Inc.*
Irondequoit Community
Isaac Heating & Air
Conditioning, Inc.
J & R Specialties, Inc.
J & T Securities, Inc.
J. Kozel & Son, Inc.
Jachles Imperial, LTD.
Jar Woodworking
John B. Martin & Sons Farms, Inc.
John W. Danforth Company
JP Morgan Chase Bank
Junior League Garden Club
K.T. Construction Services, Inc.
KA&S Construction, LLC
Kaolin Mushroom Farms, Inc.
Kaplan Early Learning Company
Karpus Management, Inc.
Keith Trammel Creative
Kennedy and Schum
KeyBank, NA
Kime’s Cider Mill
KLR Consulting
Knouse Foods
Kurtz Ace Hardware
Labor Ready
Laborer’s International Union of
NA Local 435
Lake Avenue Memorial Baptist
Church and Society
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
contributions, investments and donations
Lakeview Community Church
Land, LLC
Landmark Group of Brighton, Inc.
Legal Aide Society of Rochester
Leon Construction, LLC
Liberty Chapel
LiDestri Food and Beverage
Links, Inc. Rochester Chapter
Living Communities, LLC
Local Initiative Support
M&T Bank
Marker Electrical Contracting, Inc.
Marketplace Mall
Matthews and Fields Lumber
Company of Henrietta, Inc.
Memorial Art Gallery
Mengel, Metzger, Barr & Co., LLP
Metro Appraisal Associates
MGM Insulation
Michael E. Wagner Enterprises,
Michael R. Boccacino, Inc.
Midland Management
Midtown Athletic Club
Millrace Design Associates, LLC
Monro Muffler Brake, Inc.
Montgomery County PA WIA
Summer Youth Work Experience
Morgan Stanley
Morgood Tools, Inc.
Mott’s, Inc.
Muncie IN Homeownership
Muncie IN Neighborhood
Improvement Program
N.H. Architecture P.C.*
Nathaniel Development Corp.
Nathaniel General Contractors
National Community
Reinvestment Coalition
National Council of Jewish
National Council on Aging
National Equity Fund, Inc.
National Property Inspections
Nationwide Mutual Insurance
Nazareth Arts Center
NeighborWorks® America
NeighborWorks Rochester
New Century Liquor
New York Cattlewomen
New York State Fence, Inc.
New York State Police
North Coast Painting
Novak Media, LLC
Novick Brothers Corp.
Office of the County Executive
Ohio Del Camino Hacia
El Futuro
Ohio Rescue Our Youth
One Custom Clothiers
Orleans County NY Department
of Social Services
Our Lady of Lourdes
Overhead Door Co. of
Owens Community College
Palmer Food Service
Panther Valley Women’s Club
Paris-Kirwan Associates, Inc.*
Park Avenue Salon & Day Spa
Passero Associates, LLC
PathStone Corporation
Paul H. Bush Associates, Inc.
Paychex, Inc.
Penfield Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Penfield Sport & Fitness
Penguin Life Safety Corp.
Perinton Quilt Guild
Peters Orchards
Pier 45 Restaurant
Pierrepont Visual Graphics, Inc.
Pittsford Tree & Landscape, Inc.*
PLAN Architectural Studio, PC
Planned Parenthood
Pooler Enterprises, Inc.
Presbyterian Women’s
Property Management, Inc.
QME Media
Rainbow Fund
Real Estate Strategies
Red Osier Landmark Restaurant
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Reen’s Bed & Breakfast
RIT Inn and Conference Center
River View Farms
Rochester City Ballet
Rochester Civic Garden Center
Rochester Contemporary
Art Center
Rochester Female Charitable
Rochester Gas & Electric
Rochester Housing Authority
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Knighthawks
Rochester Museum & Science
Rochester Philharmonic
Rochester Prep Middle School
Rochester’s Cornerstone Group,
Rock Ventures
Ronald McDonald Children’s
Charities of Rochester
Roseland Waterpark
Rural LISC
Rustic Village Apartments
Ryan Plumbing, Heating, Air
Conditioning, & Fire Protection
S.B. Conrad, Inc.
Safety Zone
Saint Cecilia Ladies Guild
Saints and Sinners, Inc.
Salmin, Celona, Wehrle &
Flaherty, LLP
Salon Lidori
Salvation Army
Salvatore’s Grand Hotel
Santiago Burger Annechino, LLP
Schindler Elevator Corporation
Scott’s Hallmark
Seabreeze Amusement Park
Seneca Park Zoo
Senior SNAP Initiative
Servpro of NW Monroe County
Seymoure Library
Shamrock Support
Sherwin Williams Paint
2 0 1 3 F i S c A l y e A R : o c t. 1 , 2 0 1 2 - S e p t. 3 0 , 2 0 1 3
Silver & Feldman
Sisters of Saint Joseph
Smith & Solomon
Spencerport High School
Spoleta Construction
St. John the Evangelist Church
of Greece
St. Joseph’s Church
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish
St. Louis Church of Pittsford
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
State Farm Insurance &
Financial Services
Strathallan Hotel
Strong National Museum of Play
Suburban Disposal Corp.
Summit Federal Credit Union
Susan B. Anthony House, Inc.
Swan Creek Landscaping
SWBR Architects, P.C.
Tambe Electric, Inc.
Temple Bar and Grille
Tempro Development Company
Ten Ugly Men, Inc.
The AKC Humane Fund, Inc.
The Bank Of Castile
The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints
The Henry County Bank
The Housing Council
The Little Theatre
The Lutheran Church of
The Pelican Bay Group at
Morgan Stanley Wealth
The Solutions Group
The Spa at La Bella
Thoma Development
Three Brothers Winery and
Time Less Classics
TJ Maxx–Webster #1009
Town and Country Pest Solutions
Trident Precision Manufacturing
Trillium Health
Trinity Lutheran Church
True Insights Consulting
U.S. Security Associates, Inc.
Union Congregational UCC
United Church of Pittsford
United Way Asset Building
Program, IN
United Way of Carbon County
United Way of
Dutchess/Orange County, NY
United Way of Genesee
County, NY
United Way of Greater
United Way of Greater
United Way of Madison
County, IN
United Way of Orleans
County, NY
United Way of Pennsylvania
United Way of Southern
Chatauqua County, NY
United Way of Ulster
County, NY
University of Rochester
Medical Center
US Ceiling Corp.
USA Payroll, Inc.
Van Zile Travel Service
Veterans Outreach Center
Victory Chapel
Wachovia Family Literacy
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Wesley United Methodist
West Chester University
Winn Managed Properties, LLC
Winn Residential*
Woodcliff Hotel and Spa
Woods, Oviatt, Gilman, LLP
Xerox Corporation
Yarn Boutique
YMCA of Greater Rochester
Foundations & Trusts
Ames-Amzalak Memorial Trust
Ann B. Swett Fund
Bank of America Charitable
Community Foundation for
Greater Buffalo
Daisy Marquis Jones
Davenport-Hatch Foundation, Inc.
Dory Rand Charitable Fund
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Fayga & Elliott Press Advised
First Niagara Bank Foundation
Howard Kurz Family Foundation
Hubertus and Helmi Behrla
Endowment Fund
Joan and Harold Feinbloom
Supporting Foundation
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Klipstein Family Fund
Lang Thomas Charitable
Gift Fund
Linda W. Davey Charitable
Checking Account
Marie C. & Joseph C. Wilson
Massie Family Fund
Mrs. Melvin B. Neisner
Charitable Checking Account
Myron S. & Helen K. Silver
Family Foundation
Patricia D. Walsh Charitable
Patton Family Fund
Pluta Family Foundation
Rochester Community
Foundation–The Murial
Marshall Fund
The Community Foundation*
The M&T Charitable Foundation
Women’s Foundation of
Genesee Valley
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
contributions, investments and donations
Heather Abbott
Peter H. Abdella
Jacob Adams
Paul Adams
David Adasiak
Yajaira Alarcon
Wiener Alcégaire
John Alessi
Christopher Allen
Crystal L. Allen
Richard Alrutz
Jane R. Amstey
Delishia S. Anderson
Sue Anderson
Velma P. Anderson
Vidhi Anderson
Frank Andolino
Cassandra D.
Stanley Arbeit
Tom R. Argust
Amber M. Arico
James Arnold
Layla G. Arnold
Julian W. Atwater
William Baars*
Suzanne Bach
Alma Balonon-Rosen
Joseph J. Baran
Janet Barclay
Michael S. Bargmann
John P. Baron
Frank J. Bartokvich
Dorthea Bass
Lee Beaulac
Julie Beckley
Donna Bellenger
J. Charmaine Bennett
J. C. Bennett
Judith Bennett
Michael Berke
Judy Berman
Robert F. Betts
Richard C. Bird
Mike Bleeg
William Bluhm
Harold Bobry
Michael Bobry
Catherine A. Boekstal
Evelyn Boltwood
Sarah Bonilla
Susan M. Boss*
Roger R. Bossert
Donald L. Bowman
Trish Bowman
Richard J. Boy
Stuart I. Boyar
Evan R. Boyer
Paul E. Bradley
Linnea Brandt
Robert Brandt
Barbara J. Bratt
Melvin Braverman
Joseph C. Briggs
Nancy P. Briggs
Maggie Bringewatt
William Britton
Mary A. Brown
Kathryn Bryan*
Andrea Bryant
Carl Bundschuh
Sonya L. Burgher
Roberto Burgos
Leonard J. Burman
Cathleen Burnham
Megan E. Burritt
Adam Burton
Chris Burton
Carolyn Butts
Eric Cady
Eric D. Caine
Yvonne Caine
Nicole Calcagni
Mary Callahan
Sandra A. Carbone
Peter Carman
Ellen Carrion
Winsome P. Carter
John Carver
Amelia Casciani
Danielle S. Case
Marjorie Case
Edward Cavalier
Walter A. Chaffee
Derek D. Chapman
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Joseph Chavez
Mark D. Chester
Cynthia Childs
Nancy Chodak
Edline M. Chun
Cassandra Claboine
Helen E. Clark
Mary Lu Clark
Theresa R. Clemonds
Anita Cohen
Eleanor Coleman
Denise Conaway
Sharon Conheady
Kelly M. Connelly
Margo Connelly
Fred Connor
Ann Marie Cook
Hariette Cook
Nicole L. Cooper
Janet Cordova
Kaleigh Corgan
Sara Cortese
Anthony J. Costello
Donna Crane
Marilyn Cranson
Rochelle Cresov
Lisa Critchley
Fitzroy Crosdale
Judith Cross
Trish Crossed
Tasha Crown
Juliette R. Cummings
Twyla J. Cummings
Sean T. Cutt
Nita D’Agostino
Cindy Daley
T. J. Daley
Vince A. Daniele
Pat Daniels
Cynthia Dankert
Kathleen G. Darroch
Nancy Datro
Sharon E. Davis
Felipe De Chateauvieux
Cassandra T. Dearring
Diana DeBruycker
Deanna L. Delaney
Dennis M. DeLeo
Elizabeth Dell
Dale DeMaison
Daniel DeMarle
Richard DeMayo
Christine DeVito
Don DeVitto
Patricia DiGrazio
Rose A. Dilaura
Modesto Dimento
Patricia A. Dodge
Robert J. Donovan
Susan Donovan
Virginia Dormer
Judy B. Douglas
Mary Kay Doyle
Eric M. Dreyfuss
Christine M. Druffner
Hope Drummond
Hyacinth Drummond
Cathy L. Dudley
Jane T. Duerr
Janet Duff
Keshia K. Durham
Linda Dworaczyk
Paul V. Dwyer
Joan Edelstein
Lynn S. Edgar
Maisha T. Enaharo
Herbert J. Engman
Paul Ericson
Margaret P. Evans
Julie B. Everitt*
Molly Fant
Raymond Feasey
Sheldon Fields
Michael Finigan
Michael G. Fiorella
Mary V. Fisher
Michael A. Fishman
Larry Fitzpatrick
Gail A. Flugel
J. T. Flynn
Clyde Forbes
Suressa H. Forbes
Ervin A. Fox
Peggy Fox
Loretta Foye
Joel L. Frater
2 0 1 3 F i S c A l y e A R : o c t. 1 , 2 0 1 2 - S e p t. 3 0 , 2 0 1 3
Peter J. Gaess
Lynda Garner Goldstein
Steve Gaskin
B. K. Gaur
Patricia Genthner
Gwen Gerenski
Ann Germanow
Joseph D. Gibaud
Jay W. Gilbert
Anne M. Giuliano
Patricia R. Giuliano
Coral T. Glassman
David A. Gloss
Constance Glover
James C. Gocker
Melody Goldberg
Kathleen A. Gomes
Luis Gomez
Susan Gordon
Helen Goss
Tayler Gottschall
Suzanne Gouvernet
Barbara J. Granite
Juanita Grant
Deborah S. Grasberger
Barbara S. Greathead
Kathleen M. Greeley
Newton Green
George H. Greer
Gabrielle Greiner*
John Grieco
Kathryn M. Gringer
Michael Grosodonia
Onalee Grower
Gail Gucker
Lilibeth Gucker
Morley Gwirtzman
Mary Hadley
Rosemary L. Hahn
Shaun Hakiel*
William Hale
Jeffery S. Halik
James Hallahan
Helen D. Haller
Herbert W. Hallman
Emily Hamilton
Nancy F. Hamlin
Donald Hanks
Michael Hanley
Joseph R. Hanna
Jayne Harder
James A. Hardy
Lawrence Hargrave
Sara B. Haring
Tavia Harpending
Dean H. Harper
Steve Hart
Antoinette C. Hazen
Al Hazlewood
William H. Helferich
Abraham Hernandez
Carolyn Herrera
Cristina Herrera
Ken Herting
Hildegard H. Herz
Susan Herzberg
Bryan Hetherington*
William Hicks
Joan B. Hildebrand
Michelle Hills
John Hoeschele
Barbara A. Hoffman
Grant Holcomb
Janice Holland
Patti Horton
Christie Hostetler
Tammy Hubl
Robert Hughes
George Hulbert
Wayne Hulbert
Joanne Hume-Nigro
Nicole Hungate
Edmund F. Hunt
Edmond Huntley
Jamie Hutchins
Marge Hyman
Louis P. Iacona
Frank Iacovangelo
Ernest J. Ierardi
Frederick R. Inscho
Angela Iocolano
Anthony J. Irrera
Kristy A. Jackson
Theresa R. Jackson
Laurie Jacobson
Doris Jenkins
Jennifer Jess
Coreatha Johnson
Pascha Johnson
Kimberly C. Johnston
Sharon K. Jones
Tracy Jones
Alexandra L. Kaduc
Raymond Kasper
Al Katawazi
Anna C. Kearney
Lawrence Keller
Mary Keller
Johanna J. Kelly
Helen M. Kennedy
Susan Kennedy
Virginia Kimball
Karen Kimbler
Brad King
Christine Kingsley
Mary H. Kirkendale
Donald Kitchen
Cheryl L. Kleiman
Roger Klimek
Tim Kneuer
Ruth Knight
Betsy Koch
Joan S. Kohout
Katharina E. KovachAllen
Vanya Kovacheva
Sharon Kovalsky
Janet D. Kowal
Gerald P. Kral
Diane Krusen
Mark Krusen
Irene Kuleszyn
Stephen J. Kunitz
Howard Kurz
William N. La Forte
Christian J. LaBella
Barbara Lahrs
Linda M. Lakeman
Kerstin E. Lanser
Michael Leary
William D. Lechner
Arlean B. Levinson
Sherman F. Levy
Jeffrey Lewis
Lorraine V. Lewis-Mason
Christopher Lindley
Helen E. Lindley
Sue Lione
Christina M. LiRosi
Timothy List
James K. Littwitz
Christine M. Lloyd
Jennifer M. Lloyd
Gene Lockhart
Sara London
Michael J. Lopa
Juan Lopez
Robin Lovelock
Peter Lovenheim
Jean A. Lowe
Linda E. Lowenstein
Carol J. Lucas
Michele A. Ludlam
Frank Luellen
Ruth Luongo
Linda Luxenberg
John Lynd
Timothy L. Mabb
Beth MacAller
John D. MacDonald
George Maderer
Lekya Major-Daymon
Peter Makarewicz
Ruhi Maker
James E. Maley
Mary Maley
Martin Maltz
Sharon L. Mammarello
Dana Manciagli
Jack Maniloff
Irving Mann
Maryparke Manning
James Manuele
Karen Maras
Lisa Marcello
Leslie Marchante
Hope Marinetti
James A. Martin
William A. Martin
Juan Martinez
Robert E. Marx
Kathleen Mason
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
contributions, investments and donations
Cathy Matteson
Gail C. Mazur
Thomas Mazur
Henry McCartney
Shirley A. McCown
Cass McCrory
Gerald R. McCue
Monica McCullough
Christopher D. McKean
Fran X. McKenna
Kimberly McKinzie
Marnee S. McLean
Bruce L. McLear
Ernest McMurray
James McNamara
Mary Martha
John McNulty
Grace Mead
A. J. Memmott
Tracie Mercado
Sharon Merkel
Frank J. Merkl
Carlos Merriweather
Howard Merzel
Sidney Metzger
Steven J. Mickle
Norman Mier
Hilda Milham
Doug Miller
Elizabeth P. Miller
Hinda Miller
JoAnn N. Mills
Ellis Mitchell
Paul Mitchell
Stuart J. Mitchell*
Yolanda Mitnaul
Patricia Mogan
Lydia Montano
Jacqueline Montreuil
Barbara Moore
James C. Moore
June L. Moore
Dan Morgenstern
Lucien A. Morin
Charles Mott
Kingdom Mufhandu
Joyce M. Murphy
Maureen E. Murphy
Kristina Neesam
Philip Neivert
Annette Nelson
David Nelson
Raymond Newell
Bruce Newman
Joanne Nieman
Kathy Nixon
Bart Noto
John E. Nyerges
Danny C. O’Connell
David L. O’Connor
James R. Oddo
John M. Odenbach
Eugene Oliver
Kevin V. O’Reilly
Barbara J. Orenstein
Luayda Ortiz
Clayton H. Osborne*
Donna L. Osborne
Pamela Otto
Esen Ozturk
Joy Pacheco
Maribel Pantoja
Lena Parisi
George L. Parker
Amy Parkhill
Donald Parry
Gary Passero
Patti Patton
Lisa Paulis
Gilbert R. Perez
Ida Perez
Annette Phillips
Kathleen Piehler
Patricia Pizzicato
Peter A. Plummer
John Polaha
Mary Kay Polston
Annie Poole
Hazel Poole
Jonathan G. Potter
John M. Powarzynski
Marilyn J. Powers
Wayne E. Prentice
John K. Purcell
Michael Ralph
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
Loren J. Ranaletta
Edward M. Raskin*
M. Taylor Reed
Susan Reedy
Dinah M. Reese
Joseph C. Reiners
Mellisa Reyes
Jaclyn Richard
Holbrook Richardson
Guillermo Rivera
Leslie Rivera
Dorothy M. Roach
Tomika Robinson
Janet Roche
Daniel Rodriguez
Evelyn Rodriguez
Victor Rodriguez
Zoey Rodriguez
Lourdes I. Rodriguez
John Rogers
June Rogoff
Ned W. Roman
Sharon Rose
Irving Rosenstein
R. Danforth Ross
Velta Rouchon
Kristine Roxin
Michele C. Ruane
Joan Rubin
Susan S. Rupp
Dave Rusin
Harris H. Rusitzky
Debbie Russell
Kevin Ryck
Jean Ryon
Stephen D. Salerno
Evelyn Sanchez
Sarah Sandin
Joy C. Sands
Fernando Santiago
Sanwal P. Sarraf
Richard Satran
Michelle Sawhill
Kevin Sawyer
Ingrid V. Scampole
John Scatigno
Dave Schaeffer
Nan Schaller
Mary E. Schantz
Alan R. Scheg
Kathy Scherzi
Beth Schiano*
Scott Schmid
Jim Schnellinger
Keith Scholes
Lynne Schroeder
Arthur Schuster
Georgia Schutt
Douglas A. Schwartz
Vicki Schwartz
Loretta C. Scott
Samuel R. Scozzari
Virginia D. Sedgwick
Paula Sedita
Scott D. Seeman
Margaret Seisert
William E. Selke
Eileen C. Semmler
Josephine Shank
Scott Shaw
Eric Shoen
Dvorah E. Shulman
Anthony Sidor
Ed Sigler
Teresa Sipone
Virginia Skuse
Louise M. Slaughter
Kenneth D. Slining
William G. Sly
Alicia L. Smith
Velma Smith
Jennifer M. Sommers
Dale E. Spafford
Donald Spany
Mark St. John
Frederick A. Stahl
Lawrence Stanney
Kyle T. Stark
Mary E. Staropoli
Betsy Stehler
Muriel Steinberg
Shelby Stenson
David J. Stephens
Linda Stephens
April Stercula
2 0 1 3 F i S c A l y e A R : o c t. 1 , 2 0 1 2 - S e p t. 3 0 , 2 0 1 3
Janet Stern
Paul Stewart
June Stornelli
Patricia Stovall
Jean Stowell
Holly Strait
Betty Strasenburgh
Peter O. Stubler
Dorothy Sullivan
William Sullivan
Gregory L. Swanson
Cheri L. Switzer
Liz Szczesniak
Rustam Tahir
Margie Talierico
Frank Tantalo
David C. Templeton
Ryan Tenning
Marcia R. Theis
Earlando Thomas
Kathryn J. Thomas
Susan I. Thomas
Ronald Thompson
Tequila Thompson
Esther Thullen
Wanda Tillmon
Mary F. Tilton
Donald Tingley
Laurie Tinsley
Preston Tollett
Kirsti Torregiossa
John Toscano
Denise Traver
Jane Tuttle
Judith A. Tuttle
James R. Unckless
Gay F. Usher
Caroline Utt
Noel Vache
Joy Valvano
Barbara Van Kerkhove
Hubert and Lois VanTol
Joan VanNess
Gladys A. Vasciannie
David Vickers
Stacey J. Wagner
William Wagner
Tiamesha Walker-Smith
Fern Waller
Frederick J. Walvoord
Anne Wambach
Sally Ward
Kay Washington
Thomas W. Wasnock
Leah Watson
Marlene Watson
Mary Weaver
Heather Weber
Elizabeth K. Weeden
Steve Weinert
Ann Weintraub
Jim Weis
Steve J. Weiss
Eugene Welch
Charles Weniger
Everette F. West
Phillip L. Westerman
Kevin Wexler
Jamie Whitbeck
Mark Wickham
Deborah Wight
G. Peter Wilbert
Richard A. Wilbert
Ronald Wilbert
Helen Wiley
Jack Wilkin
Amy Williams
Jean Williams
Timothy W. Williams
Louis P. Willsea
Anntrinette Wilson
Arlene Wilson
John T. Wiltse
Lee E. Wiltse
Joseph Wojciechowski
Elizabeth A. Wolford
Luke P. Wright
Richard Yates
Cheryl Lynn Yawman
BJ Yudelson
Caroline Zane
Craig J. Zicari
Miriam Zinter
Names in italic reflect
individuals and organizations
that provided funding or
donated to Sojourner House
at PathStone, Inc.
* Asterisk denotes funders
and/or donors to both
PathStone Corporation and
Sojourner House at
PathStone, Inc.
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt
housing Rehabilitation
overview and energy Services
Adult Training
Child Development
Housing Services
Other Affiliates
Housing Development
PathStone Dev and Affiliates
PathStone Housing Action
Health & Safety
Youth & Adult Education
Management & General
Economic Development
Emergency Services
Fundraising & Advocacy
Program Related
Total Revenues
Adult Training
Child Development
Housing Services
Other Affiliates
Housing Development
PathStone Dev and Affiliates
PathStone Housing Action Corporation
Health & Safety
Youth & Adult Education
Economic Development
Management & General
Emergency Services
Fundraising & Advocacy
Total Expenditures
Excess Revenue over Expenses
A n n u A l R e p o Rt
pathStone Board of directors
New York
Henry Byrd
Nicole Terry*
New Jersey
Hugo Rivera
Sarah Bonilla
Allen Joshua
Miriam Diaz
Wilguere Juste
Puerto Rico
Miguel Sanchez Aponte
Marilyn Negron
Clifford Patterson
child And FAMily deVelopMent
pRoGRAM AdViSoRy councilS
New Jersey/Pennsylvania Head Start &
Migrant Head Start
Sergio Ceballos
Tayler Gottschall
ReSident AdViSoRy council
New York
Heather Abbott
April Colson
PathStone Development Corporation
of Pennsylvania
George Master
PathStone Community Development
Corporation of Puerto Rico
Andres Ramos*
PathStone Enterprise Center, Inc.
Joy Pacheco*
PathStone Housing Action Corp.
Abraham Hernandez
Sojourner House at PathStone, Inc.
Lisa Marcello
collABoRAtiVe oRGAnizAtion
Early Childhood Quality Council
Ida Perez*
New York Apple Association
Paul Baker
Pennsylvania Association of Non-Profits
Patricia Mogan
B.K. Gaur*
Fernando Santiago, Attorney
Eric Schoen, Fundraising
Names with * denote Executive Committee
AFFiliAte coRpoRAtion
PathStone Development Corporation
Arleen A. Wilson*
PathStone Development Corporation
of Indiana
Mark St. John*
PathStone Development Corporation
of Ohio
Bill Kilgore*
2 0 1 3 A n n u A l R e p o Rt