PDF version - American Gem Trade Association
PDF version - American Gem Trade Association
PRISM 3030 LBJ Fwy., Ste. 840 Dallas, TX 75234 Summer 2009 ™ T U C S O N 2 0 1 0 Eye Candy AGTA BUSINESS BUILDERS MOONSTONE’S NEW DAY MEMBER PROFILE: CYNTHIA R ENÉE ZAVA ™ The sweetest thing about the annual AGTA GemFair™ Tucson is the amazing selection of colored gemstones and cultured pearls. It is the first opportunity of the year for buyers to see what’s fresh and hot. Enjoy great networking events, the renowned free seminar program and an incredibly diverse AGTA lineup of exhibitors. So, break away this winter for some Arizona sun and a taste of the best trade show experience in GEM FAIR™ the industry – the AGTA GemFair™ Tucson. Register today! T RAVEL REGISTR ATION HOTLINE: 800 -879 - 6259 ONLINE HOTEL RESERVATIONS: W W W . A G T A . O R G See our GemFair Tucson video at: CAMPBELL BRIDGES PRISM I SUMMER 2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PR E SIDEN T Benjamin Hackman Intercolor, Inc. VICE PR E SIDEN TS Robert Bentley Robert Bentley Company, Inc. Kambiz Sabouri Gem 2000, Inc. SECR ETA R I E S John Bachman John M. Bachman, Inc. Betty Sue King King’s Ransom TR E A S U R E R Sampat Poddar Byrex Gems, Inc. DIR ECTOR S Peter Bazar Imperial-Deltah, Inc. M B E M B E R S H I P E N E F I T S The American Gem Trade Association is a not-for-profit Association of United States and Canadian gemstone professionals dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of natural colored gemstones and cultured pearls. Founded in 1981, the AGTA has over 1,100 Members representing leading colored gemstone and cultured pearl wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, designers, colored diamond dealers, estate dealers and industry professionals. AGTA Members are proud to uphold the highest ethical standards, agreeing to the Association’s strict Code of Ethics, Constitution and full disclosure of gemstone enhancements. Membership provides you with many exclusive benefits and services: Members are eligible to exhibit in some of the most important annual events in the gemstone and jewelry industry, including AGTA GemFair™ Tucson, AGTA GemFair™ Las Vegas, JA New York and The Instore Show. Members are listed and granted four free listings in the AGTA Source Directory. This is a powerful tool that gives access to a valuable network of fellow Ruben Bindra B & B Fine Gems gemstone professionals. Over 20,000 copies are distributed! Sushil Goyal Liberty Gems, Inc. gemstone and jewelry fashion and the AGTA with the quarterly Prism Bill Larson Pala International, Inc. Members stay informed about all the hot topics surrounding our industry, newsletter, weekly ePrism and monthly NewsFlashes Members have access to leading industry programs. These programs include Bank of America Merchant Services, FedEx Express® Shipping, FedEx Declared Value, FedEx Kinkos, insurance programs through Association Health Programs, Glenn Lehrer Lehrer Designs, Inc. the Office Depot: Taking Care of Business program and car rental services through Avis and Budget. Gerry Manning Manning International, Inc. Members can also access our brand new Members Only Forum and gain Joe Orlando Stuller, Inc. The professionalism of AGTA Members continues to set them apart from Ron Ringsrud Ronald Ringsrud Co. Ambrish Sethi Manak Jewels valuable knowledge from our GemFair Tucson Seminar DVD. the competition.S PR ISM is distributed quarterly for American Gem Trade Association Members. F o r f u r t h e r i n fo r m a t io n o r t o a d ve r t i s e , ple a s e c o n t a c t : Joshua Garcia American Gem Trade Association Lois Wacholtz Christoper’s Fine Jewelry 3030 LBJ Frwy., Ste. 840 800-972-1162 John “Bear” Williams Bear Essentials PA S T P R E S I D E N T Barbara Lawrence Boston Gems & Finding, Inc. CHIEF E X ECUTI V E OFFICER Douglas K. Hucker www.agta.org Dallas, TX 75234 214-742-7334 FAX www.addmorecolortoyourlife.com On the Cover: 2009 AGTA Spectrum Awards™ winning tanzanite ring by JJ Buckar. 2009 AGTA Spectrum Awards™ Collection tanzanite earings by Jewels by Design. Photographed by Jack Deutsch. 2 PRISM I SUMMER 2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PR E SIDEN T Benjamin Hackman Intercolor, Inc. VICE PR E SIDEN TS Robert Bentley Robert Bentley Company, Inc. Kambiz Sabouri Gem 2000, Inc. SECR ETA R I E S John Bachman John M. Bachman, Inc. Betty Sue King King’s Ransom TR E A S U R E R Sampat Poddar Byrex Gems, Inc. DIR ECTOR S Peter Bazar Imperial-Deltah, Inc. M B E M B E R S H I P E N E F I T S The American Gem Trade Association is a not-for-profit Association of United States and Canadian gemstone professionals dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of natural colored gemstones and cultured pearls. Founded in 1981, the AGTA has over 1,100 Members representing leading colored gemstone and cultured pearl wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, designers, colored diamond dealers, estate dealers and industry professionals. AGTA Members are proud to uphold the highest ethical standards, agreeing to the Association’s strict Code of Ethics, Constitution and full disclosure of gemstone enhancements. Membership provides you with many exclusive benefits and services: Members are eligible to exhibit in some of the most important annual events in the gemstone and jewelry industry, including AGTA GemFair™ Tucson, AGTA GemFair™ Las Vegas, JA New York and The Instore Show. Members are listed and granted four free listings in the AGTA Source Directory. This is a powerful tool that gives access to a valuable network of fellow Ruben Bindra B & B Fine Gems gemstone professionals. Over 20,000 copies are distributed! Sushil Goyal Liberty Gems, Inc. gemstone and jewelry fashion and the AGTA with the quarterly Prism Bill Larson Pala International, Inc. Members stay informed about all the hot topics surrounding our industry, newsletter, weekly ePrism and monthly NewsFlashes Members have access to leading industry programs. These programs include Bank of America Merchant Services, FedEx Express® Shipping, FedEx Declared Value, FedEx Kinkos, insurance programs through Association Health Programs, Glenn Lehrer Lehrer Designs, Inc. the Office Depot: Taking Care of Business program and car rental services through Avis and Budget. Gerry Manning Manning International, Inc. Members can also access our brand new Members Only Forum and gain Joe Orlando Stuller, Inc. The professionalism of AGTA Members continues to set them apart from Ron Ringsrud Ronald Ringsrud Co. Ambrish Sethi Manak Jewels valuable knowledge from our GemFair Tucson Seminar DVD. the competition.S PR ISM is distributed quarterly for American Gem Trade Association Members. F o r f u r t h e r i n fo r m a t io n o r t o a d ve r t i s e , ple a s e c o n t a c t : Joshua Garcia American Gem Trade Association Lois Wacholtz Christoper’s Fine Jewelry 3030 LBJ Frwy., Ste. 840 800-972-1162 John “Bear” Williams Bear Essentials PA S T P R E S I D E N T Barbara Lawrence Boston Gems & Finding, Inc. CHIEF E X ECUTI V E OFFICER Douglas K. Hucker www.agta.org Dallas, TX 75234 214-742-7334 FAX www.addmorecolortoyourlife.com On the Cover: 2009 AGTA Spectrum Awards™ winning tanzanite ring by JJ Buckar. 2009 AGTA Spectrum Awards™ Collection tanzanite earings by Jewels by Design. Photographed by Jack Deutsch. 2 PRISM I SUM M ER 2 0 0 9 L E T T E R F R O M T H E My fellow Members: PRISM|SUMMER 2009 P R E S I D E N T L E T T E R F R O M T H E media day, which is As we approach the important fourth quarter selling season, it is CEO Start with the hosted after the com- time to tool up and review what we are doing to prepare for our JEWELRY FASHION The colored gemstone industry suffered a great loss with the pletion of judging, customers. Is the staff up to speed on the key selling points of our button and read scores closure of the AGTA Gemological Testing Center (GTC) on July results in many media inventory? As I travel about the country and talk to retail jewelers of articles about the 29th, 2009. For over 11 years the AGTA GTC remained the indus- placements for win- it is clear that colored gemstone and cultured pearl jewelry is per- visceral importance of try’s premier colored gemstone laboratory. The GTC developed a ners and non-winners ceived as the greatest opportunity to provide our customers with color and its skyrocket- sterling reputation for its consistent grading and cutting-edge re- alike. So the small attractive price points in jewelry that remains striking and bold yet ing impact on the fash- search. The Testing Center garnered support not only from AGTA cost of that entry fee can still deliver the kinds of profit margins that are necessary in ion scene. You’ll see Members, but the entire colored gemstone and cultured pearl can go a long way. today’s challenging retail environment. celebrities, red carpet industry. The deadline for the events, runway trends Spectrum Awards is But with this opportunity comes challenges, and most of the stores and all of the hot new The current economic conditions and possible extension of this September 25, 2009 I have visited express that belief that the major factor holding color arrivals in gemstones. downturn led us to conclude that the Association could no longer or at our New York drop-off location on October 6, 2009. I would sales in check is a fundamental lack of understanding of the prod- This area provides your employees with all of the hot-button infor- provide the resources necessary to operate the GTC. The reduced personally like to encourage all of our Members to participate. uct amongst the employees. This is certainly true with entry level mation they need in a sales presentation. employees but is also evident in even the more seasoned pros in level of laboratory business and the expense of operating the facility in New York made it unsustainable. GemFair Tucson is right around the corner. As another reminder, For more thorough information on gemstones themselves, click your store. over to the GEMSTONES button and then click on Gem Palette please note that the days of the show have changed to Tuesday, I would personally like to wish Dr. Lore Kiefert the best at her February 2, 2010 through Sunday, February 7, 2010. There have Let me recommend a couple of exercises that can have an immedi- to review all of the gemstone possibilities in each hue of the color new position as Chief Gemologist, with the Gubelin Gem Labo- been many requests over the years from exhibitors and buyers ate impact on your sales staff and can provide ongoing opportuni- spectrum. ratory (GGL) in Lucerne, Switzerland. Lore has served as the alike to move or alter our show dates. After multiple surveys, ties for improvement. Director of the AGTA GTC since 2005. Likewise, I would like to meetings and the cooperation of both the Tucson Gem & Mineral extend thanks to the wonderful GTC staff, supportive Members, Society and the Tucson Convention Center, we were able to make First: Visit AGTA’s consumer colored gemstone website, www. GTC clients and those who have served on the AGTA GTC Board the request a reality and move the show back by one day. This addmorecolortoyourlife.com. Yes, I know it may be a bit difficult of Governors. will also allow for all areas of the show to open and close on the to type in the first visit but it should be easy to remember and you same date. The AGTA Spectrum Awards Gala is still planned for can bookmark it for later visits. If you are looking for a reputable lab, your first source for looking Saturday night, on its traditional night. Other events may or may should be the AGTA Source Directory. Whether it is the printed not change depending on the individual groups involved. The best This website is a treasure trove of information about colored gem- or electronic version, the Laboratory Testing Services section will place for GemFair updates will be stones and cultured pearls. This website was designed as an infor- steer you towards reliable and ethical AGTA Members. Please re- www.agta.org. mational site for your clients and an environment where they can learn about the incredible universe of colored gems. It is graphi- fer any questions concerning the GTC to the AGTA headquarters in Dallas, at 800-972-1162. This shift will allow and enable the Association to focus on our ef- The AGTA Board of Directors and Staff are working diligently cally stunning and emotionally stimulating. But it is also probably to make this the best Tucson ever! We look forward to seeing you the best place to send your staff to energize them about color and there.S to give them a comprehensive yet simple introduction to colored By simply clicking on any gemstone listed your sales associates gemstone jewelry and gemstone jewelry fashion trends. will be taken to pages with simple and straightforward informa- forts on the AGTA GemFair™ Tucson, AGTA Spectrum Awards™ tion on literally dozens of gemstone and cultured pearl varieties. All the best, and helping our Members sell more colored gemstones and pearls. The information is fun, exciting and also provides valuable information on the proper care of your colored gemstone jewelry. In I hope that each of our Members takes the opportunity to enter the every case, common gemstone treatments are also noted. Spectrum Awards. This competition has been awarding excellence in colored gemstone and cultured pearl design and the lapidary Benjamin (BJ) Hackman arts for over 25 years. It is a great honor to win an award, but the AGTA President The BUYING ADVICE button gives your associates a clear preview on how to present quality features of gemstones and prepares media exposure for all entrants is phenomenal. Our New York them for the kinds of questions your clients will be asking when they consider the purchase colored gemstone jewelry. In short, the www.addmorecolortoyourlife.com site provides you (continued on page 12) 3 4 PRISM I SUM M ER 2 0 0 9 L E T T E R F R O M T H E My fellow Members: PRISM|SUMMER 2009 P R E S I D E N T L E T T E R F R O M T H E media day, which is As we approach the important fourth quarter selling season, it is CEO Start with the hosted after the com- time to tool up and review what we are doing to prepare for our JEWELRY FASHION The colored gemstone industry suffered a great loss with the pletion of judging, customers. Is the staff up to speed on the key selling points of our button and read scores closure of the AGTA Gemological Testing Center (GTC) on July results in many media inventory? As I travel about the country and talk to retail jewelers of articles about the 29th, 2009. For over 11 years the AGTA GTC remained the indus- placements for win- it is clear that colored gemstone and cultured pearl jewelry is per- visceral importance of try’s premier colored gemstone laboratory. The GTC developed a ners and non-winners ceived as the greatest opportunity to provide our customers with color and its skyrocket- sterling reputation for its consistent grading and cutting-edge re- alike. So the small attractive price points in jewelry that remains striking and bold yet ing impact on the fash- search. The Testing Center garnered support not only from AGTA cost of that entry fee can still deliver the kinds of profit margins that are necessary in ion scene. You’ll see Members, but the entire colored gemstone and cultured pearl can go a long way. today’s challenging retail environment. celebrities, red carpet industry. The deadline for the events, runway trends Spectrum Awards is But with this opportunity comes challenges, and most of the stores and all of the hot new The current economic conditions and possible extension of this September 25, 2009 I have visited express that belief that the major factor holding color arrivals in gemstones. downturn led us to conclude that the Association could no longer or at our New York drop-off location on October 6, 2009. I would sales in check is a fundamental lack of understanding of the prod- This area provides your employees with all of the hot-button infor- provide the resources necessary to operate the GTC. The reduced personally like to encourage all of our Members to participate. uct amongst the employees. This is certainly true with entry level mation they need in a sales presentation. employees but is also evident in even the more seasoned pros in level of laboratory business and the expense of operating the facility in New York made it unsustainable. GemFair Tucson is right around the corner. As another reminder, For more thorough information on gemstones themselves, click your store. over to the GEMSTONES button and then click on Gem Palette please note that the days of the show have changed to Tuesday, I would personally like to wish Dr. Lore Kiefert the best at her February 2, 2010 through Sunday, February 7, 2010. There have Let me recommend a couple of exercises that can have an immedi- to review all of the gemstone possibilities in each hue of the color new position as Chief Gemologist, with the Gubelin Gem Labo- been many requests over the years from exhibitors and buyers ate impact on your sales staff and can provide ongoing opportuni- spectrum. ratory (GGL) in Lucerne, Switzerland. Lore has served as the alike to move or alter our show dates. After multiple surveys, ties for improvement. Director of the AGTA GTC since 2005. Likewise, I would like to meetings and the cooperation of both the Tucson Gem & Mineral extend thanks to the wonderful GTC staff, supportive Members, Society and the Tucson Convention Center, we were able to make First: Visit AGTA’s consumer colored gemstone website, www. GTC clients and those who have served on the AGTA GTC Board the request a reality and move the show back by one day. This addmorecolortoyourlife.com. Yes, I know it may be a bit difficult of Governors. will also allow for all areas of the show to open and close on the to type in the first visit but it should be easy to remember and you same date. The AGTA Spectrum Awards Gala is still planned for can bookmark it for later visits. If you are looking for a reputable lab, your first source for looking Saturday night, on its traditional night. Other events may or may should be the AGTA Source Directory. Whether it is the printed not change depending on the individual groups involved. The best This website is a treasure trove of information about colored gem- or electronic version, the Laboratory Testing Services section will place for GemFair updates will be stones and cultured pearls. This website was designed as an infor- steer you towards reliable and ethical AGTA Members. Please re- www.agta.org. mational site for your clients and an environment where they can learn about the incredible universe of colored gems. It is graphi- fer any questions concerning the GTC to the AGTA headquarters in Dallas, at 800-972-1162. This shift will allow and enable the Association to focus on our ef- The AGTA Board of Directors and Staff are working diligently cally stunning and emotionally stimulating. But it is also probably to make this the best Tucson ever! We look forward to seeing you the best place to send your staff to energize them about color and there.S to give them a comprehensive yet simple introduction to colored By simply clicking on any gemstone listed your sales associates gemstone jewelry and gemstone jewelry fashion trends. will be taken to pages with simple and straightforward informa- forts on the AGTA GemFair™ Tucson, AGTA Spectrum Awards™ tion on literally dozens of gemstone and cultured pearl varieties. All the best, and helping our Members sell more colored gemstones and pearls. The information is fun, exciting and also provides valuable information on the proper care of your colored gemstone jewelry. In I hope that each of our Members takes the opportunity to enter the every case, common gemstone treatments are also noted. Spectrum Awards. This competition has been awarding excellence in colored gemstone and cultured pearl design and the lapidary Benjamin (BJ) Hackman arts for over 25 years. It is a great honor to win an award, but the AGTA President The BUYING ADVICE button gives your associates a clear preview on how to present quality features of gemstones and prepares media exposure for all entrants is phenomenal. Our New York them for the kinds of questions your clients will be asking when they consider the purchase colored gemstone jewelry. In short, the www.addmorecolortoyourlife.com site provides you (continued on page 12) 3 4 P R I SP M R I|SSMU|MS M P EECR T 2 R0 U 0M9 SM S PMEM CETRR U2M P RP IRSIM | S|U 009 M O O N S T O N E By Lorraine DePasque ’ S N E W D A Y very important, she adds, “It’s a stone that Ah, the alluring adularescence of makes a wonderful carving stone, and I and winter whites are very important, for If you, like designers, celebrities, and a you can pair with a lot of different colors. moonstone: that elusive shimmering have done several pieces over the years early and late ‘09.” Next, we all know fast-growing group of consumers, have Lately, doesn’t it seem like moonstone The celebrity stylists that I work with gleam of light moving around in the heart that are quite special.” how all-important black is to fashion, of made up your mind on a moonstone is on the fingers, necks, and wrists of really like it because they’re not always of the moonstone. Perhaps that is what course, but, according to Tunsky, “Gray purchase this year, just make a mental note Hollywood A-listers everywhere? Well, sure what the celebrity they’re dressing captivates us and is also the reason few If you’re someone who craves the unusual, has become just as strong as black, from that, while these beautiful, mesmerizing it doesn’t just seem that way--it is. Like will choose to actually wear on an awards gemstones have accumulated so much try to look for carved moonstones. One charcoal to softer shades of gray.” She gems aren’t exactly soft, they have a far- Tory Burch sandals or the Louis V. bag, night or for a movie premiere--and they legend and lore throughout the centuries. thing is certain: It will be an original especially recommends wearing your from-rugged hardness of 6-6-1/2 (on a a moonstone-something has become the know that moonstone jewelry will go with According to Hindu legend, for example, that no one else will have. A little over lavender, blue teals, greeny teals, and many scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest). must-have in every fashionable woman’s a lot of colors.” Within this past year, moonstone was formed from moonbeams. a hundred years ago, carved moonstone brights paired with grays. (And your silver Be fashion-forward and have fun in your wardrobe. Courtney’s moonstone jewelry accessorized The early Romans, too, regarded it to faces, cameos, cupids, and doves set in moonstones, of course). moonstone jewelry but, that said, don’t stars not only on the red carpets and at be “made of moonlight” and possess gold or platinum jewelry were favorites It’s an interesting trend because not since premieres but also in fashion trendsetting healing powers. Many ancient cultures of the upper classes in both the U.S. Whether your moonstone is blue, white, or it—or you could be less than moonstruck the mid-1920s has moonstone been so magazines like InStyle and on TV shows believed we could be hypnotized simply and Europe, especially in brooches. silver, you will be in fashion when wearing by the outcome! wildly popular. Back then, legendary like “Desperate Housewives.” by staring at the moonstone as the light With Michelle Obama fast becoming a it this year. And chances are, you won’t turns slightly back and forth. (There is, of master goldsmiths like Tiffany and Lalique shower, skateboard, or ski while wearing contemporary style icon and someone who have a hard time finding it—not if the 2009 To see more of the seasons hautest looks, paid homage to the translucent gem, The fact that moonstone, a member of course, some scientific basis for this—after clearly loves fine jewelry, a moonstone Spectrum Awards ™ are any indication log on to making dramatic (now historic) pieces what is known as “the feldspar family” all, hypnotists have used the method of brooch is something you might want to of how some of America’s best jewelry www.addmorecolortoyourlife.com.S centered around it. So why moonstone and and one of June’s birthstones, is generally concentration on a moving shining light for consider. Paparazzi often show the new designers are looking at it. The Spectrum why again now? cabochoned—meaning, cut with a curved several hundred years!) First Lady wearing a large brooch pinned Awards, as you know, is the annual Images from left to right: onto a dress or wrap, and some fashion competition held by us, the American Gem 1. Erica Courtney surface on top and a flat back on bottom— The answer is “why not!,” says Los also helps. “This cut, too, makes it easy For 30 years, award-winning jewelry insiders predict she can single-handedly Trade Association, to honor excellence in 2. Paula Crevoshay Angeles-based jewelry-designer-to-the- to wear. And even if it’s a big stone—like designer, Paula Crevoshay, has often used bring back the brooch! jewelry design and lapidary arts. “When 3. Erica Courtney stars, Erica Courtney, who sells to jewelers we often use—it’s still affordable.” (By moonstone in her high-end creations. The we looked at the number of entries using 4. Paula Crevoshay all over the world and who also has her example, Courtney’s typical cocktail rings Albuquerque, New Mexico, goldsmith Speaking of fashion, as this year continues moonstone this year over 2008, we saw own shop on Beverly Boulevard, where run anywhere from $18,000 to $125,000, who travels the world for inspiration, to unfold, the colors of blue, white, and that they more than doubled,” says AGTA many celebrities (from Julia Roberts to and one of her moonstone cocktail rings— says, “Moonstone is in and of itself silver moonstone are more perfect than Marketing Manager Adam Graham. “It’s Sheryl Crow) stop in to shop. “First of with a big uber moonstone, of course--is an inspiration! The adularescence of ever. Here’s what Pat Tunsky, creative easy to wear and it really looks beautiful all, moonstone is glamour without being typically around $20,000.) “The bigger moonstone is a magnet. I’ve always used director and internationally recognized against the skin. And designers, who overstated. It’s the kind of gem that you it is, the more you can see its natural these gems because of their phenomenal fashion, color, and trend forecaster for naturally have such a strong aesthetic, can wear day or evening because it’s adularescence, which always makes it a optical effects.” Crevoshay notes another The Doneger Group, New York City, has know this.” exciting but still not over the top.” Also, conversation piece.” very important aspect of moonstone: “It to say: “First of all, softer shades of white 5 66 P R I SP M R I|SSMU|MS M P EECR T 2 R0 U 0M9 SM S PMEM CETRR U2M P RP IRSIM | S|U 009 M O O N S T O N E By Lorraine DePasque ’ S N E W D A Y very important, she adds, “It’s a stone that Ah, the alluring adularescence of makes a wonderful carving stone, and I and winter whites are very important, for If you, like designers, celebrities, and a you can pair with a lot of different colors. moonstone: that elusive shimmering have done several pieces over the years early and late ‘09.” Next, we all know fast-growing group of consumers, have Lately, doesn’t it seem like moonstone The celebrity stylists that I work with gleam of light moving around in the heart that are quite special.” how all-important black is to fashion, of made up your mind on a moonstone is on the fingers, necks, and wrists of really like it because they’re not always of the moonstone. Perhaps that is what course, but, according to Tunsky, “Gray purchase this year, just make a mental note Hollywood A-listers everywhere? Well, sure what the celebrity they’re dressing captivates us and is also the reason few If you’re someone who craves the unusual, has become just as strong as black, from that, while these beautiful, mesmerizing it doesn’t just seem that way--it is. Like will choose to actually wear on an awards gemstones have accumulated so much try to look for carved moonstones. One charcoal to softer shades of gray.” She gems aren’t exactly soft, they have a far- Tory Burch sandals or the Louis V. bag, night or for a movie premiere--and they legend and lore throughout the centuries. thing is certain: It will be an original especially recommends wearing your from-rugged hardness of 6-6-1/2 (on a a moonstone-something has become the know that moonstone jewelry will go with According to Hindu legend, for example, that no one else will have. A little over lavender, blue teals, greeny teals, and many scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest). must-have in every fashionable woman’s a lot of colors.” Within this past year, moonstone was formed from moonbeams. a hundred years ago, carved moonstone brights paired with grays. (And your silver Be fashion-forward and have fun in your wardrobe. Courtney’s moonstone jewelry accessorized The early Romans, too, regarded it to faces, cameos, cupids, and doves set in moonstones, of course). moonstone jewelry but, that said, don’t stars not only on the red carpets and at be “made of moonlight” and possess gold or platinum jewelry were favorites It’s an interesting trend because not since premieres but also in fashion trendsetting healing powers. Many ancient cultures of the upper classes in both the U.S. Whether your moonstone is blue, white, or it—or you could be less than moonstruck the mid-1920s has moonstone been so magazines like InStyle and on TV shows believed we could be hypnotized simply and Europe, especially in brooches. silver, you will be in fashion when wearing by the outcome! wildly popular. Back then, legendary like “Desperate Housewives.” by staring at the moonstone as the light With Michelle Obama fast becoming a it this year. And chances are, you won’t turns slightly back and forth. (There is, of master goldsmiths like Tiffany and Lalique shower, skateboard, or ski while wearing contemporary style icon and someone who have a hard time finding it—not if the 2009 To see more of the seasons hautest looks, paid homage to the translucent gem, The fact that moonstone, a member of course, some scientific basis for this—after clearly loves fine jewelry, a moonstone Spectrum Awards ™ are any indication log on to making dramatic (now historic) pieces what is known as “the feldspar family” all, hypnotists have used the method of brooch is something you might want to of how some of America’s best jewelry www.addmorecolortoyourlife.com.S centered around it. So why moonstone and and one of June’s birthstones, is generally concentration on a moving shining light for consider. Paparazzi often show the new designers are looking at it. The Spectrum why again now? cabochoned—meaning, cut with a curved several hundred years!) First Lady wearing a large brooch pinned Awards, as you know, is the annual Images from left to right: onto a dress or wrap, and some fashion competition held by us, the American Gem 1. Erica Courtney surface on top and a flat back on bottom— The answer is “why not!,” says Los also helps. “This cut, too, makes it easy For 30 years, award-winning jewelry insiders predict she can single-handedly Trade Association, to honor excellence in 2. Paula Crevoshay Angeles-based jewelry-designer-to-the- to wear. And even if it’s a big stone—like designer, Paula Crevoshay, has often used bring back the brooch! jewelry design and lapidary arts. “When 3. Erica Courtney stars, Erica Courtney, who sells to jewelers we often use—it’s still affordable.” (By moonstone in her high-end creations. The we looked at the number of entries using 4. Paula Crevoshay all over the world and who also has her example, Courtney’s typical cocktail rings Albuquerque, New Mexico, goldsmith Speaking of fashion, as this year continues moonstone this year over 2008, we saw own shop on Beverly Boulevard, where run anywhere from $18,000 to $125,000, who travels the world for inspiration, to unfold, the colors of blue, white, and that they more than doubled,” says AGTA many celebrities (from Julia Roberts to and one of her moonstone cocktail rings— says, “Moonstone is in and of itself silver moonstone are more perfect than Marketing Manager Adam Graham. “It’s Sheryl Crow) stop in to shop. “First of with a big uber moonstone, of course--is an inspiration! The adularescence of ever. Here’s what Pat Tunsky, creative easy to wear and it really looks beautiful all, moonstone is glamour without being typically around $20,000.) “The bigger moonstone is a magnet. I’ve always used director and internationally recognized against the skin. And designers, who overstated. It’s the kind of gem that you it is, the more you can see its natural these gems because of their phenomenal fashion, color, and trend forecaster for naturally have such a strong aesthetic, can wear day or evening because it’s adularescence, which always makes it a optical effects.” Crevoshay notes another The Doneger Group, New York City, has know this.” exciting but still not over the top.” Also, conversation piece.” very important aspect of moonstone: “It to say: “First of all, softer shades of white 5 66 Are You a Trendsetter? P RPIRSIM | S|US M 009 SM P EMCETRR U2M PRISM|SPECTRUM G E T The AGTA Spectrum Awards™, considered the most prestigious “Typically honor for jewelry design, has been celebrating artistic excellence specifically for over two decades. Countless hours of work go into making these AGTA Spectrum Awards, unique entries ready for judging. Here is what a few of our past but sometimes I’ll get winners have to say about how they are getting ready for the 2010 something back from the AGTA Spectrum Awards™. jeweler that’s so perfect I I R E A D Y design for the absolutely have to enter “Each competition stone I it. I have to say I am cut is done specifically for always particularly proud that purpose, which means of the pieces we submit I’m always looking for for the Spectrum Awards, exceptional gem rough and even if the piece was not trying to push the envelope a part of the initial plan.” of gemstone design with – Erica Courtney Erica Courtney a variety of optical and reflective techniques. My For over 25 years, the AGTA Spectrum Awards™ has continued to raise the bar for designers who work with colored gemstones and cultured pearls. Winning a Spectrum Award is considered one of the industry’s most-esteemed honors, and winning designs often set the trends for seasons to come. Enter Now. A G T A Details For complete AGTA Spectrum AwardsTM information and entry form please visit www.agta.org or call 800-972-1162 Platinum Honors sponsored by 7 AGTA Spectrum AwardsTM winning ring by J.W. Currens, Inc. “I always cut with the fine line between artistic Spectrum/Cutting Edge expression broad awards in mind. I try based appeal since the and to keep my quality of Spectrum Awards are such cutting a great marketing tool.” so that I can enter any – Dalan Hargrave GemStarz of my pieces. This way good enough when the competition comes around I can “I design my pieces with choose those that I think the have the best chance of specific Spectrum categories in mind. I winning and enter them. believe that using the ™ Entries due September 25, 2009 or at our New York Drop-Off on October 6, 2009 main goal is to find that finest materials in new Tips: Don’t leave it till the last minute! This will cause unnecessary stress and innovative ways will and have a negative impact on your work. Enter more than one piece, make my pieces stand out you never know exactly what might win. Use high quality beautiful from materials, there are many great entries so you want any edge you can get.” the competition.” – James Currens J. W. Currens, Inc. – John Dyer John Dyer & Co. For complete AGTA Spectrum Awards™ information and entry “Often when we finish a new piece which is particularly spectacular, we form please visit www.agta.org or call 800-972-1162. discuss if we should submit it for the Spectrum Awards. We like to choose something which is truly one-of-a-kind, not part of our regular inventory. Spectrum entries are due in Dallas by September 25, 2009. A “stand-out” piece. We like to choose a design with broad appeal, but still unique. Something for the collector. Our regular quality for the gems and New York Drop-off entries are due on October 6, 2009. To be workmanship is very high, so this is a given. It should be something for a eligible for the New York drop-off, paperwork must be received by collector who will cherish both the gems, workmanship and the design.” September 25, 2009. The entry(s) must be dropped-off in New York – Tom Heyman Oscar Heyman on October 6, 2009, and also be picked-up in New York.S 8 Are You a Trendsetter? P RPIRSIM | S|US M 009 SM P EMCETRR U2M PRISM|SPECTRUM G E T The AGTA Spectrum Awards™, considered the most prestigious “Typically honor for jewelry design, has been celebrating artistic excellence specifically for over two decades. Countless hours of work go into making these AGTA Spectrum Awards, unique entries ready for judging. Here is what a few of our past but sometimes I’ll get winners have to say about how they are getting ready for the 2010 something back from the AGTA Spectrum Awards™. jeweler that’s so perfect I I R E A D Y design for the absolutely have to enter “Each competition stone I it. I have to say I am cut is done specifically for always particularly proud that purpose, which means of the pieces we submit I’m always looking for for the Spectrum Awards, exceptional gem rough and even if the piece was not trying to push the envelope a part of the initial plan.” of gemstone design with – Erica Courtney Erica Courtney a variety of optical and reflective techniques. My For over 25 years, the AGTA Spectrum Awards™ has continued to raise the bar for designers who work with colored gemstones and cultured pearls. Winning a Spectrum Award is considered one of the industry’s most-esteemed honors, and winning designs often set the trends for seasons to come. Enter Now. A G T A Details For complete AGTA Spectrum AwardsTM information and entry form please visit www.agta.org or call 800-972-1162 Platinum Honors sponsored by 7 AGTA Spectrum AwardsTM winning ring by J.W. Currens, Inc. “I always cut with the fine line between artistic Spectrum/Cutting Edge expression broad awards in mind. I try based appeal since the and to keep my quality of Spectrum Awards are such cutting a great marketing tool.” so that I can enter any – Dalan Hargrave GemStarz of my pieces. This way good enough when the competition comes around I can “I design my pieces with choose those that I think the have the best chance of specific Spectrum categories in mind. I winning and enter them. believe that using the ™ Entries due September 25, 2009 or at our New York Drop-Off on October 6, 2009 main goal is to find that finest materials in new Tips: Don’t leave it till the last minute! This will cause unnecessary stress and innovative ways will and have a negative impact on your work. Enter more than one piece, make my pieces stand out you never know exactly what might win. Use high quality beautiful from materials, there are many great entries so you want any edge you can get.” the competition.” – James Currens J. W. Currens, Inc. – John Dyer John Dyer & Co. For complete AGTA Spectrum Awards™ information and entry “Often when we finish a new piece which is particularly spectacular, we form please visit www.agta.org or call 800-972-1162. discuss if we should submit it for the Spectrum Awards. We like to choose something which is truly one-of-a-kind, not part of our regular inventory. Spectrum entries are due in Dallas by September 25, 2009. A “stand-out” piece. We like to choose a design with broad appeal, but still unique. Something for the collector. Our regular quality for the gems and New York Drop-off entries are due on October 6, 2009. To be workmanship is very high, so this is a given. It should be something for a eligible for the New York drop-off, paperwork must be received by collector who will cherish both the gems, workmanship and the design.” September 25, 2009. The entry(s) must be dropped-off in New York – Tom Heyman Oscar Heyman on October 6, 2009, and also be picked-up in New York.S 8 PRISM|SPECTRUM SM P EMCETRR U2M P RPIRSIM | S|US M 009 AGTA B EXPERTISE THAT SPREADS CONFIDENCE. AROUND THE WORLD AND AROUND THE CLOCK. ISRAEL 5 : 0 0 P M U S I N E S S The AGTA is proud to offer products and services created Cutter checks parameters online with GIA Facetware® Cut Estimator. to help you grow your colored gemstone and cultured pearl NEW YORK 10:00 A M business. GIA Master Color Comparison Diamonds confirm color quality of a fancy yellow. Customizable ENewsletter Program Have you ever thought about getting involved in email marketing, CARLSBAD 7:00 AM but didn’t want to invest the time or money to produce a MUMBAI 7 : 3 0 P M professional-looking newsletter? AGTA has developed a cost- Staff gemologist submits new findings on coated diamonds to GIA global database. Laboratory technicians calibrate measurement devices before the day’s production begins. effective, customizable email newsletter program that you can use HONG KONG 10 : 0 0 P M Wholesaler views grading results and requests additional services online at My Laboratory. to get your message out to your current and potential clients. This email newsletter program allows you to incorporate your brand image, personal stories and current specials. The newsletter BANGKOK 9:00 P M also includes pre-written stories of interest to your target clientele, Gemologist confers with Carlsbad lab about ruby country of origin. positioning you as a source of key information on trends, fashion and related news. The email newsletter is available in a business to business version for suppliers and in a business to consumer version for retailers. It is supplied in HTML and TEXT formats that can be sent out by the member company. If you do not have the technical ability to send out a large email blast then we can facilitate sending and email list All across the planet, GIA labs and gemological reports are creating a common language for accurate, unbiased gemstone evaluation. From convenient locations in major gem centers. To frontline detection of emerging treatments and synthetics. To online services that include ordering, tracking, and report previews. GIA is pioneering the technology, tools and talent that not only ensure expert service, but also advance the public trust in gems and jewelry worldwide. W W W. G I A . E D U management. Package Pricing: 3 Months: $450 ($150/month) 6 Months: $800 ($133/month - save $100) 12 Months: $1500 ($125/month - save $300) Monthly email list management and delivery (if requested): $40/month per 10,000 names. $5 per block of 1,000 names after. To sign up for the AGTA Email Newsletter Program please contact [email protected] or call AGTA at 800-972-1162. Wholesale and retail versions available.S CARLSBAD DUBAI NEW YORK MOSCOW GIA_LAB_AGTAprism_0809.indd 1 LONDON MUMBAI ANTWERP BANGKOK FLORENCE HONG KONG 9 GABORONE TAIPEI SEOUL JOHANNESBURG OSAKA TOKYO 8/25/09 2:43:10 PM 10 B U I L D E R S PRISM|SPECTRUM SM P EMCETRR U2M P RPIRSIM | S|US M 009 AGTA B EXPERTISE THAT SPREADS CONFIDENCE. AROUND THE WORLD AND AROUND THE CLOCK. ISRAEL 5 : 0 0 P M U S I N E S S The AGTA is proud to offer products and services created Cutter checks parameters online with GIA Facetware® Cut Estimator. to help you grow your colored gemstone and cultured pearl NEW YORK 10:00 A M business. GIA Master Color Comparison Diamonds confirm color quality of a fancy yellow. Customizable ENewsletter Program Have you ever thought about getting involved in email marketing, CARLSBAD 7:00 AM but didn’t want to invest the time or money to produce a MUMBAI 7 : 3 0 P M professional-looking newsletter? AGTA has developed a cost- Staff gemologist submits new findings on coated diamonds to GIA global database. Laboratory technicians calibrate measurement devices before the day’s production begins. effective, customizable email newsletter program that you can use HONG KONG 10 : 0 0 P M Wholesaler views grading results and requests additional services online at My Laboratory. to get your message out to your current and potential clients. This email newsletter program allows you to incorporate your brand image, personal stories and current specials. The newsletter BANGKOK 9:00 P M also includes pre-written stories of interest to your target clientele, Gemologist confers with Carlsbad lab about ruby country of origin. positioning you as a source of key information on trends, fashion and related news. The email newsletter is available in a business to business version for suppliers and in a business to consumer version for retailers. It is supplied in HTML and TEXT formats that can be sent out by the member company. If you do not have the technical ability to send out a large email blast then we can facilitate sending and email list All across the planet, GIA labs and gemological reports are creating a common language for accurate, unbiased gemstone evaluation. From convenient locations in major gem centers. To frontline detection of emerging treatments and synthetics. To online services that include ordering, tracking, and report previews. GIA is pioneering the technology, tools and talent that not only ensure expert service, but also advance the public trust in gems and jewelry worldwide. W W W. G I A . E D U management. Package Pricing: 3 Months: $450 ($150/month) 6 Months: $800 ($133/month - save $100) 12 Months: $1500 ($125/month - save $300) Monthly email list management and delivery (if requested): $40/month per 10,000 names. $5 per block of 1,000 names after. To sign up for the AGTA Email Newsletter Program please contact [email protected] or call AGTA at 800-972-1162. Wholesale and retail versions available.S CARLSBAD DUBAI NEW YORK MOSCOW GIA_LAB_AGTAprism_0809.indd 1 LONDON MUMBAI ANTWERP BANGKOK FLORENCE HONG KONG 9 GABORONE TAIPEI SEOUL JOHANNESBURG OSAKA TOKYO 8/25/09 2:43:10 PM 10 B U I L D E R S PRISM PRISM I SUM | S P EMCER T R2U0M 09 AGTA L A U C H E S T W O P EMCETRR U M0 9 P RPI RS IMS |MS|USM 20 O N L I N E F O R U M S AGTA has launched two new online forums. One forum is an “The Members Only site provides AGTA Members a higher degree AGTA Members Only Forum at www.agta.org, while the other of privacy to discuss AGTA and trade-related issues,” said Douglas is a public forum at www.gemstoneforums.com. K. Hucker, AGTA CEO. “We encourage our Members to take advantage of the AGTA Members Only Forum, so make sure you For those that are unfamiliar with an internet forum. A forum, or register today.” (continued from page 4 ) By the way, for those of you who are Members of AGTA you will with the perfect package to help you get your entire staff re-ener- notice a RETAIL LOCATOR button. When the consumer clicks gized about color and give each of them the kind of training that on this button it pulls up a map of the U.S. and Canada They sim- provides much greater self-confidence during the presentation. ply center the cursor over the state they want to search, click, and If you have the ability to demonstrate the site in your store you all of the AGTA Retail Members in the state come up. Many of can sit down with clients and give them an unparalleled shopping our Retail Members tell me this feature alone justifies their an- experience with colored gemstones. Have your sales associates nual dues of $350. check out the site today, and watch their success rate improve message board, is an online discussion site. In short, it is a modern starting tomorrow! day bulletin board. From a technological standpoint, forums are Here’s another little tip. If you didn’t make it to the AGTA GemFair™ Tucson this year you missed out on over forty-five web applications that are managed by users who generate the dynamic and informative seminars focused on color. For $49 you content. can purchase the DVD that has the seminar power point presentations synced with the presenter’s voice. That’s twenty-five hours AGTA Members can access the Members Only forum by clicking on the red “Members Only Forum” button on the lower left side of www.agta.org home page. You must click on the link to request of training on sales, marketing, and the mystery of colored gemstones, at about $2 per session and enough content to give you a new training seminar each week from now till the holidays.S access to be registered in the Members Only Forum. After you “We established the public site to encourage the sharing of ideas in receive your registration information via email from AGTA you gemstone research, answer gemstone questions and discuss issues must login. Once registered, Members can read and write posts in of the day,” stated Douglas K. Hucker, AGTA CEO. thirteen different categories, including topics such as Education, Sincerely, Trade Shows, Marketing, Government Affairs, Security Alerts and The Gemstone Forums site is free but requires registration to Spectrum Awards. participate. The primary goal of the site is that it will be a central Douglas K. Hucker place for the industry to share knowledge on current research and For additional information on these forums, email issues affecting the colored gemstone and cultured pearl industry. [email protected] AGTA Chief Executive Officer Roberts Yogo Sapphire Co. P.O. Box 1828 Great Falls, MT 59403 laurie-r @ gci.net The Crown Jewel of the Treasure State TM 11 12 PRISM PRISM I SUM | S P EMCER T R2U0M 09 AGTA L A U C H E S T W O P EMCETRR U M0 9 P RPI RS IMS |MS|USM 20 O N L I N E F O R U M S AGTA has launched two new online forums. One forum is an “The Members Only site provides AGTA Members a higher degree AGTA Members Only Forum at www.agta.org, while the other of privacy to discuss AGTA and trade-related issues,” said Douglas is a public forum at www.gemstoneforums.com. K. Hucker, AGTA CEO. “We encourage our Members to take advantage of the AGTA Members Only Forum, so make sure you For those that are unfamiliar with an internet forum. A forum, or register today.” (continued from page 4 ) By the way, for those of you who are Members of AGTA you will with the perfect package to help you get your entire staff re-ener- notice a RETAIL LOCATOR button. When the consumer clicks gized about color and give each of them the kind of training that on this button it pulls up a map of the U.S. and Canada They sim- provides much greater self-confidence during the presentation. ply center the cursor over the state they want to search, click, and If you have the ability to demonstrate the site in your store you all of the AGTA Retail Members in the state come up. Many of can sit down with clients and give them an unparalleled shopping our Retail Members tell me this feature alone justifies their an- experience with colored gemstones. Have your sales associates nual dues of $350. check out the site today, and watch their success rate improve message board, is an online discussion site. In short, it is a modern starting tomorrow! day bulletin board. From a technological standpoint, forums are Here’s another little tip. If you didn’t make it to the AGTA GemFair™ Tucson this year you missed out on over forty-five web applications that are managed by users who generate the dynamic and informative seminars focused on color. For $49 you content. can purchase the DVD that has the seminar power point presentations synced with the presenter’s voice. That’s twenty-five hours AGTA Members can access the Members Only forum by clicking on the red “Members Only Forum” button on the lower left side of www.agta.org home page. You must click on the link to request of training on sales, marketing, and the mystery of colored gemstones, at about $2 per session and enough content to give you a new training seminar each week from now till the holidays.S access to be registered in the Members Only Forum. After you “We established the public site to encourage the sharing of ideas in receive your registration information via email from AGTA you gemstone research, answer gemstone questions and discuss issues must login. Once registered, Members can read and write posts in of the day,” stated Douglas K. Hucker, AGTA CEO. thirteen different categories, including topics such as Education, Sincerely, Trade Shows, Marketing, Government Affairs, Security Alerts and The Gemstone Forums site is free but requires registration to Spectrum Awards. participate. The primary goal of the site is that it will be a central Douglas K. Hucker place for the industry to share knowledge on current research and For additional information on these forums, email issues affecting the colored gemstone and cultured pearl industry. [email protected] AGTA Chief Executive Officer Roberts Yogo Sapphire Co. P.O. Box 1828 Great Falls, MT 59403 laurie-r @ gci.net The Crown Jewel of the Treasure State TM 11 12 PRISM|SPECTRUM I S |MS|USM P EMCETRR U P RPI SR M 2 0M0 9 AGTA G E M F A I R T ™ U C S O N T R A V E L The sweetest thing about the annual AGTA GemFair™ Tucson will be open from Tuesday to Sunday, February 2-7; all Pavilions is the amazing selection of colored gemstones and cultured are open the entire length of the Show. pearls. It is the first opportunity of the year for buyers to see what is fresh and hot. Enjoy great networking events, the Now is the time to book your travel and take advantage of renowned free seminar program and incredibly diverse lineup exclusive rates. To make your hotel arrangements, log onto of exhibitors. So break away this winter for some Arizona sun www.agta.org and click on Trade Shows button.S and a taste of the best trade show experience in the industry— Participating GemFair Hotels: AGTA GemFair™ Tucson. Courtyard by Marriott Remember, all AGTA Members of Record will automatically be $159.00 (Tucson International Airport) preregistered for the show. Also, any staff who attended the Show Courtyard by Marriott in 2009 will be preregistered. To add new staff please fax the $159.00 at Williams Centre request on company letterhead to 972-620-2452. DoubleTree Hotel at Reid Park Hotels in Tucson are selling out and flights are filling up. Do you have all your travel plans booked for GemFair? When planning Standard Room $189.00 Tower Room $199.00 Fairfield Inn your trip to Tucson, you will want to take advatage of the AGTA’s $135.00 (Tucson International Airport) Preferred Hotels. Hotel Arizona HelmsBriscoe, the official travel agency for the 2010 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson show, has made special arrangements with many of Tucson’s hotels to offer GemFair participants prices well Single/Double Occupancy $194.00 King Corner $204.00 1 Bedroom Suite $299.00 Marriott University Park Tucson below regular rates. The AGTA Preferred Hotels were carefully Standard Room chosen based on the quality of their furnishings as well as their Triple $204.00 competitive rates. Quad $219.00 $189.00 Radisson Suites Tucson Any AGTA GemFair attendee can contact HelmsBrisco to help Single/Double $139.00 with their hotel and arrangements. Call now and take advantage of Triple $149.00 Quad $159.00 special offers! Residence Inn Williams Centrer HelmsBriscoe One-Bedroom Suite Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday Two-Bedroom Suite $239.00 Customer service: 877-261-5407 or 972-346-6406 Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites $189.00 Or log onto www.agta.org and click on the Trade Shows button. Viscount Suites Hotel $189.00 Westin La Paloma $199.00 Complimentary Shuttle Service Complimentary Shuttle Service for AGTA Buyers & Exhibitors Most AGTA Preferred Hotels are served by free shuttle service to and from AGTA GemFair™ at the Tucson Convention Center. Hotels serviced by AGTA shuttles will be noted in the hotel description. Service runs from 7:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and resumes from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Schedules will be posted in the lobby of each AGTA Preferred Hotel during the show. The 2010 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson takes place February 2-7, 2010. Hours are 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, February 2-6, and 10:00 am 4:00 pm on February 7. Please note the new day pattern - the Show 13 $189.00 14 PRISM|SPECTRUM I S |MS|USM P EMCETRR U P RPI SR M 2 0M0 9 AGTA G E M F A I R T ™ U C S O N T R A V E L The sweetest thing about the annual AGTA GemFair™ Tucson will be open from Tuesday to Sunday, February 2-7; all Pavilions is the amazing selection of colored gemstones and cultured are open the entire length of the Show. pearls. It is the first opportunity of the year for buyers to see what is fresh and hot. Enjoy great networking events, the Now is the time to book your travel and take advantage of renowned free seminar program and incredibly diverse lineup exclusive rates. To make your hotel arrangements, log onto of exhibitors. So break away this winter for some Arizona sun www.agta.org and click on Trade Shows button.S and a taste of the best trade show experience in the industry— Participating GemFair Hotels: AGTA GemFair™ Tucson. Courtyard by Marriott Remember, all AGTA Members of Record will automatically be $159.00 (Tucson International Airport) preregistered for the show. Also, any staff who attended the Show Courtyard by Marriott in 2009 will be preregistered. To add new staff please fax the $159.00 at Williams Centre request on company letterhead to 972-620-2452. DoubleTree Hotel at Reid Park Hotels in Tucson are selling out and flights are filling up. Do you have all your travel plans booked for GemFair? When planning Standard Room $189.00 Tower Room $199.00 Fairfield Inn your trip to Tucson, you will want to take advatage of the AGTA’s $135.00 (Tucson International Airport) Preferred Hotels. Hotel Arizona HelmsBriscoe, the official travel agency for the 2010 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson show, has made special arrangements with many of Tucson’s hotels to offer GemFair participants prices well Single/Double Occupancy $194.00 King Corner $204.00 1 Bedroom Suite $299.00 Marriott University Park Tucson below regular rates. The AGTA Preferred Hotels were carefully Standard Room chosen based on the quality of their furnishings as well as their Triple $204.00 competitive rates. Quad $219.00 $189.00 Radisson Suites Tucson Any AGTA GemFair attendee can contact HelmsBrisco to help Single/Double $139.00 with their hotel and arrangements. Call now and take advantage of Triple $149.00 Quad $159.00 special offers! Residence Inn Williams Centrer HelmsBriscoe One-Bedroom Suite Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday Two-Bedroom Suite $239.00 Customer service: 877-261-5407 or 972-346-6406 Sheraton Tucson Hotel and Suites $189.00 Or log onto www.agta.org and click on the Trade Shows button. Viscount Suites Hotel $189.00 Westin La Paloma $199.00 Complimentary Shuttle Service Complimentary Shuttle Service for AGTA Buyers & Exhibitors Most AGTA Preferred Hotels are served by free shuttle service to and from AGTA GemFair™ at the Tucson Convention Center. Hotels serviced by AGTA shuttles will be noted in the hotel description. Service runs from 7:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and resumes from 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Schedules will be posted in the lobby of each AGTA Preferred Hotel during the show. The 2010 AGTA GemFair™ Tucson takes place February 2-7, 2010. Hours are 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, February 2-6, and 10:00 am 4:00 pm on February 7. Please note the new day pattern - the Show 13 $189.00 14 P EMCETRR U M0 9 P RPI RS IMS |MS|USM 20 MEMBER PROFILE: C Y N T H I A R E N ÉE Z A I S |MS|USM P EMCETRR U P RPI SR M 2 0M0 9 experimenting with usages and metals. What I do is truly “haute couture” colored gem jewelry.” Her priciest piece was a beautifully matched necklace of unheated Sri Lankan sapphires that she worked V A I found that though the stores liked me, selling a loose gemstone on for five years. “But,” she explains, “the principles I use in designing jewelry are applicable to other mediums and price points – I had a successful show on QVC for several years.” is selling a project and jewelers didn’t have time for that. Colored gemstones were new to most people; they didn’t come with built- “I wanted a life of adventure and challenge, and the world works in consumer demand. So, I did all I could to help them sell my in marvelous ways, doesn’t it? Unknown to me, in the late 1990’s gemstones so they could buy more. That included sales training, a young anthropologist in Eastern Tennessee read my articles in JQ thematic trunk shows, developing advertising, speeches to the Magazine, and said to himself: ‘I’m going to marry her and breed.’ consumer, even TV and radio interviews.” That’s the way anthropologists talk! We met in Tucson in 2000, married and we now have 8 & 6 year-old daughters. Obviously, since A lively speaker and passionate educator, Cynthia has authored I started my business in 1990, I’ve changed, and I re-engineered over 45 articles on various aspects of colored gemstone marketing, my business to reflect that change. My husband and I have two developing collectors, gemstone mining, jewelry styling and design, companies: Zava Master-cuts is run by my husband, Clay Zava - his and the female self-purchaser. Cynthia authored a regular column cuts are ‘timeless, not trendy’ and he supplies jewelers and designers on colored gems in Rapaport’s magazine to the consumer, “Jewelry with individually cut gemstones. Cynthia Renée, Inc. is run by me.” Connoisseur,” and served on their Advisory Board. Her seminars hosted by such diverse groups as the Gemological Institute of In 1995, Ms. Zava was elected by the American Gem Trade America, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom and the Golden Door Spa, Association to a 3-year Board of Directors term where she was very where in the capacity of “Jewelry Expert,” she custom-designed active on the Promotions Committee. She is currently running for a jewelry wardrobes for their prestigious guests. The American Gem second term on the AGTA Board of Directors for 2010. Trade Association has featured Cynthia’s popular seminars at their GemFair Tucson since 1989. Ms. Zava lectured on jewelry and “I trademarked the slogan ‘Inherit the Earth’ because that is what “Traveling gives one eyes. I can be influenced by anything - the self-expression for JCK’s 1998 show in Orlando and their 1997 and colored gemstones allow us to do – walk with the Earth’s power layered fabric in a Mixtec girl’s petticoat; flowers piled and 1999 shows in Las Vegas; she presented a Poster Session at the 1991 and magnificence. Then, the gemstones are passed through the banners flowing as sacraments to gold-leafed Buddhas; a tiled International Gemological Symposium and was a class teacher at the generations and inherited another way.” Cynthia is currently writing cupola’s curve against the limpid sky; the light of wide open 1989, 1990 and 1999 American Gem Society’s annual conclaves. a memoir of her life in the gem industry. Leisure time, when spaces. Life is moment by moment, and I try to string these Cynthia Renée Zava has been the subject of television and radio available, is spent enjoying family, friends and nature, exploring moments into garlands of jewelry. It is more than just metals and interviews explaining the mystery and science of colored gemstones, museums, creative writing and reading. She is the cook of the color, but an overall expression of a moment in life. A moment including the award-winning PBS series, Newton’s Apple. house.S can feel it. And, you can carry all that feeling brings with you. As a result of her many trunk shows with jewelers, she began Images from top to bottom: Form and color, light and texture - when right on, strike a chord designing and making jewelry featuring her gemstones. In July 2001, Balster #5 deep in the human soul and my jewelry becomes a symphony.” the Women’s Jewelry Association of America honored her with 80 cts. of Afghani minty-green Tourmaline set in palladium. “Honors in Manufacturing.” Her Spinel mosaic cufflinks won the Photo by JB Photo. that matters. Even though you don’t see the exact scene I do; you Cynthia Renée Zava, of Cynthia Renée, Inc.™, began her career in American Gem Trade Association’s Spectrum Award Competition, the gemstone and jewelry trade as a part-time college job with Colin Platinum Honors. She has also won two Cutting Edge Awards. Star Ring 23 ct. Star Sapphire with 3.24 ct. Diamond half moons. Curtis, a founding member of AGTA. Mesmerized by the riddles Photo by RobertWeldon. of rocks, she earned her degree in geology and did an honors thesis Ms. Zava formally trademarked her “Color Palette System™” on a gem pegmatite mine in San Diego. “Growing up,” she says, “I for helping consumers understand how to combine color and find didn’t dream of getting married, or making millions – I dreamed of their personal style and power through color, form and the Earth’s Chess Pendant adventure. And, that’s what I got.” She started her business, Cynthia treasures. Her Color Palette System™ is applicable to all aspects of 12.9 ct.Spessartite Garnet and rose gold pendant. Renée, Inc., in 1990 supplying jewelers with fine colored gemstones, wardrobing with color, including gems, interior design, clothing and parlaying her “people” skills, scientific background, marketing cosmetics. Royal Red Ring 16.25 ct. red Spinel set in highly refined Diamond and platinum setting. sense, writing ability and love of color and form to quickly develop a As Cynthia got more involved with fine gemstones and jewelry strong, high profile company. Photo by JohnParrish. making, private collectors began to find her – through jewelry stores She explains, “For about 12 years, I traveled about 70% of the time. and privately. “My private collectors want jewelry that is highly I spent a lot of time in the U.S., visiting my jewelry store customers. personalized, and I am constantly developing new techniques and 15 16 P EMCETRR U M0 9 P RPI RS IMS |MS|USM 20 MEMBER PROFILE: C Y N T H I A R E N ÉE Z A I S |MS|USM P EMCETRR U P RPI SR M 2 0M0 9 experimenting with usages and metals. What I do is truly “haute couture” colored gem jewelry.” Her priciest piece was a beautifully matched necklace of unheated Sri Lankan sapphires that she worked V A I found that though the stores liked me, selling a loose gemstone on for five years. “But,” she explains, “the principles I use in designing jewelry are applicable to other mediums and price points – I had a successful show on QVC for several years.” is selling a project and jewelers didn’t have time for that. Colored gemstones were new to most people; they didn’t come with built- “I wanted a life of adventure and challenge, and the world works in consumer demand. So, I did all I could to help them sell my in marvelous ways, doesn’t it? Unknown to me, in the late 1990’s gemstones so they could buy more. That included sales training, a young anthropologist in Eastern Tennessee read my articles in JQ thematic trunk shows, developing advertising, speeches to the Magazine, and said to himself: ‘I’m going to marry her and breed.’ consumer, even TV and radio interviews.” That’s the way anthropologists talk! We met in Tucson in 2000, married and we now have 8 & 6 year-old daughters. Obviously, since A lively speaker and passionate educator, Cynthia has authored I started my business in 1990, I’ve changed, and I re-engineered over 45 articles on various aspects of colored gemstone marketing, my business to reflect that change. My husband and I have two developing collectors, gemstone mining, jewelry styling and design, companies: Zava Master-cuts is run by my husband, Clay Zava - his and the female self-purchaser. Cynthia authored a regular column cuts are ‘timeless, not trendy’ and he supplies jewelers and designers on colored gems in Rapaport’s magazine to the consumer, “Jewelry with individually cut gemstones. Cynthia Renée, Inc. is run by me.” Connoisseur,” and served on their Advisory Board. Her seminars hosted by such diverse groups as the Gemological Institute of In 1995, Ms. Zava was elected by the American Gem Trade America, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom and the Golden Door Spa, Association to a 3-year Board of Directors term where she was very where in the capacity of “Jewelry Expert,” she custom-designed active on the Promotions Committee. She is currently running for a jewelry wardrobes for their prestigious guests. The American Gem second term on the AGTA Board of Directors for 2010. Trade Association has featured Cynthia’s popular seminars at their GemFair Tucson since 1989. Ms. Zava lectured on jewelry and “I trademarked the slogan ‘Inherit the Earth’ because that is what “Traveling gives one eyes. I can be influenced by anything - the self-expression for JCK’s 1998 show in Orlando and their 1997 and colored gemstones allow us to do – walk with the Earth’s power layered fabric in a Mixtec girl’s petticoat; flowers piled and 1999 shows in Las Vegas; she presented a Poster Session at the 1991 and magnificence. Then, the gemstones are passed through the banners flowing as sacraments to gold-leafed Buddhas; a tiled International Gemological Symposium and was a class teacher at the generations and inherited another way.” Cynthia is currently writing cupola’s curve against the limpid sky; the light of wide open 1989, 1990 and 1999 American Gem Society’s annual conclaves. a memoir of her life in the gem industry. Leisure time, when spaces. Life is moment by moment, and I try to string these Cynthia Renée Zava has been the subject of television and radio available, is spent enjoying family, friends and nature, exploring moments into garlands of jewelry. It is more than just metals and interviews explaining the mystery and science of colored gemstones, museums, creative writing and reading. She is the cook of the color, but an overall expression of a moment in life. A moment including the award-winning PBS series, Newton’s Apple. house.S can feel it. And, you can carry all that feeling brings with you. As a result of her many trunk shows with jewelers, she began Images from top to bottom: Form and color, light and texture - when right on, strike a chord designing and making jewelry featuring her gemstones. In July 2001, Balster #5 deep in the human soul and my jewelry becomes a symphony.” the Women’s Jewelry Association of America honored her with 80 cts. of Afghani minty-green Tourmaline set in palladium. “Honors in Manufacturing.” Her Spinel mosaic cufflinks won the Photo by JB Photo. that matters. Even though you don’t see the exact scene I do; you Cynthia Renée Zava, of Cynthia Renée, Inc.™, began her career in American Gem Trade Association’s Spectrum Award Competition, the gemstone and jewelry trade as a part-time college job with Colin Platinum Honors. She has also won two Cutting Edge Awards. Star Ring 23 ct. Star Sapphire with 3.24 ct. Diamond half moons. Curtis, a founding member of AGTA. Mesmerized by the riddles Photo by RobertWeldon. of rocks, she earned her degree in geology and did an honors thesis Ms. Zava formally trademarked her “Color Palette System™” on a gem pegmatite mine in San Diego. “Growing up,” she says, “I for helping consumers understand how to combine color and find didn’t dream of getting married, or making millions – I dreamed of their personal style and power through color, form and the Earth’s Chess Pendant adventure. And, that’s what I got.” She started her business, Cynthia treasures. Her Color Palette System™ is applicable to all aspects of 12.9 ct.Spessartite Garnet and rose gold pendant. Renée, Inc., in 1990 supplying jewelers with fine colored gemstones, wardrobing with color, including gems, interior design, clothing and parlaying her “people” skills, scientific background, marketing cosmetics. Royal Red Ring 16.25 ct. red Spinel set in highly refined Diamond and platinum setting. sense, writing ability and love of color and form to quickly develop a As Cynthia got more involved with fine gemstones and jewelry strong, high profile company. Photo by JohnParrish. making, private collectors began to find her – through jewelry stores She explains, “For about 12 years, I traveled about 70% of the time. and privately. “My private collectors want jewelry that is highly I spent a lot of time in the U.S., visiting my jewelry store customers. personalized, and I am constantly developing new techniques and 15 16 P EMCETRR U M0 9 P RPI RS IMS |MS|USM 20 C A M P B E L L B R I D G E S PRISM|SPECTRUM 1937 - 2009 Campbell Bridges, the discoverer of Tsavorite, was murdered founding member of ICA, a member of the GIA Alumni in Kenya on August 11th. He was attacked and killed by known Association, Kenya Gemstone Dealers Association, National claim jumpers and bandits on his mining claim in Tsavo. Association of Jewelry Appraisers and Kenya Chamber of Mines. He shared his invaluable knowledge through articles Campbell was best known for his discovery of Tsavorite, a and speaking at many industry events. AGTA delivers again: up to 43% off select FedEx services. ® grossular green garnet, which he first found in Rhodesia in 1961, then again in Tanzania in 1967 before establishing a Bridges’ company, Tsavorite USA, has set up a blog on their mining claim in Kenya in 1970, near the borders of Tsavo website, www.tsavorite.com, for people to post condolences. National Park. He was also the first person to bring samples of We encourage you to share your thoughts and memories of blue zoisite to the U.S. in the late 1960’s, which lead to Tiffany Campbell.S & Co. renaming it and introducing it to the world as Tanzanite. Bridges was also a staunch environmentalist and wildlife Because you belong to AGTA, you can save up to 43% on select FedEx services. It’s the FedEx Advantage® — another great advantage for members of AGTA. To enroll, simply contact AGTA at 1.800.475.6708. Go to http://enrolladvantage.fedex.com/3780/ and enter passcode 942GR1 to enroll online. conservationist. He was very careful in using mining techniques that had minimal impact on the landscape. He partnered with local authorities to lessen the damage by poachers and charcoal burners in the area, even using his own security people to apprehend perpetrators. He was devoted to the natural preservation of the country that he loved so dearly. The colored gemstone industry was also very important to him as was evidenced by his participation in many industry organizations. He was a long-time member of AGTA, a N E W M Your AGTA Member Discounts* E M B E R S Hopkins Opal Matthew L. Hopkins Inland Mercantile, Inc. dba Ammolite by Aurora Richard Ando House of Colors, Inc. Tony A. Hakimi Joseph Dukeman, Inc. Joseph Dukeman Gallery Gemma, Inc. Anne-Marie Warburton Smith and K Enterprise, LLC Gentry Smith Jewelry Unlimited DBA India Gems Vinay Singh Judy Evans Design Studio Judy Evans Hayes Jewelers Mary Hayes T. Q. Diamonds Timothy E. Quigley Retailers RMC Gems, Inc. Manoj Bhandari ADEPT Corp. dba Pounders Jewelry CJ Pounder III Helm’s Jewelry Debbie Green Walters & Hogsett Fine Jewelers Don Janson Firm Members Tory Gems Po Lay Chungmanirat Zarlene Imports, Inc. Danielle Zerger Associated Industry Professionals G4S International, Inc. Jill Benedetti Manufacturing Members Bonita Creations Kristine Perkins G. Blando Jewelry, Inc. dba Marry Me Jewelry Gino Blando Hobbs Jewelers Steve Hobbs Alan James Jewelers, LLC Alan Soifer Kelly Jewelry MaryClare Stephan Best Cut Gems, LLC Linda McMurray Kiran’s Kustom Jewelry Kiran Khaitan Bill Selig Jewelers Bill Selig Sergio’s Sergio Acle Wright’s Jewelers, Inc. Tom Wright Zabler Design Jewelers Russel E. Zabler Up to 43% off Select FedEx Express® shipments Up to 39% off Select FedEx® international shipments Up to 15% off Select FedEx OfficeSM services Up to 73.8% off Select FedEx Declared Value Exception charges FedEx Declared Value Exception via FedEx Express® When you’re shipping high-value items, you need expert shipping. FedEx Declared Value Exception offers eligible shippers the opportunity to declare a value up to $50,000 when shipping via select FedEx Express services. Eligibility for the FedEx Declared Value Exception shipping program is subject to certain requirements and entering into a FedEx Declared Value Exception agreement. If you are interested in learning more about the program, please call 1.866.744.7389; a FedEx representative will take your name and contact information. A FedEx security specialist will contact you to determine if you qualify for the program. Students Blaire Beavers Laura K. Jewitt Laura K. Jewitt BlueMud Marshall Hansen Malak Jewelers Assad Malak Dale A. Sanborn David J. Kaufmann Leslie Sherman D. Sarros Gems Limited Daniel Sarros P.J. Rossi Jewelers Pamela J. Rossi Gioconda Crivelli Gioconda Crivelli 17 Stephanie Puls Johnson * Discounts are off standard list rates and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Discounts are exclusive of any FedEx surcharges, premiums or special handling fees and are not available to package consolidators. Eligibility for discounts subject to FedEx credit approval. Varying discounts apply per service. FedEx First Overnight®, FedEx SameDay®, FedEx® International Next Flight, FedEx International First®, FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution®, FedEx® 10kg Box, FedEx® 25kg Box and FedEx International MailService® not included. Eligible services and discounts subject to change. © 2009 FedEx. All rights reserved. 34088AD 18 P EMCETRR U M0 9 P RPI RS IMS |MS|USM 20 C A M P B E L L B R I D G E S PRISM|SPECTRUM 1937 - 2009 Campbell Bridges, the discoverer of Tsavorite, was murdered founding member of ICA, a member of the GIA Alumni in Kenya on August 11th. He was attacked and killed by known Association, Kenya Gemstone Dealers Association, National claim jumpers and bandits on his mining claim in Tsavo. Association of Jewelry Appraisers and Kenya Chamber of Mines. He shared his invaluable knowledge through articles Campbell was best known for his discovery of Tsavorite, a and speaking at many industry events. AGTA delivers again: up to 43% off select FedEx services. ® grossular green garnet, which he first found in Rhodesia in 1961, then again in Tanzania in 1967 before establishing a Bridges’ company, Tsavorite USA, has set up a blog on their mining claim in Kenya in 1970, near the borders of Tsavo website, www.tsavorite.com, for people to post condolences. National Park. He was also the first person to bring samples of We encourage you to share your thoughts and memories of blue zoisite to the U.S. in the late 1960’s, which lead to Tiffany Campbell.S & Co. renaming it and introducing it to the world as Tanzanite. Bridges was also a staunch environmentalist and wildlife Because you belong to AGTA, you can save up to 43% on select FedEx services. It’s the FedEx Advantage® — another great advantage for members of AGTA. To enroll, simply contact AGTA at 1.800.475.6708. Go to http://enrolladvantage.fedex.com/3780/ and enter passcode 942GR1 to enroll online. conservationist. He was very careful in using mining techniques that had minimal impact on the landscape. He partnered with local authorities to lessen the damage by poachers and charcoal burners in the area, even using his own security people to apprehend perpetrators. He was devoted to the natural preservation of the country that he loved so dearly. The colored gemstone industry was also very important to him as was evidenced by his participation in many industry organizations. He was a long-time member of AGTA, a N E W M Your AGTA Member Discounts* E M B E R S Hopkins Opal Matthew L. Hopkins Inland Mercantile, Inc. dba Ammolite by Aurora Richard Ando House of Colors, Inc. Tony A. Hakimi Joseph Dukeman, Inc. Joseph Dukeman Gallery Gemma, Inc. Anne-Marie Warburton Smith and K Enterprise, LLC Gentry Smith Jewelry Unlimited DBA India Gems Vinay Singh Judy Evans Design Studio Judy Evans Hayes Jewelers Mary Hayes T. Q. Diamonds Timothy E. Quigley Retailers RMC Gems, Inc. Manoj Bhandari ADEPT Corp. dba Pounders Jewelry CJ Pounder III Helm’s Jewelry Debbie Green Walters & Hogsett Fine Jewelers Don Janson Firm Members Tory Gems Po Lay Chungmanirat Zarlene Imports, Inc. Danielle Zerger Associated Industry Professionals G4S International, Inc. Jill Benedetti Manufacturing Members Bonita Creations Kristine Perkins G. Blando Jewelry, Inc. dba Marry Me Jewelry Gino Blando Hobbs Jewelers Steve Hobbs Alan James Jewelers, LLC Alan Soifer Kelly Jewelry MaryClare Stephan Best Cut Gems, LLC Linda McMurray Kiran’s Kustom Jewelry Kiran Khaitan Bill Selig Jewelers Bill Selig Sergio’s Sergio Acle Wright’s Jewelers, Inc. Tom Wright Zabler Design Jewelers Russel E. Zabler Up to 43% off Select FedEx Express® shipments Up to 39% off Select FedEx® international shipments Up to 15% off Select FedEx OfficeSM services Up to 73.8% off Select FedEx Declared Value Exception charges FedEx Declared Value Exception via FedEx Express® When you’re shipping high-value items, you need expert shipping. FedEx Declared Value Exception offers eligible shippers the opportunity to declare a value up to $50,000 when shipping via select FedEx Express services. Eligibility for the FedEx Declared Value Exception shipping program is subject to certain requirements and entering into a FedEx Declared Value Exception agreement. If you are interested in learning more about the program, please call 1.866.744.7389; a FedEx representative will take your name and contact information. A FedEx security specialist will contact you to determine if you qualify for the program. Students Blaire Beavers Laura K. Jewitt Laura K. Jewitt BlueMud Marshall Hansen Malak Jewelers Assad Malak Dale A. Sanborn David J. Kaufmann Leslie Sherman D. Sarros Gems Limited Daniel Sarros P.J. Rossi Jewelers Pamela J. Rossi Gioconda Crivelli Gioconda Crivelli 17 Stephanie Puls Johnson * Discounts are off standard list rates and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Discounts are exclusive of any FedEx surcharges, premiums or special handling fees and are not available to package consolidators. Eligibility for discounts subject to FedEx credit approval. Varying discounts apply per service. FedEx First Overnight®, FedEx SameDay®, FedEx® International Next Flight, FedEx International First®, FedEx International Priority DirectDistribution®, FedEx® 10kg Box, FedEx® 25kg Box and FedEx International MailService® not included. Eligible services and discounts subject to change. © 2009 FedEx. All rights reserved. 34088AD 18 PRISM 3030 LBJ Fwy., Ste. 840 Dallas, TX 75234 Summer 2009 ™ T U C S O N 2 0 1 0 Eye Candy AGTA BUSINESS BUILDERS MOONSTONE’S NEW DAY MEMBER PROFILE: CYNTHIA R ENÉE ZAVA ™ The sweetest thing about the annual AGTA GemFair™ Tucson is the amazing selection of colored gemstones and cultured pearls. It is the first opportunity of the year for buyers to see what’s fresh and hot. Enjoy great networking events, the renowned free seminar program and an incredibly diverse AGTA lineup of exhibitors. So, break away this winter for some Arizona sun and a taste of the best trade show experience in GEM FAIR™ the industry – the AGTA GemFair™ Tucson. Register today! T RAVEL REGISTR ATION HOTLINE: 800 -879 - 6259 ONLINE HOTEL RESERVATIONS: W W W . A G T A . O R G See our GemFair Tucson video at: CAMPBELL BRIDGES
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