THE TIGER`S ROAR - Richmond County School System


THE TIGER`S ROAR - Richmond County School System
F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 6
Vision: “Creating a World Class School with Class Learners”
Principal’s Message
Greetings Parents, Students, & Staff,
Exciting TIMES at TCM: We are getting closer to our goals , but along the way our students are making a difference in the community as well as across
the nation. We are working towards excellence and as we quickly approach graduation. A few reminders as the year comes to an end:
1. Parents please encourage your child to apply themselves every day.
2. Encourage your child to practice his or her areas of weakness and to stretch for greatness.
3. The focus for all our students should be mastery in every discipline.
4. Follow-up and ask your child to show you his or her completed assignments.
5. Take advantage of the free tutoring sessions.
6. Inspire your child to work hard everyday and not make excuses because the university of life will not accept excuses.
7. Encourage your child to write down his or her goals.
8. Ask your child to track the number of hours he/she studies.
9. Ask your child to track the number of hours he/she uses social media or any other type of entertainment.
10. Ask your child is he or she working hard and do the grades reflect the amount of time he or she has worked.
11. Explain to your child the importance of being on time and this is his/her job.
12. Parents enjoy your child’s precious high school years because you only have this moment.
Take a Look
Every Tuesday- Parent/Teacher Conferences
3:15p-3:45p (no appt. required)
TCM T-Shirts are for Sale Order Forms and
the money is due by 3/20
Every Monday & Wednesday—
Tutoring for Students 3:15-3:45
Report Cards March 17th & May 26th
TCM received the “Energy Star” Award
Saturday Math Tutoring 9:00am-12pm
Our Robotics Team is competing in Albany
GA Milestone counts 20% of your total grade
SLO’s count 15% of your total grade
Our Energy Students are the 1st in GA to
complete the pathway with national
Principal’s Message
Did You Know?
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
Department Highlights
Ms. Holston’s Energy Systems Pathway Students
Read Across America Day
Jalisa Stoker reading to Tobacco Road
Scored the highest percentage in the nation on the EIF National
Certification Test. Starlet Perry, Monique Davis, Teresa Davenport,
Courtney Johnson, Marcus Dowdell, Christian Kennedy, Jamal
Berry, Krishaan Tucker, Atlas Hargrove, Michael Phillips, Jared
Roberson, Andrew White, Daniel Singfield, Solomon Middleton,
Corinthius Sturgis and Jasmine Martin
Elementary Students
Chef O’s Corner
Georgia Power STEM Girls
FCCLA State Leadership Conference 3/20-22
Culinary Competition @ Helms College 3/29
Job Shadowing Day with Mayor Hardy Davis
Benjamin Banneker was the first to build a
wooden clock in America. TCM students
celebrated his achievement during Black
History Month by making their our own
Andrew Wilson, Christopher Antes, Mayor Davis, other attendees from across the district
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
Department Highlights
GA-12 Youth Leadership Summit
Student Council Leadership Luncheon
Rudolph Brown, Dr. Brooks A Keel, President of Augusta
University & Mykalah Daggett
Rudolph Brown, Asha Burch, Sara Wilson, Michael Burgess,
Michelle Porter, Donovan Jaundo & Tyniqwua Singleton
Students enjoyed the trip to GA Southern event sponsored
by Sen. Rick Allen
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
Mykalah Daggett & Rudolph Brown with
Dr. Pringle
Department Highlights
TCM Rocketry Crew
FBLA Members-State Leadership Workshop
Our TCM Rocketry Crew launched 42 Non– Kit Rockets they built at the
Thompson Farm last month. The weather was a mild 63 degrees, with a wind
speed of 4MPH, almost perfect. Twenty-three students participated in this
launch. Special thanks to Mr. Young who provided rocket engines, Ms. Holt ,
Nurse McGahee who provided support and Mr. Charles Thompson who
provided space on his farm for our students to launch our rockets.
Autumn Winston and Jamedra Williams won the Yale Science & Engineering
Association Award at the 2015 CSRA Science and Engineering Fair at USC
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
Eddie Jones, Montrez Middleton, Ishmael Primus, Dominique
Thompkins and Davis Green
Special Recognitions
Congratulations to Mikayla Morris for being selected to attend the National Youth Leadership Forum: Law & CSI, an Envision program in
Washington, DC this summer
Congratulations to Monique Davis has been selected for the National Academy of Future Physicians & Medical Scientists Award of
Excellence June 25-27, 2016 in Boston, Massachusetts
Star Teacher & Star Student
Rudolph Brown
1st student in Richmond County to be
awarded the 21st Century GA Youth
Leaders Award
Starlett Perry
1st in the State of GA to score 98%
on the EIF Certification Test
Ms. Darden, Eric Ruiz & Principal Kelly
FBLA Regional Winners
Keishala Apparicio, Montrez Middleton, Eddie Jones, Hollie Hales ,
Kayla Hales, Corey Green, Keandrea Timmons, Saul Cutliff, Jared
Holt, Davis Green, Alayja Alson, Ishmael Primus, Tylik Wells
2nd Place in the 2016 RCSS Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl
Ms. Tanksley, Jalisa Stoker, Darshai Hollie, Ana
Tinsley, Eddie Jones, Klassyc Brown, Erica Nicolas,
RuJean Verdree, Eboni Lee, Shalina Parks, Juwan
Green, Jaiden Lloyd
Ms. Ashley Whitener
1st recipient of the 2016 Josephine
Martin National Policy Fellow Award
Symphoni Hillman & Michael Phillips recipients of the
Augusta University African American Achievement
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
Farewell to Ms. Darden
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
Congratulations ……
You will be missed…..Always a White Tiger
Ms. Darden has been assigned to ARC as Administrative Intern.
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
Special Recognitions
Rudolph Brown first student in the District to be named the 2016 21st
GA Youth Leadership Award Recipient
Rudolph Brown with April M. Jack, Vice President of Suntrust Bank
& Craig Lucie, WSB-TV anchor from Channel 2 Action News
CJ Stewart player for the Chicago Cubs , Rudolph Brown
and Dr. Pringle
Principal Kelly, Rudolph Brown & Dr. Pringle
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
March 12 College Career Day @ Good Shepherd
Baptist 10am-2pm
March 16 Deadline: TCM T-Shirts are for Sale Or-
April 28 TCM Got Talent/Art Show
Student Artwork for SALE
White Tiger Mardi Gras & Fish Fry $8.00 @
May 2-11 GA Milestone Testing
der Forms and money
March 17 & May 26 Report Cards Issued
May 4 Josten Caps and Gowns Delivery during
both lunches
March 19– Magnet School Orientation 9am10:30am
May 12-13 GA Milestones Make-ups
March 28 Deadline EarthCare The Leadership
May 17-20 Exams Week
May 13 Mock Interviews @9am-12pm
Challenge for 21st Century –Apply NOW
April 4-11 Spring Break
April 14 Delta Sigma Theta Inc. will hold Voter Reg- 
istration during both lunches
April 14 Job Fair –TCM GYM
April 19 Josten Caps and Gowns Delivery during
both lunches
May 19 Honor’s Day
May 24 Graduation– James Brown Arena @9am
Prom News
Location: Saint Paul Episcopal
Date: April 15th @ 8pm-11pm
605 Reynolds St. Augusta, GA
To Be Determined
picture or
3/17 Glenn Hills @ Fleming Center @ 4pm
3/22 Butler @ Fleming Center @ 4pm
3/24 Josey @ Fleming Center @ 4pm
Track & Field
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of the Richmond County Board of Education not to discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race,
disability, religion or national origin in the educational programs and activities of or admissions to facilities
operated by the Board or in the employment practices of the Richmond County Education Agency. The
Board shall comply with all aspects of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title VI and VII of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as subsequently amended;
Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 USCA 630 and the Equal Pay Act and the American with Disability
Act (42 USC 12101).
Mission—Careers Leading to a Profession
3/16 TCM @ Glenn Hills
3/23 TCM @ Glenn Hills