Upcoming events 06 December Sunday, 2.00pm Liedertafel/Liederkranz Christmas Concert “Zum Kaiser” Restaurant Brisbane German Club News Letter Bookings online on 13 December Sunday, 11.30am Sunday, 2.00pm Frühschoppen Members’ Christmas Party 19 December Saturday, 6.10pm Big Bash Cricket Brisbane Heat v Melbourne Renegades 20 December Sunday, 10.00am Sunday, 2.30pm Women’s Big Bash League (Free entry) Brisbane Heat v Adelaide Scorchers Brisbane Heat v Sydney Thunder www.brisbanegermanclub.com or phone 3391 2091 Newsletter No 41 December 2015 -January 2016 From the President’s Desk Brisbane Deutscher Turnverein Inc 416 Vulture St 24 December Thursday, 3.00pm East Brisbane QLD 4169 05 January 2016 Tuesday, 12.00 noon 10 January 2016 Sunday, 11.30am 14 February 2016 Sunday, 10.00am Fax: 07 3391 1948 As always, time is running very fast and the Christmas and New Year season are back on our doorstep. E-mail: [email protected] Club re-opens at 12.00 noon www.brisbanegermanclub.com VALE Club Opening hours: Our Member Gerhard Langhanki 18/05/1935 — 01/11/2015 Frühschoppen 06 February 2016 Saturday, 6.30pm Dear Members and Friends, Phone: 07 3391 2434 Gift Vouchers available Club closes at 3.00pm Wed—Sat 11am—late Sunday 11.30—5pm Age 80 Our deepest sympathy goes to his family and friends Stammtisch Karneval Regarding the Melbourne Cup: Everyone present had a good time and the people who turned up to the event enjoyed themselves. May I say thank you to Ulla and the helpers, like Tony and the Bar Staff, not forgetting our Office Staff either. Monday: closed Tues 12noon—late Frühschoppen 2nd Sunday of month Restaurant Phone: 3391 2091 Monday: closed Tues to Wed Members’ Half-yearly Meeting I would also like to thank the Ladies Group for all their help and support throughout this year. 12.00—2.00pm 5.00pm—8.00pm Thurs 12.00—2.00pm 5.00pm—8.30pm LIVE MUSIC Fri/Sat 12.00—2.00pm 6.00pm—9.00pm We wish a speedy recovery to all our members on the sick list! Friday and Saturday night with Andrew 12.00—2.00pm Office Eine baldige Genesung fuer all unsere Mitglieder, die krank sind! from 7.00pm in the Beer Hall Tues—Fri 9.00—5.00 Classes are normally held on Tuesday nights from 6.30pm-8.00pm German Club Happy Hours Tuesday to Saturday 12pm—2pm 5pm—6pm CLUB MEMBERSHIP Full membership renewal was due on 1 July 2015 for the next financial year. Full membership renewal fee $44.00 Pensioner renewal fee $22.00 Dear Members and Friends, please do not forget our Christmas Concert on Sunday Inside this issue: Want to learn Conversational German? For information ring: Sabina 0468 890 700 By the time you receive this Newsletter, our Children's’ Christmas Party will already be behind us. Sun DAMEN KAFFEEKLATSCH Wir treffen uns jeden 3. Donnerstag des Monats von 11 Uhr bis ca. 3 Uhr in der Members’ Lounge. Für weitere Information: Ring GERDA 3821 7340 President’s Report 1 Bar News 1 Ladies’ Auxiliary 2 Stammtisch 2 Alpenrosen 2 “Treffpunkt” 3 Liedertafel/Liederkranz 3 Skat 3 Oktoberfest 2015 Page 8 4-5 Melbourne Cup Party 6 Renaissance Concert 6 Beenleigh Library 7 Events Calendar 8 6 December 2015 starting at 2pm. Tickets are available at the door. Please book early with the kitchen for lunch. Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr 2016. Our Cricket season also has started again and the opening game was well attended which was good to see. Your President Horst Langer On Sunday 13 December 2015, our Members’ Christmas Party will start at 2pm after the Frühschoppen has finished. I will be looking forward to seeing many familiar faces again. With regards, P.S. I received an email from the Secretary of the Sydney German Austrian Club that the Club’s President, Mr. John Dagn passed away on Saturday, 14 November 2015. Our condolences to his wife Hilde and family. We are also planning, with the Stammtisch, the next Karneval night to be held at the Club on 6 February 2016. On behalf of the Directors, all Staff and myself, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Frohe Bar News Dear Members and Guests, With the Christmas season upon us I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period and remind everyone to book and book early if you are coming for dinner during the weekends. We have a limited number of moulded Dirndl and Lederhosen-shaped steins left so get in quick if you would like one. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for some of the guest beers that will be appearing in the upcoming months. These include Smoked beers, HB Maibock and Bitburger amongst others. Tchüss, Tony “A fine beer may be judged with just one sip, but it is better to be thoroughly sure” Anon Page 1 Frauengruppe/Ladies Auxiliary News Dear Members and Friends, Frauengruppe We meet in the Members’ Lounge every 3rd Thursday of the month from 11am for “Kaffeeklatsch”. For more information, please contact: Gerda (07) 3821 7340 Another year comes to an end and the festive season begins. We had a very busy year with all those Frühschoppen Sundays every month. The Ladies Group spent $2,050.00 and bought two televisions for the Club, one of which is hanging over the Bar for members and visitors to enjoy. BEENLEIGH LIBRARY DISPLAY — OCTOBER 2015 Santa will come and hand them all out on Sunday 29 November 2015. We hope to see you there. We wish you all a happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year 2016. Best regards, We meet in the Club’s Keller bar every Tuesday from 6.30pm. For more information, or to get involved please email: Brisbane_stammtisch @hotmail.com or visit: facebook.com/groups/ brisbanestammtisch The Club Historian and Archivist jumped at the chance to promote the Club and its Undergroups to anyone who had not had a chance to visit the German Club which currently is 132 years old. The German Club was founded in May 1883 by 40 Germans who wanted to establish a Club, where they could meet and nurture their culture and traditions from their homeland. The Club has seen its ups and downs in those 132 years but today is still going strong with over 400 full financial members (most of them life members with 25 or 50 year membership) and almost 25,000 Social Members. The Club also started the original Oktoberfest in 1975 at their property in Thornlands. When the property became too small for the crowds visiting the Oktoberfest, the event moved to the RNA Showgrounds and later to the German Club in Vulture Street where the current 3rd Club house stands today. Karen, Trudy, Ingrid and Dorit. As you all know and now we have just finished buying and wrapping the Christmas presents for all the lovely children from our Full Members. The Club had many Undergroups in the early days which consisted of: Gymnastics Group; Alpenrosen Dance Group; Skittle Group; “Germania” and “Southside Eagles” Soccer Club; “Kaffeeklatsch” Ladies Group; Skat Group; KDK Group; Golf Group; Chess Club; Indoor Bowling Group; Liedertafel Men’s Choir; Liederkranz Mixed Choir; Stammtisch Group. They also established a Library for the members which now functions as an Archive and houses over 3,000 catalogued books. Stammtisch Group News Stammtisch The Brisbane German Club was asked last year by the Beenleigh Library, if they would be interested in doing a display regarding the history of the German Club. The items were on display during the month of October 2015. The opportunity was an honour and a pleasure! The only active Undergroups these days are the combined Liedertafel/Liederkranz Mixed Choir; Alpenrosen Dance Group; Skat Group; “Kaffee-Klatsch” Ladies Group, Treffpunkt, and “Stammtisch” Group who also hold a Karneval Night at the Club each February. The best time of the year has begun and we are all ready for “Advent” and the holidays. Every Australian summer brings many social gatherings and functions. October started with three weekends celebrating the German Oktoberfest traditions at both the German Club and the Brisbane Showgrounds. It was lovely to see how successful the festivals have become and how firmly they are placed in the Brisbane calendar of events! On the fourth weekend in October, Stammtisch girls went for a night out to round off a month of socialising and partying. Club in November so that it will be all cosy and “Christmassy” for us when we unwrap our trashy presents. Andrew, the musician, plays live dance music every Friday and Saturday night at the Club. Steeped in tradition, the Club provides a feeling of being surrounded by “Gemütlichkeit” (Homeliness) and is the meeting place for people who love its wide variety of German Beer and Schnapps. The “Zum Kaiser” Restaurant, run by Dale and Katie McMullen, serves the best pork knuckle in Brisbane. Lastly, Stammtisch has decided that the fifth anniversary of our Fancy Dress Party will be held on 6 February 2016, celebrating STAMMTISCH KARNEVAL, which has become an integral part of the German Club. Mark your diaries right now – no cover charge – come in any fancy dress – the Club’s general dress codes apply. Let’s make it a night to remember!!! Besides the Queensland University Library and the State Library, the Beenleigh Library also has a copy of the 100-year and 125-year book on the “History of the Brisbane German Club” available for perusal. Below are some photos of the display. Enjoy! For Melbourne Cup Day we had a special Stammtisch. Though not a German tradition, we embrace the culture of the beautiful country we live in and celebrated with our fancy hats on. Claudi, Marc and Katrin Our last event for 2015 will be our Christmas party on 15 December with our famous “Schrottwichteln” – a secret santa with trash, literally. Stammtisch, together with other members of the German Club, decorated the Liebe Gruesse, Guests enjoying Karneval night in 2014 Alpenrosen Dance Group News Alpenrosen Practice: Thursday 5.30pm—9.30pm For more information please ring: Rae Onger 3359 0260 Vielen Dank to our Alpenrosen family and friends who have supported us this year. We have worked very hard to represent the Brisbane German Club at a variety of events and venues and have shared a lot of laughs along the way. We have also enjoyed Group member weddings and birthday celebrations together. We will be back at the Club to restart training in February. Frohe Weihnachten und Alles Gute zum Neuen Jahr 2016! Paula, for the Alpenrosen team Our final gathering was for our annual Christmas party get-together, where we reflected on our achievements at Dancefest Adelaide this year and watched the DVD of performances. We are now relaxing after a long dance season and look forward to the seasonal festivities. Page 2 Page 7 MELBOURNE CUP PARTY — 3 NOVEMBER 2015 “Treffpunkt” Social Club News Contacts: Mario 0414 294 568 Michael 0403 511 543 Oleg 0412 227 158 Monika 3393 0640 Our members decided to hold bus trips on a regular three-month interval throughout the year. Our next bus trip will be held in February 2016 and should be great. All you have to do is book early, show up on time and bring lots of enthusiasm along. There will also be more informal trips held such as camping trips over the weekends throughout the year and also other sporting activities. For future activities, watch this space or contact Mario our event organiser. Our next meeting will be held on Sunday 10 January 2016 at 12.00pm. We wish all members and staff of the Liedertafel/Liederkranz Choir Practice: Tuesday 6.30-9.00pm Choir m e m b e rs Elizabeth, Trudi and Renate holding the “Best Hat” prize of a magnum of champagne and box of chocolates. For information ring: Rainer 3821 5223 Karl 3848 9650 Monika 3393 0640 monika.kortz@ optusnet.com.au RENAISSANCE VILLAGE CONCERT — 10 OCTOBER 2015 The Liedertafel/Liederkranz Choir were invited to sing at the retirement village by Hugh Cornish (pictured below right) who resides there. Club A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Regards Monika OKTOBERFEST VOLUNTEERS PARTY 21 OCTOBER 2015 Our Member Lucas Rietberg with Girlfriend Kathy on holiday in Berlin having a great time. Our members David Morris, Amir Hayfa and Natasha Hayfa enjoying themselves after the hard work at the Oktoberfest. It’s time we all should go on holiday and have a leisurely time abroad. Liedertafel/Liederkranz News Dear Music Lovers, We hope to see as many of our Club Members at the Christmas Concert as possible this year. Joan Read’s 85th Birthday on 7th November was celebrated on the 10th November with another big bang birthday party. After our Christmas party on Tuesday 8th December 2015, the choir will go on holiday until the 2nd February for our welcoming party and then on 9th February, our choir practice starts again at 6.30pm. There are still some members on the sick list and we wish them a speedy recovery. Christmas Concert at the Club on 6 December 2015! The Choir members wish everyone Club Member a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2016. Monika Kortz (Secretary) Skat News Skat: Fur Weitere Auskunft: Werner Simke 3300 2565 0410 118 371 Page 6 Hello Skatfreunde, Weitere Platzierungen wie folgt: Bei unserem Oktober Skat waren 12 Spieler anwesend. Den ersten Preis erspielte sich W. Simke mit 2595 Punkten. 2. P. Kuether 3. M. Heise 4. W. Simke Weitere Platzierungen wie folgt: Wir spielen Preis Skat jeden zweiten Sonntag im Monat, Startzeit 11.00 Uhr. Jeden Zweiten Mittwoch spielen wir unseren Freundschafts Skat Startzeit 14.30 Uhr. 2. S. Svarbic 3. M. Heise 4. W. Bummer 2467 Pk. 2442 Pk. 1997 Pk. Bei unserem November Skat waren 11 Spieler anwesend. Den ersten Preis erspielte sich G. Ertel mit 2603 Punkten. 2290 Pk. 2204 Pk. 1992 Pk. Gut Blatt, Werner Simke Page 3 OKTOBERFEST — 25-27 SEPTEMBER 2015 EIN PROSIT EIN PROSIT SEE YOU Page 4 IN 2016 !! Page 5
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