Annual Report 2007 - SSP Back-to


Annual Report 2007 - SSP Back-to
The beauty of SSP is that it transforms
the lives of students and Sponsors.
Annual Report 2007
Mission Statement
Student Sponsor Partners’ mission is to provide
as many of New York City’s at-risk high school
students as possible with the opportunity to
receive a quality, non-public high school education,
through the financial support and one-to-one
guidance of a four-year Sponsor.
In doing so,
Student Sponsor Partners strives to help
disadvantaged youths earn their high school
diplomas, and thus makes a direct and meaningful
impact on their lives.
Table of Contents
A Letter from the Board Chair ................................1
Students .................................................................2
Partner Schools ......................................................4
Sponsors ................................................................6
Financial Summary ................................................7
Special Thanks .......................................................8
Financial Statements.............................................27
SSP Board, Advisory Council and Staff.................40
SSP makes every effort to ensure that all information is accurate.
We apologize for any errors.
A Letter from the Chair of the Board
At SSP, we know that high school graduation is a
life-changing accomplishment that opens doors to
a world of possibilities. Because of the lasting
value of a high school diploma, it was a great
honor to see a record-breaking 89% of SSP’s Class
of 2007 graduate from high school this year, and
98% of those students move on to the college
level this fall.
Yet the troubling fact remains that only 43% of
students in New York City’s public school system
complete high school – a rate that is less than half
of SSP’s. There is a very pressing need among our
city’s most at-risk youth for access to an affordable, quality high school education. SSP strives to
meet that need using a model that works.
Equipped with a quality education and a committed Sponsor, our students become far more likely
to graduate from high school. As a result, their
lives are unquestionably changed for the better.
Graduation is the goal that our students focus
on for four years, and it is an achievement that we
celebrate in this report. Of course, our students
experience the success of graduation quite literally
when they receive their diplomas. Symbolically,
however, graduation represents what SSP is all
about for our supporters as well – to see this 21year-old organization grow, evolve and advance to
new levels of accomplishment each and every year.
2007 has been a year of important and exciting
changes for SSP. We were pleased to announce
the appointment of Margaret Minson as Executive
Director, and are confident in the strong leadership she will bring to our organization and its
important mission. SSP also expanded its cadre
of Partner Schools with the addition of Bishop
Ford High School in Park Slope, further strengthening our presence in Brooklyn. Our efforts to
track college outcomes data among past students
continued, revealing this year that 72% of SSP’s
2006 graduates are attending colleges classified by
Barron’s as “competitive” or better.
SSP saw important financial growth this year as
well. Our Eighth Annual Founder’s Dinner raised
a record-breaking $2 million for SSP. We were
proud to recognize Goldman, Sachs & Co. as our
Corporate Honoree, with President and Co-Chief
Operating Officer Gary Cohn accepting the award
on the company’s behalf. The relationship
between SSP and Goldman Sachs is strong and
longstanding; GS is currently our number-two
firm for Sponsor support (with nearly 140
Sponsors, four Goldman employees who serve on
the SSP Board, and four SSP alumni who currently
work at the firm). SSP also recognized the
contributions of Steven Klinsky, C.E.O. of New
Mountain Capital, who received the Founder’s
Award for his support of SSP and the cause of
education reform in New York City.
All of these achievements
would not have been possible
without the generous support,
determination and enthusiasm
of our Sponsors, Committed
Friends, Time Sponsors, Circle
members, and additional
supporters. This year, Sponsor
contributions reached a record
breaking high of $4.9 million,
and our average Sponsor
donation level continues to
grow, standing now at $3,934.
SSP benefits from a network of
donors who are committed to
our students’ success at a variety
of levels, and we have been pleased to watch
that network grow.
We know that you remain committed to SSP
because the need for an educational alternative in
New York City has never been greater, and educational costs have never been higher. For your
generosity, you share the gratitude of the nearly
4,000 students who know the power of a high
school diploma because of SSP, and of the families
who have watched them achieve so much. As
Student Sponsor Partners evolves and grows, I
look forward to continuing this important work
with you now and in the future.
—Robert H. Niehaus
Annual Report 2007
Students commit to the educational
opportunities that are given to them.
Learning in ‘the Perfect Environment’
life to be great is an idea – and a solid example of
what or what not to do.”
In being accepted to Student Sponsor
Partners, Nikko followed in the footsteps of his
brother, John, who was also sponsored by Brant.
Nikko and his mother were looking for a better
option than the local public high schools, and
were pleased to see him accepted to both SSP
and Mount St. Michael. “The rest,” he says,
“is history.”
Over 21 years, nearly 4,000 New York
City students have earned high
school diplomas through SSP.
t Mount St. Michael Academy,
Nikko Dessereau is in the
midst of his senior year. As
one might expect, he’s thinking about what might be next
for him: college, travelling the
world, helping out in the community.
Nikko’s contemplations stem largely from guidance he received from his Sponsor, Brant Brooks:
“Mr. Brooks taught me that all a person needs in
Student Sponsor Partners
Since embarking on his high school education,
Nikko has taken advantage of numerous opportunities. He was invited to participate in the
National Young Leaders Conference in
Washington, DC last spring, and he also traveled
to Ecuador through Centro del Muchacho
Trabajador, where he improved housing areas and
spent time with children in the community.
“It seems easy to play with children,” he says.
“But when you are dealing with kids who never
have fun because they are literally working ten to
twelve hours a day to support their families, it’s a
totally different story.”
In addition to focusing on completing his final
year of high school, Nikko is definitely thinking
about his future. “I would love to go to college in
the city. My reach schools are NYU, Columbia,
and Fordham. I would love to go away for
college, but I want to stay close to my mother
and to my Kung-Fu school.”
Family is important to Nikko, and he’s grateful for the support shown
by his mom, aunt and brother along the way. He’s also thankful to his
Sponsor, Brant Brooks, saying, “He allowed me the opportunity to receive
a high school education that, without him, would have been truly
“If I had gone to my local public high school, I would have received
my diploma, but that would have been all. Because of SSP, I was placed
in the perfect environment for me to fully appreciate and enjoy my time
in high school.”
Graduation Guidance From One of Our Own
Like many of SSP’s Partner Schools, Catherine McAuley High School celebrated the graduation of the
Class of 2007 with a June commencement ceremony at the school’s auditorium. But this ceremony
hosted a speaker with a particularly strong connection to Student Sponsor Partners: Vivian
Chabrier, SSP’s own Associate Director of Admissions.
Said McCauley Co-Principals Jo Valente and Peggy Lake, “Vivian’s service to others through
her work at SSP sends a great message to any young person: work hard, overcome any
obstacle in your path, and if you can help someone else along the way, go for it!”
Located in Brooklyn, McAuley is a small, all-girls school that is currently serving 36 SSP
students. Vivian has been a member of the SSP staff for the past six years, and she works
closely with Partner School leaders during the application process. She has gotten to know
the McAuley co-principals well through their years of work together.
“I was honored to have been chosen to address the graduating Class of 2007,” said Vivian. “I hope that
my simple advice to them will resonate throughout their lives.”
Annual Report 2007
SSP’s average
graduation rate
is 80%; 95% of
graduates continue
on to college.
‘A Place to Call Their Own’
Partner School since 1990,
St. Raymond Academy for
Girls has seen more than
100 young women graduate
through the support of
Student Sponsor Partners.
Now the Academy’s students are celebrating a
turning point in the school’s history. They finally
have a “place to call their own,” says Sister Mary
Ann D’Antonio, principal of the school. After
47 years of sharing
building-space with St.
Raymond Elementary
School, the high school
students moved into a
completely refurbished
school building this fall.
SSP has a tradition of
success at St. Raymond
Academy, with two SSP
Student Sponsor Partners
graduates now returning to their alma mater as
Sponsors. Why do the school and program work
so well together?
“SSP and the Academy share a common vision
to make a direct and meaningful impact on the
lives of these young women, and to challenge them
to become successful and accountable in a dynamic
society,” says Sr. Mary Ann. “Over the years, more
than 100 young women at the Academy have
benefited personally from the financial support and
one-to-one guidance of a four-year SSP Sponsor.”
St. Raymond Academy has long been respected
by its community of students and their families for
its ability to successfully educate at-risk young
“As I see it, our students are at-risk for a number
of reasons,” says Sr. Mary Ann. “Most come from
low-middle-class-income families, most of which
are single-parent households. Because most of the
parents are working, and some are continuing their
education while they are doing that, many parents
Partner Schools
equip students
with the knowledge
they need to
successfully make
their way in
the world.
look to the school for financial and emotional
As they juggle schoolwork and plans for the
future, the students of St. Raymond Academy are
particularly enthusiastic about their new building,
which boasts technologically sophisticated classrooms, state-of-the-art science labs, and a physical
fitness center.
Sr. Mary Ann says of the school’s students, “They
thrive on the attention and excellent education that
they receive at the Academy. They are respectful of
teachers and administrators and have always been
proud of their school, their extracurricular activities
and now, their new school building.”
SSP is made up of more than 1,300 students,
1,700 Sponsors and 20 Partner Schools.
Annual Report 2007
Sponsors provide access to
education and forge lifelong
relationships with students.
Guiding Students as a Team
errill Lynch investment
banker Geoff Blythe began
sponsoring students
through SSP in 1997. His
wife, Tess, got involved
after they were married in
2001, and they have been sponsoring students
together ever since.
As Scholars Circle
members, Geoff and
Tess currently sponsor
two students financially, and regularly spend
time with one of them.
“While we remain
very busy raising our
three young daughters,
we deliberately carve
out time as Time
Sponsors, too,” Geoff
says. “It is so fulfilling
and inspiring to see
your student walk
down the aisle during
high school graduation.
That feeling is only
eclipsed when you attend the college graduation!”
Separately or together, Geoff and Tess have
sponsored four students over the past ten years.
One of their past students, Jesus Muñiz, graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in
accounting and is now employed by Deutsche
Student Sponsor Partners
Now Geoff and Tess are working with Jesus’
younger sister, Maricela. Currently a senior at
St. Pius V in the Bronx, Maricela has interned for
two summers at Merrill Lynch.
“A fine, top-tier university is on the horizon for
her,” predicts Tess. “She, too, is destined for great
The Blythes have enjoyed their experience as
SSP Sponsors, negotiating the challenges that
come with advising young people who often face
struggles. They have learned how to strike a
balance, motivating and encouraging their
students, without letting them get deflated by
issues that may arise.
Tess says, “We have sponsored both studious
and less driven students. Each has had his or her
own needs. Nevertheless, all have made us very
Geoff also encountered a different challenge –
before Tess’s involvement, he had only worked
with boys. “Maturing young men and ladies certainly face different issues and have their own
unique needs,” says Geoff. “Having Tess’s active
involvement with these young women has been
wonderful and very impactful.”
Says Geoff after ten years of sponsoring
students, “We will forever be changed by our
experience with SSP. We know that young people
can achieve wonderful, glorious things if given the
opportunity, guidance and inspiration. We have
seen firsthand how this program can change
Financial Summary
Fiscal Year 2007 General Operating Revenues
Total: $8,706,273
For fiscal year 2007, SSP’s general operating expenses were
$7,577,956, with 90% directly funding tuition and
program expenses. We are pleased to announce that our
network of generous Sponsors contributed $4,939,640
Founder's Dinner 24%
directly toward students’ tuition. We are also grateful to the
foundations, corporations and non-Sponsor individuals who
contributed to SSP’s additional annual funding needs.
Representing another successful and record-breaking year
in the organization’s history, 2007 saw SSP’s Eighth Annual
Founder’s Dinner raise an unprecedented $2,080,090,
Individuals 4%
continuing an upward trend in contributions made through
this exciting annual event. The average contribution for indiCorporations 5%
vidual SSP Sponsors also saw an impressive increase of
23% this year, and now stands at $3,934.
Through increased fundraising success and effective cost
Foundations 9%
management, SSP concluded fiscal year 2007 with a surplus
of $1,128,117. This financial strength would not be possible
without the continued generosity of our supporters.
Reserve Fund for
Tuition Liability
Other benefits 1%
Sponsors 57%
Fiscal Year 2007 General Operating Expenses
Total: $7,577,956
Other fundraising 4%
Founder's Dinner 3%
SSP commits to funding the four-year high school education of
each and every student accepted into the program. To ensure
that our financial obligations will always be met, SSP’s Board of
Directors established the Reserve Fund for Tuition Liability in Other program 11%
1993. At the conclusion of fiscal year 2007, the Reserve Fund
stood at $3.6 million.
SSP relies on the Reserve Fund as we anticipate an unfunded
tuition liability in future years. With 1,359 students currently
enrolled in the program, SSP is projected to spend over $18.4
million in tuition costs over the next four years. We expect the
Other benefits 1%
generous commitments of current Sponsors to partially offset
these costs, by approximately $10.4 million. The $8 million
difference in unfunded future costs represents a tuition gap that
SSP must close by fiscal year 2011 – the year our current freshman class graduates from high school.
Support services 2%
Tuition 79%
Annual Report 2007
Special Thanks
SSP is grateful for the inspiring commitment shown by
many of our donors, who contribute to the tuition of
multiple students through four years of high school.
Our Extraordinary Supporters are
tremendously generous individuals
who fund the education of as many
as 100 SSP students.
Members of the Founders Circle commit to
financially assisting five students through
high school.
Scott & Roxanne Bok
The Carson Family Charitable Trust
David J. & Marilyn B. Dunn
Peter M. Flanigan
Robert & Kate Niehaus
Richard & Lisa Cashin
Clifford Chance US LLP
Dee & Kevin Conway
Wesley & Lynn Edens
The Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Foundation
William Janetschek
Phyllis & David Komanksy
Howard Rubin & Mary Henry
Dwight Sipprelle
John Stossel
Margie & Nate Thorne
Tim & Lise White
Meryl & Chuck Witmer
Scholars Circle members generously cover the tuition of two to four students over four years.
Anonymous (3)
Mary Bernard
Melanie Bialis
Geoff & Tess Blythe
Nathan Boynton
Michael Brandmeyer
Corinne & Jeff Buckalew
Enrico Caso
Jonah M. & Shannon K. Cave
James T. & Elizabeth Chandler
Mayree C. Clark
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Betsy Cohen & Marc Devorsetz
Maureen & Jim Cooney
Dan & Maureen Cummings
Anthony DiCaprio &
Lee Flanagan
James Dinan & Elizabeth Miller
Mr. & Mrs. James Dunne
Jeffrey N. Edwards
Brian Finn
Student Sponsor Partners
Colleen Foster
Mary Lou Frick
John Gardiner
Mark Gerson
Charles G. Goetz
John & Maureen Graf
Peter & Cynthia Herbert
James F. Higgins
Andrew Horrocks
Alfred F. Hurley, Jr.
James & Suzanne Jesse
Erica & Michael Karsch
Rob & Pam Kindler
Steven B. Klinsky
Mrs. Angie Kozlowski
The Kurr Foundation
Joan Lacagnina
Renee & Carl Landegger
Patrick J. Landers
Tim & Jennifer Landers
Aren LeeKong & Aliya Tejpar
Steve & Amy Lipin
Todd Lippincott
Peter J. Lyon
Cat MacRae Fund
Stephen Maharam
Douglas & Lisa Mallach
Adele & David Malpass
Beth & Bob Mancini
Patrick McBrien
Arthur McEwen
Thomas R. Mercein
Marlene Mieske & Neal Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Niehaus
Christopher B. O’Malley &
Wendy Flanagan
Thomas F. O’Neill
Donald Parker
Michael J. Petrick
Charles & Carole Pieper
Louise Pitt
Edward & Rose Poletti
Frank & Leslie Pottow
Fred D. Price
RBS Greenwich Capital
Jeff & Debbie Resnick
Leo A. Ressa, Jr.
Matthew Sandschafer
John & Heather Shemilt
Matthew & Lisa Sippel
Scott & Tracy Sipprelle
Six Talents Foundation, Inc.
James Stone
James T. Sugrue
Hugh & Julie Sullivan
Owen & Jennifer Thomas
Greg & Mary Beth Usry
Paul D. Van Cura
Douglas & Bonnie Weill
Marlissa & John Westerfield
John H.T. Wilson
Peter L. Woicke
Young Family Foundation
Molly & Matthew Zola
Setting a Strong Example
Scott Bok, President of Greenhill & Co., first got involved with
Student Sponsor Partners almost 20 years ago, when he worked for
Morgan Stanley. Having served both as a financial supporter and
Time Sponsor, he lost touch with the program after relocating to
London. About five years ago, he was reintroduced to SSP through
his friend and colleague at Greenhill, Bob Niehaus – who also serves
as SSP’s Board Chair.
“Because we have young children of our own now, I’ve chosen to
be a financial Sponsor and leave the mentoring of the students to
others,” says Scott. “One of the things I like
about the program is that your support is
welcome – and needed – whether
you have money, time or both to
Scott and his wife Roxanne
currently cover the tuition costs
of seven students through SSP.
He says, “The program works
because it combines
financial support and mentoring, to
enhance opportunities for kids who
are primed to benefit from that.”
Over their many years of involvement with
SSP, Scott and Roxanne have made high school graduation a reality
for five students. One of those students, Gianni Javier, graduated
this past year from La Salle Academy and was named a Gates
Millennium Scholar.
“It’s great that SSP has developed some star students over the
years,” Scott says. “That kind of achievement can be inspirational to
everyone, both supporters of the program and other SSP students.”
He’s also seen the effect that SSP supporters can have on their
friends and colleagues, once they learn about the organization and
its important mission.
“I’ve seen at both Morgan Stanley and Greenhill how support for
SSP can spread. Greenhill is a very small firm, but we have a large
number of Sponsors in our New York office. It’s good to have a
cause you and your colleagues can rally around, apart from
day-to-day work responsibilities.
“And it sets a strong philanthropic example for the next
39% of the paying Sponsors
whose students graduated in
2007 immediately signed up to
work with a new student –
meaning their commitment
to the program will span
eight consecutive years, and
in some cases, more.
SSP will rely on Sponsors to
contribute a projected $5.12
million toward students in
fiscal year 2008.
To date, approximately 30 SSP
alumni have returned to
become Sponsors themselves.
With more than 1,300 students
currently in the program,
SSP’s enrollment is at its
highest level in four years.
50% of paying Sponsors for the
incoming Class of 2011 have
worked with a student through
SSP in the past; some are
sponsoring their third or
even fourth student.
Annual Report 2007
SSP Contributors for 2007
To the Sponsors, individuals, foundations and corporations who supported the students and mission of
SSP in 2007: Thank You. Without your generous
contributions we would not be able to continue
providing a quality high school education to the
New York City students who need it the most. Your
gifts of time and money are what made it possible for
SSP to serve nearly 1,300 deserving students in 2007;
we look forward to watching that number grow in
years to come.
Contributions made in fiscal year 2007
(September 1, 2006 – August 31, 2007) are listed below.
Stephen M. Schiller &
Elizabeth A. O’Brien
Sullivan & Cromwell
TD Bank USA, N.A.
Gregory Tebbe
Alice M. & Thomas J. Tisch
Travelers Foundation
Greg and Mary Beth Usry
Paul D. Van Cura
Meryl and Chuck Witmer
Roando G. Bunster
Enrico Caso
Caxton-Iseman Capital
The Central National-Gottesman
CIBC World Markets Corp.
Mayree C. Clark
Betsy Cohen and Marc Devorsetz
Maureen and Jim Cooney
Dennis Cornell & Ruth Povat
$10,000 - $19,999
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer
& Feld, LLP
Anonymous (3)
Archbold Charitable Trust
The Bank of New York
Leslie & George Biddle
Blue Hill Troupe, Ltd.
Geoff and Tess Blythe
The Boisi Family Foundation
Nathan Boynton
Brunswick Group LLC
Corinne and Jeff Buckalew
Patricia Nixon Cox and
Edward F. Cox
John J. Coyle
Crestview Advisors LLC
Dan and Maureen Cummings
Sharon Davis
Dewey Ballantine LLP
Anthony DiCaprio and Lee Flanagan
Isabelle Ealet
FactSet Research Systems, Inc.
Fenway Partners, Richard C. Dresdale
Brian Finn
Rose-Marie Fox
Jeff Frase and Roy Salame
Credit Suisse
David J. and Marilyn B. Dunn
Peter M. Flanigan
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
$100,000 - $199,999
The Carson Family Charitable Trust
Richard and Lisa Cashin
The Endowment for Inner-City
Robert and Kate Niehaus
The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation
William E. Simon Foundation, Inc.
John Stossel
$50,000 - $99,999
Sarah L. Boles and Joseph R.
The Louis Calder Foundation
Dee and Kevin Conway
Deutsche Bank
Sid and Amy Goodfriend
Beth and Bob Mancini
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Joseph H. and Carol F. Reich
Howard Rubin and Mary Henry
Margie and Nate Thorne
Tiger Foundation
$20,000 - $49,999
Herbert Allen Foundation
Altman Foundation
Rose-Marie and Jack R. Anderson
Student Sponsor Partners
Rose M. Badgeley Residuary
Charitable Trust
Dmitry Balyasny
Mary Bernard
Scott and Roxanne Bok
James T. and Elizabeth Chandler
Citi Foundation
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc.
Clifford Chance US LLP
Gary Cohn
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Wesley and Lynn Edens
Jeffrey N. Edwards
Colleen Foster
The Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.
Foundation, Inc.
Jim Healy
Peter and Cynthia Herbert
Roger and Susan Hertog
Andrew Horrocks
Paul Joseph Kehoe
Larry and Lauryn Kellerman
Steven B. Klinsky
Patrick J. Landers
Latham & Watkins LLP
The Lincoln Fund
Morgan Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Niehaus
Christopher B. O’Malley
and Wendy Flanagan
Michael J. Petrick
Leo A. Ressa, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan E.
Sandler O’Neill & Partners, LP
SAP America
The Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund
Mary Lou Frick
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver
& Jacobson LLP
John Gardiner
Mark Gerson
Joseph & Carson Gleberman
Charles G. Goetz
Mitchell Gordon and Julie Appel
John and Maureen Graf
Michael and Valerie Grant
The Hagedorn Fund
Hermine & David Heller
Alfred F. Hurley, Jr.
Innisfree M&A Incorporated
William Janetschek
Michael Karsch
Doug Kimmelman
Rob and Pam Kindler
Timothy M. Kingston
Phyllis and David Komansky
Mrs. Angie Kozlowski
Renee and Carl Landegger
Timothy Landers
Brian Levine
Steve and Amy Lipin
Todd Lippincott
Peter J. Lyon
Cat MacRae Fund
Douglas and Lisa Mallach
Adele and David Malpass
Maverick Capital, Ltd.
Eric Mayer
Arthur McEwen
Stephen J. McGuinness
Marlene Mieske and Neal Goldman
Thomas Montag
Donald Mullen
Daniel Och
Mr. & Mrs. George D. O’Neill
Thomas F. O’Neill
Donald Parker
Sheila Patel
David and Yesim Philip
Charles and Carole Pieper
Louise Pitt
Fred D. Price
PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP
RBS Greenwich Capital
Jeff and Debbie Resnick
Helena Rubinstein Foundation
Richard Ruzika
Matthew Sandschafer
Janice Savin Williams
Shearman & Sterling
John and Heather Shemilt
Rebecca J. Simmons
Scott and Tracy Sipprelle
Six Talents Foundation, Inc.
Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom LLP
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan
James T. Sugrue
Hugh and Julie Sullivan
Paul J. Taubman
Thelen Reid Brown Raysman
& Steiner LLP
Owen and Jennifer Thomas
James Truman
Tom & Diane Tuft
John & Amy Weinberg
Dietrich Weismann
Jack Welch
George Wellde
Marlissa and John Westerfield
Williams Trading, LLC
John H.T. Wilson
Peter L. Woicke
Young Family Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Herbert A. Allen III &
Monica De La Torre
Jennifer Anderson
James A. Attwood
Charles Baber
Paul Bachman
Christopher Baine
Stacy Bash-Polley
John A. Beckelman
Mrs. Kim Bepler
Matthew C. Bernstein
Josh Borg
Michael Brandmeyer
Stephen Bujno
Brian Burke
Sierra Burnett
Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP
Scott A. Carlson
Elizabeth L. Carr
Samuel R. Chapin
E. Graham Clark
Lawrence M. Clark
Chelsea V. Clinton
Isobel Coleman
Mary Ann Coleman and
Clemson Smith Muniz
Peter Colquitt
Mark W. Connelly
Romy Coquillette
Christopher Crain
John Dalsheim
Anthony L. Davis
Mary Ann Deignan
Theodore B. Deinard
Christie & Anthony deNicola
Bill and Janet Dickey
Thomas Diflo
James Dinan and Elizabeth Miller
Anthea Disney
Kevin Dolan
John F. Donahue
Carolyn Downey
Mr. & Mrs. James Dunne
Katherine Dwyer
Elizabeth C. Economy
Jane Eddy
R. Christopher Errico
Kate and Jonathan Ezrow
David Faber
Fred and Linda Fiddle
Kevin J. Finnerty
Donna M. Fontana
Fortis Merchant & Private Banking
Thomas C. Franco
Matthew and Samantha
Thomas Gahan
Robert J. Giuffra
Irwin Goldberg
Sarah Greenhill
Handelsbanken Markets
Securities, Inc
Benjamin P. Harris
Deborah Hart
The Class of 2007 achieved a graduation rate of 89% –
the highest in SSP’s history
98% of these graduates are now attending college
Graduates garnered over $12 million in scholarships and
grants for college
3 members of the Class of 2007 received the prestigious
Gates Millennium Scholarship
1 graduate won a New York Times Scholarship
Numerous 2007 grads were members of the National
Honor Society
SSP congratulates the Class of 2007!
Annual Report 2007
Diana Haskell
Thomas J. Healey
Michael Herzig
Douglas M. Hitchner
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs
Brian Hoffmann
Charles J. Honara
Timothy Hughes
Donald Humphreys
The Hyde and Watson Foundation
Denise Incandela
Robert Jain
James B. Jenkins
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.
Christian B. Malone
Robert Martin
Marie Mayer
Joe Mazzella
Patrick McBrien
Daniel R. McConvey
Sean McCooey
Brian McGuire
Michael McKeever
Ish and Aloysius McLaughlin
Mary Ellen McPhelim
Mark Miller
Harvey Miller
Leah Modigliani
Kevin & Karen Kennedy
Nancy King
Roger Kline
Kit Konolige
Michael Kramer
Rosanne Kurmaniak
The Kurr Foundation
Peter A. Labonski
Joan Lacagnina
Tom and Kathy Lamont
Catherine A. Lawton
Stephen Lazarus
Robert and Nora Leary
Aren LeeKong and Aliya Tejpar
George A. Leiva
Eric Levengood
Vincent Lima
Lawrence H. Linden
Kenneth Lohsen
Diana Lopo
M. Katherine Lynch
Dariush Maanavi
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Mosley
The Philip D. and Tammy S.
Murphy Foundation
Eileen K. Murray
Meghan Nelson
William A. Nichols
Thomas M. O’Brien
Megumi Oka
Linda and Timothy O’Neill
Trisha Ostergaard
Darlene Pasquill
Nancy B. Peretsman
Julie Persily
H. Elizabeth Mitchell Pestcoe
Maria Petrocine
Gregory P. Place
The Pumpkin Foundation, at the
request of Wendy and Jason Block
Paul and Sara Recktenwald
Robert D. Redmond
Michael and Nicole Reeber
Joseph L. Rice
William D. Roberti
Student Sponsor Partners
Julian Robertson
Bradley A. Robins
David S. Ross
Rowan Family Foundation
Edward M. Rubin
Jason Safriet
Mimi Santry
Tom Selleck
Dhiren H. Shah
Gregory Shaia
Kimberly Ayers Shariff
David M. Skatoff
Courtney Smith
Keisha Smith
Paul A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith
Gregory Sorensen
Lee Stettner
Daniel Strack
Sykes Family Foundation
David L. Taub
Robert Taylor & Edith Cooper
Catherine Tharin
Walter E. Thorman
Richard E. and Cornelia Thornburgh
Thomas A. Thurston
Laurence A. Tosi
Stephanie Whittier
Michael M. Wiseman
Brian Wycliff
Hans P. Ziegler
Robert Zimmer
$1,000 - $4,999
Anonymous (10)
Gizman Abbas
Keith W. Abell
Jerrold Abrahams
Hilary Ackermann
Patrick Adelsbach
Anne Adler
Michael Aglialoro
Lorri Ahl and Michael Edsall
Saleem Ahmad
Garth Ainslie
Robert B. Albertson
Paul A. Allan
Alliance Capital Management Corp.
Steven Alper
American Express
Mary E. Amor
William D. Anderson
Lisa Angelastro
Stephanie J. Anzivino
Katherine Armstrong
Rome G. Arnold
Thomas P. August
Neil and Kimberley Augustine
Thomas Babcock
Scott S. Bacigalupo
Robert Baer
Rajay Bagaria
Bank of America
Alison Barbi
David Barden
Lindsay M. Barth
Julia F. Bator
Daniel Bautch
Steven Beck
Chris Becker
Jerry Bedingfield
Elizabeth Bell
Gary Belsky
Sara Benson
Darcy Bentley
Billy Berghold
Rich Berlin
The Milton Berlinski Foundation
Fran Bermanzohn
Mel Berning
Jay L. Bernstein
Brian Bertonazzi
Sarah Betancourt
Preeti Bhatnagar
Nikesh Bhuta
Jeffrey M. Birnbaum
Susan Bishop-Copeland
Arthur Black
Julian A. Bobb
Murray Bodine
Jacob F. Boeding
Celeste Boele
Philip A. Bonanno
Douglas P. Borkowski
Jill and Peter Borst
Brian Bowden
Timothy J. Bowler
Christopher G. Boyle
James Boyle
Michael Brabant
Sean Brady
James M. Braselton
Ann Brashares
Andrew Breiner
Anne and Mark Brennan
Daniel Brennan
Andrew Brenner
Michael Brewster
Craig W. Broderick
Michael W. Broderick
Brant Brooks
Russell A. Broome
Cynthia A. Brower
Zach Buchwald
Peter J. Buck
William F. and Mary Buckley
William J. Buckley
Andy and Maryann Bugas
Lisa Buhain
Steve M. Bunkin
Leigh Burdick
Arthur J. Burke
Jim Burns
Yovanka Bylander
Frank C. Byrd
John E. Byrne
Mirtha Cabral
Lauren Cacciapaglia
Amanda Cahill
Jeffrey Camp
Jennifer Campbell
Laurie G. Campbell
Simon Canning
John Carey
Kevin Carey
Lisa and David Carnoy
Beck Carpenter
Robert Carr
Aimee Carroll
Jennifer A. Caruso
Elaine Casaprima
Janina A. Casey
Sarah C. Cashin
Robert J. Castano
John K. Castle
Robert P. Castrignano
Kathleen Castro
Amy Catlin
Anthony S. Cattarina
Justin J. Caulfield
Jonah M. and Shannon K. Cave
Eric Cesnik
Marion Chan and Tina Bose-Chan
Peter and Carolyn Chapman
Linda Chavez
Martin E. Chavez
Rakesh and Cathleen Chawla
Helen Cho
Oya Christopher
Gary W. Chropuvka
Ann Church
Michelle Ciulla Lipkin
Nancy A. Closs
Pamela A. Codispoti
Melissa L. Cohn
Susan Cohn
Gianni A. Colella
Erin S. Colello
Anastasia Coleman
Stephanie Coleman
Peter M. Collery
Jennifer Colville
John J. Conefry
Thomas V. Conigliaro
Daniel Conn
Carl A. Contiguglia
Brian P. Convey
Stephen J. Conway
Maggie and John Cooley
Copper Arch Capital LLC
Andree Corroon
Emily M. Corry
Peter L. Corsell
Myra L. Cortado
Raymond Cosman
Kathryn Costello
Francis J. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Coughlin
Frank Coulson
Singleton Cox
Laurie Craighead
Amy E. Cram
Edward A. Crawford
Christopher M. Crevier
Andrew D. Criqui
Thomas O. Criqui
Elizabeth Crowell &
Robert Wilson Fund
Brian Cumberland
William J. Cunningham
Jason Curran
Mark Curtis
Edward John Cushing
David Cyganowski
The Cypress Foundation
Christa A. D’Alimonte
Emmett J. Daly
Alyson D’Ambrisi
P.J. D’Amelio
The Dammann Fund
Julie Daum
Nancy Davies
Robert B. Davis
Davis Polk & Wardwell
Jerome C. Day
Danielle De Maio
Raymond Debbane
Kevin F. Deignan
Elizabeth A. DeProfio
John and Jenna DeRosa
All Hallows High School
Aquinas High School
Monsignor Scanlan
High School
Bishop Ford Central
Catholic High School
Mother Cabrini High School
Bishop Loughlin Memorial
High School
Preston High School
Cardinal Hayes High School
St. Agnes Boys High School
Cathedral High School
St. Jean Baptiste High School
Catherine McAuley
High School
St. Michael Academy
La Salle Academy
Martin Luther High School
Edward Desmond
David DesRosiers
Robert Devereux
Sarah W. Devine
John H. Devlin
Brian P. Dias
David M. Dickson
Molly Dillon
Jill Amann DiLosa
Michael S. Dinger
Rene Dittrich
Michele Docharty
Michael M. Dolan
Stephen J. Dondero
Barbara Donnelly
Elisabeth A. Donohoe
Jonathan L. Dorfman
Kenneth E. Dougherty Jr.
Mount St. Michael Academy
Rice High School
St. Pius V High School
St. Raymond Academy
St. Raymond High School
for Boys
Noreen Doyle
Jonathan J. Doyle
Jean-Francois Dreyfus
Rohit D’Souza
Moira Duclos
Thomas Duke
Michael Durbin
Charles P. Durkin
Constance A. Eagan
David Edlin
Kevin Edwards
Erin E. Egan
Liete Eichorn
Jerome M. Ellis
Robert D. Ellis
Karen Haycox Eltrich
Richard Ely
Laura Entwistle
Annual Report 2007
Mario Epelbaum
Christine Erb
Shaun P. Fallon
Graig Fantuzzi
Tara A. Farrelly
Christine Fasano
Michael D. Fascitelli
Anthony Fasone
Sara E. Fay
Federated Department Stores
Nicole Felton
Juan Fernandez
Denise Fiacco
Nadja Fidelia
Anne Marie Fields
Financial Security Assurance
Paul Germain
Anupam Ghose
Brian Giebel
Craig J. Gilbert
Edward Gilhuly
Peter Gillis
Barry J. Gilman
Sallie Giordano
Judith Glaser
Diana Glassman
Edward Gonzalez
Steven H. Goodman
Ann M. Gorman
Matthew Gorman
Joanne V. Graham
Karl and Susan Finegan
Peter F. Finnerty
Mark T. Fitzgibbon
Kevin Fitzsimmons
Marc Flaster
Steve Fogarty
Fred W. Fogg
Charlotte A. Ford
Philip R. Forlenza
Fortress Investment Group
George B. Foussianes
AnnaMaria Freeman
Joyce Frost
Scott A. Frumhoff
David Gallagher
Ivan Gallegos Rivas
Marina Galli
Lee W. Galvis
Kyle Gardner
Sean M. Gelston
Emanuel Gerard
John L. Graham
Elizabeth Byrne Grant
Betsy Graseck
Jill Greenwald
Ginevra Guarducci
Heidi P. Guldbrandsen
Boris Gutin
Olivia Ha
Patricia Haegele
Paul R. Haklisch
The Frederic C. Hamilton Family
Dennis Hands
Tamara Hanford
Matthew Hansen
Chris Hardart
Jeanine Hartnett
Tim Hartzell
Grace Harvey
Fotis and Dorian Hasiotis
Edward W. Hayes, Esq.
Student Sponsor Partners
Vicky Hayes
Sherri T. Haymond
The Healy Family Foundation
John A. Healy
Susan Healy
Hearst New Media
George W. Hebard
Daniel B. Hebert
Nicholas Heilbut
Laura Heiman
Adam C. Hemlock
Margarita & John Hennessy
Family Foundation
Preston Henske and Min Jung Kim
John D. Heppolette
Daniel Herbert
Thomas Herbig
Laurence Herman
Susan Herold
William H. Heyman
Thomas Hoatson
John Holmes
Mr. Homan
Robbie and Lisa Huffines
Jean C. Huggard
Joseph D. Hughes
Anne Huneke
Robert Huntington and
Katherine Frost Huntington
Kenneth G. Hurwitz
Rodney Hutter
Jennifer L. Hynes
Institutional Investor
Karie R. Jabe
Antoine Jaccon
Timothy W. Jandovitz
Jockey Hollow Foundation
Bradford Johmann
Barclay G. Jones
Kevin Jordan and Kristin
Kearns Jordan
Elizabeth M. Jost
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Andrew Kanarek
Schuyler Kane
Roland N. Karlen
Robert M. Karner
Richard Katz and Heidi B. Lipton
Valerie Kay
Thomas F. Keefer
Michael Kelapire
Neil A. Kell
Lauren M. Kelley
Suzanne Kelley
Thomas E. Kelly
Jerome P. Kenney
Frank Kenny
Peter Kenny
Kepler Equities Inc.
Jeannine Kiely
Dennis Daniel Kiely
Joel G. Killion
Tracy Kimmel
King & Spalding LLP
Nicole L. Kirby
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Caroline V. Kitidis
David Klafter
Jan R. Kniffen
Page S. Knox
Jeffrey J. Kobylarz
Elizabeth R. Koch
David Kogan
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Kristin M. Kohler
Kathleen Koltes
Bob Koncelik
Christopher Korczowski
Elana Krieger
Vivienne C. La Borde
Michael Lacovara
Stan Lai
Alexa Lambert and Chauncey Parker
Laura LaVelle
Sandra Lawson
Tom Lee
Lehman Brothers
David A. Lehman
Alexander Lehmann
Donald Leitch
Gregg R. Lemkau
Patrick Leonard
Sally Lepow
Chris Leupold
Michael Levy
Richard P. Libretti
Steven Lieblich
Doreen E. Lilienfeld
Scottye D. Lindsey
Stephen M. Lipscomb
Erik L. Lisher
James W. Little
Bartley F. Livolsi
Jill Lohrfink
Maria T. Lopez-Ona
Sherif Lotfi
Cindy Loudenslager
Janice Luddy
John Luppo
James Lyle
Christopher J. Lynch
Donald C. MacNeil
Gerald Madigan
Paula Madoff
James Magidson
Arash Mahdaviani
Miles Mahony
Arielle Maltese
Elaine Mandelbaum
Claire Svetlik Mann
Terry L. March
Catherine E.S. Marciano
Alain Marcus
Mona Marquardt
Nazar Massouh
Blythe S. Masters
Bruno Mastropasqua
Daniel Matheson
Michael Mauboussin
William H. May
Paul J. McAuliffe
Patti McCabe
Dennis McCauley
Herbert McCooey
Maria Slavin McCullough
John J. McDermott
Paul McEvoy
Michael G. McGovern
John P. McGrath
Maureen McGrath
The McGraw-Hill Companies
Alfred McKeon
Andrew T. McLellan
Joseph A. McMillan
Helen Meates
Craig S. Medwick
David Melian
David and Debbie Memmott
Jessica Mennella
Thomas R. Mercein
Michael and Kathleen Merrigan
David Meyer
Pete A. Meyers
Timothy Michel
James G. Millard
Bruce T. Miller
Matthew Miller
Pamela Miller
Steven and Maria Miller
Thomas Miller
Michele Moffat and Todd Cassan
Valerie Mogul
Christopher S. Moore
Thomas E. Moore
John D. Moriarty
Mary Ann Mottola
Peter Mulderry
Vincent Mulford Foundation
Tobin W. Mulshine
Gregory and Aimee Munsell
Yumiko Murakami
Debra Murphy
Susan H. Murphy
Gerald Murray
Jonathan L. Murrell
Daniel G. Nelson
Joseph E. Neuhaus
Thomas L. Newberry
Gray E. Newman
Gerrit Nicholas
Joanne C. Nimmo
The Nola Foundation
William Nolan
Laura M. Norman
Emmie E. Nostitz
Cara K. O’Brien
Jacqueline O’Brien
Robert O. O’Brien
SSP and JPMorgan Team Up
Through team IB
SSP Executive Director Margaret Minson, SSP Graduate
and Leadership Committee Member Henry Flores, SSP
Director of Sponsor Recruitment Kristen Harley, and
JPMorgan Employee and SSP Leadership Committee
Member John Witherspoon.
On August 27, 2007, Student Sponsor Partners was the focus
of a team IB information session at JPMorgan. Pursuing a
tradition of corporate citizenship around the world,
JPMorgan has developed team IB, a global comprehensive
program to support a philanthropic culture aligned to the
Investment Bank’s business priorities. Through team IB,
employees are provided opportunities to get involved in the
community, while celebrating those who give their time to
support worthy causes.
John Witherspoon, an SSP Leadership Committee Member,
current Sponsor and JPMorgan investment banker in Real
Estate & Lodging, kicked off the team IB-sponsored session
by sharing his own personal experience working with SSP
students. SSP graduate Henry Flores, who is now sponsoring
his second student, discussed his involvement in the program
from both the student and Sponsor perspectives. And SSP
staff members educated the group about how they could
become involved.
“Partnering with team IB and Student Sponsor Partners
was incredibly rewarding,” said John Witherspoon. “My
colleagues and I were inspired by SSP’s work and immediately
wanted to get involved to help positively impact the lives of
young people in New York.”
As an example of one of SSP’s most successful partnerships in 2007, twenty new Sponsors and Time Sponsors from
JPMorgan have joined the SSP team since the team IB event
in August.
Annual Report 2007
Kimberly Ayers Shariff,
John Kelly, Co-Chair
Ricardo Watson, Co-Chair
Jen Caruso
Jonah Cave
Sara Fay
Matt Feeney
Katie Flood
Henry Flores
William J. O’Brien
Charles Duffy O’Connell
Dave Ogrin and Vicki Cherkas
Michael J. O’Leary
Matthew Olim
James J. O’Meara
Christopher M. Oosterhuis
Lisa F. Opoku
Philip V. Oppenheimer
Lauren Ordogne
Peter Orr
Christopher Ortega
The P.T.M. Charitable Foundation
Jack Pace
Douglas G. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Parson, Jr.
Nishita Patel
Thomas Patrick
Nicholas B. Paumgarten
Timothy Peach
Ralph L. Pellecchio
Sharon T. and Paul A. Pepe
Art J. Peponis
Nicole Perez
Denise R. Person
Joseph M. Perta
Anne-Marie Peterson
Barnet and Sharon Phillips
Frank H. Pinkerton
Steven M. Pinkos
Jason Pircher
Thomas S. Pluta
Michael Pohly
Edward and Rose Poletti
Sue Portelli
Frank and Leslie Pottow
Jeff Pribyl
Lora Price
Student Sponsor Partners
Chris Lentz
Chris Nicolaou
Anne-Marie Peterson
Natalie Pica
Charles Rockefeller
Nate Thorne
Evan Uhlick
Conway Walthew
John Witherspoon
The Progressive Insurance
Francisco Pujol
Dennis Purcell
Philip Purcell
Kevin A. Quinn
Lorin P. Radtke
Vladimir Ragulin
Jeffrey Raitz
John Ramsay
Seth Ramsey
Kenneth Ranieri
Marc Ranieri
Preetam Rao
Prasanth B. Rao-Kathi
David Rawlings
Richard Repetto
Suzanne Rice
Howard S. Rich
David Richeson
Thomas S. Riggs
Earl G. Rix
Abid Rizvi
Kari S. Roberts
William Roberts
Andrew Robson
Charles P. Rockefeller
Rockefeller & Company Inc.
Harold Rodriguez
Sara Rodriguez
Alice Roper
Gretchen C. Rubin
Rita Rubin
Robert L. Ruple
William and Erin Russell
Guy Rutherfurd
Renee Ryan
Marc Sabino
Peter Sack
Justin Sadrian
Ilana Safer
Roy J. Salame
Michael L. Santini
Aine Santry
Robert W. Savage
Mary Savino
Stephen Scala
Kathleen M. Scanlon
Susie Scher
Erica Schlaug
Richard Schneider
Jon Schoen
Jan B. Scholes
Brooke Schooley
Douglas B. Schoppert
Alex Schrantz
Thomas K. Schulte
Kevin Schultz
Susan E. Schulz
Karen D. Seitz
Richard L. Selvala
Alisa K. Seminara
Charles M. Shaffer
Simon Shannon
Daniel Sharfman
John Shaughnessy
Jackson Shepard
Scott Shevick
Kristin Shevis
Showtime Networks, Inc.
Bruce D. Simon
Earlton C. Singleton
Dwight Sipprelle
George and Megan Skakel
Emanuel Slater
Ellen Slipp
Sherwood T. Small
Lynne Tryon Smalley
Edward A. Smith
Kerry Smith
Simon Smith
Karen Snow
David Solomon
Nicholas E. Somers
Stephen Sparkes
Thomas J. Spoto
Scott Stackman
Suzanne Stamm
Robert Steffens
Harold & Miriam Steinberg
Frederick Steindler
Lillian H. Stern
Michael Sternberg
Mike P. Stewart
James Stone
Macie A. Stratton
Raymond B. Strong
Mary E. Stroth
The Stuart Family Foundation
Michael B. Stubbs
Lawrence J. Studnicky III
Walter Stugis
Steven Su
Silvia Suarez
Elizabeth Sullivan
Ram Sundaram
Mary Ellen T. Sweeney
Syska Hennessy Group
Theodore Tabasso
Louis T. Terlizzi
Stephanie Thomas
Monica Thurmond
Judy Tieh
Michael P. Tierney
Chris Tofalli
Sussie Tokushige
Peter Tomozawa
Juan E. Torruella
Francois Trahan
Kenneth Tremain
Michael Troy
Geralyn J. Trujillo
Sean Turner
UBS Warburg
Lieta Urry
Sashi A. Valtz
Carrie Van Syckel and Steven Page
Lee and Cynthia A. Vance
E. Grace Vandecruze
Edward J. Vickers
David Viniar
Nicholas R. Vorhoff
Wachovia Securities LLC
Leon M. Wagner
Fred Waldman
Robert Walker
Anne Walker-Ruiz
Patrick Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Harry T. Walters
Paul Wasinger
Carroll Watson
Peter Webel
Douglas Weill
Ed Weis
Wellfleet Foundation
Ted Westhelle
Elizabeth K. Weymouth
John Weyrens
Benjamin J. Whitfield
Lee R. Whitley
Joshua H. Wiener
Rory Wilfork
Charlotte A. Williams
Kenneth Willman
Mark Wiltamuth
Donna Winston
George Witeban
The Women’s Syndicate Association
Phillip J. Won
Nadine Wong
Julie Wood
Adam Yarnold
Jack Yee
David Yong
Karen M. Young
Nicholas P. Young
Sam and Rachel Zabala
Brian and Elisa Zied
John Ziegler
Mark A. Zurack
Suzanne Zywicki
$0 - $999
Anonymous (32)
Jay Richard Peter Pattugalan
Ashton Abbot
Marta Abbott
Carrie Abramson
Dora Maria Abreu
Barbara E. Abseck
Alexander Acquavella
Craig Heckman Addeo
Benny Adler
Lisa Adler
Shalini M. Aggarwal
AIG Sun America Asset Management
Arun Alagappan
Frank Alagia
Anthony Alexandre
Priscilla Alexandre
Michele A. Allong
Steven D. Altemus
Milagros Alvarado
Andres Alvarez
Bruno Ambar
Caroline Anderson
Elizabeth A. Anderson
Halsey Anderson
Jessica Anderson
Randolph Anderson
Susan D. Anderson
Alexandra Andrews
Lindsey L. Andrews
Mark Andrews
Constance W. Appel
Lindsay Aquilina
Michael Ardisson
Frank Arlinghaus
Christina Armentano
Amanda B. Armstrong
Andrew Armstrong
Christine Arzeno
Julia Atwood
Jeanne Austin
Avery Pix Inc.
Edward R. Backer
Deirdre Bader
Julie Baine
Kalpana Bains
Tyler Bak
Kathleen A. Baker
CeCe Barfield
John A. Barone
Ian Barsotti
Michelle Barton
Oscar Bate
Nicholas R. Battista
Jon R. Bauer
Rob Bauer
Page Beacham
James M. Beale
Meredith Beck
John E. Beckwith
Julie Bedard
Justin Beeber
Alexander Beinfield
Justin Belmont
Warren Bender
Christina Bennison
Christine M. Benson
Allison Berardino
Andrea A. Berardino
Kathy Bergsteinsson
A Dedicated Partnership:
SSP and Credit Suisse
Student Sponsor Partners is proud of its longstanding partnership with Credit Suisse and the many dedicated
Sponsors and supporters who are employees of the firm.
Over the past decade, the relationship between our two
organizations has grown, and today SSP is extremely grateful
for the variety of ways in which Credit Suisse demonstrates
its commitment.
In FY 2007, 86 Credit Suisse employees served as traditional SSP Sponsors, contributing time, money, or both to the
quality education of one or more students. In addition, SSP
has been very fortunate to benefit from the unique Credit
Suisse FID Challenge, through which more than 400
employees of the Fixed Income Division have pledged a total
of nearly $1.4 million over 4 years to fund the education of
69 SSP students in the Class of 2010.
SSP is also extremely grateful for the generous grants given
by the Credit Suisse Americas Foundation, in support of their
employees’ volunteerism and involvement with SSP; last year
the Foundation contributed a tremendous $150,000.
“Credit Suisse is the perfect example of an SSP corporate
partner,” says Margaret Minson, Executive Director of Student
Sponsor Partners. “We are thankful for the many ways in
which Credit Suisse is supportive of SSP and our mission.”
“Student Sponsor Partners is an organization that Credit
Suisse is proud to support,” says Anne Marie Fell of the
Credit Suisse Foundation. “By donating their time and financial assistance, our employees have the opportunity to unite
in the name of an important cause – educating the young
people of New York City.”
Annual Report 2007
Dana Berlin
Eleanor Berlin
Jennifer Berlin
Jeffrey Berman
Kathleen Berman
James Bertoni
Bridget Best
Nadeen M. Best
Elizabeth Bibb
Chip Bierbaum
Jerome Bierbaum
Thomas W. Bilzi
Matthew Birdseye
Clay Bischoff
BlackRock Inc.
Duff Blair
Barbara Blake-Galeazzi
Evan Bloodgood
Kerry E. Blum
William A. Blumstein
Ryushique Bodrick
Matthew W. Bonanno
Mario Bonilla
Plern Bonython
Phoebe W. Booth
Jennifer Bornemann
Richard Boudria
Amy Bowen
Bridget Boyle
Jenna H. Boyle
Kara Boyle
Melissa B. Bradley
Keri E. Brady
Peter Braverman
Alexa Brazilian
Nancy E. Brennan
Barbara J. Briggs
Moriah Britt
Mitchell Broder
Alexander Brodsky
Carissa Brody
Regina Bronson
Colin Brooks
Tory Brooks
Andrew D. Brown
Christopher Brown
Hobson Brown
Hunter M. Brown
Stephen D. Brown
Stephanie Bruckner
Dudley Brundige
Robert Bryan
Mark H. Bryant
Alexandra Buckley
Susan Buckner
Student Sponsor Partners
Alexander Budney
Jackie Burka
Lindsey Burnett
May Burns
Talley Burns
Jessica Burriss
Sarah Rolston Burrows
John Buttrick
Deenah Byramjee
Emily Cabrera
Leslie Cacciapaglia
Sergio Calabrese
Barbara Callao
Kimberly Callet
Nina Camera
Cheryl Camp
Deirdre M. Campbell
Cynthia Cavalie
Gregory M. Cedrone
Andrew Celli
Elena M. Cestra
Timothy Champagne
Maureen Chang
Marty Cheatham
Catherine Chen
Brinda Cherian
Kay Chernush
Daphne Chester
Billy Cheung
Pamela Cholankeril
Nicholas Christopher
Caroline Churchill
Joshua and Maura Cianciolo
Matt Cino
Donovan Q. Campbell
Elizabeth L. Campbell
Nina Campbell
Annabel Caner
Maura C. Cannon
Charlotte Canzonetti
Cynthia Capone
Eduardo C. Cardoso
David M. Carlos
Brett Carlson
Ty Carmichael
Tracy A. Carolonza
Leslie A. Carranza
Antero Carrillo
Margaret Carrington
Andrew Caspersen
Samuel Caspersen
William Cassano
Elizabeth A. Cassino
Katherine Catalano
Julie Cataudella
James F. Ciquera
Allison Clark
Perrin Clark
Sherrese A. Clarke
Kat Clements
Nicole Clopton
Daniel Cohen
Evan J. Cohen
Jennifer C. Cohen
Debra Coleman
Kristen A. Coleman
Payson Coleman
Reed Coleman
Sarah Coleman
Patrick J. Collins
The Community Foundation
for the National Capital Region
Bianca Compagnoni
Greg Concodora
Kensey Cone
Todd H. Conklin
Christine Conway
William Cooling
Frank Corcoran
Joseph Cornell
Melissa Cornick
TC Cosby
Andrew Cott
Allyson Tucker Cowin
Jeanne Cox
Adrienne M. Coyle
Cathy Cramer
Mary Ellen Cravens
Charles T. Crawford
Catherine E. Crews
Dorothy E. Crocker
Suzanne M. Crosby
John Crotty
Jeffrey Crowell
John and Merrill Crowell
Family Fund
Caroline Cummings
Nievalyn Cummings
Catherine Curley
Vincent Curotto
Patrick Manning Curtis
Alexandra S. Curtiss
Kim Cushny
Peter and Miriam Daneker
Florence Danforth
Iris Dankner
Heather M. Daur
Douglas S. Davies
Kerith Davies
Laura E. Davis
Kathleen Davy
Lauren Elizabeth Day
Mr. de Barros
Eric De Cholnoky
Christopher J. De Cresce
Edrizio De La Cruz
Celia A. de la Llama
Lilliana Dealbert
Heather Dean
Nathan Deasy
Joseph DeBono
Jennifer C. DeMarco
Gabrielle DeMatteis
Julia Deming
Lindsay DeNardo
Christina Denihan
Elizabeth Derby
Cortes DeRussy
Ishita Deshmukh
Ignatius L. DeSimone
Anne B. Detwiler
William S. Detwiler
Nina Devlin
Christine Di Benedetto
Jackeline Diaz
Nelson O. Diaz
John Dickinson
Bryant Dieffenbacher
Christopher M. Dillon
Kylie A. Dixon
Nadia Doh
Timothy Donaldson
Brett and Kristen Donelan
David Doppelt
Anne Dougherty
Jessica Dowd
Justin Doyle
Aurelia Drackett
Frances M. Drake
Chris Draska
Diana Dreyfus
Alexa Driansky
Emily C. Driscoll
Jean-Xiaojing Duan
Farrell Dubak
Matthew Dunn
David A. Duque
Alexandra J. Dwyer
Matthew Dwyer
Tanya M. Eastman
Sandra Echeverry
Sage B. Edson
David Eisman
Serra Eken
Itohowo E. Ekpoudom
Lorri Elder
Caroline Taylor Ellerson
Alexandra Elliott
James Elrod
Ryan P. Engle
Catherine H. English
Lisa Marie Enochs
Pablo Escobar
Elena Esnaola
Laura K. Esposito
Omar Esposito
Ashley Estabrook
Ashley Simmons Evans
Marissa Evans
Julian Eyles
Mollie and Jack Fadule
Alissa Fagadan
Alex Faherty
Nancy Fahmy
Molly Fahner
David Farber
Patricia Farman-Farmaian
Catherine D. Farmer
Catherine H. Farrell
Nicole Fasolino
Allison Fast
Kristin Faucette
W. Morgan Fauth
Willa Fawer
Alison R. Fealey
Garth Fealey
John Febles
David Feigenbaum
Peter E. Feinberg
Victoria Feldman/Melissa Hayes
Quincy Fennebresque
William Fennebresque
Fenway Partners
Mercedes Fernandez
Betsy Fischman
Adam Fisher
Brian Flanagan
Joseph Fleury
Caitlin Flint
Katherine Flood
Carey Floyd
Katie Flynn
Barbara Brennan Ford
Lori Forlano
Michael J. Forrestal
Tate Forrester
Mary Beth Forshaw
Kevin Foster
Susan Foulds
Chakana V. R. Fowler
Sean A. Frankenberg
Adam J. Freedman
Anson Frelinghuysen
Louisine Frelinghuysen
Deborah Friant
Jason Fritz
David Froelich
Sharon Fuchs
Miguel A. Fuentes
Chrissy Gaffney
Carlos Gallardo
Carolina Gallegos-Anda
Courtney Galligan
Jessica Gallinaro
Tai Garber
Samantha K. Garbus
Viktoria Garby
Vikas C. Garg
Colby Gargano
Virginia Garmendia
Courtney Garriga
Elizabeth Garriga
F. Patricia Garrity
Vipul Gautam
Daniel Gaviria
Salma Gaya
Gaetana Gazzara
Angus Gephart
Robin Germany
Lisa Gerovich
John Michael Getz
Ronald and Cathleen Giancristofaro
Tom Gibbons
Denise D. Gilchrist
Valerie M. Gill
Nigel Gillah
Alexandra Ginnel
Bryan A. Gitomer
Lara Glaister
Tom Glanfield
Stephen Glassgold
Charlotte Glessner
Benjamin Glover
Michael Glynn
Rodrigo Godoy
Laura Goebel
Ambika Goel
Paul Gojkovich
Ingrid Goldberg
Jonathan Goldberg
Karen Goldfeder
Nader Golosorkhi
Chris Gonyer
Eileen J. Q. Gonzalez
Chris Gooding
Annual Report 2007
Kathryn A. Gorman
Whitney J. Gosden
Brayton Gove
Mark Govoni
Mark Grabowski
Michael Gramins
Jacqueline Grant
Kim Gravette
Lily Gray
Dana L. Greenberg
Kate H. Greenthal
Jim Gregory
Mary J. Grendell
Wade Griggs
Madeline Groman
Matthew Grunwald
Julianne Guariglia
Alexandra Harris
Brian Harrison
Peter Harrison
Carolyn Harrold
Lewis Hart
Shannon Hart
Francis J. Harvey
Shannon Harward
Salman Hasnain
Austin Hassett and Alice Murphey
Anne Hassler
Brad Hathaway
Sally Hawkins
Kevin M. Healy
John Heffers
Matt Heineman
Said S. Hejal
Paula D. Guedes
Sebastian Guerra
Lisa Haas
Lorraine Hack
Kirsten Hagen
Barry G. Haimes
Mark Haley
Erik L. Hall
Robin Halpern
Shepard Halsey
Deborah K. Hamel
Kevin Hammond
Chrystalle Hannon
Jessica Hans
David E. Hansen
Jennifer M. Hanson
Meg Harjes
Ashley A. Harmeling
Harris Nesbitt
Shannon Henry
Giovanna Henson
Megan Henze
Brad Heritage
Todd Herlihy
Emily Hermance
Lindsey Hess
Ashley Higgins
Claire F. Higgins
Richard A. Hightower
Christopher Hill
Ashley S. Hilton
Ronald Hing
Alexa Hirschfeld
Elizabeth Hoffman
Eleanor Hogan
Constance M. Hoguet
Laura B. Hoguet
Farrah Holder
Student Sponsor Partners
Jeff Holiday
Matthew Holt
Carla Holtze
Julie Hong
Damien Hooper-Campbell
Eric W. Hopp
Louis Hornick
Christian Horrocks
Meghan Horstmann
Katherine Horvitz
James M. Hosking
Elizabeth Hossfeld
Denny Hou
Eliza Howard
Julia Hoyt
Nancy Huang
Ryan Hubbard
Susan Flannery Huffman
and Minor Huffman
Alec Hufnagel
Timothy J. Hufnagel
Ashley Hughes
Julie L. Huhn
Steven Huish
Megan Humphreys
Andrew Hunt
Laura Hunt
Claire E. Hunter
Amelia Hutchinson
Thomas Huth
Catherine Hyland
Alanna M. Hynes
Michael Hyun
Sabrina Idy
Beatriz Inigo
Jennifer Ioli
Natasha Irani
iStar Financial Inc.
Peter M. Iwancio
Bruce K. Jackson
Candice D. Jackson
Deborah E. Jackson
Kevin Jackson
Layla Jafar
Scott Jaffe
Nicholas Jakobson
Anita Johal
Cynthia L. Johnson
Eliza Johnson
Enda Johnson
Lauren Jonas
Robert P. Jones III
Sarah Jones
Holly Jordan
Jennifer Joseph
S. Shaw Joseph
Miriam Julkowski
Mark Jury
Michael J. Kahan
Ilunga Kalala
Fatmata E. Kamara
Kevin R. Kane
Leslie Kane
Margaret Kao
Ambika Kapoor
Stella Kapur
Keleigh Karl
Kay Kashef
Yusef M. Kassim
Dave Kassling
Robert J. Katz
Robert M. Kay
Matthew J. Keating
Patrick Keeley
Susan Kelleher
Jennifer Kelling
Scott Kellman
James C. Kelly
John Kelly
John C. Kelly
Michael K. Kelly
Tyler Q. Kelly
Jane Kelsey
Kristina Kendall
Susanne Kenna
Andrew L. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
Moriah Kenyon
Diana Ketchum
Alexandra Khouri
Sarah Kiernan
David Kim
Grace Kyu Kim
Scott Kinum
Hilary Kivitz
Jennifer Kivitz
Collis Klarberg
Caroline G. Kling
Tyler Dillon Kneisel
Sunny Kneissl
Christopher Knight
David Knott
Kristin M. Koch
Alexandra Koegel
Anne Kofol
Yumi C. Koh
Alexander W. Kohn
Kristopher Koka
Kelly Koltes
Joseph Konzelmann
Jonathan Koplovitz
Kloe Korby
Mathias W. Korder
Toral Kothari
Michael Joseph Kozoriz
Michele Krasner
Wendy L. Krayer
Carolyn Kreek
Michael Krupa
Isabelle B. Krusen
Amar Kuchinad
Dana Kugelman
Jack Kuhns
Nisha Kumar
Richa Kumar
Peter Kunhardt
Karl Kyriss
Daer (Tito) Labarta
Nicholas Lacaillade
Adeline Lai
Sandra T. Lan
Sara L. Lander
Sarah Lane
Meghan Lang
Paul Lanks
Allison K. Larkin
Kirsten Larsen
Allegra Laviola
Marc Lawrence-Apfelbaum
Joanna Leathers
Rickey Lee
William Lee
Mike Leffler
The Harrison T. LeFrak
Charitable Foundation
Lauren Legendre
Erica Lensink
Christopher Lentz
Matthew J. Leone
Stephen and Melissa Lessar
Shirley Leung
John F. Levert
Dalya H. Levin
Ms. Deborah Levy
Lexis Nexis
John Li
Xue Li
Edward Liberman
Victoria Lika
Timothy Lim
Tina L. Lin
Rachael Lindsay
Maria K. Lingnau
Sophie Lippincott
Catherine Littlefield
Yang Yang Liu
Maria Livadiotis
Ewing Lloyd
Caroline Lo Faro
Sarah Lohmann
Ayanna London
Joseph Longino
Anthony A. Lopez
Piper Loving
Allison Lowenstein
Damaris Lugo
Tiffany Lu-Heda
Erin Lui
Jeffrey Lui
Ginwing Lum
Kathleen Lungren
F. L. Lunson
Lisa Lurie
Amanda Rae Lynam
Kingsley Lynch
Rebecca Lynch
Sally Lynch
Lisa M. Lyons
Ellie MacColl
John MacIntosh
Meredith Mackey
Christine MacLaughlin
Lavinia Macovschi
Ann MacRae
Charles Maddock
Julie Maguire
Rose Maguire
Michael W. Malafronte
Brian Malkerson
Morgan Mandeville
Rakesh Mangat
Douglas C. Mangini
Pravin Manglani
Christopher Manice
Susan K. Manuelle
Philip Marinello
Jessica Marr
Kelly Marshall
Kimberly Marshall
Jennifer Marsico
Anita Martignetti
James W. Martin
Kelley Martin
Whitney Martin
Helena C. Martinez
Karla Martinez
Javier Martinez
Sameer Maru
Sarah Mason
Elizabeth and Kevin Materne
Jeff Matsu
Emily Matthews
Carly L. Mattson
Palma Mazzolla
Trina McAlister
David McBride
Brian McCabe
John C. McCabe
Jason A. McCann
Alice McCarthy
Katherine McCarthy
Kathleen McCarthy
Maureen W. McCarthy
Christina McCaughey
Sara McCooey
Bailey McCool
Laura McCullough
Julie McDermott
Michael and Maureen McGinn
Jarrett McGovern
Danielle M. McGrath
Kim McGuire
Danielle McHugh
Molly McInerney
Campbell McKellar
Tiffany McKinney
Chantal McLaughlin
Caitlin McMullen
Andy McNicol
Tiffany C. McQueen
Dachell McSween
Christopher R. McTammany
Cameron McVey
Justin Meadlin
Karina Meckel
Xaviera Medero
Alec Mehran
Ernesto Meier
Amanda Meigher
James Mekovetz
Elizabeth M. Mera
Harriet Mercati
Meredith Corporation
Jillian Merns
Joanna Merrill
John Messina
Laura Mestre
Stephen Meszkat
Elizabeth A. Meyer
Emily Meyer
Debra A. Meyn
Miroslaw Michalski
Lee Michel
Michael Miele
Betsy Miller
Christine Miller
Lea Miller
Susan Miller
Victoria Miller
Iliana Mindlin
Stephanie R. Moeller
Ashley Mohr
Dana Monaco
Nina Monell
Christina Montero
Avery Moore
Barbara Moore
Georgiana Moreton
Luke Morgan
Tara Morley
Cecilia Mortimore
Brett C. Mosely
Alexandra Moser
Christopher B. Motley
Alexandra Mousavizadeh
James Moye
Cindy C. Mueller
Sumit Mukherjee
Eric Mulkowsky
Sarah Mullin
Devon Munnelly
Robert C. Munroe
Hunter Murchison
Ryan Murphy
Kristin Murray
Marc Murray
Douglas Musicaro
Ali Namvar
Rishi Nangalia
Shilpa Narayan
Mark Neff
Scott Neff
Annual Report 2007
Denise M. Nelson
Rebecca Nelson
Sarah E. Nelson
Mark Newfield
Kedra Newsom
VanTrang Nguyen
Virginia Nicholson
Jeffrey Nicklas
Christopher G. Nicolaou
Mariana Nolan
Robert B. Nolan
Carly Noland
Franklin M. Norce
Dana Norris
Patricia Norton
Lauren Nugent
Matthew Oak
Jason M. Obenhaus
Corinne O’Brien
Jim O’Brien
Tiffany Obser
Henry O’Connell
Idowu O. Odedosu
Cornelia Oehler
Ike Ofodile
Kelechi Ogbunamiri
Jessica Ogilvie
Cindy Ogrin
Emeka Oguh
Emi Oki
Sara Olsen
Sam O’Malley
Andrea O’Neal
Erin O’Neill
Kara Oppenheimer
Daniel O’Reilly
Susan C. Ortega
Declan O’Sullivan
Sarah Otto
Matthew Ouderkirk
Charisse C. Padilla
William Page
James Pagnam
Erik Palfrey
Greg Panayis
Karen M. Paneggiante
Alexandria Papageorgiou
Alexandra Papanicolaou
Candace Park
Christie Park
Julie H. Park
Adam S. Parker
Joanie Parker
Emily Parsons
Fritz Pascale
Student Sponsor Partners
Mary Dailey Pattee
Alison Patten
Katherine A. Peachway
Thomas C. Peer
Amy Peloquin
David M. Perkal
Leslie Perkins
Ashley Peterson
Sibyl Peyer
Daniel Phillips
Natalie Pica
Christina K. Pickett
Joshua Pierce
Robert Rafter
Thomas Rafter
Atif Rahim
Salim Ramji
Mary Ramsey
Lilly Rand
Camille Rankin
Michael Ranson
Lekha Rao
Charlotte Reardon
James Ashe Reardon
Siobhan Redmond
Brooks Reece
Nicholas Pike
Elizabeth C. Pilkington
Thomas Pilla
Rick Pinkham
Piper Jaffray
Kerry Planer
Cavan Pohlschroeder
Mary Polichino
Christopher Pollack
Juan Ponce
Elliott L. Pool
Wallis Post
Louise Pottle
Margaux Powers
Jeff Preston
Derrick Preuss
Michael Putnam II
John Pyne
Stephanie Quan
Courtney Quick
Caroline Quinn
Patricia Raciti
Joseph Radic
Nicholas Rafferty
Sarah Rafferty
Kirk Reed
Jeffrey Reemer
Debra Regan
Julia Reid
Lizzie Reifenheiser
Stephen Reinhard
Philippa Renwick
Jolene Resnick
Maria Reuter
Peter Reynolds
Daniel Rhoads
Marisa Ricciardi
Cameron Rice
Kate Richard
Leslie A. Richartz
Jennie Ripps
Christine A. Rivera
Jose Rivera
Anthony Rizzi
Hayden Roach
Lauriston Roach
Schuyler Roach
Jules Roberts
Jim and Kristin Robillard
Elizabeth B. Robinson
Taylor Robinson
Lauren Rodbart
Alfonsina Rodriguez
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Karl A. Roessner
Rachael Roewe
Alexander Rogers
Christian G. Rogers
Lynn Rogers
Quinne Rogers
Melody Rollins
Bryan Romano
Christopher P. Ronan
Sarah Rooney
Diane Rosen
Josephine Rosenberg
Susan A. Roskell
Adam Rosmarin
George Ross
Ivan Ross
Meredith Ross
Emily Roth
John Royall
Christine Ruane
Delores Rubin
Ludwig Rudel
Lauren Rudic
Taylor Rudisill
Richard Ruffino
Nicoletta Ruhl
Mayank Ruia
Leah Rumely
Kristin Runco
Robert W. Russell
Susan Russell-Smith
Eliza Ryan
Jessica Saar
Ashley Safronoff
Annunziata F. Sahid
Marguerite Saint-Preux
Motoko Sakurai
Ashley-Brooke Sandall
Peter Santoro
Robert A. Saperstein
Melissa Sargeantson
Christopher S. Sargent
Robert Sargent
Pamela Sartorius
Sarah Schaffer
Andrew Scharf
Alia Schattauer
Dawn Stephanie Scheirer
Jessica Scher
Teddy Schiff
Cassia Schifter
Robert Schimmel
Paul Schnell
Eliza Schnitzer
Luke Schroeder
Dian L. Schuler
Monique Schumacher
Scott P. Schundler
Catherine D. Schwartz
Melissa H. Scollans
Nell Scott
Lisa Scovotti
Sarah K. Scully
Marshall D. Sebring
Abigayle L. Seidel
William Seifert
Michael Sellman
Linwood Sessoms
Stephanie Setyadi
Carolyn and Tarek Sharaway
Sanjay Sharma
Mary Shaw
Alexandra Shear
James M. Sheehy
Mark Sheehy
Colby Shergalis
Emily Sheridan
Olympia Shields
Zach Shillingford
David Sibley
Kirsten A. Sichler
Michael Siegel
Bruce Simmons Scholarship Fund
Edward Simmons
Sara Simmons
Marc C. Simpson
Roger D. Singer
Travis Skelly
Jack Skirkanich
Dani Skollar
Katherine H. Slattery
Matt Slootsky
William G. Smart
Sanjin Smiljanic
Charles K. Smith
Graham Smith
Lindsay Smith
Meverette Smith
Jim Smithwick
Kate Snyder
Lauren Sokolowski
Blanka Solta
Caglar Somek
Albert J. Song
Genevieve C. Sonsino
Alicia A. Sontag
Tatiana Sotiriou
David Souccar
Nicholas Spahr
John Sparacio
Joseph Spieczny
Jason Spinnel
Brennan Spry
Alexandra Stabile
Samantha Stam
Vera Stamm
Paul Steinborn
William Stephens
Anne Stephenson
Olivia Sterns
Joseph and Marianne Stineman
Nancy Stuebe
Jonathan Sturges
Andrew Stuttaford
Ellen Sugrue
James R. Sullivan III
Patrick Sullivan
F. S. Swann
Chris Swon
Brooke A. Szostak
Derek E. Taff
Sabrina Tamraz
Georgia Tapert
Eugenie G. Taylor
Loren Taylor
Sabrina Taylor
Timothy E. Taylor
William L. Taylor
Clifton Teagle
Diana B. Tebbe
Mara Lise Terlizzi
Alyssa Tesei
Christine Thelmo
Amy Thoelen
Darren Thomas
Elizabeth Thomas
Lisa Thomas
Lisa A. Thomas
Lowell Thomas
Samantha Thompson
Nate Thorne
Thomas J. Thornton
Olivia Tiernan
Jonathan Timmons
William Toce
David Toomey
Robert L. Tortoriello
Diana B. Townsend-Butterworth
Alondra Tracy
Elizabeth D. Trafelet
Susan Tranbaugh
Katharine Tremaine
G. Allen Trew, Jr.
Charles A. Tribbett, IV
Serena Tufo
Anna R. Tye
Laura Tysoe
Evan W. Uhlick
Nancy Unsworth
Mia Vachon
Dan Vallejo
Jacqueline Valls
Anne Vance
Anna Varshisky
Michele Vella
Ryan Vetter
Timothy Vieira
Anna Vietor
Maariana Vikse
Ariane Vinograd
Carlo Vittorini
Anne Volk
Wesley W. von Schack
Alexa Von Tobel
Lee Wadeton
Jennifer Walk
Mayokia Walker
Brendan Wallace
Rob Walsh
Cary Walthew
Melissa Washington
Elizabeth Watson
Ricardo A. Watson
Stephanie Wayne
Marian L. Weber
Julia Weidinger
Jeremy Weinstein
Justin Weinstein
Deborah L. Weinswig
Keeley Weir
Matthias Weisheit
Craig Weiss
Joseph Weiss
Alison Weisser
Tracy Welch
Brian Welsh
Robert Wertheimer
Jeffrey H. Westcott
Carroll Wetzel
Jennifer Wharton
Lily Whitall
Scott Whitworth
Wendy Wichern
Isabel Widdowson
Alicia Wilfork
Meggan B. Willersdorf
Adam Navarra Williams
Caitlin Williams
Jennifer Williams
Phyllis Casolaro Williams
Scholarship Fund
R. Eric Williams
Rufus I. Williams IV
Seran Williams
Jason Wilson
Kathleen Wilson
Whitney R. Windmiller
Wells Winfrey
John R. Witherspoon
Elizabeth Wolgemuth
David A. Wolkowitz
Sun H. Won
Julie Wong
Kenny Wong
Walter Wong
Brooke Wood
Elise Wood
Chris Wright
Kelly Wright
Daniella Yacobovsky
Mindy Yajko
Zhebei Yang
Vivian Yee
Alyssa Young
Courtney Young
Sage Zaheer
Sarah Zambrelli
Kelly Zaremba
Robin Zhang
Matthew and Molly Zola
Andrew R. Zook
Annual Report 2007
2007 Contributors to the Credit Suisse FID Challenge
SSP is extremely grateful to the more than 400 employees
of the Credit Suisse Fixed Income Division, who have
pledged nearly $1.4 million to fund the education of 69 SSP
students in the Class of 2010. Among the participants in
the CS FID Challenge, which was spearheaded by SSP
Board Member Jim Healy, are a number of traditional
Sponsors who are also working with a student. We are
tremendously thankful to Jim Healy and to the individuals in
the Credit Suisse Fixed Income Division listed below, who
contributed the following amounts for fiscal year 2007.
James Healy
Steven and Amelia Feinberg
John Gans and Irina Tolstoy
Seth and Lisa Garrett
John and Beth Anne Giannotto
William Gleason
Alexander Hack
Francis and Kathleen Hager
Carol Healey
James Jaxon
Brendan Keane and Susanne Toes
Gregory Kennedy
Campbell Kidd
Charles Kirtley
Scott Kramer
Jacquelyn Krese
Deborah Langiulli
Russell Lazarus and
Stephanie Gentile
Alan R. Leiderman
Peter Little
Ian McAllister
Christina McCaughey
Henry and Marianne McLaughlin
John and Deborah McWilliams
Edward Moran
Michael and Deborah Murray
Andrew and Eleanor Kimura
Pedro Beroy and Jacinta Hayne
Timothy Blake
Timothy Bock
Sean Brady
Robert P. Brennan
Stephen Chapin
Gael and Shannon De Boissard
D. Wilson & Lili Ervin
Robert Franz
Vikram Gandhi
Robert and Tara Griffith
Daniel and Amy Jurkowitz
Martin Keating
Michael and Whitney Marriott
Jonathan McHardy
Dara and Timothy O’Hara
Thomas Pascale
Donald and Anne Pollard
Sudip Thakor and Joan Button
James and Juliann Toya
Alan and Donna Tyson
Gabrielle Danek Winnert
$2,000 - $4,999
Hans Bald and Laurie Walters
Jason Bonanca
The Carol M. Burke
Scholarship Fund
Jeffrey and Valerie Cohen
Alex Dubitsky
Kenneth M. Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harmon
Daniel and Luciana Hyman
Dominic Konstam and
Sarah Yaeger-Konstam
Paula W. Lavitt
Student Sponsor Partners
Lance Leener and
Jamie Nicholson-Leener
Jason Manske
Bob and Suzanne McMinn
Eric Miller
Thomas and Constance Newberry
Gregory and Nina Richter
Joseph Rosner
Douglas and Margaret Simons
Trevor and Julie Woods
$1,000 - $1,999
Vincent Albanese
Jeremy Bennett
Anthony Blasi
Michael Burke
Timothy Carey
Eric Honor and Maureen Coen
Andrew and Karen Dephillips
Jerry DeVito
Joseph and Judy Donovan
Derek and Madison Doran
Edward and Ellen Dougherty
Jean-Francois and Susan Dreyfus
Molly A. Duffy
Lawrence Dyer
Rob Nydegger
Wayne Olson and Sandra Miller
Norman Parton and Ellie Becker
Craig Puffenberger
Susan Romo
Neal and Dana Roodin
Andrew Rosenburgh
Paul Scheufele
Robert and Leah Schiffman
J. Christopher and Melissa Schoen
Michael and Kathleen Schoen
John Sipp
Albert and Jennifer Sohn
Neal and Sarah Soss
Eugenie Gabriella Taylor
Aaron Tighe
Edward Berman and
Anna Titarchuck
Paul and Barbara Tregidgo
Steven Yanez and
Ann Sommella-Yanez
Charles Zahringer
$500 - $999
Lawrence and Lynn Abrams
Charles and Valeria Achoa
Mark and Gloria Altherr
Felipe Ascencio
Jon Baker
George and Monica Barry
Michael and Diane Barston
James Bernard
Thomas and Mary Bilzi
George Boudouris
Frederick and Theresa Brasco
Andrew and Pamela Brooks
Elizabeth Bryson
Russell Burns
Stephen and Ellen Byrne
Salvatore Cangialosi
Neil Carragher
Todd Cassan
Jackson Chou
Keenan Choy
Jodi Cohen
Scott Corman
Andrew Costello
Olivia Curran
Charwyn David
David and Lynn Dinanno
Timothy P. Doern
Alex Guo and Sue Peng Dong Li
Daniel and Jennifer Driscoll
Rod Dubitsky
Damien Dwin
John and Carolyn Eknoian
Andrew and Donna Erskine
Paul and Jean Faust
Daniel Fitzgerald
Anthony and Sylvia Giordano
William Glaser
James and Wendy Glavin
David Goldman
Mark and Rebecca Golombeck
Boris and Marina Grinberg
Shane Hadden
John Hammond
Steven and Rorri Heller
John and Stephanie Herbert
Paul Herman
Steven and Kyle-Beth Hilfer
David Hinton
Cary Ho
Andrew Humphrey
Kurt Jacobson
Peter Joel
Alexander and Isa Johansen
Steven Kaiman
Robert M. Kay and
Kimberly A. Whitfill
Guy Kearsley
Jeffrey Kim
Michael and Francoisel Koenitzer
Ira Krulik
Galit Kursman
Greg Langa
Stephen Lazarus
Chi-Wai Lee
Gail G. Lee
Thomas Lehrkinder
Mark Lengel
Maria Lopez-Ona
Adrienne Lucier
Gennady Lvovsky
Satish and Anjali Mansukhani
Peter A. Matousek
John and Michaela McCabe
Christopher and Susan McDonough
Michael McHale
Joseph McHugh
Eve Merckaert
Jason Miller
Bernard Moody
Francine Mozer
Peter Mullany
Allen and Robin Oppici
Douglas Paul
James Perry
Patrick and Anyssa Remmert
Nicole Robinson
Brian and Joyce Rogers
Scott and Bridget Roose
Gregory Rosen
Mark Rosen
Michael Saron
John Sheehan
John Slonieski and Kim Healey
Stephen Smigel
Baldwin Smith
Joseph and Ashley Soave
Scott and Alison Spiegel
David and Wendy Steinberg
Mark Styslinger
Timothy Sullivan
William and Rosemary Supik
Irvindjit Suri
Mahesh and Gomati Swaminathan
Marc and Marie Tabah
Matthew Tehan
Dirk Tenzer
Neal Thompson
Dominick Totino
Joseph Turck
Robert and Margaret Ullman
John Vibert
Richard Viton
Charles Weilamann
Choudhary Yarlagadda
Richard and Rachel Yemm
Alex Zilberman and Dyan Hes
$200 - $499
Ravinath Aekambaran
Marten Agren
Fredrik Akesson
Jeffrey and Karen Altabef
Drew Anderman
Christopher and Karen Anderson
Kirsten Anderson
Peter Armetta
Samuel Baker
Derek and Carolyn Barcelona
Suzanne Baricevic
Daniel and Catherine Biron
Dennis Blysick and
Maryann Schettino
Ethan Bronsnick
Jon Castaldo
Chiuyi Chan
Timothy Chapin
Marc Chouchani
Michael Cummings
Kumaran Damodaran
Michael Daniel
Elizabeth Danilek
Ian and Jennifer Davis
Jessica Donofrio
Hiren Doshi
Wendell Dowrich
Ryan Fennelly
John Keighley
Michael Kelly
Omar Kiggundu
Marie-Louise Kirwan
Stephen J. Krooth
Christopher Kulina
Brian La Rosa
Lawrence Latimer
Vladimir Lebedev and
Anna Eliseenkova
Shinghoi Lee
Mikel Lehrman
Richard Lerner
Franklin and Anna-Marie Lin
Aryeh Liwschitz
Lavinia Macovschi
Christopher Fenske
Paul Fitzsimmons
Anand N. Gajjar
Stephen and Ourania Gellos
Lawrence Gelman
Glenn Goldstein and
Michelle Paretti
Patrick Gorman
Naresh Gurbuxani
Olivia Hafner
Jessica Hans
Joshua and Nellie Harmon
Joseph Harvier
Elizabeth Hewitt
John Hiser
Greg Holden
James and Priscilla Horning
Andrew Hubbard
Julie Ju
Sooyoung Kang
Andrew Karsh
Steven Makai
Brian Mangum
Howard Mansell
Reese F. Mason
Angelo May
Keith McDonald
James McDonnell
Anton Merlushkin
Stanley Mrose
William Naphin
Anthony Napoli
Sameer and Archana Nayar
Anthony and Julieann Orso
Brian Owen
Viral Patel
Edward and Lisa Petti
Barry and Amy Polen
Leah Pozsgay
Adam and Amy Raboy
Tina Rafii
Manuel Ramos
Annual Report 2007
Kenneth and Deborah Rivkin
Kenneth Rosenberg
Robert and Elizabeth Russell
Rodney and Maria Schiffer
Vijay and Parimala Setty
Stephanie Setyadi
Faisal Siddiqui
Chuck Siegel
Mark and Alyssa Silverstein
Julie Singletary
Mahesh Sinkar
Nicole Byrns and Lloyd Spencer
Michael Stallmeyer
Mark Stedman
Matthew Stockert
Megan Storz
Edmund and Diane Taylor
Justin and Amy Tisler
Ann Tran
Jonathan and Christine Trauben
Serif Ustun
Benedict Munger and
Jennifer Varrone
Joseph Vassallo
Elizabeth Verri
William Weinstein and
Adrienne Perkov
John Wemple
John Whitman
Andrew Winer and Elizabeth Ward
Daniel Wolins
Shyanshi Wu
Yong Yan
Lihong and Li Yang
Michelle Zeccola
Alberta Zonca
Student Sponsor Partners
$20 - $199
Azhar Abdul-Quader
Jared Anderson
Priya Anthunadan
David and Mary Barbrack
Kristofer Bayha
Jason Bell
Melanie Berliet
Nate Bohn
Chafia Boukhtouche
Lora Branz
Meredith Brodbeck
Stuart Brown
Donald Bussmann
Angela Capron
Thomas Carey
Yale Chang
Frances and Richard Cohen
Erin S. Colello
Bradley Critchell
Joram Cukierman
Vinay and Seema Datta
Adam Delligatti
Marisa Devincentis
Christine Dillon
Brett and Lilah Dima
Renee Emmet
Truls Engelbretsen
Lisa Fallace
Fernando and Edna Fernandez
Brian Fitzsimmons
Carlos Garza
John Gilson
Sachin Goel
Carla Hall
Pamela Hastings
Sergei and Tatiana Ivanov
Garret Jankowski
James Jerabek
Ira Jersey
Louise Kittle
Howard Koh and Lo Bunna
Jordan Konicek
Case and Alexandra Korpan
Rhidoi Krishnakumar
Julie and Won Kwak
Patricia Landi
Aye Aye Leadbeater
Michael Lee
Robert Leichter
Edwin Lin
Joseph Lovell
Alisa Margulies
Andrew Martin
Heather Masciotti
Kealey Mayer
Michael Mead
Danielle Melchione
David Metzger
Paul Morgan
Dave Neugebauer
John Niccolai
Oliver Nisenson
Labeja Nyeko
Eddie Othman
Giovanni Petrella
Antti Pihlaja
Caleb and Ericka Pitters
Thomas Plante and Kara Mackenzie
Kapil Rajaraman
Amit Rametra
Ellen Rankin
Sumana Rao
Maryanne Richter
Ariadna Rodenstein
Zachary Rose
Emily Rose (Lao Chua)
Marat Sadykov
David Salinas
Salvatore Seguna
Sudhir and Bindu Shrotri
Andrew Simon
Samarendra Sinha
Robert Smearman
Alex Smith
Jess Sodaski
Yuri Solodukhov
Srini and Christine Srinivasan
Seth Timen
Robert Wainwright
Ladie Whitaker
Christopher and Kathryn Wren
Marc Yannaco
Jennifer Yuen
David Yuttal
Amy Zelnick
Jiang Zhu and Yixuan Gong
Annual Report 2007
Student Sponsor Partners
Annual Report 2007
Student Sponsor Partners
Annual Report 2007
Student Sponsor Partners
Annual Report 2007
Student Sponsor Partners
Annual Report 2007
Student Sponsor Partners
Annual Report 2007
Student Sponsor Partners
Annual Report 2007
Board of Directors, Advisory Council & Staff
Robert H. Niehaus, Chair
Greenhill Capital Partners LLC
Mitchell Gordon
Morpheus Capital Advisors
Christopher J. Niehaus
Morgan Stanley
Kevin J. Conway, Vice Chair
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice
Jim Healy
Credit Suisse
Michael Petrick
Morgan Stanley
Mary Bernard
Credit Suisse
Peter Herbert
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Stephen M. Schiller
Citigroup Global Markets
James T. Chandler
Merrill Lynch
Brian Hoffmann
Clifford Chance
John Stossel
ABC News
Betsy Cohen
Andrew Horrocks
UBS Securities LLC
G. Gregory Usry
Citigroup Global Markets
Isobel Coleman
The Council on Foreign Relations
Maggie F. Cooley
Alfred F. Hurley, Jr.
M. Safra & Co., Inc.
Paul J. Kehoe
Patrick J. Landers
Mayree Clark
AEA Holdings
Steven Lipin
Brunswick Group
David J. Dunn
Idanta Partners, Ltd.
Pete Lyon
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
William H. Heyman
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Bob Mancini
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Alfred C. Sikes
READ Foundation
Patrick McBrien
Deutsche Bank
Margaret Yates Thorne
Margaret M. Minson
Executive Director
Lisa Cernera
Associate Director of Admissions
Eliane Kabwa
Finance Associate
Catherine E.S. Marciano
Program Director
Vivian Chabrier
Associate Director of Admissions
Cindy Ogrin
Sponsor Recruiter
Yovanka Bylander Arroyo
Director of Development
Joanne Abruzzese
Assistant to the Executive
Director and Office Manager
Alana Quirk
Development Associate
Edward F. Cox
Patterson, Belknap,
Webb & Tyler
Jeffrey Edwards
Merrill Lynch
Peter M. Flanigan
UBS Securities, LLC
Colleen Foster
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Sidney E. Goodfriend
Credit Suisse
Joseph R. Zimmel
Kristen Harley Donelan
Director of Sponsor Recruitment
Student Sponsor Partners