curriculum vitae1 - FEB
curriculum vitae1 - FEB
CURRICULUM VITAE1 Personal information Ignace Van de Woestyne Kutsegemstraat 23 1910 Kampenhout Belgium Tel: +32 16 89 32 77 e-mail: [email protected] Born on 4 January 1963 at Temse (Belgium) Married with Ann Vantieghem on 1 August 1987 Military service completed on 31 July 1989 Father of Anneleen (17 September 1992), Karolien (10 November 1993) and Jeroen (14 November 1995) University education • April 1989: Ph.D. in Science (mathematics) at KU Leuven (Belgium) o Dissertation (in Dutch): Krommingscondities op deelvariëteiten van semiEuclidische ruimten en voorbeelden van minimale oppervlakken van de 3dimensionale Minkowskiruimte (Curvature conditions on submanifolds of semiEuclidean spaces and examples of minimal surfaces of the 3-dimensional Minkowski space) o Additional thesis: Er bestaat een klasse van ellipsoïdale torussen in de 3dimensionale Euclidische ruimte die voldoet aan de conjectuur van Willmore in verband met de totale gemiddelde kromming (There exists a class of ellipsoidal tori in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space satisfying Willmore’s conjecture on total mean curvature) o Supervisor: L. Verstraelen o Result: Summa cum laude • July 1984: Qualified teachers degree (mathematics) at KU Leuven (Belgium) • July 1984: Master of Science (mathematics) at KU Leuven (Belgium) o Dissertation (in Dutch): Natuurlijk reductieve homogene ruimten (Natural reductive homogeneous spaces) o Supervisor: L. Vanhecke o Result: Magna cum laude Academic position • • • • • 2013 up to now: Full professor of mathematics at KU Leuven2 (Belgium) 2005 up to 2013: Full professor of mathematics at Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel3 (Belgium) 1992 to 2005: Associate professor of mathematics at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) 1989 to 1992: Assistant professor of mathematics at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) 1984 to 1989: Teaching assistant of mathematics at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) and Ph.D. student at KU Leuven (Belgium) Date: 6 October 2014. This change of university is the consequence of an integration process by which the academic part of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel is merged into KU Leuven. 3 Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel is the merger of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel and EHSAL Brussel. 1 2 1 Teaching activities • At KU Leuven@HUB (formerly Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel) (current teaching activities): o Wiskunde 1 (mathematics 1): first year bachelor commercial engineering o Onderzoeksproject economie en management (research project in economics and management): third year bachelor applied economics o Statistische methoden voor bedrijfseconomen 1 (business statistics 1): first year bachelor applied economics • At Katholieke Universiteit Brussel (past teaching activities): o Hogere wiskunde (higher mathematics): first year bachelor commercial engineering o Aanvullingen hogere wiskunde (supplements of higher mathematics): second year bachelor commercial engineering o Bedrijfsstatistiek (business statistics): second year bachelor commercial engineering o Informatica (information science): first and second year bachelor applied economics o Statistiek (statistics): second year bachelor applied economics o Wiskunde 1 (mathematics 1): first year bachelor law, option economics o Wiskunde 2 (mathematics 2): second year bachelor law, option economics o Data-analyse in de sociale wetenschappen (data analysis in the social sciences): second year bachelor political sciences, social sciences and communication sciences • At EHSAL Brussel (past teaching activities): o Operations management: international MBA program o Management science: international MBA program IT: Articles in internationally reviewed journals.4 Briec, W., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2014) Nonparametric cost and revenue functions under constant economies of scale: An enumeration approach for the single output or input case, International Transactions in Operational Research, 21(4), 619-625. (JCR 2012 Top 100%) Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2014) Solution methods for solving nonconvex free disposal hull models: A review and some critical comments, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, World Scientific Publishing, 31(1), 1450010-1-1450010-13. (JCR 2012 Top 100%) Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2014) A Note on a Variant of Radial Measure Capable of Dealing with Negative Inputs and Outputs in DEA, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, 234(1), 341-342. (JCR 2012 Top 10%) Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2014) Comparing Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indices: Exploring the impact of unbalanced vs. balanced panel data, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, 233(3), 749-758. (JCR 2012 Top 10%) Briec, W., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Portfolio selection with skewness: A comparison of methods and a generalized one fund separation result, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, 230(1), 412-421. (JCR 2012 Top 10%) Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2012) Benchmarking mean-variance portfolios using a shortage function: The choice of direction vector affects rankings!, Journal of the Operational Research If the journal is ranked in Journal Citation Reports (JCR), then information on this ranking is included between brackets. Since several ranking criteria are available (e.g., “Eigenfactor” or “Impact Factor”), the most favorable one has been used. 4 2 Society, Palgrave MacMillan, 63(1), 1199-1212. (JCR 2009 Top 25%) De Borger, B., K. Kerstens, D. Prior, I. Van de Woestyne (2012) Static Efficiency Decompositions and Capacity Utilisation: Integrating Economic and Technical Capacity Notions, Applied Economics, 44(31), 4125-4141. (JCR 2009 Top 25%) Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2011) Translation and homothetical lightlike hypersurfaces of semiEuclidean space, Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering, 38 (2A), 35-42. (JCR 2009 Top 100%) Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2011) Negative Data in DEA: A Simple Proportional Distance Function Approach, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Palgrave MacMillan, 62(1), 14131419. (JCR 2009 Top 25%)5 Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Vrancken (2011) Minimal tensor product surfaces of two pseudoEuclidean curves, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, 16(2), 62-69. (JCR 2009 Top 50%) Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2011) Non-Parametric Frontier Estimates of Mutual Fund Performance Using C- and L-moments: Some Specification Tests, Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(5), 1190-1201. (JCR 2009 Top 10%) Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2011) Geometric Representation of the Mean-VarianceSkewness Portfolio Frontier Based upon the Shortage Function, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, 210(1), 81-94. (JCR 2009 Top 10%) Briec, W., K. Kerstens, D. Prior, I. Van de Woestyne (2010) Tangency Capacity Notions Based upon the Profit and Cost Functions: A Non-Parametric Approach and a General Comparison, Economic Modelling, Elsevier, 27(5), 1156-1166. (JCR 2009 Top 75%) Brandouy, O., W. Briec, K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2010) Portfolio performance gauging in discrete time using a Luenberger productivity indicator, Journal of Banking and Finance, Elsevier, 34(8), 1899-1910. (JCR 2009 Top 10%) Brandouy, O., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2010) Exploring Bi-Criteria versus Multi-Dimensional Lower Partial Moment Portfolio Models, International Journal of Technology, Modeling and Management, Serials Publications, 1(1), 25-39. Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Visualizing Surfaces in Euclidean 3-space with VisuMath, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, 1(50), 165-180. Dillen, F., W. Goemans, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Translation Surfaces of Weingarten type in 3-space, Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, 1(50), 109-122. Van de Woestyne, I., T. Moons (2005) A software system for creating 3D-computer models from photographic images, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, 28(1), 19-40. Van de Woestyne, I., L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (2000) The Surface of Scherk: a minimal invariant under compression, Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques pures et appliquées, Tome XLV, No. 3, 515-520. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1998) The surface of Scherk in E³, a special case in the class of minimal surfaces defined as the sum of two curves, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 26(4), 257-267. This article is listed among the ten big impact articles of Journal of the Operational Research Society from the 2010 and 2011 volumes. 5 3 Mihai, I., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1995) Tensor product surfaces of Lorentzian planar curves, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 23(4), 357-363. Van de Woestyne, I. (1995) Minimal homothetical hypersurfaces of a semi-Euclidean space, Results in mathematics, 27(1), 333-342. (JCR 2009 Top 75%) Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1995) Ruled surfaces of finite type in the 3dimensional Minkowski space, Results in mathematics, 27(1), 250-255. (JCR 2009 Top 75%) Van de Woestyne, I., L. Verstraelen (1987) Conformally flat and Einsteinian Lorentzian hypersurfaces, Chinese J. Math., 15(2), 81-93. Van de Woestyne, I., L. Verstraelen (1987) Semi-symmetric Lorentzian hypersurfaces, Tôhoku Math. J., 39(1), 81-88. (JCR 2009 Top 50%) AT: Articles in other journals Van de Woestyne, I. (2012) Op zoek gaan naar geschikte wiskundeopdrachten, Wiskunde en Onderwijs, 150, 145-155. Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2009) Visualiseren met VisuMath, Wiskunde en Onderwijs, 139, 197-210. Van de Woestyne, I. (2007) De creatie van 3D-computermodellen van objecten uit foto’s, Wiskunde en Onderwijs, 129, 42-56. Van de Woestyne, I. (2006) Het oppervlak van Scherk, Wiskunde en Onderwijs, 126, 100-114. Van de Woestyne, I. (2004) Een herverdelingsprobleem als toepassing van combinatoriek, Wiskunde en Onderwijs, 117, 23-29. Van de Woestyne, I. (2002) Het visualiseren van krommen en oppervlakken met het softwarepakket VisuMath, Wiskunde en Onderwijs, 109, 34-50. Van de Woestyne, I. (2002) VisuMath: Educatieve software voor het vakgebied wiskunde, Persoon en Gemeenschap, 54(2-3), 131-141. Van de Woestyne, I. (2001) Topics uit wiskunde en economie, een educatieve website, Persoon en Gemeenschap, 53(3-4), 281-287. Van de Woestyne, I. (2000) Beveiliging vroeger en nu… en hoe de wiskunde hierbij een handje helpt, Wiskunde en Onderwijs, 103, 354-370. IHb: Article in books published by internationally recognized scientific publishers Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Twisted surfaces in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-space, Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE2012, Shaker Verlag Aachen, 143-151, ISBN 978-38440-2363-3. Brandouy, O., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Backtesting superfund portfolio strategies based on frontier-based mutual fund ratings, Efficiency and Productivity Growth: Modelling in the Financial Services Industry, John Wiley & Sons, ed. F. Pasiouras, 135-170, ISBN 978-1-1199-6752-1. 4 Kerstens, K., B.A.M. Hachem, I. Van de Woestyne, N. Vestergaard (2010) Optimal Capacity Utilization and Reallocation in a German Bank Branch Network: Exploring Some Strategic Scenarios, Progress in Economics Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ed. A. Tavidze, 16, 35-61, ISBN 9781-61122-437-5. IBe: Editor of books published by internationally recognized scientific publishers Van der Veken J., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, L. Vrancken (eds.) (2013) Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE2012, 295p, Shaker Verlag Aachen, ISBN 978-3-8440-2363-3. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne (eds.) (2007) Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE2007, 266p, Shaker Verlag Aachen, ISBN 978-3-8322-6759-9. Defever, F., J.M. Morvan, I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, G. Zafindratafa (eds.) (1999) Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds IX, 236p, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, ISBN 981-02-3897-5. Dillen, F., B. Komrakov, U. Simon, I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen (eds.) (1996) Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VIII, 408p, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, ISBN 981-02-2776-0. Dillen, F., M. Magid, U. Simon, I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen (eds.) (1995) Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VII, 320p, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, ISBN 981-02-2195-9. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen (eds.) (1994) Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VI, 314p, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, ISBN 981-02-1813-3. Dillen, F., L. Verstraelen, L. Vrancken, I. Van de Woestyne (eds.) (1993) Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds V, 349p, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, ISBN 981-02-1535-5. IC: Papers at international conferences, published in full in proceedings Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2011) On flat tensor product surfaces, Proceedings of the Conference RIGA 2011, Riemannian Geometry and Applications, Bucharest, 163-172, ISBN 978606-16-0053-3. Van de Woestyne, I. (2008) A Bootstrapping Approach for Statistical Inference on the Efficiency of Financial Portfolios, SIS 2008: Simulation in Industry and Services, Public University of Navarra, eds. F. Cole et al., 83-107, ISBN 978-84-9769-238-0. Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2007) Translation Surfaces with Vanishing Second Gaussian Curvature in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-Space, Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE2007, Shaker Verlag Aachen, 123-131, ISBN 978-3-8322-6759-9. Van de Woestyne, I., M. Jordan, T. Moons, M. Cord (2004) A software system for efficient DEM segmentation and DTM estimation in complex urban areas, Proceedings of the ISPRS Congress 2004, Istanbul, Vol. XXXV, Part B3, 134-139. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1996) Ruled surfaces of constant mean curvature in 3-dimensional Minkowski space, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VIII, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. F. Dillen et al., 145-147, ISBN 981-02-2776-0. Van de Woestyne, I. (1996) Fractals, Proceedings of the Colloques Scientifiques Internationaux Postuniversitaires, Université de Liège, 13-27. 5 Van de Woestyne, I. (1995) Minimal homothetical hypersurfaces of semi-Euclidean spaces, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VII, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. F. Dillen et al., 261-264, ISBN 981-02-2195-9. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1995) Curves and ruled surfaces of finite type in the 3-dimensional Minkowski space, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds VII, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. F. Dillen et al., 124-127, ISBN 981-02-2195-9. Van de Woestyne, I. (1993) A new characterization of the helicoids, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds V, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. F. Dillen et al., 267-273, ISBN 981-02-15355. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1993) Curves of restricted type in Minkowski space, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds V, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. F. Dillen et al., 161-168, ISBN 981-02-1535-5. Van de Woestyne, I., L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave, S. Yaprak (1992) Minimal surfaces of translation in ℝ 1n , Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds IV, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. F. Dillen and L. Verstraelen, 217-225, ISBN 981-02-1045-0. Van de Woestyne, I. (1991) Minimal S1-symmetric surfaces, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds III, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. L. Verstraelen and A. West, 294-303, ISBN 981-02-0310-1. Van de Woestyne, I. (1991) A survey of known minimal surfaces of the 3-dimensional Minkowski space, Differential geometry (in honor of Radu Rosca), KU Leuven, ed. F. Dillen, 193-205. Van de Woestyne, I. (1990) Minimal surfaces of the 3-dimensional Minkowski space, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds II, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. M. Boyom et al., 344-369, ISBN 981-02-0251-2. Van de Woestyne, I. (1989) Semi-symmetric hypersurfaces, Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds, World Scientific Publ., Singapore, eds. J-M Morvan and L. Verstraelen, 231-244, ISBN 9971-50-9334. Working papers and reports Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2013) A Note on a Variant of Radial Measure Capable of Dealing with Negative Inputs and Outputs in DEA, Lille, LEM (Document de travail 2013-28), 6p. Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Solution Methods for Solving Nonconvex Free Disposal Hull Models: A Review and Some Critical Comments, Lille, LEM (Document de travail 2013-26), 14p. Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Comparing Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Indices: Exploring the Impact of Unbalanced vs. Balanced Panel Data, Lille, LEM (Document de travail 2013-04), 29p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2010) Planetaire tandwielsystemen, Study on optimizing a combination of distinct planetary gear systems ordered by ing. Jean Van der Biest, 11p. Kerstens, K., B.A. Moulaye Hachem, I. Van de Woestyne (2010) Malmquist and Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indices: An empirical comparison focusing on infeasibilities, HUB research paper, 27p. 6 Van de Woestyne, I., T. Moons (2004) DEM segmentation in complex urban areas with ReconLab, technical report, 8p. Van de Woestyne, I., T. Moons (2003) 3D-modeling and editing with ReconLab, preprint, 14p. Haesen, S., I. Van de Woestyne (2001) Visualisatie van krommen en oppervlakken, Text accompanying module 2 of the workshop “Beelden spreken aan, in wiskunde en economie doen ze ons zoveel meer verstaan”, 12p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2000) Het Cobb-Douglas model als model voor de nutsfunctie in de arbeidstheorie, 7p. Van de Woestyne, I. (1999) Geheimhouding op het internet, een geheim? Een inleiding tot de cryptologie, Text accompanying module 2 of the workshop “Wiskunde niet alleen in de sterren geschreven, ook met informatica en economie verweven”, 12p. Van de Woestyne, I. (1998) Statistiek in de digitale beeldverwerking, Text accompanying module 2 of the workshop “Geraak niet in paniek wanneer je hoort van statistiek”, 12p. Van de Woestyne, I. (1997) Het maken van modellen, Text accompanying module 2 of the workshop “Gisteren nog in wiskunde, vandaag in economie”, 12p. Van de Woestyne, I. (1991) De theorie van de Lotto, Study for the national lottery of Belgium, 40p. Van de Woestyne, I., L. Verstraelen (1989) A class of tori satisfying T.J. Willmore's conjecture, Preprint Series Dept. Math., KU Leuven, 1, 49-66. Lecture notes Van de Woestyne, I. (2012) Wiskunde 1A voor handelsingenieurs, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 317p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2012) Wiskunde 1B voor handelsingenieurs, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 234p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2011) Inleiding tot statistische methoden voor bedrijfseconomen, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 221p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2011) Wiskunde 1A voor handelsingenieurs, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 304p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2011) Wiskunde 1B voor handelsingenieurs, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 229p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2011) Wiskundige basisbegrippen, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 59p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2010) Wiskunde 1A voor handelsingenieurs, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 360p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2010) Wiskunde 1B voor handelsingenieurs, Standaard Boekhandel, Belgium, 240p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2010) Zomercursus wiskunde voor handelsingenieurs, available as pdf, 63p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2006) Wiskunde voor het economisch hoger onderwijs: de essentie, available as pdf, 7 172p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2006) Kansrekening en statistiek voor het economisch hoger onderwijs: de essentie, available as pdf, 294p. Van de Woestyne, I.(2003) Inleiding tot het programmeren met Turbo Pascal, lecture notes, 104p. Van de Woestyne, I.(2001) Lineair programmeren, lecture notes, 138p. Van de Woestyne, I. (2001) Informatica, lecture notes, 115p. IMa: Meeting abstracts/papers presented at international conferences and symposia Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Convex and nonconvex cost estimates differ: A non-parametric approach with an illustration on scale economies and returns to scale, Seminar SMART-LERECO, INRA, Rennes, France, 3 December 2013. Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Scale Economies and Returns to Scale in Non-Parametric Cost Convex and Nonconvex Cost Estimates Differ: A Non-Parametric Approach With an Illustration on Scale Economies and Returns to Scale, Seminar Harbin School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 10 October 2013. Briec, W., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Risk-Loving and Risk-Averse Preferences in MeanVariance-Skewness-Kurtosis Portfolio Modeling: A Common Characterization using the Shortage Function, European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, edition 13, Helsinki, Finland, 17-20 June 2013. Briec, W., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Risk-Loving and Risk-Averse Preferences in Portfolio Modelling: A Common Characterization using a Shortage Function, Financial Modelling Post-2008: Where Next? Seminar 2: Distributional Assumptions and Efficiency, School of Management, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom, 21-22 March 2013. Kerstens, K., I. Van de Woestyne (2012) Primal Productivity Indices: Exploring the Impact of Unbalanced Panel Data, National Marine Fisheries Service Productivity Workshop, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz California, USA, 11 June 2012. Kerstens, K., B.A.M. Hachem, I. Van de Woestyne (2012) Scale Economies and Returns to Scale in Non-Parametric Cost and Production Models: Exploring the Impact of Convexity, North American Productivity Workshop VII, Houston Texas, USA, 6-9 June 2012. Kerstens, K., B.A.M. Hachem, I. Van de Woestyne (2012) Scale Economies and Returns to Scale in Non-Parametric Cost and Production Models: Exploring the Impact of Convexity, 3rd Helsinki Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (HeWEPA III), Helsinki, Finland, 4 May 2012. Briec, W., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2011) Polynomial Goal Programming and Shortage Function Approaches to Reconstruct MVS Portfolio Frontiers: A Preliminary Comparison, European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, edition 12, Verona, Italy, 22-24 June 2011. Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2010) Non-Parametric Frontier Estimates of Mutual Fund Performance Using C- and L-Moments: Some Specification Tests, The Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference, edition 7, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-23 July 2010. Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2010) Non-Parametric Frontier Estimates of Mutual 8 Fund Performance Using C- and L-Moments: Some Specification Tests, North American Productivity Workshop, edition 6, Houston Texas, USA, 2-5 June 2010. Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2009) Non-Parametric Frontier Estimates of Mutual Funds: Some Specification Issues, UKEPAN 2009, International Conference on "Global trends in the Efficiency and Risk Management of Financial Services and the Financial Crisis", Leicester, United Kingdom, 14-15 November 2009. Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2009) Non-Parametric Frontier Estimates of Mutual Funds: Some Specification Issues, European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, edition 11, Pisa, Italy, 23-26 June 2009. Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2009) Geometric Representation of the Mean-VarianceSkewness Portfolio Frontier Based upon the Shortage Function, ESCP Europe Finance Seminar International Series, Paris, France, 8 June 2009. Brandouy, O., W. Briec, K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Portfolio performance gauging in discrete time using a Luenberger productivity indicator, Northern Finance Association NFA2008, Calgary, Canada, 5-7 September 2008. Dillen, F., W. Goemans, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Translation Surfaces of Weingarten type in 3-space, Conference on Riemannian Geometry and Applications, Brasov, Romania, 8-11 July 2008. Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Visualizing surfaces in Euclidean 3-space with VisuMath, Conference on Riemannian Geometry and Applications, Brasov, Romania, 8-11 July 2008. Brandouy, O., W. Briec, K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Portfolio performance gauging in discrete time using a Luenberger productivity indicator, European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece, 25-28 June 2008. Brandouy, O., W. Briec, K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Portfolio performance gauging in discrete time using a Luenberger productivity indicator, North American Productivity Workshop, edition 5, New-York, USA, 25-27 June 2008. Brandouy, O., W. Briec, K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Portfolio performance gauging in discrete time using a Luenberger productivity indicator, AFFI Annual Meeting, Lille, France, 20-22 May 2008. Brandouy, O., W. Briec, K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Portfolio performance gauging in discrete time using a Luenberger productivity indicator, European Research Group "Money, Banking & Finance" Workshop: Efficiency and Productivity in Banking Industry, Lille, France, 23 April 2008. Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2007) Geometric Representation of the Mean-VarianceSkewness Portfolio Frontier Based upon the Shortage Function, Tenth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Measurement, Lille, France, 27-30 June 2007. Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2007) Translation Surfaces with Vanishing Second Gaussian Curvature in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-Space, International congress Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2007, Brussels, Belgium, 10-13 April 2007. Van de Woestyne, I., M. Jordan, T. Moons, M. Cord (2004) A software system for efficient DEM segmentation and DTM estimation in complex urban areas, ISPRS Congress 2004, Istanbul, Turkey, 1217 July 2004. 9 Van de Woestyne, I., T. Moons (2004) A software system for creating 3D-computer models from photographic images, Congres “Mathematics at Kragujevac 2004”, Kragujevac, Serbia, 16-20 June 2004. Van de Woestyne, I. (1996) Fractals, Colloques Scientifiques Internationaux Postuniversitaires, Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium, 12-17 August 1996. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1995) Ruled surfaces of constant mean curvature in 3-dimensional Minkowski space, Congress on differential geometry and applications, Nordfjordeid, Norway, 18-30 July 1995. Van de Woestyne, I. (1994) Minimal homothetical hypersurfaces of semi-Euclidean spaces, International congress Differential geometry, Brussels and Leuven, Belgium, 9-13 July 1994. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1994) Curves and ruled surfaces of finite type in the 3-dimensional Minkowski space, International congress Differential geometry, Brussels and Leuven, Belgium, 9-13 July 1994. Van de Woestyne, I. (1992) A new characterization of the helicoids, International congress Differential geometry and vision and the geometry of submanifolds, Brussels and Leuven, 11-14 July 1992. Dillen, F., I. Van de Woestyne, L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave (1992) Curves of restricted type in Minkowski space, International congress Differential geometry and vision and the geometry of submanifolds, Brussels and Leuven, 11-14 July 1992. Van de Woestyne, I., L. Verstraelen, J. Walrave, S. Yaprak (1991) Minimal surfaces of translation in ℝ 1n , International congress Differential geometry and vision, Leuven, 27-29 June 1991. Van de Woestyne, I. (1990) Minimal S1-symmetric surfaces, Workshop on surfaces, submanifolds and their applications, Leeds, United Kingdom, 14-18 May 1990. Van de Woestyne, I. (1989) A survey of known minimal surfaces of the 3-dimensional Minkowski space, Colloquium Differential geometry (in honor of Radu Rosca), Leuven, 9 December 1989. Van de Woestyne, I. (1989) Minimal surfaces of the 3-dimensional Minkowski space, Österreichischer Mathematikerkongreß, Vienna, Austria, 18-23 September 1989. Van de Woestyne, I. (1988) Minimal surfaces of the 3-dimensional Minkowski space, International congress Geometry and Topology of Submanifolds, Avignon, France, 30 May – 3 June 1988. Van de Woestyne, I. (1987) Semi-symmetric hypersurfaces, Géométrie et topologie des sous-variétés, Marseille, France, 18-23 May 1987. Van de Woestyne, I., L. Verstraelen (1985) Semi-symmetric Lorentzian hypersurfaces, Österreichischer Mathematikerkongreß, Graß, Austria, 16-21 September 1985. AMa: Meeting abstracts/papers presented at other conferences and symposia Brandouy, O., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2013) Frontier based versus traditional mutual fund ratings: A first backtesting analysis, Seminar Department of Economics Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium, 15 May 2013. Van de Woestyne, I. (2012) Lopend en nieuw onderzoek omtrent de relatie wiskunde-economie, Dag van 10 het onderzoek Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 31 May 2012. Kerstens, K., B.A.M. Hachem, I. Van de Woestyne (2012) Scale Economies and Returns to Scale in Non-Parametric Cost and Production Models: Exploring the Impact of Convexity, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Seminar, Berlin, Germany, 25 May 2012. Briec, W., K. Kerstens, I. Van de Woestyne (2011) Polynomial Goal Programming and Shortage Function Portfolio Selection with Skewness: A Comparison, Seminar University of Bath, Department of Economics, Bath, United Kingdom, 2 March 2011. Goemans, W., I. Van de Woestyne (2009) Visualiseren met VisuMath, Annual meeting of VVWL, Brussels, Belgium, 7 March 2009. Van de Woestyne, I. (2008) Financial Portfolio Frontiers and Portfolio Performance Measurement in a Non-Parametric Framework from a Mathematical Point of View, Colloquium of the mathematics department of KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 23 May 2008. Kerstens, K., A. Mounir, I. Van de Woestyne (2008) Geometric Representation of the Mean-VarianceSkewness Portfolio Frontier Based upon the Shortage Function, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel Research Seminars, Brussels, Belgium, 19 February 2008. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2006) Van ruimtemeetkunde tot virtuele realiteit, Workshop CNO, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerp, Belgium, 8 November 2006. Van de Woestyne, I. (2006) De creatie van 3D-computermodellen van objecten uit foto’s, Congres of VVWL, Ostend, Belgium, 1-2 July 2006. Van de Woestyne, I., M. Jordan, T. Moons, M. Cord (2004) A software system for efficient DEM segmentation and DTM estimation in complex urban areas, Tournesol workshop “Visics”, ETIS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 15-16 September 2004. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2004) A graphical user interface for the semi-automatic selection of keyframes in video sequences: design and first results, Tournesol workshop “Visics”, ETIS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 16-17 December 2004. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2004) 3D-modeling and editing with ReconLab, Presentation at Research and Development department of Eurotronic, Brussels, Belgium, 2 December 2004. Van de Woestyne, I. (2004) Demonstration of ReconLab, InView project meeting at ESAT, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 4 October 2004. Van de Woestyne, I. (2004) Demonstration of VideoInterface, InView project meeting at ESAT, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 4 October 2004. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2004) Connected component detection and DEM segmentation in complex urban areas, Workshop “Visics” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 5 July 2004. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2004) Drie-dimensionale reconstructie van een statische scène uit digitale beelden, Workshop “Wiskunde, statistiek en informatica aan de Katholieke Universiteit Brussel”, Brussels, Belgium, 3-4 June 2004. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2004) Visualisatie en reconstructie van 3D-objecten, Workshop 11 “Wiskunde, statistiek en informatica aan de Katholieke Universiteit Brussel”, Brussels, Belgium, 34 June 2004. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2004) ReconLab 1.1 and DEM segmentation, Tournesol workshop “Visics”, ETIS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 6-7 April 2004. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2004) Van foto’s tot driedimensionale computermodellen, Nationale wiskundedagen 2004, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 6-7 February 2004 Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2003) What’s new in ReconLab 1.1, Workshop “Visics” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 30 September 2003. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2003) 3D-modeling and editing with ReconLab, Presentation at IGN France, Paris, France, 17 July 2003. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2003) A unified approach to 3D reconstruction from (un)calibrated digital images, Tournesol workshop “Visics”, ETIS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 1516 July 2003. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2003) 3D-modeling and editing with ReconLab, Tournesol workshop “Visics”, ETIS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 15-16 July 2003. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2003) ReconLab: first steps towards a powerful 3D-editing and modeling environment, Tournesol workshop “Visics”, ETIS, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France, 23 January 2003. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2002) From 2 images to a 3D-model with Epipool, Workshop “Visics”, ESAT, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 11 June 2002. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2002) The development environment Delphi used to create Epipool, Workshop “Visics”, ESAT, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 11 June 2002. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2002) From 2 images to a 3D-model with Epipool, Workshop “Visics” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 16 May 2002. Van de Woestyne, I. (2002) Interactieve workshops over wiskunde en economie: zes jaar ervaring op het terrein, Workshop “Van krijtje tot PC”, Flemish parliament, Brussels, Belgium, 25 April 2002. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2002) From 2 images to a 3D-model with Epipool, Workshop “Visics” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 26 March 2002. Moons, T., I. Van de Woestyne (2002) Reconstructie van 3d-modellen op basis van foto’s en demonstratie m.b.v. Epipool, Workshop UDL, Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 19 February 2002. Van de Woestyne, I. (2000) De website “Topics uit wiskunde en economie”, Workshop for teachers in the Flemish secondary education system, Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 3 May 2000. Van de Woestyne, I. (2000) Beveiliging vroeger en nu… en hoe de wiskunde hierbij een handje helpt, Annual meeting of VVWL, Oudenaarde, Belgium, 25 March 2000. 12 Organization of international conferences and workshops Member of the organizing committee of the international conference on Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2012, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 27-30 August 2012. Member of the scientific committee of the international conference Simulation in Industry and Services, SIS 2009, Brussels, 4 December 2009. Member of the scientific committee of the international congress Riemannian Geometry and Applications, Brasov, Romania, 8-11 July 2008. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international congress Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2007, Brussels, Belgium, 10-13 April 2007. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international conference Simulation in Industry and Services, SIS 2006, Brussels, 8 December 2006. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international conference Simulation in Industry and Services, SIS 2004, Brussels, 10 December 2004. Organizer (with T. Moons) of the workshop “Wiskunde, statistiek en informatica aan de Katholieke Universiteit Brussel”, Brussels, Belgium, 3-4 June 2004. Organizer (with T. Moons) of the “Visics” workshops at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel and KU Leuven, Brussels, Leuven, Belgium, 26 March 2002, 16 May 2002, 28 April 2003, 30 September 2003, 5 July 2004, 15-16 November 2004. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international conference on mathematics in honour of Professor Radu Rosca at the occasion of his ninetieth birthday, Brussels and Leuven, 11-16 December 1999. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international congress The geometry of Submanifolds, Brussels, 13-14 July 1995. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international congress Differential geometry, Brussels and Leuven, 9-13 July 1994. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international congress Pure and applied geometry and the theory of Submanifolds, Brussels and Leuven, 10-13 July 1993. Member of the organizing and scientific committee of the international congress Differential geometry and vision and the geometry of submanifolds, Brussels and Leuven, 11-14 July 1992. Invited research visits Invited professor at Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD), 1-31 December 2010. Several short research visits on invitation at Université de Cergy-Pontoise (Paris) in the period 2003-2004 . Short research visit in Kopenhagen on invitation by Microsoft Research, 12-14 May 2003. 13 Supervisor or co-supervisor of Ph.D. theses Co-supervisor of Wendy Goemans: Ph.D. in science (mathematics) at KU Leuven on 3 September 2010. Title: Surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean and Minkowski space, in particular a study of Weingarten surfaces (supervisor: F. Dillen). Supervisor of Amine Mounir: Ph.D. in applied economics at Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel on 21 June 2010. Title: On the use of the shortage function in portfolio theory (co-supervisor: K. Kerstens). Co-supervisor of Johan Walrave: Ph.D. in science (mathematics) at KU Leuven on 13 September 1995. Title: Curves and surfaces in Minkowski space (supervisor: L. Verstraelen). Jury member of Ph.D. theses Member of the Ph.D. jury of Matthieu Belarouci at Université Lille 1 on 6 December 2013. Title: The relation between technical efficiency and stock returns: Evidence from the US airline industry (supervisors O. Brandouy and K. Kerstens). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Bouye Ahmed Ould Moulaye Hachem at Université Lille 1 on 6 September 2011. Title: Frontier estimation of efficiency and productivity: Some new perspectives for firms and industry (supervisor K. Kerstens). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Qi Bin Liang at Université de Perpignan on 9 December 2010. Title: Sur certaines structures de convexité et leurs applications économiques (supervisor W. Briec). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Mircea Epure at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona on 6 September 2010. Title: Novel perspectives on technology-based efficiency and productivity analyses (supervisor: D. Prior, co-supervisor: K. Kerstens). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Steven Verpoort at KU Leuven on 23 May 2008. Title: The geometry of the second fundamental form: Curvature properties and variational aspects (supervisor: L. Verstraelen). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Joeri Van der Veken at KU Leuven on 20 April 2008. Title: Submanifolds of homogeneous spaces (supervisor: F. Dillen). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Wijarn Sodsiri at KU Leuven on 5 March 2005. Title: Ruled surfaces of Weingarten type in Minkowski 3-space (supervisor: F. Dillen). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Boris Doubrov at KU Leuven on 23 September 2004. Title: Homogeneous spaces and holonomic differential equations (supervisor: L. Verstraelen, co-supervisor: B. Komrakov). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Stefan Haesen at KU Leuven on 3 April 2004. Title: Ongelijkheden en symmetrieën van numerieke krommingen en hun toepassingen in de algemene relativiteitstheorie (supervisor: L. Verstraelen, co-supervisor: R. Deszcz). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Johan Verrue at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel on 21 May 1999. Title: A dynamic model of the real Belgian franc (supervisor: J. Degadt, co-supervisor: J.L. Stein). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Johan Lambrecht at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel on 28 February 1998. Title: SME policy in Belgium: Evaluation and implications for optimization, a qualitative-inductive approach (supervisor: R. Donckels). 14 Member of the Ph.D. jury of Sahnur Yaprak at KU Leuven on 8 September 1993. Title: Intrinsic and extrinsic differential geometry concerning curvature conditions of pseudosymmetry type (supervisor: L. Verstraelen, co-supervisor: R. Deszcz). Member of the Ph.D. jury of Ryszard Deszcz at KU Leuven on 10 July 1992. Title: On pseudosymmetric spaces (supervisor: L. Verstraelen). External research funds obtained 2011-2012: Project “Regional differences in convertible bond funds” funded by NBB (Nationale Bank van België) (with G. Van Campenhout en R. Vanpée). 2007: Funds obtained from Research Foundation-Flanders for organizing the international congress Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2007, Brussels, 10-13 April 2007 (with F. Dillen). 2006-2010: BOF project Topics in Finance: Portfolio Frontiers and Credit Scoring, HogeschoolUniversiteit Brussel (with K. Kerstens). 2002-2004: Tournesol project between Katholieke Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium and Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France (with T. Moons). 1999-2000: Research project with the research and development department of Agfa-Gevaert Graphics (Mortsel, Belgium) (with B. Komrakov). Refereeing for international journals • Analele Stiintifice ale Univ. Ovidius Constanta, Ser. Matematica • Bulletin, Journal and Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society • Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society • Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering • Journal of Banking and Finance • Journal of the Operational Research Society • Omega, The International Journal of Management Science • European Journal of Operational Research Project refereeing for scientific organizations • Qatar National Research Fund • The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) Computer skills • Operating systems: Dos, Linux, Windows • Programming languages: Delphi, HTML, JavaScript, Maple, Pascal, Visual Basic, VRML 15 • Programming applications: Borland Delphi, Embarcadero Delphi XE, GP-install, HTML Help Workshop, HTML-Kit, MS Visual Basic • Office applications: Adobe Acrobat, FreeMind, GhostScript, GhostView, JabRef, LaTeX, MS Excel, MS Outlook, MS PowerPoint, MS Word, PDF XChange Viewer, PSpad, TeXnicCenter, WinMerge • Internet applications: FileZilla FTP client, FireFTP, Mozilla Firefox, MS Internet Explorer, Smartsite • 2D graphics applications: Adobe Photoshop, AWicons, Gimp, Inkscape, Intergraph SmartSketch, IrfanView, Nikon View • 3D modeling and visualization applications: Asymetrix 3DFX, Cortona3D Viewer, ImageVis3D • Audio applications: Audacity, FLAC, Sony SonicStage • Video applications: Camtasia Studio, Windows Movie Maker • Mathematics and statistics software: GAMS, GNU Octave, Lindo, Maple, Maxima, R, SPSS, VisuMath, VisuStat • Communications applications: Skype, Novell Groupwise client Software developed6 2012: BinaireKlok (version 1.0) for Windows. This program presents a clock on the screen showing the actual time (hours, minutes, seconds and tenths of seconds) in binary numbers. The individual digits of these binary numbers are represented by colored circles. 2012: Onderzoeksfinanciering (version 1.0) for Windows. This program computes the allocation of financial resources based on a number of parameters. This program can be used by the research council of the faculty of Economics & Business. 2011: Maple routines for computing the allocation of financial resources available for use by the research council of the faculty of Economics & Business. 2011: The website of the research group Mathematical Economics, Econometrics and Statistics (MEES) ( 2011: A total of 44 procedures expanding the functionality of Maple in the area of descriptive statistics and probability theory. These procedures are used for educational and scientific purposes. 2010: Efficiency (version 1.0) for Windows. This program quickly computed standard convex or non-convex output oriented efficiency measures for large data sets. This program is being used for research purposes. 2010: GeneralMoments (version 1.0) for Windows. This program efficiently computes and sorts all Software development includes writing the code, designing and creating the graphical user interface, providing a help file, creating a distribution file and occasionally also providing an accompanying website. Most of the products mentioned here can be found on 6 16 general moments up to order five of a given data set containing the raw returns of a portfolio universe. This program is being used for research purposes. 2010: LMoments (version 1.0) for Windows. This program efficiently computes all L-moments up to order five of a given data set containing the raw returns of a portfolio universe. This program is being used for research purposes. 2010: Krommen (version 2.0) for Windows. This is a standalone interactive multimedia presentation (graphics, sound and dynamic animations) explaining curves and curvature for planar curves and placing these in a historical perspective. The program Osccirk (see below) is also integrated in this presentation. This program is being used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2010: Oppervlakken (version 2.0) for Windows. This is a standalone interactive multimedia presentation (graphics, sound and movies) explaining surfaces and curvature and placing these in a historical perspective. Moreover, the user can select examples from an extensive collection of minimal surfaces both in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-space for dynamic viewing. This program is being used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2009: MyDEApackage. This is a package to be used with Matlab or GNU Octave containing 20 procedures for computing different types of efficiency measures. This package is being used for research purposes. 2009: PharmaQr (version 1.0) for Windows. This program has been developed for quickly solving an inventory related industry problem. 2008: DEA (version 1.0) for Windows. This program solves a standard output oriented data envelopment analysis (DEA) problem. This program is being used for research purposes. 2008: VisuMath (version 3.0) for Windows and accompanying website This program can visualize curves and surfaces described by real functions. It is still being used in courses on mathematics. 2007-2011: Over 40 Maple programs used for scientific and educational purposes. 2007: Digrammen (version 1.0) for Windows. This program counts the number of distinct letters, digrams and trigrams with blank space in an arbitrary text. This program can be useful in combination with the program Crypto. 2007: The website “PADGE 2007” of the international congress Pure and Applied Differential Geometry, PADGE 2007, Brussels, Belgium, 10-13 April 2007 ( 2006: PointViewer3d (version 1.0) for Windows. This is a scientific viewer for dynamically visualizing 3d-models. It is still being used for scientific visualization. 2006: The website “ReconLab” ( 2006: ReconLab (versions 1.2 and 1.2Lite) for Windows and Linux. This program creates 3dimensional computer models of objects visible in photographic images with additional 2d and 3d editing capabilities. It is still being used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2004-2005: VideoInterface (version 1.0) for Windows. This program allows the user to easily visualize, extract and select individual frames and key frames from DV-video. It has been 17 developed by order of the InView IST-2000-28459 project of the Visics research group of KU Leuven. 2004: ReconLabDemo (version 1.0) for Windows. This is a demonstration program for dynamically visualizing models created with ReconLab. It is still being used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2004: WetfeestBrowser (version 1.0) for Windows. This is a demonstration program for dynamically visualizing models created with VisuMath. It is still being used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2004: Stopwatch for Windows. This is a timer program that facilitates the timing of scientific or educational presentations by showing a miniature colored bar on the screen. 2004: Crypto (version 1.1) for Windows. This program helps you in coding and decoding texts using different historically important cipher techniques. It is still being used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2004: Osccirk (version 3.0) for Windows. This program visualizes dynamically 26 historical planar curves and their osculation circles, osculation hyperbolas, evolutes and curvature. It is still being used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2004: Spaarsimulatie (version 1.0) for Windows. This program can be used to compare different popular financial savings and investments products. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2003-2004: ReconLab (versions 1.0 and 1.1) for Windows and Linux. This program is the successor of Epipool and creates 3-dimensional computer models of objects visible in photographic images and has lots of 2d and 3d editing capabilities. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2002: VisuMath (version 2.1) for Windows. This program can visualize curves and surfaces described by real functions. It has been used in courses on mathematics and during workshops organized to popularize science. 2002: Epipool (versions 2.0 and 2.1) for Windows. This program creates 3-dimensional computer models of objects visible in photographic images. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2001-2007: Enquete (versions 1.1 to 2.2) for Windows. This program provides an easy to use interface for conducting enquiries on a computer. The resulting files can be analyzed statistically with the program VerwerkEnquete. This program has been used by HONIM (now part of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel) for conducting student surveys on the didactical quality of the teaching staff. 2001-2007: VerwerkEnquete (versions 1.0 to 2.2) for Windows. This program analyzes statistically the output generated with the program Enquete. This program has been used by HONIM (now part of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel) for processing the student surveys on the didactical quality of the teaching staff. 2001: Epipool (version 1.0) for Windows. This program creates 3-dimensional computer models of objects visible in photographic images. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 18 2001: VisuStat (version 2.0) for Windows. This program demonstrates and visualizes common techniques related to probability theory and statistics. It is still being used in courses on statistics and has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2001: VisuMath (version 2.0) for Windows. This program can visualize curves and surfaces described by real functions. It has been used in courses on mathematics and during workshops organized to popularize science. 2001: Monopolie (version 1.0) for Windows. With this program, simulations can be made demonstrating relations between several economical variables (e.g., price, quantity, production, profit). It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 2000-2006: The website “Topics uit wiskunde en economie” ( 2000: Osccirk (version 2.0) for Windows. This program visualizes dynamically 26 historical planar curves and their osculation circles, osculation hyperbolas, evolutes and curvature. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1999: Crypto (version 1.0) for Windows. This program helps you in coding and decoding texts using different historically important cipher techniques. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1999: Ecograf (version 1.0) for Windows. This program visualizes basic ideas in economics. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1998: Lorenz (version 1.0) for Windows. This program visualizes the Lorenz curve and computes the Gini coefficient of given data. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1998: Indexen (version 1.0) for Windows. This program computes several economical indexes. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1998: VisuStat (version 1.0) for Windows. This program demonstrates and visualizes common techniques related to probability theory and statistics. It has been used in courses on statistics and during workshops organized to popularize science. 1998: Beeldstat (version 1.0) for Windows. This program applies statistical techniques on digital images resulting in effects such as smoothing, sharpening and edge detection. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1997: Krommen (version 1.0) for Windows. This is a standalone interactive multimedia presentation (graphics, sound and dynamic animations) explaining curves and curvature for planar curves and placing these in a historical perspective. The program Osccirk (see below) is also integrated in this presentation. This program has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1997: Oppervlakken (version 1.0) for Windows. This is a standalone interactive multimedia presentation (graphics, sound and movies) explaining surfaces and curvature and placing these in a historical perspective. Moreover, the user can select examples from an extensive collection of minimal surfaces both in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-space for dynamic viewing. This program has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1997: Grafopt (version 1.0) for Windows. This program visualizes linear equalities and inequalities 19 with two variables and solves related LP-problems. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1997: Code (version 1.0) for Windows. This program checks the validity of different types of bank cards. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1997: Effecten (version 1.0) for Windows. This program illustrates the computation of the equilibrium price on the Belgian stock market. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1997: Sparen (version 1.0) for Windows. This program computes and visualizes different savings scenarios. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1996-2002: Enquete (version 1.0) for Windows. This program provides an easy to use interface for conducting enquiries on a computer. This program has been used by the faculty of pure and applied economics of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel for conducting student surveys on the didactical quality of the teaching staff. 1996-2000: Multimedia presentation on CD-ROM (approximately 400 pages) of the faculty of pure and applied economics. 1996-2000: Multimedia presentation on CD-ROM (approximately 110 pages) presenting Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 1996-2000: Website of the faculty of pure and applied economics (approximately 60 pages). 1996-2000: Virtuele meetkundemuseum (virtual museum on geometry), a website containing history, theory and examples on curves, surfaces and fractals. This website has been integrated in 2000 in the website “Topics uit wiskunde en economie” ( 1996: Osccirk (version 1.0) for Windows. This program visualizes dynamically 26 historical planar curves and their osculation circles, osculation hyperbolas, evolutes and curvature. It has been used during workshops organized to popularize science. 1990-2000: Deliberation program for Windows used by the faculty of pure and applied economics of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. This program generates the deliberation lists, the result letters per student and a statistical analysis of the global results. Innovation in education 2011 up to now: Extending the course Wiskunde 1 (Mathematics 1) first year bachelor commercial engineering with blended learning material (i.e., additional online video sessions). This operation involves (a) selecting and preparing specific topics; (b) prerecording of additional classes for online viewing, and (c) cutting, editing and publishing of the audio and video material obtained. In total, 5h 28m 56s of footage (Dutch spoken) is available on 2010 up to now: Adaptation of the course Statistische methoden voor bedrijfseconomen 1 (Statistics 1) first year bachelor applied economics for use in a blended learning educational environment. This operation involves (a) selecting topics and preparing a reduced number of physical classes; (b) prerecording of additional classes for online viewing , (c) cutting, editing and publishing of the audio and video material obtained, (d) developing tailored digital material to accompany both physical and online classes, (e) organizing online consultations on a regular basis, and (f) developing intermediate progress tests. In total, 18h 6m 27s of footage (Dutch spoken) is available 20 on 2008 up to now: Active use of notebooks during the course Wiskunde 1 (mathematics 1) first year bachelor commercial engineering. Briefly, all students actively use their own notebooks during each class. Depending on the topics to be discussed, this can involve solving a problem individually or in group, and with or without my guidance. For all exams, students can use all printed and digital material and their own notebook for solving some mathematical problems. 2008 up to now: Adaptation of the course Wiskunde 1 (mathematics 1) first year bachelor commercial engineering of active use of the computer algebra system MAPLE. This includes (a) the development of tailored digital material, (b) digital communication with students, (c) digital helpdesk on mathematical and technical problems reported by students. More information on this project can be found in the following video presentation (Dutch spoken): (58m 43s). 2008: Initiator of the integration of the computer algebra system MAPLE (software) in all mathematics courses of bachelor commercial engineering. 2008: Initiator on the active use of notebooks in all mathematics courses of bachelor commercial engineering. 2006-2008: Active usage of SMART Board interactive whiteboard technology at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel during courses. 2006: Initiator of using SMART Board interactive whiteboard technology at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 2000 up to now: Integration of relevant software to be used by students (e.g., Excel, Word, HTMLeditor, Turbo Pascal and Delphi for courses in information science, VisuStat and SPSS in courses in statistics, Lindo in mathematics courses). 2000 up to now: Usage of modern means of communication (e-mail, digital learning environment, …) for interaction with students. 1997 up to now: Active usage of relevant software for demonstration purposes during courses. Scientific prizes 2003: First place in the European TeachMath Excellence 2002 competition with the program VisuMath and the accompanying website 2001: Second place in the Belgian CST-2001 software competition with the program VisuMath. The prize was granted on 16 November 2001 at the Flemish Parliament. 2000: First place in the Belgian CST2000 software competition (Computers en multimedia op school en thuis) with the website ‘Topics uit wiskunde en economie’, Services to the academic community 2011: Member of the evaluation committee responsible for evaluating the academic staff (ZAP) of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel. 2010 up to now: ICT-coordinator of the research group Mathematical Economics, Econometrics 21 and Statistics (MEES) of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel. 2010 up to now: Head of the research group Mathematical Economics, Econometrics and Statistics (MEES) of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel. 2009-2011: Representative of Hogeschool Universiteit Brussel in VSC (Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum) users group. 2007 up to now: Member of BOB (coordinating research council of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel). 2004 up to now: Member of the bureau of the research council of the faculty of economics and management of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel. 2004-2008: Dean of the faculty of pure and applied economics of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 2002-2004: Member of the board of governors of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 2001-2002: Acting rector of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 2000 up to now: Expert for Katholieke Universteit Brussel and Hogeschool Universiteit Brussel on computer related issues. 2000-2006: Head of the computing center of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 1998 up to now: Member of the research council of the faculty of economics and management of Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel. 1997-2002: Vice rector of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 1997-2002: Academic secretary of the academic council of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 1996-2008: Member of the general assembly of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 1996-2002: Dean of the faculty of pure and applied economics of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 1993-1996: Head of the computing center of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. 1989-1993: Academic secretary of the faculty of pure and applied economics of Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. Services to the general public (popularization of science) 2011: Organization and production (with T. Moons) of a science project on 3d-reconstruction for a secondary school (Sint-Jozefscollege Turnhout) on 3 March 2011. 2010: Organization and production (with W. Goemans) of the activity “Ontdek de historiek en schoonheid van Euclidische en niet-Euclidische meetkunde” for the national science day organized by the Flemish government on 21 November 2010. 2010: Organization and production of the activity “Onderzoek in de wiskunde? Alles is toch al lang gekend?” for the national science day organized by the Flemish government on 21 November 2010. 2006: Organization and production (with J. Colpaert) of the activity “Van foto tot 3d-model” for 22 the Vlaamse wetenschapsfeest (Flemish science festival), organized by the Flemish government on a central location. 2005: External expert for the project “It’s Mathemagic, wiskunde in bouwpakketten” (J.M. Dendoncker). This project has finished second in 2005 in a competition from the Fondation Reine Paola. 2004: Organization and production (with J. Colpaert) of the activity “Van foto tot 3d-model” for the Vlaamse wetenschapsfeest (Flemish science festival), organized by the Flemish government on a central location. 2004: Retake of the workshop of 2001 during the Vlaamse wetenschapsweek (Flemish science week), an initiative of the Flemish government in promoting science education. 2002: Organization and production (with J. Colpaert) of the activity “Visualiseren van 3dmodellen” for the Vlaamse wetenschapsfeest (Flemish science festival), organized by the Flemish government on a central location. 2002: Retake of the workshop of 2001 during the Vlaamse wetenschapsweek (Flemish science week), an initiative of the Flemish government in promoting science education. 2001: Organization and production (with J. Colpaert) of the activity “Visualiseren van 3dmodellen” for the Vlaamse wetenschapsfeest (Flemish science festival), organized by the Flemish government on a central location. 2001: Organization and production (with S. Haesen, E. Jacobs, J. Janssen and T. Moons) of the workshop “Beelden spreken aan, in wiskunde en economie doen ze ons zoveel meer verstaan” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. Lectures and hands-on training for the general public have been held repeatedly from 1 October till 26 October 2001. 2000: Organization and production (with S. Haesen, E. Jacobs, J. Janssen and T. Moons) of the workshop “Via de wiskunde van een virtuele wereld naar de economische realiteit” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. Lectures and hands-on training for the general public have been held repeatedly from 9 October till 10 November 2000. 2000: Organization of the workshop “Topics uit wiskunde en economie” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel on 3 May 2000 for teachers in the Flemish secondary education system. 2000: Retake of the workshop of 1999 during the Vlaamse wetenschapsweek (Flemish science week), an initiative of the Flemish government in promoting science education. 1999: Organization and production (with S. Haesen, E. Jacobs and J. Janssen) of the workshop “Wiskunde niet alleen in de sterren geschreven, ook met informatica en economie verweven” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. Lectures and hands-on training for the general public have been held repeatedly from 11 October till 5 November 1999. 1998: Organization and production (with E. Jacobs, J. Janssen and J. Walrave) of the workshop “Geraak niet in paniek wanneer je hoort van statistiek” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. Lectures and hands-on training for the general public have been held repeatedly from 5 October till 30 October 1998. 1998: Retake of the workshop of 1997 during the Vlaamse wetenschapsweek (Flemish science week), an initiative of the Flemish government in promoting science education. 23 1997: Organization and production (with E. Jacobs, J. Janssen and J. Walrave) of the workshop “Gisteren nog in wiskunde, vandaag in economie” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel. Lectures and hands-on training for the general public have been held repeatedly from 13 October till 7 November 1997. 1996-1999: Organization and teaching (with E. Jacobs) of summer courses at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel on information science (windows, word, excel, powerpoint, multimedia). 1996-1999: Organization and teaching of courses at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel on website development and digital presentations (powerpoint) for staff. 1996: Organization and conducting (together with J. Walrave) of the exhibition “Een andere kijk op meetkunde” at Katholieke Universiteit Brussel from 14 October till 8 November 1996. 24