Solarization of IIT Roorkee Campus


Solarization of IIT Roorkee Campus
1. Introduction
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee is among the foremost of institutes of national
importance in higher technological education and in engineering, basic and applied research.
Since its establishment, the Institute has played a vital role in providing the technical manpower
and know-how to the country and in pursuit of research. The Institute ranks amongst the best
technological institutions in the world and has contributed to all sectors of technological
development. It has also been considered a trend-setter in the area of education and research.
The Institute offers Bachelor's Degree courses in 10 disciplines of Engineering and Architecture
and Postgraduate's Degree in 55 disciplines of Engineering, Applied Science, Architecture and
planning. The Institute has facility for doctoral work in all Departments and Research Centres.
The Institute admits students to B.Tech. & B.Arch. courses through the Joint Entrance
Examination (JEE) conducted at various centres all over India.
1.1 Heritage:
The Roorkee College was established in 1847 AD as the First Engineering College in the British
Empire. The College was renamed as The Thomason College of Civil Engineering in 1854. It
was given the status of University by Act No. IX of 1948 of the United Province (Uttar Pradesh)
in recognition of its performance and its potential and keeping in view the needs of postindependent India. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, presented the
Charter in November 1949 elevating the erstwhile college to the First Engineering University of
Independent India.
The Institute has completed 150th year of its existence in October 1996. On September 21, 2001,
an Ordinance issued by the Government of India declared it as the nation's seventh Indian
Institute of Technology. The Ordinance is now converted into an Act by the Parliament to make
IIT, Roorkee as an "Institution of National Importance".
1.2 Objective of the report
The objective of the report is to show feasibility and viability of solar applications at Indian
Institute of Technology, Roorkee campus. The project includes roof plans of all the 13
departments, 5 centres, 7 Hostels and their respective messes, and the residences at the campus.
The applications proposed in the plans are
Solar photovoltaic
Solar water heating
Solar steam generation for cooking
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The report also includes a plan for water heating of the institute swimming pool, so as to have it
available for the whole year.
1.3 Renewable Energy
Energy is a basic requirement for energy development. Every sector of Indian economy –
agriculture, industry, transport, commercial, and domestic – needs inputs of energy. The plans
for economic development implemented since independence have necessarily required
increasing amounts of energy. As a result, consumption of energy in all forms has been steadily
rising all over the country.
This growing consumption of energy has also resulted in the country becoming increasingly
dependent on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. Rising prices of oil and gas and potential
shortages in future lead to concerns about the security of energy supply needed to sustain our
economic growth. Increased use of fossil fuels also causes environmental problems both locally
and globally.
Against this background, the country urgently needs to develop a sustainable path of energy
development. Promotion of energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy sources
are the twin planks of a sustainable energy supply.
Fortunately, India is blessed with a variety of renewable energy sources, the main ones being
biomass, biogas, the sun, wind, and small hydro power. (Large hydro power is also renewable in
nature, but has been utilized all over the world for many decades, and is generally not included in
the term ‘new and renewable sources of energy’.) Municipal and industrial wastes can also be
useful sources of energy, but are basically different forms of biomass.
Advantages of renewable energy are that it is
available locally and does not need elaborate arrangements for transport
usually modular in nature, i.e. small-scale units and systems can be almost as economical
as large-scale ones
Well suited for decentralized applications and use in remote areas.
The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources has been implementing comprehensive
programmes for the development and utilization of various renewable energy sources in the
country. As a result of efforts made during the past quarter century, a number of technologies
and devices have been developed and have become commercially available. These include
biogas plants, improved wood stoves, solar water heaters, solar cookers, solar lanterns, street
lights, pumps, wind electric generators, water-pumping wind mills, biomass gasifiers, and small
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hydro-electric generators. Energy technologies for the future such as hydrogen, fuel cells, and
bio-fuels are being actively developed.
India is implementing one of the world’s largest programmes in renewable energy. The country
ranks second in the world in biogas utilization and fifth in wind power and photovoltaic
production. Renewable sources already contribute to about 5% of the total power generating
capacity in the country. The major renewable energy sources and devices in use in India are
listed in the table along with their potential and present status in terms of the number of
installations or total capacity.
Table 1.1: Renewable energy in India at a glance
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Source-wise contribution to installed power generation capacity
Table 1.2: Source-wise contribution to installed power generation capacity (MW)
Figure 1.1: Total Energy Consumption (%) in India, by type
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Table 1.3: Total Energy Consumption (%) in India, by type
1.4 Solar Energy
Radiant light and heat from the sun, has been harnessed by humans since ancient times using a
range of ever-evolving technologies. Solar radiation, along with secondary solar-powered
resources such as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for most of the
available renewable energy on earth. Only a minuscule fraction of the available solar energy is
India lies in the sunny regions of the world. Most parts of India receive 4–7 kWh (kilowatt-hour)
of solar radiation per square metre per day with 250–300 sunny days in a year. The highest
annual radiation energy is received in western Rajasthan while the north-eastern region of the
country receives the lowest annual radiation. Solar energy, experienced by us as heat and light,
can be used through two routes: the thermal route uses the heat for water heating, cooking,
drying, water purification, power generation, and other applications; the photovoltaic route
converts the light in solar energy into electricity, which can then be used for a number of
purposes such as lighting, pumping, communications, and power supply in areas with no electric
supply. Energy from the sun has many features, which make it an attractive and a sustainable
option. These features include global distribution, pollution free nature, and the virtually
inexhaustible supply.
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Figure 1.2: Annual mean global daily solar radiation in India (in kWh/m2/day)
In solar energy sector, some large projects have been proposed, and a 35,000 km² area of the
Thar Desert has been set aside for solar power projects, sufficient to generate 700 to 2,100
gigawatts. India is endowed with rich solar energy resource. The average intensity of solar
radiation received on India is 200 MW/km square (megawatt per kilometer square). With a
geographical area of 3.287 million km square, this amounts to
657.4 million MW. However, 87.5% of the land is used for agriculture, forests, fallow lands, etc.,
6.7% for housing, industry, etc., and 5.8% is either barren, snow bound, or generally inhabitable.
Thus, only 12.5% of the land area amounting to 0.413 million km square can, in theory, be used
for solar energy installations.
Even if 10% of this area can be used, the available solar energy would be 8 million MW, which
is equivalent to 5,909 mtoe (million tons of oil equivalents) per year.
In July 2009, India unveiled a $19 billion plan, to produce 20 GW of solar power by 2020.Under
the plan, solar-powered equipment and applications would be mandatory in all government
buildings including hospitals and hotels. On November 18, 2009, it was reported that India was
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ready to launch its National Solar Mission under the National Action Plan on Climate Change,
with plans to generate 1,000 MW of power by 2013.
India has a vast potential for renewable energy sources, especially in areas such as solar power,
biomass and wind power. The current installed capacity of renewable energy is around 92204
MW, constituting about 7.3 percent of India’s total installed generation capacity. Technological
breakthroughs for cost-effective photovoltaic technology could generate a quantum leap in the
renewable energy sector since India is well endowed with solar insolation. India plans to
announce increased subsidies for solar-power generation, as the country looks to scale up
production of renewable energy and show it is committed to mitigating climate change.
The advantages of using solar energy are:
Complete independence from fossil fuels: The prices of such fuels will rise in the future
due to reduced supply, making them unviable.
A totally non-polluting technology is used for its production.
Solar power can be used anywhere; however, both wind and hydro energy are not
suitable in many locations due to lack of resources.
Solar equipment have a long life while equipment needed for hydro and wind energy
need more complicated equipment and need replacements too.
Solar energy can provide predictable output most of the time while this cannot be ensured
in the case of wind and hydro energy. Their power output can be sporadic in some areas.
Solar equipments are essentially simple and can be very easily installed. They can also be
managed for long periods without monitoring. On the other hand, equipment needed for
hydro and wind power would need proper monitoring and a certain amount of expertise
to get them installed properly.
Apart from these advantages, solar systems are also an economically viable option; for instance:
Solar photovoltaic systems for generating electricity need a high initial investment but (more
importantly) they have very low or negligible running cost. A solar module has a life of 25 years
and delivers reliable performance throughout its life. Alternatives such as Diesel Generators that
are dependent on a regular supply of fuel with maintenance, transportation , cost of replacement,
noise & smoke pollution, one can understand the ‘Total life cycle cost’ of a system and thereby
the cost advantage of solar systems.
In case of a solar water heater, a household can recover the total initial investment in 3 - 4 years
time through savings in electricity, after which it can enjoy free hot water for the next many
years. In addition to a similar ROI, an industrial water heater enjoys 80% depreciation in the 1st
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year thereby making it commercially attractive too. Hence solar energy is not only an
environment friendly source of energy, but also is commercially viable.
India just had 2.12 megawatts of grid-connected solar generation capacity. As part of the
National Solar Mission, the ministry aims to bolster the annual photovoltaic production to at
least 1,000 megawatts a year by 2017. With an installed capacity of 123 GW, the country
currently faces energy shortage of 8 percent and a peak demand shortage of 11.6 percent. In
order to sustain a growth rate of 8 percent, it is estimated36 that the power generation capacity in
India would have to increase to 306 GW in the next ten years which is 2.5 times current levels.
However, as of October 2009, India is currently ranked number one along with the United States
in terms of installed Solar Power generation capacity.
The Karnataka Power Corporation Limited (KPCL) has installed India’s largest solar
photovoltaic power plant at Yalesandra village in Kolar district of Karnataka. Built at the cost of
about $13 million, the plant makes use of modular crystalline technology to generate solar
Fig1.3: India’s largest solar power plant at Yalesandra village, Karnataka
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Total energy consumption in India
Table 1.4: Total Energy Consumption in India
To summarize, solar systems have demonstrated their practicality in every application. The solar
modules have a life of 25 years and have high durability. The applications have high reliability
and therefore enhance consumer convenience. Being non-polluting throughout their life-cycle,
they preserve diversity in nature and culture thus supporting future generations to meet their own
For future demand: With about 300 clear, sunny days in a year, India's theoretical solar power
reception, on only its land area, is about 5 Peta Watt-hour per year or PWh/year (i.e. 5 trillion
kWh/yr ~ 600 TW). The daily average solar energy incident over India varies from 4 to
7 kWh/m2 with about 1500–2000 sunshine hours per year, depending upon location. This is far
more than current total energy consumption. For example, even assuming 10% conversion
efficiency for PV modules, it will still be thousand times greater than the likely electricity
demand in India by the year 2015.
1.5 Topography
IIT Roorkee is situated at the foothill of the Himalayas, in Hardwar district, within the state of
Uttarakhand. Roorkee is a quiet town of moderate size in the district of Haridwar (Uttarakhand),
is located on the banks of the upper Ganga Canal, which takes off at Haridwar, 30km away. It is
the gateway to the pilgrim centres of Hardwar, Rishikesh, Badrinath and Kedarnath, and tourist
attractions of Dehradun and Mussoorie. Roorkee is well connected to Delhi by rail and road. It is
situated on National Highways 58 and 73 and is on Amritsar-Howrah main rail route.
The Institute has two campuses. The main campus is at Roorkee in Uttarakhand and the other
one is 50 km away at Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh. The campus at Roorkee is spread over 356
acres of landscaped lush greenery. Nestled within this are several heritage buildings, modern
academic departments, twelve hostels, messes, hospital, school, banks, community centres,
indoor and outdoor sports facilities which include three sports stadiums, a modern swimming
pool, yoga Bhavan, dairy, students’ clubs and several activity centres and other buildings. The
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Department of Paper Technology is located in a 25 acre campus at Saharanpur. A 10 acre
campus is being developed as an extension centre at Greater Noida.
1.5.1 Location:
Roorkee is located at 29.87°N 77.88°E. It has an average elevation of 268 metres (879 feet).
Roorkee is 172 km north of the Indian capital New Delhi and located between the rivers Ganges
and Yamuna, close to the foot hills of Himalayas. The Roorkee - Hardwar – Rishikesh highway
links Roorkee to the Hindu Pilgrimage viz: Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri (origin of the Ganges
River) and Yamunatori (origin of the Yamuna River).
Figure 1.4: Location of Roorkee
Figure 1.5: Uttarakhand map
1.5.2 Climate:
The climate of Uttarakhand is sharply demarcated in case of its two distinct divisions: the
predominant hilly terrain and the smaller plain region. The most favourable time to visit
Uttarakhand happens to be in the course of the summers when the weather is very clement and
mild. Certain areas of the hills even become inaccessible in winter due to extremities of climate
causing prolonged snowfall. The plain region seems to be at its best in terms of climate in winter,
when the weather is pleasant.
The type of climate that is mainly to be found in the plains closely resembles the corresponding
state in the Gangetic plain. Summers are exceedingly hot with temperatures crossing the 40°C
mark and considerable humidity. Winters can be chilly with temperatures going below 5°C at
The climate in the northern part of Uttarakhand is typically Himalayan. This mountain range
itself exerts an appreciable extent of influence on monsoon and rainfall patterns. Within the
Himalayas, climate differs depending on altitude and position.
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Climate ranges from subtropical in the southern foothills, averaging summer temperatures of
about 30° C (about 86° F) and winter temperatures of about 18° C (about 64° F).
Warm temperate conditions prevail in the Middle Himalayan valleys, with summer temperatures
usually hovering about the mark of 25° C (about 77° F) and cooler winters.
Cool temperate conditions dominate the higher areas of the Middle Himalayas, where the
summer temperatures are usually around 15 to 18° C (59 to 64° F) and winters drop below the
freezing point.
At altitudes over 4880 meters (16,000 feet), the climate is bitterly cold with temperatures
consistently below the freezing point and the area perennially shrouded in snow and ice.
The eastern flanks of the Himalayan ranges are subject to heavy rainfall while the western
section is relatively dry.
Due to its location away from any major water body and its close proximity to the Himalayas,
Roorkee has an extreme and erratic continental climate. Summers start in late March and go on
uptil early July, with average temperatures around 28oC (83oF). The monsoon season starts in
July and goes on up till October, with torrential rainfall, due to the blocking of the monsoon
clouds by the Himalayas. The post monsoon season starts in October and goes on up till late
November, with average temperatures sliding from 21oC (70oF) to 15oC (58oF). Winters start in
December, with lows close to freezing and frequent cold waves due to the cold katabatic
winds blowing from the Himalayas. The total annual rainfall is about 2600 mm (102 in).
Source: GAIA Case Study
Fig 1.6: Rainfall, Humidity, and Temperature (max-min) graph of Roorkee
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Fig 1.7: Precipitation at Roorkee in mm
Fig 1.8: Uttarakhand map showing physical altitudes
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Annual mean daily solar radiation in Roorkee is about 5.4 KWh/m2/day, and there are about 250300 clear sunny days in a year.
1.6 Availability of land
Installation of apparatus required for solar energy generation requires land, which is both
economically feasible and has ample amount of sunshine.
IIT Roorkee has a vast amount of unused rooftop area. It can be used for the purpose, as it
receives ample sunshine for most of its part. In this report we have covered all the departments,
centres, and hostels along with their respective messes for solar photovoltaic, water heating, and
steam generation purposes. The report also includes estimate for swimming pool water heating
purpose, so as to run the pool for the whole year.
1.7 Government policies
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
1.7.1 Background:
The Government has recently launched the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, which is a
major initiative of the Government of India and State Governments to promote ecologically
sustainable growth while addressing India's energy security challenge. It will also constitute a
major contribution by India to the global effort to meet the challenges of climate change.
The immediate aim of the Mission is to focus on setting up an enabling environment for solar
Technology penetration in the country both at a centralized and decentralized level. The first
phase (up to March 2013) will, inter alia, focus on promoting off-grid systems including hybrid
systems to meet /supplement power, heating and cooling energy requirements. These systems
still require interventions to bring down costs but the key challenge is to provide an enabling
framework and support for entrepreneurs to develop markets.
In order to create a sustained interest within the investor community, it is proposed to support
viable business models. Flexibility is an integral feature of this scheme. The scheme is
completely demand driven as it offers a bouquet of incentive instruments from which eligible
entities can tailor a package appropriate to their needs and circumstances within the boundary
conditions of the scheme.
1.7.2 Objectives:
To promote off-grid applications of solar energy (both SPV and Solar Thermal) for
meeting the targets set in the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission for Phase-I.
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To create awareness and demonstrate effective and innovative use of Solar systems for
Individual/ community/ institutional/ industrial applications.
To encourage innovation in addressing market needs and promoting sustainable business
To provide support to channel partners and potential beneficiaries, within the framework
of boundary conditions and in a flexible demand driven mode.
To create a paradigm shift needed for commoditization of off-grid decentralized solar
To support consultancy services, seminars, symposia, capacity building, awareness
campaigns, human resource development, etc.
To encourage replacement of kerosene & diesel, wherever possible.
1.7.3 Scope of the Scheme:
The scheme would be applicable to all parts of India and would, to begin with, be co-terminus
with Phase-I of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission and will, inter alia, focus on
promoting off grid and decentralized systems, including hybrid systems to meet/ supplement
lighting, electricity/power, heating and cooling energy requirements. In respect of hybrid systems
for which there is a specific scheme (eg. wind solar), provisions thereof would apply. However,
in respect of hybrids for which there is no specific scheme (i.e. with other renewable energy
components), the scheme for the respective off grid renewable source, would be the basis for
calculating the subsidy. Initially, only solar wind-solar hybrid and solar bio-energy hybrids
would get considered under the scheme but the Project Appraisal Committee could also examine
other feasible hybrid technologies for inclusion in the scheme.
Various off-grid solar photo voltaic systems / applications up to a maximum capacity of 100
kWp per site and off-grid and decentralized solar thermal applications, to meet / supplement
lighting, electricity/power, heating and cooling energy requirements would be eligible for being
covered under the Scheme. For mini-grids for rural electrification, applications up to a maximum
capacity of 250 kW per site would be supported.
Soft loans for projects, including a component for working capital, will be available to SME
manufacturers of solar thermal systems and Balance of systems manufacturers for Solar PV
(excluding battery manufacturers), in order to promote technology up-gradation, improvement in
technology, expansion in production facilities, etc. through refinance facility implemented
through IREDA.
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1.7.4 Funding Pattern
Funding under the scheme would be in Project mode, i.e. there must be a project report which
would, inter alia, include client details, technical & financial details, O&M and monitoring
arrangements. The total project cost shall be funded through a mix of debt and incentives where
the promoters' equity contribution would be at least 20% (unless otherwise specified). Technoeconomic specifications for a minimum cut-off level for the requirement of the project mode
would be specified by MNRE.
MNRE would provide financial support through a combination of 30 % subsidy and/or 5%
interest bearing loans. The bench mark project cost for 2010-11 have been worked out for these
systems and the CFA of 30% thereof has been defined in the boundary conditions detailed in
Annexure 1A and 1 B.
For the year 2010-11, the benchmark price for photovoltaic systems with battery back-up support
is considered as Rs.300/- per Wp. In case of the systems, which do not use storage battery such
as water pumping systems, the installed PV system cost is considered as a maximum of Rs.210
per Wp.
Capital subsidy of 90% of the benchmark cost would be available for special category states,
viz. NE, Sikkim, J&K, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. In addition, it would be extended
for setting up only stand alone rural solar power plants / packs (both PV and thermal) in remote
and difficult areas such as Lakshadweep, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and districts on India's
international borders. However, for funding solar thermal systems in these areas, the subsidy
would be limited to 60% for all categories of beneficiaries. The subsidy pattern detailed above
can be accessed by only Central and State Government Ministries, Departments and their
organizations, State Nodal Agencies and Local bodies.
There would be a provision for channel partners, operating in the market mode to access a
combination of capital subsidy and a low cost interest for the end consumer, provided they can
tie up with a lending institution. These lending institutions could then enter into an agreement for
refinance/interest subvention with IREDA. MNRE would provide IREDA fund handling charges
at the rate of 2% for the capital subsidy/interest subvention portion.
Funds received by IREDA from MNRE without cost may be made available by it for PAC
approved projects directly at interest rate not exceeding 5% p.a as also by way of refinance to the
primary lending institutions at a rate of interest not exceeding 2% p.a, subject to the condition
that the rate of interest charged by the lending institution to the borrower in respect of the loan
does not exceed 5% p.a.
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The Interest Subsidy under the Scheme would be made available to Non-Banking Financial
Companies (NBFCs) and Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks) by
way of refinance from IREDA.
IREDA would also make available funds received from MNRE under this Scheme, to
NABARD, NHB, SIDBI and any other institution as may be specified by the MNRE in this
behalf, for providing refinance on the same terms, to Regional Rural Banks, Housing Finance
Companies, or any other primary lending institutions included by them, in their respective
refinance schemes. MNRE would provide a service charge of 0.5% to IREDA for this.
MNRE would also fund IREDA for meeting the expenditure towards development of software
and hardware, based on an estimate provided by IREDA, for implementing and monitoring the
scheme effectively. IREDA would present an audited annual statement of accounts.
3% of CFA would be admissible as service charges to programme administrators. For projects
which involve civil society organizations and are aimed at the poor strata of society, e.g. Projects
for deploying solar lanterns / home-lighting systems with small wattage and solar cookers etc, up
to 10% of the CFA would be admissible as institutional charges. These would be provided by
MNRE, in addition to the CFA.
The CFA from MNRE would not preclude the channel partners from availing other fiscal and
financial benefits being provided by State, Central Governments and any other agency so long as
the same is clearly disclosed in the project report. This is to avoid multiple financing.
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Table 1.5: Boundary Conditions for support to OFF-GRID solar PV applications
Table 1.6: Boundary Conditions for support to OFF-GRID Solar Thermal applications
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1.8 Demonstration Projects
A number of demonstration projects have been installed countrywide which showcase the
reliability and efficiency of solar energy systems.
1.8.1 Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Systems at Bank branches
Bank of Baroda is one of the largest public sector banks in India with branch network of over
2900 branches all across the country. Branches in rural and semi urban areas face acute power
shortage and have regular load shedding. Hence the bank wanted to implement Solar Power
Generation System in standalone mode as main source of power where alternate sources of
power such as diesel gensets and inverters were found costly, polluting or impractical. It is
setting up a complete solar power generation system at 79 Branches of Bank of Baroda.
Now with the installation of these rooftop systems, the bank is able to service its customer
without any hassles of load shedding as standalone solar power system is the primary source of
Technical details
Solar Power Generation system – 3.85 kWp has been successfully installed and commissioned at
79 branches spread across Karnataka, UP, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra, Gujarat etc. The system
comprises of solar module capacity of 3.85 kWp, inverter capacity of 3 kVA, battery bank 48V
700Ah and all other accessories. These systems are designed to work for 3days (1 sunshine day
and 2 no sunshine days). Solar Power Generated is utilized to power computers, pass book
printers, laser printers, scanners, modems, routers, CFL lamps, fans and other equipments for 6
hours per day.
1.8.2 Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System at Vikasa Soudha, Bangalore
Fig 1.9: 100 kWp Roof-top Grid Connect Solar Power Plant
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The magnificent Vidhana Soudha in Bangalore, is not just the seat of power in the magnificent
Vidhana Soudha in Bangalore, is not just the seat of power in Karnataka, but is also a landmark
close to the heart of every Bangalorean. The newly constructed South Block – Vikasa Soudha, a
replica of the Vidhana Soudha has a 100 KWp solar power plant on its rooftop. The order for
design, supply, installation and commissioning of the 100 KWp Grids Connected Solar Power
Plant is the first of its kind in Karnataka.
After its commissioning, the 100 kW Peak Solar Array has provided power to satisfy the energy
requirements of the building and the housing facilities of the government offices
Technical details
DC electricity from the solar array is converted into AC and fed into the local network through
an AC distribution board and transformer. The Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) provides grid
connection and energy management. The PCU monitors array voltage levels. A Data Logger has
been provided for collecting information. The system comprises of a solar module with a
capacity of 100 KWp, a power conditioning unit of 100 KVA, a DC distribution board and a data
logging system. The system is designed for online consumption of the generated solar power.
1.8.3 Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic System at CWG stadium
Fig 1.10: 100 kWp Roof-top Grid Connect Solar Power Plant
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Reliance Solar, the solar energy initiative of Reliance Group, has successfully executed and
commissioned India's first one-megawatt (MW) solar plant to power Thyagaraj stadium to be
used in the upcoming Commonwealth Games 2010. The Thyagaraj Sports Complex is a model
Green Stadium with world class facilities in India. The solar power generated through 1 MW
solar PV power plant at the Thyagaraj Stadium is expected to result in emission reduction of
more than 1,200 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year thereby setting a benchmark in terms of
energy efficiency.
Technical details
The power plant is expected to generate around 1.4 million units of electricity per year. It would
cater to the power requirements of the stadium and the surplus would be fed to the grid at 11KV.
Reliance Group has also implemented three 2.6 KWp solar PV power plants on the roofs of
individual tennis courts in the R K Khanna Tennis Complex, which will play host to the tennis
event during the games. The system has a kalzip type roof that minimizes the use of mounting
structures in the system.A total of 3,640 no of 280Wp modules with high efficiencies as much as
14.1% have been used in the project. The entire system has been installed within a roof-space of
10,000 sq. m. (2.5 acres).
1.8.4 Solar Steam Cooking at Shri Saibaba Sansthan, Shirdi
Fig 1.11: Collector array on the roof
A parabolic type concentrating solar steam cooking system was commissioned at Shri Saibaba
Sansthan, Shirdi on 24th May, 2002.. It cooks food for about 3000 devotees. The 40 nos. of solar
parabolic concentrators raise the water temperature to 550C to 650C and convert it into steam for
cooking purposes. This system is integrated with the existing boiler to ensure continued cooking
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even at night and during rain or cloudy weather. The solar cooking system installed at Shirdi
follows the thermosyphon principle and so does not need electrical power or pump.
Before the installation of the solar cooking system, the steam for cooking at Sansthan was being
generated by LPG gas firing in the boiler. The main goal of the system was to reduce LPG gas
consumption by 50 %.
Technical Description of the System:
The solar steam cooking system installed at Shirdi has 40 parabolic concentrators / dishes placed
on the terrace of Sai Prasad Building No.2. They reflect and concentrate the solar rays on the 40
receivers placed in focus. The temperature and pressure of steam generated keeps on increasing
and heat is stored till the steam is drawn for cooking into the kitchen. All the 40 dishes rotate
continuously along with the movement of the sun, always concentrating the solar rays on the
receivers. Only once during the day i.e. in the early morning the dishes have to be turned
manually onto the morning position, subsequently the automatic tracking takes over.
1.8.5 Solar Steam Cooking at Shantikunj Ashram, Hardwar
Fig 1.12: Collectors and header pipe on rooftop in Shantikunj, Haridwar
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In Shantikunj Haridwar, 10 parabolic concentrators each of 16 sq. meters were installed in April
2010. All the Concentrators are placed on the terrace of Aditi Bhawan in Shantikunj. The system
produces steam at 6.5 kg/ and the food is cooked at 2.5 kg/sq cm. This is sufficient to cook
3000 meals (rice, pulses and vegetables) everyday. Unutilized steam is used for generating hot
water in the kitchen.
The cost of the system when installed was 27.8 lacs. 30% subsidy was provided by MNRE and
another 30% subsidy was arranged by UREDA. By using solar steam cooking, the ashram is now
saving 5 gas cylinders, each costing Rs. 350 per day. The yearly savings are = 5 X 350 X 300 =
Rs. 5, 25,000. Payback period, assuming 300 sunny days is approximately two years.
1.8.6 Solar Water Heating System in Working Women Hostel, Gurgaon
Under the social sector scheme, HAREDA has installed a 2000 lpd SWH system in the working
women hostel situated in Gurgaon. Under this scheme, HAREDA provides 90% financial
assistance for installing a solar water heating systems in social sector institutions. The hostel is a
single storey building having 40 rooms.
Fig 1.13: Rooftop SWHS placement in Gurgaon hostel
Each room has a bathroom and a kitchen attached and can accommodate two persons. A
community type solar water heating system is designed to cater the hot water requirement for
bathing and kitchen purposes. The system consists of 20 flat plate collectors, making the total
capacity of the installed system to be 2000 lpd, with common distribution piping for hot water
supply in each room and no auxiliary heating provisions. Piping system was designed so as to
minimize the piping cost as well as its complexity. The SWH system is the only source of hot
water in the hostel and as per the warden’s opinion they are quite satisfied with the performance
of the system. As per their estimate the use of SWH system is for around 90-100 days in the
year. Regular maintenance of the system is ensured through an annual maintenance contract with
the supplier.
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The project is a good example of a community based solar water heating system. Common
distribution pipeline reduces the cost of piping. An Annual Maintenance Contract results in
regular maintenance of the system. The hot water is required only for 90-100 days in a year and
hence the plant utilization factor is low.
Project Details
Location: Working Women Hostel, Near Nehru Stadium, Civil Lines ,Gurgaon
Type: Residential Hostel
Installation Year: 2007
Technology: Solar Water Heater
Solar Contractor: Sun Glow Solar
Capacity: 2000 lpd
Life: 20 years
Capital Cost: Rs. 4.5 Lakhs
MNRE Subsidy: Yes
Type of Subsidy: Capital
Amount of Subsidy: Rs. 4 lakhs (90% subsidy)
Expected Usage (days per year): 100
Expected Savings: Rs. 37000 /annum
Simple Payback: 1.6 years
1.8.7 Solar Water Heating System in HUDA housing society, Gurgaon
For the cause of promoting deployment of Solar Water Heaters in residential units, housing
board of Haryana has installed SWH in the HUDA Housing society.
Fig 1.14: HUDA housing society, Gurgaon
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The Society has eight towers, each having eight floors with four flats in each floor. For each
tower 4x 1000 lpd systems, each catering eight flats that lie in a straight column are installed. In
this configuration piping cost as well as its complexity is minimized. The system has a common
distribution pipe of hot water supply for all the eight floors. As common solar water heating
system is provided for each tower, consisting of 32 flats, therefore no back up provisions are
given instead of that electric geysers are installed in each flat and solar water heating system
provides preheated water to the electric geysers. In terms of collectors, 40 flat plate collectors are
installed on the roof of each tower having a shade free area of 135 sq meters. The total cost of
the system was around 71 lakhs.
As per the HUDA analysis, it can provide hot water for 365 days a year, hence its pay-back,
without subsidy and depreciation benefits, is 3 years and 4 months, assuming that it’s operational
and maintenance cost is negligible. Whereas, if we assume a realistic scenario, Two hundred
days of usage per year including yearly maintenance cost, capital subsidy & benefits of reducing
diesel cost of DG under the current power scenario, its pay-back comes out to be 3.5yrs. The
recent guidelines on capital subsidy have made such projects more financially attractive. Under
the increased subsidy, payback of similar kind of system is less than 3 years.
Project Details
Capacity 32000 lpd
Life 15 years
Capital Cost Rs. 71 Lakhs
MNRE Subsidy Yes
Type of Subsidy: Capital
Amount of Subsidy: Rs. 8 lakhs
Expected Usage (days per year): 200
Expected Savings: Rs. 18.2 lakhs/annum
Simple Payback 3.5 years
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