Temple Esq. Winter 2011 - Temple University Beasley School of Law


Temple Esq. Winter 2011 - Temple University Beasley School of Law
Dear graduates and friends:
I offer my sincere gratitude to all of you who made a contribution
to Temple Law School in the past fiscal year. Support from our
graduates and friends makes a crucial difference in our ability to
offer an outstanding legal education to our students and to bring
national attention to the quality and uniqueness of our curriculum
and programs.
The cover of this issue gives you a sense of the enthusiasm of
our Class of 2011 as they are sworn in as members of the bar in
Pennsylvania. Not pictured are members of the class recently
admitted to bar associations across the country. This graduating
class entered the most challenging job market in recent history,
and they have done so with talent and ingenuity. We applaud
their desire to make a difference in the practice of law and to use
their Temple education to initiate change.
By way of news at the Law School, the Temple Board of Trustees
recently approved a new Certificate in Trial Advocacy for our JD
students in addition to our current Certificate in Business Law.
We are also launching a new dual degree program this year in
conjunction with the College of Health Professions and Social
Work, the JD/MPH, which was initiated by Professor Scott Burris
who leads our Center for Public Health Law Research.
Professor Nancy Knauer and the students on our Political and
Civil Rights Law Journal held a ground-breaking symposium in
October on “Aging in the United States: The Next Civil Rights
Movement.” As you will read elsewhere in this issue, the response
to this program was impressive, and featured attendance by major
policy makers. The journal will publish the papers presented in
the Spring 2012 issue, and I guarantee that it will be a great read.
Our entering students were the beneficiaries of a faculty initiative
entitled “Introduction to Transactional Skills.” The program was
offered as five intensive sessions over ten days and was highly
experiential, with students interviewing clients, negotiating with one
another and drafting contracts. They represented either a chef or an
entrepreneur in creating a new restaurant, and were aided by one
of our own, alumna Sophia Lee from the Class of 2000, who owns
and operates a Philadelphia restaurant.
Finally, our faculty has garnered several impressive awards so
far this year: Professor David Kairys was honored by the National
Lawyers Guild for his work in civil rights, and Professor James
Shellenberger was honored by Temple University with the Faculty
Service Award for his work in helping law students achieve.
Best wishes for the New Year, and thank you for your support
of Temple Law School.
JoAnne A. Epps, Dean
Temple Law’s Faculty
Continues to Excel,
inside the classroom and out
Professors Hoffman and Hollis join prestigious group.
NOVEMBER 2011 Two Temple Law
professors, David Hoffman and Duncan
Hollis, have been elected to membership in
the American Law Institute (ALI), a
prestigious group that limits its membership
to 4,000. Founded in 1923 in Philadelphia
(where it remains based today), the
Institute’s stated mission is “to promote the
clarification and simplification of the law and
its better adaptation to social needs, to
secure the better administration of justice,
and to encourage and carry on scholarly and
scientific legal work.”
Today, ALI is considered the leading
independent organization in the United
States producing scholarly work to clarify,
modernize, and otherwise improve the law.
Comprised of lawyers, judges, and law
professors, the Institute drafts and publishes
Restatements of the Law, model statutes,
and principles of law that are enormously
influential in the courts and legislatures, as
well as in legal scholarship and education.
The two professors—both of whom joined
the Temple Law faculty in 2004—bring
divergent areas of expertise to the ALI.
Hoffman specializes in behavioral law and
economics, empirical legal studies, and
private dispute resolution, with a particular
doctrinal focus on the law of fraud, contracts
and corporations. He writes for the popular
legal blog, Concurring Opinions, and is a
member of the Cultural Cognition Project at
Yale Law School. With other investigators at
the Cultural Cognition project, Hoffman
recently co-authored a paper on how the
perceived benefits and risks of political
demonstrations are contingent on our
values. Another recent project examined
how individuals’ values influence their
perceptions of fact in civil rights cases.
Hollis, a scholar of international law and
the Law School’s Associate Dean for
Academic Affairs, focuses on treaties as
instruments of international and national
commitment, examining how they operate
as ‘law’ from international, comparative and
constitutional perspectives. His recent work
has focused on how U.S. constitutional
constraints apply to new models of
international cooperation, including U.S.
political commitments and U.S. State
agreements with foreign powers. Hollis is
the editor of the forthcoming Oxford Guide
to Treaties and has done path-breaking work
on whether and how international law norms
apply to government activities in cyberspace. He is a regular contributor to the
law blog, Opinio Juris.
As members of the ALI, Hoffman and
Hollis will have the opportunity to work
with other eminent lawyers, judges, and
academics to influence the development
of emerging issues in the law in both the
domestic and foreign affairs arenas.
Other Temple Law faculty who have
been inducted into the ALI include
Professors Alice G. Abreu, Anthony J.
Bocchino, Jeffrey Dunoff, JoAnne A. Epps,
Michael E. Libonati, Eleanor W. Myers,
Rafael A. Porrata-Doria Jr., David A.
Sonenshein, James A. Strazzella, and
William J. Woodward.
Professor David Kairys and law partner David Rudovsky
are honored by National Lawyers Guild.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2011 The annual meeting
of the ABA’s section of litigation convened
this year in Philadelphia, bringing top
litigators from across the country. One
high profile attendee was former U.S.
Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who
was interviewed by Dean JoAnne A. Epps
before a conference audience that included
leaders of the ABA, Temple law faculty,
and students.
Mukasey was Attorney General under
President George W. Bush from 2007 to
2009. He was named to that position
following the resignation of Alberto
Gonzales. Mukasey began his judicial
career when President Reagan named
him to sit on the U.S. District Court of the
Southern District of New York in 1987. He
is now a partner at the New York City firm
of Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler, where
he practiced prior to serving on the bench.
After joining the Temple Law faculty
in 1990, Kairys remained engaged in
pioneering litigation. In 1996, he conceived
the city lawsuits against handgun manufacturers, and his public-nuisance theory
has become the major basis for a range of
challenges to corporate practices that
endanger public health or safety.
Kairys has been a productive and
widely known scholar. He edited and cowrote the classic progressive critique of law,
The Politics of Law (1982, 1990, 1998);
wrote With Liberty and Justice for Some
in 1993; and in 2008, he published
Philadelphia Freedom: Memoir of a Civil
Rights Lawyer, on the cover of which
Cornel West calls him “one of the grand
long-distance runners in the struggle for
justice in America.” He has also written
over 35 articles and book chapters and over
50 commentaries or op-eds.
Kairys has a longstanding commitment to
the National Lawyers Guild
(NLG), a group founded in
1937 as a way of protesting
the racist and exclusionary
practices of the American
Bar Association. Today,
120 NGL chapters are
comprised of lawyers, legal
workers and law students
dedicated to endeavors
including reducing police
abuse, defending war
resisters, providing pro
bono counsel to refugees
and upholding First
Amendment rights of
protesting activists.
Kairys’ work with the
NLG began when he was
president of the student chapter at Columbia
Law School in 1966. “When I was coming to
law school, the guild was, and still is, a
network and a community of like-minded
legal workers of all types,” Kairys says. “The
guild today gives you a chance to link to
history and is very active on the key issues
of our time.”
OCTOBER 12, 2011 When the National
Lawyers Guild chose Philadelphia as the site
of its annual convention, organizers say
there was immediate consensus on the
recipients of the 2011 Law for the People
award: David Kairys and David Rudovsky.
Since 1971, the firm founded by Temple
Law Professor David Kairys and fellow civil
rights attorney David Rudovsky (now Kairys,
Rudovsky, Epstein, Messing, and Feinberg)
has embodied the mission of the National
Lawyers Guild.
As a full-time civil rights lawyer from
1968 to 1990, Kairys won the leading race
discrimination case against the FBI, won
challenges to unrepresentative juries
around the country, stopped police sweeps
of minority neighborhoods in Philadelphia,
and represented Dr. Benjamin Spock
in a free speech case before the U.S.
Supreme Court.
Professor Shellenberger honored for ‘Outstanding Faculty Service.’
OCTOBER 2011 Law students have known
for a long time that Professor James
Shellenberger had a special gift for teaching.
They selected him not once, but four times,
to receive the George P. Williams Memorial
Award for Outstanding Professor of the Year,
given at commencement each year by the
graduating class. In 1996, Temple echoed
the students’ endorsement with a Universitywide honor for excellence in the classroom,
the Lindback Award. Today, Shellenberger is
the James E. Beasley Professor of Law, an
endowed chair he has held since 2007.
On October 26, Shellenberger was
singled out once again, this time for the
Outstanding Faculty Service Award. The
award was presented by the University
Office of the Provost and Faculty Senate
Steering Committee to one faculty member
in each of the University’s 17 schools and
colleges. Nominated by his Law School
colleagues, Shellenberger was celebrated for
his dedication to students for more than
thirty years and his ongoing commitment to
serving the school in a variety of ways.
With a deep knowledge of the law
school and its students,
Shellenberger has been wellpositioned to develop curriculum
and serve in administrative positions.
In addition to his popular classes in
criminal law and procedure, he is
credited as the architect of the
Academic Core Enrichment
program, through which he helps to
ensure that every one of our
students reaches his or her full
potential. Over the years he has
assumed many roles at the Law
School, including Dean of Students,
Director of the Legal Writing
Program, and Director of the
Summer Program in Rome.
National experts—including
MacArthur ‘Genius’—address
more than 150 attendees.
OCTOBER 22, 2011 A fall symposium
focusing on the civil rights of the exploding
elder population in the United States
brought more than 20 leading scholars
and elder advocates to address an
enthusiastic and high-powered gathering
at Temple Law School. The 150 attendees
from across the country and across
disciplines included members of federal,
state and local government, scholars,
practitioners, and advocates.
Presiding over this event was conference
organizer Nancy J. Knauer, I. Herman Stern
Professor of Law. In a country where the
number of individuals aged 85 and older will
nearly triple in the next thirty years, Knauer
invited experts to explore public policy
issues regarding health care, guardianships,
caregiving, institutionalized elders, and the
special needs of minority seniors.
Among the nationally known scholars
and advocates who responded to Knauer’s
invitation to address the
symposium was DC attorney
Marie-Therese Connolly, who
had learned only weeks earlier
that she had won a MacArthur
Foundation “Genius” Award for
her pioneering work. Connolly is
the founder and director of the
Appleseed Life Long Justice
Initiative and the original
architect of the Elder Justice
Act, the only federal law to
comprehensively address
elder abuse, neglect and
exploitation. Another high
profile presenter was Elizabeth
Loewy, the attorney in charge
of the Elder Abuse Unit in the
New York County District
Attorney’s Office, and co-counsel in the
prosecution of the son of Brooke Astor, a
well-known New York City philanthropist.
The event’s keynote speaker was Syracuse
Law Professor Nina Kohn, who chairs the
ABA’s Elder Rights Committee.
The Centennial Society recognizes the Law School’s
most generous benefactors. We are deeply appreciative
of their generous support.
The following graduates and friends
contributed or pledged at least $1,000,000
to the Law School
Steven E. Angstreich ’70
The Barrack Foundation
Leonard ’68 & Lynne Barrack
James E. Beasley ’56
Department for International Development
The Independence Foundation
Edith Kohn
Joseph C. Kohn
The following graduates and friends
contributed or pledged at least $100,000
to the Law School
Audrey Adler
The Alcoa Foundation
American International Group Inc.
Paul & Barbra Andrisani
Joseph William Anthony ’74
M. Taylor Aspinwall ’77 & Robert Reinstein
Estate of E. & A. Bainbridge
Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersol
The Beasley Firm LLC
James E. Beasley Jr. ’03
Phyllis W. Beck ’67
Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley
James A. Bruton ’75
Meyer A. Bushman ’56
Anthony W. Clark ’79
David Cohen ’52
Robert J. Coleman ’64
Richard Timothy Collier ’79
Cozen O’Connor
Robert C. Daniels ’62
Carla Dowben ’55
Duane Morris LLP
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
Bernard Eizen ’72
Edward Spencer Ellers ’75
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Jack E. Feinberg ’57
Alan S. ’71 & Judith Eichen ’73 Fellheimer
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Stuart D. Fiel ’79
Cary Flitter
Raymond P. Forcent ’64
Traci Friess
Howard Gittis
Arnold Glaberson ’65
The Glenmede Trust Company
N.A. Trust Funds
Benjamin D. Goldman ’72
Alycia Horn ’89 & Joe Tucker Jr. ’89
Bertram H. ’71 & Alan Horowitz
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Marina Kats ’88
Leonard M. Klehr ’76
Susanna Lachs ’78 & Dean Adler
Alan Lesley ’40 & Elizabeth Lloyd Lesley
Peter J. Liacouras
Walter P. Lomax Jr.
The Luce Foundation
Elden & Mildred Magaw
Vincent J. ’72 & Frances T. Marella
Marshall Dennehey Warner Coleman & Goggin
Louis Matkoff ’32
Microsoft Corporation
Mitchell L. Morgan ’80
Patrick J. O’Connor
Michael ’89 & Jeannie O’Neill
Pew Charitable Trusts
The Joey Pozzuolo Family Foundation
Joseph R. Pozzuolo ’75
Roy Pressman ’19
Arthur G. Raynes ’59
Abraham Charles Reich ’74 &
Sherri Engelman Reich ’74
Percival Robert Rieder ’32 &
Mary Taubel Rieder
David Roeberg ’68
Joel E. Rome ’62
Morey S. Rosenbloom ’69
Robert A. Rovner ’68
Marcus B. Sacks ’31 & Annie Sacks
Francis A. Scanlan
James G. Schmidt ’28
Alan H. Silverstein ’75
Dolores K. Sloviter
Temple University Law Alumni Association
Temple Law School Faculty
The Trace Foundation
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
James A. ’91 & Jemma L. Walden
William Penn Foundation
Deborah R. Willig ’75
Benjamin L. Winderman ’54
Arthur A. Wolk ’68
Donors of $100,000
or greater
Anthony Clark
Department for
Bernard Eizen
Irene Eizen
Edward Ellers
Elizabeth Ellers
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Cary Flitter
Allan Fox
Lundy, Flitter, Beldecos
& Berger PC
Pennsylvania Interest
on Lawyers Trust
Account Board
Pew Charitable Trusts
Robert Wood Johnson
Dolores Sloviter
Donors of $50,000–$99,999
Dean Adler
Alcoa Foundation
Leonard Barrack
Lynne Barrack
Barrack, Rodos & Bacine
Vita Cassese
Susanna Lachs
Andre Mardon
Murray Shusterman
The Shusterman
Donors of $25,000–$49,999
Chartis Insurance
Jack Feinberg
Laurie Ingerman
M. Brad Ingerman
Justin Ingerman
Scott Krase
H. F. Lenfest
Marguerite Lenfest
Marie O’Connor
Patrick O’Connor
Daniel Polett
Margo Polett
Temple University
Alumni Association
James Walden
Jemma Walden
Donors of $10,000–$24,999
Donors of $5,000–$9,999
Bainbridge, E. & A.,
Estate of
Jane Baron
Robert Bartow
Susan Bartow
Aaron Beck
Phyllis Beck
James Bruton
Valanna Bruton
Richard Collier
Conrad O’Brien Gellman
& Rohn PC
E. I. DuPont DeNemours
& Company
Sally Eisenberg
Stewart Eisenberg
Exelon Corporation
Forman, Pearl K., Estate of
Louis Fryman
Carl Hittinger
Richelle Hittinger
Alycia Horn
Marina Kats
Margot Keith
Robert Keith
Leonard Klehr
Susan Klehr
Oscar Lasko
Vivian Lasko
Walter Lomax
Lomax Family Foundation
Frances Marella
Vincent Marella
William McLucas
Leslie Miller
Miller-Worley Foundation
Joseph O’Donnell
Joseph Pozzuolo
Grant Rawdin
Raynes McCarty Trial and
Appellate Lawyers
Sandy Sheller
Stephen Sheller
Sheller Family Foundation
The Joey Pozzuolo Family
Joe Tucker
Tucker Law Group LLC
Richard Walker
Richard Worley
Robert Zielinski
M. Taylor Aspinwall
Anne Brophy
Thomas Brophy
D. Brown
William Brown
Desiree Brown
Stuart Brown
Ida Chen
Patricia Coleman
Robert Coleman
Joan Davis
Theodore Davis
Nelson Diaz
Joanne Epps
Ewing Marion Kauffman
Alan Fellheimer
Judith Fellheimer
Richard Foltz
Michael Gebhardt
Glenmede Trust Company
C. Scott Hartz
Carol Hartz
Ann Hughey
Jackson Lewis LLP
L. Harrison Jay
Jacquelyn Langel
John Langel
Aisha Lomax
Bennett Lomax
Sara Manzano-Diaz
Marshall, Dennehey,
Warner, Coleman
& Goggin
Thomas McFadden
Arlene Meranze
Walter Meranze
Arthur Pomerantz
Barbara Pomerantz
Maureen Pond
Samuel Pond
Abe Reich
Sherri Reich
Robert Reinstein
Lukas Reiter
Marsha Rosenbloom
Morey Rosenbloom
Frances Ryan
Joseph Sacca
Sophia Sacca
Gilbert Schwartz
Septa Legal Division
Audrey Silverstein
Martin Silverstein
Bette Walters
John Warner
Suzanne Warner
Arthur Wolk
Donors of $2,500–$4,999
Arlin Adams
Neysa Adams
Andrew Allen Charitable
Bonnie Barnett
Larry Bendesky
Benjamin B. and Natalie O.
Levin Charitable Fund
Hope Berger
Mitchell Berger
Janice Biron
Thomas Biron
Beth Cohen
Martin Cohen
Jill Colton
Neal Colton
Kimberly Cook
Doreen Davis
E. Wallace Chadwick
Memorial Fund
Phyllis Gallagher
William Gallagher
Mark Gelberg
Terri Gelberg
Arnold Glaberson
Richard Glazer
Wendy Glazer
Glazer Family Foundation
Ernest Jones
Benjamin Kursman
Barbara Levin
Michelle Levin
Gregory Liacouras
Denise Love
Judy McMullen
Louis Natali
Edward Ohlbaum
Linda Pennington
Philadelphia Foundation
Larry Pitt
Diane Reed
Lowell Reed
Helene Ross
Saul Ewing LLP
Karyn Scher
D. Scott-Jones
Robert Simmons
Leslie Smith
The Athena Project
The Martin D. Cohen
Family Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Stewart Weintraub
Ronald Williams
Deborah Willig
Willig, Williams &
William Woodward
Donors of $1,000–$2,499
Timothy Abeel
Lynne Abraham
John Allen
American Continental
Allyson Andrisani
Barbra Andrisani
Nathan Andrisani
Andrisani Family
Charitable Fund
Paul Auerbach
AXA Advisors
Sheryl Axelrod
Kila Baldwin
Alexis Barron
Christopher Bass
Robert Bauer
Susan Baumann
Edwin Berkowitz
Berkowitz Family Fund
Ellan Bernstein
Leonard Bernstein
Blank Rome LLP
Anthony Bocchino
Harris Bock
Thomas Bradley
Deborah Brecher
Marc Brecher
Bucks County Mediation
and Arbitration Center
Ira Bushman
Marcy Bushman
Jonathan Caplan
John Carrig
Teresa Cavenagh
Linda Checchio
Darren Check
Karen Cherwony
Robert Cherwony
Terence Chu
Carl Citron
Francine Citron
Anita Cohen
David Cohen
Fred Cohen
Judith Cohen
Cozen O’Connor
Doneene Damon
Heyward Damon
Robert Daniels
Kathie Dapron
A. Harold Datz
Marlene Dion
Melvin Dion
Matthew Donaldson
Gwen Douse
Robert Douse
Robert Doyle
Leonard Dubin
Marlene Dubin
Martin Duffey
Michael Dunn
Teresa Dunn
Patrick Farley
Thomas Farnish
Alan Feldman
Deborah Feldman
Nathan Ferst
Finkelstein Foundation
Joan Flannery
William Flannery
Robert Force
Ruth Force
Barbara Franzel
Bruce Franzel
Koji Fukumura
Richard Furia
Richard Gendelman
Bernard Glassman
Glaxo SmithKline
Charles Golden
Norma Golden
Caroline GoldnerCinquanto
Goldsmith Weiss
Harold Goodman
Kathy Gosliner
Bernard Granor
Marie Granor
Richard Greenstein
Martin Greitzer
Kathleen Grzegorek
Maryellen GussackHochstein
Phoebe Haddon
Thomas Hanna
Angela Hansen
Jean Hemphill
Anne Hendricks
Francis Hennessy
Hennessy & Bullen,
Law Offices of
T Lance Jackson
Kenneth Jarin
Michael Jobes
Musetta Johnson
Carlton Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Johanne Johnston
Donna Jones
Rosalind Kaplan
Bernard Katz
Karen Keller
Camille Kennedy
William Kennedy
David Kessler
Kessler Topaz Meltzer
and Check LLP
Vivek Khanwalkar
Bebe Kivitz
Patricia Knese
Herbert Kolsby
Philip Korb
Sandra Korb
Martin Krimsky
Merle Krimsky
David Kwass
Susan Lander
Patrick Larkin
Susan Larkin
Law School Admission
Thomas Leonard
Arnold Levin
Jan Levine
Pfizer Foundation Inc.
William Pickett
Paul Pilecki
Helen Powers
Richard Powers
Arthur Pressman
Mira Rabin
Irene Rabinowitz
Mark Rabinowitz
Marc Raspanti
Wendy Raspanti
David Richman
Steven Rocci
Thomas Rogers
Edmond Rondepierre
Carey Roseman
Robert Roseman
David Sass
Francis Scanlan
Steven Schiesel
Charles Schleifer
Denise Schleifer
Tobi Schneider
Robert Schwartz
Carole Sheffield
David Sheffield
Lori Shemtob
Shemtob & Shemtob PC
Daniel Sherry
Alan Silverstein
Lisa Slotkin
Barbara Spector
Eugene Spector
Kenneth Spivack
Tracy Spivack
Mildred Stansky
Edward Steinhouse
Joan Stern
Catherine Strauss
Jerome Strauss
Frederick Strober
Christopher Lewis
Jeffrey Lichtman
Barbara Lorry
Joseph Lurie
Barbara Lyons
Bruce MacPhail
Kate MacPhail
Mark MacQueen
Gregory Mandel
Sabrina Sacks Mann
Filomela Marshall
Joseph Marshall
John Mattioni
Mary Mattioni
Dennis McCarthy
Frank Mcclellan
David McLaughlin
Allan McLeod
Gina McLeod
Michael Mctaggart
James Melinson
Patricia Mellon
Roberto Mignone
Joseph Mistrano
Bonnie Moses
Richard Moses
Marilyn Murray
Nan and Ed Rondepierre
Carolin Nearing
Katherine Novick
Stuart Novick
Oak Hill Capital
Management LLC
Sheila O’Donnell
Samuel Pace
Carmen Paradise
Thomas Paradise
Maureen Pelta
Pernod Ricard USA
Maria Petrillo
Robert Stutman
Susan Tomasky and
Ronald J. Ungvarsky
Family Foundation
Beth Swartz
Mark Swartz
Paula Szortyka
Jamil Tahir-Kheli
The Alma P. Hunt
Charitable Trust
Charitable Fund
The Axelrod Firm, LLC
The Barbara Silver Levin
Foundation, Inc.
The Bauer Law Firm, PC
The Boeing Company
The Hirschhorn Baumann
Family Foundation
The Nararo Foundation
The Robert C. Daniels
William Thomas
Louis Thompson
Tony DePaul and Sons
Philip Toran
Ronald Ungvarsky
Anthony Villare
Franceska Villare
Brooke Walker
John Walker
Kay Walker
Ronald Walker
Walter Weir
Gerald Wells
Diane Welsh
Daniel Werther
Daniel Whelan
Kathleen Whelan
Cynthia White
Jo White
Donors of $1,000 and over
FY 2011
FY 2010
FY 2009
FY 2008
FY 2007
FY 2006
FY 2005
FY 2004
FY 2003
FY 2002
The Temple Law Legacy Society recognizes alumni, faculty and friends
who support the Law School through their estate plans and
other deferred gift arrangements.
We thank these individuals for their forethought, generosity, and
commitment to future generations of Temple law students and faculty.
Anonymous (2)
Josephine Hagan
Edward Steinhouse ’69
Barry W. Van Rensler ’73
Alban Salaman ’74
Barbra Andrisani
John M. Bacon ’98
Elwood J. Baldwin Jr. ’95
David C. Bennett ’07
Mark S. Blaskey ’75
Edward H. Boehner ’86
David Cohen ’52
Martin D. Cohen ’67
Carla Dowben ’55
Robert Dowben
Harry F. Dunn ’57
Marjorie Dunn
Bernard Eizen ’72
Irene Eizen
Barbara E. Fisher ’86
Gary B. Freedman ’91
Linda Freimark ’82
Carol A. Fritz ’96
Heather C. Giordanella ’98
Mark R. Glasberg
Arthur H. Gold
Arthur L. Graham ’96
Carole D. Green
Carol Ann Hahn
Adrienne Y. Hart ’00
Sam Havens ’73
Susan Lander
Joan D. Lasensky-Glatthorn ’76
Ann T. Loftus ’88
Vincent J. Marella ’72
Jay Meyers ’57
Mitchell W. Miller ’54
Shirley G. Miller
Tom P. Monteverde
Joseph L. Rosenfeld ’61
Robert A. Rovner ’68
Murray H. Shusterman ’36
Martin J. Silverstein, ’79
Dolores K. Sloviter
Sharon L. Smith ’78
Leonard B. Sokolove ’51
John Varjabedian ’58
John R. Warner ’60
Suzanne Warner
Janice E. Williams ’78
Jean B. Green ’53
Henry J. Hagan ’63
Membership in the Temple Law Legacy Society is open to those who have named
the Law School as a beneficiary of their estates, trusts, retirement plans or other
financial arrangements. For more information or to enroll in the Law Legacy
Society, please contact:
Janine Ehsani
Senior Director of Development
Temple University Beasley School of Law
1719 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
[email protected]
“Temple Law School gave me the opportunity
to participate in building a successful legal
organization. I’m grateful to Temple for the
preparation necessary to succeed in my career.
Now I have a chance to give back and get great
benefits at the same time. It’s a win-win.”
— John R. Warner ’60
Shortly after graduating Temple Law School in
January 1960, John R. (Jack) Warner joined the
firm of Davis, Marshall & Crumlish. Two years
later, Jack joined Frank Marshall in a relationship
that became a new partnership dedicated to
defense litigation. Now approaching its 50th
anniversary, Marshall, Dennehey, Warner,
Coleman and Goggin has grown to more than
400 lawyers with 19 offices in six states. Many
of the firm’s attorneys are Temple Law alumni.
Jack and Sue Warner set up their first Temple
charitable gift annuity (CGA) with appreciated
stock in 2006. The CGA worked out so well that
they funded a second, and a third. Now they are
up to four Temple CGAs—and still counting.
Jack likes the tax advantages of CGAs and the
ability to diversify long-term appreciated stock
into a steady stream of tax-advantaged income.
Jack and Sue have directed the “Temple part” of
their gift annuities to scholarships for law
To learn more about the advantages of charitable
gift annuities at Temple Law School, please
call Janine Ehsani in the Law Legacy Office at
215.204.4754, or contact [email protected].
Gifts have been made in honor
of the following individuals:
Michael E. Adler
Warren Ballard
Barrack Hall Team
Prof. Robert J. Bartow
Kayle M. Burns
Cui Bao Bao
Hon. Nelson A. Diaz
Julia N. Eulenberg
David A. Fineman
Cary Flitter
Carrie Goldner-Cinquanto
T. Lance Jackson
Nancy J. Knauer
Peter J. Liacouras
Barbara R. Lyons
Sara Manzano-Diaz
Manuel Olives
Prof. Jaya E. Ramji-Nogales
Lily Ann Raynes
Robert J. Reinstein
James T. Smith
Sander White
William Windsor
Matthew Woodward
Young Conaway Stargatt
& Taylor LLP
Mo Zhang
David Zlotnick
M. Zuckerman
Donors of $500–$999
Alyssa Aklestad
George Anagnost
Anonymous Donors
Bradford Baldus
Joan Band
Jon Belisonzi
A. Alan Benjamini
Sherril Benjamini
George Beppel
Francis Bigley
Mark Blaskey
Pamela Blaskey
Ronald Brien
Broad Street Fitness
Arthur Brown
Richard Brust
Doris Burd
Joan Burnes
Scott Burris
David Campoli
Jeanne Carroll
Center for Forensic
Economic Studies
Donald Chisholm
Brad Cooper
Frederick Cornnell
Steven Datlof
Ronald Davenport
Marla Davis Bellamy
Jeffrey Dayno
Karen Dayno
Francis Dehel
Diane Depman
Stanley Depman
Francis Devine
David Domzalski
Patricia Domzalski
Joanne Dunn
John Dunn
Jeanne Dutton
Hugh Emory
Karen Emory
Herbert Epstein
Douglas Esten
Marylouise Esten
David Felicio
Steven Friedman
Michael Gannon
Allison Goldis
Jerald Goodman
Jill Goodman
Peter Goodman
Susanne Goodson
Joseph Grimes
Josephine Hagan
Diane Harrison
Deborah Hartnett
William Hartnett
Samuel Havens
Maureen Howard
Stephen Howard
Ellen Huyett
Howard Katz
Herbert Kean
Joyce Kean
Kerry Kearney
Robin Kelly
Sean Kilkenny
Kindred Healthcare Inc.
Diane Kolb
Richard Kolb
Michael Kroboth
George Kuehnle
Caroline Kuntz
Edward Kuntz
Jay Lackman
Thomas Lalla
Gail Latham
Lauren and Steven
Friedman Fund
Melissa Lennon
Mary Levy
Charisse Lillie
Mary Lisi
Ann Loftus
Avril Luongo
Jeremiah Luongo
Louise Luongo
Stephen Luongo
Michelle MacKay
Nicholas Maiale
Linda Marcinek
Sean-Tamba Matthew
Thomas McGill
Patricia McDermott
Lorraine McGlynn
Thomas McKay
Keith McLennan
Timothy McManus
Eric McNeil
Laura Meltzer
Merck and Company Inc.
Stephanie Meth
Marsha Neifield
Robert Newman
Maureen Olives
Michael Onufrak
Michael Owens
Rosetta Packer
Ourania Papademetriou
Pederson Group Inc.
Philadelphia Sport and
Social Club
Jack Plackter
Marjorie Plackter
PPL Electric Utilities Corp
David Rachofsky
G. Bradley Rainer
Joan Rainer
Stephen Reid
Leandro Rizzuto
John Rogers
Barbara Rosenfeld
Joseph Rosenfeld
Robert Rovner
Marsha Rubin
Steven Rubin
Carol Schrier-Polak
Jennifer Schulman
Anthony Scirica
Susan Scirica
Sheldon Seligsohn
James Shellenberger
Madeline Sherry
Cornelius Shields
Henry Shrager
Diane Sigmund
Robert Sipps
Joel Slomsky
Evan Smith
Lara Smith
Leonard Sokolove
Howard Soloman
Spielman & Associates
Nancy Stafford
William Stafford
Cliff Stein
Gayle Stein
Janet Stickles
Craig Straw
Prince Thomas
James Thomas
Kevin Todd
Bruce Toll
Robbi Toll
Tony Laguda Formalwear
Robert Tootle
R Noel Turner
UBS Securities LLC
Steven Udicious
Michael Van Der Veen
Sesto Vecchi
Susan Verbonitz
Joseph Viola
Wachovia, A Wells Fargo
Michelle Walker
Anita Weinstein
Scot Withers
Sheila Zeitzer
Theodore Zeitzer
Donors of $250–$499
Alice Abreu
Adena Adler
Michael Adler
Linda Alle-Murphy
M. Faith Angell
Ettore Angelo
Mary Angelo
Henry Asbill
Joanne Asbill
Vincent Averna
Danielle Banks-Williams
Lisa Barton
Bella Turka
Risa Bender
Norris Benns
Laurence Berman
Joy Bernstein
Lynda Bideau
Mark Bideau
Douglas Block
Bruce Blondin
John Bogan
David Bogard
William Bohnssack
Michael Bolechowski
Dorothy Bollinger
Roy Brader
Ruth Brader
Joseph Brady
Norton Brainard
Herbert Braker
Lisette Bralow
J. Breon
Susan Breon
William Bridgen
Annemarie Bridy
Andrea Broad
Louis Broad
Jonathan Broder
Barbara Brunner
Roger Brush
Martin Burman
Francis Buschman
Theodore Caldwell
Kenneth Carobus
Sung-Ja Cho
Samuel Choy
Holly Cohen
Michael Coleman
Comcast Corporation
Carolyn Commons
Katherine Commons
Peter Commons
Commons & Commons
Charles Craven
Howard Cutler
John D’Angelo
Catherine Davis
John Davis
Susan De Jarnatt
Joanne Dellaverson
Deborah DeNardo
Arlene Diosegy
Charles Downs
Albert Dragon
Mary Dugan
Jeffrey Dunoff
Elizabeth Eagles
Eileen Elliott
Elliott Greenleaf &
Siedzikowski PC
Jeffrey Feinberg
Camilo Ferrandez
Samuel First
Deborah Fitzgerald
Barbara Forte
Norton Freedman
Fran Fried
Harvey Fried
Christine Fritton
Diana Gallo
Vincent Gallo
Timothy Games
Dennis Gee
Genentech Inc.
Steven Geroff
Giannini Jewelers Inc.
Theresa Glennon
Mitchell Goldberg
Lawrence Goldberg
Lois Goldberg
Jonathan Goldman
Muriel Goode-Trufant
David Gould
Robin Greenhouse
George Gregory
Louisa Gyandoh
Mark Gyandoh
Mark Hanamirian
Jennifer Handler
Sean Handler
Sherry Hanley
Roger Harrington
Adrienne Hart
Sharon Harzenski
Robert Henninger
Kevan Hirsch
Richard Holmes
Howard and Emily Cutler
Family Fund
Lawrence Hracho
Richard Hughey
Hayes Hunt
Ronna Hunt
John Hunter
Ronald Ianoale
ING Foundation
Casey Inge
Theresa Italiano
Marjorie Jacobs
Ellis Jacobs
James Jacquette
Joanne Jacquette
Michael Jordan
Andrea Kahn
Dennis Kahn
David Kairys
Patricia Kamath
Peter Kazon
Jane Keene
John Kell
Mitchell Klevan
Nancy Knauer
Jonathan Kopcsik
Bernice Koplin
Sharon Kotzen
Stanley Kotzen
Ivan Krouk
Henry Kuller
Ann Lacheen
Jerry Lacheen
Donna Lamborne
Joe Landy
Marc Lario
John LaRocca
Marc Lavine
Katherine Layman
Anne Lazarus
Carol Lebow
Sophia Lee
Susan Levy
John Limongelli
Benjamin Lipman
Jonathan Lipson
Alan Lourie
Steven Lowson
Mairi Luce
John Lulejian
John-Paul Madden
Jerome Maddox
Madeleine Mansier
Alvin Marshall
David Maser
Diana McCarthy
Denise McCool
Jason McCrane
Joseph Meltzer
Stephen Meyers
Sandra Moss
Debra Munford
Jerome Munford
Cynthia Myers
Richard Myers
Freema Nagler
John Necci
Opera Company of
Ann Paris
Nalynn Park
Eileen Pass
Henry Pass
Michael Peale
William Pearson
David Petonic
Dorean Petonic
Sarah Pierce
William Pillsbury
Joann Platel
Jaya Ramji-Nogales
Spencer Rand
Rebel and Nail Design
Elaine Rice
Timothy Rice
Glenn Richardson
Adam Rifkind
Rob Kandel Photography
Louisa Robinson
Rona Rosen
Scott Rosenberg
Howard Rosenthal
Jane Rossetti
Leonard Rossetti
Elizabeth Rubin
Lillian Ruggeri
Lawrence Sager
Phyllis Sager
Christopher Santoro
C. Murray Saylor
Jacquelyn Saylor
Timothy Scaffidi
Loann Scarpato
Cathy Schappert
Thomas Scholtes
Larry Schwartz
Ann Segal
Robert Segal
Feng Shao
Abbe Shapiro
Melanie Sharp
Susan Shenkin
Dawn Sigyarto
Deborah Simon
Theodore Simon
Ellen Sklar
S.J. Sklar
Catherine Slavin
Daniel Smith
Eugene Sperazza
Peter Spiro
Gerald Spivack
Joan Spivack
David Stanoch
Diane Stein
Neil Stein
Marc Stolee
Stolee and Associates LLC
Joseph Stoll
Linda Stoll
Jonathan Strange
Sweat Gym
Joel Sweet
James Swope
David Tepper
The Bollinger Law Firm
The Hanamirian Firm PC
Sara Toner
Marc Topaz
Towers Watson
Michael Trachtman
Carla Trongone
Victor Walcoff
Hilary Wandall
Robert Washburn
Julie Watters
Gwen Weisberg
Thomas West
Pennington Winberg
Clair Wischusen
Thomas Wong
Jerome Zaleski
Lynn Zikoski
Barbara Zimmerman
Gifts have been made in memory
of the following individuals:
Perry S. Bechtle
Tillie Bell
Toby Paul Camen
Jean B. Green
Henry J. Hagan
Elizabeth C. High
Wilifred A. Koelle
Elisa Claire Kraft
Hon. Morton Krase
Marie McCool
Maria P. Poland
I. Herman Stern
Norma S. Weaver
Paul Willig
Donors of $100–$249
2025 KH LLC
Maureen Abbey
Thomas Abrams
Adeola Adele
Charles Adomanis
Christopher Aiello
AIG American
International Group Inc.
John Aivazoglou
Elizabeth Amato-Radley
Rhonda Anderson
Karen Andrews
David Ansell
David Applebaum
Arcelor Mittal
Dorothy Arimond
John Armstrong
Anne Arouca
Dennis Arouca
William Atherholt
Mary Auchincloss
Richard Auchincloss
Norman Axe
Bruce Bagley
Richard Band
Paul Bangel
Colleen Bannon
Victor Barall
Kathleen Barksdale
Thomas Barlow
Harvey Bartle
Kimberly Bartman
Robert Bastress
John Bateman
Robert Beaver
Harry Bellwoar
Joan Bellwoar
David Bennett
Edward Benoff
John Bernetich
Joshua Bernstein
Judith Bernstein-Baker
Barbara Berschler
Richard Biedrzycki
Bikram Yoga
Bluma Binder
Joseph Binder
Binder & Weiss PC
Lois Bingham
Herbert Birenbaum
Karen Bitar
David Blackstone
Thomas Blewitt
Blick Art Materials Retail
Edward Blumstein
Ralph Bocchino
Regina Bocchino
Edward Boehner
Maya Boguslavsky
David Bolden
Marsha Bolden
Janet Bollinger
Charles Borgman
Sally Borgman
Peter Bort
G. Jeffrey Boujoukos
Patricia Boujoukos
Nicholas Bowers
Jessica Bowman
Christopher Boyle
Stephen Bozzo
James Bradley
Cara Braslow
Derek Braslow
Breathing Room
Brehon Law Society
Eleanor Breslin
Adam Bronstein
Michele Brown
Sandra Brown
Bryn Mawr Trust Company
William Buchanan
Scott Buchheit
James Burlew
Ann Butchart
James Cai
Burton Caine
Mary Campbell
James Campolongo
Kathryn Carlson
Maria Carlucci
Buzz Carobus
L. Deborah Carpenter
Robert Carpenter
Lorraine Carreira
John Carty
Elizabeth Cecil
Martin Chazin
Stacey Chazin
Virginia Chentis
Chevron Texaco Corp.
Michael Chimes
Stephen Chopnick
Kashish Chopra
John Chung
Susan Claypoole
Michael Clinton
Henry Clinton
Clinton & McKain
Marlo Cohen
Elias Cohen
Marcia Cohen
Gary Cohen
Stanley Cohen
James Cole
Mary Cole
Susan Collings
Charles Cooper
Judith Cooper
Iles Cooper
Mary Kay Costello
Carol Fritz
Robert Friz
Mildred Gaines
Maryellen Gallagher
Joel Garber
Garber Law
Rudolph Garcia
Peter Gardner
Susan Garell
Earl Gaskins
Samuel Gerber
Edmond Ghisu
Melissa Gibson
Eric Girardi
Annetta Givhan
Katherine Glaser
Matthew Glazer
Daniel Glennon
David Goetz
Lisa Goetz
Ilene Goldberg
Hope Goldhaber
Janet Goldwater
John Gonzales
Sammetria Goodson
Kathleen Graham
Gertrude Grant
Carole Green
Melvin Greenberg
Nancy Greene
Lesley Greenspan
Norman Greenspan
Irene Greenspan
Leon Greenspan
Greenspan & Greenspan
Kumari Grimes
Patrick Grimes
Grimes & Grimes LLC
Debra Gruenstein
Jack Gruenstein
Ronald Gumbaz
Larry Dubinski
Vicki Dubinski
Daniel Duffy
Dorothy Duffy
Sean Duffy
Susanna Duke
Janine Ehsani
Nelson Erlam
Susan Erlichman
Roseann Eshbach
Joseph Fallon
Amy Fan
Lewis Farsetta
John Fedorko
Helen Feinberg
Michael Feinberg
Joan Feinstein
Paul Feldman
Alan Fell
Deborah Ferdinand
Ed Ferriter
Viola Ferriter
Ethel Fiderer
James Fidler
Lee Fiederer
Robert Fineberg
Fire & Ice
David Flannery
Victoria Flaville
James Flick
Suzanne Fluhr
David Foberg
Michael Fort
Andrea Foulkes
Peggy Frame
Nancy Frandsen
George Frank
Frances Freedman
Susan Freedman
Linda Freimark
Beth Frieder
Alyssa Cowan
Juliet Cozzi
Nancy Crake
David Creskoff
Crossfit Center City
Tianzhi Cui
Cups & Chairs
Mary Curtis
Cheryl Cutrona
Jay Dahlke
Patricia Daly
Andrea Daroff
Herbert Daroff
Edwin Dashevsky
Ellen Dashevsky
David G. Oyler Fund
Adam Davis
John Dean
Lisa Dean
Kaitlin Decrescio
Richard Deetz
Albert DeGennaro
Jennifer Deiter
Sally DeMartini
Samuel Dennis
Tricia Desmarais
Joseph Dever
Richard Diaz
Karen Diaz
Carol DiBattiste
Steven Dickstein
Dickstein & Scutti
Daniel DiLoretto
James Dilsheimer
Dilworthtown Inn
Richard Director
John DiRocco
Barbara Dolhansky
Raymond Dombrowski
Kathryn Doyle
Thomas Doyle
Eugene Habecker
John Haeussler
Tyrone Hankin
Elaine Hankins
Joseph Hankins
Darla Hanley
Jeffrey Hanley
Mary Hanna
Gregory Hannon
Lisa Hanssen
George Harding
Jonathan Harkavy
Ladonna Harriott
Jay Harris
Ellen Harris
Mark Harris
Hosea Harvey
Ellen Heiman
William Heiman
Meda Henry
Michael Henry
Paul Hensel
Nancy Hess
Sarah Hexem
Debra Hightower
Marlene Hilkowitz
Steven Hilkowitz
Glynnis Hill
Glenn Hing
Susan Hirsch
Jodeen Hobbs
Duncan Hollis
Ian Hood
Patricia Hood
Monica Horton
Heather Hosfeld
Ronald Hosko
Sabina Howell
Felix Hu
J. Brite Cleaners
(does not include pledges)
FY 2011
FY 2010
FY 2009
FY 2008
FY 2007
FY 2006
FY 2005
FY 2004
FY 2003
FY 2002
Keene Jabbour
Leon Jabour
Henrietta Jackson
Marc Jacobs
Phyllis Jacobs
Chloe Johnson
Donald Johnson
James Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Helen Johnson
Margaret Joseph
Joseph Edward Brady PC
Allyson Jozwik
Robert Jozwik
Edward Kane
Kathleen Kane
Patricia Kane-Vanni
Donna Kanup
Gary Kaplan
Francis Keaney
Joanne Kelhart
Richard Kempes
Daniel Kenny
Margaret Kenny
Laura Kern
Sandra Ketner
Christina Khosravi
Judith Kiesel
Shaun Kilroy
Riva Kinstlick
Philip Kirkpatrick
Donald Kitchen
Elisha Kizer
Donald Klein
Susan Klein
Nathaniel Kleinman
Lauren Kluz-Wisniewski
Scott Knapp
W. Craig Knaup
Peter Koelle
Randy Kominsky
Robert Korn
Susan Korn
Robert Kosman
Fotini Kotarides
Ruth Koton-Rosenbaum
James Kozuch
Isador Kranzel
James Kratz
C. David Krewson
Viktoria Kristiansson
Debra Kroll
Aimee Kumer
Roxanne La Roc
Francis Labor
Seymour Lackier
Owen Larrabee
Richard L. Press &
Associates, Law
Offices of
Ronald Lebovits
David Leff
Michael Lehr
James Lennon
Gary H. Levin
Ann Levine
Barbara Levine
William Liberman
Muriel McClelland
Elizabeth McConaghy
Joanne McCool
Joseph McCool
Matthew McCool
Timothy McCool
Deborah McCreery
Matthew McCrory
Edward McGinn
Margaret McGovern
Ronnie McGuire
Mary McIlvried
Patricia Mcinerney
Robert McKain
Daniel McKenna
Kristin McKenna
William McKeveny
Catherine McKnight
Pat McMahon
Maranna Meehan
Salil Mehra
Julia Melle
Francis Mellon
Jeremy Menkowitz
Meshkov & Breslin LLC
Metlife Foundation
Steven Meyer
Otto Meyers
Michael Lehr
Adele Milarsky
Chanda Miller
Donna Miller
Louis Mincarelli
Jane Minerly
John Minges
Deborah Mitchell
Alan Mittelman
Robert Moll
Jeffrey Moller
Montgomery Bar
Kristina Moon
Howard Lieberman
Reina Lieberman
Benjamin Lifsey
Li Lin
Jeffrey Lindy
Raymond Lobos
Mark Lockett
Lucky Strike Lanes
& Lounge
Marian Luongo
George Luskus
Polly Luskus
Thomas Lynch
George Magnatta
Kathryn Maguire
Leo Maguire
Joseph Maguire
Patricia Maguire
Eugene Maier
Christopher Mallios
Michele Malloy
Thomas Malone
Kyle Maloricy
Jon Malsnee
David Marcus
Sandra Marcus
Philip Margolis
Donald Mark
Catherine Marshall
Joseph Marshall
James Martin
William Maruszczak
John Mattiacci
Christian Mattioli
Gary Matzner
Henry Maurer
Linda Maurer
Edward Mayer
Patricia Mayer
Tina Mazaheri
Lawana McAllister
Mary McCabe
Susan Moore
Aaron Moore
Bernard Moore
Joseph Moore
Courtney Morgan
Muriel Morisey
Neil Morris
Robert Morris
Dennis Morrow
Lisa Mosca
Joel Mosemann
James Moughan
John Mulderig
Thomas Mullelly
Deirdre Mullen
David Mumford
Christine Murphy
Kristen Murray
Ann Murray
Jerome Musheno
Gregory Nagy
Stephen Nailor
Shyam Nair
Dave Napiorski
Robert Netter
New Pace Productions LLC
Han Nguyen
Charlotte Nichols
Lynn Nichols
Alexander Nikas
Norfolk Southern
Alex Norman
Sally O’Brien
Sean O’Connell
Michael O’Day
O’Day Law Associates
Richard O’Neill
Darlene Osmun
Robert Osmun
Raymond Ostroski
David Oyler
Annual Fund
13% Endowment
9% Gift in Kind
Arnold Page
Jennifer Pao
Paper Source
Donna Parker
Stuart Pastor
Sherri Patchen
Nipun Patel
Andrea Paul
Allen Pechter
Michael Peters
Margaret Phiambolis
Thomas Phiambolis
Fred Pierantoni
Al Pierce
Brenda Pierce
Michael Pierce
James Pifer
Alan Polonsky
Rita Polonsky
Carl Polsky
Germaine Polsky
Marilyn Porath
David Post
James Proud
David Pryzbylski
Amy Putnam
Elaine Quaiantiello
Angela Racciatti
Robert Racciatti
Mark Rahdert
John Raimondi
Barbara Ransom
Daniel Ray
Hal Real
Christopher Reese
Maren Reichert
Evelyn Reichman
Mary Reilly
Meredith Rettaliata
Jacqueline Reynolds
George Reynolds
Norm Rich
Robert Richards
Sharon Richardson
William Richardson
Gail Richman
James Riesenfeld
Harvey Robbins
Susan Robbins
Barbara Robinson
Ronald Robinson
David Rodden
Juan Rodriguez
Nathaniel Rogers
Charles Rogovin
Marcene Rogovin
Peter Rohana
Steven Rollins
Mark Roomberg
Marilynne Rose
Jeffrey Rosedale
Linda Rosen
Marvin Rosen
Sidney Rosenblatt
Jeffrey Rosenblum
Judith Rosenblum
Peter Rothwell
Gregory Royston
Joan Rubin
Donna Rubino
Lou Rubino
Chas Ryan
Priscilla Ryan
Marian Salkin
Philip Salkin
Victoria Salvo
Robert Sand
Bernd Sandt
R. Andrew Santillo
George Saulnier
Rebecca Scalio
Nancy Schaer
Mark Schaffer
Wayne Schaible
Jodi Schatz
Millie Schenzle
Jason Schiffer
Kathleen Schiffer
Eugene Schloss
Sherna Schloss
Harry Schmoll
Lindsay Schoonmaker
Robert Schoonmaker
James Schultz
Michelle Schultz
Seth Schwartz
Jess Schwidde
Edward Searle
Madeline Searle
David Shafie
Arthur Shapiro
Miriam Shapiro
Steven Shapiro
Lawrence Shay
Linda Sheetz
Richard Sheetz
Everett Sheintoch
Lois Shenk
Marcia Shissler
Ronald Shissler
James Shuey
Barbara Sicalides
Michele Siekerka
Niel Siekerka
Amy Sill
Darlee Sill
Stuart Silverman
Daniel Simons
Ruth Skoglund
Ronald Slott
Donald Smith
Nan Smolow
Ronald Smolow
Richard Sokorai
Carol Solfanelli
Nancy Solnick
Paul Solnick
Paul Sosnowski
Michael Spekter
Donald Sprague
Cerys St. John Richter
Sidney Steiger
Betsy Sternthal
Lewis Sternthal
Nadine Stevenson
Colin Stewart
Chad Stouffer
Catherine Straggas
James Strazzella
Frederick Strickland
Terence Strobaugh
Student Bar Association
Jon Swearingen
Edward Swichar
Robert Talley
Craig Taraszki
Melvyn Tarnopol
Bonny Tavares
William Taylor
Jeffrey Tenthoff
The Franklin Institute
Science Museum
The Philadelphia Orchestra
John Thomas
Fred Thomas
Oren Thomas
Margaret Thompson
Monty Tilles
Jan Ting
John Toal
Eric Tobin
David Toner
Fay Trachtenberg
Frank Tripodi
Joseph Tripoli
Rhonda Tully
Mark Turetsky
Twin Rocks Farm
Two Liberty Place
Restaurant Partners
Amy Ufberg
Jacob Ufberg
Elaine Ugolnik
Ursula Hobson Fine Art
Framing Inc.
Franklin Van Antwerpen
Erin Van Dorn
Elsy Varghese
Stanley Vasiliadis
Thomas Vassar
John Vasturia
Kathleen Vasturia
Timothy Ventura
Verizon Foundation
Barbara Vetri
Salvatore Vetri
Viola Vetter
William Vogel
Catherine Voit
Wake Up Yoga
Orville Walls
Denene Wambach
Cynthia Wanger
William Wanger
Morton Wapner
Nancy Wasch
Lori Weil
Parker Weil
Ina Weiner
Donald Weiss
Jonathan Weiss
Libby Weiss
Alexander Wellen
Elissa Wellikson
Ann Wells
West Corporate Partners
Helen Wheeler
David White
Christopher Wickman
Joanna Will
H. Williams
Mary Williams
Barbara Willig
Richard Wilson
Amy Wilson-Flannery
Howard Wimmer
Nancy Wimmer
James Wishchuk
Mauro Wolfe
Teresa Wolfe
Joyce Wood
Susan Wuchinich
Robert Yablon
David Yahner
Gerald Young
Maureen Young
Suzanne Young
Dena Zakaria
David Zaslow
Evan Zebooker
Karen Zeitz
John Zervanos
Donna Zucker
Susan Zuckerman
Alyssa M. Aklestad
Elizabeth K. Birch
Jessica L. Bowman
Walt D. Charles
Kashish Chopra
James D. Clark
Michael A. Coleman
Katherine B. Commons
Alexis L. Dansky
Ximena D. Flores Carvajal
Laurel G. Grbach
Dynah E. Haubert
Aimee M. Haynes
Sarah A. Hexem
John G. Iannacone
Corrin M. Johnson
Shaun R. Kilroy
Martin E. Klein
Nathaniel A. Kleinman
Lauren E. Kluz-Wisniewski
Qwalyne Lawson
Joshua M. Levin
Sean-Tamba Matthew
Joseph A. Mcnelis
Julia Melle
Rebecca D. Moy
Nalynn Park
Jennifer E. Pierce
Jonea M. Price
Fiamma M. Rago
Lauren Ridley
Juan C. Rodriguez
Scott E. Rosenberg
Christopher L. Schettini
Lindsay H. Schoonmaker
Steven J. Silver
Kayli Spialter
Timothy M. Stengel
Chad O. Stouffer
Megan K. Stricker
Jonathan P. Tew
Lauren M. Vogel
Amanda R. Wainwright
Gregory R. Weyer
Pennington Winberg
Alice G. Abreu
Mark F. Anderson
Jane B. Baron
Robert J. Bartow
Burton J. Benenson
Barbara J. Bennett-Yates
Anthony J. Bocchino
Scott C. Burris
Burton Caine
Marla R. Davis Bellamy
Susan L. DeJarnatt
Margaret M. Deguzman
Jeffrey L. Dunoff
Janine Ehsani
Joanne A. Epps
Marylouise C. Esten
Deborah A. Feldman
Ethel F. Fiderer
Laura M. Frisby-Selby
Theresa Glennon
Janet Goldwater
Richard K. Greenstein
Mary K. Hanna
Rukiya N. Harris
Donald P. Harris
Hosea Harvey
Sharon S. Harzenski
David A. Hoffman
Duncan B. Hollis
Poliana Irizarry
Henrietta M. Jackson
Johanne Johnston
Eleanora L. Jones
David M. Kairys
Noa A. Kaumeheiwa
Nancy J. Knauer
Herbert F. Kolsby
Debra H. Kroll
Donna Lamborne
Dorothy E. Lee
Melissa Lennon
Mary E. Levy
Gregory Mandel
Frank M. Mcclellan
Salil K. Mehra
Muriel C. Morisey
Kristen E. Murray
Shyam Nair
Louis M. Natali
John F. Necci
Edward D. Ohlbaum
Maureen Olives
David G. Post
Angela M. Racciatti
Mark C. Rahdert
Jaya E. Ramji-Nogales
Spencer F. Rand
Robert J. Reinstein
Brishen Rogers
Charles H. Rogovin
Rebecca Schatschneider
James A. Shellenberger
Peter J. Spiro
James A. Strazzella
Bonny L. Tavares
Louis Thompson
Jan C. Ting
Colleen Uhniat
Erin K. Van Dorn
Harwell Wells
William Wertheimer
Roberta A. West
William J. Woodward
Mo Zhang
Thomas D. Abrams
Arlin Marvin Adams
Neysa Cristol Adams
Dean Adler
Lawrence K. Albee
Kent Albright
George T. Anagnost
Linda E. Andrews
Allyson Andrisani
Barbra Andrisani
Mary Ann Mcintyre Angelo
Anne Treadway Arouca
Anthony T. Arroyo
Margaret Kelley Arroyo
Henry W. Asbill
Ross Astrachan
William G. Atherholt
Richard S. Auchincloss
Paul Auerbach
Teresa R. Aurand
Jaya Kanaya Balani
Mary B. Ballard
Joan Levine Band
Richard L. Band
Randal A. Baron
Lynne A. Barrack
Emily Basalik
Christopher M. Bass
Linda A. Bauman
F. Scott Beadenkopf
Aaron T. Beck
Rochelle L. Bell
Joan Bellwoar
Sherril Benjamini
Hope Ruslin Berger
Lynda Apple Bideau
Bluma S. Binder
Janice Biron
Pamela F. Blaskey
Barbara Blau
Regina M. Bocchino
Harris T. Bock
William Bohnssack
David M. Bolden
Karen Boltinghouse
Jess Boltinghouse
Leonard P. Boltinghouse
Jennifer Baldino Bonett
Sally E. Borgman
Joseph J. Borner
Peter E. Bort
Trevor Bowen
Cecilia B. Boyle
Roy Brader
Lisette Bralow
Deborah Shulman Brecher
J. Douglas Breon
Susan K. Breon
Louis T. Broad
Mitchell Brochu
Anne C. Brophy
Ilene Brouda
William H. Brown
Linda Phillips Brown
D. June Brown
Michele D. Brown
Desiree A. Brown
Barbara A. Brunner
Valanna Bruton
William L. Buchanan
Kyle M. Burns
Marcy C. Bushman
David Campoli
Lorraine C. Carreira
Henry M. Carroll
Vita A. Cassese
Susan R. Castellano
Susan Cavallo
Elliot C. Chabot
Stacey C. Chazin
Julia Ann Cheney
Karen M. Cherwony
Kathleen Chuey
Francine B. Citron
Carl Citron
Kathleen Clendening
Richard Clendening
Beth Cohen
Anita Cohen
Judith Cohen
Marcia Cohen
Robert S. Cohen
Howard A. Cohen
Susan Colehower
Patricia Coleman
Carol Coll
William Coll
Ann Corcoran Collier
Kathy A. Collins
Jill Felix Colton
Annmarie Borek Cook
Mark A. Cook
Charles E. Cooper
Debra Cooperstein
Walter M. Cunniff
Mary Ellen Curtis
Clyde Cutner
Heyward Damon
Kathie Dapron
Andrea A. Daroff
Edwin Dashevsky
Ellen H. Dashevsky
Catherine R. Davis
Joan Spence Davis
Jeffrey M. Dayno
Lisa M. Dean
Barbara E. Delp
Rafael J. Delvalle
Cheryl E. Dempsey
Samuel E. Dennis
Diane Depman
Stanley Depman
Francis P. Devine
Marlene Futoransky Dion
Doris S. Dolchin
Barbara A. Dolhansky
Patricia Taylor Domzalski
Gwen Douse
Robert Dowben
Bernardine Doyle
Kathleen M. Drake
Marlene B. Dubin
Vicki Dubinski
Daniel Duffy
Teresa Dunn
Joanne M. Dunn
Josephine Dunphy
Elizabeth Prechtel Dunphy
Joseph Dunphy
Paula Edge
Sally Eisenberg
Irene Eizen
Elizabeth Wallace Ellers
Karen J. O’Donnell Emory
David Zui Epstein
Seth Epstein
Howard B. Fatell
Michael Feinberg
Ann E. Ferracane
Ed Ferriter
Viola Ferriter
Joan Flannery
David Flannery
Victoria K. Flaville
Cary Flitter
Ruth Morris Force
Michael Ford
Michael Fort
Peggy Frame
Barbara G. Franzel
Jacob A. Freeman
Louis W. Fryman
Mildred A. Gaines
Phyllis W. Gallagher
Diana Gallo
Lisa Gasper
Michael B. Gebhardt
Dennis J. Gee
Anna N. Gefroh
Linda Gehring
Mark Gelberg
Anthony Giannoumis
James J. Gibbons
Janet Tanski Gilbert
Bernard Glassman
Wendy Glazer
Tom Glover
Richard Jay Gold
Amber Fullam Goldberg
Lois K. Goldberg
Norma Golden
Jacobi D. Goodfellow
Jerald M. Goodman
Jill Bellak Goodman
Harold I. Goodman
Kathy Gosliner
Ursula Gosnay
Marie B. Granor
Melanie J. Grant
Margaret C. Graver
Lee R. Green
Craig A. Green
Carole D. Green
Arlin S. Green
David B. Green
Lesley Rapp Greenspan
Irene Greenspan
Katherine Grey
Thurman T. Grossnickle
Kent Gushner
Mindy Gushner
Maryellen GussackHochstein
Adam G. Gutbezahl
Louisa M. Gyandoh
Phoebe A. Haddon
Josephine Hagan
Elaine M. Hankins
Darla S. Hanley
Ellen Teitell Harris
Diane D. Harrison
William F. Hartnett
C. Scott Hartz
Darlene M. Haughey
Francis Haughey
Andrew Haynes
Kathleen Haynes
Cheryl M. Haynes
Ellen Linky Heiman
Meda A. Henry
Francis X. Higgins
Patricia H. Higgins
Debra Boyd Hightower
Erich Karl Hild
Marlene Hilkowitz
Israel Holcman
Duncan Hollis
Alan J. Horwitz
Maureen M. Howard
Billy Howerter
Rita Howerter
Margaret M. Hughes
Ronna R. Hunt
Neil Hurowitz
Laurie Ingerman
M. Brad Ingerman
Jennifer Ingram
Leon Jabour
Robin Jabour
T Lance Jackson
Phyllis Sterling Jacobs
Carrie E. Jacobson
Joanne M. Jacquette
L.Harrison Jay
Michael Jobes
Chloe D. Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Helen Sewell Johnson
Horatio Jones
Margaret C. Joseph
Babette Josephs
Andrea L. Kahn
Donna R. Kanup
Daniel W. Katz
Herbert Kean
Case Keefer
Margot Wallace Keith
Camille M. Kennedy
Margaret Kenny
Daniel A. Kenny
David Kessler
Christina S. Khosravi
Anastasia Kierst
Cheryl D. Kierst
James T. Kinsey
Jean W. Kinsey
Ann E. Kinsey
Walter J. Kirwan
Susan Kline Klehr
Cynthia J. Kohn
Diane G. Kolb
Sandra Korb
Susan Korn
Sharon Kotzen
Douglas J. Kovatch
David Kramer
Dean Kramer
Scott D. Krase
Jonathan C. Kraus
Merle M. Krimsky
Eileen Krokenberger
Patricia L. Kropiewnicki
Anna L. Kruschwitz
Elaine M. Kugler
Caroline Lessner Kuntz
Sharon A. A. Lachall
Ann S. Lacheen
Jerry Lacheen
Jay Lackman
Susan M. Lander
Joe Landy
Jacquelyn Langel
Susan Larkin
Vivian Simkins Lasko
Oscar Lasko
Jason M. Laughlin
Marc Lavine
Evelize Lebron
John Lechinskie
David S. Leff
Michael Lehr
H. F. Lenfest
Marguerite Lenfest
James Lennon
Lynne Allen Leopold-Sharp
Rita C. Lerario
Gary H. Levin
Jerome Levin
Barbara Levin
Ann B. Levine
Susan R. Levy
Christopher A. Lewis
William Liberman
Howard Lieberman
Reina Lieberman
Wilma B. Liebman
Jonathan Lipson
Walter P. Lomax
Aisha Lomax
Barbara J. Lorry
Elizabeth Lorry
Denise Love
Lian Lubing
Louise Luongo
Polly Luskus
Michelle MacKay
Kate MacPhail
Kathryn B. Maguire
Leo J. Maguire
Joseph I. Maguire
Patricia Joyce Maguire
Jeannette F. Maitin
Kyle Maloricy
Sara Manzano-Diaz
Frances T. Marella
Marguerite Marsh
Filomela A. Marshall
Catherine Marshall
Jene E. Martin
John N. Masteller
Jody Masterson
Shirley Mathias
Mary E. Mattioni
Linda R. Maurer
Thomas L. Mc Gill
Robert McBrearty
Bernadine McCool
Denise C. McCool
Irene M. McCool
James B. McCool
Joanne McCool
Marie B. McCool
Matthew J. McCool
Michael McCool
Robert F. McCool
Thomas McCool
Timothy McCool
Timothy T. McCool
Maria McCracken
Jason McCrane
Matthew J. McCrory
Elizabeth T. McDonald
Ronnie McGuire
Karen H. McKenna
Gina McLeod
Pat A. McMahon
Judy McMullen
Edward McVeigh
Dina Melle
Melanie Melle
Walter Meranze
Arlene Meranze
Carolanne Messina
Roberto Mignone
Shirley G. Miller
Rita Miller
Chris R. Moore
Jennifer Moore
Susan T. Moore
Cynthia B. Morgan
Jeffery B. Morgan
John I. Mulderig
Debra Harper Munford
Kathleen Murphy
Cynthia L. Myers
Harris Mark Nagler
Dave Napiorski
John Newman
Maroush P. Nigon
Katherine Smiles Novick
Elizabeth Oberst
Marie M. O’Connor
Patrick J. O’Connor
John O’Neill
Regina O’Neill
Darlene Osmun
Robert Osmun
Michael Owens
David G. Oyler
Samuel Pace
Sharon Papke
Carmen S. Paradise
Charles Parker
Eileen S. Pass
Salvatore J. Patti
Maureen Pelta
Linda Pennington
Alexis Perdue
Thomas Perricone
Thomas Phiambolis
Al Pierce
James Pifer
Jessie Pillard
Phyllis Pillard
Daniel H. Polett
Margo Polett
Germaine B. Polsky
Barbara G. Pomerantz
Maureen Pond
Leslie L. Pontz
Marilyn J. Porath
Steve Poses
Helen Powers
Herbert Pressman
Elaine Quaiantiello
Irene Rabinowitz
Robert A. Racciatti
Joan Klamkin Rainer
Elmyra Randall
Wendy Raspanti
Diane Reed
Jason Reschka
Judith A. Reschka
Michael A. Resnick
Elaine K. Rice
Edward C. Rice
William W. Richardson
David Richman
Leandro P. Rizzuto
Susan Wenger Robbins
Barbara Robinson
Marcene Rogovin
Joan M. Rose
Marilynne Rose
Marvin I. Rosen
Jackee Gabel Rosenberg
Marsha R. Rosenbloom
Judith Slagoff Rosenblum
Barbara Necowitz
Joseph G. Rosenfeld
Andrew D. Rosner
Helene Levine Ross
Jane M. Rossetti
Marsha L. Rubin
Donna Rubino
Lillian D. Ruggeri
Chas Ryan
Sophia Sacca
Phyllis B. Sager
Marian Salkin
Victoria L. Salvo
Sherrie R. Savett
Jacquelyn Harmon Saylor
Loann Scarpato
Nancy C. Schaer
Cathy Schappert
Millie Schenzle
Karyn L. Scher
Kathleen A. Schiffer
Denise Schleifer
Sherna L. Schloss
Robert L. Schoonmaker
James D. Schultz
Michelle A. Schultz
Joanna B. Schwenke
Susan Scirica
Anthony J. Scirica
Madeline A. Searle
Miriam Shapiro
Marie H. Shayhorn
Linda Lynch Sheetz
David P. Sheffield
Sandy Sheller
Stephen A. Sheller
Cornelius Shields
Ronald H. Shissler
Niel Siekerka
Amy Webster Sill
Susan Silver
Audrey Silverstein
Robert J. Simmons
John B. Simolike
Debra S. Singer
Ellen Lee Sklar
Cynthia J. Slomowitz
Joel Harvey Slomsky
Ronald Slott
Dolores K. Sloviter
Leslie Smith
Nan S. Smolow
Barbara Rosenfelt Spector
Tracy L. Spivack
Joan Spivack
Benjamin Stacey
Nancy Herman Stafford
Dianne G. Stahl
Diane Stein
Lewis C. Sternthal
Linda Stoll
Jerome F. Strauss
Craig M. Straw
David Strifling
Janet Summers
Beth Swartz
Jamil Tahir-Kheli
David E. Tepper
Bruce E. Toll
Robbi Toll
Linda Topper
Rick Topper
Michael G. Trachtman
Mark Trope
Rhonda Tully
Stephen L. Twyman
Jacob W. Ufberg
Jane M. Van Meter
Ralia C. Vardaxis
Elsy Varghese
John Louis Vassalotti
John P. Vasturia
Camile Vecchi
Salvatore M. Vetri
Anthony W. Villare
William Vogel
Jemma L. Walden
Brooke Walker
Kay Kerr Walker
Ronald B. Walker
Denene M. Wambach
Cynthia K. Wanger
Janice Helen Wanner
Suzanne Warner
Susan Waters
Lori D. Weil
Parker A. Weil
Marvin Weinstein
Darlene F. Weinstein
Ann H. Wells
Diane M. Welsh
Kathleen S. Whelan
Sander Irwin White
Shirley White
Dorothy I. Whitman
Charmaine Whitten
Joanna Will
Mary P. Williams
John Williams
Barbara A. Willig
Amy E. Wilson-Flannery
Howard A. Wimmer
Daniel Avram Wolf
Teresa A. Wolfe
Richard Worley
Suzanne Young
Matthew Zaum
Sheila Budilov Zeitzer
Theodore A. Zeitzer
Walt Ziejewski
David B. Zierler
M. Michael Zuckerman
Susan R. Zuckerman
2025 KH, LLC
500 Degree Burger
AIG American International Group, Inc.
Alcoa Foundation
American Continental Group
Andrew Allen Charitable Foundation
Andrisani Family Charitable Fund
Arch Insurance Company
Art of Wellness
AXA Advisors
B&R Originals
Bank of America
Barrack, Rodos & Bacine
Bella Turka
Benjamin B. and Natalie O. Levin
Charitable Fund
Berkowitz Family Fund
Bicycle Therapy
Bikram Yoga
Binder & Weiss, PC
Blank Rome, LLP
Blick Art Materials Retail
Breathing Room Foundation
Brehon Law Society
Brickbat Books
Broad Street Fitness
Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Bucks County Mediation and
Arbitration Center
Campbell Soup Company
Cantina Dos Segundos
Cantina Los Caballitos
Center for Forensic Economic Studies
Chartis Insurance
Chelten House Products
ChevronTexaco Corp.
City View Pizza
Clinton & McKain
Cochon Restaurant
Cohen & Co. Hardware & Home Goods
Columbia University Medical Center
Comcast Corporation
Commons & Commons LLP
Conrad O’Brien Gellman & Rohn, PC
Costa Auto Repair
Cozen O’Connor
Crossfit Center City
Cups & Chairs
Cutruzzula & Nalducci
David G. Oyler Fund
Department for International Development
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Dickstein & Scutti
Dilworthtown Inn
E. I. DuPont DeNemours & Company
E. Wallace Chadwick Memorial Fund
Eastern State Penitentiary
Elliott Greenleaf & Siedzikowski, P.C.
Ernst & Young Foundation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Exelon Corporation
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Fairmount Pet Shoppe
Finkelstein Foundation
Finnigan’s Wake
Fire & Ice
Garber Law
Genentech Inc.
Giannini Jewelers, Inc.
Giovanni & Pileggi
Glazer Family Foundation
Glenmede Trust Company
Goldsmith Weiss Foundation
Green Aisle Grocery
Greenspan & Greenspan
Grimes & Grimes LLC
Hanover Insurance Company
Headhunter’s Hair Design
Holt’s Cigar Company
Howard and Emily Cutler Family Fund
IBM International Foundation
Infinite Body Piercing
ING Foundation
J. Brite Cleaners
Jackson Lewis LLP
Jake’s Sandwich Board
JMG Designs
Johnson & Johnson
Joseph Edward Brady, PC
Justin Ingerman Foundation
Kessler Topaz Meltzer and Check, LLP
Khyber Pass Pub
Kindred Healthcare, Inc.
Lancaster County Market
Lauren and Stevein Friedman Fund
Law Offices of Arthur Pomerantz
Law Offices of Caroline Goldner
Cinquanto, LLC
Law Offices of Hennessy & Bullen
Law Offices of Richard L. Press
& Associates
Law School Admission Council
Liberties Restaurant and Bar
Lomax Family Foundation
Lucky Strike Lanes & Lounge
Lundy, Flitter, Beldecos & Berger, PC
Mama’s Vegetarian
Mamma Mia Pizzeria
Marshall, Dennehey, Warner, Coleman
& Goggin
Merck and Company, Inc.
Meshkov & Breslin, LLC
Metalworks Contemporary Jewelry
Metlife Foundation
Metropolitan Bakery
Michael Lehr
Miller-Worley Foundation
Mockingbird Salon
Momiji Sushi & Grill
Montgomery Bar Association
Nan and Ed Rondepierre Fund
New Pace Productions, LLC
Next Level Fitness Personal Training
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Oak Hill Capital Management, LLC
O’Day Law Associates
Opera Company of Philadelphia
Oppenheimer & Co., Inc.
Orbit Gallery
Paper Source
PB and U
Pederson Group, Inc.
Pennsylvania Interest on Lawyers Trust
Account Board
Pernod Ricard USA
Pew Charitable Trusts
Pfizer Foundation, Inc.
Philadelphia Contributionship Insurance
Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Sport and Social Club
PNC Foundation
Port Java
PPL Electric Utilities Corp
Prudential Foundation
Rapunzel’s Beauty and Hair Salon
Raynes McCarty Trial and Appellate Lawyers
Rebel and Nail Design
Rob Kandel Photography
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Ron’s Schoolhouse Bar & Grill
Rossi’s Hair Studio
Royal Tavern
Royalty Jewelry
S&H Kebab House
Sammi’s Shoe Box
Saul Ewing LLP
Septa Legal Division
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Sheller Family Foundation
Shemtob & Shemtob, PC
Shops at Liberty Place
SJ Cigar Company
Smak Parlour
Spielman & Associates
Stolee and Associates, LLC
Student Bar Association
SunTrust Mortgage, Inc.
Susan Tomasky and Ronald J. Ungvarsky
Family Foundation
Sweat Gym
Temple University Alumni Association
Temple University Law Alumni Association
The ACE INA Foundation
The American Pub at Center Square
The ARAMARK Charitable Fund
The Athena Project
The Axelrod Firm, LLC
The Barbara Silver Levin Foundation, Inc.
The Bauer Law Firm, PC
The Boeing Company
The Bollinger Law Firm, LLC
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
The Fresh Grocer
The Glenmede Trust Company,
N. A. Trust Funds
The Hanamirian Firm, PC
The Hirschhorn Baumann
Family Foundation
The Joey Pozzuolo Family Foundation
The Martin D. Cohen Family Foundation
The Nararo Foundation
The Philadelphia Orchestra
The Robert C. Daniels Foundation
The Shusterman Foundation
Thomson Reuters
Tony DePaul and Sons
Tony Laguda Formalwear
Towers Watson
Trader Joe’s
Tucker Law Group, LLC
Twin Rocks Farm
Two Liberty Place Restaurant Partners LLC
UBS Securities LLC
Ursula Hobson Fine Art Framing, Inc.
Verity Credit Union
Verizon Foundation
Wachovia, A Wells Fargo Company
Wake Up Yoga
Walking Fish Theatre
Wells Fargo Foundation
West Corporate Partners
Willig, Williams & Davidson
Woven Treasures
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Zavino Restaurant
Murray H. Shusterman
Donald B. Smith
Sidney M. Steiger
William A. Silver
Alex L. Bensinger
Seymour Gottlieb
George J. Harding
Philip Salkin
Robert B. Washburn
H. Newell Williams
Herbert F Kolsby
Leonard B. Sokolove
Alfred D. Whitman
Herbert Braker
David Cohen
Robert T. Burke
Rudolph A. Chillemi
Bernard Granor
Bernard N. Katz
George S. Saulnier
Joseph W. Marshall
Mitchell W. Miller
Carla Dowben
Lawrence Goldberg
Donald R. Johnson
Martin M. Krimsky
Ann Conolly Hughey
Isador Kranzel
Joseph Lurie
Sheldon Seligsohn
William H. Stafford
John J. Dunn
Jack E. Feinberg
Walter H. Gebhart
David H. Mumford
Norman H. Rosenberg
Eugene M. Schloss
Paul Vanembden
Morton B. Wapner
William T. Windsor
Norman G. Axe
Edward Blumstein
Joseph J. Brady
Fred R. Cohen
Melvin Dion
Robert Force
Leon J. Greenspan
Martin Greitzer
Francis David Hennessy
Donald J. Klein
C. David Krewson
Carl A. Polsky
Barbara W. Pressman
Lowell A. Reed
Bernd W. Sandt
Harry J. J. Bellwoar
John M. Fedorko
Melvin J. Greenberg
Joseph Mistrano
Ronald Edmund Robinson
Edmond F. Rondepierre
Edward Benoff
Norton A. Freedman
Edward F. Kane
Seymour W. Lackier
Allen A. Pechter
David W. Sass
Mildred R. Stansky
Barbara R. Vetri
John R. Warner
Edwin J. Berkowitz
Gilberto M. Cardenas
Albert Dragon
Leonard Dubin
Herbert Epstein
Lewis C. Farsetta
Charles M. Golden
Stanley R. Kotzen
Raymond J. Lobos
Joseph A. Monaco
Steven Shapiro
Sesto E. Vecchi
Victor Walcoff
David L. Creskoff
Robert C. Daniels
Ronald R. Davenport
Richard A. Powers
Gerald W. Spivack
James M. Underwood
Ronald M. Zeitzeff
Alexis Barron
Robert H. Beaver
Herbert A. Birenbaum
Stanley S. Cohen
Theodore Z. Davis
Richard Giannini
Ellis Raymond Jacobs
Carl W. Slemmer
Jerome A. Zaleski
Robert J. Coleman
Steven Ronald Geroff
Paul Charles Hensel
Robert A. Korn
Arnold Levin
Alvin B. Marshall
John Mattioni
William T. Nicholas
Curtis M. Pontz
Donald L. Sprague
R. Noel Turner
Martin Weiss
Jerry Zaslow
Lynne M. Abraham
John J. D’Angelo
Arnold Glaberson
Patricia C. Kamath
Mark D. Schaffer
Arthur David Shapiro
Harry D. Boonin
Joseph Edward Brady
Robert E. Keith
William J. Kennedy
Lawrence S. Sager
Phyllis W. Beck
Martin D. Cohen
William Martin Heiman
Riva F. Kinstlick
Ivan J. Krouk
Michael O’Hara Peale
William R. Pearson
Harry F. Schmoll
Franklin S. Van Antwerpen
Leonard Barrack
Dennis J. Flanagan
Joseph L. Foley
James R. Melinson
Adele D. Milarsky
David J. Rachofsky
Robert A. Rovner
Steven A. Rubin
Edward I. Swichar
Arthur Alan Wolk
Martin Burman
Richard C. Glazer
Elisha Barksdale Kizer
Edward L. Kuntz
Arnold S. Page
Peter J. Rohana
Morey S. Rosenbloom
Robert A. Sand
Larry J. Schwartz
S.J. Sklar
Edward Steinhouse
James R. Wishchuk
Vincent S. Averna
Susan Jo Bartow
Neal D. Colton
Richard Ernest Deetz
Steven S. Friedman
Randall S. D. Jacobs
Alan D. Lourie
David M. McCormick
Bernard A. Moore
Robert Richards
Michael J. Sheridan
Eugene Arthur Spector
Bette Jean Walters
M. Faith Angell
Robert J. Bartow
Joseph E. Bell
Ronald F. Brien
Alan S. Fellheimer
James R. Flick
Richard F. Furia
Lawrence D. Garr
Roger J. Harrington
Richard L. Hughey
Henry M. Kuller
Thomas A. Leonard
Eugene E. Maier
Robert Henderson Moll
Robert Alan Newman
Arthur Lewis Pressman
Harry C. Shayhorn
Joseph Tripoli
Stewart Weintraub
Libby E. Weiss
Joseph S. Binder
Thomas E. Biron
James P. Bradley
A. Harold Datz
Nelson A. Diaz
Bernard Eizen
Hugh Emory
Allan M. Fox
Marc S. Jacobs
Ernest E. Jones
John L. Lachall
Stephen E. Luongo
Vincent J. Marella
James B. Martin
Thomas McKay
Arthur Pomerantz
G.Bradley Rainer
Terence P. Strobaugh
Robert S. Supplee
Jonathan K. Wright
J. Scott Blackman
John R. Carty
Robert E. Cherwony
Charles W. Craven
Steven Dickstein
Cornelius Faulkner
Judith Eichen Fellheimer
Gary M. Glascom
Norman E. Greenspan
Michael Paul Harmonis
Samuel H. Havens
Richard S. Kempes
Gary C. Matzner
William C. McKeveny
Gregory Elemer Nagy
Charlotte A. Nichols
Harvey W. Robbins
Alan Rosenberg
Oren R. Thomas
Donald John Weiss
Mary Rogers Auchincloss
Henry J. Bauman
Louis Bell
John D. Bernetich
Michael W. Bolechowski
Charles L. Borgman
Albert Edward Danon
Arlene J. Diosegy
Richard David Director
Matthew S. Donaldson
Donna Erlich
Alan L. Fell
Bruce A. Franzel
Eugene B. Habecker
Joseph M. Hankins
Sharon S. Harzenski
Steven B. Hilkowitz
John J. Hunter
Marjorie Stern Jacobs
Kerry Aline Kearney
John Russell Kell
Richard Kolb
John B. Langel
Owen Wesley Larrabee
Kean McDonald
Charles M. Milligan
Joseph F. Moore
David G. Petonic
Michael Pollack
Abe Reich
Sherri Reich
Harold J. Rosenthal
Gilbert T. Schwartz
Henry Lee Shrager
James Frederick Shuey
Theodore Simon
Ronald Jay Smolow
James H. Thomas
Douglas G. Thomas
Monty J. Tilles
Eric R. Tobin
Stanley M. Vasiliadis
Michael C. Walcoff
Eric Arthur Weiss
Daniel J. Whelan
Robert Seth Yablon
Charles J. Adomanis
John D. Allen
Robert S. Barton
Robert G. Bauer
Mark S. Blaskey
James A. Bruton
Doris E. Burd
Elias S. Cohen
Robert W. Doyle
Susanna Neale Duke
Edward Spencer Ellers
James George Fidler
Robert A. Fineberg
Norman Flitt
Harvey D. Fried
Michael E. Garner
Terri N. Gelberg
Gertrude Grant
William J. Iseman
Kenneth M. Jarin
Dennis I. Kahn
Philip B. Korb
Thomas R. Lalla
Carol Pennes Lebow
P. Stephen Lerario
George Luskus
Bruce I. MacPhail
Philip S. Margolis
Muriel McClelland
William R. McLucas
Robert W. Moore
James D. Moran
Robert F. Morris
Sandra M. Moss
Thomas Edward Murphy
Richard P. Myers
Freema Gluck Nagler
Henry I. Pass
Alfred S. Pierce
Joseph R. Pozzuolo
George W. Reynolds
David W. Rollins
Robert G. Schwartz
Daniel J. Sherry
Stuart Ira Silverman
Alan H. Silverstein
Michael L. Spekter
John W. Stahl
David E. Street
Mark David Turetsky
Richard H. Walker
William R. Wanger
Deborah R. Willig
Billie L. Wolf
Patrick M. Wolff
Timothy John Abeel
Douglas Apatow
Barbara I. Berschler
Ruth J. Brader
Francis Buschman
Ida Chen
Stephen D. Chopnick
Augusta A. Clark
Judith G. Cooper
Iles Cooper
Juliet A. Cozzi
Georganne V. Daher
Frances E. Dalton
Sally Hagenbuch
Jeanne M. Dutton
Alan M. Feldman
Rochelle B. Fieldcamp
William J. Flannery
Andrea Gelman Foulkes
Susan Rae Freedman
Joan Kaehne Garner
Nancy A. Greene
Jack L. Gruenstein
Jonathan Harkavy
Susan Hirsch
Lawrence J. Hracho
Leonard M. Klehr
Mitchell H. Klevan
Debra H. Kroll
Joan D. LasenskyGlatthorn
Anne E. Lazarus
Charisse R. Lillie
Benjamin G. Lipman
Nicholas Maiale
Andre Mazzola Mardon
Stanford H. Masui
George E. Moore
Stuart Novick
Edward D. Ohlbaum
Dorean N. Petonic
John F. Raimondi
James Riesenfeld
Joan D. Rubin
Robert I. Segal
Ann Bernice Segal
Mary Beth Seminario
Richard Sheetz
William M. Shields
Arlene G. Simolike
Catherine B. Strauss
Prince Altee Thomas
Walter J. Weir
Joyce Jackson Wood
David F. Yahner
Advocate and litigator Robert Coulter
speaks at law school.
NOVEMBER 8, 2011 Acclaimed litigator and
advocate Robert T. Coulter delivered a Dean’s
Invitational Lecture, “The Rights of Indians Under
U.S. Law and the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples,” to the Temple Law community.
Coulter is the founder and executive director
of the Indian Law Resource Center, as well as a
Potawatomi Indian and a Justice of the Supreme
Court of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. For 25
years, he has been a leading advocate for the
recently adopted U.N. Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples. In his presentation at Temple,
Coulter spoke in depth about U.S. law as it applies
to Indians, including, for example, a line of cases
that hold that explicit discrimination against Indians
is a “non-suspect classification,” unlike other racial
or ancestral classifications.
Student awarded scholarship in honor of the
son of Brad and Laurie ’82 Ingerman.
Albert Moran ’14 is the first recipient of
the newly established Justin Ingerman
Scholarship. The scholarship provides
crucial support which he will be eligible
to renew for all three years of law
school. Moran, a 2009 graduate of the
University of Pennsylvania, taught math
at a charter school in Philadelphia as
part of “Teach for America” before
coming to Temple Law. The scholarship
that will do so much to lessen Moran’s
financial burden, and the burden of
future recipients, was established
through the generosity of the proud
parents and sister of another law student, Justin Michael Ingerman.
Sadly, Justin Michael Ingerman died in 2009, just two months
short of his twenty-fourth birthday. At the time of his death, Justin
was living in Brooklyn, NY attending his second semester at
Brooklyn Law School. Wanting to establish something permanent in
Justin’s memory that would embody his generous spirit, his parents
and sister, Danielle, established the Justin Ingerman Foundation,
providing the funding for the Ingerman Scholarships.
Justin’s mother describes him as “curious and inquisitive; he
loved discussions and debate centering on anything from sports to
politics to history.” He grew up in Bryn Mawr, PA, attending The
Haverford School and University of Pennsylvania, where he majored
in urban studies. Before entering law school, he worked at The
Ingerman Group, a company started by his father Brad, a nonpracticing attorney. Justin hoped to eventually be able to fill his
father’s shoes at that company, which focuses on the development,
management and construction of affordable housing.
“Simply put, Justin loved life,” says Laurie Ingerman ’82. “This
scholarship is a concrete way to continue the promise that he
embodied throughout his life, and to help support other law
students as we know he would have wanted us to.”
The Justin Ingerman Scholarship will stand as a lasting legacy,
providing one year tuition support for a Temple Law student,
renewable for two more years for students in good academic
standing. Ingerman Scholars will be expected to participate in at
least one significant public service project each year, and will have
the opportunity to meet with the Ingerman family, whose generosity
made this scholarship possible.
Dennis A. Arouca
Joanne Thomas Asbill
M. Taylor Aspinwall
Laurence S. Berman
Marc G. Brecher
William P. Busch
Maria I. Carlucci
Kenneth F. Carobus
L. Deborah Carpenter
Robert B. Carpenter
John Carrig
Susan Claypoole
Gary Mark Cohen
John H. Colehower
Janet Marie Colliton
Steven Bruce Dolchin
Victoria Donchess
Robert S. Douse
Joseph D. Fallon
George A. Frank
Fran Schnapp Fried
Rudolph Garcia
Joseph P. Grimes
Debra Lynne Gruenstein
Ronald Gumbaz
Richelle D. Hittinger
James M. Jacquette
Rosalind Kaplan
Mark E. Kropiewnicki
Benjamin F. Kursman
Christine E. Larson
Barbara Holtz Levine
Mary M. Lisi
Linda Marcinek
Stephen J. Meyers
John F. Necci
David R. Nichols
Angela Nolan-Cooper
Stuart Pastor
Larry Pitt
Marjorie W. Plackter
James F. Proud
Amy Putnam
Hal Real
Stephen J. Reid
Linda F. Rosen
Howard A. Rosenthal
Tobi Leanna Schneider
Carol Schrier-Polak
Diane Weiss Sigmund
Ralph W. Siskind
George Kemble Slade
Joan N. Stern
John G. Thomas
Anita B. Weinstein
Philip D. Weinstock
Elissa Robin Wellikson
Donna Zucker
Marjory Polikoff Albee
Stephen I. Baer
Robert M. Bastress
Douglas Ethan Block
Stephen G. Brown
Esther S. Bushman
Frederick Lee Cornnell
Arthur Cutruzzula
Doreen S. Davis
Joanne Dellaverson
Jeffrey Feinberg
Illse E. Goldfarb
Gregory J. Hannon
Michael A. Henry
Sabina I. Howell
Ellen M. Huyett
Keene John Jabbour
Peter M. Kazon
Susanna Lachs
Belle Pretter Liss
Timothy Jan McManus
Stephanie Kate Meth
Bonnie Smith Moses
Marsha H. Neifield
Rosetta Barbara Packer
Andrea B. Paul
Paul S. Pilecki
Glenn Eric Richardson
Jeffrey S. Rosenblum
Lou A. J. Rubino
C Murray Saylor
Francis Xavier Scanlan
Shirley Hester Schell
Susan W. Shenkin
Peter H. Stockmann
Evan Zebooker
David L. Ansell
Kathleen Kane Barksdale
Richard C. Biedrzycki
Ralph P. Bocchino
Stephen E. Bozzo
Norton H. Brainard
Andrea Rosenbaum Broad
Anthony Warner Clark
Mary Klein Cole
Richard T. Collier
John S. Custer
Herbert Karl Daroff
Raymond E. Dombrowski
Gary M. Edelson
Nathan M. Ferst
Earl J. Gaskins
Richard T. Gendelman
Ilene Verbit Goldberg
Jean C. Hemphill
Carl W. Hittinger
Gary Howard Kaplan
Rona Zucker Kaplan
Joyce S. Kean
Francis X. Keaney
Bebe Holtzman Kivitz
Randy G. Kominsky
Robert M. Kramer
Thomas E. Lynch
Joseph W. Marshall
Francis X. Mellon
Neil A. Morris
Jerome L. Munford
Marilyn F. Murray
Gregory R. Neuhauser
Sally Furniss O’Brien
Jack Plackter
David A. Pryzbylski
Sidney D. Rosenblatt
Wayne A. Schaible
D. Rae Scott-Jones
Madeline Sherry
Martin J. Silverstein
Paul Douglas Sisk
Paul T. Sosnowski
Melvyn Tarnopol
Ina S. Weiner
Ruth Rudbarg Wessel
Mitchell W. Berger
Kathryn Gail Carlson
John Cavallo
Brad Cooper
Susan L. DeJarnatt
Michael Francis Dunn
Stewart Jay Eisenberg
Dinah Bogart Engel
David James Felicio
Suzanne Fluhr
Richard W. Foltz
Mark S. Harris
Jay Barry Harris
Stephen Michael Howard
Bruce Ken Kato
Adelina Gerace Kieffer
Cheryl E. Kritz
Robert S. Lipsey
David Marc Lipshutz
Hazel M. Mack
Henry Stephen Maurer
Daniel James McDevitt
James T. Moughan
Margaret S. Phiambolis
Douglas Barton Price
Rona J. Rosen
Frances Victoria Ryan
Priscilla Marbury Ryan
Charles Jay Schleifer
Paula M. Szortyka
Ronald James Ungvarsky
Jo Fineman White
David B. Zlotnick
Bruce David Bagley
Jon J. Belisonzi
John Joseph Bogan
Scott Edward Buchheit
Toby Paul Camen
Michael J. Dempsey
Carol Ann DiBattiste
Thomas Stanley Farnish
Bonnie Glantz Fatell
Evelyn Ford
Thomas P. Hanna
Richard G. Holmes
Howard L. Katz
Bernice J. Koplin
Barbara Ranck Lyons
George Thomas Magnatta
Madeleine W. Mansier
Margaret Mary McGovern
Eileen M. McGuire
Honorable Patricia A.
Laura Jane Meltzer
Michael Patrick O’Day
Ourania Papademetriou
Nancy Kugelman Resnick
Steven John Rocci
Darlee Earl Sill
Carol Laura Solfanelli
Frederick David Strober
Philip Bruce Toran
Dean Hollis Wyks
Salvatore Carmen Agati
Christopher G. Aiello
Bonnie Allyn Barnett
Thomas A. Brophy
Sandra Evelyn Brown
Ira Walden Bushman
Susan Unterberger Fine
Linda Hope Freimark
Karen Eileen Friel
Christine Councill Fritton
Michael Gannon
Richard K. Greenstein
Thomas L. Hagel
Tyrone Hankin
Patricia Dean Hilsinger
Glenn F. Hing
Kevan Francis Hirsch
Susan Joy Klein
Patrick V. Larkin
Jan Alan Lewis
Mark Henderson
Elizabeth Ann McConaghy
Patricia McDermott
Maria Loreta Petrillo
Gail M. Richman
Robert M. Roseman
Dominic J. Rossi
Jess Thomas Schwidde
Abbe G. Shapiro
Daniel J. Sharp
Paul B. Solnick
Francis T. Soltis
Kevin D. Stepanuk
Judy Anne Turetsky
Kristine L. Waltz
Paula Weiss
Bradford Alan Baldus
Victor Barall
Susan Paradise Baxter
George F. Beppel
Ellan Rubin Bernstein
Leonard A. Bernstein
Joy Jaye Bernstein
Mark F. Bideau
Thomas Michael Blewitt
Jonathan M. Broder
Joseph Peter Bukis
Jeanne M. Carroll
Michael W. Clinton
Henry Michael Clinton
Penelope Miller Davidoff
Albert A. DeGennaro
Joan Esmonde
John F. Gehring
Mark Curtis Hanamirian
Musetta Tia Johnson
Laurie Margaret Johnston
Joanne Kelhart
Kevin Barry Kelly
Peter Brampton Koelle
Susan M. Logan
Thomas M. Marcelain
Donald Brian Mark
Lawana Michele McAllister
Lorraine M. McGlynn
Robert Michael McKain
Kenneth Nicholas Nigon
Raymond B. Ostroski
Mary T. Gardier Paterson
Clark W. Pease
Fred A. Pierantoni
Richard Patrick Rogers
Carey Schwartz Roseman
Lawrence Francis Shay
Jeffrey Scott Shoskin
Eugene D. Sperazza
Janna Squires-Weinerman
Neil Andrew Stein
Mark Swartz
David James Truelove
Marcia Elizabeth Urban
Richard P. Wilson
Paul Gary Bangel
Janis W. Brodie
Carolyn D. Commons
Carolita Jones Cope
Robert P. Daday
Daniel Vincent DiLoretto
Paul L. Feldman
Joseph F. Forte
William Thomas Gallagher
Joel Wayne Garber
Robert J. Goeringer
Robin L. Greenhouse
Deborah I. Hartnett
Glynnis Delbert Hill
Ronald T. Hosko
Ronald Joseph Ianoale
Elaine Ingulli
Carlton Lee Johnson
Francis A. Labor
Marc Anthony Lario
Jeffrey Steven Moller
Michael N. Onufrak
Sherri Glantz Patchen
Alan Harris Polonsky
Samuel H. Pond
Marc Stephen Raspanti
Louisa Ashmead Robinson
Benjamin Rose
Peter S. Rothwell
Christopher N. Santoro
Timothy Dominic Scaffidi
William D. Schroeder
Lois M. Shenk
Nancy Neff Solnick
Robert M. Talley
Domenic F. Trunfio
Bart C. Tuttle
Karen E. Andrews
Ettore Joseph Angelo
Ayshia Y. Armorer
Thomas Francis Bradley
Teresa N. Cavenagh
Mary E. Colmery
Karen Schecter Dayno
Francis Eric Dehel
Leo F. Doyle
Bruce I. Feinstein
Emmanuel G. Fournaris
Peter G. Goodman
Donald R. Gosnay
Peter Marc Harrison
Lawrence R. Hayes
Nancy Anne Kane
Patricia R. Kane-Vanni
James Jeffrey Kozuch
Jan Paula Levine
Keith Brian McLennan
Wayne Louis Morse
Brenda Krill Pierce
Michael Patrick Pierce
Jane C. Rickenbach
John George Takacs
Karen Zeitz
Barbara A. Zimmerman
Adena Judith Adler
John M. Armstrong
Judith Bernstein-Baker
Karen Bitar
Edward H. Boehner
Cheree Buggs
Susan Gottlieb Collings
Margaret Kaiser Collins
Jose W. Cotto
Keith A. Deutsch
David J. Domzalski
Raymond W. Dorian
Dorothy Duffy
Annamaria O. Ellis
Susan M. Erlichman
Janet Goleman Felgoise
George A. Al Fieldcamp
Nancy R. Frandsen
Beth Golden Frieder
Peter J. Gardner
Samuel Gerber
Annetta Foster Givhan
Honorable Mitchell
Muriel Goode-Trufant
David F. Gould
Sherry J. Hanley
Nancy Hess
Neil M. Hodes
Anthony Hopkins
Jane Keene
Denise Baldino Kelly
Kyle Kittrell
Michael E. Kroboth
Gail Eileen Latham
Jeffrey M. Lindy
Patricia Mellon
John Minges
Alan J. Mittelman
David J. Moloznik
Joseph M. O’Donnell
Angelo Ortenzi
Rita S. Polonsky
Timothy R. Rice
Sharon Nalbone
John T. Rogers
Daniel G. Ronca
Mark T. Roomberg
Robert S. Sensky
Melanie K. Sharp
Catherine Bonaker Slavin
Howard M. Soloman
David C. Toner
Susan Verbonitz
Gwen P. Weisberg
Daniel J. Werther
Ronald Lee Williams
Janis L. Wilson
Robert Zielinski
Anthony W. Clark ’79 is an avid Temple booster, an enthusiastic sports fan and a
devoted father. His family combined these three passions when they chose
Lincoln Financial Field, home field for the Temple Owls’ football team, as the
location for a check presentation to the law school. The $60,000 donation was
made to the law school by the Clark family in honor of Anthony’s 60th birthday.
The donation will go to support law students with financial needs. Clark
himself received financial support to attend law school after being accepted
through the Law School’s discretionary admissions process—the Sp.A.C.E.
program—partly because of his public interest work as a welfare rights advocate
for the national service program VISTA. Today, he stays connected to the law
school as a member of its Board of Visitors, a group of alumni that serve in an
advisory capacity to the dean and the administration.
Clark is a partner in the Wilmington, DE office of Skadden, Arps, Slate,
Meagher & Flom, where he heads the corporate restructuring and bankruptcy
litigation department. He joined the firm almost thirty years ago and became a
partner in 1988. He has represented clients in industries ranging from
telecommunications to manufacturing to pharmaceuticals to entertainment.
Recently, he represented the National Hockey League in the case that kept the
Phoenix Coyotes in Arizona.
Dorothy Marie Arimond
Jane Menin Bagley
Joseph M. Bagley
John J. Bateman
Barry F. Benson
David Michael Bogard
Ann Baxter Brecker
Roger A. Brush
Theodore J. Caldwell
Terence Chu
Edward M. Collins
David L. Deratzian
John R. Gilbert
Annette Wilson Hall
Janet A. Kimball
Robert W. Kosman
Mark A. Lockett
Steven R. Lowson
Jerry Lyons
Christopher P. Mallios
Jon S. Malsnee
Sandra E. Marcus
Darlene A. Marquette
Michael Mctaggart
Jeffrey R. Morgan
Joann Moldawer Platel
Grant Rawdin
Susan Carey Reiber
Leonard R. Rossetti
Lynn L. Roth
Everett K. Sheintoch
Lori K. Shemtob
Margaret Trainer Smith
Ellen Goldberg Weiner
John N. Zervanos
David A. Applebaum
Mark D. Aurand
Risa C. Bender
Nancy Tarman Black
Stuart M. Brown
Michael G. Campbell
John A. Caprara
Loralee Choman
Vernette Dow
Joyce E. Epps
Maryellen Gallagher
Robert Gorchov
Kathleen Graham
Marina Kats
Ann T. Loftus
John F. McKenna
Otto O. Meyers
Deborah F. Mitchell
Jacqueline M. Morley
Nancy D. Oeschger-Rhodes
Thomas D. Paradise
Ann L. Paris
Mark I. Rabinowitz
Angeli Rasbury
David I. Rosenbaum
John P. Rufe
Patricia A. Siemiontkowski
Ruth Skoglund
Betsy F. Sternthal
Robert A. Stutman
Paul M. Uyehara
Thomas S. Vassar
Kathleen A. Vasturia
Franceska Villare
Mary C. Walsh
John F. Wohlin
Susan A. Wuchinich
Parviz Ansari
A. Alan Benjamini
Norris Benns
William J. Bridgen
Elizabeth M. Cecil
Karen Diaz
Peter Gray
Judi S. Greenberg
Patrick J. Grimes
Anne E Hendricks
Alycia Horn
W. Craig Knaup
Cynthia Bertha Kolaski
Kenneth M. Kolaski
Jeffrey S. Lichtman
Deborah L. Lunn
Mary K. McCabe
Shawn McCarthy
Maranna J. Meehan
Donna M. Miller
Susan G. Miller
Thomas J. Mullelly
Lynne Nina Nahmani
Nora E. Pomerantz
Mira Rabin
Mary Jo Reilly
Jodi E. Schatz
Barbara Sicalides
Michele N. Siekerka
Marta I. Sierra-Epperson
Janet K. Stickles
Joseph J. Stoll
Catherine S. Straggas
Christine H. Swan
Margaret G. Thompson
Joe Tucker
Elaine G. Ugolnik
Catherine Voit
Roberta A. West
Helen Justi Wheeler
David White
Jane L. Berry
Wylie G. Borum
Robin Bush
Kathleen M. Delaney
Thomas F. Doyle
Michael J. Dugan
Deborah E. Fitzgerald
Audrey L. Greenhall
Kumari I. Grimes
Kathleen L. Grzegorek
Judith J. Kiesel
John D. LaRocca
Pamela J. Lazos
Stephen L. Nailor
David B. Rodden
Marta Rothwarf
Elizabeth Graham Rubin
Fred W. Thomas
Nancy L. Wasch
Maureen A. Young
John A. Aivazoglou
Francis P. Bigley
Arthur L. Bugay
Patricia A. Daly
John W. Davie
John B. Davis
John J. DiRocco
John Ehmann
Roseann S. Eshbach
Amy Fan
Jeffrey Hanley
Ruth Kafrissen Horwitz
Scott L. Hozakowski-Rubin
Theresa M. Italiano
Donald R. Kitchen
Henri Marcel
Deborah M. McCreery
Deirdre M. Mullen
Ann Murray
Lynn M. Nichols
Barbara E. Ransom
Steven M. Rollins
Dorothy K. Scarlett
Beth A.M. Termini
Marc A. Topaz
Carol Bassie Trask
James A. Walden
Julie A. Watters
Cynthia R. White
Steven C. Benjamin
Sally-Ann Heckert Bikin
Lois Elizabeth Bingham
Bruce S. Blondin
G. Jeffrey Boujoukos
Patricia Powers Boujoukos
Edward A. Charbonneau
Samuel S. Choy
Doneene Keemer Damon
James B. Dilsheimer
Nelson Alexander Erlam
Helen Feinberg
Camilo Ferrandez
Lee S. Fiederer
Samuel First
Susan Frietsche
Timothy E. Games
Lisa G. Goetz
Daniel Jeck
James L. Johnson
Charles Kinzig
Patricia E. Knese
Ronald Lebovits
Howard A. Liberman
Rita M. Maristch
Steven H. Meyer
Josephine M. Patti
Glenn B. Raiczyk
Craig G. Ratner
Evelyn W. Reichman
Norm J. Rich
Thomas P. Rogers
Seth J. Schwartz
Scott M. Slomowitz
David S. Sokolow
Rose C. Spritzer
David B. Stork
Fay R. Trachtenberg
Steven Udicious
Gerald A. Young
Seema Z. Zeya
Karen Allen
Sheryl L. Axelrod
Danielle Banks-Williams
Thomas J. Barlow
Marsha B. Bolden
Eva E. Booth
Ann Butchart
Niru Canciello
Jonathan S. Caplan
Peter E. Castellano
Charles T. Downs
Francois A. Dutchie
Anita Fenning
Deborah M. Ferdinand
Koji Fukumura
Holly S. Furne
David B. Goetz
Sara D. Goldberg
John P. Gonzales
Angela J. Hansen
Robert F. Henninger
Johanne Johnston
Allyson C. Jozwik
Robert W. Jozwik
Kathleen Granahan Kane
Katherine H. Layman
Susan L. Luckenbill
Anthony L. Marone
Tina Mazaheri
Diana McCarthy
Karryl H. McManus
Donna F. Parker
Joseph N. Sacca
Marcia F. Shissler
JUNE 16, 2011 Dean JoAnne A. Epps hosted a reception to acknowledge
the support of the law school’s most generous donors, the members of
the Russell H. Conwell Society. This year’s donor reception was held
at the Philadelphia Union League. Among those attending the reception
were the following donors:
1 Dean Epps, Alexis Berg ’77, Joel Marmer
2 Judge Dolores Sloviter, Dean Epps, Murray Shusterman ’36
3 From left: Lloyd Remick ’62, Robert Rovner ’68, Tom Biron ’72
4 Steve Rocci ’81, Abe Reich ’74
Edwin W. Slade
John J. Smith
Kenneth E. Spivack
Frederick D. Strickland
Joel M. Sweet
Matthew D. Weintraub
Jamie Paul Yadgaroff
Anthony P. Zarella
OCTOBER 14, 2011 “Serving Neighbors, Connecting Communities”
is a day of community service instituted in 2009 to provide a chance
for students to learn about and contribute to the community in which
many will serve as practitioners. About 65 volunteers contributed to
the third annual day of service in the neighborhood east of Temple’s
campus. The event partnered law school volunteers—students, faculty
and staff—with Kensington South Neighborhood Advisory Council to
tend trees, pick up trash, distribute newsletters, and complete a
Mural Arts project by painting a fence surrounding a mural.
Michael C. Bauerle
Maya M. Boguslavsky
Arthur E. Brown
Richard S. Canciello
Nancy A. Crake
Mario A. De Castro
Joan Feinstein
Lawrence S. Felzer
Linda S. Fossi
Edmond J. Ghisu
Elissa C. Goldberg
Carol L. Hartz
George W. Kuehnle
Roxanne Leander La Roc
Benjamin S. Lifsey
Lynn M. Lucas-Fehm
Thomas B. Malone
Sabrina Sacks Mann
Dennis M. McCarthy
Leslie Anne Miller
Donald K. Neely
Sheila E. O’Donnell
C Robert Rice
David A. Roberts
Delisa M. Sanchez
Carolyn Enciso Sieve
Catherine P.Y. Siu
Lisa Z. Slotkin
Jane P. Sobota
Cliff M. Stein
Gayle B. Stein
Sandra D. Terry
William L. Thomas
Joseph C. Waters
Nancy T. Wimmer
Nathan J. Andrisani
Susan G. Baumann
Shana L. Belyeu
Gregg Bernstein
Dorothy M. Bollinger
Richard H. Brust
Linda Checchio
Holly B. Cohen
Howard A. Cutler
Jay Dahlke
John Dean
Jennifer A, Deiter
Joseph Patrick Dever
Susan Dorfman
Robert W. Friz
Hope S. Goldhaber
Lisa A. Hanssen
Kimberly R. Hild
Paul F. Jenkins
Kurt J. Jung
Maureen Gourley Kelly
Scott R. Knapp
Sylvestre Kouadio
Christopher Maffucci
David M. Maser
Phyllis M. Parker
Joseph C. Perzan
Lukas H. Reiter
Edward T. Searle
Daniel E. Smith
William J. Stoffel
James M. Swope
Alexander B. Wellen
Christine S. Witt
David R. Zaslow
Colleen M. Bannon
Lisa A. Barton
Derek T. Braslow
John P. Brazzo
James Campolongo
Martin D. Chazin
John H. Chung
Paul D. Delva
Deborah Jean DeNardo
Joann Diaz
Kathryn R. Doyle
Kelly D. Eckel
Eileen E. Elliott
Douglas R. Esten
George L. Fountain
Frances F. Freedman
Carol A. Fritz
Kristin R. Gress
Janet W. Johnston
Suzanne A. Jones
Susan London Kraus
Kathleen M. Laubenstein
Melissa Lennon
Gregory Liacouras
Mairi V. Luce
John J. Lulejian
Thomas Ambros Masterson
Thomas A. McFadden
Thomas W. McGoldrick
Mary Welby McIlvried
Frank J. McKeaney
Catherine McKnight
Lara S. Meisner
Joseph Thomas Murphy
Andrew J. Orenstein
Eileen B. Quigley
Jacqueline M. Reynolds
Carole B. Sheffield
Evan J. Smith
Robert S. Stigall
Brandon A. Swartz
Michael Thomas
Van Der Veen
Matthew R. Walker
Jonathan D. Weiss
Michelle A. Winter
Mauro M. Wolfe
David Bleicken
Mary Siobhan Brennan
Mary Kate Campbell
Susan Baliban Garell
Jodeen M. Hobbs
Hayes A. Hunt
Philip L. Kirkpatrick
Gerald E. Lofstead
David L. Marcus
Madeline Martin
Edward M. Mayer
Patricia M. Mayer
Cheryl McCabe
William F. McDevitt
Joseph H. Meltzer
Richard E. Moses
Shyam K. Nair
Michael E. Peters
Marc Peterson
Jacqueline K. Rosenberger
Christopher A. Ruggiero
Richard C. Sokorai
Daniel A. Stein
Esther J. Thomas
John A. Toal
Tara L. Wayt
Lynn Ann Zikoski
Michael E. Adler
Rhonda Mccullough
Cara Levy Braslow
Joan Burnes
James Cai
Patrick J. Farley
Caroline Ann
Michael B. Hayes
Robin Crawford Kelly
Peter A. Keon
Sean P. Kilkenny
Jonathan M. Kopcsik
Gregory B. Lare
John M. Limongelli
Marian Luongo
John-Paul Madden
Henri P. Marcial
Edward J. McGinn
David S. McLaughlin
Carolin J. Nearing
Jeffrey O’Donnell
Michelle A. Rick
Michael A. Rowe
Joseph G. Sauder
Joshua E. Scarpello
Adeola I. Adele
Oliver Barber
Lisa Rayford Barrimond
Eric Brown
James H. Cole
Steven B. Datlof
Mary L. Dumas
Windy East
Emiko Furuya-Cortes
Eric A. Girardi
Jeanine A. Hillesland
Caroline J. Lindberg
Christopher S. Mayer
Harold Y. Mendez
Jerome J. Musheno
Kimberly Ruch-Alegant
Rebecca Lee Scalio
Michael J. Sher
Lara Newman Smith
Jon E. Swearingen
Amy S. Ufberg
Thomas C. West
Michael J. Chimes
Mary Kay Costello
Christopher E. Daniels
Matthew A. Goldberg
George J. Gregory
Mark Gyandoh
John Haeussler
Heather Hosfeld
Laura W. Kern
Jennifer Whelan Kovatch
Michele A. Halgas Malloy
Linda Montag Marano
Ronald Marrero
Jeffrey H. Rosedale
David Shafie
Bruce Shaw
Robert W. Sipps
Marc S. Stolee
Louis Thompson
Joel C. Trotter
Orville R. Walls
Gerald D. Wells
Thomas Wong
Beth A. Zielenbach
Michael E. Bertin
Edward J. Bonett
Darren J. Check
Sung-Ja Cho
Kimberly S. Cook
Mark J. Davis
Larry Dubinski
Laurianne Falcone
Paul A. Gordon
Jennifer Falgie Handler
Sean M. Handler
Adrienne Y. Hart
John M. Hayburn
Patricia B. Hood
Ian C. Hood
Patricia C. Hund
Sandra C. Ketner
Sophia Lee
Mary E. Levy
Avril S. Luongo
Jeremiah M. Luongo
Eric M. McNeil
Jessica Natali
Han Nguyen
Amy Niedzalkoski
Joseph A. O’Keefe
Maren Reichert
Gregory T. Royston
Thomas D. Scholtes
Daniel C. Simons
Kevin L. Todd
Robert E. Tootle
Frank B. Tripodi
Larry E. Bendesky
Tomas Carino
Cheryl F. Cutrona
Marla R. Davis Bellamy
Dean E. Erlick
Barbara A. Forte
Daniel L. Glennon
Allison Bressler Goldis
Robert E. Jaffe
Lev Kalman
Leo J. Karwejna
David L. Kwass
Christopher J. Lowe
John A. Mattiacci
Nicholas C. Moore
Jeffrey H. Murray
Michael C. West
Tai Y. Wong
Linda B. Alle-Murphy
Harvey Bartle
Kimberly Diane Bartman
Adam Bronstein
Peter C. Catalanotti
Marlo Cohen
Bess Madway Collier
Peter Crawford
Jeanne Marie Czubaroff
Andrea Jannetti
Karen E. Keller
Fotini Samios Kotarides
Ruth Koton-Rosenbaum
Viktoria Kristiansson
Bennett P. Lomax
William I. Maruszczak
Allan M. McLeod
Louis A. Mincarelli
Aaron E. Moore
Joel Mosemann
Erin Drude Murray
Jennifer M. Neumann
A. Elizabeth Powell
Adam P. Rifkind
Dawn M. Sigyarto
David J. Stanoch
Gina M. Sullivan
Michele A. Sullivan
Craig Anthony Taraszki
Seth L. Thompson
John R. Walker
Bridget C. Walsh
Hilary Martin Wandall
Joel Wertman
Dena Zakaria
Kila B. Baldwin
Matthew J. Borger
Christopher P. Boyle
Eleanor M. Breslin
Annemarie Bridy
Alyssa B. Cowan
Stephanie E. Daniels
Jonathan Scott Goldman
Ahsan Jafry
Nikki Treneace
James F. Kratz
Enrique A. Latoison
Mark M. Lee
Kristin M. McKenna
Daniel J. McKenna
Sean B. O’Connell
Sarah E. Pierce
William H. Pillsbury
Jennifer Prettyman Reno
R. Andrew Santillo
Cassidy Starkey
Carla M. Trongone
Maureen V. Abbey
David K. Andree
Joanna D. Buchanico
Buzz M. Carobus
Peter T. Commons
Mary F. Dugan
Robert E. Eckert
Kimberly A. Freimuth
Susanne H. Goodson
Donna Lee Jones
Sawee Kofa
Rakesh R. Kumar
John R. McGrody
Alexander A. Nikas
Daniel B. Ray
Joscelyn Smith
Shelly Jacqueline Smith
Jonathan B. Strange
Ilene S. Tobias
Sara T. Toner
Thomas T. Watkinson
Joshua Bernstein
Jason W. Bialker
David J. Blackstone
Megan Caufield
Anthony J. Cosentino
Tianzhi Cui
Adam H. Davis
Scott J.G. Finger
David L. Foberg
Mark J. Furletti
Matthew Glazer
Mark F. Houldin
Diana E. Janik
Michael Jordan
Aaron D. Karty
Kenneth Levine
Christian C. Mattioli
Jeremy Andrew Menkowitz
Alex Norman
Meredith D. Rettaliata
Ann M. Ritter
Donna Smith Ross
Rebecca Schatschneider
Jennifer Toll Schulman
Cerys M. St.John Richter
Nadine B. Stevenson
William M. Taylor
Timothy G. Ventura
Wen-Lung Wang
David C. Bennett
Regina M. Blewitt
Steven J. Chuey
Nikki R. Cyter
Kaitlin Decrescio
Tricia A. Desmarais
Elizabeth A Eagles
Vincent A. Gallo
Yuri A. Gruzdkov
Maureen Holland
Monica A. Horton
Kenneth E. Jackman
Sang Woo Lee
Jerome Maddox
Joseph P. McCool
Chanda A. Miller
Christine F. Murphy
Robert C. Netter
Francis J. O’Neill
Richard John O’Neill
Neha Pandya
Jennifer Y. Pao
Jeannie Park
William D. Pickett
John M. Pinto
Levon Schlichter
Marcie Seiler-Landsburg
Deborah Simon
Richard A. Smolen
Viola Vetter
Adrianne Walvoord
Elizabeth A. Williams
Scot Russel Withers
James R. Wong
Lydia E. York
Aviva Zierler
Joshua E. Zugerman
Marieke T. Beck-Coon
Brandie J. Belanger
Daniel J. Blum
Janet M. Bollinger
Virginia A. Chentis
George C. Deeney
David B. Dilworth
Katherine M. Glaser
Kristin Jones
Anna Krishtul
Jill M. Laskowitz
Lisa A. McNeeley
Michael I. Metz-Topodas
Joseph M. Moyer
Ruth A. Moyer
David G. Pasekoff
Nipun J. Patel
Jennifer L. Porter
Katrin C. Rowan
A. Jordan Rushie
Jason D. Schiffer
Feng Shao
Preeti K. Shrivastava
Ryan D. Smith
Alexander F. Smith
Jordan B. Tinsley
Susan Y. Tull
Matthew P. Woodward
Christopher M. Young
Elizabeth R. Amato-Radley
Meredith G. Blackman
Nicholas D. Bowers
Hayley S. Broder
Jennifer L. Burdick
Jill M. Caughie
Roy Copeland
Lauren A. Defeo
Richard W. Diaz
Ashley Meredith Dorn
Dirkje Camille Dunham
Kristen M. Gibbons
Melissa Alberts Gibson
Mary Catherine Gordon
Mary K. Harmon
Elizabeth K. Hepp
Casey A. Inge
Steven Howard Klein
Alexandra M. Kramen
Adam F. Kravitz
Aimee L. Kumer
Samuel S. Lee
Erin Lindgren
Robert L. Masterson
Kristina A. Moon
Katherine Lucille Moore
Dennis W. Morrow
Rahul Munshi
Caitlin E. Oberst
Megan N. Oroszlan
Joel S. Rubin
Jennifer A. Santiago
Cori Scheiner
Steven Schiesel
Neelima Vanguri
Michelle Walker
Kimberly T. Washington
Clair E. Wischusen
James M. Burlew
Martin Duffey
Charles A. Fitzpatrick
Arthur Patrick Fritzinger
Tina Harbilas
Colin S Haviland
Ryan A. Houldin
Hannah L. Hubler
Timothy H. Hwang
David R. Jacquette
James M. Kennedy
Kathleen M. Klemm
Joseph Latoof
Li Ching Lin
Duncan M. Lloyd
Heather L. MacClintock
Patrick F. Madden
Jane A. Minerly
Christopher A. Reese
Rachel Gavin Reibman
David K. Reid
Richard E. Santee
Thomas G. Spadea
Colin P. Stewart
Joseph R. Viola
Mark T. Vogelbacker
Frank A. Welsh
Timothy Alles
Mary C. Benedetto
Julie C. Berson
Allison M. Bieber
Derek J. Brader
Alice M. Buggy
Melanie Carter
Maria Del Pilar Castillo
Donald Chisholm
Michael Connett
Christina Costanzo
Laura Covey
Vilma M. Cubias
Victoria S. Cudd
Adrienne M. Culmer
John S. Custer
Sean M. Duffy
Justine M. Elliot
Robert B. Eutsler
Sammetria Goodson
Kate Greenberg
David Greenberg
Goldie Greenstein
Yanni Guo
Ladonna M Harriott
Jessica Horan-Block
Felix W. Hu
Bryan R. Hurtado
Stephanie Kauten
Vivek Khanwalkar
Samuel Lenarz
Syunghae G. Lim-Ayres
Diana Lin
Christopher A. Lins
Christina M. Matteliano
Vanessa M. McGrath
Marie Mcmanus
Kyle Meehan
Courtney A. Morgan
Lisa A. Mosca
Nicholas Mozal
Teodora T. Nedialkova
Jacob Nemon
Ha Nghia
Quang D. Nguyen
Lisa Nichols
Olufeyikemi O. Obafemi
Lunick Papin
Dimple C. Patel
Melissa Pelkey
Shannon Rosentrater
Theodore J. Schick
James G. Schu
Danielle Schwarz
Benjamin L. Shechtman
Deborah S. Stern
Kristen M. Stretz
Maki M. Tagai
Jeffrey Tenthoff
Benjamin C. Trayes
Ashley V. Trotter
Joshua M. Warminsky
Christopher B. Wickman
Jordan R. Winquist
Weiguo Zhou
Every effort has been
made to avoid errors in the
compilation of the Development Report, which lists
gifts from July 1, 2010 to
June 30, 2011. If you notice
any mistakes, please call the
Office of Alumni Affairs at
215.204.2246, and please
accept our apologies.
managing partner of the
Lansdale, PA firm of
Hamburg, Rubin, Mullin,
Maxwell & Lupin, has been
selected as a fellow of the
Litigation Counsel of
America. Lupin is the
immediate past president of the
Montgomery Bar Association.
counsel for Stevens & Lee,
presented at the Mortgage
Bankers Association
Quality Assurance and
Residential Underwriting
Conference in September,
updating attendees on regulations including
the SAFE Act, Nationwide Mortgage Reform
and unfair, deceptive and abusive practices.
Yeager concentrates his practice in the
financial services sector. Prior to joining
Stevens & Lee, he was senior counsel and
regulatory compliance manager for
Meridian Bancorp.
NICOLAS L. CHIARKAS ’78 retired last year
after 22 years as a Wisconsin State Public
Defender. The former New York City police
officer was the longest tenured Chief State
Public Defender in the nation.
a partner of Pietragallo
Gordon Alfano Bosick and
Raspanti, presented
“Understanding Bank
Agreements” at the 2011
University of North
Carolina Treasury
Management Program on the latest
advances and trends in treasury and cash
In September, Texas Governor Rick Perry
appointed ANNA MARIA FARIAS ’80 to a
newly created position on the OneStar
Foundation, which furthers volunteerism
and community service in Texas. Farias is an
attorney and consultant in private practice
and a former director of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development’s Center
for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.
become of counsel at
Rawle & Henderson’s
Philadelphia office, where
he will practice in the area
of environmental tort
litigation. Valenza was
previously at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius in
JAMES KOZUCH ’85, a senior partner at
Caesar, Rivise, Bernstein, Cohen and
Pokotilow, presented “Intellectual Property
Basics: Protection of Competitive Assets” at
a program hosted by the Entrepreneurial
Studies Group at Muhlenberg College in
ROSEANN B. TERMINI ’85 recently spoke on
“Food Safety Modernization Act Legal
Issues” at St. Joseph’s University. Termini is
the author of Life Sciences Law: Federal
Regulation of Drugs, Biologics, Medical
Devices, Foods and Dietary Supplements.
Spector Gadon & Rosen
attorney ALAN J.
MITTELMAN ’86 has been
elected president of the
Philadelphia Estate
Planning Council, the
largest such council in the
United States. He was also recently elected
as a Fellow of the American College of Trust
and Estate Council.
joined Carlton Fields’
Atlanta office in its real
estate and finance
practice. She was
previously with Thompson
Hine, where she was a
partner and head of the
firm’s real estate and finance practice.
The chief executive officer and founder of
Wescott Financial Advisory Group, GRANT
RAWDIN ’87, has been elected chair of the
Urban Affairs Coalition’s board of directors.
The coalition of 75 partner organizations in
the Philadelphia region works to “strengthen
nonprofit organizations through fiscal
sponsorship, capacity building, and
program evaluation; improve life chances
for youth and young adults; and provide
economic opportunity to low-income households, working families, and disadvantaged
AUGUST 2011 The ABA presented a 2011
Pro Publico Award to Temple Law alumna Elena
Park ’98, the Canadian born daughter of Korean
immigrants. Park was cited by the American
Bar Association at their annual meeting in
Toronto for her “extraordinary dedication in
providing 200 hours a year of free representation
to needy immigrants.” She was also inducted into
the Temple University Gallery of Success.
Park attended University of Toronto before
entering Temple Law, and eventually becoming
a U.S. citizen. In 1999, Park joined Cozen
O’Connor where she founded the firm’s
immigration practice. She was a member of the team that challenged the constitutionality
of the 2006 Hazleton ordinance that forbade hiring or renting to illegal immigrants.
Park also worked with a colleague on the case of Zhen Xing Jiang, an illegal immigrant
from China who miscarried twins after being deported by federal agents in Philadelphia.
That case sparked local protests and headlines as far away as Beijing. A court eventually
granted Jiang permanent residency.
OCTOBER 3, 2011
Robert C. Daniels
’62, a former
Superior Court
judge and chancellor of the
Philadelphia Bar
Association, died
at the age of
73 from head
injuries suffered
in a fall. Judge
Daniels, a lawyer with more than
40 years experience in civil trial and
appellate litigation, was appointed by
Governor Edward Rendell in 2007 to
serve an unexpired term on the
Pennsylvania Superior Court. Since
leaving the court in 2008, he had been
with the firm of Elliot Greenleaf in
Philadelphia. Judge Daniels was also
president of the Philadelphia Trial
Lawyers Association from 1976 to 1977.
After graduating first in his class at
Temple University School of Law in
1962, he worked as a law clerk for
federal judges and then as an associate
in law practices in Philadelphia. In the
late 1970s, he established the firm of
Daniels, Saltz, Mongeluzzi & Barrett.
He was with Sprague & Sprague when
he was appointed to the Superior
Court. Judge Daniels served on the Law
School Board of Visitors, was a charter
member of the Centennial Society
and a major donor to the Centennial
Campaign. In 2009, he joined a group
visiting Temple programs in China
and Japan.
OCTOBER 17, 2011
Maureen Kearney
Rowley ’80, Chief
Federal Defender
for the Eastern
District of Pennsylvania, died at the age
of 57 from breast cancer.
Rowley embraced public interest
work soon after her graduation from the
Law School in 1980, when she became
the sole staff and trial attorney for
Women Against Abuse. In 1981, she
became an assistant defender with the
Defender Association of Philadelphia.
In 1983, she became a staff attorney
in the Federal Court Division and
became the first female head of any of
the federal Eastern District courthouse
agencies when she became Chief
Federal Defender in 1989. One of her
most significant achievements in that
position was the creation in 1996 of a
capital habeas unit, which advocates for
review of death penalty cases.
Rowley always maintained close ties
to Temple Law and was an adjunct law
professor in the trial advocacy course.
In 2005, the Law School recognized
her professional accomplishments in
the public interest, awarding her a
Barrack ’68 Alumni Achievement Award
at the Alumni Association’s 90th
anniversary celebration.
Maureen Rowley’s family has asked
that gifts be made in her memory to
Temple University Beasley School of Law.
joined White and Williams
as an associate in the
subrogation department.
He will reside in the firm’s
Philadelphia office.
IVAN DEVOREN ’90 has joined the Houstonbased energy law firm, Burleson LLP, as a
partner in its Pittsburgh office.
DANIEL JECK ’92, a partner
at Eisenberg, Rothweiler,
Winkler, Eisenberg & Jeck,
presented a seminar, “New
Rules for Screening
Potential Cases” in October
at the annual Medical
Malpractice Seminar
offered by the Pennsylvania Association for
GLENN NEIMAN ’92 is a partner at Brilliant &
Neiman, a workers’ compensation firm
based in Trevose, PA. Neiman’s blog has
been selected three times in the last four
years by LexisNexis as one of the “Top 25
Blogs” for workers’ compensation and
workplace Issues.
LARRY REEVES ’92 is the new law library
director at Vanderbilt University. Reeves has
also been on the staffs of New York and
Brooklyn Law Schools. Most recently, he
was the associate director at George Mason
Law School.
In August, Pepper Hamilton announced that
RICHARD J. ZACK ’95 joined the white-collar
defense practice of the firm. Zack is a 12year veteran of the U.S. Attorney’s Office,
where he most recently oversaw the office’s
economic crimes unit.
Joseph A. Zane
Class of 1949
Douglas Brace
Class of 1956
Hon. Albert W. Sheppard Jr.
Class of 1968
Robert “Mike” Cass
Class of 1971
Peter D. Menard
Class of 1991
Obermayer Rebmann
Maxwell & Hippel partner
lectured at the inaugural
meeting of Temple Law’s
Family Law Society.
has been named executive
vice president of Special
Situations of The Hilco
Organization. He joined
Hilco in 2007 as deputy
general counsel after
practicing in the
bankruptcy and corporate restructuring
section at Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor
for more than seven years. Hilco is an
international organization “dedicated to
asset valuation, monetization, investment
and advisory services.”
BRYAN WERLEY ’04 was elected partner at
the Chartwell Law Offices. He has an active
trial practice in the firm’s civil litigation
JENNIFER L. BRASTER ’06 has joined the
Las Vegas firm of Pisanelli Bice as an
associate. She joins Pisanelli Bice from
Lionel Sawyer & Collins, also in Las Vegas,
where she worked in the litigation
In September, LOUISE MELCHOR ’06 joined
Duane Morris as an associate in the trial
practice group.
Stradley Ronon litigator
EDITH PENN ’06 was
inducted into Milton
Hershey School’s Spartan
Hall of Fame. The Hall of
Fame recognizes alumni
with a high level of accomplishment.
JOHANN R. CORNIELLE, LL.M. ’07 recently
received a license from the Pennsylvania
Board of Law Examiners and the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania to be a foreign legal
consultant for the Dominican Republic. He
is the first Dominican attorney in
Pennsylvania to be granted such a license,
which will allow him to formally advise and
represent U.S. clients in transactions with
that country. Cornielle has worked as a
foreign associate at Gonzales & Tiagha in
Philadelphia since 2009.
Vice President of Philadelphia Health
Management Corporation TINE HANSEN
TURTON ’07 was awarded the G. Fred
DiBona Award for Commitment to Health
Access by the St. Catherine Laboure
Medical Clinic. Turton is also the chief
executive officer of the National Nursing
Centers Consortium.
This fall, ELIZABETH YAEGER ’09 joined HIAS
Pennsylvania, an immigrant aid organization
based in Philadelphia. At HIAS, Yaeger is an
attorney and coordinator of the Pennsylvania
Asylee Outreach Project, a statewide
program funded by the Office of Refugee
Resettlement to help asylees achieve selfsufficiency by linking them with needed
services and benefits.
TEMPLE ESQ. welcomes news and
photos of our alumni/ae. Please
include: Full name, class, degree,
and a way to reach you if we need
to confirm information.
Send to: Janet Goldwater
Temple Esq.
Temple University
Beasley School of Law
1719 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Email: [email protected]
Create a Legacy Where Law Meets Life
A Charitable Gift Annuity is a great way
to support the school and help yourself
or loved ones at the same time.
You will receive:
• Secure, tax-advantaged income
for life
To learn more, with no obligation,
please contact:
Development Office
819 Klein Building
1719 N. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
[email protected]
• Current income tax deduction
• Lifetime membership in the
Law Legacy Society
“Beasley is such an exciting law school.
I enjoy their interesting speakers and being
among the students.”
A native of New York, Arthur Gold adopted Philadelphia
as his second hometown following a career in retail
management. Retirement gives him time to enjoy the city’s museums, concerts,
and art classes. An award-winning ceramicist, Arthur also enjoys attending law
lectures at Temple.
Arthur, whose son Peter Gold ’79 graduated from Temple Law, established
a charitable gift annuity as a way to start the Temple Law scholarship he had
already planned to endow through his will. The CGA offers an attractive interest
rate, tax-favored income and a tax deduction.
Arthur views the personal financial benefits of a CGA as a bonus. “I’m just
happy to help today’s students as my son, Peter, was helped,” he says.
To learn more about the advantages of planning your gift to Temple Law School, please
visit our website, call the Law Legacy Office at 215.204.4754, or contact
[email protected].
Charitable Gift Annuitites
has joined Klehr Harrison
Harvey Branzburg as an
associate in the litigation
department, where she will
concentrate her practice in
complex commercial
litigation and other civil
litigation matters.
MARK BASEMAN ’11 has been named an
associate at Older Lundy & Weisman in
Tampa, FL. Baseman joins the marital and
family law practice group.
KELSEY GAYNIER ’11 has accepted a position
with the Philadelphia firm of Chaiken and
Associates as a medical malpractice and
personal injury litigator.
JESSICA HORAN-BLOCK ’11 has joined the
The Bronx Defenders in New York City,
where she is a staff attorney in the family
defense practice. The Bronx Defenders is a
nonprofit organization that “employs a
groundbreaking system of holistic defense to
fight both the causes and consequences of
involvement in the criminal justice system.”
DAVID PRESLEY ’11 is working as a staff
attorney for the Clean Air Council in
Philadelphia. Clean Air Council is a membersupported environmental organization
serving the mid-Atlantic region.
DEVIN THERESE H. TREGO ’11 is a staff
attorney at the Barbara J. Hart Justice
Center, a project of the Women’s Resource
Center, in Scranton, PA. At the center, Trego
For the past nine years, the Philadelphia Bar
Association has conducted a writing
competition in honor of Supreme Court
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Temple has
long dominated this competition, which is
open to six area law schools. For the fifth
year in a row, a Temple Law student has
taken first place—an honor which includes a
cash award. This year’s winner is recent
graduate Katrina Young ’11.
Young entered law school with a firm
commitment to public interest law. Outside
the classroom, she enjoyed learning the
hands-on aspects of the law while interning
at the ACLU and Community Legal Services
of Philadelphia, as well as participating
in the Temple clinical at the Defender
Association of Philadelphia and the family
law litigation clinical at Temple’s Legal
Aid Office.
The Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Pursuit of Justice Legal Writing Competition
is sponsored by the Philadelphia Bar
Association, and accepts papers “on any
topic relating to rights, privileges and
responsibilities under federal law.” Young’s
paper, “Reforming Welfare Reform: A Call to
Amend the Personal Responsibility and
Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act in a
Way That Recognizes, Respects, and Values
All Families While Effectively Alleviating
Poverty,” was written under the supervision
of Professor Ellie Margolis, and explores how
the federal welfare program negatively
affects and discriminates against lesbian,
gay, bisexual, and transgender families and
This fall Young began at the Defender
Association of Philadelphia as an Assistant
Defender, representing indigent criminal
defendants. It is her dream job. “I went to
law school to be a public interest lawyer,
specifically to work on issues relating to and
stemming from inequality within the criminal
justice system,” says Young. “So I am
absolutely ecstatic to have this opportunity.”
represents survivors of domestic and
sexual violence, with a particular focus on
family law.
has joined the Philadelphia firm of Stradley
Ronon Stevens & Young
in the firm’s litigation
practice group.
A study ranks Temple 26th out of 148
law schools whose graduates become
partners in major U.S. firms.
A new study shows that 160 partners of
major U.S. firms graduated from Temple
Law. The survey of 16,799 partners at the
nation’s largest law firms shows that about
75 percent of the country’s partners come
from 50 schools. Out of the 148 schools who
have produced at least one partner, Temple
is tied in 26th place. Among the
Philadelphia area law schools, only Temple,
Penn (in 11th place) and Villanova (in 35th
place) appeared in the top 50 law schools
whose alumni are filling those slots. The
study was conducted by Professor Ted Seto
at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and is
published in the Journal of Legal Education.
Published by the Temple University Beasley
School of Law for alumni and friends.
Publications Director: Janet Goldwater
Art Director: Gene Gilroy
Photography: Joseph Labolito, Kelly & Massa,
Ryan Brandenburg, Louis Thompson,
Janet Goldwater
Send letters and comments to:
Janet Goldwater, Temple Esq.
Temple University
James E. Beasley School of Law
1719 N. Broad Street, Room 510
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (215) 204-1185
Change of address: (215) 204-1187
Enhance your legal skills at Temple Law.
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Temple University Beasley School of Law
Office of LL.M. in Trial Advocacy
1719 North Broad Street, Room 615
Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA
November 2011
Published by
Temple University Beasley School
of Law for alumni and friends.
1719 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
WRITE TO US: [email protected]
STay cOnnEcTEd
1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997
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• Cocktail reception in
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Radisson PlazaWarwick Hotel
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APRIL 21, 2012
We look forward to
welcoming you back to
Temple Law School for
your reunion celebration.
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information contact
Colleen A. Uhniat
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Day events will be held on
campus and the evening
event will be held in
center city at the Radisson
Plaza-Warwick Hotel.
1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997