1. spider atlas families ae - Agricultural Research Council
1. spider atlas families ae - Agricultural Research Council
South African National Survey of Arachnida Technical Report 2010 version 1 FIRST ATLAS OF THE SPIDERS OF SOUTH AFRICA (ARACHNIDA: ARANEAE) compiled by A.S. Dippenaar-Schoeman, C.R. Haddad, S. Foord, R. Lyle, L. Lotz, L. Helberg, S. Mathebula A. van den Berg, P. Marais, A.M. van den Berg, E. Van Niekerk & R. Jocqué Contents Abstract ……………………………………………………….4 Introduction ……………………………………………...…...5 Material and methods ……………………………………….6 Results ………………………………………………………..8 Family and species numbers …………………….…..8 ATLAS 1. AGELENIDAE ……………………………………..……9 2. AMAUROBIIDAE …………………………………..…...17 3. AMMOXENIDAE ………………………….…………….22 4. ANAPIDAE ……………………………………………… 31 5. ANYPHAENIDAE ……………………………………….34 6. ARANEIDAE…………………………….…………….....36 7. ARCHAEIDAE ……………………………..…………....94 8. ATYPIDAE ………………………………………...…….101 9. BARYCHLIDAE …………………………..………….....103 10. CAPONIIDAE …………………………….…………….. 106 11. CHUMMIDAE ……………………………………………113 12. CLUBIONIDAE …………………………..……………...115 13. CORINNIDAE ……………………………………….…..131 14. CTENIDAE ……………………………...………….……173 15. CTENIZIDAE ……………………………...…………….178 16. CYATHOLIPIDAE ……………………………...……….199 17. CYRTAUCHENIIDAE ……………………………….….208 18. DEINOPIDAE ……………………………...………...….226 19. DESIDAE …………………………………...…...………230 20. DICTYNIDAE ……………………………….…...………232 21. DIPLURIDAE ……………………………...………….…235 22. DRYMUSIDAE ………………………..………...……… 239 23. DYSDERIDAE ………………………..………...……….242 24. ERESIDAE ……………………………...…………….…244 25. FILISTATIDAE ……………………………….....………260 26. GALLIENIELLIDAE ……………………….………….…262 27. GNAPHOSIDAE …………………………...…...……… 271 28. HAHNIIDAE …………...………………………………...366 29. HERSILIIDAE ………………………………………… 371 30. IDIOPIDAE ………………………………………………379 31. LINYPHIIDAE…………………………………………....405 32. LIOCRANIDAE ………………………………………….421 33. LYCOSIDAE …………………………………………….428 34. MICROSTIGMATIDAE …………………………………485 35. MIGIDAE ……………………………………………...…489 36. MIMETIDAE……………………………………...………501 37. MITURGIDAE…………………………………...……….504 38. MYSMENIDAE…………………………………….……..522 39. NEMESIIDAE…………………………………………….524 40. NEPHILIDAE……………………………………………..549 41. NESTICIDAE……………………………………………..555 42. OECOBIIDAE…………………………………………….557 43. OONOPIDAE …………………………………………….562 44. ORSOLOBIDAE………………………………………….571 45. OXYOPIDAE …………………………………………….574 46. PALPIMANIDAE ………………………………………...597 2 Contents (continued) 47. PENESTOMIDAE .......................................................607 48. PHILODROMIDAE ……………………………………...613 49. PHOLCIDAE ……………………………………….…….634 50. PHYXELIDIDAE ………………………………….……...654 51. PISAURIDAE …………………………………….………671 52. PRODIDOMIDAE ………………………………………..691 53. SALTICIDAE …………………………………….……....706 54. SCYTODIDAE …………………………………….…….833 55. SEGESTRIIDAE …………….………..…………….…...847 56. SELENOPIDAE ………………………………………….855 57. SICARIIDAE ……………………………………………..891 58. SPARASSIDAE ………………………………………….899 59. SYMPHYTOGNATHIDAE ……………………………...930 60. TELEMIDAE ……………………………………………..932 61. TETRAGNATHIDAE …………………………………….934 62. THERAPHOSIDAE ………………………………….…..949 63. THERIDIIDAE .............................................................973 64. THERIDIOSOMATIDAE ………………………………..1006 65. THOMISIDAE ……………………………………………1008 66. TROCHANTERIIDAE …………………………………..1088 67. ULOBORIIDAE …………………...……………………..1094 68. ZODARIIDAE …………………………………………….1100 69. ZORIDAE ………………………………………………...1143 70. ZOROPSIDAE ………………………..…….……………1145 3 Abstract The South African National Survey of Arachnida (SANSA) was initiated in 1997, with the main aim of documenting the arachnid fauna of South Africa at a national level. The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) came on board for the project’s second phase, called SANSA II, from 2006 to 2010, in partnership with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC). This four-year inventory and conservation assessment project was dedicated to unifying and strengthening biodiversity research on spiders, and other arachnid fauna of South Africa. SANSA’s aims are multiple, and include the collation of data, to determine the distribution ranges of species in South Africa, for assessing their Red List status, using the IUCN criteria. All available data were collated into a relational database and to maximize benefits it was important to determine the spatial coverage of the already available data, and determine where the ‘gaps’ in this data lie. Thus, field collecting can be guided towards filling these gaps. Data that was available electronically formed the basis of a GIS based gap analysis that was done end of 2007 to identify these gaps in spatial coverage for South African arachnids. Based on the GAP analysis areas were identified to undertake SANSA surveys. Due to extensive field work by SANSA field work managers and by catches of other research projects, student projects and public participation in collecting specimens, more than 40 degree squares were sampled in areas previously poorly sampled, providing valuable material that improved our knowledge of the distribution of species and provided specimens for future taxonomic studies. All these data was used to compile this first atlas of the spider species of South Africa. Data included in this atlas will be used to assess their Red Listing status. Some of the results are: • 70 families, 463 genera and 2003 species are presently known from South Africa. • This represent 4.8% of the world’s fauna. • Of the 2003 species 1220 (61%) are endemic to the region. • With 485 species having a restricted distribution, known only from few localities • In South Africa Salticidae is the most diverse family with 240 species, followed by the Gnaphosidae with 176 species and Thomisidae with 133. • Two families Chummidae and Pentastomidae is endemic to South Africa. • During SANSA II a total of 116 new species were discovered and described and another 50 is in the process of being described • Distribution ranges of more than 200 species known from the rest of Africa were extended to include South Africa. • Information on habitat requirements showed that the Savanna Biome is the most diverse with 1207 species from 62 families, followed by the Grassland Biome with 245 from 56 families. 4 Introduction In November 1995, South Africa ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which emanated from the convention. Signatories are obligated to develop a strategic plan for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. To meet these goals will require an intensive national effort involving three interrelated scientific missions: to discover, describe and to make an inventory of the species diversity of South Africa; to analyze and synthesize the information into predictive classification systems that reflect the history of life; and to organize this information in an efficiently retrievable form that best meets the needs of science and society. In 1997 the “South African National Survey of Arachnida” (SANSA) in accordance with the country’s obligations to the CBD was launched at the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in Pretoria. The rationale for this project was to document the arachnid fauna of South Africa primarily to gather base-line information on species and to determine areas still poorly sampled. The main aim of SANSA is to compile an inventory of the arachnid fauna of South Africa that will provide essential information needed to address the abovementioned issues concerning the conservation and sustainable use of the arachnid fauna. SANSA is an umbrella project conducted on a national basis in collaboration with other researchers and institutions countrywide and dedicated to the unification and enhancement of biosystematic research on Arachnology in South Africa. Spiders are ranked the seventh most diverse Order in global diversity with about 39 000 species described globally and this is estimated to increase to 170 000. South Africa has a rich spider fauna probably due to the wide range of habitat types associated with the region ranging from extreme desert to forest within a relatively small land area. Most spider sampling and taxonomic research, over the period 1820-1960, was based on the fauna of the coastal provinces as most of the practicing arachnologists were stationed there. SANSA surveys increased sampling of spiders and the number of species described and named has increased drastically. As with insects, arachnids have several qualities to support human well-being and life on earth. For example, in the face of urgent conservation issues, they are likely to be used as valuable bioindicators i.e. species whose presence or abundance readily reflects some measure of the character of the habitat within which they are found. This is true because most arachnid orders are known to be sensitive to pollution and alterations in habitat structure, and because they are abundant, speciose and relatively easy to collect quantitatively to, e.g. 5 monitor changes within a particular habitat. They may also prove useful as indicators of overall species richness of biotic communities. Moreover, with spiders being an important predatory group of terrestrial animals, they are known to play important roles in biological control in agro-ecosystems, while a few species are also of medical importance to man. Although spiders are absent from the majority of Red Lists this does not mean that they are less threatened by human activities. Spiders are wingless animals and frequently have a high bio-indicative value, as they are usually more strongly associated with a biotope than flying insects. Spiders of the suborder Mygalomorphae and especially the larger baboon spiders of the family Theraphosidae, owing to their demand for pets, need to be accessed according to the IUCN systems. In this document the first atlas for spiders for South Africa is provided. It contains information on the species found in South Africa, their endemic status, distribution, abundance, taxonomic status as well as information on their presence in protected areas and agroecosystems. From this data it is now possible to determine the species that might be threatened and need to be accessed for red listing. Material and methods Data collecting As part of SANSA II, data from a variety of sources were used to compile the atlas of the spiders of South Africa. • All collected specimens were identified and entered into a specimen relational database of the National Collection of Arachnida (NCA). All the collecting records were georeferenced. • Present and historical data contained in publications based on material housed in 17 collections worldwide were added to the SANSA database. Atlas • Family information A short description is provided for each family and the following information is provided: common names, life style, body size, diagnostic characters, web/retreat, habitat, behaviour, notes on the present taxonomic status and the latest most relevant references. • Species names The taxon names as listed in Platnick (2010) are used unless otherwise indicated. Species listed in bold are names listed in revisions that are in final stages of preparation or in press. A few distinct undescribed morphospecies are also listed. • Arachnida Biodiversity Index (ABI) The indices of the Arachnida Biodiversity Index (ABI) range from 0 to 9. It is based on the two sub-indices relating to geographical distribution (endemicity) and local abundance. The ABI is the sum of the scores for the two sub-indices. A common, widespread, notthreatened and highly-tolerant species would score 1 (0 + 1), while a highly range-restricted, threatened and sensitive species would score 9 (6 + 3) (see Table 1). • Distribution records Records for the distribution of South African species are provided, listed per province. Type localities are indicated with an asterix. Where possible the institution housing the type is indicated in brackets. • Habitat Distributions are provided for the different Floral Biomes (Fig. 1) FB — Fynbos Biome FoB — Forest Biome GB — Grassland Biome NKB — Nama Karoo Biome SB — Savanna Biome SKB — Succulent Karoo Biome TB — Thicket Biome synantropic (introduced). • Records from protected areas The number of records from protected areas include: Nation- 6 al Parks; Nature and Game Reserves; state forests; wilderness areas—all areas for which you need a collecting permit. This provides information on species presently protected in protected areas in South Africa. • Records from agro-ecosystems The spiders are important predators and play a role as natural control agents in agro-ecosystems. From the NCA the crop and the number of occurrence per crops are listed. This data was obtained from primary collection records and publications. • Known distribution The distribution of a species in the Afrotropical Region was obtained from the African Arachnida Database (AFRAD and the distribution of species in South Africa from the NCA and SANSA databases. If a species is listed from >10 countries it is listed as “wide throughout Africa”. • Conservation status Level of endemicity: A code from 0-6 were used (see Table 1) with 0 indicating cosmopolitan species to 6 indicating endemic species known only from the type locality. Local abundance: The number of localities a species hasbeen recorded from is indicated from 1 (common) to 3 (rare) (see Table 1). • Taxonomic status The value of the taxonomic status (1-3) indicated whether the species has recently been described or revised (Table 1). Type locality is indicated with a *. New species “In press” are included and indicated in bold. • Abbreviations DRC - Democratic Republic of the Congo (previously Zaire) Material and methods TABLE 1: Codes used to determine the conservation status of spider species in South Africa. VALUE LEVEL OF ENDEMICITY 6 Endemic-known only from type locality / one locality only 5 Known from one province only, wider than type locality 4 Known from two adjoining provinces only 3 South Africa >two provinces 2 Southern Africa (south of Zambezi and Kunene Rivers) 1 Afrotropical Region 0 Cosmopolitan or introduced VALUE LOCAL ABUNDANCE 3 Very rare known from 1-3 localities 2 Rare known from 4-10 localities 1 Abundant known from >10 localities VALUE TAXONOMIC STATUS 1 Only description / not part of revision 2 Revised before 1960 3 Revised after 1960; or good descriptions, well illustrated 7 8 Results Table 2: Number of families, genera and species presently known from South Africa FAMILY GENUS SPP. ENDEMICS FAMILY GENUS SPP. ENDEMICS Agelenidae 6 12 1 Miturgidae 3 29 17 Amaurobiidae 4 8 8 Mysmenidae 1 1 1 Ammoxenidae 2 15 9 Nephilidae 3 6 0 Anapidae 3 4 3 Nesticidae 1 1 0 Anyphaeidae 1 1 0 Oecobiidae 4 5 3 Araneidae 35 95 26 Oonopidae Archaeidae 2 12 11 Orsolobidae 2 3 3 Barychelidae 3 3 0 Oxyopidae 3 41 6 Caponiidae 2 11 6 Palpimanidae 2 17 12 Chummidae 1 2 2 Penestomidae 1 9 8 Clubionidae 2 30 21 Philodromidae 6 37 8 Corinnidae 24 78 48 Pholcidae 6 36 25 Ctenidae 2 7 4 Phyxelididae 9 30 28 Ctenizidae 1 40 39 Pisauridae 12 36 8 Cyatholipidae 6 16 16 Prodidomidae 6 26 19 Cyrtaucheniidae 2 34 33 Salticidae 65 240 124 Deinopidae 3 4 2 Scytodidae 1 30 22 Desidae 1 1 0 Segestriidae 1 13 13 Dictynidae 3 4 2 Selenopidae 2 68 48 Dipluridae 3 6 3 Sicariidae 2 12 5 Drymusidae 1 3 3 Sparassidae 9 56 40 Dysderidae 1 1 0 Symhytognathidae 2 2 1 Eresidae 5 29 15 Telemidae 1 1 1 Filistatidae 1 1 ? Tetragnathidae 5 25 5 Gallienellidae 2 16 16 Theraphosidae 8 44 35 Gnaphosidae 29 176 130 Theridiidae 20 58 35 Hahniidae 1 6 5 Theridiosomatidae 2 2 2 Hersiliidae 3 12 7 Thomisidae 37 133 40 Idiopidae 6 49 48 Trochanteriidae 1 9 6 Linyphiidae 21 28 17 Uloboridae 3 6 3 Liocranidae 3 11 8 Zoridae 1 1 1 Lycosidae 25 105 62 Zoropsidae 2 25 24 Microstigmatidae 1 6 6 TOTALS 70 463 2003 1220 Migidae 2 22 20 Mimetidae 2 4 4 1. FAMILY AGELENIDAE The family Agelenidae occurs worldwide and is known from South Africa by 6 genera and 12 species with only one species Agelena zuluana endemic to the region. • Common name: funnel-web spiders. • Life style: web dwellers (funnel-web); usually made in low vegetation close to the soil surface. • Body size: 6-16 mm (male slightly smaller than female and legs more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: greyish brown abdomen with a reddish brown hue, a well defined lancetshaped pattern with two rows of dark lateral patches and a series of yellow to white spots present dorsally; carapace: longer than wide and narrower in the vicinity of the eyes; eyes: 8 eyes equal in size and arranged in 2 rows (4:4); abdomen: narrow-oval and tapering behind; spinnerets: posterior spinnerets long and slender, two-segmented, clearly visible from above; legs: similar in length, long and fairly slender, especially in males. • • Web and retreat: capture web consist of a flat, slightly concave, non-adhesive silk sheet (40-60 cm wide) composed of a mesh of silken threads suspended by oblique and vertical threads; the sheet is laid over the ground or any horizontal area, usually clearly visible in the early morning when covered with dew drops; the web usually remains in the same place and is repaired and enlarged as the spider grows; retreat: funnel-shaped retreat situated on one side of the web and usually with an exit at the other end. Habitat: they are found in most of the floral biomes but are more abundant in the Savanna and Nama Koroo Biomes. In built-up areas the webs are sometimes found between rubble around buildings. One species, Tegenaria domestica, is synanthropic and is usually found in and around houses. 9 • Behaviour: the spider hides in the retreat with the front legs stretched out on the web to pick up vibrations from prey landing. Flying and jumping insects hit the vertical threads and drop onto the web. The spider rushes out with great speed, running over the upper surface. The prey is grabbed, killed and carried back into the retreat. When threaten the spider quickly disappear down the retreat, escaping through the other exit. The female lays her eggs in a flat bottle-shaped cocoon covered with sand and attach it to one side of the retreat. • Taxonomic note: The only revision of the family of the Afrotropical Region was by Roewer (1955), who also provided a key to the species. References: HEIDGER, C. 1988. Ecology of spiders inhabiting abandoned mammal burrows in South African savanna. Oecologia 76: 303-306. • LEHTINEN P.T. 1967. Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4, 468 pp. ROEWER C.F. 1955. Araneae Lycosaeformia I (Agelenidae, Hahniidae, Pisauridae). In: Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba (MWion G.F. de Witte), Bruxelles 30, 420 pp. FAMILY AGELENIDAE (CONTINUED) 10 Agelena australis Simon, 1896 Distribution in South Africa: type locality listed as Daka, South Africa but there is only a Daka in Kenya*. Northern Cape: 4 km W of Hopetown (-29.62, 24.06). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Kenya*, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 2. Agelena gaerdesi Roewer, 1955 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Green Valley Nuts Estate, Prieska (-29.68, 22.74). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: pistachio (1). Known distribution: Namibia*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY AGELENIDAE (CONTINUED) Agelena howelli Benoit, 1978 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Tanzania*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Agelena lawrencei Roewer, 1955 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Waterpoort, N slopes of Soutpansberg (Farm Rochdale) (-22.54, 29.41). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Zimbabwe*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 2. 11 FAMILY AGELENIDAE (CONTINUED) 12 Agelena zuluana Roewer, 1955 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ulundi (-28.30, 31.42)*. Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 2. Benoitia deserticola (Simon, 1910) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Barkly East (-30.96, 27.59). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat, Soutpansberg (-23.03, 29.45). Northern Cape: Kamaggas (-29.75, 17.4)*. Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Mamre (-33.5, 18.45). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Distribution: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY AGELENIDAE (CONTINUED) 13 Benoitia ocellata (Pocock, 1900) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Grahamstown (Farm Gretna, 6 km SW) (-33.31, 26.54); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81). Free State: Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8); Soetdoring Nature Reserve (-29.05, 26.21); Oranjeville (-26.99, 28.2). Gauteng: Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74); Cullinan (Renosterkop) (-25.66, 28.51); Irene (Smuts House) (-25.89, 28.23); Pretoria/Tshwane (Eldoraigne) (-25.74, 28.19); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (-27.59, 27.53). KwaZulu-Natal: Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); iSimangaliso Wetland park: Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (Hippo pools) (-28.02, 32.28). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve ( -22.99, 29.04); Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Waterpoort, N slopes of Soutpansberg (Farm Rochdale) (-22.54, 29.41); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.6); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Roedtan (-24.6, 29.08); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Vivo (Farm Bergfontein) (-23.04, 29.27). Mpumalanga: Dullstroom (-25.42, 30.1); Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31.0); Kruger National Park: Renosterkoppies (-25.14, 31.84), Napi (-25.37, 31.51), Skukuza (25.00, 31.97), Vutome 06 (-25.24, 32.08); Witbank (-25.88, 29.23). North West: Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Potchefstroom (ARC-exp. Farm) (-26.7, 27.09); Rustenburg Nature Reserve(-25.65, 27.22). Western Cape: Anysberg Nature Reserve (-33.53, 20.76); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44); Mamre (-33.5, 18.45); Paarl (-33.71, 18.98); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); Simonstown (-34.19, 18.42); Table Mountain National Park: Lion's Head (-33.91, 18.42), Table Mountain (-33.82, 18.48)*. Habitat (biomes): all the biomes Records from protected areas: 20. Records from agro-ecosystems: maize (1). Known distribution: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Benoitia raymondeae (Lessert, 1915) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81). Gauteng: Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Baviaanspoort (-25.67, 28.37). Limpopo: Buffelspoort (-24.69, 28.4). Mpumalanga: Bethal (Farm Kalasbasfontein) (-26.44, 29.46). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Hermanus (Vogelgat) (-34.4, 19.25). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Continued on next page FAMILY AGELENIDAE (CONTINUED) 14 Benoitia raymondeae (continued) KAART VERKEERD Malthonica africana Simon & Fage, 1922 Distribution in South Africa: Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Aggeneys (-29.21,18.82). Western Cape: Worcester (-33.64, 19.47). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution Kenya*, Botswana, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3 Mistaria leucopyga (Pavesi, 1883) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Middelburg (-31.49, 24.99). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.65, 27.22). Northern Cape: Benfontein Nature Reserve (-28.73, 24.76); Augrabies National Park (-28.53, 20.29); Riemvasmaak (-28.45, 20.30); Belmont, 10 km from Hopetown (-29.42, 24.36). Western Cape: 40 km NE Ceres on Touwsriver Road (-33.36, 19.31); Prince Albert (Tierberg) (-33.22, 22.03); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Baviaanskloof Mountains (Pampoenkloof) (-33,43, 20.08); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); Witsand Nature Reserve (-34.39, 20.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution DRC, East Africa, Ethiopia*, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on the next page FAMILY AGELENIDAE (CONTINUED) 15 Mistaria leucopyga (continued) Olorunia punctata Lehtinen, 1967 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Great Fish River Wetland Park, at Boundary of Farm Hermanuskraal (-33.48, 27.13). Gauteng: Abe Bailey Nature Reserve (-26.36, 27.4); Johannesburg (Liefde en Vrede, Bassonia) (-26.2, 28.04). KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7). Northern Cape: Benfontein Nature Reserve (-28.73, 24.76). Western Cape: Beaufort Wes from the following farms: Farm Kantkraal (-33.28, 23.22), Farm Vaalkuil (-33.28, 23.22), Farm Katdoornkuil (-33.19, 23.26), Farm De Pannen (-32.69, 23.43), Farm Juriesfontein (-32.53, 23.43), Farm Eerste Water (-32.60, 23.87), Farm Nuwejaarsfontein (-23.95, 23.39), Farm Bokvlei (-32.73, 23.59); Prince Albert (Tierberg) (-33.22, 22.03). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB, TB. Known from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, DRC*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY AGELENIDAE (CONTINUED) 16 Tegenaria domestica (Clerck, 1757) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74); Chartwell, Four Ways Johannesburg (-26.20, 28.04). Limpopo: Magoebaskloof (Farm Merrick, 52 km E) (-23.87, 30.01). KwaZulu-Natal: Giant's Cup Wilderness Reserve (Farm Goschen) (-29.97, 29.46); Matatiele (Farm Blakely, 2 km S) (-30.33, 28.8). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Stellenbosch (Muratie Wine Estate) (-33.87, 18.87). Habitat (biome): synantropic (introduced). Known from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution Cosmopolitan. Conservation status: endemicity: 0; abundance: 2 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. 2. FAMILY AMAUROBIIDAE debris incorporated into the covering. The egg cocoon is attached to the substrate and the female remains with it. The family Amaurobiidae occurs worldwide and 4 genera and 8 endemic species are known from South Africa. • Common name: mesh-web weavers. • Life style: web dwellers with webs made in dark shady places close to the soil surface. • Body size: 3-16 mm (males slightly smaller in size and legs more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: drab brown or grey spiders, abdomen sometimes with ill-defined pattern and legs in some species with dark annulations; carapace: longer than wide, narrower in eye region, with longitudinal fovea; eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4), usually all pale in colour; abdomen: oval usually with dense layer of fine setae; spinnerets: short; cribellum present; legs: fairly long, especially in males who also may have a mating spur on metatarsi I. • Web and retreat: web: a framework of plain threads supports an irregular network of cribellated silk threads that radiate on to the substrate from the retreat; retreat: funnel-shaped and situated on one side of the web. • Habitat: the amaurobiids are ground-living, cryptic spiders and have been collected from the Fynbos, Grass and Savanna Biomes. • Behaviour: they are nocturnal hunters and when prey come in contact with the signal trip lines of the web, the spider rushes out to overpower it. Webs are made beneath logs and stones or holes in trees or under stones in caves. The presence of modified setae on the palp and spinules and striae on the chelicerae of males suggest that stridulation might play a role in communication in this group of spiders. Females make spherical or oval egg cocoons with bits of dirt and 17 • Taxonomic note: a revision of the Afrotropical members are presently underway and several new genera and species are possibly new (Griswold pers. com) References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & JOCQUÉ, R. 1997. African spiders: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 9, ARCPlant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria 392 pp. • LEHTINEN P.T. 1967 Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4, 468 pp. FAMILY AMAUROBIIDAE (CONTINUED) 18 Chresiona convexa Simon, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Bonae Spei *. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Chresiona invalida (Simon, 1898) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Bonae Spei*. KwaZulu-Natal: Sani Pass (-29.62, 29.37). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY AMAUROBIIDAE (CONTINUED) Chresiona nigrosignata Simon, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Bonae Spei*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Macrobunus caffer (Simon, 1907) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42)*; Jacobsbaai (-33.15, 18.03). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. 19 FAMILY AMAUROBIIDAE (CONTINUED) 20 Obatala armata Lehtinen, 1967 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cederberg Wilderness Area (-32.16,18.89)*; Mamre (-33.5, 18.45). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Pseudauximus annulatus Purcell, 1908 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Kamaggas, Little Namaqualand (-29.75,17.40)*. Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): SKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY AMAUROBIIDAE (CONTINUED) 21 Pseudauximus pallidus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*. Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Pseudauximus reticulatus Simon, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Cape of Good Hope*; Robben Island (-33.80, 18.35). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. 3. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE The Ammoxenidae is a small family known only from Southern Africa and Australia. In South Africa they are represented by 2 genera and 15 species, of which 9 are endemic to the region. • Common names: Ammoxenus (termite feeders or sand divers); Rastellus (lesser termite feeders or and divers) • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers): freerunning on the soil surface, associated with termites. • Body size: 2-10 mm (Ammoxenus); 1.3-3 mm (Rastellus) (males slightly smaller in body size). • Diagnostic characters: colour: blackish brown to pale yellow spiders with abdominal pattern varying from shiny blackish brown with pale median band and border to yellowish with dark transverse patterns (Ammoxenus) or pale yellow (Rastellus); carapace: slightly longer than wide, narrower in front extending to form a horizontal clypeus in Ammoxenus, while in Rastellus the carapace is oval, truncated in front and at back; chelicerae: modified in both genera, in Ammoxenus the main portion curves downwards and are covered with numerous obtuse spines (Ammoxenus) while in Rastellus it is provided with a distal rastelliform digging scoop; eyes: 8 in 2 rows in a compact group on a small protuberance; abdomen: oval, covered with dense, recumbent, plumose setae; legs: leg formula 4321, in Ammoxenus the tarsi is long, flexible and pseudo-segmented and it curl up in dead specimens. • • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: during non-active periods Ammoxenus is found concealed in a sac-like retreat made in the soil-humps of the harvester termite made during excavations of their subterranean nests. Rastellus, is similarly adapted to life in sand and they excavate burrow 4 -6 cm deep. Habitat: they are mainly recorded from Grassland, Savanna , Nama-Karoo and Succulent Karoo Biomes. They are usually more abundant in areas where termites (Hodotermes sp. and Psammotermes spp.) occur. 22 • Behaviour: Ammoxenus is extremely fast moving spiders that travel rapidly over the soil surface. When disturbed they have the ability to dive head first into sand. They actively prey on the termites which they selectively choose, kill and then dragged into loose sand were are found near termite nests (Hodotermes spp). Rastellus was also found in close association with termites (Psammotermes spp). • Taxonomic note: the family Ammoxenidae are fairly well studied with several papers on their behaviour. A revision of the Ammoxenus was undertaken by Dippenaar & Meyer (1980 ) with a second revision by Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep). The new species recognized included in bold. Two papers have been published on the Rastellus species (Platnick & Griffin, 1990; Haddad, 2003) • References: BIRD, T. & DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. (in prep.). A revision of the spider genus Ammoxenus (Araneae: Ammoxenidae. Zootaxa DIPPENAAR, A.S. & MEYER, M.K.P. 1980. On the species of the African genus Ammoxenus (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) with description of two new species. Journal of the Entomological Society of southern Africa 43: 41-49. DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S., DE JAGER, M. & VAN DEN BERG, A. 1996a. Behaviour and biology of two species of the termite-eating spiders, Ammoxenus amphalodes and A. pentheri (Araneae: Ammoxenidae), in South Africa. African Plant Protection 2: 15-17. DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S., DE JAGER, M. & VAN DEN BERG, A. 1996b. Ammoxenus species (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) – specialist predators of harvester termites in South Africa. African Plant Protection 2: 103-109. HADDAD, C. R. 2003. A new species of Rastellus (Araneae: Ammoxenidae) from South Africa. African Zoology 38: 400401. PLATNICK N. I. & GRIFFIN E. 1990. On Rastellus, a new genus of the spider family Ammoxenidae (Araneae, Gnaphosoidea). American Museum Novitates 2995: 1-11. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) 23 Ammoxenus amphalodes Dippenaar & Meyer, 1980 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Bloemfontein (Spesbona) -29.07, 26.15); Bothaville (-27.38, 26.62); Bothaville (Kromvlei/Rusthoek) (-27.31, 26.74); Florisbad Research Station (-28.77, 26.07); Kroonstad (-27.65, 27.24); Vredefort (Rheboksfontein) (-27.05, 27.37). Gauteng: Abe Bailey Nature Reserve (-26.36, 27.40); Bryanston (-26.046, 28.023); Hartbeesfontein (-26.76, 26.39); Heidelberg (-26.5, 28.36); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.73, 28.23); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64; 28.36); Norscott Koppies Nature Reserve (-26.20, 28.04); Midrand, Waterfall (-25.95, 28.14); Randburg (-26.1, 27.92); Knoppieslaagte (-29.95, 27.97). Limpopo: Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46); Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pietersburg (-23.89, 29.46); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Settlers (-24.95, 28.52); Marble Hall (-25.00, 29.29); Waterberg (Vyeboompoort) (-24.33, 28.33). North West: Kroondal (-25.8, 27.32). KwaZulu-Natal: Pongola (Farm Vergeval, 11 km SSE) (-27.35, 31.61)*; Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.6, 32.25). Mpumalanga: Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29); Piet Retief (-27.00, 30.79). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ammoxenus barrus Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cederberg Wilderness Area (-32.16, 18.89); Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Namibia*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) 24 Ammoxenus celatus Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Hanover (-30.94, 24.53). Western Cape: Prince Albert (-33.22, 22.03); Prince Albert (Farm Botterkraal NE) (-33.11, 22.31); Prince Albert (Tierberg) (-33.85, 22.05)*; Ashton, nr. Robertson (-33.83, 20.06); Worcester (-33.64, 19.47); Matjiesfontein (-33.24, 20.58). Eastern Cape: Jansenville (Farm Suurhoek) (-32.87, 24.47). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ammoxenus coccineus Simon, 1893 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Afrique australe*. Gauteng: Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35). Mpumalanga: Goedehoop Forest (-30.07, 23.07); Nelshoogte Forest Reserve (-25.83,30.83). Northern Cape: Bingap 184 (-28.90, 22.98); 70 km SE Kakamas (-28.12, 20.27); Benfontein Nature Reserve (-28.82, 24.82); Langberg 138 (-28.92, 24.60); 10 km from Hopetown, Belmont (-29.61, 24.02); 4 km W of Hopetown (-29.62, 24.02); Coboop duine (-28.75, 19.35); Groblershoop (Farm Koedoesnek) (-28.81,22.53); Strydenburg (-29.95,23.68); Green Valley Nuts Estate Prieska (-29.68, 22.74). North West: Molopo, near Vostershoop (-25.75, 22.95); Vorsterhoop (-25.84, 23.02); Uitsig farm (-27.2, 22.37). Western Cape: Calvinia (Gifkop 166) (-29.95, 19.40); Kenhardt (Swartduinkop) (-29.40, 21.18); Beaufort West from the following farms: Farm 394 (-32.96, 23.67), Farm de Pannen (-32.69, 23.43), Farm Eerste Water (-32.69, 22.96), Farm Nuwerjaarsfontein (-32.57, 23.23), Farm Juriesfontein (-32.53, 23.43), Farm Groot Kraanvogelfontein (-32.92,23.64), Farm Katdoornkuil (-33.19, 23.26). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: pistachio (1). Known distribution: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa*, Zambia. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) Ammoxenus confusus Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Belmore (10 km from Hopetown) (-29.62, 24.06). Western Cape: Prince Albert (Tierberg) (-33.85, 22.05)*; Matjiesfontein (-33.24, 20.58). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ammoxenus crispatus Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Riemvasmaak (-28.45, 20.3). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Namibia*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. 25 FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) 26 Ammoxenus deani Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Prince Albert: Tierberg (-33.85, 22.05)*, Heuweltjie (-33.15,22.7). Northern Cape: Belmore, 10 km from Hopetown (-29.62, 24.06); Matjiesfontein (-33.24, 20.58); Belmont (-29.42,24.36). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ammoxenus jacobsi Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Beaufort West: Farm 151b (-32.32, 23.45), Farm Vaalkuil (-32.81, 22.78). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) 27 Ammoxenus kalaharicus Benoit, 1972 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Steinkopf (-29.25, 17.73). Western Cape: Piketberg (Lang Vlei 102) (-32.75, 18.5); Porterville (-32.99, 18.99); Prince Albert (Tierberg) (-33.85,22.05); Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ammoxenus pedifer Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cederberg Wilderness Area: Aan Het Berg (251masl) (-32.28, 18.53), Aan Het Berg (258 masl) (-32.28, 18.53), Cederberg (643 masl) (-32.4, 19.09), Cederberg (677 masl) (-32.4, 19.09), Cederberg (1187masl) (-32.46, 19.24), Cederberg (1547masl) (32.39, 19.15);Crystal Pools ( 927masl) (-32.31, 19.17), Crystal Pools (1125 masl) (-32.33, 19.14), Crystal Pools (1135 masl) (-32.33, 19.14), Crystal Pools (1141 masl) (-32.33, 19.15), Crystal Pools (1298m) (-32.35, 19.14), Wupperthal (515 masl) (-32.28, 19.22), Wupperthal (522 masl) (-32.28, 19.22), Wupperthal(524 masl) (-32.28, 19.22), Wupperthal (531 masl) (-32.28, 19.22). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 1 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) 28 Ammoxenus pentheri Simon, 1896 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Cradock (-32.16, 25.16); Kirkwood (Dunbrody, nr. Blue Cliff) (-33.38, 25.45); Addo Elephant National Park (-33.32, 25.72); Middelburg (-31.49, 24.99); Jansenville from following farms: Farm Osplaas 20 km NWW) (-32.88,24.5), Farm Suurhoek (-32.87,24.47), Farm Matjiesfontein (-32.83,24.44); Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08). KwaZulu-Natal: Van Reenen Pass (-28.37, 29.38). Northern Cape: Kimberley (Langberg) (-29.92, 24.60); Victoria West (-31.40, 23.12); Colesberg (Vogelsfontein 71) (-30.62, 25.30). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (Lammetjieslaagte) (-32.18, 22.19); Ashton (-33.83, 20.06); Willowmore (-33.30, 23.30); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); Beaufort West from following farms; Farm Bokvlei (-32.73, 23.59), Farm Katdoorkuil (-33.19, 23.26), Farm 151b (-32.32, 23.45), Farm Eerste Water (-32.69, 22.96), Farm De Pannen (-32.69, 23.43), Farm Nuwejaarsfontein (-32,57, 23.23), Farm 394 (-32.96, 23.67); Klaarstroom (-33.33, 22.54); Wellwood 518 (-31.59, 24.58); Prince Albert (Farm Botterkraal) (-33.11, 22.31); Prince Albert (Tierberg) (-33.85, 22.05). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Botswana*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ammoxenus profundus Bird & Dippenaar-Schoeman (in prep) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Kimberley (Resolution, Albany) (-33.43, 26.77)*. Eastern Cape: Alice, nr. Fort Beaufort (-32.78, 26.62); Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve (-33.13, 26.65); Ecca Pass Nature Reserve (-33.2, 26.5); 13 km N Grahamstown direction Fort Beaufort (-33.2, 26.51); Great Fish River Reserve: Farm Buckland (-33.06, 26.87), Farm Hermanuskraal (-33.05, 26,78). Habitat (biomes): NKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) 29 Ammoxenus psammodromus Simon, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Vryburg (-26.95, 24.73). Free State: Boshof (Farm Elliesdal 1062) (-28.8, 25.52); FarmTable (-28.72, 24.92); Florisbad Research Station (-28.77, 26.07); Jacobsdal, Kimberley Rd. (-29.18, 24.77); Boshof (Krugersdriftdam) (-28.72, 24.92); Request (-28.60, 24.85). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve ( -22.99, 29.04); Dendron (Farm Amsterdam (-23.37, 29.32). Western Cape: Willowmore (-33.30, 23.30). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana*, Namibia, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Rastellus deserticola Haddad, 2003 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Prieska (Green Valley Nuts Estate) (-29.68, 22.74)*; Cederberg Wilderness Area (-32.16, 18.89). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: pistachio (1). Known distribution: South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY AMMOXENIDAE (CONTINUED) 30 Rastellus florisbad Platnick & Griffin, 1990 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Florisbad Research Station (-28.77, 26. 08). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46); Thabazimbi (-24.60, 27.38); Kruger National Park (5 km N of Letaba Camp) (-23.83, 31.58); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. 4. FAMILY ANAPIDAE The Anapidae occur worldwide, but are more common in tropical and southern temperate forests. Three genera are known from South Africa represented by 4 species of which 3 are endemic to the region. • Common name: ground orb-web weavers. • Life style: anapids are cryptozoic and found in the litter layer. Some genera produce webs. • Body size: very small spiders (< 2 mm). • Diagnostic characters: colour: various hues of brown (reddish to yellowish); carapace: modified with ocular region elevated; pedicel arising from circular, rimmed cavity on posterior declivity; glandular openings situated in hollow pits on edge of carapace at anterolateral corners; labrum bears anterior spur that projects forward between chelicerae (discernible when chelicerae are spread apart), sometimes reduced to a small crest; abdomen: spherical, soft with only some sclerotized areas in female, with large scutum in male; legs: three claws; legs short, without spines; metatarsi shorter than tarsi; femora I of male with a short spine ventrally; eyes 6-8 arranged in pairs; haplogyne; spermathecae well separated; male palp variable, femur and patella sometimes with bristles or apophyses; embolus varies from spiniform in Pseudanapis to short and wide in Crozetulus. • Web: in some genera a horizontal orb-web is made close to the soil surface. • Habitat: found in the litter layer in the Fynbos, Nama-Karoo, Savanna and Thicket Biomes. • Behaviour: Some are free-living in the litter and humus while other build small, horizontal orbwebs slightly drawn up in the centre. Crozetulus scutatus has been collected from caves. • Taxonomic note: very little is known about the South African fauna. Litter surveys indicate that there are several undescribed species. 31 References: BRIGNOLI, 1981. New or interesting Anapidae (Arachnida, Araneae). Revue suisse de zoologie 88: 109-134. • LAWRENCE R.F. 1964. New cavernicolous spiders of South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 48: 57-75. WUNDERLICH J. 1995. Drei bisher unbekannte Arten und Gattungen der Familie Anapidae (s.1) aus SüdAfrika, Brasilien und Malaysia (Arachnida: Araneae). Beiträge zur Araneologie 4: 543-548. FAMILY ANAPIDAE (CONTINUED) 32 Crozetulus rhodesiensis Brignoli, 1981 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Karoo National Park (Pienaar's Pass) (-32.28, 22.46); Bontebok National Park (-34.07, 20.45); Brenton-on-Sea (-34.1, 23.03); Table Mountain National Park (Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve) (-34.24, 18.41); Diepwalle Forest Station (-34.03, 23.03); De Hoop Nature Reserve (De Hoop Vlei) (-34.45, 20.44). Limpopo: Entabeni Forest (-23.00, 30.23); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.40, 32.76). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB,NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Crozetulus scutatus (Lawrence, 1964) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Muizenberg (Boomslang Cave) (-34.10, 18.47); Table Mountain National Park: Table Mountain (Wynberg Caves) (-34.05, 18.45)*, Table Mountain (Bats Cave) (-33.82, 18.48). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ANAPIDAE (CONTINUED) Dippenaaria luxurians Wunderlich, 1995 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Metanapis bimaculata (Simon, 1895) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Cape*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? 33 5. FAMILY ANYPHAENIDAE The family Anyphaenidae is represented by more than 500 species worldwide but only one species Amaurobioides africana Hewitt, 1917 is recorded from Namibia and South Africa. 34 is possibly exchanged through the web's surface. The retreats are mainly located in crevices or under rocks in the spray zone between high water neaps and high water springs. In areas where the wave action is weak, the spiders take refuge under rocks and seldom build a nest. They then use the water-repellent setae of their bodies to entrap a thin layer of air. The female guards her young in the silk retreat once they have hatched. • Common name: sea-shore spiders. • Life style: ground dwellers; free-running intertidal spiders. • Body size: 10-17 mm (males slightly smaller in size). • • Diagnostic characters: colour: various shades of brown with the carapace reddish brown, darker around eyes and abdomen with distinct chevron patterns dorsally and pale ventrally; carapace: ovoid, longer than wide and sparsely covered with setae; chelicerae: long and slender, slightly projecting to the front with strong fangs; eyes: 8 eyes arranged in 2 recurved rows, on a low mound projecting over the clypeus; abdomen: elongate-oval with a light covering of short setae with longer dark setae scattered in between; legs: of median length with leg formula 1423. References: HEWITT, 1917. Descriptions of new South African Arachnida. Annals of the Natal Museum 3: 687-711. • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: during the non-active periods the spider hide in the empty shells of various Mollusca, especially limpets. The spider lines the interior of the empty shells with silk to make them waterproof before it is being submerged at high tide. • Habitat: Rocky coastal areas. • Behaviour: Found in the higher shore regions in the zone extending from high water neaps to high water springs: an area infrequently flooded by salt water of rocky coasts. In areas with strong wave action, the spider lines the interior of the empty shells with silk to make them waterproof and enough air is retained to enable the spiders to survive periods of prolonged immersion. Oxygen Taxonomic note: Lamoral (1968, 1971) reported on their taxonomy and behaviour. • LAMORAL, B.H. 1968. On the ecology and habitat adaptations of two intertidal spiders, Desis formidabilis (O.P.-Cambridge) and Amaurobioides africanus (Hewitt), at “The island” (Kommetjie, Cape Peninsula), with notes on the occurrence of two other spiders. Annals of the Natal Museum 20: 151-193. LAMORAL, B.H. 1971. These spiders are “drowned” every day. African Wildlife 25: 7-10. FAMILY ANYPHAENIDAE (CONTINUED) 35 Amaurobioides africana Hewitt, 1917 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.85); Kei River Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); East London (-33.01, 27.90)*. Western Cape: Hermanus (Vermont) (-34.4, 19.25); Hermanus (Voëlklip) (-34.41, 19.26); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Koppie Alleen) (-34.28; 20.30); Betty's Bay (-34.34, 18.94); Kommetjie (The Island) (-34.16, 18.34); Pringle Bay (-34.3, 18.83); Rooi Els Berg (-34.25, 18.58). Habitat (biomes): coastal rocky areas. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*, Namibia. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1[3]. Taxonomic status: 3. 6. FAMILY ARANEIDAE 36 The family Araneidae has a worldwide distribution with an enormous diversity of > 2600 species. In South Africa the family is represented by 35 genera and 95 species of which 26 species are endemics. The genera are very diverse in shape, colour, size and behaviour and are grouped in the following subfamilies Araneinae, Argiopinae, Cyrtarachninae. Cyrtophorinae and Gasteracanthinae. • Genera with common names: Araneinae: Arachnura (scorpion-tail spiders); Caerostris (bark spiders); Cyclosa (garbage-line spiders); Cyphalonotus (twig spiders); Hypsosinga Neoscona, Araneus (hairy field spiders); Pararaneus (spicky hairy field spiders); Nemoscolus (stone-nest spiders); Kilima, Larinia and Lipocrea (grass orb-web spiders); Singa (pajama spiders). Argiopinae: Argiope (garden orb-web spiders); Argiope trifasciata (banded orb-web spiders); Argiope australis (butter spider or black and yellow banded spider). Cyrtarachninae: Cladomelea (bolas spiders); Pycnacantha (hedgehog spiders); Paraplectana (lady bird spiders); Aethriscus and Cyrtarachne (bird-dropping spiders). Cyrtophorinae: Cyrtophora (tropical tent-web spiders). Gasteracanthinae: Gasteracantha (kite spider); Isoxya (box spiders). • Life style: web dwellers (typical orb-web); webs usually made in and between vegetation. • Body size: vary between genera (3-30 mm), (males usually smaller, with distinct sexual dimorphism). • Diagnostic characters: vary between genera. Colour: varies from cream to brown to greyish black or brightly coloured; colour allows spider to blend in with environment when resting; carapace: variable smooth or with numerous protuberances especially in species found on bark; eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4); abdomen: variable, usual as wide as long overhanging the carapace, covered with protuberances or patterns, sometimes elongated; legs: not very long, when at rest kept close to body. • Web and retreat: web: the spider hangs head down in the middle of the orb-web or is found in a retreat close by. The web can be either horizontal or vertical. It consists of bridge lines, radii and a circular area, which are usually made of adhesive threads. The shape, number of radii and position of webs vary between the different genera; retreat: some genera construct a tunnelshaped retreat of silk and plant debris on one side of the web. The spider is then in contact with the web with a signal trip-line. Araneinae Argiopinae • Habitat: found in a variety of habitats. Commonly found in Savanna, Nama-Karoo, Succulent Karoo, Fynbos Biomes and open forest. • Behaviour: most species are nocturnal and procryptic by day resting with their bodies appressed against the substrate. The orb-web spiders have poor vision and locate their prey by feeling the vibrations and tensions of the web. They wrap their prey with alternating movements of their fourth pairs of legs by pulling the silk from the spinnerets and throwing large bands of silk over the prey. • Taxonomic notes: Bjorn (1997), Emerit (1973)and Grasshoff (1968-86) revised several genera, but most still need to been Cyrtarachninae Cyrtophorinae Gasteracanthidae FAMILY ARANEIDAE revised. There are also numerous specimens that could not be identified. References: ACKERMAN, C. 1923. A comparison of the habitats of a South African spider, Cladomelea, with those of an Australian Dicrostichus. Annals of the Natal Museum 5: 83-88. • BJÖRN, P.P. 1997. A taxonomic revision of the African part of the orb-weaving genus Argiope (Araneae, Araneidae). Entomologia Scandinavia 28: 199-239. EMERIT, M. 1973. Contribution à la connaissance des Araneidae Gasteracanthinae du sud-est africain: les Gastéracanthes du Natal Museum. Annals of the Natal Museum 21: 675-695. GRASSHOFF M. 1968 Morphologische Kriterien als Ausdruck von Artgrenzen bei Radnetzspinnen der Sub -familie Araneinae (Arachnida: Araneae: Araneidae). Abhandlungen von der senckenbeqischen naturforschenden Gesellschaft 516, 100 pp. GRASSHOFF M. 1970a. Die Gattung Kilima n.gen. (Arachnida: Araneae: Araneidae). Senckenbergiana biologica 51:119 -128. GRASSHOFF M. 1970b. Die Tribus Mangorini. I. Die Gattungen Eustala, Larinia s.str. Larinopa n.gen. (Arachnida: Araneae: . Araneidae-Araneinae). Senckenbergiana biologica 51:209-234. GRASSHOFF M. 1970c. Die Tribus Mangorini. II. Die neuen Gattungen Siwa, Paralarinia, Faradja, Mahembea und Larinia (Arachnida: Araneae: Araneidae - Araneinae). Senckenbergiana biologica 51:409-423. GRASSHOFF M. 1971a. Die Tribus Mangorini. Ill. Die Gattung Drexelia MacCook (Arachnida: Araneae: Araneidae – Araneinae). Senckenbergiana biologica 52: 81-95. GRASSHOFF M. 1971b. Die Tribus Mangorini. IV Die Mangora-Gruppe. (Arachnida: Araneae: Araneidae Araneinae). Senckenbergiana biologica 52:293-311. GRASSHOFF M. 1984 Die Radnetzspinnen-Gattung Caerostris (Arachnicia: Araneae). Revue de Zoologie africaine 98: 725-765. Grasshoff M. 1986 Die Radnetzspinnen-Gattung Neoscona in Afrika (Arachnida: Araneae). Annales du Musée royal de I’Afrique Centrale 250, 123 pp. GRASSHOFF M. & EDMUNDS J. 1979 Arancus legonensis n. sp. (Araneidae: Araneae) from Ghana, West Africa and its free sector web. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4: 303-309. 37 DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & LEROY A. 1996. Notes on the biology of Pycnacantha tribulus, another araneid without an orbweb (Araneae: Araneidae). Revue suisse de zoologie (hors série): 165-171. DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN A.S & JONES A. 2009. First record of a bird-dropping spider of the genus Cyrtarachne from South Africa (Araneae: Araneidae). SANSA News 8: 15-16. LEROY, J., JOCQUÉ, R. & LEROY, A. 1998. On the behaviour of the African bolas-spider Cladomelea akermani Hewitt (Araneae, Araneidae, Cyrtarachninae), with description of the male. Annals of the Natal Museum 39: 1-9. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 38 Acusilas africanus Simon, 1895 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1). Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Cameroon*, Gabon, Sierra Leone, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Aethriscus olivaceus Pocock, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Johannesburg (-26.2; 28.04); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). Eastern Cape: Bathurst (-33.5, 26.84). KwaZulu-Natal: Shakaskraal (-29.41, 31.26); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (St. Lucia) (-28.00, 32.48); Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23). Mpumalanga: Hendriksdal Plantation (-25.2, 30.75); Burgers Hall (-25.08, 31.06). Limpopo: Letaba (-23.82, 30.16). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (2). Known distribution: Congo Republic*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 39 Afracantha camerunensis (Thorell, 1899) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.9). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Mbuluzi Game Reserve (-25.73, 32.00); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Hell’s Gate) (-28.0, 32.48). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Macile Piket) (-22.93, 31.02). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Cameroon*, Congo Republic, Ghana, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Uganda. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Arachnura scorpionoides Vinson, 1863 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27), Fanie’s Island (28.1, 32.45), Lake Sibayi (-27.35, 32.7), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Phinda Game Reserve (-27.72, 32.38); Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (-30.27, 30.57). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Mpumalanga: Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31.0); Pilgrims Rest (-24.89, 30.75); Schagen (-25.43, 30.8); Hazyview (-25.03, 31.12). North West: Brits (-25.62, 27.77). Western Cape: Bellville (-33.9, 18.63); Stilbaai (-34.36, 21.43); Tsitsikamma National Park (-33.98, 23.52). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1), citrus (1). Known distribution: Congo Republic, Ethiopia, Madagascar*, Mauritius & Rodriquez, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 40 Araniella sp. 1 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Hogsback (32.59, 26.92); Keurkloof (Farm Ferndale) (Baviaanskloof) (-33.68, 24.83); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); Qachas Nek (-30.12, 28.68). Gauteng: Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (-25.8, 28.77). KwaZulu Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Tembe Elephant Park (-27.03, 32.43); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Hellsgate (-28.00, 32.48), Mkuze Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Vryheid Nature Reserve (-27.75, 30.79); Highmoor (-29.3, 29.59). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Nylstroom/Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4); Pafuri (Waller's Camp) (-22.42, 30.91); Entabeni Nature Reserve (-22.99, 30.26); Tshulu Camp (Venda) (-22.57978, 30.808); Little Leigh (Western Soutpansberg) (-22.95, 29.87); Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04). Mpumalanga: Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29); Kruger National Park (Pretoriuskop) (-25.15, 31.2). Western Cape: Saasveld Forest Station (-33.95, 22.53). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 14. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: cosmopolitan. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus apricus (Karsch, 1884) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Pretoria (-25.74, 28.19); Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (-25.8, 28.77); Magaliesburg (-25.99, 27.54); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Wonderboom Nature Reserve (-25.69, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25 ), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Melmoth (-28.57, 31.39); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47,30.2). Limpopo: Alma (-24.49; 28.07); Kampersrus (Farm Madrid) (-24.48, 30.83); Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Nylstroom/ Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Rust de Winter (-25.19, 28.63); Acornhoek, Sandringham Nature Reserve (-24.58, 31.1); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Little Leigh (Western Soutpansberg) (-22.95, 29.87); Letaba (-23.82, 30.16); Bandelierkop (-23.3, 29.79); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.06); Hoedspruit (-24.34, 30.93). Mpumalanga: Badplaas (-25.95, 30.56); Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Burgers Hall (-25.08, 31.08); Loskop Dam Nature Reserve (-25.46, 29.23); Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31.0); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). North West: Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Hartbeespoortdam (-25.73, 27.85); Kroondal (-25.75, 27.32); Olifantsnekdam (-25.8, 27.25); Pelindaba (-25.8, 27.9); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18); Rhenosterspruit Conservancy (-26.9, 26.38). North Cape: Hopetown (Farm Suffolk) -29.58, 24.24). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Continued on the next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) Araneus apricus (continued) Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 10. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (1), cotton (1), citrus (1). Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa* and Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Suspected to be under threat: no. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus caplandensis (Strand, 1907) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Kapland*. Habitat (biomes): FB?. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? 41 FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 42 Araneus coccinella Pocock, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42). KwaZulu-Natal: Estcourt (-29.00, 29.87)*. Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Pretoria (-25.71, 30.24). Limpopo: Klein Kariba (-24.88,28.29); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus drygalskii (Strand, 1909) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Simonstown (-34.19, 18.42)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 43 Araneus fishoekensis (Strand, 1909) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Fish Hoek (-34.15, 18.42)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus gazerti (Strand, 1909) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Fish Hoek (-34.15, 18.42)*. Eastern Cape: East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.9). Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 1. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 44 Araneus graemii Pocock, 1900 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.9); Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus haploscapellus (Strand, 1907) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 45 Araneus holzapfelae Lessert, 1936 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Gravelotte (-23.95, 30.57); Little Leigh (Western Soutpansberg) (-22.95, 29.87); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Mpumalanga: Brondal (-25.35, 30.84). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (1). Known distribution: Mozambique*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus lamperti (Strand, 1907) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Kapland*. Northern Cape: only a locality listed as Kalahari. Habitat (biomes): FB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? ? FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 46 Araneus legonensis Grasshoff & Edmunds, 1979 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Hilton (-29.56, 30.3); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Hell’s Gate(-28, 32.48); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Table Mountain National Park: Newlands Forest (-33.91, 18.42); Outeniqua Nature Reserve (-33.87, 22.48). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Ghana*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus meus (Strand, 1907) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42). Habitat (biomes): FB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 47 Araneus nigroquadratus Lawrence, 1937 Distribution in South Africa: East Cape: Cintsa (-32.83, 28.06); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.9); East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.9); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Great Fish River Wetland Park (-33.48, 27.13); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Komga (-32.58, 27.9); Mkambathi Nature Reserve (-31.27, 30.02). Gauteng: Pretoria (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Drakensberg Mountain Range (-24.62, 30.88); Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); Giant's Castle Nature Reserve (-29.23, 29.48); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Hell’s Gate (-28, 32.48), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (26.93, 32.87)*, Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76); Mooirivier (-29.2, 30.00); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Vryheid Nature Reserve (-27.75, 30.79). Limpopo: Gravelotte (-23.95, 30.57); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Potgietersrus/ Mokopane (-24.17, 29.0); Swartbos Forest (-23.53, 29.59); Vaalwater (-24.29, 28.11). Mpumalanga: Hendriksdal Plantation (-25.2, 30.75); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). Western Cape: Fisherhaven (-34.36, 19.13); Franschoek (-33.89, 19.10); Gouritsmond (Borrelfontein) (-34.34, 21.87). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 13. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus( 1). Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Araneus strupifer (Simon, 1885) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Bathurst (-33.5, 26.84). KwaZulu-Natal: Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); Umfolozi Nature Reserve (-28.3, 31.76). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Central Africa*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) Araneus zuluanus (Strand, 1907) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Capland*. Habitat (biomes): FB?. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Argiope anomalopalpis Bjørn, 1997 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Dwesa Nature Reserve (-32.27, 28.87). Habitat (biomes): FoB Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. 48 FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 49 Argiope aurocincta Pocock, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.9). Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76); Margate (-30.85, 30.36); Ndumu Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Phinda Game Reserve (-27.72, 32.38); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1);Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Phalaborwa, Grietjie Nature Reserve (-24.18, 31.65); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). North West: Magaliesberg Mountain Sanctuary Park (-25.82, 27.47). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 9. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC, Kenya*, South Africa, Tanzania. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Argiope australis (Walckenaer, 1805) Distribution in South Africa: type as Cape of Good Hope*. Eastern Cape: Bathurst (-33.5, 26.84); Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Breakfast Vlei (-33.08, 26.95); Fort Brown Kudu Reserve (-33.13, 26.62); Graaff-Reinet (-32.24, 24.53); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Great Fish River Reserve (-33.13, 26.65); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Kwandwe Private Game Reserve (-33.09, 26.57); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); National Botanical Gardens, Bloemfontein (-29.05, 26.21); Amanzi Private Game Reserve (-28.62, 26.68); Bothaville (-27.38, 26.62); Clarens (-28.51, 28.43);Clocolan, Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.92, 27.58); Ficksburg (-28.86, 27.86l; Fouriesburg (-28.61, 28.23); Hoopstad (-27.85, 25.93); Tussen die Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.47, 25.19); Vrede (-27.43, 29.13). Gauteng: Benoni (-26.19, 28.31); Boksburg (-26.13, 28.15); Hammanskraal (-25.41, 28.27); Irene (Smuts House) (-25.89, 28.23); Midrand (-25.95, 28.14); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria National Botanical Garden (-25.74, 28.19); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Sandton, Norscott Koppies (-26.06, 28.07). KwaZulu-Natal: Giant's Cup Wilderness Reserve (Farm Goschen) (-29.23, 29.48); Hluhluwe (-28.02, 32.28); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); Ladysmith (-28.55, 29.76); Ndumu Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Oribi Gorge Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6,30.38); Pongola, (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Sungulwane Game Reserve (-28.87, 31.18); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Thanda Private Game Reserve (-27.87, 32.13); Vryheid (-27.77, 30.79). Continued on the next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 50 Argiope australis (continued) Limpopo: Bandelierskop (-23.31, 29.79); Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Ellisras/Lephalale (-23.67, 27.71); Grietjie Nature Reserve (-24.18, 31.65); Louis Trichardt (-23.04, 29.91); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Leopard Creek Reserve (Farm Caledonia) (-23.83, 27.95); Letaba (-23.82, 30.16); Messina/Mussina (-22.34, 30.03); Mooketsi (-23.59, 30.08); Mara (-23.04, 29.66); Naboomspruit (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Pietersburg/ Polokwane (-23.89, 29.46); Potgietersrus/ Mokopane (-24.17, 29.00); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Rust de Winter (-25.19, 28.63); Thabazimbi (-24.6, 27.38); Tongwane (-24.22, 29.9); Welgevonden Nature Reserve (-24.39, 27.78). NorthWest: Brits (-25.62, 27.77); Klipvoor Dam (-25.74, 27.84); Kroondal (-25.75, 27.32); Magaliesburg (25.99, 27.54);Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.65, 27.22); Swartruggens (Farm Olivenkloof 373 JP) (25.54, 26.52). Mpumalanga: Ermelo (-26.51, 29.98); Hectorspruit (-25.43, 31.68); Komatipoort (Farm Sommerreg) (-25.53, 31.82); Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.97); Loskop Dam Nature Reserve (-25.46, 29.23); Middelburg (-25.76, 29.46); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96); Schoemanskloof (-25.4, 30.5); Secunda (-26.5, 29.18); Wakkerstroom (-27.33, 30.14); Warburton (Farm Weltevreden 68) (-26.2, 30.43). Northern Cape: Fraserburg (-31.91, 21.51); Hopetown (Farm Suffolk) (-29.58, 24.24); Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (-25.48, 20.24); Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (Urikaruus Camp) (-25.78, 20.39); Nieuwoudtville (Hantam Botanical Garden) (-31.34, 19.19); Okiep (-29.59, 17.88); Petrusville (-30.07, 24.66); Tankwa-Karoo National Park (-32.28, 19.82). Western Cape: Bainskloof Pass (-33.65, 19.00); Beaufort West (-33.28, 23.22); Camps Bay (-33.95, 18.37); Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve (-34.24, 18.41); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Clanwilliam (-32.16, 18.89); Gamkaberg Nature Reserve (-33.31, 21.71); Garden Route (-33.56, 23.04); Grootvadersbos (-34.02, 20.46); Grabouw (-34.14, 19.04); Hermanus (-34.40, 19.25); Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden (-33.61, 19.46); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (-23.67, 28.38); Kommetjie (-34.16, 18.34); Lebanon Forest Station (-34.14, 19.04); Prince Albert (-33.22, 22.03); Pringle Bay (-34.34, 18.83); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.35, 21.67); Van Rhynsdorp (31.60, 18.75). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 27. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (2), cotton (1). Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 51 Argiope flavipalpis (Lucas, 1858) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Letaba Ranch) (-23.82, 30.16). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park (Skukuza Camp) (-25.00, 31.97). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa, Tanzania (neo-type)*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Argiope levii Bjørn 1997 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Lake Sibaya) (-27.35, 32.70); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Port Edward (-31.04, 30.21); St Michael's on Sea (-30.82, 30.38). Limpopo: Kampersrus (-24.48, 30.83); Ratombo Forest (-23.06, 30.17); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Mpumalanga: Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31.00). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 52 Argiope lobata (Pallas, 1772) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Wilgerskloof Farm, Bamboesberg, W Sterkstroom (-31.6, 26.37). Free State: Clarens (-28.51, 28.43); Vrede (-27.43, 29.13). Gauteng: Krugersdorp / Mogale (-26.09, 27.78); Pyramid (-25.35, 28.37). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Mkuzi Game Reserve) (-27.63, 32.25). Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Potgietersrus/Mokopane (-24.17, 29.00); Tuinplaas (-24.9, 28.73). Mpumalanga: Ermelo (-26.51, 29.98). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Algeria, Morocco (neo-type)*, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Argiope trifasciata (Forsskål, 1775) Distribution in South Africa: type could not be located, no neo-type designated. Eastern Cape: Fort Brown Kudu Reserve (-33.13, 26.62); Grahamstown (various localities) (-33.3, 26.52); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61). Gauteng: Baviaanspoort (-25.67, 28.37); Bon Accord (-25.62, 28.2); Bronkhorstspruit (-25.8, 28.74); Hekpoort (-25.9, 27.61); Irene (field opposite Gem Village) (-25.89, 28.23); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodeplaat (Farm Leeufontein) (-25.63, 28.34). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Banga Nek, Kosi Bay (-27.09, 32.84), Mapelane Nature Reserve (-28.39, 32.42); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Jozini (-27.42, 32.07); La Mercy (-29.63, 31.13); Kwambonambi Plantation (-28.63, 32.21); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pinetown (-29.81, 30.85); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Farm Elandsberg, between Warmbath /Thabazimbi (24.73, 27.72); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Londolozi Game Reserve (-24.86, 31.53); Maasstroom (-22.75, 28.43); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (23.9,29.47); Potgietersrus/Mokopane (-24.17,29.00); Rust de Winter (-25.19, 28.63). Mpumalanga: Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve (-24.58, 30.82); Graskop (-24.93, 30.84); Klingbiel Nature Reserve (-25.09, 30.46); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Machadodorp (-25.66, 30.26); Oudestad Research Station (-25.16, 29.39); Sabie (-25.1, 30.78). North-West: Kroondal (-25.75, 27.32); Magaliesberg (-20.97, 31.65); Olifantsnekdam (-25.8, 27.25). Western Cape: Brackenfeld Nature Reserve (-33.9, 18.72); Caledon (-34.24, 19.43); Fernkloof Nature Reserve (Hermanus) (-34.86, 19.34); Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve (-34.24, 18.41); Worcester (-33.64, 19.47). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 14. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on the next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 53 Argiope trifasciata (continued) Caerostris corticosa Pocock, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (Klipfontein) (-25.74, 28.19); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). KwaZulu-Natal: Estcourt (-29.0, 29.87)*; Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61). Limpopo: Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04). Northern Cape: Honde-klipbaai (-30.31, 17.28). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Kleinmond (-34.33, 19.02). North West: Vryburg (-26.95, 24.73). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana*, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 54 Caerostris sexcuspidata (Fabricius, 1793) Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Süd-Afrika*. Eastern Cape: Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Boesmansriviermond (-33.69, 26.64); East London (-33.01, 27.9); Fort Brown Kudu Reserve (-33.13, 26.62); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Kasouga Mouth (-33.63, 26.43); King William's Town (-32.88, 27.39); Kologha Forest Reserve (-32.31, 27.21); Komga (-32.58, 27.9); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); Queenstown (Farm Rookwood) (-32.08, 26.59); Silaka Nature Reserve (-31.62, 29.49). Gauteng: Johannesburg (Blairgowrie) (-26.1, 28); Maraisburg (-26.11, 27.56); Pretoria National Botanical Garden (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Onderstepoort (-25.74, 28.19); Randburg (-26.07, 27.92). KwaZulu-Natal: Amanzimtoti (-30.04, 30.88); Champagne Castle (-29.08, 29.35); Drummond (-29.73, 30.73); Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Eshowe (-28.89, 31.47); Entumeni Nature Reserve (-28.88, 31.29); Giant's Cup Wilderness Reserve (Farm Goschen) (-29.97, 29.46); Greytown (-29.05, 30.6); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Hell’s Gate (-28, 32.48), Lake Sibaya (-27.35, 32.7), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); Ingeli Forest -33.55, 29.42); Inchanga (-29.73, 30.65); Lusikisiki (-31.37, 29.57); Margate (-30.85, 30.36); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Phinda Game Reserve (-27.72, 32.38); Pinetown (-29.81, 30.85); Pongola (Farm Vergeval)(-27.35, 31.61); Port Edward (-31.04, 30.21); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Richmond (-29.86, 30.26); Rosetta (-29.3, 29.99); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Van Reenen (-28.37, 29.38); Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (-30.27, 30.57); Winkelspruit (-30.08, 30.38). Limpopo: Alma (-24.49, 28.07); Klein Kariba (-24.88, 28.29); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Louis Trichard (-23.04, 29.91); Makalali Nature Reserve (24.34, 30.93); Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Naboomspruit (-24.52, 28.7); Nylstroom/Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pietersburg/Polokwane (-23.89, 29.46); Potgietersrus/ Mokopane (-24.17, 29); Soutpansberg (-31.04, 20.04); Vivo (-23.04, 29.27). Mpumalanga: Sabie (Fanie Botha Hiking Trail) (-25.09, 30.69); Mariepskop (-24.58, 30.87); Burgersfort (-24.68, 30.31); Dullstroom (-25.42, 30.10); Hazyview (-25.03, 31.12); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Malelane (-25.49, 31.5); Sabie (-25.1, 30.78); Wakkerstroom (-27.33, 30.14). Northern Cape: Richmond (-31.4, 23.95); Klein Papkuil farm (-28.48, 23.72). North-West: Brits (-25.62, 27.77); Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (-25.25, 27.08); Hartebeespoort Experimental Farm (-25.6, 27.82 ); Molopo Nature Reserve (-26.02, 25.5); Olifantsnekdam (-25.8, 27.25); Rooijkoppies (-25.58, 27.77). Western Cape: Caledon (-34.24, 19.43); Swellendam (-34.02, 20.42); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Gamkaberg Nature Reserve (-33.31, 21.71); Hermanus (-34.4, 19.25); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (-34.32, 18.96); Kommetjie (-34.16, 18.34); Ladismith (-33.5, 21.26); Outeniqua Nature Reserve (Moordkuil) (-33.92, 22.11); Stellenbosch (-33.94, 18.86); Newlands Forest (-33.91, 18.42); Saasveld Forest Station (-33.95, 22.53); Tsitsikamma National Park (-33.98, 23.52); Table Mountain National Park:Table Mountain (-33.82,18.48), Silvermine Forest Station (-34.1, 18.4); Wildcliff Nature Reserve (-34.2, 21.07). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 21. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 55 Caerostris vicina (Blackwall, 1866) Distribution in South Africa: type locality as Süd-Afrika*. Eastern Cape: Black Rock (-32.02, 29.1). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Cape Vidal (-28.16, 32.56), Lake Sibaya (-27.35, 32.7); Muden (-28.96, 30.39); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Pongola (Farm Vergeval)(-27.35, 31.61); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Ubombo (-27.56, 32.08); Weenen Nature Reserve (-28.84, 30.07); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Cladomelea akermani Hewitt, 1923 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38)*; Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve -29.47, 30.2); Muden (-28.96, 30.39). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 56 Cladomelea debeeri Roff & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2005 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Cyclosa elongatus (Lawrence, 1947) (Stat Nov) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81). KwaZulu -Natal: Stanford Hill, Durban (-29.85, 31.01)*; iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Fanie’s Island (-28.1, 32.45), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Lake Sibaya (-27.35, 32.70); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); New Agatha Forest (-24.03, 30.08); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pafuri Camp (-22.42, 30.91); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Tshulu (Venda) (-22.58, 30.81). Mpumalanga: Hectorspruit (-25.43, 31.68). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 11. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 57 Cyclosa insulana (Costa, 1834) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Addo Elephant National Park (-33.32, 25.72); Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Coffee Bay (-31.97, 29.14); East London (-33.01, 27.9); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Keurkloof (Baviaanskloof) (Farm Ferndale) (-33.68, 24.83); Kirkwood (-33.39, 25.43); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Middelburg (-31.49, 24.99); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Mkambathi Nature Reserve (-31.27, 30.02). Free State: Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.92, 27.58); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8). Gauteng: Centurion (Irene, Smuts House) (-25.89, 28.23); Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (25.8, 28.77); Pretoria/ Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (Wonderboom) (-25.68, 28.2); Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35). KwaZulu-Natal: Illovo Beach (-30.12, 30.85); iSimangaliso Wetland park: Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Kwa-Mbonambi (-28.6, 32.08); Margate (-30.85, 30.36); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Sirheni Bushveld camp) (-22.93, 31.02); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Wolkberg Nature Reserve (-23.94, 29.95). Mpumalanga: Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Burgers Hall (-25.08, 31.06); Hectorspruit (-25.43, 31.68); Komatipoort (-25.43, 31.94); Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). North West: Brits (-25.62, 27.77); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Northern Cape: Roodewal Forest (-30.45, 17.35). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Cederberg (-32.16, 18.89); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Knysna (-34.02, 22.98); Somerset West (-34.05, 18.83); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); Tokai Forest (-34.05, 18.27). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 20. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton(1), citrus (1), avocado (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa and Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 58 Cyclosa oculata (Walckenaer, 1802) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Kirkwood (-33.39, 25.43). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47, 30.2). Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Mpumalanga: Hectorspruit (-25.43, 31.68); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96); Schagen (-25.43, 30.8); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1). Known distribution: Cosmopolitan. Conservation status: endemicity: 0; abundance: 1 [1]. Taxonomic status: 1. Cyphalonotus larvatus (Simon, 1881) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Lake St. Lucia (-28, 32.48); Gingindlovu (-29.02, 31.59); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Phinda Game Reserve (-27.72, 32.38); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (27.35, 31.61); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Entabeni Nature Reserve (-22.10, 30.26); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Maasstroom (-22.75, 28.43); Makalali Nature Reserve (24.34, 30.93); Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pafuri Camp (-22.42, 30.91); Tshulu (Venda) (-22.58, 30.81); Venetia Limpopo Valley Reserve (-22.32, 29.33); Roodewal Forest (-23.0211, 30.0326). Mpumalanga: Glenwood (-25.48, 30.92); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). North West: Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (-25.25, 27.08); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18); Weltevrede farm nr Vryburg (-27.41, 24.51). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 19. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1), macadamia (1). Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa, Zanzibar*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 59 Cyphalonotus larvatus (continued) Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alexandria (-33.65, 26.4); Bathurst (-33.5, 26.84); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); King William's Town (-32.88, 27.39); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.9); Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5). Free State: Amanzi Private Game Reserve (-28.62, 26.68); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (Clocolan) (-28.8, 27.65); Wepener (-29.73, 27.03). Gauteng: Baviaanspoort (-25.67, 28.37); Irene (-25.87, 28.22); Kempton Park (-26.09, 28.23); Onderstepoort (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/ Tshwane(-25.74, 28.19); Pyramid (-25.35, 28.37); Randburg (-26.07, 27.92); Rietvleidam Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Wonderboom Nature Reserve (-25.69, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Amanzimtoti (-30.04, 30.88); Estcourt (-29, 29.87); Giant's Castle Nature Reserve (-29.23, 29.48); Hluhluwe (-28.02, 32.28); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76); Jozini (-27.42, 32.07); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Sungulwane Game Reserve (-28.87, 31.18); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Alma (-24.49, 28.07); Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); De Hoek Forest Reserve (-23.82, 30.16); Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Diphuti (-24.38, 30.66); between Warmbath/Thabazimbi (Farm Elandsberg) (-24.73, 27.72); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Londolozi Game Reserve (-24.86, 31.53); Maasstroom (-22.75, 28.43); Nylstroom/ Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pafuri Camp (-22.42, 30.91); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Rochdale farm (-22.54, 29.41); Thabazimbi (-24.6, 27.38); Vaalwater (-24.29, 28.11); Warmbaths/Bela-Bela (-24.88, 28.29); Welgevonden Nature Reserve (-24.39, 27.78). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04); Groblersdal (-25.16, 29.39); Hectorspruit (-25.43, 31.68); Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.97); Louw's Creek (-25.79, 31.04); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96); Sabie (-25.1, 30.78). North West: Barberspan (-26.62, 25.58); Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Brits (-25.62, 27.77); Hartbeespoortdam (-25.73, 27.85); Leeudoringstad (-27.23, 26.23); Makwassie (-27.3, 25.99); Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (-25.25, 27.08); Rustenburg (-25.65, 27.22); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (25.72, 27.18); Zeerust (-25.53, 26.08). Northern Cape: Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (Urikaruus Camp) (-25.78, 20.39). Western Cape: Anysberg Nature Reserve (-33.53, 20.76); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Fish Hoek, Peer Hill (-34.05, 18.35); Hermanus (-34.4, 19.25); Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (-23.67, 28.38); Kommetjie (-34.16, 18.34); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Robberg Nature Reserve (-34, 23); Sedgefield (-34.03, 22.81); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); Tsitsikamma National Park (-33.98, 23.52). Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 60 Cyrtophora citricola (continued) Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB, SKB,TB. Records from protected areas: 27. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. Gasteracantha falcicornis Butler, 1873 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Fanie’s Island (-28.1, 32.45), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76), Lake Sibaya (-27.35, 32.7); Jozini (-27.42, 32.07); Ngoye Forest (-28.88,31.38); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Mpumalanga: Avoca (-25.68, 31.17); Komatipoort (-25.43, 31.94). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zanzibar. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 61 Gasteracantha milvoides Butler, 1873 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Fish River (-33.6, 26.85). KwaZulu-Natal: Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Enseleni Nature Reserve (-28.68, 32.05); Entumeni Nature Reserve (-28.88, 31.29); Eshowe (-28.89, 31.47); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); iSimangaliso Wetland Parks: Cape Vidal (-28.16, 32.56), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76), St. Lucia (-28.36, 32.41); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Nyala Game Reserve (-28.72, 31.88); Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Valley Bush (-28, 32); Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (-30.27, 30.57). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Ratombo Forest (-23.06, 30.17). Mpumalanga: Malelane (-25.49, 31.5); Burgers Hall (-25.08, 31.06). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 16. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Central African Republic, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. Gasteracantha sanguinolenta C.L. Koch, 1844 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Addo Elephant National Park (-33.32, 25.72); Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Cintsa (-32.83, 28.06); Grahamstown (Kowa) (-33.3, 26.52). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Glen Bush, Richmond (-29.86, 30.26); Noodsberg (-29.37, 30.73); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Port Edward (-31.04, 30.21); Ubombo (-27.56, 32.08). Limpopo: Alma (-24.49, 28.07); Kampersrus (-24.48, 30.83); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.9, 28.73); Roodewal Forest (-23.02, 30.03). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04); Goedehoop Forest (-25.02, 30.39); Wagon Drift (-25.11, 30.49). North West: Brits (-25.62, 27.77). Western Cape: Bergvliet (-34.03, 18.63); Hangklip, Pringle Bay (-34.34, 18.83). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 62 Gasteracantha sanguinolenta (continued) Gasteracantha versicolor (Walckenaer, 1842) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Port Shepstone (-30.74, 30.44); Umtamvuna Nature Reserve (-31.06, 30.17). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02). Mpumalanga: Farm Amo 259 (-25.63, 31.47); Mariepskop (-24.58, 30.87); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). Western Cape: Table Mountain National Park: Newlands Forest (-33.91, 18.42). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 2. Gastroxya benoiti Emerit, 1973 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01). Eastern Cape: Port St. Johns, Mouth of the Umgazi (-31.63, 29.53)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on next page 63 FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) Gastroxya benoiti (continued) Gea infuscata Tullgren, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jeffrey's Bay (-34.04, 24.94); Kei River Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Keurkloof (Baviaanskloof) (Farm Ferndale) (-33.68, 24.83); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Mpumalanga: Sabi River Banks (-24.98, 31.58). Western Cape: Fisherhaven, Hermanus (-34.47, 19.27). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Angola, Botswana, South Africa, Sudan. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Gea transversovittata Tullgren, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Mpumalanga: Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31.00). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 64 Gea transversovittata (continued) Hypsacantha crucimaculata (Dahl, 1914) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Mkuzi Game Reserve) (-27.63, 32.25); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). North West: Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (-25.25, 27.08). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Central African Republic, Congo Republic, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Hypsosinga lithyphantoides Caporiacco, 1947 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.92, 27.58); Oranjeville (-26.99, 28.2); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Sodwana Bay National Park) (-27.4, 32.76). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02): Pafuri Camp (-22.42, 30.91); Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.97). Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 65 Hypsosinga lithyphantoides (continued) Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 9. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Kenya, South Africa, Uganda*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ideocaira transversa Simon, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Natal*. Eastern Cape: Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Mkambathi Nature Reserve (-31.27, 30.02); Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.89); Tsitsikamma National Park (Storms River Mouth) (-33.98, 23.83). KwaZulu-Natal: Phinda Game Reserve (-27.72, 32.38). Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 66 Ideocaira triquetra Simon, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mzimhlava River Mouth (-31.37, 29.58); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*. Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Isoxya cicatricosa (C.L. Koch, 1844) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alexandria (-33.65, 26.4); Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08); Bathurst (-33.5, 26.84); Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Dunbrody (-33.47, 25.55); Fort Brown Kudu Reserve (-33.13, 26.62); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Hamburg (-33.29, 27.46); Jansenville (-32.93, 24.67); Kasouga (-33.63, 2643); Kenton-on-Sea (-33.68, 26.67); King William's Town (-32.88, 27.39); Kowie (-33.45, 26.7); Pearston (-32.59, 25.15); East London (-33.01, 27.9); Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.89). Redhouse (-33.82, 25.55). KwaZulu-Natal: Botha's Hill (-29.7, 30.72); Champagne Castle Hotel (-29.06, 29.41); Champagne Castle (-29.08, 29.35); Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Estcourt (-29.00, 29.87); Mariannhill (-29.86, 30.83); Pietermaritzburg (-29.60, 30.38); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Pongola, (Farm Vergeval)(-27.35, 31.61); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47, 30.2). Limpopo: Naboomspruit (-24.52, 28.7). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04). Northern Cape: Nieuwoudtville (-31.37, 19.11). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44); Hermanus (-34.4, 19.25); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): FoB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa, Ethiopia*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 67 Isoxya mucronata (Walckenaer, 1842) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Howick (-29.47, 30.20); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Umgeni River (-29.26, 30.32). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 2. Isoxya stuhlmanni (Bösenberg & Lenz, 1885) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Qachas Nek (-30.12, 28.68); Port St. Johns, Nxo forest (-31.63, 29.53); King William's Town (-32.88, 27.39); Pirie Forest (-32.72, 27.24); Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.89). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22). KwaZulu-Natal: Eshowe (-28.89, 31.47); Dlinza Forest near Eshowe (-28.89, 31.45); Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Umfolozi Nature Reserve (-28.3, 31.76). Limpopo: Kruger National Park, Seekoeigat (-22.93, 31.02). Mpumalanga: Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 68 Isoxya tabulata (Thorell, 1859) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9); King William's Town (-32.88, 27.39); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61). KwaZulu-Natal: Bluff (-29.88, 31.02); Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Eshowe (-28.89, 31.47); Glenmore (-31, 30.25); Hluhluwe (-28.02, 32.28); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); Ifafa Beach (-30.45, 30.64);iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Cape Vidal (-28.16, 32.56), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Lake Sibaya (-27.35, 32.7), Lake St. Lucia (-28, 32.48), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76); Jozini (-27.42, 32.07); Lewombo Mission Station (-28, 32); Makowe (-27.96, 32.11); Margate (-30.85, 30.36); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ngoje Forest (-28.88, 31.38); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Nongoma (-27.93, 31.65); Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Port Edward (-31.04, 30.21); Port Shepstone (-30.74, 30.44); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Scottburgh (-30.28, 30.75); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Umbonambi (-28.72, 30.02); Ubombo (-27.56, 32.08); Umfolozi Nature Reserve (-28.3, 31.76); Umkomaas (-30.2, 30.8); Uvongo (-30.82, 30.39); Valley Bush (-28, 32); Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (-30.27, 30.57); Winkelspruit (-30.08, 30.83). Limpopo: Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Ellisras/ Lephalale (-23.67, 27.71); Haenertsburg (-23.94, 29.95); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Letaba (-23.82, 30.16); Ratombo Forest (-23.06, 30.17); Swadini Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Waterpoort (-22.54, 29.37). Mpumalanga: Hectorspruit (-25.43, 31.68); Komatipoort (-25.43, 31.94); Komatipoort (Farm Sommerreg, 17 km SE) (-25.53, 31.82); Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25, 31.97); Loskop Research Station (-25.17, 29.4); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29); Marloth Nature Reserve (-25.35, 31.78). North-West: Buffelspoort Research Station (-25.62, 27.77). Western Cape: Saasveld Forest Station (-33.95, 22.53). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 15. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Angola, Central African Republic, East Africa, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. Isoxya yatesi Emerit, 1973 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Umbonambi (-28.73, 30.02); Pinetown (-29.81, 30.85)*. Limpopo: Haenertsburg (-23.94, 29.95) Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4 abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 69 Isoxya yatesi (continued) Kilima decens (Blackwall, 1866) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Mkambathi Nature Reserve (-31.02, 30.23). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.92, 27.58); Fouriesburg (-28.61, 28.23); Oranjeville (-26.99, 28.2); Vredefort (-27, 27.37). Gauteng: Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (-25.8, 28.77); Johannesburg (-26.2, 28.04); Norscott Nature Reserve (-26.2, 28.04); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (Irene, Smuts House) (-25.89, 28.23); Rietvleidam Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16); Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35). KwaZulu-Natal: Kamberg Nature Reserve (-29.39, 29.67); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Kosi Bay Nature Reserve)(-26.93, 32.87); Margate (-30.85, 30.36). Limpopo: Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Vaalwater (-24.29, 28.11); Warmbaths/Bela-Bela (-24.88, 28.29). Mpumalanga: Belfast (-25.69, 30.04); Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve (-24.58, 30.82); Delmas (-26.14, 28.68); Loskop Dam Nature Reserve (-25.46, 29.23); Sabie (-25.1, 30.78); Standerton (-26.94, 29.23). North-West: Barberspan (-26.62, 25.58); Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Hartbeespoortdam (-25.73, 27.85). Northern Cape: Suffolk farm nr Hopetown (-29.58, 24.24). Western Cape: Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 12. Records from agro-ecosystems: strawberries (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 70 Larinia bifida Tullgren, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43). Western Cape: Jacobsbaai, Saldanha Bay (-33.15, 18.03); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Central African Republic, DRC, Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Larinia chloris (Audouin, 1826) Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Potgietersrus/Mokopane (-24.17, 29.00). Western Cape: Borrelfontein, 8 km W of Gouritz Mouth (-34.33, 21.85); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 71 Larinia natalensis (Grasshoff, 1971) Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Natal*. Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Larinia vara Kauri, 1950 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). KwaZuluNatal: Pietermaritzburg (Townbush) (-29.6, 30.38)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 72 Lipocrea longissima (Simon, 1881) Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8). Eastern Cape: Mkambathi Nature Reserve (-31.02, 30.23). Gauteng: Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (-25.8, 28.77). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Hluhluwe Game Reserve (-28.02, 32.28); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Mkuzi Game Reserve) (-27.63, 32.25); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ngoje Forest (-28.88, 31.38); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Mpumalanga: Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Graskop (-24.93, 30.84). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. Mahembea hewitti (Lessert, 1930) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). KwaZuluNatal: Mount Edgecombe (-29.68, 31.03); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76). North-West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Mpumalanga: Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Congo Republic*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 73 Megaraneus gabonensis (Lucas, 1858) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Lake Sibayi (-27.35, 32.70); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Angola, Cameroon, Congo Republic, Gabon*, Sierra Leone, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 2. Nemoscolus cotti Lessert, 1933 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Prentjiesberg (-31.18, 28.28). Free State: Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8). KwaZulu-Natal: Garden Castle (-29.75, 29.2);Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Northern Cape: Hopetown (Farm Suffolk)(-29.58, 24.24). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique, West Africa, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 74 Nemoscolus obscurus Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as “Transvaal”*. North-West: Hartebeespoort Experimental Farm (-25.60, 27.82); Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (-25.25, 27.08). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Nemoscolus tubicola (Simon, 1887) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52)*; Middelburg (-31.49, 24.99); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43). Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46). Northern Cape: Richtersveld Transfrontier National Park (-28.25, 17.17). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Prince Albert (-33.22, 22.03); Witsand Nature Reserve (-34.39, 20.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 75 Nemoscolus vigintipunctatus Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as “Transvaal”*. Eastern Cape: Prentjiesberg (-31.18, 28.28). Free State: Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.92, 27.58). Gauteng: Abe Bailey Nature Reserve (-26.36, 27.4); Centurion (Irene, Smuts House) (-25.89, 28.23). KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Lake Sibaya) (-27.35, 32.70). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Western Cape: Beaufort West (Farm Katdoornkuil) (-32.42, 22.47). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Nemospiza conspicillata Simon, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Transvaal*. Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 76 Neoscona alberti (Strand, 1913) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Giant's Castle Nature Reserve (-29.23, 29.48); Drakensberg (Injasuti) (-29,18, 29.42). Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52). Habitat (biomes): GB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona angulatula (Schenkel, 1937) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Aldabra & Assumption, Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. AMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 77 Neoscona blondeli (Simon, 1885) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alexandria (-33.65, 26.4); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.9); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Kwandwe Private Game Reserve (-33.09, 26.57); Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Bloemfontein (Farm Deelfontein) (-30.98, 23.81); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8); Ficksburg (-28.86, 27.86); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.8, 27.65); Wepener (-29.73, 27.03). Gauteng: Hekpoort (-25.9, 27.61); Melville Koppies (-26.17, 27.99); Poortview, Roodepoort (-26.15, 27.89); Pretoria/Tshwane following localities: Villieria (-25.71, 28.23), Wonderboom (-25.68, 28.2), Rietondale Research Station (-25.73, 28.23); Randburg (-26.07, 27.92); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Van Riebeeck Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16);.KwaZulu-Natal: Amanzimtoti (-30.04, 30.88); Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Giant's Cup Wilderness Reserve (Farm Goschen) (-29.97, 29.46); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27), Hell’s Gate (-28, 32.48), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Lake Sibayi (-27.35, 32.7), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76), St. Lucia (-28.36, 32.41), Mapelane Nature Reserve (-28.39, 32.42), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Hillcrest (-29.77, 30.72); Hluhluwe (-28.02, 32.28); Illovo Beach (-30.12, 30.85); Jozini (-27.42, 32.07); Margate (-30.85, 30.36); Mount Edgecombe (-29.68, 31.03); Mtubatuba (-28.4, 32.18); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26); Port Edward (-31.04, 30.21); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Shakaskraal (-29.41, 31.26); Scottsville (-29.61, 30.40); St Michael's on Sea (-30.82, 30.38); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Umfolozi Nature Reserve (-28.3, 31.76); Umgeni River (-29.26, 30.32); Umkomaas (-30.2, 30.8); Vryheid Nature Reserve (-27.75, 30.79). Limpopo: Alma (-24.49, 28.07); Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Lekgalameetsi Nature Reserve (-23.82, 30.16); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Nylstroom/ Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pafuri Camp (-22.42, 30.91); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Potgietersrus/ Mokopane (-24.17, 29.00); Swadini Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Tshulu (Venda) (-22.58, 30.81); Springbok Flats: Tuinplaas (-24.9, 28.73); Tzaneen (-23.82, 30.16); Vaalwater (-24.29, 28.11). Mpumalanga: Bourke's Luck (-25.09, 30.46); Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Dullstroom (-25.42, 30.1); Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.97); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Middelburg (-25.76, 29.46); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96); Noordkaap (-25.66, 31.07); Ohrigstad (-24.74, 30.58); Pilgrims Rest (-24.89, 30.75). North West: Barberspan (-26.62, 25.58); Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Brits (25.62, 27.77); Buffelspoort Research Station (-25.62, 27.77); Swartruggens (Farm Olivenkloof) (-25.54, 26.52); Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (-25.25, 27.08); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Northern Cape: Hopetown (Farm Suffolk) (-29.58, 24.24). Western Cape: Brackenfeld Nature Reserve (-33.9, 18.72); Durbanville (-33.83, 18.66); Grootvadersbos (-26.5, 28.36); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 29. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (2 ), citrus (2), cotton (2), macadamia (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 78 Neoscona chiarinii (Pavesi, 1883) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal:Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Mpumalanga: Dullstroom (-25.42, 30.1). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Burundi, Cameroun, DRC, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe Uganda. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona hirta (C.L. Koch, 1844) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); King William's Town (Pirie Forest) (-32.88, 27.39); Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52).Gauteng: Johannesburg (-26.20, 28.04); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Mpumalanga: Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Ohrigstad (-24.74, 30.58). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (-33.99, 18.43); Waenhuiskrans (-34.66, 20.23); Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85); Wellington (-33.65, 19). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, DRC, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 79 Neoscona kivuensis Grasshoff, 1986 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona moreli (Vinson, 1863) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9); Fort Brown Kudu Reserve (-33.13, 26.62); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Fort Grey Nature Reserve (-33.19, 27.12); Mkambati Nature Reserve (-31.32, 29.97); Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.89); Port Elizabeth (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.9). Free State: Clarens (Farm Addullam) (-28.51, 28.43); Clocolan (Mpetsane Conservation Estate) (-28.92, 27.58); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8); Fouriesburg (Mooifontein) (-28.61, 28.23); Golden Gate Nature Reserve (-28.5, 28.62); Ventersburg (-28.08, 27.14). Gauteng: Bon Accord (-25.62, 28.2); Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74); Centurion (Irene) (-25.85, 28.16); Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (-25.8, 28.77); Johannesburg (-26.2, 28.04); Kempton Park (-26.09, 28.23); Modderfontein (-26.08, 28.17); Moloto (-25.46, 28.63); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.73, 28.23); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35); Van Riebeeck Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Giant's Castle Nature Reserve (-29.23, 29.48); Giant's Cup Wilderness Reserve (Farm Goschen) (-29.97, 29.46); Hluhluwe (-28.02, 32.28); Loteni Nature Reserve (-29.47, 29.52); Ngoje Forest (-28.88, 31.38); Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Pongola (Farm Vergeval)(-27.35, 31.61); Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76). Limpopo: Hoedspruit (-24.34, 30.93); Meetsa-A-Bophelo Mission Station (-24.25, 30.45); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Mpumalanga: Bourke's Luck (-25.09, 30.46); Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Delmas (Farm Rietvallei) (26.08, 28.57); Dullstroom (-25.42, 30.1); Graskop (24.93, 30.84); Groblersdal (-25.16, 29.39); Hendrina (-26.15, 29.71); ); Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.97); Loskop Dam Nature Reserve (-25.46, 29.23); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29); Middelburg (-25.76, 29.46). North West: Barberspan (-26.62, 25.58); Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Kroondal (-25.75, 27.32); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Northern Cape: Noup (-30.13, 17.2). Western Cape: Karoo National Park(-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 21. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1), cotton (1), maize (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 80 Neoscona moreli (continued) Neoscona novella (Simon, 1907) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Beaufort West, Farm 394 (-32.57, 22.99). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Bioko*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona penicillipes (Karsch, 1879) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Bathurst (-33.5, 26.84); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91). Free State: Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.92, 27.58). Gauteng: Kemptonpark (Esther Park) (-26.1, 28.2); Rietvleidam Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Mpumalanga: Mariepskop (-24.58, 30.87). North West: Swartruggens (Farm Olivenkloof (373 JP)) (-25.54, 26.52). Northern Cape: Noup (-30.13, 17.2). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 81 Neoscona penicillipes (continued) Neoscona quadrigibbosa Grasshoff, 1986 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known ditribution: Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona quincasea Roberts, 1983 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43). Gauteng: Tswaing Crater (-25.42, 28.08). KwaZulu-Natal: Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Mpumalanga: Machadodorp (-25.66, 30.26). Western Cape: Elgin (-34.16, 19.06); Fish Hoek (Peer Hill) (-34.05, 18.35); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 11. Records from agro-ecosystems: apple (1). Known distribution: Aldabra & Assumption, DRC, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 82 Neoscona quincasea (continued) Neoscona rapta (Thorell, 1899) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Kenton-on-Sea (-33.68, 26.67). Free State: Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8). Gauteng: Centurion (Irene, Smuts House) (-25.89, 28.23). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Fanie’s Gate (-28.1, 32.45), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Northern Cape: Prieska (Green Valley Nuts) (-29.68, 22.74). Mpumalanga: Machadodorp (Elandshoogte Pine Plantation) (-25.66, 30.26). Western Cape: Lebanon Forest Station (-34.14, 19.04); Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: pistachio (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 83 Neoscona rufipalpis (Lucas, 1858) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Middelburg (-31.49, 24.99). Gauteng: Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74); Centurion (-25.85, 28.16); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Waterkloof Ridge (-25.75, 28.3). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Cape Vidal) (-28.16, 32.56); Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Estcourt (-29.00, 29.87); Lake Bangazi (-27.39, 32.38); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Port Shepstone (-30.74, 30.44); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Alma (-24.49, 28.07); Hanglip Forest (-23.04, 29.91); Klein Kariba (-24.88, 28.29); Nylstroom /Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4); Rust de Winter (-25.19, 28.63); Wolkberg Nature Reserve (-23.94, 29.95). Mpumalanga: Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Burgers Hall (-25.02, 31.08); Glenwood (-29.87, 30.98); Hazyview (-25.03, 31.12); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). North West: Broederstroom (-25.78, 27.87); Rustenburg (-25.65, 27.22); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Western Cape: Bredasdorp (-34.53, 20.04); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Diepwalle Forest Station (-34.03, 23.03); Sedgefield (-34.03, 22.81). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (2), citrus (3), cotton(1), macadamia (1). Known distribution: Botswana, Cameroon, Cape Verdi, South Africa, St Helena, Tanzania, Togo, Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona subfusca (C.L.Koch, 1837) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Addo Elephant National Park (-33.32, 25.72); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.9); Fish River (-33.6, 26.85); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Kenton-on-Sea (-33.68, 26.67); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.89). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Clarens (-28.51, 28.43); Clocolan (Mpetsane Conservation Estate) (-28.92, 27.58); Edenville (Farm Lusthof) (-27.55, 27.66); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8); Ficksburg (-28.86, 27.86); Fouriesburg (-28.61, 28.23); Golden Gate Nature Reserve (-28.5, 28.62); Harrismith (-28.27, 29.13); Oranjeville (-26.99, 28.2); Soetdoring Nature Reserve (-29.05, 26.21); Sterkfontein Dam Nature Reserve (-28.48, 29.01); Tussen die Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.47, 25.19); Wepener (-29.73, 27.03). Gauteng: Abe Bailey Nature Reserve (-26.36, 27.4); Centurion (-25.85, 28.16); Centurion (Irene) (-25.87, 28.22); Diepsloot 388JR (-25.93, 28.02); Hekpoort (-25.9, 27.61); Johannesburg (-26.2, 28.04); Kempton Park (-26.09, 28.23); Krugersdorp/ Mogale (-26.09, 27.78); Magaliesburg (-25.99, 27.54); Midrand (-25.95, 28.14); Modderfontein (-26.08, 28.17); Norscott Nature Reserve (-26.2, 28.04); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Randfontein (-26.17, 27.7); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.73, 28.23); Pretoria/Tshwane (Capital Park) (-25.72, 28.19); Randburg (-26.07, 27.92); Rietvleidam Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Spieskloof Nature Reserve (-26.42, 28.46); Springs (-26.25, 28.43). Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 84 Neoscona subfusca (continued) KwaZulu-Natal: Bulwer (-29.79, 29.77); Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Drakensberg Garden (-29.75, 29.25); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27), Fanie’s Gate (-28.1, 32.45), Hell’s Gate (-28, 32.48), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Giant's Castle Nature Reserve (-29.23, 29.48); Giant's Cup Wilderness Reserve (Farm Goschen) (-29.97, 29.46); (Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); Kamberg Nature Reserve (-29.39, 29.67); Loteni Nature Reserve (-29.47, 29.52); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Shakaskraal (-29.41, 31.26); Umhlanga Rocks (-29.73, 31.07); Victoria (-30.43, 30.5); Vryheid Nature Reserve (-27.75, 30.79). Limpopo: Bandelierkop (-23.31, 29.79); Soutpansberg (Bergpan) (-23.39, 30.94); Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Ellisras/Lephalale (-23.67, 27.71); Entabeni Forest, (-23, 30.23); between Warmbath/Thabazimbi (Farm Elandsberg) (-24.73, 27.72); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Lekgalameetsi Nature Reserve (-23.82, 30.16); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Malta Forest (-23.82, 30.16); Naboomspruit (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pafuri Camp (-22.42, 30.91); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Potgietersrus/Mokopane (-24.17, 29.00); Rust de Winter (-25.19, 28.63); Swartbos Forest (-23.53, 29.59); Tongwane (-24.22, 29.9); Tshulu (Venda) (-22.58, 30.81); Tzaneen (-23.82, 30.16); Zanzibar Border Post (-22.57, 28.45). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04); Belfast (-25.69, 30.04); Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve (-24.58, 30.82); Bourke's Luck (-25.09, 30.46); Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Burgers Hall (-25.02, 31.08); Crocodile Valley Estate (-25.47, 31.03); D.R. de Wet Forest Reserve (-25.1, 30.78); Dullstroom (-25.42, 30.1); Ermelo (-26.51, 29.98); Glenwood (-29.87, 30.98); Graskop (-24.93, 30.84); Klingbiel Nature Reserve (-25.09, 30.46); Loskop Dam Nature Reserve (-25.46, 29.23); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29); Middelburg (-25.76, 29.46); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96); Pilgrims Rest (-24.89, 30.75); Sabie (-25.1, 30.78); Waterval Boven (-25.63, 30.32). North West: Barberspan (-26.62, 25.58); Borakalalo Game Reserve (-25.14, 27.82); Buffelspoort Research Station (-25.62, 27.77); Kroondal (-25.75, 27.32); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (25.72, 27.18). Northern Cape: Augrabies National Park (-28.53, 20.29); Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (-29.48, 25.24); Klein Papkuil Farm (-28.48, 23.72); Olifantsnekdam (-25.8, 27.25); Prieska (29.68, 22.74); Suffolk Farm nr Hopetown (-29.58, 24.24). Western Cape: Bredasdorp (-34.53, 20.04); Ceres (-33.36, 19.31); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44); Elgin (-34.16, 19.06); Paarl (-33.71, 18.98); Fernkloof Nature Reserve (-34.86, 19.34); Fish Hoek (Peer Hill) (-34.05, 18.35); Gouritsmond (Borrelfontein) (-34.34, 21.87); Grootvadersbos (-26.5, 28.36); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Murraysburg (-31.96, 23.75); Saasveld Forest Station (-33.95, 22.53); Saldanha (-33.01, 17.93); Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.35, 21.67); Tygerberg Nature Reserve (-33.9, 18.65). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 47. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (2), cotton (4), citrus (3), grapefruit (1), macadamia (2). Known distribution: wide throughout the Afrotropical Region. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 85 Neoscona theisi theisiella (Tullgren, 1910) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7). Mpumalanga: Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18) Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: wide throughout the Afrotropical Region. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona triangula (Keyserling, 1864) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Addo Elephant National Park (-33.32, 25.72); Coega (-33.76, 25.65); East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.90); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Kasouga (-33.63, 26.43); Kwandwe Private Game Reserve (-33.09, 26.57); Middelburg (-31.49, 24.99); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61). Free State: Bethlehem (-28.23, 28.3); Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Deneysville (-26.87, 28.09); Ficksburg (-28.86, 27.86); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (near Clocolan) (-28.8, 27.65); Oranjeville (-26.99, 28.2); Philippolis (-30.25, 25.27); Tussen die Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.47, 25.19); Welkom (-27.97, 26.74). Gauteng: Benoni (-26.19, 28.31); Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74); Brakpan (-26.23, 28.37); Centurion (Irene) (-25.85, 28.16); Dunnottar (-26.35, 28.47); Johannesburg (-26.2, 28.04); Kempton Park (-26.09, 28.23); Maraisburg (-26.11, 27.56); Midrand (-25.95, 28.14); Onderstepoort (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.73, 28.23); Randburg (-26.07, 27.92); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Witwatersrand Botanical Gardens (-26.2, 28.04).KwaZulu-Natal: Ashburton (-29.60, 30.38); Botha Hill (-29.48 30.50); Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Giant's Cup Wilderness Reserve, farm Goschen (-29.97, 29.46); Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Lake Sibayi (-27.35, 32.7); Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pongola (Farm Vergeval), district Ngotsche (-27.35, 31.61); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Sodwana Bay National Park) (-27.4, 32.76); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: BelaBela (Highland Estate) (-24.83, 28.17); Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Hoedspruit (-24.34, 30.93); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Lekgalameetsi Nature Reserve (-23.82, 30.16); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Pietersburg/Polokwane (-23.89, 29.46); Springbok Flats: Tuinplaas (-24.56, 28.46). Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 86 Neoscona triangula (continued) Mpumalanga: Brondal (-25.35, 30.84); Ermelo (-26.51, 29.98); Komatipoort (Farm Sommerreg 17 km SE) (-25.53, 31.82); Kriel (-26.25, 29.26); Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). North West: Barberspan (-26.62, 25.58); Brits (-25.62, 27.77); Hartbeespoortdam (-25.73, 27.85); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.65, 27.22). Northern Cape: Kameeldrift (-29.38, 23.8); Kleinsee (-29.67, 17.07). Western Cape: Bellville (-33.9, 18.63); Caledon (-34.24, 19.43); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Fish Hoek (Peer Hill) (-34.05, 18.35); Hermanus (-34.4, 19.25); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Knysna (-34.03, 23.0); Murraysburg (-31.96, 23.75); Tsitsikamma National Park (-33.98, 23.52); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.35, 21.67); Worcester (-33.64, 19.47). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 21. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (2), macadamia (1), onions (1), sorghum (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Neoscona vigilans (Blackwall, 1865) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mzimhlava River Mouth (-31.37, 29.58). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane: Onderstepoort (-25.74, 28.19), Welgegund (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Greytown (-29.05, 30.60); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Kosi Bay Nature Reserve) (-26.93, 32.87); Pietermaritzburg (-29.60, 30.38); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Tugela Ferry (-28.74, 30.44). Mpumalanga: Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Piet Retief (-27, 30.79). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 87 Neoscona vigilans (continued) Paralarinia bartelsi (Lessert, 1933) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Umbilo (-29.88, 30.96)*. Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. Paraplectana thorntoni (Blackwall, 1865) Distribution in South Africa: Mpumalanga: Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). Eastern Cape: Kentani (-32.5, 28.32). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1). Known distribution: East Africa*, Ghana, Madagascar, South Africa, Tanzania. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4] Taxonomic status: 1. Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 88 Paraplectana thorntoni (continued) Paraplectana walleri (Blackwall, 1865) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mosselbaai (-34.18, 22.12); Willowvale (-32.26, 28.5). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Estcourt (-29.0, 29.87); Pongola Nature Reserve (-27.35, 31.61). Mpumalanga: Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). Western Cape: Garden Route (-33.56, 23.04). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB,SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: East Africa*, South Africa, Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3] Taxonomic status: 1. Pararaneus cyrtoscapus (Pocock, 1898) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Breakfast Vlei (-33.08, 26.95); Great Fish River Wetland Park (Farm Bucklands) ( -33.48, 27.13); Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97); Queenstown (Farm Rookwood) (-32.08, 26.59). Free State: Clocolan (Mpetsane Conservation Estate) (-28.92, 27.58). Gauteng: Rietvleidam Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16); Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (Crocodile Farm) (-26.87, 32.24); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47), Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Verulam (-29.62, 31.06). Limpopo: Balule Game Reserve (-24.29, 31); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Meetsa-A-Bophelo Mission Station (-24.25, 30.45); Pietersburg/Polokwane (-23.89, 29.46); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Tzaneen (-23.82, 30.16). Mpumalanga: Burgers Hall (-25.02, 31.08); Graskop (-24.93, 30.84); Kranspoort, near Loskopdam (-25.42, 29.43); Kruger National Park (Satara Camp) (-24.38, 31.78); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). North West: Pilanesberg Nature Reserve (-25.25, 27.08); Vryburg (Farm Weltevrede) (-27.41, 24.51). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Continued on next page FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 89 Pararaneus cyrtoscapus (continued) Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 13. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (1); citrus (2). Known distribution: Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Socotra, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. Pararaneus spectator (Karsch, 1886) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Port St. Johns (-31.63, 29.53). Free State: Edenville (Farm Lusthof) (-27.55, 27.66). Gauteng: Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74); Halfway House (-25.99, 28.13); Hekpoort (-25.9, 27.61); Johannesburg (-26.2, 28.04); Kloofendal Nature Reserve (-26.14, 27.86); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.74, 28.19); Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Wonderboom Nature Reserve (-25.69, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Kamberg Nature Reserve (-29.39, 29.67); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Thabazimbi (-24.6, 27.38). Mpumalanga: Bethal (-26.44, 29.46). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: strawberries (1), maize (1). Known distribution: Ethiopia, Socotra, South Africa, Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 90 Poltys furcifer Simon, 1881 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52). Gauteng: Pretoria/ Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32); Medikwe Heritage Site (-22.99, 29.61); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67). Mpumalanga: Schagen (-25.43, 30.8); Bourke's Luck (-25.09, 30.46). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Zanzibar*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Prasonica albolimbata Simon, 1895 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). KwaZuluNatal: Shakaskraal (-29.41, 31.26); La Mercy (-29.63, 31.13); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Pafuri Camp (-22.42, 30.91). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Congo Republic, Madagascar, South Africa, Yemen. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 91 Prasonica seriata Simon, 1895 Distribution in South Africa: North West: Buffelspoort Research Station (-25.62, 27.77). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Madagascar, Malawi, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Pycnacantha tribulus (Fabricius, 1781) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); King William's Town (-32.88, 27.39); Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); Fish River (-33.6, 26.85). Free State: Bloemfontein (Farm Deelhoek) (-28.9, 26.12); Clocolan (Mpetsane Conservation Estate) (-28.8, 27.65). Gauteng: Carletonville (-26.36, 27.4); Midrand (-25.95, 28.14); Pretoria/ Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.73, 28.23); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (-27.59, 27.53). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban ( -29.85, 31.01); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Hluhluwe (-28.02, 32.28); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); La Mercy (-29.63, 31.13); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Mkuzi Game Reserve) (-27.63, 32.25); Pinetown (-29.81, 30.85); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Naboomspruit (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Potgietersrus/ Mokopane (-24.17, 29). Mpumalanga: Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46). North West: Dikhololo Nature Reserve (-25.5, 27.78); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 10. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) 92 Singa albodorsata Kauri, 1950 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97). KwaZuluNatal: Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park (Pretoriuskop (-25.15, 31.2)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Singa lawrencei (Lessert, 1930) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). KwaZuluNatal: Loteni Nature Reserve (-29.47, 29.52); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Nylstroom/Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Congo Republic, South Africa, Uganda. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ARANEIDAE (CONTINUED) Singafrotypa mandela Kuntner & Hormiga, 2002 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ursa turbinata Simon, 1895 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 93 7. FAMILY ARCHAEIDAE The Archaeidae are very strange spiders first recorded as fossils in Baltic amber in 1854. Two gerena and 12 species are known from South Africa with 11 being endemics. • Common name: long-necked spiders. • Life style: archaeids are free-living wandering spiders commonly found in forests. • Body size: small to medium-sized (3-7 mm). • Diagnostic characters: colour: varies from reddish brown to yellowish brown; carapace: with cephalic region greatly elevated above thoracic region (height varies between genera); rounded and ornamented with small, flattened, granular tubercles, each provided with a short, thick seata; anterior margin sloping steeply; fangs short; eyes: eight eyes in two rows; subequal in size; lateral eyes contiguous, anterior median eyes large and dark, rest smaller and paler; abdomen: subglobular, soft with sclerotized patches; legs: long and slenderthree claws on short, distinct, sclerotized onychium; without spines, smooth or with plumose appressed setae; leg I longest, III shortest; fenitalia three claws on short, distinct, sclerotized onychium; genitalia: haplogyne; female genitalia with secretory plate anteriorly and a single median membranous sac posteriorly; male palp with cymbium small, distal portion with process parallel to embolus; embolus conspicuous; varies from tubular to spiniform or filiform. • Web/retreat: none. • Habitat: Species recorded from the Forest, Grassland, Savanna and Thicket Biome. • Behaviour: They prey mainly on other spiders and the female attach the egg sac to her hind leg. • 94 Taxonomic note: family was recently revised. References: LOTZ L.N. 1996. Afrotropical Archaeidae (Araneae): 1. New species of Afrarchaea godfreyi (Hewitt, 1919) with notes on Afrarchaea. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum, Bloemfontein 12: 141-160. • LOTZ, L. N., 2003. Afrotropical Archaeidae: 2 new species of the genera Archaea and Afrarchaea (Arachnida: Araneae). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 19: 221-240. LOTZ, L. N. 2006. Afrotropical Archaeidae: 3. The female of Eriauchenius cornutus and new species of Afrarchaea (Arachnida: Araneae) from South Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum Bloemfontein 22: 113–127. FAMILY ARCHAEIDAE (CONTINUED) 95 Afrarchaea bergae Lotz, 1996 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Entabeni Forest Reserve (-23.00, 30.23). Mpumalanga: Bergvliet Forest Station, Sabie (-25.10, 30.78); Crocodile River Bridge near Nelspruit (-25.27, 34.58); Kruger National Park (Mununga kop near Pretorius kop) (-25.10, 31.16); Mariepskop (-24.58, 30.87); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96); Ohrigstad (-24.74, 30.58). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3 Afrarchaea entabeniensis Lotz, 2003 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Entabeni Forest Reserve (-22.99, 30.26)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARCHAEIDAE (CONTINUED) 96 Afrarchaea fernkloofensis Lotz, 1996 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Fernkloof, Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3 . Afrarchaea godfreyi (Hewitt, 1919) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Tsolo, Somerville (-31.3, 28.74)*; Dwesa Forest (-32.27, 28.87). KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Ngotsche Forest (Cascades Farm) (-28.88, 31.47); Ngotsche Forest (W Eshowe) (-28.53, 31.28); Gwaliweni Forest near Ingwavuma (-27,38, 32.05); Pongola Bush Reserve (-27.35, 31.61); Sani Pass (-29.62, 29.37); Ramsgate (-30.88, 30.34); Trafalgar (-30.25, 30.30). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Madagascar*, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARCHAEIDAE (CONTINUED) Afrarchaea haddadi Lotz, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Komga, Kei Mouth (-32.58, 27.90)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afrarchaea harveyi Lotz, 2003 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Champagne Castle Hotel, Drakensberg Mountains (-29.08, 29.35)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. 97 FAMILY ARCHAEIDAE (CONTINUED) Afrarchaea kranskopensis Lotz, 1996 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Kranskop (-28.97, 30.86)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afrarchaea lawrencei Lotz, 1996 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Trafalgar (-30.25, 30.30)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. 98 FAMILY ARCHAEIDAE (CONTINUED) 99 Afrarchaea ngomensis Lotz, 1996 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45)*. Mpumalanga: Graskop, Fairy Forest (-24.93, 30.48). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Record from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afrarchaea royalensis Lotz, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Bergville, Royal Natal National Park (-28.44, 28.55)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ARCHAEIDAE (CONTINUED) 100 Afrarchaea woodae Lotz, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Komga, Kei Mouth (-32.27, 28.87)*; Cwebe Nature Reserve, The Haven (-32.14, 28.55). Habitat (biomes): FoB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Eriauchenius cornutus (Lotz, 2003) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (-30.27, 30.57)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3 8. FAMILY ATYPIDAE The Atypidae are represented by three genera known only from Africa and countries in the East. One genus and two species are known from South Africa both endemics. • Common name: purse-web spiders. • Body size: medium-sized to large (9-30 mm). • Diagnostic characters: colour: carapace testaceous with darker stains on cephalic region; legs pale testaceous; abdomen; dull greyish brown to yellowish brown; carapace: glabrous; cephalic region strongly arched; fovea a deep pit; sternum with labiosternal junction a narrow groove; four pairs of sigilla; eyes: eight on a compact transverse tubercle near fovea; chelicerae dorsally expanded; rastellum absent; fangs with transverse ridges; endites on prolateral side strongly elongated; labium wider than long, without cuspules; serrula absent; legs: with three claws; leg I greatly reduced in size, especially femur of female; legs longer and more slender in males; legs without spines but with small spinules; tarsal claws raised on a common process; female palp with tibiae and tarsi flattened; abdomen: with an irregularly shaped dorsal scutum; spinnerets: six with anterior spinnerets small, widely spaced; median spinnerets truncated; posterior spinnerets with three subequal segments, apical segment finger-like. • Web/retreat: they live permanently in closed silklined burrows. • Habitat: • Behaviour: they live permanently in closed silklined burrows. The top part of the burrow is craterlike and completely sealed of with silk. The spider 101 lying on her back bite through the silk structure when prey land on it. • Taxonomic note: the family was recently revised. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A. S. 2002. Baboon and Trapdoor spiders of Southern Africa: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook series no. 13, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria. 130 pp. • HEWITT, J. 1916. Descriptions of new South African spiders. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 5: 180-213. VAN DAM, G. & ROBERTS, A. 1917. Notes on nests of some trapdoor spiders and the nest of Calommata transvaalicus Hwtt. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 5: 218-233. FAMILY ATYPIDAE (CONTINUED) 102 Calommata meridionalis (new species in press) Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8)*; Oranjeville (-26.99, 28.2); Bloemfontein National Botanical Gardens (-29.05, 26.21). Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3 Calommata transvaalica Hewitt, 1916 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam (17 m NE Pretoria) (-25.64, 28.36)*; Pretoria/ Tshwane: Derdepoort (-25.69, 28.29), Groenkloof Nature Reserve (-25.78, 28.20), Hatfield (-25.75, 28.24), Villieria (-25.71, 28.23). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Soutpansberg (-31.04, 20.04). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3 9. FAMILY BARYCHELIDAE The Barychelidae are represented by 41 genera and occur worldwide in tropical regions.was at one stage lumped with the baboon spiders Theraphosidae which they closely resemble. They have been recorded from Zimbabwe and Mozambique but no published • Common name: trapdoor baboon spiders. • Body size:medium-sized to very large (12-32 mm). • Diagnostic characters: colour: varies from yellowish grey to reddish brown or greyish black; abdomen with pale spots or patches; carapace with cephalic region sloping gently, as high in front of fovea as behind; pilosity varies from almost glabrous to uniformly hirsute; fovea transverse; sternum usually as long as wide; sigilla usually small and marginal (anterior pair indistinct); labiosternal suture a distinct groove; eyes eight arranged in two or three rows; eye tubercle distinct to low; chelicerae with rastellum usually absent but, if present, composed of weak spines; mouthparts with anterior lobe of endites small; cuspules absent or linear; labium always wider than long, cuspules usually absent ; serrula present; legs: two claws; claw tufts well developed; scopulae present on metatarsi and tarsi I and II; tibia I of male with or without spur; preening comb absent; tarsi with 4-6 clavate trichobothria (if present), confined basally on tarsi; tibiae metatarsi and tarsi with long filiform trichobothria; paired tarsal claws in males biserially dentate; leg formula usually 4123; female palp wih tarsal claws edentate but with claw tufts; abdomen oval; uniformly hirsute; spinnerets four; posterior spinnerets with apical segment short and domed. • Web/retreat: barychelids live in silk-lined burrows or retreats usually closed with a trapdoor. 103 • Behaviour: live in silk-lined burrows frequently found under stones. • Taxonomic notes: family in need of revision. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A. S. 2002. Baboon and Trapdoor spiders of Southern Africa: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook series no. 13, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria. 130 pp. • TUCKER, R.W.E. 1917. On some South African Aviculariidae (Arachnida). Families Migidae, Ctenizidae, Diplothele and Dipluridae. Annals of the South African Museum 17: 79-138. FAMILY BARYCHELIDAE (CONTINUED) 104 Cyphonisia arcturus (Tucker, 1917) Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Sprinbokvlakte: Bekendevlei (-25.01, 28.88), Roedtan (-24.6; 29.08); Kruger National Park: Shingwedzi (15 km SW) (-23.17, 31.3), Shingwedzi (20 km SE) (-23.22, 31.56), Punda Milia (-22.68, 31.01). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park: Satara 10 (-24.38, 31.78), Lwakahle 08 (-25.43, 31.75). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Zimbabwe*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Pisenor notius Simon, 1889 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Ethiopia, South Africa, Zimbabwe*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY BARYCHELIDAE (CONTINUED) 105 Sipalolasma humicola (Benoit, 1965) Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.16, 30.69); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Northern Cape: Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve (-31.45, 19.1). Habitat (biomes): SB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC, Ethiopia, Mozambique*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. 10. FAMILY CAPONIIDAE The family Caponiidae is a small family with 8 genera known from North and South America and Africa. In Southern Africa they are represented by 2 genera and 11 species of which 6 are endemics. • Common names: Caponia (orange lung-less spiders); Diploglena capensis (African two-eyed spiders). • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers); freerunning spiders; abundance: rare. • Body size: 6-13 mm (males slightly smaller). • Diagnostic characters: colour: carapace and legs orange-yellow, with only a dark spot over the eye region; abdomen uniform silky grey; carapace: oval, attenuated anteriorly, lacking a distinct fovea and striation; integument smooth and shiny; eyes: 2 (Diploglena) or 8 (Caponia); abdomen: elongate oval with light covering of dark setae; legs: short, sturdy and it lack spines, coxae and often patellae of leg I much longer than rest, legs fold over body when at rest. • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: they build a small oval retreat of transparent silk which they attach to stones and ground debris. • Habitat: they have been collected from grassland, savanna, Succulent- and Nama-Karoo, desert and forest areas. However, they seem to be more common in the drier regions. • Behaviour: caponiids are usually found on the ground under stones or in leaf litter. Very little is know about their behaviour. They are nocturnal spiders and swift runners pursuing their prey over the ground. During the day they are found in saclike retreats made under stones or other ground debris Caponia, was frequently collected in Southern Africa from areas infested with harvester termites. • 106 Taxonomic revision: family in need of revised. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & JOCQUÉ, R. 1997. African spiders: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 9, ARCPlant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria 392 pp. • PLATNICK, N.I. & JÄGER, P. 2008. On the first Asian spiders of the family Caponiidae (Araneae, Haplogynae) with notes on the African genus Diplogena. American Museum Novitates 31: 1-12 PURCELL, W.F. 1904. Descriptions of new genera and species of South African spiders. Transactions of the Southern African Philosophical Society 15: 115173. FAMILY CAPONIIDAE (CONTINUED) 107 Caponia braunsi Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08)*; Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5). Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Caponia capensis Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5); Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08). Northern Cape: Luderitz (-26.38, 15.09). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44); Mamre (-33.5, 18.45); St. Helena Bay (-32.77, 18.03); Table Mountain National Park (Devils Peak) (-33.91, 18.42)*; Malmesbury (-33.46, 18.74); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, NKB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CAPONIIDAE (CONTINUED) 108 Caponia chelifera Lessert, 1936 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Mkuzi Game Reserve) (-27.63, 32.25); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Malebogo Nature Reserve (-23.07, 28.88); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Springbok Flats: Wildskamp (24.49, 28.46), Tuinplaas (-24.56, 28.46), Roedtan (-24.6, 29.08), Bekendevlei (-24.52, 28.51). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Caponia forficifera Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Worcester, Brandvlei (-33.64, 19.47)*; Knysna (-34.03, 23.03); Swellendam (Avontuur pass) (-33.72, 23.16). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CAPONIIDAE (CONTINUED) 109 Caponia hastifera Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Dunbrody (-33.47, 25.55); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5)*; Uitenhage (-33.76, 25.39). Free State: Ficksburg (-28.86, 27.86). Habitat (biomes): GB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Caponia karrooica Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Worcester (-33.64, 19.47). Eastern Cape: Matjiesfontein (-33.24, 20.58)*; Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CAPONIIDAE (CONTINUED) 110 Caponia natalensis (O.P.-Cambridge, 1874) Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Natal*. Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Shingwedzi Camp) (-23.12, 31.43). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park: Lwakahle (-25.38, 31.72), Makhuthwanini (-25.38, 31.6), Napi (-25.37, 31.51), Randspruit (-25.28, 31.64), Renosterkoppies (-25.14, 31.84), Satara (-24.38, 31.78), Sabiepoort 11 (-25.19, 32.2), Vutome (-25.24, 32.08). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa*, Tanzania. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Caponia secunda Pocock, 1900 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CAPONIIDAE (CONTINUED) 111 Caponia simoni Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Worcester (-33.64, 19.47)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Caponia spiralifera Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.9). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.74, 28.19); Vereeniging (-26.67, 27.92). Mpumalanga: Bergvliet Forest Station (-25.1, 30.78). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.65, 27.22). Northern Cape: Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CAPONIIDAE (CONTINUED) 112 Diploglena capensis Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Anysberg Nature Reserve (-33.53, 20.76); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Jacobsbaai (-33.15, 18.03); Saldanha (-33.01, 17.93); Malmesbury (-33.46, 18.74); St. Helena Bay (-32.77, 18.03)*. Northern Cape: Concordia (-29.53, 17.94); Garies (-30.56, 17.97); Augrabies National Park (-28.53, 20.29). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. 11. FAMILY CHUMMIDAE The family Chummidae are a small family known only from South Africa where they are represented by one genus and two species. • Common name: • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers); freerunning on soil surface. • Body size: small spiders 2.5-3 mm. • Diagnostic characters: colour: carapace: flat, oval; widest at coxae II, strongly narrowed in front; cephalic area well separated by cervical groove; fovea absent; eyes: eight in two rows; chelicerae strong; sternum as long as wide, with pos-terior point protruding between coxae IV; legs: short, 4123, only one or two spines on femora or spineless; with row of four trichobothria on tarsi and one trichobothrium on metatarsi and tibiae; tarsi with short praetarsus; three tarsal; abdomen: fairly flat with well- developed structural dorsal scutum in both sexes; in front with field of stiff macrosetae with large sockets; with four central sigilla and several smaller lateral ones; colulus represented by wide field of short plumose setae; spin-nerets: six in female; male palp with complex lateral tibial apophysis; cymbium with proximal modifications; bulbus with large subtegulum; embolus short, solid, emerging on distal part of tegulum; median apophysis small, poorly sclerotized. • Web/retreat: none. • Habitat: all specimens were collected from the litter layer in shrubland of backdunes or from temperate forest. • Behaviour: during periods of inactivity the spiders sit upside-down under a dead leaf. A juvenile of Chumma inquieta kept in captivity readily accepted small Collembola (Sminthuridae). The species is appar-ently active in summer with the reproductive period in December-February and juveniles appearing from March to May. They probably pass winter in the sub-adult state. The spiders have a rapid gait not unlike that of lycosids: they run for fairly long bouts, halt shortly and run again. • Taxonomic notes: Family described by Jocqué ( 2001), known only from two species References: JOCQUÉ, R. 2001. Chummidae, a new spider family (Arachnida, Araneae) from South Africa. Journal of Zoology, London 254: 481-493. • 113 FAMILY CHUMMIDAE (CONTINUED) 114 Chumma gastroperforata Jocqué, 2001 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: George (-33.95, 22.46). Western Cape: Prince Albert (-33.22, 22.03); Diepwalle Forest Station (Van Huyssteenbos) (-34.03, 23.03); Humansdorp (Wit Els Bos) (-34.04, 24.78)*; Saasveld Forest Station (-33.95, 22.53). Habitat (biomes): FoB, NKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3. Chumma inquieta Jocqué, 2001 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Colchester (-33.68, 25.82)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. 12. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE The family Clubionidae is represented by 25 genera that occur worldwide. From South Africa 2 genera and 30 species are known of which 21 are endemics. • Life style: wanderers (plant dwellers); freerunning on grass and foliage. • Body size: 5-12 mm (males slightly smaller and legs more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: pale yellow or brown; carapace: longer than wide, fovea shallow to absent; eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4), uniform in size; abdomen: oval in males sometimes with small dorsal scutum; legs: moderately long with leg formula 4123 or 1423. • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: construct sac-like retreats in rolled up leaves, folded blades of grass or under loose bark. Use it during nonactive periods and during egg-laying and development. • Habitat: commonly found on grass and foliage in Grassland, Savanna, Nama-Karoo and Succulent Karoo Biomes. A few species are known from forests. • Behaviour: they are nocturnal free-living hunters that are fairly aggressive. They have poor vision and use their front legs to detect and grab their prey. Different types of sac-like retreats are made and used for e.g. resting when not active, to moult, mate, oviposit and hibernate in. The flattened egg cocoon is suspended inside the sac retreat with the female guarding it. • Taxonomic notes: family not yet revised. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & JOCQUÉ, R. 1997. African spiders: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 9, ARCPlant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria 392 pp. • LAWRENCE,R.F. 1952. New spiders of the eastern half of South Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum 12: 183-226. STRAND, E. 1907. Vorläufige diagnosen afrikanischer und Südamerikanischer Spinnen. Zoologischer Anzeiger 31: 525-528. 115 FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 116 Carteroniella macroclava Strand, 1907 Distribution in South Africa: type only as Kapland*. Habitat (biomes): FB?. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Clubiona abbajensis Strand, 1906 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Kei River Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Mpumalanga: Farm Glenwood (-25.48, 30.93); Nelspruit (Farm Brondal 20 km NE) (-25.35, 30.84). Western Cape: Gouritzmond (Borrelfontein 8 km W) (-34.34, 21.87); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44); Outeniqua Nature Reserve (-33.87, 22.48). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (1), macadamia (6). Known distribution: Ethiopia*, Somalia, South Africa, Uganda. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) Clubiona africana Lessert, 1921 117 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Addo Elephant National Park (-33.32, 25.72); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Qachas Nek (-30.12, 28.68). Gauteng: Centurion (Irene) (-25.85, 28.16). KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Loteni Nature Reserve (-29.47, 29.52); Monks Cowl (-29.03, 29.4); Royal Natal National Park (-28.73, 28.92). Limpopo: Rust de Winter (-25.19; 28.63). Mpumalanga: Nelspruit (various farms): Farm Brondal 20 km NE (-25.35, 30.84), Farm Glenwood (-25.48, 30.92), Halls & Son, 10 km NE (-25.47, 30.96), Schagen (15 km NW) (-25.43, 30.8), ARCITSC (-25.47, 30.96); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29). Western Cape: Anysberg Nature Reserve (-33.53, 20.76); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof)(-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): NKB, GB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (2), citrus (2), macadamia (10). Known distribution: Tanzania*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona annuligera Lessert, 1929 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: maize (1). Known distribution: DRC*, Mozambique, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 118 Clubiona aspidiphora Simon, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Komaggas ( -29.75, 17.45)*. Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona bevisi Lessert, 1923 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Clocolan (Mpetsane Conservation Estate) (-28.92, 27.58). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Umbilo (-29.88, 30.96)*. Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) Clubiona biaculeata Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona capensis Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 119 FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 120 Clubiona caplandensis Strand, 1907 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type only as “Kapland”*. Habitat (biomes): FB?. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Clubiona citricolor Lawrence, 1952 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09)*. Free State: Seekoeivlei Nature Reserve (-27.57, 29.58). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 121 Clubiona collinita Lawrence, 1952 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Drummond (-29.73, 30.73); Greytown (-29.05, 30.6); Mazongwaan Forest (-29.6, 30.38)*; Umhlali (-29.47, 31.22). Limpopo: Drummondlea (-24.31, 28.93). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 5 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona durbana Roewer, 1951 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Qachas Nek (-30.12, 28.68). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1); Howick (-29.47, 30.2); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Merrivale (-29.50, 30.23)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 122 Clubiona godfreyi Lessert, 1921 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Sovenga Hill (-23.88, 29.73). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Uganda*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona helva Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: type locality only as Natal*. Limpopo: Sovenga Hill (-23.88, 29.73). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 123 Clubiona kiboschensis Lessert, 1921 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91). Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Uganda*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona lawrencei Roewer, 1951 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64). KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Monks Cowl (-29.03, 29.4); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1); Pietermaritzburg (-29.60, 30.38)*. Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 124 Clubiona limpida Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Western Cape: Simonstown (-34.19, 18.42)*. Habitat (biomes): FB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Clubiona limpidella Strand, 1907 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Simonstown (-34.19, 18.42)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 125 Clubiona natalica Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: type only as Natal*. Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Clubiona nollothensis Simon, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Port Nolloth (-29.25, 16.87)*. Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 126 Clubiona pongolensis Lawrence, 1952 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ingwavuma (-27.12, 32.01)*; Ithala Nature Reserve (-27.51, 31.23); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Roodepoort (Lindhaven) (-26.14, 27.86). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona pupillaris Lawrence, 1938 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Addo Elephant National Park (-25.47, 30.96); Coffee Bay (-31.97, 29.14); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.9); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Kei River Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.73, 28.23). KwaZulu-Natal: Bluff (-29.88, 31.02)*; Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Mpumalanga: Burgers Hall (-25.02, 31.08); Crocodile Valley Estate (-25.47, 31.03); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). Habitat (biome): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (2). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 127 Clubiona revillioidi Lessert, 1936 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64). KwaZulu-Natal: Gollel (-27.3, 31.91); Umhlali (-29.47, 31.22). Limpopo: Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1). Known distribution: Mozambique*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona rumpiana Lawrence, 1952 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Dargle (-29.54, 29.97)*; iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Hell’s Gate) (-28, 32.48); Umhlali (-29.47, 31.22). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records fro protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 128 Clubiona sigillata Lawrence, 1952 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Coffee Bay (-31.97, 29.14); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.9); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43). KwaZuluNatal: Pietermaritzburg (Otto’s Bluff) (-29.6, 30.38)*; Umgababa (-30.14, 30.84)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona sparassella Strand, 1909 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Kapland*. Limpopo: Nylstroom/Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4). Habitat (biomes): FB?, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 129 Clubiona subtrivialis Strand, 1906 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45). Limpopo: Nylstroom/Modimolle (-24.69, 28.4). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Cameroon*, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona umbilensis Lessert, 1923 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Umbilo (-29.88, 30.96)*. Western Cape: Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CLUBIONIDAE (CONTINUED) 130 Clubiona vachoni Lawrence, 1952 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Champagne Castle (-29.08, 29.35)*; Kamberg Nature Reserve (-29.39, 29.67); Monks Cowl (-29.03, 29.4); Royal Natal National Park (-28.73, 28.92). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Clubiona valens Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Champagne Castle (-29.08, 29.35); Durban (-29.85, 31.01)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. 13. FAMILY CORINNIDAE changes. While walking the abdomen moves up and down and the front legs are held up to mimic the antennae of ants. Graptartia granulosa has white spots on the abdomen and with that mimics the wingless females of mutillid wasps. Copa species are frequently confused with wolf spider in being very similar in size, colour and body pattern. Members of the Trachelinae live in silk retreats spun in rolled leaves or under bark or debris on the soil surface. Trachelas is found in dry, hot areas as well as dry and wet forested areas. They move slowly and resemble the spider family Palpimanidae. Most species of Corinnidae spin a round cocoon of dense white threads to deposit their eggs in. Their egg cocoons are shiny and diskshaped and they attach it to the substrate. The Corinnidae is a fairly large cosmopolitan family. The number of genera and species in South Africa have increased the last few years and presently 25 genera from 77 species of which 44 are endemics. • Common names: Corinnidae (dark sac spiders); Castianeirinae (ant-like sac spiders). • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers); freerunning spiders, frequently found in forests. • Body size: 3-10 mm (males slightly smaller with legs more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: some species are dark to metallic (Castianeirinae) while others are dark to yellowish-brown (Corinninae) or they have shiny red to red-brown carapaces and pale abdomens (Trachelinae); carapace: ovoid in dorsal view and sometimes elongated in the ant mimics when they are then heavily sclerotized; eyes: 8 in two rows (4:4), widely spaced or closely grouped; abdomen: ovoid or elongated in the antlike species and sometimes with scuta or transverse bands or patches of white setae; usually with recumbent feathery setae, frequently forming lines or patterns; legs: sturdy with varied setae on the front legs consisting of clusters, rows or scattered erect setae. In the ant-mimics the legs are usually long and thin. • • • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: they construct silk retreats in rolled leaves and plant debris. Habitat: they are commonly found in shady, deciduous forest in woody debris, litter or humus on the forest floor. Some of the ant-like species are more common in grassland and savanna. Behaviour: corinnids are free living ground spiders. Some members of the Castianeirinae mimic ants. Their movements are ant-like, involving rapid movement with jerky pauses and sudden direction 131 • Taxonomic notes: family is presently being revised. References: HADDAD, C. R. 2006. Spinotrachelas, a new genus of tracheline sac spiders from South Africa (Araneae: Corinnidae). African Invertebrates 47: 85–93. • HADDAD, C.R. 2007. A new species of Corinnomma (Araneae: Corinnidae) from southern and eastern Africa, with taxonomic notes on C. olivaceum and C. semiglabrum. African Invertebrates. HADDAD, C.R. 2007. A revision of the endemic South African dark sac spider genus Austrophaea (Araneae: Corinnidae). African Invertebrates 48: 47-53. HADDAD, C.R. & LYLE, R. 2008. Three new genera of tracheline sac spiders from southern Africa (Araneae: Corinnidae). African Invertebrates 49: 3776. LYLE, R. & HADDAD, C.R. 2010. A revision of the tracheline sac spider genus Cetonana Strand, 1929 in the Afrotropical Region, with descriptions of two new genera (Araneae: Corinnidae). African Invertebrates 51: 321–384 FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 132 Afroceto arca Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08); Fort Brown (-33.13, 26.62); Grahamstown, 33 Oatlands road (-33.3, 26.52); Kirkwood (Klipfontein farm) (-32.39,24.31); Dunbrody, Sundays River Valley (-33.47, 25.55). Free State: Bloemfontein (Farm Deelfontein) (-28.85, 26.12); Bloemfontein (Farm Hopefield) (-28.90, 26.23); Florisbad Research Station (-28.77, 26.07); Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Brandfort, Krugerdrif dam (-28.85, 25.89); Fauresmith (Farm Boschrand 208) (-29.75, 25.32). Gauteng: Roodepoort (Kloofendal Nature Reserve) (-26.14, 27.86); Knoppieslaagte (-25.95, 27.97)*; Marievale Nature Reserve (-26.42, 28.46). KwaZulu-Natal: Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.28), Scotsville (-29.61, 30.40). North West: Venterskroon (Thabela Thabeng Mountain) (-27.08, 28.51). Northern Cape: Benfontein Nature Reserve (-28.82, 24.82); Hanover (Farm Eierfontein) (-31.06, 24.4); Kathu (Farm Sacha) (-27.69, 23.06); Lime Acres (Farm Klien Papkuil) (-28.48, 23.72); Prieska (Green Valley Nuts Estate) (-29.68, 22.74). Western Cape: Anysberg Nature Reserve (Vrede Cottages) (-33.53, 20.76); Buffels Bay (-34.19, 18.26); Cape Town, dunes nr Khayelitsha (-33.92, 18.42); Cape Peninsula, Muizenberg (-34.1, 18.47); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.37, 20.53); Kalk Bay Mountains (-34.19, 18.42); Kommetjie (-34.16, 18.34); Le Roux River, 10 km W Cango Caves (-33.48, 22.25); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof, Die Hel) (-33.35, 21.67). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: pistachio (1). Known distribution: Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afroceto bisulca Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cape Penninsula (Bergvliet, near Diep Rivier) (-34.03, 18.63)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 133 Afroceto bulla Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afroceto capensis Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (De Hoop Vlei) (-34.45, 20.44)*; Hermanus (Petshus Park) (-34.4, 19.25); Cape Peninsula (Kalk Bay Mountain) (-34.19, 18.42). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 134 Afroceto coenosa (Simon, 1897) Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Natal*. KwaZulu-Natal: Durban, Bluff (-29.88, 31.02); Pietermaritzburg (Town Bush) (-29.57, 30.33). Mpumalanga: 11 km South East from Pilgrims Rest (-24.89, 30.75). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afroceto corcula Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Horingsgat (4km N of Leliefontein in Kamiesberg) (-30.3, 18.08)*. Western Cape: Clanwilliam (Dwars River) (-32.16, 18.89). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 135 Afroceto croeseri Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Mhlopeni Nature Reserve, 10km SE of Muden (-28.96, 30.39)*. Eastern Cape: E of Glenmore, above KwaNcukunca stream (-33.17, 26.5). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afroceto flabella Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 136 Afroceto gracilis Lyle & Haddad , 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Mpumalanga: Dullstroom (Groblers Farm) (-25.48, 30.92); Sakhelwe (-25.40, 30.08)*; Verloren Vallei Nature Reserve (-25.31, 30.12); Steenkampsberg (Roger Croall) (-25.55, 30.08). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afroceto martini (Simon, 1897) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (Fort Brown, Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve (-33.13, 26.62); Grahamstown (Dassiekranz)(-32.59, 26.92); Great Winterhoek Mountains (-33.07, 19.09)*; Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Kasouga Coastal Reserve (-33.63, 2643); Kei Mouth (-32.68, 29.37); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Mkambathi Nature Reserve (-32.27, 30.02); Port Elizabeth (Lovemore Park) (-34.01, 25.53); Rivierberg Range (Plessierivier, 43km NE Willowmore) (-33.3, 23.5); 20 km W of Grahamstown, along N2 highway (-33.3, 26.52). Free State: Golden Gate Highlands National Park (Spelonken (-28.27, 28.38); Bloemfontein (Farm Hopefield) (-29.11, 26.22); Maselspoort (29.03, 26.41); Bloemfontein, (-29.11, 26.22). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Johannesburg (Parktown North) (-26.20, 28.04); Roodeplaat Dam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (-27.59, 27.53). KwaZulu-Natal: type locality only as Natal* ; Albert Falls (29.43, 30.43); Ashburton (Farm Helenshoek) (-29.68, 30.45); Champagne Castle Hostel (-29.06, 29.41); Dukuduku Forest (-28.37, 32.23); Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Enseleni Game Reserve (-28.68, 32.05); Eshowe (-28.89, 31.47); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 30.42), Hell’s Gate (-28.022, 32.48), Charter’s Creek, Lucia Forest (-28.2, 32.43), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Ithala Game Reserve (-27.51, 31.24); Mtunzini (Farm Garland) (-28.96, 31.76); Royal Natal National Park (-28.68, 28.95); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pietermaritzburg (Town Bush) (29.57, 30.35); Pietermaritzburg (Botanical Garden) (-29.6, 30.38); Pongola River (-27.56, 32.08); 10km W Eshowe, Farm Cascades, Ngotshe Forest (-27.57, 31.5); Umhlali near Balito (-29.49, 31.24); Ubombo (-27.56, 32.08); Umbilo (-29.88, 30.96). Limpopo: Entabeni (-23, 30.23); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.90, 29.47); Tshulu Research Reserve (-22.58, 30.81). Mpumalanga: Embuleni Nature Reserve (-25.93, 30.55); Belfast (-25.69, 30.04); Bergvliet State Forest, Sabie (-25.01, 30.78); Burgershall (-25.10, 31.07); Kaapmuiden (-25.54, 31.33); Nelspruit, Lowveld National Botanical Garden (-25.10, 31.07); Nelspruit (Farm Glenwood) (-25.47, 30.96). Northern Cape: Prieska (Green Valley Nuts Estate) (-29.68, 22.74); Prieska (Farm Remhoogte) (-29.52, 23.00). Continued on next page FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 137 Afroceto martini (continued) Western Cape: Bellville (-33.90, 16.63); Betty’s Bay, Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens (-34.34, 18.94); Rondebosch (-33.97, 18.49); Table Mountain National Park: Cecilia Ridge (-33.99, 18.42), Fernwood Gully (-33.98, 18.43), Rooikat Ravine (-33.99, 18.42), Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve (-34.24, 18.41), Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens, Skeleton Gorge Forest (-33.82, 18.48), Newlands Forest (-33.91, 18.42); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.37, 20.53); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Cupido’s Kraal) (-30.42, 20.63); Fisherhaven (-34.8, 26.23); Jacobsbaai (-32.96, 17.89); Malmesburg, Rondeberg (-33.45, 18.23); Robben Island (-33.8, 18.35). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 22. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (2), macadamia (1), pistachio (2). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afroceto plana Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Free State Province: Bloemfontein (Farm Hopefield) (-29.11, 26.22); Sandveld Nature Reserve (-27.85, 25.93). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24)*. Limpopo: Springbokvlakte: Settlers (-24.95, 28.52), Tuinplaas (-24.9, 28.73). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*, Malawi. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 138 Afroceto porrecta Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Prince Albert (Farm Rosendal) (-33.22, 22.03)*. Eastern Cape: Jansenville (Farm Suurhaak) (-32.93, 24.67). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Afroceto rotunda Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Sutherland (Farm Blesfontein) (-32.39, 20.66)*. Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6 abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 139 Afroceto spicula Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve (-31.45, 19.1)*; 30km SE of Britstown (Farm De Put) (-30.58, 23.5). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5 abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Apochinomma formicaeforme Pavesi, 1881 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); Durban (Bluff) (-29.88, 31.02); Empangeni (-28.75, 31.90); Enseleni Nature Reserve (-28.68, 32.05); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Hell’s Gate (-28.00, 32.48), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76), St Lucia (28.08, 32.42); Smith's Farm (-28.33, 32.42); La Mercy (-29.63, 31.13); Ingwavuma (Mac's Pass) (-27.13, 32.00); kwaNgwanase (Coastal Cashews ) (-27.11, 32.57); kwaNgwanase (Manguzi Forest) (-26.97, 32.73); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.88, 32.25); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.37, 31.39); Phinda Game Reserve (-27.72, 32.38); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.83, 32.08); Tembe Elephant Park (-27.07, 32.45). Limpopo: Tzaneen (-23.82, 30.16). Mpumalanga: Burger’s Hall (-25.10, 31.07); Shabenikop (-25.08, 31.27). North West: Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.65, 27.22). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 12. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (2). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1 FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 140 Austrophaea zebra Lawrence, 1952 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Kei Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Mzimhlava River Mouth (-31.38, 29.52); Port Shepstone (-30.72, 30.46). KwaZulu-Natal: Ashburton (-29.67, 30.45); Port Edward (Farm Blencanthra) (-31.03, 30.17); Pietermaritzburg (-29.60, 30.38); Port Edward (-31.05, 30.22); Scottburgh (-30.29, 30.75); Tongaat (-29.56, 31.12)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3. Cambalida coriacea Simon, 1909 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.90); Great Fish River Reserve, near Selbourne (-26.65, 33.13); Kei Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); St. Francis Bay (-34.16, 24.83); Sundays River Valley (-33.39, 25.43); Sterkstroom (Farm Wilgerskloof) (-31.60, 26.37). Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22); Bloemfontein (Farm Deelhoek) (-28.85, 26.12); Ladybrand (Farm De Luc) (-29.29, 27.40); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.50, 26.79); Florisbad Research Station (-28.77, 26.08); Bloemfontein (Farm Hopefield) (-28.90, 26.23); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.80, 25.72); Sandveld Nature Reserve (-27.85, 25.93); Tussen-die-Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.49, 26.18); Willem Pretorius Nature Reserve (-28.28, 27.20). Gauteng: Alice Glockner Nature Reserve (-26.74, 28.38); Krugersdorp (Hekpoort Farm) (-25.95, 27.63); Florida (-26.18, 27.91); Kloofendal Nature Reserve (-26.14, 27.86); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.75, 31.90); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.10); Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park (Hilltop Research Station) (-28.07, 32.04); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Eastern Shores Nature Reserve(-29.09, 32.16), False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27), Fanie’s Island (-28.53, 32.40), Hell’s Gate (-28.00, 32.48); Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Ithala Game Reserve (-27.51, 31.23); Mfongosi (-27.28, 32.15); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.37, 31.39); Pietermaritzburg (-29.55, 30.35); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.10); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47, 30.20); Hluhluwe (Umkhuzi Pan) (-27.67, 32.30). Limpopo: Springbok Flats (Bekendevlei) (-24.90, 28.73); Klein Kariba, near Bela-Bela (-24.88, 28.29); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Mabula Lodge, near Bela-Bela (-24.84, 27.96); Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93); Mussina (-22.34, 30.03); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Roedtan (-24.60, 29.08); Settlers (-24.95, 28.52); Tshulu (-22.58, 30.81). Continued on next page FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 141 Cambalida coriacea (continued) Mpumalanga: Acornhoek (-24.58, 31.10); Bethal (-26.44, 29.46); Delmas (Rietvallei) (-26.09, 28.57); Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.60); Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). North West: Brits (-25.62, 27.77); Buffelspoort Research Station (-25.62, 27.77); Vryburg district (Farm Weltevrede) (-27.41, 24.49). Northern Cape: Schmidtsdrift (Farm Geelkoppies) (-28.60, 24.33); Prieska (Green Valley Nuts Estate) (-29.68, 22.74); Kathu district (Pniel Farm) (-28.59, 24.53); Prieska (Farm Remhoogte) (-29.52, 23.00). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44); Fisherhaven (-34.47, 19.27); Malmesbury (Rondeberg) (-33.40, 18.30); Montagu Baths (-33.78, 20.12); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 24. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (2), cotton (1), grapefruit (1), maize (1), pistachio (2),. Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Cambalida fulvipes Simon, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.80, 25.72). Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Guinea-Bissau*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 142 Copa flavoplumosa Simon, 1885 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52); Great Fish River Reserve, near Selbourne (-26.65, 33.13); Sterkstroom (Hazelmere Country Lodge) (-31.51, 26.68); Mkambati Nature Reserve (-31.27, 30.02); Port Shepstone (-30.72, 30.46); Sundays River Valley (-33.39, 25.43). Free State: Kroonstad (Farm Doornkloof) (-27.72, 27.70); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.50, 26.81); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.80, 25.72); Sandveld Nature Reserve (-27.85, 25.93); Tussen-dieRiviere Nature Reserve (-30.49, 26.18). Gauteng: Balmoral (-26.82, 28.87); Buffelsdrift (-25.40, 28.06); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.75, 28.20); Pretoria/Tshwane, National Botanical Gardens (-25.74, 28.19); Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (-26.51, 28.23). KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Drummond (-29.75, 30.70); Empangeni (-28.75, 31.90); Enseleni Nature Reserve (-28.68, 32.05); Garden Castle (-29.75, 29.20); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27), Hell’s Gate (28.00, 32.48), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.40, 32.76); Ithala Game Reserve (-27.51, 31.23); Louwsburg (-27.54, 31.32); Mount Edgecombe (-29.68, 31.03); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Pietermaritzburg (-29.55, 30.35); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.10); Sani Pass (-29.66, 29.51); Scottburgh (-30.29, 30.75); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Mtunzini (Twin Streams Farm) (-28.95, 31.77); Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (-30.27, 23.33). Limpopo: Springbok Flats (Bekendevlei) (-24.90, 28.73); Kruger National Park (Maduringwe) (-22.58, 31.15); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.86); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.90, 29.47); Sovenga Hill (-23.88, 29.73). Mpumalanga: Dullstroon (Grobler’s Farm) (-25.48, 30.08); Nelspruit (ARC-ISTC) (-25.47, 30.96); Nelspruit (Farm Brondal) (-25.35, 30.84); Nelspruit (Hall & Son) (-25.47, 30.96); Nelspruit (Farm Glenwood) (-25.48, 30.92); Lydenburg (Farm Rodewalshoek) (-25.01, 30.31); Sakhelwe (-25.40, 30.08); Marble Hall (Schoemans Farm) (-24.96, 29.29); Hectorspruit (Vergelegen Farm) (-25.43, 31.68); Verloren Vallei Nature Reserve (-25.31, 30.12); Witbank Nature Reserve (-25.88, 29.27). North West: Hermitage Farm (-27.07, 23.68); Thabela Thabang Mountain Retreat (-26.86, 28.30). Northern Cape: Prieska (Green Valley Nuts Estate) (-29.68, 22.74); Prieska (Farm Remhoogte) (-29.52, 23.00); Kuruman (Sunnyside Farm) (-27.73, 23.61). Western Cape: Brenton-on-Sea (-34.07, 23.03); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44); Knysna (Uitzicht Annex) (-34.00, 23.33). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 24. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (2), citrus (3), cotton (1), macadamia (3), maize (1), pistachio (2). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 143 Copa lacustris Strand, 1916 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Amanzi Private Game Reserve (-28.60, 26.43); Bloemfontein (-29.13, 26.17); Bloemfontein (National Botanical Gardens) (-29.05, 26.21); Bloemfontein (Farm Deelhoek) (-28.85, 26.12); Bloemfontein (Maselspoort) (-29.03, 26.41); Bloemfontein (Farm Hopefield ) (-28.90, 26.23); Petrusburg (Farm Driekoppies) (-29.14, 25.61); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.50, 26.79); Harrismith (-28.28, 29.11); Kroonstad (Farm Koffielaagte) (-27.48, 27.47); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.80, 25.72); Sandveld Nature Reserve (-27.85, 25.93); Smithfield (-30.20, 26.53); Virginia (-28.12, 26.75); Winburg, Allemanskraal Dam (-28.27, 27.17). Gauteng: Johannesburg (Sandton) (-26.11, 28.05); Kempton Park (-26.09, 28.23); Pretoria/Tshwane: Monument Park) (-25.81, 28.24), Winternest (-25.65, 28.13); Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.75, 31.90); KwaDlangezwa (-28.75, 31.75); Illovo Beach (-30.11, 30.85); Pietermaritzburg (-29.55, 30.35). Limpopo: Bela-Bela (-24.88, 28.29); Settlers (-24.95, 28.52); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46). Mpumulanga: Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96). Northern Cape: Red Sands Country Lodge, 14km SW Kuruman (-27.51, 23.29). North West: Bloemhof (-27.65, 25.60). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Knysna (Uitzicht Annex) (-34.00, 23.33); Oudtshoorn (-33.59, 22.21); Worcester (-33.64, 19.47). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1). Known distribution: Botswana, DRC*, Kenya, Lesotho, South Africa, Zambia. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Copuetta magna Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Hell’s Gate)(-28.0, 32.48)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 144 Corinna natalis Pocock, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01)*; Dukuduku Forest (-28.37, 32.23); Ifafa Beach (-30.45, 30.64); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Cape Vidal (-28.16, 32.56), Hell’s Gate (-27.58, 32.67); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Umhlatuze River mouth (-28.81, 31.94). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Mpumulanga: Crocodile River Gorge (-25.53, 31.22); Lowveld National Botanical Gardens (-25.47, 31.00). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Corinnomma lawrencei Haddad, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Pafuri) (-22.33, 31.17); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique*, South Africa, Tanzania. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 145 Corinnomma semiglabrum (Simon, 1896) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Buffelsdrift (-25.40, 28.06); Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (-25.80, 28.77); Florida (-26.20, 28.04). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.70, 31.90); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Hell’s Gate (-28.00, 32.48), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.97, 32.73), Lake Sibaya (-27.33, 32.70); Levombo Mission Station (-28.00, 32.00); Middeldrif (-29.17, 31.08); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Gunfontein (-24.00, 28.00); Klein Kariba, near Bela-Bela (-24.88, 28.29); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Mabula Lodge, near BelaBela (-24.84, 27.96); Makapan (-24.15, 29.18)*; Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Settlers (-24.95, 28.52); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46); Wolkberg Nature Reserve (-23.94, 29.95). Mpumulanga: Nelspruit (-25.47, 30.96); Sudwala Caves (-25.33, 30.67). North West: Hartebeespoort (-25.75, 27.85); Hartebeespoort Dam, Crocodile River (-25.73, 27.85); Rustenburg (-25.65, 27.22); Silkaatsnek Nature Reserve (-25.70, 27.88); Vryburg (Farm Weltevrede) (-27.44, 24.50). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 9. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa*, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Fuchiba aquilonia Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Phinda Game Reserve (-27.72, 32.38). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45)*; Nylstroom/ Modimolle (Farm Leeudorings) (-24.69, 28.40); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.86); Makalali Private Game Reserve (-24.16, 30.69); Springbok Flats: Settlers (-24.90, 28.73), Bekendevlei (-24.52, 28.52), Tuinplaas (-24.56, 28.56). Mpumalanga: Klaserie (Guernsey Farm) (-24.55, 31.02); Kruger National Park: Satara (-24.38, 31.78), Skukuza (-25.00, 31.97); Nelspruit (Schoemans Boerdery) (-24.96, 29.29). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (2). Known distribution: Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 146 Fuchiba capensis Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81). Western Cape: Bergvliet (-34.03, 18.63); Cape Peninsula (Kalk Bay Mountain) (-34.27, 18.43); De Hoop Nature Reserve: Bitou (-34.45, 20.40), Cupido’s Kraal (-30.42, 20.63), Lekkerwater Road (-34.40, 20.55)*, Potberg (-34.37, 20.53); Fisherhaven (-34.47, 19.13); Heidelberg (-34.08, 20.95); Marloth Nature Reserve (-34.25, 20.57); Table Mountain National Park: Cecilia Ridge (-33.99, 18.42), Orange Kloof (-34.00, 18.24), Newlands Forest (-33.91, 18.42), Platteklip Gorge (-33.95, 18.42). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, NKB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 1 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. Fuchiba montana Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cederberg, between Clanwilliam and Packhuis (-32.15, 18.95). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Lesotho*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) Fuchiba similis Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Fuchiba tortilis Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Farm Ulster, near Fort Brown (-33.13, 26.62)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. 147 FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 148 Fuchiba venteri Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Jacobsbaai (-32.96, 17.89)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Fuchibotulus bicornis Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Bergvliet (-34.03, 18.63); Table Mountain National Park (Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, Olifantsbos) (-34.24, 18.41); De Hoop Nature Reserve : Bitou (-34.45, 20.40), Koppie Alleen (-34.48, 20.51)*; Fisherhaven (-34.47, 19.13); Hermanus (Vermont) (-34.40, 19.25). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 149 Fuchibotulus kigelia Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Amanzi Private Game Reserve (-28.60, 26.43); Bloemfontein (Wolfkop) (-29.13, 26.07); Kroonstad (Doornkloof Farm) (-27.72, 27.70); 2km W of Deallesville (-28.66, 25.73); Tussen-die-Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.49, 26.18). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (Wapadrand) (25.74, 28.19); Ruimsig Entomological Reserve (-26.08, 27.89). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Limpopo: Klaserie (Guernsey Farm) (-24.55, 31.02)*. Northern Cape: Benfontein Nature Reserve (-28.82, 24.83). North West: Rustenburg (Meyers Farm) (-25.73, 27.28). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1[3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Graptartia granulosa Simon, 1896 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Lake St. Lucia (-28.00, 32.48). Limpopo: Klein Kariba, near Bela-Bela (-24.88, 28.29); Kruger National Park: Nyandu sandveld (-22.55, 31.30), Shingwedzi (-23.12, 31.43); Lapalala Wilderness Area (-23.85, 28.28); Tshulu (-22.58, 30.81). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 150 Graptartia mutillica Haddad, 2004 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (Hopefield Farm) (-28.90, 26.23); Bloemfontein (Valley of Seven Dams Conservancy) (-29.11, 26.22); Bloemfontein (Deelhoek Farm) (-28.85, 26.12)*; Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.50, 26.79); Florisbad Research Station (-28.77, 26.07); Smithfield (-30.21, 26.53); Tussen-die-Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.49, 26.18); Oranjeville (-26.99, 28.26); Willem Pretorius Nature Reserve (-28.28, 27.20). Gauteng: Buffelsdrift (-25.40, 28.06). KwaZulu-Natal: Midmar Dam (-29.50, 30.20); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46). Northern Cape: Kuruman (Mansfield Farm) (-27.73, 23.49). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: maize (1). Known distribution: wide throughout Africa, South Africa*.. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Graptartia tropicalis Haddad, 2004 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Coffee Bay (-31.97, 29.14); Colchester (-33.69, 25.82); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Kei Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); 60 km N of Port Elizabeth (-33.30, 25.90); Sterkstroom (Wilgerskloof Farm) (-31.60, 26.37). Free State: Bloemfontein (National Botanical Gardens) (-29.05, 26.21); Tussen-die-Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.49, 26.18). KwaZulu-Natal: Drummond (-29.75, 30.70); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Gwala-Gwala Forest (-28.38, 32.41); Mfongosi (-27.28, 32.15); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pietermaritzburg (-29.55, 30.35); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47, 30.20). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Letaba) (-23.87, 31.53); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). North West: Thabela Thabang Mountain Retreat (-26.86, 28.30). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (De Hoop Vlei) (-34.49, 20.43); Fisherhaven (-34.47, 19.13); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.70). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 9. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC, Ivory Coast, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 151 Hortipes aelurisiepae Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ingwavuma, Gualiveni Forest (-27.12, 32.01)*; Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.89, 32.32); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. Hortipes atalante Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Krantzkloof Nature Reserve (-29.78, 30.83); Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47, 30.20)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 152 Hortipes coccinatus Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Haenertsburg, 30 km Wolkberg road (-23.94, 29.95); Magoebaskloof (Hideaway Farm) (-23.87, 30.01); Polokwane (-23.89, 29.46); Woodbush Forest Reserve (-23.78, 30.07)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Hortipes contubernalis Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Entabeni Forest (-23, 30.23)*; Hanglip Forest (-23.04, 29.91); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 153 Hortipes griswoldi Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.89, 32.32). Mpumalanga: Sabie (Ceylon Forest) (-25.1, 30.78)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. Hortipes hyakutake Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ingogo (-27.6, 29.87)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) Hortipes irimus Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Port Shepstone (-30.74, 30.44)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Hortipes licnophorus Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: Mpumalanga: Mariepskop (-24.58, 30.87)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. 154 FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 155 Hortipes luytenae Bosselaers & Ledoux, 1998 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Hortipes merwei Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Lake St. Lucia (-28.00, 32.48); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45)*; Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.39, 31.40). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 156 Hortipes mesembrinus Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Coffee Bay (-31.98, 29.15); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.24, 28.91); East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.90)*; Kei Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Near Mazeppa Bay (-32.44, 28.61). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Hortipes rothorum Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Mhlatuzana River (Jackson's Falls) (-29.80, 30.75)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 157 Hortipes schoemanae Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ithala Game Reserve (-27.51, 31.20). Mpumalanga: Barberton (Suid Kaap River) (-25.79, 31.04); Bergvliet Forest Station (-25.10, 30.78)*; Schoemanskloof (-25.40, 30.50). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*, Swaziland. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Hortipes wimmertensi Bosselaers & Jocqué, 2000 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.71, 30.26)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 158 Lessertina mutica Lawrence, 1942 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Coffee Bay (-31.98, 29.15); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.24, 28.91); East London (Pineapple Research Station) (-33.01, 27.90); Kei Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Kokstad (Ngeli Forest) (-30.55, 29.43). KwaZulu-Natal: Trafalgar (-30.96, 30.29); Umhlali (-29.47, 31.22)*. Limpopo: Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. Medmassa semiaurantiaca Simon, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Gwala-Gwala Forest (-28.38, 32.41), Hell’s Gate (-28.00, 32.48). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Central African Republic, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinée-Bissau*, Kenya, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 159 Merenius alberti Lessert, 1923 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.24, 28.91); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Near Mazeppa Bay (-32.44, 28.61); Mkambati Nature Reserve (-31.26, 30.03); Port Shepstone (-30.72, 30.46). Gauteng: Florida (-26.18, 27.91). KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.96, 29.22); Dukuduku Forest (-28.37, 32.23); Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Durban (Bluff) (-29.88, 31.02); Durban (Stella Bush) (-29.89, 30.98); Durban (Umbilo) (-29.88, 30.96)*; Empangeni (-28.75, 31.90); Enseleni Nature Reserve (-28.68, 32.05); Gwaliweni Forest (-27.38, 32.05); Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, Hilltop Research Station (-28.08, 32.04); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.10); Ingwavuma (-27.13, 32.00); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Charter's Creek (-28.20, 32.43), Fanie’s Island (-28.53, 32.40), Gwala-Gwala Forest (-28.38, 32.41), Hell’s Gate(-28.00, 32.48), Umziki Pan (-27.97, 32.38), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Lake Sibaya (-27.33, 32.70), Mapelane Nature Reserve (-28.41, 32.42), Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25), Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.40, 32.76); Mevamhlope (-28.73, 31.80); Mfongosi (-27.28, 32.15); Middeldrift (-28.89, 31.04); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.89, 32.32); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Ngoye Forest (-28.84, 31.69); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.39, 31.40); Otto's Bluff (-29.50, 30.36); Pietermaritzburg (-29.60, 30.38); Port Edward (-31.05, 30.22); Port Edward (Blencanthra Farm) (-31.03, 30.17); Sheffield Beach (-29.48, 31.25); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Mtunzini (Twin Streams Farm) (-28.95, 31.77); Umhlali (-29.47, 31.22). Limpopo: Acornhoek (-24.60, 31.08); Magoebaskloof (-23.86, 30.01). Mpumalanga: Burger’s Hall (-25.10, 31.07); Crocodile River Gorge (-25.53, 31.22); Klaserie (-24.55, 31.03); Komatipoort (-25.44, 31.96); Kruger National Park: Pretoriuskop Camp (-25.17, 31.25), Skukuza (-25.00, 31.97); Lisbon Falls, Graskop (-24.86, 30.84); Sabie (-25.09, 30.78); Komatipoort district (Sommereg Farm) (-25.53, 31.82). North West: Skeerpoort (-25.81, 27.77). Western Cape: Knysna (Grootdraai picnic spot on Terblans trail) (-33.87, 23.02). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 15. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1). Known distribution: Mozambique, South Africa*, Swaziland, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 160 Merenius simoni Lessert, 1921 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: DRC*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Messapus martini Simon, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Natal*. Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19): Groenkloof Nature Reserve (-25.79, 28.20), Wonderboom South (-25.70, 28.20). KwaZulu-Natal: Dukuduku Forest (-28.37, 32.23); Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (-28.09, 32.04); Ingwavuma (-27.13, 32.00); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Charter's Creek (-28.20, 32.43), Hell’s Gate) (-28.00, 32.48; Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.88, 32.31). Mpumulanga: Badplaas (-25.95, 30.57). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*, Zambia. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 161 Orthobula infima Simon, 1896 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Cape*; Brenton-on-Sea (-34.08, 23.04); Cape Flats Nature Reserve (-33.93, 18.62); Table Mountain National Park: Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, Olifantsbos (-34.26, 18.39), Smitswinkelvlakte (-34.26, 18.46); De Hoop Nature Reserve: De Hoop Vlei (-34.49, 20.43), Koppie Alleen (-34.48, 20.51), Lekkerwater Road (-34.40, 20.55); Fisherhaven (-34.47, 19.13); Robben Island (-33.80, 18.35); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.70). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Orthobula radiata Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Hammanskraal (-25.41, 28.27)*; Pretoria National Botanical Gardens (-25.74, 28.19); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station)(-25.73, 28.23); Roodeplaat Dam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). KwaZulu-Natal: 15km N of Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.83, 32.08); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Gwala-Gwala Forest (-28.38, 32.41), Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Lake Sibaya (-27.33, 32.70); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.89, 32.32); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.3 09, 31.40); Pietermaritzburg (-29.60, 30.38); Scottsville (-29.61, 30.41); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Mtunzini (Twin Streams Farm) (-28.95, 31.77); Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47, 30.20). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Little Leigh (-22.95, 29.87); Venetia Limpopo Valley Reserve (-22.32, 29.32). Mpumulanga: Embuleni Nature Reserve (-25.93, 30.55); Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29). North West: Thabela Thabang Mountain Retreat (-26.86, 28.30). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 14. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1). Known distribution: Botswana, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa*, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 162 Patelloceto secutor Lyle & Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetlans Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27, Hell’s Gate (-28.00, 32.48)*; Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Pafuri (Waller's Camp) (-22.42, 30.91). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Mozambique, South Africa*, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Poachelas montanus Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Platberg Nature Reserve (-28.28, 29.20)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Poachelas refugus Haddad, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Tembe Elephant park (-26.94, 32.47)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 163 Poachelas striatus Haddad & Lyle, 2008 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Amanzi Private Game Reserve (-28.60, 26.43); Bloemfontein National Botanical Gardens (-29.05, 26.21); Boshoff (Boesmansrus Farm) (-28.54, 25.16); Ladybrand (De Luc Farm) (-29.29, 27.40); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.50, 26.81); Glen Agricultural College (-28.90, 26.35)*; Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.80, 25.72); Platberg Nature Reserve (-28.28, 29.20); 2km W of Deallesville (-28.66, 25.73); Tussen-die-Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.47, 26.12). Mpumulanga: Delmas (-26.14, 28.68). Northern Cape: Benfontein Nature Reserve (-28.82, 24.83). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: maize (1). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Pronophaea natalica Simon, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.24, 28.91); East London (-33.01, 27.90); Hogsback (-32.60, 26.94); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.04, 24.92); Kei Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Keurkloof, Baviaanskloof (-33.68, 24.83); King William’s Town (-32.73, 27.28); Mazeppa Bay (-32.47, 28.64); Mkambati Nature Reserve (-31.26, 30.03); Mount Frere (-30.90, 29.00); Near Mazeppa Bay (-32.44, 28.61); Prentjiesberg (-31.07, 28.19); Thomas Baines Nature Reserve (-33.38, 26.48); Umngazi River Mouth (-31.68, 29.45). Free State: Tussen-die-Riviere Nature Reserve (-30.47, 26.12). KwaZuluNatal: type locality only as Natal*; Baynesfield (-29.76, 30.35); Cathedral Peak (-28.96, 29.22); Empangeni (-28.75, 31.90); Richard Bay (15 km N) (-28.83, 32.08); Gwaliweni Forest (-27.38, 32.05); Hluhluwe -iMfolozi Park, Hilltop Research Station (-28.08, 32.04); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.10); Indumeni (-28.23, 30.23); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Eastern Shores Nature Reserve (-29.09, 32.16), Hell’s Gate (-27.58, 32.67); Kamberg Nature Reserve (-29.38, 29.62); Karkloof Nature Reserve (-29.36, 30.19); Lotheni Nature Reserve (-29.42, 29.53); Mtunzini (-28.96, 31.76); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.91, 32.32); New Hanover (-29.35, 30.53); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Ngoye Forest (-28.84, 31.69); Nongoma (-27.90, 31.72); Oribi Gorge Nature Reserve (-30.58, 30.00); Otto's Bluff (-29.50, 30.36); Pietermaritzburg (-29.60, 30.38); Port Edward (-31.05, 30.22); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.10); Richmond (-29.87, 30.28); Sani Pass (-29.66, 29.51); Scottburgh (-30.29, 30.75); Umgeni Valley Nature Reserve (-29.47, 30.20); Umhlali (-29.48, 31.23); Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve Continued on next page FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 164 Pronophaea natalica (continued) Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.04, 29.44). Western Cape: Borrelfontein (8 km W of Gouritz River Mouth) (-34.33, 21.85); Brenton-on-Sea (-34.08, 23.04); De Hoop Nature Reserve, Potberg (-34.37, 20.53); Fernkloof Nature Reserve (-34.40, 19.27); Fisherhaven (-34.47, 19.13); Lily Vlei Nature Reserve (-33.64, 19.47). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 19. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*, Swaziland. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Pronophaea proxima (Lessert, 1923) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Bluff (-29.88, 31.02); Kranzkloof Nature Reserve (-29.55, 30.91)*; Qumbu (-31.16, 28.86). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 165 Pronophaea vidua (Lessert, 1923) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Kranzkloof Nature Reserve (-29.55, 30.91)*; Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Spinotrachelas capensis Haddad, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Clanwilliam, Lamberts Bay (-32.16, 18.89); De Hoop Nature Reserve: Bitou camp (-34.45, 20.40, Potberg (-34.37, 20.53)*. Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 166 Spinotrachelas confinis Lyle, 2011 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Plumstead Flats (-34.01, 18.46)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Spinotrachelas namaquensis Lyle, 2011 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve, near Nieuwoudtville (-31.45, 19.1)*. Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 167 Thysanina absolva Lyle & Haddad, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein: Grant's Hill (-29.10, 26.22), Botanical Gardens (-29.05, 26.21), Farm Deelhoek (-28.85, 26.12); Boshoff (Farm Boesmansrus) (-28.54, 25.16); Fauresmith (Farm Boschrand) (-29.75, 25.32); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.50, 26.80); Florisbad Research Station (-28.77, 26.07)*; 2km W of Deallesville (-28.66, 25.73). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Thysanina capensis Lyle & Haddad, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Kimberley (-28.73, 24.76). Western Cape: Fisherhaven (-34.47, 19.13); Ladismith (Ganskop Farm) (-33.50, 21.26); Grabouw, Lebanon Forest Station (-34.14, 19.04)*. Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 168 Thysanina gracilis Lyle & Haddad, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Geelkoppies Farm (-28.60, 24.33)*; Kimberley (Langeberg Farm) (-28.91, 24.60). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Thysanina scopulifer (Simon, 1896) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality only as Cape*; Fernkloof Nature Reserve (-34.40, 19.27); Vredendal (Farm Grootfontein) (-32.07, 18.65). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 169 Thysanina serica Simon, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaat Dam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. Thysanina transversa Lyle & Haddad, 2006 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso Wetland Park (False Bay Park) (-27.92, 32.27); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Pongola Bush Reserve (-27.35, 31.61)*; Royal Natal Nature Reserve (-28.68, 28.93). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Sovenga Hill (-23.88, 29.73). Mpumalanga: Schagen (-25.43, 30.80). Western Cape: Diepwalle Forest Station (-34.03, 23.03). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1), lemon tree (1). Known distribution: Mozambique, South Africa*, Tanzania. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 170 Trachelas pusillus Lessert, 1923 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52)*. Free State: Bloemfontein National Botanical Gardens (-29.11, 26.22); Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.50, 26.81); Kalkfontein Dam Nature Reserve (-29.52, 25.28). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); kwaNgwanase (Coastal Cashews) (-27.11, 32.57); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.08, 32.04); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.93, 32.32); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Limpopo: Bela-Bela (-24.88, 28.29); Settlers (-24.95, 28.52); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46). Mpumalanga: Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29). Northern Cape: Douglas Holiday Resort (-29.04, 23.84); Prieska (Green Valley Nuts) (-29.58, 22.93); Prieska (Farm Remhoogte) (-29.53, -23.00). North West: Brits (-25.62, 27.77); Hartebeespoort (-25.75, 27.85). Western Cape: Riviersonderend (-34.15, 19.92). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1), pistachio (2). Known distribution: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa*, Uganda. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. Trachelas roeweri Lawrence, 1938 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Eshowe (-28.90, 31.47); Ithala Game Reserve (-27.51, 31.20); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) 171 Trachelas schenkeli Lessert, 1923 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Coffee Bay (-31.97, 29.14); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.90); Grahamstown (-33.30, 26.52); Hogsback (-32.61, 26.94); Kasouga (-33.65, 26.75); Kei Mouth (-32.68, 28.37). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban, Bluff (-29.88, 31.02); Enseleni Nature Reserve (-28.68, 32.05); iSimangaliso Wetland Park: Eastern Shores Nature Reserve (-29.09, 32.16), Hell’s Gate (-27.58, 32.67); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.93, 32.32); Nxala Hill, Zululand (-27.62, 31.55)*; Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.39, 31.40); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.83, 32.08); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Umbilo (-29.88, 30.96); Umlalazi Nature Reserve (-28.95, 31.77); University of Zululand (-28.85, 31.85); Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve (-30.27, 23.33). Limpopo: Dendron/Mogwadi (-23.36, 29.32); Tshulu (-22.58, 30.81). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.60). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, DB, TB. Records from protected areas: 9. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Trachelas scopulifer Simon, 1896 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Western Cape: type locality only as Cape*; Fernkloof Nature Reserve (-34.40, 19.27); Vredendal (Farm Grootfontein) (-32.07, 18.65). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CORINNIDAE (CONTINUED) Trachelas tortilis Haddad & Lyle, 2010 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jansenville (Farm Klipfontein) (-32.93, 24.67). Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Vendaphaea lajuma Haddad, 2009 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. 172 14. FAMILY CTENIDAE 173 The family Ctenidae occurs worldwide and is represented by 28 genera of which 7 occur in the Afrotropical Region. From South Africa 2 genera and 7 species are known of which 4 are endemics. • Common name: tropical wolf spiders. • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers); freerunning on low vegetation and on the soil surface; common in Afromontane forests. • Body size: 5-40 mm (males slightly smaller and more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: brown to fawn, abdomen with patterns or spots; carapace: ovoid with a deep depression or high in the region of fovea; eyes: 8 in 3 rows with the following arrangement: 2:4:2 or sometimes 4:2:2; abdomen: ovoid and longer than wide, sometimes with a median band, patterns or rows of spots; legs: strong and stout with spines, scopulae and tarsi with 2 claws and tibiae I with numerous pairs of ventral spines. • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: during non-active periods found beneath stones and ground debris. • Habitat: ctenids are very abundant in forests and dominate the nocturnal spider fauna there. One species Ctenus parvoculatus has been collected from the Echo Caves. • Behaviour: they are free-living nocturnal hunters commonly found under fallen logs on the ground. When running the front legs are usually held off the ground. They hunt their prey over foliage and on the ground. One species, Ctenus pulchriventris is the dominant wandering spider found in Afromontane forests in KwaZulu-Natal. In Africactenus and Ctenus the female deposits her egg cocoon on the substrate or carry it between her chelicera and palp. • Taxonomic notes: South African genera not yet revised. Arts (1912) looked at the genus Ctenus in Africa. References: ARTS, DES L. 1912. Zusammenstellung der afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Ctenus. Mitteilungen aus dem naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 29: 183218. • DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & JOCQUÉ, R. 1997. African spiders: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 9, ARCPlant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria 392 pp FAMILY CTENIDAE (CONTINUED) Africactenus tridentatus Hyatt, 1954 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jeffreys Bay (-34.06, 24.91). Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Zimbabwe*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 2. Ctenus corniger F.O.P.-Cambridge, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Natal*. Habitat (biomes): SB?. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? 174 FAMILY CTENIDAE (CONTINUED) 175 Ctenus gulosus des Arts, 1912 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01)*; Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Nongoma State Forest (-27.93, 32.65); Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04); Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25, 31.97). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 8. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Malawi, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ctenus parvoculatus Benoit, 1979 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); King William’s Town (-32.88, 27.39); Queenstown (-31.89, 26.85). KwaZulu-Natal: Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Umbilo (-29.88, 30.96). Limpopo: Makapansgat (-24.15, 29.18)*; Beitbridge (-22.2, 29.99). Mpumalanga: Echo Caves (-23.33, 30.63); Serunecjar Caves (-24.65, 30.32); Dry Tiger Caves near Pelgrimsrust (-26.78, 28.77). Western Cape: Table Mountain National Park (Table Mountain Echo Hall Caves) (-33.82, 18.48). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIDAE (CONTINUED) 176 Ctenus pulchriventris (Simon, 1896) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); King William's Town (-32.88, 27.39); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*; Queenstown (-31.89, 26.85). Limpopo: Beitbridge (-22.2, 29.99); Makapans Gat (-24.15, 29.18); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Mpumalanga: Crocodile Valley Estate (-25.47, 31.03). KwaZulu-Natal: iSimangaliso National Park: Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87), Lake Sibaya (-27.35, 32.7); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09); Umbilo (-29.88, 30.96); Umfolozi Drift (-28.3, 31.76); Duduku Forest (-28.37, 32.23). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: citrus (1). Known distribution: DRC, Mozambique, South Africa*, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ctenus transvaalensis Benoit, 1981 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Springbok Flats: Tuinplaas (-24.56, 28.46); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Pietersburg district, Woodbush (-23.89, 29.46)*. Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park: Lwakahle (-25.43, 31.75), Vutome (-25.24, 32.08), Makhuthwanini (-25.38, 31.6). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIDAE (CONTINUED) Ctenus quinquevittatus Strand, 1907 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Cape* (sub-adult male) Habitat (biomes): FB?. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 2. ? 177 15. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE The family Ctenizidae inhabits most of the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and is represented by 1 genus and 40 species from South Africa of which 39 are endemics. • Common name: Stasimopus (cork-lid trapdoor spiders). • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers); make a burrow that is closed with a cork-lid trapdoor. • Body size: 15-43 mm (males smaller and more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: varies from brown to reddish black with legs yellowish brown or reddish brown, abdomen usually a pallid duller colour; carapace: domed and smooth without setae with the fovea procurved; eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4), anterior row usually procurved; abdomen: oval and covered with a thin layer of short setae; legs: short, strong and thickly spined and tibiae III cylindrical without dorsal saddle-shaped depression, distal segments of legs I and II with lateral bands of short thorn-like spines in the female. • • • Webs and retreats: web: absent; retreat: silklined burrows of various shapes and depths that are closed off from the outside with well fitting, hinged trapdoors of variable thickness. Habitat: usually found in open areas in Grassland, Savanna, Nama-Karoo and Succulent-Karoo biomes. Behaviour: they are burrowing spiders and use their rastellums to dig tube-like burrows of various shapes and depths (14-20 cm deep). The burrow is lined with a layer of felt-like silk. They close the burrows off from the outside with well fitting, hinged trapdoors of variable thickness. The trapdoor is made of soil, often clay, modeled into shape and reinforced with silk. It resembles a cork 178 of a bottle, hence the common name. The lid is attached to the entrance rim of the burrow by a tough silk hinge. The outside of the trapdoor is usually very well camouflaged, as it is made of the same soil as the surrounding area. The lid is provided with a circle of small pits on the inside to provide the spider with a place to grip. When disturbed the spider pulls the lid close and holds it down with the strong setae on the front legs. The trapdoor is used as a protection- prey-detection system. Usually during the day, while resting in the bottom of the burrow the lids are kept close. It is also kept close during harsh weather, moulting and egg laying. Most of the trapdoor spiders are nocturnal and they open the trapdoor slightly waiting for prey to passes close to the burrow. The spider then rushes out, grabs the prey and returns to the burrow. • Taxonomic notes: genus need to be revised. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A. S. 2002. Baboon and Trapdoor spiders of Southern Africa: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook series no. 13, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria. 130 pp. • HEWITT, J. 1915. Notes on several four-lunged spiders in the collection of the Durban Museum, with descriptions of two new forms. Annals of the Durban Museum 1: 125133. POCOCK, R.I. 1902 On some new African spiders. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 7(10): 315330 PURCELL, W.F. 1903. On the scorpions, solifugae and a trap-door spider collected by the Rev. Henry A. Junod at Shiluvane, near Leydsdorp, in the Transvaal. Novitates zoologicae 10: 303-306. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus artifex Pocock, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Bathurst, Rokeby Park (-33.5, 26.84)*; Seaview (-34.01, 25.38). Western Cape: Kleinmond (-34.33, 19.02). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus astutus Pocock, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Pearston (-32.59, 25.15)*; Bedford (-32.68, 26.08); Jansenville (-32.93, 24.67). Habitat (biomes): NKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. 179 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 180 Stasimopus bimaculatus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5)*. Free State: Kroonstad (-27.65, 27.24). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus brevipalpis Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Ashton (Farm Bonnie Vale) (-34.02, 20.42)*; Robertson (-33.8, 19.87). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus caffrus (C.L. Koch, 1842) Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as South Africa*. Habitat (biomes): ?. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Stasimopus castaneus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 181 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 182 Stasimopus coronatus Hewitt, 1915 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Kroonstad (-27.65, 27.24)*. Gauteng: Kloofendal Nature Reserve (-26.14; 27.86). North West: Mafeking (-25.82, 25.63). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus dreyeri Hewitt, 1915 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Kroonstad (-27.65, 27.24)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6 abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus erythrognathus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Worcester (-33.64, 19.47)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus gigas Hewitt, 1915 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Vredefort road, Venterskroon (-26.83, 27.31)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 183 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 184 Stasimopus insculptus Pocock, 1901 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: King Williamstown (Pirie Forest) (-32.72, 27.24)*; Peddie (-33.19, 27.12). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus kentanicus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Kentani (-32.5, 28.32)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus kolbei Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Qoloro River Mouth, Kentani (-32.5, 28.32)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus leipoldti Purcell, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Clanwilliam (-32.16, 18.89)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 185 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus longipalpis Hewitt, 1917 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Kimberley (-28.73, 24.76)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus mandelai Hendrixson & Bond, 2004 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Great Fish River Nature Reserve (-33.13, 26.65)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. 186 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 187 Stasimopus maraisi Hewitt, 1914 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Farm Driefontein, 12 m from Victoria West (-31.4, 23.12)*. Western Cape: Beaufort West (-33.28, 23.22); Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36, 21.69); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus minor Hewitt, 1915 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 188 Stasimopus nanus Tucker, 1917 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Smithfield (-30.21, 26.53)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus nigellus Pocock, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Vredeford Road, Venterskroon (-26.83, 27.31)*. Gauteng: Bronkhorstspruit (Farm Onverwacht) (-25.8, 28.74). North West: Potchefstroom (-26.7, 27.09). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 189 Stasimopus obscurus Purcell, 1908 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: type locality only “Little Namaqualand”*. Free State: Reddersburg (-29.64, 26.15). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution:Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. ? Stasimopus oculatus Pocock, 1897 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22)*; Edenville (Farm Lusthof) (-27.55, 27.66); Bredell, 15 km S Ventersburg (-27.65, 27.24); Kroonstad (-27.65, 27.24); Reddersburg (-29.64, 26.15); Jagersfontein (-29.74, 25.43); Ladybrandt (-29.19, 27.45); Winburg (-28.49, 27.00); Venterskroon (-26.83, 27.31). Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane: CSIR (-25.74, 28.19), Groenkloof Nature Reserve (-25.78, 28.2), Wallmannsthal (-25.52, 28.3), Kameeldrift-East (-25.74, 28.19); Modderfontein (-26.08, 28.17); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Skeerpoort (-25.81, 27.75); Standerton (-26.94, 29.23). Limpopo: Dendron (Farm Amsterdam) (-23.37, 29.32). Mpumalanga: Standerton (-26.94, 29.23). Northern Cape: Kimberley (-28.73, 24.76). North West: Magaliesberg, Mount Grace (-20.97, 31.65); Skeerpoort (-25.81, 27.75). Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus palpiger Pocock, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Graaf Reinet (-32.24, 24.53)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus patersonae Hewitt, 1913 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08); Perseverence Uitenhage Road, Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*; Redhouse (-33.82, 25.55). Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. 190 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus poweri Hewitt, 1915 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Modder River near Kimberley (-28.73, 24.76)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus purcelli Tucker, 1917 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Caledon (-34.24, 19.43)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 191 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus quadratimaculatus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Montagu Baths (-33.79, 20.13)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus qumbu Hewitt, 1913 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Farm Shawbury, Qumbu (-31.16, 28.86)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 192 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 193 Stasimopus robertsi Hewitt, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Centurion (-25.85, 28.16); Centurion (Irene) (-25.87, 28.22); Fort West Urban Village (-25.74, 28.06); Johannesburg (Melville Koppies) (-26.2, 28.04); Johannesburg (Liefde en Vrede, Bossonia) (-26.2, 28.04); Grand Central Airport (-25.99, 28.14); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19)*: Eldoraigne (-25.84, 28.15), Wonderboom Poort (-25.69, 28.20), Mayville (-25.71, 28.19), Pretoria North (-25.74, 28.19); Roodeplaat Nature Reserve (-25.66, 28.35); Stryfontein (-26.83, 28.22). North West: Potchefstroom (-26.7, 27.09). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 1 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus rufidens (Ausserer, 1871) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Estcourt (-29, 29.87)*; Mooirivier (-29.2, 30). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 194 Stasimopus schoenlandi Pocock, 1900 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52)*; Jansenville (-32.93, 24.67); Brak Kloof (-33.53, 26.5); Atherstone Station (-33.19, 26.23); Somerset East (-32.73, 25.6); Middledrift (-32.82, 26.98); Middleton (-32.92, 25.82); Kamacks road near Uitenhage (-33.76, 25.39); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); Debe Neck (-32.49, 27.09). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus schreineri Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Perseverance near Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61); Somerset East (Schurfteberg) (-32.73, 25.6). Northern Cape: De Aar (-30.64, 24.01); Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus schultzei Purcell, 1908 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Steinkopf (-29.25, 17.73)*. Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus spinipes Hewitt, 1917 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 195 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 196 Stasimopus spinosus (Hewitt, 1914) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alice (-32.78, 26.82); Annshaw (-31.95, 27.42); Debe Neck (-32.49, 27.09); Middledrift (-32.82, 26.98)*. Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity:5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus steynburgensis Hewitt, 1915 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Steynsburg (-31.29, 25.83)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) Stasimopus suffuscus Hewitt, 1916 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Beerlaagte, Heidelberg (-26.5, 28.36)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus tysoni Hewitt, 1919 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.89)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 197 FAMILY CTENIZIDAE (CONTINUED) 198 Stasimopus umtaticus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Farm Gleniffer, Kei Road (-32.7, 27.54); Umtata (-31.58, 28.77)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Stasimopus unispinosus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Farm Poortjesfontein, De Aar (-30.64, 24.01); Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. 16. FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE The Cyatholipidae is a small family of spiders represented by 11 genera and about 30 species known mainly from the Afrotropical, Australian and Neotropical Regions. Six genera and 16 species are known from South Africa, all of them endemics. • Common name: tree sheet-web spiders. • Life style: Web dwellers (sheet-web); build small horizontal sheet-webs in vegetation. • Body size: < 3 mm. • Diagnostic characters: colour: carapace reddish brown to dark brown with abdomen varying from white to yellow-white to grey usually decorated with dorsal markings in the form of large black spots or transverse bands; carapace: convex, heart-shaped to oval, usually sclerotized; eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4), situated close to the anterior margin; abdomen: globular, ovoid, triangular to long, extending past the spinnerets while some genera have rows of stout bristles on the dorso- and posterolateral surfaces; legs: long and slender with leg I longest. • Web and retreats: web: small horizontal sheetwebs are made in low vegetation between tree trunks, low shrubs or tree buttresses; retreat: shelter under pieces of loose bark during the day. • Habitat: most species recorded from South Africa are found in wet temperate, montane or subtropical forests. Isicabu capensis, has been collected from the entrance of bat caves in Cape Town. • Behaviour: little is known about their behaviour. Most species are arboreal and build their small webs, 30 cm to 2 m above-ground. The web consist of a fine sheet made close to the tree trunk. The spider is nocturnal and hangs beneath the sheet. They are usually solitary but males and females are sometimes found together. • Taxonomic note: the family was revised by Griswold (1987). References: GRISWOLD C.E. 1987. A review of the southern African spiders of the family Cyatholipidae Simon, 1894 (Araneae: Araneomorphae). Annals of the Natal Museum 28: 499-542. • 199 FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 200 Cyatholipus avus Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Grootvadersbos (-26.5, 28.36)*; Marloth Nature Reserve, Swellendam (-34.25, 20.57); Fernkloof Nature Reserve (-34.86, 19.34). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Cyatholipus hirsutissimus Simon, 1894 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Matjiesfontein (-33.24, 20.58)*; Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SBK. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 201 Cyatholipus icubatus Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Eshowe (Dlinza Forest) (-28.53, 31.28)*; Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Cyatholipus isolatus Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Hanglip Forest (-23.04, 29.91)*; Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 202 Cyatholipus quadrimaculatus Simon, 1894 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Kei River Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Cwebe Nature Reserve (-32.28, 28.9); Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42)*; Table Mountain National Park (Platteklip Gorge) (-33.82, 18.48); De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, TB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 3. Cyatholipus tortilis Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak Forest Station (Meteorology Station) (-28.94, 29.19)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. . FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 203 Ilisoa conjugalis Griswold, 2001 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Buffels Bay (-34.41, 18.32)*; Kalkbaai (-34.19,18.42). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ilisoa hawequas Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Hawequas (-33.67,19.08)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 204 Ilisoa knysna Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Brenton-on-Sea (-34.1; 23.03); Diepwalle Forest Station (-34.03, 23.03)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB, FB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. Isicabu reavelli Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Nkandla Forest (-28.61, 31.09)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 205 Isicabu zuluensis Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Dukuduku Forest Station (-28.37, 32.23)*; Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Town Bush Forest, Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38); Richards Bay (-28.78, 32.1). Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Pokennips dentipes (Simon, 1894) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Buffels Bay, Cape Peninsula (-34.41,18.32)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 206 Ubacisi capensis (Griswold, 1987) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Table Mountain National Park: Fernwood Gulley (-33.58, 18.27), Newlands Ravine (-33.91, 18.42), Skeleton Gorge (-33. 80, 26, 18.42), Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden (-33.59, 18.43)*; Table Mountain Bats Cave (-33.82,18.48). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ulwembua denticulata Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Mevamhlope (-28.73, 31.97)*. Limpopo: Hanglip Forest (-23.00, 29.53). Mpumalanga: Bourkes Luck Potholes, Blyde River Canyon Nature Reserve (-24.58, 30.82); Ceylon Forest, Sabie (-25.05, 30.42); Misty Mountain Hotel, Lydenburg (-25.10, 30.40 ). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY CYATHOLIPIDAE (CONTINUED) 207 Ulwembua outeniqua Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Big Tree, Knysna (-33.93, 23.14); Kranshoek, Knysna (-34.05, 23.14 ); Diepwalle Forest Station (-34.03, 23.03)*; Harkerville State Forest (-34.03, 23.03); Nature's Valley (-33.97, 23.57). Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Ulwembua pulchra Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Dlinza Forest near Eshowe (-28.53, 31.28)*; Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 3. 17. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE The family Cyrtaucheniidae is widely distributed throughout North, Central and South America, Australia and Africa. From South Africa 2 genera and 34 species are known of which 33 are endemic. • Common names: Homostola (leaf litter trap-door spiders); Ancylotrypa (African wafer-lid trapdoor spiders). • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers); construct a silk-lined burrow with a wafer-type trapdoor. • Body size: 9-32 mm (males slightly smaller than female and more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: varies from yellowish-brown to almost blackish-brown while the abdomen sometimes has bands or spots; carapace: slightly hairy to smooth, cephalic region usually strongly arched with the fovea broad, transverse to procurved; eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4) forming a rectangular group that is wider behind than in front, eye tubercle usually distinctly raised; abdomen: oval; legs: front legs often shorter and thicker than hind legs. • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: silk-lined burrows with wafer-type lids. • Habitat: Ancylotrypa is found in different habitats, from savanna to grassy areas to open barren ground in the Kalahari desert. Their burrows are frequently found under stones, logs or rock overhangs which afford shelter. Homostola is more commonly found in forest areas in leave litter. • Behaviour: Species of Ancylotrypa live in silk-lined burrows of which the depth varies between species with the main portion being as deep as 32 cm. The shape of the burrows varies from single burrows, to Y -shaped to the shape of a curved pipe. In some species side-chambers are made with or without lids. The burrows are closed with different shapes of soft lids. During the day most of the inhabitants reside in the lower portion of the burrow. The males are more active and are easily collected in pit traps. In build up areas they frequently drown in swimming pools. Homostola, female’s live in fairly shallow burrows 16-20 cm deep, made in leaf litter and covered with a loose fitting lid. The males roam around in search of a mate. • Taxonomic note: family not yet revised. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A. S. 2002. Baboon and Trapdoor spiders of Southern Africa: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook series no. 13, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria. 130 pp. • 208 FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 209 Ancylotrypa barbertoni (Hewitt,1913) Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Letaba Camp) (-22.93, 31.02). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04)*; Two Rivers (-24.91, 30.10). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa bicornuta Strand, 1906 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42)*; Macassar (-34.08, 18.78). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 210 Ancylotrypa brevicornis (Hewitt, 1919) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Hartebeesfontein (-28.13, 26.8); Modderfontein (-26.08, 28.17); Vaal Dam (-26.85, 28.2); Pretoria/Tshwane (Zwartkoppies) (-25.74, 28.19). North West: Potchefstroom (-26.7, 27.09); Venterskroon (-26.83, 27.31)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa brevipalpis Hewitt, 1916) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Centurion (Lyttleton Junction) (-25.85, 28.16); Endicott (-25.74, 28.19); Nigel (Farm Vlakfontein 3 km. W of Duduza Town) (-26.42, 28.46); Hartebeeshoek (-25.88, 27.71); Heidelberg (Farm Lagerspoort) (-26.60, 28.41); Honingklip, Muldersdrift (-26.14, 27.86); Krugersdorp/Mogale (-26.09, 27.78); Melville Koppies (-26.17, 27.99); Pretoria/Tshwane: (Hatfield) (-25.75, 28.24)*, Koedoespoort (-25.74, 28.19), Muckleneuk (-25.76, 28.21), Rietondale Research Station (-25.73, 28.23 ), Wallmannsthal (-25.52, 28.3), Zwartkoppies (-25.75, 28.37); Rand Airport (-26.21, 28.15); Pretoria/Tshwane; Roodeplaat (-25.64, 28.36); Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve Tamboekiesfontein) (-26.43, 28.21). KwaZulu-Natal: Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66). Limpopo: Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52, 28.7); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park (Skukuza Camp) (-25.00, 31.97); Steenkampsberg (-25.55, 30.08). North West: Kroondal (-25.75, 27.32). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) Ancylotrypa breyeri (Hewitt, 1919) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Klipspruit (-30.5, 29.67)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa bulcocki (Hewitt, 1916) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Ngqeleni (-31.66, 29.02)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 211 FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 212 Ancylotrypa coloniae (Pocock, 1902) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Jansenville (-32.93, 24.67)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa cornuta Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Dunbrody (-33.47, 25.55)*; Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08). Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) Ancylotrypa dentata (Purcell, 1903) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa dreyeri (Hewitt, 1915) Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (-29.11, 26.22)*. Habitat (biomes): GB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 213 FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) Ancylotrypa flavidofusula (Hewitt, 1915) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa lateralis (Purcell, 1902) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Dunbrody (-33.47, 25.55)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 214 FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 215 Ancylotrypa magnisigillata (Hewitt, 1914) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Sunday's River Valley, Uitenhage (-33.76, 25.39)*; Kokstad (-30.54, 29.42). Habitat (biomes): GB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa namaquensis (Purcell, 1908) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Prieska (Green Valley Nuts Estate) (-29.68, 22.74); Steinkopf (-29.25, 17.73)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: pistachio (1). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 216 Ancylotrypa nigriceps (Purcell, 1902) Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8). Gauteng: Roodepoort (Honingklip) (-26.14, 27.86); Johannesburg (-26.2, 28.04)*; Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (-27.59, 27.53); Van Riebeeck Nature Reserve (-25.85, 28.16). KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (S E boundary fence) (-26.87, 32.24). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa nuda (Hewitt, 1916) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Emslangeni Rand Water (-26.35, 28.07); Magaliesberg (-20.97; 31.65); Pretoria/Tshwane (Wonderboom Poort) (-25.74, 28.19); KwaZulu-Natal: Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Springbok Flats: Tuinplaas (-24.56, 28.46), Bekendevlei (-24.9, 28.73). Mpumalanga: Carolina (-26.06, 30.11). North West: Hartebeespoort Experimental Farm (-25.6, 27.82); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.65, 27.22); Wolhuterskop (-25.43, 27.52). Magaliesberg (-20.97, 31.65). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (1). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) Ancylotrypa nudipes (Hewitt, 1923) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Dassie Krans, Grahamstown (-33.5, 26.18)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa oneili (Purcell, 1902) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Sunday's River, Dunbrody (-33.47, 25.55)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 217 FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) Ancylotrypa pallidipes (Purcell, 1904) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Matjiesfontein (-33.24, 20.58)*. Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa parva (Hewitt, 1916) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Alicedale (-33.31, 26.08)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 218 FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 219 Ancylotrypa pretoriae (Hewitt, 1913) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Centurion (Lyttleton Junction) (-25.82, 28.2); Centurion ( Irene) (-25.87, 28.21); Centurion: (Grootfontein, E Rietvlei Dam) (-25.92, 28.34), Irene (-25.87, 28.22); Harbeeshoek (-25.88, 27.70); Pretoria/Tshwane: Sunnyside (-25.75, 28.21), Garsfontein (-25.79, 28.30)*, Mayville (-25.71, 28.19), Koedoespoort (-26.46, 28.26), Pretoria North (-25.58, 28.26), Rietondale (-25.73, 28.23), Rietfontein (-25.70, 28.23), New Mucleneuk (-25.77, 28.23), Wonderboom Poort (-25.68, 28.2), Waterkloof (-25.78, 28.25), Skinner’s Court (-25.74, 28.19), Zwartkoppies (-25.75, 28.37), Wallmannsthal (-25.52, 28.3), Knoppieslaagte farm (-25.95, 27.97); Heidelberg District (Koppieskraal 157) (-26.46, 28.26); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodepoort (Honingklip) (-26.14, 27.86); Zeekoegat (Kameeldrift) (25.66, 28.18E). North West: Rustenburg (Wolhuterskop) (-25.65, 27.22). Limpopo: Springbok Flats: Bekendevlei)(-24.9, 28.73), Tuinplaas (-24.56, 28.46). Mpumalanga: Two Rivers (-24.91, 30.10). Free State: Erfenis Dam Nature Reserve (-28.5, 26.8). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa pusilla Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Green Valley Nuts Estate, Prieska (-29.68, 22.74), Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*; Vlagkop 8 km N Hanover, De Aar (-30.64, 24.01). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: pistachio (1). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 220 Ancylotrypa rufescens (Hewitt, 1916) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam (-25.64, 28.36)*. Limpopo: Springbok Flats: Tuinplaas, (-24.56, 28.46). North West: Magaliesburg (-25.99, 27.54). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 3 [6]. Ancylotrypa sororum (Hewitt, 1916) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Bedford (-32.68, 26.08)*; Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43). Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 221 Ancylotrypa spinosa Simon, 1889 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*; Bamboesberg, W Sterkstroom (Wilgerskloof Farm ) (-31.6, 26.37). Habitat (biomes): GB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa tookei (Hewitt, 1919) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Peddie (-33.19, 27.12)*; Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 222 Ancylotrypa vryheidensis (Hewitt, 1915) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Vryheid (-27.77, 30.79)*; Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87,32.24); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 2 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. Ancylotrypa zebra (Simon, 1892) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Black Rock (-32.02, 29.1). KwaZulu-Natal: type locality no exact locality*; Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Sani Pass 900m alt. (-30.2, 30.4); Vryheid (-27.77, 30.79). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Shingwedzi) (-23.12, 31.43). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park (Satara 10) (-24.38, 31.78). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 223 Ancylotrypa zuluensis (Lawrence, 1937) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Hluhluwe Game Reserve (-28.09, 32.1)*; Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1); Sodwana Bay National Park (-27.4, 32.76). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Homostola abernethyi (Purcell, 1903) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Kentani (-32.30, 28.12)*; Mkambati Nature Reserve (31.32, 29.97). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 224 Homostola pardalina (Hewitt, 1913) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Stryfontein (-26.83, 28.22); Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (-27.59, 27.53). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). Mpumalanga: 30 km N of Graskop (-24.93, 30.84); Barberton (-25.48, 31.3)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Homostola reticulata (Purcell, 1902) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Swellendam (Bonnie Vale Farm on Breede River) (-34.1, 20.26); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44). Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY CYRTAUCHENIIDAE (CONTINUED) 225 Homostola vulpecula Simon, 1892 Distribution in South Africa: type locality only as Zululand*. Gauteng: Brakpan (-26.23, 28.37); Brakfontein, Pretoria/Tshwane: Groenkloof Nature Reserve (-25.78, 28.2), Onderstepoort (-25.74, 28.19), Rosslyn (-25.62, 28.09); Honingklip, Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86); Pretoria/Tshwane; Sandton (-26.06, 28.07); Stryfontein (-26.83, 28.22). KwaZulu-Natal: Empangeni (-28.72, 31.88); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45 ); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52, 31.66); Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1). Mpumalanga: Carolina (-26.06, 30.11); Two Rivers (24.91, 30.09). Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 8.42). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Homostola zebrina Purcell, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane (Bon Accord) (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Pietermaritzburg (various localities: Manderston, Scotsville, Loop Street, 398 Loop Street, Prestbury, 59 Milliken Road, Swartkops, Swartkops summit) (-29.6, 30.38); Eshowe (-28.89, 31.47); Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Lower Umkomaas River (-30.18, 30.8); Dumisa near Umzinto (-30.31, 30.65); Makowe (-27.96, 32.11); Ashburton (-29.6, 30.38); Sani Pass (-29.62, 29.37); Sani Pass 1500m alt. (-29.66, 29.46); Sani Pass 900m alt.(-30.2, 30.4); Umbilo (-29.85, 31.01); Clairmont (-29.82, 30.92); Howick (-29.47, 30.2); Ngome State Forest (-27.78, 31.45). Limpopo: Springbok Flats: Bekendevlei (24.9, 28.73), Tuinplaas (-24.56, 28.46). Mpumalanga: Carolina district ( Doornhoek, Tevreden) (26.06, 30.11); 30 km N of Graskop (-24.93, 30.84); Lake Chrissie (-26.28, 30.19); Lochiel (-26.15, 30.78); Steynsdorp (-26.12, 30.97); Oshoek (-25.2, 30.2); Carolina (-26.06, 30.11). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Swaziland*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. 18. FAMILY DEINOPIDAE The family Deinopidae is small found in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. From South Africa 3 genera and 4 species are known of which 3 are endemics. • Common names: Deinopidae (net casting spiders); Deinopis spp.(ogre-faced spiders); Menneus spp.(humped-back spiders); Avellopsis capensis (camel-back spiders). • Life style: Web dwellers (adapted cribellated orbweb); they are found in low vegetation and construct a small expandable web, which is swung over their prey. • Body size: 6-20 mm (males more slender with smaller tubercles on abdomen). • Diagnostic characters: colour: various shades of silvery white, grey, brownish black to olive green and the abdomen sometimes with dark spots or a distinct folium, males are generally darker in colour; carapace: longer than wide with the fovea that varies from a deep oval pit to a shallow depression; eyes: 8 in 3 rows with the posterior median eyes enlarged, very large in Deinopis, smaller in other genera; abdomen: long oval with 1 or 2 humps medially, which vary in shape and size but reduced in males; legs: front legs long and slender, up to three times or more the length of the body; short erect macrosetae on tarsus IV. • Web and retreat: web: a small, rectangular expandable web made with cribellated silk and held with front legs; retreat: no retreat is made, the spiders are procryptic by day, resting with their bodies appressed against the bark of a branch. • Habitat: deinopids are usually found in low bushes and shrubs and more common in the warmer humid regions. Menneus relates to vertical grass- 226 stems and twigs near the ground and is more commonly found in grassland and savanna regions, while Avellopsis is found in forests areas and Deinopis in humid savanna, coastal forest and fynbos. Menneus camelus is synanthropic and frequently found in and around houses in South Africa. • Behaviour: The spider hangs head down above the substrate supported by a scaffold of non-sticky silk. The web is held at the corners, with the long front legs. By moving the legs they can vary the size of the web. When prey comes within reach the spider expands the web by 5-6 times the original size and swings it onto the prey. To subdue the prey, they use their hind legs to wrap it with silk, facing away from the prey. A single web suffices the spider the whole night if no prey is caught. • Taxonomic notes: no revisions yet undertaken. References: AKERMAN, C. 1926. On the spider, Menneus camelus Pocock, which constructs a moth-catching, expanding snare. Annuals of the Natal Museum 5: 411-422. • LARSEN, N. 1992. Observations on the camel-back spider. African Wildlife 46: 216-218 FAMILY DEINOPIDAE (CONTINUED) 227 Avellopsis capensis Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Bergvliet Flats (-34.03, 18.63); Camps Bay (-33.95, 18.37); Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44); Goudini (-34.6, 19.32); Kalk Bay (-34.19, 18.42); St. James (-34.11, 18.46); Table Mountain National Park: Newlands Forest (-33.91,18.42), Table Mountain (-33.91, 18.42); Worcester (-33.64, 19.47). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 1 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1. Deinopis cornigera Gerstäcker, 1873 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1). Limpopo: Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45). North West: Madikwe Game Reserve (-24.77, 26.01). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: East Africa*, Berundi, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY DEINOPIDAE (CONTINUED) 228 Deinopis cylindrica Pocock, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Pretoria/Tshwane: Brooklyn (-25.74, 28.19). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Pongola (-27.35, 31.61); iSimangaliso Wetland Park (Hell’s Gate) (-28, 32.48); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Tembe Elephant Park (-26.94, 32.47); Kosi Bay Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.87); Umhlali (-29.47, 31.22)*. Limpopo: Makalali Nature Reserve (-24.34, 30.93). Mpumalanga: Marble Hall (-24.96, 29.29). Western Cape: Bloubergstrand (-33.77, 18.45). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Menneus camelus Pocock, 1902 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Bathurst (Farm Fairie Glen) (-33.5, 26.84); Cwebe Nature Reserve (The Haven) (-32.28, 28.9); Hogsback (-32.59, 26.92); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Pirie Forest (-32.72, 27.24) Gauteng: Boksburg (-26.13, 28.15); Centurion (-25.85, 28.16); Pretoria/ Tshwane: Agricultural building (-25.74, 28.19), Lynnwood Ridge (-25.76, 28.30), Meyerspark (-25.74, 28.31), Weavind Park (-25.73, 28.17); Randburg (-26.07, 27.92); Roodeplaat Research Station (-25.66, 28.35); Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden (-26.14, 27.86). KwaZulu-Natal: Cathedral Peak (-28.94, 29.19); Durban (-29.85, 31.01)*; iSimangaliso Wetland Park: False Bay Park (-27.92, 32.27), Hell’s Gate (-28, 32.48). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Lekgalameetsi Nature Reserve (-23.82, 30.16); Meetsa-A-Bophelo Mission Station (-24.25, 30.45); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Tzaneen (Serale Canyon Ridge Forest) (-23.82, 30.16); Sovenga Hill (-23.88, 29.73). Mpumalanga: Avoca (-25.68, 31.17); Sabie (Lisbon) (-25.1, 30.78). North West: Buffelspoort Research Station (-25.62, 27.77); Swartruggens (Farm Olivenkloof 373 JP (-25.54, 26.52); Rustenburg Nature Reserve (-25.72, 27.18). Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44); Kleinmond (Palmiet Rivier) (-34.33, 19.02); Stellenbosch (Farm Jonkershoek) (-33.93, 18.85); Worcester (Goudini) (-33.64, 19.47). Continued on next page FAMILY DEINOPIDAE Menneus camelus (continued) Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 11. Records from agro-ecosystems: avocado (1). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. (CONTINUED) 229 19. FAMILY DESIDAE 230 Desidae a cosmopolitan family is represented by 36 genera with a single species known from Namibia and South Africarica. • Common name: Desis formidabilis (African long-jawed intertidal spider). • Life style: Wanderers (ground dwellers); freerunning intertidal spiders. • Body size: 18-22 mm, including chelicerae (males slightly smaller). • Diagnostic characters: cColour: pale yellow to dark brown; carapace: longer than wide with the fovea distinct; eyes: 8 in 2 rows that occupy little more than half the head width; chelicerae: very large, almost as long as carapace and directed to the front; abdomen: ovoid and clothed with short setae; legs: of moderate length with leg I without spines and leg II with a few. • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: depending on the wave action whether they make a silk-lined retreat in an empty shell or only hide beneath the rocks. • Habitat: Rocky seashore. • Behaviour: they are intertidal hunters always found in areas with a rocky shore. They are found between the Low Water Neap and High Water Neap tide levels and are thus submerged twice a day for several hours. Depending on the wave action they occupy either cavities like empty shells or rock holes or hide between stones. When the action of the waves is strong they usually inhabit empty shells made waterproof with silk enclosing enough air for gas exchange during immersion. Where the wave action is weak the spider usually hides beneath rocks and the water-repellent setae on the body help to trap a film of air, which act as an external "lung". • Taxonomic notes: the family was revised by Lamoral (1968a). References: LAMORAL, B.H. 1968a. On the species of the genus Desis Walckenaer, 1837 (Araneae: Amaurobiidae) found on the rocky shores of South Africa and South West Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum 20: 139-150. • LAMORAL, B.H. 1968b. On the ecology and habitat adaptations of two intertidal spiders, Desis formidabilis (O.P.-Cambridge) and Amaurobioides africanus (Hewitt), at “The Island” (Kommetjie, Cape Peninsu- la), with notes on the occurrence of two other spiders. Annals of the Natal Museum 20: 151-193. LAMORAL, B.H. 1971. These spiders are “drowned” every day. African Wildlife 25: 7-10. FAMILY DESIDAE (CONTINUED) 231 Desis formidabilis (O.P.-Cambridge, 1890) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Port Alfred (-33.58, 26.89)*. Western Cape: Betty's Bay (-34.34,18.94); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Koppie Alleen) (-34.45, 20.44); Jongensfontein (-34.36, 21.43); False bay (Rooi Els Berg) (-34.25, 18.58); Hermanus (Vermont) (-34.4, 19.25); Kommetjie (-34.16, 18.34); Muizenberg (-34.1, 18.47). Habitat (biomes): coastal areas. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. 20. FAMILY DICTYNIDAE can species are solitary usually found alone in their webs and only during their reproductive period males and females or females with eggs or young are found together in one web. Some species are socially inclined and live in communal web complexes. Archaeodictyna ulovo lives as a kleptoparasite in the community nest of the eresids Stegodyphus mimosarum and S. dumicola. They feed communally with the eresids on prey items caught by their hosts. They infiltrate and integrate into the colonies of communal spiders and are apparently treated as con-specifics. They lay their egg cocoons throughout the eresid retreat. Sometimes their webs are found on walls. The Dictynidae is a large cosmopolitan family that is more common in the Northern Hemisphere and is represented by more than 350 species. From South Africa 3 genera and about 4 species are known of which 2 are endemics. • Common name: mesh-web spiders. • Life style: web dwellers (cribellated sheet-like retreat-webs); webs are usually found on plants. • Body size: < 5 mm. • Diagnostic characters: colour: carapace pale to dark brown or grey and abdomen usually pale with dark patterns; carapace: cephalic region usually distinct in being relatively high, with longitudinal rows of white setae; eyes: 8 in 2 rows (4:4), either all dark or only anterior median eyes dark; chelicerae in males of some genera: "bowed-shaped"; abdomen: sub-oval to oval, slightly overlapping carapace, usually bearing a layer of white setae; legs: of moderate length, all the same size, usually without true spines. • Web and retreat: web: Most of the dictynids lives in signal-webs consisting of a retreat extending into a signal-web; retreat: in which the spider generally resides is made within the parameters of the web. • Habitat; The webs are made on leaves, in crevices or between twigs, etc. One species is found in the web of other spiders. The spiders have been recorded from all the biomes but are more common in grassland and savanna. • Behaviour: In some species part of the web structure consists of parallel threads crisscrossed with cribellate silk to form a ladder-like structure that suggest a part of an orb-web. The retreat is made on one side of the web. The Southern Afri- 232 • Taxonomic notes: no revision done on family in Africa, several undescribed species present in collections. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & JOCQUÉ, R. 1997. African spiders: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 9, ARCPlant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria 392 pp. • GRISWOLD, C.E. & MEIKLE-GRISWOLD, T.C. 1987. Archaeodictyna ulova, new species (Araneae: Dictynidae), a remarkable kleptoparasite of group-living eresid spiders (Stegodyphus spp., Araneae: Eresidae). American Museum Novitates 2897, 11 pp. FAMILY DICTYNIDAE (CONTINUED) 233 Archaeodictyna condocta (O.P.-Cambridge, 1876) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Koingnaas (-30.57, 17.57). Western Cape: Brand-seBaai (-31.42, 18.01). Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Cosmopolitan. Conservation status: endemicity: 0; abundance: 3 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Archaeodictyna ulova Griswold & Meikle-Griswold, 1987 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ladysmith (-28.55, 29.76); Spioenkop Dam Nature Reserve (-28.41, 29.28)*. Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.97). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY DICTYNIDAE (CONTINUED) 234 Mashimo leleupi Lehtinen, 1967 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Kei River Mouth (-32.68, 28.37); Keiskammahoek (-32.69, 27.15); Gonubie (-32.94, 28.01); Mkambathi Nature Reserve (-31.02, 30.23); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43). KwaZulu-Natal: Vryheid Nature Reserve (-27.75, 30.79); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Lajuma Mountain Retreat -23.03, 29.45). Mpumalanga: Kruger National Park (Skukuza) (-25.00, 31.97). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa, Zambia*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. Shango capicola (Strand, 1909) Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Simonstown (-34.19, 18.43)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1 21. FAMILY DIPLURIDAE The family Dipluridae has a worldwide distribution and is represented by about 275 species. From South Africa 2 genera and 6 species are known. • Common name: funnel-web mygalomorph spiders. • Life style: web dwellers (funnel-web); webs usually made close to soil-surface, • Body size: 5-22 mm (males more slender). • Diagnostic characters: colour: varies from pale tan to orange-brown to purple-brown or blackish brown; carapace: cephalic region low and thoracic region elevated, overall hairy, with small pit-like fovea; eyes: 8 in compact group on eye tubercle; chelicerae: extending to the front, rastellum absent; abdomen: oval, hairy and frequently with spots or chevron markings; spinnerets: posterior spinnerets long, widely spaced with all 3 segments almost similar in length, median spinnerets short and widely spaced; legs: slender, scopulae absent, tarsi long and slender, leg I (male) usually with mating spur on the tibia and metatarsi. 235 regions and found in piles of rocks, road banks and tree trunks. • Behaviour: diplurids use the sheet-like extensions of their webs to detect and capture prey. Males abandon their webs and search for mates during the wet summer months. Allothele teretis typically builds a curtain-like sheet web in cool, shady places such as tree trunks and holes on stream banks. A very common diplurid species Thelechoris striatipes is found from Kenya southwards to Namibia and South Africa. They are moderately large diplurids that built conspicuous, perennial threedimensional capture webs up to 1500 cm² wide. The capture area consists of interconnected sheets and passageways funneling into a protected tubular silk-retreat. Small spiders that live as kleptoparasites on diplurids webs are frequently encountered. About 11 spider families and a number of insects in total representing 60 species are co-inhabitants of the web of T. striatipes. • Taxonomic notes: Coyle (1984) revised on genus of the family. References: COYLE, F.A. 1984. A revision of the African mygalomorph spider genus Allothele (Araneae, Dipluridae). American Museum Novitates 2794, 20 pp. • • • Web and retreat: web: capture web consists of an ill-defined silk sheet composed of a mesh of silken threads; the sheet is laid over the ground or any horizontal area; the web usually remains in the same place and is repaired and enlarged as the spider grows; in some species threedimensional capture webs consist of interconnected sheets funneling towards the retreat; retreat: a protective tubular or funnel-shaped silk retreats is made on the side of the sheet. Habitat: three of the Allothele species are adapted to forest habitats with dry winters and rainy summer seasons where they are found in cool, shady places such as tree trunks and river banks. Only one species, Allothele malawi is found in drier savanna regions. Thelechoris is found in grassland, savanna and the more arid COYLE, F.A. & MEIGS, T.E. 1992. Web coinhabitants of the African funnelweb spider, Thelechoris karschi (Araneae, Dipluridae). Revue de Zoologie africaine 106: 289-296. COYLE, F.A. & O’SHIELDS, T.C. 1990. Courtship and mating behavior of Thelechoris karschi (Araneae, Dipluridae) an African funnelweb spider. Journal of Arachnology 18: 281-296. FAMILY DIPLURIDAE (CONTINUED) 236 Allothele australis (Purcell, 1903) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Baviaanskloof Nature Reserve (-33.76, 24.81); Grahamstown Botanical Gardens (-33.3, 26.52); Dunbrody, Sundays River (-33.47, 25.55)*; Grahamstown (Melrode House) (-33.33, 26.54). Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 2. Allothele caffer (Pocock, 1902) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Indwe, Lady Frere (-31.47, 27.35). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01)*; Durban (Bluff) (-29.86, 31.05); Durban (Burman Bush) (-29.85, 31.01); Umhlali (Chakas Rock) (-29.47, 31.22); Umhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve(-29.7, 31.09). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Angola, DRC, Malawi, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY DIPLURIDAE (CONTINUED) 237 Allothele malawi Coyle, 1984 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Lake Fundudzi (-22.86, 30.29); Little Leigh (Western Soutpansberg) (-22.95, 29.87); Mukumbani Ivory Route (-22.88, 30.4); Tzaneen (-23.82, 30.16). Mpumalanga: Sabie (Lone Creek Falls) (-25.1, 30.78). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Malawi*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 2 [3]. Taxonomic status: 2. Allothele teretis Tucker, 1920 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Estcourt (-29.03, 29.85); Estcourt (10 km SE, Griffins Hill) (-29, 29.87); Keate's Drift near Mpofana (-28.85, 30.5); Kranskop (-28.97, 30.86); Tugela River near Middledrift (-32.82, 26.98); Mfongosi near Ubombo (-27.28, 32.15)*; Mhlopeni Nature Reserve (-28.96, 30.39); Muden (-28.96, 30.39); Ophathe Game Reserve (-28.52; 31.66); Weenen Nature Reserve (-28.84, 30.07); Winterton (15 km NW Spioenkop Nature Reserve) (-28.81, 29.53). Limpopo: Little Leigh (Western Soutpansberg) (-22.95, 29.87). Habitat (biomes): FoB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 2. FAMILY DIPLURIDAE (CONTINUED) 238 Euagrus atropurpureus Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Prince Albert (-33.22, 22.03)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Thelechoris striatipes (Simon, 1889) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Addo Elephant National Park (-33.32, 25.72); Kwandwe Private Game Reserve (-33.09, 26.57). KwaZulu-Natal: Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (-28.09, 32.1). Limpopo: Lekgalameetsi Nature Reserve (-23.82, 30.16); Lapalala Wilderness Game Reserve (-23.84, 28.26). Habitat (biomes): SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 2. 22. FAMILY DRYMUSIDAE The family Drymusidae is a small family known only from the Caribbean region, Costa Rica and South Africa and represented by one genus and 6 species of which 3 are known from Southern Africa. catch web consisting of partitions spun after the prey has entered the web, and enclosing it in a silken trap. Only then does the spider attack, biting the victim 5-6 times. The prey is then left till it slows down completely before wrapping starts. The wrapping process only involves rotation of the spider's body without assistance of the legs. Too large prey is ignored as they move through the space-web. The female carries the egg cocoon in her chelicerae. The cocoon is temporarily abandoned when suitable prey enters the web. • Common name: false violin spider (closely resembles violin spider Loxosceles, and can easily be mistaken for them). • Life style: Web dwellers (space-web); webs are made close to the soil surface. • Body size: 7-15 mm (legs longer in males). • • Diagnostic characters: colour: carapace and legs brown decorated with dark patterns, abdomen with a distinct brown or purple hue is dorsally decorated with pale chevron patterns; carapace: slightly depressed with thoracic region elevated bearing numerous long, dark setae (more numerous in males) arranged in a V-shape; eyes: 6 arranged in 3 groups of 2 each in a recurved row; abdomen: round to oval, with a light covering of short stiff setae; legs: long and slender without spines leg, leg formula 1243. • • Web and retreat: web: loosely spun space-webs, sometimes with sheet- or tube-like extensions; retreat: usually at one side of web. • Habitat: more commonly found in forest areas and caves. • Behaviour: drymusids are nocturnal and found on the underside of fallen logs. The spider remains on the log when it is turned over and is easily overlooked. They behave differently towards larger and smaller prey. Small prey are attacked immediately and killed solely using their chelicerae. Larger prey is caught by a quick construction of a 239 Taxonomic notes: family not yet revised. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & JOCQUÉ, R. 1997. African spiders: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 9, ARCPlant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria 392 pp VALERIO, C.E. 1971. The spider genus Drymusa in the New World (Araneae: Scytodidae). The Florida Entomologist 54: 193-200. VALERIO, C.E. 1974. Prey capture by Drymusa dinora (Araneae: Scytodidae). Psyche 81: 284-287. FAMILY DRYMUSIDAE (CONTINUED) 240 Drymusa capensis Simon, 1893 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: type locality as Cape Peninsula*; Kogelberg Nature Reserve (-34.14, 18.34); Table Mountain National Park (Newlands Forest) (-33.91, 18.42); Kalkbaai (-34.19, 18.42). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. Drymusa producta Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Swellendam (-34.02, 20.42)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY DRYMUSIDAE (CONTINUED) Drymusa silvicola Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Knysna (-34.03, 23.03)*. Habitat (biomes): FoB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. 241 23. FAMILY DYSDERIDAE The family Dysderidae occurs worldwide and comprises 20 genera that are endemic to the Mediterranean Region. One cosmopolitan species has been recorded from Southern Africa. • Common name: Dysdera crocata (long-fanged ground spider). • Life style: wanderers (ground dwellers); freerunning; abundance: very rare • Body size: 9-15 mm. • Diagnostic characters: colour: carapace and legs deep red to deep orange, abdomen pinkish grey; carapace: longer than wide, integument sclerotized with fine granulation; eyes: 6 arranged in a compact group close to clypeal edge; chelicerae: well developed, extending to the front, fangs long and well developed; abdomen: long, oval, with light cover of short setae; legs: of moderate length without strong setae. • Web and retreat: web: absent; retreat: they are found during the day in silken nests, attached to the underside of stones or clumps of vegetation. • Habitat: Dysdera crocata has been introduced into most countries and are found in and around houses.From the South Africa they has been collected from houses and forested areas around Cape Town and build-up areas in Gauteng, South Africa. • Behaviour: The dysderids are free-living nocturnal ground-dwellers. They are solitary spiders and use their long chelicerae and fangs to catch their prey.During mating the males tore open the nest of female. If the female is receptive they enter to embrace, stroke and nip the female before copulation takes place. The retreats are also used for molting, egg laying and caring for the brood up to a month. The bundle of eggs is held together only with a few strands of silk and is then deposited in the retreat with the mother. • 242 Taxonomic note: known only from the one introduced species. References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. & JOCQUÉ, R. 1997. African spiders: an identification manual. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook no. 9, ARCPlant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria 392 pp • JACKSON, R.R. & POLLARD, S.D. 1982. The biology of Dysdera crocata (Araneae, Dysderidae): interspecific interactions. Journal of Zoology 198: 197-214. FAMILY DYSDERIDAE (CONTINUED) 243 Dysdera crocata C.L.Koch, 1838 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Florida (-26.2, 28.04); Roodepoort (-26.14, 27.86). Western Cape: Fish Hoek, Peer Hill (-34.05, 18.35); Hermanus (Vermont) (-34.4, 19.25); Muizenberg (Marine Estate) (-34.08, 18.47); Table Mountain National Park (Newlands Forest) (-33.91, 18.42); Bellville (-33.9, 18.63); Stellenbosch (-33.93, 18.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: Cosmopolitan*. Conservation status: endemicity: 0; abundance: 2 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3 24. FAMILY ERESIDAE The family Eresidae is known from the Oriental, Mediterranean, Palearctic and Afrotropical Regions. They are represented in South Africa by 7 genera and 50 species. • Common names: Eresidae (velvet spiders); Stegodyphus (community nest spiders); Dresserus (ground velvet spiders); Gandanameno (tree velvet spiders); Seothyra, (bokspoor spiders); Paradonea (decorated velvet spiders). • Life style: web dwellers (diverse cribellated signal -webs); diverse behaviour, found on the soil in burrows, under stones, under bark and in grass and trees; abundance: rare. • Body size: 7-20 mm (male smaller, sexual dimorphism in size, shape and colour). • Diagnostic characters: colour: various hues of dark-brown, yellowish brown to grey, abdomen sometimes with distinct patterns formed by white, orange or red setae; carapace: rectangular, high or slightly flattened, usually thickly clothed with hair, fovea circular but variable in depth; eyes: 8, median eyes close together, with lateral eyes wide apart and posterior lateral eyes usually positioned far back on the carapace; abdomen: rounded to oval and thickly clothed with hairs, frequently with patterns; legs: short and stout and thickly clothed with hairs, the tarsi are usually united to metatarsi by almost rigid joints. • Web and retreat: web: very diverse, differ between genera, usually a sheet-like signal-web radiating from retreat made of cribellated silk; retreat: shape of retreat vary between genera. • Habitat: members of Eresidae are found in different habitats. Gandanameno is found under loose bark of trees, common in savanna, grassland and Nama-Karoo; Stegodyphus is found in community or solitary nests on trees or in grass in savanna, grassland and Karoo regions while Seothyra lives in burrows made in soil of the more drier grass- 244 land, woodland savanna, Karoo and desert regions. • Behaviour: webs and retreats frequently have arrays of radiating threads covered with hackled bands of cribellate silk. Dresserus spp. build a retreat of bluish-white silk under stones while Gandanameno spp. are found under loose bark of trees where they build a funnel-like retreat with the entrance sheltered under a tarpaulin-like flat sheet -like signal-web. Seothyra spp. live in a tubular retreats in the ground similar to trapdoor spiders. The entrance to the burrow is covered by a lobed silk-flap that serve as a signal-web, covered by sand. It resembles a footprint in the sand. All the species of Stegodyphus are plant-living either solitary or living in community nests e.g. S. dumicola and S. mimosarum. A retreat is made by the solitary species usually in grass heads with trip lines extending out wards. • Taxonomic notes: only two genera Seothyra (Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1990) and Stegodyphus (Kraus & Kraus, 1988) have been revised References: DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A.S. 1990. A revision of the African spider genus Seothyra Purcell (Araneae: Eresidae). Cimbebasia 12: 135-160. • HENSCHEL, J.R. 1993. Is solitary life an alternative for the social spider Stegodyphus dumicola? Journal of the Namibian Scientific Society 43: 71-79. KRAUS, 0. & KRAUS, M. 1988. The genus Stegodyphus (Arachnida, Araneae). Sibling species, species groups, and parallel origin of social living. Verhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Hamburg 30:151-254. LEHTINEN, P.T. 1967 Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4, 468 pp. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 245 Dresserus angusticeps Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: St. Helena Bay (-32.77, 18.03)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Dresserus collinus Pocock, 1900 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44); Table Mountain National Park (Table Mountain) (-33.82, 18.48)*. Habitat (biomes): FB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 246 Dresserus colsoni Tucker, 1920 Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Meyersdal (-26.3, 28.09); Pretoria/Tshwane (-25.74, 28.19); Ezemvelo Nature Reserve (-25.8, 28.77). KwaZuluNatal: Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-24.65, 28.67); Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas) (-24.56, 28.46); Lajuma Mountain Retreat (-23.03, 29.45); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Rust de Winter (-25.19, 28.63). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04); Groblersdal (Kameeldrift) -25.16, 29.39); Loskop Research Station (-25.17, 29.4); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46)*; Oudestad Experimental Farm (-25.2, 29.2). Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: cotton (2). Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 1 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. Dresserus kannemeyeri Tucker, 1920 Distribution in South Africa: Free State: Bloemfontein (Farm Hopefield) (-29.11, 26.22); Bloemfontein (Farm Deelhoek) (-29.11, 26.22); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (-28.92, 27.58); Smithfield (-30.21, 26.53)*. Gauteng: Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve (-27.59, 27.53); Pretoria/Tshwane (Rietondale Research Station) (-25.74, 28.19); Nooitgedacht (-25.74, 28.19); Germiston (-26.21, 28.15). Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB. Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 247 Dresserus laticeps Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Tsabis, 20 m NE Cordonia (-29.26, 17.28)*. Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Dresserus namaquensis Purcell, 1908 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Steinkopf (-29.25, 17.73)*; Kamaggas (-29.75, 17.4). Habitat (biomes): SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 248 Dresserus nigellus Tucker, 1920 Distribution in South Africa: Western Cape: Matroosberg (-33.42, 19.84)*; Gamkaberg Nature Reserve (-33.31, 21.71). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Dresserus obscurus Pocock, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Estcourt (-29, 29.87)*; Richards Bay (15 km N) (-28.78, 32.1). Habitat (biomes): FoB, GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 5; abundance: 3 [8]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 249 Dresserus olivaceus Pocock, 1900 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52)*. Habitat (biomes): TB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Dresserus schreineri Tucker, 1920 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*. Western Cape: Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 250 Dresserus tripartitus Lawrence, 1938 Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Pietermaritzburg (-29.6, 30.38)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1. Gandanameno fumosa (C.L.Koch, 1837) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52). Limpopo: Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Northern Cape: Naauwpoort, near Hanover (-31.13, 24.57)*; Port Nolloth (-29.25, 16.87). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 251 Gandanameno purcelli (Tucker, 1920) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: East London (-33.01, 27.9); Grahamstown (Farm Gretna) (-33.3, 26.52). Gauteng: Kloofendal Nature Reserve (-26.14, 27.86). Limpopo: Kruger National Park (-22.93, 31.02). Northern Cape: Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve (-31.45, 19.1). Western Cape: Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (-34.32, 18.96); Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); Karoo National Park, Stalshoogte (-32.28, 22.46). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, NKB, SB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 6. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 3; abundance: 2 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. Gandanameno spenceri (Pocock, 1900) Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Cradock (-32.16, 25.61); Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.43); Port Elizabeth (-33.95, 25.61)*. KwaZulu-Natal: Cedara Forest Reserve (-30.16, 29.32). North West: Brits (Swartberg) (-25.62, 27.77). Northern Cape: Hanover (-30.94, 24.53); Kamaggas (-29.75, 17.4); Kimberley (Hillcrest) (-28.76, 24.74); Steinkopf (-29.25, 17.73)*. Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (Gamkaskloof) (-33.36, 21.69); De Hoop Nature Reserve (Potberg) (-34.45, 20.44); Prince Albert (Tierberg) (-33.13, 22.25); Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, FoB, GB, NKB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 252 Paradonea parva (Tucker, 1920) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Kuruman (Dithakong Tribal Land) (-27.46, 23.43); Benfontein Nature Reserve (-28.73, 24.76); Hopetown (4 km W) (-29.62, 24.06). North West: Junction Crocodile & Marico Rivers (-25.19, 26.87)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 2 [6]. Taxonomic status: 1 Paradonea splendens (Lawrence, 1936) Distribution in South Africa: Gauteng: Sunnyside (-25.75, 28.21). Northern Cape: Gemsbokpan (-29.47, 23.58)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 253 Paradonea striatipes Lawrence, 1968 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Kathu (-27.69, 23.06)*. Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 1 Paradonea variegata (Purcell, 1904) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Calvinia (-31.46, 19.77); Kamaggas (-29.75, 17.4); Namies (-29.29, 19.2); Nariep (Naroep) (-30.77, 17.64)*; Pella (-29.03, 19.13); Steinkopf (-29.25, 17.73)*. Western Cape: Cederberg (Dwarsriver) (-32.16, 18.89); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Matjiesfontein (-33.24, 20.58); Touwsriver (-33.44, 21.18); Worcester (-33.64, 19.47); Nieuwoudtville (Bokkeveld Mts) (-31.37, 19.11). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB, SKB Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 1. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 254 Seothyra fasciata Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Messina/Mussina (Farm Onseigengrond) (-22.34, 30.03); Waterpoort (Farm Rochdale) (-22.54; 29.41); Mosdene Nature Reserve (-24.52; 28.7). Northern Cape: Breekkierie Dunes (-30.12, 21.55); Gordonia (-28.7, 20.96)*; Kalagadi Transfontier Park (Twee Rivieren) (-26.43, 20.26); Steinkopf (-29.25; 17.73); Upington, 19.2 km W (-28.4, 21.24); Upington, 8 km NW (-28.45, 21.24). Western Cape: Witsand Nature Reserve (-34.39; 20.85). Habitat (biomes): FB, NKB, SB, SKB Records from protected areas: 3. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Seothyra longipedata Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1991 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape:Upington (Farm Grootdrink) (-28.6, 21.7); Richtersveld Transfrontier National Park (3 km SW of Claim Peak) (-28.25; 17.17). Western Cape: Cederberg Wilderness Area (-32.16, 18.89). Habitat (biomes): FB, SB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 2. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 255 Seothyra perelegans Simon, 1906 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5). Free State: Bothaville (-27.38, 26.62)*. Habitat (biomes): GB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 0. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 4; abundance: 3 [7]. Taxonomic status: 3. Seothyra schreineri Purcell, 1903 Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*; Hopetown (4 km W) (-29.62, 24.06); Poortjiesfontein (-30.97, 24.45); Onderste Narries (-28.55, 19.83). Western Cape: Beaufort West (Farm Eerste Water) (-32.69, 22.96); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Prince Albert (-33.22, 22.03). Habitat (biomes): NKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 2 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 256 Seothyra semicoccinea Simon, 1906 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Willowmore (-33.3, 23.5)*. Free State: Bothaville (-27.38, 26.62). Habitat (biomes): GB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 6; abundance: 3 [9]. Taxonomic status: 3. Stegodyphus africanus (Blackwall, 1866) Distribution in South Africa: KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.87, 32.24); Underberg, Sangwana (-29.79, 29.5). Limpopo: Blouberg Nature Reserve (-22.99, 29.04); Kruger National Park: Punda Milia (-22.68, 31.01), between Shingwedzi and Letaba (-23.12, 31.43), Mooketsi (-23.59, 30.08); Soutpansberg (-31.04, 20.04); Vaalwater (-24.29; 28.11). Mpumalanga: Shiluvane (-24.03, 30.27). Northern Cape: Colesberg (-30. 73, 25.11). North West: Barberspan (-26.62, 25.58). Habitat (biomes): GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 4. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0 Known distribution: Angola, Cameroon, DRC, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 257 Stegodyphus bicolor (O.P.-Cambridge, 1869) Distribution in South Africa: Northern Cape: Augrabies National Park (-28.66, 20.42); Riemvasmaak (-28.45, 20.31); Naroep (-28.98, 18.58). Habitat (biomes): NKB, SKB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records fro.m agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Namibia*, South Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 3 [5]. Taxonomic status: 3. Stegodyphus dumicola Pocock, 1898 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Grahamstown (-33.3, 26.52); Grahamstown (Goodwins Kloof) (-33.9, 29.47); Grahamstown (Gretna, 6 km SW) (-33.3, 26.52); Jeffrey's Bay (-34.06, 24.91); Middelburg (-23.9, 29.47); Middledrift (-32.82, 26.98); Pearston (-32.59, 25.15); Somerset East (-32.73, 25.6). Free State: Kroonstad (-27.65, 27.24); Mpetsane Conservation Estate (near Clocolan) (-28.8, 27.65); Vredefort(-27, 27.37); Wepener (-23.9, 29.47). Gauteng: Roodepoort (-23.9, 29.47), Hekpoort (-23.9, 29.47); Modderfontein (-23.9, 29.47); Pretoria/Tshwane: University of Pretoria, Exp. Farm (-25.73, 28.17), Gezina (-25.72, 28.21), Wonderboom, Saltpan (-25.68, 28.2); Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-25.64, 28.36); Roodepoort National Botanical Garden (-23.9, 29.47). KwaZulu-Natal: Estcourt (-29, 29.87)*; Hluhluwe (Ubizane Ranch) (-28.02, 32.28); Ladysmith (Klip River) (-28.55, 29.76); Mhlopeni Nature Reserve (-28.96, 30.39); Mkuzi Game Reserve (-27.63, 32.25); Mseleni (27.19, 32.32); Ndumo Nature Reserve (-26.93, 32.24); Pongola (Farm Vergeval) (-27.35, 31.61); Spioenkop Dam Nature Reserve (-28.55, 29.76). Limpopo: Hoedspruit, 5 km S (-24.34, 30.93); Kruger National Park: Shingwedzi-Babalala (-22.93, 31.02), between Shingwedzi and Letaba (-22.93, 31.02), Olifants camp (-24.02, 31.75), Skukuza (-22.93, 31.03); Nylsvley Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Pietersburg/Polokwane (-23.89, 29.46); Polokwane Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47); Waterberg (-24.33, 28.33). Mpumalanga: Barberton (-25.79, 31.04); Hectorspruit (Farm Lekkerdraai) (-25.43, 31.68); Lydenburg (-25.09, 30.46); Kruger National Park: Pumbe Picket (-24.22, 31.93), Skukuza (-25.0, 31.97). North West: Mafikeng (-25.82, 25.63); Molopo Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). Northern Cape: Augrabies National Park (-28.58, 20.35); Dibeng (-27.59, 22.87); Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (Urikaruus Camp) (-25.78, 20.39); Kimberley (-28.73, 24.76); Nariep (-30.77, 17.64); Nieuwoudtville (31.37, 19.11); Upington (-28.45, 21.24).Western Cape: Cape Town (-33.91, 18.42); Cederberg Camp (Kromrivier) (-32.16, 18.89); Karoo National Park (-32.28, 22.46); Table Mountain National Park (Table Mountain) (-33.82, 18.48). Continued on next page FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 258 Stegodyphus dumicola (continued) Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, NKB, SB, SKB, TB. Records from protected areas: 15. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa*, Swaziland, Zimbabwe. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3. Stegodyphus mimosarum Pavesi, 1883 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Middelburg (-23.9, 29.47); Mzimhlava River mouth, Lusikisiki (-31.37, 29.57). Free State: Bloemfontein (Farm Deelhoek) (-23.9, 29.47). Gauteng: Roodeplaatdam Nature Reserve (-23.9, 29.47). KwaZulu-Natal: Durban (-29.85, 31.01); Hluhluwe Nature Reserve (Ubizane) (-28.02, 32.28); Mkuzi Nature Reserve (-27.6, 32.02); Mseleni (-27.19S, 32.32E); Ndumo Game Reserve (-26.93, 32.24); Pinetown(-29.81, 30.85); Richmond (-29.86, 30.26); Spioenkop Dam Nature Reserve (-28.55, 29.76); Verulam (-29.62, 31.06). Limpopo: 5 km S of Hoedspruit (-24.34,30.93); Kruger National Park: Punda Milia (-22.68, 31.01), Springbok Flats (Tuinplaas), (-24.56, 28.46); Maastroom (Farm Al-te-Ver) (-23.9, 29.47); Sandrivierspoort, Waterberg (-24.33, 28.33). Mpumalanga: Baberton (-25.79, 31.04); Kruger National Park (Skukuza Camp) (-25.00, 31.97). Northern Cape: Boegoeberg Dam (-28.5, 26.8). Western Cape: Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36, 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, NKB, SB. Records from protected areas: 7. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: wide throughout Africa. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 1 [2]. Taxonomic status: 3. FAMILY ERESIDAE (CONTINUED) 259 Stegodyphus sabulosus Tullgren, 1910 Distribution in South Africa: Limpopo: Kruger National Park (Nwambiya Pan) (-22.93, 31.02). Habitat (biomes): SB. Records from protected areas: 1. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Kenya, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania*. Conservation status: endemicity: 1; abundance: 3 [4]. Taxonomic status: 3. Stegodyphus tentoriicola Purcell, 1904 Distribution in South Africa: Eastern Cape: Herschel (-30.62, 27.16); Mountain Zebra National Park (-32.24, 25.54); Middelburg (-29.73, 27.03); Twee Rivieren (-31.48, 26.03); Zwartkops (-33.87, 25.63). Free State: Wepener (-29.73, 27.03). Gauteng: Krugersdorp / Mogale (-26.14; 27.86); Centurion (-25.9; 27.61). Limpopo: Makapansgat (-24.15, 29.18). Northern Cape: Eierfontein (-31.06, 24.4); Vlagkop, Hanover (-30.94, 24.53)*; Kalagadi Transfontier Park (Twee Rivieren) (-26.43, 20.26). Western Cape: Witsand Nature Reserve (-26.02; 25.5); Karoo National Park (-26.08; 28.17); Swartberg Nature Reserve (-33.36; 21.69). Habitat (biomes): FB, GB, NKB, SB, TB. Records from protected areas: 5. Records from agro-ecosystems: 0. Known distribution: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa*. Conservation status: endemicity: 2; abundance: 1 [3]. Taxonomic status: 3.