Boiler Performance Improvement Due to Intelligent Sootblowing
Boiler Performance Improvement Due to Intelligent Sootblowing
Technical Paper Boiler Performance Improvement Due to Intelligent Sootblowing Utilizing Real-Time Boiler Modeling on UP® Boilers S. J. Piboontum, S. M. S wift, and R. S. Conrad The Babcock & Wilcox Company Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. Presented to: Electric Power 2005 April 5-7, 2005 Chicago, IL, U.S.A BR-1766 Boiler Performance Improvement Due to Intelligent Sootblowing Utilizing Real-Time Boiler Modeling on UP® Boilers S. J. Piboontum The Babcock & Wilcox Company Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. S. M. Swift The Babcock & Wilcox Company Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. R. S. Conrad The Babcock & Wilcox Company Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. BR-1766 Presented to Electric Power 2005 April 5 - 7, 2005 Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Abstract To achieve optimum boiler operation and performance it is necessary to control the cleanliness and limit the fouling and slagging of the heat transfer surfaces. Historically, the heating surfaces were cleaned by air-blowing, steam-blowing, or water-blowing sootblowers on a scheduled time-based interval. With the advent of fuel switching strategies such as changing from bituminous to Powder River Basin (PRB) subbituminous coals to reduce emissions, the control of heating surface cleanliness has become more problematic for many steam generator owners. A scheduled cleaning approach does not easily address changes in operation. Also, as power plant operators push to achieve greater efficiency and performance from their boilers, the ability to more effectively optimize cleaning cycles has become increasingly important. Sootblowing only when and where it is required to maintain unit performance can reduce unnecessary blowing, save on blowing medium utilization, and reduce tube erosion and wear. The Babcock & Wilcox Company’s (B&W’s) core technology for boiler design is based on modeling of boiler heating surfaces to establish heating surface requirements and performance. The modeling process also must consider fuel types and the combustion requirements. This same technology is used to model the expected performance of existing units. By establishing the boiler model it is possible to accurately determine when and where heating surfaces are experiencing diminished performance due to ash buildup and fouling. The ability to model the heating surface and determine real-time cleanliness indexes is important in developing a system that can more accurately initiate the cleaning cycle of the boiler heating surfaces. The performance of the individual convection pass banks is interrelated; consequently, determining the best sootblowing program must not only rely on the cleanliness of the specific bank to initiate or trigger blowing. By coupling the real-time cleanliness index data with the measured operating parameters of the boiler it is possible to establish strategies to drive sootblower operation. Presented in this paper is the approach taken by B&W in developing the Powerclean™ system, a sootblowing optimization system. Also presented are the performance improvements made with the Powerclean system at two utilities in the United States (U.S.) – one utility located in the southern states and AEP Rockport Unit 2. It should be noted that these units are supercritical, B&W Universal Pressure® (UP) boilers which are operated differently from subcritical natural circulation drum boilers. UP boilers often behave and are controlled differently when they slag and foul; thus, the control of slagging and fouling is often more difficult and complicated. Power generation from coal More than 50% of the power generated in the U.S. is from coalfired power plants. Coal will continue to be a dominant fuel source for fossil-fuel steam generation into the foreseeable future. Pressure to reduce the emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), mercury (Hg) and carbon dioxide (CO2) make it imperative for owners to seek cost effective strategies to meet the regulations. One option being used by an increasing number of utilities is low sulfur western fuels such as PRB coals, which produce less SO2 emissions and reduce the need to install high cost wet or dry scrubbers. However, this western fuel also contains greater amounts of moisture with less heating value on a per pound asreceived basis. Western fuels can also have lower ash softening temperatures. The result of the fuel switching is greater ash loading, with greater fouling and slagging of the boiler surfaces. This places a premium on effective use of sootblowers to control the buildup of ash deposits. The addition of sootblowers or improved blower designs may be part of the strategy when switching to a western fuel; however, improved use of the blowers by better determination of where and when to clean heating surfaces is also important. Historically, a program of monitoring the unit is implemented to develop a set of “best practices” for use of the blowers based on load, fuel source, etc. Currently, improved control systems are available to allow “intelligent” cleaning of heating surfaces. B&W boiler modeling technology and intelligent sootblowing B&W has been modeling boilers and the combustion process for many decades. A common misconception about B&W’s technology is that it only applies to B&W designed boilers. In fact, B&W has modeled and improved on the designs of many other boiler manufacturers. B&W’s technology is based on the principles of heat transfer, fluid flow and combustion. Much of what makes B&W’s modeling technology effective has been the application of this technology to operating units in which actual measured field data were used to empirically update the modeling for accurate prediction of performance. Commercial PC-based versions of the B&W performance modeling programs have been deployed on operating units since the early 1980s. The first systems were offered to allow plant engineers and operators to track the real time performance of the unit. Even in those early days, plant engineers used the performance and cleanliness data provided by the systems to optimize the sootblowing process. These users found that an accurate firstprinciples model of the boiler provided repeatable cleanliness factors that they could use to make changes to better optimize sootblowing. One of the drawbacks of these early systems was that they were advisory, such that a plant engineer needed to use the data to track and manually alter the sootblowing schedules. Today, B&W’s commercial version of the boiler modeling system is the Heat Transfer Manager™ (HTM) performance program. Heat Transfer Manager™ performance modeling The Heat Transfer Manager (HTM) program is the core of the Powerclean sootblower optimization system. The HTM program is applicable to boilers manufactured by B&W as well as other manufacturers. The HTM program is based on heat transfer analysis methods that B&W has developed over many years of designing and upgrading boilers. The heat transfer analysis begins with combustion and efficiency calculations that HTM calculates in accordance with ASME Performance Test Code 4 procedures. Input data are obtained from the plant historian, DCS or data acquisition system. In a typical installation for a reheat utility boiler, the HTM model consists of the following components: furnace, economizer, primary superheater, furnace platens, secondary superheater, and reheater. Fuel input is calculated from measured boiler output and efficiency. Flue gas weight is calculated stoichiometrically from fuel input and excess air which is determined from measured oxygen in the flue gas. HTM includes a detailed computer model in which the furnace as well as the convection surfaces are configured. The furnace portion of the model divides the furnace into volumes whereby the location and input of burners and changes in furnace shape, such as 2 the furnace arch, are described. The furnace model calculates the expected furnace exit gas temperature (FEGT) for comparison to the FEGT value determined analytically. The convection portion of the boiler model consists of tube banks, flue gas cavities between the tube banks, and the steam/ water cooled enclosure surface surrounding the banks and cavities. Tube banks are modeled in detail and include parameters such as tube diameter, tube side and back spacing, heating surface, gas free flow area, steam/water flow per tube, etc. Starting at the air heater gas inlet (economizer gas outlet), the gas temperature entering each component is calculated by heat balance based on calculated gas weight and measured absorption of each boiler component. For units with parallel gas paths for reheat steam temperature control, it is also possible to calculate gas splits between the reheater and superheater gas paths, provided the gas temperature leaving each path is measured. Utilizing the measured steam/water temperature entering and leaving each component and the calculated gas temperatures, the actual as well as expected overall heat transfer coefficient is determined for each boiler component. The relative measure of the actual versus expected heat transfer coefficient provides the cleanliness index that is critical to intelligent sootblowing decisions. Since the HTM program is based on the technology used by B&W for boiler design and performance evaluation, there is extensive empirical data and validation of the accuracy of the program for predicting heat absorption within tube banks. This is true for boilers originally supplied by B&W as well as units designed by other manufacturers. In configuring the boiler model, B&W reviews the complete Input/Output (I/O) list of plant data available from the data acquisition system (DAS), DCS or historian to select the points needed for HTM analysis and for use in setting sootblowing strategy. In general, all the critical data used by the HTM model are part of the normal measured operating data for the boiler controls. Once the boiler model is established, the system is installed at the site and interfaced with both the sootblower controls and the plant DAS, DCS or historian. The HTM model provides the critical boiler performance and heating surface data that is used by the Powerclean module when setting up strategies that guide sootblowing. HTM model results are displayed on the Powerclean graphical interface in a boiler sideview for a comprehensive view of cleanliness by boiler region (Figure 1). Fuel analysis HTM requires an analysis for the typical fuel being used. It is commonly thought that a different fuel analysis is required for all variations of fuel used in a boiler. However, when using a reliable first-principles model such as HTM, different fuel analyses are only required when major changes are made to the fuel source. As an example, one representative fuel analysis is needed for firing many different coals of the same rank such as bituminous coal from more than one source. However, significant changes in coal from one rank to another, such as the use of a subbituminous coal instead of bituminous, will require that a different fuel analyses be used to ensure accurate performance modeling results. Since B&W uses the modeling behind Heat Transfer Manager for boiler design, the company has extensive data on coal types and their impact on boiler performance. When determining the coal analyses for use in HTM, all coals used by the plant are considered. The program can The Babcock & Wilcox Company Fig. 1 HTM boiler sideview. be configured so that a different fuel analysis is substituted when a significant fuel switch (e.g. change of coal rank) is made. Furnace exit gas temperatures As noted above, the HTM program calculates upper furnace exit gas temperatures for use by the Powerclean system in optimizing sootblowing. This is an important feature of the B&W system since it eliminates the need for installing field instrumentation for this purpose. Upper furnace temperature measuring devices such as optical pyrometers or acoustic pyrometers can be costly to install and difficult to maintain in reliable operation. Field installed devices are also dependant on the installation location and field of view such that determining an expected temperature for making cleaning decisions is best done by a period of operation and learning in the specific unit. By contrast, HTM calculates a thermodynamic average FEGT in a specific plane of the boiler which is consistent with FEGT values used by B&W for design. This allows use of an FEGT value that can be compared to an expected value based on historical empirical data. Not only does this calculated FEGT provide important information to aid in optimizing performance but it also allows calculation of a furnace cleanliness factor that is used to help determine when best to clean the furnace walls. The Powerclean intelligent sootblowing system has been installed on boilers with instrumentation for measuring furnace gas temperatures. Figure 2 shows a comparison of the platen inlet gas temperature (PIGT) and FEGT as determined by HTM versus the upper furnace temperature as measured by two optical furnace The Babcock & Wilcox Company pyrometers. The furnace pyrometers were installed on the east and west sides of the boiler in the upper furnace. Note that the temperatures behave similarly in response to actual furnace conditions. The values are not in exact agreement since the HTM values are thermodynamic average temperatures in a specific plane of the boiler while the pyrometers detect the average peak temperature based on their physical location with a heavier weighting toward the near field in its field of view. The Powerclean™ sootblowing optimization program Because boiler heating surface performance may not be the only reason to clean or not clean an area of the boiler, B&W combines the performance diagnostic capabilities of HTM with an expert system to capture and implement strategies for cleaning the unit. The Powerclean™ sootblowing optimization system is the name given to this combination of expert rules module with the HTM software. When developing the Powerclean system, B&W realized that other parameters, in addition to how dirty tube surfaces have become, must be considered when deciding to clean a given region of the boiler. As an example, a plant may want to set a lower limit on cleanliness (i.e., let the surface get dirtier) for the secondary superheater (SSH) outlet sections if the unit is operating below a threshold for reheat outlet temperature. This may be necessary as increased absorption in the SSH would further reduce attainable reheat temperature. In general, the goal in creating Powerclean was to give the sys- 3 HTM Furnace Gas Temperatures vs Measured Furnace Gas Temperatures HTM PIGT HTM FEGT Measured FEGT West Measured FEGT East 2750 2700 2650 Temperature (F) 2600 2550 2500 2450 2400 2350 Time Fig. 2 HTM furnace gas temperatures versus measured furnace gas temperatures. tem enough flexibility such that the observations of the plant engineer, operator or a B&W service engineer could be incorporated into cleaning strategies as needed. With the rule-based expert system designed to capture and implement unit-specific knowledge about sootblowing, the Powerclean approach provides the engineer or operator with significant flexibility to set different strategies for cleaning the unit under different conditions. For instance, separate strategies can be developed for multiple operating load ranges. The Powerclean system also serves as a useful tool to evolve cleaning strategies and practices over time. The user can update and modify the expert system as needed when changes occur. One example is a significant change in fuel source. Powerclean system experience on a Universal Pressure boiler In this paper, two applications of Powerclean on a Universal Pressure (UP) boiler are presented. The first application involves the installation of the Powerclean intelligent sootblowing system on a B&W supercritical, UP boiler that was originally designed with a maximum continuous rating (MCR) steam capacity of 5,525,000 lbs/hr at 3,850 psi, 1010F at the superheater (SH) outlet. Reheat (RH) capacity is 4,793,000 lbs/hr steam flow at 652 psi reheater outlet pressure and 1005F. The unit was designed to produce MCR steam flow and generate approximately 775MWe while burning 100% western lignite fuel. The convection pass heating surfaces are arranged with three vertical platen superheater banks followed by the pendant secondary superheater (SSH) banks and pendant reheat superheater banks 4 in the upper horizontal pass (Figure 3). The economizer is located in the vertical down pass of the unit. Steam temperature from the superheater and reheater is controlled by spray attemperation. To control slagging and fouling of the furnace and convection pass tube surfaces, the unit employs Diamond Power IR wall blowers and IK retractable sootblowers. The blowing medium is air which is supplied by dedicated compressors. The furnace waterwalls have 43 wall blowers. The convection pass surfaces are cleaned by 32 retractable air sootblowers covering the superheater platens, pendant SH and pendant RH. Eight blowers are in the vertical down pass to clean the economizer horizontal tube banks. Operating history For most of its life the unit has burned 100% western lignite fuel. In recent years a blend of lignite and subbituminous coal has been fired. The preference is to burn as much subbituminous coal as possible without hurting the operation of the unit. Heavy slagging and fouling can occur with resulting pluggage if cleaning is not closely monitored and controlled. In general, the unit has had an excellent operating history with good availability. Normal preventive maintenance has been performed over the years to address component wear and deterioration as required including the burners, pulverizers and sootblowers. With the current setup, the sootblowing system has a finite capacity which limits the number and combination of sootblowers that can be run at one time. This requires good coordination and management of the sootblowers to ensure that the system pressure does not drop to the point of tripping the compressors. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Fig. 3 Universal Pressure boiler. Powerclean was installed on this unit to manage the sootblowing process with the goal of improving unit operation while firing a blend of lignite and subbituminous coal. Powerclean system installation and operation Powerclean was installed with a communications link to the Honeywell PHD historian that interfaces with the DCS. Closed loop control for furnace and convection pass cleaning was implemented through a communications link from the Powerclean PC to the Diamond Power BOS® for Windows® system PLC. Once communications were established and the I/O points were The Babcock & Wilcox Company imported into Powerclean, the system was configured for the components, regions and blower sequences specific to this unit. As is typical of Powerclean installations, the initial configuration of Powerclean utilized B&W’s experience on similar unit types and fuels. During the configuration of regions, the initial blowing strategies were also developed. The Powerclean system design includes remote access such that B&W engineers can monitor, collect data, and modify the system from their offices during initial startup and commissioning. During this period, plant data was evaluated to determine where surfaces were dirtiest, the rate of degradation of heat transfer, and the effec- 5 Fig. 4 Powerclean™ results screen. tiveness of specific blower sequences. Based on initial testing and setup, furnace sootblowing was divided into four different regions. The east wall required two separate regions for the upper and lower furnace. This breakdown of the east wall was the result of observation and feedback from plant operations that the east wall of the furnace tended to slag more rapidly requiring more cleaning than the rest of the furnace walls. Blowers for the north, south and west walls of the unit were split between the other two furnace regions. This illustrates the use of experience and operating knowledge in implementing a cleaning strategy that targets specific areas where greater cleaning is needed while reducing blower cycles in areas that do not slag as heavily. Similarly, the secondary superheater pendants were originally divided into the inlet and outlet banks. They were reconfigured to three regions – SSH inlet lower, SSH outlet lower and SSH upper. Since most of the slagging on these banks occurs on the lower portion of the inlet and outlet pendants, the sequences were modified to allow more blowing on the lower sections to achieve optimal cleaning in that region and reduce sootblower erosion on the upper areas of the SSH pendants. Results The Powerclean system has had a very positive impact on the operation and maintenance of the unit. Powerclean continues to 6 monitor unit operation, operate in closed loop, and initiate sootblowing sequences in the furnace and convection pass. Operational improvements Operations personnel have found the system to be very helpful since it manages the task of scheduling sootblowing so that the operators do not have to focus on this activity. In the past, operations personnel had to manually initiate sequences from the sootblowing control system. Blowing areas of the boiler at the appropriate times has also reduced boiler exit gas temperature concerns, which often resulted in overblowing already clean areas. Although results and the impact of the system will vary from unit to unit, the data from this plant have shown improvements in both reduced sootblower usage and improved unit heat rate. Data was available from the Powerclean historian which had been collecting raw plant data since the communications link was established. Results reflect initial closed loop control in August through the end of December, 2004. Full load unit operational data were used, providing relevant analysis for determination of maximum benefits achieved from the Powerclean system. The unit experienced an improvement in net unit heat rate with Powerclean in closed loop operation. Based on data from Heat Transfer Manager and the plant’s net unit heat rate calculation, progressive gains have been made. Increased cleanliness in the furnace and the convection pass (Figure 5) improved heat absorption and allowed for more generating capacity with the same amount The Babcock & Wilcox Company Unit Cleanliness Values 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 Avg Aug Avg Sep Avg Oct Avg Nov Avg Dec Furn CF 0.617066423 0.669491775 0.697019292 0.699484186 0.78263597 PSH CF 0.755037775 0.784412424 0.794458307 0.796641141 0.8317416 Econ CF 0.880659173 0.859193364 0.86692551 0.893692957 0.864293847 RH CF 0.718104539 0.815865848 0.821156326 0.860018035 0.844048661 SSH In CF 0.662848609 0.723698586 0.723897274 0.740415168 0.727664841 SSH Out CF 0.81410336 0.898544737 0.893089871 0.915783018 0.934219999 Fig. 5 Unit cleanliness from August through December. of heat input. From August through December, there was approximately a 110 Btu/kWh reduction in heat rate as indicated in the plant heat rate calculation. This translates into almost a 0.9% improvement to the unit. During this time generation increased an average of 21 MW or 2.5% in output. Furnace exit gas temperature Furnace exit gas temperatures progressively declined from initial closed loop operation to an optimal unit cleanliness range in December. FEGT dropped 62F from August to December, indicating that Powerclean was effective in lowering the FEGT values by keeping the furnace walls much cleaner for improved heat absorption. There is a significant correlation between improvements in unit heat rate and back end temperature reductions. From a combustion standpoint, this is often achieved by reducing O2 (i.e., excess air). In this case, the unit’s heat rate improved in spite of an increase in excess air and gas weight from August to December. Economizer exit gas temperature Economizer exit gas temperature decreased from 751F in August to 746F in December. This reduction was a result of increased furnace and the convection pass cleanliness. Powerclean’s Heat Transfer Manager provides cleanliness values for the furnace, primary superheater, reheater, economizer, and the secondary super- The Babcock & Wilcox Company heat inlet and outlet pendants. These calculations indicated that the unit realized a general trend of improved cleanliness from August through December with the exception of the economizer. (Figure 5.) The economizer had previously run with a high cleanliness and the cleanliness values remained high and stable. Overall unit improvements The most significant results from Powerclean sootblowing optimization were improvements made to the furnace waterwalls, the reheater, and the secondary superheater outlet pendants. Cleanliness values for these three regions improved with no negative impact on RH spray flow and temperatures. The RH temperatures were maintained due to a cleaner RH surface. Furnace absorption improved resulting in a lower FEGT. The RH temperature set point of 1000F was maintained and spray flow was reduced. The reduction in spray flow contributed to the improved unit heat rate. From August to December, the combination of lowered RH spray and reduced economizer outlet gas temperature had a positive impact on unit efficiency and heat rate. Sootblowing frequencies With the improvements in the furnace, the conditions entering the convection pass changed slightly since the furnace exit gas temperature has been reduced since installing the Powerclean system. Most of the regions of the convection pass are blowing less frequently while the cleanliness factors for each component remain similar or improved (Figure 5). 7 Daily Sootblowing Frequency 120.0 July 2004 Aug 2004-Jan 2005 % Change Average Number of Blows Per Day 110.0 IK 85.2 78.5 -7.9% IR 95.9 99.2 +3.5% 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 Jul-04 Aug-04 Sep-04 IK IR Oct-04 Linear (IR) Nov-04 Dec-04 Jan-05 Linear (IK) Fig. 6 Daily sootblowing average frequency. Sootblowing frequency data was available from the plant sootblowing control system from July 2004 to January 2005. Data from the month of July is indicative of sootblowing frequency prior to Powerclean. August through January data exhibited some reduction in IK blower usage and a slight increase in the blowing frequency of the IR blowers. (Figure 6.) Specifically, the IK blowers used in the back pass experienced a 7.9% reduction in sootblowing frequency. The improved management of the furnace has been a large contributor to the reduction in convection pass blowing. Overall, the unit is cleaner which has improved heating surface absorption and reduced the cost of operation. Conclusion The use of the Powerclean intelligent sootblowing system has been successful in providing better control of heating surface cleanliness and improving overall unit performance. It has also proven to be a valuable tool for plant personnel. Powerclean™ system experience: American Electric Power – Rockport Unit 2 American Electric Power Rockport Unit 2 is a 1350 MW, universal pressure coal-fired boiler supplied by The Babcock & Wilcox Company. Unit 2 is a forced draft, opposed-wall fired unit equipped with fourteen (14) B&W-89 Roll Wheel™ Pulverizers. The unit is designed for MCR main steam flow of 9,775,000 lb/hr at 3846 psig 8 and 1010F. Reheat steam flow is 7,956,000 lb/hr at 635 psig and 1000F. The unit fires an 85/15 blend of PRB and Eastern Bituminous coal to achieve maximum load, and 100% PRB during the nonpeak season. The convection pass heating surfaces are arranged with furnace wingwalls, followed by the pendant secondary superheater (SSH) banks and pendant reheat superheater outlet bank in the upper horizontal pass. The vertical pass consists of the horizontal primary superheater (PSH) followed by the horizontal reheater bank and the economizer. Superheater and reheater steam temperature are controlled by spray attemperation (Figure 7). The furnace is equipped with four Diamond Power HydroJet® systems in the lower furnace and 29 waterlances in the upper furnace. The horizontal backpass includes 30 IK blowers to clean the SSH and RH sections with an additional 32 IK blowers in the vertical convection pass to clean the PSH, RH and economizer sections. Powerclean controls the convection pass retractable steam sootblowers to prevent fouling and slagging. Also, the system monitors furnace operation and provides a comparison of actual furnace performance to design expected performance throughout the load range. This provides feedback on the overall furnace cleaning operations to assess whether it is being overcleaned or undercleaned. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Fig. 7 American Electric Power – Rockport Unit 2. Rockport 2 – operating history Historically, Rockport Unit 2 experienced issues with slagging of the SSH outlet pendants. The unit burns a low sulphur western coal from the Powder River Basin. This unit was intended to run base loaded and continuously at around 1300MW. As a result, slagging increased considerably above 1000MW. The slag buildup generally occurs within the first 15 pendants from each sidewall with all other pendants remaining relatively clean. Slagging on the left side of the SSH is heavy with bridging of the pendants, while slagging on the right side of the pendants is moderate with no bridging. Combustion tuning with backend O2 grids has been performed to maintain O2 balance across the unit and reduce the amount of slagging from side to side. There have been instances of tube leaks resulting from slag falls that have pinched lower slope tubes, in turn causing an overheat condition. Slag falls have also directly ruptured lower slope tubing and damaged support structures and casings. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Rockport 2 – Powerclean installation and operation American Electric Power upgraded the core sootblowing controls while installing the Powerclean sootblowing optimization system. Applied Synergistics, Inc. (ASI), a subsidiary of Diamond Power International, Inc., was contracted to provide this upgrade. The system supplied by Diamond-ASI for HydroJet and sootblower control is the Boiler Cleaning Management System (BCMS). Since both the ASI sootblowing control system and the Powerclean optimization system required a personal computer interface, both systems were installed on the same Windows based workstation. By installing the Powerclean system with the sootblowing controls on the same workstation, integration problems were minimized and space was conserved in the control room. The entire system required no additional real estate as it replaced the previous sootblowing control system. The Powerclean system was delivered and installed during Fall 2003, concurrently with the plant’s upgrade to Diamond Power’s HydroJet system. The system was interfaced, via an OPC connection, to the plant PI system for the data necessary to drive the 9 Fig. 8 Powerclean results screen. boiler and combustion modeling. Powerclean was running in advisory mode while the HydroJets and BCMS were placed into operation. After the fundamental HydroJet and BCMS startup control was complete, Powerclean was placed into closed loop operation. Sensitivity testing for initial setup As part of the implementation process, each sootblower was run and its cleanliness factor response was evaluated to determine its effectiveness. The sootblowers were also run in various sequences to test their response and interaction. Knowing the effectiveness and location of each blower, the unit was divided into unit specific regions. Some of the regions represented entire boiler components like the primary superheater. Other regions represented portions of components or particularly effective blower groupings. The regions configured for Rockport Unit 2 are displayed in the Powerclean Sootblowing and Performance Results overview. (Figure 8.) During testing, Rockport plant operations and engineering personnel were consulted to document past cleaning practices. This experience is valuable and is an important part of formulating sootblowing strategies that are implemented in the Powerclean system. The objective is to integrate past best practices, prevent bad practices, and optimize blowing and unit performance. 10 Driving cleaning strategies with performance The Heat Transfer Manager program provided information critical to the evaluation and control of furnace cleanliness. The HTM calculation of FEGT and furnace cleanliness factor were important considerations in evaluating overall sootblowing. Convection pass cleanliness factors, their rate of change and the sootblowing equipment cleaning effectiveness depend in large part on the cleanliness of the furnace. Since HTM compares actual furnace operation to expected furnace operation, it provided key information for setting up the operation of the furnace watercleaning operations. HTM provides an important measure - from a boiler performance perspective – of when the furnace is being undercleaned and overcleaned. The HTM boiler sideview (Figure 9) displays temperatures and cleanliness factors in their respective boiler locations, along with other critical boiler performance statistics. As a quick reference during data evaluation, a data trend for a temperature or cleanliness factor can be selected and displayed. Results The Powerclean system has had a positive impact on the operation of American Electric Power Rockport Unit 2. Sootblowing strategies have been developed based on reliable technical data and analysis, and Powerclean allowed the strategies to be implemented The Babcock & Wilcox Company Fig. 9 Powerclean display – boiler sideview. in a consistent manner. Plant personnel have found that Powerclean allows them to study and evaluate the effectiveness of sootblowing. To assess the impact of the system on Unit 2, data were collected from the Powerclean historian for analysis. Baseline data, which represent how the unit was operating prior to the implementation of Powerclean, were retrieved for the time period of March 8, 2004 to March 18, 2004. Data from November 12, 2004 to November 29, 2004 were chosen to represent unit operation after the Powerclean system was operating in closed loop. For consistent and meaningful analysis, data at or above 1300MW were used. Reheater cleanliness and temperature control Powerclean boiler cleanliness evaluations and sootblowing patterns resulted in significant reheater cleanliness and temperature control. Reheat (RH) sprays were running higher at 299 klb/hr during the March operation of the unit as opposed to the November time period of 284 klb/hr when the Powerclean system was fully installed and running in closed loop. This was a reduction of 19 klb/hr in the average spray flow which contributes to a lower heat rate. The RH temperature set point for Rockport Unit 2 at full load operation is 1000F. As Rockport experienced, side-to-side temperature imbalances in the reheat section of the convection pass can be address by targeted cleaning of specific areas of the pendant The Babcock & Wilcox Company tube banks. (Figure 10.) In this case, the B side RH outlet temperature shows a steady balance from before to after Powerclean installation with an average temperature of 1003F. RH outlet temperature on the A side of the unit shows that it was running much lower with an average temperature of 997F. The A side of the RH pendants may have been insufficiently cleaned, resulting in a lower outlet temperature. With Powerclean’s targeted cleaning, the system was able to sufficiently maintain a more uniformly clean RH section, allowing for better heat absorption into the A side. In turn, this helped to raise RH outlet temperature from a side-to-side average of 1000F to 1002.5F. A RH temperature gain will also contribute to improved unit heat rate. Unit heat rate The improvement in overall unit efficiency was consistent with the improvement anticipated by lowering the RH sprays and raising the RH outlet temperature by almost 3F. As shown in Figure 11, a heat rate improvement of around 0.26% was achievable from March to November. Heat rate declined from 9113 Btu/kWh in March to 9089 Btu/kWh in November. A lower unit heat rate contributes to lower fuel consumption for the same output, and in the long term, reduces unit operating costs. Sootblowing steam consumption and blowing frequencies A Powerclean implementation often results in reduced 11 Reheat Superheat Outlet Temperature 1020 1015 1010 Deg F 1005 1000 995 990 Baseline Data 3/8 to 3/18 @ 997F RH Tmp A @ 1003F RH Tmp B RH Temperature Side to Side Avg is 1000F 985 Test Data 11/12 to 11/19 @ 1002F RH Tmp A @ 1003F RH Tmp B RH Temperature Side to Side Avg is 1002.5F 980 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Time RH Tmp A RH Tmp B Fig. 10 Reheater outlet temperature. Heat Rate 9400 Avg Heat Rate 3/11 - 3/18 @ 9113 9350 Avg Heat Rate 11/12 - 11/29 @ 9089 9300 Heatrate (btu/kwh) 9250 9200 9150 9100 9050 9000 8950 8900 0 1000 2000 Heat Rate Before 3000 Heat Rate After 4000 5000 Linear (Heat Rate Before) 6000 7000 8000 Linear (Heat Rate After) Fig. 11 HTM heat rate. 12 The Babcock & Wilcox Company AEP Rockport Unit 2 Daily Sootblowing Frequency for IK Blowers 375.0 Before After % Change 341.4 321.2 -5.9% Average Number of Blows Per Day 350.0 325.0 300.0 275.0 250.0 Jun, '04 Oct, '04 Jul, '04 Nov, '04 Aug, '04 Dec, '04 Before Powerclean Installation Sep, '04 Jan, '05 After Powerclean Installation Fig. 12 Daily sootblowing frequencies for June 2004 to January 2005. sootblowing frequency, correcting for previous overcleaning where it was not required. While the unit operating conditions have remained similar, and the flue gas conditions entering the convection pass have not changed, there is a considerable improvement in how the convection pass is now being cleaned. Most of the regions in the back pass have maintained or improved cleanliness factors, but the blowing frequency of the IK blowers has been reduced substantially (Figure 12). From June to September, leading up to the installation of the Powerclean system, there was an average of 341 individual sootblower cycles per day. From October to January 2005, after Powerclean was in closed loop control of the convection pass, the required number of sootblowers in operation dropped almost 6% to an average of 321 individual sootblower cycles per day. The reduced amount of blowing translates into steam savings. On average (Table 1), the amount of sootblowing cycles was reduced by 20 blows per day, translating to a steam consumption savings of approximately 28,980 lb of steam per day. The estimate is based on IK blowers running at 200 psig with a flow of 161 lb/ min through each blower, with an average cycle time of 9 minutes. Rockport conclusions Based on the results to date, the Powerclean system has proven to be a valuable addition to Unit 2 at the AEP Rockport plant. Using the system, it is possible to establish strategies that anticipate and react to the behavior of the unit. The overall cleanliness of the convection pass has improved while sootblowing has decreased. Experience to date has illustrated that cleaning in the right places at the right frequency can improve operation of the boiler even while reducing the overall use of sootblowing. The Babcock & Wilcox Company Table 1 Rockport Unit 2 Sootblower Steam Savings Assume Flow Cycles Blows Per Day Days 200 161 9 20 28,980 350 10,143,000 psig lb/min min per blowing cycle reduced blowing amount lbs steam/day days/year lbs steam/year The Powerclean system with the HTM model continues to provide critical data for unit performance and cleanliness. Rockport Unit 2 is able to derive multiple benefits from the use of the Powerclean system. It continuously evaluates furnace operation and performance which contributes to the proper operation of the furnace watercleaning equipment. Powerclean also optimizes the convection pass blowing with improvements including reduced sootblowing steam consumption, improvements in net unit heat rate, the balancing of RH outlet temperatures on the A and the B side, the increase in overall RH outlet temperature, and the reduction in RH spray flows. All of these improvements contribute to the more efficient operation of Rockport Unit 2. In the longer term, Powerclean will contribute to a reduced rate of tube erosion in the convection pass, limit the number of forced outages, and yield long term maintenance costs savings. Acknowledgments The authors would like to extend a special thanks to Denis Hutchinson from American Electric Power for his help and cooperation in providing information and feedback for this technical paper. 13 Copyright© 2005 by The Babcock & Wilcox Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be published, translated or reproduced in any form or by any means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, without the written permission of the copyright holder. Permission requests should be addressed to: Market Communications, The Babcock & Wilcox Company, P.O. Box 351, Barberton, Ohio, U.S.A. 44203-0351. Powerclean™ and Heat Transfer Manager™ are trademarks of the Babcock & Wilcox Company. Diamond Power® and Selective Pattern® are registered trademarks of Diamond Power International, Inc. Disclaimer Although the information presented in this work is believed to be reliable, this work is published with the understanding thatThe Babcock & Wilcox Company and the authors are supplying general information and are not attempting to render or provide engineering or professional services. Neither The Babcock & Wilcox Company nor any of its employees make any warranty, guarantee, or representation, whether expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, product, process or apparatus discussed in this work; and neither The Babcock & Wilcox Company nor any of its employees shall be liable for any losses or damages with respect to or resulting from the use of, or the inability to use, any information, product, process or apparatus discussed in this work. 14 The Babcock & Wilcox Company