6th March - The Heights School


6th March - The Heights School
Brunel Drive
Modbury Heights
South Australia, 5092
Ph: (08) 8263 6244
Fax: (08) 8263 6072
Email: [email protected]
WWW: http://www.theheights.sa.edu.au
Governing Council 2014 - the Voice of Parents
‘A Fair Go’
- difference, diversity
The school community welcomes the new members and
welcomes back current members to the
Governing Council for 2014.
‘Have a Go, Go Hard,
Keep Going!’
- doing your best, hard
work, persistence,
curiosity, confidence
‘Go Together’
- community, continuity,
respectful relationships
Clipsal 500 excursion
Parents & Friends
Junior School News
7/3 ASSA Public Viewing
10/3 Adelaide Cup Holiday
18/3 Finance Meeting 5pm
21/3 JS Harmony Day
25/3 Governing Council
27/3 PS to Year 7
Pantomime 9:15am
2/4 Rec-Yr 5 three way
Student Free Days
School Closure Day
Approved by
Governing Council
Monday 28 April
(first day of Term 2)
Monday 19 May
Monday 21 July
Tuesday 22 July
The topic will be
Geography Australian
Curriculum & SACE
School Closure Day
8 September 2014
6 February 2014
Jim Rouse (Chairperson), Adrian Marschall,
Amanda Sommers, Anna Brennan, Dawn Westmoreland,
Frances Bedford (MP), Jodie Stribling, Kym Papp,
Leanne Stevens, Pauline Rusby (Community Member,
Deputy Chairperson & Parents & Friends Representative),
Steve Marriott (Treasurer), Helen Calvert (Principal),
Lyn Davis (Senior School Leader), Roy Page (Deputy
Principal), Neil Piggott (Junior School Leader),
Anne Ryan (Middle School Leader), Andrew Cool.
A big thank you to the retiring members, Julie Hahn,
Mardi Lammas-Turner, Nikita Mickan and Jordan McPherson
who contributed their time to support the school in 2013.
There are four vacancies for Parent Representatives on
Governing Council so if you would like to take a key part of
determining community directions, please contact the school
or forward a Nomination Form.
The new Governing Council will have an especially important
role this year as representatives of the parent community, as
the they will have a significant role in the appointment of
Principal as the current tenure ends this year.
SA Excellence in Public
Education Awards
Share Celebrate Reward
Nominations are now open for the
2014 SA Excellence in Public
Education Awards.
For the first time, 2014 will see
nominations opened up to all DECD
employees, recognising and
rewarding the outstanding
contributions made by teachers,
leaders, support staff and also
corporate and services staff from
across the state.
To nominate an employee at our
school, preschool or corporate
office go to:
Following the progress of the
Awards on Facebook
Nominations close 5pm
Thursday 10 April 2014.
For further information contact the
Awards Team on 08 8226 3079 or
[email protected]
Nominated so far:
Cherie Rothery
Members were elected at a very informative Annual General
Do you know what the new Australian Curriculum is about?
Kate Beeson and Jo Campbell, Coordinators of the Primary
Australian Curriculum provided a very informative session
for parents. Go to
M%2017.2.14.pptx to review their Power Point and keep
yourself informed.
2020 - What Does the Future
Look Like? What are schools
doing to educate your child to be
successful in this future.
Go to view the extraordinary
videoclip that gives us a glimpse.
Kyri Markou
Ros Harrison
Sharon Tibbits
On Friday 21st February The Heights visited Roma
Mitchell Secondary College for the annual Senior
Ultimate Frisbee Carnival. Following a day of intense
competition, The Heights Team, lead by avid Ultimate
Frisbee enthusiasts Miss Richards and Captain
Sean Davis, found themselves victorious in the Grand
Final against Parafield Gardens.
This is the second consecutive year The Heights have
won this carnival.
Congratulations to all players:
Sean Davis, Paulo Silva De Sousa, Courtney Paton,
Winona Gibb, Renee Holmes, Obeid Basabwa, Taylah
Willis, Phillip Esmedina, Jesse Medina &
Chantelle Bentley
6/701, 6/702 and 6/704 have been working on projects about various Winter
Olympic events.
I thought I would share with you some of the interesting facts students found out
about the Winter Olympics.
Mrs Rothery
Both of the men that won Gold in the Figure Skating event in the 1970s died of AIDS in the 1990s. (Naomi 6/704)
The most common injuries to Snowboarders are injuries to the wrist, shoulder, knee and head. (Sophie 6/701)
In Canada, the sport of Curling is as popular as Ice Hockey. (Taylah 6/702)
In the Bobsleigh event, you can get up to speeds of 130km per hour. (Jordi 6/702)
Soviet Union dominated the Gold medal winning streak in Pair Skating for 40 years. (Clarisse 6/704)
Speed Skaters can reach speeds of up to 60km per hour. (Philip 6/704)
Germany has won the most medals in the Luge and an athlete died whilst participating in the Luge
in the 2010 Winter Olympics. (Frank 6/702)
The Skeleton is like the Luge, but you go down the labyrinth (pipe) head
first. There are no breaks, so if you are going fast you are in a bit of
trouble. (Emma 6/701)
U14 Basketball (4/3/14)
U12 Basketball 20/2/14
U10 Basketball 19/2/14
The Heights Players
Keithcot Knights 30 to 24.
Well done players!
Heights Flameraiders
Lost to
St David’s Storm
34 - 8
Heights Hotshots
Prescott Power
23-12 -
ongratulations…. to Dylan Whiteford-Hall who came third in the 50m Freestyle at Secondary
School Sport of South Australia Swimming Championships. The Championships were held at the
Marion Swimming Centre. Dylan trains at the Clovercrest Swimming Centre. Well done Dylan!
The Heights Junior School is functioning successfully. Visiting classes and the Pre-school is a
very rewarding experience for us as leaders. Playtime is a highlight where children are
successfully playing games or using equipment and when problems occur we are very proud of
student problem solving skills. Literacy and Numeracy experiences engage our learners
consistently. This week we have highlighted learning visually in the Pre-school and will communicate what success
and learning look like in this amazing setting. We hope you enjoy our selection of Heights children at work.
Families with children in the Pre-school should have received information in the latest ‘Preschool Matters’ while
those with R-5 students would have received a ‘Junior School Extra’ on Tuesday evening, plus information about the
theatre musical called “Sleeping Beauty’ to be held in the Gym on Thursday 27th March starting at 9:15am. All our
Preschool-Year 5 children are invited to attend the show and we ask that you keep strictly to the permission note
and payment deadlines.
Learner wellbeing is most important for success at school. Program Achieve with the five keys of Getting Along,
Organisation, Confidence, Persistence and Resilience are a key foundation for supporting success and wellbeing at
The Heights Junior School. In this newsletter we will feature Getting Along.
Getting Along means ............
Working well with other learners and peers
Solving problems peacefully with peers without getting angry
Following the agreed rules of my classroom and school
Being sensitive to the feelings of others and being respectful
Helping make my community a better place to live and learn
Examples of Getting Along .............
Working well with my class mates and peers
Listening and not interrupting when someone else is speaking
Talking rather than fighting when someone treats me unfairly
Following important class and school rules
Helping others in need
Habits of Mind To Help Me Get Along .........
Being Tolerant of Others means not thinking that when someone is mean to me that he or she is a totally
bad person.
Playing by the Rules means thinking that, by following school rules, school will be a better place to live and
Thinking First means thinking that when someone treats me badly, I need to think about the best way to act.
Finally, we thank you for working with the school to ensure that communication is strong during 2014 by reading the
P-12 newsletter on-line every even week (THIS WEEKEND); setting up a system to check for notes on Tuesday nights;
and making a time to meet with your child’s teacher when follow up is necessary.
Neil Piggott
Junior Sub-school Leader
Kathy Lyon
P-12 Intervention and Inclusion Leader
At Preschool this term we
have been having so much
fun learning!
On Thursday, 27th February, 6/705 and 6/703 and a
couple of the Senior School Physics classes went to the
Clipsal 500. The reason we went to this event was for
Mathematics - the teachers thought that it would be a
good idea to learn about maths, speed, distance, data
and velocity. We had to separate into groups of 6 with a
teacher/volunteer for the day.
We travelled by bus to Rymill Park and we entered
from Gate 6. We walked to the nearest first aid
station and got free ear buds because the sound of
the race cars was so loud. In our groups we walked
all around the Clipsal area, looking at different
shops and old vintage cars. We went through
overpasses and to Holden Haven where they sold
high-priced merchandise. We stopped to eat recess
at around 10am. We then went to the garage,
where we looked at different types of cars and big
trucks. While we were walking by we saw a couple
of motorbike stunts which were really cool. We
also noted prices of different memorabilia and food
to use later at school. We also looked at the speed
of the cars and utes.
At around 12pm, all the groups had to meet up at
the concert oval where everyone ate lunch. We
were entertained by 2 groups of singers, called
Shepherd and The Potbelleez. We stayed there for
an hour or so. Then, everyone separated into their
groups again and checked out the Army and Air
Force section. We read some information about
the army and how they operated. Some of us
were lucky enough to have a chance to explore
army transportation.
Some of our friends went on scary rides like this one, The Hurricane. This was the last event for the day, then we had
to meet up at Gate 6 again and caught a bus back to school.
This experience was memorable especially checking out the vintage
cars in Route 66. Many of us had never been before or even knew what
the Clipsal 500 was.
A huge thank you to the volunteers who helped out on the day, we
couldn’t have gone without them – Emma Roether, Jane Rohrig, Joyce
Collins, Kylie Walden, Melissa Lake, Noelle Wallis, Vanessa Boyce and
Vanessa Howell. Also to our two teachers Mr Markou and Mr Crafter
for organizing the event.
Created by
Brittany, Daniel
6/703 Brian, Japan,
Elyssa and
Prashansa 6/705
It has been wonderful to see so many new faces at our recent meetings, and to
have an increasing number of volunteers offering to help out with our upcoming
events. Thank you.
Our fundraising for 2014 will go towards improvements to the Heights Senior
School Common Area. The Senior School Students will have an input into these
renovations, which will in turn benefit all students as they continue their education at The Heights.
Junior School Sports Day is being held on Friday 4th April (Term 1, Week 10). P&F will once again run our
Hot Dog stall on the day. Junior School students will be invited to pre-order hot dogs and drinks, which will
be delivered to classes at lunchtime. AIP students will also be given the opportunity to purchase Hot Dogs.
Hot Dogs, drinks and ice blocks will be available to purchase on the day, prices will be as follows: Hot Dogs
$3.00, Fruit Boxes $1.50, Bottled Water $1.50. Assorted ice blocks will be available, priced from 50 cents to
$2.00. We will also be selling delicious Coffee and Hot Chocolate for $3.50 and Tea for $2.00.
The School Canteen will be open on Sports Day, students are able to place lunch orders as normal.
Parents are welcome to purchase food and drinks from the Canteen during the day.
Order forms and additional information will be going home to families soon.
If you would like to be involved in organising Junior School Sports Day Hot Dog stall, we will be meeting
next Tuesday 11th March at 9am to discuss this event. Please join us in the Staff Room Meeting Room. We
also welcome anyone who would like to help out on Sports Day, please contact Noelle Wallis through the
school, or Maria Parry on 0417 879 497.
There are a number of jumpers and jackets (with no names)
in the lost property located in the Middle School.
I am happy for parents/students to look through the lost
property and if the garment fits take it as there is no name to
identify who owns it.
I have about 8 2013 Yr 7 jumpers again with no name. If you
have lost yours please come in and go through them.
There are also two 2013 Year 10 jumpers also no names, if
you misplaced yours, come and see if one of the jumpers
belongs to you.
Michelle Crush
Student Services Middle School