2 - The Heights School
2 - The Heights School
The Heights School NEWSLETTER ISSUE 3 | 10 March 2016 A Fair Go Have a Go, Go Hard, Keep Going! Go Together ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: • Governing Council 2016 • EALD students at the Adelaide Fringe • Yr 6/7 Races to the Clipsal 500 • Middle & Senior School Sports Day DIARY DATES 11/3: Middle/Senior School Sports Day 14/3: Adelaide Cup Day (Public Holiday) 17/3: Vista Yr 10 Indoor Cricket 18/3: ASSA Public Viewing Night (Observatory) 21/3: Harmony Day 22/3: Yr 11/12 Visual Art Excursion (Art Gallery) 22/3: Governing Council 6.30pm 25/3: Good Friday (Public Holiday) 28/3: Easter Monday (Public Holiday) 31/3: Open Day/Night Click here to view our online calendar CONTACT The Heights School Brunel Drv, Modbury Heights SA 5092 Ph: (08) 8263 6244 Fax: (08) 8263 6072 E: [email protected] www.theheights.sa.edu.au /heightsschool PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Governing Council 2016 The school community welcomes new members and welcomes back ongoing members to the Governing Council for 2016. All parent positions on Governing Council for 2016 were filled at our well attended Annual General Meeting on the 1st March. Jim Rouse - Chairperson Steve Marriott - Treasurer, OSHC rep Leanne Stevens - Secretary Jodie Stribling - Deputy Chairperson Adrian Marschall, Amanda Sommers, Anna Brennan, Bev Hall, Peter O’Dea, Maria Parry, Anthony Cox, Brianna Dall, Alison Hoffrichter and Christina Coleby. Community Members - Frances Bedford (MP), Kym Papp and Kevin Williams Nigel Gill (Principal), Staff - Sally Putnam (Junior School Leader), Celina McKenzie (Middle School Leader) and Lyn Davis (Senior School Leader) Students - to be elected from SRC A big thank you to the retiring student members Caleb Bond and Sarah Harbinson along with parent member Julie Hahn who has given her time to the Governing Council for twelve years. Strengthening School Community Relationships Good relationships within the school community give students a greater chance of success. There will be times when people have concerns about what happens at school. When this happens, we would like to encourage an open dialogue with you. To hear your concerns and work out how to address them, we have established grievance procedures. Your child’s teacher is usually your first point of call. If the matter involves more than just one teacher you should be talking with the Year Level Coordinator who is overseeing the year level that your child is in. Often this person is not immediately available but they will return your call or make an appointment with you. In the event of a grievance please use the following guidelines: Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Arrange a time to speak to the relevant teacher/s about the problem. Please do not enter school classrooms or offices about a major grievance without prior arrangement. Let the teacher know what you consider to be the issue. Allow a reasonable time for the issue to be addressed. If the grievance is not addressed arrange a time to speak with your child’s Year Level Coordinator. Our Year Level Coordinators are: Junior School Senior Leader P-5 Sally Putnam, Year 6, 7 - Kyri Markou, Year 8 - Anne Ryan,Year 9, 10 - Robin Parsons,Year 11, 12 - Stephen Miles 6. If the matter has not been addressed to your satisfaction please refer the matter to a Sub School Leader Sally Putnam Junior School, Celina McKenzie Middle School and Lyn Davis Senior School who will involve Deputy Principal Roy Page and the Principal as required. 7. If you are still unhappy, please arrange a time to discuss the issue with the Education Director. Parents with a grievance about School Policy should: 1. Arrange a meeting time with the Principal to discuss your concern. 2. Allow reasonable time frame for the issue to be addressed. 3. If you are still unhappy arrange a time to resolve the issue with the Education Director Principles: • Everyone should be treated with respect • Meetings to discuss grievances will be suspended if any person behaves in an insulting or offensive manner. Nigel Gill Principal FUN AT THE ADELAIDE FRINGE (Front Cover image: EALD students visit the Adelaide Fringe) If you were watching Channel 9 news two weeks ago you may have seen some of our EALD students at a performance by the Trash Test Dummies in the Garden of Unearthly Delights as part of the Adelaide Fringe. CONTENTS 2 Around our School We were there as winners of a state wide competition held at the end of last year. Our creative students used their memories from our excursion to the Fringe Street Theatre in 2015 and worked on two entries: a model of the famous Spiegeltent with their memories inside and a short film in which students recreated performances they saw at the Street Theatre. Our prize included an all expenses day at the Adelaide Fringe, including a performance by the Trash Test Dummies and lunch at the Fringe Club, which is usually reserved for performers only. 4-5 Preschool & Junior School Channel 9 filmed parts of the performance and then interviewed two of our Year 11 students, Adelina Dusabe and Ariana Selimaj, who spoke confidently with little warning! If you missed us on the day, you can see the Channel 9 clip on the school’s website. 6-7 Middle School When we arrived back at school students completed a “See Think Wonder” based on their day. Here are some of their thoughts: 8-11 Sports News Middle & Senior School Sports Day 12 Community News SEE – I saw……. acrobatics mixed with comedy unbelievable tricks and stunts cute lamps, Chinese lanterns, umbrellas and heart locks in the Garden of Unearthly Delights backflips and frontflips hilarious comedians, who kept me laughing out loud The Trash Test Dummies sweeping rubbish while they were doing flips and tricks Street Art in the lanes off Rundle Street a stage full of rubbish and wheelie bins balloons, bouncy balls and crash helmets performers standing on each other’s heads and squeezing themselves into wheelie bins action stunts and tricks performers from the Fringe having a BBQ in the Fringe Club and relaxing THINK – I thought……. The Fringe Club was stylish. It looked like an open air 5 star resort. The Trash Test Dummies were fun and great. the performers looked athletic. the day was really entertaining and funny. it must be difficult to juggle and do flips and tricks with wheelie bins. the performers were professional gymnasts because they made difficult tricks look easy. the tent in the Fringe Club looked like a giant bouncy castle. the performance was excellent, fantastic with awesome actions and entertaining stunts. WONDER – I wondered…….. how the performers trained for the tricks. how long the performers practise for each week. if the performers do other types of performances. how the performers met. which country the performers are from. what a Fringe performer’s lifestyle is like. which countries the performers travel to. how the performers remember all the different parts of the show. when the performers started performing. what the Garden of Unearthly Delights is like in the evenings and on weekends. if all the performers meet each other at other festivals around the world. As you can see from the photos, this was a fun, exciting and well deserved reward and is a perfect example of one way our EALD students continually live our school value of “Having A Go”. I couldn’t be more proud of them! Many thanks to Dick Glacken,Year 6/7 parent Mrs Tarighat and Jessica Powell, one of our 2015 Pre-Service teachers, who joined us on the excursion. Janette Bandjak - Year 6-12 EALD teacher 2 AROUND OUR SCHOOL HARMONY DAY A Message from the Junior School Student Counsellor: Harmony Day - 21st March 2016: We are all different, yet we are the same. To all Junior School Parents and Caregivers, Harmony Day will be celebrated on Monday, 21st March this year. Our day will begin with a Junior School Harmony Day Assembly at 9:30am. This will be held in the Junior School Upstairs Common Area and you are welcome to come along and enjoy items performed by our students. All Junior School students are encouraged to wear ORANGE on the day. Our school community is made up of diverse cultural and language backgrounds. Harmony Day is an ideal day us to focus on the meaning of harmony and understanding. It gives us a message that we can keep in our hearts and actions throughout the year. Accepting everyone, caring for others and appreciating the differences amongst us are three key messages of living in harmony. Our diversity is truly our strength. Let’s celebrate as one! With kind regards Gianna Slater WELCOME TO OUR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS This term we’ve welcomed two new international students to The Heights – Finn Callsen from Germany, and Tasuku Ono from Japan. Please make them feel welcome if you see them around the school! Bob Powell - International Program Manager Hello, I am Tasuku Ono. “Tasuku” means wings of a bird in Japanese. I came from Japan, and have lived in Adelaide for a few weeks. I’m going to live in Adelaide for a whole year. What amazed me most after arriving was that there was a lot of grass and trees in the city and the school. I thought students in Adelaide were studying along with nature. I knew next to nothing about Adelaide and my school before arriving, so I try to adjust to my school life now. One of the impressions I have of this school is that it has a lot of energy to do anything. It has a large number of students from Preschool to Year 12, there are many students hanging out with their friends and they channel their efforts into classes as well. The other impression I have is that I am able to learn in various ways in a class. We have devices to search about subjects, and the teachers use electronic whiteboards and their computers in class. This helps me study easier. I hope to be able to communicate with my friends as I please by the end of this year. - Tasuku Ono, SS07 Before I came to Australia I was not sure how the school would work; is it easier or is it harder? I had no idea. The students at The Heights School are very helpful and friendly so it was not so difficult to find new friends. Now after 5 weeks I know that school here is a little bit easier than in Germany, but that is very good for me. I hope that I can learn better English and that I can make some more new friends. - Finn Callsen, 903 PARENTS AND FRIENDS NEWS NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 16th March Middle & Senior School Sports Day is being held this Term on Friday, 11 March. Parents & Friends will be running a BBQ at Sports Day, so come and see us for a yummy sausage in bread or a bacon & egg sandwich. We will also be selling cold drinks, ice blocks and KRISPY KREME Donuts. All money raised goes back to our school and benefits our kids, your support is greatly appreciated. Mother’s Day Gift Stall - We will be running our Mother’s Day Gift Stall early next Term on Thursday, 5 May; More details to follow. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, 16 March. New members always welcome. For more information on Parents & Friends please contact Noelle Wallis or Maria Parry on 8263 6244 or email us at [email protected]. Thank you, Maria Parry - President Parents & Friends 3 PRESCHOOL & JUNIOR SCHOOL ASSEMBLY ROSTER P-5 2016 Assembly(Roster(P.5(2016( Team(P(–(Susan,"Alexsandra,"Lindsie" Team(3:4.(Elyse,(Louise,"Catherine,"Rachele( Team(R(–(Ingrid,"Kirsty,"Leanne" Team(4:5(–(Neil,(Jess,(Pam,"Natalie,"Joan" Team(1:2.(Leah,(Heather,"Angel,"Jemma,"Trent," Larina" Team"N"–"Colleen,"Gemma"E,"Penny,"Vijeiy,"" ( Term(1( Assembly(Week(3( Wednesday(16/02( @9:15( Team(4:5( Term(2( Assembly(Week(3( Wednesday(18/05(( @(9:15( Team(1:2( ( ( ( ( Assembly(Week(6( Wednesday(9/03(( @(9:15( Team(3/4( Assembly(Week(6( Wednesday(08/06( @(9:15( Team(R( Term(3( Assembly(Week(3( Wednesday(10/08(( @(9:15( Science/PE( Using(R(classes( Week(4(( Science(Week( Drones,(Droids(and( Robots( Week(5( Book(Week( Joan(Sullivan(+(4/5( team( Assembly(Week(6( Wednesday(31/08(( @(9:15( Indonesian(–(( Using(1:2(classes( Week(7(–(Parent( Teacher(Interviews?( ( Wakakirri(Story(Telling( Competition( Entertainment(Centre( ( ( Week(9(( P(.5(Sports(Day( Date(to(be(confirmed( Week(9(( Wednesday(30/03( @(9:15( Team(1:2( Week(9(Assembly( Wednesday(29/06( @(9:15( Team(4:5( Week(10( Monday(26/11( @(9:15( Arts(Week(Opening(–( using(3:4(classes( ( Term(4( Assembly(Week(2( Wednesday(27/10(( @(9:15( Team(3:4( (Swimming(Wk(3)(. 31/10(to(04/11( ( ( Assembly(Week(6( Wednesday(23/11( @(9:15( Team(1:2( Remembrance(Day( Ceremony( Sally(Putnam(and(SRC( 11/11(@(11:30( ( End(of(Year(( Final(Assembly( @(9:15( Thursday(15/12( Team(4:5(TBA( ( CF7 AND CF8 - WORKING TOGETHER IN HARMONY Every year Australians Celebrate Harmony Day on the 21st of March and the grade 3/4 students from CF7 and CF8 have begun investigating what it means to work together in harmony. The theme for Harmony Day this year is ‘diversity is our strength’ and the classes together have been focusing on how each student and teacher comes to school with different strengths and abilities. By working together, we can share our views and ideas in a respectful and insightful way. The students have also been working together to create a brilliant display between the two classrooms which celebrates our diversity and friendship. Our aim is to continue to work together in harmony inside the classroom and encourage harmonious relationships in the yard. We are looking forward to celebrating Harmony Day on Monday 21st of March. 4 PRESCHOOL & JUNIOR SCHOOL PRESCHOOL NEWS In the Preschool we have been getting to know one another, caring for ourselves, caring for others, learning about cooperation, and how to look after our lovely Preschool. In the photos you will see how much we have learned. We have been making friends and developing friendships. We are working together in play and learning activities. And we are learning our Preschool routines. Junior'School'–'Lunchtime'Activities' JUNIOR SCHOOL – LUNCHTIME ACTIVITIES This%year%we%are%trialling%a%variety%of%different%lunchtime%activities%so%that%students%who%find%the%yard% This year we are trialling a variety of different lunchtime activities so that students who find the yard difficult have some options about where difficult%have%some%options%about%where%they%can%go%and%what%they%can%do.%% they can go and what they can do. Monday' Sports'Club' Meet%Mrs%Eastley% on%the%oval% Tuesday' Sports'Club' Meet%Mrs%Eastley% on%the%oval% Play'is'the'Way'' Meet%Mr%Feil%in% the%Yard% Board'Games%in% % the%Library%with% Ms%Edwards%and% Ms%Rooney% Theatre'Games%in% % the%Primary% Activity%Room% with%Ms%Penny% % % Wednesday' Dance'Club%in%the% Primary%Activity% Room%with%Alan% and%Ms%Golotta% Thursday' Coding'and' Robotics%%in%the% upper%common% area%with%Mrs% Goerner%and% Siobhan% Colour'and'Craft% in%the%upper% common%area% with%Mrs%Slater% % Friday' FLAG'in%the% Primary%Activity% Room%with%Ms% Noelle% % % % % 5 MIDDLE SCHOOL YEAR 6/7 INDONESIAN CLASSES Using coordinates to identify a location on a map and recognising key geographical features has been a focus in the year 6/7 Indonesian classes this term. With Indonesia being such a close neighbour and the most popular international tourist destination for Australians, we have been exploring a little more about it. Students identified one of the many Indonesian islands using a set of mystery coordinates. They then researched the geographical aspects of this island including the volcanoes, waterways and major cities. I used to think… Now I think…. I used to think Indonesia was one big island and now I know it’s a lot of islands. - Liam Gray Indonesian is one of the easiest languages to learn. (Pictured: Allycia Angeles and Michaela Schultz) I now know that Indonesia is lots of little islands and I used to think Bali was the main tourist place but now know there are lots more. - McKenzie Walden I now know it is very tropical. I used to think everyone in Indonesia spoke English and now I know that they have 100, 00’s languages. - Ben Appleton I used to think that Bali was a big island but now I know it’s quite small compared to some of the others. - Gabrialla Seed I used to think Bali was a wealthy, big and individual country but now I know it is smaller and a part of Indonesia. - Samara Fenn I didn’t think there were many people living in Java and now I know there are millions. - Samual Leventis I thought Indonesian was further away from Australia but now I know it’s quite close.- Jordan Horsell 6 MIDDLE SCHOOL YEAR 6/7 RACES TO THE CLIPSAL 500 On the 3rd of March, Year 6/7 students from classes 6/704 and 6/703 participated in a Mathematics related excursion to the Clipsal 500. The goal of the excursion was to take in the atmosphere of the event, gather data, make observations and have fun! In the lead up to the Clipsal 500 students all planned a Mathematical based task linked to the event. Leaving just after 9am, we took advantage of free public transport to get to and from the event. The buses were jam packed with many people going to the event. Students were excited about the opportunity to go to the Clipsal 500 and they enjoyed the day immensely, especially given that it was a free event for schools. We were also part of a record breaking group of more than 60 schools to attend in one day! Some highlights were the Roulette Plane Show, Defence Force display, Porsche races, stunt bikes, stunt truck races and for some lucky groups, their free sunglasses and face painting. Many students were surprised by the massive hike in prices at food stalls. Some students used this as a focus for their Mathematics task when they returned to school. It was great way to enjoy ourselves and learn at the same time. Lunch was another highlight, meeting up on the concert oval to eat and see Reece Mastin and At Sunset perform for the free lunchtime concert. A few people from Mr. Gray’s class gave us their thoughts about the Clipsal 500 excursion: “It was the best day of my life,” one of them said. Another student thought “It was exciting but loud.” Generally, everyone thought it was an awesome day, although the weather was hot. Students now have a greater knowledge of the Clipsal 500 event, and this will assist in our Mathematics assignments in the coming weeks. We wouldn’t have been able to go without our amazing teachers! Thank you Mr. Markou, Ms. Roberts and Mr. Gray for organizing the excursion. Also, a huge thanks to the many parent volunteers who helped us throughout the day: 6/703 - Ian Bleakley, Jane Payne, Karen Willis, Nathan Whitrod, Sarah Adams, Shivali Navale and Todd Graham. 6/704 - Adrian Marschall, Anusua Ghosh, Darrin Marek, Debbie Biggs, Jenny Whyte, Julie Kim, Karyn Hill , Tanya Gilliam and Vicki Wilson All in all, the students who went loved the day and will treasure the memories for years to come. It was a fantastic day and we would all love to go again next year. By 6/704, 6/705, Mr. Markou, Ms. Roberts and Mr. Gray 7 SPORTS NEWS SENIOR VISTA LAWN BOWLS CARNIVAL On Friday 26th February, a group of senior boys participated in the Vista Lawn Bowls Carnival at Modbury Bowling Club. The boys came away with the trophy, with Carlos Buccini and Cameron Bell winning the A division competition. Well done to all the boys who completed: Cameron Bell, Jalen Sinclair, Matt Traynor, Carlos Buccini, Jesse Medina, Jason Scott, Chris Burford,Yad Hasan and Dylan Marron. Thank you to Robin Parsons for taking the boys and supporting them throughout the day. Mrs Rothery - SAPSASA and Year 8-12 Sports Coordinator 15 AND UNDER STATE FOOTBALL TEAM If there are any students wishing to be considered for selection in the 15 and Under State Football Team, please complete the nomination process through the Secondary School Sport SA webpage at the following website: http://www.decd.sa.gov.au/sport/pages/secondaryschoolsportsa Nominations are to be completed online and need to be finalised by Friday April 8th. If students or parents/caregivers have any questions, please contact the coordinator, James Treagus on (08) 83557000 or email him at: [email protected] Mrs Rothery - SAPSASA and Year 8-12 Sports Coordinator VISTA ULTIMATE FRISBEE CARNIVAL Well done to the Senior School students who participated in the Vista Ultimate Frisbee Carnival. Our Division 1 boys managed 2nd place and our Division 2 boys came in 1st. Well done boys. The girls tried very hard and did well considering they were low on numbers. Well done to all who played: Jordan Hocking, Jesse Medina, Jason Scott, Anthony Kube, Jashan Singh, Samuel Wallis, Ryan Van De Meulengraaf, Gavin Llewelyn, Michael Howe, Lachlan Haronen, Ben Realis, Daniel Kaipara, Malik Hentze,Tasmia Haque, Ashley Briscoe, Renee Holmes, Krystal Musolino and Sarah Jones. A big thank you to Mr Jones for coordinating the day. Mrs Rothery - SAPSASA and Year 8-12 Sports Coordinator 8 SPORTS OSHC NEWS MIDDLE AND SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS DAY - FRIDAY 11TH MARCH A reminder to all families/caregivers that the Heights School Middle/Senior School Sports Day is on this Friday, 11th March (Week 6). The day is a great day for all students. As well as the traditional athletic events, we will be holding novelty events (sack races, bocce and tug of war), and sport games (basketball, netball, volleyball and five-a-side soccer). The range of different events means all students should enjoy the day choosing the events they feel most comfortable with. In this newsletter you will find a map of where events are located. The whole day is being held at the Senior School oval, which is at the eastern side of the school (near Ladywood Road). This newsletter also has a program for the day. Please note that a few events on the program has been slightly altered from the last newsletter including the 800m runs being made early in the day. Parents are encouraged to come along and enjoy the day with the school community. There will be a sausage sizzle/drinks and ice-cream stall, run by the school’s Parents and Friends Committee. Please ensure your child/children come to school with a hat, plenty of water, recess/lunch and some sunscreen. Students are to wear their team colours for the day. For students wanting to put coloured hair spray into their hair, please make sure they do this at home (not on the school grounds due to possible asthmatic reactions by other students). The House colours are based on the Constellations and they are: Yellow AQUILA (The Golden Eagle) Red CORVUS (The Red Crow) Green DRACO (The Green Dragon) Blue HYDRA (The Blue Water Snake) I look forward to seeing many parents/caregivers. If you have any queries, do not hesitate to email me [email protected] Mrs Rothery - SAPSASA and Year 8-12 Sports Coordinator 9 SPORTS NEWS MIDDLE AND SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS DAY PROGRAM MIDDLE AND SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS DAY PROGRAM TIME 8.45am to 9.00am 9.00am to 9.15am SESSION 1 9.15am to 10.00am SESSION 2 10.00am to 10.45am SESSION 3 10.45am to 11.30am SESSION 4 11.30am to 12.15pm SESSION 5 12.15pm to 1.00pm SESSION 6 1.00pm to 1.45pm SESSION 7 1.45pm to 2.30pm 10 YEAR ACTIVITIES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL Roll to be taken then students move to the oval and sit in their House colours ALL Welcome and expectations for the day 6&7 8 9 10 11 12 6&7 8 9 10 11 12 6&7 8 9 10 11 12 6&7 8 9 10 11 12 6&7 8 9 10 11 12 6&7 8 9 10 11 12 800m, Shot Put, 5 A Side Soccer 800m, Discus, Mixed Netball 800m, Tug of War Javelin, Basketball Long Jump, Volleyball, Sack Race High Jump, Bocce, Archery (archery is session one and two) Javelin, Bocce, Tug of War High Jump, 5 A Side Soccer, Sack Race Long Jump, Mixed Netball 800m, Shot Put 800m, Discus, Basketball 800m, Volleyball, Archery (continue archery from previous session) 200m, Volleyball, Sack Race 200m, Shot Put 200m, Discus, 5 A Side Soccer High Jump, Mixed Netball Javelin, Archery (archery is session three and four), Bocce Long Jump, Basketball, Tug of War High Jump Long Jump, Volleyball, Bocce Javelin,Basketball 200m, 5 A Side Soccer, Tug of War 200m, Shot Put, Mixed Netball, Archery (continue from previous session) 200m, Discus, Sack Race 100m, Discus, Basketball 100m, Tug of War 100m, Shot Put, Volleyball, Bocce Long Jump, Archery (archery is session five and six) High Jump, 5 A Side Soccer Javelin, Mixed Netball, Sack Race Long Jump, Mixed Netball, Javelin, Basketball High Jump, Sack Race 100m, Discus, Volleyball, Bocce, Archery (continue from previous session) 100m, Tug of War 100m, Shot Put, 5 A Side Soccer ALL YEAR LEVELS ALL STUDENTS MUST MOVE TO THE MAIN RUNNING TRACK 4 x 100m Relay - for all year levels (2 girls and 2 boys per team) 2.45pm PRESENTATION 3.05pm DISMISSAL Bocce Toilets Sack Race Announcer and scorers Tug of War BBQ/ Drinks Stall PE Shed G Block Volleyball Gym Basketball Netball Discus 100m, 800m and relay start Soccer Brunel Drive Archery 200m Start Long Jump Javelin MIDDLE & SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS DAY MAP High Jump Shot Put MIDDLE AND SENIOR SCHOOL SPORTS DAY MAP Ladywood Road 11 COMMUNITY NEWS Modbury Hawks Netball Club require Inters players for upcoming Winter season. Girls need to be aged 15 to 17. If interested please contact Sally Menadue, Nominations Coordinator via email at [email protected] or Madeleine Pontifex, Secretary at [email protected] SCHOOL CROSSING MONITORS Recently your child’s school took part in School Crossing Monitor Training conducted by the South Australian Police. This involves students in years 5, 6 and 7 being trained by Road Safety Educators from the SA Police Road Safety Section. After the training is complete the student will receive a Certificate of Authority issued on behalf of the Commissioner of Police which, under the Road Traffic Act 1961 authorises the student to work as school crossing monitor. The certificate authorises the student to stop traffic using a Stop Sign or using Pedestrian Actuated Traffic Lights, as well as give reasonable directions to pedestrians for the safe and efficient movement of traffic at or on the crossing as in their opinion is necessary. PARA HILLS WEST SOCCER CLUB INC.! Manor!Farm!Oval,!Northbri!Avenue,!Salisbury!East! ! Tel.!8285!2044! Postal'Address':'PO'Box'3022,'SALISBURY'EAST,'SA.'5109' A.B.N.''39'376'255'903' Club Patron - Jennifer Rankine MP ! The training involves learning how to safely stop vehicles at a school crossing and performing safety assessments on when it is safe for children to cross the road (this includes asking the monitors to check that all vehicles have stopped prior to pedestrians walking onto the crossing). The session also includes safe sign handling techniques and positioning within the crossing. It is extremely important that all people (including parents) use the crossings and become good road safety role models, by following the School Crossing Monitor’s directions, not only for their safety but the safety of all students and road users. ! Est 1967 We!are!currently!looking!for!players!for!the! Under!6`s,!Under!9`s!and!Development!Squad! ! ! '''UNDER'6,'7'&'8'' ! !1st!Child!$165! ! Fees!for!the!2016!season!are!as!follows:! ! ''''''''UNDER'9'&'UP'''''''''''''''Development'Squad! !!!!!!!!!!1st!Child!$195!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$70!(includes!a!training!top)! !!!!2nd!Child!$160! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2nd!Child!$190! ! !3rd!Child!$155!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!3rd!Child!$185! ! If parents have any questions about the training the Road Safety Section is happy to receive these inquiries on the telephone number 82076586. Direct!Debit!is!available:!!Account!Name:!Para!Hills!West!Soccer!Club! BSB:!065138!!!A/C:!00902181! ! We!also!accept!Government!Sports!Vouchers!which!entitles!the!player!to!$50!off!their!fees! ! Please!Contact!:!Kerrie!McInerney!Junior!Registrar,!Para!Hills!West!Soccer!Club! Phone:!0413955904! ! Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. Thank you Acting Sergeant Nigel ALLEN Program Co-ordinator Road Safety South Australian Police Clubs Connect 2016 April 16 to May 1 “Come & Try” a range of different sports for FREE! Sessions will be aimed at having fun and will be run by local clubs. Fire up the holidays and get involved with club sport. To register for the event please visit www.eventbrite.com and search “Clubs Connect”. Edde Nio - 0403507049 LARGEST KARATE CLUB IN AUSTRALIA www.theheights.sa.edu.au Edde Edde NioNio 0450071575 0450071575