ሾ౮ဇۉഘऐႁཀৄუऐᆶ၌ࠅິ ዐࡔཀৄߗԍ൶(ߗ)ԍୟ3ࡽ ࣆۉ:+86 22 84861686 دኈ:+86 22 84861687 ᆰၒ:[email protected] ZANUSSI ELETTROMECCANICA COMPRESSOR TIANJIN CO.,LTD ADDRESS: NO.3 BAOSHUI ROAD, TIANJIN PORT FREE TRADE ZONE (AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK), TIANJIN CITY,PR CHINA ZIP CODE: 300308 PHONE: +86 22 84861686 FAX: +86 22 84861687 ZR0100.201403 www.zeltj.com Ԩጨଙසᆶ߸߀-ທփଷႜཚኪă R600a - R134a All solutions inside. ALL SOLUTIONS INSIDE GENERAL CATALOGUE LAMBDA TECHNICAL DATA ZETA TECHNICAL DATA ሾ౮ဇۉഘऐႁཀৄუऐᆶ၌ࠅິ(ZEL)മวྺཀৄ࡛ࢋۉգၒუऐࠅິ,ራሞฉ๘ु60پ,ZEL৽ਸ๔६ VARIABLE SPEED TECHNICAL DATA ࡔྔरຍჺĂ ิׂգၒᆩუऐ;1987,ࠅິᆅ౹ዞፌံڦሾ౮ဇუऐሰरຍࢅิׂ၍,ᅜႹኤݛڦ COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS TECHNICAL DATA ኪఁණኤऐࠓڦዊଉ༹ဣණኤ,୲ံྜׯCFCs༺پă ܠઠZELׂڦᅃྔాࡔڟڥኪఁਜ਼ࢽڦᅃዂࡻೠă 2013, ๕ਸ๔ิׂZELಈڦუऐ; 1993,ᇑᅪٷ૧ሾ౮ဇॺ૬କࡔాუऐႜᄽڼڦᅃॆࢇጨഓᄽ,ժፌራཚࡗࡔा ሞૐႜᄽඇ൰Ⴀᆫࣅዘፇڦԝৠူ,ཚࡗࠣ߸۞,ࡵཀናӺऐႁᆶ၌ࠅິྺׯକZELႎڦ੦ࠣࠣ۫,ټઠ TAU TECHNICAL DATA କႧࢩڦጨূኧࡵࢅཀਬ߾ଶᇘᅜतუऐႜᄽิׂยԢࢅଭևॲे߾ݛ௬ݿڦঢ়ᄓă TAU-North American Range TECHNICAL DATA ZELጆᄽٗ๚ඇހԿऄ๕უऐׂڦჺ݀ࢅሰ,ׂ࠽ݘᆌᆩᇀգၒĂ ૐࡋत߳ዖၭ႙ฆᆩૐยԢă ZEL ׂڦ࠽ྷݔĂ ዖૌഋඇ,ޮ߃କٗR134aڟR600a,ٗگԝუ(LBP)ڟዐߛԝუ(HMBP)Ă ٗۨೕڟՎೕྷݔڦ,ժీፁ TAU-Japan Range TECHNICAL DATA ඇ൰փཞ൶ᇘۉუڦႴ൱ă ׂዖૌԈઔକጲᅪٷ૧ᆅڦTauࢅ܀૬ჺ݀ڦLambdaĂ Zetaၭ႙ߛၳૐუऐࠌ LAMBDA/ZETA/TAU OUTLINE DRAWINGS ELECTRIC WIRING DIAGRAM MOUNTING ACCESSORIES TECHNICAL DRAWINGS ໜጣႎࠣ۫ڦ,ZELሞႎׂਸ݀ࢅरຍظႎݛ௬ॽीჄԍऄ૰,ժᅃօྜዊଉ࠶༹ဣ,༵ߛׂ ෙٷೝ200߲ܠ႙ࡽࡀ߭ă ዊࢅࠥਜ਼ᅪ܈,ZELॽᅜඇႎڦ௬ஸओट֖ᇑׇ৪ኛ,ेླྀܠ߸ᆫዊĂ ߛၳڦუऐׂ,ႀሾ౮ဇ ಈႎࣣ࣪ڦă We lead the refrigeration world. Zanussi Elettromeccanica Tianjin Compressor Co., Ltd (ZEL) was the pioneer in hermetic compressor manufacturing in China. It started to produce household refrigerating compressor in 1960s, as licensee of Zanussi Elettremeccanica - Italy in 1987, and to become the first joint-venture company in domestic compressor industry in 1993.The strategic partnership with ACC has provided ZELT with state of art technologies, products and manufacturing systems, which were for many years bench-mark for all other Chinese producers. For many years ZEL was recognized as reliable producer of high quality products and as such has been awarded by many domestic and overseas customers. In 2013, Beijing Zhenbang Aerospace Precision Machinery Co., Ltd has become ZEL’s main shareholder by acquiring equity share from ACC Italy. Zhenbang’s technological leadership in the areas of precision machinery, aerospace, military and compressor products together with solid financial background have enabled strong ZEL’s restructuring program with significant capital expenditures in quality improvement, capacity increasing and launching of new high performance products. ZEL develops and manufactures refrigerating hermetic compressors. Three platforms include Tau licensed from Italy and independent development of compact, high efficiency Lambda and Zeta series. With more than 200 models are covering LBP and HMBP applications for household refrigerators, chest freezers and small size commercial applications. Wide variety of voltage ranges is available with constant and variable speed design for R600a and R134A refrigerant. Successful restructuring process will make ZEL appear in the market competition with brand-new faces, and compose its new refulgent by accelerating launch more good quality and high performance products. mini compressors a major innovation ၭ႙ĂߛၳĂ୴࣍ԍუऐ Lambda Zeta R600a, ASHRAE LBP߾ཉॲူ, ૐଉྷݔ100W~170W, COPፌߛٳ2.00W/W ྃᇀLambdaೝڦ೦ႠׂణՔ༵ࠃ߸ਏႠॏԲߛڦၳუऐೝă R134a, AHAM߾ཉॲူ, ૐଉྷݔ145W~200W, COPፌߛٳ2.08W/W R600a, ASHRAE LBP߾ཉॲူ, ૐଉྷݔ80W~140W, ୩ۉऐӲԨCOPፌߛٳ1.98W/W Performance Lambda and Zeta represent an ideal solution from small to medium refrigerators. Maximum COP of 2.00W/W* of Lambda while 1.98W/W* of Zeta with aluminum motor, combines top efficiency with compact dimensions in order to optimize performance in our customer’s appliance. *220-240V/50Hz, R600a, ASHRAE LBP conditions Environment ZEL has a consolidated tradition in environmentally friendly solutions. It has historically been the first compressor manufacturer to shift to non-CFC coolants starting in 1992, leading the transition to ozone safe technologies and also in choosing the R600a refrigerant. Lambda and Zeta are a further step towards innovation and energy-saving. A global solution A perfect complement to the Kappa Dual family, Lambda has been developed both in R600a and R134a version. ZEL strives to provide customers with competitive solutions suitable for all markets, to guarantee both local and international manufacturers with state-of-the-art compressors. Lambda ႙ࡽ Model ۉऐ ۉऐ ࠀ୲ ۉऐ ૌ႙ Displ. Power Motor Type cc hp ಇഘଉ Motor R600a ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Freq. Cooling Capacity Input Input Power Power without with RC RC hz w w w w/w ೕ୲ Ⴀీဣຕ ሏႜۉඹ ߛ܈ ৫ዘ Run Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight w/w µF mm kg COP COP without with RC RC 220-240V/50Hz ၳဣଚ Standard Efficiency Range HML140A Al 8.0 1/8 RSIR/RSCR 50 140 96 90 1.46 1.56 3 152 6.3 1/10 1/10 1/8 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 50 50 50 98 125 140 65 77 86 60 71 80 1.50 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.75 1.76 2.5 2.5 2.5 161 164 164 6.9 7.2 7.2 1/15 1/10 1/10 1/8 RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR 50 50 50 50 98 125 140 170 52 65 73 89 1.88 1.91 1.91 1.91 2 2 2 2 161 161 161 161 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 1/14 1/12 1/10 CSCR CSCR CSCR 50 50 50 100 125 140 50 63 70 2.00 2.00 2.00 2 2 2 161 161 161 7.3 7.3 7.3 1/8 1/8 1/6 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 60 60 60 125 140 160 81 90 103 76 85 97 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.65 1.65 1.65 3 3 3 164 164 164 7.2 7.2 7.2 60 60 60 100 125 140 65 78 90 61 74 85 1.55 1.60 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.65 10 10 10 161 161 161 6.9 6.9 6.9 50 60 50 60 98 124 123 142 60 76 77 85 56 70 72 79 1.63 1.64 1.60 1.68 1.74 1.77 1.72 1.80 10 161 7.3 10 161 7.3 ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range HDL100A HDL125A HDL140A Al Al Al 5.7 7.0 8.0 ߛၳဣଚ High Efficiency Range HXL100A HXL125A HXL140A HXL170A* Cu Cu Cu Cu 5.7 7.0 8.0 9.3 ߛגၳဣଚ Top Efficiency Range HPL100A* HPL125A* HPL140A* Cu Cu Cu 5.7 7.0 8.0 220-240V/60Hz ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range HDL125F* HDL140F* HDL160F* Al Al Al 115V/60Hz 5.7 7.0 8.0 ԛெۉუ North American range ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range HDL100D HDL125D HDL140D Al Al Al 4.9 6.3 7.0 100V/50-60Hz 1/10 1/8 1/8 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR නԨۉუ Japan range ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range Compactness HDL100J Cu 6.3 Compared to ZEL’s other platforms with similar performance characteristics, Lambda and Zeta represent a compact alternative with a 7% height reduction which allows to our customers to benefit with potential cabinet net volume increase. HDL125J Cu 7.0 ጀ NOTE 1/10 1/10 1/10 1/8 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR ֪߾ TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) ڇ࿋࣑໙ CONVERSION 1 Watt = 3.41 Btu/h = 0.86 kcal/h ૐඐݛ๕ Cooling Type ኖ݀࿒܈ Evaporating temperature -23.3°C ৢༀૐඐ Static Cooling ૐౡ࿒܈ Condensing temperature 54.4°C ᆌᆩཉॲ Application ࡗૐ࿒܈ Subcooling temperature 32.2°C گԝუ LBP ဌഘ࿒܈ Suction temperature 32.2°C ࣍ৣ࿒܈ Ambient temperature 32.2°C *नॽ݀ք Release on progress Lambda ႙ࡽ Model ۉऐ Motor ۉऐ ࠀ୲ ۉऐ ૌ႙ Displ. Power Motor Type cc hp ಇഘଉ R134a ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Freq. Cooling Capacity Input Input Power Power without with RC RC hz w ೕ୲ w w Ⴀీဣຕ COP COP without with RC RC w/w w/w ߛ܈ ৫ዘ ႙ࡽ ಇഘଉ Run Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight Model Displ. µF mm kg ၳဣଚ Standard Efficiency Range Al Al Al Al 4.9 5.7 6.5 7.0 1/6 1/6 1/5 1/5 50 50 50 50 RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR 140 160 180 200 112 128 144 160 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 - 152 161 161 164 6.3 7.0 7.0 7.3 ၳဣଚ Standard Efficiency Range Al 4.4 Al 4.9 ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range GDL145D Cu 4.4 GDL175D Cu 5.3 ߛၳဣଚ High Efficiency Range GXL175D Cu 4.9 GXL200D Cu 5.7 ߛגၳဣଚ Top Efficiency Range GPL175D* Cu 4.9 Zeta ႙ࡽ Model ۉऐ Motor ಇഘଉ 1/7 1/6 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 60 60 145 175 97 118 92 112 1.50 1.48 1.57 1.56 10 10 164 164 7.0 7.0 1/8 1/6 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 60 60 145 175 94 112 87 106 1.55 1.56 1.67 1.65 10 10 161 161 7.3 7.3 1/7 1/6 RSCR RSCR 60 60 175 200 101 116 1.73 1.73 10 10 164 164 7.6 7.6 1/7 CSCR 60 175 97 1.80 10 161 7.6 ۉऐ ࠀ୲ Displ. Power cc hp ۉऐ ૌ႙ Motor Type R600a ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Cooling Capacity Input Input Power Power without with RC RC w w w Ⴀీဣຕ COP COP without with RC RC w/w w/w ሏႜۉඹ ߛ܈ ৫ዘ Run Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight µF mm kg ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range ጀ NOTE 1/12 1/10 1/9 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 98 125 140 1/14 1/11 1/10 RSCR RSCR RSCR 98 125 140 1/14 1/11 1/10 CSCR CSCR CSCR 100 125 140 58 74 81 54 69 77 1.70 1.70 1.73 1.80 1.80 1.82 2 2 2 165 165 165 7.5 7.5 7.5 52 66 73 1.90 1.90 1.92 2 2 2 165 165 165 7.5 7.5 7.5 51 63 71 1.98 1.98 1.98 2 2 2 165 165 165 7.5 7.5 7.5 ֪߾ TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) ڇ࿋࣑໙ CONVERSION 1 Watt = 3.41 Btu/h = 0.86 kcal/h ૐඐݛ๕ Cooling Type ኖ݀࿒܈ Evaporating temperature -23.3°C ৢༀૐඐ Static Cooling ૐౡ࿒܈ Condensing temperature 54.4°C ᆌᆩཉॲ Application ࡗૐ࿒܈ Subcooling temperature 32.2°C گԝუ LBP ဌഘ࿒܈ Suction temperature 32.2°C ࣍ৣ࿒܈ Ambient temperature 32.2°C *नॽ݀ք Release on progress Վೕ ྷݔ ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Ⴀీဣຕ Motor Type Speed Range Cooling Capacity Input Power RPM w PPM PPM PPM 1400~3600 1400~4000 1400~3600 PPM PPM 1400~4000 1400~4000 cc R600a ߛ܈ ৫ዘ COP Height (h) Net Weight w w/w mm kg 67~171 83~222 96~237 34~88 44~122 49~122 Up to 1.97 Up to 1.97 Up to 1.97 184 163 184 8.6 8.0 8.5 63~181 100-273 35~106 52/153 Up to 1.80 Up to 1.80 220-240V/50Hz HKD86FSL HKD10FSK HKD12FSL 8.6 10.0 12.0 GKD44FDK GKD75FDK 4.4 7.5 Commercial Applications ฆᆩׂဣଚ! R134a 163 184 7.8 7.8 R134a ႙ࡽ ۉऐ ೕ୲ ಇഘଉ ۉऐ ࠀ୲ ۉऐ ૌ႙ ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Ⴀీဣຕ ഔۉۯඹ ߛ܈ ৫ዘ Model Motor Freq. Displ. Power Motor Type Cooling Capacity Input Power COP Start Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight hz cc hp w w w/w µF mm kg HMBP Range ዐߛԝუဣଚ 220-240V/50Hz GL80TB GL90TB GL10TB Cu Al Cu 50 50 50 1/2 1/2 1/2 CSIR CSIR CSIR 740 860 880 326 420 429 2.27 2.05 2.05 50 50 50 184 184 184 10.0 10.0 10.2 5.3 1/3 CSIR 540 640 240 262 2.25 2.44 50 174 8.8 2.6 7.5 10.0 10.6 12.0 1/12 1/5 1/3 1/3 1/3 RSIR CSIR RSIR CSIR CSIR 65 200 280 300 320 59 160 207 226 241 1.10 1.25 1.35 1.33 1.33 50 50 50 163 184 184 184 184 7.5 9.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 1/3 CSIR 248 290 216 220 1.15 1.32 50 184 9.6 7.5 9.3 9.3 200-220V/50Hz, 220-230V/60Hz GL60TG 220-240V/50Hz 5.7 HDZ100A* Al 7.0 HDZ125A* Al 8.0 HDZ140A* Al ߛၳဣଚ High Efficiency Range 5.7 HXZ100A* Al 7.0 HXZ125A* Al 8.0 HXZ140A* Al ߛגၳဣଚ Top Efficiency Range 5.7 HPZ100A* Al 7.0 HPZ125A* Al 8.0 HPZ140A* Al ۉऐ ૌ႙ 115V/50-60Hz 115V/60Hz GML145D GML175D Վೕဣଚ ሏႜۉඹ 220-240V/50Hz GML140A GML160A GML180A GML200A Variable Speed Range Cu 50 60 LBP Range گԝუဣଚ 220-240V/50Hz GTM26AA GTM75AA GTM93AA GTM10AA GTM12AA Cu/Al Al Cu Cu Cu 50 50 50 50 50 200-220V/50Hz, 220-230V/60Hz GTM93AG ጀ NOTE ૐඐݛ๕ ৢༀૐඐ ᆌᆩཉॲ Cu 50 60 Cooling Type Static Cooling Application 9.3 گԝუ ֪߾ ኖ݀࿒܈ ૐౡ࿒܈ ࡗૐ࿒܈ ဌഘ࿒܈ ࣍ৣ࿒܈ LBP TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) Evaporating temperature -23.3°C Condensing temperature 54.4°C Subcooling temperature 32.2°C Suction temperature 32.2°C Ambient temperature 32.2°C ዐߛԝუ ֪߾ ኖ݀࿒܈ ૐౡ࿒܈ ᅂ༹࿒܈ ࡗඤ࿒܈ ဌഘ࿒܈ ࣍ৣ࿒܈ HMBP TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) Evaporating temperature 7.2°C Condensing temperature 55°C Liquid temperature 46°C Superheating temperature 35°C Suction temperature 35°C Ambient temperature 35°C Tau ႙ࡽ Model ۉऐ Motor ۉऐ ࠀ୲ ۉऐ ૌ႙ Displ. Power Motor Type cc hp ಇഘଉ R600a ೕ୲ ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Freq. Cooling Capacity Input Input Power Power without with RC RC hz w w w Ⴀీဣຕ COP COP without with RC RC w/w w/w ሏႜۉඹ ߛ܈ ৫ዘ Run Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight µF mm kg 220-240V/50Hz Cu/Al Cu/Al Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu Al Cu Cu/Al 5.7 7.0 7.0 7.5 8.6 8.6 9.3 10.0 12.0 5.7 7.5 8.6 10.0 8.6 10.0 12.0 14.0 Cu/Al Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu Al Al Al 5.7 7.5 8.6 9.3 10.0 11.0 8.6 9.3 11.4 RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 91 110 110 125 140 140 150 160 200 95 125 140 175 145 160 200 235 1/12 1/9 1/9 1/8 1/7 1/7 1/8 1/7 1/6 RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 97 125 140 150 170 185 140 160 210 1/12 1/10 1/9 1/8 1/5 1/5 1/9 1/7 RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 98 125 140 160 240 270 160 208 71 88 89 93 104 99 108 118 141 71 89 99 134 158 68 85 92 113 96 96 126 149 85 96 124 60 78 82 90 97 106 80 90 119 1.28 1.25 1.24 1.34 1.35 1.42 1.39 1.36 1.42 1.33 1.40 1.62 1.49 1.49 1.39 1.47 1.52 1.55 1.51 1.66 1.59 1.58 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 163 163 163 163 174 174 174 174 174 163 163 174 174 174 184 184 184 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.5 8.2 7.7 7.8 9.6 7.7 7.7 8.8 7.8 7.5 9.5 9.4 9.3 1.65 1.67 1.70 1.62 1.60 1.70 1.66 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.78 1.77 3 3 3 4 4 5 4 4 5 174 174 184 184 184 184 174 174 174 8.8 8.5 9.5 9.8 9.6 9.6 9.2 9.2 9.2 Cu Cu Cu Cu/Al Cu Cu Cu Cu 5.7 7.5 8.6 9.3 14.0 16.0 9.3 11.4 ጀ NOTE Motor ۉऐ ࠀ୲ ۉऐ ૌ႙ Displ. Power Motor Type cc hp ಇഘଉ ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Freq. Cooling Capacity Input Input Power Power without with RC RC hz w w ೕ୲ w Ⴀీဣຕ COP COP without with RC RC w/w w/w ሏႜۉඹ ߛ܈ ৫ዘ Run Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight µF mm kg 1.76 1.79 1.80 1.87 1.80 1.80 1.94 1.95 3 3 3 4 6 6 3 5 174 174 184 184 184 184 184 184 9.4 9.5 10.1 9.5 10.1 10.3 10.1 10.1 OF605 OF700 OF789 OF1033A OF1350A Cu Al Cu/Al Al Al 3.4 3.9 3.9 5.3 7.0 1/9 1/8 1/7 1/5 1/5 RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR 50 50 50 50 50 90 100 110 140 180 76 88 96 119 150 163 163 163 174 174 7.7 7.4 7.7 8.6 9.2 1/12 1/9 1/8 1/7 1/6 1/6 1/5 1/5 1/4 1/4 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 80 109 130 140 160 170 180 200 240 260 63 81 93 102 119 120 134 153 175 187 1/6 1/5 1/4 RSCR RSCR RSCR 50 50 50 200 210 270 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 132 162 138 160 154 179 201 232 1.18 1.13 1.14 1.18 1.20 ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range GVY35AA GVY40AA GVY44AA GVY53AA GVY57AA GVY61AA GVY66AA GVY75AA GTH86AA GTH93AA Cu Cu Cu/Al Cu Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al 3.4 4.0 4.4 5.3 5.7 6.1 6.6 7.5 8.6 9.3 58 76 87 96 113 113 124 140 163 174 1.28 1.35 1.40 1.37 1.34 1.42 1.34 1.31 1.37 1.39 1.37 1.43 1.50 1.46 1.42 1.51 1.45 1.43 1.47 1.49 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 163 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 184 8.1 9.0 8.9 9.0 8.8 9.4 8.6 8.9 9.0 9.7 1.60 1.57 1.66 4 4 6 184 184 184 9.5 10.1 10.4 3 174 9.3 3 174 9.4 4 174 10.1 5 184 10.1 ߛၳဣଚ High Efficiency Range ߛၳဣଚ High Efficiency Range HKD57AA HKD75AA HKD86AA HKD93AA HKD14AA HKD16AA HPKX160A HPKX190A Model ۉऐ ၳဣଚ Standard Efficiency Range 1/10 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/10 1/8 1/8 1/6 1/7 1/7 1/5 1/4 ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range HTT57AA HTT75AA HTT86AA HTT93AA HTT10AA HTT11AA HPKD140A HPKD160A HPKD190A ႙ࡽ R134a 220-240V/50Hz ၳဣଚ Standard Efficiency Range HVM57AA HVM67AA HMM70AA HVM75AA HVM86AA HVM86AH HVM93AA HVM10AA HVM12AA HVY57AA HVY75AA HVT86AA HVT10AA HTH86AA HTH10AA HTH12AA HTH14AA Tau 56 70 78 86 133 150 82 107 GTT66AA GTT75AA GKD93AA Cu/Al Cu Cu 6.6 7.5 9.3 125 134 163 200-220V/50Hz, 220-230V/60Hz ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range GVY44AG Cu/Al 4.4 GVY53AG Cu 5.3 GVY57AG Cu/Al 5.7 GVY75AG Cu/Al 7.5 ֪߾ TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) ڇ࿋࣑໙ CONVERSION ጀ NOTE 1 Watt = 3.41 Btu/h = 0.86 kcal/h 1/8 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/6 1/6 1/5 1/5 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 93 111 99 115 118 131 147 167 89 105 93 110 111 125 139 157 1.42 1.46 1.39 1.39 1.31 1.37 1.37 1.39 1.49 1.55 1.48 1.46 1.39 1.43 1.45 1.48 ֪߾ TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) ڇ࿋࣑໙ CONVERSION 1 Watt = 3.41 Btu/h = 0.86 kcal/h ૐඐݛ๕ Cooling Type ኖ݀࿒܈ Evaporating temperature -23.3°C ૐඐݛ๕ Cooling Type ኖ݀࿒܈ Evaporating temperature -23.3°C ৢༀૐඐ Static Cooling ૐౡ࿒܈ Condensing temperature 54.4°C ৢༀૐඐ Static Cooling ૐౡ࿒܈ Condensing temperature 54.4°C ᆌᆩཉॲ Application ࡗૐ࿒܈ Subcooling temperature 32.2°C ᆌᆩཉॲ Application ࡗૐ࿒܈ Subcooling temperature 32.2°C گԝუ LBP ဌഘ࿒܈ Suction temperature 32.2°C گԝუ LBP ဌഘ࿒܈ Suction temperature 32.2°C ࣍ৣ࿒܈ Ambient temperature 32.2°C ࣍ৣ࿒܈ Ambient temperature 32.2°C Tau ႙ࡽ Model ۉऐ Motor North American range R134a ԛெဣଚ ۉऐ ࠀ୲ ۉऐ ૌ႙ ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Displ. Power Motor Type Cooling Capacity Input Input Power Power without with RC RC cc hp ಇഘଉ w w w Ⴀీဣຕ COP COP without with RC RC w/w w/w ሏႜۉඹ ߛ܈ ৫ዘ Run Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight µF mm kg 115V/60Hz Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu Cu Cu 2.6 3.5 4.0 2.6 4.0 4.0 5.3 5.7 9.3 Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu Al Cu Cu 2.6 4.0 4.4 5.3 5.3 5.7 6.6 RSIR RSIR RSIR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR 74 108 130 70 122 144 166 192 290 1/12 1/8 1/7 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/5 RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSCR RSCR 75 133 152 174 177 188 217 1/7 1/6 1/4 RSCR RSCR RSCR 157 194 251 1/8 1/7 1/6 1/5 RSCR RSCR RSCR RSCR 145 180 200 257 69 94 115 57 95 109 122 136 220 56 56 90 103 117 126 1.07 1.15 1.13 1.23 1.29 1.32 1.36 1.41 1.32 1.26 1.36 1.40 1.42 1.52 6 8 10 10 10 163 163 163 163 174 174 174 184 184 7.5 7.2 7.2 8.0 8.4 8.3 9.3 10.1 9.5 121 1.31 1.45 1.48 1.51 1.55 1.52 1.50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 174 174 174 174 184 184 184 7.8 8.8 8.6 9.2 10.1 103 123 162 1.52 1.58 1.55 10 10 10 174 184 184 9.5 10.0 10.0 85 103 114 148 1.70 1.74 1.75 1.74 10 10 10 10 174 184 184 184 9.6 10.1 10.0 10.4 57 92 103 115 114 124 145 1.46 9.9 Cu Cu Cu 4.4 5.7 7.5 ߛגၳဣଚ Top Efficiency Range GKD44AD GKD53AD GKD57AD GKD75AD Cu Cu Cu Cu 4.0 5.3 5.7 7.5 Motor ۉऐ ࠀ୲ ۉऐ ૌ႙ Displ. Power Motor Type cc hp ಇഘଉ ૐଉ ࠀ୲ Freq. Cooling Capacity Input Input Power Power without with RC RC hz w w 50 60 50 60 50 60 52 67 101 126 113 139 43 49 81 86 90 96 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 103 125 115 139 126 150 145 162 182 200 72 83 78 91 92 105 97 109 121 129 50 60 50 60 50 60 105 125 131 155 173 195 ೕ୲ w Ⴀీဣຕ COP COP without with RC RC w/w w/w HVM35AJ Cu/Al 3.4 HVM61AJ Cu/Al 6.1 HVM66AJ Cu/Al 6.6 1/16 1/15 1/9 1/8 1/8 1/7 RSIR ߛ܈ ৫ዘ Run Capacitor Height (h) Net Weight µF mm kg 163 163 163 163 163 163 7.5 7.5 7.9 7.9 7.8 7.8 RSIR RSIR 1.21 1.37 1.25 1.46 1.25 1.45 ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range HTH61AJ Cu 6.1 HTH66AJ Cu 6.6 HTH75AJ Cu/Al 7.5 HTH86AJ Cu 8.6 HTH11AJ Cu 11.0 1/10 1/9 1/9 1/8 1/8 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/6 1/6 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 69 80 75 89 88 99 93 105 115 125 1.43 1.50 1.47 1.52 1.37 1.43 1.50 1.48 1.50 1.55 1.50 1.56 1.53 1.56 1.43 1.51 1.56 1.55 1.58 1.60 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 174 9.0 9.0 9.1 9.1 8.8 8.8 9.0 9.0 9.3 9.3 HTT61AJ Cu 6.1 HTT75AJ Cu 7.5 HTT10AJ Cu 10.0 1/12 1/10 1/9 1/8 1/8 1/7 RSCR RSCR RSCR 63 74 81 94 98 110 1.68 1.70 1.61 1.65 1.77 1.78 10 10 8 8 10 10 174 174 174 174 184 184 9.6 9.6 9.0 9.0 10.3 10.3 100V/50-60Hz ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range ጀ NOTE ሏႜۉඹ ߛၳဣଚ High Efficiency Range ߛၳဣଚ High Efficiency Range GTT44AD GTT57AD GTT75AD Model ۉऐ ၳဣଚ Standard Efficiency Range 1/10 1/8 1/6 1/12 1/7 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/3 ዐၳဣଚ Medium Efficiency Range GVT26AD GVT40AD GVT44AD GVT53AD GTH53AD GVT57AD GVT66AD ႙ࡽ R600a නԨဣଚ 100V/50-60Hz ၳဣଚ Standard Efficiency Range OF612D OF789D OF789D-1 GVY26AD GVY40AD GVY44AD GVY53AD GVY57AD GTM93AD Tau - Japan range GVY26AJ Cu 2.6 GVY40AJ Cu 4.0 GVY44AJ Cu 4.4 GVY53AJ Cu 5.3 GVY57AJ Cu 5.7 ֪߾ TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) ڇ࿋࣑໙ CONVERSION ጀ NOTE 1 Watt = 3.41 Btu/h = 0.86 kcal/h 1/13 1/12 1/8 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/6 1/6 1/6 RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR RSIR/RSCR 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 50 60 64 75 105 122 122 142 146 173 157 184 55 60 88 101 95 109 100 119 117 130 52 58 84 96 91 105 94 110 111 124 1.16 1.24 1.19 1.21 1.29 1.30 1.46 1.45 1.34 1.42 1.23 1.30 1.25 1.27 1.34 1.35 1.55 1.57 1.42 1.48 R134a 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 ֪߾ TEST CONDITIONS(ASHRAE) ڇ࿋࣑໙ CONVERSION 1 Watt = 3.41 Btu/h = 0.86 kcal/h ૐඐݛ๕ Cooling Type ኖ݀࿒܈ Evaporating temperature -23.3°C ૐඐݛ๕ Cooling Type ኖ݀࿒܈ Evaporating temperature -23.3°C ৢༀૐඐ Static Cooling ૐౡ࿒܈ Condensing temperature 54.4°C ৢༀૐඐ Static Cooling ૐౡ࿒܈ Condensing temperature 54.4°C ᆌᆩཉॲ Application ࡗૐ࿒܈ Subcooling temperature 32.2°C ᆌᆩཉॲ Application ࡗૐ࿒܈ Subcooling temperature 32.2°C گԝუ LBP ဌഘ࿒܈ Suction temperature 32.2°C گԝუ LBP ဌഘ࿒܈ Suction temperature 32.2°C ࣍ৣ࿒܈ Ambient temperature 32.2°C ࣍ৣ࿒܈ Ambient temperature 32.2°C 163 163 174 174 174 174 174 174 184 184 8.0 8.0 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.8 9.8 Outline drawings ྔႚ٫ Service tube ߾ᅝ࠶ Suction tube ဌഘ࠶ Discharge tube ಇഘ࠶ Service tube ߾ᅝ࠶ Service tube ߾ᅝ࠶ Discharge tube ಇഘ࠶ Suction tube ဌഘ࠶ Discharge tube ಇഘ࠶ h h h Suction tube ဌഘ࠶ Suction tube ဌഘ࠶ h Discharge tube ಇഘ࠶ Service tube ߾ᅝ࠶ ዷ ݣ: 1:2 246 ዷ ݣ: 1:2 ZETA ዷ ݣ: 1:2 ዷ ݣ: 1:2 TAU 220 223 150 150 164 164 234 ޥ ݣ: 1:2 H*Z ޥ ݣ: 1:2 ޥ ݣ: 1:2 H*Z OF-GV-GT-GK-HV-HT-HPK OF-GV-GT-GK-HT For USA and Japan ԛெ0නԨ Standard Version ཚᆩ Service tube ߾ᅝ࠶ ޥ ݣ: 1:2 Discharge tube ಇഘ࠶ Service tube ߾ᅝ࠶ Discharge tube ಇഘ࠶ Suction tube ဌഘ࠶ For USA and Japan ԛெ0නԨ Standard Version ཚᆩ Electric wiring diagram ۉഘথ၍ Suction tube ဌഘ࠶ h h CSIR RSCR Protector ԍࢺഗ ዷ ݣ: 1:2 232 LAMBDA ዷ ݣ: 1:2 205 Supply ۉᇸ Relay ዘؼ Compressor terminals უऐথ၍ዹ Compressor terminals უऐথ၍ዹ Start capacitor ഔۉۯඹ Protector ԍࢺഗ Run capacitor ሏႜۉඹ 148 148 PTC RSIR Compressor terminals უऐথ၍ዹ Supply ۉᇸ ޥ ݣ: 1:2 H*L-G*L Standard Version ཚᆩ ޥ ݣ: 1:2 H*L-G*L For USA and Japan ԛெ0නԨ Protector ԍࢺഗ PTC Supply ۉᇸ Mounting accessories ڹগॲথ๖ᅪ ZEM Terminal board (Tau) Spring clip ֭ೌ Hexagon head screw ୃঙஅພ Protector ԍࢺഗ Mod.90 Mod.91 PTC Package ीۉഗፇॲ Terminal Block থ၍܋ጱ Washer ۈං Earth Screw থںஅພ Cover ीۉഗቸ Washer ۈං Protector ԍࢺഗ PTC Package ीۉഗፇॲ Earth Screw থںஅພ Cable Clamp უ၍ਸ਼ጱ Cover ीۉഗቸ Connecting Cable থۉ၍ Space busher ת༫ Clamp Screw ࠦஅۤ Rubber grommet ၞঌ३ኒഗ Clamp Screw ࠦஅۤ Rubber grommet ၞঌ३ኒഗ Steel pin ၨጱ UH Terminal board Protector Terminal Retainer ԍࢺഗথ၍ۨࠦ܋ਸ਼ጱ (Tau) Protector ԍࢺഗ PTC Housing ीۉഗ Protector Retainer ԍࢺഗኧॐ Hexagon nut ୃঙஅజ Standard Protector ԍࢺഗ Earth Terminal Assembly থ܋ںጱፇॲ Earth Terminal Assembly থ܋ںጱፇॲ Relay ीۉഗ Snap-On அພҾጎ ੩Ҿጎ Terminal Assembly ܋ጱፇॲ Terminal Assembly ܋ጱፇॲ Technical Drawings ۉഘॲথ๖ᅪ ECC Terminal board (Tau) Protector ԍࢺഗ Relay Assembly ीۉഗፇॲ GDI Terminal board (Lambda/Zeta) (Lambda/Zeta) Cable Clamp უ၍ਸ਼ጱ Cover ीۉഗቸ Cover Retainer ीۉഗቸਸ਼ጱ GD Terminal board Earth Screw থںஅພ Screw Clamp ࠦஅພ Cover ीۉഗቸ Cover Retainer ीۉഗቸਸ਼ጱ Cover ीۉഗቸ Cover ीۉഗቸ PTC ीۉഗ Protector ԍࢺഗ Earth Screw থںஅພ Protector ԍࢺഗ PTC ीۉഗ Cover ीۉഗቸ Connecting Cable থۉ၍ Cover Retainer ीۉഗቸࠦۨਸ਼ጱ Earth Screw থںஅພ Wire Clip უ၍ਸ਼ጱ Cable Clamp უ၍ӱ Clamp Screw ࠦஅພ