Paul J. Dougherty, MD - Dougherty Laser Vision
Paul J. Dougherty, MD - Dougherty Laser Vision
Paul J. Dougherty, MD Dougherty Laser Vision Westlake Village, California Beverly Hills, California Camarillo, California Jules Stein Eye Institute Los Angeles, California Advances in Cataract/Pre mium IOL Technology iStent • iStent® rails are seated against scleral wall of Schlemm’s canal • iStent® Snorkel sits parallel to the iris plane 3 Dropless Cataract Surgery -TriMoxiVanco (Steroid + 2 antibiotics) -Injected into the vitreous through the zonules -Advantages No drops for most patients Decreases infection rate by >200% Lowers CME risk twofold -Disadvantages 5% require supplemental topical steroids May get floaters for 1-2 weeks Diabetes and ERM still require NSAID (Prolensa) Capsular bag must be perfect to use Intracameral and Intravitreal D rugs for Dropless Cataract Surgery Intraocular Medications & Proactive Control: Combination Antibiotic and Steroid into one injection TriMoxi and TriMoxiVanc by Imprimis Pharmaceuticals – Highly efficient delivery into the vitreous – Inexpensive compared to pharmacy drugs (SDV) – Produced by Compounding Pharmacy FDA Manufacturing Protocols Highly Regulated: High Safety with Accreditation Facility Reimburseable by Medicare and Commercial Insurance Nationally available 2Q2014: Marketing campaign starting Cataract Vision Correction Packages Standard IOL Economy Package Premium Package Standard IOL Package Basic government-issue IOL No diagnosis or management of refractive error, astigmatism, Spherical Aberration Glasses for every distance No charge to patient Co-management fee – 20% only ($154Medicare) Economy Vision Correction Package Diagnosis and management of refractive error, astigmatism, Spherical Aberration Aspheric IOL, LRI for cylinder, $750 LVC $995/eye to patient ($1495 if previous LASIK/PRK/RK) Co-management fee – $250/eye plus 20% (does not include LVC post-op fee) Premium Vision Correction Package Diagnosis and management of refractive error, astigmatism, Spherical Aberration LVC at no charge. LRI if necessary Toric or Presbyopic IOL $2950/eye to patient ($3,450 if previous LASIK/PRK/RK) Co-management fee – $500/eye plus 20% Presyopic IOL’s Distance, intermediate, near vision Accommodative IOL’s – Softec HD, (Crystalens) – Work by the eye muscle shifting the lens and increasing HOA’s Multi-focal IOL’s – Tecnis +2.75/+4.00, (Restor) – Work by spitting light into distance, near components Which Presbyopic IOL? First question is does the patient want out of reading glasses? If no, recommend Softec HD accomodating IOL with bilateral distance to get distance and intermediate, but wear readers If yes, first choice is Softec HDwith some monovision (minimum -0.75 D) – Patients favor monovision IOLs over MF IOLs – Monovision versus multifocal intraocular lens implantation.Georgios Labiris, MD, PhD, Athanassios Giarmoukakis, MD, Maria Patsiamanidi, MD, Zois Papadopoulos, MD, Vassilios P. Kozobolis, MD, PhD. J Cat Refract Surg. 41;1, 53-67. 2015 Which Presbyopic IOL? Patient wants no glasses Ask about history of monovision tolerance or interest in mono If possible, trial with glasses or CTL If unable or unwilling to do mono – then recommend Multi-focal if willing to tolerate night halo The choice is vision quality (Softec HD) vs. no reading glasses (Tecnis) Accomodative IOL’s B+L Crystalens Lenstec Softec HD Mechanism of action: lens movement, increased depth of field, induction of HOA Great distance and intermediate Rarely get reading without some monovision Primary Mechanism Optic Movement UBM Relaxed Increased Pressure Constricted Accommodating Lenses Distance and Intermediate Arms Length Distance Do not underestimate the importance of good intermediate vision Crystalens Properties Modified silicone platestyle implant with a 5.0 mm optic Hinges at haptic/optic junction 0.75 to 1.0 D of clinical accommodation I have abandoned this IOL Crystalens Problems Hinges create unreliable effective lens position – refractive outcomes are less predictable – high rate of LASIK/PRK enhancement Small optic (5.0 mm) can lead to edge glare, night glare especially with large pupil Hinge leads to z-syndrome (buckled lens with induced astigmatism, loss of BCVA) Softec HD Properties *Large 5.75 mm optic *Double aspheric optic with 0 SA *Flexible hydrophylic acrylic: enhanced near vision – no hinges *Spontaneous near vision: FDA Study *3 published studies showing enhanced near vision *0.75 to 1.00 D of accommodation Primary Mechanism Optic Movement UBM Relaxed Increased Pressure Constricted Summary Of Wavefront Findings Power Change – Greater in the center – Less in the peripheral – Generally greater than the change in SE Aberration – Increase in negative spherical aberration – Increase in coma Summary Accommodating IOLs Good distance and intermediate May need readers if unable to tolerate monovision Single point of focus/normal contrast – good for picky patients or those with previous refractive surgery or retina issues Softec HD is lens of choice Multi-Focal IOL’s -When patients want to eliminate dependence on reading glasses but will tolerate night glare -Tecnis +2.75, +3.25, +4.00 - better reading in all lighting conditions -Restor +3.00, +4.00: decreased reading in low light, variable reading outcome, “waxy” vision TECNIS Multifocal Family of IOLs NEW A full range of outstanding vision… for patients favoring a close working distance for activities such as close reading or knitting. A full range of outstanding vision… for patients favoring activities at longer reading distance NEW A full range of outstanding vision… for patients favoring intermediate vision activities such as golfing or grocery shopping, computer A full range of outstanding vision; personalized to each patient’s lifestyle TECNIS Multifocal IOLs | PP2014CT0439 25 TECNIS® Multifocal Family of IOLs Defocus Curve at 6 Months Data: DFU, TECNIS® Multifocal 1-Piece IOL, Models ZKB00 and ZLB00, and DFU, TECNIS Multifocal 1-Piece IOL, Model ZMB00. TECNIS Multifocal IOLs | PP2014CT0439 26 TECNIS Multifocal Family of IOLs Clinical Outcomes Ability to Function Comfortably Without Glasses at 6 Months Bilateral Subjects – ZKB00, ZLB00 and ZM900* >80% Percent of patients reported an ability to function comfortably without glasses at all distances ZKB +2.75D N= 142 ZLB +3.25D N= 149 ZM900 +4.0D N= 292 Data: DFU, TECNIS® Multifocal 1-Piece IOL, Models ZKB00 and ZLB00, and DFU, TECNIS Multifocal 1-Piece IOL, Model ZMB00. TECNIS Multifocal IOLs | PP2014CT0439 27 Tecnis Tecnique Nail technician/close reading: use +4.00 OU Otherwise: +2.75 in dominant eye, then show +0.50 trial over to decide if +3.25 vs.+2.75 in other eye Contraindications Multi-focals Any eye condition associated with loss of contrast – dry eye, RK, LASIK Retina – Membranes, ARMD, CSR Cornea Occupations driving that require night Tecnis Pearls Avoid picky patients Aggressively avoid/treat dry eye Patience with halos – neuroadaptation Early YAG capsulotomy Aggressive treatment of Refractive Error with LVC Summary The emerging standard of care in cataract surgery is offering patients premium IOL’s Softec HD – Range of vision, mono to avoid readers, best vision quality Multifocal (Tecnis +2.75/+3.25/+4.00) – Monovision intolerant who don’t want to wear readers, ok with halos Summary Standard IOL – Glasses for everything – No charge to the patient Economy Vision Correction Package – Aspheric IOL, LRI, monovision, $750 LVC – $995 to patient, $250 to OD Premium Vision Correction Package – Premium IOL, LRI, Free LVC – $2950 to patient, $500 to OD Thank You
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