Diversified - ABN AMRO Private Banking
Diversified - ABN AMRO Private Banking
Diversified Opportunities Fund ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited introducing the Diversified Opportunities Fund The Investment Opportunity Who could benefit from the Fund? The Diversified Opportunities Fund (‘the fund’) was launched The Diversified Opportunities Fund is suitable for a range in April 2010. The fund is designed to achieve consistent long of investors looking for consistent long term investment term performance through a diverse range of opportunities performance. The fund will be attractive to investors seeking from around the world. to achieve a more balanced investment perspective when The fund is managed by the same team and under the same principles and investment process that is their portfolios are currently weighted heavily towards one particular asset class or geographic region. successfully driving our Multi Manager discretionary The fund provides exposure to investment markets on a service to its seventh year of solid returns. The investment global basis and asset classes which may not normally managers use collective investment schemes and exchange feature in a traditional investment portfolio. However, this traded funds to achieve the broad spread of asset classes does not extend to complex or exotic investment areas and geographic diversity that are key features of this where returns are difficult to quantify. The fund looks to versatile investment opportunity. achieve superior returns in a way that the managers believe Another key attraction of the fund is that it offers a low investment entry level and a low minimum for additional is easy to convey to a wide range of potential investors. Our Diversified Opportunities Team investments, making the fund available to a wide range The lead manager of the Diversified of investors and an ideal vehicle with which to fund Opportunities Fund is Jason Robilliard. pension plans. Guernsey born, Jason has been managing Investing for Solid Returns The investment managers focus their skills and experience on managing a portfolio of funds with a bias towards areas which they believe will outperform both now and in the future. The “top down” decisions relating to asset class allocation is inevitably a key influencing factor in the performance of the fund. Any asset class or sector which investment portfolios using collective investments for the past thirteen years and directly involved in managing client money since 1996. Prior to this Jason worked in various roles in the financial services industry, including time spent as an investment dealer. Jason is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment. does not meet the criteria laid down will be excluded Supporting Jason in the management of the from the portfolio, until such a time as its fortunes look fund is co-manager, Lai Tang. Also born in set to improve. Guernsey, Lai graduated from the University Once the decision in relation to asset class is made, the managers employ both quantitative and qualitative research to select fund managers who they believe will provide the most consistent returns in their particular field over the medium to long term. They also take advantage of the availability of exchange traded securities in instances where the size or efficiency of a particular investment market makes effective active management impractical. The fund targets real positive returns on an annual basis and seeks to provide investors with superior risk adjusted returns over the medium to long term. The fund has no capital guarantees and, in times of extreme market conditions, these targets may prove difficult to achieve but remain central to the investment strategy being implemented. The managers endeavour to limit the downside potential of the fund by making strategic calls in relation to asset classes and fund selection. of Manchester in 2004 with a First Class degree in Accounting and Finance and joined the Company in 2006. Lai has been managing investment portfolios for private clients and trusts, predominantly using collective investments. In 2010, Lai gained the CFA designation having successfully completed the CFA Institute programme. Stefano has over 20 years of experience in the finance industry and joined ABN AMRO in October 2011 as a Senior Relationship Manager. Stefano has extensive experience in the Private Wealth Management sector dealing with both private and institutional clients. He is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities, is CeMAP qualified and also holds the CFA Investment Management Certificate. In his role at ABN AMRO Stefano promotes the full range of services, including Banking, Real Estate lending, Custody services, Discretionary Management and Structured Products. Asset Allocation The Complete Investment Service The chart below shows a typical asset allocation, ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited offers a range of demonstrating the wide range of asset classes and investment services that covers the full spectrum of geographical diversity of the fund. investment solutions. UK Equity UK Corporate Bond US Equity European Equity Japan Equity Asia (ex Japan) Equity Commodities Emerging Market Equity Global Convertible Bonds Global Inflation Linked Bonds Unconstrained Fixed Income Cash 25.00% 15.00% 12.50% 7.50% 7.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 3.00% Our Classic Mandate provides a personalised approach to portfolio investment, suitable for both high net worth individuals and institutions seeking a dedicated service and an individually tailored approach. This service builds portfolios predominantly employing direct investments, such as equities and bonds. The Multi Manager Service offers the same commitment to personal service but uses a diverse range of specially selected collective investments to build a range of riskgraded investment opportunities that cover a wide range Key Parties of client needs. Investment Advisor ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited Fund Manager Jason Robilliard Co-Manager Lai Tang Sales and support Stefano Finetti Fund Administrator Praxis Fund Services Limited Auditor BDO Limited Legal Advisor Carey Olsen Custodian and Banker ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited services is the Diversified Opportunities Fund, now enabling us to offer our proven investment expertise to an even Fund Structure Legal Entity Martello Court PCC Limited The Diversified Opportunities Fund Fund Type Class B Domicile Guernsey Dealing Frequency Weekly Redemptions Weekly Dividends No Reporting Fund Yes Share Classes The most recent introduction to our range of investment Class A Retail Class B Institutional Minimum Investment £10,000 £250,000 Minimum Additional £1,000 £5,000 Annual Fee 1.50% 1.00% Trail Up to 50bps No wider audience in a simple and flexible format. Contact ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited (Registration No: 13263) PO Box 253 Martello Court Admiral Park St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 3QJ Telephone: +44 (0) 1481 751 000 Email: [email protected] www.abnamroprivatebanking.gg The information in this document is intended for general information purposes only and should not be applied to individual circumstances without detailed professional advice. The information does not constitute an offer or advice regarding any financial, banking, insurance or other product or service. To the fullest extent permitted by law, ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited, its parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliated entities, directors, employees and agents shall not have any liability, on whatever basis, contractual or not, for any direct or indirect damages to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material contained in this document. ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited places funds with its parent company, ABN AMRO Group N.V., thus its financial standing is linked to ABN AMRO Group N.V. Depositors may wish to form their own view on the financial standing of ABN AMRO Group N.V. based on publicly available information, including reports and accounts which are available from us on request. For quality and control purposes, it is ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited policy to record all external telephone conversations made via its company telephone system. Such recordings will remain the sole property of ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited. ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited is a participant in the Guernsey Banking Deposit Compensation Scheme. The Scheme offers protection for ‘qualifying deposits’ up to £50,000 subject to certain limitations. The maximum total amount of compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. Details are available on the internet at www.dcs.gg or by contacting the administrator at PO Box 380, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3FY, T: +44(0) 1481 707914. Diversified Opportunities Fund is a cell of Martello Court PCC Limited, a protected cell company incorporated in Guernsey. It is not protected by any statutory compensation scheme in Guernsey. ABN G DOF BRO 0314 ABN AMRO (Guernsey) Limited (Registration No. 13263) is licensed in Guernsey under the Banking Supervision (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1994 and The Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 1987, as amended.
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