Weekly Bulletin for 05-15-2016
Weekly Bulletin for 05-15-2016
Saint Dorothy Catholic Church 241 S. Valley Center Avenue, Glendora, CA 91741 Contact Us (626) 914-3941 www.stdorothy.org Mass Schedules Regular Weekend Masses Saturday: 8:30 a.m.. 5:00 p.m. (Vigil) Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m., 5:00 p.m. (Life Teen Mass) Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. Masses Holy Days See Bulletin Weekday Masses (Monday-Friday): 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. Sacraments Baptism Pre-Baptism Classes are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Parents and Godparents must attend the Pre-Baptism class before scheduling Baptism Marriage At least nine months advance notice is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, please call the office for an appointment Reconciliation Saturday:3:004:00p.m. Funerals Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements Page Two ST. DOROTHY CHURCH May 15, 2016 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I saw this reflection in “”Exploring the Sunday Readings” published by Twenty-Third Publications and wanted to share it. HOW DOES THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK “When the Spirit comes, the Spirit of truth, the Spirit will guide you to all truth.” When we walk in the dark, we tend to bang up against all sorts of uncomfortable things. The same thing happens when we walk in spiritual darkness. We smash into all kinds of unhappy self-realizations and hurtful situations. We harm ourselves, and we can do a lot of damage to the people we care about, when we choose to avoid the lighted path. The Holy Spirit is the source of truth. But that indwelling-Spirit doesn’t operate on autopilot. It’s a consultative process. And the consultation has to result in collaboration or we’re fooling ourselves. The Spirit is like the electric company, and the electrician who built your house, and all the municipal collaborations necessary to bring light into a single room. All the power you need is assembled at your fingertips. But if you don’t actually turn on the light, you’ll be sitting in the dark. Question for Reflection: What efforts do you make to turn on the light of truth: do you pray regularly, receive the Sacrament, do spiritual reading, attend Bible study, go on retreat, share your faith? Peace, Fr. Mark ~SAINT DOROTHY CHURCH NEWS AND HAPPENINGS~ Ordinary Time May 16 Feast of the Holy Trinity May 22nd Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus May 29th Oak Tree Festival NEXT WEEKEND Come join us for carnival games, rides, live entertainment and great food at our Annual Oak Tree Festival. Pre-sale ride and raffle tickets on sale after each mass. Sponsorship Opportunities still available until May 10th. If you would like your company or business advertised at Oak Tree please contact Vicky Petteruto at (626)914.3951 x117. We also invite you to volunteer 4-6 hours. Fill out one of the volunteer cards and return them in the collection basket or drop it off at the front office. Memorial Day May 30th In honor of Memorial Day the school and parish offices will be closed. Our ONE Mass on this day will be at 8:30 a.m. The church will be closed afterwards. Recycle Weekend June 4th 8th Grade Graduation June 9th Saint Dorothy School’s 8th graders will be celebrating their graduation this day. Remember to please keep the students and their parents in your prayers. Father’s Day June 19th Archdiocese Livescan Fingerprinting July 30th Saint Dorothy will be having the Archdiocesan Livescan fingerprinting at our parish in the Board Room Wednesday, May 11th 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, July 30th 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. This provides free and easy access to this mandate of every leader being Virtus approved and fingerprinted. All appointments have to be scheduled through our Religious Education office at (626)914.3941 x104. Pentecost Sunday Page Three SPIRITUALITY 101: 7 GIFTS AND 12 FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Today is the Feast of Pentecost and is the day we celebrate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit given to the Church. All of us need a spiritual boost at times. So on this great Feast, you may want to pray for an extra helping of one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Gift of Understanding gives us a deeper insight into the divine truths of faith. It discloses to the soul the hidden meaning of Scripture and reveals the mysterious significance of many of the symbols and figures used there. Gift of Knowledge allows us to judge correctly concerning the truths of faith in accord with their proper causes. It makes us see the emptiness of created things and the necessity of placing our complete trust in God. As this gift shows us the gravity of sin, it corresponds with the beatitude of those who weep for their sins. Gift of Wisdom is given that we may judge and order all things in accord with God’s command. It is the ability to have the Holy Spirit “see in us” as God sees. This is the highest of the gifts as it gives a quasi– experimental knowledge of God and thus directs the other gifts. The gift of wisdom elevates the virtue of charity to heroism and causes the person to live the mysteries of faith in an entirely divine manner. Gift of Counsel (*Right Judgment) renders the person docile and open to God’s counsel with regard to the actions that must be done in light of salvation and one’s sanctification. It provides a solution to many difficult and unexpected situations and problems. This gift is very important for those who must counsel others along their road to holiness. As this gift in- clines one’s soul to be merciful to others, it corresponds with the beatitude of the merciful. Gift of Piety (*Reverence) is given so that one may give filial worship to God as our Father. It places in us a truly filial love for God the Father and it arouses in the soul a filial confidence in Him. It allows us to relate with others as children of the same Father. Gift of Fortitude (*Courage) allows us to overcome great difficulties and gives us a power infused by God to endure pain and suffering with patience and joy. It gives the soul relentless strength in the practice of the virtues and overcomes our lukewarmness in the service of God. This gift is related to the beatitude of those who hunger and thirst after holiness and never become discouraged in their pursuit of it. Gift of the Fear of the Lord (*Awe In His Presence) is given that we may avoid sin and attachment to creatures out of reverence and love of God. It perfects our hope by reserving us from presumption and it gives us aid against temptations. The gift gives us a lively sentiment of the grandeur and majesty of God and arouses in the sould adoration. The person is led to a great horror for sin and given an extreme vigilance to avoid the occasions of offending God. It corresponds to the beatitude of the poor in spirit who possess the fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom. *Term used in the Rite of Confirmation What are the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit? The twelve fruits of the Holy Sprit are works that we can perform only with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the performance of such works is an indication that he Holy Spirit dwells in the Christian believer. Love: We exhibit the virtue of charity, or love by our unselfish devotion and care for God and our neighbor. Joy: We live with joy when we recognize that true happiness comes, not from possessions, but from knowing and following Christ. Peace: We are freed from worrying about trivial things because of the inner peace we experience with God in our hearts. We work and pray for peace throughout the world. Patience: WE demonstrate patience by treating others with thoughtfulness and tolerance. We know that we can overcome the temptations and sufferings of life because God is always with us. Kindness: WE live the virtue of kindness by treating others as we wanted to be treated . Goodness: We exhibit goodness when we honor God by avoiding sin and always trying to do what we know is right. Generosity: We demonstrate generosity when we all share our gifts and possessions with others. Gentleness: Gentle people act calmly and avoid actions that might lead others to anger and resentment. Faithfulness: We are faithful when we live out our commitment to the teachings of Jesus, the Scriptures, and the Catholic Church. Modesty: We exhibit modesty by being pure in our thoughts, words, and dress. Self-Control: WE exercise self-control by working to overcome the temptations we face and by trying always to do God’s will. Chastity: We live the virtue of chastity when we use the gift of sexuality wisely , according to God’s plan. Pastoral Staff & Directory Rev. Mark Warnstedt Pastor ext. 100 Rev. Dan White, Associate Pastor ext. 108 Msgr. Norm Priebe Retired Deacon Steve Marsh ext.151 Vicky Petteruto, Parish Manager ext.117 FRONT OFFICE ext.100 Maria Ariza Office Manager ext.100 Jeanne Talley, Accountant ext.103 LIFETEEN ext.110 SCHOOL 626-335-0772 Carol Burke, Principal ext.202 Kathy Jasso School Secretary ext.200 Tina Gonzales School Accountant ext.218 Diana Bouz Daycare Director ext.225 RELIGIOUS ED 626.335.2811 Bernadette Martin, Director of Religious Ed ext.104 St. Vincent De Paul ext.127 St. Paul's Guild Gift Shop ext.129 Page Four ST. DOROTHY CHURCH STEWARDSHIP MASS INTENTIONS May 14 – May 22, 2016 Saturday 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Tuesday 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Thursday 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Friday 6:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mary Dieterle† Mother’s Day Novena Robert Schmidt‡ Nick and Alice Morones‡ Charles Horbach† Parishioners of Saint Dorothy Kenedy McPherson‡ Lilia Viray† Camacho Palmeira Family Mickey O’Hara† May 15, 2016 Collection for the Week of May 8, 2016 Sunday Regular Collection # of envelopes 365 $14,259.00 Loose $1,518.00 Online Giving 41 Users $2,000.00 $17,777.00 Maintenance Fund Each Week <$3,000.00> Cardinal McIntyre Fund for Charity(3 weeks) $2,151.00 Mother’s Day Novena $3,722.00 We take $3,000 out of the weekly collection to save towards parish refurbishing. CONGRATULATIONS Paul McKay† Ron Pulone† Grace Sinner† Luigi Torres† Jennie Carlos† Ted Padilla† Anita Sanchez† Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Reyes Parishioners of Saint Dorothy Fr. Allan Roberts† Clayton Machmer† Bernadette Flores‡ ‡ Special Intention † Rest In Peace WE PRAY TO THE LORD For those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers: Janie Kobus Jocenyn Madril Rosa Maria Santos Mary Perez Mary Helper For those born into eternal life: Kenneth Hunt (21 months) Celia Valdes Mary Lou Brighton Donna Lane Ron Pulone Elizabeth Lynch Luigi Torres Dolores Simpkins Lord, hear our prayers We would like to congratulate all our children who received their First Holy Communion this past weekend. Heather Grace Wieland Ryan Thomas Andert Makenzie Gomez Hayden Barbosa Jordan Garcia Alan John Barnes Finnley Louise Gore Daniel Santos Bugarin Mia Isabella Gutierrez Sophia Izabel Bugarin Jacob Guzman Jemma Jasmine Clum Antonio Elias Espitia Marilyn Jordyn King Tatiana Elisa Espitia Kevin Mitchell Johnpaul Machado Grant Douglas Fisher Daniella Victoria Lopez Gavin Michael Claprood Gracie Michele Claprood Thomas Christopher Husung Nataly Leia Flores Catherine Regina Palmeira Gavin Lucas Orquiza Garcia Nicholette Anisa Preciado Matthew Alexander Gonzalez Angelina Monique Rodarte Robyn Louise Orquiza Garcia Julian Kevin Sifuentes Italia Ramona Garrard Natalia Maricel Viera Victoria Gladysz Justin Isaiah Ward Charles Joseph Zampiello Lucy Marie Alvarez Manuel Steven Lopez Lila Noelle Arceno Balacuit Mia Christine Martinez Michael Hilario Barton James Dakota Blake Holloman Vincent Charles Montalbo Javier Castro Jacob Nicholas Munguia Ralph Munoz Brandon Rene Coronado Bettina Fazekas Keira Sofia Pinedo Shane Gehrig Files Isaac M. Puente Gianna Sophia Grise Leah Lorraine Smith Damien Smalls Soto Anthony Irwin Ian Michael Strollo Layla Sophia Jacobo Sofia Tempongko Maximiliano Jimenez Arianna-Elizabeth Terrazas Jacob Logan Layton Nicholas Mateo Vasquez Nathalie Anne Long Sophia Helen McNamee A’Marie Rae Carlos May we welcome them with open arms and continue to keep them and their families in our continued prayers. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Children’s Liturgy of the Word is held during the Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses every Sunday. The children experience the liturgy of the Word on their level with opportunities to share and read God’s Word.. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word program is held in the Conference Room on the south side of the Church. You are invited to come and see how our children participate in the Mass with a new level of understanding. Pentecost Sunday LIFETEEN Tonight: Life Night till 8:30 p.m. All high schoolers welcome. Monday: Adoration8:00-9:00p.m. Next Week: Life Night till 8:30 p.m. All high schoolers welcome. Service Hour Opportunity: Volunteer at the Life Teen Booth for Oak Tree. Sign up by contacting Patrick Green at (626)622.5381 The Teen Center is located in the basement of the Parish Hall. We are open Monday-Thursday from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Contact LIFE Teen at 914.3941, x110 or e-mail us at [email protected]. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING Altar Server Training for boys and girls interested in becoming Altar Servers begins in June. Time: 5:00 p.m.– 6:30 p.m. Place: Church Training Dates: Wednesdays June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Age Requirement: 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders A parent must attend with the child. Must attend all sessions. Questions? Please contact Julie Bosdachin at [email protected] or call (626)914.3941 x107 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES Interested in taking on a special role during our Mass celebrations? How about becoming a Lector or Eucharistic Minister. Training dates and times are as follows: Lector Training Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Date: June 6 (Mon), 9 (Thurs), 13(Mon), 16 (Thurs) and 20 (Mon) PAGE FIVE TREME YOUTH MINISTRY 6th 7th 8th Graders We will be hosting the pizza booth at Oak Tree Festival. We are in need of volunteers. Please contact Michelle for more information. Michelle Feghali, Coordinator [email protected] BARNYARD BIBLE BLAST Save the Date! VBS is coming and the New Generation VBS Team wants you to be part of it. Monday, July 25 – Friday, July 29, 2016, will be he the most exciting week of Bible learning and fun your children have all summer The Bible will come to life! Interested volunteers please send your name and number to Bernie Martin at [email protected] SAFEGUARD OUR CHILDREN DID YOU KNOW? Tips for preventing abduction Teaching children about abduction safety is important, but the ultimate responsibility lies with trusted adults. One thing you can do is use role-playing scenarios to help children learn how to recognize and respond to risky situations. To learn more about abduction and how to better protect your child please email [email protected] or call (213) 637-7227 to receive a fact sheet from KidSmartz.org. ONLINE GIVING Eucharistic Minister Training Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Date: June 14 (Tues) and 21 (Tues) Please Note: To be eligible to serve God’s people as a Lector or Eucharistic Minister, it is necessary for you to be in good standing with the Church, and it is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED that you have received the Sacraments of Initiation All sessions must be attended for ministry training. Questions? Please contact Julie Bosdachin at [email protected] or call (626)914.3941 x107 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Online Giving in our parish allows you to log on securely through our parish website any time and make your donation to Saint Dorothy. The process is simple and will allow you to manage your donations without having to call or stopping by the Rectory office. To read about the benefits of online giving and to sign-up, go to our website: www.stdorothychurch.com We encourage you to prayerfully consider signing up for online giving. Sincerely, Fr. Mark PAGE EIGHT ST. DOROTHY CHURCH May 15, 2016 VOLUNTEER TODAY All this can only happen with YOUR HELP! SEE UPDATED EN TERTAINMENT INFO Another g particip reat way to ate and help: PURC TICKET HASE RAFF LE S! Masses ! Turn in after all t or i in the P n the collection he arish O or ONLIN ffice. PAY E T OO! Volunteer Today! Please fill out the form below and return to the parish center. Set Up: I would like to help (circle date): Wed. PM - May 18; Thurs. PM - May 19; Fri. AM - May 20 Booth Shifts are 2 hours. I’d like to help on: Friday, May 20 / Hours Available _________ Game Booth Food Booth Saturday, May 21 / Hours Available _________ Game Booth Food Booth Sunday, May 22 / Hours Available _________ Game Booth Food Booth Booth hours: Fri. 6-11 pm; Sat. 1-11 pm; Sun. 1-9 pm Name: ___________________________ Phone: ________________ Best Time to Call: ____________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ Age if under 18: ________________