March 2016 Newsletter


March 2016 Newsletter
Sharing the Love of Christ
March 2016
First United Presbyterian Church
1000 Douglas Avenue
Las Vegas New Mexico 87701
Pastor to People
How very grateful I am to God for the work of our PNC in bringing Rev. Katie Palmer as
the new pastor for our congregation. What a wonderful day in the life of FUPC to meet
Katie and her husband D.R., to hear her preach, and to extend the call to her at the congregational meeting. This is the way the Presbyterian process is supposed to work. And for that I
am grateful to every member of the PNC and to our Presbytery liaisons who helped our
committee do its work. When the process is followed and we do what we are called to do,
amazing things in the providence of God happen.
So to God be the glory and praise for this new chapter in the life of this wonderful congregation of the people of
Christ in Las Vegas.
For the next two months, Pat Halverson and I will continue to labor among you to "prepare the way" for Katie's arrival. There are some loose ends that the Session hopes to tie up before Katie's first day on the job, May 9. We hope to
finalize the Session's Policy and Procedure Manual along with the other manuals that guide the work of I&S as well
as the Personnel Committee. These steps will further clarify the work of the Session in guiding this congregation to
serve Christ in the world. We also hope to gain greater clarity about our relationship to the New Horizons Preschool.
So I ask for your prayers for the Session as we try to tie up these loose ends.
So let us enjoy our time together as we serve God with gladness of heart. I truly look forward to these last two
months of service in your midst. I am really excited about our Holy Week and Easter celebrations at the end of this
month. I hope you will participate in the Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services (both at the Old Town
Mission at 6:30 a.m. on Easter and our regular service at the Douglas St. facility). Let us remember and give thanks
always for the greatest gift of all-Christ Jesus our Crucified and Risen Lord.
Peace and Hope
A Message from Katie and DR Palmer
D.R. and I want to thank you all for the warm welcome
and hospitality you gave us. It was so fun beginning to
get to know you. Las Vegas is already starting to feel
like home for us! We're looking forward to our move in
May. See you then!
In Christ,
Katie and D.R.
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We Are Less Than 70 Days Away From The Arrival Of Our New Pastor
Our wait for a new pastor is rapidly coming to a close. On February 21, the congregation
voted unanimously to call the Rev. Kathryn D. (Katie) Palmer to be our next pastor, starting May 9. During this time, our new pastor will wind up her job at Compassionate Hospice Care in Broomfield, CO, and she and her husband, D.R., will pack up the contents of
their home in Longmont, CO., find a new home in Las Vegas, and make the move.
The end of an extensive search
The search for a new pastor began in September 2015, when the session and the Presbytery of Santa Fe approved our
Ministry Information Form (MIF), the vacancy announcement driving the PC(USA)’s data base of job seekers and
job openings.
The matching system and the guidance of the Holy Spirit resulted in a broad selection of candidates for our Pastor
Nominating Committee (PNC) to consider . Our MIF was viewed by 268 job seekers, 23 of whom submitted applications outside of the computer matching process. Ten of those were timely and met the PNCs criteria for further
evaluation. The computer match scanned 1,400 job seekers and produced 141 who met our criteria. From this group,
the Presbytery of Santa Fe referred an initial highly qualified 20 to the PNC.
After evaluating the Personal Information Forms of the 43 self-referred and Presbytery-referred applicants, the PNC
asked fewer than a dozen to submit recent sermon videos. Other steps included a teleconferenced video interview,
review by the presbytery, and telephone interviews with personal references. Finally, the PNC asked the Rev.
Palmer to come to New Mexico and preach at a neutral pulpit, meet with the Presbytery’s Commission on Ministry,
and tour our church and our city.
With the vote of the congregation, the work of our PNC came to an end. The PNC was composed of Richard Lindeborg (Chair), Tom Trigg (Recording Secretary), Linda Solyntjes (Corresponding Secretary), Sharon Vander Meer,
Juli Salman, Christie Baskett, Murl Baker.
Introducing the Rev. Katie Palmer
Our new pastor grew up in Kansas as a Catholic. She has degrees in English, psychology education, English education and religion from colleges in Kansas and Colorado. Her first career was in a college writing program, followed
by a stint as a commissioned lay pastor and, finally, ordination and service as a chaplain and community educator.
She and her husband have two grown daughters, Emily (husband, Pat) and Tegan, and recently welcomed a grandson, William, to the family. Additionally, they are privileged to be foster grandparents and currently have two foster
The Rev. Palmer wrote in her application, “I seek a ministry in which I can develop deep, long-term relationships,
not only as a leader but as a partner in learning, in making joyful noise, in laughing, and developing an inclusive
spiritual community.”
As one member of the nominating committee wrote, “Katie has just seemed like a natural for us. I have a feeling this
is going to be a comfortable transition. First Presbyterian of Las Vegas will love her (and D.R., too)!”
If you visit Presbyterian churches in northern New Mexico you will run across references to some of the
early figures in the history of our congregation. For example, our founding pastor, the Rev. John Annin,
also organized the El Rito Presbyterian Church in Chacón (1879).
The Rev. Gabino Rendón, Sr., an early figure in the life of our congregation, organized the Smith Memorial
United Presbyterian Church in Truchas (1903), the El Buen Pastor Presbyterian Church in Chimayó (1903) and several other churches. The Rendón Room of the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe honors him as the first Hispanic
person from New Mexico to be ordained as a Presbyterian Minister (in 1879).
The Rev. José Yñéz Perea (ordained 1880), who was one of the founders of our Las Vegas Church, is honored as
one of the founders of the Las Placitas Presbyterian Church in Placitas, NM, where the Rev. Katie Palmer had the
neutral pulpit portion of her selection process to be our new pastor.
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Israel/Palestine Study Group
Since September, the Mission and Peacemaking Committee sponsored study group on Israel and Palestine
has met on many Sunday evenings for discussion and a potluck meal. The basis for study has been
“Steadfast Hope”, a booklet published by the Israel Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA), supplemented by material from “Zionism Unsettled” and video clips from the same sources, as well as several movies.
Eighteen participants have joined the group at least one time. The group has studied the history of Zionism, Christian
attitudes to Jews and Israel, Christian Zionism, and the occupation of Palestinian lands by Israel, Palestinian resistance
and the economics of occupation. Still to come is a study of the wars on Gaza, the peacemaking process and the responsibility of the Christian churches to work for justice for all parties to the conflict.
2016 Mustard Seed Grants
Proposals will be received through March 14th, 2016, and must be co-sponsored by a member of the church.
The sponsoring member must be willing to co-sign the proposal and assure a final report of the completed
project is sent to the Mustard Seed committee of the Church. Funding levels from $200 to $1000 will be
considered and judged on their merits by the church's Mustard Seed committee. Proposals should be specific
in purpose and need, with a limited plan and timeline. With total funds of $6000 this year, some proposals
may receive only partial or no funding.
Send all proposals to the Mustard Seed Committee, First United Presbyterian Church, 1000 Douglas Avenue, Las Vegas,
N.M. 87701, or email them to the Church office at [email protected] .All proposals will be funded by March 31st,
with the condition that the project be completed within the calendar year of 2016. Unused funds must be returned to the
church. If you have questions about the grant or how to get in touch with a church member to act as sponsor for your
proposal, please contact the church office at 425-7763 between 9-1 weekdays.
SPOT and the Old Town Mission! !
First United Presbyterian Church likes acronyms and abbreviations. The mission outreach at the Old Town
Mission Church is no exception. Sometimes it is called JOT which is the Joint Operation Team between the
church and the United World College. Some of the youth who enjoy using the space have named it The
SPOT (South of the Plaza Old Town). The building itself is the Old Town Mission Church shortened to
OTM and sometimes called the Old Town Mission Community Center. It is known by many names and we
are excited to say it has many uses.
The Las Vegas Community Theatre Collective, a group of youth led by Cyn Riley, rehearse regularly at the SPOT. Last
week the main room of the OTM was transformed into a theatre and a large crowd was treated to a class act performance
of the “Glass Menagerie”.
The OTM received a new basketball stand/hoop. Vince Howell pondered for maybe two or three minutes before deciding that a community center needs a place for a pick-up basketball game and donated a brand new stand. We are hoping
to get it up and going very soon. Thank you, Vince.
Last fall we received a grant to hire a supplemental/ part-time coordinator, Pat Leahan, and a part-time custodian, Martin
Sanchez. Valued volunteers like George Dimsey, Rosalie Lopez and others have been a tremendous help in making the
SPOT function more efficiently. The grant also gave funds for storage space - a bank of tall cabinets along the north wall
of the middle room. With donated couches, rugs, and small tables this room now provides a comfortable gathering space.
In February JOT and New Horizons, the preschool at the church, sponsored a Safe Church workshop. Workshops like
this help prevent child abuse whether it is emotional, sexual, or physical. The church plans on holding this type of training periodically so all employees or volunteers who work with children can help protect our children.
The FUPC Buildings and Grounds committee installed fire extinguishers and smoke alarms , a railing at the front entrance, and the required house number. Outdoor window sills are being sealed and painted, they are completing the restoration of the columns on the front entrance, and the front door is being carefully evaluated.
JOT recently held its third fundraising dinner with delicious East Indian food on the menu.. The food was prepared by
the chef and helpers at the UWC and many students helped setup, serve, and clean up. Watch for the last fundraiser dinner of this school year - an African menu at the OTM on April 9th. Tickets are $20.!Check out the calendar of the SPOT
by googling First United Presbyterian Church, Las Vegas, NM. Click on the Old Town Mission Link and then the calendar. OTM space is available for rent for private parties at $10 per hour. To reserve space call Jim Croto at 425-2664, Pat
Leahan at 505-653-8190, or Pat Halverson at 454-1013
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The One Great Hour Of Sharing Campaign Is Now Underway
We are about half-way through this year’s One Great hour of Sharing (OGHS) campaign, one of the
four church-wide Special Offerings of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The campaign began on Ash
Wednesday (Feb. 10 this year) and will end on Easter Sunday (March 27).
In our congregation, we receive OGHS offerings during worship on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday,
as well as at Sunday soup and bread lunches throughout Lent. The food is provided free by members
and friends of the church, and those attending each week’s lunch are encouraged to donate whatever they would normally spend on their Sunday lunch to support OGHS programs.
A gift to One Great Hour of Sharing enables the church to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the
world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and helping to empower the
poor and oppressed. You can also help sustain these important PC(USA) ministries and programs by making an online
gift at any time throughout the year. The specific programs supported by OGHS are Presbyterian Disaster Assistance,
the Presbyterian Hunger Program and Self Development of People.
Update From Buildings and Grounds
Everyone knows how one project leads to another especially in remodel. This is the story about the music area remodel.
It came about because we remodeled the room that now is used as the Chapel. When we removed the cabinet that held
the choir music we said we would rebuild it. Richard Lindeborg drew up plans and presented them to the Trustees
(former B & G). We procrastinated until it became necessary to do what we said we’d do.
As I was measuring for the new music cabinet, Tom Trigg happened to come by and thought we were extending the
wall. Well, that sparked new ideas and new plans. He also said that his sister, Joyce Blanton wanted to donate some
money in memory of her husband William. She was very generous. As those new plans progressed the Deacons got
extra room, the Audio/ Visual room got shortened but widened instead of long and narrow, the choir robes and music
got their own space. The bell tables were removed from storage under the stairs and got their own cart, it will be easier
to haul them around when it is time for the weekly set up. And finally electric outlets were added to the long wall for
Fellowship use.
Many thanks need to go to Joyce Blanton and Nancy Colalillo for their monetary contributions, to Richard Lindeborg
for keeping us to task and drawing up plans, to the Buildings and Grounds committee who decided to do this “in
house” to stretch the money, to Charlotte Wootton and Susan Apodoca for painting, Corky Halverson for the music
cabinet, Raymond Finck for the deacons room cabinet, Mike Almanzar for putting in vinyl cove base, Red Madrid for
the electric work, and Matthew Samuelson for helping with clean up. Most of this work was volunteer except for those
still in business, but we know that they gave us a break because of who we are!!! Thanks one and all!
B&G Committee: Robin Carlson Chair, Amos Estrada, Corky Halverson, Patrick Rucker, Norman Spicer.
Work in progress:
1. Amos
2. Norman & Corky
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Welcome our newest members: Rebecca and Bud Geng who
were accepted into membership at the Session meeting on
February 27th. Their daughter, Harper Riley, who was born
December 17. 2015, will be baptized at the Sunday worship
service on April 3rd.
Rebecca was raised in :Las Vegas and Bud comes from
Datil, NM. They met at NMSU.
The Pope Comes To Our Classroom, Through Reading His New Book
The Bible-based class for adults and youth will start a new series in March, based on the book The Name of God is
Mercy by Pope Francis. Classes run through the end of May. The reading assignment for the March 6 class is the
introduction, "To the Reader: Francis's Vision."
Publisher’s Summary: “In his first book published as Pope, and in conjunction with the Extraordinary Jubilee of
Mercy, Pope Francis here invites all humanity to an intimate and personal dialogue on the subject closest to his
heart—mercy—which has long been the cornerstone of his faith and is now the central teaching of his papacy.”
Readers say: “Aspects of our current national and even international mood (whether in the church, in society, or in
political debates) seem anything but merciful—harsh, anxious, divisive, name-calling, fear-mongering—but not merciful. Thus, the Pope’s reminder is urgent.
“Using easily understood language and practical reflections, the Pope provides us with a work that is rich in scriptural
references and the writings of his predecessors, many Saints, and various Church fathers.
“This book is moving, profound and yet readily accessible to and potentially transformative for everyone who reads it
irrespective of their particular religious faith or lack thereof.”
The book also includes the complete text of the "Bull of Indiction," the announcement of the Holy Year of Mercy.
Which one reader says, I found the paper bull to be far more interesting to me personally then the question answer
format [of the rest of the book}.”
Readings for discussion:
March 6 – To the Reader
March 13 – I. A Time for Mercy
March 20 – No Class (Palm Sunday)
March 27 – No Class (Easter)
April 3 – II. The Gift of Confession & Appendix 1-4
April 10 – III. Looking for the Smallest Opening & Appendix 5-8
April 16 – IV. A Sinner, Like Simon Peter & Appendix 8-11
April 24 – V. Too Much Mercy? & Appendix 12-15
May 1 – VI. Sinners Yes, Corrupt No & Appendix
May 8. – VII Mercy and Compassion & Appendix 16-17
May 15. – VIII Mercy and Compassion & Appendix 18-21
May 22.—IX Living the holy Year of Mercy & Appendix 22-25
May 29 – No Class (Memorial Day Weekend)
Books are sold out, but you can request one be ordered by contacting Richard Lindeborg at [email protected].
Books are $15.00 and will arrive in two to three days of ordering.
Classes are at 9:30 Sunday morning in the Session room, right after the Jump Start breakfast at 8:30. Childcare is
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Getting To Know Cordell Halverson
By Sharon Vander Meer
Before coming to New Mexico to serve the Las Vegas community as an obstetrician and gynecologist for 40 years, Cordell Halverson lived in North Dakota, Montana, Texas and Ohio. During his career he served the region as an independent practitioner and later worked on contract
with the hospital before retiring.
He grew up on a farm in North Dakota where he did field work and “…lots of chores. I grew up
with one sister. My mother died when I was a freshman in college and my father later remarried,
so in addition to my sister, I have a stepbrother and a half-brother.”
He and is wife Patricia, are the proud parents of Jennifer, Leasa, and Phillip. They delight in
their 11 grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Cordell received his BS at Jamestown College, Jamestown, N.D., and his MD at Southwestern Medical School in Dallas.
He said he did not decide to go into medicine until he was a senior in college. “As a math major I had taken all the wrong
courses. I taught school for two years to get out of debt, then did another year of undergraduate work to get the courses I
needed to get into medical school. (Chemistry and Biology). I think that a movie, “The Last Angry Man," was an influence on me.”
Cordell has enjoyed teaching Sunday School, serving on church council, and being a member of buildings and grounds
committee. He said Building and Grounds is of particular interest because he likes to repair and build things.
His hobbies are woodworking, playing golf, and doing what he calls “outdoor stuff.”
Cordell said he had to read so much in his professional life that there wasn’t much time to read fun. “I do like John
Grisham novels. I think its because he depicts the legal profession so accurately,” he said.
Cordell said he is most proud of his family. “They are so special.”
The Halversons are special to us. We welcome Cordell’s positive nature and joyful spirit and Pat’s inspirational service
as we await the arrival of our new pastor.
What Is Live Forward, Give Forward?
Live Forward, Give Forward is about making the choice to live and give toward making the future better for those
you care about - including your church family. And one way you can do that right now is to make a Will that provides for your family and also blesses your faith community. A gift to your church through your Will could be the
most important gift you ever make. The everyday choices we make matter. How we live now affects not just our
future, but the future of our families and our communities.
BEQUEST: a gift of personal property, made in a Will. It can be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your net worth,
a remainder amount (what’s left after family and other obligations are met), or specific assets to be given to a person or
organization - such as your church.
DIRECT CHARITABLE BEQUEST: a Willed gift that goes directly to the named person or organization. For example,
“I bequeath to (name of person or organization) the amount of $10,000, and 5% of my remaining estate to (name of
CONTINGENT BEQUEST: a Willed gift that is only given if one or more conditions are met. For example, “If [name]
predeceases me, I give (describe gift) to First Presbyterian Church.”
DEMONSTRATIVE BEQUEST: a gift of a certain amount of property from a specific source or particular fund.
We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say ‘It’s not my child, not my community, not my
world, not my problem.’ Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes. — Fred
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Getting To Know Karen Rieniets
By Sharon Vander Meer
Karen Rieniets was born in Cherokee, a small farming community in northwestern Oklahoma. “My brother and I were practically only children as we were 10 years apart in
age. We moved to Los Alamos, N.M. in 1948.” She said it was like living in a truly gated
community, protected by the federal government until it opened in the 1950s.
After graduation from high school in 1962, she became a summer student employee at
LANL working in the main technical library for lab employees for a year. She eventually
took temporary assignments in different LANL divisions. “During this time, I learned to key punch and verify computer cards; a skill that gave me an advantage when I began seeking employment in Las Vegas.”
Karen came to Las Vegas in 1964 to attend New Mexico Highlands University. “The reason for coming was pretty
shaky. I was bored and lonely! All my friends had gone away to college. One of my childhood friends was attending
Highlands and I could be admitted in the spring not having to wait another year for admission,” she said. Karen
picked business administration as a major because she had already worked using the business skills she acquired in
high school and at the lab. “I walked away from college after two quarters. During that time, I met and married my
husband, Peter.”
After their daughter Carrie was born, she took her first job in Las Vegas working for the Charltons at Foundation Reserve. Her computer skills came in handy as her job was in their computerized accounting department keypunching
data for the company accounting system.
“In 1966, I took advantage of an employment opportunity at Highlands working as the secretary for an NIH research
project. I bounced around the university with some breaks in service to try other things. Eventually I went back to stay
until retirement in 2010.”
Karen said she attended several local churches before “dropping out.” She started attending FUPC because of Gabby
Rendon and Susan Swan. “Gabby was a professor I worked with and Susan was a graduate student. I joined the
church in 1994.”
Once she joined, Karen jumped right in, serving as Deacon and later as treasurer under the guidance of Dottie Mann. “I
taught Sunday school with Joan Boliek and helped with children’s sermons when the kiddos left the sanctuary. Back
then Charlie Linder was a preschooler!” Karen later became the financial secretary at the request of Rev. Michelle
Vetters, in spring 2001. She fulfilled those duties through December 2014.
“Now that I’m on oxygen 24/7 my travel is limited,” she said. “I have created a card ministry modeled after that of
Marilyn Ernst’s. This I can do from home no matter the weather.”
Karen loves to garden and email her family and friends. With great pride she said she and Peter have “four spiffy
Thursdays @ Noon - Lenten Meditation with Rev Pat Halverson - Session Room
Sunday, March 20th - Palm Sunday - 10:30 a.m. Worship
Thursday, March 24 - Maundy Thursday Worship - 7:00 p.m. - Communion
Friday, March 25 - Good Friday Worship - 7:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 27th - Sunrise Service at Mission Church - 6:30 a.m.
Easter Breakfast at Douglas Street following Sunrise service
Easter Worship - 10:30 a.m. - FUPC
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First United Presbyterian Church
1000 Douglas Avenue
Las Vegas NM 87701
Facebook: Las Vegas First United Presbyterian (NM)
Email:[email protected]
Help Us Go Green
The newsletter is available via
email and on the church website.
Please let us know if you no
longer want a printed copy.
Save paper, save stamps!!
March Birthdays
Bruce Wertz
Beverly Garrett
Karyl Lyne
Karen Rieniets
Jack Van Horn
Jackson Awuzing
Jim Croto
Samaritan House Food Donations
Canned Meats, Tuna, Stew
Hello my name is Carly and this
summer I would like to go to Haiti
with a club at my high school (New
Mexico School for the Arts) that is
dedicated to helping communities
in New Mexico and any other communities that we can offer our services to. In Haiti this summer the
students who are interested in this mission, like me,
would go to an elementary school and we would be able
to spread what we have learned in our education in the
arts to younger children. The different disciplines we
have at our school and that we could share with the children in Haiti are; dance, theatre, music and visual arts. I
am a visual artist and I feel like everybody should have
an opportunity to be exposed to the arts. We need your
help and I am willing to: -babysit -give art lessons-clean
your house or I can do art commissions all for donations
for a great cause. I can work on week ends just e-mail to
ask me about my services or about buying my work.
[email protected]
Any support is highly appreciated!
Thank you!