Printable version of Snapshot Brochure


Printable version of Snapshot Brochure
System Five, with offices in
Johannesburg, Sydney and
Dallas, was established
more than 17 years ago as
an information technology
and solutions orientated
business, focusing on the
constant development,
implementation and support
of products across a wide
range of platforms.
Who is System Five?
In addition to developing
p r o d u c ts t h a t e n h a n c e
client business processes,
System Five is a distributor
of software products such
as Hotkey a Unix terminal
emulator, and DataSafe
a power monitoring
solution for Unix and Linux
operating systems.
A national network of
authorised dealers
supports and services the
System Five product
System Five is set apart by
it’s ability to propose,
develop and support cost
e ff e c t i v e a n d r e a l i s t i c
solutions in the IT industry.
Contact Us on:
+27 11 467-0602
for a reference site.
Are you safeguarding a critical business asset?
Everyone knows that critical
business data needs to be
backed up and safeguarded.
I n m a n y c o m pa n i e s , d a ta
protection plans have been
developed and applied, to
ensure that mission critical
business information is saved
daily, as a safeguard against
hardware crashes aswell as
other disasters that can render
in-house data inaccessible.
Responsibility for managing
data backups is often loosely
controlled while the backup
systems themselves are mostly
unreliable, costly and inefficient.
The recovery of data can be
difficult and time consuming,
due to limited storage capacity
a n d i n h e r e n t ta p e m e d i a
degeneration. The media itself
can degenerate in a relatively
short time span.
The principle of data backup
and the ability to recover that
data is clearly in place in the
business world.
Compounding the issues
surrounding traditional data
backup systems and solutions
is the perception that the
procedure is routine and
unimportant in the continued
success of a business.
The principle falters not through
its acceptance but through
erosion of its application.
Ongoing research has prompted
us to develop a solution that
meets the data backup and
recovery requirements of both
management and end users.
Snapshot EFB is an automated,
enterprise data backup solution
designed to provide users
with exceptional reliability,
instantaneous access and
recovery, significant cost and
efficiency savings, and up to six
months of managed historical
Snapshot EFB backs up a wide
range of operating systems and
has the ability to restore to an
alternative operating system.
How does
EFB provide
a new age
Just how important is reliable data backup
and accessibilty?
Business data such as financial
information, contracts and
reports are among a company’s
most important unrealised
assets. The loss of business
critical data can plunge a
business into liquidation. The
recreation of lost data is a
costly and time consuming
process that can trigger
extremely negative impacts on
business viabilty and
sustainabilty. Against this
threatening background, you
need to undertake a survey of
the efficacy of your business
data backup and recovery plan
procedures before you can
answer the question posed in
the heading.
Schematic of System
Snapshot EFB operates on
it’s own server, sited within the
clients network. A standard
internet browser is used to
access Snapshot for adhoc
historical backup restoration.
Snapshot EFB is a high performance
“Enterprise File Backup” solution which
provides total data protection from a
central point of control.
Snapshot Slave
Multi User Rack Servers
Snapshot EFB
Master Backup Server
Browser based
Remote Console
Snapshot Slave
Single User Workstations
Snapshot EFB has these outstanding attributes
Extensive reliability
The use of hotswop technology
enhances reliability to a level of
more than 99% compared with
traditional media.
Enhanced backing up process
through automation
Data is automatically backed up
every day in a process tailored
to suit the needs of each
Highly cost effective
There are minimal ongoing costs
of media replacement after the
initial upfront purchase.
Improved security
Only authorised personnel can
access the backed up data
because the drive is housed
inside the back-up server.
Extended convenience
The use of single media means
that swopping of media is
Extended backup period
Six months of historical data is
backed up on each media.
Ease of reference
Backed up data is easily and
rapidly identified through the
use of a historical journal entry
system that covers every daily
backup for a six month period.
Instantaneously available
data Backed up data resides
on an independent server
running Snapshot EFB, allowing
for instant accessability.
Ease of use
The first copy located internally
in the master backup server has
duplicate copies generated to a
second archive hotswop media.
There is no need to change or
overwrite tape media.
Ease of access
Backed up data is easily
accessible through a standard
Internet browser. There is no
need to learn how to use new
access software.
Expanded security of data
Duplicate hotswop media is
removable for off-site storage on
a daily basis.
Backing up flexibility
Data can be backed up from a
wide range of operating systems.
Restoration flexibility
Backed up data can be restored
to an alternative supported
operating system.
Improved safety and durability
When stored the media is less
environmentally sensitive and
thus is not as susceptible to
failure resulting from exposure
to temperature variances, dust
and magnetic interference.
Advantages offered by use of Intelligent Data Flow
Snapshot EFB incorporates
Intelligent Data Flow
Optimisation (IDFO) to
maximise disk usage and
space by storing only one
copy of any particular file.
Logical Flow
Remote controls
where data is
Backed up / Restored to
Single File Storage
Master INDEX
Slave A
Compressed Data
1 x copy of File X
No duplication
File X
Compressed Data
Remote Management
Slave B
Data flows only once to the
master backup server and is
compressed (typically to 99%
compression) globally de duplicated, thus ensuring low
network activity and
eliminating unnecessary
duplication of data and
enhanced storage utilisation.
File X
For more information on Snapshot EFB,
System Five (Pty) Ltd, 48 Thembi Place, Calderwood Road,
Lonehill, South Africa
P.O. Box 1600, Lonehill, 2062
Tel : + 2 7 11 3 1 7 - 7 1 2 0
Fax : + 2 7 11 4 6 7 - 0 6 0 3
Sales : [email protected]
Info : i n f o @ s y s v. c o . z a
Support : [email protected]
Website : w w w . s y s v . c o . z a