Chieftain News - Osceola School District
Chieftain News - Osceola School District
Volume 13, Issue 1 | Fall 2016 Chieftain News School District of Osceola | For Our Partners in Progress Kids’ Klub Summer! Article on page 4 In This Issue... Community Education... Message from Mark Luebker 2 Driver’s Education 26 Kids’ Klub Summer! 4 AARP Driver Safety Program 27 Back to School Information 5 DNR Snowmobile Safety 28 Retirements in the District 9 Kaleidoscope Dance & Tumbling Plus Hip-Hop 29 School Bus Transportation Schedule 11 School District Wall Calendar 17 The School District Wall Calendar is INSIDE! Classes begin Monday, August 29, 2016 School District of Osceola OMS PARTICIPATES IN SOARING DISCRETIONARY GRANT COLLABORATIVE Osceola Middle School will be participating in the SOARING Discretionary Grant Collaborative again this year. The focus of this grant is to advance academic outcomes related to literacy for students with disabilities. Our school is part of a broader state effort to improve results for these students. By partnering with CESA 11, the collaborative project provides leadership, professional development, and technical assistance services to all local qualifying schools within each CESA. It also assists in improving communication and leadership capacity in the area of special education to ensure that educators have the knowledge and skills that promote best practices for students with disabilities. The local school based team is comprised of principal, Dr. Rebecca Styles, Director of Special Education Dawn Western, Director of Instruction Jane Maki, Reading Specialist Jennifer Carlson, Special Education teachers Amy Gillespie and Laurel Feldt, and school psychologist Carson McEvoy. The team began taking a closer look at reading performance two years ago by looking at state test results, MAP scores, formative assessment data, attendance and mobility trends. Using this information the team identified areas in need of improvement and created an action plan to submit as part of the grant application. OMS was awarded, for the third time, a $7500 grant. Using the dollars from this grant, the team created decision making rules for using student achievement data and determining who needs additional support. They learned to use AIMSweb for progress monitoring. Read 180 materials and training were purchased that included ongoing work with an instructional coach. A writing intervention was selected and teachers participated in multiple professional development opportunities connected to writing. The team also saw the need for increasing the amount of material available in special education classroom libraries. An additional focus was on providing a smoother transition for students with disabilities from intermediate school to middle school to high school through spring meetings with special education teachers, school psychologists, guidance counselors, and administrators. Last spring all middle school students participated in the Wisconsin Forward exam. Our students with disabilities have typically been identified on the state assessment as being below the state average in reading achievement. This year all three grade levels saw an increase in the number of students achieving above the state average. We are excited about these results and look forward to another year of working towards a more coordinated, systematic approach for improving outcomes for students with disabilities. A MESSAGE FROM SUPERINTENDENT MARK LUEBKER Welcome to the 2016-17 school year. I hope you all enjoyed plenty of sun filled summer days with your family and friends. As we begin the new school year, the Board of Education and Staff will continue the District mission to create lifelong learners who will have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to lead productive lives in a democratic and sustainable society. We encourage parents, family, and community members to be actively involved in the educational journey. The Osceola School District is committed to improving academic and social emotional outcomes of students by utilizing innovative, evidence-based strategies to ensure kids are safe, engaged, and college and career ready. Over the past year the Board of Education, administration, school staff and community members developed a 3 year strategic plan. This plan will help with planning towards a future of ever changing student demographics, fluctuating school finance, and the increasing demands for well-rounded college and career ready graduates. Planning and preparation has been done over the summer months to put many of the 2016-17 action steps of the strategic plan into motion. Page 2 Y1 Identify and evaluate all staff readiness The Osceola School District will provide multi-tiered system of support using research based strategies, to ensure students feel safe and can learn in an engaging environment. The Osceola School District will provide learning environments/facilities that are safe, engaging and efficiently operated to ensure all students are College and Career Ready. Infrastructure Y1 Advocate for public education The Osceola School District will provide a clear concise communication system for internal and external stakeholders and market the positive attributes of the district. Research and implement school safety best practices Communicate budget projection Determine tool and conduct study to gather relevant information on area/community influences Identify 10 and 20 year campus facility improvement needs 2016-17 Action Steps Establish school district foundation Increase collaboration with community partners Complete a communication audit 2016-17 Action Steps Analyze results of staff readiness Distribute local resource map Develop local resource map Administer staff survey Develop staff survey 2016-17 Action Steps Set annual district achievement goals Complete review of current academic and career planning experiences Create yearlong action plan with each PLC with target dates Audit current academic and extracurricular offerings Begin ACP planning process as determined by DPI Define and assess digital literacy 2016-17 Action Steps Research and communicate salary/benefit comparisons for staff Develop district exit interview process Embed strategies to enhance organizational development Evaluate engagement survey results Conduct a staff engagement survey 2016-17 Action Steps “World class education with a small town feel” Y3 Address future building and grounds needs to support student learning Y2 Ensure sustainable innovative technology structure to support learning Y1 Evaluate internal and external factors that impact district operations. 3 year Goals Y3 Build additional community partnerships Y2 Design a marketing strategy Y1 Develop communication plan Public Relations & Communications 3 year Goals Y3 Conduct evaluation of district and local support for all students Y2 Create an early identification system for students in need of support Y1 Strengthen local partnerships to support families 3 year Goals Y3 Deploy a systematic approach to continuously monitor student learning outcomes Y2 Ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum through the work of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Y2 Engage students in academic career planning Y1 Advance Digital and Disciplinary Literacy 3 year Goals Y3 Determine a process to identify professional development needs Y2 Develop staff recognition program Y1 Attract and retain highly qualified staff Y1 Engage employees in organizational development 3 year Goals Social Emotional Well-Being The Osceola School District will improve academic outcomes by utilizing innovative, research-based strategies delivered by high quality educators, to ensure all students are career and college ready. Teaching and Learning The Osceola School District will utilize best practices to hire, develop, engage and retain a skilled and talented workforce. Workforce Development The Mission of the School District of Osceola is to create lifelong learners who will have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to lead productive lives in a democratic and sustainable society. School District of Osceola 3 Year Strategic Plan School District of Osceola KIDS’ KLUB SUMMER! Kids’ Klub “Summer” just finished its second successful summer and boy did we have fun!! The WI National Park Service taught us a lot about our area and the plants and animals that live here. We enjoyed visiting the Osceola Public Library and Mill Pond Park for fun activities on Wednesday afternoons. The Saint Croix Falls Cinema was also a frequently visited place for us! We kick backed, relaxed, and enjoyed a few good movies!! Some other interesting activities we experienced were: knitting, a honey bees presentation (tasted raspberry honey sticks), launching rockets, swimming, casting animal prints, and Bingo. Thiel’s American Pie kept us fed every Friday! No packing lunches on Fridays at Kids’ Klub. You’d be amazed at how much pizza we can put away! We ventured outside of our area a little bit too. We explored the Mill City Museum and the Twins’ Target Field in Minneapolis. We took in some big city sites with great enthusiasm and excitement!! Wrap Around care available this Fall! The Kids’ Klub program keeps growing and adding valuable services for our families. This fall Kids’ Klub is adding a Preschool Wrap Around program at the Elementary School. The PreK students will be able to access Kids’ Klub care opposite of their PreK session. There’s four or five day a week options. 5 days $160 Week/Pre-Paid every two weeks or 4 days $120 Week for the 4 school days or $130 Week if one of the 4 days is a Friday or in-service day. There are no credits or refunds given for absent or ill children. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks included in the price. Open on In-Service Days - Location is OES. Page 4 Chieftain News Kids’ Klub Registration Information For more, please contact either school office, Kids’ Klub or the Osceola school district website under Community Education. 715-294-3457(OES); 715-294-2800 (OIS); Kids’ Klub 715-294-3457 Ext 1420. You’re invited to the “All Schools Open House!” The entire staff of the School District of Osceola invites community members, parents, and students of any grade level to stop by on Thursday, August 25, from 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. for an “All Schools Open House.” For PreK families, those attending Morning PreK should plan to participate in the Open House between 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Afternoon PreK families should plan to come to Open House during the 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. time frame. These time groupings are designed to keep the number of visitors manageable in each classroom, but of course families are welcome to come when it works for them. The Open House is an excellent opportunity to find classrooms, meet teachers, and look over the schools while easing the students’ transition to school. Kids’ Klub representatives will also be available to distribute registration information. BACK TO SCHOOL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION Elementary School (Grades PreK-2) • Open House is scheduled for Thursday, August 25, from 3:30-6:30. PreK AM families are encouraged to attend at 3:30 PM, and PreK PM families are encouraged to attend at 5:00 PM. • Students’ first day of classes will be August 29. • K-2 classes begin at 8:15 a.m. and dismiss at 3:11 p.m. • PreK morning classes begin at 8:15 and finish at 11:25. • PreK afternoon classes begin at 12:00 and finish at 3:10. (A Back-to-School mailing will be going out in the mail around August 15th with teacher assignments, forms and additional information.) • Please bring an activity fee of $5.00 on the first day of school. Intermediate School (Grades 3-5) • Open House is scheduled for Thursday, August 25, from 3:30-6:30. • The First day of school is Monday, August 29. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. and dismiss at 3:05 p.m. • Please bring an activity fee of $6.00 on the first day of school. Page 5 School District of Osceola Middle School (Grades 6-8) • Open House is scheduled for Thursday, August 25, from 3:30-6:30. • Class schedules will be available during the Open House or online after August 25. • Student school pictures will be taken at Open House. If you will not be able to attend Open House, picture retakes will be scheduled in October. • The $8 activity fee, lunch money, and completed forms (that you received in the mail) may be dropped off during the Open House. • Athletic forms should be brought to the OMS office during Open House. Please make sure both sides are filled out, signed and dated where applicable. • The first day of school is Monday, August 29. Classes begin at 8:09 a.m. and dismiss at 3:24 p.m. 6th Grade Orientation WHERE EVERYONE BELONGS (WEB) Who: All incoming 6th graders What: 6th Grade Orientation Day! Sixth graders will get to know their advisory group, see their schedule, meet their 8th grade leader, have a tour of the school, and HAVE FUN!! When: Thursday, August 25 from 12:00-3:30pm Where: Osceola Middle School Gymnasium This orientation time is a special program for students only. Wear comfy clothes! A snack will be provided. High School (Grades 9-12) • Classes begin at 8:07 a.m. and dismiss at 3:21 p.m. • Please bring an activity fee of $10.00. • Schedules are available to view online via Skyward Family Access. If you need help with your login, please contact Jannetje in the high school office at 715-294-2127 • All students who drive to school will need $10.00 to purchase a parking permit to be displayed from the car mirror. • OHS does not have an open campus; therefore, students are not to leave the building without a blue pass and are not allowed to leave for lunch without accompaniment of a parent. • All freshman will be invited to attend our Link Crew orientation on August 22, 2016 from 8:00-12:00. Students will be receiving a call from their Link Crew leader during the month of August. • There will be a general open house for all students and parents on Thursday August 25, from 3:30-6:30. OHS does not put out a supply list. • Students are encouraged to bring the basic supplies (pencils, notebooks, folders, etc…) the first few days. • Pictures will be taken on August 29th. Retakes will be scheduled during the month of October. Page 6 SUPPLY LISTS Visit our website at Lists are located under each building’s tab or call the District Office at 715-294-4140. Back to School Supplies at The Open Cupboard Foodshelf For those within the income levels that need school supplies, visit The Open Cupboard Foodshelf. Monday & Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Thursday 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 402 - 2nd Avenue in Osceola -- Behind Dick’s Fresh Market 715-294-4357 PICTURE DAYS OES: Thurs., September 8 OMS: Thurs., August 25 OIS: Friday, September 9 OHS: Mon., August 29 SCHOOL NUTRITION PRICING Grades K-5 Breakfast $1.05 Lunch $2.25 Grades 6-8 Breakfast $1.10 Lunch $2.45 Grades 9-12 Breakfast $1.20 Lunch $2.55 Reduced: Breakfast no charge; Lunch $.40 Free and Reduced meal plan applications were mailed to all households early August. If you did not receive one, applications can be picked up at any school office, or on-line on the District website By clicking on the Food Service tab. Applications can be filled out any time throughout the school year and benefit both families, students and our school nutrition program! More school nutrition information is also located in this location such as school specific MENUS for Breakfast & Lunch; Meal plan payment forecast sheets; lunch schedules; Nutrition resources; special diet requirements forms; wellness & additional pricing information. AUTOMATED LUNCH PROGRAM Parents are responsible to keep their family’s’ lunch account current with a positive balance. Lunch accounts are draw down accounts similar to a checking accountNOT a charge account. The following are some helpful tips for using the automated lunch program: * One check may be written for all students within the family * Each school has a locked drop box that your child should use to submit payments * Please use the pre-printed lunch envelopes with all information completed * The district does not recommend sending cash Chieftain News payments with your child * Payments are currently being accepted and we request that you make payment prior to the first day of school-Open House Day is a great opportunity to do so * Accounts that drop below $10 will receive an automated phone message/email * Parents can view their lunch account activity using Family Access (see below) * Payments can also be made on-line with e-Funds * Account Statements and balance information is available upon request by calling the District Office at 715-294-4140 * Meal plan budgeting information can also be found on the District website under Foodservice - Menus & More- Meal Plan Cost Forecast FAMILY ACCESS The Family Access web portal is designed to enhance communication between the School District of Osceola and parents/guardians. Parents can view their child’s progress with a click of the mouse using a computer with Internet access. Parents and guardians can view a variety of student information such as attendance, schedules, immunizations, emergency contacts, grades (OMS and OHS), and food service balances and payments. Your Family Access username and password will work for all children in your household, regardless of grade level. To sign-up for Family Access, complete a Family Access Activation Request Form and turn it in to your child’s office or the District Office. Activation Request Forms can be picked-up in any of the building offices or our website. Family Access is provided free as a service of the School District of Osceola and is strongly encouraged. Community Education sponsors an Open Lab at the high school during Open House and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. beginning September 8. Parents and guardians are welcome to use the Open Lab and receive assistance from our knowledgeable staff. The district welcomes you to Family Access and hope you will find this an important part of our ongoing effort to involve families in the educational process. KIDS’ KLUB Kids’ Klub is a regulated before and after school child care service. It has been serving families since 1993. It is the intention of this service to provide children in grades PreK-8: • A safe, healthy, comfortable environment • Caring supervision by qualified adults • Choices of a wide variety of wholesome activities • A healthy, nutritious breakfast (paid through your school food service account) before school and a snack after school (no charge). The PreK children who are enrolled in the wrap around care have their meals and snacks included in their pre-payment. This program is housed at both the elementary school serving children in grades PreK – 2 and at the intermediate school for grades 3 – 8 operating under the direction of Community Education. Parents must sign their children in each morning and out each afternoon of attendance. Prompt payment for this service is required. Sorry, we can’t accommodate your child’s friend(s) who may be going to your house after Kids’ Klub unless they are properly enrolled in this program. Fees are as follows: • An enrollment fee of $25 per family annually • An hourly fee of $2.75 per child during the school and June. • Wrap Around care is a prepaid program ($30/day Monday through Thursday and $40/day for Fridays and in-service days) They can be dropped off and picked up or they can bus to and from school and attend their PreK class and then the wrap around session. • June (Summer School) Kids’ Klub is billed hourly just like the school year. Children must be in summer school to attend. • July and August Session is $30/day per child (the revised prepayment schedule comes out each April). • A late pickup fee of $10.00 for every 15 minutes after 6:00 p.m. The school year hours of service for K-8th: 6:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (Monday through Friday) The program follows the school year calendar open only on days there is school. Kids’ Klub is open on full in-service days. The in-service days require pre-registration and pre-payment. If school is closed due to inclement weather, Kids’ Klub will also be closed. On days that school is delayed two hours Kids’ Klub will open two hours late as well (8:00 - 10:15). Pre-K Before and/or after hours: 6:00 a.m. - 8:25 a.m. and 3:25 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday Wrap Around Pre-K Care: 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and on in-service days. It is set up on pre-register / prepayment basis. There are no credits/refunds for sick or absent children. Weekly Fee: 5 school days $160/week for full-time; 4 school days $120/week or 4 days $130/week (if one of the four days is a Friday or in-service). Summer school(month of June) hours: 6:00 a.m. - 8:15 a.m. and 11:45 - 6:00 p.m. Kids’ Klub is available during the month of June for those students who attend summer school. It follows the same rates as the school year. Page 7 School District of Osceola Kids’ Klub has a six week summer session the months of July and August. 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. This six week session requires a pre-registration and pre-payment. The deadline to register is the end of April. Register early as space is limited and fills up fast! Information can be found on the school district website under community education. This is a regulated child care service. Parents who are eligible to receive financial support, in whole, or in part from the Department of Social Services, Private Industry Council, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc. are encouraged to speak with their case manager or Kids Klub Director, Michelle Mcmanamy at (715) 294-3457 ext. 1420 regarding their childcare needs. Kids’ Klub provides a variety of activities: outdoor play (weather permitting), rest or quiet time as a child may need, reading and story time, board games, hikes and field trips, swimming, seasonal and holiday art & craft projects, and special programs in the summer session. Information, forms, and monthly calendars are also available on-line at, then go to Community Education, then the Kids’ Klub link. To pickup an enrollment packet, stop by the District Office or the main offices of the elementary and intermediate schools. To receive one by mail, call the District Office at 715-294-4140. Save the Date! The School District of Osceola invites you to attend our 12 Sept. Annual Meeting Monday, September 12, 2016 Osceola Intermediate School Media Room Agenda: 7:00 p.m. Budget Hearing, 7:30 p.m. Annual Meeting Light refreshments will be served More information can be found under School Board Meetings at AESOP Now at Osceola! If you are currently a substitute teacher or have thought about becoming a substitute teacher, we have made it easier! AESOP is an online system for substitute teachers. It allows substitute teachers to: • Customize your preferences by grade level and subject • Customize by days • Control how and when you will be notified of positions • Have more freedom over positions taken Interested in becoming a substitute teacher? If you hold any bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and a substitute teaching license from the WI Department of Instruction, you can! For further instructions on this process, visit and go to the Employment page. Under the Frequently Asked Questions page you will find detailed instruction. AESOP allows substitute teachers to see all available openings up to 120 days out. If you work for other districts that use AESOP, you will be able to see multiple school openings at once. You will have more control over your schedule and minimize the early morning calls. Page 8 Chieftain News NEW STAFF MEMBERS Osceola Intermediate School: Jenna Peterson - Third Grade Rebecca Wampfler - Fourth Grade Tyler Olson - Fifth Grade Laura Krenz - Fifth Grade Osceola High School: Amy Krenz - Business Ed Kyle Miller - Tech Ed RETIREMENTS IN THE DISTRICT Joleen Funk After 20 years working as a fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Joleen Funk retires. Joleen received her Bachelor Degree from UW Superior and her Master’s Degree from UW LaCrosse before joining the faculty in Osceola. She and her husband Rich have three children: son Rick, his wife Angie, and my grandson Warren; son Robb and girlfriend Mary; daughter Randi and husband Nathan. As Joleen reflects on her career in Osceola, she states, “I will miss every single child’s smile and unique personality. All of my ‘Funky Bunches’ have blessed me with wonderful memories I will cherish forever.” Some memories include Easter egg hunts and water fights when fourth grade was housed in the old high school. Joleen will also miss all of her supportive and encouraging colleagues and friends at OIS. The greatest thing she has learned throughout her career is summed up by a quote from the late Coach Pat Summit, “They will NEVER care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Joleen’s plans for retirement are to read, swim, fish, cheer for all my beloved Wisconsin teams, and spend more time with family, especially her wonderful grandson, Warren. “I have plans to volunteer at OIS, visit Lambeau Field, travel to the Tetons, and continue writing. Jerry Getschel Mr. Jerry Getschel retires after 20 years of service as Custodian in the Osceola School District. Jerry’s family includes his wife Jan, and four children: Nick, Jen, Sara, and Sam. He has three grandsons: Palmer, Graham, Camden, and another grandson on the way. What Jerry will miss most about working in the school district are the coworkers and especially the kids. “It’s been very interesting to learn from the kids “good and bad.” Jerry will be moving to Green Bay this month so he will also miss the friendships he has made while in Osceola. When asked about his favorite memory from Osceola, Jerry admits that there are too many to mention. However, what stands out the most are the state championships the district has attended including Boys Track, Girls Volleyball, Boys Basketball, and most recently awarded 2015 State Championship in Football. During retirement, Jerry plans to spend more time with his grandchildren and watch the Packers. STUDENT INSURANCE INFORMATION Family insurance is primary coverage if student is injured at school. The Board of Education provides a secondary student insurance coverage with Student Assurance Services, Inc. Coverage is for all children while they are involved in school day activities. Voluntary Interscholastic Athletic Plan is available through Student Assurance Services, Inc. for purchase. For uninsured students, families can purchase 24 hour accident coverage. For more information visit Student Assurance Website at All accidents need to be reported and claim forms completed in school office. Page 9 School District of Osceola CHANGES TO SCHOOL BUSES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 16 There are some important changes coming to school buses in Wisconsin starting in August. Effective August 16, 2016 school buses in Wisconsin that are newer than January 1, 2005 will now operate amber warning lights during their route cautioning motorists that they are approaching a school bus stop. When the bus is stopped, the driver will display the stop sign and red lights like they have in the past. Please know that anytime you approach a school bus that has its amber lights on, you need to be prepared to stop. Red lights and stop sign mean you need to stop and stayed stopped. Motorist are required to stop at least 20 feet from the school bus in any direction and remain stopped until the red lights and stop arm have been extinguished by the bus driver. We as school bus drivers have a great responsibility to safely load and unload school children each morning and afternoon and ask that you as motorists be patient and aware of school buses and students outside when they are stopped. The children we are transporting receive training on how to load, unload, and cross with the school bus. Sometimes they can make unpredictable decisions while crossing with the school bus. We need your help to stay stopped until we complete our stops and kids are in a safe place away from the roadway. A vehicle that approaches a school bus that is displaying flashing red or amber warning lights must: AMBER WARNING LIGHTS • Cautionary message that the bus will be coming to a stop and will be activating its RED warning lights. Traffic is allowed to bypass the school bus with caution. RED WARNING LIGHTS • Stop not less than 20 feet from the bus and remain stopped until the bus resumes motion or the operator extinguishes the flashing red warning lights. Failure to do so will result in a minimum of a $326.50 fine and 4 points. This law does not apply to vehicles driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway but does apply if no barrier is present on multilane street or highway. In Wisconsin—A school bus is a motor vehicle which carries 10 or more passengers in addition to the operator, or a motor vehicle painted with legally required school bus markings, glossy school bus yellow trimmed in black, for the purpose of transporting: • Pupils to or from a public school or a private school or pupils to or from a technical college when required. • Pupils to or from curricular or extracurricular activities • Pupils to or from religious instruction on days when school is in session. • Children with disabilities to or from an educational pro-gram approved by the department of public instruction. NOTE—A vehicle that approaches a stopped school bus that is displaying flashing red warning lights must stop, regardless if the stop arm is out or not (Ss. 346.48(1)). School buses equipped with only RED warning lights manufactured prior to 01/01/05 as specified in s.347.25 (2): • The operator shall actuate the lights at least 100 feet before stopping to load or unload pupils or other authorized passengers, and shall not extinguish the lights until loading or unloading is completed and persons who must cross the highway are safely across. School buses equipped with flashing RED and AMBER warning lights manufactured on or after 01/01/05 as specified in s.347.25 (2): • The operator shall actuate the flashing amber warning lights at least 300 feet before stopping in a 45 mile per hour or greater speed zone or at least 100 feet before stopping in a less than 45 mile per hour speed zone School bus operators USE of flashing WARNING lights: a. At the point of loading or unloading, the operator , while bringing the bus to a stop, will extinguish the flashing amber warning lights (not applicable to red light equipped bus only), and actuate the flashing red warning lights. b. After loading or unloading is completed and persons who must cross the highway are safely across, extinguish the flashing red warning lights c. Where the curb and sidewalk are laid on one side of the road only, the operator shall use the flashing red or flashing red and amber warning lights when loading or unloading passengers from either side School bus operators SHALL NOT USE the flashing RED or AMBER WARNING lights in: • Special school bus loading areas where the bus is entirely off the traveled portion of the highway • Residence or business districts when pupils or other authorized passengers are to be loaded or unloaded where a sidewalk and curb are load on both sides of the road, UNLESS required otherwise by municipal ordinance enacted under s. 349.21(1). Page 10 Chieftain News 2016-2017 SCHOOL BUS TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE Transportation is listed by bus routes rather than by last name. Minor route changes have been made. To find the bus you ride look for the stop that is most convenient for your family. It may be your home address or a corner near your home if you live in town. If you have previously indicated a location other than your home address as your alternate location or daycare use that as the location for bus stop information. The bus number is at the top of each route, and the pick-up time is next to the stop. Please remember to have your children at the stop 5 minutes before the scheduled bus time. The bus you ride to school is the same bus you ride home from school. If you registered late for school and you do not see a stop that matches your needs on the list, or, if your child will be transported to and/or from a different location than what is listed, contact the transportation department at 715-294-3456. • • • • • • • Students in grades K-5 from Robo Village ride Bus 16 Students in grades 6-12 from Robo Village ride Bus 17 Students in grades K-5 from South Ave and Zindaus Apartments ride Bus 19 Students in grades 6-12 from South Ave Apartments ride Bus 29 Above All Beginnings Day Care bus to and from school Bus 5 Morning shuttle for students grades 3-5 from the Elementary School to the Intermediate School Bus 25, in the afternoon they will ride the afternoon shuttle buses to the Elementary. Shuttle to and from Valley Christian School Bus 29 Routes are posted on the Transportation page of the School District website along with forms Request for Alternate location/ daycare form and Request to decline transportation form. These forms help us to know your transportation needs. Parents please show your children where their bus stop is prior to the first day and explain the need to maintain good behavior while waiting for the school bus to arrive. BUS NUMBER 03 BUS NUMBER 01 STOP TIME LOCATION 7:17 am 815 200TH ST 7:42 am 814 233RD ST 7:18 am 789 200TH ST 7:43 am 822 233RD ST 7:42 am 302 ZINDAUS ST 6:57 am 2628 30TH AVE 7:19 am 729 200TH ST 7:43 am 840 233RD ST 7:44 am 309 SEMINOLE AVE 7:06 am 66 240TH ST 7:20 am 727 200TH ST 7:44 am 2357 84TH AVE 7:45 am BELMONT ST & 7:11 am 349 238TH ST 7:20 am 75TH AVE COUNTY RD 7:44 am 2358 84TH AVE 7:20 am 2087 35TH AVE 7:45 am 2366 84TH AVE 7:46 am 411 SMITH AVE 7:28 am 1874 60TH AVE 7:21 am 2054 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:46 am 2398 84TH AVE 7:47 am 117 HIALEAH ST COUNTY RD K 7:22 am 2076 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:52 am 722 SEMINOLE AVE - 7:48 am HIALEAH ST & 7:37 am 1802 94TH AVE 7:23 am 2077 75TH AVE CO RD M ABOVE ALL 7:55 am 722 SEMINOLE AVE 7:24 am 2080 75TH AVE CO RD M BEGININGS DAY CARE 7:48 am MADISON ST & 7:56 am 729 PROSPECT AVE 7:28 am 2102 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:58 am OIS 7:58 am 406 8TH AVE 7:28 am 2108 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:59 am OHS 7:49 am 504 SEMINOLE AVE 7:59 am 812 OAK CT 7:28 am 2116 75TH AVE CO RD M 8:00 am OMS 7:49 am 517 SEMINOLE AVE 8:00 am OHS 7:29 am 2126 75TH AVE CO RD M 8:01 am OES 7:50 am 102 STATE ST 8:01 am OIS 7:29 am 2137 75TH AVE CO RD M 8:02 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:50 am 505 GERALD ST 8:02 am OMS 7:31 am 751 220TH ST 7:51 am GERALD ST & 8:03 am OES 7:31 am 747 220TH ST 8:04 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:32 am 745 220TH ST 7:32 am 2211 73RD AVE STOP TIME 7:32 am 2213 73RD AVE 7:35 am 17595 260TH ST 7:33 am 2210 73RD AVE 7:36 am 25644 REDWING AVE STOP TIME LOCATION DELMAR AVE SARATOGA AVE SARATOGA AVE MADISON ST 7:52 am MADISON ST & SEMINOLE AVE 7:57 am OIS PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 05 PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 06 LOCATION 7:59 am OHS STOP TIME 7:33 am 2208 73RD AVE 7:37 am 25463 REDWING AVE 8:01 am OMS 7:13 am 775 HORSE LAKE LN 7:34 am 741 220TH ST 7:37 am 25463 REDWING AVE 8:03 am OES 7:14 am 792 HORSE LAKE LN 7:34 am 739 220TH ST 7:39 am 16843 PANOLA DR 8:05 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:14 am 805 HORSE LAKE LN 7:34 am 734 220TH ST 7:41 am 24528 QUINLAN AVE 7:16 am 840 HORSE LAKE LN 7:41 am 801 233RD ST 7:43 am 240TH ST N & N 7:17 am 821 200TH ST 7:42 am 808 233RD ST PRESCHOOL LOCATION M & NYE LN POMROY AVE Page 11 School District of Osceola 7:46 am 24185 ST CROIX TRL 7:39 am 2138 84TH AVE 7:31 am 1831 SWEDE LAKE DR 7:50 am 2398 60TH AVE 7:46 am 24303 ST CROIX TRL N 7:39 am 2140 84TH AVE 7:34 am 35TH AVE & 194TH ST 7:50 am 656 240TH ST 7:50 am 255TH ST & ST CROIX TRL 7:40 am 2168 84TH AVE 7:34 am 358 195TH ST 7:53 am 2474 75TH AVE 7:55 am 7TH AVE & SUMMIT ST 7:41 am 854 218TH ST CO RD MM 7:35 am 360 195TH ST 7:56 am 7TH AVE & CHIEFTAIN ST 7:42 am 2199 88TH AVE 7:35 am 379 195TH ST 7:54 am 2486 75TH AVE 8:01 am OIS 7:42 am 2223 90TH AVE 7:37 am 1964 35TH AVE 8:01 am OMS 7:43 am 2261 90TH AVE 7:39 am 378 203RD ST 7:57 am OIS 8:02 am OHS 7:45 am 940 230TH ST 7:39 am 384 203RD ST 7:59 am OHS 8:04 am OES 7:45 am 2307 90TH AVE 7:40 am 2010 40TH AVE 8:01 am OMS 8:05 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:46 am 2340 90TH AVE 7:41 am 2008 40TH AVE 8:03 am OES 7:46 am 2346 90TH AVE 7:52 am 739 MAPLE LEAF DR 8:03 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:48 am 907 235TH ST M & F 7:58 am OIS 7:48 am 912 235TH ST 8:00 am OHS PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 07 STOP TIME LOCATION COUNTY RD M COUNTY RD M PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 14 7:49 am 916 235TH ST 8:01 am OMS 7:14 am 861 200TH ST 7:53 am 918 RIVER RD CO RD S 8:02 am OES STOP TIME 7:15 am 885 200TH ST 7:54 am 902 RIVER RD CO RD S 8:03 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:21 am 945 248TH ST 7:16 am 894 200TH ST 7:55 am OHS 7:23 am 2493 100TH AVE 7:17 am 1960 90TH AVE 7:58 am OIS 7:19 am 2051 90TH AVE 8:00 am OMS 7:19 am 896 207TH ST 8:01 am OES STOP TIME 7:20 am 879 207TH ST 8:02 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:22 am 2106 50TH AVE 7:26 am 1053 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:20 am 859 207TH ST 7:23 am 2112 50TH AVE 7:27 am 1082 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:25 am 2153 43RD AVE 7:28 am 1084 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:24 am 1006 RIVER RD CO RD S BUS NUMBER 12 PRESCHOOL 7:21 am 857 207TH ST BUS NUMBER 09 7:21 am 846 207TH ST PRESCHOOL LOCATION LOCATION 7:25 am 1008 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:26 am 1037 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:27 am 449 219TH ST 7:28 am 1098 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:22 am 2055 85TH AVE STOP TIME LOCATION 7:28 am 437 219TH ST 7:29 am 2459 113TH AVE 7:23 am 890 207TH ST 7:03 am 1873 W CHURCH RD 7:28 am 427 219TH ST 7:30 am 2439 113TH AVE 7:25 am 90TH AVE & E LAKE LN 7:05 am 1759 W CHURCH RD 7:30 am 2174 45TH AVE 7:32 am 2427 113TH AVE 7:26 am 2194 90TH AVE 7:05 am 1769 W CHURCH RD 7:31 am 2168 45TH AVE 7:34 am 1170 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:26 am 2198 89TH AVE 7:06 am 1775 W CHURCH RD 7:31 am 2140 45TH AVE 7:35 am 1182 RIVER RD CO RD S 7:27 am 2196 89TH AVE 7:07 am 312 180TH ST 7:32 am 2138 45TH AVE 7:37 am 2348 113TH AVE 7:27 am 2194 89TH AVE 7:08 am 312 180TH ST 7:32 am 2134 45TH AVE 7:39 am 240TH ST & CLARK RD 7:28 am 217TH ST & 89TH AVE 7:10 am 1773 40TH AVE 7:32 am 2133 45TH AVE 7:40 am 1043 236TH ST 7:28 am 881 217TH ST 7:11 am 1752 40TH AVE 7:33 am 478 213TH ST 7:41 am 100TH AVE & 240TH ST 7:29 am 2182 88TH AVE 7:11 am 1747 40TH AVE 7:34 am 484 213TH ST 7:29 am 2187 88TH AVE 7:12 am 40TH AVE PRIVATE DR 7:35 am 2180 50TH AVE 7:42 am 955 240TH ST 7:30 am 2197 88TH AVE 7:37 am 60TH AVE & 220TH ST 7:42 am 240TH ST & 94TH AVE 7:31 am 861 218TH ST CO RD MM 7:13 am 1713 40TH AVE 7:38 am 2227 60TH AVE 7:44 am 2401 STATE HWY 35 7:31 am 858 218TH ST CO RD MM 7:16 am 356 175TH ST 7:38 am 2238 60TH AVE 7:46 am 2504 86TH AVE 7:32 am 857 218TH ST CO RD MM 7:17 am 1712 35TH AVE 7:39 am 2241 60TH AVE 7:47 am 2525 86TH AVE 7:32 am 2195 84TH AVE 7:18 am PAULSON LAKE DR & 7:39 am 2251 60TH AVE 7:48 am 2539 86TH AVE 7:33 am 2178 86TH AVE 7:40 am 2259 60TH AVE 7:48 am 2540 86TH AVE 7:33 am 2174 86TH AVE 7:19 am 352 180TH ST 7:41 am 2280 60TH AVE 7:50 am 2545 86TH AVE 7:34 am 2175 86TH AVE 7:21 am 357 180TH ST 7:42 am 2291 60TH AVE 7:54 am 838 86TH AVE 7:34 am 2172 86TH AVE 7:22 am 408 180TH ST 7:43 am 613 230TH ST 7:54 am 846 250TH ST 7:35 am 851 217TH ST 7:23 am 180TH ST & 43RD AVE 7:44 am 540 230TH ST 7:55 am 849 250TH ST 7:35 am 848 217TH ST 7:25 am 403 185TH ST 7:45 am 230TH ST & 57TH AVE 7:55 am 250TH ST & 87TH AVE 7:36 am 844 217TH ST 7:26 am 1867 40TH AVE 7:46 am 2312 60TH AVE 7:55 am 868 250TH ST 7:37 am 822 214TH ST 7:27 am 372 185TH ST 7:46 am 2320 60TH AVE 7:56 am 880 250TH ST 7:38 am 814 214TH ST 7:30 am SWEDE LAKE CT & 7:47 am 60TH AVE & 236TH ST 7:56 am 904 250TH ST 7:38 am 810 214TH ST 7:49 am 2378 60TH AVE 7:59 am OHS Page 12 FOR 1737 40TH AVE PAULSON LAKE LN SWEDE LAKE DR & DRESSER LN Chieftain News BUS NUMBER 8:01 am OIS 18 7:20 am 314 240TH ST 7:50 am 551 STATE HWY 35 8:03 am OMS STOP TIME 7:21 am 366 240TH ST 7:55 am 607 SUMMIT ST 8:04 am OES 7:27 am 2048 85TH AVE 7:21 am 378 240TH ST 7:57 am OHS 8:05 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:27 am 2046 85TH AVE 7:26 am 2304 30TH AVE 7:58 am OMS 7:27 am 2039 85TH AVE 7:27 am 235TH ST & 30TH AVE 8:00 am OIS 7:34 am 772 218TH ST CO RD MM 7:28 am 235TH ST & 30TH AVE 8:02 am OES 7:35 am 836 218TH ST CO RD MM 7:28 am 236TH ST & 30TH AVE 8:02 am OSCEOLA CHARTER PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 16 STOP TIME LOCATION LOCATION 7:36 am 2211 OAK DR 7:29 am 2372 30TH AVE 7:07 am 2260 40TH ST 7:37 am 2247 83RD AVE 7:31 am 348 238TH ST 7:09 am 2210 40TH ST 7:38 am 809 223RD ST 7:32 am 323 238TH ST 7:10 am 216TH AVE & 40TH ST 7:39 am 814 223RD ST 7:32 am 315 238TH ST STOP TIME 7:11 am 2098 40TH ST 7:40 am 2263 OAK DR 7:33 am 2402 30TH AVE 7:01 am 227 202ND ST CO RD M 7:15 am 300 221ST ST 7:42 am 2341 OAK DR 7:35 am 2464 30TH AVE 7:04 am 125 202ND ST CO RD M 7:18 am 372 RICE LAKE RD 7:45 am 2378 81ST AVE 7:37 am 255 250TH ST 7:04 am 117 202ND ST CO RD M 7:19 am 44TH ST & RICE LAKE RD 7:46 am 2398 81ST AVE 7:38 am 2514 30TH AVE 7:06 am 16 202ND ST CO RD M 7:21 am 460 222ND AVE 7:47 am 240TH ST & 82ND AVE 7:38 am 2514 30TH AVE 7:07 am 1907 COUNTY LINE AVE 7:24 am 2317 50TH ST 7:48 am 899 240TH ST 7:40 am 2563 30TH AVE 7:08 am 1893 COUNTY LINE AVE 7:25 am 505 235TH AVE 7:48 am 240TH ST & 90TH AVE 7:40 am 2580 30TH AVE 7:09 am 30 185TH ST 7:25 am 513 235TH AVE 7:51 am 916 248TH ST 7:45 am 2645 VIEBROCK DR 7:10 am 57 185TH ST 7:26 am 521 235TH AVE 7:51 am 248TH ST & 91ST AVE 7:45 am 2651 VIEBROCK DR 7:11 am 81 185TH ST 7:27 am 516 232ND AVE 7:52 am 887 248TH ST 7:46 am 2682 VIEBROCK DR 7:12 am 1807 10TH AVE 7:28 am 2351 53RD ST 7:52 am 2483 88TH AVE 7:46 am 2683 VIEBROCK DR 7:13 am 1817 10TH AVE 7:29 am 2370 53RD ST 7:53 am 2485 88TH AVE 7:53 am ZINDAUS ST & SOUTH AVE 7:14 am 122 185TH ST 7:30 am 523 239TH AVE 7:53 am 2487 88TH AVE 7:54 am 272 ZINDAUS ST 7:14 am 135 185TH ST 7:30 am 523 239TH AVE 7:54 am 878 249TH ST 7:58 am OIS 7:15 am 153 185TH ST 7:31 am 508 239TH AVE 7:54 am 884 249TH ST 8:00 am OHS 7:16 am 225 185TH ST 7:31 am 505 239TH AVE 7:54 am 890 249TH ST 8:02 am OMS 7:17 am 217 185TH ST 7:32 am 2374 50TH ST 7:55 am 2486 89TH AVE 8:03 am OES 7:18 am 1860 20TH AVE 7:33 am 2661 CO LINE AVE 7:55 am 2483 89TH AVE 8:04 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:20 am 144 192ND ST 7:34 am 581 POLK/ST CROIX RD 7:56 am 2471 84TH AVE 7:21 am 171 192ND ST 7:35 am 620 POLK/ST CROIX RD 7:58 am OIS 7:37 am 29 STATE HWY 35 7:59 am OHS 7:37 am 2584 4TH AVE 8:01 am OMS STOP TIME 7:38 am 49 256TH ST 8:03 am OES 7:09 am 2451 10TH AVE 7:24 am 1944 W CHURCH RD 7:39 am 41 STATE ROAD 35 8:04 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:17 am 2130 20TH AVE 7:25 am 1961 W CHURCH RD 7:40 am 260TH ST & 6TH AVE 7:20 am 272 202ND ST CO RD M 7:25 am MIDDLE PINE CT & W 7:21 am 2069 32ND AVE CO RD X 7:21 am 2073 32ND AVE CO RD X 7:26 am 1986 W CHURCH RD 7:22 am 2078 32ND AVE CO RD X 7:27 am 2009 W CHURCH RD BUS NUMBER 21 LOCATION 7:22 am 216 192ND ST BUS NUMBER 20 PRESCHOOL 7:40 am 94 260TH ST 7:42 am 134 STATE ROAD 35 PRESCHOOL PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 19 LOCATION 7:23 am 247 192ND ST 7:23 am 268 192ND ST CHURCH RD 7:43 am 167 STATE HWY 35 STOP TIME 7:44 am 195 STATE HWY 35 7:11 am 2378 15TH AVE 7:31 am 2309 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:28 am 2057 W CHURCH RD 7:48 am 448 STATE HWY 35 7:12 am 2369 15TH AVE 7:34 am 2327 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:29 am 317 202ND ST CO RD M 7:54 am 328 ZINDAUS ST 7:12 am 2364 15TH AVE 7:35 am 2407 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:30 am 341 202ND ST CO RD M 7:59 am OIS 7:13 am 2368 15TH AVE 7:38 am 2452 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:30 am 202ND ST & 35TH AVE 8:00 am OHS 7:14 am 2378 15TH AVE 7:39 am 2466 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:32 am 389 202ND ST CO RD M 8:02 am OMS 7:14 am 2383 15TH AVE 7:39 am 2472 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:33 am 436 200TH ST CO RD M 8:03 am OES 7:15 am 162 240TH ST 7:41 am 2557 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:33 am 456 200TH ST CO RD M 8:05 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:16 am 20TH AVE & 240TH ST 7:43 am 2576 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:37 am 533 200TH ST CO RD M 7:17 am 241 240TH ST 7:45 am 2576 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:39 am 628 200TH ST CO RD M 7:18 am 292 240TH ST 7:46 am 2567 40TH AVE CO RD X 7:40 am 675 200TH ST CO RD M 7:19 am 312 240TH ST 7:49 am 527 STATE RD 35 7:52 am 2477 82ND AVE PRESCHOOL LOCATION Page 13 School District of Osceola 7:52 am 2475 82ND AVE 7:52 am 738 SIMMON DR 7:52 am 2473 82ND AVE 7:52 am 742 SIMMON DR 7:54 am 302 3RD AVE W 7:54 am 7TH AVE & RIVER ST 7:53 am 2470 82ND AVE 7:54 am 2519 JARED RD 7:57 am OHS 7:55 am 931 CASCADE ST 7:53 am 2471 82ND AVE 7:55 am 2516 JARED RD 7:59 am OMS 7:56 am OES PICK UP OIS 7:53 am 2468 82ND AVE 7:55 am 2516 79TH AVE 8:01 am OIS 7:54 am 819 247TH ST 7:56 am 79TH AVE & BRITANI LN 8:04 am OES 7:57 am OES 7:54 am 247TH ST & 83RD AVE 7:56 am 812 248TH ST 8:05 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:58 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:55 am 2468 83RD AVE 7:58 am OIS 7:55 am 824 248TH ST 8:00 am OHS 7:56 am 2499 EDUCATION AVE 8:01 am OMS 7:57 am OIS 8:03 am OES STOP TIME 7:59 am OHS 8:04 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:10 am 2664 10TH AVE 8:01 am OMS 7:10 am 2691 10TH AVE PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 25 PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 24 STOP TIME PRESCHOOL 7:54 am 605 RIVER ST WALKERS PRESCHOOL 8:00 am OIS 8:03 am OES 8:03 am OSCEOLA CHARTER W & SUMMIT ST LOCATION LOCATION 8:03 am OHS 8:04 am OMS BUS NUMBER 26 7:11 am 2715 10TH AVE STOP TIME 7:12 am 2771 10TH AVE 7:04 am 1919 70TH AVE LOCATION 7:14 am 2776 10TH AVE 7:05 am 1882 70TH AVE 7:07 am 2408 2ND AVE 7:19 am 96 280TH ST 7:07 am 1958 70TH AVE 7:08 am 23 240TH ST 7:19 am 127 280TH ST 7:07 am 1964 70TH AVE 7:10 am 66 240TH ST 7:21 am 212 280TH ST 7:08 am 1966 DWIGHT LN 7:22 am 2406 CHERRY DR 7:11 am 2398 10TH AVE 7:22 am 229 280TH ST 7:09 am 195TH ST & FERN 7:23 am 565 245TH ST 7:14 am 156 230TH ST 7:24 am 2747 30TH AVE 7:24 am 592 245TH ST 7:15 am 2298 18TH AVE 7:25 am 302 273RD ST 7:10 am 1970 75TH AVE CO RD Y 7:25 am 588 245TH ST 7:15 am 2297 18TH AVE 7:25 am 314 273RD ST 7:12 am 750 190TH ST CO RD Y 7:25 am 579 245TH ST 7:16 am 2296 18TH AVE 7:25 am 324 273RD ST 7:14 am 832 190TH ST CO RD Y 7:25 am 573 245TH ST 7:16 am 2292 18TH AVE 7:27 am 2688 30TH AVE 7:14 am 851 190TH ST CO RD Y 7:26 am 560 245TH ST 7:17 am 2289 19TH AVE 7:28 am 2669 30TH AVE 7:16 am 923 190TH ST CO RD Y 7:26 am 552 245TH ST 7:18 am 2292 19TH AVE 7:28 am 2651 30TH AVE 7:16 am 940 190TH ST CO RD Y 7:27 am 2432 CHERRY DR 7:18 am 2293 19TH AVE 7:33 am 2637 55TH AVE 7:17 am 1874 93RD AVE 7:27 am 2420 CHERRY DR 7:22 am 273 230TH ST 7:34 am 2643 55TH AVE 7:18 am 1864 93RD AVE 7:30 am 2369 50TH AVE 7:23 am 2257 30TH AVE 7:34 am 2649 55TH AVE 7:18 am 1850 93RD AVE 7:31 am 2419 50TH AVE 7:24 am 2212 30TH AVE 7:35 am 548 267TH ST 7:19 am 1848 93RD AVE 7:32 am 2440 50TH AVE 7:25 am 289 220TH ST 7:36 am 475 267TH ST 7:21 am 1839 93RD AVE 7:32 am 2449 50TH AVE 7:26 am 256 220TH ST 7:37 am 484 267TH ST 7:22 am 1827 93RD AVE 7:32 am 2459 50TH AVE 7:27 am 244 220TH ST 7:38 am 2685 55TH AVE 7:22 am 1812 93RD AVE 7:33 am 2487 50TH AVE 7:28 am 2248 25TH AVE 7:39 am 2702 55TH AVE 7:23 am 1806 93RD AVE 7:34 am 476 250TH ST 7:31 am 308 220TH ST 7:40 am 2714 55TH AVE 7:24 am 1805 93RD AVE 7:36 am 2552 50TH AVE 7:32 am 322 220TH ST 7:40 am 2718 55TH AVE 7:24 am 1804 93RD AVE 7:41 am 628 258TH ST 7:32 am 336 220TH ST 7:41 am 2726 51ST AVE 7:25 am 951 180TH ST 7:44 am 684 250TH ST 7:32 am 344 220TH ST 7:42 am 521 274TH ST 7:26 am 1811 94TH AVE 7:45 am 250TH ST & 68TH AVE 7:33 am 345 220TH ST 7:43 am 2751 55TH AVE 7:26 am 1803 94TH AVE 7:46 am 500 KREEKVIEW DR 7:33 am 364 220TH ST CO RD X 7:44 am 2786 55TH AVE 7:27 am 921 180TH ST 7:47 am 133 KREEKVIEW DR 7:40 am 466 240TH ST 7:45 am 586 280TH ST 7:28 am 1794 90TH AVE 7:48 am KREEKVIEW DR & FOX CIR 7:41 am 548 240TH ST 7:46 am 280TH ST & 60TH AVE 7:28 am 882 179TH ST 7:48 am 106 KREEKVIEW DR 7:44 am 630 240TH ST 7:47 am 2751 60TH AVE 7:29 am 886 179TH ST 7:49 am 103 KREEKVIEW DR 7:44 am 641 240TH ST 7:48 am 610 RIDGE RD 7:30 am 1811 90TH AVE 7:50 am 716 SIMMON DR 7:44 am 642 240TH ST 7:49 am 638 RIDGE RD 7:34 am 1872 80TH AVE 7:51 am CESSNA RD & 7:44 am 649 240TH ST 7:50 am 411 RIDGE RD 7:34 am 1880 80TH AVE BUS NUMBER 23 STOP TIME LOCATION VALLEY RD 7:45 am 667 240TH ST 7:50 am 399 RIDGE RD 7:36 am 1924 75TH AVE CO RD Y 7:51 am 728 SIMMON DR 7:51 am 646 3RD AVE E 7:51 am 198 RIDGE RD 7:39 am 1934 75TH AVE CO RD Y 7:51 am 732 SIMMON DR 7:52 am 3RD AVE E & 3RD AVE 7:52 am 100 RIDGE RD 7:39 am 1953 75TH AVE CO RD Y Page 14 SIMMON DR Chieftain News 7:38 am 272 STATE HWY 35 7:41 am 1955 75TH AVE CO RD Y 7:38 am 274 STATE HWY 35 7:55 am OIS 7:38 am 281 STATE HWY 35 7:57 am OHS 7:39 am 286 STATE HWY 35 STOP TIME 7:59 am OMS 7:39 am 288 STATE HWY 35 7:05 am 2318 40TH ST 7:16 am 474 180TH ST 8:01 am OES 7:39 am 292 STATE HWY 35 7:06 am 2307 40TH ST 7:17 am 493 180TH ST 8:02 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:39 am 298 STATE HWY 35 7:06 am 379 230TH AVE 7:19 am 1816 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:43 am 305 STATE HWY 35 7:07 am 368 230TH AVE 7:20 am 1814 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:46 am 315 STATE HWY 35 7:09 am 285 230TH AVE 7:21 am 1838 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:46 am 559 STATE HWY 35 7:12 am 2357 DELONG RD 7:23 am 649 NOKOMIS DR 7:51 am 567 STATE HWY 35 7:13 am 2337 DELONG RD 7:24 am 1803 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:00 am 322 200TH ST 7:58 am OIS 7:13 am 2352 DELONG RD 7:25 am 1805 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:01 am 295 200TH ST 8:00 am OHS 7:14 am 2364 DELONG RD 7:26 am 1842 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:02 am 276 200TH ST 8:01 am OMS 7:15 am 2345 DELONG RD 7:26 am 1856 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:03 am 200TH ST & 26TH AVE 8:03 am OES 7:17 am 2873 CO LINE AVE 7:27 am 1858 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:03 am 200TH ST & W LOWER 8:03 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:18 am 337 POLK ST CROIX RD 7:27 am 1861 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:18 am 351 POLK/ST CROIX RD 7:27 am 563 ROUND LAKE LN 7:19 am 369 POLK ST CROIX RD 7:29 am 1874 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:20 am POLK ST CROIX RD & 7:29 am 1884 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:30 am 1901 60TH AVE PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 27 STOP TIME LOCATION PINE LAKE CT PRESCHOOL 7:03 am 248 200TH ST BUS NUMBER 28 7:04 am 200TH ST & W LOWER PINE LAKE CT STOP TIME LOCATION BUS NUMBER 30 7:41 am 1950 75TH AVE CO RD Y PRESCHOOL BUS NUMBER 29 LOCATION 279TH ST STOP TIME LOCATION 7:12 am 1964 50TH AVE 7:13 am 483 190TH ST 7:04 am 218 200TH ST 7:26 am 603 216TH ST 7:20 am 431 POLK/ST CROIX RD 7:30 am 1917 60TH AVE CO RD K 7:05 am 213 200TH ST 7:27 am 605 218TH ST 7:21 am POLK/ST CROIX CO 7:32 am 1929 BIG LAKE DR 7:06 am 196 200TH ST 7:28 am 614 218TH ST 7:33 am BIG LK CT & BIG LK DR 7:08 am 1948 13TH AVE 7:30 am 2259 68TH AVE 7:22 am 493 POLK/ST CROIX RD 7:33 am BIG LK DR AND 7:08 am 1923 13TH AVE 7:31 am 2260 68TH AVE 7:25 am 133 270TH ST 7:10 am 56 192ND ST 7:32 am 2220 68TH AVE 7:25 am 136 270TH ST 7:34 am 621 HOMES CT 7:11 am 200TH ST & E CEDAR RD 7:33 am 68TH AVE & 220TH ST 7:28 am 272 270TH ST 7:34 am 611 HOMES CT 7:13 am 2007 10TH AVE 7:43 am 729 PROSPECT AVE 7:30 am 2791 30TH AVE 7:34 am 607 HOMES CT 7:14 am 133 206TH ST 7:44 am 114 INDUSTRIAL DR 7:32 am 364 280TH ST 7:35 am 1888 BIG LAKE DR 7:15 am 2061 10TH AVE 7:45 am 108 INDUSTRIAL DR 7:33 am 2757 36TH AVE 7:36 am 1924 BIG LAKE DR 7:17 am 42 210TH ST 7:45 am 105 MEADOW LARK LN 7:33 am 2734 36TH AVE 7:38 am 2013 60TH AVE 7:18 am 210TH ST & POLK ST 7:46 am 216 MEADOW LARK LN 7:37 am 406 280TH ST 7:40 am 2091 60TH AVE CROIX RD 7:47 am 314 MEADOW LARK LN 7:38 am 422 280TH ST 7:41 am 634 210TH ST 7:19 am 2149 CO LINE AVE 7:47 am 318 MEADOW LARK LN 7:38 am 280TH ST & 45TH AVE 7:43 am 692 210TH ST 7:21 am 2255 CO LINE AVE 7:47 am 322 MEADOW LARK LN 7:39 am 465 280TH ST 7:43 am 2080 70TH AVE 7:22 am 2295 CO LINE AVE 7:48 am 211 MEADOW LARK LN 7:39 am 479 280TH ST 7:44 am 2076 70TH AVE 7:23 am 2341 CO LINE AVE 7:49 am SEMINOLE AVE & 7:40 am 280TH ST & 50TH AVE 7:44 am 2109 70TH AVE 7:24 am 2395 CO LINE AVE COTTAGE DR 7:42 am 501 280TH ST 7:46 am 2153 70TH AVE 7:24 am 2401 POLK ST CROIX RD 7:50 am 200 SPRING ST 7:44 am 517 280TH ST 7:48 am 2199 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:25 am 2411 POLK ST CROIX RD 7:51 am SPRING ST & MILL LN 7:48 am 571 267TH ST 7:49 am 2224 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:25 am 2423 CO LINE AVE 7:51 am 359 MILL ST 7:49 am 599 267TH ST 7:49 am 2237 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:26 am 737 POLK/ST CROIX RD 7:52 am GATEWAY PKY & 7:52 am 227 ZINDAUS ST 7:50 am 2245 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:31 am 2537 20TH AVE OAKEY CT 7:57 am OIS 7:51 am 2295 75TH AVE CO RD M 7:34 am 2608 24TH AVE 7:53 am 144 GATEWAY PKY 7:57 am OHS 7:58 am OIS 7:35 am 213 260TH ST 7:53 am 1220 KIMBALL 7:59 am OMS 8:00 am OHS 7:35 am 201 260TH ST 7:57 am OIS 8:00 am OES 8:01 am OMS 7:36 am 212 STATE HWY 35 7:59 am OHS 8:00 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 8:03 am OES 7:36 am 216 STATE HWY 35 8:00 am OMS 8:03 am OSCEOLA CHARTER 7:37 am 253 STATE HWY 35 8:02 am OES 8:05 am VALLEY CHRISTIAN 7:37 am 266 STATE HWY 35 8:03 am OSCEOLA CHARTER RD & 45TH ST PRESCHOOL HOMES CT PRESCHOOL SCHOOL Page 15 School District of Osceola ANNUAL NOTICES All Annual Notices are posted on our website at To request a copy, please call the District Office at 715-294-4140. Annual Notices are based on recommendations from the WI Association of School Boards. Act 55 Pursuant to 2015 Wisconsin Act 55, section 120.12(13)(b) and sections 118.30 (1g)(a) of the state statute, the Osceola School District Board of Education provides instruction in courses consistent with statute and regulations of the Department of Public Instruction or other appropriate state agency. The Wisconsin State Standards are the first step in providing Osceola School District students with a high-quality education. It should be clear to every student, parent, and teacher what the standards of success are in every school. The goal of the standards is to provide the skills necessary so students are prepared for success in postsecondary education and the workforce. As per Osceola School District Board Policy 2210, the Board of Education recognizes its responsibility for the quality of the educational program of the schools. To this end, the curriculum shall be developed, evaluated, and adopted on a continuing basis and in accordance with a plan for curriculum growth established by the District Administrator. For purposes of this policy and consistent communication throughout the District, curriculum shall be defined as all the planned activities of the schools, including formal classroom instruction and out-of-class activity, both individual and group, necessary to accomplish the educational goals of the District. The Board directs that the curriculum of this District provides instruction in courses consistent with statute and regulations of the Department of Public Instruction or appropriate State agency. Each such innovative program must be consistent with Chapter 118 and appropriate State regulations and receive the approval of the Board. On August 5, 2015, the Osceola School District Board of Education approved the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for the 2015-2016 school year. These standard are available at In addition, the District provides a copy of the school’s accountability report that is published by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) located on our district website • Osceola Elementary School -- Exceeds Expectations ~Per Accountability Report • Osceola Intermediate School -- Exceeds Expectations ~Per Accountability Report • Osceola Middle School -- Exceeds Expectations ~Per Accountability Report • Osceola High School -- Exceeds Expectations ~Per Accountability Report Pursuant to 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 section 118.57 of the state statute, The Osceola School District offers the following educational options. • Full-Time Open Enrollment • Youth Options Program • Course Options • Valley Christian School • Special Needs Voucher Program • Virtual Schools Privacy Act and Non-discrimination Statements Privacy Act Statement: This explains how we will use the information you give us: The Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act requires the information on this application. You do not have to give the information, but if you do not, we cannot approve your child for free or reduced price meals. You must include the last four digits of the social security number of the adult household member who signs the application. The last four digits of the social security number is not required when you apply on behalf of a foster child or you list a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) case number or other FDPIR identifier for your child or when you indicate that the adult household member signing the application does not have a social security number. We will use your information to determine if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals, and for administration and enforcement of the lunch and breakfast programs. We MAY share your eligibility information with education, health, and nutrition programs to help them evaluate, fund, or determine benefits for their programs, auditors for program reviews, and law enforcement officials to help them look into violations of program rules. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal and, where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) Non-discrimination Statement: This explains what to do if you believe you have been treated unfairly: If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at, or at any USDA office, or call 866-632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax 202-690-7442 or email at [email protected]. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities and wish to file either an EEO or program complaint please contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339 or (800) 845-6136 (in Spanish). Persons with disabilities who wish to file a program complaint, please see information above on how to contact us by mail directly or by email. If you require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) please contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). Page 16 22 21 28 15 14 Monday *OHS Picture Day Notes 30 Staff In-Service 23 16 9 2 Tuesday 31 Staff In-Service 24 17 10 3 Wednesday *OMS Picture Day House - All Schools *3:30 - 6:30 PM - Open Staff In-Service 25 18 11 4 Thursday 26 19 12 5 Friday 27 20 13 6 Saturday Calendar months January - May 2017 will be featured in the Winter issue of Chieftain News First Day of School 29 *9th Grade Orientation OSCAR Summer Meeting *OHS - 12:30-2:30 PM 8 1 7 Sunday August 2016 Osceola School District - 2016-2017 VOLLEYBALL - JV 8/25 - @ Hastings - 4:30 PM VOLLEYBALL - Varsity 8/23 - @ Cumberland - 5:00 PM 8/25 - @ Hastings - 4:30 PM 8/26 - @ Menomonie (UW-Stout) - 9:00 AM 8/27 - @ Menomonie (UW-Stout) - 9:00 AM TENNIS - Girls Varsity 8/12 - @ Ashland - 3:00 PM 8/13 - @ Ashland - 10:00 AM 8/16 - JV Quad vs. Amery/B-W/NR - 9:00 AM 8/17 - Varsity Invitational - 9:00 AM 8/22 - @ River Falls - 10:00 AM 8/23 - @ Bloomer - 4:15 PM 8/25 - Baldwin-Woodville - 4:15 PM 8/26 - @ Altoona - 10:00 AM 8/27 - @ Altoona - 10:00 AM SOCCER - Boys JV & Varsity 8/20 - Chippewa Falls/Hayward - 11:00 AM 8/25 - @ Somerset - 4:30 PM 8/27 - Menomonie - 1:00 PM 8/30 - Baldwin-Woodville - 4:30 PM GOLF - Girls Varsity 8/16 - @ Pheasant Hills Golf Course - 9:00 AM 8/18 - @ Bristol Ridge Golf Course - 9:00 AM 8/23 - @ Amery Golf Club - 9:00 AM 8/25 - @ Krooked Kreek Golf Course - 9:00 AM 8/30 - @ Pheasant Hills Golf Course - 9:00 AM FOOTBALL - 7th & 8th Grade 8/29 - 7th & 8th - 1st Day Practice FOOTBALL - C & JV Team 8/19 - C Team @ St. Croix Central - 10:00 AM 8/25 - C Team vs. St. Croix Falls - 6:00 PM 8/29 - C Team @ Ellsworth - 4:30 PM 8/29 - JV @ Ellsworth - 5:30 PM FOOTBALL - Varsity - 7:00 PM 8/12 - Varsity Scrimmage - 10:00 AM 8/19 - @ Arcadia High School - 7:00 PM 8/26 - Northwestern - 7:00 PM CROSS COUNTRY - Varsity 8/27 - @ Eau Claire City Wells - 9:30 AM SPORTS CALENDAR 12 11 Labor Day 27 26 after game during school *OHS - Homecoming Dance 30 *In-Service - No Students 23 16 3:00 PM - Kick-Ball 29 22 15 *OHS - Homecoming Pepfest 28 21 11th & 12th (Optional) (UW Barron) *OHS - WI Education Fair 14 Retreat *OES Picture Day *OIS - Picture Day Fall Play Auditions (Auditorium) 9 2 Friday *OHS - OSCAR - ArtBarn 8 1 Thursday *OHS - 3:30 PM & 5:00 PM 7 Wednesday 1:00 PM - Tennis Notes 20 19 13 6 Tuesday 11:00 AM-Decorate *OHS-Homecoming 25 18 Osceola Parade Band at *OMS & OHS 5 Monday *Labor Day - No School 4 Sunday September 2016 Osceola School District - 2016-2017 (Chanhassen) Trip - 11:00 AM *OHS - Choir 24 17 10 3 Saturday SPORTS CALENDAR CROSS COUNTRY - OHS 9/2 - @ Rosemount High School - 11:15 AM 9/13 - @ UW-Barron County Campus - 4:00 PM 9/17 - Osceola Invitational - 9:00 AM 9/20 - @ Hudson Middle School - 3:45 PM CROSS COUNTRY - OMS 9/8 - @ Somerset - 5:30 PM 9/15 - @ Prescott - 5:00 PM 9/20 - @ Chisago Lakes - 4:00 PM 9/22 - @ Unity - 4:30 PM 9/29 - @ St. Croix Falls - 4:30 PM FOOTBALL - Varsity 9/2 - @ New Richmond Middle School - 7:00 PM 9/9 - @ Somerset - 7:00 PM 9/16 - Baldwin-Woodville - 7:00 PM 9/23 - @ Amery - 7:00 PM 9/30 - Prescott - 7:00 PM - Homecoming FOOTBALL - C & JV Team C-4:30 PM -JV-6:00 PM 9/6 - New Richmond 9/12 - Somerset 9/19 - @ Baldwin-Woodville 9/26 - Amery FOOTBALL - 7th & 8th Gr. 7th-4:15 PM 8th-5:30 PM 9/13 - @ New Richmond Middle 9/20 - @ Amery High School 9/22 - St. Croix Falls 9/27 - Somerset 9/29 - 7th - B/W 8th - @ Woodville - 4:30 PM GOLF - Girls Varsity 9/1 - @ New Richmond Golf Club - 4:00 PM 9/7 - @ Clifton Highland Golf Club - 4:00 PM 9/8 - @ Bristol Ridge Golf Course - 4:00 PM 9/13 - @ Amery Golf Club - 4:00 PM 9/16 - @ Pheasant Hills Golf Course - 2:00 PM 9/19 - @ Ellsworth Country Club - 4:00 PM 9/22 - @ Bristol Ridge Golf Course - 9:00 AM 9/28 - Regionals @ Amery Golf Club - 9:00 AM SOCCER - Boys JV & Varsity 9/1 - @ Cumberland - 4:30 PM 9/6 - Hayward - 4:30 PM 9/8 - @ New Richmond - 4:30 PM 9/13 - V @ Amery - 4:30 PM - JV @ 6:00 PM 9/20 - Somerset - 4:30 PM 9/22 - @ Spooner - 4:30 PM 9/26 - @ Birch St. Soccer Field - 4:30 PM 9/27 - Hayward - 4:30 PM 9/29 - Amery - 4:30 PM TENNIS - Girls Varsity 9/1 - @ Amery - 4:15 PM 9/6 - Durand - 4:15 PM 9/8 - @ New Richmond - 4:15 PM 9/13 - Mondovi - 4:15 PM 9/15 - Ellsworth - 3:00 PM 9/20 - @ Barron City Park - 4:15 PM 9/22 - Unity - 4:15 PM 9/27 - @ New Richmond - 8:30 AM VOLLEYBALL - Varsity 9/6 - @ Hayward - 7:00 PM 9/10 - Varsity Tournament - 9:00 AM 9/15 - @ Somerset - 7:00 PM - C & JV - 5:45 PM 9/17 - @ Eau Claire North - 9:00 AM 9/20 - Baldwin-Woodville - 7:00 PM - C & JV - 5:45 PM 9/22 - Amery - 7:00 PM - C & JV - 5:45 PM 9/27 - Prescott - 7:00 PM - C & JV - 5:45 PM VOLLEYBALL - 7th & 8th Grade 9/8 - 7th - B-W 8th - @ B-W - 4:30 PM 9/13 - 7th-Amery 8th-@ Amery - 4:15 PM 9/15 - 7th - @ SCC 8th - SCC - 4:15 PM 9/19 - 7th - @ Somerset 8th - Somerset - 4:15 PM 9/22 - 7th - Prescott 8th - @ Prescott - 4:15 PM 9/27 - 7th - @ NR 8th - NR - 4:15 PM 9/29 - 7th - @ Amery 8th - Amery - 4:15 PM *3:45-7:45 PM Columbus Day *No School - Fall Break 30 24 23 31 Halloween Aid Night (LGI) Notes 25 18 26 27 28 29 ACT Test 22 *OHS - 7:30 AM 21 15 8 1 Saturday *OHS - PSAT Test 20 *In-Service - No Students 14 7 Friday (Optional for Juniors) 19 *3:45-7:45 PM Parent/Teacher Conf. 13 6 Thursday Calendar months January - May 2017 will be featured in the Winter issue of Chieftain News *OHS - 6:30 PM - Financial 17 16 *OHS - FBLA WI Fall Leadership Lab (Eau Claire) 12 11 Concert 5 Wednesday 4 Tuesday Choir Dinner *OHS - 1:00 PM 10 9 Monday Parent/Teacher Conf. 3 2 Sunday October 2016 Osceola School District - 2016-2017 8th - SCC - 4:15 PM 8th - Chisago - 4:00 PM 10/3 - 7th - SCF 10/4 - 7th - @ Prescott 10/6 - 7th - Somerset 10/18 - 7th - NR 8th 8th 8th 8th - @ SCF - 4:15 PM Prescott - 4:15 PM @ Somerset- 4:15 PM @ NR - 4:15 PM VOLLEYBALL - 7th & 8th Grade 10/4 - Ellsworth - 5:45 PM 10/6 - @ SCC - 5:45 PM 10/8 - @ Park High School - 9:00 AM 10/11 - @ New Richmond - 5:45 PM VOLLEYBALL - C & JV 10/4 - Ellsworth - 7:00 PM 10/6 - @ SCC - 7:00 PM 10/8 - @ Altoona - 9:00 AM 10/11 - @ New Richmond - 7:00 PM VOLLEYBALL - Varsity 10/3 - @ Baldwin-Woodville - 9:30 AM TENNIS - Girls Varsity 10/3 - Cumberland - 4:30 PM 10/6 - @ B/W Millpond Park - 4:30 PM 10/7 - New Richmond - 4:30 PM 10/13 - Barron - 4:30 PM SOCCER - Boys JV & Varsity 10/4 - 7th - @ SCC 10/11 - 7th - @ Chisago JV - 6:00 PM FOOTBALL - 7th & 8th Grade C-Team - 4:30 PM 10/3 - @ Prescott 10/10 - St. Croix Central FOOTBALL - C & JV Team 10/7 - @ St. Croix Central - 7:00 PM 10/14 - Ellsworth - 7:00 PM FOOTBALL - Varsity - 7:00 PM 10/4 - @ Amery - 5:15 PM 10/6 - @ SCC (Hammond) - 4:00 PM 10/11 - @ New Richmond - 4:30 PM 10/18 - Osceola Classic - 4:15 PM CROSS COUNTRY - OMS 10/1 - @ New Richmond - 11:00 AM 10/4 - @ Amery - 4:00 PM 10/13 - Osceola Invitational - 4:15 PM 10/21 - @ UW-Barron - 4:00 PM CROSS COUNTRY - OHS SPORTS CALENDAR *OHS - Set Strike 28 27 *OHS - Blessing Basket Kickoff 21 20 (Auditorium) Notes 29 22 (Optional for 11th & 12th Gr.) 30 Break No School - Thanksgiving 23 Thanksgiving Break No School - Thanksgiving 24 17 (Optional for 11th & 12th Gr.) *OHS - WITC Career Day 10 3 Thursday Veterans Day 18 Play (Auditorium) *OHS - 7:00 PM - Fall *In-Service - No Students 11 Leadership Conf. (Milwaukee) *OHS - FBLA National Fall 4 Friday Break No School - Thanksgiving 25 Theatre *OHS - ASVAB Test 16 9 2 Wednesday *OIS - 5th Gr. to Children's 15 8 1 Tuesday Fall Play 14 *OHS - 5:30 PM - OSCAR Mtg. 7 Monday & 7:00 PM *OHS - 2:00 PM 13 6 Sunday November 2016 Osceola School District - 2016-2017 26 19 (Auditorium) Fall Play *OHS - 7:00 PM Rama (B-W) *OMS - Drama 12 Conf. (Milwaukee) Fall Leadership *OHS-FBLA Natl 5 Saturday 11/15 11/22 11/25 11/26 - @ @ @ @ NR Sports Center - 6:00 PM NR Sports Center - 6:00 PM Milt Lunda Arena - 5:00 PM Milt Lunda Arena - 2:00 PM HOCKEY - Girls 11/30 - @ NBC Spartan Sports - 7:00 PM HOCKEY - Boys 11/3 - @ Prescott - 4:15 PM 11/8 - @ Amery - 4:15 PM 11/10 - Baldwin-Woodville - 4:15 PM 11/14 - St. Croix Falls - 4:15 PM 11/15 - New Richmond - 4:15 PM 11/21 - @ Somerset - 4:15 PM 11/22 - @ New Richmond - 4:15 PM 11/29 - St. Croix Central - 4:15 PM BASKETBALL - OMS Boys 11/22 - Ellsworth - 5:45 PM BASKETBALL - Girls C & JV 11/22 - Ellsworth - 7:15 PM BASKETBALL - Girls Varsity 11/29 - @ Ellsworth - 5:45 PM BASKETBALL - Boys C & JV 11/29 - @ Ellsworth - 7:15 PM BASKETBALL - Boys Varsity SPORTS CALENDAR 26 25 27 20 28 21 29 Celebration *OHS Blessing Basket 22 30 23 *No School - Holiday Break 16 Holiday Concerts (OES) *OES - 9:30 AM & 1:30 PM 9 2 Friday 31 24 Christmas Eve 17 10 3 Saturday Calendar months January - May 2017 will be featured in the Winter issue of Chieftain News Notes Christmas Day *No School - Holiday Break *No School - Holiday Break *No School - Holiday Break *No School - Holiday Break *No School - Holiday Break New Year's Eve 19 Concert (Auditorium) Winter Concert (OIS Gym) *OIS - 9:30 AM & 1:30 PM 15 *OMS - 7:00 PM Choir 14 8 Concert (Auditorium) *OMS - 7:00 PM Band Winter 1 Thursday Holiday Concert (Auditorium) 13 7 Wednesday *OHS - 7:30 PM - Choir 12 Holiday Concert (Auditorium) Fundraiser - 12/5 - 12/16 6 Tuesday *OHS - 7:30 PM - Band *OHS - Honors Choir Monday *OHS - Blessing Basket 5 18 11 4 Sunday December 2016 Osceola School District - 2016-2017 12/1 - @ New Richmond Center - 7:00 PM 12/6 - @ New Richmond Center - 6:00 PM 12/13 - @ Cumberland Ice Arena - 4:15 PM 12/20 - @ Hayward Sports Center - 2:30 PM 12/22 - @ New Richmond Center - 5:00 PM HOCKEY - Girls 12/6 - @ NBC Spartan Sports - 7:00 PM 12/13 - @ Amery Ice Arena - 7:00 PM 12/15 - @ New Richmond Center - 7:00 PM HOCKEY - Boys 12/1 - @ Somerset - 7:00 PM 12/8 - Baldwin-Woodville - 7:00 PM 12/15 - Amery - 7:00 PM 12/17 - Osceola Multi Team - 9:00 AM 12/29 - @ River Falls - 8:00 AM WRESTLING 12/1 - Prescott - 5:45 PM 12/2 - @ New Richmond - 5:45 pm 12/6 - Somerset - 5:45 PM 12/13 - Siren - 5:45 PM 12/15 - @ Cameron - 5:45 PM 12/29 - @ Glenwood City - 5:00 PM 12/30 - @ Glenwood City - 3:00 PM BASKETBALL - Girls C & JV 12/1 - Prescott - 7:15 PM 12/2 - @ New Richmond - 7:15 PM 12/6 - Somerset - 7:15 PM 12/13 - Siren - 7:15 PM 12/15 - @ Cameron - 7:15 PM 12/20 - St. Croix Falls - 7:15 PM 12/29 - @ Glenwood City - 7:00 PM 12/30 - @ Glenwood City - 1:00 PM BASKETBALL - Girls Varsity 12/1 - Amery - 4:00 PM 12/5 - Somerset - 4:15 PM 12/6 - Unity - 4:15 PM BASKETBALL - OMS Boys 12/5 - Barron - 5:45 PM 12/9 - New Richmond - 5:45 PM 12/13 - @ Somerset - 5:45 PM 12/16 - @ Prescott - 5:45 PM 12/28 - @ Rice Lake - 5:45 PM 12/29 - @ Rice Lake - 5:45 PM BASKETBALL - Boys C & JV 12/5 - Barron - 7:15 PM 12/9 - New Richmond - 7:15 PM 12/13 - @ Somerset - 7:15 PM 12/16 - @ Prescott - 7:15 PM 12/28 - @ Rice Lake - 7:15 PM 12/29 - @ Rice Lake - 7:15 PM BASKETBALL - Boys Varsity SPORTS CALENDAR 2 Monday School Resumes 16 23 30 22 29 Martin Luther King Day Notes *OMS - Drama Play Auditions 31 24 17 25 18 26 19 27 In-Service - No Students 20 13 6 Friday 14 7 Saturday @ Trollhaugen Winter Formal *OHS - 8-11 PM 28 Children Starving Feed My *OHS - 21 *OHS - 12 5 Thursday Powerlifting Meet 11 4 Wednesday *OHS - Honors Band 10 3 Tuesday *OHS - 5:30 PM - OSCAR Mtg. 9 *No School - Holiday Break 15 8 New Year's Day 1 Sunday January 2017 Osceola School District - 2016-2017 - @ Amery - 4:15 PM - OMS Match - 4:15 PM - @ Somerset - 4:30 PM - @ St. Croix Central - 4:30 PM -@ -@ -@ -@ NBC Spartan Sports - 7:00 PM Hobbs Ice Arena - 7:00 PM Lodge Center Arena - 7:00 PM NBC Spartan Sports - 7:00 PM 1/31 - @ New Richmond Sports - 7:00 PM HOCKEY - OHS - GIRLS 1/10 1/12 1/17 1/24 HOCKEY - OHS - BOYS 1/10 1/16 1/19 1/27 WRESTLING - OMS 1/5 - Prescott - 7:00 PM 1/12 - @ St. Croix Central - 7:00 PM 1/14 - @ Stillwater - 10:00 AM 1/19 - Ellsworth - 7:00 PM 1/20 - @ Durand - 4:30 PM 1/26 - @ New Richmond - 7:00 PM 1/27 - Osceola Invite - 5:00 PM 1/28 - JV @ St. Croix Central - 10:00 AM WRESTLING - OHS 1/3 - 1st Day of Practice - 3:30 PM 1/10 - Somerset - 4:15 PM 1/17 - Amery - 4:15 PM 1/23 - St. Croix Falls - 4:15 PM 1/26 - @ Amery - 4:15 PM BASKETBALL - OMS Girls 1/3 - @ Amery - 5:45 PM 1/5 - @ St. Croix Central - 5:45 PM 1/10 - Baldwin-Woodville - 5:45 PM 1/13 - @ Ellsworth - 5:45 PM 1/17 - New Richmond - 5:45 PM 1/24 - @ Somerset - 5:45 PM 1/27 - @ Prescott - 5:45 PM BASKETBALL - Girls C & JV 1/3 - @ Amery - 7:15 PM 1/5 - @ St. Croix Central - 7:15 PM 1/6 - @ Unity - 7:15 PM 1/10 - Baldwin-Woodville - 7:15 PM 1/13 - @ Ellsworth - 7:15 PM 1/17 - New Richmond - 7:15 PM 1/24 - @ Somerset - 7:15 PM 1/27 - @ Prescott - 7:15 PM BASKETBALL - Girls Varsity 1/6 - Amery - 5:45 PM 1/12 - St. Croix Central - 5:45 PM 1/16 - Hayward - 5:45 PM 1/17 - @ Baldwin-Woodville - 5:45 PM 1/20 - Ellsworth - 5:45 pm 1/24 - @ New Richmond - 5:45 PM 1/27 - @ St. Croix Falls - 5:45 PM 1/31 - Cameron - 5:45 PM BASKETBALL - Boys C & JV 1/3 - Unity - 7:15 PM 1/6 - Amery - 7:15 PM 1/12 - St. Croix Central - 7:15 PM 1/16 - Hayward - 7:15 PM 1/17 - @ Baldwin-Woodville - 7:15 PM 1/20 - Ellsworth - 7:15 PM 1/24 - @ New Richmond - 7:15 PM 1/27 - @ St. Croix Falls - 7:15 PM 1/31 - Cameron - 7:15 PM BASKETBALL - Boys Varsity SPORTS CALENDAR Monday 20 27 26 Presidents' Day Test for all Juniors *OHS - Wellness Week *OHS - Wellness Week 22 15 23 16 24 *OMS - Drama Play (Auditorium) *OMS - Drama 25 18 Play (Auditorium) In-Service - No Students 17 *OHS - FBLA-PBL Week 11 Calendar months January - May 2017 will be featured in the Winter issue of Chieftain News Notes *OHS - ACT Plus Writing Star Events (UW-Stout) 28 21 Valentine's Day *OHS - FCCLA Regional No School - President's Day 19 14 Solo & Ensemble (Amery) *OHS - 5:30 PM - OSCAR Mtg. 13 *OMS - 4:00-9:00 PM 9 *OHS - FBLA-PBL Week *OHS - FBLA-PBL Week 8 Leadership Conf. (St. Croix Central) *OES - Child Devel. Days 4 Saturday *OHS - FBLA Reg. 10 3 Friday 2/1/17 - 4/28/17 *OES - Child Devel. Days 2 Groundhog Day Thursday *Open Enrollment - ZAPS ACT Prep *OHS - 12:30-6:00 PM 1 Wednesday NHS/Red Cross Bloodmobile *OHS - FBLA-PBL Week 7 Tuesday *OHS - 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM *OHS - FBLA-PBL Week 6 12 5 Sunday February 2017 Osceola School District - 2016-2017 2/2 - @ Superior Ice Arena- 6:00 PM 2/7 - @ New Richmond Sports - 7:00 PM HOCKEY - OHS - GIRLS 2/2 - @ NBC Spartan Sports - 7:00 PM 2/7 - @ Baldwin United Civic Ctr. - 7:00 PM HOCKEY - OHS - BOYS 2/3 - @ Baldwin-Woodville - 4:30 PM WRESTLING - OMS 2/4 - @ Amery - 9:30 AM 2/11 - Regionals @ St. Croix Central-10:30 AM WRESTLING -0HS 2/2 - @ Somerset - 4:15 PM 2/6 - @ New Richmond - 4:15 PM 2/7 - Baldwin-Woodville - 4:15 PM 2/14 - New Richmond - 4:15 PM 2/21 - Prescott - 4:30 PM 2/23 - @ St. Croix Central - 4:15 PM GIRLS BASKETBALL - OMS 2/2 - Amery - 5:45 PM 2/9 - Grantsburg - 5:45 PM 2/10 - St. Croix Central - 5:45 PM 2/14 - @ Baldwin-Woodville - 5:45 PM BASKETBALL - Girls C & JV 2/2 - Amery - 7:15 PM 2/6 - @ Clayton - 7:15 PM 2/9 - Grantsburg - 7:15 PM 2/10 - St. Croix Central - 7:15 PM 2/14 - @ Baldwin-Woodville - 7:15 PM BASKETBALL - Girls Varsity 2/3 - Somerset - 5:45 PM 2/7 - Prescott - 5:45 PM 2/9 - @ Amery - 5:45 PM 2/17 - @ St. Croix Central - 5:45 PM 2/20 - Bloomer - 5:45 PM 2/23 - Baldwin-Woodville - 5:45 PM BASKETBALL - Boys C & JV 2/3 - Somerset - 7:15 PM 2/7 - Prescott - 7:15 PM 2/9 - @ Amery - 7:15 PM 2/17 - @ St. Croix Central - 7:15 PM 2/20 - Bloomer - 7:15 PM 2/23 - Baldwin-Woodville - 7:15 PM BASKETBALL - Boys Varsity SPORTS CALENDAR School District of Osceola Annual Notice Continued -- Homeless Children The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth (twenty-one years of age and younger) as: • Children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes children and youth who are: • sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as double-up); • living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations; • living in emergency or transitional shelters; • abandoned in hospitals; or • awaiting foster care placement. • Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. • Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings. • Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are living in circumstances described above. If you are personally aware of or are acquainted with any children who may qualify according to the above criteria, the School District of Osceola provides the following assurances to parents of homeless children: • The local district staff person (liaison) for homeless children is Peggy Weber, Principal of the Osceola Elementary School. • There shall be immediate enrollment and school participation, even if educational and medical records and proof of residency are not available. • All educational opportunities and related opportunities for homeless students (preschool to age 21), including unaccompanied youth, shall be the same as for the general student population. • Enrollment and transportation rights, including transportation to the school of origin shall be possible. “School of origin” is defined as the school the child attended when permanently housed or when last enrolled. • Written explanation of why a homeless child is places other than in a school of origin or school requested by the parent, with the right to appeal within the local dispute resolution process. • Meaningful opportunities for parents to participate in the education of their children. These shall include: special notices of events, parent-teacher conferences, newsletters, and access to student records. Please contact Peggy Weber, homeless liaison for the School DIstrict of Osceola at 715-294-3457 for additional information about homeless issues. 2009 Wisconsin Act 95 Indoor Environmental Quality Management Plan The Osceola School District can use a website, student handbook, local newspaper, or other appropriate means to notify students, staff, and the community that the district has an IEQ management plan in place. This annual publication is part of the Osceola School District’s communication plan within the IEQ Management plan. The Osceola School District would like to inform staff, students, parents, and the public of the district’s indoor environmental quality (IEQ) management plan. The plan was initially developed in 2013 and is reviewed as necessary. The plan was developed as deemed appropriate for the district. Questions and concerns should be directed to the IEQ Coordinator. Copies of the plan are available at the district office for a fee. The district office is located at 331 Middle School Drive, Osceola, WI, 54020. Asbestos Notification In compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), this is notice that the Osceola School District has an Asbestos Management Plan at the school district office. The plan is available for inspection by the public, parents, and district employees. The district performs six month periodic surveillance of asbestos in January and July and full re-inspections every three years. For more information please contact the district office. Notice of Child Find Activity The school district is required to locate, identify, and evaluate all children, with disabilities, including children with disabilities attending private schools in the school district, and homeless children. The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities is known as child find. The school district conducts the following child find activities each year. This notice informs parents of the records the school district will develop and maintain as part of its child find activities. This notice also informs parents of their rights regarding any records developed. The school district gathers personally identifiable information on any child who participates in child find activities. Parents, teachers, and other professionals provide information to the school related to the child’s academic performance, behavior, and health. This information is used to determine whether the child needs special education services. Personally identifiable information directly related to a child and maintained by the school is a pupil record. Pupil records include records maintained in any way including, but not limited to, computer storage media, video and audiotape, film, microfilm, and microfiche. Records maintained for personal use by a teacher and not available to others and records available only to persons involved in the psychological treatment of a child are not pupil records. The school district maintains several classes of pupil records. •”Progress records” include grades, courses the child has taken, the child’s attendance record, immunization records, required lead screening records, and records of school extra-curricular activities. Progress records must be maintained for at least five years after the child ceases to be enrolled. •””Behavioral records” include such records as psychological tests, personality evaluations, records of conversations, written statements relating specifically to the pupil’s behavior, tests relating specifically to achievement or measurement of ability, physical health records other than immunization and lead screening records, law enforcement officers’ records, and other pupil records that are not “progress records.” Law enforcement officers’ records are maintained separately from other pupil records. Behavioral records may be maintained for no longer than one year after the child graduates or otherwise ceases to be enrolled, unless the parent specifies in writing that the records may be maintained for a longer period of time. The Page 24 Chieftain News school district informs parents when pupil records are no longer needed to provide special education. At the request of the child’s parents, the school district destroys the information that is no longer needed. •”Directory data” includes the student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, photographs, degrees and awards received, and the name of the school most recently previously attended by the student. •”Pupil physical health records” include basic health information about a pupil, including the pupil’s immunization records, an emergency medical card, a log of first aid and medicine administered to the pupil, an athletic permit card, a record concerning the pupil’s ability to participate in an education program, any required lead screening records, the results of any routine screening test, such as for hearing, vision or scoliosis, and any follow-up to the test, and any other basic health information, as determined by the state superintendent. Any pupil record relating to a pupil’s physical health that is not a pupil physical health record is treated as a patient health care record under sections 146.81 to 146.84, Wisconsin Statutes. Any pupil record concerning HIV testing is treated as provided under section 252.15, Wisconsin Statutes. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and section 118.125, Wisconsin Statutes, afford parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) the following rights with respect to education records: •The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of receipt of the request. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal a written request that identifies the records(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. The school district will comply with the request without unnecessary delay and before any meeting about an individualized education program, or any due process hearing, and in no case more than 45 days after the request has been made. If any record includes information on more than one child, the parents of those children have the right to inspect and review only the information about their child or to be informed of that specific information. Upon request, the school district will give a parent or eligible student a copy of the progress records and a copy of the behavioral records. Upon request, the school district will give the parent or eligible student a list of the types and locations of education records collected, maintained, or used by the district for special education. The school district will respond to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the records. A representative of the parent may inspect and review the records. •The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask the Osceola School District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the district decides not to amend the record, the district will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. •The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information in the student’s education records, except to the extent that federal and state law authorize disclosure without consent. The exceptions are stated in 34 CFR 99.31, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act regulations; Sec. 9528, PL107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; and section 118.125(2)(a) to (m) and sub. (2m), Wisconsin Statutes. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosures to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the district discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Also the district discloses “directory data” without consent, unless the parent notifies the district that it may not be released without prior parental consent. •The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605. Notice to Parents and Individuals Required to Make Referrals Upon request, the school district is required to evaluate a child for eligibility for special education services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private (including religious) schools, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district. A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes a child brought to him or her for services is a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must inform the child’s parent that the referral will be made. Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides. Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Carson McEvoy, School Psychologist, School District of Osceola, at 715-294-4180, or by writing him at 1029 Oak Ridge Drive, Osceola, WI 54020. Page 25 Osceola Community Education Osceola Community Education “Providing inspiration and opportunities for young and old alike!” In This Issue . . . Community Education Driver’s Education Page 26 AARP Driver Safety Program 27 DNR Snowmobile Safety 28 Kaleidoscope Dance Studio 29 Community Ed Registration Form 30 Visit click on Community Ed for complete listings and registration forms Community Ed is offering a fun variety of classes this fall. Visit click on Community Ed to view the full catalog of fall classes for youth and adults. New classes are always being added! Interested in teaching a class through Osceola community Ed? E-mail [email protected]. Big news! Osceola Community Ed is moving the Rustic Road Fun Run to June! The 5k and 10k run will now be a part of the Osceola Rhubarb Days! June 3, 2017. Same great race, new date! Thank you to all our runners and volunteers! We look forward to you joining us in June 2017! Osceola Community Ed Fall Driver’s Education An Intro to Pet Care September 27 6:30 -8:00pm OHS LGI As of publication of this newsletter the Fall Driver’s Ed class dates have not been set. Dates will be posted closer to September. Classes will be weekdays in October and November, from 3:30 to 6:30 and may conflict with Fall sports. Class will be held in room 110 at Osceola High School. cost for Driver’s Education is $115 for the classroom portion and $240 for Behind-the-Wheel driving. Free - Sponsored by the Arnell Humane Society Want to learn how to care for your pet? Join Tammi Larson of Tammi’s Wildlife Rehab and learn responsible care and how to choose a pet that best works for you and your lifestyle. Please register with Community Ed by September 22, call 715-294-4601 or e-mail [email protected]. Check click on Community Ed and check out the Driver’s Education page or for more details visit Ms. Kaiser’s teacher page Page 26 Community Education Clean Your Plate: A 10-Day Nourished Eating Program Free Introductory Class - October 6, 6:30pm OHS Library While there are so many different dietary recommendations out there, one school of advice remains consistent: eat your fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats. Building Osceola Community Education The two class sessions are on Thursday, October 20th and Thursday, November 3rd. Both classes begin at 6:30PM and must be taken together. Class fee is $20 per person. Please register by October 3rd to attend the October 6th class. Call 715-294-4601 or e-mail [email protected]. AARP Driver Safety Program October 18, 4;00- 8pm OHS Library The class helps seniors refresh their physical and mental driving skills and may result in an insurance reduction. You’ll keep the completely new and insightful driving safety manual for reference in your home. There are 14 all new instructional videos shown throughout the class, too. Instructors: Mary Nelson & Rich Hustad Call Mary at 715-825-2239 with questions. Fee: $15.00 AARP members $20.00 nonAARP members Piano Lessons with Jared Mielke of kNOW Studio After School at OIS on Tuesdays and Thursdays Jared Mielke returns to Osceola Community Ed this year for private after school piano lessons. His lessons are designed to enhance a student’s love and understanding of music. Students will grow in musical abilities and learn the elements of music composition. Jared’s lessons are open to beginners and advanced students. Contact Jared Mielke at [email protected] to get your lesson scheduled and for tuition information. To learn more about Mr. Mielke’s piano instruction please visit Hallway Walking OES & OIS,6:30 -7:30am, and 5;30-8:00 pm, Daily when school is in session Cost: FREE Join us Monday – Friday for your walk. Osceola Elementary School and Osceola Intermediate School have an “open door” policy for community walkers. Each school asks your cooperation as you use this FREE service. Feel free to leave your fall and winter wraps on the coat racks, chairs, and benches in the school commons when using OIS. At OES you can use the hallway coat hooks. On fair weather days you might want to try our track which surrounds the new Robert W. Vesperman Athletic Field with its rubberized surface. Don’t forget you can also walk on the Safe Route to School path at Schillberg Park. Men’s Basketball 6:30 a.m. -7:45a.m, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Cost is $5.00 per participant for the 20162017 school year Participants should wear comfortable clothes & tennis shoes and bring their own basketball. Please no food or gum in gym. Good sportsmanship is expected from all participants. This is an unsupervised program. No need to pre-register, but participants must complete the registration form and include $5.00 fee. Creative Kids Yoga – Grades Pre-K, K, 1 & 2 Fridays: Sept. 30, Oct. 7, and Oct. 21 After school to 4:20pm Osceola Elementary School - Library Cost: $20.00 Students will have fun learning new poses & breathing techniques. Yoga helps with concentration, self- esteem, relaxation, stress managem ent, creativity and much more! Yoga has many benefits but the best is when the children feel full of postivity and happiness leaving each class! Boys and girls are encouraged to participate in the program. If your child participated in the previous yoga class, they will learn new techniques and practice previous moves. Please pickup child promptly at 4:20 or arrange for Kids Klub care. If your child is in Kids Klub please notify Kids Klub of student’s enrollment in yoga. Bring with: Yoga mat (optional) & clothes that allow you to move. Questions? Contact instructor Holly Cardoni at 651600-6430 [email protected]. Snacks and Smoothies with the Lunch Lady! September 15, 3:20 to 4:15 OES Art Room Class fee $15 For grades K -2. Learn to make your own healthy after school snacks and smoothies. You’ll get recipes and directions on how to assemble these snacks yourself! Class is limited to 15 students, please register early. Please pickup child promptly at 4:15 or arrange for Kids Klub care. If your child is in Kids Klub please notify Kids Klub of student’s enrollment in class. Registration deadline is September 8. Community Education Page 27 Community Education upon that foundation, Jennifer Lutz, certified Integrative Nu trition Coach and Wellness Educator, will lead you through a 10-day program that will help balance the food on your plate to promote wellness and vitality. Using a whole foods approach, learn how to gently detox your plate from foods that can contribute to the expression of chronic illnesses and diseases – leaving you feeling tired, run down, and void of energy. You will be working on cutting out all sugar, processed foods, and other foods that can contribute to imbalanced blood sugar and chronic inflammation. The free introductory evening to this class is on Thursday, October 6 at 6:30 PM. Osceola Community Education Pumpkin Painting October 27, 3:20 to 4:15 OES Art Room Class fee is $15 Community Education For grades K -2. Create a no guts Halloween pumpkin! Let your creativity flow! Be sure to dress for mess, we’ll be using paints. Class islimited to 15 students, please register early. Please pickup child promptly at 4:15 or arrange for Kids Klub care. If your child is in Kids Klub please notify Kids Klub of student’s enrollment in class. Registration deadline is Oct 18. Thankful Tree November 17, 3:20 to 4:15 OES Art Room Class fee is $15 For grades K -2. Create your very own fingerprint Thankful Tree masterpiece. You will take home your art work and enjoy a special Thanksgiving treat! Dress for mess! Class is limited to 15 students, please register early. Please pickup child promptly at 4:15 or arrange for Kids Klub care. If your child is in Kids Klub please notify Kids Klub of student’s enrollment in class. Registration deadline is November 8. Cookies and Cocoa December 20, 3:20 to 4:15 OES Art Room Class fee is $15 For grades K -2. In this class students will make some fun hot chocolate gifts and enjoy a cookie (or two!). Dress for mess! Class is limited to 15 students, please register early. Please pickup child promptly at 4:15 or arrange for Kids Klub care. If your child is in Kids Klub please notify Kids Klub of student’s enrollment in class Registration deadline is December 14. Dodgeball grades 3, 4 & 5 Choose from 2 sessions - Tuesdays: Sept. 20, 27, Oct. 4 and 11 or Thursdays: Sept. 15, 22, 29, and Oct. 6 3:15 -4:20 $20 per session. Please sign up for only one session per student. Duck, dip, dive and dodge! In this fun and energetic program students will learn the basics of dodgeball and a few new games to play. Program is open to boys and girls. Students will use the softer gator balls. Lead by instructor Adam Lushanko. Register by September 12. This program will fill up quickly. Each session is limited to 20 students. Creative Kids Yoga – Grades 3, 4, & 5 Fridays: Oct. 28, Nov. 4 and Nov. 18 After school to 4:15 pm Osceola Intermediate School - Music Room Cost: $20.00 Students will have fun learning new poses & breathing techniques. Yoga helps with concentration, self- esteem, Page 28 Community Education relaxation, stress management, creativity and much more! Yoga has many benefits but the best is when the children feel full of positivity and happiness leaving each class! Boys and girls are encouraged to participate in the program. If your child participated in the previous yoga class, they will learn new techniques and practice previous moves. Please pickup child promptly at 4:15 or arrange for Kids Klub care. If your child is in Kids Klub please notify Kids Klub of student’s enrollment in yoga. Bring with: Yoga mat (optional) & clothes that allow you to move. Questions? Contact instructor Holly Cardoni at 651600-6430 [email protected] Heart to Heart: Mother/Tween Daughter Communication & Wellness Workshop Saturday, November 5th from 9AM – 11AM. Cost for each mom and daughter(s) is $25 Every relationship exists largely in communication and the mother/tween-daughter relationship is no different. And moms, just as we feel it’s hard to talk with our girls at times, they feel the same way about talking with us. And let’s be real, sometimes we all feel like we’re talking at each other instead of with each other. In this workshop, learn more about how and why we communicate the way that we do. Learning more about where our communication comes from enables us to learn new ways to express ourselves without meltdowns, shouting and eyerolls (and not just from the tweens). Use these new insights to engage in some age-relevant topics including puberty, healthy body habits, self-care, wellness and nutrition and peer relationships. This relationship-building workshop will provide the tools needed to have meaningful, connected communication that will help strengthen the very special mother/daughter bond. The recommended ages for this workshop are girls in grades 5-8. Register with Community Ed by November 1. If you have specific questions, please email the facilitator, Jennifer Lutz, at [email protected] DNR Snowmobile Safety Certification October 24, 25, and 27 (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) REGISTRATION: Please register at class or online at WHO: Children 11 ½ years – adult should take this course. Anyone born on or after January 1, 1985 must have this training & certification to legally operate a machine. Students who will turn 12 years prior to Feb. 1, 2017 and older are encouraged to attend. Adults are welcome to join this course as well. No Food or Beverages are allowed in the LGI so please have dinner before arriving at class. NOTE: Beginning with Jan. 1, 2002, Snowmobile Season anyone born after Jan. 1, 1985, is required to have this course certification in order to legally operate a snowmobile in WI as per the DNR office. This certification is only valid in the State of Wisconsin. Osceola Community Education KALEIDOSCOPE ‘No Frills’ Dance & Tumbling plus Hip-Hop Our Dance classes are 45 minute music, rhythm, tumbling & (ballet, jazz & tap) dance appreciation class is for pre-school age (3, 4 & 5 years) through 9th Grade. This is a weekly program offered on TUESDAYS, starting after school. The cost for Dance is $40 for each 4 class session. Hip-Hop Dance. This 25 minute class is for students in grades K - 9. The cost for HipHop is $20 for every 4 class session. All Classes are open to boys and girls. Want to take both? When your child enrolls in both Dance and Hip-Hop the cost $50 every 4 class session. Save $10 per 4 week session! Registration is limited to a minimum/maximum enrollment of 8/16 students per class. Registration will be taken on a 1st paid 1st serve basis. This is an ongoing weekly program offered throughout the school year from September 14 – March 7. Payments are due on the first day of each 4-class session. Classes are open to boys and girls. A spring recital is will be scheduled TBA and held at the OHS Auditorium. Dance fees are due the 1st class of each 4-session period: 9.13, 10.12, 11.9, 12.7, 1.11, 2.8. Checks should be made out to Osceola Community Education and are not reduced for missed classes. Payments can also be made on-line via e-funds., click on Payments. Payments can be made monthly or in advance. If student is in Kids Klub, please inform Kids Klub of enrollment in dance. For more information about Kaleidoscope Dance please visit See schedule below. 2016 -2017 School Year Schedule Classes Begin TUESDAY, September 13th @ OES Room 135 (Music Room) Session 1(Sept): 9.13, 9.20, 9.27 & 10.4 Session 2 (Oct.): 10.11, 10.18, 10.25, 11.1 Session 3 (Nov.): 11.8, 11.15, 11.22, 11.29 Session 4 (Dec.): 12.6, 12.13, 12.20, 1.3 Session 5 (Jan.): 1.10, 1.17, 1.24, 1.31 Session 6(Feb.): 2.7, 2.14, 2.21, 2.28 Session 7 (Mar.) 3.7, 3.14, 3.21, 3.28 Rehearsal and recital is TBA. Recital will be at OHS Auditorium. Details to follow. Time Ages Dance 3:30 – 4:15 Kindergarten Ballet, Jazz & Tap (Arrangements must be made for after school (3:10 to 3:30) 4:15 – 4:40 K-2nd Grade Hip Hop 4:40 – 5:20 1st & 2nd Grade Ballet, Jazz & Tap 5:20 – 6:10 Pre-School Ballet, Tap & Tumbling 6:10 - 6:55 3rd & 4th Grade Ballet, Jazz & Tap 6:55 – 7:20 3rd & 4th Grade Hip Hop 6:55 – 7:20 5th - 9th Grade Hip Hop 7:20 – 8:20 5th – 9h Grade Ballet, Jazz & Tap This schedule is subject to change based on weather disruptions and other unknowns at this time. Questions, call Community Ed. at 294-2127 Ext. 407 or e-mail [email protected]. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KALIEDOSCOPE No Frills Dance Registration Form Student Name____________________________________ Age _____ Grade______Teacher__________________________ Registering for: Dance ($40) _________ Hip-Hop ($20) _________ Both ($50) ________ Parent/Guardian Name__________________________________________E-mail___________________________________ Address __________________________________________________Preferred Phone #_______________________ I understand that photos may be taken of Osceola Community Education classes and may be printed in Osceola School District publications and/or on the district’s website for public view. _____ I hereby GIVE permission to publish photos and/or works of myself, or my child for Osceola Community Education publications and/or on the district’s webpage. _____ I hereby DO NOT give permission to publish photos of myself or those of my child for Osceola Community Education publications and/or on the district’s webpage. Release from Liability: I agree that all activities undertaken by my child as part of this program are taken at our own risk. I further agree that the Osceola School District and Kaleidoscope Dance Studio shall not be liable for any personal injury, property loss or damage arising from our participation in this program and as a result of the negligence of the School District, its agents or employees. Accordingly, I express release and discharge the School District from all such liability claims. I understand that my signature is required before my child is allowed to participate in this program. I have read this agreement carefully and know and understand its contents. Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________ Date_________________________ Community Education Page 29 Community Education The Kaleidoscope Dance Studio staff returns to teach Dance in Osceola! This “No Frills” dance program provides professional instruction of Kaleidoscope Dance Studio classes without the added expense of costumes. Osceola Community Education COMMUNITY ED REGISTRATION FORM 1111 Oak Ridge Drive Osceola, WI 54020 Comm. Ed Director: Dani Pratt Phone: 715-294-2127, Ext. 407 Email: [email protected] Visit and click on the Community Ed link for updated information. Community Education To register for an Osceola Community Education class: Fill out a registration form. Use a separate check or money order for each class. Mail the form and payment to: Community Education P.O. Box 128 Osceola, WI 54020 Osceola Community Education Registration Form Name ____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (if under 18)____________________________________ School Attending_______________________________ Grade: ___________ Teacher: __________________________ ____ Male ____ Female Age: ____ Address_______________________________________________ City ___________________________ Zip _____________ Phone (Home) ______________________ (Cell) _______________________ Class Name Email _____________________ Class Date Class Time *Fee Enclosed *Separate check required for each different class. (Payable to Community Education) Release from Liability I agree that all activities undertaken by myself or by my child as part of this program are taken at our own risk. I further agree that the Osceola School District shall not be liable for any personal injury, property loss or damage arising from our participation in this program and as a result of the negligence of the School District, its agents or employees. Accordingly, express release and discharge the School District from all such liability claims. I understand that my signature is required before my child or I are allowed to participate in this program. I have read this agreement carefully and know and understand its contents. Signature Parent or guardian if under 18 Date I understand that photos may be taken of Osceola Community Education classes and may be printed in Osceola School District publications and/or on the district’s website for public view. I hereby give permission to publish photos and/or works of myself, or my child for Osceola Community Education publications and/or on the district’s webpage. I hereby do not give permission to publish photos of myself or those of my child for Osceola Community Education publications and/or on the district’s webpage. Signature Parent or guardian if under 18 Date Office Use Only Date Check # Total Rec’d Cash Rec’d By **You must give 2 weeks notice to withdraw from a class and receive a refund for the class fee.** Page 30 Community Education Osceola Community Education Class 1 (6:30 – 9 PM) Classroom Instruction. Students are asked to bring a sharpened pencil and writing paper to take notes. Are parent or guardian is required to be in attendance the first night. Class 2 (6:30 – 9 PM) Classroom Instruction Students are asked to bring their workbook, a sharpened pencil and writing paper to take notes. The instructor will collect a $10.00 DNR fee at this classroom session to cover the cost of materials and certificate. Payable to Duane Wolter. A parent/guardian signature is required on the child’s registration. Class 3 (6:30 – *8 PM*) Complete classroom instruction & Test. Students are asked to bring their workbook, a sharpened pencil and writing paper to take and review notes before testing. Parents are asked to be prompt in the delivery & 8:00 PM early pick-up of their child this night. Sat. TBA Trail Grooming will take place in late fall after farm crops have been harvested. Students will be given this date activity information at school through their morning announcements. They and their parents will be responsible to meet at 9 AM @ Osceola High School main entrance. This is a required course activity. Thank you to Community Ed instructors, volunteers and participants. A special thank you to Courtesy Corporation and RCU-Osceola branch for supporting Osceola Community Education. School Year 2015-2016 School Year 2016-2017 School YearDistrict 2016-2017 Osceola School Osceola District Osceola School School District Appendix Feb 4, 2015 Bd Approved R August 2015 August 2016 2 3 14 9 10 7 11 8 16 14 17 15 18 23 21 24 22 25 30 28 31 29 25 12 9 19 16 26 23 30 36 13 10 20 17 27 24 7 4 14 11 21 18 28 25 31 Aug FNL 20 1 Aug Aug 25 85 6Aug Aug 26 15 27 12 13Aug Aug 22 Aug 27 19 20 Aug 29 31 26 27Aug Aug Aug No School Staff Only No School 15 Student Staff 1/2 Day Only Key15 Dates Student 1/2 Day New Teacher Board Approved JanInservice 27, 2016 Key Dates Inservice 18-19 Staff New Teacher Inservice Staff Staff Inservice 23 Inservice Staff Staff Workshop 7:30-3:30 1 PPP Wrksp 24 Inservice Open House 3:30-6:307:30-3:30 .5 Inservice1 PPP Wrksp 25 Staff Workshop Students begin 25 Open House 3:30-6:30 .5 Inservice 29 Students Begin September 2016 September 2015 1 6 47 58 11 12 13 14 15 20 18 21 19 22 27 25 28 26 29 2 69 13 16 20 23 27 30 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 1 4 8 11 15 18 22 25 29 October 2016 October 2015 1 58 12 15 19 22 26 28 29 4 25 36 9 10 11 12 13 18 16 19 17 20 23 24 25 # 26 27 30 # 31 47 11 14 18 21 25 1 2 3 8 9 10 6 7 15 16 17 13 14 22 23 24 20 21 29 30 27 28 4 1 8 18 15 25 22 29 2 6 9 13 16 20 23 27 30 5 52 3SeptSept 7 129 10SeptSept 25 23 16 17 19 23 24 26 30 No School-Labor No School-Labor Day Day Inservice/No Students Inservice/No Students Oct 10 3 1Oct 13 Oct 13 107 8Oct 15 14 15Oct 15 Oct 14 17 21 22 Oct 17 24 Oct 16 28 29 31 Parent/Tchr Conf. 3:45-7:45 Parent/Tchr Conf. 3:45-7:45 Parent/Tchr Conf. 3:45-7:45 Inservice/No Students Inservice/No Students Parent/Tchr Conf. 3:45-7:45 No School -Fall No School Fall Break Break Community Education Duane Wolter and other adult volunteers will conduct this DNR Certification course. Checks should be made out to Duane Wolter not to the DNR. Please bring a pen or pencil, highlighter, and notebook to class. Parents are asked to be prompt in the delivery & pick-up of their child all 3 evenings. Any disruptive behavior from students will not be tolerated and the parent will be called to come and pick up his/her child. November 2015 November 2016 5 2 9 19 16 26 23 6 3 10 20 17 27 24 7 Nov 13 Inservice/No Students 4 5 Nov 11 Inservice/No Students Nov 26-27 No School - Thanksgiving Break 11 12 Nov 23-25 No School - Thanksgiving Break 21 18 19 28 25 26 11 12 13 14 30 December 2015 December 2016 1 6 47 58 13 11 14 12 15 20 18 21 19 22 27 25 28 26 29 2 69 16 13 23 20 30 27 3 10 7 17 14 24 21 31 28 52 3Dec Dec 23-Jan 1 No - Holiday Break Break 23-Jan 2 School No School - Holiday 129 10 19 16 17 26 23 24 29 30 31 4 1 11 8 18 15 25 22 January 2016 January 2017 1 26 7Jan 4 1 2 3 4 5 Jan 3 3 84 95 106 117 12 8 13 9 14Jan 22 Jan 20 10 15 11 16 12 17 13 18 14 19 15 16 20 21 17 22 18 23 19 24 20 25 21 26 22 23 27 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 28 29 30 31 February 2017 1 2 February 2016 51 62 73 84 9 5 12 13 14 15 16 7 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 27 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 March 2017 28 29 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 March 2016 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 19 20 21 22 23 6 7 8 9 10 11 26 27 28 29 30 13 14 15 16 17 18 2017 20 21 22 April 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 6 April 2016 9 10 11 12 13 1 16 17 18 19 20 3 234 245 256 267 27 8 10 30 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 May 2017 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 May 7 8 92016 10 11 1 142 153 164 175 18 6 8 219 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 15 28 16 23 17 30 18 31 19 20 29 22 23 24 June 25 26 27 2017 29 23 30 31 1 4 June 5 62016 7 11 12 131 14 2 18 19 20 21 5 6 7 8 9 12 25 13 26 14 27 15 28 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 8 15 3 22 10 17 29 24 3 4 Feb 17 10 Feb 20 6 11Feb 12 17 18 13 Feb 15 24 25 20 27 3 4 Mar 2 10 11 Mar 17 17 18 5 Mar 3 24 25 12 Mar 4 31 19 Mar 25-28 26 1 Apr 13 7 8 Apr 14-17 14 15 2 22April 22 21 9 29 28 16 23 30 5 6 May 19 12 13 May 29 7 20May 20 19 14 26 27May 30 21 28 2 3 June 1 9 10 June 2 16 4 17June 2 23 24 11 18 June 3 30 25 School Resumes School Resumes Inservice/No Students Inservice/No Students Inservice/No Students No School -President's Day Inservice/No Students No School President's Day Parent/Tchr Conf. 3:45-7:45 Inservice/No Students Parent/Tchr Conf. 3:45-7:45 Inservice/No Students No School - Easter Break Inservice/No Students No School-Easter Break Inservice/No Students Graduation No School - Memorial Day Graduation No School - Memorial Day Student Last Day In-Service/No Students Last Day of School/Students until noon Staff Inservice 12:3:45 Inservice/Floating Prof Devlp 1 days 2 Inclement weather will be made up at the discretion of the School Board. Student Contact Days 176, Instructional ct 173 days Inclement weather days will be made up at the discretion of the School Board. Student Contact Days 176. OSCEOLA AQUATIC CENTER Please visit for Aquatic Center schedules, rates & rentals, and classes. Click on the POOL tab. Community Education Page 31 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID OSCEOLA, WI 54020 PERMIT NO. 30 Osceola District Office 331 Middle School Drive, P.O. Box 128 Osceola, WI 54020 Phone: 715-294-4140 Fax: 715-294-2428 ECRWSS Postal Patron School District of Osceola World class education with a small town feel Osceola School District - Chieftains School Board Board President Board Vice-President Board Clerk Board Treasurer Board Director Superintendent Timm Johnson Craig Brunclik Pete Kammerud Rosanne Anderson Keri Uzpen Mark Luebker Schools High School 1111 Oak Ridge Dr. 715-294-2127 Middle School 1029 Oak Ridge Dr. 715-294-4180 Intermediate School 949 Education Avenue 715-294-2800 Elementary School 250 10th Avenue E. 715-294-3457