Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue: The Route to Standardisation
Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue: The Route to Standardisation
GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue: The Route to Standardisation Peter Hähner JRC Institute for Energy, European Commission, Petten, The Netherlands Ernst Affeldt, MTU Aero Engines, München (D) Henrik Andersson, KIMAB, Stockholm (S) Tilmann Beck, University of Karlsruhe (D) Valerio Bicego, CESI, Milan (I) Hellmuth Klingelhöffer, BAM, Berlin (D) Alain Köster, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris (F) Malcolm Loveday, NPL, Teddington (UK) Massimo Marchionni, CNR-IENI, Milan (I) Catherine Rae, University of Cambridge (UK) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Scope of this workshop: • dissemination of results of European TMF-Standard project • promotion of strain-controlled TMF as close-to-service test • exchange of scientific results relating to TMF applications Outline of this presentation: • Introduction • Review of TMF-Standard project GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue (TMF): Design & residual life analysis of safety critical components exposed simultaneously to thermal & mechanical loads (gas turbines, aero engines, automotive & process industries): Internal thermal constraints of representative volume element simulated by uniform temperature and mechanical strain fields imposed on laboratory specimen with uniform gauge section GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin TMF cycles with dwell: F(x) = F(x + 2S) , x o out-of-phase: I =180 RH = 1 RH = Hm,min/Hm,max time temperature [arb. units] time Hm = Hm,0 + GH F(Zt M) mech. strain mech. strain o in-phase: I =0 RH = 1 temperature [arb. units] T = T0 + GT F(Zt) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Triangular TWF waveforms: 0, RH = 0 850 0.8 750 M 650 0.4 550 0.2 450 0.0 0 50 100 Time [sec] 150 350 200 950 0.0 -0.1 Mechanical Strain [%] 0.6 180o, RH = f 850 -0.2 750 -0.3 o 1.0 Temperature [ C] 950 o 1.2 Temperature [ C] Mechanical Strain [%] M RH = Hm,min/Hm,max -0.4 650 -0.5 550 -0.6 450 -0.7 -0.8 0 50 100 Time [sec] 150 350 200 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Hysteresis loops: 800 400°C Out-of-phase 600 400 Stress MPa 900°C In-phase 200 650°C 0 -0,4 -0,3 -0,2 -0,1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 -200 650°C 900°C -400 -600 OP cycle IP cycle 400°C -800 Mechanical strain % Hm = Hel + Hin GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin • Load train alignment • Precision extensometry LCF Thermal fatigue Load-contr. TMF Strain-contr. TMF Dynamic temperature measurement & control Therm. – mech. load phasing • Pre-cycling, start-up procedures • Thermal strain compensation Htot = Hm + Hth GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin TMF-Standard GRD2-2000-30014 Thermo-mechanical fatigue – the route to standardisation (funded within the GROWTH Programme of the Europ. Comm.) Objectives: to establish a TMF testing platform in Europe to issue a validated code-of-practice to disseminate and exploit the results Starting date: Duration: Budget: Consortium: 1. October 2001 48 months ~ 1.800.000 Euro (~ 1.080.000 EC contribution) 10 principal contractors 9 assistant contractors, 1 external participant ~ 400 incl. 120 validation tests No. of tests: GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Partners: JRC Institute for Energy, Petten (NL) MTU Aero Engines, München (D) University of Karlsruhe (D) BAM, Berlin (D) NPL, Teddington (UK) University of Cambridge (UK) Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris (F) CNR-IENI, Milan (I) CESI, Milan (I) KIMAB (ex-SIMR), Stockholm (S) Forschungszentrum Jülich (D) Tech. University of Darmstadt (D) University of Siegen (D) CEAT, Toulouse (F) Imperial College, London (UK) Silesian University of Technology, Katowice (PL) ONERA, Chatillon (F) Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (D) SNECMA Villaroche (F) ALSTOM Baden (CH) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Three distinct phases: 1. Preparatory phase: • Inventory of TMF testing procedures in Europe (WP1) • Material procurement, characterization & distribution (WP2) 2. • • • R&D phase: Pre-normative testing (WP3, Task 1 – 5) Validation testing (WP4) Statistical sensitivity analysis (WP5) 3. Exploitation and dissemination phase: • Drafting of Code-of-Practice (WP6) • Dissemination of CoP, workshop (WP7) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP 3: Pre-normative research on TMF procedures & tolerances Task 1: Pre-cycling, start, interrupt, restart procedures Task 2: Dynamic T measurement and control Task 3: Thermal strain comp., deviations from nominal T Task 4: T gradient effects in 3 sample geometries (solid cylindrical, hollow cyl., solid rectangular) Task 5: Deviations from nominal phase angle Reference testing as preparation for WP4 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP 4: Validation testing Period: June 2004 – March 2005 Partner(s): “inner circle” – centrally machined samples of three common geometries (solid cyl., hollow cyl., flat): MTU, JRC-IE, IWK, BAM, ENSMP, UCAM, CNR, CESI, SIMR “outer circle” – individually machined samples of various geometries: NPL, FZJ, TUD, Uni Siegen, CEAT, ICON, SUT, ONERA, FZK, SNECMA, ALSTOM GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Validation TMF cycles: 0.4 RH = - 1, M = 180° Tmin = 400°C, Tmax = 850°C tcycle = 180s Ù dT/dt = r 5K/s 'Hm = 0.8% Ù Nf # 1000 2.) symmetrical triangular IP mech. strain [%] 1.) symmetrical triangular OOP 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 400 RH = - 1, M = 0° Tmin = 400°C, Tmax = 850°C 500 600 700 800 temperature [°C] tcycle = 180s Ù dT/dt = r 5K/s 'Hm = 0.7% Ù Nf # 1000 => 120 validation tests 900 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP 5: Sensitivity analysis of validation test results Cycles to 10% Load Drop O-P TMF Test Results : Nimonic 90 - All Data 0.8% Mechanical Strain range, 400°C - 850°C, 5°C/s 2000 Solid Bars Hollow 1500 Flat 1000 500 0 0 5 10 Laboratory 15 20 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Web-enabled Mat-DB - TMF-Standard data sets To get access to TMF Standard data and documentation please register on the JRC Petten ODIN website (, register for Mat-DB and DoMa and mention under comments that you request access to the TMF-Standard project results. Selection of TMF-Standard data within the web-enabled Mat-DB data retrieval part GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Selection of TMF Standard data within the web-enabled Mat-DB data retrieval part GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Graphical output of TMF Standard data within the web-enabled Mat-DB data retrieval part GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue: The Route to Standardisation Peter Hähner JRC Institute for Energy, European Commission, Petten, The Netherlands Ernst Affeldt, MTU Aero Engines, München (D) Henrik Andersson, KIMAB, Stockholm (S) Tilmann Beck, University of Karlsruhe (D) Valerio Bicego, CESI, Milan (I) Hellmuth Klingelhöffer, BAM, Berlin (D) Alain Köster, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris (F) Malcolm Loveday, NPL, Teddington (UK) Massimo Marchionni, CNR-IENI, Milan (I) Catherine Rae, University of Cambridge (UK) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Acknowledgements: Johan Bressers, JRC Institute for Energy, Petten (NL) Rainer Marquardt & Roland Schmier, MTU Aero Engines, München (D) Anja Archie & Birgit Skrotzki, BAM, Berlin (D) Frits de Haan, Stefan Ripplinger, Helmut Over, JRC-IE, Petten (NL) Thomas Brendel, MTU Aero Engines, München (D) Joachim Hammer, FH Regensburg (D) Hans-Joachim Kühn, BAM, Berlin (D) Luc Remy, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris (F) Bryan Roebuck, NPL, Teddington (UK) Giovanni Onofrio, CNR-IENI, Milan (I) Gemma Drew, Andrew Rayment & Siavash Pahlavanyali, University of Cambridge (UK) Claudia Rinaldi, CESI, Milan (I) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Acknowledgements cont’d: Roland Herzog, Forschungszentrum Jülich (D) Andreas Schmidt & Alfred Scholz, TU Darmstadt (D) Valerij Bauer & Hans-Jürgen Christ, University of Siegen (D) Christian Marfaing, CEAT, Toulouse (F) Peter Skelton, Imperial College, London (UK) Jerzy Okrajni, Silesian University of Technology, Katowice (PL) Franck Gallerneau & Didier Pacou, ONERA, Chatillon (F) Claus Petersen, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (D) Jean-Marc Rongvaux, SNECMA Villaroche (F) Arnd Jung, ALSTOM Baden (CH) Mauro Facchini, Thomas Fairley, DG-RTD, Brussels (B) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP 1: Inventory of labs and test procedures in TMF testing Detailed questionnaire: >80 questions organized in various sections: • Generalities • Setup used for TMF • Calibration • Test preparation & pre-cycling • TMF test execution • Data recording, evaluation & reporting • Comments Evaluation completed in Dec 02: • responses from 17 partners received • WP1 report: “Survey of strain-controlled TMF testing practices” • excerpts used for “Recommendations for strain-controlled TMF testing” (~25 issues on Setup, Dyn. T measurem. & control, Definitions, Precycling, Reporting) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP 2: Procurement and distribution of test material 350 Material: Acceptance tests: grain size, HV, chem. comp. Aging heat treatment: Hardness, HV30 Nimonic90 300 250 5hrs @ 850o 200 0 2 4 6 8 10 Hours at 850°C 12 14 16 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Task 1: Pre-cycling, start, interrupt, restart procedures 220000 E pseudodynamic 210000 E, MPa 200000 190000 180000 Et up 170000 Et down Ec up Ec down 160000 Et T cost Ec T cost 150000 300 400 500 600 T, °C 700 800 900 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Task 2: Dynamic T measurement and control Ribbon-type TC (T control in the centre of GL) 900 Desired T-path in the gage section 800 dT/dt = 10°C/s T [°C] 700 600 500 400 ribbon type TC in the gage section Controller: spot welded TC on the specimen shoulder 300 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 t [s] Spot-welded TC (T control outside GL) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Task 3: Thermal strain compensation, deviations from nominal T 900 750 T=420-830oC T=400-850oC T=380-870oC Tmax nominal= 850oC stress - MPa 650 800 temperature stress -200 450 400 -250 Tmin nominal= 400oC -300 500 510 520 C:\TMF-PNR\VERSUCHE\X1-5\X1-5 SIGMA MAX MIN VS ZYKLUS-02.WTP | 1.3.2004 530 350 550 540 cycles Maximum- / minimum- stress changes as a result of temperature errors temperature - oC 850 700 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Temperature difference [K] Task 4: T gradient effects in 3 different testpiece geometries (solid cylindrical, hollow cylindrical, solid rectangular) 60 T3 40 20 T1 0 -20 -40 RTC T5 shank centre -60 400 850 Set temperature [°C] 400 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Task 5: Deviations from nominal phase angle Mechanical strain +D Temperature -D Time T- no phase shift T- positive phase shift T- negative phase shift Mechanical strain GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin “Inner circle” specimen geometries: GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP 6: Drafting of TMF Code-of-Practice survey WP1 1st draft prel. CoP val.CoP WP7 WP2 Material 2002 WP3 WP4 Pre-normative R&D Validation tests 2003 2004 WP5 Dissemination, TMF Workshop Statist. analysis 2005
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