A European Code of Practice for strain controlledthermo
A European Code of Practice for strain controlledthermo
GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin A European Code-of-Practice for Strain-Controlled Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Testing Peter Hähner, JRC Institute for Energy, Petten, (NL) Claudia Rinaldi, and Valerio Bicego, CESI, Milan (I) Ernst Affeldt, MTU Aero Engines, München (D) Henrik Andersson, KIMAB, Stockholm (S) Tilmann Beck, University of Karlsruhe (D) Thomas Brendel, MTU Aero Engines, München (D) Hellmuth Klingelhöffer, BAM, Berlin (D) Alain Köster, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris (F) Hans-Joachim Kühn, BAM, Berlin (D) Malcolm Loveday, NPL, Teddington (UK) Massimo Marchionni, CNR-IENI, Milan (I) Catherine Rae, University of Cambridge (UK) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP6: Drafting of CoP survey WP1 1st draft prel. CoP val.CoP WP7 Dissemination WP2 Material 2002 WP3 WP4 Pre-normative R&D Validation tests 2003 2004 WP5 Statist. analysis 2005 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Table of Contents of CoP 1- INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPE AND USE 1.2 DEFINITIONS AND DESCRIPTION OF TERMS 1. 3 NORMATIVE REFERENCES 2- EXPERIMENTAL: Set-up and specimens 2.1 APPARATUS 2.2 SPECIMENS 3- TEST PREPARATORY ISSUES 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4- TEST EXECUTION 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5- EVALUATION OF E MODULUS OPTIMISATION OF TEMPERATURE CONTROL LOOP THERMAL STRAIN MEASUREMENT ZERO STRESS TEST TEST START TEST STOP AND RESTART TEST MONITORING TERMINATION OF TEST ANALYSIS AND REPORTING 5.1 ANALYSIS OF RECORDED DATA 5.2 REPORTING OF TEST METHODS 5.3 REPORTING OF RESULTS Acknowledgements References Annex A Specimens (Informative) Annex B Relevant material properties and experimental characteristics (Informative) Annex C Representative TMF cycles frequently used (Informative) Annex D Measurement scatter and uncertainties (Informative) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Definition of TMF cycles 0.4 D L H P 0.3 B Mechanical strain % 0.2 O T = T0 + GT F(Zt) 0.1 E 0 -0.1 Hm = Hm,0 + GH F(Zt M) G M F(x) = F(x + 2S) , x -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 300 A 400 45° 90° N F 500 600 C I 700 800 900 0 < M < 180° means that H lags behind T 1000 Temperature °C Mech. strain vs. temperature for typical TMF cycles with R = 1 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Examples of specimens used in the “inner-circle” validation round robin tubular solid cyclindrical flat GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Dynamic T measurement and control Use of ribbon TCs Stability of T profile Spot-welding of TCs GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Comparison of tolerances and recommendations (1) Definitions issue TMF-Standard CoP Definition of Hm lags behind, phase angle if M > 0 Start point of at Hm = 0 (Rd0) or first TMF cycle T = Tmin (R>0), always increasing T; gradual increase of 'Hm not foreseen ISO 12111.1 No definition ASTM E 2368 - 04 Hm lags behind, if M > 0 at Hm = 0 (Rd0) or at Hm = 0 (Rd0) or Hm = min|Hm| (R>0), Hm = min|Hm| (R>0), always same always same direction; direction gradual cyclic gradual cyclic increase of 'Hm for increase of 'Hm for large strain large strain amplitude tests or in amplitude tests or in case of serrated case of serrated yielding yielding GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Comparison of tolerances and recommendations (2) issue ISO 12111.1 ISO 9513 Class 1 (for l0 < 15mm Class 0.5 recomm.) Alignment: 5% of both max. max. allowable AND min. mech. bending strain Direct contact: Detailed Dynamic T binding, pressure, recommendations measurement and control on appropr. methods spot welding outside GL; of fixing; Pyrometry No pyrometry Humidity of air Not an issue Not an issue Extensometry Apparatus & Specimens TMF-Standard CoP ISO 9513 Class 1 (for l0 < 15mm Class 0.5 recomm.) 5% of mech. Strain range Specimen geometries Detailed geometries and machining tolerances recommended for x Solid cylindrical, x tubular, x flat specimens Tubular specimens 5 < o.d. / w.t. < 10 ASTM E 2368 - 04 E83 Class B-2 E 606 (LCF): 5% of min. mech. strain range Direct contact: binding, pressure, spot welding outside GL; Pyrometry Control of rel. air humidity strongly recommended (extensometry) Detailed geometries Examples for and machining x Solid cylindrical, tolerances x Tubular specimens recommended for Tubular specimens x Solid cylindrical, preferred x tubular, x flat specimens 10 < o.d. / w.t. < 30 No recommendation GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Comparison of tolerances and recommendations (3a) issue Max. Allowable Tolerances Max. temperature deviation Max. temperature gradients within GL TMF-Standard CoP The greater of ± 5°C or 'T [°C] throughout test at center of GL The greater of x ± 10°C or 'T [°C] (axial) x ± 5°C or 'T [°C] (radial, & circumferential) x ± 7°C (transverse gradient in flat specimens) ISO 12111.1 ASTM E 2368 - 04 ± 2°C throughout test as indicated by control sensor ± 2°C throughout test as indicated by control sensor The greater of ± 5°C or ± 1.5% Tmax [°C] (axial, radial, & circumferential) The greater of ± 3K or ± 1% Tmax [K] (axial) GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Comparison of tolerances and recommendations (3b) issue Max. thermal strain hysteresis Max. mechanical strain deviation Max. phase angle deviation Max. stress during zero-stress test TMF-Standard CoP 5% 'Hth No mention, as not a directly controlled variable between ±2° at Tmax and ±5° at Tmin |V|max < 5% 'Vand V! < ±2% 'V ISO 12111.1 ASTM E 2368 - 04 2.5% max(Hth) ? definition ? 5% 'Hth 2% 'Hm 2% 'Hm ±5° ±5° < 2% of max. tensile or compressive stress anticipated “Insignificant” as compared to tensile or compressive stresses anticipated GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Comparison of tolerances and recommendations (4) issue TMF Practice Recommendations Young’s modulus E measurement Young’s modulus verification Thermal strain compensation Thermal precycling TMF-Standard CoP Static and pseudodynamic methods described for the determination of E(T) before each series of tests Verification of TMF system recommended by measuring the Emod at RT, Tmin, Tmax and one intermed. T before each test: < ± 5% deviation from reference value Single-valued T based NOT recommended extra water cooling at specimen ends recommended (cf. T control outside GL) ISO 12111.1 ASTM E 2368 - 04 Static method described for the determination of E(T) before each series of tests Static method described for the determination of E(T) before each series of tests Verification of extensometry recommended by measuring the Emod at RT before each test No recommendation T based preferred T based or t based Usually 3 – 4 precycles to dynamic T equilibrium GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Comparison of tolerances and recommendations (5) issue Other Practices Test interruption procedure Failure criteria associated with force drop TMF-Standard CoP Programmed stop: Restart like new test; Unexpected stop: Restart only if last cycle has been recorded Nf, x: 'V or Vmax decrease by x% below sloping tangent line to previous inflection point ISO 12111.1 ASTM E 2368 - 04 Programmed stop described Programmed stop described 5 – 50% peak tensile force drop from stabilized value or projected straight line 5 – 50% force drop from previously recorded peak force GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Conclusions TMF-Standard CoP on strain-controlled TMF • contains the “essence” of 4 years work of 20 European laboratories • has been validated by ~ 120 TMF tests (OOP and IP) • comprises a lot of informative material and practical recommendations • has contributed to improving & harmonizing the partners’ in-house TMF practices • provides technical underpinning to the ISO standard • is disseminated to all interested parties Dissemination • Original plan to run own CWA abandoned • CoP to be published as a EUR Report • To be distributed to all workshop participants GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin ANNEX C (Informative) Exemplary compilation of relevant material properties and experimental characteristics Material properties of Nimonic90 1 Property Symbol Unit Indicative value Mechanical properties Density U g/cm3 8.2 Yield stress at Tmax Vy MPa 440 @ 850°C Young’s modulus of elasticity E GPa 150 Q 1 0.3 Gibbs free enthalpy of plastic deformation Gpl eV Gibbs free enthalpy of oxidation (800 – 1000°C) Poisson ratio Thermal properties 1.9 ??? Gox eV 1.1 Specific heat cp J / kg °C 650 Thermal conductivity O W / m °C 24 Lin. coefficient of thermal expansion (400 – 850°C) D Electromagnetic properties -6 10 °C1 15 Electrical conductivity V (P: m)1 0.76 Magnetic permeability P 1 1.1 GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Characteristics of experimental setup and TMF conditions Parameter Symbol Unit Specimen radius Indicative value r mm 3 Frequency of induction heating Xind kHz 200 Heating/cooling rate T °C / s 5 Minimum temperature Tmin °C 400 Maximum temperature Tmax °C 850 Quantity Derived quantities Symbol Skin effect penetration depth of power density d Formula Unit (4SVP0PX)1/2 mm Indic. value 0.61 Characteristic temperature of plastic deform. Tc,pl Gpl/kB °C 22000 Characteristic temperature of oxidation Tc,ox Gox/kB °C 12500 W (Ucp/O)r2 (Ucp/O)rT (E/(1-Q))DT’r s 2.0 °C/mm 3.3 MPa 31 °C 10 Thermal relaxation time Radial temperature gradient Radial stress deviation Characteristic temperature deviation 1. T’ 'V 'T 0.1 T 2 max / Tc,ox GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP3: Pre-normative R&D Task 1: Pre-cycling, start, interrupt, restart procedures Task 2: Dynamic T measurement and control Task 3: Thermal strain comp., deviations from nominal T Task 4: T gradient effects in 3 sample geometries (solid cylindrical, hollow cyl., solid rectangular) Task 5: Deviations from nominal phase angle GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin WP4: Validation Tests: 0.4 RH = - 1, M = 180° Tmin = 400°C, Tmax = 850°C tcycle = 180s Ù dT/dt = r 5K/s 'Hm = 0.8% Ù Nf # 1000 2.) symmetrical triangular IP mech. strain [%] 1.) symmetrical triangular OOP 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 400 500 600 700 800 900 RH = - 1, M = 0° Tmin = 400°C, Tmax = 850°C used by tcycle = 180s Ù dT/dt = r 5K/s “inner circle” and 'Hm = 0.6% Ù Nf # 1000 “outer circle” round robin participants temperature [°C] GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin From these data various dimensionless parameters derive, which can be used to estimate the lower bounds of systematic errors induced by the experimental set-up and the thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions imposed, and to assess the influences of the various parameters affecting those errors. The induction heating of the above set-up causes a skin effect with very limited direct bulk heating, as the ratio of the penetration depth to the specimen radius d r 1 1 | 20% 4SVP 0 PQ r amounts to some 20 percent only. Accordingly, the specimen bulk is heated by heat conduction with finite thermal relaxation time W | 2s, causing a temperature difference GT | 10°C between inside and outside temperature. The relative stress deviation associated with the radial temperature gradient induced by surface heating and heat conduction to the bulk (lamp furnace or induction heater with small penetration depth) reads 'V Vy DUcp E r 2T | 7 % . O (1 Q )V y On top of these systematic errors due to thermal relaxation there will always be measurement and control uncertainties, which must be kept as low as possible by appropriate maintenance and calibration of the measurement equipment as well as by an optimization of the TMF testing techniques. In particular, the relative overall temperature deviation in the gauge length should not exceed 'T Tmax Tmin 2 Tmax r0.1 | r2.2 % , Tc, ox Tmax Tmin if the rate of the relevant thermally activated process (here: oxidation) is to be maintained ithi 10% GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Schematic of various coil configurations GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Dynamic T measurement and control: Major issues in dynamic T control by thermocouples: Inductive heating & resistive heating: Heat transfer coefficient from specimen surface to TC Heat conduction through TC wire: cold spot => appropriate TC attachment is crucial Radiation heating Reflectivity coefficients of TC and specimen => appropriate shielding of TC => Need for comprehensive trials using a combination of different methods GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Dynamic T measurement and control (cont’d): 1. Temperature control by ribbon TC within GL (a) (b) Ribbon type thermocouples, applied to (a) a round specimen with 8 mm diameter, and (b) a flat specimen 12 mm wide and 4 mm thick GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Dynamic T measurement and control (cont’d) 4. Prevention of “cold spot” Wrapping configuration of spot-welded thermocouple GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin TC type R/S K/N Material Pt-based Ni-based Thermal contact good poor Thermal conductivity high low Error governed by heat conduct. therm. contact Recommended attachment ribbon or SW wrapping SW GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Failure criterion 1200 Stress Range, MPa 1000 800 600 400 200 Nf10 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 N, cycles Example of end of life criterion, based on 10% stress range drop below a sloping tangent line to the saturated portion of the curve GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Web-enabled Mat-DB - TMF-Standard data sets To get access to TMF Standard data and documentation please register on the JRC Petten ODIN website (https://odin.jrc.nl), register for Mat-DB and DoMa and mention under comments that you request access to the TMF-Standard project data sets. Selection of TMF-Standard data within the web-enabled Mat-DB data retrieval part GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Selection of TMF Standard data within the web-enabled Mat-DB data retrieval part GROWTH Project n° GRD2-2000-30014 TMF-Standard Final Meeting/Workshop, 20-23/09/05, Berlin Graphical output of TMF Standard data within the web-enabled Mat-DB data retrieval part
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