How to Host a Jog- A-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or


How to Host a Jog- A-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or
PWF Earth Campaign: How to Host a JogA-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or “Any-A-Thon”
Hey! If you’re looking at this handout, it means
two things:
1 – You must be a cool person
2 – You want to give the people of Cusco, Peru clean air
Throwing a jog-a-thon, dance-a-thon, or any-a-thon of your
liking on April 22nd (Earth Day!) in conjunction with PWF’s
Earth Day campaign is not only an amazing cause, but
guaranteed to be a good time.
Please know you’re not alone in hosting your event. We want to
help you. Email Jason at [email protected] with
any questions or help you may need.
Continue to the next page to get going.
PWF Earth Campaign: How to Host a JogA-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or “Any-A-Thon”
Things you must have in place to host your own
tournament or contest:
1 – An idea for the “a-thon”
What can you do? Well, anything, really. Here are a few ideas:
Jump Rope-a-thon
Ultimate Frisbee-a-thon
These are just a few ideas. Anything your heart desires will do!
2 – A Venue
Find a place to host the event. This could be your own backyard,
or you can team up with a local business. We’re confident you’ll
find a business to support you in your fundraising efforts
because you’ll brining them business. And let’s say it’s a local
eatery, than ask them to offer food specials for those
participating in your fundraiser.
3 - PayPal account
After your event has taken place, we’ll transfer the event fees
associated with your event to your PayPal account
If you don’t have an account, click on this link:
4 – Your own webpage for the event.
It’s where you’ll send people to buy tickets. Click on this link to
create your event:
PWF Earth Campaign: How to Host a JogA-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or “Any-A-Thon”
Most of the questions you’ll be asked are self-explanatory;
however, here’s some advice on questions/steps you may be
confused about:
Fundraising Goal:
• Since you’re hosting an “a-thon” event where getting your
attendees to pledge for sponsors is a huge factor, we
suggest setting your goal at $1,000.
Select Project:
• Select “No Thanks”
Starting Date:
• Most people are hosting their event on Earth Day, which is
April 22nd. However, feel free to host your tournament
anytime in the month of April
• We suggest a $10.00 entry fee, but you know your friends
better than us. Plus, depending on what type of “a-thon”
event your hosting, you’ll want enough money in the event
fee to cover the costs associated with hosting your event.
You be the judge.
Donation %:
• Select anywhere between 60-100% (this means 60-100%
goes to supporting the people of Cusco, and the rest goes to
cover your event costs. We will send this over to your
PayPal account after the event)
PWF Earth Campaign: How to Host a JogA-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or “Any-A-Thon”
StayClassy Service Fee:
• Select “Include StayClassy”
Event Page Description:
• This is your place to be creative, and attract your friends
to your event. You’ll notice when you create your event
page, our Earth Day campaign video and banner will
already be in place for you. If you’d like to design your own
banner and/or video, feel free.
• Make sure you encourage people on your event page to
create their personal fundraising page at to raise funds
for the “a-thon” presence.
Submit Event For Approval:
• Just click “submit,” and we’ll review right away. You
should be approved, but we just have to check things on
the back end.
4 – Publicity
And after you’re event page is up and running, spread the word!
Email, Facebook, Twitter, school paper, you name it!
5 – Getting People To Fundraise
To create a bigger impact, and make your “a-thon” event more
exciting, you’ll want to have all participators fundraise before
the event, and to do so easy.
Once someone buys a ticket to enter your tournament, you’ll
have his or her email information on the backend of your event
site. The next step is to email that person and encourage them
PWF Earth Campaign: How to Host a JogA-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or “Any-A-Thon”
to create their own personal fundraising page on behalf of your
tournament. They can do so at
You’ll also want your participants to pledge to sponsors for the
cause. On the last page of this handout you’ll find a pledge sheet
to share with your participants. Encourage them to go out and
find some sponsors!
PWF Earth Campaign: How to Host a JogA-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or “Any-A-Thon”
Frequently Asked Questions:
What if I receive a donation on-site?
Not a problem! Collect as many donations as possible on-site.
At the end of your event, carefully deposit the funds into your
personal bank account. From there you can either:
1– Go online and deposit the money raised to by clicking a link
on your event campaign page
2 – Send a check made out to ProWorld Foundation to:
ProWorld Foundation
(Part of the Intrax family of programs)
600 California Street, 10th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
Please write “Earth Day Campaign” in the memo.
What else can we do to make it a memorable event?
It’s up to you! Remember you can take up to 40% of the event
proceeds to fund your event. So why not add a:
*Bake sale
*Pool tournament
*Arm wrestling competition
*Push-up contest
*Hula hoop standoff
PWF Earth Campaign: How to Host a JogA-Thon, Dance-A-Thon, or “Any-A-Thon”
Thanks for your support, and do know that your fundraising is
going to make a difference! You are not alone in planning this
event. If you have any questions at all, please contact Jason at
[email protected].
______________A-Thon For Earth Day!
I’m _____________________ for the people of Cusco, Peru. Please
sponsor me in my efforts. Your generosity is extremely appreciated,
and will go to create lasting impact for the people of Peru.
Sponsor’s Name
Contact Information (Email,
Phone or Address)