KCOC Newsletter April 2016 - Kama`aina Club of Orange County
KCOC Newsletter April 2016 - Kama`aina Club of Orange County
‘Ike Pono ‘Oe The Newsletter of the Kamaaina Club of Orange County ******************************************************************************************************** Apelila (April) 2016 Aloha mai kakou, It was a little chilly at 6:00 am in the morning and slightly overcast. However, mother nature smiled upon us with a delightful ray of sunshine throughout the day. The ocean breeze and pounding surf reminisce the serenity of our aina with the exception of the missing palm trees. It was indeed a day of fun and fellowship for the 120 club members, ohana, friends, and guests that were attracted to the return of the Perch Derby and Easter Picnic at Bolsa Chica State Beach, March 13 (see Talk Story article). Thank you for the all the hard work and planning to the committee members of the Perch Derby: Frank Jones, Greg Sato, Bobby Okamura, Craig Horita, Raco; and to Aloha Cabatu, Sharon Ferretti, Val, Gil and Pam Jones for the Easter Picnic; Nathan Ughoc-photograhy; Kalani AkuiHawaiian music; and last but not least to all who donated prizes, gifts, and the ono-licious pot luck dishes. Hana Hou! We are about six weeks away from our 47th Annual Luau, which is on May 7th at the UFCW Union Hall in Buena Park. Pam Jones and her committee are diligently planning a memorable theme event, “Na Leo O Hawai’i.” Two luau decoration workshops have been scheduled by George Shigematsu and Aolani Kaeka Preuss sharing their time and talent guiding us to make table center pieces and complimentary fabric flower arrangements. The next decoration workshop will be April 10 at Linbrook Bowling Center from 10 am – 3 pm. Your kokua and support is needed once again in order to make this a successful event. Donated prizes are needed for the raffle, such as money leis, gift cards and gift certificates to your favorite restaurants. Bring special baked goodies that you made and can package it in a decorated basket (like “lemon bar” cookies). Be creative and share your special talent. Contact your business associates and ask them to be an advertisement sponsor in our luau program brochure. Opportunity Tickets for the 50-50 Drawing is available, as well as limited ticket sales for the luau. For more information, contact Frank or Pam Jones. Words cannot begin to convey all the warm feelings, respect and appreciation I have, to see all of you sharing the warmth of Aloha. “E hana me ka ‘oia i’o” - Let us continue to work together with sincerity and support our Kamaaina Club of Orange County. E ho’omau maua kealoha, M.E. Raco, President Kamaaina Club of Orange of Orange County E mahalo kakou i ka mea loa’a (Let us be thankful for what we have) Page 2 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe 2015-2016 Hui Officers President M.E. Raco…...………………………………….310-261-5902 [email protected] Vice President Sharon Ferretti………………………………...714-299-0642 [email protected] Secretary Dee Lee………………………………………...310-639-5606 [email protected] Treasurer Pam Jones……………………………………...714-425-6599 [email protected] Historian & Photographer Val Gill………………………………………...562-423-0460 [email protected] Sergeants-at-arms Henry “Peanuts” Urada………………………714-840-4062 [email protected] Frank Jones…………………………………....714-961-0918 [email protected] 2015-2016 Newsletter Staff Editor & Circulation Phillip Macias………………………………….562-387-4873 [email protected] KCOC Website: kamaainacluboforangecounty.com Advertising Bernard “Bernie“ Wong………………………714-827-8597 This monthly newsletter is printed exclusively for the Kama’aina Club members and subscribers. Publisher’s Rights: Anything that appear s in Ike Pono Oe may not be reprinted or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the Kama’aina Club Of Orange County. P.O. Box 6252, Buena Park Ca. 90622 Non-Member Subscription: Annual r ate is $12.00 (includes mailing). If you are interested, call Bernie Wong at 714-8278597. Advertising Rate: Business Car d Size (2x3 1/2), $72.00 per year. Call Bernie Wong for further information. A big MAHALO to the 4 new advertisers this month. They are Grove Body Shop, 10th Frame Pro Shop, Big Fish Tackle House and CARE to stay HOME. If you patronize any of these advertisers, please tell them that you saw their advertisement in our newsletter. Apelila (April) 2016 Editor Phillip Macias Aloha Kamaaina Members! Our luau is just around the corner on May 7th, so hurry up and contact Pam Jones for luau tickets. A reminder that our second luau decoration workshop is coming up on April 10th from 10:00 AM til 3:00 PM at Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room. We also have some photographs from last month’s Perch Derby in this month’s newsletter, courtesy of Nathan Ughoc. Don’t forget our General Membership Meeting this month on the 17th. NOMINATIONS OF CLUB OFFICERS) Historian Val Gill Please let us know if your family is celebrating a wedding, graduation, birthday and/or arrivals of a new baby, or any other event you would like to share. If you don’t mind sharing happenings in your family with your fellow kama’aina members, please let me or any other club officer know; we’ll make sure it gets to Phillip for the newsletter. Mahalo Save These Dates Saturday April 23, 9AM KCOC Bowling League Sweepers @ Gold Coast Casino. Las Vegas ************************ Saturday, May 7 KCOC 47th Annual Luau Doors Open 2:00 PM UFCW Union Hall 8550 Stanton Avenue Buena Park, CA Page 3 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Vice President’s Column Apelila (April) 2016 Happy Spring! We currently have 233 members. If you have any changes to your email, phone number etc. let us know. If you are interested in becoming a member on the Executive Board come to our April General Meeting on April 17. It will be nominations for officers for our next fiscal year, so get involved. Now if you did not attend the Easter Picnic or Perch Derby you missed a good time. I have a few Thank Yous to send out. First and foremost to Aloha Cabatu and her family. You made a goodie bag for all the kids starting from 1 year olds to teenagers and the Egg Hunt was fun. Thank you to Zira and Victor Cabatu for cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs. And to Genka Cabatu for donations from Linbrook and helping hide eggs. Roxanne for doing the crafts and Kamaaina members for all your donations. Thank you all for the good food that was enjoyed by all and there is one thing for sure, that at a Kamaaina function there is always plenty of food. Not only did the kids have fun but the "Older Adults " had their game trying to unwrap a giant Saran Wraped ball with little prizes inside. It was a sight to see and hilarious. Thank you to EVERYONE for helping and making the Easter Picnic a success. I almost forgot to thank the Jones’ for the delicious S'mores that were enjoyed by all and Elaine's Wong’s lemon bars. So Happy Birthday and Anniversary to all celebrating in April. Remember to take time for you to laugh. Sharon Ferretti, Vice President & Chairperson ******************************************************************************************************** Hau’ oli la Hanau Apelila (April) Mano Aiau 25th Darryl Amira 14th Jake Berard 30th John Haveless 4th Naomi Heu 1st Craig Horita 25th Sheri Kawaguchi 21st Cappy Kina 21st Kuuipo Lage 29th Brian Lanzon 10th Dolores (Dee) Lee 18th William Lee 4th Ellen Matsuda 8th Bert Nakayama 9th Don Sato 22nd Wallace Shindo 21st Betty Shindo 23rd Elayne Shiohama 8th Matt Skolnik 4th Brent Supple 26th Ronnie Uneda 24th Suzanne Urada 4th Hau’ oli La Ho’ omana’o Apelila (April) Happy Wedding Anniversary to: Alan & Charlotte Kohara Tony & Helen Marasco ***************************************************************************************************** Honoray Seniors Our Honorary KCOC Seniors continue to respond and generously contribute to the raffle prizes for our annual Luau. Please send your RSVP by April 1st so I can give Pam an accurate count. If you are attending our luau, check in at the door and receive your ticket. Thank you! Chrissy Horita Sgt-at-Arms Henry ‘Peanuts” Urada & Frank Jones Don’t forget our next General Membership Meeting is on Sunday, April 17th @ 12:30 PM at Linbrook Bowl. Remember there is a fine of $2.00 for missing a meeting without an excuse. So please pick up your phone and give us a call. Remember to wear your YELLOW club shirt to the meeting or you will be fined $2.00. See page 2 for our telephone numbers. Page 4 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 KCOC Bowling Betty Katzmann The Orange County USBC tournaments were held on February 20 and 27. The results are now available. Team event was held on February 20th and the Kamaaina Club results are as follows: In the Men’s division first place went to Robert Okamura, Alan Kohara, Ken Kawado and Tony Bargayo’s team. Second place went to Danny Berard. Ralph Matsumoto, Roger Tsuda and Darryl Amira’s team. In the Women’s division first place went to Aloha Cabatu, Melanie Jones, Veronica Skolnik and Jayne Nishimoto’s team. Second place went to Gwen Urbano, Betty Katzmann, Kay Firebaugh and Serena Miyahira’s team. Congratulations to the above teams. Great bowling. On the Doubles and Singles events on the 27th the following placed first in the Doubles.: In the Men’s division Ralph Matsumoto and Danny Berard and in the Women’s division Betty Katzmann and Gwen Urbano . In the Singles event Guy Matsubara had the Men’s High Hcp series and Jayne Nishimoto had the Women’sHigh Hcp series. In All Events Kalani Akui amd Gwen Urbano won in this category. Congrats to all the winners and Mahalo to all the bowlers who participated in this year’s tournaments. In the 2nd Chance Bowlers of the Year Tournament on March 13th the results are as follows: In the Men’s division Eric Bilonta placed first, Roger Tsuda came in second and Ken Kawado placed third. In the Women’s division Betty Katzmann came in first (miracles happen), Elaine Wong second and Linda Barcoma third. Again congrats to the winners and mahalo to everyone who participated. (There were 16 men and 15 women.) Congrats to Jake Berard who just joined the 200+ Club. The rest of us are still trying. ( Can we use our handicaps to join this club?) UP-COMING EVENTS: April 8—POSITION WEEK. No subs or pacers. Team event. April 15—LEAGUE PAYOFFS. Men Doubles and Women Doubles.. Club shirts not required. It is also Pupu Night. April 23—LAS VEGAS SWEEPERS at Gold Coast at 9:00 AM. Subs allowed but no Pacers. (Club shirts not required,) Men and Women Singles and Mixed Doubles, April 30—Bowling Banquet at China Buffet at 5:00 PM in Fullerton. June 5—KEIKI’S FUN BOWLING at Noon at Linbrook Bowl. HAPPY BOWLING, Betty! ***************************************************************************************************** Eric Bilonta (r) receiving his Mens 2nd Chance Bowler-of-the-Year trophy from Bowling League President Frank Jones. Chance Bowler-of-the-Year trophy from Bowling League President Frank Jones. Page 5 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 Glee Club Yolande Princler, Connie Paikai, Don Sato, Aolani Kaeka Preuess This month we are featuring another Kama’aina Club member who helped build the Glee Club. Our kupuna, Y olande Lehuanui Princler, has been an active Kama’aina Club member since May, 1971, 45 years ago. She immediately joined the Glee Club and remembers how much fun they had back in those days. Glee Club was much larger than it is now; they went out and performed a lot. These are some of her memories of the different choral directors. Nani Pannka took the glee club to their first song contest where they took first place. JoJo Aiau, Jay Mannion, Charlie Kiaha are only a few, there were so many more. As of today she is one of the last kupuna left still active in glee club from when it started in early 1970. Yolande was born in Puueo, Hilo; her mother and father were ½ Hawaiian and her grandparents full blooded Hawaiians. Her mother was a homemaker and her father worked for the US Engineers and had a machine shop. Mom and Dad were busy as their family consisted of 17 children, 12 girls, 5 boys. Eight of her siblings are still living. Yolande was the 8th girl in the family; next to her was the 1st boy of the family. What a wonderful position…having eight sisters looking out after you. As Yolande remembers it, there was always plenty of food on the table, a roof over their heads and MUSIC in the home. Music and dance ran deep in her family; all the children sang, played a musical instrument, and/or danced the hula. After supper, the family would gather on the front porch and all sing and dance. Yolande’s mom was a hula dancer and dad was a “troubadour”. As adults, her brother, Ron Kaipo, wrote “Castle By the Sea” and her sister Ku’uipo performed regularly in Disney shows. Yolande’s older sister played the ukulele and guitar so sister Anne (now 87) and Yolande would start singing. Soon they were entertaining the service personnel at Kilauea Military Camp. She has sung everything from alto to high soprano; to this day she has an ear for singing alto at the drop of a feather. Where the rest of us have to be taught where the harmony is, she can break into harmony without skipping a beat. Performing is also in her genes; it started when she was the first mistress of ceremonies of a TV program at Hilo High. She sang with the Hilo Hawaiian Music Club w/others like the Kalima Brothers, who would go on to become notable in the Hawaiian music field. After graduating from high school, she sought adventure by joining the US Marine Corps in 1951. Her training was in Paris Island, South Carolina. To get to training, she was traveling w/the contingency of Hawaiian women from San Francisco to Chicago when they were not allowed to board the train due to their skin color. It took the Officer of the Day to convince them that these women were Hawaiians, not black Americans. She relates, “We stayed in our compartments throughout the trip…even when they asked us to come out and do the hula for them. We refused. “ After attending secretarial school Yolande was shipped to Camp Pendleton, CA where she met her husband of 63+ years, Richard, who was from Florida. He was in charge of transportation so when Yolande was rushing to get to work on time, Richard would pick her up and take her to work… w/flashing lights. She won his heart! When orders came for her to be shipped out to Germany, they wasted no time in getting married in Yuma, Arizona on Dec. 20, 1952. The commanding officer was mad because they had not gotten permission so they were assigned extra police duty… picking up cigarette butts. But that prevented her from being shipped overseas; once married, you were not separated. After marriage, she continued entertaining… NY Astoria Hotel, Ebbets Field, Chicago, Camp Pendleton, Bali Hai Resort, San Diego, and her beloved Hawaii. Richard and Yolande have 6 children, 5 boys and 1girl. Her daughter Richande, son Greg, and other family members are also actively involved in Kama’aina Club activities. Her life now revolves around her 5 grandchildren and 5 great grand children. My great grandchild has the family name of my great great grandfather, who was a kahuna healer on Mokuola, Coconut Island, ….Lehuanui. Yolande has a marvelous perspective on life as she spreads the message of ohana at the end of Glee Club practices. “God gave me the ability to move, see, walk and enjoy life; I’ve had a great ride.” What a sense of humor she possesses. “If Richard is the ARMCHAIR GENERAL, I AM THE COMMANDANT. Page 6 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 *********************************************************************************************** Talk Story by M.E. Raco EY YOU WEN CATCH DA KINE “FISH-EGGS” If you neva went to da Perch Derby and Easter Picnic, too bad you wen miss out one good fun day at Bolsa Chica State Beach. Deya was forty-one lawai’a (fisherman) trying to catch da biggest I’a (fish). We arrived at 6:00 am, we stay set up da place while da lawai’a go look for de own space to fish. I stay watch Tony Marasco go kapu the jetty casting his line to catch da surfers; da Ujiki’s (Dustin, Dana, Dwayne) walking along da shoreline tink de might see some perch; Arnold Ug & his gang wen attack the watta-I tink dey stay looking for one mano (shark); Genka and da faddah Victa wen find one loko i’a (fishpond) so you no can spock‘em; and da Sato’s wen find one quite spot and no tell nobody. So, while dey trying to catch I’a, Aloha Cabatu and Sharon Ferretti bumby get ready da Easta Egg Hunt foah da keiki’s and na o’pio. I nevah no chickens go lay eggs in da sand, dirt, rocks, and grass. All I know dere was uku pile of colah eggs laying all ovah da beach. Da keiki’s had da kine blast trying to find da most eggs. Aloha and Sharon go put togedda choke da kine prizes foh all da kids. Raco wen make da kine 3-man slippa race competition between the teens team vs da old guys rule. Of course da old guys of Thomas/Tony Marasco/Sharon wen ami and slide across first place, while the Jones Gang (Frank/Pam/Melanie) stumble in second place. Ahana-okolele, da pot luck was da bomb. Ono-licious grind for 120 people was notting. Too much left ovah to take home. Betta yet, “Bobby’s Soup” wen broke da mouth. It was to da max if you like crab/clams soup. Mahalo to all da pot-luck kompan-kompan. Da kau kau stay mobettah den L & L. Oh yea, da winnas foah da Perch Derby: Perch Division: 1st-Jake Cantrato (1 lbs. 2 oz), 2nd-Michael Wong (1 lbs), 3rd-Brian Nakashima (15 oz). Da odda kine I’a Division: 1st-Jason Kuratani (1lbs. 8 oz. yellowfin croaker, 2nd-Stan Shintani (1 lbs.2 oz. yellowfin croaker), 3rd-Sean Sato (15 oz. corsina). Da kine great prizes wen go to all da winners and participants donated by: Big Fish & Tackle, Greg Sato, Ed/Sandy Higa, Care to Stay Home-Kraig Nakano, Kurt Nakano, Candice Gomez, Gary/Nancy Sato, Wendall Wong, and Raco. Mahalo to Roxanne Linstrom for hosting da arts/crafts fun time teaching the keiki’s to make Easter baskets. Special mahalo nui loa to the committee members: Greg Sato, Frank Jones, Craig Horita, Bobby Okamura, and Raco for da return of a shaka event at Bolsa Chica State Beach. To our ohana, club membahs, and guest your participation, support and kokua made dis a memorable and successful event. Look out for next year, goin’ be da kine mobettah!! Page 7 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 KCOC Luau NA LEI O HAWAII Our Annual Luau is almost here and if you have not yet bought tickets to our biggest event of the year - you still have time as we have a few tables left. Please fill out the form that is on our website or in this newsletter and mail it in as soon as possible. We had our first workshop on Sunday, March 10th and learned how to make flowers out of wire and material. We had a lot of fun making the flowers but we still need to make more to hit our goal of 500 flowers. We will have our next workshop on Sunday, April 10th from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. at Linbr ook Bowl' s banquet r oom. Please join us and help us make the decorations that are needed - we would appreciate it. We are asking everyone to bring something for the potluck at the workshop. Thank you ! If you can't help out at the workshop we do have other ways you can help. We are looking for Raffle prizes - if you can donate gift cards, money lei's , Sporting tickets, jewelry, household items, blankets etc. anything that you would like to donate would be appreciated. We will be meeting to set up at the hall on Friday, May 6, 2016 from 9 am. to 3 p.m. - we will be decor ating, pr epar ing the pupu's and doing what ever is needed to get ready for the Luau. We want to thank everyone for their support and look forward to seeing you at the Luau ! If any questions, please give me a e-mail, call or text me. My e-mail address is [email protected] and my cell phone is 714-425-6599. Mahalo Pam Jones Luau Chair ******************************************************************************************************** Women’s Golf Kay Firebaugh & Doris Sugihara Here are the results of the ladies golf tournament, Sat. March 19. Flight Winners: A Flight - Doris Sugihara B Flight - Charlotte Gleim The games played was four holes selected in the front nine played by all players and five best holes in the back nine selected by each player. The winners were: 1st Place - Amalia Edmon 2nd Place - Charlotte Gleim 3rd Place - Mae Nikaido There were no closest to the pin winners. Hope to see you all next month, April 16, 8:00 at Los Amigos. Mens Golf Doug Villaros Our next golf outing will be at Los Amigos Golf Course on April 16th @ 8:00 AM. We are always looking for new golfers, so come out and join us for both the men’s and woman’s outing. Starter: Contact Doug Villaros at 714-761-4107. You can also contact us at kamaaina [email protected]. Hula Club Rose Kauhaahaa We practice hula on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room. Please contact Rose Kauhaahaa at (714-8442208) for more information. Page 8 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 Page 9 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 Luau Decorations Workshops A REDNECK LOVE POEM Susie Lee done fell in love She planned to marry Joe, She was so happy ‘bout it all. She told her pappy so. Pappy told her, Susie gal. You’ll have to find another I’d just as soon yo’ mom don’t know, But Joe is yo’ half brother. So Susie put aside her Joe And planned to marry Will. But after telling pappy this, He said, “there’s trouble still.” You can’t marry will, my gal, And please don’t tell yo’ mother. But Will and Joe, and several mo’ I know is yo’ half brothers. But mama knew and said, My child Just do what makes yo’ happy. Marry Will or Marry Joe, You ain’t no kin to pappy. He Mau Hanana (Monthly Events) Apr 06 Luau Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room Apr 13 Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room Apr 15 KCOC Bowling Position Week Apr 16 Golf @ Los Amigos, 8:00 AM Apr 17 KCOC General Membership Meeting, 12:30 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room (Nominations of Club Officers) Apr 23 KCOC Bowling Sweepers, Gold Coast Casino, Las Vegas Apr 30 KCOC League Bowling Banquet, China Buffet, Fullerton, 5:00 PM to ? May 04 Luau Committee Meeting, 7:00 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room May 07 KCOC 47th Annual Luau May 11 Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room May 21 Golf @ Los Amigos, 8:00 AM Page 10 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 Page 11 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Apelila (April) 2016 Page 12 ‘Ike Pono ‘Oe Please contact M.E. Raco or Val Gill if you have any information regarding new arrivals, marriages, or just want to share some aloha! Apelila (April) 2016
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`Ike Pono `Oe - Kama`aina Club of Orange County
2015-2016 Hui Officers
M.E. Raco…...………………………………….310-261-5902
[email protected]
Vice President
Sharon Ferretti………………………………...714-299-0642
[email protected]
Dee Lee……………………...