`Ike Pono `Oe - Kama`aina Club of Orange County


`Ike Pono `Oe - Kama`aina Club of Orange County
‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
The Newsletter of the Kamaaina Club of Orange County
Talk Story
Iune (June) 2016
M.E. Raco
Fascinated with the railroad trains since his “kid time”, Tony Marasco operates a unique assembly of model railroad train in his Menehune cave in
Carson. This is where he keeps his train station, depot, stop/go lights, tunnels, bridges, water tanks, and even the clinking of the bell, the hiss of
steam, and the transportation of box cars and the caboose. He has several
different types of railroad trains from Union Pacific to Amtrak. He has toys
that only a “big kid” can have. He has another hobby which is an assembly
line of model cars: Green 1952 Studebaker, 1949 Chevy-low rider, 1962
Pontiac Bonneville. This is only a few of the “fountain of youth” collections he has accumulated for the past 10 years.
Tony was born in Honolulu, Hawaii by way of St. Francis Hospital, but was
raised in Laie by his grandparents. He recalls his grandpa instructed him
and his cousin (Lincoln Kaio) to work hard in the poi factory and taro
patch, then go to the beach and wash all the mud of their body. Tony
comes from a big family, his the eldest of 11 brothers and sisters, plus 85
first generation cousins. He and his wife, Helen, have been married for 53
years. He is an alumni of Kahuku High School, while Helen is a product of McKinley High School and the Chief Conductor of Tony’s playful hobbies.
In 1964, Tony took his wife and family and paddled their way to San Pedro, California and lived with his Aunty Liz and
Uncle Mickey Kaio. He was employed and retired from Artson Manufacturing Co. that handle wire steel products. In
1990, he and Kalani Akui co-founded the San Onofre Surf Club. He is known by the other surfers as “Da Shark,” because you got to get out of his way whenever he is catching a wave. The Surf Club has over 50 members from Hawaii
and Southern California. Anyone who displays a “Hawaiian at Heart,” is welcome to join the club. The Surf Club also
holds their annual luau at San Clemente during the Memorial Day weekend. The funds they raise help support the Surfrider Foundation and Heal the Bay Foundation.
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
2015-2016 Hui Officers
M.E. Raco…...………………………………….310-261-5902
[email protected]
Vice President
Sharon Ferretti………………………………...714-299-0642
[email protected]
Dee Lee………………………………………...310-639-5606
[email protected]
Pam Jones……………………………………...714-425-6599
[email protected]
Historian & Photographer
Val Gill………………………………………...562-822-1813
[email protected]
Henry “Peanuts” Urada………………………714-840-4062
[email protected]
Frank Jones…………………………………....714-961-0918
[email protected]
2015-2016 Newsletter Staff
Editor & Circulation
Phillip Macias………………………………….562-387-4873
[email protected]
KCOC Website: kamaainacluboforangecounty.com
Bernard “Bernie“ Wong………………………714-827-8597
This monthly newsletter is printed exclusively for the
Kama’aina Club members and subscribers.
Publisher’s Rights: Anything that appear s in Ike Pono Oe
may not be reprinted or copied, in whole or in part, without the
written permission of the Kama’aina Club Of Orange County.
P.O. Box 6252, Buena Park Ca. 90622
Non-Member Subscription: Annual r ate is $12.00 (includes
mailing). If you are interested, call Bernie Wong at 714-8278597.
Advertising Rate: Business Car d Size (2x3 1/2), $72.00 per
year. Call Bernie Wong for further information.
Iune (June) 2016
Phillip Macias
Aloha Kamaaina Members!
Just a reminder that KCOC Keiki Fun Bowling on
June 5th. It’s also potluck, so please bring one of
your favorite dishes. Please contact Elaine Wong
(714-827-8597) for more information.
Our next turnaround bus trip is on August 28th. In this
month’s newsletter you will find the flyer with more
I was happy to do this year’s luau program but it
couldn’t have been accomplished without the help of
Pam & Frank Jones, President Raco, Chrissy Horita,
Amy Nakamoto and Bernie & Elaine Wong.
Henry ‘Peanuts” Urada & Frank Jones
Don’t forget our next General Membership Meeting is
on Sunday, June 26th @ 12:30 PM at Linbrook Bowl.
Remember there is a fine of $2.00 for missing a meeting without an excuse. So please pick up your phone
and give us a call. Remember to wear your YELLOW
club shirt to the meeting or you will be fined $2.00.
See page 2 for our telephone numbers.
Save These Dates
Sunday, June 5th @ Noon
Keiki’s Fun Bowling
Linbrook Bowl
KCOC General Membership
Meeting Sunday, June 26th
Linbrook Bowl 12:30 PM
Elections for 2016-2017
Club Officers
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
Aloha mai kakou:
It has been said, “don’t judge a book by its cover.” As we approached UFCW Union
Hall we noticed that the front entrance of the building was undergoing renovation. We
felt the negative effect it would have on our annual luau. However, Pam Jones drove
the right bus with enthusiastic crew members sitting in the right seat. Her destination
was to produce a number #1 seller. This could only be done with a selective crew and
a co-producer (Frank Jones). No one complain about the cover of this book. Instead
they created a transcript and produced an exciting story to show and tell.
The day of preparation was a sight to reckon with. Everyone accomplished their assigned kuleanas (responsibilities), created and challenged their own imagination with
eagerness. “Vigor is contagious, and whatever makes us either think or feel strongly
adds to our power and enlarges our field of action,” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
M.E. Raco
The decoration setup was well done with colorful center pieces made up of mother nature’s flowers, shrubs, and greenery. The atmosphere was filled with “enthusiasm.” “The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Yes, more than enthusiasm, I would say excitement. I like to see men get excited. When they get excited
they make a success of their lives,” - Walter Chrysler.
The tale of the story is working together to produce a successful annual luau that was filled with passionate Aloha,
le’ale’a (fun), and ‘aka’aka (laughter). It was indeed a memorable ho’olaule’a (celebration) with a happy ending.
Mahalo nui loa to Chairperson Pam Jones, her committee leaders, the crew members, sponsors, donors, entertainers, volunteers and especially to those in attendance for supporting our Na Lei O Hawaii - 47th Annual Luau.
We all know for every ending, there is a new beginning. Ho’omaika’i ana and watch for the next chapter of our 48th
Annual Luau in 2017.
E Hoomau Maua Kealoha,
M.E. Raco, President
Kamaaina Club of Orange County
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
Vice President’s Column
Well, I can't believe another month has gone by and here we are in June. Everything is going fine and, like I always say, if you have any changes in your email, phone number, etc. let me know.
Make sure you attend our General Membership Meeting as we will be electing our officers for our next fiscal
year. If you are interested in running for an office, make sure you attend the meeting.
Happy Birthday and Anniversary to everyone in June. Happy Father's Day to all the dads. Well, all I can say is
take time for yourself and always laugh.
Sharon Ferretti,
Vice President & Chairperson
Hau’ oli la Hanau
Iune (June)
Lucy Bargayo 19th
Rick Bargayo 8th
Carol Brouhle 20th
Peter Corpuz 26th
Kevin Fujinami 13th
Marianne Higa 22nd
Lillian Haina 3rd
Robert Jakahi 27th
Ruth Matsui 6th
Ralph Matsumoto 9th
Doris Miyasato 2nd
Hau’ oli La Ho’ omana’o
Iune (June)
Juanita Nunes 13th
M.E. Raco 3rd
Gary Sato 22nd
Tomiko Tarumoto 2nd
Harry Tomita 4th
Adeline Tomono 20th
Yuki Tomono 30th
Anthony Ughoc 8th
Aggie Villanueva 13th
Penny Wilhelm 15th
Happy Wedding Anniversary to:
David & Judith Abe
Craig & Chrissy Horita
Pam & Frank Jones
Pat & Ken Kawado
Betty & Dave Mercado
Juanita & Mervin Nunes
Wallace & Betty Shindo
Mary & Louis Tavares
Yuki & Adeline Tomono
Bernie & Elaine Wong
Women’s Golf
Kay Firebaugh & Doris Sugihara
Mens Golf
Doug Villaros
There is no golf report this month. We took the month
of May off.
Come join us next month, June 18th, 8:00 AM at Los
Our next golf outing will be at Los Amigos Golf Course
on June 18th @ 8:00 AM. We are always looking for
new golfers, so come out and join us for both the men’s
and woman’s outing.
Starter: Contact Doug Villaros at 714-761-4107.
You can also contact us at kamaaina [email protected].
You can also contact us at kamaaina [email protected].
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
(continued from Page 1)
Al Naki introduced Tony to the Kamaaina Club to participate in the bowling league. He carries a bowling average of 200. His memorable flash
back in bowling is “almost” rolling a 300 game, but boggy in the last
frame. He appreciates the club’s activities, the club’s bowling tournaments, the Perch Derby and the annual luau. He thinks the club should
explore the idea of having vendor booths outside selling items, food, etc.
and close down before the doors open at a later time of the luau. He also
suggested to look at potential members who are “Hawaiian-at-Heart” to
become associate members.
Tony feels blessed to have good friends, nice people, having fun and sharing the Spirit of Aloha and Ohana with the Kamaaina Club. He appreciates and respect his elders, relishes talking stories and understanding our
foreign language of “pidgin to da max.” Meet Frank (a.k.a, Tony) Marasco.
Tony & Helen Marasco
KCOC Bowling
Betty Katzmann
Are you wondering what to do on Friday nights? Do you miss bowling on Friday nights? Well our
Winter League starts on September 9th at 8:30 PM. We’ll have 16 teams and you’ll find out who you will be bowling
with this Winter.
The 2015-16 league ended on Saturday, April 23rd, at the Gold Coast in Las Vegas. Fifty-one bowlers participated in the men’s singles, women’s singles and mixed doubles tournament. Jake Berard won the men’s singles with 744
and Melanie Jones won the women’s singles with 731. In the mixed doubles Jake and Melanie placed first with 1476,
Jake and Anita Salvador placed second with 1472 and Jake and Jessica Diso came in third with 1444. Thank you all for
participating and hope you did well in gambling too.
The bowling banquet was held on Saturday, April 30th, at China Buffet. Approximately 70 bowlers and guests
enjoyed the food, awards and the many prizes that Pam Jones presented to the winners. MC Frank Jones kept the audience’s attention and the pace of the ceremony. Mahalo, Frank, for entertaining the guests. Thank you also to Elaine and
Bernie Wong for organizing the evening events.
If you know anyone who is interested in participating in our 2016-17 Winter league call Elaine at (714) 8278597 and she will place you on the list. (One never knows when we need a replacement bowler and substitutes.)
Keiki’s Fun Bowling is on Sunday, June 5th, at noon. Place call Elaine with your child(ren) names. Lunch is
pot-luck with free pizzas and drinks for children and adults. Please arrive early so we can start at NOON.
Have a pleasant summer, Betty!
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
E hiina’I ‘oe I kau hana, a hana pono no -Believe in what you do and do it well.
Ho’omaika’i ana to our honored recipients of our Scholarship and Club Recognition at our annual luau:
WILLIAM PREUSS, a graduating senior at Lakewood High School was honored and awarded a $1,000 scholarship. He
has 3.96 GPA and is in the top 20% of his graduating class. His been a member of the school’s swim and water polo
team for three years. He competed in men’s crew since 2013 and is now the club’s secretary. He is the treasurer of the
Travel Club and serves as a coach for the younger members on the Lokahi Outrigger Canoe Club. William plans to attend California State University Long Beach to major in engineering and to pursue a career as an Aerospace or Petroleum engineer. He is the son of Tim and Aolani Preuss.
MERLYN E RACO, was presented our club’s highest award - The Poi Pounder Award is given to a member who unselfishly devotes time and effort for the betterment of our club. “Raco”, as he likes to be called, is the epitome of Kokua
(helpfulness). The word “No” is not in his vocabulary, as he is always ready and willing to do what it takes to keep our
club moving forward. His philosophy of life: To Give All I Can Give for the Life I Live – Helping Others.
GREG PRINCLER, is one of three recipients to receive the club’s Distinguished Service Award who have made significant contributions toward the progress and development of our club. Greg has been a member since 1984, he served
four terms as President of the Kamaaina Club of Orange County and as past president of the Hawaiian Inter-Club Council of Southern California. He continues to be an active representative to HICC for our club. He serves as the Master of
Ceremony at our annual luaus and the annual Ho’olaule’a at Alondra Park. You will find him actively assisting with the
Bus Turn-around Fundraising trip to the local casino and several lei making workshops. Greg truly deserves this recognition.
SHARON FERRETTI/THOMAS MARASCO, are two peas in a pot. Sharon is the Vice President of the KCOC and a
favorite piece of art that will put a smile on your face when you hear her endearing laughter. Her loveable personality
can be seen at the club’s bowling league, a crowd pleaser at the Texas Hold’em Fundraiser, the Keiki’s Easter Picnic,
the Hula Club and our luau. Thomas has become one of the club’s hardworking members giving 110% with everything
he does for the club, no questions asked. He is active in the bowling league, the glee club and community outreach programs. He and Sharon is our newest Mr./Mrs. Santa Claus at our Christmas Party. They both have stirred the pot with
laughter and hard work.
PHILLIP MACIAS, is one of our “unsung heroes” of the club. He has taken on a difficult task as the editor and circulation manager of our monthly newsletter, IKE PONO ’OE, since March 2011. This is a job and responsibility that goes
unnoticed, is time consuming and probably unappreciated. Nonetheless, it is a service to our club that needs to be done.
Our monthly newsletter is the only vehicle we have to communicate with all our members. He is a quiet person and
humble. He is very courteous and easygoing to those from whom he must extract newsworthy information so that it can
be published on a monthly and timely basis. Phillip has surely distinguished his service to our club.
Neva’ Mess Wit Da Makule
Dayah was one makule couple dat wen go back to da Mercedes cah lot wen kanaka ku’ai ak’u
(salesman) wen just go sell dis cah dey like to dis ono lookin’ Tita.
“Eh bruddah, I taught you goin’ hold dat cah until we go raise da $75,00 kala you stay tell us,” said da kapuna. “Yet I
wen heya bumbai, you go sell da buggah to dat da kine ono lookin’ wahine foah a discount of $65,000 kala, ha kum?”
“Well, wat I goin’ say? She wen go pay me da kala (cash) and, just go look at her, aah no can resist?” da buggah stay
Bumbai dat ono looking Tita wen go ova’ go da kapuna couple and go giv’em da cah keys.
“Heya go,” she said. “I told you la’dat go watch me get da lolo babooze to bring da price down. Spark you la’tah, papa.”…………neva mess wit da makule!
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
We had a sold out event. The hall looked really nice with all the new renovations and the tables were beautifully decorated with each island represented. It was an evening of fun and togetherness with our friends, family and fellow club
members. Our Master of Ceremonies, Greg Princler, kept everything on schedule and kept everyone well informed
through out the night. We enjoyed our dinner catered by Island Sons Catering which was served in 45 minutes - you
did it Rose! We enjoyed entertainment from Na Kupunawahine O’ Cerritos, Aunty Geri, Josh Chang, Aolani and the
Boyz, Kamaaina Glee and Hula Clubs and the final entertainment was Lokelani’s Rhythm of the Islands.
I would like to congratulate our Scholarship Recipient, William Preuss. Congratulations also to all the club award winners for 2016: Poi Pounder - ME Raco; Distinguished Service Award winners - Thomas Marasco and Sharon Ferretti,
Greg Princler and Phillip Macias.
I want to thank all of our volunteers ! We could not have done this without ALL of you helping and supporting this
event. We really appreciate it !!! There were so many ways that each of you helped out whether attending the workshops, donating prizes, helping on Friday to set up the hall, inviting your friends and family to the luau, selling raffle
tickets, helping at the luau etc. Thank you !
A Big Mahalo to our Luau committee for their hard work and commitment to going to the monthly meetings, setting up
on the hall on Friday, organizing the volunteers and doing whatever was needed to make this event a successful one.
Thank you Aloha ( Bar ), George ( Decorations ), Serena ( Pupu Table ), Frank ( Raffles ), Scrip ( Dee ), Elaine
(Awards ), Amy ( Scholarship ), Val ( Photography ) , Phillip ( Programs ), Henry ( Facility ) , Chrissy ( Honorary Seniors ) and Yolande ( Security ). We worked well as a team and look forward to next year !
Thank you Budgie for helping with Entertainment on the night of the Luau and to Elaine Bodine for making the leis for
our scholarship and club award winners. Raco, thank you for making the club awards this year, getting the Ukulele and
programs donated.
Mahalo to our Diamond Sponsor - State Farm Insurance ( Frank Jones ), Gold Sponsors - Safelite and Grove Body
Shop and our Silver Sponsor - 10th Frame Pro Shop. Thank you to Instant Imprints for donating the programs for this
year’s Luau.
Thanks Frank for helping me with all the decisions, getting things we needed done, getting our sponsors and for running the raffles which is a lot of work as there is no time to rest and, if you were helping in that area, you know how
busy it was. I could not have done it without your support - Thank you !
We look forward to seeing everyone at next year’s luau - Pam Jones
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Iune (June) 2016
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Iune (June) 2016
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
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Iune (June) 2016
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
Happy Father’s Day
When I was a little boy, my mom always sang this song to me. I would like to share this Mele to commemorate
Father’s Day.
God Bless My Daddy
God bless my daddy
Who’s over there
Said a tiny little boy
In his tiny little prayer
That is my daddy
So please take care
Said a tiny little boy
In his tiny little prayer
For this is the night
Mommy turns off the light
Oh, how I wish you were here
So I could kiss you goodnight
I hope in dream land
We’ll meet some day
Said a tiny little boy
In his tiny little prayer
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
Na Mele O Hawai’I
The Aliis Reunion Concert
Remember – Y ou A re The Best of My Life, Lady Y ou’re My Rainbow, Here I am. The Aliis are performing at the
Scottish Rite Event Center in Long Beach, Jan. 15, 2017. This is the last time you will get a chance to hear this
once-in-a-lifetime concert featuring all 9 of the Alii’s from two generations on one stage: Al Akana, Rudy Aquino,
Danny Couch, Benny Chang, Bobby King, Joe Mundo, Carlos Barboza, Nathan Aweau, and Manny LaGod. Tickets are selling fast. To reserve your tickets, check out the website – aliisreunion.ticketleap.com. I just purchased
two tickets and I am excited to see one of The World Greatest Vocal Group from Hawai’i.
Other Upcoming Events
Aloha Festival Northridge Park – June 4 & 5, 2016
San Dimas Ho’olaule’a – June 11 & 12, 2016
K-Poly Ohana at Back In Lahaina – June 18, 2016
Aloha Concert Series 2016-2017 at Whittier College (Ruth B.Shannon Center of Performing Arts) featuring: Keauhou
(with special guest Robert Cazimero), Keali’i Reichel, The Makaha Sons, Keola Beamer & Jeff Peterson with Moanalani Beamer, and The Brothers Cazimero.
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Iune (June) 2016
Val Gill
Our deepest condolences go out to the family of Wendall Kaanoi who passed away in May. Many of the club members
will always have fond memories of him and feel blessed that we had the pleasure of knowing this remarkable man. May
your loving memories of Wendall give you peace and comfort and know that our thoughts and prayers are with the
Kaanoi family during this difficult time.
Congratulations to Genka Cabatu who took 1st place in the 2016 California USBC Helen Duval Veterans Tournament,
Women’s Classic Division. Genka’s won with a 726 series….awesome bowling!
Please let us know if your family is celebrating a wedding, graduation, birthday and/or arrivals of a new baby, or any
other event you would like to share. If you don’t mind sharing happenings in your family with your fellow kama’aina
members, please let me or any other club officer know; we’ll make sure it gets to Phillip for the newsletter. Mahalo
Hula Club
Rose Kauhaahaa
We will be performing at the Kirkwood Senior Home on June 20th. June is our last month of practicing, then we will
be off for the summer. We practice hula on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room.
Please contact Rose Kauhaahaa at (714-844-2208) for more information.
Glee Club
Yolande Princler, Connie Paikai, Don Sato, Aolani Kaeka Preuess
If you’re interested joining the Glee Club, please contact Yolande Princler 714-537-8680 or Connie Paikai
714-760-4231 for more information. We are always looking for singers for our club.
Our email address is [email protected]
He Mau Hanana
(Monthly Events)
Jun 05
Keiki Bowling, Linbrook Bowl, 12:00 Noon
Jun 08
Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room
Jun 18
Golf @ Los Amigos, 8:00 AM
Jun 26
KCOC General Membership Meeting, 12:30 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room
(Election for 2016-2017 Club Officers)
Jul 13
Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 PM, Linbrook Bowl Banquet Room
Jul 16
Golf @ Los Amigos, 8:00 AM
Jul 16 & 17
Hoolaulea - Alondra Park, Lawndale
Jul 30
Orange County Senior Bowling Tournament
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Iune (June) 2016
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‘Ike Pono ‘Oe
Please contact M.E. Raco or Val Gill if you have any information regarding
new arrivals, marriages, or just want to share some aloha!
Iune (June) 2016