2. Admissions (Table 3)
2. Admissions (Table 3)
The Yearbook of the Entertainment Activity 2015 © Copyright 2016 SIAE Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori Viale della Letteratura, 30 00144 Roma ISSN 1972-9677 Table of contents Introduction 1. The Entertainment industry in Italy 17 2. The Film activity 23 3. Theatre activities 27 B1. Theatre 29 B2. Opera 30 B3. Revue and musical 31 B4. Ballet 32 B5. Puppets and marionettes 33 B6. Performing arts 34 B7. Circus 35 4. 5. 4 9 Concert activities 37 C1. Classical concerts 39 C2. Pop music concerts 40 C3. Jazz music concerts 41 Sports activities 43 D1. Soccer 45 D2. Team sports other than soccer 46 D3. Individual sports 47 D4. Other sports 48 Table of contents 6. 7. 8. Dance activities and concertinos 49 E1. Dance 51 E2. Concertinos 52 Touring amusement activities 53 F1. Touring amusement 55 F2. Amusement parks 56 Fairs and Exhibitions 57 G1. Fairs 59 G2. Exhibitions 60 Multi-genre activities 61 H1. Open-air shows 63 10. The usage of works 65 11. Trend of the entertainment activities 69 12. The entertainment activities trend during Expo 2015 in Milan 77 13. Tables 81 9. Tables index 230 5 Ten years of Yearbook of the Entertainment Activity T he Yearbook of the Entertainment Activity - 2015 Edition, is particularly important for SIAE Statistical Department because it marks the ten years milestone of publication. According to the structure of the yearbook, and the adjustments required to keep it easily available, we decided to preserve a few “key points” in respect of the method used by readers to manage the 150 tables the book is composed of. The ten years of the Yearbook of the Entertainment Activity coincide with the ten years activity of SIAE Entertainment Observatory, a structure designed and realized in 2006. In this period of time, the range of data gathered by Statistical Department has been enlarged particularly thanks to the recovery of the books about Entertainment in Italy that SIAE has been publishing since 1936 - making them freely available in digital format on its internet site. At the same time, even the offer of the publications linked to territorial topics has grown, i.e. “Mappe dello spettacolo” (Entertainment maps) and the volume “Cinque anni di cinema” (five years of Cinema activity). The computerized databases managed by SIAE Entertainment Observatory have been implemented more and more, in terms of both information quality and amount of stored data: to this day, several tens of million records are arranged inside of different archives. The overall number of data users has also been growing: hundreds of visits concerning the pages dedicated to Entertainment data are regularly recorded by the SIAE website. Simultaneously, we gather an increase of custom processing requests, regarding in particular Departments, Territolarial Authorities, Italian and European Research Institutes, Foreign and Italian Universities, Trade Associations. The Entertainment Observatory ten years of activity represent, for SIAE Statistical Department, a very important goal in the field of constant commitment and creative efford in order to shape a powerful tool of professional growth. A so detailed Information management allowed SIAE to present itself as a preferred partner for undergraduates and historians in the field of investigations of Italian Entertainment activity. Gaetano Blandini SIAE General Director 7 The importance of SIAE statistical information T he artistic expressions reflect the social fabric that binds different aspects of a human society; sometimes Art adopts the demands of prevailing circumstances. In other occasions, Art is able to anticipate what a society is going to feel. Through its Entertainment Observatory, SIAE, author and publisher shared home, “interprets” the present, but, above all, “imagines” the future. SIAE participates as an actor in social and cultural life of our Country, both protecting copyrights and providing important contributions to artistical events celebrating italian creativity. During last years, we are speeding up the process of shaping our structure in order to adequate it to the new Italian and International artistic scenario. We have come a long way and we have achieved something important, without losing sight of our history. Our past experience is excellently summerised into the ten years of Entertainment data recording; these data represent a constant and renewable source of information for our Company, for our members and generally for the operators in the field of Culture and Entertainmnent. As a responsible of data retention, the Statistical Department has arranged the transition between paper storage and digitalised databases and file archives, in order to retrieve information recorded on various data carriers and stored by the Direction General. Thanks to such a vast and highly complex wealth of information, SIAE will be ready to face next challenges posed by Italian creative Entertainment Industry. Filippo Sugar SIAE President 9 Explanatory notes The following pages show the results of the entertainment activity carried out in Italy in 2015 collected by the Territorial network offices of Siae. Compared to previous years editions, we introduced, in Chapter 12, a detailed analysis regarding the trends of entertainment sector in the Province of Milan, gathered during the event of Expo 2015. This year too, the printed version will be supplemented by the electronic version available and downloadable at the following Internet site: https://www.siae.it/it/chi-siamo/lo-spettacolo-cifre/losservatorio-dello-spettacolo. The electronic version is also available in English. Before going into further details, we want to inform readers about how the data items for the 2015 edition were gathered and processed: • the items have a census rather than a sampling character: that means that the values here expressed summarize all the pieces of information collected on the territory by the Territorial network offices of Siae; • the survey was carried out in the period between January 2015 – February 2016 (that is, 14 months) in order to gather and process the residual information concerning the entertainment activities carried out in 2015 but registered in early 2016. The results of the entertainment activities in 2015 were analyzed from two different viewpoints: entertainment events and the usage of works. • Entertainment events The entertainment event is the smallest statistical unit encompassing all the data gathered for each event: the kind of event (cinema, ballet, theatre, sports, etc.), the venue, the number of admission tickets issued, the audience expenditure, the turnover, etc. All the values gathered during the entertainment event put together express the profit and loss picture of the entertainment activity as a whole. The following elements are accounted for in every entertainment event: • The number of shows: in almost all the cases, the survey makes reference to one show (1 survey: 1 show). In some instances – mainly concertinos – the survey makes reference to a time lag; in this 11 Introduction case, the value expresses the number of shows that have occurred during that time lag (1 survey: n shows). Only in the case of the Film Activity, the survey shows the calendar days of activities (see Chapter 2 on the matter). • Admissions: this value is the result of the admissions with ticket + admissions with season ticket taken together. The indicator shows the total number of spectators of the shows for which a ticket is issued (paid admission or free one). • Attendance: this indicator summarizes the attendance of spectators at shows for which the admission ticket is not issued and the shows bring profits to the organizer through different benefits provided (i.e. selling drinks). Given the absence of an objective and timely certification of spectators, the Attendance value is a piece of information to detect the size of participants as a whole and cannot ensure the same accuracy as the one delivered by Admissions. • The Expenditure at the box office: expresses the amounts paid by spectators to access the entertainment venues (money paid for the purchase of tickets and season tickets). • The average admission ticket: given the Expenditure at the box office/Admissions ratio, this value should be taken only as an indication of those shows for which spectators buy an admission ticket. • The Audience Expenditure: on many occasions the admission ticket and season ticket prices are only a share of the amounts paid by the public to attend the show. Other expense items may contribute to the definition of the amount of the overall audience expenditure: advance sales, the reservation of Tables, the cloakroom service, drinks, etc… • The Turnover: in addition to the amounts paid by participants, the organizer may have other proceeds from subjects participating in the implementation of the show from the economic point of view: these are the proceeds from advertising activities, sponsorships, public and private grants, TV shooting, etc. The Audience Expenditure, added to the other amounts received by the organizer, gives the Turnover. • The usage of works The second viewpoint concerns the usage of works in the film, concert, theatre and opera fields (Chapter 10). The Tables show the ten hits of 2015, in terms of income at the box office, among movies, theatre plays, pop music concerts and opera shows. Furthermore, a Table with the decreasing list of the usages of works where the highest number of attendance was registered is expressed for the same sectors. As far as film activities are concerned, the analysis of the trend of the income at the box office was carried out on the first ten movies, during the first three months of run. The right interpretation of this information gives some important elements to analyze the economic situation of Film Works. This edition too will feature a chart of the first ten titles of books printed in Italy, according to the number of Siae stickers delivered. On the matter, we remind readers that these stickers are not mandatory and therefore the data items on the sales of book are approximate. 12 Introduction • Geographical areas The survey carried out on the whole national territory, is summarized according to different geographical areas. In order to better understand the values connected with the entertainment activities in Italy the following areas were taken into account: • The National territory • The following geographical macro-areas: • Nord-Ovest: Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia; • Nord-Est: Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna; • Centro: Toscana, Marche, Lazio, Umbria; • Sud: Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria; • Isole: Sicilia, Sardegna. • Regions • Provinces As to the in-depth analysis of territorial data please refer to the Second Section of Tables (from Table 34 on). The Tables of the Second Section are divided according to different levels of analysis: from geographical macro-areas to provinces. • Periods of time The periods of time taken as references were the calendar year, months, weekdays and the comparison between 2014 and 2015. Last, we present Table 146, to summarize data items achieved during the last five years. By disaggregating the year, the study of the seasonal trend to which almost all the different kinds of shows are subjected is allowed. Indeed, we inform readers that the smaller is the year fraction the more cautious they should be while reading this data: occasional and periodical1 events, in fact, may create distortions that should be taken into account while interpreting data. In-depth analyses on the periods of time and the monthly trends of kind of show aggregates are shown in Tables from 9 to 31. The comparison between 2014 and 2015 is shown in Tables 95-130. We conclude this description of how data items are expressed by explaining the criteria that we used. 46 Kinds of Events divided into 22 Aggregates, then divided into 8 Macro-Aggregates have been included in this edition. The following Table shows the kinds of show analyzed and the aggregation criterion used. The next chapters will feature the analysis of shows carried out by using the exhibition criteria by Macro-Aggregate and Aggregate of Show. 1 An occasional event is an event that does not show repetitiveness (it may be the case of a concert of the much acclaimed singer or the show of an important international circus): periodical events are those that always occur in the same period of time (i.e. an important tennis competition or horse show). 13 Introduzione Macro-aggregate A. Film Activities Aggregate A. Movies Kind of Show Movies Prose Theatre Prose Theatre in Dialect B1. Theatre Neapolitan Repertory Prose Theatre Literary Recital Opera B2. Opera Operetta B. Theatre Activities B3. Revue and Musical Revue and Musical Classic and Modern Ballet B4. Ballet Dance Concert B5. Puppets and Marionettes Puppets and Marionettes B6. Performing Arts Variety Shows and Performing Arts B7. Circus Circus Classical concert Band Concert C1. Classical Concerts Choral Concert C. Concert Activities Folk Music Concert C2. Pop Music Concerts Pop Music Show C3. Jazz Music Concerts Jazz Music Concert A-B League and International Soccer D1. Soccer C League and Below Soccer Basketball D2. Team Sports other than Soccer Volleyball Rugby Baseball Boxing Cycle Racing Athletics D. Sports Activities Tennis D3. Individual Sports Showjumping Motor Racing Motocycle Racing Speed Boat Racing Horse Racing (Admissions) Swimming and Water Polo D4. Other Sports Winter Sports Various Sports Dance with Orchestra E1. Dance Dance with Recorded Music E. Dance Activities and Concertinos Concertinos with Recorded Music E2. Concertinos Concertinos with Orchestra F1. Touring amusement Touring amusement F2. Amusement Parks Leisure and Aqua Parks G1. Fairs Fairs G2. Exhibitions Exhibitions H1. Open-Air Shows Open-air shows F. Touring amusement Activities G. Fairs and Exhibitions H. Multi-genre Activities 14 Introduzione We clarify the nature of some kinds of show. Aggregate B6 – PERFORMING ARTS includes different art expressions, which, because of the partiality and the limited period of time with which they are performed within the same event, cannot be included in one specific kind, even if they are presented as a unique example to spectators. Aggregate B7 – CIRCUS was included in the macro-aggregate of Theatre Activities since the shows carried out in the last few years – especially at the international level – have recourse to stage actions and layouts that definitely draw inspiration from the theatre. Aggregate C1 – CLASSICAL CONCERTS includes Band and Choral concerts even if the repertoire may not be merely classical. Aggregate E2 – CONCERTINOS identifies those entertainment activities that provide for the enjoyment of the music performance (live or recorded) as an additional element to a main performance: this is the case of music performances at bars with live piano music where music has a merely entertaining function, but is not the unique and main element of appeal for customers. Macro-aggregate F – TOURING AMUSEMENT includes both single exhibitions and exhibitions inside amusement and leisure parks, and the admissions to parks. Macro-aggregate G – FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS, in addition to cultural exhibitions, it shows the result of profitmaking exhibition activities. This category includes the exhibition of goods to be sold (antiques, carpets, etc.) and trade fairs. It does not include visits to museums, since they do not fall under the competence of Siae. Macro-aggregate H – MULTI-GENRE ACTIVITIES include the events with mixed activity that may not be referred to a unique kind of event, like open-air shows on the occasion of village fairs or religious feasts2. The following is an index of the Tables of this edition: Analysis by kind of show Tables 1-33 Summary by territorial area Tables 34-91 Trend of the average admission ticket Tables 92-94 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 - 2015 Tables 95-130 Multi-annual tendency in the sectors of the entertainment industry. Time period 2006-2015 Tables 131-144 Entertainment places Table 145 Trend of the entertainment activities during last five years Table 146 2 In the case of open-air events of a fixed kind (like open-air pop music concerts), the event is detected by making reference to the specific kind of the event. 15 Chapter 1. The Entertainment Industry in Italy • Overall framework 2015 can be considered a very important year for the Italian entertainment industry. Recorded trends seem to show how the last year hard crisis finally let up the pressure and how sector positive displays are deep and systematic. Every percentage variation of the entertainment sector indicators usually analised by our Yearbook are positive and, sometimes, these increases are relevant. In 2015, the number of shows increased by 2.86%. Admissions (that’s to say the number of admission ticket and admissions with season ticket taken together) rised by 4.89%. Attendance is the indicator that showed the poorest growth in 2015: “only” 1.96%. Economic indicators featured a strong increase: Expenditure at the box office (+8.63%), Audience expenditure (+10.80%) and Turnover (+10.20%). Values recorded in 2015 by Macroaggregate of kind of show Macroaggregate A. Film activity Number of shows at Admissions Attendance Expenditure the box office Audience Expenditure Turnover 3.096.351 106.734.556 281.970 664.260.045 770.232.824 772.479.045 B. Theatre activities 137.696 21.995.997 797.217 362.359.007 420.838.029 435.485.734 C. Concert activities 39.566 13.40.993 1.349.993 343.838.881 406.706.850 423.867.754 D. Sports activities 141.193 28.304.308 159.474 387.049.128 912.088.081 2.505.883.637 769.706 27.948.539 47.802.805 272.390.306 1.093.330.556 F. Touring amusement activities 22.660 15.274.165 1.053.178 236.032.121 358.101.487 360.233.711 G. Fairs and Exhibitions 57.627 25.911.103 303.564 164.330.806 586.010.445 597.363.519 H. Multi-genre activities 50.716 1.665.345 15.623.231 13.571.579 138.972.060 155.111.409 4.315.515 241.175.006 2,86% 4,89% E. Dance activities and concertinos Grand total Variations on grand total 2014 67.371.432 2.443.831.872 4.672.031.281 6.343.755.364 1,96% 8,63% 10,80% 10,20% The Cinema field marked an important audience increase, during 2015; apart from the strongest growth shown by Attendance (+432.34%) - we know that this indicators is not very representative in this sector - we can put in evidence the high increase marked by Admissions: +8.63%, a rising by 8.5 million users compared with 2014. The Number of shows features a clear advance too, +2.66%. All economic indicators display positive variations by two digit figures: Expenditure at the box office (+10.70%), Audience expenditure (+11.52%), Turnover (+11.57%). Turnover increase, in absolute terms, is worth 80 million Euros. In the field of Theatre, Admissions (-5.18%) is the only negative indicator. Number of shows (+4.95%), Admissions (+3.05%), Expenditure at the box office (+2.00%) and Turnover (+1.78%) increased. Concerts activities strongly reversed the trend shown in 2014. Last year marked an increase in almost all the indicators: Number of shows (+7.73%), Admissions (+15.40%), Expenditure at the box office (+24.50%) Audience expenditure (+24.39%), and Turnover (+22.56%). In countertendency, Attendance displays a drop by 3.08%. 18 Chapter 1. The Entertainment Industry in Italy Sports activities achieved also very good results in 2015. All indicators but the Attendance (–33.79%) showed positive trends: Number of Shows, +1.21%, Admissions, +0.38%; Expenditure at the box office, +6.36%; Audience expenditure, +23.93%; and Turnover, +14.16%. 2015 has been a “neutral” year for Dance activities and concertinos sector. Four indicators among six show positive features: the Number of shows, +2.09%, Attendance, +0.30%, Audience expenditure, +1.85%, and Turnover, +1.76%. Admissions, –3.84%, and Expenditure at the box office, –2.16%, are decreasing. Touring amusement activities confirmed, in 2015, the positive trend as begun in 2014. Number of shows, +3.52%, Attendance, +105.79% indeed, Expenditue at the box office, +12.40%, Audience expenditure, +12.15% and Turnover, +11.34%. Only Admissions (–8.25%) marked a drop, if compared to previous year. Fairs and Exhibitions go on showing the same increasing trend. Even excluding the items concerning 2015 Milan Expo, all indicators are positive: Number of shows +13.96%, Admissions +11.05%, Attendance +77.55% (not very representative indicator in this sector), Expenditure at the box office +7.53%, Audience expenditure +7.49% and Turnover +7.72%. In particular, Expo 2015 items are not included in this macroaggregate. In-depth and detailed analyses on this event are shown in the Chapter 12. The Multi-genre activities sector has also marked a very increasing trend. All indicators show growing numbers: Shows, +11.01%, Admissions +8.29%, Attendance +2.75%, Expenditure at the box office +9.00%, Audience expenditure +9.95% and Turnover +8.57%. We conclude this brief introduction to 2015 data items noticing that all the indicators relating to the Primary Entertainment field – composed by the macroaggregates of Cinema, Theatre and Concerts – marked a highly positive trend. Trend of the primary entertainment sector year 2014 year 2015 3.183.939 3.273.613 2,82 89.674 Admissions 131.158.238 142.071.546 8,32 10.913.308 Attendance 2.286.717 2.429.180 6,23 142.463 Expenditure at the box office 1.370.457.932 11,22 138.252.901 Audience expenditure 1.430.249.143 1.597.777.703 11,71 167.528.560 Turnover 1.466.051.406 1.631.832.532 11,31 165.781.126 Values Shows var. % absolute var. The percentage variations on 2014 emphasize a very huge increase on the part of both producers and consumers. The Number of shows grew by 2.82%. Admissions got an increase by 8.32%, almost 11 million tickets in absolute terms. Attendance are also in the positive field, +6.23%. Economic indicators display two digit increases: Expenditure at the box office +11.22%, Audience expenditure +11.71%, the Turnover +11.31%. We point out that Turnover percentage increase is worth almost 166 million euros more, compared to 2014 incomes. 19 Chapter 1. The Entertainment Industry in Italy • 1. The Number of Shows In 2015 Siae registered 4,315,515 shows (Table 1). The highest number of shows was registered in the Cinema sector with 3.1 million events. The second highest macro-aggregate is Dance and Concertinos with 769.7 thousand events. The Sport sector registered 141.2 thousand events, while 137.7 thousand events were staged among Theatre. Exhibitions and Shows brought 57.6 thousands shows; followed by the Macro-aggregates of Multigenre activities (50.7 thousands), Concerts (39.6 thousands) and Touring Amusement (22.7 thousands). Compared to previous year, the Number of shows increased by 2.86% (Table 95). According to the analysis carried out on the temporal dynamics (Table 9) the Number of Shows was relatively constant during the year – as usual – fluctuating between the 300.919 thousands events in August and the 415.703 thousands in December. According to the territorial analysis (Table 34) the highest number of shows was staged in the Nordovest with 1,209.2 thousands events; followed by the Centro (1,1166.8 thousands), the Nord-est (913.4 thousands) the Sud (697.2 thousands) and the Isole (329 thousands). Lombardia (722.8 thousands), Lazio (569.5 thousands) and Emilia-Romagna (388.9 thousands) registered the highest number of shows. • 2. Admissions Admissions indicate the number of participants at events for which an admission ticket is issued – admission ticket or season ticket. This indicator is not relevant at all or little relevant for those shows for which tickets are used only occasionally (i.e. the concertinos held in bars with live piano music). In 2015 Admissions accounted for 241.175.006 (Table 1). The highest attendance was registered in the Film section (106.7 million tickets). The Sports section accounted for 28.3 million tickets; 27.9 million tickets were sold by the macro-aggregate Dance and Concertinos, it is followed by Exhibitions and Shows (25.9 million), Theatre (22 million), Touring amusement (15.3 million), the Concert Activity (13.3 million), and Multi-genre activities (1.7 million). Compared to previous year, the number of Admissions increased by 4.89% (Table 96). According to the analysis on the monthly trend (Table 9) the smallest number of admissions was registered in July (14.8 million); the highest in January (24.6 million). The Territorial analysis (Table 34) confirms the supremacy of the Nord-ovest where the highest number of tickets were issued (76.4 million); followed by the Centro (58.8 million), the Nord-est (58.6 million), the Sud (32 million) and the Isole (15.3 million). The Region with the highest number of Admissions is Lombardia with 49.5 million, followed by Lazio with 29.3 million and Emilia-Romagna with 26.9 million. • 3. Attendance This indicator is used to calculate the amount of participants at events for which no ticket is issued. In 2015, there were 67,371,432 attendance units (Table 1). The highest number was registered in the sector of Dance and Concertinos with 47.8 million spectators; followed by the Multi-genre activities (15.6 million), and by far by Concert Activities (1.3 million). Touring Amusement (1.1 million) ranks fourth followed by Theatre Activity (797 thousands), Exhibitions and shows (304 thousands), Cinema (159 thousands) and Sports (159 thousands). In relation to 2014, the Attendance indicator (Table 97) registered an increase by +1.96%. According to the analysis on the monthly trend (Table 9) the lowest number of participants was registered in January (3.3 million); the highest in August (11.6 million). 20 Chapter 1. The Entertainment Industry in Italy The territorial analysis (Table 34) shows that the highest number of Attendance was registered in the Nord-est (21 million); followed by the Nord-ovest (18.4 million), the Centro (14 million), the Sud (8 million) and the Isole (5.9 million) The region with the highest Attendance was Lombardia with 10:3 million, followed by Veneto with 7.4 million and Emilia-Romagna with 6.5 million. • 4. Expenditure at the Box Office In 2015 the public spent 2.443.831.872 Euros to purchase admission tickets (tickets and season tickets) – Table 1. The highest expenditure for the purchase of tickets and season tickets was registered in the Cinema Sector (664 million Euros); followed by the Sports (387 million Euros), Theatre (362 million Euros), Concerts (344 million Euros), Dance and Concertinos (272 million Euros), Touring amusement (236 million Euros), Exhibitions and Fairs (164 million Euros) and Multi-genre activities (14 million Euros). In 2014 the expenditure at the box office in relation to 2014 shows a strong increase: +8.63% (Table 98). The value of the expenditure at the box office followed a trend which fluctuated between 164 million Euros in February to 259 million Euros in July (Table 9). According to the territorial distribution of the Expenditure at the box office (Table 34) the Nord-ovest keeps the supremacy with 781 million Euros, followed by the Nord-est (653 million Euros), the Centro (614 million Euros), the Sud (265 million Euros) and the Isole (131 million Euros). The region where the Expenditure at the box office is the highest is Lombardia with 508 million Euros, followed by Lazio (336 million Euros) and Veneto (303 million Euros). • 5. Audience expenditure The amount spent by the public in 2015 to view shows was equal to 4,672,031,281 Euros (Table 1). The highest public expenditure (Table 1) was registered by the activity of Dance and Concertinos with 1,079 million Euros. Sports ranks second with 912 million Euros; followed by Cinema (770 million Euros), Exhibitions and Shows (586 million Euros), Theatre (421 million Euros), Concerts (407 million Euros), Touring Amusement (358 million Euros) and Multi-genre activities (139 million Euros). Analyzing systematically the entertainment data, we learnt the different composition of the Audience Expenditure in the sectors of the entertainment industry: i.e. in the Film sector most of the Audience Expenditure comes from the purchase of tickets and season tickets (therefore no great differences between the value of the Expenditure at the Box Office and the Audience Expenditure were registered). On the contrary, the macro-aggregate of Dance and Concertinos registered high amounts of Audience Expenditure and a limited amount of Expenditure at the Box Office: that because most of the proceeds do not come from the purchase of tickets or season tickets (that are not always used for the admission) but also derive from other amounts (drinks, cloakroom, etc...) paid by the spectators during the event. The Audience expenditure in 2015 marks a relevant increase: +10.80% (Table 99). The monthly trend of the Public expenditure (Table 9) shows a somewhat remarkable fluctuation between 259 million Euros in February and 568 million Euros in July. According to the territorial analysis (Table 34) the highest value was featured by the Nord-ovest (1.725 million Euros); followed by Nord-est (1.218 million Euros). The Centro ranks third (989 million Euros), followed by the Sud (492 million Euros) and the Isole (249 million Euros). The highest value of Audience Expenditure was registered by Lombardia with 1,105 million Euros; followed by Veneto (544 million Euros) and Emilia-Romagna with 499 million Euros. 21 Chapter 1. The Entertainment Industry in Italy • 6. Turnover In 2015 the Turnover (Table 1) amounted to 6,343,755,364 Euros. In relation to last year this indicator (as the Audience expenditure) showed a two digit increase by 10.20% (Table 100). The richest sector (Table 1) is Sports with 2,506 million Euros; followed by Dance and Concertinos (1,093 million Euros), Cinema (772 million Euros), Exhibitions and Shows (597 million Euros), Theatre Activity (435 million Euros), Concerts (424 million Euros), Touring Amusement (360 million Euros) and the Multi-genre activities (155 million Euros). The monthly trend of the Turnover (Table 9) registered the lowest value in November (360 million Euros) and the highest in January (797 million Euros). According to the territorial analysis (Table 34) the highest Turnover was registered in the Nord-ovest (2,484 million Euros); followed by the Nord-est (1,614 million Euros), the Centro (1,327 million Euros), the Sud (603 million Euros) and the Isole (316 million Euros). In the field of Turnover too, Lombardia registered the highest value (1,568 million Euros); followed by Piemonte (710 million Euros) and Emilia-Romagna (707 million Euros). Table 2 is the graphical summary of the values detected on all the aggregates of the entertainment industry. The histograms associated to every indicator show that the Number of Shows in the field of Cinema accounts for 71.75% of the total. Dance and Concertinos (17.84%) follow; none of the other macro-aggregates reaches 4% of the total value of the indicator. In the field of Admissions too the Cinema Sector is far higher than the others (44.26% of the total). The highest value for the Audience is registered by far by the Dance and Concertinos sector (70.95%) where the usage of tickets is not common, especially in the case of Concertinos. The other macro-aggregate with the highest value for the Audience is Multi-genre activities (23.19% of the total). So far the Expenditure at the Box Office and the Audience Expenditure seem to be proportionate; the highest percentages are registered by the Cinema sector (27.18% of the Expenditure at the Box Office) and the Activity of Dance and Concertinos (23.10% of the total Audience Expenditure). With regards to the Turnover, the highest value is registered by Sports (39.50% of the total), followed by the Activity of Dance and Concertinos (17.23%). Tables from 3 to 8 show the percentage weight of each aggregate (referred to its own macro-aggregate) for each indicator. The next chapters will feature the analysis of the entertainment activity data in 2015 by kind of show within the relative macro-aggregate. 22 Chapter 2. The Film Activity Aggregate Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at the box office Audience Expenditure Turnover A. Movies 3.096.351 106.734.556 281.970 664.260.044,84 770.232.824,08 772.479.044,71 Grand Total 3.096.351 106.734.556 281.970 664.260.044,84 770.232.824,08 772.479.044,71 In 2015 the Film Activity displayed a heavy increase. All benchmarks feature a positive trend if compared with previous year. The most important variation margins fall within the range of 2.66% (Shows) and 11.57% (Turnover). • 1. Number of Shows Alone, the Film Activity accounts for 71.75% of all the shows held in Italy in 2015 (Table 2), confirming the high distribution of this sector all over the Country. In 2015 the number of shows increased by 2.66% (Table 95). If reference is made to calendar days, that’s to say the number of days in which tickets were issued, the comparison with 2014 marks a growth by 1.55%: Number of shows according to Calendar Days: Calendar days • 2015 1.103.963 2014 1.087.085 Var. % 2015-2014 +1,55 2. Admissions The number of admissions to movie theaters (admissions with ticket + admissions with season ticket) accounts for 44.26% of all the admissions of all the sectors of the entertainment industry (Table 2). In 2015 the number of ticket issued marked a considerable increase: +8.63%, that’s to say 8,5 million units in absolute terms (Table 96). • 3. Attendance In 2015, there were 281.970 attendance units registered in the cinema sector; this means an increase by 432% (Table 97). This can be also due to occasional event featuring very low values in absolute terms; infacts, in terms of percentage weight, attendance in the cinema sector are accounting for less than 0.42% of the total attendance rate (Table 2). • 4. Expenditure at the Box Office The public spent 664 million Euros to purchase admission tickets (tickets and season tickets) – Table 1. The average entrance fee for Cinema (expenditure at the box office/Admissions) was equal to 6.11 Euros, an increase by 1.8% in relation with 2014. 24 Chapter 2. The Film Activity • 5. Audience expenditure The amount spent by the public (770 million Euros) to view shows was higher than the Expenditure at the box office by almost 106 million Euros. In terms of percentage, this means that 86.24% of the amounts spent by the public to view movie shows are destined to purchase tickets and season tickets and the remaining 13.76% is destined to the purchase of accessorial goods and services. As we know, in the cinema sector, the accessorial goods and services are not very relevant in terms of percentage weight; but, in absolute terms, they have remarkable economic effects because almost 106 million Euros spent for purchasing accessorial goods and services in the Cinema sector are equivalent to 105.6 million Euros, that is the Expenditure at the box office in the Opera sector as a whole. • 6. Turnover The turnover in the Cinema sector amounts to 772 million Euros. The difference between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure expresses the proceeds from advertising contracts, sponsorships, contributions, etc. In the Cinema sector this differential value amounts to around 2.2 million Euros. In terms of percentage weight, 99.71% of the Turnover in the cinema sector is given by the amounts paid by the audience and 0.29% by other proceeds. Table 40 shows the results of the Cinema Activity divided into geographical areas. The summary of some values, ordered by decreasing value of turnover, referred to every macro-area and to the first three regions with the highest values is also given in the following session. Macroarea Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at the box office Audience expenditure Turnover a. Nord-Ovest 816.613 31.556.850 86.194 202.198.315,22 239.349.308,19 240.074.582,04 c. Centro 867.145 26.698.853 78.123 170.838.643,74 193.348.582,38 193.978.524,88 b. Nord-Est 620.094 23.151.590 44.418 146.573.242,45 174.742.851,83 174.945.435,19 d. Sud 547.958 17.836.366 18.512 103.186.216,57 116.761.069,62 117.218.162,56 e. Isole 244.541 7.490.897 54.723 41.463.626,86 46.031.012,06 46.262.340,04 3.096.351 106.734.556 281.970 664.260.044,84 770.232.824,08 772.479.044,71 Attendance Expenditure at the box office Audience expenditure Turnover Grand Total Region Number of Shows Admissions Lombardia 486.651 19.510.532 53.591 129.791.969,88 155.907.059,89 156.208.847,35 Lazio 473.567 14.263.742 53.591 92.069.871,77 101.040.280,06 101.546.316,96 Emilia-Romagna 270.180 10.648.425 3.639 69.223.088,79 80.664.544,77 80.752.328,53 1.230.398 44.422.699 124.029 291.084.930,44 337.611.884,72 338.507.492,84 Grand Total The Cinema sector is the one with the most-balanced territorial distribution in terms of Number of shows, Admissions and Turnover. Table 10 shows the trend of the Cinema Sector detected during last months. The seasonal trend is easily found in the histograms accompanying the data. The curb found in summer is highlighted both from the side of the supply (Number of Shows) and even more from the side of demand (Expenditure at the Box Office). Fall and winter are the seasons with the highest peaks since most of the best movies come out during these seasons. 25 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity Aggregate Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at the box office Audience Expenditure Turnover B1. Theatre 85.511 14.071.175 287.496 183.789.437,32 207.672.905,17 214.103.551,30 B2. Opera 3.673 2.228.181 2.246 92.666.703,34 100.942.774,76 105.605.658,87 B3. Revues and Musical 2.872 1.265.223 9.482 26.241.714,62 29.502.429,31 29.905.014,08 B4. Ballet 8.366 2.094.667 37.923 32.228.161,05 34.822.554,66 36.773.005,61 B5. Puppetts and Marionettes 2.693 191.649 7.103 1.012.244,26 1.123.067,33 1.141.395,13 B6. Performing Art 19.339 1.061.527 439.847 12.262.921,69 32.282.938,99 33.229.354,19 B7. Circus 15.242 1.083.575 13.120 14.157.824,70 14.491.358,75 14.727.754,53 137.696 21.995.997 797.217 362.359.006,98 420.838.028,97 435.485.733,71 Grand Total In the Theatre activity, the aggregate B1-Theatre is essentially represented by the prose theatre. In terms of Turnover, prose shows express 49.16% of the macro-aggregate as a whole (Table 3). Table 41 shows the territorial trend of the Number of Shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure and Turnover in the Theatre sector. The following Table shows the most important values (by decreasing order of Turnover), referred to every macro-area and to the first three regions with the highest values. Macroarea Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Turnover a. Nord-Ovest 36.283 6.494.442 176.590 117.634.710,33 139.322.307,71 145.374.587,04 b. Nord-Est 33.015 5.050.881 236.912 91.254.370,61 107.061.233,71 109.779.931,25 c. Centro 36.440 5.447.912 184.475 87.998.100,75 103.294.795,28 106.994.673,64 d. Sud 19.689 2.983.963 81.817 39.600.989,94 43.505.964,04 44.928.595,56 e. Isole 12.269 2.018.799 117.423 25.870.835,35 27.653.728,23 28.407.946,22 137.696 21.995.997 797.217 362.359.006,98 420.838.028,97 435.485.733,71 Grand Total Region Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office Expenditure Turnover Lombardia 21.984 4.208.485 122.215 83.660.624,03 102.239.071,14 106.874.593,56 Veneto 12.465 2.041.775 112.147 52.902.398,13 60.767.541,61 61.480.336,07 Lazio 19.367 2.926.669 77.631 50.743.486,70 55.706.430,18 57.651.773,29 Grand Total 53.816 9.176.909 311.993 187.306.508,86 218.713.042,93 226.006.702,92 The values expressed give some opportunities to reflect. 28 Expenditure at Audience the box office Expenditure Chapter 3. Theatre Activity The Turnover made in the Nord-ovest is five times higher than the value of the Isole, while Lombardia has the same Turnover value compared to Centro value as a whole. In terms of supply (Number of Shows), the differences between the various areas of the Country are less evident, with fluctuations included between 12.3 thousands shows registered in the Isole and 36.4 thousand shows in the Centro. Through the geographical view, Table 3 shows the weight of the different kinds within the macro-aggregate of theater activity. The analysis of the theatre sector goes on with the review of every aggregate. B1. Theatre • 1. Number of Shows (Table 3) 85,511 theatre events account for more than half of the number of shows of the whole macro-aggregate of theatre (62.10%). Mainly the sector summarizes the results achieved by Prose Theatre. The monthly trend (Table 11) shows that the highest number of shows was concentrated in March (12,199); the lowest in September (2,449). Most of shows are organized during the usual theatrical season (from October to May). • 2. Admissions (Table 3) Admissions in the Theatre Sector (14 million units) account for 63.97% of the whole macro-aggregate. The highest attendance (Table 11) was registered in March (2.3 million); the lowest in September (248 thousands) with almost a concurrence of demand (admissions) and supply (number of shows). • 3. Attendance (Table 3) In absolute terms Attendance recorded were 287.5 thousands. In the Theatre Sector, this accounts for 36.06% of the value of the whole sector: this percentage is the second after Performing Arts. The highest peak of Attendance (Table 11) is registered in July (42.9 thousand units); the lowest in April (14.4 thousands). The trend of Attendance does not match the one of Admissions: the value of Attendance is far more pronounced in summer, characterized by a few important open-air events (attracting a wide audience). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 3) The Expenditure at the Box Office is equal to 183.8 million Euros and accounts for 50.72% of the whole macro-aggregate. According to the analysis of the monthly distribution of the Expenditure at the Box Office (Table 11) the highest value is registered in October (22.9 million Euros); the lowest in August (6.5 million Euros). Higher values concerning the Expenditure at the Box Office were systematically registered in autumn and winter. The average entrance fee (Expenditure at the Box Office/Admissions) was equal to 13.06 Euros, increasing if compared with 2014 (+4.23%). 29 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 3) The total amount paid by the public to attend theatre shows is equal to 207.7 million Euros. The differential value in relation to the Expenditure at the Box Office is of 23.9 million Euros: that means that the Audience Expenditure that is not the result of the purchase of tickets (shows, cloakroom, advance sales, food and drinks, etc.) is equal to 13.93% of the total value of the indicator. According to the analysis on the monthly trend (Table 11), the Audience Expenditure follows the same trend as the Expenditure at the Box Office: the highest value is detected in autumn and winter, with a peak in october (24 million); the lowest in August (7.7 million). • 6. Turnover (Table 3) The Prose Turnover is equal to 214.1 million Euros. Given an Audience Expenditure of 207.7 million Euros, the revenues of the sector are equal to 97% of the amounts paid by spectators and only 3% is the result of the money paid by third parties (sponsorships, public and private contributions, advertising contracts, etc.). In absolute terms, these amounts are worth 6.4 million Euros. The highest Turnover is registered in October (Table 11), equal to 24.6 million Euros; the lowest is in August (8 million Euros). B2. Opera This sector is marked by the two-fold image that it offers during the months of normal theatre activities and in summer. Table 12 shows that while for the monthly trend (Number of shows) the values are comparable to those of the standard theatrical seasons, July shows the highest indicators for Admissions, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure and Turnover, on the occasion of the most important open-air shows of the whole season. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 3) The number of Opera shows (3,673 events) amounts to 2.67% of the whole macro-aggregate; this percentage is very low and far similar to the number of shows settled by Revue and musical (2.09%) and Puppets and marionettes (1.96%). The poor weight represented by the number of Opera shows summerizes the difficulties of managing the Opera sector that, anyhow, even with a limited number of shows, has a remarkable success considering the attendance, both in absolute terms and as a percentage value. As for the Prose sector, the yearly distribution of the number of Opera shows is marked by the events of the Theatrical season that, with a further summer peak in July. The highest value of the Number of Shows (Table 12) is registered in October (426 events), the lowest in September (168 events). • 2. Admissions (Table 3) The Opera sector with 2.2 million Admissions, ranks second in the Theatre sector. As to the percentage, Admissions in the Opera sector amount to 10.13% of the whole macro-aggregate. According to the monthly trend, the number of Admissions (Table 12) is remarkably far from the similar value in the case of the Number of Shows. The Admissions are mainly concentrated in July (302.9 thousands) and August (293 thousands): that confirms the success of the events organized in open-air venues with a great capacity, where the Opera show is accompanied by the suggestions of the historic place (we are mainly making reference to the Arena of Verona, and Terme di Caracalla). 30 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity • 3. Attendance (Table 3) The value of this indicator in the Opera sector is almost null (around 2 thousands units, equal to 0.28% of the total): the occurrence of Opera shows for which no ticket is sold is of an exceptional character. The highest Attendance is registered in September: 1,499 (Table 12). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 3) Opera shows account for 25.57% of the total Expenditure at the Box Office detected in the theatre sector, equal to 92.7 million Euros. The most relevant amounts for the purchase of tickets and season tickets (Table 12) are spent in July (18.3 million Euros) and August (15.8 million Euros). As we have already explained, in this respect, the Opera season is different from the other sectors of the Theatre where the highest Expenditure at the Box Office is registered in autumn and winter. The average entrance fee is equal to 41.59 Euros. Compared with previous year, this value is decreasing by over 10% • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 3) In 2015 the Audience Expenditure was equal to 100.9 million Euros and was higher by 8.3 million Euros than the Expenditure at the Box Office: as we know, such a differential value (8.20%) suggests that almost the whole Audience Expenditure is the result of the amounts paid to buy tickets and season tickets. In fact the Fondo unico per lo spettacolo – a Fund for the Entertainment Industry is particularly relevant for Opera shows; because of paying in of public funds, the amounts distributed through the FUS do not fall within relevant statistical data for Siae. In terms of territorial distribution (Table 43) the highest Audience Expenditure is registered in Veneto (32.3 million Euros) and Lombardia (26.6 million Euros); Toscana is far following (10.7 million Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 3) The Turnover in this sector is equal to 105.6 million Euros. Given an Audience Expenditure of 100.9 million Euros, the amounts of non participants are equal to 4.7 million Euros. This value accounts for 4.42% of the whole proceeds of the sector. Considering that important public and private contributions are paid to the Opera sector, a share of these amounts, referred to 2015, have not been registered by organizers yet – we remind readers that the last data items collected for this yearbook concern the values gathered until the month of February 2016. B3. Revue and Musical The Revue and musical sector is still much dependant from the title of the show on the bill. In 2015 the sector is substantially stable in relation to the offer (Number of shows, +4.63%) and to Audience (Admissions +0.76%). On the other side, all economic indicators marked a heavy drop, decreasing by 16%. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 3) In 2015 the shows of the Revue and musical were equal to 2,872. The trend of this sector follows the normal season cycle of the theatre sector (Table 13). The sector accounts for 2.09% of the total number of shows of the whole theatre sector. 31 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity • 2. Admissions (Table 3) 1.3 million Admissions were registered in the sector; in terms of percentage weight, the Admissions of the Revue and musical sector account for 5.75% of the whole macro-aggregate. The monthly trend follows the standard trend of the theatrical season (Table 13). • 3. Attendance (Table 3) As we already stated for the Opera sector, the spectators of Revue and Musical shows always purchase a ticket. The occurrence of “free-entrance” shows is occasional: then, the value of Attendance is quite low. The value of Attendance is equal to 9,482 units. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 3) The public spent 26.2 million Euros to buy tickets and season tickets. The weight of this sector on the whole sector is equal to 7.24%. The average entrance fee is equal to 20.74 Euros, heavily decreasing if compared with previous year (–17.3%). • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 3) 88.95% of the Audience Expenditure, equal to 29.5 million Euros, is given by the Expenditure at the Box Office and the remaining 11.05% by the money spent by the public. • 6. Turnover (Table 3) The Turnover amounts to 29.9 million Euros. The one of Revue and musical is a theatre genre suffering the consequences of the fact that Italy is full of venues capable of hosting very demanding shows. Table 44 shows the concentration of the Turnover in Lombardia (10.4 million Euros) and in Lazio (6.5 million Euros). B4. Ballet As usual, in June this sector was characterized by the staging of many events: 1,762 shows (Table 14) most of which set up during the many year-end recitals of dance schools. Most of the shows were held in Lombardia: 1,324 events (Table 45). During 2015, the Ballet sector indicators showed mied signals: Number of shows (+12.55%) and Admissions (+2.30%) are increasing, while economic indicators show a drop fluctuating between –3.80% (Turnover) and –5.87% (Audience expenditure). • 1. Number of Shows (Table 3) 8,366 shows were produced in this sector. In percentage terms, Ballet collects 6.08% of the total of shows in the macro-aggregate. • 2. Admissions (Table 3) The Admissions amount to 2 million and account for 9.52% of the total of the macro-aggregate Theatre. In Ballet, almost 24% of Admissions is registered in June (Table 14). 32 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity • 3. Attendance (Table 3) In 2015 the Attendance value was of 37.9 thousand units, equal to 4.76% of the total value of the macro-aggregate. The most relevant concentration was registered in June with 17.5 thousand units (Table 14). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 3) The amounts paid to buy tickets and season tickets are equal to 32.2 million Euros. The Expenditure at the Box Office of the Ballet sector ranks third in the macro-aggregate of Theatre Activities, with a weight of 8.89%. According to the time analysis the amounts paid at the box office are concentrated in the months of June (5.5 million Euros) and December (5.1 million Euros) (Table 14). The average entrance fee is of 15.39 Euros, 7.68% less than 2014. The highest Expenditure at the Box Office was registered in Lombardia: 7.4 million Euros (Table 45). • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 3) The Audience Expenditure amounts to 34.8 million Euros; 92.55% of it is given by the proceeds at the box office and 7.45% by the other amounts paid by the public. The highest values are found in June and December (Table 14). • 6. Turnover (Table 3) The Turnover produced by the sector amounts to 36.8 million Euros and accounts for 8.44% of the total of the macro-aggregate of Theatre. The driving region (Table 45) is Lombardia (9 million Euros). B5. Puppets and Marionettes The aggregate of Puppets and Marionettes shows the results of a traditional entertainment activity mainly done by some historic families of puppeteers. The sector has ancient roots in some areas of the territory (see Table 46), where a few but interesting structures – mostly permanent – still persist and present these shows on a continuous basis. 2015 was widely negative, for this sector. All economic indicators marked a decrease (–28% average), and Admissions dropped by –6.07%. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 3) The shows of Puppets and marionettes (2,693) account for 1.96% of all the theatre shows. The offer is constant all along the year and follows the theatre season (Table 15). • 2. Admissions (Table 3) The Admissions amount to 192 thousand units and follow the usual trend of the entertainment offer (Table 15). 33 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity • 3. Attendance (Table 3) The Attendance amounts to 7,103, and account for 0.89% of all the macro-aggregate. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 3) In this sector the Expenditure at the Box Office (1 million Euros) is the lowest of the whole macro-aggregate. The average entrance fee is 5.28 Euros; the lowest of the whole theatre sector. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 3) The Audience Expenditure amounted to 1.12 million Euros. The differential value in relation to the Expenditure at the Box Office (that’s to say the total amount paid by spectators not to purchase tickets or season tickets) is of 111 thousands Euros, 9.87% of the whole Audience expenditure of theatre sector. The highest Audience expenditure, as shown in Table 46, was registered in Sicilia (245 thousands Euros), in Lazio (227 thousands Euros) and in Lombardia (167 thousands Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 3) The overall economic value of the sector is equal to 1.14 million Euros. In terms of weight, the sector of Puppets and marionettes accounts for 0.26% of the whole Turnover of the Theatre sector. In terms of territorial distribution (Table 46) this sector has the same poularity with all parts of Italy. According to the monthly trend the Turnover (Table 15) follows the almost usual trend of the theatre activity. B6. Performing Arts The aggregate of Performing Arts is used to detect some particular activities that have such a complexity that they cannot fall within a genre: reference is not made to multi-genre shows since the different kinds are easily recognizable in their different shows. Rather, it is the show in itself that acts as the container of different art expressions. The proceeds of different recreational venues are also included. Data items gathered during 2015 seem to show a mostly positive trend. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 3) In 2015 there were 19,339 shows of Performing Arts. This sector ranks third in the macro-aggregate of Theatre Activities, with a weight of 14.04%. The highest number of shows, 1,972 (Table 16) was registered in July. • 2. Admissions (Table 3) The Admissions amounted to 1.1 million. As to the monthly trend (Table 16), the highest Admissions were recorded in December (153 thousands), the lowest in October (56 thousands). The highest Admissions (Table 47) were featured by Toscana (192 thousands). 34 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity • 3. Attendance (Table 3) In the Performing Arts sector Attendance (440 thousand units) account for 55.17% of the total value of the Theatre sector. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 3) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 12.3 million Euros, that is equal to 3.38% of the total of the theatre sector. The average entrance fee is 11.55 Euros. The highest value was registered in March, 1.7 million Euros (Table 16). • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 3) The amounts paid by the public (32.3 million Euros) to attend a show (paid both to purchase the ticket and to benefit from other services) are summarized under the Audience Expenditure; in this sector the 37.99% of the Audience expenditure is made by purchasing of tickets and season tickets and the 62.01% is made by amounts paid for accessorial goods and services. The highest Audience Expenditure (Table 47) is registered in Veneto, 9.1 million Euros; the region where some of the most important recreational structures are and where many performing arts events are organized. • 6. Turnover (Table 3) The Turnover of the Performing Arts is equal to 33.2 million Euros, and is the 7.63% of the macro-aggregate of Theatre. According to the monthly trend the Turnover (Table 16) the highest peaks of profits are registered in March (3.4 million Euros). B7. Circus Circus is the sector that in the last few years, under the pressure of the many novelties offered in internationally renowned circus shows, both in terms of artistic contents and choreographies, has registered a deep change in the nature itself of the show. In 2015 economic indicators featured a remarkable increase. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 3) In 2015 the Circus produced 15,242 shows, accounting for 11.07% of the theatre sector. The offer of shows (Table 17) was almost the same all along the year. • 2. Admissions (Table 3) 1.1 million Admissions (4.93% of the total of the theatre sector) were registered, with a high concentration in August. (Table 17). • 3. Attendance (Table 3) All along the year, 13.120 units were registered, equal to 1.65% of the total of the theatre sector. 35 Chapter 3. Theatre Activity • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 3) The value of the Expenditure at the Box Office is equal to 14.2 million Euros. The average entrance fee (Expenditure at the Box Office/Admissions) is of 13.07 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 3) The Audience Expenditure amounts to 14.5 million Euros. The difference value compared to the Expenditure at the box office (334 thousands Euros) accounts for 2.30% of the Audience expenditure as a whole. The highest Audience expenditure (Table 17) was registered in August (3 million Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 3) With 14.8 million Euros of Turnover, the Circus makes 3.38% of the total revenue of the Theatre macroaggregate. The highest amounts (Table 48) are registered in Lombardia (7.3 million Euros). 36 Chapter 4. Concert Activities Aggregate Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office Expenditure Turnover C1. Classical Concerts 15.625 3.223.418 48.571 47.279.475,11 50.206.523,46 55.244.649,53 C2. Pop Music Concerts 18.975 9.522.592 1.187.522 286.988.481,79 344.328.347,83 355.486.546,16 C3. Jazz Music Concerts 4.966 594.983 113.900 9.570.923,75 12.171.978,77 13.136.558,14 39.566 13.340.993 1.349.993 343.838.880,65 406.706.850,06 423.867.753,83 Grand Total Concert activities are characterized by the prevailing position of Pop Music Concerts (Table 4). In terms of percentages of the Number of Shows, 47.96% of the Concert Activity is made by Pop Music Concerts, 34.49% by Classical Concerts, and 12.55% by Jazz Concerts. The analysis on the composition of aggregates according to the other indicators (Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure and Turnover) shows that the incidence of Pop Music Concerts is even more prominent, with the highest relevance in the field of Attendance (87.97% of the whole macro-aggregate). Table 49 shows the data collected in the different territorial areas. The summary of some values, ordered by decreasing value of turnover, referred to every macro-area and to the first three regions with the highest values is also given in the following session. Macroarea Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover a. Nord-Ovest 11.706 4.370.367 565.483 115.868.431,87 138.546.378,07 144.916.260,88 c. Centro 10.884 3.485.425 256.701 94.360.306,63 108.344.023,55 114.052.250,87 b. Nord-Est 9.561 3.014.027 398.111 84.091.541,52 99.892.184,20 102.049.180,85 d. Sud 4.682 1.616.305 103.802 32.845.565,45 38.451.388,22 40.509.029,24 e. Isole 2.733 854.869 25.896 16.673.035,18 21.472.876,02 22.341.031,99 39.566 13.340.993 1.349.993 343.838.880,65 406.706.850,06 423.867.753,83 Grand Total Region Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover Lombardia 7.394 3.057.120 404.581 79.753.783,55 96.445.268,19 100.501.759,25 Lazio 4.287 1.757.143 105.848 51.696.485,25 58.228.109,53 62.359.796,35 Emilia-Romagna 3.856 1.317.778 189.669 41.725.083,28 49.209.285,05 49.811.042,90 15.337 6.132.041 700.098 173.175.352,08 203.882.662,77 212.672.598,50 Grand Total The summary data shows the remarkable difference of the size of northern and central areas in relation to the values of the Sud and Isole. By presenting the highest regional values, we prove that the Turnover of the concerts held in the first three ranking Regions (212.7 million Euros) accounts for the half of the amount recorded in the national territory as a whole. 38 Chapter 4. Concert Activities In relation to 2014, the sector of Concerts marked (during 2015) a generalized increase (Tables 95-100) in all indicators but Attendance (–3.08%): the Number of shows, 7.73%; Admissions, +15.40%; Expenditure at the Box Office, +24.50%; Audience expenditure, +24.39%; Turnover, +22.56%. C1. Classical Concerts • 1. Number of Shows (Table 4) The sector has registered 15,625 Shows. The offer of Classical concerts (Number of Shows) follows an almost homogeneous trend all along the year (Table 18). The highest values are registered in May (1,523 events); the lowest one in January (1.054). • 2. Admissions (Table 4) The aggregate has reached 3.2 million Admissions, accounting for 24.16% of the whole sector. The Admissions (Table 18) show a prominent decrease in summer. The regions with the highest number of Admissions (Table 50) are Lombardia (716 thousands) and Lazio (446 thousands). • 3. Attendance (Table 4) 48.6 thousand Attendance units were registered, accounting for 3.60% of the total of the sector. The highest concentration (Table 18) is registered in August (14.2 thousand units). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 4) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 47.3 million Euros. The average entrance fee (Expenditure at the Box Office/Admissions) is 14.67 Euros. The highest monthly value (Table 18) is registered in June (6.5 million Euros). • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 4) The total amount paid by the public is 50.2 million Euros. Given the Expenditure at the Box Office, 94.17% of the Audience Expenditure is composed by the money paid to purchase tickets and season tickets, 5.83% by other amounts paid by the public. The highest Audience Expenditure (Table 50) is registered in Lazio (9.7 million Euros) and Lombardia (10.8 million Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 4) The Turnover is equal to 55.2 million Euros, accounting for 13.03% of the total of the macro-aggregate. The highest Turnover (Table 18) was registered in June (6.9 million Euros). By calculating the differential between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure, we notice that 9.12% of the proceeds in this sector comes from non participants (sponsorships, advertisements, public and private contributions, etc.). 39 Chapter 4. Concert Activities C2. Pop Music Concerts The one of Pop Music Concerts is the sector that shows the highest values of the macro-aggregate of Concerts. The sector depends from the offer of shows made by successful artists and for that reason it does not suffer the consequences of particular seasonal fluctuations. It is clear that the most appealing concerts need adequate structures – mainly open-area venues – used mainly in summer. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 4) 18,975 pop music shows were registered. According to the monthly trend (Table 19) the highest number of shows is registered in July with 2,563 concerts. • 2. Admissions (Table 4) With 9.5 million Admissions this sector accounts for 71.38% of the value of the whole macro-aggregate. The highest concentration of Admissions (Table 19) is registered in July (2 millions). According to territorial distribution (Table 51), the highest value of Admissions is registered in Lombardia (2,2 millions). • 3. Attendance (Table 4) The Attendance value is quite a remarkable piece of data for Pop Music concerts: the organization of many “free-admission” shows, mainly in summer, pushes the indicator beyond 1.2 million units. In terms of percentage, the Attendance indicator accounts for 87.97% of the whole Concerts sector. The highest monthly value (Table 19) were registered in July (310 thousand units). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 4) The Expenditure at the Box Office of Pop Music Concerts is definitely high (287 million Euros) and represents one of the aggregates with the highest absolute value. The highest concentration of the Expenditure at the Box Office was registered in July (Table 19), with profits averaging 65.4 million Euros. The region with the highest level of Expenditure at the Box Office (Table 51) is Lombardia (67.3 million Euros). The average entrance fee of pop music concerts is 30.14 Euros (+4.65% in relation to previous year). • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 4) Even the Audience Expenditure is quite high (344.3 million Euros, accounting for 84.66% of the whole macro-aggregate). 83.35% of the indicator is given by the Expenditure at the Box Office and the remaining 16.65% by the other services paid by the public. • 6. Turnover (Table 4) The value of Pop Music Concerts is 355.5 million Euros and accounts for 83.87% of the total of the sector. The highest values (Table 19) were registered in July (80.7 million Euros). The region with the highest (Table 51) value is Lombardia, with 84 million Euros. Nord-ovest as a whole had a turnover of more than 122.8 million Euros. 40 Chapter 4. Concert Activities C3. Jazz Music Concerts The sector of Jazz Music Concerts is the one that shows the lowest values of the macro-aggregate of Concert activities (Table 4). • 1. Number of Shows (Table 4) 4,966 Jazz Music Concerts were held during 2015. The monthly trend of the shows (Table 20) follows a fluctuating trend with a peak in July (687 events), to coincide with important summer shows. The region with the highest number of Jazz music shows (Table 52) is Lombardia with 939 events. • 2. Admissions (Table 4) Admissions amounted to 595 thousand units, accounting to 4.46% of the macro-aggregate. The highest number of Admissions was registered in July with 102.8 thousand units (Table 20). • 3. Attendance (Table 4) The Attendance value for Jazz Music Concerts (113.9 thousands) accounts for 8.44% of the whole sector. The highest concentration of Attendance (Table 20) is registered in August with 25,072 units. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 4) The Expenditure at the Box Office in this sector amounts to 9.6 million Euros: the average entrance fee is 16.09 Euros. The Expenditure at the Box Office follows the trend of the Admissions and marks a clear peak (2,3 million Euros) in July (Table 20). • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 4) This indicator amounts to 12.2 million Euros. The difference with the Expenditure at the Box Office (2.6 million Euros) shows that 78.63% of the Audience Expenditure is given by the proceeds deriving from the sale of tickets and season tickets and 21.37% by the other amounts paid by the public. • 6. Turnover (Table 4) The Turnover in this sector amounts to 13.1 million Euros. Jazz accounts for 3.10% of the total proceeds of the macro-aggregate of Concerts. From the territorial viewpoint (Table 52), the highest proceeds are registered in Lombardia (3.1 million Euros), Umbria (2.3 million Euros) and Lazio (1.2 million Euros). The highest Turnover value was registered in July (3.2 million Euros) (Table 20). 41 Chapter 5. Sports Activities Aggregate D1. Soccer Number of Shows Admissions at Audience Attendance Expenditure the box office Expenditure Turnover 110.781 22.084.712 58.012 297.468.866,78 703.920.335,38 1.983.481.939,04 D2. Team sports other than soccer 13.050 3.709.216 20.776 36.813.918,74 52.354.780,35 240.512.965,00 D3. Individual sports 7.469 1.336.878 27.687 41.053.703,50 123.846.328,39 211.047.730,81 D4. Other sports 9.893 1.173.502 52.999 11.712.639,25 31.966.636,86 70.841.002,05 141.193 28.304.308 159.474 387.049.128,27 Grand Total 912.088.080,98 2.505.883.636,90 Among the various entertainment activities, the sports sector (Table 1) is the one that produces the highest Turnover: 2,506 million Euros. This value, however, does not include all the proceeds from Sports Activities, because it could be that some important contracts (sponsorships, advertisements and the transfer of TV rights) were not registered at the time of publishing this yearbook since the relative amounts have not been received by SIAE yet. 39.50% of the whole Turnover of the economic sector of the entertainment industry is produced by Sports Activities (Table 2). Table 53 shows the trend of sports in different geographical areas. The summary of some values, ordered by decreasing value of turnover, referred to every macro-area and to the first three regions with the highest values is also given in the following session. Macroarea Number of Shows Admissions at Attendance Expenditure the box office Turnover a. Nord-Ovest 57.499 9.753.638 39.214 152.952.383,81 471.837.604,01 1.205.523.502,06 c. Centro 44.210 7.708.332 13.542 112.459.969,27 214.295.769,00 529.672.504,95 b. Nord-Est 29.896 5.530.119 71.930 67.936.460,63 126.457.042,66 503.863.061,68 d. Sud 7.016 3.823.663 18.254 39.360.409,62 65.831.718,60 169.209.808,57 e. Isole 2.572 1.488.556 16.534 14.339.904,94 33.665.946,71 97.614.759,64 141.193 28.304.308 159.474 387.049.128,27 Grand Total Region Number of Shows Admissions at Attendance Expenditure the box office 912.088.080,98 2.505.883.636,90 Audience expenditure Turnover Lombardia 37.102 5.535.650 13.420 80.147.412,97 181.484.771,54 628.886.309,48 Piemonte 18.045 2.905.819 25.574 60.848.448,85 230.773.941,80 461.016.975,38 2.529 2.909.956 2.113 66.114.215,95 130.223.738,21 281.937.771,92 57.676 11.351.425 41.107 207.110.077,77 Lazio Grand Total Table 5 shows the values of the four aggregates making up the sector. 44 Audience expenditure 542.482.451,55 1.371.841.056,78 Chapter 5. Sports Activities D1. Soccer Soccer is the aggregate (Table 1) where most of the Turnover of the entertainment sector is concentrated: in 2015 this sector accounted for 79.15% of the total Turnover in the sport aggregate. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 5) 111 thousand soccer shows were held: that is, 78.46% of the total value of the macro-aggregate. According to the monthly distribution (Table 21) the highest concentration of the Number of Shows is registered during the regular soccer season (from September to May) with a large drop during summer months. • 2. Admissions (Table 5) 22.1 million Admissions are registered in this sector. The weight on the total of Admissions of the macro-aggregate is equal to 78.03%. The monthly trend (Table 21) of this indicator follows the trends of the Number of Shows, marked by a drop in summer. • 3. Attendance (Table 5) This indicator is not very relevant in the field of soccer: on aggregate, 58 thousand people were registered – mainly ascribable to minor soccer leagues. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 5) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 297.5 million Euros. This value ranks second among the entertainment aggregates (Table 1), after Cinema. The highest Expenditure at the Box Office is registered in July, August and September (Table 21) when the most of season tickets relative to the next season are sold. The average entrance fee is 13.47 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 5) In Soccer the Audience Expenditure amounts to 703.9 million Euros, equal to 77.18% of the total value of the Sports macro-aggregate. The region with the highest Audience Expenditure (Table 54) is Piemonte (222.9 million Euros), followed by Lazio (112 million Euros) and Lombardia (87.6 million Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 5) The Turnover, amounting to 1,983.5 million Euros, is the highest among the aggregates of the entertainment industry. The differential between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure is equal to 1,279.6 million Euros. The value sums up all the proceeds from sponsorships, transfer of TV rights, advertisement, etc. and accounts for 64.51% of the sector incomes. According to the monthly trend (Table 21) the highest amounts are registered in January, July and October. 45 Chapter 5. Sports Activities D2. Team sports other than soccer Please refer to the table in the introduction for the breakdown of all the sports included in this aggregate. In terms of Turnover, this sector accounts for 9.60% of the total amount of the macro-aggregate (Table 5). • 1. Number of Shows (Table 5) Team sports other than soccer have produced 13.050 shows. The monthly trend (Table 22) shows very low values during the time period June-Seprember. • 2. Admissions (Table 5) Admissions amount to 3.7 millions. This value is the second (after soccer) in the macro-aggregate, accounting for 13.10% of the total. The most relevant aspect of the monthly trend as to Admissions (Table 22) is the drop registered in summer. • 3. Attendance (Table 5) The value of this indicator accounts for 20.776 units (equal to 13.03% of the total value of the macroaggregate). The monthly Attendance peak (Table 22) is registered in April (3,866 units) • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 5) The Expenditure at the Box Office, equal to 36.8 million Euros, accounts for 9.51% of the value of the macro-aggregate. The highest monthly value (Table 22) is registered in September (6.1 million Euros), when most of the season tickets for the basketball and volleyball championship are sold. The average entrance fee is 9.92 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 5) The Audience Expenditure amounts to 52.4 million Euros. This indicator accounts for 5.74% of the total value of the macro-aggregate. The monthly trend of the Audience Expenditure (Table 22) confirms the tendency of the Expenditure at the Box Office. According to the territorial analysis (Table 55) the highest values of Audience Expenditure are registered in Lombardia (14.1 million Euros); followed by Emilia-Romagna (9.6 million Euros) and Veneto (5.3 million Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 5) The Turnover of this sector amounts to 240.5 million Euros. The differential between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure is equal to 188.2 million Euros: the value sums up all the proceeds from sponsorships, transfer of TV rights, advertisement, public and private contributions etc. The monthly trend (Table 22) shows a peak in January, 36.6 million Euros. 46 Chapter 5. Sports Activities D3. Individual sports Please refer to the table in the introduction for the exact composition of this aggregate. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 5) 7,469 shows were registered in 2015. The monthly trend (Table 23) shows quite a homogeneous distribution all along the year. • 2. Admissions (Table 5) Admissions were in the number of 1.3 millions, accounting for 4.72% of the total value of the macroaggregate. The highest values of the indicator were registered in May and September (Table 23). • 3. Attendance (Table 5) The value amounts to 27.687 units. Attendance units account for 17.36% of the total of the macroaggregate. A high concentration, 11 thousand units, is registered in the month of June (Table 23). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 5) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 41.1 million Euros, equal to 10.61% of the total value of the macro-aggregate. According to the monthly analysis (Table 23) the highest values of Expenditure at the Box Office are registered in May (14.3 million Euros) and in September (15.8 million Euros). The average entrance fee is 30.71 Euros. This is the highest value among the sports sector ones. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 5) The Audience Expenditure, amounting to 123.8 million Euros, is the second in the macro-aggregate; in terms of percentage, it accounts for 13.58% of the total. The monthly trend (Table 23) shows a not homogeneous trend, linked to some important sports events, showing a peak in September, 37 million Euros. • 6. Turnover (Table 5) The Turnover, amounting to 211 million Euros, accounts for 8.42% of the value of the whole macroaggregate. The differential value between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure amounts to 87.2 million Euros; as we all know, mainly this value sums up the proceeds from sponsorships, advertising contracts, and TV rights. The monthly trend (Table 23) is not constant: the highest values are registered in May, 45.5 million Euros and in September, 44.5 million Euros. 47 Chapter 5. Sports Activities D4. Other sports For a clear explanation of the kind of shows included in this aggregate please refer to the table in the introduction. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 5) This sector has produced 9.893 shows, accounting for 7.01% of the total value of the macro-aggregate. The number of shows all along the year (Table 24) is rather homogeneous. • 2. Admissions (Table 5) Admissions stand at 1,2 millions, quite a limited amount, accounting for only 4.15% of the value of the macro-aggregate. The highest number of Admissions was registered (Table 57) in Trentino Alto Adige (218.4 thousand units) followed by Emilia-Romagna (190 thousands) and Lombardia (173.1 thousands). • 3. Attendance (Table 5) On aggregate, 52.999 attendance units were registered. In the sector Other Sports, the weight of Attendance accounts for 33.23% of the total. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 5) The Expenditure at the Box Office of the aggregate amounts to 11.7 million Euros. According to the monthly trend (Table 24) the highest values are registered in November (1.7 million Euros). The region with the highest Expenditure at the Box Office (Table 57) is Trentino Alto Adige (2.7 million Euros). The average entrance fee is 9.98 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 5) The registered value of 32 million Euros, accounts for 3.50% of the value of the macro-aggregate. For the Audience Expenditure, the time distribution (Table 24) shows the highest value in January, 4.8 million Euros. • 6. Turnover (Table 5) In 2015 the Turnover amounted to 70.8 million Euros. By calculating the differential between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure, equal to 38.9 million Euros, we noticed the absolute prevalence of the proceeds from non participants (sponsorships, advertisements, TV shooting, etc.). The monthly distribution (Table 24), has a peak in January, 10 million Euros. The region with the far highest value in this sector (Table 57) is Lombardia, with 19.9 million Euros of Turnover. 48 Chapter 6. Dance Activities and Concertinos Aggregate E1. Dance E2. Concertinos Grand Total Number of Shows Admissions at Attendance Expenditure the box office Audience Expenditure Turnover 357.869 27.410.819 21.730.662 266.068.040,89 753.086.586,21 764.966.879,72 411.837 537.720 26.072.143 6.322.265,00 325.994.918,57 328.363.676,35 769.706 27.948.539 47.802.805 272.390.305,89,78 1.093.330.556,07 In terms of Attendance and Audience Expenditure, the Dance and Concertinos Activity ranks first; in terms of the Number of Shows and Admissions, it ranks second after Cinema. With regards to the Turnover it shows the second highest value after Sports. In this sector, the indicators of the Admissions and the Expenditure at the Box Office are not tools to measure the flow of spectators and their expenditure exactly, because it may happen that no ticket is foreseen for these kinds of shows. Instead, the indicators of the Attendance and the Audience Expenditure, given the absence of entrance tickets, help defining the real size of this macro-aggregate. Table 58 shows the trend of the values of the macro-aggregate in different territorial areas: the most important data items are summarized in the following table, ordered by decreasing value of turnover. Macroarea Number of Shows Admissions at Attendance Expenditure the box office Audience expenditure Turnover a. Nord-Ovest 241.902 9.698.579 13.466.151 89.590.669,97 311.914.598,17 315.981.880,30 b. Nord-Est 180.653 6.917.066 12.452.857 67.180.811,21 255.273.535,00 257.872.706,31 c. Centro 177.752 6.912.835 9.780.991 70.364.493,60 230.895.775,78 235.687.463,74 d. Sud 106.836 2.454.024 6.639.036 26.971.757,27 183.084.767,56 184.432.802,33 e. Isole 62.563 1.966.035 5.463.770 18.282.573,84 97.912.828,27 99.355.703,39 769.706 27.948.539 47.802.805 Admissions Attendance Expenditure at the box office Audience expenditure Grand Total Region Lombardia Number of Shows 272.390.305,89,78 1.093.330.556,07 Turnover 140.754 6.422.526 6.981.917 59.348.711,93 193.221.195,28 195.276.819,00 Emilia-Romagna 76.777 3.853.158 4.569.728 37.376.778,64 107.447.698,42 108.662.558,80 Veneto 63.220 2.336.496 4.721.105 22.668.628,07 98.929.000,68 99.798.200,47 280.751 12.612.180 16.272.750 119.394.118,64 399.597.894,38 403.737.578,27 Grand Total Table 6 shows the composition of the macro-aggregate and its two components: it is crystal clear that while the Number of Shows is divided almost equally between Dance (46.49%) and Concertinos (53.51%), with regards to the Audience Expenditure (69.79% compared with 30.21%) and Turnover (69.97% compared with 30.03%) Dance shows remarkable results. Given the fact that entrance tickets to Concertinos are seldom issued, the Admissions and the Expenditure at the Box Office are registered almost exclusively for Dance (more than 98% of the total). 48 Chapter 6. Dance Activities and Concertinos E1. Dance This sector includes the values of dancing performances with live and/or recorded music. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 6) In 2015, 357,869 dance shows were registered. According to the monthly distribution of the activity (Table 25) the offer of shows is almost constant all along the year, with a slight prevalence in December (37,112 events). • 2. Admissions (Table 6) Even if the issue of entrance tickets is not the only way to access dance venues, Admissions in 2015 amounted to 27.4 millions: this value ranks second after the one of Cinema. The monthly trend (Table 25) is quite constant all along the year. The territorial distribution (Table 59) shows that the region with the highest Admission ticked issued value is Lombardia (6.3 million Euros); followed by Emilia-Romagna (3.8 million Euros), and Piemonte (2.6 million Euros). • 3. Attendance (Table 6) 21.7 million Attendance units have been registered: it is the second highest value after Concertinos. According to the time analysis (Table 25) the highest attendance is registered in summer: clearly, free admission and non-mandatory drinks are the selection criteria generally used by summer discotheques. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 6) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 266.1 million Euros and the monthly distribution shows (Table 25) a peak in December, 35.8 million Euros, ascribable to dance performance of the year end. The average entrance fee is 9.71 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 6) The Audience Expenditure – 753.1 million Euros – is around 3 times higher than the Expenditure at the Box Office. The differential, equal to 487 million Euros, is ascribable to the amounts paid by spectators for other services during the show – mainly: drinks, the cloakroom service and table reservations. The territorial distribution (Table 59) shows that the region with the highest Audience Expenditure is Lombardia (142.3 million Euros); followed by Emilia-Romagna (81.4 million Euros), and Puglia (75.1 million Euros). The Audience Expenditure (Table 25) has the highest value in December (101.7 million Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 6) The Turnover in the sector of Dance – 765 million Euros – is not so far from the value of the Audience Expenditure: as we all now, that means that the proceeds from the Audience Expenditure mainly make up this sector. 49 Chapter 6. Dance Activities and Concertinos E2. Concertinos This aggregate is composed of the entertainment data collected when the music performance has got an accessorial character and does not play any particular appealing function in relation to clients – otherwise, the activity would fall under the “concerts” section. Because of their nature, entrance tickets are seldom issued in the case of Concertinos, otherwise a concert activity should be assessed as to this aspect too: therefore, the indicators of the Admissions and the Expenditure at the Box Office are scarcely meaningful. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 6) 411,837 shows were registered during the year. The monthly analysis (Table 26) shows a trend between 48,697 shows in July and 26,092 in September: quite a limited fluctuation. • 2. Admissions (Table 6) This indicator is not meaningful in this aggregate. • 3. Attendance (Table 6) 26.1 million attendance units were registered in this sector: the highest value in the Entertainment industry. According to the monthly analysis (Table 26) the highest values are registered in July and August. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 6) This indicator is not meaningful in this aggregate. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 6) The Audience Expenditure, amounting to 326 million Euros, is mainly made of the amounts paid by spectators to have food and drink during the music performance. The monthly distribution of the Audience Expenditure confirms the trend of the Attendance with summer peaks in July and August (Table 26). The highest values (Table 60) are registered in Lombardia (51 million Euros), Veneto (41.6 million Euros) and Sicilia (34.4 million Euros). • 6. Turnover (Table 6) The Turnover amounts to 328.4 million Euros. The differential between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure is quite low (1.8 millon Euros): as already noticed for the Dance aggregate, in Concertinos too almost all the proceeds come from the money spent by the public. 50 Chapter 7. Touring Amusement Activities Aggregate F1. Touring Amusement Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office Expenditure Turnover 6.005 305.821 192.095 3.839.113,68 12.571.732,59 12.595.037,19 F2. Amusement parks 16.655 14.968.344 861.083 232.193.007,20 345.529.754,80 347.638.673,91 Grand Total 22.660 15.274.165 1.053.178 236.032.120,88 358.101.487,39 360.233.711,10 This Macro-aggregate shows the data of all the amusement activities, touring shows included, or the arcades and machines inside amusement parks (aqua and theme parks). The distribution over the two aggregates (F1-Touring amusement and F2-Amusement and Leisure Parks) is not always immediately perceivable: i.e. fixed amusement arcades located in areas where a price is paid when playing each game are listed among F1 activities; the same amusement arcades located in a limited area to which the public may have access only upon paying an entrance ticket, are listed among F2 activities; another recurring hypothesis is the payment of a fee both to access a limited area and to play the different games of the arcade itself. In this case the proceeds will go to the F1 or F2 according to the service they entitle to. Table 7 shows the composition of the macro-aggregate and its two components: according to the Number of Shows, Amusement and Leisure Parks account for 73.50% of the total; while in terms of Turnover, the weight of Amusement Parks stands at 96.50% of the total of the sector. The territorial distribution of Touring Amusement is shown in Table 61. The summary of some values, ordered by decreasing value of turnover, referred to the macro-areas and to the regions is also given in the following session. Macroarea Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover b. Nord-Est 5.859 6.829.365 364.142 139.928.337,37 217.716.830,45 219.089.095,70 a. Nord-Ovest 4.891 3.685.105 247.014 34.820.663,64 51.048.963,27 51.374.472,77 c. Centro 5.592 2.405.316 210.381 33.395.929,24 49.429.595,46 49.669.999,62 d. Sud 4.684 1.601.017 147.845 16.694.754,73 23.274.017,23 23.449.227,33 e. Isole 1.634 753.362 83.796 11.192.435,90 16.632.080,98 16.650.915,68 22.660 15.274.165 1.053.178 236.032.120,88 358.101.487,39 360.233.711,10 Grand Total Region Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover Veneto 2.229 3.749.680 77.376 92.422.954,51 141.012.080,55 141.321.347,13 Emilia-Romagna 3.409 2.960.727 285.766 45.646.501,35 74.717.424,49 75.780.423,16 Lazio 3.148 1.887.503 83.690 28.862.436,27 38.726.176,93 38.949.749,37 Grand Total 8.786 8.597.910 446.832 166.931.892,13 254.455.681,97 256.051.519,66 The prevalence of data registered in the Nord-est is clear; here the most important Italian amusement parks are found. 54 Chapter 7. Touring Amusement Activities F1. Touring amusement Entrance tickets are more and more becoming the common way to enter any single amusement activity. Since a few years ago, the amounts paid by users were usually expressed as daily total revenue: this did not make easy the timing analysis of the access data. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 7) In 2015, 6,005 shows were registered. According to the monthly trend (Table 27) the highest concentration is registered in July and August. • 2. Admissions (Table 7) 305.8 thousand admissions were registered last year. According to the monthly trend (Table 27) this is mainly a summer activity. The highest number of Admissions, 114.6 thousands, is registered in Lombardia (Table 62). • 3. Attendance (Table 7) All along the year, 192.1 thousand units were registered; this value accounts for 18.24% of the macroaggregate. The months with the highest attendance (Table 27) are July and August. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 7) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 3.8 million Euros and follows the same trend as the Admissions. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 7) The Audience Expenditure amounts to 12.6 million Euros. The territorial distribution (Table 62) shows quite a not homogeneous distribution all along Italy. • 6. Turnover (Table 7) The Turnover, equal to 12.6 million Euros, is not far from the value of the Audience Expenditure, showing that the sector takes its proceeds almost exclusively from the amounts paid by users. Touring amusement accounts for 3.50% of the total Turnover of the macro-aggregate. 55 Chapter 7. Touring Amusement Activities F2. Amusement parks In this sector, the values of the Admissions and Expenditure at the Box Office are remarkable. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 7) Shows stand at 16,655 events. According to the monthly distribution (Table 28) the best results are achieved in summer. • 2. Admissions (Table 7) Admissions amounted to 15 millions. Also in this case, the monthly distribution (Table 28) shows the excellent results achieved in summer. • 3. Attendance (Table 7) 861.1 thousands users have been registered. The highest attendance is registered in June, July, August (Table 28). According to the territorial distribution, the highest values are recorded in the Nord-est: 334 thousand units (Table 63). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 7) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 232.2 million Euros with the usual peak in summer (Table 28). The highest values (Table 63) are registered in Veneto (92.1 million Euros), Emilia-Romagna (44.7 million Euros) and Lazio (28.8 million Euros). The average entrance fee is 15.51 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 7) The proceeds registered under the Audience Expenditure, equal to 345.5 million Euros, are much important and express one of the highest values among the aggregate of entertainment. The differential between the Audience Expenditure and the Expenditure at the Box Office, 113.3 millon Euros, highlights that no ticket is required to access many venues (this conclusion is corroborated by the high number of Attendance units) and that many other payble services are provided by organizers. • 6. Turnover (Table 7) As for the other indicator, the Turnover, equal to 347.6 million Euros, has its highest peak in summer (Table 28); the poor differential amount between the Turnover and the Audience Expenditure (2.1 million Euros approximately) proves the absence of supply by third parties. 56 Chapter 8. Fairs and Exhibitions Aggregate G1. Fairs Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office Expenditure Turnover 4.726 12.856.630 177.514 68.538.005,28 477.147.649,17 481.821.992,76 G2. Exhibitions 52.901 13.054.473 126.050 95.792.800,23 108.862.795,44 115.541.525,82 Grand Total 57.627 25.911.103 303.564 164.330.805,51 586.010.444,61 597.363.518,58 This sector summarizes the values gathered on the occasion of cultural profit-making shows and exhibitions. Visits to museums do not fall under this survey since they are outside Siae’s competence. Table 64 shows the distribution of values by geographical area – ordered by decreasing value of turnover and summarized in the following schedule: Macroarea Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover a. Nord-Ovest 24.028 10.600.602 61.311 65.410.741,45 336.950.322,79 341.494.416,63 b. Nord-Est 14.947 7.657.890 198.469 52.703.336,67 178.070.517,85 182.615.037,83 c. Centro 12.767 5.237.007 22.507 36.788.891,06 51.170.546,19 52.867.449,00 d. Sud 3.357 1.660.935 1.804 6.466.206,10 15.520.039,02 15.919.415,86 e. Isole 2.528 754.669 19.473 2.961.630,23 4.299.018,76 4.467.199,26 57.627 25.911.103 303.564 164.330.805,51 586.010.444,61 597.363.518,58 Grand Total Region Lombardia Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover 15.128 7.996.932 34.519 50.934.923,37 318.796.029,19 321.459.175,77 Veneto 8.142 3.657.075 13.867 31.281.210,71 94.122.528,38 97.468.023,52 Emilia-Romagna 4.482 3.080.931 180.008 17.410.798,17 65.481.083,17 66.031.400,97 27.752 14.734.938 228.394 99.626.932,25 478.399.640,74 484.958.600,26 Grand Total The territorial analysis shows the deep fracture between the different areas: first, composed by NordOvest and Nord-est, with remarkably high values; followed by the Centro; and then the lowest values of the Sud and the Isole. The territorial distribution of the values of indicators is considerably affected by the presence of permanent facilities where the most important national fairs are held. 58 Chapter 8. Fairs and Exhibitions G1. Fairs This sector summarizes the values gathered on the occasion of profit-making and promotional events. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 8) Given the diffilcuties about stabling events in this sector, the number of shows registered last year is clearly poor: 4,726. According to time distribution (Table 29), the highest number of fairs tooked place in October (571 events). This sector is characterised by a considerable fall during summer. Emilia-Romagna (Table 65) registered the highest number of shows, 909 events. • 2. Admissions (Table 8) Admissions amounted to 12.9 millions. Peak values are registered in Spring and Autumn (Table 29). Nord-est has the highest value, 5.5 million participants (Table 65). • 3. Attendance (Table 8) 177.514 units are registered in the sector; as you can see, the numbers regarding this indicator are not very relevant. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 8) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 68.5 million Euros. The highest value was registered in November (12.3 million Euros) (Table 29). The average entrance fee is 5.33 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 8) In 2015 the Audience Expenditure amounted to 477.1 million Euros. The difference between Audience expenditure and Expenditure at the box office is worth 408.6 million Euros. This value, accounting for 85.64% of the Audience expenditure, especially shows proceeds coming from landing fair stands. The region with the highest value (Table 65) is Lombardia (288.7 million Euros), followed by Veneto (72.8 million Euros) and Emilia-Romagna (58.3 million Euros). The month with the highest expenditure (Table 29) is January, 152.3 million Euros. • 6. Turnover (Table 8) The total of the aggregate of Fairs amounts to 481.8 million Euros. In terms of territorial distribution, incomes produced by the first three regions – Lombardia, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna – account for more than 87% of national turnover in this sector (Table 65). 59 Chapter 8. Fairs and Exhibitions G2. Exhibitions This sector shows most relevant values on the occasion of cultural events. • 1. Number of Shows (Table 8) The shows registered in 2015 are in the number of 52,901 events. The monthly trend (Table 30) shows a peak in May (5.486 events). The number of shows is quite homogeneous all over the year. Lombardia (Table 66) registered the highest number of shows, 14,219 events. • 2. Admissions (Table 8) Admissions amounted to 13.1 millions. Peak values are registered in Spring and Autumn (Table 30). Nord-ovest has the highest value, more than 5 million participants (Table 66). • 3. Attendance (Table 8) 126,050 units are registered in the sector. Emilia-Romagna (Table 66) features the most remarkable value: 37.990 participants. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 8) The Expenditure at the Box Office amounts to 95.8 million Euros. The highest value was registered in May (11.1 million Euros) (Table 30). The highest weight for this indicator was registered in Lombardia: 28.3 millon Euros (Table 66). The average entrance fee is 7.34 Euros. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 8) In 2015 the Audience Expenditure amounted to 108.9 million Euros. The difference between Audience expenditure and Expenditure at the box office is worth 13.1 million Euros, accounting for 12.01% of the total. This value is much lower than the one gathered in Fairs field. The highest Audience expenditure was registered in Nord-ovest, 40.1 million Euros (Table 66). • 6. Turnover (Table 8) The total of the aggregate of Exhibitions amounts to 115.5 million Euros. Regional analysis (Table 66), shows the poor incomes produced in Sud and Isole (less more than 10 millon Euros in total) compared to proceeds featured by Nord and Centro (almost 105 million Euros). As to the turnover, the first three regions (Lombardia, Veneto and Lazio) account for more than 60% of national turnover in this sector. 60 Chapter 9. Multi-genres Activities Aggregate Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office Expenditure Turnover H1. Open-air shows 50.716 1.665.345 15.623.231 13.571.579,37 138.972.059,83 155.111.408,82 Grand Total 50.716 1.665.345 15.623.231 13.571.579,37 138.972.059,83 155.111.408,82 The macro-aggregate of the Multi-genre activities includes the data referred to Open-air shows only. The Open-air shows (Table 31), included in this macro-aggregate, are the shows held in open-air areas – usually “square fairs” – marked by a plurality of shows uninterruptedly occurring one after the other. Admission tickets are not always issued for these kinds of shows: then the values of the Admissions and the Expenditure at the Box Office are not worth of mention. Table 67 shows the results of the territorial survey. The summary of these values is shown in the following table (ordered by decreasing value of Turnover): Macroarea Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover b. Nord-Est 19.371 444.491 7.268.255 3.154.705,77 58.533.412,52 64.035.115,39 c. Centro 11.968 901.067 3.492.432 7.617.528,52 38.013.793,39 44.188.294,94 a. Nord-Ovest 16.251 274.702 3.803.069 2.413.002,98 35.999.144,50 38.855.492,82 d. Sud 2.977 29.296 969.079 171.452,50 5.489.422,79 6.911.257,87 149 15.489 90.396 214.889,60 936.286,63 1.121.247,80 50.716 1.665.345 15.623.231 13.571.579,37 138.972.059,83 155.111.408,82 e. Isole Grand Total Region Veneto Lombardia Toscana Grand Total 62 Number of Shows Number of Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at Audience the box office expenditure Turnover 7.797 117.860 2.350.622 644.656,70 23.209.801,26 25.155.639,41 10.523 137.158 2.424.538 895.950,50 21.730.909,05 23.166.862,00 4.023 491.437 804.620 4.345.921,02 14.529.097,23 15.805.937,14 22.343 746.455 5.579.780 5.886.528,22 59.469.807,54 64.128.438,55 Chapter 9. Multi-genres Activities H1. Open-air shows • 1. Number of Shows (Table 31) In 2015, 50,716 Open-air shows were registered. The monthly distribution shows a strong peak in summer. • 2. Admissions (Table 31) This indicator is not meaningful in this aggregate: 1.7 million Admissions have been registered. • 3. Attendance (Table 31) In 2015, 15.6 million Attendance units were registered. This sector, as shown in Table 1, ranks third after Dance and Concertinos. The highest Attendance is registered in summer. • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 31) This value amounts to 13.6 million Euros in this sector. The highest Expenditure at the Box Office is registered in July (3 million Euros). • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 31) The Audience Expenditure of Open-air shows amounts to 139 million Euros. According to the monthly distribution the highest values are registered in summer. • 6. Turnover (Table 31) The Turnover amounts to 155.1 million Euros. As for the previous indicator, the most meaningful data items are registered in summer. In terms of territorial distribution (Table 67), the highest Turnover is registered in Veneto (25.2 million Euros); followed by Lombardia (23.2 million Euros) and Toscana (15.8 million Euros). 63 Chapter 10. The Usage of Works The tables in this chapter show the rankings, by proceeds made at the box office, drawn for four sectors of the entertainment industry. Tables from 1 to 4 show the “top ten rankings” of movies, theatre plays, of pop music concerts and opera shows. Table 5 shows the same rankings ordered by decreasing values of entrance ticket. Table 6 shows number of book stickers issued by Siae for every region in 2015 and, in the same table, a “top ten” of the most printed books is also given. These stickers, put on the title page of books, are issued by Siae upon request by the publishing company, or the author, in order to demonstrate the exact number of printed and released copies. Here we remind readers that these stickers are not mandatory and, therefore, the data concerning the release of books has a mere indicative purpose. Table 1. Top ten of Movies ordered by decreasing Expenditure at the Box Office 66 Chapter 10. The Usage of Works Table 2. Top ten of the Theatre ordered by decreasing Expenditure at the Box Office Table 3. Top ten of Pop Music Concerts ordered by decreasing Expenditure at the Box Office Table 4. Top ten of Opera Shows ordered by decreasing Expenditure at the Box Office 67 Chapter 10. The Usage of Works Table 5. Top ten of Pop Music, Opera and Theatre ordered by decreasing Admissions Cinema Pop Music Date City Event 19/09 Reggio E. Ligabue 09/07 Imola AC/DC Place Admissions Campo Volo Admissions Inside out 4.289.675 91.822 Minions 3.755.295 Cinquanta sfumature di grigio 2.936.563 151.395 Autodromo Ferrari Opera Title 12/07 Roma Jovanotti Stadio Olimpico 58.037 18/06 Milano Vasco Rossi Stadio Meazza 57.056 American sniper 2.927.588 2.778.951 2.687.617 17/06 Milano Vasco Rossi Stadio Meazza 55.850 Fast & Furious 7 04/07 Milano Tiziano Ferro Stadio Meazza 51.109 Star Wars - Il risveglio della forza 03/07 Napoli Vasco Rossi Stadio San Paolo 49.399 Cenerentola 2.574.161 26/06 Roma Tiziano Ferro Stadio Olimpico 48.547 Si accettano miracoli 2.504.996 26/06 Milano Jovanotti Stadio Meazza 46.993 Avengers: ageof ultron 2.373.311 25/06 Milano Jovanotti Stadio Meazza 46.812 Jurassic world 2.168.522 Theatre Opera Title Opera City Location Opera (author) - nr. of representations Admissions L’ora del Rosario (Fiorello) Admissions 167.531 Verona Arena Aida (18) 141.917 Romeo e Giulietta - ama e cambia il mondo 118.276 Verona Arena Nabucco (14) 101.560 Pinocchio - il Musical 115.958 Verona Arena Tosca (6) 40.663 Sono nata il ventitre (Teresa Mannino) 112.717 Verona Arena Il barbiere di Siviglia (4) 28.298 Evolushow (Enrico Brignano) 110.569 Venezia Fenice La traviata (35) 26.584 Brachetti che sorpresa! 95.320 Verona Arena Don Giovanni (4) 23.655 La famigia Addams - il Musical 90.255 Roma Caracalla Turandot (9) 18.335 Sarto per signora (Emilio Solfrizzi) 89.030 Bari Petruzzelli La Bohéme (19) I Promessi Sposi (Opera moderna) 86.834 Roma Caracalla Madama Butterfly (6) 14.632 Sogni e bisogni (Vincenzo Salemme) 86.627 Milano Scala Il Flauto Magico per i bambini (9) 14.381 16.337 Table 6. Number of stickers issued and Ranking of the most printed books Contrassegni 257.800 241.226 236.500 185.400 182.500 149.400 128.750 113.300 103.000 102.700 68 Chapter 11. Trend of the Entertainment Activities The first part of this chapter is about the trends of the entertainment activities in 2014-2015. Even in this section, data items gathered on occasion of Milan Expo 2015 have not been considered. For a deep analysis regarding this important fair event, see next Chapter 12. Tables 95 – 130 show the trends of the two-year period 2014-2015 collected in the different sectors, up to the regional detail. 2015 expressed clear postitive trends in all examined indicators and strong signs of recovery in most sectors of the whole entertainment activity. The far remarkable values were shown by economic indicators: Expenditure at the box office +8.63%, Turnover +10.20% and Audience expenditure +10.80%. Admissions (ticket issued), +4.89% and Attendance, +1.96% marked an increase. On the offer side, the Number of shows settled during the year were growing by 2.86%. In 2015 the most remarkable values (positive trend in all 6 indicators) were shown by Cinema, Fairs and Exhibitions and Multi-genre activities. Theatre, Concerts, Sports and Touring amusement featured 5 indicators of 6 in the positive field. Dance and Concertinos activity ranks last: “only” 4 indicators had positive trends. Before analyzing the detailed values of the indicators, we present the average entrance fees paid in some sectors during last three years: from 2013 to 2015 and the percentage variation in 2015 in relation to previous years. The trend of the average entrance fees from 2006 to 2015 is shown in Tables 92 – 94. Average Entrance Fees Kind of show 70 € € € 2015 2014 2013 var. % 2015:14 var. % 2015:13 A-Cinema 6,22 6,11 6,08 1,8 2,3 B1-Theatre 13,06 12,53 12,34 4,23 5,83 B2-Opera 41,59 48,45 47,49 -10,46 -12,42 B3-Revue and Musical 20,74 25,08 22,66 -17,3 -8,47 B4-Ballet 15,39 16,67 15,35 -7,68 0,26 B5-Puppets and Marionettes 5,28 6,86 5,25 -23,03 0,57 B6-Performing Arts 11,55 11,63 10,43 -0,69 10,74 B7-Circus 13,07 11,05 9,94 18,28 31,49 C1-Classical concerts 14,67 12,84 13,76 14,25 6,61 C2-Pop music concerts 30,14 28,80 28,42 4,65 6,05 C3-Jazz music concerts 16,09 14,80 14,99 8,72 7,34 D1-Soccer 13,47 12,77 12,99 5,48 3,7 D2-Team sports other than soccer 9,92 10,41 8,97 -4,71 10,59 D3-Individual sports 30,71 25,78 23,19 19,12 32,43 D4-Other sports 9,98 9,82 9,70 1,63 2,89 E1-Dance 9,71 9,55 9,49 1,68 2,32 F2-Amusement parks 15,51 12,65 11,15 22,61 39,1 G1-Fairs 5,33 5,73 5,15 -6,98 3,5 G2-Exhibitions 7,34 7,29 7,27 0,69 0,96 Chapter 11. Trend of the Entertainment Activities • 1. Number of Shows (Table 95) A very important increase by +2.86% was registered in the Number of Shows. With regards to the calendar days the number of shows features a grow by 2.49%2. In 2015, the number of shows values showed a poitive trend with regards to all sectors. It seems clear that entertainment operators think the worst moment of last years economic crysis is over and also consider the present period as a very interesting one to programme planning of medium-long term investment. By analising the different entertainment sectors trends, Movies features a wider offer compared to 2014, with an increase by 2.66%. Theatre activity as a whole showed an increase (+4.95%). Among the aggregates composing this sector, only the aggregate B7-Circus marked a drop in the number of shows (–4,93%). The offer was larger in Prose (B1-Theatre, +2.40%), Opera (+8.80%), Revue and Musical (+4.63%), Ballett (+12.55%), Puppets and marionettes (+0.52%) and Performing arts (+25.31%). The number of Concerts growed by 7.73%. In 2015, the three components of the sector were all positive: Classical concerts, +5.60%, Pop music concerts, +7.88% and Jazz concerts, +14.40%. The Sports activity showed the lowest increase among the enterteinment macroaggregates: “only” +1.21%. The offer of shows was higher in Soccer (+0.70%), in Team sport other than soccer (+2.10%), in Individual sports (+1.58%) and Other sports (+5.63%). The number of shows in the Ball and concertinos activity is growing by 2.09% as a whole. The trend gathered in Ball is slightly decreasing (–0.57%), while the number of Concertinos is by 4.52% higher than 2014. Touring amusement activities registers a large increase:+3.52%. The two aggregates of this sectors show exactly two opposite trend directions: Touring amusement marked a drop by 11.56%, while Amusement parks is growing (+10.30%). Fairs and Exhibitions sector also features growth signs: +13.96. Both the aggregates settled increasing shows: Fairs, +19.77%, Exhibitions, +13.47%. The offer of shows regarding Open-air shows is strongly positive too: +11.01%. • 2. Admissions (Table 96) Admissions as a whole showed a clear increase: +4.89%. 6 macroaggregates of 8 are positive. We are kind to notice the remarkable data items achieved by Primary Entertainment field – composed by the macroaggregates of Cinema, Theatre and Concerts: A percentage Admission increase by 8.32% 2 The 2015-2014 trend of the Number of Shows, considering the days of cinema shows is distributed as follows over the different Macro-aggregates: Macroaggregate Shows 2015 Shows 2014 A- Film activities 1.103.963 1.087.085 1,55 B- Theatre activities 137.696 131.205 4,95 C- Concert activities 39.566 36.727 7,73 D- Sports activities 141.193 139.509 1,21 769.706 753.973 2,09 F- Touring amusement activities 22.660 21.890 3,52 G- Exhibitions and shows 57.627 50.568 13,96 H- Multi-genres activities 50.716 45.687 11,01 2.323.127 2.266.644 2,49 E- Dance activities and concertinos Total var. % 2015-2014 71 Chapter 11. Trend of the Entertainment Activities (from 13,158,238 units recorded in 2014 to 141,071,546 ones in 2015). Cinema sector sold 8.5 millon entrance tickets more than 2014, a positive trend by +8.63%. Theatre activity shows a ticket issued increase by 3.05%. Prose (+2.36%), Opera (+11.35%), Revue and musical (+0.79%), Ballet (+2.30%) and Circus (+9.95%) are all growing. While Admissions are decreasing in the secotr of Puppets and marionettes (–6.07%) and of Performing arts (-3.86%). Concerts admissions increased by 15.40%, 1,779,882 unit tickets more than 2014. This indicator shows positive trends in every aggregate: Classical concerts, +3.62%, Pop music concerts, +19.92%, and Jazz concerts, +16.83%. Admissions increased in Sports activitieses as a whole: +0.38%. Soccer and Individual sports grew respectively by 0.59% and 7%. In countertendency, Team sports other than soccer (–1.60%), and Other sports (–3.96%) registered a dowturn. Dance and Concertinos activity is decreasing (–3.84%). As we know, Admissions indicator is not very significative in this macroaggregate; in particular, we notice that while Ball showed a drop by 4.39%, Concertinos are instead increasing by 36.60%. Admissions in Touring amusement activities are also decreasing (–8.25%). Both components are negative: Touring amusement, –23.75%, Amusement parks, –7.87%. Fairs and Exhibition sector marked a growth by 11.05%. The positive trend was shown by Fairs (+16.02%) and by Exhibitions (+6.56%). The number of ticket issued in Multi-genre activities increased by 8.29%. • 3. Attendance (Table 97) In 2015 Attendance units registered an increase by 1.96%. The indicator showed positive trends in 5 macroaggregates of 8. As we know, this indicator has a few importance in the enterteinment sectors where an entrance ticket is provided (admission), while it is very relevant if the entrance is free. See below in this chapter to understand the effective importance of Attendance in different entertainment sectors. Attendance marked a positive trend in Cinema (+432.34%), Dance activity and Concertinos (+0.30%), Touring amusement activities (+105.79%), Fairs and Exhibition (+77.55%), and Multi-genre activities (+2.75%). A negative trend was gathered in Theatre activity (–5.18%), Concerts (–3.08%), and Sports (–33.79%). • 4. Expenditure at the box office (Table 98) In 2015 the Expenditure at the Box Office grew by 8.63%; this was the lowest percentage increase among all the economic indicators. 7 macroaggregates featured positive trends. The Cinema sector registeres a two digit increase (+10.70%). In absolute terms, this accounts for 64.2 millon Euros of grewing amount expenditure for tickets and season tickets. Positive numbers featured also Theatre activity (+1,80%). In this macroaggregate the leading sectors were Prose (+6.69%), and Circus (+30.04%). All other aggregates marked a drop: Opera (–0.31%), Revue and musical (–16.65%), Ballet (–5.60%), Puppets and marionettes (–27.68%), Performing arts (–4.47%) Concerts had wonderful incomes in 2015. The percentage increase of the expenditure af the box office was 24.50%, 67.7 million Euros in absolute terms; this numbers are even higher than the ones registered in the Cinema sector. All aggregates took part to realize such an achievement: Classical concerts (+18.35%), Pop music concerts (+25.49%), Jazz concerts (+27%) Sports marked an increase by 6.36%. Soccer (+6.06%), and Individual sports (+27.47%) went up, 72 Chapter 11. Trend of the Entertainment Activities while Team sports other than soccer (–6.15%), and Other sports (–2.35%) showed negative trends. Dance activity and concertinos showed a decrease by 2.16%. Opposite trends featured the aggregates: Ball, –2.84%; Concertinos, +38.46%. The expenditure af the box office increased in the Touring amusement activities (+12.40%). Here the aggregate Touring amusement showed a drop by 14.03%, while the aggregate Amusement parks marked an increase by 12.97%. Fairs and Exhibition (+7.53%) featured a positive trend. The indicator shows an increase according to both the components: Fairs (+7.94%) and Exhibitions (+7.25%). Multi-genre activities showed an increasing Expenditure at the box office by 9%. • 5. Audience Expenditure (Table 99) In 2015, the Audience Expenditure increased by 10.80%. This percentage variation was the highest among the indicators. All entertainment macroaggregates displayed an Audience expenditure increase. In particular, a very remarkable record was achieved by the Primary Entertainment sector – composed by the macroaggregates of Cinema, Theatre and Concerts: over 167.5 million Euros more if compared to 2014. Cinema showed an increase by 11.52%, accounting for 79.5 million Euros in absolute terms. Theatre activity as a whole marked a growth by 2.00%. Four aggregates registered an increase: Prose +3.77%, Opera +1.95%, Performing arts +15.56%, Circus +24.04%. Bad trends for Revue and Musical (–16.38%), Ballet (–5.87%) and Puppets and marionettes (–28.05%). The Audience expenditure as for Concert activity increased by 24.39%. As seen for the expenditure at the box office indicator, all the aggregates of the sector showed a remarkable grew: Classical concerts +18.27%, Pop music concerts +25.28%, Jazz concerts +26.01%. Sports activities registered an increase by 23.93%. Soccer showed very positive signs (+33.33%), also grewing data items as for Individual sports (+8.59%) and Other sports (+11.13%). In countertendency, Team sports other than soccer marked a drop by 19.66%. A positive trend (1.85%) is also recorded in Dance activity and concertinos. Both sectors composing this macro-aggregate are increasing, Ball by +0.47%, Concertinos by +5.17%. Touring amusement activities featured a positive trend (+12.15%). The upturn covers both aggregates: Touring amusement +14.94%, Amusement parks +12.05%. The Audience expenditure as for the Fairs and Exhibition sector increased by 7.49%. Trend is homogeneous for both components: Fairs +9.17%, Exhibitions +0.71%. Multi-genre activities is considerably growing too (+9.95%). • 6. Turnover (Table 100) Turnover indicator went up in 2015: +10.20%. This achievement is a real sign of recovery after long crysis years. The recorded increase, 587.2 millon Euros income more than 2014 in absolute terms, covered all the entertainment macroaggregates. Cinema showed an increase by 11.57%. Theatre had a Turnover upturn by 1.78%. Prose (+4.08%), Opera (+0.11%), Performing arts (+13.65%) and Circus (+23.10%) showed positive signs. Decreasing incomes were registered by Revue and musical (–15.99%), Ballett (–3.80%), and Puppets and marionettes (–29.89%), . Turnover values had a considerably growth also in Concert activity (+22.56%). All the aggregates featured good results: Classical concerts +17.25%, Pop music concerts +23.34%, Jazz concert +25.01%. The Sports macro-aggregate shows an increase by 14.16%. Soccer turnover went up by 16.66%. Proceeds 73 Chapter 11. Trend of the Entertainment Activities from Individual sports (+19.34%) and Other sports (+8.89%) are increasing too. On the other side, the aggregate Team sports other then soccer (–4.89%) reveals a negative trend. Dance activity and Concertinos marked an increase by 1.76%. Positive trends for both sectors components: Ball (+0.30%), and Concertinos (+5.32%). Turnover indicator regarding the Touring amusement activities recorded a strong upturn by +11.34% in the macro-aggregate as a whole. Both Touring amusement (+14.97%) and Amusement parks (+11.21%) increased. The Fairs and Exhibition trend is positive (+7.72%). Both sectors marked an increase: Fairs +9.13%, Exhibitions +2.24%. Multi-genre activities incomes increased by 8.57%. • 7. The trend of the Macroaggregate by kind of show We are now going to deal with the most interesting trends found in the activities of the entertainment sectors. CINEMA experienced a major achievement, in 2015, to reverse the negative trend registered in 2014. All indicators are positive: the Number of Shows (+2.66%) and the Calendar days (+1.55%) had an increase. Admissions amounted to 8.5 millions unit more than the previous year. Attendance marked also a grew (however this indicator is not very relevant in this sector). Economic indicators feature an increase by over 10%: Expenditure at the box office (+10.70%), Audience Expenditure (+11.52%), Turnover (+11.57%). In 2015, THEATRE faced positive feedbacks as for both sector users and operators. The number of settled events went up (Shows +4.95%); a positive trend is recorded by Admissions (+3.05%) and all the economic indicators feature an increase: Expenditure at the box office +1.80%, Audience Expenditure +2.00%, Turnover +1.78%. Only the Attendance indicator (–5.18%) marked a decrease, but this indicator is not very relevant in this sector. As for the aggregates, Prose wa the leading sector, featuring 5 positive indicators among 6 ones. Opera, Performing arts and Circus showed a good increase too, above all if we look at incomes. Not the same good trend for Revue and musical, Ballet and Puppets and marionettes. A strong downturn revealed by economic indicators is only slightly balanced by the substantially stable number of Shows offered. We can look at CONCERT ACTTIVITIES sector as the leading one during 2015. The offer of Shows is strongly increasing (+7.73%). Admissions (purchased tickets) are growing too, +15.40%. Economic indicators registered extraordinary achievements: Expenditure at the box office +24.50%, Audience Expenditure +24.39%, Turnover +22.56%. Attendance (free entrance events) are decreasing, –3.08%. All the aggregates composing the Concert sector (Classical concerts, Pop music concerts and Jazz concerts) are fully increasing: Pop music concerts Attendance was the only indicator among 18 ones referred to these aggregates to show a negative trend. SPORTS ACTIVITIES showed a largely positive trend in 2015. 5 indicators among 6 were increasing. The Number of Shows (+1.21%) went up. Positive signs gathered as for Admissions (+0.38%) and economic indicators: Expenditure at the box office +6.36%, Audience Expenditure +23.93%, Turnover +14.16%. In countertendency, Attendance indicator displayed a downturn (–33.79%). As for the single aggregates, Soccer and Individual sports achieved good results; not so good news if we look at Team sports other than soccer and Other sports sectors, where some disappointment took place. 74 Chapter 11. Trend of the Entertainment Activities DANCE AND CONCERTINOS lived a year of adjustment, after the negative trend registered in previous periods. During 2015, 4 indicators among 6 were increasing: Number of Shows +2.09%, Attendance +0.30%, Audience Expenditure +1.85% and Turnover +1.76% went up. Admissions (–3.84%) and Expenditure at the box office (–2.16%) are instead decreasing; actually, these two indicators are not so relevant in the Concertinos sector (tickets are very seldom used for the admission). As for the sectors composing the macroaggregate, Concertinos showed major achievements according to every indicator. The Ball went on featuring crysis evidences (only Audience expenditure and Turnover are slightly growing). TOURING AMUSEMENT reached, during 2015, very successful results. Almost all indicators increased as follow: Number of shows +3.52%, Attendance +105.79%, Expenditure at the box office +12.40%, Audience Expenditure +12.15%, Turnover +11.34%. The only negative trend was registered as to the Admissions (–8.25%). In this sector, the Touring amusements aggregate achieved surely the best results, showing 5 indicators in the positive field, while Amusement parks showed a positive trend only for two of them. FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS confirmed the same degree of success gathered in 2014. All indicators were increasing: Number of shows +13.96%, Admissions +11.05%, Attendance +77.55%, Expenditure at the box office +7.53%, Audience Expenditure +7.49%, Turnover +7.72%. Both components of the sector, Fairs and Exhibitions achieved good results in terms of stabled events, users and incomes. MULTI-GENRE ACTIVITIES reported very positive result: Shows, +11.01%; Admissions, +8.29%; Attendance, +2.75%; Expenditure at the box office, +9%; Audience Expenditure, +9.95%; Turnover, +8.57%. 75 Chapter 12. The Entertainment Activities Trends during Expo 2015 in Milan We conclude this survey about 2015 Entertainment Industry data items by publishing a chapter in which the entertainment trends occurred during 6 months of Milan Expo are given (May to October 2015). Expo Milano 2015 was marked by settling many events (given free of charge by organisation or payment provided) to complement the main show. The most relevant of them were settled under the label “Expo in città”: a number of events arranged inside Milan (that’s to say out of Expo borders) under the auspices of the Municipality of Milan and the Trade Chamber of Milan. As for the audience participation trend, the event “Expo in città” can be summarized as follows: Chart 1. Expo in città. Events and users (Admissions + Admittance) by macro-aggregate of kind of show Period of time May to October 2015 Macro-aggregate Shows Admissions Attendance Users A. Cinema activity 167 13.446 – 13.446 B. Theatre activities 502 192.006 5.376 197.382 C. Concerts activities 321 55.049 85.248 140.297 92 6.859 73.215 80.074 2.176 455.345 – 455.345 E. Ball activity and Concertinos G. Fairs and Exhibitions H. Multi-genre activities 2015 Grand Total 57 – 25.190 25.190 3.315 722.705 189.029 911.34 Given that all the “Expo in Città” events took place during the first six months of Expo, it is easy to calculate that almost 20 events per day were arranged, around 5.000 unit users daily average. By reading data, it seems clear the impact featured by Fairs and Exhibitions in terms of both shows and audience. As for the shows held concurrently with Expo, even the ones settled inside the Expo area are to be considered (of course we only refer to events regarding activities data items gathered by SIAE). The table below shows data related to shows that took place inside Expo Milano 2015 pavilions. Chart 2. Events staged inside Expo Milano 2015 pavilions. Shows and Audience (Admissions + Admittance) by macro-aggregate of kind of show Period of time Macro-aggregate A. Cinema activity May to October 2015 Admissions Attendance Users 33 – 3.248 3.248 B. Theatre activities 139 204.756 7.161 211.917 C. Concerts activities 225 – 96.833 96.833 E. Ball activity and Concertinos 269 – 97.563 97.563 5 – 432 432 671 204.756 205.237 409.993 H. Multi-genre activities 2015 Grand Total Shows As can be seen, most of the shows housed inside the pavilions affected Theatre activities, Convcerts activity and Balls activity and Concertinos macro-aggregates. In this context is useful to remember that the Attendance indicator holds a merely illustrative value of the phenomenon extent as for the audience flow, and can never be interpreted to measure a show achievement. The primary aim of the present essay is to analyze the impact created by Milan Expo on the Province Country, in particular according to two features: • Estimating the multiplication factor realized by the audience extra flow on the entertainment activities (leverage effect); • Analyzing possible distorsions (substitution effect) as resulting from an event that can be both extraordinary and “potentially cumbersome”. We decided to focus the study on the Province of Milan (according to a geographical point of view), and to limit the reference period to six months in which Expo is held. We are aware that said limits are certainly too 78 Chapter 12. The Entertainment Activities Trends during Expo 2015 in Milan • • • narrow for an organic evaluation of the event, but we considered that any other choice would have been arbitrary and, at the same time, subject to criticism and complaints of incompleteness. The database used for this essay is slightly different from the one normally used to publish the Yearbook. In this chapter, as a matter of fact, information originate from “not consolidated” financial flows, because we needed to manage more detailed data items in spite of the ones usually present in the Yearbook database1. In order to realize this elaboration, we used the usual analysis instruments (indicators and kind of show), with some “adjustments” useful for the understanding of phenomena. First of all, the analysis refers to both “ticked purchased” shows (the usual Yearbook subject of study) and “free entrance” ones, that’s to say those held and offered by the organization with no economic return. Such an addition is needed to include in the context of the survey even the “free” events stabled inside the exhibition centre or in different town zones. The second addition concerns the exclusion of the macro-aggregate Sport from the study. This adjustment was necessary due to the disrupting effects that can be produced locally by the soccer season tickets outcome (major incomes are registered during Summer and Fall months)2. Furthermore, given that Milan Expo was only marginally affected by sports events, we saw fit to put them out from the present analysis. Last, the most relevant feature: the macro-aggregate “Fairs and Exhibitions” is also composed by data values concerning Shows, Admissions, Admittance and economic indicators referred to Expo Milan 2015. Notwithstandong this, the following table is to summarize the percentage variations compared to the same data values recorded in 2014 inside the Province of Milan during the six months in which Expo took place: Chart 3. Entertainment data items percentage variations, but the Sports, as gathered in the Province of Milan during the period May-October 2015 compared to 2014 (base=100). “Ticket purchased” and “free entrance” shows Period of time May-October 2015 2015 Grand Total Macro-aggregate Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at the box office Audience expenditure Turnover A. Cinema activity 102,62% 112,27% 150,59% 120,20% 116,24% 116,29% B. Theatre activities 135,46% 153,11% 148,26% 122,02% 114,12% 117,97% C. Concerts activities 131,96% 107,04% 107,76% 95,16% 95,95% 98,07% E. Ball activity and Concertinos 108,14% 85,40% 115,39% 61,34% 89,22% 85,57% F. Touring amusement activities 81,24% 225,30% 125,57% 164,54% 144,01% 143,64% G. Fairs and Exhibitions 148,92% 1.343,05% 3,16% 4.375,21% 958,41% 953,83% H. Multi-genre activities 110,40% 28,06% 467,75% 34,15% 87,50% 93,77% 105,97% 342,39% 171,88% 482,68% 323,10% 321,56% We can see soon the impact that Expo had on the whole entertainment sector in the Province of Milan: all indicators are strongly increasing: Number of Shows +5.97%, Admissions +242,39%, Attendance +71,88%, Expenditure at the box office +382,68%, Audience expenditure +223,10%, Turnover +221,56%. In order to offer an instant interpretation, we notice that not all the entertainment sectors displayed positive trends compared to the same semester of previous year. By beginning the positive trends analysis, we see that, of course, the sector of Fairs and Exhibition marked the best achievements, with monster increasing (Shows +48,92%, Admissions +1.243,05%, Expenditure at the box office +4.275,21%, Audience expenditure +858,41% and Turnover +853,83%). Theatre activities is another sector that expecially benefited from the Expo consequences (Shows +35.46%, Admissions +53.11%, Admittance +48.26%, Expenditure at the box office +22.02%, Audience expenditure +14.12% and Turnover +17.97%). Turing amusement sector also marked a grew, but starting values were very poor. Cinema indicators are increasing, with percentage variations at the same levels of those gathered in Italy as a whole. 1 2 In this chapter, for example, we introduced some detailed information related to "Expo in città" or the events settled inside the Expo pavilions; said data items are not usually present in the Yearbook database. The gathering of abnormal variations during several years can be due to achievements obtained by sports teams during the previous season and this can influence next season ticket selling. That’s why, locally, incomes deriving from sports season tickets selling can underscore yearly some large imbalances according to the Expenditure at the box office and the other economic indicators. 79 Chapter 12. The Entertainment Activities Trends during Expo 2015 in Milan Trends gathered in Concerts, Balls activities and concertinos and Multi-genre activities were far less positive. In these macro-aggregates, signs recorded were generally negative and it seems that the prevalent effect generated by Expo is the substitution one. Surely, the substitution effect took place in the Province of Milan if we examine the number of shows by reference to the sector of Concerts: The Expo discouraged the “concert event” arrangement, as usual in Summer in Milan. Another substition effect, on the side of demand, was gathered in the Balls activities and concertinos sector. In this case, it seems that usual users of this kind of activities preferred to attend the night shows arranged in the Expo area in spite of the usual venues inside Milan (The Expenditure at the box office is calculated referring to Fairs and Exhibitions macro-aggregate). More or less the same can be said for the Multi-genre activities. Tables below are taken from the Entertainment Yearbook archives (we come back now to usual displays). Charts 4 and 5 and compare the indicators variations gathered in Italy, in the Province of Milan and in the other provinces during the year 2015 (not only during the Expo semester). Data items are by reference to every kind of shows, but the ones referred to the 2015 Expo in itself. The aim of this analysis is to verify if the trends recorded in the Province of Milan (potentially benefited from the Expo event) is different from the ones gathered in the rest of Italy. The analysis of trend shown by different indicators gives food for thought. Chart 4. Indicators trend recorded in 2015 in Italya, in the Province of Milan and in the other provinces. Exposition by macro-aggregate of kind of show (excluded the specified kind referring to Expo Milano 2015 in itself). Macro-aggregate Expenditure at the box office Audience expenditure Admissions Attendance 102,86% 104,89% 101,96% 108,63% 110,80% 110,20% A. Cinema activity Province of Milan Other provinces 102,66% 102,04% 102,72% 108,63% 105,36% 108,95% 532,34% 1.359,55% 486,88% 110,70% 109,02% 110,87% 111,52% 109,46% 111,74% 111,57% 109,48% 111,80% B. Theatre activities Province of Milan Other provinces 104,95% 109,64% 104,53% 103,05% 110,62% 102,08% 94,82% 114,13% 93,96% 101,80% 99,72% 102,27% 102,00% 95,43% 103,71% 101,78% 97,50% 102,88% C. Concerts activities Province of Milan Other provinces 107,73% 116,18% 106,90% 115,40% 104,82% 118,06% 96,92% 225,52% 91,55% 124,50% 98,60% 133,22% 124,39% 99,64% 132,68% 122,56% 100,70% 129,60% D. Sports activities Province of Milan Other provinces 101,21% 101,39% 101,9% 100,38% 93,93% 101,21% 66,21% 1,22% 105,97% 106,36% 94,92% 108,38% 123,93% 122,72% 124,06% 114,16% 116,84% 113,70% E. Balls activity and Concertinos Province of Milan Other provinces 102,09% 100,41% 102,18% 96,16% 94,53% 96,32% 100,30% 101,83% 100,24% 97,84% 95,57% 98,05% 101,85% 101,51% 101,88% 101,76% 102,16% 101,72% F. Touring amusement activities Province of Milan Other provinces 103,52% 103,33% 103,53% 91,75% 212,85% 90,49% 205,79% 28,62% 206,37% 112,40% 154,88% 111,94% 112,15% 139,29% 111,83% 111,34% 139,03% 111,01% G. Fairs and Exhibitions Province of Milan Other provinces 113,96% 129,53% 111,41% 111,05% 141,14% 104,25% 177,55% 1,16% 192,20% 107,53% 114,42% 105,47% 107,49% 146,49% 84,39% 107,72% 146,63% 85,08% H. Multi-genre activities Province of Milan Other provinces 111,01% 110,12% 111,02% 108,29% 23,64% 115,05% 102,75% 153,85% 102,35% 119,00% 28,17% 116,88% 109,95% 73,24% 110,71% 108,57% 78,23% 109,13% 2015 Shows Turnover Chart 5. Indicators trend recorded in 2015 in Italya, in the Province of Milan and in the other provinces. All macro-aggregate of kind of show (excluded the specified kind referring to Expo Milano 2015 in itself). All macro-aggregates 80 Shows Admissions Attendance Expenditure at the box office Audience expenditure Turnover 2015 102,86% 104,89% 101,96% 108,63% 110,80% 110,20% Province of Milan Other provinces 102,87% 102,86% 110,04% 104,29% 104,63% 101,87% 101,83% 109,71% 119,26% 109,42% 118,42% 108,78% Analysis by kind of show Table 1 General Summary National Territory. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 83 Analysis by kind of show Table 2 84 General Summary National Territory - Graphic exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table Composition of Macro-aggregates – Graphic exhibition B. Theatre Activities. Composition by aggregate 3 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 85 Analysis by kind of show Table Composition of Macro-aggregates – Graphic exhibition C. Concert Activities. Composition by aggregate 4 86 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table Composition of Macro-aggregates – Graphic exhibition D. Sports Activities. Composition by aggregate 5 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 87 Analysis by kind of show Table Composition of Macro-aggregates – Graphic exhibition E. Ball Activities and Concertinos. Composition by aggregate 6 88 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table Composition of Macro-aggregates – Graphic exhibition F. Touring amusement Activities. Composition by aggregate 7 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 89 Analysis by kind of show Tavola Composition of Macro-aggregates – Graphic exhibition G. Exhibitions and shows. Composition by aggregate 8 90 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 9 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show All Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 91 Analysis by kind of show Table 10 92 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show A. Film Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 11 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show B1. Theatre. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 93 Analysis by kind of show Table 12 94 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show B2. Opera. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 13 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show B3. Revue and Musical. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 95 Analysis by kind of show Table 14 96 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show B4. Ballet. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 15 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show B5. Puppets and Marionettes. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 97 Analysis by kind of show Table 16 98 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show B6. Performing Arts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 17 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show B7. Circus. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 99 Analysis by kind of show Table 18 100 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show C1. Classical Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 19 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show C2. Pop Music Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 101 Analysis by kind of show Table 20 102 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show C3. Jazz Music Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 21 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show D1. Sports Soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 103 Analysis by kind of show Table 22 104 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show D2. Team sports other than soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 23 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show D3. Individual sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 105 Analysis by kind of show Table 24 106 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show D4. Other sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 25 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show E1. Ball. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 107 Analysis by kind of show Table 26 108 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show E2. Concertinos. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 27 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show F1. Touring amusement. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 109 Analysis by kind of show Table 28 110 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show F2. Amusement and leisure parks. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 29 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show G1. Shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 111 Analysis by kind of show Table 30 112 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show G2. Exhibitions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table 31 Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show H1. Open air shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 113 Analysis by kind of show Table Weekly trend by Aggregate of kind of show Admissions. Percentage incidence on week days 32 114 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Analysis by kind of show Table Weekly trend by Aggregate of kind of show Audience Expenditure. Percentage incidence on week days 33 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 115 Summary by territorial area Table 34 116 Summary by macro area All Activities. All macro areas. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 35 Summary by macro area All Activities. Nord Ovest. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 117 Summary by territorial area Table 36 118 Summary by macro area All Activities. Nord Est. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 37 Summary by macro area All Activities. Centro. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 119 Summary by territorial area Table 38 120 Summary by macro area All Activities. Sud. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 39 Summary by macro area All Activities. Isole. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 121 Summary by territorial area Table 40 122 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area A. Film Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 41 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B. Theatre Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 123 Summary by territorial area Table 42 124 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B1. Theatre. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 43 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B2. Opera. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 125 Summary by territorial area Table 44 126 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B3. Revue and Musical. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 45 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B4. Ballet. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 127 Summary by territorial area Table 46 128 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B5. Puppets and Marionettes. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 47 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B6. Performing Arts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 129 Summary by territorial area Table 48 130 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area B7. Circus. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 49 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area C. Concert Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 131 Summary by territorial area Table 50 132 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area C1. Classical Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 51 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area C2. Pop Music Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 133 Summary by territorial area Table 52 134 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area C3. Jazz Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 53 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area D. Sports Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 135 Summary by territorial area Table 54 136 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area D1. Soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 55 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area D2. Team sports other than soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 137 Summary by territorial area Table 56 138 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area D3. Individual sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 57 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area D4. Other sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 139 Summary by territorial area Table 58 140 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area E. Ball Activities and Concertinos. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 59 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area E1. Ball. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 141 Summary by territorial area Table 60 142 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area E2. Concertinos. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 61 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area F. Touring amusement activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 143 Summary by territorial area Table 62 144 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area F1. Touring amusement. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 63 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area F2. Amusement and leisure parks. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 145 Summary by territorial area Table 64 146 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area G. Exhibitions and Shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Tavola 65 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area G1. Shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 147 Summary by territorial area Tavola 66 148 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area G2. Exhibitions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 67 Macro-aggregate and Aggregate of kind of show: summary by macro area H1. Open air shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 149 Summary by territorial area Table 68 150 Details by Province Nord-Ovest. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 69 Details by Province Nord-Ovest. Liguria. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 151 Summary by territorial area Table 70 152 Details by Province Nord-Ovest. Lombardia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 71 Details by Province Nord-Ovest. Piemonte. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 153 Summary by territorial area Table 72 154 Details by Province Nord-Est. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 73 Details by Province Nord-Est. Emilia-Romagna. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 155 Summary by territorial area Table 74 156 Details by Province Nord-Est. Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 75 Details by Province Nord-Est. Trentino-Alto Adige. Esposizione grafica. Numero di spettacoli, Ingressi, Presenze, Spesa al botteghino, Spesa del pubblico, Volume d'affari The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 157 Summary by territorial area Table 76 158 Details by Province Nord-Est. Veneto. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 77 Details by Province Centro. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 159 Summary by territorial area Table 78 160 Details by Province Centro. Lazio. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 79 Details by Province Centro. Marche. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 161 Summary by territorial area Table 80 162 Details by Province Centro. Toscana. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 81 Details by Province Centro. Umbria. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 163 Summary by territorial area Table 82 164 Details by Province Sud. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 83 Details by Province Sud. Abruzzo. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 165 Summary by territorial area Table 84 166 Details by Province Sud. Basilicata. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 85 Details by Province Sud. Calabria. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 167 Summary by territorial area Table 86 168 Details by Province Sud. Campania. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 87 Details by Province Sud. Molise. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 169 Summary by territorial area Table 88 170 Details by Province Sud. Puglia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 89 Details by Province Isole. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 171 Summary by territorial area Table 90 172 Details by Province Isole. Sardegna. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Summary by territorial area Table 91 Details by Province Isole. Sicilia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 173 Average admission ticket / 2006-2015 Table Data by Aggregate of kind of show Absolute values and percentage variations 92 174 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2014 Average admission ticket / 2006-2015 Table Trend by Macroaggregate of kind of show All Macroaggregates 93 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2014 175 Average admission ticket / 2006-2015 Table Trend by Aggregate of kind of show Detail by: Theatre, Concert and Sports Activities 94 176 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2014 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table National territory Number of shows. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show 95 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 177 National territory Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Admissions. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show 96 178 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table National territory Attendance. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show 97 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 179 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table National territory Expenditure at the box office. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show 98 180 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Macroaree geografiche: Ingressi Audience Expenditure. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show 99 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 181 National territory Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Turnover. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show 100 182 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Number of shows Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 101 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 183 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Number of shows Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 102 184 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Number of shows Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 103 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 185 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Number of shows Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 104 186 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Number of shows Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 105 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 187 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Admissions Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 106 188 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Admissions Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 107 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 189 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Admissions Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 108 190 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Admissions Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 109 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 191 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Admissions Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 110 192 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Attendance Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 111 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 193 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Attendance Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 112 194 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Attendance Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 113 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 195 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Attendance Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 114 196 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Attendance Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 115 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 197 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Geographical macro areas: Expenditure at the box office Table Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 116 198 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Geographical macro areas: Expenditure at the box office Table Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 117 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 199 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Geographical macro areas: Expenditure at the box office Table Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 118 200 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Geographical macro areas: Expenditure at the box office Table Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 119 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 201 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Geographical macro areas: Expenditure at the box office Table Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 120 202 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Audience Expenditure Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 121 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 203 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Audience Expenditure Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 122 204 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Audience Expenditure Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 123 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 205 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Audience Expenditure Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 124 206 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Audience Expenditure Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 125 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 207 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Turnover Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 126 208 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Turnover Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 127 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 209 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Turnover Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 128 210 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Turnover Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 129 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 211 Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 Table Geographical macro areas: Turnover Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show 130 212 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 All activities. All Entertainment industry indicators 131 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 213 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 A. Film activities. All Entertainment industry indicators 132 214 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 B. Theatre activities. All Entertainment industry indicators 133 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 215 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 C. Concert activities. All Entertainment industry indicators 134 216 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 D. Sports activities. All Entertainment industry indicators 135 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 217 Years 2006-2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table E. Ball activities and Concertinos. All Entertainment industry indicators 136 218 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 F. Street art entertainment. All Entertainment industry indicators 137 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 219 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 G. Exhibitions and Shows. All Entertainment industry indicators 138 220 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 H1. Open-air Shows. All Entertainment industry indicators 139 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 221 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 Number of shows / Admissions ratio. All activities 140 222 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Film activities and Theatre activities 141 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 223 Years 2006-2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Concert activities and Sports activities 142 224 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table 143 Years 2006-2015 Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Dance and concertinos activities and Touring amusement activities The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 225 Mulriannual tendency of the entertainment sectors Table Years 2006-2015 Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Exhibitions and shows activities and Multi-genre activities 144 226 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Entertainment venues Table 145 Number of entertainment venues in Regions. Free-entrance and profitable shows. Detail by Macro-aggregate of kind of show of the number of entertainment venues The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 227 Years 2011-2015 The entertainment industry trend during last five years Table All kinds of show, A.Cinema, B.Theatre, C.Concerts, D.Sports - Indicators gathered value 146-1 228 The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 The entertainment industry trend during last five years Table 146-2 Years 2011-2015 E.Dance and Concerinos, F.Touring amusement activities, G.Exhibitions and shows, H.Multi-genres activities - Indicators gathered value New indicators features The number of entertainment places shows the number of venues where any entertainment activity is pursued. Data items regarding this indicator may be different if compared to Table 145. It is because of criteria used to aggregate information. The average admission ticket is the Expenditure at the box office/Admissions ratio. As we know, this value is meaningful only for some kinds of shows. Therefore, shown values should be taken only as a trend indicator. Income per venue is the Turnover/Number of entertainment places ratio. This indicator evaluates the average profitability according to single venues. Events per venue is the Number of show/Number of entertainment places ratio. As for the previous paragraphs, this value is not especially useful in absolute terms, but as a trend marker of the period. Number of Communes is the number of towns and villages in which entertainment activity was pursued during last year. Lights. Every cell of values provides a different light (resembling the system of road semaphores). LIGHTS NEED TO BE READ BY ROW. The right order of colours for each light is: black, red, yellow, green. That’s to say, in the context of the row, a very low value is matched to a black light, while a very high one coincides with a green light. Trend. On the left side of each chart, we can find a column showing, for each marker, the trend of the last five years. The red bar points out, in each row, the year with the higher level for the corresponding indicator. The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 229 Tables index Analysis by kind of show tables from 1 to 33 General Summary Table Page 1 83 Table Page 2 84 Table Page National Territory. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show National Territory - Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the Box Office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show Composition of Macroaggregates - Graphic Exhibition 3 85 Table Page 4 86 Table Page 5 87 Table Page 6 88 Table Page 7 89 Table Page 8 90 B. Theatre Activities. Composition by Aggregate C. Concert Activities. Composition by Aggregate D. Sports Activities. Composition by Aggregate E. Ball Activities and Concertinos. Composition by Aggregate F. Touring Amusement Activities. Composition by Aggregate G. Exhibitions and Shows. Composition by Aggregate Monthly trend by Aggregate of kind of show 230 Table Page 9 91 Table Page 10 92 Table Page 11 93 Table Page 12 94 Table Page 13 95 Table Page 14 96 Table Page 15 97 Table Page 16 98 Table Page 17 99 Table Page 18 100 Table Page 19 101 Table Page 20 102 Table Page 21 103 Table Page 22 104 Table Page 23 105 Table Page 24 106 Table Page 25 107 All Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show A. Film Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show B1. Theatre. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show B2. Opera. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show B3. Revue and Musical. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show B4. Ballet. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show B5. Puppets and Marionettes. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show B6. Performing Arts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show B7. Circus. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show C1. Classical Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show C2. Pop Music Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show C3. Jazz Music Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show D1. Soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show D2. Team sports other than soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show D3. Individual sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show D4. Other sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show E1. Ball. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Tables Index Table Page 26 108 Table Page 27 109 Table Page 28 110 Table Page 29 111 Table Page 30 112 Table Page 31 113 E2. Concertin0s. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show F1. Touring amusement. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show F2. Amusement and leisure parks. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show G1. Shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show G2. Exhibitions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show H1. Open-air shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover by monthly show Weekly trend by Aggregate of kind of show Table Page 32 114 Table Page 33 115 Admissions. Percentage incidence on weekdays Audience Expenditure. Percentage incidence on weekdays Summary by territorial area tables from 34 to 91 Summary by Macro area Table Page 34 116 Table Page 35 117 Table Page 36 118 Table Page 37 119 Table Page 38 120 Table Page 39 121 All Activities. All macro areas. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover All Activities. Nord Ovest. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover All Activities. Nord Est. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover All Activities. Centro. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover All Activities. Sud. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover All Activities. Isole. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Macro-aggregate and Aggregate by kind of show: summary by macro area Table Page 40 122 Table Page 41 123 Table Page 42 124 Table Page 43 125 Table Page 44 126 Table Page 45 127 Table Page 46 128 Table Page 47 129 Table Page 48 130 Table Page 49 131 Table Page 50 132 A. Film Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B. Theatre Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B1. Theatre. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B2. Opera. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B3. Revue and Musical. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B4. Ballet. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B5. Puppets and Marionettes. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B6. Performing Arts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover B7. Circus. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover C. Concert Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover C1. Classical Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 231 Tables Index Table Page 51 133 Table Page 52 134 Table Page 53 135 Table Page 54 136 Table Page 55 137 Table Page 56 138 Table Page 57 139 Table Page 58 140 Table Page 59 141 Table Page 60 142 Table Page 61 143 Table Page 62 144 Table Page 63 145 Table Page 64 146 Table Page 65 147 Table Page 66 148 Table Page 67 149 C2. Pop Music Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover C3. Jazz Music Concerts. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover D. Sports Activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover D1. Soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover D2. Team sports other than Soccer. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover D3. Individual sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover D4. Other sports. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover E. Ball Activities and Concertinos. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover E1. Ball. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover E2. Concertinos. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover F. Touring amusement activities. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover F1. Touring amusement. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover F2. Amusement and leisure parks. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover G. Exhibitions and Shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover G1. Shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover G2. Exhibitions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover H1. Open-air shows. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Details by Province 232 Table Page 68 150 Table Page 69 151 Table Page 70 152 Table Page 71 153 Table Page 72 154 Table Page 73 155 Table Page 74 156 Table Page 75 157 Table Page 76 158 Table Page 77 159 Table Page 78 160 Nord-Ovest. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Ovest. Liguria. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Ovest. Lombardia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Ovest. Piemonte. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Est. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Est. Emilia-Romagna. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Est. Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Est. Trentino-Alto Adige. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Nord-Est. Veneto. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Centro. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Centro. Lazio. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Tables Index Table Page 79 161 Table Page 80 162 Table Page 81 163 Table Page 82 164 Table Page 83 165 Table Page 84 166 Table Page 85 167 Table Page 86 168 Table Page 87 169 Table Page 88 170 Table Page 89 171 Table Page 90 172 Table Page 91 173 Centro. Marche. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Centro. Toscana. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Centro. Umbria. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Sud. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Sud. Abruzzo. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Sud. Basilicata. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Sud. Calabria. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Sud. Campania. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Sud. Molise. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Sud. Puglia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Isole. All Regions. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Isole. Sardegna. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Isole. Sicilia. Graphic Exhibition. Number of shows, Admissions, Attendance, Expenditure at the box office, Audience Expenditure, Turnover Average admission ticket / 2006-2015 tables from 92 to 94 Data by Aggregate of kind of show Tavola Pagina 92 174 Tavola Pagina 93 175 Absolute values and percentage variations Trend by Macroaggregate of kind of show All Macroaggregates Trend by Aggregate of kind of show Tavola Pagina 94 176 Detail by: Theatre, Concert and Sports Activities Trend of the entertainment activities in 2014 and 2015 tables from 95 to 130 National Territory Table Page 95 177 Table Page 96 178 Table Page 97 179 Table Page 98 180 Table Page 99 181 Table Page 100 182 Table Page 101 183 Number of shows. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show Admissions. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show Attendance. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show Expenditure at the box office. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show Audience Expenditure. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show Turnover. Comparison by macro-aggregate and aggregate kind of show Geographical Macro areas: Number of shows Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 233 Tables Index Table Page 102 184 Table Page 103 185 Table Page 104 186 Table Page 105 187 Table Page Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Geographical Macro areas: Admissions 106 188 Table Page 107 189 Table Page 108 190 Table Page 109 191 Table Page 110 192 Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Geographical Macro areas: Attendance Table Page 111 193 Table Page 112 194 Table Page 113 195 Table Page 114 196 Table Page 115 197 Table Page Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Geographical Macro areas: Expenditure at the box office 116 198 Table Page 117 199 Table Page 118 200 Table Page 119 201 Table Page 120 202 Table Page 121 203 Table Page 122 204 Table Page 123 205 Table Page 124 206 Table Page 125 207 Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Geographical Macro areas: Audience Expenditure 234 Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 Tables Index Geographical Macro areas: Turnover Table Page 126 208 Table Page 127 209 Table Page 128 210 Table Page 129 211 Table Page 130 212 Nord-Ovest. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Nord-Est. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Centro. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Sud. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Isole. Regional detail by macro-aggregate of kind of show Multiannual tendency of the entertainment sectors tables from 131 to 144 2006-2015 time period Table Page 131 213 Table Page 132 214 Table Page 133 215 Table Page 134 216 Table Page 135 217 Table Page 136 218 Table Page 137 219 Table Page 138 220 Table Page 139 221 Table Page 140 222 Table Pagina 141 223 Table Pagina 142 224 Table Pagina 143 225 Table Pagina 144 226 All the Activities. All entertainment industry indicators A. Film Activities. All entertainment industry indicators B. Theatre Activities. All entertainment industry indicators C. Concert Activities. All entertainment industry indicators D. Sports Activities. All entertainment industry indicators E. Ball Activities and Concertinos. All entertainment industry indicators F. Touring Amusement Activities. All entertainment industry indicators G. Exhibitions and Shows. All entertainment industry indicators H1. Open-air shows. All entertainment industry indicators Number of shows/Admissions ratio. All activities Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Cinema activities and Theatre activities Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Concerts activities and Sports activities Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Dance and Concertinos activities and Touring amusement activities Audience expenditure by macro-aggregates. Exhibition and Shows activities and Multi-genre activities Entertainment Venues Table Page 145 227 Number of entertainment venues in Regions. Free-entrance and profitable shows. Detail by Macro-aggregate of kind of show of the number of entertainment venues The entertainment industry trend during last five years Table Page 146-1 228 Table Page 146-2 229 All kinds of show, A.Cinema, B.Theatre, C.Concerts, D.Sports Indicators gathered value (2011-2015) E.Dance and Concertinos, F.Touring amusement activities, G.Exhibitions and shows, H.Multi-genres activities Indicators gathered value (2011-2015) The Yearbook of Entertainment Activity 2015 235 Edited by Ufficio Statistica della SIAE Direzione Generale Viale della Letteratura, 30 00144 Roma [email protected] http://www.siae.it Telefono: +39 06.5990.2078 Fax: +39 06.5990.2020 ISSN 1972-9677