MOSTE, Inc. - Industry


MOSTE, Inc. - Industry
M.O.S.T.E., Inc.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Dawn Drew
Founder and CEO
[email protected]
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
M.O.S.T.E., Inc. is a
marketing and PR
consultancy created with the
purpose of building authentic
cultural experiences,
messaging and marketing
strategies to encourage
community-based and
sustainable travel among
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
The New Marketing Landscape
• Today’s Traveler
• International Marketing
and the CTP
• Domestic Tourism Growth
– Why It’s the Next Big
Agenda Item and How to
Amplify It
• Partnerships, Themes and
Regional Strategies
• Tactical Approaches to
Reach Today’s Consumer
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
“This is the age of tourism – not travel”
J. Cartwright
• We have moved from a “purchase economy to an “experience” economy • This philosophy has led to a new compe::ve landscape • Shorter, more intense vaca:ons are expected by today’s travelers • Greater social/environmental concerns – travelers want to make a posi:ve impact (or they expect you to do it for them) The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
The US Media Market: Shifting, Immediate
CONSUMERS WANT TO BE HEARD – NOT TOLD • Online media communi:es have greater influence • Informa:on sharing and consensus building EVERYBODY IS A PUBLISHER • The importance of blogs CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF PRINT MEDIA • Check-­‐list publishing • Fewer features • Greater emphasis on digital applica:ons (mobile applica:ons, branded websites, e-­‐
reader content) The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
International Marketing
The CTP: Broad messages to major
international markets
Immediate impact will be in
“gateway” locations into the US
Major markets: Europe, Brazil,
India, Russia, China
Major opportunity for Missouri:
Target markets
–  India – Large number of Indian
ex-pats who live in the state
–  “Theme” travel that connects
travelers from specific gateway
cities in the US to major metro
destinations in Missouri
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Domestic Tourism Development
Major driver of tourism growth in
this country
The basis of cultural enrichment,
and cultural progression
Creates and sustains jobs in America
–  Entrepreneurial development
(gift shops, handicrafts sales,
and other small businesses)
–  Develop tourism circuits based
on the unique cultural
attributes of a destination
Greater impact on the multiple
business sectors that make up the
tourism industry in the US:
–  Restaurants
–  Transportation
–  Cultural Entertainment
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
NYC + Co.: 50 Million in 2012?
NYC + Co.: 48.7
million visitors in 2010;
320,000 jobs
• Leverage every attribute
of the destination
• Target travelers from near
and far (39.1 million
domestic tourists/9.7
million international
• Creative private sector
• Effective tourism
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Build Emotional Connections With Your State
Through Powerful
Brand Experiences
Experiential Travel Themes
• Food
• Cooking
• Music
• Credit Cards
• Destinations
• National Retail
• Oil Companies
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Atmosphere and Experiences: Blending
Consumer and Industry
• Travel Industry Trade Shows
• Press Events
• Pitches for partnerships
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Use Tactile Experiences to Communicate
Brand Messages
Take experiences “on the
road” for consumer
• State food “trucks” at
Taste of Chicago
• Missouri’s American
Jazz Museum at
NYC’s Jazz Festival
• Restaurant Week
promotions in DC,
Chicago and other
major locations (guest
chefs, food and beer
tastings, etc. during
big promotions)
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Tactical Approach: Online Social Media
Theme and Personality Development
• Provide interim responses
on community websites to
problems expressed by
• Issue thank-you responses
to flattering posts and invite
them to your website or
• Build greater sense of
community, increase feeling
of ubiquity in digital spaces
• Build presence on social
media outlets for select
• Connect all digital media
assets for related
personalities to build a
bigger following
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
India Calling: 16,000 Answers
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Experience and Expertise DAWN DREW
For the past 17 years Dawn has been ac:vely involved in the travel industry holding various boards of directors posi:ons (including officer). Recently she was appointed Vice Chair of the US Department of Commerce Travel and Tourism Advisory Board. She has been ac:ve in The US Travel Associa:on (TIA); PATA (Pacific Asia Tourism Associa:on); the Prince of Wales’ IBLF, and many others. Industry speaker and author of the “Geotourism Studies”, Dawn was one of the pioneers of sustainable tourism marke:ng for des:na:ons, and created “ Travel to a Be_er World” and “Des:na:on Immersion” – two marke:ng and live experience programs aimed at consumers who travel to engage with local people. A career publisher, Dawn spent 15 years as Vice President of Na:onal Geographic Global Media and publisher of NG Traveler. She has held posi:ons with some of the world’s most respected media companies , including the New York Times, Newsweek and the Atlan:c Monthly. In 2009 Dawn decided to begin an independent venture and is now Founder of The M.O.S.T.E. Inc., Interna:onal Travel and Entertainment Marke:ng. The firm’s ac:vi:es are dedicated to using her exper:se in marke:ng and media to promote travel to countries for authen:c cultural experiences. The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
Experience, Expertise and Results
Large-scale, tactile programs that provide culturally authentic, unique and tangible experiences are a
powerful draw for consumers. Response to these programs has been extraordinary and allowed destination
brands to establish solid emotional connections with people who seek cultural interactions when they
2006: The Sounds of South Africa – Music, Food and Wines from South Africa
New York City Center featuring Hugh Masakela, Harry Belafonte and others. 3,000 attendance
Chicago Cultural Center featuring Vusi Malasela, 800 attendance
2007: Sounds of India – Music, Art and Film from India
New York (3 locations) total attendance: 1,000
Miami Carnival Center for The Performing Arts, 2,000 attendance
Atlanta – University of Georgia, 500 attendance
Chicago Cultural Center, 800 attendance
San Francisco Asian Art Museum, 500 attendance
2008: Nights in Slovenia -- Music, Wine and Travel
New York City -- Joe’s Pub, 250 attendance
Town Hall and the Millennium Theater, 1,000 attendance
2008: Mexico Unexpected – Music, Coffees, Culture, Crafts
New York (3 events), Total attendance: 6,800
Chicago Millennium Park and Cultural Center, 13,000+ attendance
Los Angeles Hollywood Bowl, 13,000 attendance
Toronto, CN – Massey Hall, 3,000 attendance
Washington DC The Kennedy Center ,3,000 attendance
2009: India Calling --California Plaza (Los Angeles) – 25,000 attendance (appx)
The Hollywood Bowl – 16,000 attendance
India Calling – Millennium Park (Chicago) – 10,000 attendance (appx.)
The M.O.S.T. E.
International Travel Marketing and Entertainment
The M.O.S.T.E.
Dawn Drew 1.212 .564. 4799 [email protected]