HORIZON - Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance
HORIZON - Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance
THE SMALLMOUTH HORIZON Helping to Protect and Preserve Quality Smallmouth Bass Fishing November 2015 Lake users encouraged to report invasive species ! By Wisconsin DNR MADISON, Wis. - Following the recent identification of zebra mussels along the southeastern shoreline of Lake Mendota, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is asking citizens and lake contractors to report findings of any aquatic invasive species in lakes where the organisms have not been previously reported.! As lakefront property owners and boat owners around the state remove equipment from the water in preparation for the winter, they can play an important role in preventing the spread of the aquatic invasive species by checking equipment and reporting any findings.! “We are more likely to find new populations when more people are looking,” said Bob Wakeman, DNR aquatic invasive species coordinator.! The identification of zebra mussels in Lake Mendota came as a result of work by students of Jake Vander Zanden, a professor at UW-Madison's Center for Limnology and an expert on aquatic invasive species.! Citizens who find zebra mussels or other invasive species in new locations should check the DNR website for instructions.! There are also specific laws lake property owners and contractors must follow to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Prior to moving equipment from a body of water, Wisconsin law requires that you:! ! ! •! INSPECT boats, trailers, boat lifts, piers, rafts and equipment.! ! •! REMOVE all attached aquatic plants and animals.! ! •! DRAIN all water from boats, vehicles, and equipment.! Best practices for protecting boats, motors and other equipment from zebra mussels include tilting motors up after use; using boat lifts to pull boats out of the water; and applying antifouling paints. ! More tips for protecting equipment can be found on the DNR website. To learn more about zebra mussels or Wisconsin aquatic invasive species regulations visit: dnr.wi.gov keyword "invasive species." New smallmouth club forms in northern Minnesota Motivated by new Minnesota regulations that could substantially increase the smallmouth harvest on Mille Lacs, which currently hosts a world class fishery, a group of anglers has formed the Mille Lacs Smallmouth Alliance. Some of our Wisconsin Smalmouth Alliance officers provided advice and assistance.! Led by president Jim DaRosa of Isle, Minnesota, the club has already written articles of incorporation and bylaws, applied for incorporation as a 501c3, had an election of officers and board members, adopted a budget, created a mission statement, and established membership classes and dues.! They are still working on setting up a web presence and launching a PR effort and start accepting members by the end of the year. Presented by the Illinois Smallmouth Alliance and Dupage Rivers Fly Tyers ! Sunday, November 8th 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Mayslake Peabody Estate ! 1717 West 31st Street Oak Brook, IL 60523 Come to the 5th Early Show, Chicago’s only all fly fishing & tying show! Sit with the area’s best fly tyers as they demonstrate a wide variety of fly patterns. Admission is $10.00 for adults - kids 12 and under are FREE. ! Show Features: ! • • • • • • • • • • 25+ Regional fly tyers – sit and watch them create a fly for the waters they fish. Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting Instructors provide free casting lessons. Spey casting demonstrations & help matching the line to rod. Regional fishing guides on hand to share tips & book trips. Guest speaker presentations all day long. Vendors include area shops, reps, pro tyers & guides all with great deals. Six club booths ready to answer questions about their activities. Dupage Forest Preserve District booth to promote outdoor & youth programs. Raffle of donated flies & gear drawn at end of the show. Free Youth Fly Tying with all the materials and tools provided. Speakers: ! ! • 11:00 Kyle Zempel - "Keep'em wet Initiative" Photographing fish safely. • 11:45 Bob Long Jr. – Smallmouth Bass in rivers & streams • 12:30 P. J. Smith – Driftless trout & float trips for bass & musky. • 1:15 Abe Downs - Northern Wisconsin rivers musky & bass. • 2:00 Austin Aducci – Kankakee bass, Pere Marquette steelhead, Beaver Island carp • 3 00 Tim Adkins Intro to saltwater on the fly. • 3:45 Ed Buric Sylvannia wilderness primer •4:30 Raffle draw Spey casting presentation by Doug Taylor, Sage pro staff at 11:30 am & 2 :30 pm Drift FFF certified casting instruction 10:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30pm Mark Your Calendar Now For The First Fly Show Of The Fall Season! Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance Ltd.! 2701 Gust Road Verona, WI 53593 (608) 843-3770 http://wisconsinsmallmouth.com/wordpress/ Jerry Pasdo John Pritchard President Vice President (608) 233-2774 (608) 877-0344 Mike Simon Gerry Zingg Rich Connor Board Treas./Membership Secretary (608) 848-3770 (608) 233-7348 (608) 502-4618 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Articles, photos, and calendar events for the newsletter are encouraged and should be submitted by the 1st day of the month to: Dan Johnson,! 426 Glenway St. Madison, WI 53711. Send to: [email protected] , editor. Our Next Meeting: November 17th Dan Isserman of the U.S.G.S. Menominee River smallmouth migration research and tagging study Dan Isermann serves as Unit Leader for the Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. He also advises grad students. His topic is the Menomoniee River Smallmouth Migration research and tagging study update.! ! This is the second year of the study, WSA has helped by providing funds to purchase a number of tracking devices used in the study. Money raised at WSA's annual Fundraiser is used to help fund research studies, stocking and habitat education for smallmouth bass Upcoming Events: November 23rd BFF monthly meeting! ! ! Matt Wagner - Fishing ! ! ! the Elk River in British ! ! ! Columbia! December 15th WSA - BFF Holiday ! ! ! Party! ! ! ! January 19th ! WSA monthly meeting! ! ! Roy Vivian! February 16th ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WSA monthly meeting! Abe Downs and Dan ! Boggs Blackwater Fly Fishing! “Fishing Strategies for ! Northern Wisconsin ! Rivers and! Feeder !Streams”! March 15th ! ! ! ! ! WSA monthly meeting! Kip Vieth of Wildwood ! Float Trips! April 19th ! ! ! ! ! WSA monthly meeting! Annual Fundraising! Auction! ! ! ! ! Wisconsin Smallmouth Alliance meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month. The Badger Fly Fishers meet on the fourth Monday.! ! Both groups meet at the Mapletree Restaurant on Highway 51, in McFarland, Wisconsin. Programs begin at 7:00 p.m., dinner at 6:00 p.m. Visitors and guests are always welcome!
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