legal notice - Holdenville Tribune
legal notice - Holdenville Tribune
A BEAUTIFUL RECEPTION HONORED LOCAL AUTHOR NAOMI TOMLINSON OCTOBER 20TH AT THE HSPS ART CENTER. If you have not purchased one of her books “Rhymes and Rythms of Life” you need to do so. It is great! Special guests at her reception were (l to r) Frank and Mary Kelley, Naomi, Sue Anderson, Peggy Davis, Mary Wheeler, Helen Lindsey and Yvonne Huser. Holdenville TRIBUNE VOLUME 13, NUMBER 47 HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA 1 SECTION 50¢ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2013 SPECIAL GUESTS AT THIS YEAR’S FINAL 50’S FOREVER REUNION INCLUDED: TOP LEFT— MARILYN MAJORS AND SARA SMITH MAJORS. TOP RIGHT—CHARLES AND SUE BRITTAIN MOORE. BOTTOM LEFT—SUSAN MOORE AND ROGER SWEENEY. BOTTOM RIGHT—FRANK ALLEN AND WIFE SHARON. THE MEMORIES OF THIS GATHERING WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. PAGE A-2—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 Halloween is the time of year we think of everything from costumes to candy. However, if Halloween were to be represented by an object, it would, no doubt, be the pumpkin, but if there is one candy that perfectly encapsulates the Halloween spirit in one small, sugary dose, it is the candy corn. With its distinctive and festive color triptych, involving jacko’-lantern orange, the candy corn fits perfectly into the classic Halloween aesthetic. The candy is also undeniable tasty and at a remarkably small size, it’s not hard to eat them by the handful! Still, there is so much more to these sweet treats than meets the eye. Did you know that this ubiquitous Halloween sweet has been around for over a century? The candy corn has had quite a legacy in American history and the technology needed to create the treat was considered innovative for its time. There are almost nine billion pieces of candy corn made annually, which is enough to circle the moon nearly 21 times if placed end-toend! The candy corn has had quite a journey. George Renninger invented the candy corn in the 1880s. He worked at the Wunderlee Candy in Philadelphia. The Goelitz Confectionary Company took over candy corn production in 1900 and still produces the sweet today, but under the more recognizable name Jelly Belly Candy Company. The candy corn was initially given the less appealing moniker “chicken feed” because at the time, corn was closely associated with feeding chickens. When it was created, candy corn had no association with Halloween or autumn. Initially candy corn was made with a mixture of sugar, corn syrup and marshmallow flavor. The candy was not produced in a factory. Instead employees would pour 45 pounds of the warm candy mixture into buckets called “runners.” Men known as “stringers” would then walk backward pouring the mixture into cornstarch trays with the iconic kernel shape. It would take three passes to make the three colors. Wagons then delivered the candy in wooden boxes, tubs and cartons to drug stores. The iconic multi-colored scheme of the candy corn was considered revolutionary and customers went crazy for the sweet. The popularity of the candy corn was so immense that competitors attempted to make candies in the shape of turnips, four-leaf clovers, chestnuts and other designs, but nothing could beat the unique design of candy corn. In the 1900s, the demand for the candy corn was so high that Goelitz had to refuse orders because his company didn’t have the means to keep up with the ever-increasing requests. The candy was perishable and couldn’t travel long distances until the 1940s when companies began using “family-sized” cellophane bags to keep their products fresh. With the introduction of the cellophane bag, Goelitz could ship his candy further than he ever had before. By 1951, the Goelitz Company had 12 factories making candy corn all over the country. It was only after World War II that the candy corn was advertised as a Halloween candy. The tradition has remained unchanged. In the fall of 1951, a local advertisement described the candy corn as the “Buttery flavored mellow cream candy corn in its familiar three colors. Approximately 360 pieces to the pound. The candy all children love to nibble on all year long.” Even though the advertisement suggests kids would eat candy corn the whole year, some people believe that because the ad ran in the first week of October, that the candy has been associated with the month and Halloween ever since. Today over 35 million pounds of candy corn are produced each year. In recent years, the makers of candy corn have produced Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter themed sweets. The sweet is even honored with its own holiday, “National Candy Corn Day”, on October 30th, right in time for Halloween. As far as Halloween indulgences go, the candy corn isn’t unreasonably unhealthy for a candy. While the candy corn is mostly sugar, 22 pieces contain roughly 140 calories and no fat. Since this is Halloween week, I bought a large sack of candy corn for Halloween . . . not for the Trick-or-Treaters, but for myself. It has always been one of my favorite treats. —CC— Cursing in public has become an epidemic. I was at a recent high school football game when two of the players used words in front of some girls that my dad would have knocked my teeth out for using. Turn on the TV or go to a movie and, more often than not, it will be filled with obscenities. There are still many of us that do not appreciate and will not watch them. I may be old fashioned, but I firmly believe that cursing is the sign of a limited vocabulary. It is just lazy to use a swear word when there are thousands of perfectly good adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs that are much more descriptive. Some years ago I read an analysis of how cursing has evolved in this country. It seems that in the early part of this century if an individual really wanted to get the attention of his neighbor, he used the Lord’s name in vain. That was called blasphemy. Of course, most of all people in the country at that time were practicing, devout Christians and cursing the Lord was very offensive. Eventually, blasphemy stopped shocking people. I don’t know if it was because more people drifted from the church or if over use decreased the shock impact. The next phase in cursing came between World War I and II. It is called the obscenity phase. Various four-letter words that describe sexual or bodily functions were used to shock the general populace. We are at the peak of that phase today. A teenager can sit through an R-rated movie and hear more four-letter obscenities than most of us “old timers” heard during our entire time in school. Almost all movies or shows on cable also are filled with four letter words. The air is so filled with obscenities that they have lost their shock value. When they are spoken in a restaurant or in a grocery store they offend because they are in such poor taste, not because of the shock value. Most Americans have been repeatedly exposed to all the four letter obscenities that are available. Now profanity has moved to another level to find shock value. The new category is racial epithets. A professor at a major university could scream blasphemy at his students all class period and the students would not care, nor the administration. The same could be said for obscenities. A college lecture peppered with four letter words would not raise an eyebrow. But, if that same professor were to use one, just one, racial epithet in his lecture he would immediately be called on the carpet and his job would be in danger. The same with a politician or an entertainment figure. One reference, even veiled, to denigrate the racial background of an individual or group could end a career. Even speculation about how different racial groups perform in activities can be job ending. It is a sad commentary on our society. Taking God’s Name in vain or shouting obscenities is hardly noticed, but a crack about someone’s racial or ethnic background is cause for alarm. Though cursing may have “evolved” during the past 100 years, it is the common decency that has suffered. We have become so steeped in gutter language that it does not shock anymore. That is a very bad sign for our times. —CC— Last of all, I want to share on of my favorite stories. One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. “One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. “The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?” The old man simply replied, “The one you feed.” Why wait???? to shed your Benefits of Chiropractic Health extra weight? • Improve Nervous System Function Don’t procrastinate! • Relieve Discomfort • Increase Vitality & Improve Quality of Life • Provide Preventative Care • Improve Overall Health & Wellness for both children & adults We are offering ear staples for weight loss. Arthur Chiropractic Acupuncture & Herb Clinic Specializing in NUCCA, Grostic & Acupuncture Dr. L. Kay Arthur, D.C. Office Location - 3320 Hwy 75 - Horntown -(405)379-3888 Office hours M&W 9 to 7 T&Th 9 to 1 HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013—PAGE A-3 The Year Was 1959 New Trophy Established For Junior High School Highlight of eighth grade commencement exercises at Holdenville Junior High School Thursday afternoon will be awarding of a brand new trophy to an outstanding graduate. The new award is the Grace Harrison trophy, given in honor of Mrs. Grace Harrison, member of the Junior High School faculty for many years, who this year retired from teaching. A project of the Junior high student council, the trophy was purchased with the donations of the entire student body. Vance Ward, English –speech teacher, is faculty sponsor of the council. “The trophy will be given on a point basis,” Ward explained. “Points will be given for scholarship, leadership and activities, and the student with the highest point total receives the trophy.” Center of attraction in the Junior High trophy case, the Harrison award will be given each year hereafter on the same point basis. Ben Harrison, son of Mrs. Harrison, will present the trophy to this year’s winner during the commencement exercises, which will begin at 2 p.m. Thursday in the high school auditorium. Officers of the student council are Ronnie Slavin, eighth grade, president; Penny Robinson, eighth grade, vice president; and Mary House, eighth grade, secretary-treasurer. Other members of the council are Dollie Collins, Howard Culbertson, Terry Jo Lyons and Lynda Merchant, seventh grade; and Bill Landholt and Ronald Robinson, eighth grade. Ronnie Slavin Receives Grace Harrison Trophy Ronnie Slavin received the Grade Harrison award for best all-around eighth grade student Thursday afternoon, climaxing Holdenville Junior High School’s commencement program in the high school auditorium. Benjamin Harrison presented the award on behalf of his mother, Mrs. Grace Harrison, in whose honor the trophy is given. Mrs. Harrison, for many years a member of the Junior High School faculty here, retired from teaching this year. The award, given this year for the first time, was planned and purchased by the junior high students themselves as a means of honoring the veteran teacher. The student council, under the leadership of faculty sponsor Vance Ward, is in charge of the award. Given on a point basis, the award will be placed in the junior high trophy case. Harrison announced during the presentation that in the following years a medal also will be given to the trophy winner. Kay Tuttle was named for the best all-around eighth grade girl award given by Epsilon Sigma Alpha Sorority. Mrs. Bob Willis, president of the local Beta Beta chapter of the sorority, made the presentation. A special award, from student council sponsor Vance Ward, was presented to Bill Landholt, for outstanding work with the council this past year. Landholt was a representative from the eighth grade. James W. Rodgers Jr. presented the American Legion Citizenship awards to Maria Woodford and Ronnie Slavin. Miss Woodford received the valedictorian award from superintendent of schools Francis Tuttle, and Edwin Maloy was given the salutatorian award by junior high principal C.T. Bronaugh. Miss Woodford and Maloy each gave short speeches before receiving the awards. Warren Hurst presented “H” letter awards in football to Bill Adams, Mike Agan, Dave Blasingame, Don Blasingame, Roger Bills, Walter Brown, Jack Cooper, Eddie Cook, Edward Lee Fleming, Jerry Grizzle, Rickey Hodgins, Edwin Maloy, Johnny Pannell, Ronald Robinson and Rudy Troup and in basketball, to Adams, Agan, Richard Bowen, Tony Carpenter, Fleming, Hodgins, Maloy, Pannell, Orville Reid and Troup. Girls basketball awards were presented by Charlie Self to Vickie Petete, Jonnie Edwards, Kay Lynn Clopton, Wilma DeWitt, Betty Hickerson, Cora Lee McComb, Dorthy O’Kelly, Linda Reos and Maryetta Westbrook. Receiving special band awards from band director Earl Vaughn were Bill Adams, Howard Culbertson, Mark Hollis, Oliver Howard, Eddie Puckett, David Weatherspoon, Max Williams, Dollie Collins, Carolyn Martin, Sharon Stafford, Carolyn Towell and Marsha Vaughn. Mrs. Geneva Jo Davis, HHS vocal music instructor, gave special awards to Linda Swinhart, Marsha Vaughn, Judi Johnston, Judy Cecil, Sharon Stafford, Karen Gordon, Loretta Pennington, Ronnie Slavin, Edwin Maloy and Lee Fleming. Bronaugh announced the top 20 eighth grade students, scholastically, were Maria Woodford, Edwin Maloy, Carolyn Towell, Sharon Stafford, Nola Culbertson, Oliver Howard, Carolyn Martin, Jack Cooper, Barbara Harris, Ronnie Slavin, Judy Crutcher, Mark Hollis, Neta French, Mary House, Penny Robinson, Rod Stirman, Kay Tuttle, Peggy Kibby, Russell Bible, Ronald Lester and Benny Parker. Awards were also presented to 13 seventh graders and seven eighth graders who make up the local school’s membership in the newly-organized state Junior High School Honor Society. Miss Woodford played the processional and accompanied a trombone solo by Bill Adams and a tuba solo by Oliver Howard. Vocal solos were given by Sharon Stafford, Ronnie Slavin and Edwin Maloy. Ronnie Slavin, president of the 1958-59 student council, read the Scripture and led in prayer. Bill Landholt, president of the eighth grade class, served as master of ceremonies and read the class roll as the students received their diplomas. Max Williams played the recessional. FRIEND RESIGNS COUNTY JOB; TO BE MOSS SUPERINTENDENT Hughes County’s “school chief” since 1948, County Superintendent Herbert Friend, today announced he will resign his post to accept the superintendency of Moss Schools. PAGE A-4—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 Please join us for For ages 6th grade and under Thursday, October 31th 5:00pm until ? Church of the Nazarene 323 S. Oak, Holdenville The Plumbers (405)379-2500 Drain Cleaning starting at $50* plus mileage outside of city limits *limited time Memorial Service November 9 for Tay Cantrell Ruth Taylor Ramsey Cantrell 3/26/1926 -10/26/2013 My Mother, Ruth Taylor Cantrell, has started her new life and rejoined her husband, my Father, A.B., Brother Taylor Ramsey Cantrell, her sister Margaret Ann Hill, and many friends in the loving arms of God and Jesus. It was a quick and somewhat unexpected departure. On last Monday, the 21st of October, 2013, Mother and I talked. She also visited with nurses and her doctor, still smiling and showing her rather impish sense of humor using a deadpan sarcastic quip. That Monday, with a very serious look on her face, Mother wanted me to promise that I would not buy any stock from the Blue Bell ice cream company. I promised. Then that smile came out and she told me. “After all, when I’m gone, they are going to have huge losses in chocolate sales.” I shook my head, rolled my eyes and kissed her on the forehead. Later that day, the 21st, Mother went to sleep and slept until early the 26th, consummating her transition from mortal to immortal. I believe, when she opened her eyes in Heaven, she was again sitting at her table in our home on North Burns Street in Holdenville. There were her bridge cronies, like Elaine Trow, Dorothy Pryor, Rosanne Turner, Dorothy Chesnutt, and many other fine ladies, I do not have room to chroni- cle, welcoming her home and advising her it was her turn to bid. Her family, will miss her, but never forget her. Staying here to celebrate her life and smile with many happy memories are, her son, Arthur (A.B. Jr) and his wife, Pauline. A daughter in law in law only; she was a true daughter to Ruth and Ruth was could not have been more loved by any blood daughter. Her Granddaughters, Tracey Cantrell Ambrose and her husband Stephen of Round Rock, Texas, and Abby Cantrell Saddler and husband Bill of Baltimore, Maryland. The Great Grandchildren are: Ethan Ambrose, Mason Saddler, Taylor Saddler, Cole Saddler, and Johanna Saddler. A memorial service for Ruth Taylor (Tay) will be November 9, 2013, at 11:30 am, in the Barnard Memorial United Methodist Church in Holdenville, Oklahoma. A reception in the church will follow for friends to visit with the family. In lieu of flowers, Mother and the family respectfully request that donations be made to St Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Donors@stjude. org/800-822-6344 This is not goodbye, Mother. Your family and friends will miss you, but will smile when we discuss your foibles, until that day when we meet again. Love, Arthur Service Saturday for Leroy Bible, Jr. Town & Country Auto Inc. • 405-257-6275 • Wewoka, OK 1 mile East of Hwy 56 on Hwy 270 in Wewoka Large Selection Many Makes and Models Available Buy Here - Pay Here Bank Financing - WAC We’re Always Here for You - 23 Years - Kathy’s Past & Present Antique Mall • 14 E. Main Street • Shawnee, Oklahoma Tuesday thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Leroy Bible, Jr., 70, of Holdenville passed away on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, peaceably at home after a long courageous battle with cancer. He was born in Holdenville on January 16, 1943, to Leroy and Maxine (Wingo) Bible Sr. Leroy loved collecting old books, paintings and art work of the Old West. His favorite works were of the Native American. He had an honorable discharge from the United States Air Force and a degree in English. Leroy was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and brother and will be greatly missed by all those who knew him. He is survived by three children, James R. Bible and wife Tammy of Holdenville, Bryan T. Bible and wife Brenda of Round Rock, Texas, and Tiffany L. Bible of Norman. He was a proud grandpa of four grandchildren, Brittany Bible of Round Rock, Texas, Bradley Bible and girlfriend Marie Aguilar of Broken Arrow, Raechel Bible of Ada, and Julian Keeley of Norman all who shared his joy of books, art, history and antique shopping; one great-granddaughter, Maddilyn Bible of Broken Arrow; one brother, Rusty Bible of Atwood; three sisters, Sue Hester and husband Bennie of Holdenville, Tanda Baca of Holdenville, and Carla Harden and husband David of Calvin; and numerous nieces, nephews, and other relatives. He is preceded in death by his parents; his wife Debbie Bible; brother-in-law Kent Baca; and sister-in-law Sandy Bible. Services will be at Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home Chand pel on Saturday, November 2 , at 2 pm. Pallbearers will be James Bible, Bryan Bible, Bradley Bible, Rusty Bible, Jacob Baca, and Andrew Baca. Honorary bearers will be Brittany Bible, Raechel Bible, Julian Keeley, Bennie Hester, Larry Paul Scroggins, and Joe Davenport. Graveside Friday for Artie Shields Artie Shields of Holdenville went to be with her beloved husband on October 29, 2013. She had been a residence at Heritage Village Nursing Home since September 2005. She was born April 12, 1921 in Hartshorne to John and Cora Franks. On March 4, 1942, Artie Mae Franks married Omar Neil Sheilds. To this union three children were born, Carol, Michael and Ronnie. Artie worked for many years at JC Penny Clothing Company as a sales clerk. Preceding in death are her parents, daughter Carol L. Moore, and 11 siblings. Surviving are her two sons: Ronnie L. Shields and wife, Docelia, of Holdenville; Michael D. Shields and wife, Stacy, of Edmond; grandchildren Sara, Neil, Tonya, Dean, Floyd, Kyza, Rhonda, and Courtney, and twelve great-grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends. Graveside service is scheduled 3:00PM on Friday, November 1, 2013 at the Holdenville Cemetery in Holdenville, Oklahoma. Pastor Dane Robinson will officiate. Services are under the direction of HudsonPhillips Funeral Home in Holdenville, Oklahoma. Online condolences to the family can be made at Holdenville Tribune uSPS 019569 Periodical Postage Paid at Holdenville, OK 74848 Published Weekly at 114 N. Broadway • Holdenville, OK 74848 bill & dayna robinSon PubliSHerS Postmaster send change of address to: Holdenville Tribune P.O. Box 30 Holdenville, OK 74848 405-379-5184 • 800-411-1813 in STaTe, one year $24.00 ouT of STaTe, one year $30.00 email: [email protected] (405)379-5184 • (800)411-1813 FAX (405)379-2336 VISA/MASTERCARD ACCEPTED LPXLP Game Night News \ We had 10 “Moon” players tonight but it sure sounded like a whole lot more! I guess that we were having such a good time talking and laughing! Partners were Loita Sharp and Rusty Jones; Sharon Dilday and Geraldine Ingram; Glenda Swift and Glenda Smith; Jean Phillips and Lynn Marquis; Shirley Hardwick and Sue Wood. Loita and Rusty won 4 games. Sharon and Geraldine won 2 games. Glenda and Glenda were doing really well. They had sat at the same table for so long, they weren’t sure that they could get up! They won 3 games including G. Swift having a lay down shooting hand! Rusty and Loita were 19 points when Glenda shot it. Don’t you just hate it when that happens! Way to go Glenda Swift! Jean and Lynn knew that they would be in for a night of exercise when they lost the first round so quickly, but close to the end of the night, they got their mo-jo on and won 2 games. They were so excited. Shirley and Sue also did a lot of traveling. It seems that Shirley shot the moon and went down, down, down!! But fear not, they won on their last game of the night. Everyone went home a winner!!! Lynn brought some chocolate chip cookies. They must have been delicious as she didn’t have many left to take home to Joe. Come and join us next week! You will have a good time, I promise! HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013—PAGE A-5 The Year Was 1946 PAGE A-6—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201307194 APPLICANT: TITAN RESOURCES LIMITED RELIEF SOUGHT: ESTABLISH 80-ACRE LAYDOWN DRILLING AND SPACING UNITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NE/4 OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 4 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Gary L. Griffith; Spitzee Exploration, Inc; William Van Horn; Heirs/Devisees of John W. Glahn Presumably Stivers Group; Heirs/Devisees of Willie Angle; Johnnie Angle; Holt Oil and Gas Corporation; R. Michael Harris RT, R. Michael Harris, Trustee; and all persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas and all other interested persons, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma, and more particularly the parties set out on Exhibit “A” attached to the Application on file in this cause, and if any of the above individuals are deceased, or if any of the above companies are no longer in existence, the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, immediate and remote, of the abovenamed parties. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this cause is requesting that the Commission issue an Order establishing 80-acre laydown drilling and spacing units by: a) vacating Order No. 357585 insofar as it pertains to the Hunton, Viola, Bromide, McLish, Oil Creek and Basal Oil Creek common sources of supply underlying the NE/4 of Section 14, Township 4 North, Range 9 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma; b) extending Order No. 262072 to include within its purview the Viola, Bromide, McLish, and Oil Creek common sources of supply underlying the NE/4 of Section 14, Township 4 North, Range 9 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma; and, c) establishing 80-acre laydown drilling and spacing units for the Hunton, Simpson Dolomite, and Basal Oil Creek common sources of supply underlying the NE/4 of Section 14, Township 4 North, Range 9 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma, by new spacing, with the units to be formed by drawing a line east and west through the center of the NE/4 of Section 14, and the permitted wells to be located in the NE and SW quarter quarter sections, not less than 330 feet from said unit boundaries. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant in this cause is requesting the following special relief: to designate the Applicant or some other party as Operator of the unit well. Applicant is further requesting that the Order to be entered in this cause be made effective on a date prior to the date of the Order. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m., on the 18th day of November, 2013, and that this Notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and telephone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact TYLER SKAVDAHL, Skavdahl Land Services, LLC, Telephone: (970) 3728446, OR RICHARD K. BOOKS, Attorney, Two Leadership Square, 211 North Robinson, Suite 1300, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, Telephone: (405) 232-3722. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA Patrice Douglas, CHAIRMAN Bob Anthony, VICE CHAIRMAN Dana L. Murphy, COMMISSIONER DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 28th DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION Peggy Mitchell, Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201307273-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: EXCEPTION TO OCCGR 165:10-3-28 AS TO HORIZONTAL WELL SPACING REQUIREMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF GAS INCLUDING Canaan Resources X, LLC; Yale Oil Association, Inc.; Arcadia Resources, LP; Comanche Resources Co.; Blair Royalties, Ltd; Sheron Lynn DeMier; WSGP Gas Producing, LLC; and all persons if, living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors, and all corporations, existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant filed a well location exception for the Mississippian, Woodford and Hunton common sources of supply for the Diana 1-34H well requesting an exception to Order No. 614645. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the proposed Angeline 1-34/27H well will be drilled first and is expected to produce from the Woodford common source of supply which is found at approximately 5,450 feet in depth. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OCCGR 165:10-3-28(c)(2)(B) requires that a horizontal wellbore from its point of entry and along any part of the lateral shall be located not closer than 600 feet from any other producible or drilling oil or gas well when drilling to the same common source of supply that is 2,500 feet or more in depth and Applicant requests an exception to the horizontal well spacing requirement as stated in OCCGR 165:10-3-28(c)(2)(B). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that the Commission enter an order excepting Applicant to the horizontal well spacing requirement as stated in OCCGR 165:10-3-28(c)(2)(B) for the proposed Diana 1-34H well. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 18th day of November, 2013 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, LLC, 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Avenue, Ste. 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA PATRICE DOUGLAS, Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th day of October, 2013. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary Secretary of the Commission (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR HUGHES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. PB-2013-53 In the Matter of the Estate of AMANDA KING, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors having claims against AMANDA KING, Deceased, are required to present the same, with a description of all security interests and other collateral (if any) held by each creditor with respect to such claim, to the attention of Maggie JO LPXLP Travis, Administratrix of the Estate, at the office of Don W. McFarland, Attorney at Law, 307 W. Broadway, Okemah, OK 74859, on or before the following presentment date: November 20, 2013, or the same will be forever barred. DATED this 18th day of October, 2013. Don W. McFarland, OBA#15515 307 W. Broadway – P.O. Box 203 Okemah, Oklahoma 74859 (918) 623-2717 Attorney for Administratrix (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 23 and 30, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201307274-t APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: EXCEPTION TO OCCGR 165:10-3-28 AS TO HORIZONTAL WELL SPACING REQUIREMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF GAS INCLUDING Canaan Resources X, LLC; WSGP Gas Producing, LLC; and all persons if, living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors, and all corporations, existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant filed a well location exception for the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply for the Emma 1-33H well requesting an exception to Order No. 614644. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the proposed Carol 1-33/28H well will be drilled first and is expected to produce from the Woodford common source of supply which is found at approximately 5,800 feet in depth. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that OCCGR 165:10-3-28(c)(2)(B) requires that a horizontal wellbore from its point of entry and along any part of the lateral shall be located not closer than 600 feet from any other producible or drilling oil or gas well when drilling to the same common source of supply that is 2,500 feet or more in depth and Applicant requests an exception to the horizontal well spacing requirement as stated in OCCGR 165:10-3-28(c)(2)(B). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that the Commission enter an order excepting Applicant to the horizontal well spacing requirement as stated in OCCGR 165:10-3-28(c)(2)(B) for the proposed Emma 1-33H well. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 18th day of November, 2013 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Jim Slade, PetroQuest Energy, LLC, 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5603 or Ron M. Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Avenue, Ste. 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA PATRICE DOUGLAS, Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th day of October, 2013. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Secretary Secretary of the Commission (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201307276-t APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: WELL LOCATION EXCEPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing, and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Applicant requests that the Order No. 616557 be amended to permit a well to be drilled and produced at the following location: SURFACE LOCATION: NO CLOSER THAN 215 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 150 FEET FROM THE WEST LINE OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA COMPLETION INTERVAL: FIRST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE SOUTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA TO LAST PERF NO CLOSER THAN 165 FEET FROM THE NORTH LINE AND NO CLOSER THAN 330 FEET FROM THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA That Order No. 616557 established a 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Mayes, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 11 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma. For the Mayes, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply such order shall require that the completion lateral of a horizontal well drilled in a horizontal well unit shall be located not less than 660 feet from the unit boundary. The entire length of the lateral will be cemented such that the perforations are isolated from the beginning and end point of the lateral in order to protect the correlative rights of the offset units. That the requested location will be closer to Sections 9, 10, 15, 22 and 21, Township 7 North, Range 11 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma than would be permitted by the spacing order covering the named common sources of supply. That the Applicant be permitted to drill and produce said well at said location for the Mayes, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply without any downward allowable adjustments and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 S. Houston, Suite 114, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74127 at 8:30 a.m. on the 18th day of November, 2013 and that this Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Joey Stauffer, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5624 or Ron M. Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston, Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma 741194434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA PATRICE DOUGLAS, Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th day of October, 2013. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, 2013) Bert’s Hydraulic Farm & Construction Equipment CYLINDER REPAIR 580-310-8550 • 580-332-7295 Francis, Oklahoma LEGAL NOTICE BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201307275-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING Adamas Investment Company; Anthony Maschak; Blair Royalties, Ltd. c/o Comanche Exploration Co., LLC; Canaan Resources X, LLC; Committee for State Security, Ltd. Co.; Harlow Royalties, Ltd.; J Lazy F Bar and Land Petroleum ; TCD Exploration, L.L.C. c/o Timothy C. Dowd; Trillave Dale Paul; University of Oklahoma Foundation, Inc.; Connie D. Berry; Daniel M. Hill, Jr.; Dona A. Hill; Genie Long McCartney c/o Brent McCartney; Linda Krensky; Mary Judith Long, now Daniel; Walter James Alexander, deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Frank B. Otis, Jr.; Louisa Perry, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Mary Ann Otis, now Long; Barclays Bank PLC; Jimmy R. Locke, Trustee for the benefit of The Frost National Bank; JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.; Nouna Ann Schacher, as Remainderman; Carkel Corporation; Cirrus Production Company; John P. Shields, Inc.; R.C. Taylor Companies, Inc.; St. Paul Minerals Company, Inc.; Sundown Energy, Inc.; XTO Energy Inc.; Yale Oil Association, Inc.; Arbia Corporation; Barbara Savage Ramsey, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Chas Hevenor, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; David Shields; Don Norbury; Fannie Leverett a/k/a Fannie Showalter, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; First National Bank in Dallas as Trustee for the use and benefit of Genie Long McCartney, Elizabeth Long Lasater and Troy Noble Long Polnich; Jacqueline Scott, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Janice Fallon, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; J.D. Kimmell, if living, and if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; John L. Dickson, deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Ken Carlton; Lloyd Trim, deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Maria Shipley, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Marty Tatham; M.T. McMahan a/k/a Montgomery T. McMahan, deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Patsy Jean Meadors Revocable Trust, Patsy Jean Meadors Trustee; Sarah Long, if living, and if deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; Telee Douglass, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; The Randy L. Shields and Kathie A. Shields Revocable Trust of 2009, Randy L. Shields and Kathie A. Shields, Trustees; Therma E. Alexander, nee Long, deceased, her unknown heirs, devisees, successors, administrators, trustees and assigns; and all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing and if dissolved its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant requests that the Commission pool the interests and adjudicate the rights and equities of oil and gas owners in the Mayes, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying the 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit described as Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 11 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma and designate Applicant or some other party as operator of the proposed well and all subsequent wells drilled in the unit; and that Applicant be given one year to commence operations for the drilling or other operations with respect to the unit. The Applicant additionally requests that this pooling be a unit pooling. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 18th day of November, 2013 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Joey Stauffer, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/561-5624 or Ron M. Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Ave., Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA PATRICE DOUGLAS, Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th day of October, 2013. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT WITHIN AND FOR HUGHES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA PATRICK NEAL CLARK AND PETER W. CLARK PLAINTIFFS, V THE UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS, OF DEE L. WILLIAMS s/p/a D.L. WILLIAMS, DECEASED, DEFENDANT. CASE NO. CV-2013-48 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, DEVISEES, TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNS, IMMEDIATE AND REMOTE, OF DEE L. WILLIAMS s/p/a D.L. WILLIAMS, DECEASED: Take notice that you, and each of you, have been sued in the above named Court by PATRICK NEAL CLARK AND, PETER W. CLARK, Plantiffs in the above numbered and styled cause of action. This suit is brought for the purpose of determining the heirs of DEE L. WILLIAMS s/p/a D.L. WILLIAMS, deceased, and quieting title in and to the following described property located in Hughes County, Oklahoma, to-wit: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (S/2 SE/4 SE/4) of Section Six (6), Township Seven (7) North, Range Nine (9) East of the Indian Meridian, LESS AND EXCEPT the South 200 feet of the East 280 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE//4 SE/4 SE/4) and LESS a tract beginning at the Northeast Corner of said S/2 SE/4 SE/4; thence West 421.5 feet; thence South 310 feet; thence East 421.5 feet; thence North 310 feet to the Point of Beginning. Which lands are owned by the Plaintiffs. If you fail to answer the Petition of the Plaintiffs filed against you in the District Court of Seminole County, Oklahoma, on or before the 29th day of November, 2013, said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered determining heirs and quieting title in and to the above described lands, all as prayed for in said Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal this the 8th day of October, 2013. PATTY TILEY, COURT CLERK HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA By: /S/STACI EVANS DEPUTY ED CADENHEAD – OBA #1413 THE CADENHEAD LAW FIRM, P.C. P.O. BOX 2067 SEMINOLE, OK 74818-2067 PHONE: 405-382-6341 FAX: 405-382-5513 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS (Published in the Holdenville Tribune October 16, 23 and 30, 2013) HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013—PAGE A-7 Down Memory Lane — Gert’s Notes from 03-07-07 by Gertrude Robinson Good game night at Johnnie Helen’s Monday night (at least for some of them). Me and Marie played Melba and Rusty, and they beat us 6 to 1. They weren’t too smart. If it hadn’t been for me and Marie, they couldn’t have done it. I still can’t believe we lost as I was keeping score. Sue and Bonnie knew how we felt. They only won 1 game, and Wynema and Johnnie won 4, Geraldine and Arjean won 4, and Naomi and Linda won 3. That was a little closer. At least the food was good. We had navy beans and ham, fried potatoes, slaw, cornbread and coconut cake. We will be at Geraldine’s with Glenda as hostess next week. Visited some new patients at Heritage Village. A longtime friend Betty (Leach) Walden, mother of Clyde Collis and sister to Bill Leach; longtime friends Mary Plymale and Harold Reid. Hope you all get well soon and can go home. Me and Geraldine went to the Wild Onion Dinner, and they had one of the biggest crowds I have seen. Saw so many old friends and the food was delicious, especially the fried salt pork. I still can’t get use to the sofka. Saw all three of the Brown sister—Molly, Wisey and Josephine. Their mother Polly fried the best salt pork I ever ate. Two of my favorite cooks were there, Penny Dyer and Andrew Clark; also, Willena Waldroup and daughter, Tine (Willena makes a good hand in the kitchen). Saw Fred House’s baby boy, Kenneth and his wife, Nora (Snowdigger). Dad Fred was one of my best friends. We worked together for 10 years. I met Rev. David Dunson from Wetumka. He is the son of the late Eugene Dunson and a neph- ew to Jonas, Earl and Frank. I knew all of them. Saw Betty Tiger, Bessie Fixico and Lizzie Bruner. I don’t think they have ever missed being there. Met Sam Harjo as we were going in, and I asked him if he got enough to eat. He said he couldn’t hold any more. I knew then we were in trouble. Glen Isham was there and was trying to get the server’s attention as he had a big pan of fried potatoes. I finally got his attention, and he told Glen it would cost him $2.00, and I told him I got a dollar for getting them for him. When we started through the line, I saw an empty chicken and dressing pan so I go to the kitchen and ask if there was any more chicken and dressing. They said, “No,” so I went on and sat down. Leo “Meatball” King and his sister Sue Ann Davis had saved us seats to about that time, this beautiful young lady come over to me with a bowl of chicken and dressing and asked if that was what I wanted. I said it sure was. I looked at her and finally recognized her. She was Wanda (Hance) Aultman from Wetumka. Her dad Joe Hance was in the army with Meredith and was killed overseas. They buried him in Belgium, and after 10 years, Mrs. Lesueur told Wanda’s mother they could have had him brought home so they did. Wanda, I really enjoyed the chicken and dressing. Leo “Meatball” came home with me and spent the afternoon. He and Meredith talked a lot of football and about our good friend Bill Shipman, when he went to Germany to coach and got Bronko McGugan to come over and coach another team. They wound up playing each other, and Bill’s team won. Doug Scott said he had the easy job at the Wild Onion Dinner. He got to sit and take the Book Signing to Honor Author and Illustrator Saturday A “Meet the Author and Illustrator” book signing will be hosted by the Grace Pickens Public Library in honor of Judy Goodspeed and Richard Billingsley for the recent release of “Emmitt Mouse Plays Santa.” Both are well known in our area and this latest children’s book will be one that your child or grandchild should certainly have. The signing will be held Saturday, November 2, 2013 from 10:30am to 1:00pm. The library is located at 209 E. 9th in Holdenville. Hope to see you there! money. Me and Meatball talked to his aunt who is living in Oregon (I think). Anyway, she was a good friend of my late sister Marie (Abernathy) Reynolds. They worked together at the telephone office. She said she stayed lots of nights at our house and Marie at hers. She said I had the sweetest mother, and I sure agreed with that. If she hadn’t of been, she would probably have killed me. She said she had 10 kids, and I was the meanest one. She said when I got married, she hoped I would have 10 kids, and they would all be just like me, then she would say, “No, honey, I wouldn’t wish that on no one.” (Secretly, I think I was her pet). Letha told us her friend Charles Chadwick was at the old Maloy place at the north end of main street in Wewoka, and we should go by. He has a lot of antiques and different things. Nice visiting with you Letha. Lea is going to make one of her special cakes Wednesday night, and Bob is going to fry fish after church at Harvest Time. Randall, Lea and Patty will be having special music, and Jimmie will have some old fashioned preaching. If you don’t have a church home, you have a special invitation. Ran into Millie (Mauldin) Fields in Wewoka. She is just as pretty as ever. She is originally from Calvin. Meredith and I went to Long John Silver’s. These two men were in there, and one of them said, “Hello, Gertrude.” I Said, “Hi, how are you?” I kept try- ing to think and sure enough I couldn’t. Finally he said, “I’m Eddie Puckett.” I hadn’t seen him in so long I didn’t recognize him. The man with him said he could tell by the blank look on my face I didn’t recognize him. (He didn’t know I looked that way all the time). Good to see you, Eddie. Eddie lives in Cushing and works for the State. He is the son of the late Jerold and Lorene Puckett of Holdenville. Bring out your best this Thanksgiving THE BEST & BRIGHTEST set the tone with 15 collectible colors, from turquoise & scarlet to cobalt blue. The Diamond Shop 100 E Main St - Ada, OK • (580) 332-0457 PAGE A-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 RED HATTERS ENJOYING BRUNCH AT WYNEMA NALLEY’S HOME INCLUDED: (seated) Geraldine Ingram, Reba Lovelace and Lynn Marquis. (standing) Hostess Wynema Nalley, Sharon Dilday, Shirley Harkey, Mary Kelley, Phyllis Brantley, Glenda Smith, Naomi Tomlinson and Joyce Yates. (far back) Becky Ingram (Geraldine’s daughter-in-law.) Not Picture: Sue Adams, Sue Wood and Rusty Jones. Wynema Nalley Treats Red Hatters to Brunch Wynema Nalley invited the Red Hatters to a brunch on her screened-in porch. Are we going to pass up a chance to eat? Certainly not! Everyone brought all kinds of breakfast foods and there weren’t any two alike. Linda Davy spent a lot of time making homemade cinnamon rolls and then wasn’t feeling well enough to come. We missed you Linda, but sooo glad that you sent the cinnamon rolls anyway. Naomi Tomlinson brought games and prizes. The first game was a favorite memory given by each one and then we wrote down the name of the memory that we liked the best. Sue Adams gave her’s as the time in highschool where she made 59 points in a basketball game. And they still lost the game! And then one of the ladies was her divorce! Now that’s a memory! Then we guessed how many malt balls were in a jar. Reba Lovelace had a big red X on her paper for another prize. Now for the blessing of the food by Naomi and then it was time to eat! Wynema had a really nice place for us to laugh, play games and eat! Thank you Wynema. Afterwards, some of the ladies had to leave early because OU was playing Texas. Now, that turned out to be another story! And of course, it was Dizzy Dean Davy at Spaulding. But the best place to be Saturday morning was at Wynema’s with the Red Hatters. Those attending were Sharon Dilday, Geraldine Ingram, Geraldine’s daughter-in-law Becky Ingram, Lynn Marquis, Mary Kelley, Shirley Harkey, Naomi Tomlinson, Glenda Smith, Phyllis Brantley, Sue Adams, Joyce Yates, Sue Wood, Rusty Jones and Reba Lovelace. Shayne and April Walden are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Madison Reese Walden. She was born September 2, 2013 at 5:08am and weighed 6 pounds and 1 ounce. She was 19 1/2 inches long. Her maternal grandparents are Beth and Rick Hair and Byron and Deidra Cates, paternal grandparents are Tim and Vicki Walden. Madison has an eight year old brother Conner Rance who is excited to have a new sister. Class of 63 to Host Prom in Honor of 50th In celebration of their 50th class reunion, the class of 1964 will be hosting an All-Class Prom, which will be held the weekend of the alumni reunion in June of 2014. The first planning meeting will be held November 4 at 10am at the Hughes County Expo Center. Anyone interested in helping with plans is encouraged to attend. For more information call Dale Jenkins at 405-379-2649. Atwood Nazarene Bazaar Saturday The Atwood Nazarene church will be holding their Fall Bazaar on November 2, 2013 from 9am until 2pm. You are invited to come and shop for jewelry, floral arrangements, gifts and decorations. Door prizes will be given throughout the day and a delicious concession will be available with homemade soup, chili, fried pies, baked pies, cakes and other goodies. Don’t miss it!! HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013—PAGE B-1 Holdenville runners compete in 3A state cross country meet Cheyenne Gordon and Mitchell Brigden lead HHS in event By HERMAN BROWN Holdenville correspondent 13:01.00 16 Henry, Taylor - SequoyahTahlequah - 13:01.70 17 Nunley, Tiarah - Marlow 13:02.00 18 Atchley, Dali - Perry 13:09.00 19 Rich, Mykala - Vian 13:09.90 20 Fairres, Jessica - Henryetta 13:13.00 --• Team standings (Girls) 1 - Marietta 2 - Marlow 3 - Sequoyah-Tahlequah 4 - Jones 5 - Adair 6 - Cascia Hall 7 - Perry 8 - Henryetta 9 - Lindsay 10 - Chisholm 11 - Prague 12 - Keys 13 - Holdenville 14 - Silo 15 - Hobart --• 3A Boys 5k Run 1 Green, Colton - Henryetta -16:15.00 2 Whitson, Blaine - Oklahoma Bible A -16:27.00 3 Whittington, Seth - Kansas -16:37.00 4 Grebe, Tommy - Chisholm 16:44.00 5 Montomery, Cole - Eufaula -16:48.00 6 Looper, Colton - Perry -16:52.00 7 Stevens, Tyler - Jones 16:53.00 8 Nofire, Terrance - SequoyahTahlequah -16:53.90 9 Henry, Rolondo - Riverside -17:04.00 10 Tom, Ryan - Chish- The Holdenville Lady Wolverines finished in 13th place in team scoring the OSSAA State Cross Country Championships. The statewide event was staged Oct. 26 at Gordon Cooper Vo-Tech in Shawnee. Cheyenne Gordon won a medal for her 14th place showing in the Class 3A girls division. Cheyenne toured the 3200-meter course in 12:58.00 , Continued on Page B-8 Here are the other Lady Wolverines who competed at the cross country race: 30th - Tristan Wood, 13:33.00 89th - Emma Sherry, 15:11.00 101th - Taylor Heath, 16:01.00 105th - Pruitt, Kynsley, 16:42.00 In the 3A boys division, Holdenville had six runners compete in the 5k race. The Wolverines finished in 15th place. Mitchell Brigden was the top performer for Holdenville. Bridgen ran a titme of 18:43.00 to finish 53rd in the field. Here are the other Wolverines who qualified for state, along with their placement and the time it took to complete the cross country race: 81th - Anthony Smith, 20:13.00 97th - Nick Lucas, 21:38.00 105 - Jacob Gardner,22:29.00 107 - Denver Rogers, 23:02.00 110 - Calis Phillilps, 24:14.00 AT A GLANCE Here is a closer look at the 3A division girls and boys medalists at the state cross country event: • 3A Girls 3200 Meter Run 1 Vanmeter, Daisey - Henryetta 11:47.00 2 Rich, Rylee - Marlow -12:16.00 3 Holmes, Kyla - Sequoyah-Tahlequah -12:26.00 4 Alexander, Jaime - Marietta 12:26.70 5 Bellmon, Rylee - Perry 12:31.00 6 Marshall, Izzy - Cascia Hall 12:34.00 7 Brunson, Abbey - Prague 12:36.00 8 Winchester, Abbie - Marietta 12:37.00 9 Werth, Gracye - Kingston 12:37.60 10 Davis, Kayla - Sequoyah-Tahlequah - 12:38.00 11 Newton, Madison - Eufaula -12:39.00 12 Robinett, Falon - Chisholm 12:51.00 13 Lippe, Keni - Adair -12:55.00 14 Gordon, Cheyenne - Holdenville - 12:58.00 LADY WOLVERINES CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS—(l to r) Taylor Heath, Kynsley Pruitt, Emma Sherry, Cheyenne Gordon, Tristan 15 Smith, Rachel - Cascia Hall - Wood. HOLDENVILLE WOLVERINES CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS—(l to r) Nick Lucas, Jacob Gardner, Aaron Pool, Mitchell Brigden, Denver Rogers, Calis Philips, Derrick Williams, James Ingham, Anthony Smith. PAGE B-2—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 Wolverines looking for third win against Mounds Holdenville riding high following 49-21 blowout victory over Wellston Tigers In the passing game, Ryan was the most active in the tack- with 8 tackles each. By HERMAN BROWN own 38-yard TD run at 8:04. Bobby Rivera and Colton Holdenville correspondent Bialas toed PAT kicks after each Sherry was 1-2-0 for 10 yards. les department with 11. Jaret Pickett were also productive The Holdenville Wolverines will be looking for their third win of the season this week. Coach Don Padgett’s blue and gold squad will face the Mounds Eagles in a District 2A-5 showdown. Kickoff is set for 7:30 p.m. at Eagle Stadium in Mounds. Mounds will bring an overall record of 5-3 in the game. The Eagles are 1-3 in league play. They were hammered 49-7 by the Meeker Bulldogs last Friday night. Holdenville is 2-6 overall and 1-3 in 2A-5 action. The Wolverines are stepping high following their 49-21 triumph over the visiting Wellston Tigers. HHS manhandled Wellston en route to a commanding 42-0 lead four minutes into the third quarter. However, the Tigers took advantage of HHS reserves to score three consecutive touchdowns. Holdenville rebounded with the final TD to round out the score at 49-21. Ryan Sherry opened the scoring for Holdenville mid-way through the first quarter. Sherry scored a 1-yard touchdown run at 6:04. Johnny Bialas drilled the first of his seven PAT kicks to make it 7-0. Holdenville doubled the lead to 14-0 later in the first quarter. Bobby Rivera rocketed through the Wellston defense on his way to a 39-yard touchdown run at 4:23. The Wolverines added two more touchdowns in the second quarter. D’Angelo Moore scored both of them, including a crosscountry 66-yard run at 7:31 and an 18-yard run at 1:14. Bialas provided kicks after both TDs to send HHS to intermission with a 28-0 lead. After the break, Holdenville repeated the pattern of two touchdowns per quarter. Rivera gashed the Tigers on a 38-yard scoring run at 11:20. Jason Scott also scored a touchdown on his score to swell the cushion to 42- Jason Scott caught the pass for Sherrin and Ty Mariott added the 10-yard gain. 9 tackles each. Jason Scott and 0. Continued on Page B-6 Defensively, Colton Fredrick Ty Gibbs were next on the team Holdenville then turned the game over to the backups and reserves. Wellston took full advantage of the more inexperienced HHS players. The Tigers struck for a 1-yard TD run by Christopher Murphy at the 1:06 mark of the third quarter. Austin Phillips added a PAT kick to make it 42-7. Wellston added two more touchdowns in the fourth quarter. Quarterback Peyton McClain tossed a 12-yard TD pass to Zach Miller at 7:43 to make it 42-13. The Tigers also scored a 12-yard touchdown run by Murphy at 3:40. Colton Ebers added the conversion run to close the deficit to 42-21. Holdenville rebounded with Cheering on the Wolverines... the seventh and final touchdown of the night. Rivera sprinted 42 yards for a TD at the 2:35. Bialas came on and knocked home his seventh consecutive PAT kick to seal the final score at 49-21. Holdenville finished the night with 11 first downs and 401 102 E. Main - Holdenville, OK 74848 - (405)379-3307 yards of total offense. The Wolverines rushed 33 times for 391 yards. The passing game was a modest 1-for-2 for 10 yards. HHS averaged an impressive 11.45 yards per play. Wellston rolled up 17 first downs and 276 yards of total offense. The Tigers ran 51 times for 205 yards and completed 6-of-11 passes for 71 yards. WHS was limited to 4.45 yards per play. Holdenville’s rushing attack was led by Bobby Rivera with 9 carries for 145 yards and 3 touchdowns. Jaret Sherrin also landed in triple digits in rushing with 5 carries for 109 yards. D’Angelo Moore was third on the team with 3 carries for 90 yards and 2 TDs. Jason Scott 400 E. Highway • Holdenville, OK 74848 was also productive with 3 carOPEN Mon - Fri 8 to 6 & Sat 8 to 12 noon ries for 52 yards and 1 touch405-379-3169 down. See the list below for the other Wolverines who had car(next to McDonald’s in Holdenville) ries in the rushing game. Go Wolverines! SPEND LIFE WISELY Have a Great Season Wolverines! “It’s not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference”- Bear Bryant ROBINSON FAMILY AUTO SALES Football Players from the Past The Year Was 1959 HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013—PAGE B-3 Victory Elite Athletic’s National power tumbling and trampoline team based out of Weleetka, Oklahoma DOMINATED the USTA and AAU Jr. Olympic Power Tumbling and Trampoline Nationals this past season. Finishing up their season only one month ago. Overall they earned...Over twenty State titles, Over twenty Overall wins, 13 National Titles, Two National team awards (Only team in the State of Oklahoma to win a National team award), Top ten Athletes in the Top ten National Overall, and two athletes who were nominated for Scholarship awards. The team is directed and coached by Allyson Moore (Owner and Founder of Victory Elite Athletics) Athletes shown above are top (l to r) Hannah Bradshaw (Henryetta), Grace Maxwell (Dewar), Hailey Fisk(Weleetka), Ashton Moscow (Henryetta), Randee Taylor (Holdenville), Kambri Cunningham (Weleetka), Jala Montgomery (Okemah), Gracie Johnson (Henryetta), Beretta Neal (Weleetka), Aaron Fisk (Weleetka), Jalynn Russell (Weleetka), Journey Walden (Cromwell/ Shawnee)), Kambri Cunningham (Weleetka), Kendall Sheneman (Weleetka),Shaylin Tillery (Okemah), Johnathan Russell (Weleetka), Lilly Mooney (Holdenville). Not pictured, Kalea Davis (Wetumka), Brinkley Lange (Checotah/Muskogee). ELECT VOTE JENNINGS JAMES JENNINGS ������ MCN National Council Okmulgee District ������ VOTE! NOVEMBER 2, 2013 ENDORSED BY KEEPER JOHNSON, VIRGINIA THOMAS & LIZANNE HOLATA MVTO (Paid for by James Jennings, 820 N. Collins, Okmulgee, OK 74447) Seminole County RWD #3 Accepting Bids Seminole County RWD & Sewer District #3 is now accepting bids for the following contracted activities: 1. Water system operator and 2. Sewer system operator. The efforts may be bid individually or together requires on average 2530 hours a week. The water district serves 300 customers. The operator will be responsible for delivering adequate water supply to the customers. Operator will perform daily inspections, complete daily checklists, perform minor repairs, oversee outside contractors, and be on call 24/7 365 days a year. The water operator will be required to have and maintain the appropriate water operator license. The sewer system serves 110 customers. The sewer system operator will ensure compliance with DEQ regulations and coordinate problem resolutions with the District Engineer or engineers and oversee outside contractors. The Operator will complete daily checklists and DEQ required reports. The sewer operator will be required to have and maintain the appropriate sewer operator license. The operator will be on call 24/7 365 days a year. Bid will be accepted until 5pm Monday November 11th. Bids may be submitted to RWD#3, PO Box 142, Cromwell, OK 74837. In person at 300B Yahola St, Cromwell, OK 74837. For more information call 405-944-5952. Economy Funeral Package $2895 This package includes service & staff, nice 20 gauge all steel casket and memorial package. If you find a less costly funeral package…. Then something is missing. All the following packages include the following services: services of the Funeral Director and Staff for coordinating and directing service, removal of deceased from place of death to Funeral Home within 50 mile radius, embalming and/or sanitary care of the remains, dressing, casketing, cosmetology, visitation, funeral coach, memorial book, folders and acknowledgement cards. (Packages do not include cash advances or sales tax ) Basic Service Package $5,495 20 Gauge Steel Casket and Doric Concrete Burial Vault. Traditional Service Package $6,200 18 Gauge Steel Casket and Doric Concrete Burial Vault. Premium Service Package $6,995 18 Gauge Steel Casket and Continental Concrete Burial Vault. PAGE B-4—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 WANTED HELP WANTED—TankWorks, Inc. has openings for Assembly Workers. Apply in person at their office in the Allen Industrial Park, Highway 1, in Allen.(1tc-10/30) FOR SALE FOR SALE — 2012 Impala LTZ. Leather, sun roof, loaded. Only 9,000 miles. Call (580) 310-4262. (2tp-10/30) FOR SALE—2007 Acura MDX, fully loaded. DVD, CD, hands free phone, navigation system, back-up camera, heated seats - front and back, third-row seating - seats up to 8, back seats lie down for cargo. 104,000 miles. $17,900. It’s pearl white with tan leather interior. 918-230-6077. (tfc-06/26) FOR SALE—Three individual R Is Your Broker Giving You the Cold Shoulder? 405-380-7317 •Cell P Pam R Robinson Real Estate 405-382-SOLD (7653) FAX 405-382-5748 601 N. Milt Phillips • Seminole, OK 74868 e-mail: [email protected] Member NAR •Shawnee Board of Realtors MLS Pam Robinson, Owner/Broker Holdenville 405-379-3977 cell:405-221-1325 Call today to schedule a free portfolio review. Cell: 405-380-6517 Peggy L Allen Jack Sherry Nancy Sherry Jack Sherry Owner/Broker Nancy Sherry Michelle Miller Faith Fullerton Broker Associate Sales Associate Provisional Sales Associate State, National & Global Exposure At Edward Jones, the level of service you receive depends on your personal needs and preferences, not on the size of your investment portfolio. If you’d like to experience exceptional personal service, consider Edward Jones. We offer solutions for all your financial needs. Get to know us. Jack Sherry real eState & InveStmentS 101 N. Hinckley lots - Lot 12 Block 6, Mingo; Lot 10 Block 8 OT Wetumka; and Lot 6 Block 14 OT Wetumka. $150 each. Call 405-556-1005. A-1 - ATTENTION CASH OR QUALIFIED BUYERS! I need to hit my rebates for end of the year. Make me an End Of The Year Deal offer! Call 918-8329888. (tfc-10/23) #866 Michelle Miller Financial Advisor cell:405-221-1070 . 112 North Broadway Holdenville, OK 74848 405-379-7024 Faith Fullerton Cell: 405-221-6132 For complete list of all listings, go to • MLS - member of the Shawnee Board Multilist “Members of OKMAR - Oklahoma City Metro Area Realtors” Member SIPC ...If It’s Real Estate We Can Sell It!! • Acreages • Farms • Residential • Commercial PUBLIC AUCTION SAT NOV 2 • 11 AM ESTATE OF SHERMAN O. BISHOP SPECIAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM! ZERO down if you own land or have family land. E-Z Qualify!! We own the bank! Bad credit OK. VA and FHA financing available. 1000 furniture package with new home purchase. Call for free pre-approval 888-878-2971 or 405-602-4526. (tfc-10/14) Store #880 ZERO DOWN—If you own land or have America’s #1 Homebuilder for approval 866-888-2825. (tfn- 03/14/12) (Store #668) MISCELLANEOUS JIM THETFORD AUCTION in Holdenville is back Monday nights at 5:30pm. For consignments call 405-221-0535. (tfc-04/03) CASH FOR GOLD—The Gun Store, 100 N. Hinckley, Holdenville. 405-379-3331 Buy, Sell or Trade. Cash for Gold and Silver coins. (tfc-07/01) ***LPN’S*** **SHIFTS ARE OPEN** AT ELMWOOD MANOR IN WEWOKA AND OKEMAH CARE CENTER **COMPETETIVE BASE RATES** + **CALL IN INCENTIVE PAY RATES** **WEEKEND SHIFT DIFF** **HOLIDAY PAY** **FLEXIBLE HOURS** CALL ELMWOOD AT 405/257-‐6621 AND/OR CALL OKEMAH CARE CENTER AT PUBLIC AUCTION 918/623-‐1126 PUBLIC AUCTION SAT NOV 2 • 11 AM ESTATE OF SHERMAN O. BISHOP Welch RealATTENTION Estate OCAN COORDINATORS - Don't forget to download your 2x2 ads HUGHES COUNTY LAND 40 acres, Just NW from Atwood, OK Cemetery SW/4 NW/4 Sec. 22-T6N-R9-E IM, Hughes County, Oklahoma Most Wooded, Graveled Road REA, RFD & Rural Water 379-3331 HUGHES COUNTY LAND 40 acres, Just NW from Atwood, OK Cemetery SW/4 NW/4 Sec. 22-T6N-R9-E IM, Hughes County, Oklahoma REAL ESTATE & AUCTION Newell C. Marsh, Auctioneer/Broker ALL ZONES 1-888-295-8951 Office located at 100 N. Hinckley • Holdenville Oklahoma When you become part of our iQor family, you're not OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED just accepting a ADVERTISING NETWORK GUN SHOW CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION job but an invitation to WORLD'S LARGEST GUN SHOW AIRLINE CAREERS BEGIN HERE – Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA Approved Training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. further advance NOV. 9 & 10 TULSA (OKLA.) your career and FOR SALE FAIRGROUNDS Saturday 8-6, Sunday 8-4 A global provider PORTABLE OUTDOOR BUILDINGS.of build leadership Sheds, Storage Barns & more. No ★ Free Appraisals ★ Check. Low monthly payments. skills for the ★ BRING YOUR GUNS ★ Credit FREE Delivery. No Deposit. As low intelligent customer as $58 per month. 877-595-1875. future. HELP WANTED STEEL BUILDINGS interactions and outsourcing We are currently hiring Customer Service Representatives for our iQor-IRT Customer Service Center EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800-277-0212 or STEEL BUILDINGS SAVE THOUSANDS on Cancelled orders. VERY Low Monthly payments. 5 Remaining. Must Go. 16x24, 20x26, 25x30, 30x40, 40x50. Call Now 1-800991-9251. Apply Now! ATTENTION REGIONAL & DEDICATED CDL-A Drivers! Averitt is GROWING and we need you! Fullbenefits and steady hometime. Join us today! 855-430-8869. Apply online at Equal Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED FLATBED DRIVERS needed. Regional and OTR positions available. Pay is 26% to 28% to start. Call 1-866-515-6990 for more information LIVESTOCK COW AND BULL SPECIAL SALE at McAlester Stockyards on Saturday, Nov. 2nd at Noon! Selling 1000 head of bred cows, pairs, bred heifers, and bulls. 918-423-2834. FillingStarting Classesinfor Classes May October OWNER OPERATORS - Regional, Dedicated, Recession-proof freight with major discount retailer. Industry leading earnings. 1 yr driving experience & CDL class A. Call Chuck: 888220-6718. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS NEED HELP GETTING approved for Social Security Disability? We're here For More More Information please call Information please call to help! Call Burton & Banks, Attorneys located in Ada, FOREMANFor TO LEAD utility field at Law. No fee unless approved. crews. Outdoor physical work, many 580-272-5900 and 1-800-257-5533. paid training. $20/hr. plus 580-272-9200 and speak speaktotoour our Oklahoma. positions, weekly performance bonuses after ADVERTISE STATEWIDE EOE promotion. Living allowance when Department. Talent EOE traveling. CompanyTalent truck and ben- Department. CAXCA le & AUCTION REAL ESTATE labNewell C. Marsh, Avai Auctioneer/Broker 1-888-295-8951 THIS COPY ONLY FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 27, 2013. 2x3.5 (6p) 1x3.5 (12p) efits. Must have strong leadership skills, good driving history and be able to travel in Oklahoma and nearby states. Email resume to recruiter [email protected] or apply online at EOE. M/F/ D/V ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN102713 ESTATE OF SHERMAN O. BISHOP HUGHES COUNTY LAND 40 acres, Just NW from Atwood, OK Cemetery SW/4 NW/4 Sec. 22-T6N-R9-E IM, Hughes County, Oklahoma Most Wooded, Graveled Road RFDever & Ruralhad, Water sleepREA, you Most Wooded, Graveled Road REA, RFD & Rural Water Terms & Conditions – 10% Down For the best night Day of Sale. Balance at Closing. Terms & Conditions – 10% Down Day of Property sells subject to Court try our Tempur-Ergo Sale. Balance at Closing. Property sells Approval AS IS/WHERE IS, Fullyor adjustable massage system subject to Court Approval AS IS/WHERE with No Warranty Expressed Implied. Announcements made IS, with No Warranty Expressed or Day of Sale supersede Implied. Announcements made Day of all other advertising. Sale supersede all other advertising. fromTermsthe OPA– 10% Web site this week. & Conditions Down Day of Sale. Balance at Closing. Property sells subject to Court Approval AS IS/WHERE IS, Look for your insertion order with the Ad Name to download. JAMES WELCH, BROKER • (405)380-7988 with No Warranty Expressed or Implied. Announcements made Day of Sale (You will receive an insertion order from OPS for the 2x2t ads.) supersede all other advertising. JoDawna Smith ...................... Associate Brenda Welch, SalesSales assoc. s LoweMARSH s 2x2 ads may be placed anywhere in your newspaper. Brenda (405)379-8044 Enos .......................... Sales Associate MARSH Cell 380-8188 Price ! Tad Morrow ............................ Sales Associate SAT NOV 2 • 11 AM 1x3.5 (8p) Mon-Sat 10-7 • Sun 12-5 No Interest 12 Months WAC Come in and try it out today MARSH REAL ESTATE & AUCTION 12 MONTHS SAME AS CASH Newell C. Marsh, Auctioneer/Broker On approved credit. See Store for details. 1-888-295-8951 FREE DELIVERY SET UP & REMOVAL With a purchase of a Tempur-Pedic Sleep Systems. 1x3.5 MEGA(10p) STORE 4903 N. Union • East of Walmart Shawnee • 273-0655 OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK GUN SHOW CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION WORLD'S LARGEST AIRLINE CAREERS BEGIN HERE – Become an Aviation Maintenance Tech. FAA Approved Training. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. GUN SHOW NOVEMBER 9 & 10 TULSA (OKLA.) FAIRGROUNDS Saturday 8-6, Sunday 8-4 FOR SALE ★★ Free Appraisals ★★ ★★ BRING YOUR GUNS ★★ PORTABLE OUTDOOR BUILDINGS. Sheds, Storage Barns & more. No Credit Check. Low monthly payments. FREE Delivery. No Deposit. As low as $58 per month. 877595-1875. STEEL BUILDINGS HELP WANTED STEEL BUILDINGS SAVE THOUSANDS on Cancelled orders. VERY Low Monthly payments. 5 Remaining. Must Go. 16x24, 20x26, 25x30, 30x40, 40x50. Call Now 1-800-991-9251. EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800277-0212 or ATTENTION REGIONAL & DEDICATED CDL-A Drivers! Averitt is GROWING and we need you! Full-benefits and steady hometime. Join us today! 855-430-8869. Apply online at Equal Opportunity Employer EXPERIENCED FLATBED DRIVERS needed. Regional and OTR positions available. Pay is 26% to 28% to start. Call 1-866-515-6990 for more information OWNER OPERATORS - Regional, Dedicated, Recession-proof freight with major discount retailer. Industry leading earnings. 1 yr driving experience & CDL class A. Call Chuck: 888-220-6718. FOREMAN TO LEAD utility field crews. Outdoor physical work, many positions, paid training. $20/ hr. plus weekly performance bonuses after promotion. Living allowance when traveling. Company truck and benefits. Must have strong leadership skills, good driving history and be able to travel in Oklahoma and nearby states. Email resume to recruiter [email protected] or apply online at EOE. M/F/D/V LIVESTOCK COW AND BULL SPECIAL SALE at McAlester Stockyards on Saturday, Nov. 2nd at Noon! Selling 1000 head of bred cows, pairs, bred heifers, and bulls. 918-423-2834. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS NEED HELP GETTING approved for Social Security Disability? We're here to help! Call Burton & Banks, Attorneys at Law. No fee unless approved. 1-800-257-5533. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN102713 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Service Held for Elwin “Shorty Thompson Elwin Edwin “Shorty” Thompson, 87 of Atwood, Oklahoma passed away on October 23, 2013 in Holdenville, Oklahoma. He was born on March 7, 1926 in Sickles, Oklahoma to Erie Albert Thompson and Mattie Muzetta Hunt. Elwin met Erma Jean Gregory and the couple were married on June 15, 1948. The couple had four children, Bud, Skeeter, Elva, and Shorty. Elwin worked for over 35 years as a lineman, 27 years were for Peoples Electric Cooperative until his retirement in 1986. He was a loving father and family was very important to him. He found joy in simply being outside, whether he was working the cattle or spending time on the farm. Joining his friends in a game of dominoes at the local store was something Elwin looked forward to often. Preceding him in death are his parents, sibling Clarence Thompson, grandchild Lindsey Cosper and in-laws Johnny Dean Mahan and Geraldene Thompson. Survivors include his wife, Erma of the home, children Buddy Thompson and wife Barbara of Atwood, Skeeter Thompson of Wilburton, Elva Cosper and husband George of Duncan, Shorty Thompson and wife Lenora of Davis, 8 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren, siblings Don Thompson and wife Darweta of Binger, Bessie Mahan of Binger, and Albert Thompson and wife Bert of Lawton as well as a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives. Funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 26, 2013 at the Atwood Church of Christ in Atwood, Oklahoma. Visitation was held on Friday, October 25, 2013 from 6-8pm. Keith Warren officiated. Pallbearers were Gary DeShields, Mark Wallace, Bill Spray, Joe Moore, Shane Thompson, and Lance Thompson. Interment followed at the Atwood Cemetery in Atwood, Oklahoma. Services were under the direction of Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home in Holdenville, Oklahoma. Online condolences can be made at www. Service Held for Erma Jean Thompson Erma Jean Thompson, 82 of Atwood, Oklahoma passed away on October 26, 2013 in Holdenville, Oklahoma. She was born on March 7, 1931 in Caddo County, Oklahoma to Roy Monroe Gregory and Martha Ann Tucker Gregory. Elwin met Erma Jean Gregory and the couple were married on June 15, 1948. The couple had four children, Bud, Skeeter, Elva, and Shorty. Erma worked for Southwestern Bell as an operator in the Ada, Allen, Holdenville and Oklahoma City offices before her retirement in 1990 from AT&T. Her work was fitting since talking on the phone was almost a hobby to Erma. She loved to visit with family and friends often. Staying abreast of important new events in the lives of the ones she loved and offering her own words of support to those who needed it were what she was known for to those who loved her. To say she was simply a homemaker after retirement is an understatement. She kept busy with her cats and her roses which she adored and had everywhere around her. Collecting antiques and going to auctions to find new treasurers were just a few of the pastimes she enjoyed. Preceding her in death are her parents, husband, Elwin, sister LaVerna Mitchell, brother-in-laws Walter Mitchell and Willie Phillips, and grandchild Lindsey Cosper. Survivors include her children Buddy Thompson and wife Barbara of Atwood, Skeeter Thompson of Wilburton, Elva Cosper and husband George of Duncan, Shorty Thompson and wife Lenora of Davis, 8 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren, siblings Lee Roy Gregory and wife Treva of Binger, and Bernice Phillips of Binger, in-laws Don Thompson and wife Darweta of Binger, Bessie Mahan of Binger, and Albert Thompson and wife Bert of Lawton as well as a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives. Funeral service was held at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at the Atwood Church of Christ in Atwood, Oklahoma. Keith Warren officiated the service. Pallbearers were Gary DeShields, Mark Wallace, Bill Spray, Danny Gordon, Shane Thompson, and Lance Thompson. Interment followed at the Atwood Cemetery in Atwood, Oklahoma. Services were under the direction of Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home in Holdenville, Oklahoma. Online condolences can be made at HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013—PAGE B-5 ***REVIVAL*** You are invited to be “my guest” at our Fall Revival on November 3-6 This is five (5) exciting services at Faith Free Will Baptist Church 123 N. Oak in Holdenville! Our Evangelist will be Bro. Loy Counts. Sunday services start at 10:30am & 6:00pm Monday & Tuesday night services start at 7:00pm Wednesday night services begin at 6:30pm Come be “my guest” and let’s worship God together! Blondies Horntown & Jennifer Reich of Cromwell, Shelly Fowler of Holdenville, Michael & Angela Reich of Sasakwa, Deon & Angela Coats of Cromwell; three young couples he loved as his own children: Jerry & Rajina Lowe, Jesse & Michelle Sims, Jeff & Sharla Crowell, all of Holdenville; seven grandchildren: Heather Knight, Ashley Choate and husband Jimmy, Brian Lucas, Nathan Fowler, Katey Collins, Brandon Reich, and C. W. Troglin; seven ‘adopted’ grandchildren he considered his own: Summer Lowe, Jeffery Crowel, Pa’tan Crowell, Bradley Crowell, Harley Bell, Destiny Bell, and Page Sims; five great grandchildren: Brian Knight, Brayden Choate, Shawn Fowler, Dominic Collins, Jaylee Reich; three brothers: Millard Reich of Wewoka, Jerry Reich and Lester Reich, both of Sasakwa; a host of nieces and nephews, numerous other relatives, and many, many friends. Graveside services were held on Saturday, October 26, 2013, at 3:30 p.m., and Larry was laid to rest at Lone Dove Cemetery north of Sasakwa, with Rev. Johnny Chesser officiating. Pallbearers were Dub Tatum, James Gammons, Jerry Reich, Lester Reich, Jimmie Freeman, and Deon Coats. Honorary pallbearers were Bob Loftis, Jason Gerard, Brandon Reich, Jimmy Choate, Roy Sisco, Charles Sisco, and Nathan Fowler. Services were under direction of Fisher Funeral Home of Holdenville. 3299 Highway 75 ~~Horntown~~ We now have full service wait staff! Daily Specials Catfish - Fridays Wednesday - 2 Large single topping Pizza - $19.99 (Bring in this ad and get a free 2 liter pop with pizza order) Call in orders welcome (405)379-9922 Service Held for Larry Dean Reich Larry Dean Reich passed away at his home in Holdenville on Thursday, October 24, 2013, at the age of 71 years. Larry was the son of Almond Hansford Reich & Atlas Imogene (Rose) Reich, born on June 6, 1942, at Sasakwa, Oklahoma. He was brought up in the Sasakwa area, and attended Kite and Sasakwa schools. He worked for many years in the oil field as a pumper, and retired in 2009. Larry enjoyed fishing and hunting, and loved spoiled his grandbabies. He loved fireworks, and owning/operating his own firework stand near Holdenville Lake for many years. He was a member of the House of Prayer Church in Wewoka. He is preceded in death by his parents; eight brothers: Sherman Reich, Herbert Reich, Lawrence Reich, Jack Reich, H. H. Reich, Ivan Reich, Clarence Reich, Tom Reich; two sisters, Marie Landreth and Joanne Long; son-inlaw, Paul David Lucas; ‘adopted’ grandson Da’Shane Lowe. He is survived by four children two daughters and two sons: Dean You asked, We Listened! Lip Lick’n Good ch r your chur Let us cate ge parties! lar outings and Monday - Thursday 11-8 • Friday - Saturday 11-9 Closed on Sunday 129 N. Milt Phillips, Seminole, OK 405-382-5700 J & S Logistics, Inc. Equal Opportunity Employer Commercial CDL Drivers Wanted ~ Regional ~ Cross-Country ~ $1,000 Sign On Bonus Average pay $800 to $1,100 weekly Exceptional Home Time Medical - Vision Insurance Opportunities for Additional Bonuses Call Joe or Alisha (580)857-2000 PAGE B-6—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 Wolverines looking for third win against Mounds Holdenville riding high following 49-21 blowout victory over Wellston Tigers Holdenville - Jason Scott, 38 Continued from Page B-2 run @ 8:04 (Bialas kick) 42-0 with 6 tackles each. The win over Wellston was an Wellston - Christopher Murimpressive showing by the front- phy, 1 run @1:06 (Austin Philline Wolverines. They will need lips good) 42-7 to do the same or better this Fri- 4th Quarter day when they travel to Mounds. Wellston - Peyton McClain, If HHS has cage the Eagles, 12 Pass to Zach Miller @ 7:43 Holdenville’s season win to- (Kick failed) 42-13 tal would triple under first-year Wellston - Murphy, 12 run @ 3:40 (Colton Ebers run) 42-21 head coach Don Padgett. Holdenville – Rivera, 42 run --Holdenville 49, Wellston 21 @ 2:35 (Bialas kick) 49-21 --Hold - 14 - 14 - 14 - 7 - (49) Hold Well Well - 0 - 0 - 7 - 14 - (21) Situation FIRST DOWNS 11 17 1st Quarter Holdenville - Ryan Sherry, 1 Passing 1-2-06-11-0 71 run @ 6:04 (Johnny Bialas kick) Passing Yards 10 Rushing Attempts 7-0 Holdenville - Bobby Rivera, 33- 391 51-205 39 run @ 4:23 (Bialas kick) Total Offensive Plays 35 62 14-0 Total Net Yards 401 276 2nd Quarter Holdenville - D’Angelo Avg. Gain per play 4.45 NO TAR, NO CANCER11.45 ... Moore, 66 run @ 7:31 (Bialas Safe for use in hospitals, restaurants and airplanes. Fumbles/Lost 3-1 3-0 kick) 21-0 Nicotine with a Water Vapor that has a good taste Punting / Average Holdenville - D’Angelo and smell for everyone around you! 0/NA3/28.6 Moore, 18 run @ 1:14 (Bialas Flavor List: Cotton Candy, Peach, Tutti Fruiti, Breath Freshner, Fruit Punch, Penalties/ Yards 6-55 10-73 kick)Vanilla, 28-0Mango, Black Cherry, Grape, Banana, Butter Rum, Apple, Butterscotch, --Cream, Strawberry Kiwi, Blueberry or any combination of the above! 3rd Quarter Holdenville OWNER OPERATOR: INMAN rushing Holdenville - Rivera, 38 run LORI Bobby Rivera, 9 carries for @11:20 (Bialas kick) 35-0 A Variety of Flavors to Choose From! forget to remind your classified department to Safe for use in hospitals, restaurants and airplanes. Nicotine with a SEST TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH Water Vapor that has a good taste and smell for everyone around you! OWNER OPERATOR: LORI INMAN Propane bills too high? Stop feeding the pig and get Geo. Bosch geothermal heating and cooling systems can save you up to 70% on your home energy bills. With an additional 30% federal tax credit, these systems are now more affordable than ever! WANENMACHER’S TULSA ARMS SHOW November 9 & 10 WORLD’S LARGEST GUN & KNIFE SHOW! Bring your Guns to Sell, Trade or Free Appraisal. See Annie Oakley's and Theodore Roosevelt's Guns! Tulsa Fairgrounds – Sat: 8-6; Sun: 8-4. Tell your Friends! *** MEET NEWLY OF "GUNSMOKE" & "GRIZZLY ADAMS"*** 8 iinsertions $144 OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201307277-T APPLICANT: PETROQUEST ENERGY, L.L.C. RELIEF SOUGHT: POOLING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST, HUGHES COUNTY, OKLAHOMA NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING Rains Natural Resources, LLC Attn: Bryan K. Rains and all persons if living or if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing and if dissolved its known and unknown successors and all persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Hughes County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant requests that the Commission pool the interests and adjudicate the rights and equities of oil and gas owners in the Mississippian, Woodford, Hunton and Sylvan common sources of supply underlying the 640-acre horizontal drilling and spacing unit described as Section 18, Township 7 North, Range 11 East, Hughes County, Oklahoma and designate Applicant or some other party as operator of the proposed well and all subsequent wells drilled in the unit; and that Applicant be given one year to commence operations for the drilling or other operations with respect to the unit. The Applicant additionally requests that this pooling be a unit pooling. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, at 8:30 a.m. on the 18th day of October, 2013 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. 2x2 8 iinsertions $88 NO TAR, NO CANCER Visit our site to find out how much you can save. Holdenville passing 145 yards, 3 TDs Stafford, Dalton, 5 Ryan Sherry, 1-2-0 for 10 Moore, D’Angelo, 5 Jaret Sherrin, 5 carries for 109 yards yards Bowen, Colby, 5 --D’Angelo Moore, 3 carries for Fowler, Justin 5 Holdenville receiving 90 yards, 2 TDs Carpitcher, Cody, 4 Jason Scott, 1 r e c e p - Armstrong, Dylan, 4 Jason Scott, 3 carries for 52 tion for 10 yards yards, 1 TD Vasquez, Rolando, 3 --Adrian Vazquez, 2 carries for Beeler, Ross, 3 DEFENSE 3 yards Ramirez, Taylon, 3 Player – Total Tackles Ryan Sherry, 3 carries for 2 Daniels, John, 2 Fredrick, Colton, 11 yards, 1 TD Gutter, Isaiah, 2 Sherrin, Jaret, 9 Ty Gibbs, 8 carries for -10 Shepherd, Colton, 1 Mariott, Ty, 9 yards Bialas, Johnny, 1 Scott, Jason, 8 Team total: 33 carries for 391 Baker, Cory, 1 Gibbs, Ty, 8 yards, 7 TDs Team total: 115 Rivera, Bobby, 7 ----Pickett, Colton, 7 (Stats courtesy of Gene HolliLEGAL NOTICE Stone, Tristan, 6 man) BEFORE THE CORPORATION 2x3 COMMISSION Goforth, Riley, 6 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Joey Stauffer, PetroQuest Energy, L.L.C., 1717 S. Boulder, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119, 918/5615624 or Ron M. Barnes, CRUTCHMER & BARNES, P.L.L.C., 1648 S. Boston Ave., Suite 100, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119-4434, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA PATRICE DOUGLAS, Chairman BOB ANTHONY, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 29th day of October, 2013. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, 2013) NICE 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 2 Car Garage $477.00 per month Call today to schedule a tour of your new home! Holdenville Oakridge Community II 102 River Oaks, Holdenville, OK (405)585-2522 TTY 1-800-722-0353 Section LPXLP 8 Welcome LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given: That Silver Creek Oil & Gas, LLC Address: 5525 N. MacArthur Blvd, Suite 775 Irving, Tx 75038 is requesting approval of application #1403100042, giving authorization to build a salt water disposal well listed as Sydney SWD #1. This well will be located in the ¼ NW ¼ NE ¼ NW ¼ NE of section 20-07N-08E of Hughes county. The SHL of the well will be at 200’FNL-1660’FWL. The Injection Depth of the well will be at: 4500-7500’ and the Total Depth will be at: 7500’. Skyline SWD’s proposed injection pressure is set to be at 2250 psi at a rate of 25,000 bpd. The well will be drilled into the Lower Simpson/ Arbuckle formation. Objections may be filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission within fifteen (15) days after the publication of this notice. Objections, if any, should be mailed to Oil and Gas Conservation Division, Pollution Abatement Department, Jim Thorpe Building, P.O. Box 52000, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-2000 (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE September 11, 2013 Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, all bids must be submitted over the Internet via Bid Express. When written bids are allowed, sealed proposals sent by registered mail will be received through the ODOT Office Engineer Division until 30 minutes prior to the scheduled bid opening. From 30 minutes prior to the bid opening until the time of the bid opening, bid proposals must be turned in directly to the ODOT Commission Room located on the east side of the lobby. The scheduled bid opening is 10:30 A.M., November 21, 2013 for the work listed below. No Proposal for construction or maintenance work of the department will be issued to any contractor after 10:30 A.M. on the working day preceding opening of bids for any contract. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check or Bid Bond equal to 5% of the bid made payable to the State of Oklahoma, Department of Transportation, as a proposal guaranty. Proposal checks will be held or returned by the Department as per Section 103.04 of the State Standard Specifications. The minimum wage to be paid laborers and mechanics employed on this project shall be included in the proposal. Bids must be prepared as directed by the State Standard Specifications. Plans, proposals, and specifications may be examined in the plan room or in the Office Engineer Division at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation central office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This work will be done under the Oklahoma Department of Transportation applicable specifications for highway construction as depicted on the lower left corner of the plan’s title sheet. Plans and proposal forms may be ordered from the Office Engineer Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Cost of Bidding Documents is $50.00 + tax for each Bidding Proposal. State Standard Specifications may be purchased for $55.00 + tax. (Oklahoma tax is 8.375%). Plans (Reduced Size Complete) $15.17, X-SEC $5.42 + postage/handling. Make checks payable to Oklahoma Department of Transportation. No refunds will be made for bidding documents or Specification books purchased. Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, upon award of the contract to the successful bidder, the contract will be completely and correctly executed by the contractor and returned to the Department within ten (10) working days from the date of award. The Department will have fourteen (14) working days from the date of award to complete it’s execution of the contract. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) ensures that no person or groups of persons shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability/handicap, or in income status, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs, services, or activities administered by ODOT, it’s recipients, sub-recipients, and contractors Description of work and location of project: Job Piece No. STP-132C(152)CI COUNTY ROAD HUGHES 2779704 BRIDGE AND APPROACHES COUNTY ROAD: OVER CANEY CREEK, 7.3 MILES SOUTH AND 3.5 MILES WEST OF STUART. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Mike Patterson, Director. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HUGHES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE Case No. PB-2013-13 In the Matter of the Estate of RONALD G. ROGOZ, Deceased. 2 COL, 24P NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE IN THE ESTATE OF RONALD G. ROGOZ Notice is hereby given that Deborah Rogoz, Personal Representative of the Estate of Ronald G. Rogoz, having filed in this court her Final Account of the Administration of said estate, and her Petition for Distribution of said estate and for final discharge of said Personal Representative, the hearing of the same has been fixed by the Judge of said Court for 2 o’clock p.m. on the 19th day of November, 2013, at the Courtroom of said Court in the Hughes County Courthouse in Holdenville, Oklahoma, and all persons interested in said estate are notified then and there to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the said account should not be settled and allowed, the heirs of Ronald G. Rogoz, deceased, determined, and said estates distributed, and the Personal Representative discharged. Witness my hand this 18 day of October, 2013. s) B. Gordon Allen Judge of the District Court Robert L. Irby Butterworth, Irby & Irby, P.L.L.C. P.O. Box 955 Holdenville, Oklahoma 74848 (405) 379-9891 (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 23, and 30, 2013) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR HUGHES COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. FD-2013-38 In RE the Marriage of JAMES HOWARD CRAFT, Petitioner, and LAURA MICHELLE CRAFT (STRONG), Respondent. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE is hereby given to Laura Michelle Craft (Strong) that you have been sued by the above named Petitioner, and that you are directed to file a written Response to the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage filed with the Court Clerk of Hughes County. You have forty-one (41) days to file your written Response with the Court. Unless you respond to the Petition within the time stated, judgment will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition, together with the costs of the action. Pursuant to Order of the District Court of Hughes County, notice is hereby given that on the 27th day of January, 2014, at 2:15 o’clock p.m., the Petition will be heard at the District Courtroom, Hughes County Courthouse, Holdenville, Oklahoma. DATED this 30 day of October, 2013. s) B. Gordon Allen Judge of the District Court Robert L. Irby Butterworth, Irby & Irby, P.L.L.C. 104 North Broadway P.O. Box 955 Holdenville, Oklahoma 74848(405) 379-9891 (Published in The Holdenville Tribune on October 30, November 6 and 13, 2013) HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013—PAGE B-7 Bill and Pat Sanford to Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary Bill and Pat Sanford will celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary Saturday November 9th. There will be a reception at 50 Warren Place in Holdenville from 2 to 4 pm. They hope their friends will join them for this special event. Both are well known in our area. Pat worked at Seamprufe and was assistant manager at Nichol’s Dollar Saver. She was also a beauty operator for thirty five years. Bill worked at Chester Phillips Feed Store, Brown & Root Inc. and was assistant manager at our local OTASCO for several years. Many of our area youngsters remember him as Bill and Pat enjoying a picnic...but where is Pat’s sandwich and their school bus driver. coke? Bill, Pat and the boys Pat Lester Sanford was born July 3, 1946 and graduated from HHS in 1964. Bill was born June 23, 1943 and graduated from Gerty High School in 1962. Bill and Pat have three sons; Jerry (born May 18, 1965), Jimmy (born June 3, 1966) and Michael (born October 18, 1968). They have six grandchildren: Cody, Jordan and Dolton Sanford; Ashley and Hunter Sanford; and Anna Rae Jett. They also have three great grandchildren: Ashtyn and Bo Jett; and Addison Romberg. Congradulations to this very special couple. They have been a blessing to so many of us. Strothers Twin Cinema Seminole Oklahoma (405)382-7254 Starting Friday Free Birds PG Captain Phillips PG-13 All New Digital Picture & Sound Including 3D One of Holdenville’s favorite couples - Bill and Pat Sanford The 3rd Grade Wolverine Football Team will be playing in a playoff game on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at 12pm. They are ranked #1 in the Kiamichi Football League and will have home field advantage for the upcoming game against the Savannah Bulldogs. The boys have worked very hard all season and would like to encourage everyone to come out and cheer them on. If they win this game they will play in the Super Bowl on Saturday November 9, 2013 in Savanna, Oklahoma. Front Row L-R: Jacob Cox, Fo-cvte Neconish, Tayjaun Blackshire, Brayden McLean, Eddie, Jennings, Mason Allford. 2nd Row: Brian Robles, Devon Tiger, Shaun Franks, Tattum Sanford, Ashtin Dennis, Xander House. 3rd row: Zech Jackson, Christian Zambrano, Rylan Smith, Kody Giles, Colt Patterson. Top Row: Cyrus Franks, Isaiah Buck, Sydney Robinson, Josh Netzel PAGE B-8—HOLDENVILLE TRIBUNE—OCTOBER 30, 2013 THREE OUTSTANDING AUTHORS ARE PICTURED ABOVE. Both Judy Goodspeed (left) and Johnnie Wingo (right) were special guests at Naomi Tomlinson’s book signing held October 20. Not only are they outstanding authors, they are wonderful ladies. One Pharmacist’s View Baseball and World History Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 10/23/2013 Total Head: 2619 Steers 223-245 .............................$240.00-$290.00 260-289 .............................$247.50-$267.00 300-345 .............................$230.00-$269.00 360-395 .............................$209.00-$225.00 405-433 .............................$200.00-$218.00 447...................................................$191.00 450-499 .............................$185.00-$195.00 460-495 .............................$172.00-$180.00 500-549 .............................$172.00-$189.00 550-589 .............................$164.00-$175.00 601-643 .............................$159.00-$168.00 608-640 .............................$150.00-$155.00 650-690 .............................$151.00-$164.00 710-747 .............................$148.00-$156.00 752-793 .............................$143.00-$152.00 842...................................................$154.50 805-844 .............................$140.00-$148.50 Heifers 260-290 .............................$212.00-$217.00 305-345 .............................$203.00-$222.00 355-388 .............................$194.00-$215.00 404-448 .............................$172.00-$189.00 455-497 .............................$167.00-$180.00 460-494 .............................$160.00-$166.50 500-548 .............................$154.50-$166.50 550-598 .............................$149.00-$159.00 550-599 .............................$140.00-$148.50 600-643 .............................$144.00-$156.00 660-698 .............................$141.00-$155.50 $701-735 ...........................$138.00-$146.50 Sale Every Wednesday starting at 9:00 am The World Series started last week in Boston and my old friend Harry Sheldon up in New York State shared a baseball story with me the other day. It concerns a third-string catcher named Moe Berg and just why Moe was invited to go on tour in baseballcrazy Japan in 1934—with Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. The answer was simple. Berg was a US spy. Speaking 15 languages (including Japanese), Moe had two loves: baseball and spying. In Tokyo, garbed in a kimono, Berg took flowers to the daughter of an American diplomat being treated in St. Luke’s Hospital—the tallest building in the Japanese capital. He never delivered the flowers. The ballplayer ascended to the hospital roof and filmed key features: the harbor, military installations, railway yards, etc. Eight years later General Jimmy Doolittle studied Berg’s films in planning his spectacular raid on Tokyo. Berg’s father, Bernard Berg, a pharmacist in Newark, New Jersey, taught his son Hebrew and Yiddish. Moe, against his father’s wishes, began playing baseball on the street. His father disapproved and never once watched his son play. In Barringer High School, Moe learned Latin, Greek and French. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton having added Spanish, Italian, German and Sanskrit to his linguistic skills. During further studies at the Sorbonne in Paris, and Columbia Law School he picked up Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, Arabic, Portuguese and Hungarian—15 languages in all plus some regional dialects. Moe Berg loved his language studies. Later on, during WW II, he was parachuted into Yugoslavia to assess the value to the war effort of the two groups of partisans there. He reported back that Marshall Tito’s forces were widely supported by the people so Winston Churchill ordered all-out support for the Yugoslav underground fighter, rather than Mihajlovic’s Serbians. Not finished yet, Moe penetrated German-held Norway next and located a secret heavy water plant—part of the Nazis’ effort to build an atomic bomb. His information guided the Royal Air Force in a bombing raid, which destroyed the plant. There was still a lot of concern of how advanced the Nazis’ were in development of the A-Bomb. If they were successful, they would win the war. So we sent in our baseball player again. Moe went to Switzerland under the code name Remus to attend a German physicist (Werner Heisenberg—a Nobel Laureate) lecture and find out how close the German’s were to this A-Bomb. Moe posed as a Swiss graduate student carrying in his pocket a pistol and a cyanide pill. If Moe found that Werner was close to building the weapon he was to shoot him and then swallow the cyanide pill. Moe, sitting in the front row, determined that the Germans were nowhere near their goal. Later, Moe walked Heisenberg back to his hotel and complimented him on his speech. Awarded the Medal of Merit—America’s highest honor for a civilian in wartime, Berg refused to accept, as he couldn’t tell people about his exploits. After he died, his sister accepted the medal and it hangs in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. One more quote from Moe. “Maybe I can’t hit as much as Ruth, but I speak more languages than him.” Have a good weekend and be sure and go to church Sunday. Even if you just speak one language. Wayne Bullard, DPh [email protected] Matthew West Into the Light Tour with special guests Sidewalk Prophets & Jason Castro Thursday, November 7 • 7 p.m. SE Expo Center - McAlester Doors open at 5:30 • Celebrity Silent Auction at 3 p.m. Until November 3 Advance tickets $15 • $20 at the door Proceeds benefit Ryan McAfee Memorial Foundation Call (214)796-5293 - (918)916-2654 - (918)470-6204 Cross Country Track Continued from Page B-1 olm-17:11.00 11 Coppedge, Westley - Kansas 17:21.30 12 Parsons, Kalin - Kansas 17:21.70 13 Roberts, Austin - Oklahoma Christi -17:23.00 14 Grounds, Red - Riverside -17:27.00 15 Salazar, Cayden - SequoyahTahlequah -17:29.00 16 Brock, Brayden - Kansas -17:32.00 17 Neely, Zac - Marietta -17:34.00 18 Thompson, Quincy - Riverside -17:36.00 17 19 Love, Casey - Silo- 17:40.00 20 Long, Trenton - Silo 17:45.00 --• 3A Team Scores (boys) 1 - Kansas 2 - Riverside 3 - Sequoyah-Tahlequah 4 - Marlow 5 - Oklahoma Bible Academy 6 - Silo 7 - Perry 8 - Chisholm 9 - Henryetta 10 - Jones 11 - Chandler 12 - Marietta 13 - Eufaula 14 - Washington 15 - Holdenville