Gangster Disciples
Gangster Disciples
GANG DEFINITION •FEDERAL GANG DEFINITION 3 OR MORE PEOPLE AT LEAST 3 MEMBERS CONVICTED OF A SERIOUS OFFENSE (INVOLVING 10 YEARS IMPRISONMENT AND SOME LESSER OFFENSES INCLUDING WOUNDING WITH INTENT, INJURING WITH INTENT, THEFT AND RECEIVING.) DRUG DEALING AND USING FIREARM TO RESIST ARREST OR CARELESSLY ARE ALSO INCLUDED. THE 3 SERIOUS OFFENSES MUST BE COMMITTED SEPARATELY. AT LEAST 1 OF THE SERIOUS OFFENSES WAS COMMITTED WITHIN 3 YEARS OF THE OFFENSE UNDER s.98A BEFORE A PROSECUTION CAN BE BROUGHT UNDER THIS SECTION, AN ACCUSED MUST BE WARNED ON 2 OCCASIONS THEY ARE INVOLVED IN A CRIMINAL GANG. T.C.A. 39-11-106 GANG FORMAL/ INFORMAL ONGOING ORGANIZATION, ASSOCIATION, OR GROUP OF 3 OR MORE PERSONS WHO: HAVE AS ONE OF ITS PRIMARY ACTIVITIES, THE COMMISSION OF CRIMINAL ACTS. HAVE A COMMON NAME OR COMMON IDENTIFYING SIGN, COLOR OR SYMBOL T.C.A. 39-11-106 HAVE MEMBERS OR ASSOCIATES WHO COLLECTIVELY ENGAGE IN CRIMINAL ACTIVITY 40-35-121 GANG MEMBER TWO OR MORE: ADMISSION IDENTIFIED BY PARENT/ GUARDIAN IDENTIFIED BY DOCUMENTED C.I. RESIDES IN OR FREQUENTS GANGS AREA, ADOPTS THEIR DRESS, HAND SIGNS, TATTOOS AND ASSOCIATES WITH GANG MEMBERS 40-35-121 IDENTIFIED BY UNTESTED C.I. BUT CORROBORATED BY INDEPENDENT INFORMATION HAS BEEN ARRESTED MORE THAN ONCE IN COMPANY OF GANG MEMBERS IDENTIFIED GANG MEMBER BY EVIDENCE SUCH AS PHOTOGRAPHS/ DOCUMENTATION Is it Illegal to Belong to a Gang? Local? State? Federal? No.. Not here. LEGISLATION T.C.A. 49-6-4215 – SCHOOLS HAVE RIGHT TO PROHIBIT STUDENTS GRADES 6 – 12 FROM WEARING CLOTHING OR ACCESSORIES THAT DENOTE GANG MEMBERSHIP OR ASSOCIATION. LEGISLATION 40-35-121 ENHANCEMENTS IF A GANG MEMBER AT TIME – ONE CLASSIFICATION HIGHER FOR INITIATION – ONE CLASSIFICATION HIGHER LEADER OR ORGANIZER – TWO CLASSIFICATIONS HIGHER 1980’s EMERGENCE OF CRACK CHANGED STREET GANGS LARGE PROFITS FUELED VIOLENCE “FOR PROFITS” STREET GANGS INCREASED IN NUMBERS NATIONWIDE MEDIA EXPLOSION WHY JOIN A GANG? FAMILY SINGLE PARENT HOMES MULTIPLE JOBS LATCH KEY KIDS DISPUTES PROTECTION GANGS AT SCHOOL JAILS PEER PRESSURE EVERYONE IS DOING IT!!!! MONEY & STATUS COMMON INTERESTS MEDIA SPORTS MOVIES NEWS PRIDE IN NEIGHBORHOOD ALL MEMBERS FROM NEIGHBORHOOD. PROTECT THE HOOD. LACK OF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EXCITEMENT WHY GANGS MIGRATE NEW CUSTOMERS - MORE MONEY LESS ENFORCEMENT EASIER TO INTIMIDATE COMMUNITY LESS GANG RIVALRY FIRST GANGS IN AREA HAVE LITTLE COMPETITION. ANONYMITY NO ONE KNOWS THEM NICKNAMES ONLY GANG RITUALS INITIATION BEAT IN DEPENDS ON GANG VERY VIOLENT BLESSED IN MEMORIZING LITERATURE PRAYERS VOWS LIST OF QUESTIONS SEXED IN (MALE/ FEMALE) FEMALES MUST HAVE SEX WITH LEADER(S) OR WHOLE GANG. MALES MUST HAVE ORAL SEX WITH MALE BEFORE WITNESS. COMMIT CRIMES FAMILY OLDER FAMILY MEMBER BRINGS YOUNGER MEMBER IN. GETTING OUT BEAT OUT –MUCH MORE VIOLENT THAN BEAT-IN DEATH DRUGS MOST ALL GANGS/ MEMBERS ARE INVOLVED WITH DRUGS EITHER SELLING OR USING. GANG MEMBER CLASSIFICATION “WANNABES” HAVE YOU USED IT? IN WHAT CONTEXT? THROW AWAY TERM HAVE MOST TO PROVE “GONNA BE” EACH INDIVIDUAL GANG CAN HAVE IT’S OWN UNIQUE LANGUAGE, ALPHABET ETC. TO EFFECTIVELY UNDERSTAND A GANG YOU MUST BE ABLE TO BREAK THEIR CODE FOLK NATION ORIENTS TO THE RIGHT – PANTS LEGS – TATTOOS – STANCE – HAT – COLORS – BLUE/ BLACK USE THE NUMBER 6 PREDOMINATE SYMBOLS ARE 6 POINTED STARS AND CROWNS. USE THE “UPRIGHT” PITCHFORK CRIPS, BGD’S, GD’S PEOPLE NATION ORIENTS TO LEFT USES NUMBER 5 USES 5 PT. CROWN AND STAR COLORS – RED, YELLOW, BLACK BLOOD, VICE LORD, LATIN KINGS KEY WORDS CUZ DOG OR DAWG CRAB SLOB GRAFFITI READING THE WRITING ON THE WALL GRAFFITI TYPES OF GRAFFITI – TAGGER – GRAFFITI ARTIST – GANG GRAFFITI TAGGER GRAFFITI USUALLY A SINGLE TAG NAME OR CREW NAME CAN BE USED TO: – PRESENT A MESSAGE ABOUT SOCIETY – GET NOTICED TAGGERS CAN FORM GROUPS CALLED CREWS GANG ACTIVITY TAGGER GRAFFITI IS STILL INCREASING. GRAFFITI ARTISTS ELABORATE WORKS ON WALLS, TRAINS, BUSES, ETC…. ARE SOMETIMES CONTRACTED TO DO THEIR WORK. GANG GRAFFITI VANDALISM THAT SERVES AS AN UNDERGROUND NEWSPAPER FOR GANGS. IT IS USED TO: – MARK TERRITORY – CLAIM RESPONSIBILITY FOR VIOLENCE – SHOW GANG ASSOCIATION AND ALLEGIANCE – SHOW MEMBERSHIP – SHOW HIERARCHY OF GANG – COMMUNICATE INSULTS AND CHALLENGES – CHALLENGE AUTHORITY AND COMMUNITY STANDARDS HAND SIGNS MEANS OF COMMUNICATING GANG AFFILIATION MEANS OF CHALLENGING RIVAL GANGS ACKNOWLEDGE FELLOW GANG MEMBERS SHOW DISRESPECT FOR RIVALS ISSUE COMMANDS/ VIDEO TATTOOS WHAT DO THEY MEAN? TATTOOS STRONGEST EVIDENCE THAT A PERSON CAN DISPLAY THAT INDICATES HE/SHE IS A GANG MEMBER. CAN BE USED TO IDENTIFY THE MEMBER, GANG, SET OR MONIKER NOT ALL GANGS OR MEMBERS USE TATTOOS. Tattoos 2747 GANG PARAPHERNALIA WHAT IS IT? GANG PARAPHERNALIA ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT IS USED TO REPRESENT GANG AFFILIATION. THE DOCUMENTATION AND PHOTOGRAPHING OF SUSPECTS DISPLAYING GANG COLORS, CLOTHING AND PARAPHERNALIA IS ESSENTIAL IN PROVING GANG AFFILIATION. COLORS MOST GANGS USE COLORS TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES AND DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN OTHER GANGS. Colors Networking Sites Intelligence Caption Reads “My tatt sneak my crip name” Intelligence GANG STRATEGIES PARENTS EDUCATION SHOW CONCERN (LIFE, GRADES) COMMUNICATE (BOTH WAYS) DEVELOP POSITIVE ATTITUDES PARENTS SUPPORT KNOW FRIENDS OCCUPY TIME GET INVOLVED (SCHOOL, NEIGHBORHOOD) TALK WITH OTHER PARENTS PARENTS SPEND TIME DO NOT ALLOW/ BUY GANG DRESS SET LIMITS DO NOT ALLOW EXTENDED UNSUPERVISED TIME ( IF POSSIBLE) COMMUNITY EDUCATION GRAFFITI REMOVAL MAKE NEIGHBORHOOD UNPLEASANT TO GANGS WORK WITH AUTHORITIES DO NOT TOLERATE/ ACCEPT SCHOOLS DEVELOP/ ENFORCE ANTI-GANG REGULATIONS DOCUMENT ALL SUSPECTED GANG ACTIVITY WORK WITH POLICE MEDIA DO NOT HEADLINE GANG ACTIVITY TRY TO AVOID USING GANG NAMES OR GANG NICKNAMES GANG PREVENTION AWARENESS – TALKS (COMMUNITY) – LITERATURE – EDUCATING L.E. AND PUBLIC LEADERS – EDUCATING SCHOOL PERSONNEL – MEDIA Who is the gang member Hispanic and African-American youth Convicts Elementary school children Caucasian children from affluent families Wanna-bees Educators Business men College graduates 95 counties in Tennessee reported. Thirty-five of the 95 counties (36.8%) reported there was no significant gang presence in their jurisdictions. Sixty Tennessee counties, or 63.2%, advised there was a gang presence or gang activity in their jurisdictions SOME of our gangs Bloods Crips Vice Lords Gangster Disciples Latin Kings Juggalos Mara Salvatrucha Sureños 13 Gang or a set/click? Rolling 20 6 Mafia Avalons Woodlawn Little Athens 98 Mafia 107 Hoover Grape Street. What crimes do gangs commit? So lets look at some of these gangs Gangste r Disciple s “The youngest gang member I’ve ever seen was a 3rd Grade Gangster Disciple. He was about 8 or 9 years old…” Sgt. C. Gensemer Murfreesboro Police Department HIERARCHY Chairman of the Board Board of Directors Board of Directors (Prisons) (Street) Governors/Area Coordinators Regents Street Enforcers Soldiers Nonmembers Additional Positions Book Keeper Disciplinary Committee Members Enforcers Chief Enforcers First Seat Governor Second seat Governor Boss of Town Scouts Security Chief Security Weapons Coordinators Teachers Overseer Foot Soldiers CODE Tattoos Hand Signs BLOOD S “According to High School students, they (the Athens Park Bloods) actively recruit in the Schools. “ - Sgt. Todd Royval Chattanooga Police Department HIERARCHY At this time there is no known national leader, although some sets have leaders called “shot callers” Lieutenants Soldiers associates Tattoos Hand Signs Crips “Although there is a strong suggestion that this gang holds meetings and has leadership, they are not very well organized within the county.“ -Gibson County Sheriff’s Dept. HIERARCHY No known national leader or charter. Local sets will have a leader, lieutenants, drug coordinators, soldiers and drug couriers Some sets will have a leadership core consisting of 4-5 individuals Tattoos Hand Signs Vice Lords “After a successful prosecution of the Imperial Insane Vice Lords, the membership declined greatly.” Inv. Jim Quick, Knoxville Police Department HIERARCHY Chairman of the Board Board of Directors-Leaders of the Conservative Vice Lords, etc… Princes Generals Lieutenants and Sergeants Soldiers Tattoos Hand Signs Juggalo s “While some Juggalos are simply fans of the music, others may commit crimes under the Juggalo name.” - Anderson County Dictionary *E* Echo Side - A fate worse then hell. Juggalo Hell Esham The Boogie Man(the Unholy) - Member of Psychopathic, inspiration for ICP, and considered to be the veteran of Underground and Horrorcore music. Otherwise known as the godfather of Acid Rap and Horrorcore.( *F* Facepaint - The make-up used by ICP and other Psychopathic artists Faygo - A cheap soda drink with mad fresh flavors that Shaggy and J used to drink back in the day and still do. Now they throw Faygos to the crowd of juggalos at shows. Face Paint Tattoos Latin Kings “(Carroll Co. Latin Kings) were unlike other known Latin King groups in that they were White, Non-Hispanic males who wore light blue as a symbol of their affiliation.” - Inv. Meggs Carroll County Sheriff’s Office Articles of the Latin King Nation 1) Organize the members nationwide into a central nucleus of communication 2) Create a news organ perhaps a newsletter or newspaper so that the United ALKQN voice can be heard and where we can hear the voices of the masses we serve lead us to where the struggle should be. 4) Create a central treasury program that the brothaz and the sistaz can feel confident is not jipping them. Tattoos Hand Signs Mara Salvatruch a “MS-13 worked on intimidation and fear of the Hispanic community. Their whole M.O. is fear.“ - Sgt. Gary Kemper Metropolitan Nashville Police Department Interview Q. So what do you call the person in charge? A. We say “el corre las palabras” or “conduce la ranfla”(this translates to “he runs the words” and “he drives the car”- a ranfla is a very old junk type car that may be fixed up somewhat, either to make it driveable or in the lowrider style). Q. Did you have other codes or signals? A. You know, the hand signs we all throw up. Q. What about other codes? A. Yeah, “la niña” (the girl) would be a gun, “la niña grande” (the big girl) would be a bigger gun, like an AK (AK-47) or AR-15 or something. Tattoos According to a former MS-13 member turned Confidential Informant, members of Mara Salvatrucha are no longer allowed to get any tattoos. Hand Signs Sureño 13 In Loudon County, “Many of the members of this gang carry medallions or have shrines dedicated to Santisima Muerte.” -Inv. Adam Yokley Loudon County Sheriff’s Office CODE Tattoos One more Tattoo Hand signs Other Gangs Diversity Diversity within races ….More than just Mexico Bolivia Spain Dominican Republic Chile Uruguay Equatorial Guinea-Malabo Paraguay-guaranί But remember language Barriers… English Translation by country Comment Apricot Most: albaricoque Others: damasco Mexico:chabacano In Spain saying that someone is Chabacano means he is vulgar Baby Most: bebé Others: beba and bebe (no accent) Chile: Guagua Cuba, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico a guagua is a bus. Bug Most: Bicho Mexico: Insecto In most Caribbean countries, bicho is a reference to male genitalia Cultural differences Direct eye contact is a sign of disrespect to authority. Guilt cannot be assumed due to lack of eye contact. View Law Enforcement as corrupt. Do not trust police, bribery is considered normal, even expected. Family is close knit, not trusting of others. Godparents “comadres”, “compadres” are family. Relation by blood is not necessary to be included as family. Decisions are made as a family mami and papi- no sexual connotation Cultural differences-Sarcasm The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it’s still on the list………. There is a list of procedures I will follow, the last thing written on that list is to inflict bodily harm on you. Nice Shirt…………………………………………… Nice shirt literally Of course, go ahead and finish up that cigarette…………………. Go ahead and finish smoking, I will wait patiently until you are done Feel safe at night, sleep with a cop……………………………… If you feel unsafe, maybe you should have a police officer stay with you this evening. The subject was throwing up gang signs. The subject vomited the gang the signs. Subject was arrested for disorderly conduct. The subject was person under arrest for the alteration of the law and order. The verbal agreement escalated and subject #1 went to his vehicle to get hedge clippers. The it aggravated of the verbal agreement and subject #1 went to its vehicle to obtain the scissors of the shearing machine. Any Questions? Thank you Haidy Grigsby-Middle Tennessee 615-744-4543 Larry Anthony-West Tennessee 615-744-4007 Shawnda Havard-East Tennessee 615-744-4169
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