June newsletter - EAA Chapter 91


June newsletter - EAA Chapter 91
June 12, 2016
Inside this issue:
Winging It
Young Eagles pix
Stuff You’ll Want to Know
Past & Coming Programs
RV Flight Formation Clinic
Visit our Advertisers
Pg. 2
Pg. 3
Pg. 4
Pg. 5
Pg. 6
Pg. 7
Pg. 8
Special points of interest:
• Our next meeting will Monday, June
20th at 7:00 p.m.
•Young Eagles Rally Saturday, June 18.
You see this guy a lot. When something
needs to be done, he’s there. From
getting us speakers for our monthly
chapter meetings, to being the key guy
preparing for all our Young Eagles
Saturdays. What? You thought the
hangar just magically transformed itself
and all those parked airplanes politely
moved out of the way? Not hardly.
Chuck Gosselin shoulders a lot of
responsibility for the chapter and never
seeks recognition. So it’s time. Thank
you, Chuck. We appreciate all you do.
•It’s the perfect time to tell Chris St.
Germain of any interested groups for
Young Eagles, and remember that you
can fly individuals also
•Remember that Charles Gosselin is
always looking for good ideas for
President: Larry Young
Vice President and Young Eagles Coordinator:
Chris St. Germain
Secretary/Treasurer: Pam Ratliff
Board: Chuck Gosselin (also programs chair),
Bob Gurski, Mike Dooley, Paul Rodriguez
Tech advisor: Mark Burrow
Maintenance: Bill Herrold
Newsletter: Bruce Hood
Web Editor: James Perkins
Hospitality: Larry Rhoads
EAA Chapter 91, Lee’s Summit Municipal Airport (KLXT)
Lee’s Summit, Missouri
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Early in May I received an e-mail informing me we would have a visitor named Alex
from Guatemala. The sender was asking if Chapter 91 could take Alex for a short airplane
ride to show him the area. Alex is a young adult orphan who for a time lived on the streets.
There he saw many needs of his people like older people who had never, in all their lives,
slept in a bed. He decided to do something about it. Alex started a bunk bed project.
Today he travels far and wide telling his story and delivering bunk beds to the poor.
Needing someone to give Alex a flight, Chuck Gosselin said “I'll do it!” and on May
14th Chuck flew Alex to Miami County Airport where they had breakfast at the We-B
Smokin’ restaurant. While there he met several Chapter 91 members. And, I feel confident
Chapter 91 will make a donation to Alex’s bunk-bed project!
My next request came via e-mail on May 23rd from Julia Kirchenbauer. She and her
husband Jon, were coming from Denver, Colorado to get a Stampe SV-4C which was in a
hangar in Harrisonville, Missouri. Her request was, “Can we get some help taking the
wings off and putting the plane on a trailer?” I was scheduled to work at the airport that
day, so I called Mike Dooley who quickly said “I can do this.” Mike called Dennis Davis
and Jack Gress and on May 23rd Mike and his merry band headed south to Harrisonville
Airport. Dennis had just put the wings on his Starduster Too biplane so he had exactly the
right stuff to take the wings off a Stampe SV-4C biplane. This job took most of the day
and their reward was a “well done” and a dinner from Julia and Jon. The Stampe
(pronounced “Stomp”) is a Belgian two-seat (two-holer) trainer biplane designed and built
by Stampe at Vertongen in Belgium and is now somewhat of a rare bird.
So when you see Chuck, Mike, Dennis and Jack, thank them for making the chapter
look good! And you will see them at our pancake breakfast and Young Eagles rally on
June 18th. This will also be the airport Open House so YOUR chapter will need YOUR
help. So come on out and share the load! I'll see you there!
Blue skies and tailwinds,
Pictures courtesy of Mike Dooley
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May 16, 2016
The meeting of EAA Chapter 91 was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by president Larry Young in the chapter
meeting room at Lee's Summit Airport. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was led by Bill Herrold. Larry
welcomed visitors and guests including Max Kirschner, Mark Edwards and Mitch Putnam.
The minutes of the April 18, 2016 meeting were approved as printed in the May newsletter. Pam Ratliff
provided the balance on hand in the chapter checking account. She also offered chapter caps and badges or
could order chapter badges, polo shirts or sweatshirts. She passed a sign-in sheet to record attendance as well
as sheets to sign up to help at coming breakfasts and Young Eagles rallies.
The next chapter meeting would be Monday, June 20, 2016 and the program scheduled would be presented by
Jack Gonzenbach on the CAMit Engine. The next board-of-directors meeting was scheduled June 6.
Larry thanked Nancy Inderwiesen and Mike Dooley for maintaining the yard around the meeting room. He
thanked Mike and Bob Gurski for placing stakes to treat the trees and bushes; Larry Rhodes for taking on the
hospitality position; and Bruce Hood and Chris St. Germain for sending out reminders of the meeting as well
as of the breakfast/Young Eagles May 21. Mike Dooley provided a survey and encouraged members to
complete one and return it to him. It was to learn of interests of members regarding possible aircraft building
questions and techniques. The information would be used to hold workshops or as meeting programs.
Pat Lorie was downsizing and moving to a new home. Paul Rodriguez had been helping Pat with the transition
and various items of possible interest to the membership were displayed in the hangar. Anything not taken
would be disposed of. Chris Hope announced the Kansas City Flying Club would be hosting a chicken dinner
at the Airline History Museum on June 30 with Rep. Sam Graves as the speaker.
Young Eagles coordinator, Chris St. Germain, reminded the members of the event Saturday, May 21 and
encouraged pilots to volunteer along with ground help. He had one Boy Scout troop planning to attend. He
asked members to help spread the word of the program. He also reminded members of the need to complete
the background check before flying Young Eagles. Chuck Gosselin said setup for the Saturday event would
begin Friday afternoon about 1:30 with help being welcome.
Regarding “wants and needs” Wayne Moore had a Garmin 196 Map GPS with accessories and was asking
$300; Phil Ishmael had an Icom A210, a panel mounted nav-com and asking $700. Chuck Gosselin spoke of
Alex, a young man from Guatemala he had met and flown to Miami County for breakfast. He was raising
money to buy beds for the many people in Guatemala who may never have slept in a bed. Dennis Rowland
moved the chapter donate $130 to the cause; seconded by Chris Hope; motion passed. Chuck would obtain
pertinent information for sending a check.
Following Steve Sokol's presentation on building an ADS-B, the meeting adjourned 9:45 P.M.
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Accompanying our next Young Eagles rally and breakfast will be LXT’s
annual open house. While our Young Eagles rallies draw a lot of
people, the open house adds significant numbers to the crowd. It also
increases the number of Young Eagles flights. If you can help with this
exceptionally busy event, please join us on Saturday, June 18th. Come
early for breakfast, then step in and help introduce aviation to a kid.
At our May chapter meeting, Mike Dooley distributed questionnaires
asking for member feedback regarding attending aircraft building
workshops. Many took the questionnaires and several have returned
them. What Mike is trying to determine is exactly what topics have the
most interest, so when returned sheets have every category marked,
that makes the decision making process more difficult. If you would be
interested in learning more about aircraft building, please get a copy of
the questionnaire and pick the areas of most interest. If all the
categories look intriguing, please select just a couple. That will help us
put together more appropriate plans.
Recently, Chapter 91 sponsored Isabella (Bella) Sterling’s attendance at
EAA’s Air Academy. She then told us about it at our annual banquet.
Well, Bella has continued her flying and we learned she recently soloed.
Think Young Eagles doesn’t have an impact? Think again. Go Bella!
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Steve Sokol, the owner of Open Flight Solutions in Liberty, MO,
(flightsolutions.com) wants to help make flying affordable. So with
$77,000 garnered from a KickStarter campaign, Steve developed the
Flight Box ADS-B receiver kit that sells for about $200. Steve clearly
explained the ADS-B story and presented his very affordable solution.
The Flight Box receiver kit is super simple to assemble and works very
well! In fact, several Chapter 91 members have purchased, built and
are now using his impressive product. Steve’s knowledge and
enthusiasm were contagious and highly appreciated by all our
attendees. Great job, Steve, and good luck.
The well-known Jabiru engine is made by CAMit, LTD in Queensland,
Australia. CAMit has been in business since 1986 and has established
itself as a leader in the general aviation engine industry. CAMit has
developed some new products that definitely have appeal to homebuilt
enthusiasts, so local CAMit distributor, Jack Gonzenbach and Josh Ray
of Heart Of America Aviation in Olathe, will tell us more about what’s
on the market and what CAMit has on the way. The days of Continental
and Lycoming engines dominating the market are waning, and the
future belongs to new technologies. CAMit engines appear to be in
that category so Chapter 91 members will want to learn more about
them. Be sure to join us on Monday, June 20th at 7:00 p.m. to stay on
the cutting edge of the aviation engine future.
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1962 Cessna 172C for sale. Tulsa, OK $19,500. TTIS 5539 hours
Engine TSMOH 998.7 ( Top overhaul 240 hours).
Horton Stall Kit, AVGAS STC. Basic Com/Nav.
Location is Tulsa, OK. Contact Mark Stevens 918 671-4408
2751 NE Douglas St.
Lee’s Summit, MO
June 12, 2016