By-Laws of Bulloch County Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
By-Laws of Bulloch County Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
I • .... By-Laws of Bulloch County Animal Shelter Advisory Committee ARTICLE I: PURPOSE OF THE ORGANIZATION The purpose of this organization is: A. To advise the Public Safety Director, or, as necessary and appropriate, the County Manager on matters concerning operations of the Animal Shelter. B. To encourage the development of a broad variety of programs, facilities, and services to meet the Animal Shelter needs of Bulloch CountY citizens. C. To inform and educate the public about the importance of and need for shelter programs, facilities, and services. D. To strive to involve the citizens in the planning and development of shelter programs and services. E. To evaluate the shelter's programs and services periodically to assure that its goals and objectives are being achieved. ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP The Advisory Committee shall consist of not more than twelve (12) citizen members. Persons holding elected office in any local government entity shall not be concurrently appointed to the Advisory Committee. Members shall serve without pay. Terms of Office shall begin the fIrst day of July with appointments being made as terms of current members expire. All appointments shall be for four (4) year terms or until a successor is identified. To maximize ongoing diversity of citizen participation, members should serve no more than two consecutive four (4) year terms. A person may be appointed to fill an unexpired term and then re~appointed to a full four (4) year term. ARTICLEIII: OFFICERS Section I. At the annual meeting, the members of the Animal Shelter Advisory Committee shall elect from its membership a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. TheChairperson shall select a secretary. No person shall hold any office more than two (2) years during any four (4) year term on the Advisory Committee. Section 2. The Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Advisory Committee, make Advisory Committee task assignments, and perfonn all duties generally pertaining to the office of Chairperson. Section 3. The Vice-Chairperson shall perfonn these duties in the absence of the Chairperson. Section 4. The Secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the Advisory Committee, record all official actions, have custody of its books and records, give notices to the members . of meetings and perfonn other duties as may be assigned by the advisory Committee. ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS Section 1. The annual meeting shall be held on the first Thursday of November each year and the officers elected at the annual meeting shall take office the following month. Section 2. The Advisory Committee shall meet regularly each month. An annual calendar shall be developed denoting regular board meeting times, dates and locations. Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or a majority of members at any time deemed necessary or desirable. Section 4. Absence.,from three (3) consecutive regular meetings or six (6}regularmeetings during any calendar year of any member of the Advisory Committee, without due and acceptable cause, shall constitute a vacancy on the Advisory Committee. Section 5. ARTICLE V: Section 1. A majority of the Advisory Committee shall at all times constitute a quorum. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES The Advisory Committee is responsible for advising the Public Safety Director and County Manager on matters concerning the operations of the Animal Shelter. Section 2. The Advisory Committee shall operate under the adopted By-Laws as approved by the Bulloch County Board of Commissioners. Section 3. The Advisory Committee shall advise and assist the Public Safety Director and County Manager in the development of facilities and services necessary to accommodate programs and services in the county .. Section 4. The Advisory Committee shall have no responsibility for departmental management functions including, but not necessarily limited to personnel, budget and finance, and organizational structure. ARTICLE VI: AMENDMENTS Sec~ion Proposed amendments to these By-Laws must be submitted in writing at a regularly 1. scheduled meeting. They cannot be voted on until the next regularly scheduled meeting or a subsequent meeting. Section 2. An amendment cannot become effective until and unless reviewed and formally approved by the Bulloch County Board of Commissioners. Adopted at a meeting of the Bulloch County Board of Commissioners at which a quorum was present on the 4th day of November, 2003, said meeting having been held in compliance with Georgia's Open Meetings Act. BOARD10F BULLOC COMMISSIQ~'-J¥u .