CC Rider issue 5 Nov


CC Rider issue 5 Nov
Office Bearers
Director: Darren (Daz) Jewell.
Ass’t Director: Glenn McMullen.
Treasurer: Greg (Bones) Morris.
Secretary: Richard Nicholls.
Road Captains: Jim Hendy, Michael Golsby,
Dennis Devine, David Goodwin, Mick Carr,
Greg Blakemore , Derek Mobbs, Barrie Rhodes,
Brett Williamson, Andrew Mortlock, John
Whybrow, Mark Barry, Mark Stephenson, Glenn
McMullen, Troy Hudson, Jamie Knox, Red and
Membership Officers:
Barrie Rhodes, Glenn Edwards.
Historian: Alan Spencer.
Photographer: Barbara Devine, Derek Mobbs,
Di Goodwin.
Activities Officer: Brendon Buckman, David Hill.
Webmaster: Jamie Knox.
Ladies of Harley Officer/ Editor:
Carolyne Buckman.
Publisher: Troy Hudson.
Safety Officer: Mark Barry.
Pink Ribbon Ride 13/10/2013
Director’s news
Hi Everyone,
Dazza’s HOG blog
Well time has certainly flown and here we are already in December,
not long to wait now till that big jolly man brings those extra chrome
bits for the bike !!! So much has happened in the last two months
that I think this newsletter will be one of the biggest.
NSW State Rally 18-1920/10/20136
CCHOG photo day 3/11/2013
October saw us all “Pink up” for the Pink Ribbon Ride in Sydney with
a good turn up of bikes with colourful riders and pillions, we had a
massive, and very hot, day. Due to the large number of bikes we opted out of returning to the Mean
Fiddler and headed to Moonee Moonee Workers Club for lunch in the cool of the air con. Brett Williamson made some new “special “ friends and many memorable photos were taken. Good to see
other Chapters also supporting this great event.
Mid October saw us meet at the Shell Ourimbah for our ride to the NSW State HOG Rally. With rain
clouds haunting us, we made it to Buladelah before we had to stop and don the wet weather gear.
From there the rain just got heavier, and by the time we hit Coffs Harbour it was torrential. Signed in
and off to the motel to get dry and a few beers at the Hoey Moey, conveniently located just across the
road. The Mid North Coast Chapter laid on a very impressive show, well organised and Sunday’s
Thunder Run was great.
New Members ride in October went off well, with good reports from our Road Captains and good
feedback from our newest members. Thanks to all that attended.
Our Charity BBQs are going well, with great support from our members. The “Usual Suspects” are
always there doing a fantastic job and raising our Chapter presence on the coast.
In November we supported CCHD with their 2014 model Demo Day, with our Road Captains taking
the demo riders for a short ride to enjoy the pleasure of riding a Harley Davidson. Word on the day
from salesman Pete, nine bikes were sold and a few more were in the pipeline. Welcome to the new
owners and we hope to see you on our Chapter rides. BBQ flowed well all day keeping hungry riders
fed and watered.
Toy Appeal 17/11/2013
Unfortunately our good friend Del became a casualty of one of the coast’s bad drivers. He has had
some very extensive surgery and now is on the road to recovery. His bike will be repaired back to new
by our sponsoring dealer. We wish him all the best for a speedy recovery.
Chapter Photo Day saw about half of our Chapter turn up to get their pic taken. Some fun with Del’s
new flying gizmo for some aerial shots. We got a few apologies, so those guys will be photo shopped
in later once Del is up to it.
Our ride to the Putty Rd had to be cancelled due to the rain, so we will throw that back into the
upcoming ride calendar.
November 17 we had our first major fundraising event at Erina Fair, and guess what .. IT RAINED ALL
DAY!!!!. The “Usual Suspects” gave awesome support as usual with a great display both inside and out
at the centre. A huge thank you to the Old Skool Muscle Car Club, CC Ford Club, Monster Car Audio
and The Fun Engine for their support. Very well done by everyone despite the bad weather. Thanks to
Editors Quote:“Life is like riding a motorcycle. To keep your balance,
you must keep moving.”
Last ride of the month was also plagued with more rain, so I know the boys changed the route a little
to enjoy the day.
Santa will be visiting the kids at CCHD on Saturday 7th at 10am til 12 noon, with the Chapter BBQ also
running. Saturday evening sees us at the Woodport Hotel for the big kids Xmas party.
Central Coast HOG Members Victorian State Rally
Central Coast HOG members,
Last ride of the year is a local ride to Newcastle via the Hunter Valley with lunch at the Brewery and
home via the coast, hope to see you on the day.
Just a heads up for those who are looking for a great ride into North-west Victoria. The Victorian
State Rally will be held in Mildura on Friday 7 to Monday 10 March 2014.
New South Wales HOG Chapter has invited all the local Sydney metro Chapters for a combined Xmas
Party on Saturday 28th December at the Torque Bar & Grill next to Frazers. Ride details to come.
The Mallee HOG Chapter will be hosting the event. The rally location is the Irymple Leisure Centre,
Karadoc Avenue Irymple.
On a personal note Jules and I would like to wish everyone a happy
and safe Christmas, hope Santa is good to you all. To the people I
call the “Usual Suspects” a huge thanks to you all for all the help and
support you have given me in the formation of
our Chapter.
Richard Nicholls our Central Coast HOG Secretary is planning to attend the event so if you are
interested in a great ride please contact him on email [email protected] or mobile 0432 338
Ride safe
Here some info on the rally website, Accommodation and registration, Please note that the first
registration closing date is approaching soon.
Rally website is
Rally Accommodation
Assistant Director
National HOG Rally
There will be an informal get together for HOG
members who are interested in attending the 2014
National HOG rally in Cairns.
The meeting will be at Glenn’s place at Erina,
address to be provided at meeting or phone Glenn
on 0411103571 for details. Sunday 15th December
at 12 noon, I’ll throw some snags on the BBQ.
The meeting will discuss leaving dates, the various
ride routes to the rally and any sightseeing on the
way, accommodation and length of stay in Cairns
during the rally as well as other attractions.
There will be a number of groups heading north to
take part in this rally, some will leave weeks and
other only days before the rally it just depends on
how much time you can spare. Some will be
transporting their bikes to Cairns either one or both
directions, We will have some information on bike
transport costs at this meeting.
After the rally some member are planning to extend their leave to do further touring of Queensland
before returning home, its just one big adventure ! One suggestion after the rally is visit the Daintree
/ Cape Tribulation area this will be discussed at the meeting.
Start planning your trip now. If you want more information you can contact me on email, mobile or
come to the meeting
The National Rally website :
Rally Registration Form
Registration Closing Dates:
Registrations received after November 25th 2013 are not guaranteed pins or t-shirts for all Rally Packs.
All Registrations must be received before January 12th 2014 for catering
Accommodation Options: Camping Available at Rally Site (Cost Included in Premium, Rally and Basic
Packages Registrations)
For all local accommodation options contact the Mildura Visitor Information Centre through their
website or phone 1800 039 043
[email protected]
Head Road Captain’s Report
October / November
Sunday 13/10 Pink Ribbon ride to Rouse Hill
This was our first ride starting from Macca’s at West Gosford. It was a hoot watching members roll up
in their pink ribbons, feather boas etc and I’m sure the other customer at Macca’s had a laugh as well.
I’m told I looked like a moulting chook going down the freeway as the feathers were flying
everywhere Brett however outdid us all with his outfit. As we passed the Berowra on ramp here was
this rider waiting to join us. This sexy creature was decked out in pink and wearing a bra in a deeper
pink on the outside, it was a sight to behold. Sorry Brett can’t remember if you were wearing a tutu
but if you weren’t you should have been. On arriving Rouse Hill we saw many hilarious sights it’s
amazing how inventive some people can be. I think the only thing missing were the men in white
coats with butterfly nets. All in all it was a fun day but very hot.
Friday 18th/Saturday 19th/Sunday 20th/10 NSW Hog State Rally Coffs Harbour
The majority of us met at the Shell Servo at Ourimbah and we picked up more members along the
freeway and at the Shell Servo at Raymond Terrace. After we left the servo we had a very smokey ride
for several kilometres as the bushfires along the highway had not long been extinguished. As we
approached Bulahdelah it looked like it was going to rain so we pulled in and put on our wet weather
gear all of us that is except Hungary who kept telling us we were a pack of whoozes and it wasn’t
going to rain. Well we certainly made the right move it flogged down all the way to Coffs and for most
of the weekend. The locals were happy they kept telling us we had brought the rain with us. They
hadn’t had rain for nearly four months but we would have been happier if the rain had waited until
the weekend was over.
For most of our members it was their first HOG Rally and by the smiles on their dials it won’t be their
last. Our members had a ball competing in the Chapter Challenge. We competed in all the events and
surprise surprise we came third overall. Not bad for our inaugural effort. Well done everybody and
remember Cairns is coming.
THE Thunder Run was fantastic over nine hundred bikes participated. We started at the Jetty and
headed down through Sawtell and looped back up to Coffs taking the scenic route and ended the ride
at the Harley Dealer (North Coast V-Twin).
The weather certainly was better for the return trip. Members did their own thing leaving at different
times to come home. I was with a group who pulled into Forster for lunch. On leaving we split into
two groups one opting to go via Lakes Way while others went straight to the highway. All in all it was
a great weekend a big thank you to everyone.
Saturday 26/10 New Members Ride (morning)/ Ride to Chrome Feast (afternoon)
Due to work commitments I was unable to participate in these rides but I did go up to Chrome Feast to
have a look around and support the Central Coast Harley Dealer stall.
Sunday 10/11 Putty Road via Windsor Ride
Once again the Weather Gods were unkind and the ride was cancelled due to the inclement weather.
Ride will be rescheduled to a later date.
As most of you know Del was involved in a very serious accident due
to no fault of his own. Del you are constantly in our thoughts and
we all wish you a speedy recovery.
Jim Hendy
Head Road Captain
HOG Ride Rules
Group riding requires an extreme level of awareness and concentration. It is stressed that these
guidelines are provided for your information to enhance overall safety and ride enjoyment.
Ultimately you are responsible for your own judgement and decisions whilst riding your Harley.
Know your limits and ride within them. Never ride above your abilities.
Make sure your bike is mechanically ready to ride. If you are experiencing any problems, sort them out
before the run. No bald tyres.
Fuel up before the run.
Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to sign-on and for the rider briefing.
When asked to form-up before departure, please do so immediately, so we can leave on time.
Never pass the front Road Captain. They have been given the responsibility to set the pace and get
you to the final destination as a group.
Maintain a constant speed. This helps prevent the “rubber band” effect.
Novices or new HOG riders should ride at the rear of the pack.
Always ride in a tight but courteous staggered formation or single file on winding/narrow roads.
You should always be watching a few bikes up the road from you, not fixed on the front bike.
Always look four seconds ahead.
Riding side by side is very dangerous. The only time bikes are to be side by side is when stopped at an
Never come up on the motorcycle in front or beside you. The rider may need to swerve suddenly to
avoid an obstacle in front.
Saturday 02/11 Central Coast Harley 2014 Model Demo Bike Ride Day
Once again I had work commitments and was not able to participate but a big thank you to all the
Road Captains who gave their time to take prospective customers of Central Coast Harley on demo
rides. I know you all had a great day.
In a staggered or single line formation, do not pass the bike in front of you. If a rider leaves the group
and a gap appears, indicate then move forward and across to fill the position.
When in a tight curve, the rider on the outside of the curve is required to give room to the inside rider,
and drop behind in single formation.
Sunday 03/11 Central Coast HOG Chapter Photo/ Caves Beach, Catherine Hill Bay Ride
Great turnout for our inaugural Chapter Photo and despite the smokey conditions Del was able to
get some very good shots. Thanks Del loved your helicopter. After the photo shoot several members
went for ride to Caves Beach Hotel for lunch then to Catherine Hill Bay Hotel to check out the
devastation from the fires.
If the group breaks up and you are the last rider of the front group that turns a corner, pull up safely at
the intersection and direct the way to turn for the next group of bikes.
Do not race to catch up as corners will be marked ahead for you.
If you break down, stay with your bike, in clear view of the rear Road Captain.
When stopping, get off the road as soon as possible.
Membership Report
HOG Ride Safety
Wearing the Right Gear When out Riding
It seems obvious. On a motorcycle the rider is far more exposed than when driving in a car. Wind, rain,
heat and cold all have their effects. The risk of animals running out into the road or cars running into
the motorcycle also has to be considered. Having ridden for a number of years in different traffic and
weather conditions I have come to trust my riding gear to keep me warm, dry, and safe.
Choosing the right gear can be confusing, since there are so many brands and styles to choose from. It
is important to think about what you want from your riding gear and then limit your shopping to only
those models that offer the features you are interested in.
Motorcycle Helmets
When shopping for a helmet, you should not immediately focus on a particular brand. Most
manufacturers create their helmets to fit a certain head shape, so different brands will fit different
heads. There are some exceptions among the higher end helmet makers. Arai makes helmets for
different head shapes and recommends certain models for certain people.
When shopping you should look for the features you want, then try on as many different brands and
models as you can with those features. And you shouldn’t just put it on, look in the mirror, and take
it off. If possible keep the helmet on for at least 15 minutes. In that length of time any discomfort will
start to appear, even though it may still be faint. A helmet that is so uncomfortable you don’t wear it
isn’t worth buying, so make sure you are happy with the one you chose.
Motorcycle Jackets
Consider the weather you are likely to be riding in. If you are in a very hot area you might be happier
with a mesh motorcycle jackets. These allow much more air to pass through while still providing
protection from the sun and accidents. They will also come with a waterproof liner or shell which
you can wear both to stay dry and to provide extra warmth on chillier rides. If you aren’t in a very hot
area, or aren’t sure about the weather you will be riding in (including if you are planning on using the
motorcycle as daily transport) you should consider a three season textile jacket. Most of these will have
vents for improved air flow in very hot weather (though none will be as good as a pure mesh jacket),
and are waterproof without having to stop and add a layer. In fact, they usually come with a liner
which can be used to make the jacket warmer, allowing you to keep riding even on cold days. The
other option is the traditional leather jacket this will keep you safe and warm but can be a bit hot and
heavy on those warmer days.
Motorcycle Pants
For your legs there are either pants which take the place of your usual wear, or overpants, which are
worn over your regular clothes. Kevlar Jeans are a heavy denim with options to include armor, and
look like regular jean pants. Older versions had some complaints about the padding and not being
comfortable, but the more recent versions are greatly improved.
Hi Everyone,
Since the last newsletter our membership has rapidly increased to
almost 230. A very big welcome to all the new members; we all
hope that you will enjoy riding with your Chapter Family.
As always I am asking for your assistance in keeping our records up
to date:
1. If your International number is due for renewal please advise me
of your new expiry date.
2. If you are awaiting on your new International Number please
advise me of your new Number & Expiry date when you receive it.
[email protected]
With Christmas fast approaching I am excited to tell you that Baz is definitely on countdown now. It
has been a long 6 months for both of us. He should be home before Christmas Day…wohooooo!!
So next year you will have your “REAL” Membership Officer back, however I would just like to say I
have thoroughly enjoyed my job as “Stand In” and I most especially thank the lovely Joanne for all of
her help and support, and to all of you for making
me feel a part of a very special group of people.
Baz sends his Warmest Regards and Best Wishes
for the festive season and is looking forward to
riding with you all in 2014…Me Too!
Merry Christmas & we hope the New Year brings
all you wish for.
Helen & Baz
Membership Officer
This is Baz’s idea of staying in the “Office”
Boots should cover your ankles, and preferably be made of leather. They should have a good solid
tread that give you stability when you place your foot down on
the road.
Summing Up
Wearing protective clothing while riding reduces your chance of
injury, can lengthen your riding day be reducing the risk of
sunburn and fatigue, and improve your experience of riding in
general. By using as much protective riding gear as you are
comfortable with you can enjoy the ride that much more.
See you out there, ride safe and have fun…..Baz
If you wish to know your HOG membership number, give Joe a call at CCH-D.
Social News
Central Coast HOG Chapter Christmas Party:
Hi Everyone,
Just a last reminder about the Kid’s Christmas Party, your
last chance to get your kids or grandkids on the list.
A while ago an email was sent regarding a Christmas Party for our Children, or in many of our
cases, Grandchildren. The response was excellent and to date we have 33 children listed for the
party!! If you have already responded please ignore.
When: 07/12/2013
Time: 10am - 12noon
Where: Central Coast Harley Davidson
Activities: Santa will be coming!!
(You bring secretly or drop off earlier, a wrapped &
named gift for your children/grandchildren to the value
of about $20 each).
Photo with Santa on a Harley.
Games - which parents & grandparents can help
with i.e.: 3 legged Race, Egg & Spoon, Musical Statues
etc. Prizes for all!
Face Painting
Lolly Bag, Icy Poles
The Charity BBQ will also be on that morning at CCHD so
you can even grab yourself a Sausage Sandwich to give you
enough energy to keep up with the kids!!
Please respond to me [email protected] with:
Child’s Name:
Girl/Boy: (sometimes given names can be either)
Thank you & Warmest Regards
Membership Officer
Sat 7th Dec 2013
Starts 7pm until late
The Woodport Inn, Erina, upstairs
Dress Code:
Smart Casual
Food: Finger food will be supplied
Drinks: Upstairs Bar will be operating exclusively for
our function & will be selling drinks.
(No BYO)
Music: Bring your Dancing Shoes
For catering purposes we need to
supply numbers, so can you please
let me know: [email protected] as soon as
RSVP: Fri 30 Nov 2013 at the very latest!
Ride Report’s
Pink Ribbon 13/10/2013
Hi Fellow HOGs,
As you all know the weather was great for the Pink Ribbon Ride. The
Organisers would have been stoked. Day started at Maccas with all the guys
blessed with a pink ribbon kiss from Jules, bar one who lost his for being
cheeky. Total of roughly 25 to 30 bikes turned up and off we went.
The ride down the Freeway was beautiful not too cold and nice to sit back and
relax. As we were getting closer to The Mean Fiddler at Rouse Hill more and
more bikes started appearing on the roads at this point I started feeling a bit
emotional thinking about what we were riding for as myself have lost a sister
to cancer and I suppose most of us have been affected by it through friends or
We arrived to what seemed like thousands of bikes (maybe 500+) but a lot.
Pretty cool LOTs of people dressed in outrageous pink get ups and saw some
pretty awesome bikes too. For some reason a lot of guys seemed it was a good
occasion to get in touch with their feminine side. Brett Williamson relished in
wearing his Boobies and was in no hurry in taking them off, I think he probably
went to bed with them and quite a few blokes enjoyed touching him up I might
add. Anyway, we all enjoyed hanging at Rouse Hill enjoying the atmosphere
and then we all headed off out of town to the cheers and applause of the
onlookers which was quite nice and stopped somewhere west of windsor at
Checkpoint one which was a bit hectic, but good to get a drink and stretch the
legs as it was quite hot by now.
We all decided to leave here and head back to Mooney workers club for lunch
Via Berowra Ferry. Great ride as most of us were stripped down to minimal
clothing and enjoyed the freedom of riding. Arrived at the Ferry got a few pics
embarked off the other side and looked to my left and Mark Grover has hit a
wet patch and is fish tailing out of control and gets it together just before he
hits the fence, the look on his face was priceless and then goes into a big grin
when he realises he made it. Well done Mark. Hit the Mooney workers club and
totally lapped up the aircondtioning had a great lunch, chat couple drinks and
headed out in the heat and a few of us decided we would finish the day at The
Tall Timbers. The ride on the freeway was a bit of fun not too much traffic and
we were all sprawled out over the three lanes enjoying a bit of freedom.
Relaxing finish at the Tallies then headed off home. Great day felt privileged I
was part of it and BIG thanks to everyone that got it going.
Cheers Mel Robbie
Ride Calendar pull out
Stick this on your fridge, on the wall in your office or
on the back of the toilet door.
“This is your chapter, lets ride and have fun”
Sunday 23 rd
Black Dog ride to the Hunter Valley , day ride. Details to follow
Sunday 9 th
Singleton Army Museum, via Broke. Meet at West Gosford MacDonald’s at 7:30 am for R/B leaving at 8:00 am.
Friday 7 th – Sunday 9 th
Victoria state rally. Richard Nicholls to provide leaving time details
Wednesday 5 th
Chapter Meeting at the Woodport commencing 7:30 pm, meet up prior for dinner
Saturday & Sunday 22 nd & 23 rd
Jindabyne Overnighter, details to be provided.
Saturday & Sunday 15 & 16 th
Proposed dates for HART course, Rider training Centre, St Ives
Sunday 9 th
Bare Island Ride, La Perouse. Meet at West Gosford MacDonald’s at 9:00 am for R/B leaving at 9:30 am.
Wednesday 5 th
Chapter Meeting at the Woodport commencing 7:30 pm, meet up prior for dinner
Saturday 25 nd
St Albans ride via Spencer and Wisemans. Lunch at St Albans. Meet at CCHD at 8:30 am for R/B leaving 9:00 am
Sunday 12 th
Central Coast Loop ride with potential Photo shoot for HOG tails. Details to follow.
Wednesday 8 th
Chapter Meeting at the Woodport commencing 7:30pm, meet up prior for dinner
Saturday 22 nd
Newcastle via Hunter Valley with lunch at The Brewery Queens Wharf. Meet at West Gosford MacDonald’s at 9.30 am for R/B leaving at 10.00 am.
Sunday 15 th
National HOG Rally 2014 meeting. This is a get together for HOG Members interested in attending the National HOG Rally in Cairns in May 2014. Meeting to discuss
the Ride route, accommodation and other attractions such as Cape Tribulation visit after the rally. The meeting will be at Glenn’s place at Erina, address to be provided
at meeting or phone Glenn on 0411103571 for details. Sunday 15th December at 12 noon, I’ll throw some snags on the BBQ.
Saturday 7 th
Santa @ Central Coast Harley. 10:00 am to 12 noon. Club BBQ will be run from 9:00 am on the day. Christmas Party at the Woodport. 7:00 pm till Late.
Please note: Change to meeting place for Sunday rides from October, ALL Sunday rides leave from
West Gosford McDonalds
Closed Events
Closed events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members and one guest per member.
Members Events
Member events are events that are open only to H.O.G. members.
Open Events
Open events are those chapter events which are open to chapter members, international H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.
To participate in these events, you must own a Harley-Davidson Motorcycle.
We will all meet at Weat Gosford McDonalds for Sunday rides.
New members ride days will be held on a Saurday morning every thrird month with the Road . Captains, then they have the option to ride with the rest of the members
for an afternoon ride. This ride is open for everyone and will leave from Central Coast Harley-Davidson.
Rides will be on the 2nd Sun & 4th Sat of every month
Ride Calendar
NSW State Rally 18-19-20/10/2013
We had a great attendance for our first NSW State HOG Rally with 40+
members attending.
We departed on Friday morning from the Ourimbah Shell under clear but
Smokey sky’s wondering if the highway was going to be open at Heatherbrae.
This was to be the least of our worries as we past burnt out areas of highway
grass medium strip and soon we were on the open road heading north of
Raymond Terrace.
We were all thinking how great it was that Friday was much cooler than
Thursday which was a 38 Deg C day until the heavens opened up and we
made our first unscheduled pit stop at Bulahdelah to put on our wet weather
Some of us thought it was just a passing shower and refrained to their own
peril. Early lunch break at Port Macquarie interchange then on to the final run
into Coffs where the closer we got the heavier the rain fell....
Only a few camped, the remaining opted for more luxurious accommodation at
various locations around Coffs.
The most convenient of accommodation seemed to be directly opposite the
Hoey Moey Hotel at Coffs Harbour icon in its own right and new found home
to the Central Coast HOGs.
Luck would have it that the rain stopped at 8pm on Friday night just in time
to set up camp and head down to the local Pizza shop for pasta and pizza, the
Hoey Moey was in full swing.........CCHOGs were settling in for the night.
History has been re-written at Coffs with the now infamous Room 19 which
was the resting place of the said person who was too hung-over to participate
in the Chapter Challenge.
Even without the said person we did the chapter proud with a 3rd Place in
the Chapter Challenge, a great effort for our first rally and many thanks to the
men’s tug a war and the ladies tug a war team and all the other members who
participated on the day.
Entrance Hotel
Ride to Gunya hotel changed to Entrance Hotel Then Jerrys Due To Weather
8 Members
6 Bikes
137 KM
Left CCHD at 10:30am Heading through Ourimbah on Pacific Hwy turned
right before M1 To follow Pacific Hwy towards Tuggerah Then We Seen a Dark
Cloud From the Mountains coming towards us so we diverted right onto Wyong road and up through the Entrance on Central Coast Hwy we got as far as
Wyrrabalong National Park and Seen black skies and lighting so we headed
back to The Entrance Hotel For Lunch while it rained, we it started to clear up
we decided to go to Jerry’s for a coffee we managed to avoid the rain all the
way there. We got off our bike and as we walked under shelter it started to rain,
we had our coffee and we decided to go to Central Coast Soaring Club (www. just down the road after that everyone headed home. We
timed the rain Perfectly Wouldn’t be able to do it twice.
Thanks Jamie Knox (Jockey)
We had a great time at the rally, some good food, and the photo booth got a
workout by some. there was the usually displays of Harley apparel and bikes.
The music played nearly all day and into the night and there was an evening
display of fire twirling..........and the beer at the Hoey Moey was cold......
Sunday morning was the Thunder run and a show of chapter pride with bikes
as clean as possible, club flags flying. A great ride and another opportunity for
a chapter photo on the Jetty. In the afternoon when went for a casual ride out
to Nana Glen which resulted in an impromptu visit back to the Coffs
Harley dealer North Coast V-Twin for an earth strap repair to Greg’s Harley.
Many thanks to North Coast V-Twin for getting him back on the road, and then
back to the Hoey Moey for more cold beer........
Monday return trip was another very warm day, some of us stopped in at
Foster for lunch before the final run home in some 38+ deg. Our final stop
before home was at Heatherbrae for a top up of cold water.
Then home for a well-deserved rest.......... what a great long weekend on the
Ride report 26 October
New Member Ride – Kulnura
With about 15 regular members and 4 new members we left CCHD with Brett
leading, Greg bringing up the rear and a few other road captions throughout
the pack. We rode up to Kariong and down the old road to Calga. Once there
we continued up Peats Ridge Road to Kulnura for coffee and some socialising
with the new members. Questions were asked and answered and advice given
to the new members. Baz, our safety officer, also gave an overview of safety
including the condition of bikes, group riding and rider health.
As expected the quality of the group formation was not as tight as it would
have been with experienced members but after the advice from some of our
experienced members the formation was much tighter on the return trip which
went back to Peats Ridge and then onto Peats Ridge Road to Somersby where
we got on the M1 and rode back to the shop. Feedback from the new members
was positive and all enjoyed the ride and we hope to see them all back soon.
Remember, it’s not a race and we ride as a group (no one gets left behind) so
do not be put off by your first group ride as all of us thought you all did extremely well.
Thanks to the new members for coming and to the road captions that helped
on the day.
Ride safe, have fun
Ride report 26 October
Chapter Ride – The Entrance/Chrome Fest
Rather than do the scheduled ride to The Old Stonehouse Café at Maroota
(which had closed) it was decided to ride to The Entrance via a coastal loop and
have a look at Chrome Fest and check out the CCHD stand.
The group was essentially the same as the morning ride with only a few
changes and with Greg leading this time and Brett at the rear we set off from
CCHD again and up to Kariong then down Woy Woy Road to Umina Beach.
From there we went over The Rip Bridge to Killcare Heights, along The Scenic
Road to Kincumber and onto Cullens Road, past Avoca Beach up to Wamberal
then onto the Central Coast Highway to The Entrance.
This was my first time at Chrome Fest and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of amazing cars, utes, hot rods etc, great music and stalls. I will be going back next year
– highly recommended.
Thanks to all who came.
Ride safe, have fun
Toy Appeal
Sunday 17th November was our Chapter’s first major charity event; a Toy
Appeal for Gosford Hospital and Ronald McDonald Family Home. I was rudely
awoken at 2am by the sound of rain... I hoped it would stop by the morning.
Day break and it had slowed to light showers and I thought we would be ok,
but alas it was not to be. The ride to Erina Fair was wet, but luckily I was met by
other hardy members ready to set up our event. The rain stopped long enough
to do our setup - Jumping Castle, Kaz & Trix face painting and tattoos, Central
Coast Harley stand and the Fun Engine, and then the cars from the Old Skool
Muscle Car Club, CC Ford Club, Monster Car Audio and our member’s bikes
rolled into place. Tents were set up just in case with the Xmas tree all ready to
go, and then the heavens opened !!
Luckily our second display on the Myer red carpet inside the centre was getting
some great attention. With some awesome help from Helen at Toys R Us we
relocated the outside display to under their awning, with our members doing
their best under the circumstances. Unfortunately our outside display was not
getting as much attention as anticipated due to the weather, so we said
goodbye to our car club friends, hoping for better weather next time. The guys
and girls outside Toys R Us did an amazing job with the tree inundated with
presents and the donation tins slowly filling up from our generous coast people.
Inside, three trolleys full of toys and the donation tins getting heavier, with lots
of attention towards our members clean, shiny and DRY bikes !! We made a few
little kids’ day by sitting them on the bikes while mum and dad snapped some
much appreciated photos.
Despite the weather, we ended up with a truck load of toys and over $1135.00
in donations, added to this one of our members Kelvin donated another
$500.00 to the total. With $1635.00 in the kitty our committee made the
decision to bring it up to an even $2000.00, to be shared between the Gosford
Hospital and Ronald McDonald Family Home.
Monday morning I was contacted by an Erina Fair Manager with the news that
CC HOG should be congratulated for the professional job we all did, and we
are more than welcome to come back for any event we wish to hold with full
support from Erina Fair.
Congratulations to you all for a fantastic job and thanks for all your help.
Toy Appeal Story
Unbeknownst to our members who worked tirelessly on our Toy Appeal Day, Lynda from Ronald
McDonald Family Home was there chipping in and witnessing the miracles that were performed on the
day. After we had all gone home and dried off, Lynda called me with a special request.
A young 16 year old boy named Saxon is in Gosford Hospital suffering from Cystic Fybrosis waiting for a
heart and lung transplant, and the staff were doing a presentation for Saxon for Xmas. Lynda asked if we
would like to give him a little something from our toy appeal for his Xmas. We had a portable DVD player
donated and thought this would be a great gift for a boy his age. Along with an Adam Sandler triple
movie we added a few HOG and Harley gifts to his package.
Attached is a photo of Saxon with is gear on and the word from Lynda and the Hospital staff was that he
and his mum Jenny were “ Tickled Pink “, and also comes with a huge thank you to the HOG Chapter. We
also let them both know that when he is better we will take them both for a ride on a Harley, a day they
are both looking forward to.
Saxon is off to Westmead Hospital for a three week stint of tests etc, we wish him all the best and have
told Jenny anything she needs CC HOG will be there.
Thanks to everyone.
Cheers Daz.
Retooled Dark Custom Styling Features a Slash-Cut Rear Fender and LED Tail Light. From the doublebarreled stare of its twin headlamps to the knobby tread of its burly tires, the Harley-Davidson® Fat Bob®
delivers a simple message: Move over. You don’t need to be lean when you’ve got this much mean, and
for 2014 the Fat Bob appears more assertive than ever thanks to a Dark Custom make-over from Harley
Styling that turns this bike into a back-alley bully.
“We wanted to take the Fat Bob further into the Dark Custom realm” says Harley-Davidson Styling
Manager Tony Pink. “The compact, chopped lines of the new rear fender, the angle of the shocks, and
the slanting tank graphics all line up to create an aggressive new stance that’s reinforced by the new
blunt-cut mufflers. The high-contrast details on the black wheels relate nicely to the tank graphic. The
seat was given a new form and cover that’s more sporty and more comfortable. Bring it all together and
the Fat Bob is ready to reassert its presence on the street.”
Black replaces chrome all over the Fat Bob, including the powertrain and air cleaner cover, rear shock
covers, triple clamps, headlight trim rings, console and battery box cover. The Aluminium Slotted Disc
wheels are powder coated black and finished with a laser-engraved Harley-Davidson logo and rim stripe.
Rolling in on a Fat Bob makes a statement that is not subtle. But this motorcycle offers more than attitude.
The rigid steel backbone of its Dyna frame, a pair of thick 49mm fork legs and chassis geometry that’s
tuned to turn make the Fat Bob a cruiser willing to hunt for corners and a blast to ride. Dual front disc
brakes and an Anti-lock Braking System haul the Fat Bob down in a hurry. Twist the grip, dump the clutch
and feel the significant kick of a Twin Cam 103™ V-Twin launch Fat Bob off the line with authority.
Key Fat Bob Features
Rubber-mounted Twin Cam 103™ engine rated at 97.4 ft. lbs. of torque at 3500 rpm. The engine is
equipped with Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI) and Automatic Compression
(ACR), and is mated to a 6-speed Cruise Drive transmission. The powertrain is finished in Black
powdercoat with black covers.
NEW Blunt-cut staggered-dual mufflers are mated to the signature “Tommy Gun” 2-1-2 collector
exhaustwith slotted chrome shields.
NEW Slash-cut rear fender
NEW Recessed twin-ring LED tail lamp complements the dual headlamps.
NEW Slim and sporty ergonomic seat and has a new cover and silver contrast stitching.
NEW Console with an integral ignition switch and a five-inch electronic speedometer with
multi-function LCD display and LED indicator lights.
NEW Black machined, Aluminium Slotted Disc wheels with laser-engraved graphics; 16-inch front
and rear.
NEW Blacked-out aluminium triple clamps, headlight trim ring, rear shock covers, and
battery box cover.
NEW Diagonal-stripe fuel tank graphics.
Dual front disc brakes
Chrome 1.25-inch diameter drag-style handlebar is internally-wired and mounted on black
High-performance coil-over rear shocks with gloss black covers.
Forward-mounted rider footpegs and controls.
180mm-16 rear / 130mm-16 front tires.
Smart Security System with proximity-based, hands free security fob
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
Available colours:
NEW Amber Whiskey
NEW Sand Cammo Denim
Black Denim
Vivid Black
Plus Refreshed Fat Bob Styling, a New CVO Softail Deluxe and Sportster ABS as Standard.
For 2014 these elements of Project RUSHMORE are applied to the following Harley-Davidson
motorcycle models: Road King® Classic, Street Glide®, Electra Glide® Ultra Classic®, Electra Glide®
Ultra Limited®, Tri Glide® Ultra Classic®, CVO Ultra Limited® and CVO Road King®. (See separate
releases for details on the elements of Project RUSHMORE.)
More News from Harley-Davidson for 2014
Harley-Davidson today reveals a 2014 motorcycle line that includes 7 Touring, Trike and Custom
Vehicle Operations (CVO ™) models transformed by Project RUSHMORE, a customer-driven
venture by Harley-Davidson to fundamentally improve every aspect of the riding experience. The
culmination of an intense four-year product-development program, Project RUSHMORE
introduces category-leading technology and design enhancements that will recalibrate the
expectations of touring motorcyclists, including Bluetooth®-enabled Boom! Box infotainment
systems with GPS navigation, Daymaker™ LED headlamps, a new fairing with splitstream venting,
and the Twin-Cooled™ High Output Twin Cam 103™ powertrain.
•The Dark Custom styling of the Fat Bob model gets a make-over from Harley-Davidson Styling
and now projects a new assertive authority. Highlights include a new slash-cut rear fender with a
recessed twin-ring LED tail light. Black replaces chrome everywhere, including the powertrain, air
cleaner cover, rear shock covers, triple clamps, headlight trim rings, console and battery box cover.
The Aluminium Slotted Disc wheels are powdercoated black and finished with a laser-engraved
Harley-Davidson logo and rim stripe.
“Project RUSHMORE is a Harley-Davidson product-development path that is customer-driven from
start to finish,” said Scott Habegger, Harley-Davidson Director of Motorcycle Planning. “We like to
say that at Harley-Davidson we ride with our customers and that’s never been more true. We are
all in this together, and I think the result is some truly exceptional new motorcycles for 2014.”
•The confidence-inspiring control of ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) is available across the 2014
Sportster range (excluding Iron 883™) The Sportster line up also features new hand controls and
brake components, improved service access, and an H-D® Smart Security System with a
proximity-based, hands-free security fob.
Additional news for 2014 from Harley-Davidson is the limited-production factory-custom CVO
Softail® Deluxe model, the restyled Dyna® Fat Bob® model, and the introduction of ABS
(Anti-lock Braking System) for all Sportster models (excluding Iron 883™). With additional
enhancements across its motorcycle product range, Harley-Davidson enters 2014 poised to retain
its position as America’s leading motorcycle manufacturer.
•The 2014 CVO series of limited-production motorcycles features the new CVO™ Softail® Deluxe
model, a premium custom touring motorcycle equipped with a detachable windscreen and GPS
navigation, Daymaker LED lighting, detachable saddlebags and of course the bold paint and big
Screamin’ Eagle powertrain with 110 cc that’s always part of the CVO program. The CVO™ Road
King® and super-premium CVO™ Ultra Limited® return with new features and Project
RUSHMORE enhancements. The bold CVO™ Breakout® Softail® chopper returns with three
dazzling new paint schemes. (See separate releases for more details on the 2014 CVO line.)
•The Twin Cam 103™ powertrain is now standard equipment on all of the Harley-Davidson Dyna
and Softail® line up.
Harley-Davidson recalibrates the expectations of road-eating touring riders through Project
RUSHMORE, and effort backed by thousands of riding miles and unprecedented rider and
employee input. Project RUSHMORE produces refined technology, thrilling performance and
stunning styling that collectively transform the Harley-Davidson Touring and Trike motorcycle
platforms. Those enhancements slot into four customer-defined categories:
Control: Inspiring rider confidence are the improved Daymaker™ LED or Dual Halogen lighting,
Reflex™ Linked Brakes with ABS, and the Twin-Cooled™ High Output Twin Cam 103™ and High
Output Twin Cam 103™ powertrains.
Infotainment: New colour-screen Boom! ™ Box infotainment systems combine quality audio,
Bluetooth® connectivity, voice recognition, text-to-speech technology, GPS navigation, plus
support for intercom and CB communications in a single module.
Feel: From the new Batwing fairing with splitstream venting to a refined passenger seating area,
aerodynamics and ergonomics come together to improve comfort.
Style: The form and the function of many components are improved -- a reshaped Tour-Pak® and
saddlebags with convenient One-Touch design elements, sleeker fenders, lighter cast aluminium
wheels and intuitive hand control switches.
CC HOG apparel order
The colour of our
chapter is charcoal however we
cannot get charcoal long sleeves
t shirts or charcoal jumpers so they
come in black.See below for prints on
t shirts. The woman’s t shirt has the
small logo on the back and the long
sleeves and jumpers are unisex.
95 Harley Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic
Woman’s t shirts come in sizes 8 10 12 14 16 18 $33.00
Men’s t shirts come in sizes S M L XL 2XL 3XL 5XL (no 4XL) $37.00
Unisex long sleeve t shirts come in sizes S M L XL 2XL 3XL (no 4XL 5XL) $45.00
Unisex sweaters come in sizes XS S M L XL 2XL 3XL 5XL (no 4XL) $60.00
Price: $16000.00
Very low K/Ms two new tyres, rego till Sept 2014. Extras include fairing bra,
cruise pegs, soft bags, chrome extras. Just been serviced.
Contact Rod, 0434529921.
Acme’s Outlaw Range - Free Postage Offer
Hi Everyone,
Acme is excited to announce the launch of
Outlaw, a new range of t-shirts inspired by
the legends of the past, who were not afraid t
o challenge authority and fight for freedom and
This range is designed on a slim fit t-shirt,
available in S-3XL and is competitively priced
at $34.95 retail.
For a short time only Acme is offering H.O.G.
members Free Postage on all Outlaw orders
placed on the web.
Here’s a link - Use free postage code:
HOG Outlaw
Plus, we’d hate for anyone to miss this offer, so would really appreciate if you could pass on this promo
email to all your chapter members.
2010 Honda CB400 (Learner legal - LAMS)
Price: $6,990.00 o.n.o
Colour: Pearl White with Grey & Black graphics
Klms: 31,300, All services up to date, Rego: Bike is a 2010 model however was
first registered in 2011, Registered to 6-4-2014, Female owner,
Adjustable clutch & brake levers, Windshield, Radiator guard
I have owned this bike from having 10,000 klms and have never mistreated it
or over revved it. The previous owner was an elderly man who rode it along
the highway to work and back.
The only reason I am selling my bike is that I am upgrading to a
Call: Joe Ross 0438552700 or Mick Carr 0410530900
Pillion Seat Wanted
Trix is a full member of HOG but does not ride. and Deb is a guest of Trix and they would like to participate in our rides. If you have a spare pillion seat it would be much appreciated. Please call Trix on
0418273703 and Deb on 0434 673 367 to organize .
Embroided Patches
If you are interested in getting your own name patches done here are a couple of options that you can
look into!
CC Leather Rider will also be getting their own embroidery machine very soon so don’t forget to drop in
their while out on your travels.
Upcoming Events
“Happy Birthday”
To some of our family members for September and October, Lets help our brothers and sisters blow
out their candles.
November Birthdays
Melissa Chapman, Alan Charlier, Thomas Hollmann, Neil McBride, Dom Marocchini, Donna Mellish,
Richard Nicholls, David Poole, Dave Smithson, Jeff Terry, Julie Terry & Robert Woodford.
December Birthdays
Shane Curtin, Lynette Grey, Michael Hughes, Jules Jewell, Jack Leigh, Chris Locklee, Adriaan Mocke,
Steve Murray, Nicole Powyer, Paul Robinson, Joanne Ross, Michelle Southam, Janelle Tomlinson &
Vanessa Watts.
Central Coast HOG BBQ
On the 1st Saturday of every month CC HOG will be
running a BBQ at CC Harley-Davidson to
fundraise. We would like volunteers from our
members each month to help cook on the bbq and
serve customers, so if you have a free couple of hours,
please come and help our chapter raise some cash.
This is your chapter, ride and have fun and raise some
Central Coast HOG Chapter Meeting
Our next meeting is at Woodport Inn is on Wednesday 8th
January and Wednesday 5th February so come for
dinner from 6.30pm in the inn’s bistro and after dinner we all go
upstairs for our general meeting at 7.30pm.
Central Coast HOG Xmas Party
7th December Santa @ Central Coast Harley.
10:00 am to 12 noon.
Club BBQ will be run from
9:00 am on the day.
Our Christmas Party to be held at Woodport Inn, Erina
7pm til late.
Supporting Business’s
Copacabana Signs
Our signwriting business has been operating locally for over 30
We cover all types of signage needs from traditional brushwork
through to logo’s
Designs, graphics and digital printing.
Our signage caters for all types of vehicles, shop fronts, factories &
commercial buildings, with a variety of banners, A-Frames, Honour
Boards, Menu Boards etc.
Phone Michael on 0410 530 900 or 43248555
Jumping Castles
Tables & Chairs
for birthday parties,
special occassions,
fetes, markets etc
Contact us today!
Amanda - 0419 244 276
Darren - 0423 845 874
ABN: 96 575 116 154
For any feedback, idea’s or ride photo’s for future newsletters please
contact Carolyne at [email protected]
Sponsored by
Central Coast Harley Owners Group, CC Rider is designed, printed
and donated by Troy Hudson