Winter Vocab Fun with Maciek - AmerAnglo


Winter Vocab Fun with Maciek - AmerAnglo
Zwycięzcy konkursu
Najlepsze listy do Mikołaja napisali: klasa
3a ze szkoły w Nowej Iwicznej w składzie
Ula, Oliwia, Roksana, Marcin i Artur
obecnie prowadzona przez Panią Joasię
Zgórską oraz duet uczęszczający na
zajęcia z języka niemieckiego pod czujnym
okiem Pani Ani Godos - Helena i Witek.
Gratulujemy i życzymy dalszych sukcesów!
Winter Vocab Fun
with Maciek
Winter 2016
with Ame week
Ferie 201
Dobra Szkoła
Stawiamy na n
AmerAnglo Eye on:
Statue of Liberty
W drugim tygodniu ferii nasza szkoła zorganizowała zimowy poligon
językowy czyli ferie w mieście :) Udział w nich wzięło jedenaścioro
dzielnych adeptów. Było zabawnie, ciekawie, czasem poważnie
i naukowo. Odwiedziliśmy stajnię Best Horses by przekonać się
jak ze sztuką ujeżdżania radzą sobie nasi podopieczni. Wybraliśmy
się do warszawskiej Kinoteki na film i krótką wizytę w projektorni.
Były też harce w Funparku Digiloo. Nie zabrakło atrakcji na miejscu.
Uczniom bardzo podobały się warsztaty naukowe poprowadzone
w języku angielskim przez instruktora Funiversity oraz zajęcia
bębniarskie, które również po angielsku poprowadził założyciel
Krainy Bębnów. Codziennie na śniadanie, obiad i podwieczorek
odbywały się zajęcia językowe z naszymi lektorami. Podsumowując:
O NUDZIE NIE MOGŁO BYĆ MOWY! Dziękujemy za wspólną naukę
i zabawę. Do zobaczenia w wakacje!
Podziękowania dla Pani Asi za doskonałe opracowanie materiałów do zajęć!
If you could be an animal what
animal would you be??
big wild cat
Surprisingly most of you would like to be a DOG!
Did you know that...?
Skiing is a mode of transport, recreational activity and
competitive winter sport in which the participant uses
skies to glide on snow.
The word „ski” is one of a handful of words Norway has
exported to the international community. It comes from the
Old Norse word „skíð” which means „split piece of wood
or firewood”
Dogs don’t ONLY see in black and wihite
— they can also see blue and yellow!
Bloodhounds are able to trace scents that are over 300 hours old!
Dalmatian puppies are born completely white and develop
their spots over time!
Dogs have at least 18 muscles in each ear!
The USA is the country with the highest pet dog population,
at around 75 million!
Dogs see a lot better than humans do at night.
and they can hear about 4 times the distance of a human.
George Lucas modeled the Ewoks
Early skiers used one long pole or spear. The first depiction
of a skier with two ski poles dates to 1741.
Types of skiing: Nordic, Alpine, Telemark
from Star Wars after his family dog.
Let’s meet our skier
Maja Ciesla
Small talk
czyli dzieci mają głos!
Tym razem perełki dziecięcych
głębokich przemyśleń na temat
zwierzątek domowych.. :) pisownia
My rabbit is the saddest
person I know (Mój króliczek
to najsmutniejsza osoba jaką znam)
Age: 11
School: Mysiadło
She's been skiing for 8 years!
Ski coach: Agata Łomnicka
She has won Warsaw Skiing League in 2014 and 2016.
She was second in 2015.
She goes skiing 10 times a year!
Why skiing? She enjoys competing.
A ladybird is a very
cheep pet.. (Biedronka to bardzo
Carlo aged 8
tanie zwierzątko..)
Hugo aged 7
I would like to marry my
dog but it isn't alowed,
is it? (Chciałabym poślubić mojego
My hamster went to
heaven and came back
a different colour... ( Mój
psa ale to nie jest dozwolone, prawda?)
Bruce aged 6
You can't teach a goldfish anything they're too
lazy (Nie nauczysz niczego złotej
rybki, są zbyt leniwe)
Yasmin aged 6
chomik poszedł do nieba i wrócił
w innym kolorze )
Marilyn aged 6
My rabbit was a bachelor
(Mój królik był kawalerem..)
David aged 5
Winter Vocab Fun with Maciek
Here is a nice piece prepared by Maciek.
Have a closer look and find 10 winter words
in the grid below. Then fill in the missing
letters to complete the words.
1 _ v _ _ a _ _ _ _ a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls
down the side of a mountain
2 _ c _ c _ _ a long thin pointed piece of ice hanging from
a roof or other surface
3 c _ _ _ _ y weather or places are cold enough to make you
feel uncomfortable
4 s _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ a deep mass of snow formed by the wind
5 _ g _ _ _ a house made from blocks of hard snow or ice
6 b _ _ z _ _ _ _ a severe snow storm
7 _ r _ _ t ice that looks white and powdery and covers things
that are outside when the temperature is very cold
8 f _ _ _ _ _ _ g extremely cold
9 s _ _ _ p _ o _ _ _ a vehicle or piece of equipment on the front
of a vehicle that is used to push snow off roads, railways etc.
10 _ l _ p _ an area of steep ground covered with snow that
people ski down
There's a surprise for the first person who will
bring a complete list of words to the office!!!
Winter cartoon jokes
If two witches were watching two
watches, which witch would watch
which watch?
I'm a sheet slitter. I slit sheets.
I'm the sleekest sheet slitter
that ever slit sheets.
Pablito clavó un clavito. ¿Qué
clavito clavo Pablito?
(Pablito klawo un klawito. Ke
klawito klawo Pablito?) Pawełek wbił
gwóźdź. Jaki gwóźdź wbił Pawełek?
Cuando cuentas cuentos, nunca
cuentas cuántos cuentos cuentas.
(Kłando kłentas kłentos, nunka
kłentas kłantos kłentos kłentas)
Kiedy opowiadasz opowiadania,
nigdy nie opowiadasz ile opowiadań
Language corner
Cinq chiens chassent six chats
(sęk szię szas sis sza) Pięć psów
poluje na pięć kotów.
Dans ta tente ta tante t'attend
(dą ta tąt ta tąt tatą) W twoim
namiocie twoja ciocia czeka.
Kleine Kinder kőnnen keine
kleinen Kirschkerne knacken.
Małe dzieci nie mogą gryźć
pestek wiśni.
AmerAnglo Eye on:
Statue of Liberty
prepared by Marta
Winner of the
Story Competition
Na nasz mały konkurs literacki wpłynęły 3 prace (słabo kochani! :( Postanowiliśmy nagrodzić wszystkich uczestników jednakowo gdyż wszystkie prace
były oryginalne i trudno się było zdecydować. Do tego numeru wybraliśmy
zakończenie Konrada Leszczyńskiego z gimnazjum w Nowej Iwicznej. Pozostałe prace możecie przeczytać w internetowym wydaniu gazetki! Napisali
je Alicja Bala i Maksymilian Florek. Gratulujemy!
W naszym opowiadaniu dziewczynka o imieniu Millie znalazła w swoim pokoju
dziwną, niebieską butelkę. Co było w środku? Poczytajcie!
The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island,
in the New York harbour, USA.
The Statue of Liberty commemorates the American Declaration of Independence and was a gift
from the people of France. The official name
of the Statue of Liberty is ‘Liberty Enlightening
the World’.
The Statue of Liberty celebrates her birthday
on October 28th in honor of the day she was
officially accepted by the president of the
United States in 1886.
The sculpture represents Libertas, the Roman
goddess of liberty. She holds a torch and
a tabula ansata (tablet) that has the date of
the American Declaration of Independence
inscribed in it (July 4, 1776).
Konrad Leszczyński
… another bootle. No,this is not a joke-in the bootle was
another,smaller bootle. Milly was very suprised when she saw
it. She was expecting that when she opens the second bootle
she would find the next one. But inside there was something
completely different-a feather. It looked like normal feather.
Finally she decided that it is nothing unusual and she hid it.
The Statue of Liberty stands 46 meters in height,
and 93 meters from the ground to the torch. It
weights 204 100 kilograms. The statue is made
of copper and is now green in color because of
oxidation (a chemical reaction between metal
and water).
Next day after classes Milly came back to her house but nobody
was there.She was alone. When she went upstairs her hair stood on
the end. Feather which was hidden in the cupboard now was lying
on her desk.Milly thought how it can be possible.She has never
believed in magic until it happened. Frigthened girl tried to stay
calm. When she touched this feather she felt strange. Suddenly
Milly started writing something on paper and she couldn’t
stop(feather didn’t need ink). Finally it turned out that she created
really good fantasy story. Milly didn’t know how did it happen but
she liked it.
There are replicas of the Statue of Liberty found
in Paris, Las Vegas and many other cities around
the world.
Milly has written many fantastic books. She became the most
popular young writer in the world but nobody ever knew where
the magical feather came from.
Alicja Bala
It's a... Diamond! It wasn't very big, but heavy and
really beautiful. Millie was looking at this thing all
the night. One day later Millie took diamond to a
jeweler. He was the best jeweler in the country and
he called Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown carefully watched
diamond holding a little magnifier. After that he
said that it was really a diamond worth $100.000.
Millie was very shocked and she didn't say anything.
She come back home and said about this to her
parents. Her parents were shocked too. The whole
family were happy, but suddenly someone knocked
at the door. Millie's dad opened the door. He saw
two police cars in front of the house. The policeman
said 'Your house was surrounded. Please leave the
house'. Everyone left and they got on to the police
car. Millie was crying and she was very afraid,
but her parents said that everything's gonna be
alright. Millie's family went to the police station
and the policeman said 'You stole this diamond.
You would spent all yours life here'. Then everyone
were crying. They spent a few hours here. Then few
people jumped out with cameras and said 'it has
been a joke. Welcome in TV show called Screwing'.
Her parents and Millie started laughing. They said
that it has been one of the scariest and funniest
jokes ever.
There are 25 windows in Lady Liberty's crown.
Visitors must climb 354 stairs to reach the crown
(or take a lift to a lower lookout point).
Next time:
Spring is here! Spring Vocab Fun
How to study language effectively
AmerAnglo Eye on Stonehenge
YLE Exams - Why don't you give it a go?
Language corner and much more!
See you!
Any suggestions are more than welcome!
[email protected]
Maksymilian Florek
… It’s a small seed. She goes to bed because it’s half
past ten p.m.
The next day, when she opens the eyes she sees the
tree. It’s strange! She goes to the kitchen and says
that to her mum.
- Mum, in my bedroom there’s a tree!
Mum with her daughter goes upstairs to Millie’s
When they come to Millie’s room they see the wood
of the talking trees.
-There is a wood of talking trees in my room!
She says that and the trees become quiet and look at
-Can I help you?- Tree asks.
-No, can you leave my bedroom?- Millie is horribly
-But it’s our room. You can’t order us.- Tree says.
Millie faints.
Trees look at her.
-She is sleeping! We can take her to the wood.
When Millie wakes up she is in a room in the wood.
-Welcome Millie. We have got surprise for you
because you let our seed grow. We make a new
special bedroom for you in the wood.
It is very spacious, comfy and peaceful. You can
visit it any time you want.