Laser treatment
Laser treatment
Laser treatment surgical point of view prof. Uroš Ahčan, MD,PhD Consultant general surgeon Consultant plastic, reconstructive and esthetic surgeon University medical Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns Why to use laser ? How to use laser ? Which laser ? Laser as a complementary method? history 1916 Laser treatment milestones Albert Einstein in 1916 (theory of spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation) witness of huge development 1950 MASER 1960 1963 1983 LASER Ar, Ru, Nd:YAG Light Amplification Stimulated Emission Radiation dermatology, ophthalmology, gynecology, neurosurgery, otolaryngology urology SPTL 1999 cooling 2003 1950 to 2010 Pontiac Princip delovanja Laser vsebuje medij (kristal, tekočino ali plin), ki ga vzburimo. Fotoni se nato preko zapletenega sistema ogledal uredijo v svetlobni-laserski žarek, ki potuje po gibljivih vlaknih do tkiva. Principi delovanja Lasnosti laserskega snopa svetlobe so: Kolimacija (popolna vzporednost žarkov), Monokromatičnost (žarki imajo eno valovno dolžino, barvo) Koherentnost (vsi žarki so fazno usklajeni v času in prostoru) Early laser use “light was absorbed and the tissue heated in response” Continuous wave laser Inability to control laser parameters precisely Little was known about tissue reaction to the light energy Scarring, pigmentation changes, and the need for many treatment sessions were all serious drawbacks to the early laser use. Princip delovanja Z razvojem tehnike je sledilo poglobljeno znanje o principu delovanja in odnosu laserski žarek:tkivo, tako na površini kože kot na mikroskopskem nivoju v globjih plasteh. Princip delovanja Laserski žarek se ob stiku s tkivom: Odbije (nezaželjeni učinek – nevarnost za bolnika in osebje) Razprši (neželjeni učinek na sosednje zdravo tkivo) ugoden učinek v primeru velikih, globje ležečih struktur, na katere ne moremo učinkovati zgolj s neposredno absorcijo energije. Prehaja (neželjeni učinek na globje leče tkivo, ugodno kadar želimo učinkovati v globini in ohraniti zgornje plasti PWS) Absorbira (absorbirana energije se pretvori v toplotno => koagulacija in ablacija tarčnega tkiva = klinični učinek odvisen od valovne dolžine in sestave tarče) Basic mechanism: selectivity Absorbtion of light energy in target structures: structures water, (oxi)hemoglobine, melanin, endogenous and exogenous pigments, leads to thermal destructions of tissues containing these structures. Selective destruction of different targets – tissue “Targets” are chromphores, with distinct absorbtion spectrum for light of specific wavelenght. ERBIJ Laser absorption and tissue effect are a function of: • Energy (proportional to the number of photons – J) • Energy per square centimeter = fluence (J/cm2) • Exposure time – pulse duration (ms) • Rapidity in which pulses are given (pulses/second - Hz) • Spot size (mm) • Wavelength • Number of passes Ability to control laser parameters precisely Broad spectrum of indications Dermatology and Plastic Surgery •Epidermal nevi •Telangiectasiae •Spider veins •Actinic sheilitis •Verrucae •Skin tags •Anal tags •Keratoses •Decubitis ulcers •Keloids •Scar revision •Skin resurfacing Broad spectrum of indications ENT Surgery: •ENT lesions •Cysts •Polyps •Hyperkeratosis •Oral leukoplakia Oral/Maxillofacial: •Oral and glossal lesions •Gingivectomy Ophtalmology: •Soft tissue surrounding the eye and orbit •Anterior capsulotomy Broad spectrum of indications General Surgery: •Surgical incision/excision •Vaporization and coagulation of soft tissue during any general surgery application where skin incision, tissue dissection, excision of lesions, complete or partial resection of internal organs, lesions, tissue ablation and vessel coagulation in necessary. Pediatric Surgery : •Warts •Plantar verrucae •Large mosaic verrucae •Matrixectomy Broad spectrum of indications Aesthetics •Permanent reduction of unwanted hair •Skin rejuvenation •Non-ablative wrinkle reduction •Photocoagulation of pigmented lesions to reduce lesion size •Leg veins •Telangiectasias •FacialNasalTruncal •Reticular veins •HaemangiomaCherry (senile) angioma •RosaceaTelangiectatic matting •Verrucae and warts •Venous lake •Pyogenic granuloma •Laser resurfacing for dermal photoaging Broad spectrum of indications Vascular Surgery •EVLA Varicose veins (with or without sapheno-femoral or sapheno-popliteal junction insufficience) •Truncal varicose veins •Large branch veins •Large tributaries •All veins that are not extremely tortuous •Perforator vein insufficiency •Laser Lipolysis •Laser Axillar Hyperhidrosis Reduction Other Indications • Nail fungal infection (Onychomycosis) Vascular lasers Ablative lasers 532 nm KTP Er, 1064 nm Nd Yag CO2 585 PDL Vascular laser Energy of light is transformed into heat (fototermolysis) Destruction of blood cells and vessel walls (denaturation of colagen) 70°C Ablative laser Ablation:Thermal damage for Er:YAG laser is limited to upper 5-20 µm of tissue. Good plastic surgery unit basic knowledge • Knowledge about skin biology and pathology (B and M skin lesions, vascular disorders, photo-aging) • Knowledge about wound healing, burns, dressing • Good surgical technique, alternative methods (dermabrasion, chemical peeling, botulinum toxin, fillers), • Experience with surgical cosmetic procedure • Different laser systems Why laser ? • • • • • Indications only for laser (vascular malformation..) Advantages of modern laser therapy Patient wishes (media, internet) 2/10 Different age groups Laser treatment as a complement. method Vascular skin lesions • The goal of laser therapy of vascular skin lesions is selective destruction of vessels with minimal damage to the surounding tissues • Normal skin colour and texture Laser beam penetrates the upper skin layers and reacts with Hb in RBC Energy of light is transformed into heat (fototermolysis) Destruction of blood cells and vessel walls (denaturation of colagen) 70°C angiofibroma 5 visits, 4 specialists young (spider naevus, naevus araneus, angioma stellatum) elderly Hemangioma senilis (cherry hemangioma,haemangioma senilis) 80% of females Dilatated leg vessels telangiectasias Acquired benign vascular lesions of skin and subcutis present a problem from aesthetical and psycho-social point of view. telangiectasias Acquired benign vascular lesions of skin and subcutis present a problem from aesthetical and psycho-social point of view. • The most common vascular malformantion with incidence 3-5/ 1000 births PORT WINE STAIN • Equal sex distribution NAEVUS FLAMMEUS • 80 % on face and neck • HI: Ectatic, dilatated capilaries with diameter of 30170 µm in upper dermal layers (0,3-1,5 mm) • CP: Flat lesions with a red to pink hue which tend to darken throughout life turning a deeper shade of red or blue and may even become thicker and more nodular. • No spontaneous regression • Psycho-social stress If treatment is not started in time the lesion darkens becomes nodular and resistant to laser therapy. Functional and esthetical problems Testno področje Takoj po zdravljenju Po mesecu dni Port wine stain, Naevus flammeus 100% improvement rare Zdravljenje v tujini Venous lake Port wine stain – tuberous type All age groups Lasers and benign skin lesions Er:YAG laser Patients with extensive solar-induced epidermal pigment changes and benign skin lesions Ablate skin (from 0µm to 50 µm) with little or no residual thermal damage-effect. Why Erbium:YAG Laser ? 1. Er:YAG has the highest absorption and therefore the most efficient ablation 2. Er:YAG has the smallest penetration depth and therefore enables treatments with basically no thermal effects 3. Er:YAG pulse duration can be varied to obtain deeper thermal effects when desired Er:YAG is the ideal laser for skin resurfacing Laser and autol. fibroblasts and laser Seboroic keratosis Seboroic keratosis pigmented dermatofibromas After treatment 3 weeks later warts Verrucae vulgares Acne scars Xantelasm rinophima Why laser ? Time: 1‘ 35'' Time: 8‘ 47'' Advantages of laser therapy: • Safe and effective procedure on out-patient basis for benign skin lesions • Less invasive procedure, • Less risk for infection, • Relatively ˝bloodless˝ sugery, • damage to the surounging skin is minimized, • Less scars, • Mostly less painful procedure Hiperthrophic scars after excisions NOTICE! Careful examination of the skin is mandatory before laser therapy! skin melanoma Granuloma pyogenes cutaneous melanoma Skin of the palm: cutaneous melanoma, Clark IV, Breslow 4.3 mm. Inapropriate Treatment=>Surgery + Histology A mistake at the beggining... Why laser ? In aesthetic surgery The use of lasers in aesthetic surgery is a recent but rapidly expanding practice! Lasers in plastic surgery dictate Tehnological advances: safe and efficient lasers Media, internet: more aware patients (want most up to date treatment) Rapidly increasing number of aesthetical procedures (younger people, uninvasive, out-patient, safe procedures, short recovery). CASE 1 LASER RESURFACING local anesthesia laser resurfacing - mechanism • With a controlled amount of heat deposited could induce a biologic response leading to improved new collagen deposition. • Epidermal ablation • Dermal damage with collagen remodeling • Thermal contraction • Relatively young people who lack deep wrinkles or extensive photodamage TEXTURAL CHANGES IN THE SKIN should be classified Treatment plan – esthetic units Treatment plan epidermal ablation photocoagulation CASE 3 SURGERY & LASER forehead glabela periorbital cheek nasolabial perioral neck Plan of treatment The one re is m • Rhytides (mild, moderate, severe)rhy way t ore th tide o im an pro • Photoaging (mild, moderate, severe) s. ve • patient age and wishes • laser resurfacing (ablative, non-ablative, combination) • face-lifting • botulinum toxin application combination forehead periorbital cheek perioral neck Combination of different aproaches: • • • • • LASER and Fillers Botox Surgery Ointments… Synergistic effect 1 + 1 = 3 Tatoo The skin serves as a useful canvas on which to portray statements of individuality, sexuality, belonging, machismo, frustration, anger.. 9 - 11% men in the USA have tatoo The quest for identity by teenagers often becomes irrelevant or embarrasing by age 40 years and 50% or more individuals later regret their tatoos. The Highest Performance, Best Made Q-switched Laser in The World Fotona QX Max Nanosecond Nd:YAG +KTP:YAG Largest single pulse fluence at large spot sizes Unprecendented beam profile Two additional colors: 585, 650 Optoflex arm Additonal Accelera mode for FRAC3 treatments Wireless footswitch Laser treatment Relative indications Hypertrophic scars and keloids Treatment with Erbium and KTP+ Laser Non-Ablative Fractional Applications Post pregnancy stretch marks and skin flaccidity Before 1 Year after two treatments Combined Fractional Applications (Non-Ablative Fractional Smooth Mode + Ablative Fractional Light Peel) Reduction of Strech Marks Before (Courtesy of dr. C.Pidal ) 1 week after 1 treatment Hair Removal (HR) Examples: Back before after Courtesy of Robin Sult SP Dynamis Nd:YAG Selected Surgical Applications ● EVLA (varicose veins treatment) ● Laser Lipolysis (body shaping – fat reduction and skin tightening) ● Laser Axillar Hyperhidrosis (permanent sweat reduction) ● ….. (many other FDA approved applications in Aesthetics, Dermatology, Surgery, Dentistry,…) Quo vadis plastikos? Past. Present. Future. “We repair and fix body parts that were given by nature but taken away by fate” Gaspare Tagliacozzi (1545-1599) founder of modern plastic surgery. However, they regarded his nasal operations as ilegal and crime against nature. He was eventually buried in unconsecrated ground. Modern approach • reconstructing composite tissue defect • different techniques, materials, instruments... • for high success rate (function, esthethic) Surgery Laser and surgery Laser Modern aproach in leading institutions. Do not forget final goal Happy Patient