RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 1 ABOUT RUTH SUPERB COMMUNIC ATION SKILLS AREN’ T A N E N H A N C E M E N T… T H E Y ’ R E A R E Q U I R E M E N T. A sought-after consultant, communications expert, commentator, author, and speaker, Ruth Sherman prepares Business Leaders, Executives, Celebrities, and Public Figures to fine-tune their speaking and presence on stage, on camera, and in the media. Ruth believes charisma is a learned skill that, once mastered, has the potential to motivate, persuade, inspire, and advance business and personal interests. She works closely with her clients to develop their public speaking, per fect their personal and professional magnetism, and transform their abilit y to persuade and inspire in any venue. She provides a wide range of services, always tailored to each client’s specific needs, skills, goals, and opportunities. With formal training as a musician, a background as a commercial singer and announcer, as well holding a masters degree in speech and interpersonal communication, Ruth’s diverse background creates a unique foundation and approach to communications. She blends her academic training and professional insights, bringing her clients a wealth of experience and an appreciation of their particular circumstances and objectives. Ruth maintains an active speaking career, comments on political communication, and has writ ten t wo books on persuasion and influence. Broadcasters and publications have featured Ruth’s insights and strategies, including ABC, CBS, FOX, the BBC, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, among many others. She is also an active volunteer, having served on several non-profit boards. RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 02 A FEW OF RUTH’S CLIENTS* BA N KI N G / FI N A N C IA L / INSURANCE A DV ER TI S I N G / ENTER TAI N M ENT/ M A R K E TI N G General Reinsurance Corp. Universal Focus Features* ING US Net flix* Deloit te Lionsgate/Roadside At tractions* Aetna Paramount* I N D U S TRY/ M A N U FAC T U R I N G / OTH ER Versace International Graf tech International Aon MT V Timex Istithmar (Dubai Sovereign Wealth) Lifetime United Rentals *Contact us for project details Schlumberger Oliver Wyman L AW FI R M S H E A LTH C A R E G.E. Capital White & Case, P fizer J.P. Morgan ( NY, London, Frank fur t) Bank of America National Reinsurance Corporation Willkie Farr & Gallagher Davis Polk & Wardwell People’s Bank Skadden, Arps, et al. N O N - PR O FIT Paul, Weiss, et al. March of Dimes Milbank Tweed, et al. The Junior League Women’s Campaign School at Yale Universit y TEC H N O LO GY/ E- CO M M ER C E PR O FE S S I O N A L A S S O C IATI O N S Apple A ssociation for Talent Development (National Conferences) Gartner Nor walk Hospital AC A D EM I C Har vard Universit y Yale Universit y National Speakers A ssociation (National Conferences) National Investor Relations Inst. (NIRI) Yale School of Management Alumni A ssociation Women in Communications (WIC) Institute for Management Consultant s (IMC) International Coach Federation (ICF) NY Societ y of Securities Analyst s (NYSSA) SHR M Universit y of Pennsylvania G OV ER N M ENT Columbia Universit y New York State Insurance Dept. New York Universit y A complete list is available * upon request “After working with Ruth, I completely rethought my approach to presenting. Her recommendations and tips were invaluable and I noticed immediate success in bet ter conveying messaging. At taining presenting expertise is a journey and Ruth has been a tremendous asset to me in this regard.” ERICK ASMUSSEN CFO, Graf tech International “I always know, in the most delicate of political situations, and with talent that were often skit tish and ill-prepared, that I could trust you to let their own voices come through, without fear of faux pas, without over-worry and overmanagement. That was always the neat hat-trick, and you’ve always been the best at it.” JAME S SCHAM US Former CEO, Universal/Focus Features RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 03 MEDIA APPEARANCES 0 1 . T H E WA S H I N G T O N P O S T 11 . T H E N E W YO R K TI M E S Finding Political Strength in the Power of Words Clinton’s Success In Presidential Race Is No Sure Thing 0 2 . T H E N E W YO R K TI M E S 12. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE In Manner, Obama Is Far From Clintonesque Candidates’ Pitches Lack Punch, Experts Say 0 3 . T H E N E W YO R K TI M E S 13. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE In A Time Of Crisis, Is Obama Too Cool? VP Debate Is First Big Test For Palin 0 4 . N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L 14. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE 10 Keys to a Successful Presidency Candidates Go Into Debate In At tack Mode 0 5 . T H E N E W YO R K TI M E S 15. MSNBC Bill Clinton’s Challenge: Keep The Focus On His Wife Bat tle For The White House - Lester Holt Interviews Ruth On Candidate Communication 0 6 . T H E N E W YO R K TI M E S For Clinton the Speaker, the Smaller the Bet ter 0 7. S A N F R A N C I S C O C H R O N I C L E Speech Expert’s Report Card: Ann Romney Get’s an A+ – And Gives Mit t a High Bar to Reach 08. SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE 16. MSNBC Bat tle For The White House - Alex Wagner Interviews Ruth on “He Who Communicates Best Wins!” 1 7. M S N B C Presidential Debate - Lester Holt Interviews Ruth on “How The Candidates Say It” Romney, Obama Square Of f in Polite Debate 18. CNBC 09. SAN FR ANCISCO CHRONICLE East wood “Halftime In America” Ad Inspires Debate 1 0 . N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L Are Our Candidates Authentic? RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M Bulls Eye with Rebecca Quick - Becky interviews Ruth on “Who Won The Debate?” 19. MSNBC Your Business with J.J. Ramberg - J.J. Interviews Ruth on “Video for your Business [email protected] 04 MEDIA APPEARANCES CBS The Insider Good Morning Britain RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 05 “A BEL IE VA BL E E XPER T WHO ALWAY S HA S GOOD IDE AS.” PRESS ACCESS RUTH’S COLUMN ON RUTH’S BOOK: GET THEM TO SEE IT YOUR WAY, RIGHT AWAY. A proven approach to selling yourself and your ideas when and where they matter most. All successful people excel at selling at least one important product... themselves. They know that every personal contact they make is an opportunit y to inspire, motivate, persuade, and advance business and personal interests. The challenge is to make a good impression quickly and grow it into something that will endure. This no-nonsense guide to communication mastery of fers proven methods for marketing yourself and your ideas skillfully and successfully, whether you’re talking to your CEO or your PTA. RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 07 I nt er netv i deosdr a w4bi l l i onv i ewsperda y , a c c or di ngt oY ouT ube . F ort hos ebus i nes si ndi v i dua l sonc a mer a , t hemor ev i deospr oduc eda ndpr oper l ys ea r c hengi neopt i mi z ed, t hemor epot ent i a l f orc us t omer s ndi ng t hem byak ey wor ds ea r c h. S os a y sRut hS her ma n, f ounderofherna mes a k ec ommuni c a t i onsc ons ul t i ng r m, whos ec l i ent si nc l udema j orc ompa ni esa ndOs c a r wi nni nga c t or s . RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 08 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 09 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 10 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 11 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 12 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 13 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 14 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 15 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 16 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 17 RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 18 SERVICES SPEECH CONSULTING TEL EPRESENCE CONSULTING MEDI A TR A INING MESS AGING W H AT C L I E N T S S AY “Ruth is a terrific speech coach. She’s helped me elevate the qualit y of my presentations through inspiring storytelling, and has given me practical and useful presentation techniques that truly work! She’s a real pro and creates a welcoming and comfortable environment for learning.” MICHAEL DEPRISCO Vice President, Academic & Educational Programs, PMI “Ruth is a top professional and one of the few media trainers I can depend on to work with my A-list clients. She understands their fears, vulnerabilities, and gives them the confidence and skills they need to always maintain control of any public appearance or interview situation. She instills in them the importance of controlling the message and directing the conversation. Ruth also possesses a most engaging personalit y, which is rare in her field.” ANNET T WOLF Wolf Kasteler Public Relations “I have now of ficially been announced for a new role in Detroit starting Nov 1st. I would not have realized this without your help and for that, I will be forever grateful.” GENER AL MOTORS E XECUTIVE RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 19 C O N TA C T R U T H RUTH SHERMAN RUTH @ RUTHSHERM AN.COM WWW.RUTHSHERM AN.COM RUTH SHERMAN MEDIA KIT W W W. R U T H S H E R M A N . C O M [email protected] 20