2007/2008 - Vancouver Art Gallery


2007/2008 - Vancouver Art Gallery
vancouver art gallery annual report 2007 / 2008
10/15/08 10:53:28 AM
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2007–2008 annual report
message from the chair
message from the director
community engagement
thank you
2007/8 financial statements
board of trustees
Installation view of Kevin Schmidt’s Fog, 2004, presented in The Tree: From the Sublime to the Social; double-sided slide projection, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Purchased
with funds donated by the Audain Foundation
message from the chair
By any definition, the
Gallery adopted an 18-month transitional fiscal
Vancouver Art Gallery has
period encompassing the months of January 1, 2007
experienced tremendous
through June 30, 2008. This annual report documents
growth in the 21st century.
the Gallery’s exhibitions, events and operations during
Since I became Chair in
this period.
2001, I have witnessed
the Gallery’s endowment
increase from $200,000
to more than $6 million, membership grow from
5,000 to an expanding base of more than 48,000
members, while at the same time, there have been
tremendous additions to the Gallery’s permanent
This period marks the end of my tenure as the
Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Vancouver Art
Gallery. I am grateful for the honour of having served
this organization during this dynamic time in its
history. We have achieved so much, from building
and enhancing a dynamic Board, to developing
a strong governance policy and, most notably, in
leading the Gallery through a strategic planning
In anticipation of continued growth, the Board of
process that has poised the organization for a new
Trustees has been actively engaged in a master
age. I take particular pride in having served on the
planning and facility expansion initiative since
search committee that brought Kathleen Bartels to
2003. On March 6, 2008, the goal became a
Vancouver in 2001. Her intelligence, perseverance
reality as Premier Gordon Campbell announced
and keen artistic direction have made invaluable
$50 million in lead funding for a new Vancouver
contributions to this organization.
Art Gallery, the largest single donation to an arts
institution ever presented by the Province. Just
two months later, the Province unveiled plans for
a prime location on Vancouver’s Northeast False
Creek waterfront for the new Gallery. This major
gesture of support has set the stage for what
will undoubtedly be the most significant cultural
building project in western Canada.
To better meet the needs of this expanding
On behalf of the Gallery, I extend my sincere
appreciation to the City of Vancouver, the Province of
British Columbia, the Government of Canada, as well
as to our patrons, members and staff. I also thank my
fellow Trustees, each of whom exhibit tremendous
leadership and dedication in guiding this organization.
As far as we have come together, the Vancouver
Art Gallery holds all the promise of an even more
spectacular future.
organization, the Board of Trustees approved a
new fiscal year structure in 2007, changing from a
calendar year base to a fiscal year beginning July
31 and ending June 30. To accomplish this, the
George Killy
Stan Douglas, Masonic Lodge, Barkerville, 2006, chromogenic print, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Artist
Photo: Brian Howell
message from the director
The past 18 months have
realized with 48,000 Members as of June 30,
seen exciting developments
2008, placing the Gallery among an elite group
at the Vancouver Art Gallery,
of North American art museums with significant
many of which are nothing
member support. Support from individuals,
short of phenomenal. During
corporations and foundations also reached a
this time, the Gallery has
new threshold, as did government funding with
re-affirmed its status as one
the Province of British Columbia’s landmark
of North America’s most
lead grant of $50 million for a new Vancouver
ambitious and innovative visual art museums. We
Art Gallery. Another landmark was the Gallery’s
have made unparalleled progress on many fronts,
acquisition of nearly 400 artworks, including
progress that marks the beginning of a new era for
four major works by Jeff Wall, as we continue to
this remarkable organization.
establish one of Canada’s finest collections. The
Key among these achievements was a critically
acclaimed roster of major contemporary and
historic exhibitions in a dynamic “blend” that
growth of the permanent collection is of vital
importance as we look forward with anticipation
to a new Vancouver Art Gallery.
has become the hallmark of the Vancouver
Of course, much of this success is due to the
Art Gallery. From the first major survey of
leadership and vision of the Gallery’s Board of
Vancouver artist Fred Herzog, to a mid-career
Trustees. I would like take this opportunity to
retrospective of Roy Arden, to KRAZY! The
personally thank George Killy, who has been the
Delirious World of Anime + Comics + Video
Gallery’s esteemed chair since 2001; a tireless
Games + Art, the Gallery has “raised the bar” in
advocate, a great supporter, and a “guardian angel”
the origination and presentation of leading edge
by my side in this amazing seven-year journey.
contemporary exhibitions. In partnership with
four international organizations, we continued
our commitment to presenting the work of great
contemporary artists from around the world with
the commissioning of artist Kutlug Ataman’s
Paradise, as well as in showcasing the films of
London-based Canadian artist Mark Lewis. We
also took great pride in bringing world renowned
historic art to Vancouver with exhibitions such as
TruthBeauty: Pictorialism and the Photograph as
Art, 1845-1945 and the landmark presentation of
Monet to Dalí: Modern Masters from the Cleveland
Museum of Art.
The Vancouver Art Gallery marked the highest
The Gallery is fortunate to be located in a city
recognized for its sheer beauty, cultural diversity,
superior quality of life, vibrant arts community
and, most distinctively, for the internationally
acclaimed visual artists who live and work here.
As we move closer to realizing a new Gallery, we
not only look forward to designing a building
that stands as a cultural landmark for all of
British Columbia, we also aspire to create the
ideal environment for all visitors to enjoy and
appreciate the power of great art. It is a vision
I share with our Board of Trustees, donors,
members, volunteers and staff. Together, we will
realize a very bright future indeed.
annual attendance in its history with 375,000
visitors between January and December 2007,
including more than 100,000 children and
families. The largest membership was also
Installation view of Jessica Stockholder’s Of Standing Float Roots in Thin Air, 2006,
exhibited in Paint; Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, mixed media installation,
Gift of the Artist, Courtesy of Mitchell-Innes and Nash Gallery
Kathleen S. Bartels
2007/2008 Exhibitions in review
Between January 2007 and June 2008, the Vancouver Art Gallery presented an
outstanding series of exhibitions, drawing unprecedented critical attention and recordbreaking crowds. 2007 opened with a focus on British Columbian artists, including
solo exhibitions of B.C. Binning, a seminal figure in this province, and Fred Herzog,
whose representations of Vancouver streets are important precursors to the work of
contemporary Vancouver photographers. Photography continued to receive attention
with Acting the Part: Photography as Theatre, which examined the theatrical nature of
the medium since its inception.
The 2007 summer program offered a visual feast of exhibitions. Monet to Dalí: Modern
Masters from the Cleveland Museum of Art—which attracted a record 220,000 visitors—
was the most ambitious historical project ever undertaken by the Gallery. Presented at
the same time were major solo exhibitions by American artist Andrea Zittel and Chinese
artist Huang Yong Ping, which provided a stunning contemporary compliment to the
unsurpassed master works by Cézanne, Picasso, Gauguin and others in Monet to Dalí.
The innovative linking of historical and contemporary art continued in the fall, with
the presentation of paintings by a legendary American painter in Georgia O’Keeffe:
Nature and Abstraction, as well as major mid-career solo exhibitions by London-based
video artist Mark Lewis and acclaimed Vancouver artist Roy Arden, who also acted in a
curatorial capacity for the concurrent exhibition Artist’s Choice: Roy Arden Selects From
the Collection.
In the first six months of 2008, the Gallery presented a wide range of thematic
considerations, from the exploration of a potent cultural symbol in The Tree: from
the Sublime to the Social, to TruthBeauty: Pictorialism and Photograph as Art, 18451945, which brought Pictorialist photography from four continents together for the
first time, to KRAZY! The Delirious World of Anime + Comics + Video Games + Art,
a groundbreaking international survey of artworks that have shaped the history of
contemporary visual culture. The significance of performance art was highlighted in
survey exhibitions of work by Zhang Huan and Rebecca Belmore, while other solo
exhibitions included Kutlug Ataman: Paradise and Küba and Jeff Ladouceur’s inflatable
figure Floater, a NEXT project suspended on the Georgia Street façade.
Fred Herzog, Untitled [Granville Street Couple, Vancouver], 1960, chromogenic print, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Purchased with the financial support of the Canada
Council for the Arts Acquisition Assistance Program and the Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
2007 exhibitions
Installation view of B.C. Binning’s, Kiss in Nine Pieces, c. 1970, exhibited in B.C. Binning; acrylic on canvas, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of Mrs. Jessie Binning
BC Binning
January 13 – April 29, 2007
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Ian Thom, senior curator, historical, Vancouver Art Gallery
This exhibition surveyed the career of Bertram Charles Binning, one of Canada’s foremost artists,
architectural innovators and arts educators. A seminal figure in the arts in British Columbia from the
late 1930s through the mid-1970s, B.C. Binning was at the forefront of West Coast art. He built an
international reputation as a draftsman before turning to oil painting at the end of the 1940s. The
first paintings were of nautical themes, characterized by reduced colour and a use of the painting’s
flatness as a structural element. His later seascapes became increasingly stylized until, by the 1960s, he
was painting purely abstract forms, seeking to express what he called “the great quiet spatial ideas.”
Drawn from the Vancouver Art Gallery’s collection, this exhibition presented key examples of Binning’s
drawings and paintings and reflected his enduring interest in architecture. It later toured throughout
British Columbia.
Supported by: RBC Financial Group
Fred Herzog, The Hub, 1958, Collection of the Artist, Courtesy of Equinox Gallery, Vancouver
Fred Herzog: Vancouver Photographs
January 25 – May 13, 2007
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Grant Arnold, Audain Curator of British Columbia Art, Vancouver Art Gallery
This exhibition stands as the first major survey of this important Vancouver artist’s work. Born in
Germany, Fred Herzog came to Vancouver in 1953. Since that time he has produced a substantial
body of photographs, taking urban life in Vancouver—second-hand shops, vacant lots, neon signage,
crowds of people—as his primary subject. Within his images, bodily gesture, the detritus of consumer
culture and the architecture of the street take on a heightened resonance, as the impact of modernity
becomes visible in the everyday life of the city. Herzog’s bold use of colour was unusual in the 1950s
and 60s, a time when art photography was almost exclusively associated with black and white imagery.
In this respect, his photographs can be seen as a pre-figuration of the “New Colour” photographers
such as Stephen Shore and William Eggleston, who received widespread acclaim in the 1970s, and the
work of contemporary Vancouver photographers.
Presenting Sponsor: Aymong Family Trust
Acting the Part: Photography as Theatre
February 3 - May 21, 2007
Organized and circulated by the National Gallery of Canada
Curated by Lori Pauli, assistant curator of photography, National Gallery of Canada
Acting the Part: Photography as Theatre presented the first major historical survey of this highly
creative form of photography. The exhibition traced the genre from its mid-nineteenth-century origins,
through the Pictorialist tradition to the contemporary practices of artists such as Cindy Sherman,
whose Untitled Film Stills stand at the crossroads of photography and performance and explore
questions of female identity and stereotypes, and Jeff Wall, whose staged scenes from modern
life presented as large-scale backlit transparencies reference both nineteenth-century painting and
twentieth-century advertising.
Artists: Eleanor Antin, Tina Barney, Ralph Bartholomew, Jr., Hippolyte Bayard, Herbert Bayer, Erwin Blumenfeld, Claude
Cahun (Lucy Schwob), Julia Margaret Cameron, Nelson King Cherrill, Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge, Gregory
Crewdson, Robert Doisneau, Jakub Dolejš, Frederick H. Evans, Evergon, Roger Fenton, Anne Ferran, Rodney Graham,
Adad Hannah, Duane Hanson, Gabriel Harrison, Alexander Hesler, David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson, Lejaren A.
Hiller, Horst P. Horst, Eikoh Hosoe, Gertrude Käsebier, Harold F. Kells, Les Krims, Tim Lee, Kevin Madill, Man Ray, Ralph
Eugene Meatyard, Duane Michals, Yasumasa Morimura, William Mortensen, Adi Nes, William Notman, Paul Outerbridge,
Jr., William Lake Price, Judy Radul, William H. Rau, Oscar Gustave Rejlander, Guido Rey, Henry Peach Robinson, Cindy
Sherman, Yinka Shonibare, Michael Snow, Eve Sussman, William Henry Fox Talbot, Warren Thompson, Bill Viola, Jeff
Wall, Wang Qingsong, Weegee (Arthur Fellig), Carrie Mae Weems, Edward Weston, Madame Yevonde, Jin-Me Yoon
and Anne Zahalka.
Installation view of Adad Hannah’s Cuba Still (Remake), 2005, video, presented in Acting the Part: Photography as Theatre, Collection of the Artist, Montréal
Installation view of Huang Yong Ping’s Theater of the World, 1993-1995, presented in House of Oracles: A Huang Yong Ping Retrospective; metal, wood, insects, reptiles, Collection Pierre
Huber, on long term loan to Musée d’Art Contemporain de Lyon
House of Oracles:
A Huang Yong Ping Retrospective
April 5 – September 16, 2007
Organized by the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis
Curated by Philippe Vergne, chief curator, Walker Art Center
House of Oracles: A Huang Yong Ping Retrospective was the first retrospective of one of China’s most
influential contemporary artists. This Chinese-born, Paris-based artist has created work that offers
alternatives to a Eurocentric world view and dynamically navigates the divide between East and West,
tradition and avant-garde. Working across diverse traditions and media, he fashions an artistic universe
comprised of provocative installations that challenge the viewer to reconsider everything from the idea
of art to national identity to recent history. His sculptures and installations—drawing on the Western
legacies of Joseph Beuys, Arte Povera and John Cage, among others, as well as traditional Chinese art
and philosophy—routinely juxtapose traditional objects or iconic images with modern references. This
exhibition featured more than forty works, including drawings, sculptural objects and installations by
Huang Yong Ping from 1985 to the present.
House of Oracles: A Huang Yong Ping Retrospective was organized by Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and made possible by generous support by Altria Group, E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation, étant donnés: The FrenchAmerican Fund for Contemporary Art, and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
Emily Carr and the Group of Seven
May 12, 2007 - April 6, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Ian Thom, senior curator, historical, Vancouver Art Gallery
Installation view of Emily Carr and the Group of Seven
Emily Carr first met members of the Group of Seven when she exhibited her work in the exhibition
West Coast Art: Native and Modern. She was immediately struck by the work of the Group, particularly
the work of Lawren Harris and A.Y. Jackson, and their acceptance of her as an important painter
re-energized her career. Famously, Harris told Carr, who had felt unappreciated as an artist, “you are
one of us.” Carr was soon included in exhibitions of Canadian art in Ottawa and Toronto and she was
invited to exhibit with the Group in 1930. Emily Carr and the Group of Seven brought together key
works by Carr and major canvases by members of the Group of Seven to investigate the important
association between Carr and the Group in their common pursuit to capture the Canadian landscape
through a modern approach to painting.
Artists: Franklin Carmichael, Emily Carr, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, Francis Hans Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J.E.H.
MacDonald and Frederick Horsman Varley.
Supported by: RBC Financial Group
Andrea Zittel: Critical Space
June 11 – September 30, 2007
Co-organized by the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston and the New Museum of Contemporary
Art, New York. The exhibition has been made possible by a grant from the National Endowment for
the Arts, a Federal agency; the patrons, benefactors, and donors to the Contemporary Arts Museum
Houston’s Major Exhibition Fund; and the Peter Norton Family Foundation. The accompanying
catalogue has been made possible by a grant from The Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston with
additional support from the Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation.
Co-curated by Paola Morsiani, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston and Trevor Smith, New Museum
of Contemporary Art, New York
The first comprehensive North American exhibition to survey her work, Andrea Zittel: Critical Space
presented the American artist’s interdisciplinary approach to artmaking that includes working as a
designer, engineer, consultant and advocate, often using the corporate identity “A-Z Administrative
Services.” For the last decade, Zittel has investigated fundamental aspects of contemporary life in
Western societies, notably increased mobility, security, comfort and consumerist packaging. Her
work consistently challenges even the most forward-thinking assumptions about the way we live and
work in today’s world. The exhibition focused on the experimental character of the artist’s signature
objects, equipment and projects. It highlighted models for and locations of alternative living, including
her well known series of customized Escape Vehicles, Uniforms and Units that she has developed for
specialized living, working and research.
Installation view of Andrea Zittel’s A-Z Smocks, 2006-2007, presented in Andrea Zittel: Critical Space, Smocker: Tiprin Follett, handmade smocks, various fabrics and materials, Courtesy of the Artist
Paul Gauguin, In the Waves, 1889, oil on fabric, Collection of The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William Powell Jones 1978.63, © The Cleveland Museum of Art
Monet to Dali : Modern Masters
from the Cleveland Museum of Art
June 11 – September 16, 2007
Organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art
Curated by William H. Robinson in association with Heather Lemonedes, Cleveland Museum of Art
Monet to Dalí: Modern Masters from the Cleveland Museum of Art represented the most
comprehensive showing of European painting and sculpture in Vancouver in more than half a century.
Drawn from the superb collections of the Cleveland Museum of Art, the exhibition consisted of more
than 80 paintings, drawings and sculpture and included key examples from the European Modernist
movement. Organized into four groupings, this exhibition covered a century of artmaking from
1864 to 1964 and showcased important work by the major Impressionists, Post-Impressionists, early
Modern sculptors and avant-garde artists interested in Dada, Cubism and Surrealism. Most notably,
the exhibition featured key works by Manet, Monet, Cézanne, van Gogh, Rodin, Picasso, Dalí and other
renowned artists. Together, the works in this stellar collection illuminated the breadth of creativity in
one of the most extraordinary epochs in the history of Western art.
Artists: Edmond Aman-Jean, Ernst Barlach, Albert Besnard, Pierre Bonnard, Eugène Boudin, Georges Braque, George
Breitner, Paul Cézanne, Lovis Corinth, Gustave Courbet, Salvador Dalí, Edgar Degas, Maurice Denis, Otto Dix, Max Ernst,
Henri Fantin-Latour, Paul Gauguin, Harold Gilman, Juan Gris, Johan Jongkind, Frantisek Kupka, René Magritte, Edouard
Manet, Henri Matisse, Constantin Meunier, George Minne, Amedeo Modigliani, Henry Moore, Piet Mondrian, Claude
Monet, Berthe Morisot, Gabrielle Münter, Ben Nicholson, William Orpen, Pablo Picasso, Camille Pissarro, Odilon Redon,
Pierre Renoir, Auguste Rodin, Henri Rousseau, Medardo Rosso, Karl Schmidtt-Rottluff, Giovanni Segantini, Georges
Seurat, Chaïm Soutine, Jacques Tissot, Vincent van Gogh and Edouard Vuillard.
Presenting Sponsor: The Keg Steakhouse and Bar
Supporting Sponsor: TELUS
Friends: Concord Pacific Group Inc.
Teck Cominco Limited
Left: Installation view of Georgia O’Keeffe: Nature and Abstraction
Right: Georgia O’Keeffe, Canyon Country, c.1965, oil on canvas, Collection of the Phoenix Art Museum, Gift of the Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation, © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum / SODRAC (2007)
Georgia O’Keeffe: Nature and Abstraction
October 6, 2007 – January 13, 2008
Co-organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery and the Irish Museum of Modern Art
Curated by Richard D. Marshall, New York
Georgia O’Keeffe: Nature and Abstraction presented a remarkable survey of the work of a legendary
figure of twentieth-century art. Comprised of a selection of paintings that span the entirety of
O’Keeffe’s career from 1918 to 1977, this presentation was the first solo exhibition of O’Keeffe’s work
in Canada in more than fifty years. This important grouping of paintings offered a distinct look at
her consistent determination to re-interpret recognizable objects through painted abstractions that
express the essential elements of form, colour and allusion. A series of photographs of O’Keeffe, taken
by her husband Alfred Stieglitz and by Todd Webb, were included in the exhibition. This extraordinary
presentation of paintings and photographs offered a rare opportunity to view the life and work of one
of America’s foremost artists.
Artists: Georgia O’Keeffe, Alfred Stieglitz and Todd Webb.
Left: Mark Lewis, The Pitch, 1998, 35 mm film, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Artist
Right: Installation view of Mark Lewis: Modern Time
Mark Lewis: Modern Time
October 13, 2007 to January 6, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Grant Arnold, Audain Curator of British Columbia Art, Vancouver Art Gallery
Over the past fifteen years, the London-based Canadian artist Mark Lewis has attracted widespread
acclaim for his work in film. Lewis first began to work with film in the mid-1990s, incorporating the
dazzling production values of Hollywood while calling attention to the way in which the vocabulary
employed in cinema works upon its audience. Since the late 1990s, Lewis has worked within a distinctly
minimal set of parameters, often dispensing with sound and limiting the duration of his work to about
four minutes, the length of a standard roll of 35mm film stock. Presented directly on the walls of the
gallery space, the exhibition presented a selection of Lewis’ film works, including Algonquin Park,
September, 2001; Northumberland; and Off Leash, High Park, three works which were recently acquired
by the Gallery.
Installation view of Rodney Graham, Rome Ruins, 1978, exhibited in Artist’s Choice: Roy Arden Selects From the Collection; pinhole camera and chromogenic prints, Collection of the
Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Artist’s Choice:
Roy Arden Selects From the Collection
October 13, 2007 - January 6, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Roy Arden, guest curator
Vancouver artist Roy Arden guest-curated this exhibition of works by local and international artists
from the Gallery’s collection. Running concurrently with Arden’s mid-career survey, Artist’s Choice
presented a reflection of his interests and positioned his work as part of a greater historical and
cultural dialogue, providing further context for an understanding of his art.
Artists: Berenice Abbott, Thomas Annan, Hilla Becher and Bernd Becher, Joseph Beuys, bill bissett, Christian Boltanski,
Bill Brandt, Karin Bubaš, Edward Burtynsky, Robert Capa, Emily Carr, Edward Curtis, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Chris
Gergley, Lorraine Gilbert, Greg Girard, Francisco de Goya, Dan Graham, Rodney Graham, Mike Grill, Andreas Gursky,
Richard Hamilton, Fred Herzog, Lewis Wickes Hine, Douglas Huebler, E.J. Hughes, Roy Kiyooka, Helen Levitt, Danny
Lyon, Liz Magor, Scott McFarland, Eadweard Muybridge, N.E. Thing Co., Alan Douglas Neil, Gabriel Orozco, Jerry
Pethick, Richard Prince, Robert Rauschenberg, Gerhard Richter, Thomas Ruff, Ed Ruscha, Egon Schiele, Kurt Schwitters,
Stephen Shames, Stephen Shore, Robert Smithson, Joel Sternfeld, Thomas Struth, William Henry Fox Talbot, John
Thomson, Cy Twombly, Howard Ursuliak, Stephen Waddell, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace, Andy Warhol and Garry Winogrand
Supported by: Associates of the Vancouver Art Gallery
Roy Arden, Development, 1993, chromogenic print, Collection of Family Von Brauckman
Roy Arden
October 20, 2007 – January 20, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Dieter Roelstraete, curator, Antwerp Museum of Contemporary Art (MuHKA), Belgium
Over the past two decades, Roy Arden has become one of Canada’s most respected artists. His work
has contributed significantly to Vancouver’s reputation as an important centre for contemporary
photo-based art. This exhibition presented a mid-career overview of Arden’s multi-faceted practice
and the diverse strategies used in his art from the early 1980s to the present. It encompassed the
lyrical colour imagery of his early Fragments project, his work with archival images from the late
1980s, as well as the more recent photographs of the contemporary urban environment. Combining
Arden’s activities as a photographer and video artist, as a scavenger-archivist of existing imagery and
a producer of original pictures, and as an acute observer of local detail as it relates to urban life on a
global level, the exhibition presented a comprehensive look at Arden’s complex and thematically rich
body of work from the past quarter century.
Presenting Sponsor: Rogers
Friends: Byron Aceman
Family von Brauckmann
2008 Exhibitions
Elias Goldensky, [Portrait of three women], c.1915, exhibited in TruthBeauty: Pictorialism and the Photograph as Art, 1845-1945; platinum print, George Eastman House Collection, Gift of
3m Company, Ex-collection Louis Walton Sipley
TruthBeauty: Pictorialism and the
Photograph as Art, 1845 – 1945
February 2 to April 27, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery in collaboration with George Eastman House International
Museum of Photography and Film
Curated by Alison Nordström, curator of photographs, George Eastman House International Museum
of Photography and Film
Bringing together more than 180 works, TruthBeauty: Pictorialism and the Photograph as Art marked
the first time that photographs by Pictorialist artists from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe,
Japan and Australia were shown in a single exhibition. Drawing upon major museum collections
worldwide, including the George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film, The
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, the
exhibition provided a historic opportunity to trace the rich aesthetic, diverse approaches and technical
innovations of this formative movement.
Artists: Ansel Adams, Paul Anderson, Cecil W. Bostock, Alice M. Boughton, Anne W. Brigman, Julia Margaret Cameron,
Jack Cato, Harold Cazneaux, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Olive Cotton, Imogen Cunningham, George Davison, F. Holland Day,
Robert Demachy, Baron Adolph De Meyer, František Drtikol, John B. Eaton, Georg Einbeck, Peter Henry Emerson, Frank
Eugene, Frederick H. Evans, Rosō Fukuhara, Shinzō Fukuhara, Hakuyō Fukumori, Elias Goldensky, Johan Hagemeyer, Hugo
Henneberg, Hill & Adamson, Frank Hurley, Gertrude Käsebier, John Kauffmann, Ryūtarō Kōno, Heinrich Kühn, Maroni
Kumazawa, Suizan Kurokawa, Margrethe Mather, May Moore and Mina Moore, Karel Novák, Kōroku Ōkubo, Oscar Rejlander,
Henry Peach Robinson, Drahomír Josef Růžička, Rose Simmonds, Edward Steichen, James Stening, Alfred Stieglitz, Josef
Sudek, Masataka Takayama, Anton Josef Trčka, Noboru (Hiroi) Ueki, Ōri Umesaka, John Vanderpant, Margaret Watkins,
Eva Watson-Schütze, Edward Weston and Clarence H. White.
Supporting Sponsor: TELUS
The Tree: From the Sublime to the Social
February 2 - April 20, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Daina Augaitis, chief curator/associate director with Emmy Lee, assistant curator,
Vancouver Art Gallery
The tree occupies a central role in many cultures. It is especially meaningful in this country where the
single tree has been a symbol of the solitary individual, and historically significant in the vocabulary
of nation-building. The Tree: From the Sublime to the Social presented works that evidence the power
of nature and others that consider today’s relationships to the natural environment and the resulting
social, economic or environmental impact of these interactions. The exhibition was prompted by the
recent donation of a photographic series by Jochen Gerz. It included works by local and international
artists, and featured a major new site specific installation by Gabriela Albergaria.
Artists: Gabriela Albergaria, Vikky Alexander, Sybil Andrews, Karin Bubaš, Franklin Carmichael, Emily Carr, Andrew
Dadson, Patricia Deadman, Kirsten Everberg, Jochen Gerz, Lorraine Gilbert, Máximo González, Rodney Graham, Arni
Haraldsson, Lawren Harris, E.J. Hughes, Geoffrey James, Nestor Krüger, Alexander François Loemans, Liz Magor,
Aernout Mik, William Notman, Ed Pien, Pedro Reyes (with Raphael Ortega), Thomas Ruff, Kevin Schmidt, Gordon Smith,
Althea Thauberger, Mungo Thomson, Tom Thomson, Cy Twombly, Stephen Waddell, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace, Carleton E.
Watkins, William Percival Weston and Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun.
Installation view of Andrew Dadson’s Hydroponic Grow-Op, 2003, presented in The Tree: From the Sublime to the Social; cedar trees, PVC pipe, grow lights, wood, fan, rockwell, tinfoil,
water barrel, pump, plant minerals and vitamins, Courtesy of the Artist and Galleria Franco Noero
Kutlug Ataman: Paradise and Küba
February 9 - May 19, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery and presented in partnership with the Vancouver 2010
Cultural Olympiad
Curated by Bruce Grenville, senior curator, Vancouver Art Gallery
Left: Installation view of Kutlug Ataman, Paradise, 2007, twenty-four channel video installation, Courtesy of the Artist and Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York
Right: Kutlug Ataman, Paradise, 2007 (video still), Courtesy of the Artist and Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York
With his newly commissioned video installation, Paradise, Kutlug Ataman offers a remarkable portrait
of twenty-four southern Californians who describe their encounter with that place they call “paradise.”
In keeping with its subject, Paradise was filmed in a wide-screen format suggestive of Hollywood films,
and is presented on large-scale, colour-saturated monitors. This exhibition paired Paradise, for the first
time, with Ataman’s 2004 Carnegie Prize-winning video installation entitled Küba, an equally powerful
portrait of another utopian community, this one situated on the outskirts of Istanbul. The presentation of
Paradise and Küba together offered a telling juxtaposition of two very different understandings of utopia.
Paradise was commissioned by the Vancouver Art Gallery; BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, and Treaty of Utrecht, The
Netherlands; the Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, England; Lehmann Maupin Gallery, New York, USA; and the
Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, USA.
Canadian Women Modernists:
A Dialogue with Emily Carr
April 19 - October 19, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Ian Thom, senior curator, historical, Vancouver Art Gallery
Left: Margaret Peterson, Untitled, 1951, ink on paper, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Estate of Margaret Peterson
Right: Foreground: Installation view of Beatrice Lennie’s Confidences, 1934, exhibited in Canadian Women Modernists: A Dialogue with Emily Carr; plaster, Collection of the Vancouver
Art Gallery, Gift of Mrs. Louise Brittain
Emily Carr remains one of the most important Canadian modernist painters and her work was an
example and beacon to many other artists, particularly to women. Canadian Women Modernists
examined the work of women artists working between 1900 and 1960 in Canada and the
commonalities and differences between their practices. Drawing on the Vancouver Art Gallery’s
unparalleled collection of works by Emily Carr, the exhibition juxtaposed the artist and her
contemporaries and successors addressing a wide variety of issues and subject matter, including
landscape, portraiture and the social role of women in Carr’s time.
Artists: Sybil Andrews, Unity Bainbridge, Molly Lamb Bobak, Rita Briansky, Ghitta Caiserman-Roth, Emily Carr, Nan
Cheney, Kathleen Daly, Olea Davis, Audrey Capel Doray, Lilias Farley, Statira Frame, Beatrice Fry, Betty Goodwin, Mary
Riter Hamilton, Bess Harris, Edythe Hembroff-Schleicher, Phyllis Janes, Janet Jurcyzk, Anne Kahane, Ann Kipling,
Beatrice Lennie, Frances Loring, Laura Muntz Lyall, Pegi Nicol MacLeod, Henrietta Mabel May, Sylvia McIntosh, Grace
Wilson Melvin, Kathleen Morris, Sophie Pemberton, Margaret Peterson, Irene Hoffar Reid, Jeanne Rheaume, Anne
Savage, Jori Smith, Mildred Valley Thornton, Ina Uhthoff, Vera Olivia Weatherbie, Joyce Wieland, Margaret Williams,
Elizabeth Wyn Wood and Florence Wyle.
KRAZY! The Delirious World of
Anime + Comics + Video Games + Art
May 17 to September 7, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Bruce Grenville, senior curator, Vancouver Art Gallery, in collaboration with Tim Johnson,
Kiyoshi Kusumi, Seth, Art Spiegelman, Will Wright, Toshiya Ueno and exhibition design by Atelier
The past few years have seen the emergence of broad public interest in comics, cartoons, anime,
manga, graphic novels and video games. These fields are closely linked, often sharing similar narratives,
characters and formal characteristics. KRAZY! The Delirious World of Anime + Comics + Video Games
+ Art was the first exhibition of its kind, a groundbreaking project that offered a dynamic international
survey of modern and contemporary comics, graphic novels, manga, anime, animated cartoons,
computer/video games and visual art, brought together in a single exhibition to explore their histories,
their interrelation and their future trajectories.
Artists: Moyoco Anno, Chiho Aoshima, Lynda Barry, Alison Bechdel, Marcel Broodthaers, Chester Brown, Angela
Bulloch and Imke Wagener, Robert Cannon, Daniel Clowes, François Curlet, Kim Deitch, Hisashi Eguchi, Cao Fei, Liam
Gillick, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Justin Green, Milt Gross, Phillip Guston, George Herriman, Kevin Huizenga,
Pierre Huyghe and Philippe Parenno, Ichiro Itano, id Software, Toru Iwatani, Tim Johnson, Pierre Joseph and Mehdi
Belhaj-Kacem, Yoko Kanno, Karey Kirkpatrick, Satoshi Kon, Harvey Kurtzman, John Lasseter, Roy Lichtenstein, Taiyo
Matsumoto, Winsor McCay, Sid Meier, Shigeru Miyamoto, Junko Mizuno, M/M (Paris), Jerry Moriarty, Mamoru Nagano,
Marv Newland, Hitoshi Odajima, Claes Oldenburg, Takashi Okazaki, Mamoru Oshii, Christian Marclay, Mr., Melik Ohanian,
Katsuhiro Otomo, Nick Park, Raymond Pettibon, Lotte Reiniger, Rockstar Games, Joe Scanlan, Seth, Ben Sharpsteen,
Makoto Shinkai, Art Spiegelman, Shaun Tan, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Chris Ware, Will Wright, Yuichi Yokayama and Masaaki
Presenting Sponsor: American Express Foundation
Major Sponsor: The Keg Steakhouse and Bar
Supporting Sponsor: Vancouver Foundation
Installation view of Liam Gillick’s AnnLee You Proposes, 2001 from No Ghost Just a Shell, 1999-2002, presented in KRAZY! The Delirious World of Anime + Comics + Video Games + Art
single-channel video, Collection Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Left: Installation view of Rebecca Belmore’s Fountain, 2005, presented in Rebecca Belmore: Rising to the Occasion; single channel video with sound projected on falling water, Noam
Gonick, Director of Photography, Courtesy of the Artist
Right: Installation view of Rebecca Belmore: Rising to the Occasion; foreground: Rising to the Occasion, 1987, 1991, mixed media, Collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Gift
from the Junior Volunteer Committee, 1995; background: Untitled (Back to the Garden), 2006, 2008, roses, netting, paper tags, wood, Courtesy of the Artist
Rebecca Belmore: Rising to the Occasion
June 7 - October 5, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Daina Augaitis, chief curator/associate director and Kathleen Ritter, assistant curator,
Vancouver Art Gallery
Through powerful images that implicate the body, performances that address history and memory,
and gestures that evoke a sense of place, Belmore is known for creating multi-disciplinary works that
reveal a long-standing commitment to the politics of identity and representation. Rebecca Belmore:
Rising to the Occasion, the artist’s first major mid-career survey exhibition, comprised a selection of
work spanning the course of her significant 20-year career, drawing out connections between early
performances and later sculptures, photographs and videos through recurring metaphors that are as
provocative as they are poignant.
Zhang Huan: Altered States
June 7 - October 5, 2008
Organized by the Asia Society, New York, with support from Morgan Stanley and
the Asia Society’s Contemporary Art Council
Curated by Melissa Chiu, director, Asia Society Museum and vice president,
Global Visual Art Programs
Supported by: the Associates of the Vancouver Art Gallery
Left: Zhang Huan, Ash Head No. 26, 2008, exhibited in Zhang Huan: Altered States; ash, iron and wood, Courtesy of the Artist and PaceWildenstein
Right: Zhang Huan, 1/2, 1998, Zhang Huan: Altered States; colour photographs, Courtesy of the Artist
Zhang Huan gained notoriety in Beijing in the early 1990s for his performance art works which often
focused on physical endurance. He moved to New York in 1998 and established himself as one of the
most important and widely recognized expatriate Chinese artists. More recently, Zhang Huan returned
to China and founded a studio in Shanghai, where he incorporates a broad range of media in the
production of his work. The first museum survey of Zhang Huan’s work presented in Canada, Zhang
Huan: Altered States encompassed major artworks produced over the last 15 years in Beijing, New York
and Shanghai, and included more than fifty works of photography, sculpture and painting, tracing the
experience of a singular artistic voice across diverse cultural domains.
NEXT: Jeff Ladouceur
June 6 - September 7, 2008
Organized by the Vancouver Art Gallery
Curated by Jordan Strom, guest curator
Jeff Ladouceur creates allegorical figures that extend the language of cartoon slapstick while
incorporating aspects of traditional children’s folktale illustration, the personified imagery of latetwentieth-century advertising and contemporary art. Floater, Ladouceur’s massive inflatable sculpture,
spanned the columns of the Gallery’s Georgia Street façade. This large-scale installation coincided with
the exhibition KRAZY! The Delirious World of Anime + Comic + Video Games + Art. Ladouceur was
the seventh artist presented in NEXT: a Series of Artist Projects from the Pacific Rim, a program that
highlights work previously unseen in Vancouver that seeks to engage the diverse practices of Pacific
Rim artists.
Presenting Sponsor: TD Bank Financial Group
Jeff Ladouceur’s Floater, 2008, inflatable polyester cloth sculpture, Commissioned by the Vancouver Art Gallery for NEXT: a series of artist projects from the Pacific Rim
Across the Province /
B.C. Binning
Across the Province /
Pop Prints
Organized and circulated by the
Organized and circulated by the
Vancouver Art Gallery
Vancouver Art Gallery
Kelowna Art Gallery:
Kelowna Art Gallery:
June 16 - September 9, 2007
May 10 - July 27, 2008
Two Rivers Gallery, Prince George:
Supported by: Spectra Energy
September 28 - November 25, 2007
Supported by: RBC Foundation
Left to right: Installation view of Pop Prints, Kelowna Art Gallery. Installation view of Brian Jungen, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich. Installation view of Emily Carr: New Perspectives on a
Canadian Icon, Musée des beaux arts, Montréal
Brian Jungen
Takao Tanabe
the Vancouver Art Gallery
Emily Carr: New
Perspectives on
a Canadian Icon
Museum Villa Stuck, Munich:
Organized and circulated by the
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
March 8 - May 20, 2007
Vancouver Art Gallery and the
McMichael Canadian Art
National Gallery of Canada
Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario:
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto:
January 27 - May 27, 2007
Organized and circulated by
Organized and circulated by the
Vancouver Art Gallery and the
March 3 - May 20, 2007
Musée des beaux arts, Montréal:
June 21 - September 23, 2007
Glenbow Museum, Calgary:
October 27, 2007 - January 26,
Jeff Wall, Concrete ball, 2002, transparency in lightbox, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Purchased with funds from The Jean MacMillan Southam Major Art Purchase Fund
2007 / 2008 collection in review
The Vancouver Art Gallery acquired 374 artworks through purchase and donation in 2007 and
the first six months of 2008, bringing the total collection to 9,480 works. Among the highlights
were four works by Jeff Wall, including War game, a purchase made possible by the Audain
Foundation, and Concrete ball, acquired with funds from The Jean MacMillan Southam Major
Art Purchase Fund. In addition, a work from the series Children and Basin in Rome 2 were
gifted by Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa. As a result of these important acquisitions, the
Gallery now has the largest institutional collection of Jeff Wall’s work in the world.
The Gallery’s collection of contemporary art continues to expand dramatically. Artists
made very significant donations, including Vancouverites Neil Campbell, Stan Douglas,
Gathie Falk, Carole Itter and Ken Lum, as well as donations from Jochen Gerz, Evelyn Roth,
Jessica Stockholder and Lawrence Weiner. Through matching funds provided by a Canada
Council Acquisitions Assistance Grant in 2007, artworks by Arabella Campbell, Marian
Penner Bancroft, Judy Radul and Mark Ruwedel were purchased. Through the assistance of
LOCATION: a roving collective for the acquisition of visual art for permanent collections, the
Gallery acquired Hadley+Maxwell’s BILLY: Décor project in the home of Jonathan Middleton,
Curator, Western Front, 2002, as a result of donations from 87 individuals.
The Gallery was also fortunate to receive a bequest of 54 works by B.C. Binning from the
estate of the artist’s late widow, Mrs. Jessie Binning. The collection of late 19th and early
20th century Canadian paintings was enhanced through the donation of works by Henri
Beau, Arthur Lismer, Frederic Marlett Bell-Smith, John Hammond, Otto Reinhold Jacobi,
Henrietta Mabel May, Charlotte Schreiber, Homer Watson and Robert Whale. Many of these
donations were made possible by the generosity of Dr. Restrepo.
The institution’s impressive collection of photography continued to grow significantly with
historical works by Margaret Bourke-White, Peter Henry Emerson, Paul Haviland, David
Hill & Robert Adamson, William Henry Jackson, Gertrude Käsebier, Alfred Steiglitz, William
Henry Fox Talbot and Clarence White. Other recent donations include gifts from the estate
of Rosemary Scudamore, a Lionel Thomas painting donated by Wendy Grover and a gift of
two Takao Tanabe prints from Anona Thorne.
The collection benefitted from the generosity of many collectors, especially Michael Audain
and Yoshiko Karasawa, Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft, Bill Jeffries, and Alison and Alan
Schwartz. The Vancouver Art Gallery is extremely grateful to the many donors who support
the growth of the Gallery’s collection.
Albergaria, Gabriela
Model of a Tree, 2008
wood, thread, cotton, screw
Gift of the Artist
Brynelson’s Log Salvage, Fisherman’s Cove,
c. 1944
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Bailey Brothers
Fraser Canyon, Yale in Distance, 1890 - 1898
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Classical Landscape, 1945
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Nipigon River, Lake Superior, Famous Trout
Fishing Resort, 1890 - 1898
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
The Scuzzy River and Bridge, CPR Near
North Bend, 1890 - 1898
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Victoria BC from Government Buildings,
1890 - 1989
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Winnipeg, Man., from City Hall looking
North, 1890 - 1898
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bancroft, Marian Penner
For Dennis and Susan: Running Arms to a
Civil War, 1977 - 1978
9 silver gelatin prints
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Beau, Henri
The Artist’s Sister, 1895
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Fisherman’s Cove, c. 1945
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Girl Reading, 1943
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Girl with Book, 1942
graphite on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Howe Sound #1, 1945
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Kneeling Figure, 1942
linocut on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Long Bay Picnic for Mr. Wilson, 1945
watercolour, ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Lucy, c. 1942
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Putting Up Howe Sound, c. 1945
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Reclining Figure, c. 1940
ceramic tile
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Rowboat #2, c. 1942
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Seaside Facade No. 1, 1949 - 1950
oil, graphite on board
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Seated Figure, 1941
graphite on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Seated Figure, c. 1940
ceramic tile
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Self-Portrait (with parasol), c. 1943
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Ship Emblem, 1950
oil, burlap on masonite
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Ships of the Line Sailing in Review, 1955
oil on wood panel
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Male Figure, c. 1942
graphite on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Sketch for Ships of the Line Sailing in
Review, 1955
graphite on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
My Wife with Bouquet, 1945
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Summer Sun, 1966
oil on canvas
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Night Harbour, 1950
oil on wood panel
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Sunday Sailing, 1944
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Night Harbour, c. 1951
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Sunset Sea, 1960
acrylic on canvas
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Nude, 1942
graphite on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
The Two Guests, 1945
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Boat, c. 1950
oil on paperboard
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Optional Modules (green background), 1969
- 1970
acrylic on canvas
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Three Ships and Reflections, 1950
oil on wood panel
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Boat Numbering for Painting, c. 1950
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Optional Modules (in greys), 1969 - 1970
oil on canvas
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Boat V064E marked for painting, c. 1950
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Portrait of a Man, c. 1943
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Bell-Smith, Frederic Marlett
Illecillewaet River and Glacier, 1890 - 1900
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Berger, Paul Eric
Mathematics #1, 1976-1977
silver gelatin print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Binning, B.C.
After Lunch, 1944
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Atomic Fountain, 1950
oil, gesso, paper on plywood
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Eagle Harbour, 1945
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Portrait of Young Girl/Face, c. 1945
graphite on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Two Bathers, 1942
linocut on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Two Bathers, 1942
linocut on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Stephen Shore, Twentieth St. and Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA, 6/21/74, 1974-2003, chromogenic print, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of Alison and Alan Schwartz
Jochen Gerz, White Ghost #8, 1998, computer print on OEC paper, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Artist
Untitled, c. 1965
oil, collage on masonite
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Untitled, 1957
stone, ceramic, wood
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Untitled, c. 1967
oil on wood panel
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Untitled, c. 1943
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Untitled, 1960 - 1969
oil on masonite
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Campbell, Arabella
Physical Facts Series #7, 2007
acrylic on canvas
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Untitled (Fishing Boundary Square), 2007
chromogenic print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Untitled (Fishing Boundary Triangle), 2007
chromogenic print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Untitled (A Summer Seascape), 1950
oil on masonite
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Campbell, Neil
Bloodline, 2006 - 2007
wall painting in vinyl acrylic
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Untitled (Bathers), c. 1945
watercolour, ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Boulevard, 2000
wall painting in vinyl acrylic
Gift of the Artist
Untitled (seated woman), 1942
linocut on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Dali, Salvador
Les Negresses [from the La Venus aux
Fourrures], 1968
lithograph on paper
Anonymous Gift
Vase with Flowers in Window/Figure, c. 1944
watercolour on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
View from Old Art School/Girl, 1944
watercolour on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
The Loyal Angels [from the Divine Comedy
Suite (Paradise)], c. 1955
etching on paper
Anonymous Gift
West Vancouver, c. 1944
ink on paper
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Dally, Frederick
Departure Bay, Nanaimo, 1860 - 1869
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Yellow and Pink Seascape, 1960
oil on canvas
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Douglas Street, Victoria, 1860 - 1869
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Young King Enthroned, 1965
collage, gesso on canvas
Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Untitled [Victoria, Legislative Buildings
known as “The Birdcages”], 1860 - 1869
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bourke-White, Margaret
The New Tractor, Tractorstroi, USSR, 1930
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bulwer, James
The Bay of Naples from Virgil’s Tomb, c. 1850
watercolour on paper
Gift of the Estate of Rosemary Joy Scudamore
Callot, Jacques
Combat in a Circus [from Capricci di Varie
Figure], 17th C.
etching on paper
Anonymous Gift
Flag Play in Piazza Santa Croce, 17th C.
etching on paper
Anonymous Gift
Yale, BC, 1860 - 1869
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Davidson, Reg
Yaalth Tluu, 1990
wood, paint
Purchased with major financial support from
Michael O’Brian, the financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts, and additional
financial support from Nancy and Joe Kovalik,
Partial Gift of the Artist
Douglas, Stan
MacLeod’s Books, Vancouver, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Maritime Worker’s Hall, Vancouver, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Masonic Lodge, Barkerville, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Spences Bridge, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Stanley Cemetery, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Tong Building, Quesnel Forks, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Walhachin, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Du, Wang
Missile, 2006
paper, tape, resin
Emerson, Peter Henry
Plate XIII - The Old Rye House [from The
Complete Angler], 1887
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Plate XX - Broxbourne Church [from The
Complete Angler], 1887
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Falk, Gathie
Kitsilano Duck, 1977
ceramic, glaze
Gift of Susan and Rick Diamond
There are 21 Ships and 3 Warships in English
Bay, 1990
oil on canvas, wood
Gift of the Artist
Forbes, John Colin
Portrait of Adelaide Gouin, c. 1890
oil on canvas
Gift of Peter Ohler
French, Herbert
Iris, 1909
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Gerz, Jochen
White Ghost #1-9, 1998
computer print on OEC paper
Gift of the Artist
Gilbert, Lorraine
Dawn at Joe’s, 1983
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Untitled (Statue), 1979
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Girard, Greg
Man in Light, Vancouver, 1978
azo dye print
Gift of Roy Arden
Goguen, Jean
Untitled, 1955
ink on paper
Gift of Colette Goguen
Untitled, 1955
ink on paper
Gift of Colette Goguen
Untitled, 1953
ink on paper
Gift of Colette Goguen
Untitled, 1953
ink on paper
Gift of Colette Goguen
Untitled, 1953
ink on paper
Gift of Colette Goguen
Untitled, 1953
ink on paper
Gift of Colette Goguen
Graham, Rodney
Oak Tree, Red Bluff #8, 1993/2005
silver gelatin print
Gift of the Artist
Griffith, Julius
no title, 1935
linocut on paper
Gift of the Estate of Rosemary Joy Scudamore
no title, 1935
linocut on paper
Gift of the Estate of Rosemary Joy Scudamore
Grill, Mike
House Obscured by Trees, 2001
chromogenic print
Gift of Roy Arden
Lemon, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of Roy Arden
White Wrought Iron Fence, 2002
chromogenic print
Gift of Roy Arden
Hammond, John
Market Slip, St. John, N.B., 1909
oil on paperboard
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Haviland, Paul Burty
Japanese Lantern, 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Mr. Christian Brinton, 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Totote, 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Hepworth, Barbara
Two Women in the Sun, 1949
graphite on paperboard
Gift of the Estate of Frank Perry
Hill, David Octavius and Adamson,
Lady in a Flowered Dress, 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Lady in Black, 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Mrs. Anna Brownell Jameson, c. 1845
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Mrs. Grace Ramsay and Fisherwomen, c.
salted paper print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
The Marquess of Northampton, c. 1845
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Mr. Rintoul, Editor, “Spectator”, 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Principal Haldane, 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Sir Francis Grant P.R.A., 1912
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Hadley + Maxwell
Billy: Décor Project in the Home of Jonathan
Middleton, Curator, Western Front, 2002
3 chromogenic prints, laser prints, photocopy
Purchased with donations from LOCATION: a
roving collective for the acquisition of visual
art for permanent collections
Daina Augaitis
Joost Bakker and Marlee Ross
Marian Penner Bancroft, Colin Browne
and Suzanna Browne
Sven Boecker
Lorna Brown
Derek Brunen, Natalie Purschwitz
and Jenifer Papararo
Hank Bull
Arabella Campbell
Linda Chinfen
Karen Coflin and Bruce Carscadden
Barbara Cole and David MacWilliam
Barbara Cornish
Chris and Sophie Dikeakos
Stan Douglas
Judah Down and Riva Pollard
Grace Fan and Richard Mew
Geoffrey Farmer
Gary C. Floyd
Verena Foxx and Victor Bomers
Dr. Karen Gelmon and Peter Busby
Antonia Hirsch and Colin Griffiths
Roger Holland and Susan Patterson
Catriona Jeffries Gallery
Barbara Kelly
Miro and Martin Kinch
Dr. Richard Klasa and Matthew
and Adrian Klasa
Andrew Klobucar and Sharla Sava
Fred Lee
Lyse Lemieux and Al McWilliams
Karen Love
Stephanie Lysyk and Theodore Spat
Friedel Mache and Martin Mache
Janice MacIsaac
Karen Matthews, Ruby Cone and Tom Cone
Elaine McCormack and Simon Patterson
Sheila McDonald and Jeremy Berkman
Suzanne McMurray
Michael Mew
Arabella Mew
Jonathan Middleton, Steven Brekelmans
and Fiona Curtis
Camille J. Mitchell and Charlie Mitchell
Helen and John O’Brian
Melanie O’Brian
Joan Patterson
David Pay and Brian Laberge
Simon Richards
Kamal N. Rungta and Susan Rungta
Stefan Smulovitz and Viviane Houle
Elizabeth Walker and Jim Monro
Ian Wallace
Keith Wallace
Scott Watson
Bernard Wolfe
Lilly F. Woo
Tim Wyman
Carol Yaple
Hume, Robert
Untitled [Reclining Nude], c. 1950
Gift of the Estate of Frank Perry
Itter, Carole
The Pink Room: A Visual Requiem, 1997 2004
mixed media installation
Gift of the Artist
Jackson, William Henry
The Twins - Garden of the Gods, 1875
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Jacobi, Otto Reinhold
The Ste. Anne River, Que., 1872
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Käsebier, Gertrude Stanton
My Neighbors, 1905
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Lewis, Mark
Northumberland, 2005
16 mm film transferred to DVD
Gift of the Artist
Lismer, Arthur
Long Beach, Vancouver Island, 1953
oil on wood panel
Gift of Dr. Geoffrey Eichholz through the
Friends of the Vancouver Art Gallery
Lum, Ken
Panda, 2007
lacquer paint, acrylic sheet, aluminum
Gift of the Artist
So Smart, 2006
lacquer paint, ink jet print, acrylic sheet,
Gift of the Artist
You’re an Idiot, 2006
lacquer paint, ink jet print, acrylic sheet,
Gift of the Artist
Macdonald, Euan
Hammock, 2000
single channel video
Gift of Monty J. Cooper
Mathers, Charles
A Trader’s Boat Running the Rapids on the
2nd Portage at Fort Smith, Slave River, 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Hudson’s Bay Company transport leaving
Fort Smith loaded with $75,000 worth of
furs, 1888
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Tracking on the Athabasca River, c. 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Foundation, 2003
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Tracking up the Athabasca River, c. 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Rope, 2002
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Tracking, Bringing the Fur in from North, c.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Weekly Maintenance, 3630 Alexander Street,
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Watt and Susan Murphy
May, Henrietta Mabel
Arranging Flowers, c. 1930
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Winch, 2004
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
McFarland, Scott
Anchor, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Hudson’s Bay Transport on the Smith
Portage, 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bench, 2003
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Indian Packing Goods after Portage, 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Coiled Wire, 2002
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Loading the Boards after 3rd Portage on
Slave River, c. 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Corner, 2004
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
On the First Portage, Slave River, 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Ox Train of Red River Carts, Edmonton, c.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Driftwood, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Wrapped Wire, 2003
chromogenic print
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Nicolson, Marianne
Bax’wana’tsi: The Container for Souls, 2006
glass, cedar, light fixtures
Purchased with funds donated by the Audain
Radul, Judy
Documents for Performance; Calling To,
Calling From, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; Clapping
Performance, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Portaging, Boat over Mount Portage, Slave
River, 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Rapids on the Slave River at 1st Portage, c.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Rapids on the Slave River at 3rd Portage,
c. 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Salt Deposit, Salt River, Fort Smith, c. 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
The “Ramparts”, McKenzie River, c. 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Tracking on the Athabasca River, c. 1904
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Carole Itter, detail from The Pink Room: A Visual Requiem, 1997-2004, mixed media installation, Collection of the
Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Artist
Documents for Performance; Collection/
Care, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; In Relation to
Objects, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; Lead, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; Light
Obliterations, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; Nice to Meet
You, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; Not Really,
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; One Difference
Waiting, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; Theatrical,
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Documents for Performance; Twenty-Five
Entrances and Exits, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with financial support of the
Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Reinblatt, Moe
The Reservoir and the Shrine, 1950
oil on canvas
Gift of Lilian and Melanie Reinblatt
Reyes, Pedro
Palas por Pistolas, 2007
metal, wood, living tree
Purchased with Funds from Sherry Killam;
tree planted in collaboration with the
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
Richardson, Thomas Miles
no title, c. 1840
watercolour on paper
Gift of the Estate of Rosemary Joy Scudamore
Roth, Evelyn
Environment for Reading Recycled from 110
Sweaters, 1974
textile, light fixtures
Gift of the Artist
Rothenstein, Michael
Cockerel, c. 1955
charcoal, gouache, tempera on paper
Gift of the Estate of Frank Perry
Rouault, Georges
Femme Nue, vers la gauche, 1929
etching, aquatint on paper
Anonymous Gift
Illustration for Cirque de I’Etoile Filante,
1935 (published 1938)
woodcut on paper
Anonymous Gift
Ruwedel, Mark
Devil’s Canyon #5 - Channeled Scablands,
Washington, 1998
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Hell Roaring Canyon, 1997
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Hell’s Canyon, 1999
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Hell’s Gate, Fraser River Canyon, British
Columbia, 1998
silver gelatin print
Gift of the Artist through the Friends of the
Vancouver Art Gallery
Hell’s Half Acre #1, 1996
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Sakaguchi, Kyohei
A Japanese Restaurant!?, 2006
chromogenic print
Gift of the Artist
Schmidt, Kevin
Fog, 2004
double-sided slide projection
Purchased with funds donated by the Audain
Devil’s Chasm, 2002
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Schreiber, Charlotte
Before the Fancy Dress Ball, c. 1890
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Devil’s Coulee, Alberta, 1999
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Shore, Stephen
Twentieth St. and Spruce St., Philadelphia,
PA, 6/21/74, 1974 - 2003
chromogenic print
Gift of Alison and Alan Schwartz
Devil’s Golf Course, 1996
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Twenty-first and Spruce Streets,
Philadelphia, PA, 6/21/74, 1974 - 2003
chromogenic print
Gift of Alison and Alan Schwartz
Devil’s Lane, 1999
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Devil’s Lookout, 1997
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Devil’s Slide, 1996
silver gelatin print
Purchased with the financial support of
the Canada Council for the Arts and the
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Devil’s Throat, 1998
silver gelatin print
Gift of the Artist through the Friends of the
Vancouver Art Gallery
Sommer, Giorgio
11801 Napoli Interno del Duomo, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
11862 Napoli, Duomo, capella del tresoro di
S. Gennaro, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
1202 Pompei, Foro Civile, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
1220 Pompei, Teatro Tragico, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
1242 Impronte Umane Travate al 5 Feb 1863,
Pompei, c. 1863
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Reg Davidson, installation view at the Haida Heritage Centre at Kaay Llnagaay of Yaalth Tluu, 1990, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Purchased with major financial support from
Michael O’Brian, the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts, and additional financial support from Nancy and Joe Kovalik, Partial Gift of the Artist
1247 Pompei, Quartiere dei Soldati, 1860 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
12891 Teufelsbrucke, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
6139 Napoli, Lava del Vesuvi, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
8120 Vesuvio, ferrovia funiculare, 1860 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Spohr, Barbara
Bathroom Mirror, Edmonton, 1981
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Self-Portrait, 1980
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Portrait SR, 1904
Gift of Bill Jeffries
The Commodore, 1982
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Stockholder, Jessica
No Title, 2006
mixed media
Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Trans-Canada Highway between Calgary and
Banff, 1980
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Untitled, c. 1980
chromogenic print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Stieglitz, Alfred
A Snapshot, Paris (1911) #2, 1913
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Of Standing Float Roots in Thin Air, 2006
mixed media installation
Gift of the Artist, Courtesy of Mitchell-Innes
and Nash Gallery
Talbot, William Henry Fox
Charcoal Burners, 1845
salted paper print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Tanabe, Takao
Barkley Sound, 2007
woodblock print on paper
Gift of Anona Thorne
Inside Passage, Stephen Island, 2007
woodblock print on paper
Gift of Anona Thorne
Anvers - Le Panorama de la Ville, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruxelles - Maisons des Corporations, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Thomas, Lionel
Stones in the Capilano, 1950
oil on canvas
Gift of Wendy Grover in memory of Edith
Bach’s Denkmal, Eisenach, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruxelles - Palais de Justice, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bach’s Geburtshaus, Eisenach, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruxelles - Sainte Gudule, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Belfry, Ghent, Belgium, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Castle at Meisson, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Berlin, 1885, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Castle Mountain, Rockies, n.d.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bologna Chiesa de S. Luca, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Charlottenburg Castle, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bremen. Kaiserbrücke, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Dresden, Allee im grossen Garten, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bremerhaven. Leuchtthurm und Schleuse,
c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Dresden, Königl Hortheate, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Tully, Strickland Sydney
The Beach, c. 1900
oil on canvas on board
Gift of Peter Ohler
291 Roma Preso dal Campigdolio, 1860 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Amateur album [Vevay - 1904 - 1905; Banff
(sic) summer 1907], 1904 - 1907
albumen print, silver gelatin print, paper, textile
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Amiens Cathedral (portico), west front, 1867
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Amiens Cathedral (west and south sides)
May 7, 1867, 1867
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Amiens Cathedral, France (detail of west
front), 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Amiens Cathedral, west front, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Antwerp, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Anvers - La Cathedrale, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Anvers - La Facade de l’ Eg. St. Charles, c.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruges - Chaire de l’Eglise Notre-Dame, c.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruges - Chapelle du Saint Sang, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruges - Le Beffrei, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Brussells, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruxelles - Hôtel de Ville, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Bruxelles - La Bourse, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
English Cathedral, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Erker am Sebalderfarrof II, Nürnberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Firenze - Museo Nazionale - Alcuni stemmi
del Podesta infissi nelle pareti del Cortile,
19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Firenze. (Chiostro di S. Croce) Capella de
‘Pazzi; architectura del Brunelleschi, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Firenze. Chiesa di S. Lorenzo, edificata nel
1423 con disegni di Brunelleschi, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Firenze. Interno de S. Miniato, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
B.C. Binning, Ships of the Line Sailing in Review, 1955, oil on wood panel, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Estate of Jessie Binning
Firenze. Loggia de Lanzi, incominciata nel
1376, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Firenze. Portici delgi Uffizi construiti sui disegno di Vasari, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Firenze. Torre di S. Miniato, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Frauenkirche, Süds, Nürnberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Gand. Hotel de Ville, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Geneva - Parta S. Andrea, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Geneva - Piazza dei Tragoli di S. Brigieta,
c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Genova, Interno Della Chiesa di Carignano,
c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Genova, Interno della Chiesa di S. Lorenzo,
c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Genova, S. Lorenzo, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Genova, S. M. di Carignano, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Hamburg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Hamburg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Munich. Basilica, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Head of Emerald Lake from Camp near
Field, BC, n.d.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Munich. Interior of Basilica, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Heidelberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Heidelberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Heidelberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Indian Basket Weaving, Prince Edward
Island, n.d.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Insel Schütt, Nürnberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Interno della Basilica di S. Giovanni in
Laterano, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Kaloma, 1914
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Main Portal with Rose Window (Strausberg),
c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Mausoleum in Charlottenburg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Milano, Chiesa di S. Ambrogio, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Nassauerhaus, Osts. Nürnberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
No 4004 S. Pietro Pontefice in carrozza col
corteggio, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Nordd. Lloyd Schnell D. “Lahn” I. Salon, c.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Nordd. Lloyd Schnell Dampfer “Lahn”, c.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Orthodox Baptistry (S. Giovanni in Fonte)
from N.W., Ravenna, 1860 - 1880
silver gelatin print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Pisa no. 5243 Battisterio e Duomo, 1860 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Pisa. Battistero, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Pisa. Duomo lato destro, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Pisa. U Ducano...TBC, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Moscow, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Hamburg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Milano. Chiesa di S. Maria delle Grazie, construzione attribuita a Bramante, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Roma - Ossario dei Cappuccino, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Hamburg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Mt. McDonald from Mt. Abbott, n.d.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Roma 17 Pantheon d’Agrippa, 1860 - 1880
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
Mark Ruwedel, Hell’s Gate, Fraser River Canyon, British Columbia, 1998, silver gelatin print, Collection of the Vancouver Art
Gallery, Purchased with the financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Vancouver Art Gallery Acquisition Fund
Roma No 70 Antinoo Braschi - M. Vaticano,
19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Bill Jeffries
S. Petronio Bologna, 1867
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Sebaldusgrab V. P. Vischer, Verderans,
Nürnberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Sepolcro presso Porta Maggiore, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Sevilla, Giralda, 1870
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Spittlertor. Wests. Nurnberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Strausberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Strausberg. The Three Portals, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Strausberg. Western Facade, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Teatro di Marcello, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Topplershaus mit Paniersplatz Nürnberg, c.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Torre detta della Scimmia, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled (Mountain Scene), n.d.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled (Mountain Scene, Three Sisters,
Canmore), n.d.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled (the Kremlin, Moscow), 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled [Greek or Roman Temple], 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Untitled [Oxford, New College], 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Homer Ransford Watson, Oak Trees and Cattle (Towards Evening), 1893, oil on canvas, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of Rodrigo Restrepo
Untitled [Trevi Fountain, Rome], 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Warthberg, Der Bankettsaal, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Children, 1988
transparency in lightbox
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Untitled [View of University of Spain], 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Washing Gold, BC, n.d.
silver gelatin print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Concrete ball, 2002
transparency in lightbox
Purchased with funds from The Jean MacMillan
Southam Major Art Purchase Fund
Untitled [Views of Ruins in Rome], 1860 1890
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Wien. Carlskirche, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Venice, Bridge of Sighs, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Venice, Doge’s Palace Courtyard, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Venice, Rialto, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Verona Coliseum, 19th C.
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Via Balbi, Genoa, 1872
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Warthberg, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Wien. Franzensring, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Wien. Opernring, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Wien. Operntheater, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Zeug-Haus, Berlin, c. 1885
albumen print
Gift of Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Wall, Jeff
Basin in Rome 2, 2003
transparency in lightbox
Gift of Michael Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
War game, 2007
silver gelatin print
Purchased with funds from the Audain
Foundation, Vancouver Art Gallery
Acquisition Fund and Major Purchase Fund
Watson, Homer Ransford
November Among the Oaks, c. 1920
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Oak Trees and Cattle (Towards Evening),
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
River Landscape, 1882
oil on canvas
Gift of Susan and Rick Diamond
Weiner, Lawrence
lithograph on paper
Gift of Onestar Press
Ken Lum, So Smart, 2006, lacquer paint, acrylic sheet, aluminum, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of the Artist
offset lithograph on paper
Gift of National Maritime Museum, London
offset lithograph on paper
Gift of Moved Pictures Archive
Whale, Robert R.
Bessie Whale, c. 1870
oil on canvas
Gift of Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Portrait of a Child, c. 1875
oil on canvas
Gift of Susan and Rick Diamond
offset lithograph on paper
Gift of Bury Art Gallery, Museum + Archives,
White, Clarence Hudson
Landscape - Winter, 1908
Gift of Bill Jeffries
offset lithograph on paper
Gift of Moved Pictures Archive
The Arbor, c.1906
Gift of Bill Jeffries
AN END, 2006
offset lithograph on paper
Gift of Moved Pictures Archive
Wise, Jack
Ch’an, c. 1970
watercolour, ink, metallic ink on paper
Anonymous Gift
West, Franz
Male Sticker, 2005
epoxy metal, resin
Gift of the Artist
Guarding Against the Moors, c. 1970
watercolour, ink on paper
Anonymous Gift
White Water Witch, c. 1970
watercolour, gouache, ink on paper
Anonymous Gift
Yahgulanaas, Michael Nicoll
Looking Out # 11, 2006
watercolour, graphite, ink on paper
Gift of the Artist
Fred Herzog: Vancouver Photographs
Mark Lewis: Modern Time
152-page book with 80 colour reproductions; essays
Full-colour brochure; essay by curator Grant Arnold
by curator Grant Arnold and writer Michael Turner;
co-published with Douglas & McIntyre
Georgia O’Keeffe:
Nature and Abstraction
BC Binning
198-page book with 94 colour reproductions; essays by
Full-colour brochure; essay by curator Ian Thom
Yvonne Scott, Achille Bonito Oliva and curator Richard
D. Marshall; co-published with the Irish Museum of
Roy Arden
Modern Art, Dublin and Skira, Milan
160-page, full-colour hardcover book with 206
reproductions; essays by guest curator Dieter Roelstraete,
Russell Ferguson and short texts by Peter Culley, Peter
Galassi, Shepherd Steiner, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace and
Thomas Weski; co-published with Douglas & McIntyre
TruthBeauty: Pictorialism and the
The Tree:
Photograph as Art, 1845 - 1945
From the Sublime to the Social
160-page, hardcover book with 120 reproductions;
17-page booklet with 30 colour reproductions; essay by
essays by guest curator Alison Nordström & David
assistant curator Emmy Lee
Wooters, J. Luca Ackerman, Ryuichi Kaneko and Gael
Newton; co-published with Douglas & McIntyre
Jochen Gerz: White Ghost
KRAZY! The Delirious World of Anime
Jochen Gerz’s White Ghost #1-9; essays by Daina Augaitis,
+ Comics + Video Games + Art
chief curator/associate director and Philippe Mesnard
36-page publication featuring duo-tone reproductions of
276-page book with 159 colour reproductions;
co-published with Douglas & McIntyre and the
Across the Province: Pop Prints
University of California Press; edited and introduced
Full-colour brochure; essay by guest writer Jordan Strom
by senior curator Bruce Grenville. Contributors include
Bruce Grenville, Art Spiegelman, Seth, Tim Johnson,
Will Wright, Toshiya Ueno and Kiyoshi Kusumi
Kutlug Ataman: Paradise
124-page monograph with 65 colour reproductions;
texts by Aimee Chang, Norman M. Klein and Irit Rogoff,
interspersed with quotes from the video; co-published
with BAK, basis voor actuele kunst and Treaty of
Utrecht; Harris Museum and Art Gallery; Lehmann
Maupin Gallery; and Orange County Museum of Art
NEXT: Jeff Ladouceur
Full-colour brochure; essay by guest curator Jordan Strom
126-page, full-colour hardcover book with 287
reproductions; edited and introduced by chief curator/
associate director Daina Augaitis and assistant curator
Kathleen Ritter; contributors include Daina Augaitis,
Florene Belmore, Rebecca Belmore, Marilyn Burgess,
Jessie Caryl, Marcia Crosby, Richard William Hill, Robert
Houle and Kathleen Ritter
The Vancouver Art Gallery continued to offer a
historian Victoria Newhouse launched the
wide range of innovative programming in 2007-
Gallery’s 2007 International Lecture Series with
2008. From workshop-based family programs to
an insightful look at innovative architecture
live public talks, the experiences for participants
and the relationships between museums and
were rich, diverse and challenging.
collectors. The 2007 Heller Lecture featured
The institution’s many and varied presentations
Hunter Drohojowska-Philip, author of the
of internationally recognized artists, writers
definitive biography of artist Georgia O’Keeffe.
and scholars expanded the Gallery outward
In association with KRAZY! The Delirious World
into the community and far beyond. In an
of Anime + Comics + Video Games + Art,
exceptional International Lecture Series
the Gallery presented KRAZY!Talk: Industry
presentation in April 2007, artist Jeff Wall gave
Giants, featuring three co-curators of the
his first public lecture in Vancouver in sixteen
exhibition: Pulitzer Prize-winning comic artist
years. The internationally acclaimed artist also
Art Spiegelman, animated feature film director
joined a distinguished panel in association
Tim Johnson and Will Wright, designer of The
with the exhibition Roy Arden; the landmark
Sims, the world’s best selling video game. The
discussion included artists Roy Arden, Jeff
series was presented in collaboration with the
Wall, Ian Wallace, Mark Lewis and exhibition
Centre for Digital Media at Great Northern
guest curator Dieter Roelstraete. Architectural
Way Campus.
Installation view of Mr., Strawberry Voice, 2007, presented in KRAZY! The Delirious World of Anime + Comics + Video Games + Art; FRP, iron, various materials, Courtesy of the artist and Lehmann
Maupin Gallery, New York, © 2007 Mr./Kaikai Kiki Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved, photo: Kyla Bailey Photography.
Middle and right photos: Una Knox.
A number of outstanding public talks were
School. A record-breaking number of families
presented in partnership with the University
attended the highly successful supersunday
of British Columbia, Emily Carr University of
events, where children and adults explored
Art + Design, and Centre A, the Vancouver
and engaged in a range of hands-on activities.
International Centre for Contemporary Asian
Performance artists converged en masse
Art, including lectures featuring Martha Rosler,
at FUSE, the Gallery’s innovative evening
Fred Herzog and Phillippe Vergne, among
events featuring art, music and performance
for young adults. Collaborating with
The Gallery welcomed more than 21,000
organizations such as Western Front and
children and teens with half-day tours and
the Push International Performing Arts
workshops led by a core team of artists
Festival, FUSE programming ranged from
and docents, continuing to set standards of
a celebration of composer Steve Reich’s
excellence in engaging youth in contemporary
work by Music on Main, to the CBC Radio
art. The teen program expanded with young
Two broadcast of The Fringe Group’s live
people from the Lower Mainland and beyond
performance of a newly discovered John
taking part in projects and collaborations
Cage work, as well as eclectic offerings from
with such diverse institutions as Pacific
Battery Opera, Vancouver Theatre Sports
Cinémathèque and King George Secondary
and many others.
Thank you
The Vancouver Art Gallery is a notfor-profit organization and generates
more than 60% of its income from
non-governmental sources. Its broad
base of community support includes
contributions from individuals,
foundations and corporations in British
Columbia, throughout Canada and
beyond. This support is essential to
the Gallery’s continued success in
exhibitions and educational programs
and the preservation of its collection.
It is with deep gratitude that the
Gallery recognizes the generosity of
lifetime supporters and all those who
contributed in 2007 and 2008.
Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation
Renaissance Fund
Supporting the Gallery’s future, year after year
The BC Arts Renaissance Fund is an endowment
and development fund established by a grant of
$25,000,000 from the Province of British Columbia
to support arts and culture organizations across
British Columbia.
The Gallery extends its gratitude to the Province of
British Columbia and Vancouver Foundation for its
management of the Renaissance Fund. The Gallery
was awarded a $350,000 grant for its Endowment
in matching funds through this initiative, thanks to
those who supported the Vancouver Art Gallery
Foundation in 2007.
The Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation was established in
1998 with the goal of creating a permanent fund to offer a
steady base of annual support for the Gallery in perpetuity.
The Foundation’s endowment fund is guided by a Board
of Directors and managed by the Vancouver Foundation.
A percentage of the income earned from the endowment
fund is distributed to the Gallery each year to support its
exhibitions and programs. The following list represents
cumulative giving to the Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation.
Board Members
Michael J. Audain, Chair
Michael Alexandor, Secretary
David Aisenstat
Peter Bentley
Richard Charles
George I. Killy
Gordon MacDougall
C. Michael O’Brian
Donald Rix
Garth Thurber
$2,000,000 or more
Audain Foundation - The Audain Curator of British Columbia Art
$500,000 or more
The Christopher Foundation
The Killy Foundation – The Killy Foundation Endowment Fund
The Estate of Doris Kathleen Shadbolt - The Jack and Doris Shadbolt
Publication Endowment
$250,000 or more
The Rix Family Foundation – The Rix Family Internship Endowment
$100,000 or more
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Patricia Charles
Mr. John and Mrs. Rebecca MacKay
Mr. Gerald and Mrs. Sheahan McGavin
Michael O’Brian Foundation
Gordon and Marion Smith Education Endowment contributors
Mrs. Mary Margaret Young
$50,000 or more
Mr. Ronald and Mrs. Ardele Cliff
The Estate of Nora Doutre Gourlay
Mr Gordon and Mrs. Barbara MacDougall
Milan and Maureen Ilich Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Thurber
$25,000 or more
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Trudy Pekarsky
$10,000 or more
Bellringer Family Foundation
Mr. Gary R. Bell
Marjorie A. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woods
$5,000 or more
Virginia and Michael J.B. Alexandor
Kaatza Foundation
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Edwina Heller
Mr. Robert M. Ledingham
Mr. Jefferson Mooney and Ms. Suzanne Bolton
and you
Mrs. Leon Tuey
Alfred Stieglitz, A Snapshot, Paris (1911) #2, 1913, photogravure, Collection of the Vancouver Art Gallery, Gift of Bill Jeffries
Thank you
2007 / 2008 CONTRIBUTORS
Given the annual renewal cycle of the Gallery’s donor programs, several supporters made more than one contribution during the
18-month fiscal period covered by this annual report. For recognition purposes, these donors (highlighted with an asterisk below) are
listed below according to their cumulative giving for gifts received between January 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008.
Visionary Circle - $100,000 or more
Ken Walley Family
Mr. Michael J. Audain and
Ms. Yoshiko Karasawa
Patrons’ Circle - $50,000 or more
Mr. David Aisenstat
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Eve Aymong
Jake and Judy Kerr*
Mr. George and Mrs. Karen Killy
Director’s Circle - $25,000 or more
Mr. Gary R. Bell*
Mr. Brian and Mrs. Andrea Hill
Philip Lind, O.C.*
Mr. C. Michael and Dr. Inna O’Brian
Mr. Eric Savics
Curators’ Circle - $10,000 or more
Mr. David Allison and Mr. Chris Nicholson*
Ms. Kathleen Jane Baker
Mrs. Marti Barregar*
Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Katherine Bellringer*
Val and Dick Bradshaw*
John de C. Evans and Barry Umbrite*
Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Sherry Killam
Mr. Sam and Mrs. Sylvia Ketcham
Dr. Kevin Leslie
Ms. Jane M. Irwin and Mr. Ross K. Hill
Dr. Marla Kiess*
Mr. Stuart Lai*
Mr. Geoffrey Scott and Ms. Lesley Stowe
Anona Thorne and Takao Tanabe*
Collectors’ Circle - $5,000 or more
Mr. Byron Aceman and Ms. Maud Blitz
Susan Almrud
Ann Angus
Mr. David and Mrs. Kim Calabrigo
Mr. Monte Clark and Mr. Wylie Rauch*
Mr. Glenn and Mrs. Maria Entis
Mr. Rick Erickson
William M. Everett, Q.C.
Moreno and Dagmar Gabay*
David Gooding
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heller*
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Patricia Hudson*
Lucia Lundin
The Lutsky Families
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Naudia Maché*
Mr. Graham and Mrs. Sylvie MacLachlan*
Mr. David and Mrs. Darrell Mindell
Mr. Jefferson Mooney and
Ms. Suzanne Bolton
Andy Sylvester*
Thank you
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tuey
Mr. Milton and Mrs. Fei Wong
Mr. Peter and Mrs. Opal Wong
Mr. Bruce M. Wright*
Ambassador - $2,500 or more
Brian and Kathleen Bartels
Virginia and Michael J.B. Alexandor
Mr. Scot Atkinson and Ms. Lisa Dalton
Wallace and Dorothy J. Beck
Mr. Neil Chrystal and Ms. Andrea Hamilton
Mr. Christos and Mrs. Sophie Dikeakos*
Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Amy Fung*
Alexander and Darlene Hayne
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Carol Henriquez
Mrs. Florence Mary Hungerford
Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Susan Lampert
Ms. Jane MacDonald and Mr. Bruno Wall
John and Marian MacFarlane*
Suzanne D. McMurray*
Frank and Sheila Mingie
Mr. Paul W. Moore
Coleen and Howard Nemtin
John and Diane Norton*
Mr. Todd and Mrs. Valerie Prodanuk*
Mrs. Annette Rothstein*
Mrs. Marjorie Anne Sauder
Mr. and Mrs. D. Shumka
Peter and Alison Speer*
Benefactor - $1,500.00 or more
Daina Augaitis
Mr. Mike and Mrs. Megan Abbott
Jack and Maryon Adelaar
Joan Anderson
Winslow and Betsy Bennett
Jessica and Shawn Bouchard
Christopher and Judith Braun
Kathleen and Laing Brown
Ann Cameron
Ms. Louise Cecil
Mr. Peter A. Cherniavsky
Ms. Colette Chilcott and Dr. Jake Onrot
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Janine Chilcott
Leslie G. Cliff and Mark Tindle
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Rosemary Conder
Kenneth and Barbara Cross
Mr. Tamas Cseza*
Colin and Anne Dobell
Steven Endicott
Mr. A. William Everett
Yvonne and David Fleck
Mrs. Juliette Freybe
Mr. Roman and Mrs. Stephanie Friedrich
Ms. Judy Gale
Barbara and David Gillanders
Mr. David M. Goudge
Ms. Kitty Heller
Douglas M. Hume
Laura R. Killam
Paul Larocque
Mr. Robert M. Ledingham
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis
Ms. Mary Macaulay
Mr. Andrew and Mrs. Georgina MacDonald
Friedel and Martin Maché
Shawne MacIntyre and Tom Monaghan
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Arlene McHugh
Peggy and John McLernon
Ms. Pamela Moffat and
Mr. Shaheen Shojania
Dr. John Nightingale and
Ms. Jacqueline Gijssen
Ms. Ruth Norris
John and Helen O’Brian
Denis O’Brien
Arne Olsen
Daniel and Trudy Pekarsky
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Kelly Rae
Mr. Don and Mrs. Dorothy Ritchie
Dr. Martin and Mrs. Grace Robin
Dr. William and Mrs. Ruth Ross
Mr. Sam and Mrs. Shanit Schwartz
Cathy and David Scott
Mr. Alex Shorten and
Ms. Catherine Robertson
Mrs. Audrey Sojonky
Mr. E. Sonner
Mrs. Gordon T. Southam
Mr. Donald and Mrs. Pamela Steele
Mr. Michael and Mrs. Dana Sullivant
Mr. David Thom and Ms. Juli Hodgson
Nicholas and Vaughan Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Thurber
Mr. John and Mrs. Julie Vogel
Dr. Gary Wagenheim and Dr. Carolyn P. Egri
Mr. Joachim and Ms. Zohreh Waibel
Mr. Allan and Mrs. Joyce Waisman
H.P. Wakefield
Sheri Weichel and Bernard Leroux
Ann and Marshall Webb
Mr. William and Mrs. Zoe Wong
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Eugenie Yeung*
Honorary Benefactors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Annable
Merla Beckerman
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Belzberg
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. G. Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Branch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Brodie
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Laird Cliff
Mr. F. Peter Cundill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heffel
Mr. and Mrs. David K.J. Heffel
Mr. David E. Lemon
Mr. Ed Life
Mrs. Jacqueline Longstaffe
Dr. David I. McLean and Dr. Siu Li Yong
Mr. and Mrs. David McLean
Mrs. Kathleen Meek
John Nichol
Friend - $750.00 or more
Anonymous (2)
Ulrike Bergmann
Mr. Alain and Mrs. Annick Boisset
Mr. Gregory Borowski and Ms. Sharon Fritz
Graham and Linda Brown
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Gabrielle Campbell*
Mrs. Susan Day and Dr. Mark Roseland*
Ms. Janetta Dunlop
Stefan Elmitt*
Mr. Rafael and Mrs. Miryam Filosof
Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Gillian Fodor
Mr. David A. Freeman
Mrs. Helen R. Gooderham
Lyn Goytain
Ms. Carol M. Jutte*
Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Carolyne Knight
Geraldine Malkin
Mr. Lanny and Mrs. Kathy Mann
Julian Marlowe*
Victoria Newhouse
Dr. Michael and Mrs. Elizabeth Noble
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Marika Palmer
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Sandra Stevenson-Moore*
Dr. Ian and Mrs. Jane Strang
Ms. Lynn Frances Teixeira*
Tabitha Toy
Dr. G. Frank and Mrs. Phyllis Tyers*
Paddy Wales
Dr. Crista Erin Walker
Carole Walkinshaw*
Mr. Eric and Mrs. Shirley Wilson
Dr. Hugh and Mrs. Janet Wynne-Edward*
Rory and Jane Young*
Supporting Member - $500.00 or more
Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Lesley Appel
Dr. Frank and Dr. Lynn Beck
Dr. Dan and Mrs. Arlene Birch
Ms. Shona Black and Ms. Kate Devine
Dr. Jim and Mrs. Mary Clare Bovard
Cynthia Burton
Mr. Brian Dedora
Miss Iona Dunnett
Mr. Robin and Mrs. Eleanor Elliott
Gylnis Evans
Ruth H. Fraser
Ms. Teresa M. Frolek
Mr. Doug Gordon and Ms. Stephanie Carlson
Mr. John Gregory and Ms. Chrislana Orr
Mr. Alasdair and Mrs. Alison Hamilton*
Poul and Judith Hansen
Mr. Peter and Mrs. Claire Harnetty
Mr. and Mrs. Leonidas E. Hill
Mr. Carl and Mrs. Mavis Jonsson
Susan Kidd
Ms. Chuk Kwan Katherine Leung
and Mr. Hector Lo
Harry Locke
Ms. Cindy Maines and Mr. Andy Deskin
Mr. Charles and Mrs. Renee MaLette
Geordie Mark
Ms. Anna Mazur and Mr. Peter Kushnir
Dr. Patricia McEvoy and Mr. Ronald Morie
Lindsey Mearns
Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Moul
Dr. and Mrs. H. Peter Oberlander
Mr. Ron and Mrs. Betty Anne Pearson*
Mr. Darrin Pezer and Ms. Negar Khatami
Mr. David and Mrs. Kristina Pfeifer
Dr. Kimit and Mrs. Linda Rai
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Georgina Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Splane
Dr. Jeff and Mrs. Kaity Stein
Mrs. Austin Taylor
Ms. Ivy Tseh and Mr. Greg Mazur
Mr. and Mrs. B. Cooper Walls
Ms. Janet York and Mr. Samuel Feldman
Tony Yue
Mr. Rodolfo Armando Aguirre
Mr. Victor and Ms. Karen Arce
Mr. Bob Ayers
Ms. Kathleen J. Bain
Ms. Jacki Barnes
Mr. Steven Beishuizen
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bellamy
Mr. Patrick and Mrs. Gloria Black
Ms. Sara Blaney
Mr. David Bonner and Ms. Sandra Ferguson
Mr. John Douglas Boyd
Mr. Paul Buckley
Ms. G. Mae Cabott
Mrs. Gonzalves E. Calvo
Ms. Marie Cheong
Ms. Christine Clark
Mr. Blake and Mrs. Lara Cowan
Mr. C. A. De Roode
Mr. Stuart Desbrisay
Mr. James and Mrs. Elyn Dobbs
Mr. Christopher Doray
Mrs. Brenda Foster
Ms. Tamara Frankel
Ms. Dea Freschi and Mr. Robert Warick
Ms. Jane Frost
Mr. Graham and Mrs. Prudence Fuller
Ms. Nancy R. Garrett
Dr. Benjamin and Mrs. Barbara Gelfant
Mr. Napoleon Gomez and Mrs. Oralia Casso
Mr. Peter and Ms. Joyce Goodwin
Alyson Gracey
Ms. Susan Gregory
Elizabeth G. Hammond
Mr. Ralph and Mrs. Helen Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hollifield
Mr. Philip Imrie
Rita L. Irwin
Mrs. Johanna Jacobse
Mrs. Doreen Jensen
Ms. Laurel C. Johannson
Ms. Barbara Johnston
Dr. David and Ms. Valerie Jones
Mr. Howard and Mrs. Rosalind Karby
Ms. Sarah Knoebber and Mr. Sean Mills
Dr. Marvin and Mrs. Irma Lamoureux
Mrs. R. Wilna Lane
Ms. Judith Lange
Ms. Jayne Le Vierge
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Lois Lester
Ms. Imogene Lim
Dr. and Mrs. Casimir Lindsey
Mr. Tony and Mrs. Helena Ma
Mr. John and Mrs. Jane Macintyre
Dr. Peter and Mrs. Kathleen Marioni
Ms. Sofia McGowan
Ms. Dixie McIlwraith
Mr. John and Mrs. Victoria Mendes
Ms. Linda Mix
Ms. Cheryl Moldon
Ms. Lorinda M. Moreau
Mr. Gordon Mulligan
Dr. David Netboy and
Mrs. Marian Alexander
Ms. Glenda Nicol
Mrs. Ann Norrie
Ms. Pat O’Hara and Mr. Dick Schneider
Mr. Craig Ogilvie
Mrs. Keiko Parker
Mr. Sukumar Periwal
Ms. Louise Peters
Mrs. Lorna J. Phillips
Ms. Charna Y. Plottel
Mr. Jim S. Poole
Dr. Marion Porath
Ms. Marge Pouttu
Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Toshiko Quan
Mrs. Shannon Ravenhall
Mr. Michael Rinomhota
Mrs. Claudia Roberts
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Susan Ronalds
Mr. M.H and Mrs. Sonja Sanguinetti
Ms. Sandra Seekins
Barbara Sharp
Dr. Karen Shklanka and Mr. Eric Lanoix
Mrs. Joan Smythe
Ms. Georgina Spies
Mr. Gisli and Mrs. Jill Stefansson
Mrs. Gek-choo Tan
Mrs. Isabel Tanaka
Mrs. M. Joyce Taylor
Ms. Lynn Frances Teixeira
Dr. Anthony and Mrs. Denise Townsend
Ms. Shurli Tylor
Mr. Dimitri and Mrs. Maureen Tymkiw
Mrs. Shelagh Van Kempen
Mrs. Josephine Van Stekelenburg
Ms. Petra Vanderley and
Ms. Geordie Stowell
Ms. Carolyn Wark
Mr. Richard Wenner and
Dr. Gail Dodek-Wenner
Dr. Lalya Wickremasinghe and
Mr. Grant Beattie
Ms. Sharon Woyat
Miss Janet Wu
Mr. Lateef Yang
Mr. Nelson Young and Ms. Tara Rendall
Thank you
The Jean MacMillan
Southam Art
Endowment Fund
The Jean MacMillan
Southam Major Art
Purchase Fund
The Vancouver Art Gallery received
a very special gift this year from
one of the organization’s most loyal
donors, whose relationship with the
Gallery continued for more than
fifty years. With a bequest made
by the late Mrs. Jean MacMillan
Southam, the Gallery has established two endowment funds designated for the purpose of acquiring
art. With the proceeds from these
funds, the philanthropic legacy of
Mrs. Southam will continue in perpetuity, and for this gift the Gallery
is truly grateful.
Honouring Others
Mr. Leon and Mrs. Beth Bogner
in honour of Christian Margesson
Mr. Monte Clark and Mr. Wylie Rauch
in honour of Tara and Abeir Haddad
Milan and Maureen Ilich Foundation
in honour of Michael Audain
Kingsford-Smith Elementary
in honour of Bruce Horn
Phil Lind, O.C. in honour of Jim Pattison
Mr. John and Mrs. Barbara McLean
in honour of Grant Burnyeat
Mr. Malcolm de Vaal
in honour of Elaine Arsens
Memorial Gifts and
In Memory of Bruce Horn’s Brother
In Memory of Alice C. Rowe
Estate of Mrs. Dorothy Freda Bailey
Estate of Mr. Robert Neil DeHart
Estate of Mrs. Florence Muriel Gilchrist
Estate of Mr. Ronald David Pearson
Estate of Mr. Kilgour Shives
Estate of Mrs. Jean MacMillan Southam
Catalyst - $75,000 or more
BMO Financial Group
Leader - $10,000 or more
Hemlock Printers Ltd.
West Fraser Timber Company Ltd.
Lawson Lundell LLP
Reboot Communications Limited
Advocate - $5,000 or more
Commonwealth Insurance Company*
Marin Investments Ltd.*
Davis LLP
Goldman Sachs
Investor - $2,500 or more
Fluor Canada
Supporter - $1,000 or more
Biolytical Laboratories
Electronic Arts
Reitmans (Canada) Ltd.
Cushman & Wakefield Lepage Inc.
Van Dop & Associates
Vanguard Security Services Ltd.
Installation view of Gabriela Albergaria’s Blenheim and 29th, 2008, commisioned by the Vancouver Art Gallery and created with the assistance of the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation;
presented in The Tree: From the Sublime to the Social, oak tree, tree branches, screws, wood, Courtesy of the Artist, Galeria Vermelho, São Paulo, Brazil and Vera Cortês, Art Agency, Lisboa, Portugal
Foundations and
Anako Foundation
Anmar Fund
Associates of the Vancouver Art Gallery
Audain Foundation
Bellringer Family Foundation
The Christopher Foundation
Concord Pacific Foundation
Fidelity Foundation
Goethe Institut Toronto
The Hamber Foundation
Kaatza Foundation
Larkspur Foundation
Imperial Oil Foundation
Michael O’Brian Foundation
KPMG Foundation
RBC Foundation
The Rix Family Foundation
Ouellette Family Foundation
Telus Vancouver Community Board
The W.P. Scott Charitable Foundation
Jack and Doris Shadbolt Foundation
Simons Foundation
Vancouver Foundation
Weathertop Foundation
VIVA – Vancouver Institute for the Visual Arts
Benjamin Moore
Paint Supplier:
City of Vancouver
Government of Canada
Canada Council for the Arts
Acquisitions Assistance
Japan-Canada Fund
Assistance to Art Museums
and Public Galleries
Department of Canadian Heritage
Museums Assistance Program
Cultural Spaces Canada
Young Canada Works
Canada Travelling Exhibitions
Indemnification Program
Canadian Heritage Information Network
Metro Vancouver
Province of British Columbia
British Columbia Arts Council
Gaming Revenues
Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad
Supported by:
RBC Financial Group
Presenting Sponsor:
American Express Foundation
Presenting Sponsor:
Aymong Family Trust
Supported by:
RBC Financial Group
Major Sponsor:
The Keg Steakhouse and Bar
Supporting Sponsor:
Vancouver Foundation
Media Sponsors:
The Vancouver Sun
103.5 QMFM
Additional Support by:
The Japan-Canada Fund
Goethe-Institut, Toronto
Presenting Sponsor:
Presented by:
The Keg Steakhouse and Bar
American Express Foundation
Supporting Sponsor:
Additional support from:
The Keg Steakhouse and Bar
Consulat General of France in Vancouver
Glenn and Maria Entis
Electronic Arts
Reboot Communications Limited
Concord Pacific Group Inc.
Teck Cominco Limited
Supported by:
Supported by:
Associates of the Vancouver Art Gallery
Presenting Sponsor:
Supported by:
West Coast Log Homes and Sechelt
Community Forest
Supported by:
Associates of the Vancouver Art Gallery
Media Sponsors:
Presenting Sponsor:
The Vancouver Sun
103.5 QMFM
TD Bank Financial Group
Supporting Sponsor:
Additional Support Provided by:
East India Carpets
Supported by:
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
Consulat General of France in Vancouver
Thank you
Presenting Sponsor:
The Private Residences at Hotel Georgia
Major Art Donors
Supporting Sponsor:
Lifetime Gifts of $5,000,000 or more
Mercedes–Benz Canada Inc.
J. Ronald and Jacqueline Longstaffe
Lifetime Gifts of $1,000,000 or more
Cathay Pacific
Club Intrawest – Palm Desert
Corby Distilleries Ltd.
Desert Willow Golf Resort
Diva at the Met
Douglas Reynolds Gallery
The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
Jake and Judy Kerr
Sherry Killam
George and Karen Killy
Maynards Industries
Mission Hill Family Estate
Proscenium Architecture and Interiors Inc.
The Keg Steakhouse and Bar
The Vancouver Sun
Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Jessie Binning
John and Eve Davidson
Alan and Alison Schwartz
W. Maurice and Mary Margaret Young
Michael J. Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Toni Ann Chowne
The Estate of Kathleen Reif
John Nichol
Stuart and Clemencia Shephard
Sandra L. Simpson
Keith Westergaard
Jochen Gerz
Lifetime Gifts of $250,000 or more
Laing and Kathleen Brown
Ronald and Ardelle Cliff
Cordell Couillard
Ian Davidson
Thomas J. Deutsch, Patrick C. Devlin, and
Peter K. Jensen
The Estate of John Parnell
Stan Douglas
Henning and Brigitte Freybe
Daniel and Trudy Pekarsky
John Petch, Q.C.
Gerald and Doris Radowitz
Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Doris Shadbolt
Takao Tanabe
Presenting Sponsor:
Lifetime gifts of $100,000 or more
Toni and Hildegard Cavelti
A Bernard Cody, Daryl K. Seaman, and
Donald R. Seaman
Jack Diamond, Q.C.
Gluskin Sheff and Associates Inc.
Dr. Abraham Greenberg
Naomi Greenberg and Judith Greenberg
Geoffrey F. Hyland
Anna K. Jetter
Morris and Miriam Kaplansky
Ann Kipling
Ken Lum
Harry and Ann Malcolmson
Supported by:
RBC Foundation
Spectra Energy Transmission
Supported by:
RBC Financial Group
Media Sponsor:
The Georgia Straight
Presented by:
Sun Life Financial
Imperial Oil Foundation
Jake and Judy Kerr
Michael O’Brian Foundation
TELUS Vancouver Community Board
Presented by:
HSBC Bank Canada
Media Sponsor:
Lifetime Gifts of $500,000 or more
Knowledge Network
Jane Mastin and James Funk
James Mastin and Barbara Mastin
Aaron Milrad
Toni Onley
Larry I. Ruskin
Jayce Salloum
Maxine Shaw and Family
Gordon and Marion Smith
Jessica Stockholder
Ian H. Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Warren
Marshall and Ann Webb
Lawrence Weiner and Alicia Zimmerman
Ira and Lori Young
Roy Arden
Michael J. Audain and Yoshiko Karasawa
Claudia Beck and Andrew Gruft
Neil Campbell
Monty Cooper
Reg Davidson
Susan Diamond
Stan Douglas
Dr. Geoffrey Eichholz
Gathie Falk
Colette Goguen
Wendy Grover
Carole Itter
Bill Jeffries
Mark Lewis
Ken Lum
Peter Ohler
Lilian and Melanie Reinblatt
Dr. Rodrigo Restrepo
Evelyn Roth
Mark Ruwedel
Estate of Rosemary Joy Scudamore
Jessica Stockholder
Anona Thorne
William J. Watt and Susan Murphy
Michael N. Yahgulanaas
Contributions Towards the Purchase of Art
$250,000 or more
Audain Foundation
2007 – 2008 Contributors Towards the
Purchase of Art
Sherry Killam
Joe and Nancy Kovalik
Michael O’Brian Foundation
Financial Statements of Vancouver art gallery association
Year ended June 30, 2008 [18 months]
To the Members of the Vancouver Art Gallery Association
We have audited the balance sheet of the Vancouver Art Gallery
Association (the “Association”) as at June 30, 2008 and the statements
of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the 18 months
then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Association’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally
accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan
and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of the Association as at June 30,
2008 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the 18
months then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted
accounting principles. As required by the Society Act (British
Columbia), we report that, in our opinion, except for the change in
the method of accounting for financial instruments as explained in
note 2 to the financial statements, these principles have been
applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.
Chartered Accountants
Vancouver, Canada
August 22, 2008
Vancouver ARt Gallery 2006 Financial Statements
Vancouver Art Gallery association statement of financial position
June 30,
December 31,
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 50,146,052
Grants, interest and accounts receivable
Prepaid exhibition and other expenses
203,570 50,146,052
Capital assets (note 5) 
$ 4,797,782
$ 203,570
$ 50,146,052
$ 1,392,998
$ 688,941
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
current portion (note 8)
– 49,880,727
Current portion of long-term liability (note 9)
Obligation under capital lease Deferred contributions (note 7)
3,299,847 (253,878) 49,733,454
Obligation under capital lease (note 8)
Long-term liability (note 9)
Invested in capital assets  
Interfund balances
Net assets:
Internally restricted –
$ 4,797,782
$ 203,570
$ 50,146,052
Commitments (note 16)
See accompanying notes to financial statements.
Approved on behalf of the Board:
Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
Vancouver Art Gallery association Statement of Operations
Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008, with comparative figures for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006
June 30,
2008 Total
December 31,
$ 4,369,157 $
$ 4,369,157 $
Exhibition loan fees
781,515 – – 781,515 318,271
Fundraising (note 13(c) and (d))
1,909,814 466,908 60,000 2,436,722 1,098,278
Gallery Store and Artist Editions (note 12)
4,311,429 – – 4,311,429 2,300,250
Investment income (note 4)
83,275 668,668 – 751,943 386,928
– 2,845,390 – 2,845,390 –
– 1,431,336 581,321
Major bequests (note 13(b))
1,431,336 Memberships
– Public programming
175,525 – – 175,525 94,841
Rentals and restaurant lease
689,060 – – 689,060 343,362
Special events (note 11)
330,660 – – 330,660 879,805
1,196,000 – – 1,196,000 735,616
Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation (note 13(a))
434,275 – Other 483,911 3,461 –
– 16,195,957 3,984,427 60,000 434,275 206,806
487,372 216,065
20,240,384 9,121,597
BC Arts Council
904,500 – – 904,500 Gaming Commission
112,500 – – 112,500 603,000
Canada Council
900,000 24,000 – 924,000 328,135
City of Vancouver
3,345,800 – – 3,345,800 2,049,500
Department of Canadian Heritage
– – – – 399,741
Foreign Affairs Canada
– – – – 10,000
Metro Vancouver
5,000 – – 5,000 –
BC building grant (note 7)
– – 119,273 119,273 –
423,982 5,691,782 –
24,000 21,887,739 4,008,427 –
423,982 4,930
119,273 5,835,055 3,435,306
179,273 26,075,439 12,556,903
1,103,526 Administration and finance
Art acquisitions
– – 1,103,526 631,680
– 1,856,840 – 1,856,840 287,944
Board and management services
1,225,062 – – 1,225,062 887,121
Curatorial and programs
2,680,528 – – 2,680,528 1,660,067
4,969,803 – – 4,969,803 2,211,936
Gallery Store and Artist Editions (note 12)
3,586,691 – – 3,586,691 1,818,266
Maintenance and security
2,479,315 – – 2,479,315 1,737,587
Marketing, development and visitor services
3,809,561 – – 3,809,561 1,657,603
Master planning
– – 179,273 179,273 71,000
Museum services
1,766,807 – – 1,766,807 1,198,323
179,273 23,657,406
21,621,293 1,856,840 266,446 2,151,587 Excess of revenue over expenses before the undernoted
– 2,418,033 (1,422,695)
Gift to Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation (note 13(b))
– Amortization of capital assets
– – Excess of revenue expenses before the undernoted
16,779 728,892 –
Investment income - building fund (note 7)
412,598 – – 412,598
Excess of revenue over expenses
429,377 $ 728,892 $
$ 1,158,269
See accompanying notes to financial statements.
Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
Vancouver Art Gallery association Statement of Changes in Net Assets Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008, with comparative figures for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006
General Fund
Invested in
Buildingjune 30,
December 31,
capital assets
Balance, beginning of period
514,570 $ (41,427)
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses
679,044 (371,444)
898,985 $
– 1,000,684 $
1,158,269 701,821
VAST fund transfer (note 10)
– 898,985 –
– – –
Building fund transfer (note 7)
– (412,598)
– 412,598 – –
– – – –
Net change in invested in capital assets
Balance, end of period
421,086 685,989 (421,086)
$ 702,918 $
357,448 $
$ 412,598 $
2,158,953 Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
$ 1,000,684
Vancouver Art Gallery association Statement of cash flows Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008, with comparative figures for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006
June 30, 2008
December 31,
Cash provided by (used in):
Excess of revenue over expenses
$ 1,158,269
Items not involving cash:
Amortization of capital assets
Gain on disposal of capital assets
Exhibition expenses written off
Net change in non-cash operating working capital:
Grants, interest and accounts receivable
Prepaid and exhibition expenses
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Investments and financing:
Repayment on obligation under capital lease
Purchase of capital assets Decrease in long-term liabilities
Deferred contributions 50,176,741
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period
$ 50,295,977
Non-cash investing and financing activity:
Purchase of capital asset under capital lease
See accompanying notes to financial statements.
Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
Vancouver Art Gallery association Notes to Financial Statements
Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
1. Purpose of the Organization:
The Vancouver Art Gallery Association (the “Association”) is a
not-for-profit organization incorporated in April 1931 under the
Society Act (British Columbia). Its objectives are to establish
and maintain an art gallery for the perpetual benefit of the City
of Vancouver and its citizens. It is a registered Canadian charity
for Canadian income tax purposes.
The Board of Trustees approved, as permitted under the
Society Act, a change of year end to June 30 to facilitate
an alignment of receipt of the Association’s revenues and
incurrence of related expenses.
2.Adoption of accounting policy:
Effective with the commencement of its 2008 fiscal year, the
Association adopted the recommendations of the Canadian
Institute of Chartered Accountants (“CICA”) Handbook Section
3855, Financial Instruments – Recognition and Measurement,
and CICA Handbook Section 3861, Financial Instruments –
Disclosure and Presentation. These new Handbook Sections
provide comprehensive requirements for the recognition and
measurement of financial instruments.
Under Handbook Section 3855, all financial instruments are
classified into one of the following five categories: held for
trading, held-to-maturity investments, loans and receivables,
available-for-sale financial assets or other financial liabilities. All
financial instruments, including derivatives, are included on the
statement of financial position and are measured at fair market
value, with the exception of loans and receivables, investments
held-to-maturity and other financial liabilities, which are
measured at amortized cost. Measurement in subsequent
periods depends on whether the financial instrument has
been classified as held for trading, available-for-sale, held-tomaturity, loans and receivables, or other liabilities.
The Association classifies its cash and cash equivalents as held
for trading. Grants, interest and accounts receivable, accounts
payable and accrued liabilities, deferred revenue and longterm liabilities are classified as loans and receivables and other
financial liabilities, respectively, and are therefore measured at
amortized cost.
Adoption of this policy resulted in no material impact to the
carrying value of financial assets or changes in opening net
3.Significant accounting policies:
These financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles
for not-for-profit organizations and include the following
significant accounting policies.
(a)Fund accounting:
These financial statements include the undernoted funds which
are segregated for purposes of carrying on specific activities
as described below.
(i)The General Fund reflects the results of general
operations of the Association.
(ii)The Vancouver Arts Stabilization Team Fund was
established from restricted contributions received from
the Gerald and Sheahan McGavin Capital Grant to the
Arts (note 10).
(iii)The Building Fund was established for the express
purpose of accumulating, managing and distributing
funds to plan, develop and build a new Vancouver Art
Gallery (note 7).
(iv)The Acquisitions Fund was established in 1984 through
funds from the sale of the original Georgia Street
building and receives income earned by The Vancouver
Art Gallery Endowment Fund for Acquisitions of Art,
which is administered by the Vancouver Foundation
(note 4). The Acquisitions Fund incorporates the newly
established The Jean MacMillan Southam Major Art
Purchase Fund (note 13(b)).
In addition, the Life Benefactors Endowment Fund was initially
established in 1989 and the income from the Fund is intended
to finance special projects as determined by the Board of
Trustees. This fund is permanently restricted and administered
by the Vancouver Foundation as described in note 4 and are
not included in these financial statements.
(b)Basis of accounting:
(i)Cash and cash equivalents:
Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and highly
liquid investments with terms to maturity of three
months or less at the date of acquisition.
(ii)Prepaid and exhibition expenses:
The balance is comprised primarily of exhibition
expenditures that have been paid by the Association,
which relate to exhibitions to be held the following year.
Inventories are comprised primarily of books, jewellery,
paper products, gifts, reproductions and clothing held
for sale in the Gallery Store and are stated at the lower
of cost and net realizable value.
(iv)Revenue recognition:
The Association follows the deferral method of
accounting for contributions which include donations,
bequests and government grants. Under this method
of accounting, revenue received with specific external
restrictions is deferred and recognized in the period
the restrictions are met. Endowment contributions are
recorded as direct increases in net assets.
Exhibition loan fees are recognized as revenue when
received, except for the portion relating to a future
period which is deferred and recognized in that
subsequent period.
Gallery Store and Artist Edition revenue is recognized as
revenue as sales are made.
Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue
when received or receivable. Pledged amounts are
recorded as revenue when the amount to be received
can be reasonably estimated, typically when signed
pledge forms are received, and ultimate collection is
reasonably assured. At June 30, 2008, the Association
has recorded $717,500 (December 31, 2006 - $120,470)
of pledges as revenue and accounts receivable.
(v)Capital assets:
Capital assets are recorded at cost and are amortized
on a straight-line basis over the useful lives of the
assets as follows:
3 - 5 years
3 - 10 years
Furniture and building fixtures
5 - 25 years
Equipment under capital lease
15 years
The Association is responsible for the management of
these assets and enjoys beneficial interests thereof. Title
to the majority of these assets is vested in the City of
(vi)Pension plan:
The Association maintains a defined contribution plan
for its employees. Pension plan costs for the employees
of the Association are funded annually and charged to
operating expenses. These costs totaled $216,932 for
the 18 months ended June 30, 2008 (12 months ended
December 31, 2006 - $138,361).
Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
Vancouver Art Gallery association Notes to Financial Statements
Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
3.Significant accounting policies (continued):
(b)Basis of accounting (continued):
(vii)Collection (see note 14):
The cost of additions to the collection are charged as an
expense in the Acquisitions Fund in the year of acquisition.
(viii)Donated works of art, materials and services:
The Association receives donated works of art, materials
and services, the value of which is not reflected in these
financial statements.
(ix)Use of estimates:
The preparation of financial statements requires
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure
of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue
and expenses during the year. Significant areas requiring the
use of management estimates relate to the determination
of useful lives of capital assets for amortization, allowance
for doubtful accounts, including pledges of donations, and
provisions, if any, for contingencies. Actual results may differ
from these estimates.
(c)Future changes in accounting standards:
Commencing with the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2008, the
Association will be adopting CICA Handbook Section 3862,
Financial Instruments – Disclosures, and Section 3863, Financial
Instruments – Presentation. These standards revise the current
standards on financial instruments disclosure and presentation
and place an increased emphasis on disclosures regarding the
risks associated with both recognized and unrecognized financial
instruments and how these risks are managed.
Management is currently determining the impact of the adoption
of these standards on the financial statements for the 2009
fiscal year.
5.Capital assets:
June 30, December 31,
Net book
$ 530,479
$ 371,697
The Vancouver Art Gallery Endowment
Fund for Acquisitions of Art
June 30, 2008
December 31
Furniture and
building fixtures
233,368 258,297
Equipment under
capital leases
$ 801,273
Life Benefactors
Market value $
$ 10,243,326
$ 514,570
$ 685,989
$ 514,570
Net change in invested in capital assets:
June 30, December 31,
$ 561,250
Purchase of capital assets
$ 229,679
Payments on capital lease obligation 28,836
Capital lease obligation
$ 421,086
$ 229,679
6.Line of credit:
The Association has an available operating line of credit of
$365,000 which bears interest at the bank’s prime rate. As at
June 30, 2008, the balance outstanding on this operating line is
nil (December 31, 2006 – nil).
7.Deferred contributions:
General fund
Canada Council Grant
June 30, December 31,
$ 150,000
City of Vancouver 48,608
Corporate sponsors 149,500
Department of Canadian Heritage 25,572
Other 171,941 127,868
Book value
$ 514,570
June 30, December 31,
$ 826,153
Capital assets
Amount financed by
capital lease obligation (note 8)
The Vancouver Art Gallery Endowment Fund:
$ 826,153
Invested in capital assets is calculated as follows:
$ 180,252
4.Endowment funds:
Endowment funds, administered and recorded by the Vancouver
Foundation in its financial statements, are permanently restricted
and consequently not included as assets of the Association in
these financial statements. These funds at book and market values comprise:
$ 158,782
Net book
$ 545,621
$ 249,607
Building fund
Balance, beginning of period
Under the terms of these endowment funds, the Association
receives investment income earned on the capital. Income for the
18 months ended June 30, 2008 of $668,668 (12 months ended
December 31, 2006 - $335,064) from the Vancouver Art Gallery
Endowment Fund for Acquisitions of Art has been credited to
the Acquisitions Fund. Income for the 18 months ended June
30, 2008 of $57,433 (12 months ended December 31, 2006 $38,307) from the General and Life Benefactors components of
the Vancouver Art Gallery Endowment Fund has been credited
to the General Fund.
June 30, December 31,
Other 60,000
Province of British Columbia building grant
Balance, end of period
Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
Vancouver Art Gallery association Notes to Financial Statements
Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
7.Deferred contributions (continued):
Building fund:
In 2008, the Association’s Board established the Building Fund
for the express purpose of accumulating, managing and distributing funds to plan, develop and build a new Vancouver Art Gallery.
On March 31, 2008, the Province of BC made a grant to the
Association in the amount of $50,000,000 (December 31, 2006
- nil) restricting the use of the funds for the general purpose of
planning for the new Vancouver Art Gallery.
Funds are invested in accordance with the Association’s organization-wide investment policy which restricts investments to
those governed by the Society Act, the Trustee Act and the
Association’s bylaws. Also, investments must be in Canadian dollars and no investment shall have term in excess of 180 days as
at the date of acquisition. During the 18 months ended June 30,
2008, investment income earned was $412,598 (12 months ended
December 31, 2006 - nil). This amount was recorded as revenue
under the Operating Fund and then transferred to the Building
Fund as approved by the Board. This has been recorded as an
internally restricted building fund transfer in the statement of
changes in net assets.
8.Obligation under capital leases:
The following is a schedule of minimum lease payments under
fixed rate capital leases expiring May 15, 2012, together with the
balance of the obligation:
Year ended June 30
$ 40,848
11. Special events:
The Association performs certain fundraising activities considered
to be ancillary to its ongoing operations. These activities, which
generated an excess of revenue over expenses for the 18 months
ended June 30, 2008 of $330,660 (12 months ended December
31, 2006 - $879,805), have been presented in the statement of
operations on a net basis. The gross revenue and expenses related to these activities are as follows:
18 months ended
June 30,
12 months ended
December 31,
Of the total sales during the period ended June 30, 2008,
$486,496 relates to the Monet to Dali Ball event.
12. Gallery Store and Artist Editions:
18 months ended
June 30,
12 months ended
December 31,
Sales - Gallery Store
- Artist Editions
Salaries and employee benefits 872,895
Administration 279,823
Total minimum lease payments
Less amount representing interest at an average rate of 7% 23,228
Present value of capital lease payments
Less current portion
Present value of capital lease payments
9 Long-term liability:
Long-term liability consists of amounts due for the acquisition of
works of art in 2004 from collectors, one of whom subsequently
joined the Board of Trustees in 2007. The amount is non-interest
bearing and repayable in fiscal years 2009 and 2010 in the
amounts of $240,000 and $100,000, respectively.
10. Gerald and Sheahan McGavin Capital Grant to the Arts:
Under a five year agreement with the Vancouver Arts
Stabilization Team (VAST) dated February 25, 1998, the
Association was entitled to receive a grant of $179,797 each year
for a five year period. As at December 31, 2003, the total grant
had been received by the Association. In accordance with direction received from VAST, and based on a resolution passed by the
Association Board, the Association had restricted the $898,985
for a period of three years ending December 31, 2006 to be used
as a working capital reserve. Effective January 1, 2007, these
funds were transferred to the Operating Fund. The Vancouver Art
Gallery gratefully acknowledges the support of the Gerald and
Sheahan McGavin Capital Grant to the Arts.
Cost of goods sold
2,433,973 1,254,790
3,586,691 1,818,266
Excess of revenue over
expenses from operations
13. Related parties:
(a) Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation:
The Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation (the “Foundation”)
was incorporated in March 1998 under the Society Act (British
Columbia) and is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act.
Its purpose is to receive, hold and invest bequests, donations,
gifts, funds and property, the income from which supports the
programs, operations and activities of the Association. The
Association’s Board of Trustees appoints the Board of Directors
of the Foundation. The Foundation has not been consolidated in
the Association’s financial statements.
The financial position and operating results as at and for the
year ended December 31, 2007, the latest fiscal year financial
statements of the Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation available, are
as follows.
Net assets
Administrative expenses
Donation to the Association
Transfer to the Vancouver Foundation
Deficiency of revenue over expenses
Excess of revenue over expenses
Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
Vancouver Art Gallery association Notes to Financial Statements
Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
13. Related parties (continued):
(a) Vancouver Art Gallery Foundation (continued):
For the 18 months ended June 30, 2008, the Foundation’s
donation to the Association amounts to $434,275, of which
$78,000 (12 months ended December 31, 2006 - $50,015)
is included in accounts receivable at June 30, 2008. The
Foundation also maintains and receives income on endowment
funds, which are permanently held and administered by the
Vancouver Foundation. The market value of these funds at
June 30, 2008 is $5,957,489 (December 31, 2006 - $5,450,944).
As at June 30, 2008, included in accounts payable is nil
(December 31, 2006 - $60,843) relating to donations received by
the Association that are attributable to the Foundation.
(b) Jean MacMillan Southam bequest:
During the period, the Association received a bequest of the
painting “A Boy and His Pony - Portrait of Daffern Seal on
Canary” by Alfred James Munnings (the “Painting”) from the
estate of Jean MacMillan Southam. The Painting was sold through
a private sale by Sotheby’s for $2,845,390.
The Association’s Board passed a motion to divide the proceeds
from the sale of the Painting, half to go to The Jean MacMillan
Southam Art Acquisition Endowment Fund at the Vancouver
Art Gallery Foundation and half to remain in the Acquisitions
Fund and designated as The Jean MacMillan Southam Major Art
Purchase Fund, in honour of the bequest of Mrs. Southam.
As a result, $1,422,695 has been gifted to the Vancouver Art
Gallery Foundation to create The Jean MacMillan Southam Art
Acquisition Endowment Fund.
(c) Friends of Vancouver Art Gallery:
Friends of Vancouver Art Gallery (“Friends”) is a non-profit
organization incorporated in the United States in March 2003.
Its purpose is to receive donations, gifts, funds, and property
from residents of the United States. The Association’s Board of
Trustees appoints the Board of Directors of Friends. Friends has
not been consolidated in the Association’s financial statements.
The financial position and operating results of Friends are as
18 months ended
June 30,
12 months ended
December 31,
Net assets
Donation to the Association
14. Collection:
The Association is responsible for the management of the Vancouver
Art Gallery collection and fine arts reference library. The collection
comprises paintings, drawings, sculptures, photography, prints and
other visual art materials. Ownership of the collection is vested in
the City of Vancouver.
15. Financial instruments:
Financial instruments of the Association are comprised of cash and
cash equivalents, grants, interest and accounts receivable, accounts
payable and accrued liabilities and long-term liability. The carrying
value of the Association’s financial instruments, other than long-term
liability, approximates their fair value due to their ability for prompt
liquidation or settlement in the near term. The fair value of the noninterest bearing long-term liability (including the current portion)
at June 30, 2008 is approximately $321,300 (December 31, 2006 $503,550).
16. Commitments:
The Association is committed to minimum lease payments on
operating leases for the years ending June 30 as follows:
$ 145,867
2010 137,776
2011 124,785
In addition, the Association leases its current premises from the
City of Vancouver for a period of 99 years ending 2079 for annual
payments of $1. The fair value of the rent cannot be reasonably
determined and has not been recorded in these financial statements.
17. Comparative figures:
Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with
the financial statement presentation adopted for the current year.
During fiscal 2008, Friends received cash and in-kind gifts. The
Board of Directors passed a motion to transfer 100% of the
gifts to the Association. As at June 30, 2008, of the cash gifts,
nil (December 31, 2006 - $8,000) has been received by the
Association and $13,085 (December 31, 2006 - nil) is in accounts
(d) Associates of the Vancouver Art Gallery:
The Associates of the Vancouver Art Gallery (the “Associates”)
are devoted to raising funds for the Association through social,
educational and service enterprises. During the 18 months ended
June 30, 2008, the Associates donated $135,000 (12 months
ended December 31, 2006 - $84,211) to the Association.
(e) Other:
During the 18 months ended June 30, 2008, the Association
made payments of $41,168 (12 months ended December 31, 2006
- nil) for consulting services to a private firm of which a principal
is related to a current Board member of the Association.
Vancouver ARt Gallery Financial Statements Eighteen months ended June 30, 2008
Front row, left to right: Grace Robin, Peter Speer, Claudia Beck. Second row: George Killy, Judy Kerr, Judy Lindsay, Audrey
Sojonky, Carol Henriquez, Sherry Killam, Kathleen Bartels, Barry Scott, Peter Wong. Third row: Paul Larocque, Michael Audain,
Jane Irwin, Debra Nesbitt, Graham MacLachlan, David Calabrigo, David Aisenstat, Steven Endicott. Fourth row: Bill Everett, Lesley
Stowe. Fifth row: Kevin Leslie, Dana Sullivant. Photo: Brian Howell
2007 - 2008
David Aisenstat
Michael Audain, Chair, Relocation
Claudia Beck, Chair, Acquisitions
Merla Beckerman, Past Board Chair &
Chair, Governance/Nominations
David Calabrigo, Chair, Development
Christos Dikeakos
Bill Everett, Secretary
Jill Gardiner
Barbara Gillanders
Carol Henriquez
Jane Irwin
Judy Kerr
Sam Ketcham, Board Vice Chair
Sherry Killam
George Killy, Board Chair
Jerry Lampert
Kevin Leslie
Judy Lindsay, Associates Rep.
Graham MacLachlan
Grace Robin
Eric Savics
Barry Scott
Audrey Sojonky
Peter Speer
Lesley Stowe
Marshall Webb
Peter Wong, Chair, Finance/Audit
at June 30, 2008
Kathleen S. Bartels, Director
Deborah Lagueux, Administrative Assistant to the Director
Paul Larocque, Associate Director
Liz Massil, Administrative Assistant / Board Secretary
Valerie Prodanuk, Controller
Ayesha Coosemans, Accounting Administrator
Robert Pestes, Accounts Payable Administrator
Darcy Morrisseau, Accounts Receivable Administrator
Layne Kirkpatrick, Network Administrator
Wade Thomas, Audio Visual Technician III
Derek Brunen, Media Arts Technician
Clarence Lafortune, Head of Building Maintenance
Richard Nelson, Stationary Engineer
Manuel Pacheco, Building Services Worker
Nancy Naidu, Building Cleaner
Gopal Sami, Building Maintenance Worker
Daina Augaitis, Chief Curator/Associate Director
Angela Mah, Administrative Assistant
Kim Bates, Clerk Typist III
Bruce Grenville, Senior Curator
Ian Thom, Senior Curator, Historical
Karen Love, Manager of Curatorial Affairs
Grant Arnold, Audain Curator of British Columbia Art
Tom Padon, Adjunct Curator
Bruce Wiedrick, Exhibitions Coordinator
Emmy Lee, Assistant Curator ‘A’
Kathleen Ritter, Assistant Curator ‘A’
Vanessa Sorenson, Exhibitions Touring Assistant
Stephanie Rebick, Curatorial Assistant
Monica Smith, Conservator
Beth Wolchok, Conservation Assistant
Emilie O’Brien, Conservation Assistant
Steven Endicott, Director of Development
Jessica Bouchard, Assistant Director of Development
Janet Homeniuk, Manager, Information Systems
Alyson Gracey, Manager, Individual Giving
Jennifer Chrismas, Development Assistant
Christine Bourquin, Development Assistant
Stephanie Yada, Manager, Retail Operations
Sharon Young, Assistant Store Manager
Suzana Barton, Assistant Store Manager
Chad Yelenik, Store Assistant
Erica Krahn, Store Assistant
Laura Chiarenza, Store Assistant
Gwen Wing, Shipping/Receiving Store Assistant
Nadia Thibault, Receptionist
Tory McDonald, Receptionist
Debra Nesbitt, Human Resources Manager
Flora Momerelle, Payroll and Benefits Administrator
Sherry Stewart, Volunteer Resources Coordinator
Tom Meighan, Director of Operations and Exhibition Production
Hilton Goodes, Assistant Security Supervisor
Nick Stefanakis, Assistant Security Supervisor
Kulvinder Lehal, Admissions Clerk
Beth Oliver, Admissions Clerk
Paul Murray, Admissions Clerk
Jane Saroa, Admissions Clerk
Maureen Powell, Admissions Clerk
Cheryl Siegel, Librarian
Lynn Brockington, Librarian
Joanna Spurling, Library Assistant
The following list includes employees who contributed to the
Vancouver Art Gallery from January 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008
through their work in contract or temporary positions, as well
as employees who left the Gallery during 2007 or the first six
months of 2008:
Dana Sullivant, Director of Marketing and Communications
Colette Warburton, Marketing and Promotions Manager
Andrew Riley, Public Relations Manager
Cindy Maines, Promotions Specialist
Faye Bednarczyk, Tourism Marketing Specialist
Sunny Kooner, Marketing Coordinator/Graphic Designer
Robin Naiman, Rental Coordinator
Shana Aspeleiter, Event Specialist
Evelyn Abisror, Visitor Services
Christine Bachinsky, Visitor Services
Irina Balmus, Visitor Services
Karen Benbassat, Public Programs
Aja Billas, Gallery Store
Sean Booth, Building Maintenance
Tim Bonham, Preparation
Anne Bostwick, Public Programs
Doris Bottoni, Public Programs
Britt Breu, Gallery Store
Mathew Brown, Preparation
Kristi Bruce, Gallery Store
Elizabeth Bruchet, Registration
Amanda Bryan, Visitor Services
Elisha Burrows, Preparation
Allison Chambers, Registration
Nicole Champagne, Visitors Service
Joanne Cheung, Gallery Store
Krista Constantineau, Development
Dylan Cree, Preparation
Laurie Curran, Gallery Store
Sean Daniels, Building Services
Kristen Davis, Gallery Store
Catherine Dawson, Public Programs
Eric Deis, Preparation
James Dellostritto, Gallery Store
Jan Deny, Audio Visual
Jenny Dent, Visitor Services
Raman Dherari, Gallery Store
Natalie Doonan, Public Programs
Lionel Doucette, Preparation
Robyn Dugas, Development
Meghan Eldridge, Public Programs
Brenda Feist, Visitor Services
Stephanie Fink, Gallery Store
Melissa Flagg, Gallery Store
Ruby Franklin, Gallery Store
Cari Fraser, Development
Kristi Fuoco, Visitor Service
Trevor Mills, Photographer II
Danielle Currie, Rights and Reproductions Coordinator
Glen Flanderka, Senior Preparator III
Keith Mitchell, Lead Preparator II
Michael Trevillion, Lead Preparator II
Paula O’Keefe, Lead Preparator II
Rory Gylander, Lead Preparator
Dwight Koss, Lead Preparator
Heidi Reitmaier, Director and Curator of Education and
Public Programs
Marie Lopes, Coordinator: Adult Programs
Sadira Rodrigues, Coordinator: Adult Programs
Andrea Jensen, Programming Assistant
Susan Rome, Coordinator: Family and Youth Programs
Susan Hoppenfeld, Coordinator: Family and Youth Programs
Emily Miles, Group Booking Assistant
Susan Sirovyak, Registrar - Collections
Jenny Wilson, Registrar - Exhibitions and Loans
Bita Vorell, Assistant Registrar, Documentation
Susan Currie, Assistant Registrar, Touring Exhibitions
Kim Svendsen, Registration Assistant
Sean George, Visitor Services/Public Programs
Jessica Gilmore-Groome, Gallery Store
Lori Goldberg, Public Programs
Melodye Gottschligg, Visitor Services
Sally Gregson, Public Programs
David Grove, Audio Visual
Janene Haddix, Visitor Services
Shauna Halferty, Visitor Services
Jennifer Harrison, Development
Laura Hatfield, Registration
Michael Hendrix, Audio Visual
Linda Henningson, Public Programs
Mathew Hills, Preparation
Sarah Hitner, Marketing
Catherine Holdaway, Public Programs
Sarah Holmes, Public Programs
Trevor Hughes, Visitor Services
Betty Hum, Marketing & Communications
Susan Jessop, Public Programs
Ana Johnson, Visitor Services
Angela Johnston, Visitor Services
Eileen Kage, Audio Visual
Cameron Kerr, Preparation
Christina Kitts, Visitor Services
Una Knox, Preparation
Rowena Koh, Photo Imaging
Jo-Ann Kronquist, Preparation
Kristina Kudryk, Preparation
Christopher Kukura, Preparation
Annie Kung, Gallery Store
Jas Lally, Visitor Services
Lata Mohini, Building Services
Sue Lavitt, Marketing
Seunggun Lee, Audio Visual
David Lehman, Audio Visual
Yun Li, Audio Visual
Caity Long, Gallery Store
Jane Lougheed, Public Programs
Victoria Lum, Visitor Services
Shawne MacIntyre, Development
Noel Macul, Audio Visual
Elizabeth Martin, Public Programs
Aleha McCauley, Library
Andrew McCord, Audio Visual
Storma McDonald, Visitor Services
Ella Dawn, McGeough, Public Programs
Lori McGillivray, Preparation
Todd McKenzie, Preparation
John McIntosh, Preparation
Julie McIntyre, Public Programs
Kelly McLean, Public Programs
Tim McMillan, Library
Heather McNabb, Visitor Services
Simon McNally, Public Programs
Jason McNamar, Visitor Services
Robert McNealy, Preparation
Don McPherson, Building Services
Caela Moffet, Visitor Services
Julia Moser, Human Resources
Carolyn Mount, Preparation
Fiona Mowatt, Public Programs
Vijay Nair, Building Services
Rosemary Nault, Development
Miriam Needoba, Audio Visual
Megan Neilans, Library
Charo Neville, Curatorial
Joselyn Ng, Visitor Services
Regan O’Connor, Preparation
Sooyun Park, Visitor Services
Roberta Parker, Development
Jaret Penner, Preparation
Cecilia Pereyra, Development
Nadine Power, Conservation
Matthew Quiring, Gallery Store
Dennis Redding, Building Services
Cindy Richmond, Curatorial
Henri Robideau, Photo Imaging
Scott Robinson, Audio Visual
Jamie Robson, Public Programs
Jean Routhier, Audio Visual
Elizabeth Rusch, Public Programs
Louisa Russell, Curatorial
Kirsten Schrader, Public Programs
Liz Scully, Public Programs
Eng Sengsavang, Public Programs
Andre Seow, Public Programs
Christina Sellers, Gallery Store
Syma Shaheen, Marketing & Communications
Stephanie Shardlow, Visitor Services
Matthew Smith, Audio Visual
Katherine Somody, Public Programs
Ilona Spaar, Visitor Services
Jim Stamper, Preparation
David Steiner, Visitor Services
Jordan Strom, Curatorial
Jeff Stuckel, Gallery Store
Terri Sudeyko, Conservation
Sabina Sutherland, Conservation
Tomas Svab, Photo Imaging
Gabriella Szalay, Public Programs
Monika Szewczyk, Curatorial
Martin Thacker, Preparation
Arvid Thandhani, Preparation
Erica Thun, Gallery Store
Natalia Tkachev, Development
James Tohill, Gallery Store
Mauray Toutloff, Preparation
Shelley Tucker, Gallery Store
Emily Upton, Gallery Store
Janet Wang, Gallery Store
Allison Wells, Public Programs
Sandra Wiens, Public Programs
Lynda Wigmore, Administration
Natalie Wing, Gallery Store
Steve Wood, Preparation
Karen Woodman, Development
Ingrid Yeung, Public Programs
Maureen Zetler, Public Programs
John Zong, Building Services
750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2H7
Open daily 10 am–5:30 pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays
10 am–9 pm
Gallery Administration Fax
604 662 4700
604 682 1086
Info Line
604 662 4719
Gallery Store
Open daily
Tuesdays and Thursdays
604 662 4706
10 am–6 pm
10 am–9 pm
Gallery Café 604 688 2233
Open daily during Gallery hours
Art Rentals
604 662 4746
10 am–4 pm
Library & Slide Library 604 662 4709
1 pm–5 pm
Gallery Rentals
604 662 4714
Group Tour Bookings
604 662 4717
Volunteer Office
604 662 4708
Photography: Trevor Mills, Tomas Svab and
Henri Robideau, Vancouver Art Gallery
unless otherwise identified.
Design: Jen Eby
Printing: Hemlock Printers Ltd.
Cover Image:
Installation view of
Krazy! The Delirious World of Anime +
Comics + Video Games + Art.
staff & information
vancouver art gallery annual report 2007 / 2008
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