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Roman Catholic Church of Saint Aidan 505 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, New York 11596 516-746-6585 516-746-6055 (Fax) The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law Mission Statement We, the parish family of the Church of Saint Aidan, strengthened by the Eucharist and encouraged by the Word of God, welcome all, for we recognize that everyone is a child of God and no one should be excluded. Guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer, we strive as one to build the Body of Christ. We commit ourselves to nurturing life-long faith formation, fostering lay leadership, promoting social justice, engaging our youth in every aspect of parish life, and offering care and compassionate service to all. We invite everyone to walk with Jesus and experience His healing power and love. Feast of the Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 May we be tansformed in the Baptism of Chirst! The Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. James M. McDonald, Pastor - ext. 9108 Rev. Jeff Yildirmaz, Associate Pastor - ext. 9105 Rev. Michael Edathil, Associate Pastor - ext. 9106 Rev. Damian Halligan, SJ In Residence Deacon Salvatore B. Villani Deacon Francis J. Love - ext. 9557 Deacon Rudy Martin - ext. 9412 Mr. Drago Bubalo, DMA (cand). Music Director ext. 9130 E-mail address [email protected] St. Aidan School (Grades Nursery-3. ext. 9202, 9203) (Grades 4-8, ext. 9302, 9303) Ms. Eileen P. Oliver, Principal Ms. Jo-Anne Rowan, Assistant Principal Faith Formation and Spirituality - ext. 9404, 9405 Mr. James F. Corrigan, Director of Faith Formation ext. 9401 Mrs. Elaine Smith, Director of Special Needs ext. 9406 Parish Social Ministry - ext. 9408 Ms. Rosemarie Cavallaro, Director - ext. 9410 Youth Ministry Mr. Stephen Loewenthal, Coordinator - ext. 9403 [email protected] Pastoral Council - ext. 9592 Members: Toti Conforti, Cathy Frischmann, Bonnie Parente, Erin Flynn, Mary Ellen Testa, Suellen Peterson, and Jackie McHugh Xavier Fleming Buildings & Grounds Department—ext. 9122 Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday Morning 9:00 AM Saturday Evening 5:00 and 7:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, *10:30 AM, 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM *Liturgy of the Word for Children Daily: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:30 & 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday Morning Prayer 8:40 AM Monday thru Saturday Baptism Baptism of Children: Each month on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 1:30 PM ceremony. Required: Parents’ class on the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass. For baptismal information, contact the Rectory office ext. 9101 Tuesday-Friday between the hours of 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. BAPTISM CLASS FOR NEW PARENTS The required Baptism class for new parents is held the second Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass parents are asked to gather at St. Joseph’s statue to the right of the main altar. Penance/Reconciliation The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated every Saturday from 12:30-1:30 PM and 4:00-5:00 PM in our church or by appointment. Marriage Arrangements are to be made at the Rectory office at least 9 months in advance. Pre-Cana and FOCCUS registrations must be arranged through the parish. Anointing of the Sick & Communion of the Sick The anointing of the sick takes place after the 12:00 PM Mass on the 4th Sunday of each month. Anyone who is homebound may receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis. Eucharistic ministers assist the priests in this ministry. Please call the rectory ext. 9101. Adoration First and third Fridays of the month 1:00-3:00 PM in the Church. 12:30-1:30 PM on Saturdays in the church. THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD MASSES AND SERVICES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2016 Weekday 1 Sm 1: 1-8; Mk 1: 14-20 6:30 AM Lv. & Dcd. Mbrs. of the Maccarone Family 7:30 AM Faye Cataliotti 9:30 AM Michael Dunne, Jr. 12:30 PM Maureen Kelly 5:30 PM Lv. Ints. of Marie Callahan TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2016 Weekday 1 Sm 1: 9-20; Mk 1: 21-28 6:30 AM Vivienne Pagano 7:30 AM John & Noel Fernandez 9:00 AM Susana Panal (Anniversary Rem.) 12:30 PM Michael Paternostro 5:30 PM Harriette Parendo (Birthday Rem.) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2016 St. Hiliary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1 Sm 3: 1-10, 19-20; Mk 1: 29-39 6:30 AM Vivienne Pagano 7:30 AM Maria & Augustine Fernandez 9:00 AM Samir Karam (4th Anniversary Rem.) 12:30 PM Margaret Demonico 5:30 PM Robert E. Kosina, Sr. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2016 Weekday 1 Sm 4: 1-11; Mk 1: 40-45 6:30 AM Stephen P. Markus (Birthday Rem.) Alfred & Magdeline Hernandez 7:30 AM 9:00 AM Helen Sullivan 12:30 PM John Fitzgerald Rae Darcy 5:30 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 2016 Weekday 1 Sm 8: 4-7, 10-22a; Mk 2: 1-12 6:30 AM Vivienne Pagano 7:30 AM Peggy Sieling Kathy Morgan (1st Anniversary Rem.) 9:00 AM Msgr. Robert Kirwin 12:30 PM 3:30 PM Kristina Aven/Benedetto Pisciotta Nuptial Mass 5:30 PM Cornelia Kiernan, Mary Ryan, Philip A. Ryan and Philip G. Ryan SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 Weekday 1 Sm 9: 1-4, 17-19; 10: 1a; Mk 2: 13-17 9:00 AM Therese Trinkle 12:30-1:30 PM Confession & Eucharistic Adoration 3:00 PM Vanessa Rannazzisi/Ryan Hutton Nuptial Ceremony 4:00-5:00 PM Confession MASSES AND SERVICES FOR THE WEEK SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 2016 (CONTINUED) Claire McNally (19th Anniversary Rem.) 5:00 PM James E. Allen (60th Anniversary Rem.) Robert E. Kosina, Sr. (Birthday Rem.) Diane Holbrook 7:30 PM Thomas Joyce (16th Anniversary Rem.) SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 62: 1-5; 1 Cor 12: 4-11; Jn 2: 1-11 7:30 AM Parishioners of St. Aidan 9:00 AM John Mulrooney Larry Bradley, Sr. (Birthday Rem.) 10:30 AM 12:00 PM Peter Paternostro (8th Anniversary Rem.) Edith M. Higgins (Anniversary Rem.) Edward J. Feeley (Anniversary Rem.) Antonio Machado Michael Steven Joyce (Anniversary Rem.) 3:30 PM Dawn Baratta, James Soldo Nuptial Mass Genevieve M. Robinson 5:00 PM (1st Anniversary Rem.) BANNS OF MARRIAGE THIRD WEEK Kristina Aven, St. Aidan Benedetto Pisciotta, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Lindenhurst, NY Vanessa Rannazzisi, St. Aidan Ryan Hutton, Mountain View, CA Dawn Baratta, Our Lady of Lourdes, Queens Village, NY James Soldo, Cure of Ars, Merrick, NY BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL In Loving Memory of ROSE FALLARINO Requested by The Conroy Family JANUARY 10, 2016 TRY IMITATING SIMON Jesus was very direct about the whole thing. If you really wanted to be His follower, you had to do something that has a good deal of difficulty--you had to carry your own cross. "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (Matt 16:24) He didn't specify exactly what those crosses might be, but we can well imagine that they are things like sickness, disappointment, financial worries, unhappiness in the home. The list goes on and on. The point is that no matter how you try, you just can't run away from the cross--and even if you try, you're running away from Christ. Fortunately, a lot of us are preserved from the heavier crosses, but all of us should try to be aware of the crosses of others. As a priest what I have learned right from the beginning is that there is an awful lot of suffering in life for some people. We all need to be sensitive to other people and to the reality of their lives. While many of us are very happy in our lives, we need to be aware that things may not be going so well in the lives of other people we deal with on a daily basis. The problem is that even the best of us can tend to suffer from self-absorption—an over concentration on ourselves and our own situation. We can become so preoccupied with our own needs and concerns that we tend to be oblivious to the things that are going on in the lives of others. This is particularly true in the case of adolescents, but even adults are not immune from this failure. The truth is all of us need to be more aware of the pressures and problems that may trouble those who inhabit our daily life. Most of us, myself included, need to make a genuine effort to have a wider perspective and outlook on life and the lives of others. Let me give you a few examples. If we are parents we probably need to remember that children are children or teenagers and they do not have the wisdom and experience of adults. If we are grandparents we need to recall that we were never brought up the way our grandchildren are. Their experience of life in many ways is far different from our own. We have to listen to a lot of things they say and take it with a grain of salt. The big thing is to be a great listener and go easy on the judging. If we are teens and are all taken up with what is going on in our high school and the social whirlwind that is so much a part of that stage in life, we have to remember that our parents and grandparents have lives and we should show a genuine interest in those lives. They love us very much and sometimes they have their own life challenges and things would be much better if we paid more attention to them. If you only knew how happy you can make them by just giving them a call or in the case of your parents by taking the time to talk to them. Abandon the cell phone for a few minutes to have a genuine conversation and tell them how much you love them. Simon of Cyrene (the Fifth Station of the Cross) was forced to help Jesus carry His cross. That's about all we know of him. I do , however, if that short time he spent in helping Jesus transformed his life. I bet it did! Whenever we reach out—even with the smallest acts of kindness, we make life better for someone else and perhaps make his or her cross a little lighter. That's something we all can do! Try it. Carry the cross and help others to carry theirs. In Jesus and Mary, Monsignor James M. McDonald, Pastor Jesus, whom God called “my beloved Son,” is also the “servant” of whom Isaiah speaks in the first reading. We who are baptized in Christ must follow His example and use our time and resources in the service of God and neighbor. STEWARDSHIP 01/04/15 $30,308 01/03/16 $31,884 (+5.20% ) MARY MOTHER OF GOD COLLECTION 01/01/15 $12,211 01/01/16 $13,091 (+7.21%) Thank you for your kind and generous support of our parish. SICK: PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK & DECEASED Christine Schifaudo, Christine Lucivero, Cecilia Han, Geraldo Peixoto, Kimberly Holmes, Father Brian Dalton, Stacy Test, Owen Hogan, John Moore, Rita Amendola, Diana Coscia, Virginia Fallon, Barney Rinaldi, Brian Hoffarth, Mary Price, Marie McLaughlin, Joseph Fitzgerald, Baby Daniel James Devaney, Mark Matthews, Deacon Frank Love, Joseph Sorrento, Kathleen Gattis, James Masterson, Joann McDermott, Ana Bubalo DECEASED: Richard Cosgrave, Fannie Cataliotti, Milagros Yap Seno, Noel Yap Seno, Marianne Fucci, Edward Rummel Emma De Rosa, Anna Basirico and for those who have died serving our country. SAVE THE DATE YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE Bishop Murphy is happy to announce that there will be a Diocesan Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. Saturday, September 24, 2016 More information will be coming soon. Please watch your bulletin and diocesan website. EXERCISE CLASS Every Tuesday and Friday starting January 12th, a free exercise program featuring movements to enhance joint and muscle mobility and flexibility will be held in the Williston Park Village Hall on the third floor. The program is open to all and starts promptly at 9:45 AM and will last one hour. The instructor is Margo Bores. MEETING CHRIST IN PRAYER RETREAT REUNION There will be a Retreat Reunion on Monday, January 11th at 7:30 PM in the Convent Community Room. For information please call Father Damian Halligan at the Rectory office (516) 756-6585 x9101. CELL PHONE COLLECTION Cell phones and chargers are still being collected. There are boxes in the vestibule of the church for your donations. These phones are refurbished and given to those in need. For information please call (516) 354-2250. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: This letter brings with it my sincere hope that your Christmas and New Year’s Holidays were filled with many blessings and that God continues to share his love and graces with you throughout the coming year. We wish to thank you for your continued leadership support of your Parish and the Catholic Ministries Appeal. We are so deeply grateful for the extraordinary sacrifices that you have made to support the work of our church on Long Island. Your generosity and commitment to our faith, and community fills me with confidence that many wonderful things will continue to take place in our Diocese. Last year because of your support we not only were able to continue to bring religious education to more than 100,000 students in public schools, but we were also able to initiate a special training program for Catechists so they can assist the ever-growing number of autistic children in our community. We were proud to ordain five priests for the Diocese of Rockville Centre and continue to support the men in our Diaconate program, all of which you help make possible. Last year at secular college campuses across our Island more than 3,500 students a month participated in Mass and other faith-based activities. At one of the campuses students didn’t have a sacred place to pray so they worked together with our Office of Campus Ministry to convert a storage closet into a chapel. These young adults are growing in their faith and you are helping them to do that. Please know how grateful I am for your support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal, and in all humbleness on behalf of all who would benefit from your kindness, I am asking you to make a gift to the 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal and, so that together as one faith family, we can continue to meet the needs of our community. With gratitude and prayers, I am Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop of Rockville Centre To learn more about the Catholic Ministries Appeal, see our video at Thank you for your generous support of the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Completing your 2015 pledge ensures that our Parish will benefit by receiving our full rebate. If you have not yet had the opportunity to give, please prayerfully consider making a donation to the Appeal. Pledges can be accepted until December 31st and payments can be made through January 31st! Extra envelopes are provided in the back of the church. Join us as we Serve God by Serving Others! Thank You! JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS (JCDA) COAT DRIVE A Coat Drive will held on January 10th from 9:00 AM-12:30 PM in Finamore Parish Center. Coats for men, women and children will be collected. For information please call Adele at (631) 608-3104. There will be a meeting on January 10th for all members in the Convent. LITURGY CORNER Why should we bow at the words of Incarnation in the Creed? The General Instruction of the Roman Missal states (137) “The Creed is sung or recited by the priest together with the people with everyone standing. At the words ‘by the power of the Holy Spirit.....and became man’ all make a profound bow; but on the solemnities of the Annunciation and of the Nativity of the Lord, all genuflect”. In our Missal, there is also a directive that all should bow when saying these words of the Incarnation. These words are intrinsic to the very core of our faith. That the Holy Spirit came upon Mary and she conceived the Son of God, born to us, a human being. Bowing is an outward sign of our praise and honor of this great mystery...the most sacred moment in human history. We use our voices and our bodies to demonstrate our praise of God for this greatest gift to mankind. Telecare Telethon Time! The Telecare Telethon is the weekend of Saturday, January 16th from 2:00 -10:00 PM and 17th from 12:00 to 10:00 PM. Telecare is proud to announce that we ae now broadcasting in high definition. Please tune in on Cablevision channel 29/137 or Verizon FiOS channel 296 to support our Diocesan television station. It will be 18 hours filled with many guest “stars” including many of the clergy, religious and dedicated lay people of our Diocese. Additionally, visits from some celebrity chefs, musical groups and New York sports teams will help fuel the enjoyment. Join Msgr. Jim Vlaun for the 23nd Annual Telecare Telethon and consider making a donation by phone or a secure donation over the internet at ST. AIDAN SCHOOL’S - JUST WE TWO St. Aidan School will host a weekly “Just We Two” program for children between the ages of two and three years accompanied by his/her parent or caregiver. The program will introduce your child to the idea of a school setting in a preschool classroom and allows bonding time for you and your child in a fun environment. There will be an age-appropriate craft, free play, snack time (provided by parent for their own child), story and simple songs and finger plays. January 2016 Session: Meets: Tuesdays 9:00-10:30 AM or 11:00-12:30 PM Begins: January 19, 2016 ST. AIDAN’S CYO There will be a CYO meeting on Tuesday, January 12th at 8:00 PM in the Sts. Peter & Paul Room in Finamore Parish Center. All are encouraged to attend. CATHOLIC DAUGHTER'S OF THE AMERICAS COURT #1577 The next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12th at 7:30 PM in Monsignor Kirwin Hall. All are welcome. INCOME TAX DONATION LETTER If you need an income tax statement for your 2015 Stewardship donations to the parish, please call the Rectory office at (516) 746-6585 x9101 or send in or drop the tear-off into the collection basket and a statement will be sent out in the mail. Name_____________________ Telephone #__________________________ (as it appears on your envelopes) Address______________________________________________________ Envelope Number # (if you know it-not necessary) CATHOLICS FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION Catholics For Freedom of Religion "Proclaim liberty throughout the land." Lev. 25-10 Religious Freedom Sunday (Jan. 10) is a national event in which churches inform parents, students, and educators within their congregations about the freedom of religious expression students from Kindergarten through twelfth grade have at school. ( - usccb) Almost 20 years ago, the U.S. Department of Education directed public schools to tell students what their religious freedom are. "Catholics For Freedom of Religion" remembers National Religious Freedom Day, Jan.16th each year, with "Free to Speak" pamphlets, published by Gateways to Better Education, to help students and teachers know their civil liberties. "We want our young people to be bold in their faith. We have let them know they can be. That it's perfectly legal for them to be bold," said Director Eric Buehrer. All Americans, liberal and conservative, religious or not, can agree that religious freedom, anchored in conscience rights, is fundamental to U.S. democracy. (Religious Freedom in America, by Allen Hertzke, "Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world." Daniel Webster ST. AIDAN SCHOOL REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2016 Phone Number (516) 746-6585 ext. 9202 or 9302 Registration of new applicants wishing to attend St. Aidan School in September 2016 will take place as follows: Thursday, January 14, 2016 Kindergarten and Grade 1 – West Campus Building 9:00-11:00 A.M Re-registration of our present Pre-K students returning for Kindergarten will be completed through the mail. Information will be forwarded to you through school. Thursday, February 11, 2016 Grades N-3 West Campus Building and Grades 4-8 East Campus Building 9:00-11:15 A.M. ********* Parents who are unable to make the scheduled registration times, should call office for an appointment. Preference is given to those presently enrolled in our school and to students who have siblings in St. Aidan School. The following items are required for all new applicants at registration: copies of birth and Baptismal certificates (will not be returned), all immunization and health records, social security number and your parish envelope number. There will be a non-refundable fee of $150 per family for all registrants. The age cut-off date for all grades is November 30th. This registration is an application process only. Applications will be reviewed thoroughly and you will be notified as to the status of your child’s acceptance into our school. St. Aidan Holy Name Society Presents 14th Annual Saturday, January 30, 2016 Msgr. Kirwin Hall Doors Open at 6:30 pm First Race at 7:30 pm $25 Admission gets you: Exciting Races ● Dinner ● Beer/Wine ● Door Prizes & More Ladies — Wear your best Derby hat for a chance to win a fabulous prize! For Tickets Call: Colin Dorney (516) 746-3987 or Ron Saporita (516) 746-4615 All Proceeds will Benefit St. Aidan School Scholarship Fund LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA Well! Now we are writing 2016 when we date papers; where did 2015 go? The hardest part of looking behind is when we see all the empty places, the resolutions left unfulfilled, the challenges we did not complete! So, a new year brings new promises, new hope of an increased deeper spirituality and closeness to the Lord. For that we shall take realistic steps, to be sure that each day is a day that draws us closer to Jesus. The most important step is to be constant with the time we decide we will do our prayers, and if that turns out to be a difficult thing to do let’s think about what is a challenge? The Holy Spirit will help us to discern the cause. This Sunday we contemplate the Baptism of the Lord. It is also one of the “Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary”, which this year shall be our number one prayer. Jesus is God. He had no sins. Why does he submit to be baptized? There are many points here. He is instituting the Sacrament of Baptism. He shows the Trinity in action. He shows to all that He is the messiah. He comes also to baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit as St. John the Baptist prophesized. When Jesus came out of the water, the voice of the Lord was heard “This is my beloved Son, in who I am well pleased” and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove. When we reflect on the Lord’s baptism, we shall contemplate our own. Christ is baptized, so are we, for we are members of His body. The Gospel tells us “heaven was opened…” and we have from now on access to the Father and the heavenly places. Then the Gospel tells us “the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove...” here too Jesus acquires for us the Gift of the Holy Spirit and we become temples of the Holy Spirit. “...this is my beloved Son…..” This acknowledgment on the day of our own Baptism give us the status of sons and daughters of God. And then He says “…with you I am well pleased...” When we were Baptized we receive the “Sanctifying Grace, the grace to be holy and pleasing to God…” Christ acquired all these gifts for us so we could receive them in our own Baptism. Let’s consider the significance of all this. Do we know the exact day we were baptized? It should be a day highly celebrated as our birthday. Christ acquired all these for us, let’s celebrate and say “Hallelujah!....” Let’s make it a priority this year to pick up a new habitual devotion? A few ideas: Say the Rosary and meditate on the Mysteries; go to Adoration. Our parish has Adoration on the first and third Fridays of the month and Saturdays from 12:30-1:30 PM. Attend Mass one or more extra days besides Sundays. We have new CDs in the kiosks. Spend some time going over the titles, I am sure there are CDs that are good for you and others to give them to family and friends. Do the work of evangelization, the Lord will bless you and you will be using the gifts received in your Baptism. Let’s pray for each other, to receive all the Graces the Lord has in the store for us. Toti Conforti 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL This year’s appeal is almost over. If you have not given, please consider a donation now so that our parish can reach its final goal!! 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Serving God By Serving Others CHURCH OF ST. AIDAN 2015 GOAL: $175,500 PAYMENTS SO FAR: $149,797 # OF GIFTS: 629 SAINT AIDAN’S BOOSTER CLUB The Booster Club is administered by The Saint Aidan’s School Board. All proceeds will directly benefit the school. $30 Annual Membership runs September 2015 - August 2016 24 chances to win every month Prizes Weekly 1 winner @ $25 4 winners @ $20 Monthly 1 winner @ $50 2 winners @ $25 Monthly Bonus Prizes $100 in January, February, April, May, July, August, September, October and November $500 in March, June and December November Winners $20 Winners Daniel J. Sullivan Gloria Schilter Norine Zwiebel Liz Foehr Eileen Lusardi Tom Wengenosky Teresa Kennedy Jamie & Noreen Murphy $25 Winners Dorothy & Dan Roper K. Morgan Concetta Bombace Lynn & Michael Rossi Elizabeth Schnelle Frances Bruschi Maryanne & Michael Cleary Anna Rufrano $50 Winner: Richie & Linda Santopetro $100 Winner: Maddy & Doug Cegelski Hugh Connolly Meredith Mahmood Jackie & Jimmy Exarhos Elizabeth Kiernan Gillespie Michael & Joyce Rowley Annemarie Delaney Winning checks will be mailed within the next 10 days. If you would like to join the Booster Club please send the form below to the Rectory office. ——————————————————————————————————————————— Name _____________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Address___________________________________ City, State, Zip_____________________ E-mail address ___________________________________________________ I would like ______ numbers at $30 each. $________ enclosed Make all checks payable to Saint Aidan’s Booster Club and return to the Rectory. The IRA Charitable Rollover is back and is now permanent! What’s called a rollover is actually a “qualified charitable distribution” that can be made to our Parish. If… 1. You are at least 70 1/2 years old on the date you make your gift 2. Your IRA is a traditional or Roth 3. You don’t exceed your personal maximum of $100,000 per year in qualified charitable distributions You will not have to report your distribution as income. It will be free of federal and New York State income tax, and it will count toward your required minimum distribution (RMD). The best way for you to start is with your IRA custodian. Tell them you want to make a "qualified charitable distribution". In most cases you will only have to fill out a simple form. VERY IMPORTANT!! Your gift must go directly from your IRA to the Parish. If you receive the money first then you’ll be taxed on it like any other distribution. Example: Mrs. Connors, age 76, has $125,000 in a traditional IRA and would like to contribute $5,000 to her Parish in 2016. Upon hearing of the Charitable IRA Rollover opportunity, she directs the custodian of her IRA to transfer this amount not later than December 31, 2016 directly to the Parish as a 2016 gift. She will not be subject to income tax on her $5,000 qualified charitable distribution. This information is not intended and should not be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney, tax advisor or investment professional. Parents Acting for Catholic Education Auction – Dream Bigger, Shine Brighter – Saturday, February 27th, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Family Lenten Spaghetti Dinner – Thursday, March 3rd, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM American Girl Fashion Show – Saturday, April 9th (11:00 AM and 3:00 PM) & Sunday, April 10th (11:00 AM and 3:00 PM) Golf Outing – Monday, May 2nd Ways to support our school all year round: King Kullen Receipts – If you shop at King Kullen in Garden City Park, please do not throw away your receipts! St. Aidan School earns 1% of each receipt’s total through King Kullen’s Care and Share Program. Drop off your register receipts in the King Kullen box in the back of church or send in an envelope through school. Stop & Shop A+ Rewards – After you register your card, each shopping trip at Stop & Shop using your Stop & Shop Card earns cash for our school! Each month, the amount of cash awarded will be updated on the Stop & Shop website. You can track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt and online when you create an account at: Our school will receive a check at the end of the program. *********************************************** High School Volunteers Needed! If you are a high school student in need of service hours, PACE has many events scheduled for this upcoming school year at which you can work in order to fulfill your volunteer requirements. Please contact us at: [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering and we will provide you with the dates and times of our events. We hope to hear from you soon! Nora Grady and Linda Kuczwaj, PACE Co-Presidents January 10th February 7th March 13th March 24th April 3rd April 17th May 6th May 7th May 8th May 15th June 14th 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Coat Drive, 12:30-1:30 PM meeting in the Convent 1:00 PM Meeting Convent Community Room 1:00 PM Meeting Convent Community Room 2:00-4:00 PM East egg coloring Parker Institute-drivers needed 10:30 AM Mass 12:00-4:00 PM Mother Daughter Brunch Lucky Duck 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Birthright/Mommas House Collection Finamore Center 12:30-1:30 PM Meeting St. Francis Room Help needed to separate plant orders at the Flynn House time to be announced 10:00 Am-12:00 PM Plant Pick-Up at 9 Astor Place, Williston Park Happy Mother’s Day to All Moms 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Bake Sale St. Francis Garden 12:30 –1:30 PM meeting/ Elections St. Francis Room 7:00 PM JCDA Board Installation Mass (church) Senior court installation and Reception in Kirwin Hall immediately following Mass. January 10th– Meeting January 24th – Meeting January 31st – Community Service Trip – Ronald McDonald House February 7th – Super Bowl – No Meeting February 13th – Community Service Peanut Butter and Jelly Gang February 21st – Meeting February 28th - Meeting For more information, please contact: Steve Loewenthal at [email protected] or (516) 410-6461 SAINT AIDAN DANCE ACADEMY WINTER PROGRAM (**PLEASE KEEP THIS PORTION**) -7 week Dance Program is open to girls three years old through 7th grade. *Note: Girls MUST be at least 3 years old by November 30, 2015 and must be fully pottytrained. -Cost: $95 for 7-week session, includes t-shirt, classes and recital. Each additional class style is $60. -Sibling discount: $10 off the second child. Checks can be made out to: Church of Saint Aidan 505 Willis Avenue Williston Park, NY 11596 *Payment/Registration form can either be dropped off at the Rectory or mailed to the address above. WINTER CLASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: 9:00-10:00 (A) N, PK, K Jazz/Hip Hop 10:00-11:00 (A) N, PK, K Ballet/Tap 10:00-11:00 (B) 1st-4th Jazz/Hip Hop 11:00-12:00 (A) K-4th Cheer/Kickline 11:00-12:00 (B) 3nd -7th Ballet/Lyrical REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Child’s Name:____________________________ Age:________________ Grade:____________ Date of Birth:__________________ School:____________________ Home Address:___________________ -Nursery, Pre-K and Kindergarten parents are asked to stay in the waiting room for the duration of their child’s class. City:_________________ Zip Code:_________ -Girls should wear clothing they can dance in. Cell Phone:______________________________ -Classes begin on January 16, 2016 and run for seven weeks. Recital date: February 28, 2016. E-mail Address:__________________________ -Girls can wear either sneakers or dance shoes (Dance shoes are strongly encouraged). NO BOOTS, PLEASE! -Classes begin & end with prayer & taught by experienced dance instructors - Faith filled, fun, stress-free environment, where your daughter will learn dance technique & dedication! -Classes are held in the Convent-16 Pembroke Street. Contact us with any additional questions. Home Phone:_____________________________ Emergency Contact Information Name:_________________ Relationship to Child:___________ Phone Number:_________________ Physical limitations:_____________ Allergies:_______________ Class(es) Your Child Will Be Taking: Class______________ Grade Level______ Day:______________ Time:___________ *If you need additional space for more than one class, please attach an extra sheet. Parent/Guardian Signature: [email protected] “Praise God Through Dance!” –Psalm 150 X______________________________________ Today’s Date: _________________ Saint Aidan Dance Academy 18 months to 3 Years Old Dance Program -30 minute session every Saturday beginning on January 16, 2016 from 9:15-9:45 and running for seven consecutive weeks (girls must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver.) -Classes will be held in the Convent, 16 Pembroke Street -This program does not participate in the recital -Girls should wear sneakers or dance shoes -Cost: $50 for 7-week session, Checks can be made out to Church of Saint Aidan. -Includes t-shirt for girls only *Limited Spaces! Please register BEFORE the first day of class! -Come and stretch, sing songs and dance with your little one! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration Form for 18 months-3 Year Olds PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. Child’s Name:___________________________ Age:______ Date of Birth:__________________ Home Address:__________________________ City:______________ Zip Code:_____ Home Phone:___________________________ Cell Phone:______________ E-mail:____________________ Emergency Contact Name:_____________________ Relationship to Child:___________ Phone Number:_________________ Physical limitations:__________________________________ Allergies:_____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature X_________________________________ Today’s Date: _______________________ *GIRLS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY EITHER A PARENT OR A CAREGIVER FOR EVERY CLASS. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: Are you aware that the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires ANYONE 18 YEARS OR OLDER IN ANY MINISTRY MUST BE VIRTUS TRAINED AND HAVE A BACKGROUND CHECK. A ministry includes Catechists, CYO Coaches, Liturgical Ministers, and all parish organization members. Check the Virtus Training Schedule and Register Online at Classes are offered by several parishes throughout the diocese. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — The Religious Education Office is looking for individuals who are willing to serve as substitute teachers, classroom aides, hall monitors, traffic control aides, etc. for the 2015 – 2016 school year. Prior experience is not necessary; support is provided. Please give prayerful consideration to answering the call to serve in this vital ministry. The School Year runs from late September 2015 through early May 2016. For an application or further information, please call (516) 746-6585 x9404. CONFIRMATION DVDs ARRIVE - The videos of the Confirmation ceremonies that took place at St. Aidan on Saturday, October 17th have arrived and are ready for pick-up. Parents who ordered a DVD may pick up their copy from the Religious Education Office during normal business hours. OFFICE HOURS - The Religious Education Office is open Monday – Friday from 12:00 noon – 4:00 PM. Additionally, the office is open Monday & Tuesday evening from 6:00 – 8:00 PM. KNIGHTS CORNER Perhaps now is the time to consider joining the Knights of Columbus. POPE FRANCIS MEETS WITH K of C LEADERS – Pope Francis received Supreme Knight Carl Anderson and Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore in a private audience at the Vatican on Dec. 17th. It was the fourth such audience granted by Pope Francis to the supreme knight. During the course of the meeting, the supreme knight and Archbishop Lori spoke with the Holy Father about the many activities of the K of C in 2015, particularly the Order’s efforts to aid persecuted Christians in the Middle East. Through the K of C’s Christian Refugee Relief Fund, the Order has distributed more than $ 5 million to support Christians in the Middle East. During the visit, the supreme knight also presented the Holy Father with a contribution of $ 1.6 million from the Vicarius Christi Fund, offered on behalf of the 1.9 million members of the Knights of Columbus. The Vicarius Christi Fund has generated $ 56,015,000 for the pope’s personal charities and causes since its establishment in 1981.iotic citizens. ANNUAL PRO-LIFE MASS – The Annual New York State Knights of Columbus Pro-Life Mass will be celebrated on January 17th at 10:15 AM in St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Knights from around the state will join together to publically demonstrate our support of the right to life from conception to natural death. HALL RENTAL – Corpus Christi Council is available for parties BIG and SMALL. For information on hall rental call Tom at (516) 746-8643. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY As Pope Benedict XVI said in his Encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, “Everything has its origin in God's love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it. Love is God's greatest gift to humanity; it is his promise and our hope.” FOOD PANTRY - Our monthly food drive took place last weekend. You can still donate food or personal hygiene items by bringing them to the back of Church or across the street to the Parish Social Ministry Office. We also have a refrigerator for eggs, dairy products, sliced bread and a freezer for ground beef, chicken cutlets and frozen pizzas. DRIVING MINISTRY – We are in need of additional volunteers to drive our senior citizens to their doctor appointments. You need not commit to any particular day. Your name would be added to our list of drivers and when a request for transportation is received we would call you a few days in advance to see if you are available. If you are not available we simply call the next person on the list and perhaps you will be able to drive another time. If interested please call Parish Social Ministry at (516) 746-6585 x9408. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY – Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 9:45 AM in the Peter and Paul Room of the Finamore Center to knit or crochet prayer shawls or lap blankets for our sick and homebound parishioners. New members are always welcome. You need not know how to knit or crochet. We have talented parishioners who can teach you. The prayer shawl committee will meet again on Monday, January 11th. If you have some wool to donate to this ministry, please bring it to the Parish Social Ministry Office. Please call our office if you would like to receive a blessed prayer shawl or if you know of someone who would like one. If you have any questions, please call Parish Social Ministry (516) 746-6585 x9410. BLOOD DRIVE – Please mark your calendars! Our winter blood drive will be taking place on Sunday, January 24, 2016, 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM in Msgr. Kirwin Hall!! PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Social Ministry is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM3:00 PM. Please use the Finamore Parish Center entrance (across from the church on Willis Avenue). PROMISE TO PROTECT-PLEDGE TO HEAL If you have been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church please believe in the possibility for hope and help and healing. We encourage you to come forward and speak out. Every arch/diocese/eparchy in the United States now has a victim assistance coordinator who is available to obtain support for your needs, to help you make a formal complaint of abuse to the arch/diocese/eparchy, and to arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, if you desire. The victim assistance coordinator for your arch/diocese/eparchy is Mary McMahon, LCSW, Director at (516) 594-9036. All volunteers 16 and over must be background checked and all volunteers 18 and over must attend the Virtus class. WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS, DIVORCED AND SINGLE CATHOLICS OF LONG ISLAND-A new member orientation will be held on Tuesday, January 26th at 8:00 PM. The meeting is held every fourth Tuesday at St. Frances de Chantal School, 1309 Wantagh Avenue, Wantagh. For information please call Carol at (516) 794-4933. LIVING THE YEAR OF MERCY-LENTEN DAY OF PRAYER AND HEALINGConducted by Paul Miller, OFS on Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 9:00 AM-3:30 PM at the Church of St. Mary, 1300 Northern Blvd., Manhasset, NY. $40.00 registration includes breakfast and lunch-limited seating. For information please call (516) 298-0841 or (516) 655-9755 or email Cathy at [email protected]. SEPARATION & DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP-A ten week program for those separated or going through the process of separation or divorce. The program is designed to help men and women find encouragement as they explore and experience the emotions and issues associated with separation and divorce. The program begins on Friday, January 22nd at 7:30 PM at St. William the Abbot Church, 2000 Jackson Avenue, Seaford, NY. Cost is $20 for 10 week session. For information please call Rosemarie at (516) 528-0665 or Carol at (516) 432-2241 or email [email protected]. WOMEN’S RETREAT-“What do you Believe?” with Jean Lynch. February 5th/6th at Our Lady of Grace Retreat Center, 29 Shelter Rock Road, Manhasset, NY. We will begin at 7:30 PM on Friday and will conclude on Helping You Grow Closer to God Saturday at 5:00 PM. $175 meals and overnight accommodations and $100 meals only (commuter rates). For more information please co ntact Pat McDonough at [email protected].
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