June 2013 - Temple Shir Tikva
JUNE - AUGUST 2013 | SIVAN - ELUL 5773 MLK’s Dream — 50 Years Later by Rabbi Neal Gold T his August, America will commemorate a milestone: the 50th anniversary of the legendary March on Washington and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s immortal speech, “I Have a Dream.” It would be an appropriate time for a cheshbon nefesh le’umi: a national reckoning of the condition of King’s dream today. I’m a child of the 1970s and 1980s, so I wasn’t there. But all of my teachers and my heroes were veterans of the civil rights movement—which was, in its origin and essence, a religious movement, organized in church basements and inspired by the message of the Jewish prophets. In Confirmation class, my classmates and I scrutinized the Jewish role in the movement, and King’s reliance on the words of our shared prophets, such as the call to “let justice well up like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24; his words weren’t a panacea). We were inspired by the legacy of heroes like Andrew Goodman, Mickey Schwerner, and James Chaney; Freedom Riders who were martyred for the cause. We learned how to sing “We Shall Overcome” in Hebrew. The year 1963 was crucial in the nation’s history, before and after the march. As Professor George Hutchinson of Indiana University notes in Greil Marcus’s & Werner Sollors’s seminal A New Literary History of America, by the summer of 1963, nine years had passed since Brown v. Board of Education and yet the nation’s schools remained overwhelmingly segregated. It was the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, and Jim Crow still held sway. As King languished in jail, Bull Connor was turning his water cannons on demonstrators, putting America’s hypocrisies on display to the entire world. And King was writing his “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” addressed to specific local Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish leaders who had been criticizing agitators for “untimely” demonstrations against segregation. The rest of that fateful year would see the summer’s March on Washington, the September 15 massacre of four young girls at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, and President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. So we must be sure to ask ourselves this summer: What is the condition of King’s dream 50 years later? (continued on page 5) www.shirtikva.org Shir Tikva Announces New Education Leadership Team W e are very excited to share news about the Temple Shir Tikva Education Leadership team for 5774 with the entire congregation . After an extensive year of review, evaluation, and searching for new leadership, we’ve determined that our best course for next year is to draw on the extraordinary team of talent that we already have within our community. From our own pool of talented and experienced professionals, we have assembled a great team who will continue the work of re-envisioning and re-energizing our school program and moving our education program in directions we can all be proud of. We are delighted to announce that Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz, with her wealth of Jewish youth and education experience, will oversee our K-12 formal and informal education program as part of her continuing responsibilities as the Assistant Rabbi of our community. Beverly Klau, currently our Grades 3-5 coordinator and a beloved fourth grade teacher, will become Principal of our school. In the years that she has been part of our community, Bev has developed an enormous amount of trust and admiration among our children, teachers, and parents for her wisdom and commitment. She will be responsible for students, faculty and parent relations. She will be the primary contact person for typical day-to-day concerns about the operations of our school and our students. Rhonda Magier-Cohen will be our Director of Curriculum and Family Education. Rhonda is a tremendously talented and awardwinning educator, well known in our community as a teacher of many years, a cherished bar/bat mitzvah tutor, and the coordinator of our family education program. She will serve as the primary manager of our curriculum, directing our faculty on unit planning and lesson plans; coordinating family education programs; and directing our madrichim program, training our eighth to twelfth grade student teachers. (continued on page 10) In This Issue… Shabbat & Holiday Services………………………………………..2 Tikkun Olam………..………………………………………………4 Education…………………………………………………………...6 Youth Community …………………………………………………7 Looking Back at 5773 ( Photos)……………………………………9 Gathering….……………….…………………………………..12-13 TST Library……………………………………………………….14 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 508-358-9992 Hineni June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Shabbat and Holiday Services June 2013 Shabbat Shelach Friday, May 31 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, June 1 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:30 am Shabbat Yeladim 6:30 pm Mincha and Ma’ariv Service KYLE MILLER, son of William and Dana Miller, Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Korach Friday, June 7 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service 7:45 pm Prospective Member Oneg 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, June 15 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45am Late Shacharit Service AVI GOLD, son of Rabbi Neal and Heidi Gold, Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Balak Friday, June 21 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat and Family Friday Night Service Saturday, June 22 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45am Late Shacharit Service IRIANA LESSIN, daughter of Marc and Ivy Lessin, Bat Mitzvah Saturday, June 8 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 8:30 am Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study Shabbat Pinchas Friday, June 28 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Shabbat Chukat Friday, June 14 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) Saturday, June 29 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study July 2013 Tisha B’av Monday, July 15 8:00 pm Tisha B’av Service Shabbat Matot-Masei Friday, July 5 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, July 6 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Devarim Friday, July 12 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, July 13 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Va’etchanan Friday, July 19 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, July 20 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Eikev Friday, July 26 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat and Family Friday Night Service Saturday, July 27 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study August 2013 6:15 pm Shabbat Re’eh Friday, August 2 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, August 17 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Saturday, August 3 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Shoftim Friday, August 9 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, August 10 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Ki Teitzei Friday, August 16 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) Page 2 Simchat Shabbat Service Shabbat Ki Tavo Friday, August 23 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, August 24 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayeilech Friday, August 30 6:00 pm Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 pm Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, August 31 8:30 am Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Temple Shir Tikva June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Hineni Discover Shir Tikva Shabbat Friday, June 7, 6 p.m. Share the special experience of being a Shir Tikva member with your neighbors and unaffiliated friends at our Simchat Shabbat service. Our Rabbis and Cantor are looking forward to seeing you and meeting your friends and neighbors. Please join us for an Oneg following the service. Getting Ready for the High Holy Days 5774 In case you’ve not yet looked ahead, please be aware that Rosh HaShanah falls very early this year, beginning on Wednesday evening, September 4, just two days after Labor Day. Therefore, Shir Tikva’s critical planning for the High Holy Days must begin very early this year as well. We anticipate that the initial congregational mailing for the Holy Days will be sent on July 25 and that your requests for extra tickets, registration for our Children’s Programming, “Scroll of Remembrance” memorial listings and similar items will be due back to the Temple office no later than August 14. We know these dates occur while most of our community is in full summer vacation mode, but we ask that you please be on the lookout for this very important communication and respond to it as soon as you receive it, so that we can all be prepared for these important and significant days in our Jewish year. From Our Rabbis and Cantor We are eager to share in your times of joy and support you in times of sadness. Please call us directly or inform an administrative staff member so we may extend timely friendship and comfort to you and your family. Rabbi Neal Gold, Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz Cantor Hollis Schachner Rabbi Herman Blumberg, Emeritus Temple Shir Tikva Tisha B’Av at Shir Tikva MONDAY, JULY 15, 8 P.M. Michael Mirman Everyone is invited to gather in the sanctuary for a very special night of study, prayer, and discovery in observance of Tisha B’Av. This holiday, which began as the annual commemoration of the Jewish exile from Jerusalem more than 2,000 years ago, has been transformed by our tradition into a HOLY, SPIRITUAL, AND POWERFUL moment in the Jewish calendar. Together we will explore a variety of thoughtprovoking themes and will take turns reading aloud by candle light from the book of Eichah (Lamentations), generally attributed to the prophet Jeremiah. The whole family is encouraged to participate in our deeply moving Tisha B’Av observance. Page 3 Hineni June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Tikkun Olam Mitzvah Garden Planting Spring has sprung at Shir Tikva! Just look outside our back door - we have started our season of planting, weeding, and feeding, and the picking is soon to come. No experience needed - parents, kids, everyone can help! Learn how to grow-your-own while giving back to the community. Green City Growers is providing professional assistance, so come with all your gardening questions. Last year we grew and donated about 150 pounds of fresh produce to Serenity House Woman’s Shelter. There is a minimal time commitment, come when you can. We meet twice a month for about an hour, from now through the fall. Check the web site or Vats Nu for when we meet next or contact Edie Hotchkiss at [email protected]. Join the Mitzvah Day Committee If you are looking for a way to get more involved, join us on the Mitzvah Day Committee as we plan another great Mitzvah Day for October 27, 2013. Julia Machado donated her hair to Locks of Love at the 2012 Mitzvah Day. Family Table... We Need Tuna Fish and Pasta! A year-long food donation program— make it a weekly routine and part of a family mitzvah. Temple Shir Tikva will continue to collect food throughout the year for Jewish individuals and families who cannot afford the basic necessities. Food will be distributed through JF&CS’s Family Table. TST has been assigned tuna fish and pasta (whole grain varieties, if possible) to support this program. Please bring these items (marked Kosher or Pareve) weekly and place them in the Family Table receptacle near the Temple office. Page 4 Online Donations To make performing the mitzvah of tzedakah more convenient, we have enabled on-line donations. Go to www.shirtikva. org/donate. Temple Shir Tikva June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Hineni MLK’s Dream — 50 Years Later by Rabbi Neal Gold (continued from page 1) On one hand, anyone paying attention must agree that our society has changed in fundamental ways. When you read the actual words of some of the Jim Crow laws, it is hard today to fathom that racism was institutionalized in such unabashedly shameless terms. At random: Segregation was such a deeply-held value that it was illegal in many places for a white person and a black person to play backgammon together in a public place. (That was a specific law in Alabama.) For most of us who were born after the civil rights era – and certainly for our children – it is difficult even to conceive of separate entrances for whites and blacks, separate schools, separate seating, separate drinking fountains… and that all these things were enshrined in law. And that all this existed not in the distant past, but quite recently—in the lifetimes of many of us. That world is truly gone, thank G-d. Other changes are certainly in flux. For instance, laws regarding interracial marriages have disappeared, but same-sex marriage equality struggles to come to be. I believe we have reached the tipping point, and in a few years our children will look back aghast at a time when same-sex marriage was prohibited, a vestige of an archaic way of thinking. On the other hand, none of us believes we have achieved the ideal of one of the most often-quoted passages of “I Have a Dream:” “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Many—not all, but many—racial boundaries have fallen away in 2013, but other boundaries remain. In America, whose race-obsession masks that fact that our real divisions are based on class, other forms of obscene segregation linger. Racial and religious integration exists most everywhere – but rich children rarely interact with children from below the poverty line. Your friends may be white or black; Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist; the children of immigrants or Mayflower families. But how many of us socialize with friends from a very different economic bracket than ourselves? King challenged us to dream of a society the way it should be, when we live up to the highest ideals that our national and religious texts articulate: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [sic] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights…” “Love your neighbor as yourself…” “You shall have one law for stranger and citizen alike.” “When G-d created the first human being, G-d created him in the image of G-d.” “…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” How far along are we? When it comes to articulating an ideal, it is not a failure to humbly acknowledge that we have not yet reached its fulfillment. The only failure is to lose sight of the dream or to reject cynically the notion that we continue to progress along the way. Temple Shir Tikva KESHER Provides Spiritual, Emotional Support TST Kesher Program’s mission is to provide both spiritual and emotional support, solace and hope to congregants and their families during times of illness, suffering, loss and grief, and to recognize celebrations of simchas. Each month, a volunteer coordinates community support services. The June coordinator is Sheila Deitchman. She can be reached at either [email protected] or 781-6460380. If you are aware of a congregant in need of Kesher services, call the Temple office, the Rabbis or Cantor or the coordinator. Thank you... Dear Friends, We would like to thank the Shir Tikva community for your support and friendship during our health crisis these past few months. We are continually grateful for your wishes for רפואה שלמהand for your expressions of kindness and affection, and we are so thankful to be part of such a caring place as Temple Shir Tikva! Rabbi Neal & Heidi Gold Page 5 Hineni June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 jepig Education Shabbat Morning Torah Study With Special Guest Teacher Rabbi Edgar Nof June 15, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Rabbi Dr. Edgar Nof is the founder of GESHARIM LETIKVAH (“Bridges to Hope”), an organization in Haifa, Israel, dedicated to social justice, acts of kindness, and building positive interreligious connections in Israel. Rabbi Nof was the spiritual leader of Congregation Or Hadash in Haifa from 2000-2013. Before joining Or Hadash, he served as rabbi of Congregation Emet v’Anava in Ramat Gan (1990-1997), as Director of the Israel Rabbinical Program at HUC-JIR (1990-1997) and as rabbi of the Ohel Avraham Synagogue at the Leo Baeck School in Haifa (1997-2000). He typically performs 300 life cycle events each year, and coordinates 20 different Jewish education, Tikkun Olam, social justice, and social action projects in the city of Haifa. He is also passionate about making connections with the Reform Jewish communities abroad, and creating interfaith dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims. He is married to Deborah Nof, and together they have four children: Yael, Elior, Ariel and Taliah. Mazel Tov to the Confirmation Class of 5773 נִי ַמ ֲא ִמין I believe Emily Bogdan Dory Lustig Julia Herbordt Adam Merkin Sam Hoenig Allison Nemrow Benjamin Kammer Isaac Stone Lauren Weintraub These Seniors Graduated from our Youth Community Jesse Bogdan Jeremy Cohen Samuel Goldberg Jason Goodman Daniel Nussbaum Debra Regensburger Samantha Zarkower More Torah, more life; More study, more wisdom; More counsel, more understanding; More tzedakkah, more peace. Pirké Avot (2:8) Mazel Tov to the Shir Tikva Me’ah graduates. Me’ah is a two-year course of in-depth Jewish study from biblical and rabbinic literature to medieval and modern thought. Rowena Abadi Michael Eliastam Eric Falkof Robert Koster Mindy Milberg Alexandra Mirman Michael Mirman Through a year of study with the Rabbis, our Confirma(on students explored Judaism and their personal iden(ty, culmina(ng by examining and developing their personal beliefs. Page 6 May they go from strength to strength in their life-long pursuit of study! Temple Shir Tikva June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Hineni jepig Youth Community by Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz AISH: Shir Tikva’s Center for Youth Leadership "W Olam projects; hat would you do?!" This provocative question was posed to us by our 9th grade students during Youth Com♦ To foster a spirit of innovation and exploration for teen engagmunity's Yom Hashoah commemoration on April 10. Unment in Jewish life. der the guidance of Rhonda Magier-Cohen, our 9th grade students spent In the spirit of educational innovation, we invite you to be our partthe year working on a Holocaust timeline to highlight the rich memories ner as we continue to explore meaningful ways to connect teens to Jewof people such as Raoul Wallenberg and Oskar Schindler, who fought ish living! In order to refine and evolve this new experience, as the to save lives during the Shoah. Throughout the presentation, our teens year progresses we will be reaching out regularly for feedback and ascompelled us to consider "What would you do?" when faced with diffi- sessment from you and your teens. cult choices. Utilizing technology funded by a CJP grant, and fueled by We will also pilot AISH Shabbat and AISH Sundays – to test opporRhonda's immense commitment to this project, tunities to gather as a teen community in new and our teens navigated through research, web design, exciting ways. We will continue to strengthen our In the spirit of educational and public speaking to offer a beautiful presentaalready successful Madrichim student teacher interninnovation, we invite you to be tion to our entire Youth Community. This projectship, create a Va’ad ha’Noar teen leadership council, our partner as we continue to build new immersive travel opportunities, and will based learning method proved to be a very successful model and we implement Shevet Achim - the Brotherhood, a project explore meaningful ways to are grateful to the 9th grade class's leadconnect teens to Jewish living! of Moving Traditions, designed for 7th and 8th grade ership and dedication to this project and for "GUYS ONLY." Similar by design to our Rosh being our teachers during this most important Yom Hashoah Commem- Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing program, Shevet Achim is a unique way for oration. young men at Shir Tikva to get together to hang out, shoot hoops and In very exciting news, we will take this methodology of projecttalk about issues relevant to their lives with the guidance of trained based learning one step further next year. Over the course of the spring adult facilitators from our Shir Tikva community. semester, a team of dedicated teens, parents, teachers and congregationAs we move forward in exciting ways, we offer special thanks to the al stakeholders worked to redesign Youth Community, rebranding it as 2012-2013 Youth Community staff: Rachel Fadlon for coordinating AISH: Shir Tikva Center for Youth Leadership. Rosh Hodesh and Youth Community, Zack Barr for coordinating our AISH will infuse teen-identified passions, relationship building and Madrichim Program, Devora Rohr for her administrative support, and leadership development with meaningful Jewish experiences utilizing to Deena Bloomstone for her guidance and direction. this educational approach of project-based learning. AISH aims to acWe are also grateful to our teachers, Eli Katzoff, Raffi Fadlon, Rabbi complish the following goals: Gold, Melissa Hoffman and Rhonda Magier-Cohen for the thought and care they put into creating and teaching our Youth Community teens. ♦ To identify and support the AISH – spiritual spark – within every From “What would you do?” to “What’s your AISH? What’s your Jewish teen; personal spark?” – we can’t wait to discover with you and with your ♦ To cultivate a joyful, exciting and safe learning environment for teen all that Shir Tikva has to offer and all that you have to offer Shir Jewish teen expression; Tikva! ♦ To encourage teen leadership by developing, managing and executIf you have ideas or questions about AISH, please reach out to ing community and creative projects; Rabbi Jen Gubitz – [email protected]. ♦ To create a network of relationships through large-scale Tikkun Opportunities for our students to get involved in AISH programming include: • AISH Wednesdays: Dinner and Classes (6 – 8 p.m.) Open to all, required for all Grade 7 students. Students will choose a track from a selection of exciting options including (but not limited to) Fine & Performing Arts, Journalism and Tikkun Olam. Join us as we innovate periodic Shabbat and Sunday gatherings for AISH teens. • Madrichim: Student Teacher Training Internship The Madrichim Program is open to students in Grades 8 - 12 and is a full year commitment. • AISH Trips Off-site learning and social engagement for students in Grades 7 - 12. • AISH Shabbat and AISH Sundays Open to all, required for all Grade 7 students and Madrichim. • STIFTY & NFTY-Northeast Local and Regional Youth Group Events Temple Shir Tikva • AISH Va’ad ha’Noar Teen Leadership Council Page 7 Hineni June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Rabbi Blumberg Honored at “Seize the Dream” Gala Our Shir Tikva community turned out in force at the annual Jewish Family Service/Metrowest “Seize the Dream” gala to honor Rabbi Herman Blumberg and CJP Chair Sari Rapkin. 140 Shir Tikva members were among the 450 who attended the April 28 event which was an enormous success for JFS and the Metrowest community. The honorees were introduced by Rabbi Gold and Diane Black. Rabbi Blumberg invoked the saying “All of Israel shares responsibility for each other” and powerfully reminded the audience of the need to care for each other. JFS works throughout Metrowest to provide the vital social , health and community services to alleviate suffering, enhance lives and support people in need. For more information or to become involved with JFS please call or e-mail Jayne Lampert at 508-875-3100 x430, [email protected]. Note from Rabbi Herman J. Blumberg To My Shir Tikva Friends, I was motivated to participate in the Jewish Family Service/ Metrowest’s “Seize the Dream” April fundraising event by: • • My long-standing respect for the help this relatively small agency provides for the needy in our community The gratitude Paula and I hold for its role in the adoption of our grandchildren Asha and Avinoam Pukar. The dividend I realized that Sunday evening last month was feeling anew the vibrancy of our Shir Tikva community. We really enjoy being together. What a great impromptu reunion! Our gathering was testimony to the strength of our shared experience at Shir Tikva and to our enduring relationship. Thank you for joining in supporting this agency’s important work. Thank you for honoring me. And, thank you for your sustained connection to our synagogue community. *** This past January I began a new phase of my work at Hebrew SeniorLife. HSL is starting a Jewish Hospice Care organization. While open to all, our goal is to erase the comfort level of our community’s use of end-of-life services. An important phase of our work, for which I will be responsible in my role as Director of Rabbinic Services, is to enhance our understanding of available choices and Jewish attitudes to end -of-life needs. Paula joins me in warmest greetings and best wishes for rejuvenating summer days. Page 8 (Pictured, left to right) Sari Ann Rapkin, Rabbi Herman Blumberg and Marc Jacobs at the Seize the Dream Gala sponsored by Jewish Family Service on April 28.. Selichot at Shir Tikva Saturday, August 31 8 p.m. “PREPARING OUR HEARTS AND MINDS FOR THE DAYS OF AWE” Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur can be lifeenriching days that shape the year-to-come as one of blessing and growth. To accomplish this, however, requires some spiritual preparation. On Saturday evening, August 31, beginning at 8:00 p.m., we will come together as a community for a late-night spiritual investigation into the seasonal themes of Teshuvah and the High Holy Days prayerbook. The evening offers a fascinating array of learning sessions designed to nurture our hearts, minds, and souls; a decadent dessert reception; Havdalah; and a beautiful, moving, and uplifting Selichot service. Come share in the drama as our Torah scrolls are dressed in their magnificent white mantles, representing the High Holy Day themes of Malchuyot (majesty/the present), Shofarot (redemption/the future), and Zichronot (memory/the past). EVERYONE IS INVITED TO JOIN US FOR A TRULY MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE! Temple Shir Tikva June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Hineni Looking Back at 5773 at Temple Shir Tikva Mitzvah Day, Family Trip to Israel, the Grade 10 trip to Washington, DC for the L’taken seminar, Chanukah, the Grade 6 Shabbaton, the Yom Ha’Atzmaut Israel Fair, Youth Community, Confirmation and Graduation are only a few of the many activities during the past year at Temple Shir Tikva. Temple Shir Tikva Page 9 Hineni June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 May 13 Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights by Amanda Glynn, Recording Secretary-Elect In an effort to improve communications and provide congregants with more information about governance at Temple Shir Tikva, the following is a summary of the last Board of Trustees meeting: Executive Session: An Executive Session was held to vote upon a three-year extension to David Passer’s contract and an amendment to Rabbi Gubitz’s contract. Both motions relating to the employment contracts were approved unanimously and with enthusiasm. JCC Lease: Phil Benjamin reported that the JCC Early Learning Center’s current lease with Shir Tikva ends in August 2013. The Board voted to recommend that the Congregation approve a new lease, through which the JCC will rent three of the five available classrooms, allowing for the potential of alternative uses for the remaining two classrooms. While the new lease represents a decrease in revenue for Shir Tikva, the rent amount is in line with other childcare facilities in the area at this time. The JCC preschool and the temple have been collaborating on efforts both to increase preschool enrollment and to boost Shir Tikva membership. Employee Handbook: Robin Kostin reported that the proposed Employee Handbook, which includes information about policies relating to employment, has been completed. The guide applies to both faculty and staff and documents many practices that are already in place at Shir Tikva. The Board voted to approve the new Employee Handbook. Education Task Force: Cathy Regensburger updated the Board on the work of the Education Task Force search. The TF has determined that the necessary tasks can best be undertaken by a team of in-house talent. Rabbi Gubitz will oversee education (in addition to her rabbinic responsibilities), Bev Klau will be the Principal of the religious school, and Rhonda Magier-Cohen will be Director of Curriculum and Family Education. Rabbi Gold, Rabbi Gubitz, Cantor Schachner and a number of members of the Board expressed enthusiasm for the new model of oversight for religious education at Shir Tikva. Finance Committee: Larry Whitman provided an overview of the budget, and commented that the forecast for this year had not changed significantly since the last board meeting. The Board voted on and approved a number of motions relating to the budget, including recommendations that the Congregation approve the dues and fees schedule for FY14 and the proposed budget for FY14. Policy for the Use of Discretionary Funds for Rabbis and Cantor: Phil Benjamin reported that a policy for the use of discretionary funds of the Rabbis and Cantor has been developed as part of the effort to update policies and to codify them appropriately. The Board voted to approve the policy. Executive Director’s Report: David Passer acknowledged the temple’s celebration of Julio Machado’s becoming a US citizen and his years of dedicated service to Shir Tikva. He also noted that the High Holy Days fall very early this year, and that planning is already well under way. He also mentioned that the Publicity Form developed as part of the new website has been used successfully by many committee chairs and staff members. The form allows detailed information about events and programs to be provided, so that effective planning and more streamlined communication and publicity can occur. Rabbi’s Remarks: Following Brian Levey’s thanks to Trustees for their service, Rabbi Gold expressed his and the Board’s appreciation for Brian Levey’s hard work. Rabbi Gold discussed the powerful remarks made by graduating high school students at Shabbat services on May 10th and also shared that the service allowed the congregation to thank Deena Bloomstone for her years of dedicated service. He discussed the upcoming holiday of Shavuot and encouraged everyone to consider how we will continue to grow and learn as Jews. Leadership Development: Trudy Sonis thanked the Trustees, Officers and Committee Chairs for their enthusiastic participation in the temple-wide Volunteer Fair. The fair provided an opportunity for congregants to learn about ways to participate in committees and programs at the temple. The Temple’s Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, June 3 at 7:30 p.m. Page 10 Shir Tikva Announces New Education Leadership Team (contnued from page 1) Together, these three professionals will work closely with Rabbi Gold, Cantor Schachner, the School Committee, the Youth Committee, and of course our wonderful faculty to energize our education program. We are also investigating hiring a parttime Youth Educator who would focus on aspects of our informal education program and teach in our school. We have deep confidence in this team of seasoned Jewish educators. All of them have evinced a passion for innovation and serious Jewish education; they are all tremendously dedicated to the families of Temple Shir Tikva; and they all share our commitment to raise the standards and quality of everything we do with our students and families. There are many great things in store for our community in the coming year! Synagogue Council Honors State Treasurer Steve & Professor Barbara Grossman and Steffi Aronson Karp The Synagogue Council of Massachusetts invites you to attend this year's exciting and historic Annual Tribute Celebration on Tuesday, June 11, 6 p.m. at Temple Emanuel in Newton. The 2013 Community Service Award will be presented to State Treasurer Steve and Professor Barbara Wallace Grossman for their active involvement and dynamic leadership in a myriad of activities throughout Massachusetts and within the Greater Boston Jewish community. It is our pleasure to present this year's K'lal Yisrael Award to Steffi Aronson Karp. She has lived a truly pluralistic Jewish life, founding LimmudBoston, establishing Congregation Dorshei Tzedek in Newton, and serving on the Leadership Council of Hebrew College and on the Board of the Vilna Shul. The evening will include a dinner buffet, Installation of SCM's Board and music by Kol B'Seder (of "Lo Alecha," "Modeh Ani," and "Shalom Rav" fame, among others) and Temple Emanuel's Hazzan Elias Rosemberg with members of the "Shabbat Alive" ensemble. For details, visit www.synagoguecouncil.org. Temple Shir Tikva June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Hineni Going on Vacation? dlidw Gathering/Reyim WanttoVisitaReform CongregationinAnotherCountry? SAVE THE DATE! How do you find your larger Progressive/ Reform/Liberal family when travelling outside of North America? The process is different than what you find in North America, where synagogues and Jewish institutions in North America generally have an “open-door” policy and regularly welcome visitors. Elsewhere, there is a pervasive security consciousness. Many synagogues do not publish their street addresses, return phone calls or emails, or openly declare their presence. A random visitor, even one claiming affiliation with a Reform synagogue in the U.S. is likely to be turned away if visiting unannounced. The best way to connect is to have the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ), the institution that serves, nurtures, and supports 1,700+ Reform/Progressive/Liberal Jewish congregations worldwide, make the connection for you. Several weeks in advance of your vacation, go to the World Union for Progressive Judaism website, wupj.org. On the main page, use the dialogue box to search for WUPJ congregations by country and then city. Once you verify the presence of a congregation in the area you plan to visit, contact the Shir Tikva office or the office of the World Union for Progressive Judaism at 212452-6531. If given sufficient time, we can arrange a personal visit. Reyim Selichot Dinner Saturday, August 31 We aren’t rushing the summer away… but please mark your calendars: Reyim is sponsoring a Selichot Dinner on Saturday evening, August 31. Following dinner, there will be a wonderful Selichot program that includes “dressing” our Torah scrolls for the "Days of Awe," Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Watch Vats Nu for more details. Reyim is Temple Shir Tikva’s adult programming initiative developed to engage temple members, especially empty nesters. In Hebrew, Reyim means “friends” and our participants are both old and new friends. Programs are especially designed to appeal to a wide range of interests. Reyim plans three to four interesting Jewish events a year which vary in subject matter but always include sharing a meal. Looking for a Meaningful Volunteer Experience? Jeff’s Place, a community-based, family-focused program, provides FREE volunteer facilitated support groups and services to children and teens, ages preschool through high school, and their caregivers who are coping with a meaningful death loss. Jeff’s Place welcomes families in all their diverse forms, and of all races, ethnicities and socioeconomic strata. Our support groups are 100% free, though all donations are gratefully accepted. We are proud and truly appreciative of our partnership with Temple Shir Tikva in Wayland, who generously provides us with a much needed home for our support groups. Jeff’s Place is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. To discuss upcoming training, contact melissa@Jeffsplace metrowest.org or call 508-879-2800. Temple Shir Tikva Page 11 Hineni June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 dlidw Gathering/Sisterhood Sisterhood Summertime Schmooze רוחי גויתי Tuesday, July 9, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Ruchi G’viati - My Soul, My Body Join us for cool beverages and friendly conversation! Refresh yourself with good food and the company of great women at our annual informal gathering – no agendas, simply socializing. Bring a friend or make one there! Watch Vats Nu for location or send a message to [email protected]. Finding Calm in Chaotic Moments . Women’s Kallah The over 100 women who attended April's Women's Kallah brought a bounty of shampoos, body lotions, toothpastes and other health and beauty aids that were donated to Jewish Family Service of Metrowest for use in Lucy and Joe's Food Pantry. Centerpieces crafted by Bonnie Levy, pictured left, featured donated items from Kallah committee members and Jeff Feingold of the nonprofit Hope and Comfort were a beautiful inspiration to support our community. Sunday, June 9, 5–7 p.m. We are excited to invite you to the third session of “Ruchi G’viati--My Soul, My Body” after its debut at our Women’s Kallah this past month. Bring your friends and celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new month, by learning timeless strategies drawn from Jewish tradition for caring for your mind, body, and soul. This dynamic series of workshops is based on music, contemplative meditation, Torah teachings, psychological thought and gentle Yoga. The texts and skills we learn this month will focus on finding calm in chaotic moments. There will be plenty of space this time and no one will be turned away! We suggest that you: ♦ Wear comfortable clothing ♦ Bring your own yoga mat –or they will be provided ♦ Bring friends, old and new ♦ Bring frayed nerves in need of healing ♦ Bring open minds and hearts, eager to learn, share and sing We look forward to sharing this special evening with you. Facilitated by Cantor Hollis Schachner, Dr. Randy Kamen Gredinger, and Holly Friedman Glick, LICSW, RYT Mah Jongg Tournament Winners Happy winners of the annual Temple Shir Tikva Mah Jongg Tournament: (l to r) SueEllyn Idelson (first place), Doris Weinberg (second place) and Jill Abend (third place). Will you be a winner next year? Page 12 Temple Shir Tikva June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Hineni dlidw Gathering/Brotherhood Monday, June 17, 11:30 a.m. T he Temple Shir Tikva Brotherhood Golf Classic is fast approaching. This year’s event will be held at Stow Acres Country Club in Stow on Monday, June 17. This is a great opportunity to not only participate in a fun-filled gathering of golf enthusiasts at every level of play and rekindle friendships, but also an opportunity to support Temple Shir Tikva at the same time. So come on out and help us make this year’s event a big success. There are several ways you can participate: •Play golf. You can invite your spouse, friends or co-workers and create your own foursome. Or, if you cannot get four people, we can always pair you up with other golfers of similar abilities to create a foursome for you. Just $175 covers 18 holes, golf cart, box lunch, dinner after golf and a player gift - not to mention the after-golf awards . •Become a sponsor. If you own a business or know someone who does, you can sponsor a hole, the lunch, or dinner or the entire tournament with a generous donation that also generates terrific publicity. •Donate auction items. Donate sports or theatre tickets, vacation properties, personal services or other merchandise of value. These can be a huge part of the proceeds for the golf classic offered up through our silent and live auction. Your donations are very much welcomed and appreciated. •Buy a Raffle Ticket: We are raffling off four owner's box seat Red Sox tickets again this year. Buy your raffle tickets for your chance to win! If you are not golfing, go to www.shirtikva.org/ GolfRaffle to buy your raffle tickets, otherwise you can purchase when you register for golf. Get your foursome together. If you don’t have a foursome, register to be added to a foursome and make new friends. For information or to register for golf, go to www.shirtikva.org/golf. To buy raffle tickets only, go to www.shirtikva.org/GolfRaffle. Temple Shir Tikva By investing a few minutes of your time, you can help make the TST community more personable and friendly. Upload your photo to your member profile in the TST online Member Directory. This will help all of us put names to faces, creating more meaningful connections. Follow the instructions on the website: www.shirtikva.org/events-resources/member-directory or call Toni at the temple office, 508-358-9992, to get help logging onto the website. Need a Ride to Services? Is poor night vision keeping you from attending Shabbat services or other temple activities? Our volunteer drivers are ready to help. Call our June Kesher coordinator, Sheila Deitchman, at 781-646-0380 and she will match you up with a volunteer driver. Page 13 Hineni June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 New Books in the Temple Shir Tikva Library by Susan Saul, Librarian The Gods Are Broken! : The Hidden Legacy of Abraham / Salkin, American Jews & America's Game : Voices of a Growing Legacy in Baseball / Ruttman, Larry Jeffrey K. The story of Abraham smashing his father’s idols might be the most important Jewish story ever told and the key to how Jews define themselves. In a work at once deeply erudite and wonderfully accessible, Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin conducts readers through the life and legacy of this powerful story and explains how it has shaped Jewish consciousness. Salkin’s work—combining biblical texts, archaeology, rabbinic insights, Hasidic texts (some never before translated), philosophy, history, poetry, contemporary Jewish thought, sociology, and popular culture—is nothing less than a journey through two thousand years of Jewish life and intellectual endeavor. Ancient Israel : The Former Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings: a Translation With Commentary / Alter, Robert The life stories of many famous and not-so-famous baseball figures, on and off the field, have been compiled from nearly 50 in-depth interviews and arranged by decade in this edifying and entertaining work of oral and cultural history. In American Jews and America’s Game each person talks about growing up Jewish and dealing with Jewish iden(ty, assimila(on, intermarriage, future viability, religious observance, an(-Semi(sm, and Israel. Each tells about being in the midst of the colorful pantheon of players who, over the past seventy-five years or more, have made baseball what it is. Their stories tell, as no previous book has, the history of the larger-than -life role of Jews in America’s pas(me. FDR and the Jews / Breitman, Richard Nearly 75 years a?er World War II, a conten(ous debate To read the books of the Former Prophets in this rive(ng lingers over whether Franklin Delano Roosevelt turned Robert Alter transla(on is to discover an entertaining his back on the Jews of Hitler’s Europe. Defenders claim amalgam of hair-raising ac(on and high literary achievethat FDR saved millions of poten(al vic(ms by defea(ng ment. Samson, the vigilante superhero of Judges, slaughNazi Germany. Others revile him as morally indifferent ters thousands of Philis(nes with the jawbone of a donand indict him for keeping America’s gates closed to Jewkey. David, the Machiavellian prince of Samuel and Kings, ish refugees and failing to bomb Auschwitz’s gas chamis one of the great literary figures of an(quity. A ruthless bers. monarch, David embodies a life in full dimension as it moves from brilIn an extensive examina(on of this impassioned debate, Richard Breitliant youth through vigorous prime to failing old age. man and Allan J. Lichtman find that the president was neither savior nor American Jewish Story Through Cinema / Goldman, Eric A. bystander. In FDR and the Jews, they draw upon many new primary sources to offer an intriguing portrait of a consummate poli(cian— Like the haggadah, the tradi(onal “telling” of the story compassionate but also pragma(c—struggling with opposing priori(es of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt that is read at the under perilous condi(ons. For most of his presidency Roosevelt indeed Passover seder, cinema offers a valuable text from did liBle to aid the imperiled Jews of Europe. He put domes(c policy which to gain an understanding of the social, poli(cal, priori(es ahead of helping Jews and deferred to others’ fears of an an(and cultural reali(es of Jews in America. In an industry Semi(c backlash. Yet he also acted decisively at (mes to rescue Jews, strongly influenced by Jewish filmmakers who made o?en withstanding contrary pressures from his advisers and the Ameriand con(nue to make the decisions as to which films can public. Even Jewish ci(zens who pe((oned the president could not are produced, the complex and evolving nature of the agree on how best to aid their co-religionists abroad. American Jewish condi(on has had considerable impact on American cinema and, in par(cular, on how Jews are reflected on the screen. This groundbreaking study analyzes select mainstream films from the Room for the Baby / by Michelle Edwards beginning of the sound era to today to provide an understanding of the American Jewish experience over the last century. A liBle boy frets that the sewing room where his baby brother or sister will sleep will never be emp(ed of things Jewish Fairy Tale Feasts / Stories Retold by Jane Yolen his mother has collected from neighbors for years, but she uses those things to sew and knit everything from diapers Presents Jewish folktales along with recipes, arranged to Hanukah gi?s. in sec(ons for brunch, soup, main courses, and dessert. Wonderful stories, wonderful recipes and wonderful illustra(ons! Page 14 Temple Shir Tikva June - August 2013 Sivan-Elul 5773 Hineni ippd Temple Shir Tikva 508-358-9992 Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts Brian C. Levey, President [email protected] Neal D. Gold, Rabbi [email protected] Jennifer Gubitz, Assistant Rabbi [email protected] Herman J. Blumberg, Rabbi Emeritus [email protected] Hollis Schachner, Cantor [email protected] David Passer, Executive Director [email protected] ext. 214 Deena Bloomstone, Director of Congregational Learning [email protected] ext. 201 Karen Edwards, Assistant to the Rabbis and Cantor [email protected] ext. 210 Toni Spitzer, Office Administrator [email protected] ext. 200 Devora Rohr, Office Administrator [email protected] ext. 211 Lucy Dube, Bookkeeper [email protected] ext. 215 Peggi Cohen, Hineni Editor [email protected] JCC Early Learning Center of Wayland Phone: 508-358-5331 508-358-6272 Fax: 508-358-5332 Office Hours School Office DO YOU BABYSIT? Members of our Shir Tikva community are always looking for fun, responsible, creative babysitters. If you want to add your name to our babysitting list, send your name, age/grade, address, email address, cell phone number, preferred method of communication (email, text or phone), transportation requirements and any additional notes about you to Ellie Klein Goldman by Facebook message. Your details and contact information will be made available to the Shir Tikva Family Connections Facebook group, which can only be viewed by members. Support Our Congregation With Tzedakah To make supporting your congregation and performing the mitzvah of tzedakah more convenient, we have enabled online donations. To commemorate or memorialize life-cycle events of congregation members, family, or friends, go to www.shir tikva.org/donate. Temple Office . Monday……………………9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday……………………9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday………………...9 a.m. - 8 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday…………………..9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday……………………..9 a.m. - 2 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Contribution Allocation We are extremely appreciative of your donations. Please help us properly allocate your contributions by writing a note on your check or using a donation form. Summer Office Closings: Thursday, July 4, Independence Day; Monday, September 2, Labor Day. Upcoming Events Saturday, June 1, 9:30 a.m…………………………………………………..Shabbat Yeladim Monday, June 3, 7:30 p.m……………………………….Temple Shir Tikva Annual Meeting Saturday, June 15, 9:30 a.m……..Torah Study with Special Guest Teacher Rabbi Edgar Nof Sunday, June 9, 5 p.m…………………………………….Ruchi G’viati - My Soul, My Body Monday, June 17, 11:30 a.m………………………………………..Brotherhood Golf Classic Tuesday, July 9, 6:30 p.m………………………………...Sisterhood Summertime Schmooze Saturday, August 31…………………………………………………...Reyim Selichot Dinner Temple Shir Tikva ippd September Hineni Deadline Monday, August 5 Articles and photos may be sent by email to [email protected] or mailed to the temple office. Email or call Peggi Cohen, Hineni editor, at 508-358-6272 with questions or comments. Page 15
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