June - August 2016 - Temple Shir Tikva
JUNEJUNE-AUGUST 2016 | SIVAN –ELUL 5776 Temple Shir Tikva Past, Present and Future by Julie Kniznik and Matt Langweber T he transition of the presidency at Temple Shir Tikva is always a bittersweet moment. The hard work, dedication and progress of one individual comes to a close, while the promise of new possibilities for the future begins with the new president. In our case, at this crucial moment, we are happy to share that the two of us have been functioning as a close-knit team for months, focusing on common strategic goals as well as short term accomplishments. And the future of our temple is very bright, thanks to the broad participation of many people in self-study activities, a variety of successful events and a number of great accomplishments over the last six months. A few highlights include: • We have attracted Rabbi Doug Kohn, an internationally known, accomplished rabbi to lend his expertise to the next transitional phase. • The Early Learning Center has double the enrollment predicted, with over 40 children and a waiting list for certain classes next year. The ELC serves as a feeder mechanism for involvement and new membership among young families in MetroWest. • A cornucopia of gatherings and events have taken place recently, including two congregational brunches, Brisket & Scotch, the joint Friday Shabbat Service with The Islamic Center of Boston, Chinese food oneg on Christmas Eve, revitalized Adult Education and many more programs generating unprecedented participation. • More than 300 people participated in 15 congregational and peer group meetings and 200 more completed the survey to contribute their voice to the Rabbinic search and future of TST. Looking ahead, the Rabbinic Search Committee is embarking on its mission to find the next permanent Senior Rabbi. The process of self-study that is feeding the committee has revealed many areas that congregants feel strongly about improving. The Strategic Planning Committee has (continued on page 10) www.shirtikva.org Thank You From Rabbi Gubitz From the first moment I walked in our doors, I felt that Shir Tikva could become like home for me. But how could I have anticipated the personal meaning, professional growth, and loving support I would experience from all of you? Could I ever have imagined all of the amazing tots, kids and teens I would come to love? How could I have known about all of the incredible adults who commit themselves to Temple Shir Tikva as you seek personal meaning and pursue deep Jewish learning? Could I have known just how much I would enjoy spending weekends away with our sixth graders on the Shabbaton? Or our ninth graders in NYC? Or our tenth graders in DC? Did I anticipate the opportunities I would have to deepen my writing, Torah teaching and sermons? Could I have known how much I would love hearing the wisdom of our youth answering challenging questions in Tefillah (communal prayer) or raising their voices so sweetly in prayer? Did I anticipate the professional energy and motivation I would feel partnering with our education team to innovate and expand how our children and families learn and experience Judaism? How could I have known that I would find a true colleague and friend in Cantor Schachner? Could I really know what it would mean to be with you at your bedside, at the graveside, or walking alongside you as you encountered the greatest challenges and deepest joys of living? Only the prophets could foretell such blessings. I am so grateful to have shared these moments with all of you in this sacred community. Thank you for being my teachers, my partners in this work, and for giving me the space to find my voice as a rabbi. I am confident in the future of Temple Shir Tikva and am proud to have been part of its powerful story. How could I have known what a blessing it would be? In This Issue... Shabbat & Holiday Services……………………………………2 TST Annual Fund Update………………………………………4 Shir Tikva Early Learning Center……………………………....6 Religious School News…………………………………………7 AISH and Shir Tikva Youth Programs……… ………………...8 New Director of Education Announced………………………...9 Adult Education…………………………………………………9 Members in the News………………………………………….10 Gathering…………………………………………………...12-13 Temple Shir Tikva and The Islamic Center of Boston………...14 Donations…………………...…………………………….........15 In Our Congregation….………………………………………..16 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland, MA 01778 508-358-9992 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Shabbat and Holiday Services June 2016 Shabbat Bechukotai Friday, June 3 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service - Sermon given by Rabbi Gubitz Saturday, June 4 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 9:30 a.m. Shabbat Yeladim 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service EMILY CLAUSEN, daughter of DJ and Joanne Clausen, Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Bamidbar Friday, June 10 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service & Volunteer Recognition with Festive Oneg Saturday, June 11 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 8:30 a.m. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah Study 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service MAYA PUFFER, daughter of Brad and Loren Puffer, Bat Mitzvah 5:00 p.m. Community Tikkun Layl Shavuot—see page 11 Sunday, June 12 10:00 a.m. Shavuot Yom Tov Service with Yizkor Shabbat Naso Friday, June 17 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service – Sermon in Song Saturday, June 18 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service MAX FREEDMAN, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Freedman, Bar Mitzvah MIRIAM RICH, daughter of David and Bonnie Rich, Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Bahalotcho Friday, June 24 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service and – Farewell to Rabbi Gubitz 7:30 p.m. Shabbat BBQ Saturday, June 25 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Page 2 July 2016 Shabbat Shelech Friday, July 1 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. Shabbat Dinner to welcome Rabbi Kohn Saturday, July 2 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Korach Friday, July 8 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, July 9 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Chukat Friday, July 15 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, July 16 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Balak Friday, July 22 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, July 23 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Pinchas Friday, July 29 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service and Blessing for the Pan Mass Challenge Riders 7:30 p.m. Shabbat BBQ Saturday, July 30 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study We are eager to share in your times of joy and support you in times of sadness. Please call us directly or inform a staff member so we may extend timely friendship and comfort to you and your family. Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz, Cantor Hollis Schachner Rabbi Emeritus Herman Blumberg Temple Shir Tikva June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Shabbat and Holiday Services August 2016 Shabbat Matot-Masei Friday, August 5 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, August 6 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Devarim Friday, August 12 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, August 13 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Vaetchanan Friday, August 19 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service Saturday, August 20 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study Shabbat Eikev Friday, August 26 6:00 p.m. Forshpeis (Nosh) 6:15 p.m. Simchat Shabbat Service 7:30 p.m. Shabbat BBQ Saturday, August 27 8:30 a.m. Early Shacharit Service followed by Torah Study 10:45 a.m. Late Shacharit Service MITCHELL RIEDER, son of Robert Rieder and Wendy Rieder, Bar Mitzvah Hineni Executive Director Notes… Susan Altman Rabbi Shimon the Righteous talks about the three “pillars” that the world rests upon: Torah, Avodah (service,) and Gemilut Chasadim (acts of loving-kindness). Pirkei Avot 1:2 Lay leaders of synagogues are very special people and synagogues depend on their vision, dedication and partnership. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Julie Kniznik, who completes her term as president of Temple Shir Tikva on June 6. She has led TST with dignity, grace and wisdom for the last two years and will continue as past president for the next year. Julie has always had the best interest of TST at the forefront of each meeting she presided over and every committee meeting that she attended. She listened to members with an open mind, comforted the bereaved and she celebrated the simchas. Julie, you gave of yourself by living and leading based on the Torah, through your service and with your acts of loving-kindness. Thank you. Join us to Welcome Rabbi Doug Kohn Kesher Program Provides Support to Congregants TST Kesher Program’s mission is to provide both spiritual and emotional support, solace and hope to congregants and their families during times of illness, suffering, loss and grief, and to recognize celebrations of simchas. Each month, a volunteer coordinates community support services. The Kesher coordinator for June is Karen Miller. She can be r eached at 508-358-6330 or at [email protected]. July’s coordinator is Sheila Deitchman. She can be r eached at sheila.deitch man@ver izon.net. The August coordinator is Dorie Nickelsberg. She can be reached at 508-733-9102 or at dorway26@ gmail.com. If you are aware of a congregant in need of Kesher services, call the temple office, the rabbis, cantor or the coordinator. For pastoral emergencies after normal business hours, please call 508-319- 9442. Temple Shir Tikva Friday, July 1 Join us on Friday, July 1, as we welcome Rabbi Doug Kohn to his first Shabbat at Temple Shir Tikva. We will have our festive, song filled Simchat Shabbat service followed by a Shabbat dinner. RSVP at www.shirtikva.org/RabbiKohn. Page 3 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Board of Trustees’ Meeting Summary In an effort to improve communications and provide congregants with information about governance, this is a summary of the May 9 meeting. Julie Kniznik expressed thanks to all for the interfaith evening with our friends from the Islamic Center and said how proud she is of our interfaith involvement. She shared a heartfelt farewell and congratulations to Rachael Pass, who is leaving us to study to become a rabbi at Hebrew Union College. (HUC). Julie made a plea for those able to contribute to the annual fund. Clergy Report: Cantor Schachner reported that Rachael Pass will be joined at HUC by Shir Tikva member Leah Nussbaum, who will also study to become a rabbi. She expressed “Yasher Koach” to Joyce Pastor and others who helped with the Neighbor to Neighbor program. The two services we shared will be part of a documentary on the life of a young Muslim in the community. Education Taskforce Report: Laura Brande presented the work done by the Education Taskforce. She shared the background and outcomes of the work done by Rabbi Gubitz and others before the creation of the taskforce, the process the taskforce followed, and the outcome of their work. The taskforce articulated the TST Education Cornerstones; Shir Tikva’s education program fosters a lifelong love of learning by creating relevant and experiential educational opportunities for our students and their families. Education Report: Steve Rosenstein – VP Education, reported that we have a made an offer to a new education director for next year. She is our first choice, is very experienced and is excited to be a part of driving what our next school can be. We expect to have confirmation of her acceptance soon. Steve also reported that Rhonda Magier-Cohen will be staying on as Director of Family Engagement, and we are in an active search to replace Rachael Pass, Drector of Youth Engagement. Executive Director’s Report: Susan Altman reported that Temple operations are running smoothly. The Early Learning Center (ELC) has 41 children enrolled and only one space left for the 18-month-old classroom. Our new summer camp program is nearly at capacity too. Congregational Engagement Committee Report: Peter and Jill Abend relayed a request from Rabbi Kohn that each Board member compile a list of key people and/or vulnerable congregants for him to connect with when he arrives. Finance Report: Treasurer Jeff Maimon reported highlights from current period results through March. These include ELC performing well; expenses in line or favorable to budget; income booked to budget but adjustments needed. Based on an analysis of receivables, we will have a revenue shortfall for the full year of approximately $174,000 due to resignations, additional abatements and bad debt write offs. For the full year forecast, our two biggest risks are remaining cash collections of receivables and annual fund contributions. Collections to date are about $1.2 million; budget was about $1.45 million. Forecast has been revised downward to $1.265 million based on the analysis referred to above. We have maintained the forecast for the annual fund at $270,000 but there is some risk if our development efforts are not successful. (continued on page 12) Page 4 TST Annual Fund Update Thanks to our members who have supported the TST Annual Fund spring appeal. We have raised $18,000 towards the $25,000 match in new and increased donations so far. The match includes 44 new and 47 increased donations. We are so very grateful for this extraordinary show of support for our sacred community. We are moving in a positive direction, but we still need support from 100% of our community to meet our goal of raising $275,000 by June 30. Have you donated to the annual fund yet? Our goal is to have all members in our community donate. Donations can be at any level you are comfortable with. Tzedakah and giving are a key part of our culture and responsibility. Donations to the Annual Fund are the best and most direct way for you to give locally and meaningfully to a Jewish cause with direct impact to you, your family, and your community. The temple can't continue to grow without everyone's support. The great news is that like spring, our sacred community is blossoming, with activity, programs and worship. We are in process of a senior rabbi search, shaping the direction of our community for years to come. Part of the process of attracting the best rabbi will be to demonstrate that we are an active, engaged, and participatory community. We need your help to do this and to meet the budget needs of all the important commitments we have made. Now is a unique opportunity to amplify the impact of your donation. Please help us reach our goal of achieving the $25,000 match, and securing our campaign goal of raising $275,000 from 100% of our temple community. TEMPLE SHIR TIKVA 2016 Annual Fund Temple Shir Tikva June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Hineni Incoming President’s Message Outgoing President’s Message Matt Langweber “Thank You” Chazak, Chazak V’nitchazek! Be Strong, Be Strong and May We be Strengthened! I am asked these questions over and over again: Are you crazy? Do you really want to be president of TST? I always answer an unequivocal YES! I am energized and excited about the future of TST. We are at a point in time where we have the unique opportunity to craft a vibrant synagogue for the future. We can come together as a community. We can vision together and hire professionals that share this vision. We can collectively strengthen the foundation that our founders created in 1978. We are “Shir Tikva Strong.” There are so many exciting initiatives going on or about to commence that will help us become this visionary synagogue of the future. Our new interim rabbi, Doug Kohn, will be joining us on July 1. He has already been working behind the scenes and will join us with an energy and warmth that will resonate to all of us. The Rabbi Search Committee, led by Judy Kaye, is diligently working to identity the rabbi who will lead us in the future. Over 300 congregants have participated in the self-study that will inform us as we move forward in the process. Our education team will have dynamic new leadership. Task forces are being formed to insure our financial stability and design a new organizational model to meet the changing needs of our governance and operations. We are “Shir Tikva Strong.” Our professional, educational, office and custodial staffs, plus Rabbi Blumberg, all deserve a huge thank you for going the extra mile during the past year. They have kept the synagogue operating seamlessly during a period of immense change. Finally, on behalf of the congregation, and myself, I extend a heartfelt thank you to our past president, Julie Kniznik. For the past year, she has been my mentor, teacher and good friend. She has worked with me during the transition to insure that I am prepared to undertake this great honor. Shir Tikva is truly a better place as a result of her Temple Shir Tikva Julie Kniznik A s I write my final message to you as president, I’m thinking about how several people have inquired as to whether – if given the chance – I would opt to do this all over again. Honestly, the answer is yes… and no. When any of us accepts a volunteer role, it is generally because we are motivated by our passion to do something to make the world a better place. That was certainly one of my greatest motivations, along with my love for the temple and what I believed to be my relevant skill set needed for the role. The part of me that would do this again is so very proud of all that we have accomplished these past two years. Creating the structure to genuinely integrate our interfaith families; taking over the ELC; and focusing on building a relational community; and positioning the temple for future growth are significant achievements. And the best part of being president, as many of you have heard me say repeatedly, is making new friends and strengthening bonds with others. So, what might keep me from doing this all over again? Well, the many hours of hard work away from my family have been difficult, particularly during a period of personal family crisis. Bearing the burden of some members’ frustrations and related anger over decisions with which they disagreed was hard for me since I am someone who generally is a “people-pleaser.” And yet, each of these challenges represented an opportunity for personal growth in ways I never could have imagined. But, despite the challenges, I would say “yes” again because of the joy I experienced as people repeatedly stepped up in significant ways to help out throughout my term. I got to see the good in so many. TST is a community of individuals who make me proud to call this place home. So, in closing, I want to say thank you to all for giving me this opportunity to serve as your president. It has been an honor and a privilege, and I am eternally grateful. Page 5 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Temple Shir Tikva Early Learning Center It is hard to believe that it is the end of our first year as the TST Early Learning Center! I feel so fortunate to have been able to watch as this community came together and the children formed strong friendships. Not a day has gone by when we haven’t laughed and marveled over something a child has said or discovered. The teachers have shown such commitment and dedication; I really don’t think there is a more supportive or dynamic staff anywhere. While we are sad to say goodbye to our friends moving on to kindergarten, we know they are ready for their next adventure and hope they will come back to visit us often. We’re looking forward to welcoming new families into the ELC, both in the summer and again in September. ~Sandy Page 6 Temple Shir Tikva June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Hineni jepig Religious School News Religious School Opening Day Sunday, September 18 Register for Religious School TODAY! www.familyid.com/shirtikva Temple Shir Tikva Page 7 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 AISH Summer Issue 5776. A Year in Pictures! Madrichim Orientation at Camp Chickami. Our 10th graders in D.C. for the RAC’s L’Taken Social Justice Seminar! AISH Teen Leadership Council attends leadership training with NFTY Northeast. Our 9th graders in NYC! Page 8 Temple Shir Tikva June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 TST Welcomes Aviva Scheur as New Director of Education Temple Shir Tikva is delighted to announce that Aviva Scheur will serve as our new Director of Education starting July 1. She will be responsible for the Religious School and AISH for grades pre-K through 12. Aviva comes to us from Temple Beth David in Westwood where she served as Director of Education. She also spent 14 years prior to that in various teaching and administrative roles at Gann Academy in Waltham. Aviva has an extensive background in Jewish education and earned a master’s degree at Brandeis University in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. She also holds both undergraduate and advanced degrees in Psychology and Counseling Services. Aviva is known for her professionalism, warmth and connections with kids and families and we are happy to welcome her into our Shir Tikva family. There will be several opportunities for religious school families and others to meet Aviva over the summer and fall. Please come to one of our summer Shabbat BBQs (June 24, July 29 and August 26) and say hello! Please Join Us to Honor Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz Hineni Adult Education The Adult Education Committee Presents Jews from Far Flung Places Wednesdays, June 1, 8 & 15, 7 p.m. This six-week series, which started last month, continues through June 15, featuring Temple Shir Tikva members who grew up in the 20th century in countries once ruled by colonial empires, monarchies, despots and dictators. They were close witnesses to the aftermath of World War II and the Cold War. They will speak both about the history and historical context of Jews in their native lands and the attempts by the Jews to adapt to political, ethnic and religious attacks on their way of life. All the speakers have done independent historical research for this program. They will also share their Jewish journey to Boston, including the story of their assimilation into American Jewish life. The first speaker in May, Michael Eliastam, accompanied by his daughter, Monet, spoke of his boyhood on a farm in South Africa, the turmoil that led to his seeking education in the U.S., his medical career in Massachusetts, and first person accounts of South Africa Michael Eliastam today. He spoke at Temple Shir Tikva as and his daughter, part of this series that features members Monet. who grew up in “far-flung” places. Speakers entertain questions from the audience for a reasonable period of time after they conclude their presentations. There is no charge for this program. RSVP at www. shirtikva.org/jfffp. org. Speakers: Friday, June 24 Shabbat Service, 6:15 p.m., Community BBQ, 8 p.m. A festive, meaningful and song-filled Simchat Shabbat service will be followed by a family BBQ. Participants are asked to bring a non-dairy side dish, nondairy dessert or soft drink to share. RSVP at www.shir tikva.org/bbq to let us know what you can bring. If you would like to show your appreciation to Rabbi Gubitz in a personal way, you can make a donation in her honor to the Rabbi Herman and Paula Blumberg URJ Camp Scholarship Fund. To make a donation go to www.shirtikva.org/HonorRabbi Gubitz. Temple Shir Tikva June 1 Daniele Bick June 8 Michael Mirman June 15 Harry Abadi Algeria Latvia Egypt If you have questions, contact Marcus Cohn, Chair, Adult Education Committee at [email protected]. Members in the News If you or an adult member of your family has won an award or done something newsworthy, send article/details and photos to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and celebrating you with our whole congregation. TST Communications Committee Joan Blair, Jon Sieber, Peggi Cohen, Susan Altman, Toni Spitzer, Judy Keseberg and Brooke Stein Page 9 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Members in the News Please come for Simchat Shabbat June 10, 2016 at 6:15 p.m. to celebrate Temple Shir Tikva’s wonderful volunteers and recognize Beverly Klau for her service as our Religious School Principal Festive Oneg Shabbat following the service R.S.V.P. to www.shirtikva.org/celebration Neighbor to Neighbor invites women from Temple Shir Tikva and the Islamic Center of Boston to come together for warmth, comfort, friendship and heart-to-heart conversation. We gather from time to time in one another’s homes to share our stories, hopes and dreams as we celebrate our experiences of being a woman, friend, daughter, sister, wife or mother. You’re encouraged to share a special family picture, an original, handcrafted item or work of art, a treasured object from your tradition or an inspiring poem, song or prayer. We enjoy bountiful potluck dinners together. To receive our Neighbor to Neighbor invitations, please contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Page 10 Leah Nussbaum, daughter of Victor Nussbaum and Karen Margolis will soon be embar king on her journey to become a rabbi. She will attend Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Leah's identity as a Reform Jew was nurtured at Shir Tikva, where she attended Hebrew School and Youth Community for 13 years, and where she engaged in Youth and Teen Choir, student teaching, interfaith work, Tikkun Olam and teen leadership. Leah graduated from Syracuse University in 2015 and currently works as a Fellow for Repair the World in Philadelphia. Rachael Pass, TST Dir ector of Youth Engagement, is another Shir Tikva community member who will join the next Hebrew Union College rabbinic class. Studies begin this summer in Jerusalem where she and Leah Nussbaum will carry the spirit of the Shir Tikva community. The Shir Tikva Board of Trustees proudly acknowledged the unusual occurrence of two community members matriculating in the same year, a tribute to Shir Tikva's Jewish nurturing, which allows each member to pursue a Jewish journey in ways appropriate for them. The board unanimously voted to extend Israel travel stipends to Rachael and Leah from the Study in Israel Scholarship Fund. Temple Shir Tikva Past, Present and Future by Julie Kniznik and Matt Langweber (continued from page 1) also been examining peer congregations to understand best practices. It is crucial that we examine and act on these improvements now, to present the strongest and most inviting opportunity to candidates for the Senior Rabbi position. As a result, we are forming three task forces charged with making specific recommendations concerning Governance, Operations and Partnership across temple functions. At the June 6 Annual Congregational Meeting, more details will be introduced on the way forward to rearchitect the future of TST. We strongly urge you to attend. The meeting is an important milestone, not only about the transition of leadership, but also about the ongoing and vital transition we must all effect for our Temple Shir Tikva community. We thank you for your involvement to date. Please join us both in the next phase. Temple Shir Tikva June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Hineni mler oewiz Tikkun Olam Mitzvah Opportunity! Temple Shir Tikva provides volunteer meal servers twice a month at Pearl Street Cafe in Framingham. Operated by United Way, Pearl Street Cafe is a warm and welcoming place where those struggling with food insecurity can enjoy a "community supper" each Tuesday and Thursday evening. Volunteer adults (and children over 10 accompanied by an adult) act as wait-staff, serving guests a freshly prepared, restaurant-style meal. This is a wonderful and rewarding mitzvah opportunity! To sign up, go to www.signupgenius.com/ go/30e0d49a4ad2 ba3fd0-social. Contact Meredith Roberts, [email protected] or Amy Podolsky, podolsky.arp@gmail. com, for more information. In Our Community Metro West Jewish Day School News... Accepting Applications for 2016-2017 MetroWest Jewish Day School is accepting admissions applications for the 2016-2017 school year on a rolling basis. Financial aid is still available. Applications and financial assistance information are available online at www.mwjds.org/admissions. Graduation 5776 Wednesday, June 8. 5 p.m. 50 Pamela Road, Framingham Join us to celebrate our third graduation class. This year’s graduates are Arlie Burg (Temple Israel of Natick), Miriam Halpern (Congregation Or Atid), Livvy Segall and Yonaton FreedmanNaditch (Newton Centre Minyan). Reception to follow. RSVP by June 3 by calling 508-620-5554 or at the school website, www.mwjds.org. Temple Shir Tikva MWJDS welcomed their fourth grade class to the bimah last month to chant Torah publicly for the first time. Ella Kent chanted with Rav Hazzan, Scott Sokol, Tara Kent and Francine Rothkopf. Page 11 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 May 9 Board of Trustee’s Meeting Summary (continued from page 4) Jeff shared that Financial Year 2017 (FY17) is a bridge year – we need to reassess operations at all levels and for all departments during the current year. W need to focus on growing membership and change the "giving" culture or we will have to reduce expenses by between 5-10% to deliver a break-even budget. Key drivers of our financial results include: membership dues and school fees —60% of income; fund raising —has been about 13% of income, needs to be closer to 20%); payroll and benefits — 70% of our total expenses. Review of FY17 Budget. Assumption highlights: Membership based on conservative estimate; dues and school fees reflect an average increase of 2.5% in line with cost increases; ELC income based on current enrollment; ELC is budgeted to break even. The budget assumes a small increase in annual fund giving as well as special $180k of funding raising to cover the Rabbi search, ELC investments, expanded programming in key areas, and reduction in total dues and school fee income. Total expenses are budgeted to be up by $151k; $80 relates to senior Rabbi search. The rest is due to ELC; All other expenses on a net basis are expected to be flat. The Board voted on and approved the following motions: Authorizing the transfer from the Endowment Fund to the operating account(s) of available funds up to $40k for the FY16 Budget. Recommending that up to $35k of available funds from the Endowment Fund be included in the FY17 Budget. Approving the proposed dues and fees for FY17, as presented by the Finance Committee, and recommending that the proposed dues and fees be approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. Approving the budget for FY17 as presented by the Finance Committee, recommending that the proposed Budget be approved by the congregation at the Annual Meeting. Authorizing the treasurer and Finance Committee, in consultation with the EC, to make adjustments in the budget for FY17 prior to the Annual Meeting so long as the bottom line is not impacted and the dues and fees remain as approved by the Board. Technology Committee Report: Mike Cohn said that the Technology Committee has identified a need in 2017 to replace computer technology equipment that is reaching its end of life and end of warranty period of four years, and an opportunity to replace and enhance wireless network and internet access to support congregational engagement. The Board voted on and approved (with one opposed and one abstention: a motion to authorize the use of capital funds, up to $22k, for new wireless technology, replacement of network server and 10 local desktop PCs. Restricted Fund Distribution Request: The Board unanimously approved a motion to authorize the use of restricted funds from the “Study in Israel” fund, $1000 to support Rachael Pass and $3000 to support Leah Nussbaum, to study in Israel. TST Self Study Report – Julie Kniznik shared a summary of our self-study work so far. She said that a clear picture is emerging; our ‘business’ model, governance and management structure are obsolete; congregational needs have changed but we are still built for the 1970s or ‘80s; lots of in-house talent in the staff but not everyone is being utilized appropriately or fully. We have a unique opportunity for major reorganization and to introduction of new culture of collaboration, performance, and engagement; fostering a new generation of leaders. To address our need for change, we are proposing three task forces to address each of the three key areas: Operations, Governance, and Effective Collaboration Between Professionals and Volunteers. Roy Lurie, Recording Secretary Page 12 dlidw Gathering Sisterhood To learn more about the Sisterhood, participate in any existing programs, or help us envision and plan new ones – contact the Sisterhood at [email protected]. Book Group to Discuss On the Move: A Life Thursday, June 9, 7:30 p.m. The final book group selection of the year will be On the Move: A Life by Oliver Sacks. If you have read any of his other works or essays, come join us and add to the discussion. Please bring book recommendations for next year as well. From the Amazon.com review: When Oliver Sacks was 12 years old, a perceptive schoolmaster wrote: Sacks will go far, if he does not go too far.” It is now abundantly clear that Sacks has never stopped going. With unbridled honesty and humor, Sacks writes about the passions that have driven his life—from motorcycles and weight lifting to neurology and poetry. He writes about his love affairs, both romantic and intellectual; his guilt over leaving his family to come to America; his bond with his schizophrenic brother; and the writers and scientists—W. H. Auden, Gerald M. Edelman, Francis Crick—who have influenced his work. On the Move is the story of a brilliantly unconventional physician and writer, a man who has illuminated the many ways that the brain makes us human." Brotherhood To learn more about the Brotherhood, participate in any existing programs, or help us envision and plan new ones – contact the Brotherhood at [email protected]. Brotherhood Social Thursday, June 9, 7:30 p.m. Join us for a relaxing night at the temple with other men, young and old, as we watch a sports game together. If you are interested, play some poker. This event is open to all male members of the temple, who are at least 21 years old. The poker game is a friendly game of Texas Hold’em poker and no experience is required to have a good time. So come on out, bring your temple buddies and get to know other people in the temple community. We will be collecting $20 to play poker or $5 if you are not playing poker, to cover refreshments. Temple Shir Tikva June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Hineni TST Golf & Family Outing Monday, June 20, 10 a.m. Charter Oak Country Club in Hudson • Golf for the usual participants – everyone welcome • Tennis courts for players of all ages • Olympic-size swimming pool for all family members, adult jacuzzi and baby pool • Featuring a 12:30 shotgun start, followed by dinner and a silent auction. • Non-TST members are welcome too – bring your friends. Check out the club website at http://www.charteroakcc. com/Club/Scripts/Home/home.asp. Contact Scott Shapiro with any questions: [email protected]. Temple Shir Tikva Page 13 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 When the Arc of Justice Tilts a Bit More Toward the Universe Joint Sabbath Service Connects Shir Tikva with Islamic Center of Boston by Marilyn Newman On Friday evening, May 7, in Wayland, Massachusetts, an historic event took place. There were no drum rolls; it was not on the six o’clock evening news; and there were no reporters present. It was no less significant due to their absence. All present reported experiencing similar emotions: feeling choked up, moved to tears, having goose bumps, profoundly affected. What occurred was quite simply a joint Sabbath service co-hosted by TST and the Islamic Center of Boston (ICB). The evening began with the traditional kabbalat shabbat service at Shir Tikva, led by Cantor Hollis Schachner and Rabbi Jennifer Gubitz. Music was performed by a joint children’s choir composed of singers from both the temple’s and the center’s religious schools; the voices rang in harmony in English, Hebrew and Arabic. The sermon was delivered by Saadia Baloch, an ICB member, who spoke eloquently in English and also read from the Quran in Arabic, citing verses which call for making peace among all peoples and stress the brotherhood of all mankind Following the service at Shir Tikva, which was attended by many members of both TST and ICB, the congregations walked together across the street to the Islamic Center, where Muneeb Khan recited the call to prayer (A zan), and the traditional Muslim evening service (Maghrib salat) was led by Dr. Faisal Khan, Imam and Director of Religious Affairs. After the evening prayers, members of ICB hosted an amazing buffet dinner featuring middle-eastern specialties and Indian delights. Appetizers and desserts included Jewish delicacies as well. I left with what could only be described as the feeling that “my cup runneth over.” It was an evening during which new friendships were forged, while old friends came together again, when Isaac and Ishmael, brothers and children of brothers, came with open hands and open hearts to embrace each other in brotherhood, hope and peace. Page 14 Temple Shir Tikva June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 Hineni Donations Annual Fund •Donald Schuler and Joan Blair •Steve and Nancy Tharler •Jim and Karen Levin •Marc and Diane Homer •Neil and Joyce Gordon •Alan and Cathy Regensburger •Bruce Shackleton and Elizabeth Fineberg •David and Gail Kahn •Paul and Patty Kussell •Barry and Robin Kostin •Jonathan and Wendy Mishara •Chester and Diane Black •Scott and Susan Cohen •Susan Meade •Bruce and Joyce Pastor •Donald Bachman and Karen Back •Judy Riegelhaupt •Larry and Meredith Roberts •Stuart and Maxine Rosenthal •Barry and Amy Shemin •Ed and Janet Polansky •Leonard and Joan Shulman •Jeff and Kelly Lappin •Marcus and Jane Cohn •Michael and Joyce Levy •Jay and Barbara Gainsboro •Alan and Roberta Freed •Mark and Joan Lappin •Michael Wadness and Cathy Shore Wadness •Jessica Rubinstein •Harvey and Amy Michaels •Martin and Ellen Herbordt •Betty Brudnick •Peter and Jill Abend •Michael and Joan Kalafatas •Alan and Paula Brown •Michael and Rochelle Nemrow •Jeff and Karen Miller •Raju and Mimi Kucherlapati •Cary and Susan Benjamin •Joan Warshaw •Phil Benjamin and Mindy Milberg •Ken and Karen Krowne •Larry and Jane Salk •Paul and Ronnie Schejtman •Joan Friedman •Jeff and Heather Schwartz Temple Shir Tikva •Reynold Knopf and Alexandra •Richard Friedman and Nancy Statland •Marvin and Joan Siflinger •Matthew and Brooke Stein •Nick and Amy O’Donnell •Ed Perlman and Betsy Huntley •Peter Gross •Brad and Loren Puffer •Michael and Monet Eliastam •John and Marilyn Darack •Stuart Falber •Dan Schneider and Julie Kniznik •Scott and Erica Kaswell •Herb Kimiatek •Franklin Rosen and Karen Zeff Rosen •Gene Berkowitz and Karen Pelto •Ted and Phyllis Bially •Larry and Melinda Whitman •Michael Abrahams •Richard Knopping - in honor of his granddaughter, Samantha Kolovson for being selected Female Scholar-Athlete of the Year at UMASS Amherst •Jeff and Laraine Levy - in honor of Cantor Schachner for making their granddaughter’s baby naming special •David and Elaine Polansky - in honor of Tashi Friedman, daughter of Joan Friedman, on her Bat Mitzvah •Robert and Debbie Polanskly - in honor of Cantor Schachner and all she does to welcome Shabbat each Friday night with her lovely voice, creating a beautiful, spiritual, peaceful and joyful experience a true blessing •Joel and Nancy Schulman - in honor of Rabbi Gubitz •Joel and Nancy Schulman - in honor of Rachael Pass •Jay and Carol Atlas - in honor of the birth of their grandson, Maddox Atlas Mitchell •Robert and Debbie Polansky - in honor of Elaine Polansky on her birthday •Robert Koster and Kate Bell - in honor of Julie Kniznik for her leadership during this challenging time at TST •Larry and Jane Salk - in honor of Joan Lappin on her birthday Goldstone - in memory of Sanford Cohen, father of Deborah Cohen •David and Elaine Polansky - in memory of their parents •Doug and Andi Shaw - in memory of Robert Shaw on his yartzeit •Clifford and Mary Bierman - in memory of Marvin and Marylin Bierman •Jeffrey and Jennifer Weisberg - in memory of Harvey Rosen, father of Amy Manchester •Jeff and Jill Karp - in memory of Harvey Rosen, father of Amy Manchester •Arnold and Charmian Sperling - in memory of Harry N. Platt •John and Marilyn Darack - in memory of Melvin Freedman, father of Jill Katz •Robert and Debbie Polansky - in memory of George Polansky Building and Furnishings Fund •Richard Friedman and Nancy Goldstone Mortgage Reduction Fund •Neil and Joyce Gordon - in honor of the marriage of Steven Schuler, son of Don Schuler and Joan Blair, to Serena Shulman Rabbi Gubitz’s Discretionary Fund •Bernice Rothstein - in memory her daughter, Susan Ruth Rothstein Support Shir Tikva With Tzedakah To make supporting your congregation and performing the mitzvah of tzedakah more convenient, we have on-line donations available. To commemorate or memorialize life-cycle events of congregation members, family, or friends, go to www.shirtikva.org/donate. Page 15 June-August 2016 Sivan-Elul 5776 In Our Congregation Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts Mazel Tov... Jay and Carol Atlas on the bir th of their grandson, Maddox Atlas Mitchell, son of Micah and Jaimie Mitchell Matt Langweber, President [email protected] Jennifer Gubitz, Associate Rabbi [email protected] Hollis Schachner, Cantor [email protected] Herman J. Blumberg, Rabbi Emer itus [email protected] Susan Malman Altman, Executive Dir ector [email protected] Beverly Klau, Religious School Principal [email protected] Rhonda Magier-Cohen Curriculum and Family Education Director [email protected] Karen Edwards, Asst. to the Rabbis & Cantor [email protected] Toni Spitzer, Office Administr ator [email protected] Elizabeth Suga, Education Coor dinator [email protected] Temple Shir Tikva Early Learning Center [email protected] Sandy Gold, Ear ly Lear ning Center Dir ector [email protected] Pam Knowles, ELC Administr ator [email protected] Joan Blair, Website Editor [email protected] 508-358-4024 Peggi Cohen, Hineni Editor [email protected] 339-222-2454 Condolences to... Steve Kaplan and Marjory Kaplan on the death of their mother, Glenyce Kaplan Julio Machado on the death of his brother, Jose Ronaldo Machado 508-358-4331 Hineni Deadline September Issue Friday, August 5 Email all articles and photos to Peggi Cohen, Hineni editor, at hinenied@ shirtikva.org. Office Hours School Office Temple Office Monday/Tuesday………… ...9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday………………….9 a.m. - 8 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thursday…………………... .9 a.m. - 5 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday………………………..9 a.m. - 2 p.m.…………….9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday……………….......8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. To make performing the mitzvah of tzedakah more convenient, we have enabled on-line donations. Office Closings: Go to July 4, Independence Day www.shirtikva.org/donate 141 Boston Post Road Wayland, MA 01778 Page 16 Online Donations U.S. Postage Paid Non-Profit Org Permit No. 33 Wayland, MA Temple Shir Tikva
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