January 2014
January 2014
forage VIEWS JANUARY 2014 News from the Office › › In This Issue News from the Office........... 1 Computer Classes Offered to WCFA members............... 2 Runoff Water Quality........... 4 Farming in the SmartPhone Age.................. 7 Direct Sales Options............ 8 For those of you that are newer to the Association, WCFA was incorporated March 22, 1978. This year, at our Annual General Meeting we will be celebrating the 35th Anniversary of WCFA. So, bring a friend or a neighbor and meet us at Manly Hall to participate in a walk through the years¬tell us stories of the tours you went on, the trials that you participated in, and the laughs that you shared! The Board has made some revisions to the bylaws to shorten and simplify the document. A motion will be put forward to repeal the existing bylaws and a vote put forward regarding the adoption of the revised bylaws. If you have any questions or concerns with regards to the proposed bylaws, please contact the staff at the office. WCFA has worked with a number of funders and partners over the last year and we would like to acknowledge their support of the work of the organization. •A griculture Opportunity Fund (ARD) •A gricultural Initiatives Program (ARD) •Y ellowhead County •P arkland County •W oodlands County •W estern Beef Development Centre •A B Seed Growers Association •A ssociation of AB Co-op Seed Cleaning Plants •A g & Food Council of Alberta •A griculture Canada • L and Stewardship Centre •K evin Shaw-Pickseed •D uPont Canada • J eff Rucci and Leslie Schaltz – UFA Spruce Grove •H ar-De Agri Services Evansburg • L one Pine Ranch We would also like to express our gratitude to the many co-operators that we partner with to complete field scale trials. Without the support of our membership, we would not be able to carry out the diversity of projects that we do. Remember to check out our website regularly www.westcentralforage.com as project updates are added as soon as we have all the information wrapped up. And join us on FaceBook for upcoming events and industry updates! 1 Members of WCFA: Are you Computer Classes WCFA is partnering with Catherine David, of CD Business Solutions, to help you improve your skills. WCFA Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Grant Taillieu Bob Kidd Don Barry Henry McKinnon Directors Tom Thompson Ted Commandeur Eric Vanderwell Jeanette Brown Jesse Smith Dale Engstrom John Fearnley Staff CD Business Solutions Forage & Livestock Program Manager Fito Zamudio Catherine David [email protected] www.cdbusiness.ca 780.919.9794 VERBEEK HEREFORDS Agriculture Opportunity Fund This publication is made possible by funding from our major sponsor, the Agriculture Opportunities Fund (AOF), Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. 2 computer skills? For more information contact the WCFA office at 780-727-4447 or [email protected] Conservation Agriculture Program Manager Tina Pultz ph: 780-727-4447 #1 5013 50 Ave Box 360, Evansburg AB T0E 0T0 improving your WCFA will cover the cost of up to four lessons per member on a first come first serve basis (limits apply). Lessons can be provided at the office in Evansburg or in the Carvel area. Services provided must help you enhance your business skills in regards to your forage based agricultural business. This can be website design, Microsoft programs such as Excel for managing livestock inventories, use of social media platforms for direct marketing, basics of internet and computer usage etc. Manager Carla Amonson Contact interested in Errol and Barb Verbeek and Family Box 649, Evansburg, AB T0E 0T0 Ph: 780-727-2775 4th Annual Ranch Raised Highway West Multi-Breed Bull Sale MARCH 22, 2014 • 1:00 PM MAYERTHORPE AG BARN 50 BULLS ON OFFER THESE ARE ALL PAPERED, 100% GUARANTEED BREEDING BULLS. BLACK ANGUS GELBVIEH SIMMENTAL Kristine Lange & Geza Szucs (780)325-2224 Henry & Michelle Roy (780)723-2361 HMR GELBVIEH HORNBANK SIMMENTALS RONAN R ANGUS HORNED HEREFORD NOLARA FARMS KALA RANCH Ralph & Lorree Erdell (780)786-2961 TRI A ANGUS Andy & Darlene Becker (780)723-2683 Dave Holroyd (780)723-3974 Larry, Nola & Sara Van Sickle VERBEEK HEREFORDS (780)786-4341 Errol & Barb Verbeek (780)727-2775 If you have any questions please call (780)712-1295 or (780)786-4341 Auctioneering By (780)542-7323 VIEW THE CATALOG ONLINE AT WWW.TIMBERLINDAUCTIONS.COM 3 Yellowhead County Woodlands County West-Central Forage Association Runoff Water Quality Tina Pultz WCFA When rain falls or snow melts, it moves according to the laws of gravity. Some of this precipitation seeps into the ground and replenishes groundwater sources, and the rest moves over the land as runoff. As this runoff moves downhill it picks up and carries away pollutants and deposits them into wetlands, lakes, rivers and underground sources of drinking water. Agricultural operations, if not properly managed, can elevate concentrations of a wide variety of contaminants and emit them into the environment. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agricultural nonpoint source pollution (NPS) – that coming from many diffuse sources – is the leading source of water quality impacts on surveyed water bodies, the second largest source of impairments to wetlands, and a major contributor to contamination of surveyed groundwater. Agricultural activities that cause NPS pollution include, but are not limited to, overgrazing; excessive tillage; improper, excessive, or poorly timed fertilizer and/or pesticide applications; and poorly located or managed livestock feeding sites. Cattle feeding and wintering sites are often located near streams, ponds and dugouts. Runoff from these sources can carry nutrients, bacteria and viruses, and oxygen-demanding organics and solids that contaminate the water. There is enough dissolved phosphorus in the manure from one cow, over one day, to cause an algae bloom in more than 1 million litres of water, and to deplete all of the dissolved oxygen in more than 30,000 litres. Overgrazing or cultivating steeply sloped pastures increases runoff speed and the potential for runoff and sedimentation in streams. Sedimentation is the most prevalent source of pollution from runoff; when soil is washed off of fields, carried by the moving water and deposited into nearby water bodies. Sedimentation affects water quality physically, chemically and biologically; clouding the water, altering a stream’s ecology and reducing aquatic plant and animal life. 4 Pollutants such as pesticides, fertilizers, heavy metals and manure are often attached to these soil particles and are subsequently washed into the water with the sediment. These contaminants can be significant sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic and diseasecausing pathogens. Nitrate is used to monitor impacts of agricultural activities on groundwater. Most natural concentrations of this dissolved form of nitrogen are not of concern, but when excess amounts get into water, it can become a health hazard to humans, especially infants and pregnant or nursing mothers. Phosphorus is in short supply in most fresh water systems, so even a modest increase can, under the right conditions, have many negative consequences in a water body. Excess phosphorus can cause accelerated plant growth, algae blooms, reduced dissolved oxygen levels, and the death of fish and other aquatic animals. Arsenic is a metal that occurs naturally in the earth’s crust. Erosion and the dissolving of rocks and minerals, fossil fuel combustion, and industrial wastes can cause arsenic to enter water supplies. Long-term exposure has been linked with high rates of lung, bladder, skin, liver and kidney cancer, as well as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Coliform bacteria are microscopic organisms originating in the intestinal tracts of animals, as well as being present in soil and vegetation, and their presence in water supplies indicate fecal contamination. While most strains coliform bacteria are harmless, some strains such as cholera, hepatitis, diarrhea, giardiasis (beaver fever) and E. coli can cause illness, infection, and death. Contaminated surface runoff threatens water supplies. Proper management techniques are necessary to avoid adverse effects to water supplies, meet water quality standards and provide for a healthy ecosystem. Good water quality is vital because it is essential for the health of humans and other living organisms. It is also critical for agricultural success. Impacts from agricultural activities on surface and ground water can be minimized through management practices that are adapted to local condition. Many practices designed to reduce pollution also increase productivity and save money in the long term. 2014 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING February 26th, 2014 at Manly Hall. located on Highway 16 Yellowhead, just west of Range Road 23 4:00-5:00 Meeting 5:30 Drinks & Registration 6:00 Supper 7:00-8:30 Speakers Jeff Nonay, Lakeside Dairy www.lakesidedairy.com Wayne Skelton, bioTrack www.biotrack.ca RSVP Kindly confirm attendance by the 18th of February Cost: $25 35 y r a s r e th v i n An 780-727-4447 We look forward to celebrating with you ! 5 Porter’s Bull sale March 21, 2014 CWP 38A Several Sire Groups CWP 911Y Selling 12 Red/Black Max Simmental Bulls CWP 87A Selling 50 Red/Black Simmental Bulls CWP 44A Bulls Developed On A Forage Diet CWP 30A Ultra Sound Carcass Data CWP 111A Bull Fertility & Semen Tested CWP 125A Call or email for the 2014 bull sale brochure! CWP 138A R.R. #1 Site 2, Box 17 Keith Kevin Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1X1 780-968-0002 780-968-6772 [email protected] 780-915-3969 780-915-9823 View our catalogue online at www.porterranches.com Homesteaded in 1903...CSA #841... A Fifth Generation Family Farm 6 Farming in the Smartphone age Throughout history, technology has changed the way humans interact with the world; however, there has been no time in history where technology has evolved as fast as it is currently. There is no denying that we live in a technological age, and even more specifically, a digital world. We now live in a world where mobile technology is everywhere, providing more access to information than ever before. According to Statistics Canada, nearly 85% of homes in Alberta had Internet access in 2010, with 35% of those households solely using wireless handheld devices (smartphones and/ or tablets) to go online. They also found that, as of 2012, Alberta had a cell phone adoption rate of 87%, with nearly two-thirds owning a smartphone. Though we still lag behind almost all other developed nations, Canada is on track to achieve a wireless penetration rate exceeding 100%, 80% of which will be smartphone users, within approximately three years. The computer desktop encyclopedia defines a smartphone as “a cellular telephone with built-in applications and Internet access. In addition to digital voice service, modern smartphones provide text messaging, e-mail, Web browsing, still and video cameras, MP3 player and video playback and calling. In addition to their built-in functions, smartphones run myriad free and paid applications, turning the once single-minded cellphone into a mobile personal computer.” Compared to other industries, uptake of mobile technology in the agriculture sector has been slow, but growing rapidly with Alberta having the highest use in Canada. Both farmers and software experts see the benefits to the ways that technology is transforming agriculture. As farm sizes continue to grow, managing them requires a great amount of detail and efficiency. Smartphones and their apps can help make that possible. The Mobile Farmer Farm Management Canada is putting on a webinar on February 24. For more information visit agriwebinar.com For anyone fairly new to the technology world, “App” is short for “application” — a computer program designed to operate on smartphones and tablets. Apps can let a phone or tablet do almost anything that the programmers can imagine, within the technical limitations of the device. With farmers being a relatively small market (only about 2% of the population), finding farming-related apps has been difficult, but more and more are being released all the time. Existing agriculture apps have been designed to give producers hand-held, out-in-the-field access to a wide range of farm management tools. Among the most popular of agricultural applications are those used for field mapping, field scouting, weed identification and management, and forecasting the weather. Other available apps can give the ability to track crop quality, estimated yields and even daily prices. They have also been designed for records management of gestation calendars and due dates, doctor records, cull lists, and general herd data. FEATURE APP Here at WCFA, we strive to serve the needs of forage and livestock producers by sharing and demonstrating new agricultural technology and knowledge. In order to help producers stay up to date with current technology, our newsletters will feature a different farming-related smartphone application that we believe may be beneficial. This month we feature iCalve, by Meyer Cattle, Inc. After dropping his calving book in the mud, for the fourth time that week, southern Alberta rancher Jake Meyer had an idea for a smartphone application, and iCalve was born. iCalve is exactly what your paper record keeping calving booklet is, only with more features. Calving records, treatment records, herd data, gestation calendars, etc; iCalve has everything for keeping track of your cattle operation. iCalve is also easy to navigate; designed by a cattleman for cattlemen. The app automatically backs itself up to iCloud and you can print or export full sized .pdf records for branding, CCIA tagging, heifer retention, culling, etc. iCalve is currently only available for iPhone and iPad, but an Android version in currently in the works. This app can be purchased, for $9.99, through the App Store on iTunes. 7 Direct Sales Options As consumers become more aware of how and where their food is grown, they are seeking ways to be more directly linked to how their food is raised than is possible in conventional and commercial systems. Many producers are following this trend and directly marketing themselves and their product to these customers. Direct (farm-gate) sales are increasing as many producers find ways to broaden their market. Some of these marketing options include online farm shops, farmers’ markets, both physical and virtual, and community supported agriculture (CSA). ONLINE FARM SHOP Building a retail outlet on the farm is unrealistic for most producers so many are creating online farm shops. Using a website to exhibit their products, producers can sell their goods from home which allows the consumer to shop when is convenient to them and have the product shipped directly to them. FARMERS’ MARKETS Nearly three-quarters of households shop at the province’s 130 approved farmer’s markets. In 2012, Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development conducted a study to assess the value and opportunity for growth of these markets. They concluded that since 2004, the average spending per visit increased 57 percent and annual sales have more than tripled in value. Besides the typical farmers’ market, there is a new trend emerging – the virtual farmers’ market. The Lacombe based company, The Green Pantry (www.thegreenpantry.ca) is one such online marketplace. It is comprised of approximately 40 producers, primarily from central Alberta, and offers fresh produce, frozen meats, dairy products, grains and cereals, and pulses. Cofounder Susan Crump explains, “It’s a place for you to get your local food, but instead of being able to get it once a week at a farmers’ market, you can go online and order your product any time you want to.” Crump and her partners, Sheryl Rae and Colleen Woods, see that many of today’s consumers who now average three generations removed from the farm/ranch want a more direct connection with the people raising/growing their food. “A lot of people are interested in supporting that local concept as well, whether it’s farmers in your area or shops in your town. I think people like the idea that that keeps money in the community.” She adds that her business offers an extra level of service to the producers; it provides a new market, without having to do the marketing. “We thought we could take on a bit of that burden and do some of the marketing for them.” CSA Community supported agriculture was originally developed as a system to benefit the community, the environment, and the farmer. While this philosophy still holds true, most current CSAs are 8 commercial ventures with a customerproducer cooperative benefitting both parties. Consumers provide farmers with a guaranteed market for their goods and support the farm budget either through prepaid annual sales or the purchase of shares. CSAs are similar to a farmers’ market in the sense that they bring the public one step closer to producers, but it also gets them closer to the inherent risks involved. Customers understand that if one of the animals dies, their share will also decrease proportionately. To many, the shared risk is part of what creates a sense of community between the producer and the shareholders, as well as among the members. Blake Hall, from Prairie Gold Pastured Meats near Red Deer (www. prairiegoldmeats.ca), didn’t grow up on a farm, and said that following a CSA model allowed him to ‘boot-strap’ his way into agriculture. With no land base or assets, getting a loan to start farming was impossible, but by selling shares in his saleable animals, he was able to leverage that social capital, to provide him the cash flow to enter and remain in the industry. Blake believes that the culture of food is changing, especially in the cities, where customers are increasing looking for specialty niche market meat that has attributes not typically offered to the public with commodity beef sales; in addition to a growing interest in heritage breeds. Every year Blake’s shares sell out, and every year his waiting list grows, building his community of customers and allowing him to grow with each subsequent year. He also sees that people are looking for a renewed connection with the land and the food system, so he offers pasture walks, where his customers can visit the farm, see the inner workings of Prairie Gold, and ask questions about the herd. Having farm-budget support, as well as a guaranteed market for their product can level the playing field, making small-scale, local food production a sustainable and economically viable option. Continued next issue