LOG - Endeavour Sports High School
LOG - Endeavour Sports High School
LOG ISSUE 1 2015 Other stories: • School Executive • Expo of Services for Students with higher support needs • Transition Careers Expo • ESHS SRC Leaders • LOTE Greek feast • TSP Netball • TSP Rugby League • TSP Rugby Union • TSP Baseball • TSP Football (Soccer) • TSP Tennis • Swimming Carnival • Pt Hacking Swimming Carnival • Sydney East Swimming Carnival Principal Mr James Kozlowski Deputy Principal Mrs Sophia Kapsimalis Deputy Principal Mr Ross Dummett FEATURE ARTICLES Harmony & Anti-bullying Day HSC Visual Arts 2014 Wollongong University Open Day TSP Netball Healthy Eating Program Archaeology Incursion Ancient Cultures 2015 Student Leadership Band members wanted Library resources: New PRC books & ‘Discovery’ TSP Rugby League DATES: 2015 Term 1 Thurs. 3 April End Term 1 Fri. 4 April-19 April School Holidays Term 2 Mon. 20 April Staff Development Day Tues.21 April Students return Wed. 22 April P&C Meeting Sat. 25 April ANZAC DAY 27 April-1 May Yr 11 Half Yearly examinations Mon. 4 May EXPO of services for students with higher support needs 12-14 May NAPLAN Yr 7 and Yr 9 18-29 May Yrs 7,8,9 Half Yearly examinations Wed. 27 May P&C Meeting Click for 2015 ESHS CALENDAR FACULTY REPORTS(click to read) MATHEMATICS VISUAL ARTS HSIE SPECIAL EDUCATION Valuing individual potential – achieving personal best Cnr Taren Point Road & The Boulevarde, Caringbah NSW 2229 P O Box 226, Caringbah NSW 1495 Phone: (02) 9524 0615 Fax: (02) 9540 4458 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.endeavour-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endeavoursportshigh ABN 90 815 610 748 Message from James Kozlowski (Principal) It is with great pleasure that I introduce myself as the new Principal of Endeavour Sports High School. As the new leader of the school, I will be using my extensive experience in several schools, my deep knowledge of expert practice in teaching and learning and my success in leading school improvement to enhance all areas of education at Endeavour. As an experienced education leader and parent, I know that the primary responsibility of any school is to guarantee that every child reaches their academic potential. I am committed to ensuring that the staff of Endeavour provides a learning environment that meets the individual needs of every student. Endeavour is perfectly placed with a new and innovative leadership team, a passionate and dedicated staff and talented and aspirational students to embark on a journey of school excellence. I am very keen to develop strong relationships with parents and members of the wider community. I would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss any aspect of Endeavour Sports High School. James Kozlowski Principal HOME Message from Ross Dummett (Deputy Principal) A new leadership team building strong relationships Successful schools are those that develop strong relationships with the local community, in particular with the parents of the students who attend our fine school. As the Deputy Principal it is my job to ensure that all families have close relationships with the school and that we are all working together to ensure that students are achieving their potential. Ross Dummett Deputy Principal HOME Message from Sophie Kapsimalis (Deputy Principal) A new leadership team driving academic excellence As a Lead Learner I am responsible for driving whole school curriculum by coordinating, leading and building the capacity of staff through professional development and learning. I believe that fusing engaging pedagogy with strong, sustainable welfare initiatives is the key to developing well-rounded, confident, 21st Century learners. I have high expectations and work collaboratively with staff, students and parents to ensure our students achieve academic, social and intellectual success. Sophie Kapsimalis Deputy Principal HOME FACULTY REPORTS MATHEMATICS The vast majority of students have made a fantastic start to the year and each stage would have just completed their first assessment task. In 2015 there are some really exciting events happening in Mathematics. Some of these are listed below: 1. On the ESHS Facebook page we now have a weekly post of five problem solving style questions. These are questions that will extend students beyond the syllabus and provide them with opportunities to think mathematically and build a love for numbers. The really exciting part is at the end of the week we will post a video of one of our great teachers solving all five of the questions for you. 2. ESHS will be hosting the Inquisitive Minds workshop in November. This is open to Year 8 students. The Workshop includes an interactive lesson on advanced problem solving strategies and a hands-on problem solving competition. It is a great way of extending students and would also provide an excellent opportunity for them to mix with like-minded students from other schools. 3. In Term 3 we will be introducing and trialling HOTmaths for selected classes in the School. HOTmaths is a comprehensive mathematics learning system — an interactive online maths learning, teaching and assessment resource for students and teachers, for individuals or whole classes, for school and at home. 4. ESHS will also be entering the Commonwealth Bank Mathematics Competition this year. Entries close on 7th May at a cost of $6. We already have several entries so please come and see us in Mathematics staffroom to enter. The competition will be run on Thursday 30th July here at school. Craig Marland Head Teacher Mathematics HOME LANGUAGE (LOTE): YR 9 GREEK ELECTIVE CLASS COOKING During Term 1, the Greek elective class has been learning about ordering food, drinks and desserts in Greek tavernas and cafes. They had the opportunity to cook up and enjoy a traditional Greek feast of Lamb souvlaki, pita bread, village salad and a zesty tzatziki sauce. K. Mouratidis LOTE teacher HOME HSIE On behalf of the HSIE faculty, I would like to welcome all students back to Endeavour Sports High School for 2015. Firstly, I would like to thank Mr O’Neill for doing a great job as relieving Head Teacher while I was on maternity leave last year. Thank you also to the students and staff for all their well wishes both late last year and this year, it truly makes me feel like I belong to an enormous family and is one of the many things we love about Endeavour Sports High School. I have returned to school part-time, three days a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Mr O’Neill will continue as relieving Head Teacher on Thursdays and Fridays. We have an exciting and busy year ahead in HSIE. We are incredibly fortunate to have the Ancient History Team from Macquarie University coming to Endeavour to run seminars for our Forensic Archaeology and Ancient History classes. They will bring their precious artefacts and extensive historical knowledge to provide our students invaluable, unique, hands-on historical experiences. This will make classroom learning more meaningful and tangible while deepening students understanding of the topics and techniques they are studying. Plans are also underway for a similar incursion to be run with our Year 7 History students in second semester. Keep watching for more information later in the year. We are also hoping to replicate our success in the ASX Schools Sharemarket Game which has traditionally been quite competitive between groups and classes in Year 10 Commerce and Senior Business Studies. Will Mr Slack’s groups shine again? Or will Mr Van Ryan’s groups give them a run for their money? (Pardon the pun!) Stay tuned! Our Retail Services students under Mrs Certoma’s excellent guidance will continue to represent Endeavour Sports High School proudly in their work placements in retail environments. They act as positive ambassadors for our school while gaining valuable work experience in the retail sector. Field trips are also being planned for our Geography classes to provide opportunities for practical experiences in examining geographical processes and issues. Teachers in the HSIE Faculty have also been working hard on developing new teaching programs to implement the Australian Curriculum for NSW in Year 8 and Year 10 History. They are engaging and innovative programs designed to encourage students to take an active role in, and be accountable for, their own learning and we are looking forward to delivering them for the first time in 2015. The HSIE staff are a passionate, dedicated and knowledgeable group who are keen to promote learning success in their classrooms and across the school. We have high expectations of both students and staff, to ensure teaching and learning success in all our subjects. As such, we expect students to consistently bring all necessary equipment to class, engage with the learning opportunities being provided in the classroom in a respectful manner and complete all homework and assignments. Please do not hesitate to call me or Mr O’Neill if you have any queries. We are looking forward to a challenging, exciting and successful year in HSIE in 2015. Miss Susannah Smith Head Teacher HSIE HOME HSIE Archaeology Incursion – Ancient Cultures The Year 9 Forensic Archaeology and Year 11 Ancient History students enjoyed a visit from the Curator of the Macquarie University Museum of Ancient Cultures in week 8 and it was an invaluable educational experience. Karl Van Dyke, who has built up the esteemed museum at the University over many years brought with him various relics and artefacts that date as far back as 2,000 years ago. The students who participated were involved in a number of activities that not only helped improve their skills in understanding the methods of archaeology and palaeontology but also in making inferences and analysing real objects from the past. Karl began the session with a slave auction, where he categorised the students into ancient cultural groups according to their first names and determined whether they were going to make a slave trader great wealth or little money. This role-play based on status allowed the students to really live the experience of a slave according to their culture and gender and see just what it was like back in the Roman days without such things as anti-discrimination laws and social justice. Those students who had Roman names such as Olivia, Antonio and Marko were given greater status while those with oriental, Greek and Jewish names suffered the prospects of life in servitude. The students were able to empathise with people from the past and this was a rich learning experience. The next session involved a briefing on archaeological methods on both land and at sea and the ruins at Pompeii and Herculaneum were discussed particularly for the benefit of the senior students who would be doing this as their core study in Year 12. Much discussion was had between Karl and the students and some notable contributors were Oliver Milgate, Marko Aleksic, Kaylee Kingy, Nicole Hatzinikolis, Maree-Rose Brakatselos and Talitha Cann, who modelled an ancient copper arm band. The final session had the students touching and examining real artefacts to determine their age, their physical properties and their purpose. This is always a challenging part of the exhibition as the students are tested on their skills of historical questioning and analysis. Artefacts such as real silver Roman coins, Balearic slinger bullets, lamp pots, plumb bob weights, sanitary implements, Ostracon and many other man-made items were the subjects of rich and engaging discussions. Karl completed the exhibition with a scenario involving a full skeleton (replica) and some ancient tools and equipment that would have been found with it so that the students could observe a cold case from the past. This exhibit will form the basis of our next discussion in class that will centre around a crime scene investigation from Ancient Roman times. Overall, once again I am delighted to have organised and hosted Karl for the day and our students here at Endeavour have made us very proud with their exemplary behaviour and their willingness to participate actively in a positive educational environment. I also want to thank Oliver, Fine, Boban and Marko for welcoming Karl and assisting him with his materials when he arrived. Your maturity in approaching and dealing with this task was commendable. HOME Karina Dunne & Maria Certoma HSIE SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIAL NOTICE: EXPO OF SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH HIGHER SUPPORT NEEDS FOR “TRANSITION TO WORK” (TTW) and “COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION” (CP) APPLICANTS living in the Sutherland, St George and surrounding Local Government Areas (LGAs). • • • • • WHEN: Monday May 4, 2015. TIME: Come anytime between 9.30am and 2pm. WHERE: Endeavour Sports High School in the Hall Cnr The Boulevarde and Taren Point Roads Caringbah (parking entrance off The Bvde) COST: Free admission. ACCESS: Wheelchair accessible (free onsite parking is available). more information SIXTEENTH ANNUALTRANSITION CAREERS EXPO FOR SENIOR STUDENTS & SCHOOL LEAVERS WITH DISABILITIES Sutherland District Basketball Stadium Rawson Ave., behind Sutherland Leisure Centre / Pool complex Free admission EXPO : Monday June 1, 2015: 9am - 2pm in the Stadium Click for more information HOME CAREERS WOLLONGONG UNIVERSITY DISCOVERY DAY On 4th February 2015, 35 of our Year 12 university candidates were forced to awake one hour earlier for the annual pilgrimage down to Wollongong University. A great day was had by all. Students attended mini lectures throughout the day, role playing life as a university student. There was also an opportunity to take in the ambience of the campus. A DJ at lunchtime was a nice digression for our budding university students of 2016. Wollongong University allocates three bonus points to Sutherland Shire schools. The majority of Endeavour Sports High School graduates attend Wollongong. The 2015 Discovery Day was another resounding success. R. Jones Career Adviser HOME VISUAL ARTS 2014 HSC WORKS 2014 was another successful year for the Visual Arts Department. The work produced by Year 12 students was of a high standard with one student, Victoria Wang, achieving Band 6 in the HSC. All years demonstrated high levels of creativity and continued the high standard of work produced by Endeavour Sports High School students. R. O’Brien W. Gordon Below: Tiarne Krizman Above: Victoria Wang Above and right : Tiffany Lau HOME Left: Jessica Bevan MUSIC HOME ESHS 2015 SRC Leadership Team We would like to congratulate our Captains and Vice-Captains for their efforts in leading the school community to date. We support them and wish them well in their upcoming endeavours. 2015 Captains: Sophia Kalatzis, Julian Puentes 2015 Vice-Captains: Naomi Nguyen, Trey Brown HOME ANTI-BULLYING AND HARMONY DAY ENDEAVOUR SAYS ‘NO TO BULLYING AND HARASSMENT’ On Friday, 20th March 2015 Endeavour Sports High School participated in the ‘National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence.’ The aim of this initiative is to emphasise the commitment that Australian Schools make in creating a supportive school environment, free from bullying, harassment and violence. Participation in this day was a way of reinforcing Endeavour’s policy on anti-bullying: ‘Every person at Endeavour Sports High School has the right to learn and teach within a safe, happy, fair and supportive environment. As a community we value cooperation, respect and compassion for others. At our school everyone has the right to experience positive and respectful relationships based on these qualities. Bullying is therefore not tolerated at Endeavour Sports High School.’ We took this opportunity to reinforce Endeavour’s stance on bullying and violence starting with a whole school assembly. Our Principal, Mr James Kozlowski, addressed the school community providing a very clear message that bullying and harassment has no place at our school. He discussed the importance of valuing individual differences and taking the opportunity to learn from and accept these differences. Two of our past students, Troy Dixon and Eronny Mareko spoke passionately about the importance of individual strength and seeking support when faced with bullying. The role of the bystander in providing support was also a very powerful message. The senior student leaders and SRC followed our speakers presenting a compassionate and engaging speech from a student perspective. Nick Margaritas and Aaliyah Parsons performed a musical item that sent a message relating to resilience and strength. During the assembly we reinforced our continuing philosophy on anti-bullying and violence by showing a video clip made at Endeavour called ‘The Endeavour Promise,’ an uplifting presentation involving our whole school community standing united against bullying and showing the importance of the Endeavour family. The assembly was then followed by a variety of whole school activities emphasising the importance of community and standing together against bullying. In a show of solidarity each year group formed a circle holding on to a length of coloured yarn. This yarn was then cut and tied around the wrist of all students, whilst Endeavour’s philosophy was emphasised. The whole school then came together and balloons were released into the air symbolising ‘the letting go’ of bullying behaviours and a celebration of our commitment to support and protect each other against bullying and violence. It was great to see all students and staff become united in our stance against bullying and violence. This day was not a one-off. It supports other programs implemented within the school such as Rock and Water, Cybersafety presentations, Internet Safety and Social Networking, Anti-Racism, Peer Support and White Ribbon initiatives. Students or parents requiring support or information about anti-bullying and harassment are urged to contact the school. Remember Endeavour’s Promise: • Not to join in……… • Seek help…………… • Protect each other DON’T STANDBY…STAND TOGETHER James Jackson / Karen Bradley Student Support Officer / Welfare Coordinator HOME HOMEWORK CENTRE LEARNING SUPPORT Endeavour Sports High School runs a Homework Centre to assist students needing help with homework, study or assignments. The Homework Centre operates on Tuesday period 5 and Thursday periods 4 and 5 in A15. homework centre. Students will need to get a permission note before lunch from the Learning Support staffroom in A5. The note needs to be signed by their class/sports teacher and returned to the Homework Centre. Students will also need to bring their own work with them to the HOME LIBRARY PRC LATEST BOOKS & HSC ENGLISH ‘DISCOVERY’ RESOURCES Registration for the 2015 PRC is now open The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature. It is not a competition but a challenge to each student to read, to read more and to read more widely. Reading is an excellent way to enrich our knowledge of the world around us and the emotions within us. It helps extend our vocabulary, widen our perceptions, broaden our perspective and extend our imagination. We encourage you to join with us in trying to inspire your children to take part in this year’s Challenge. The range of books is as wide as our imagination, with new exciting titles added every year. These range from picture books with deep meaning to epic fantasy and dystopian novels. Please click on this link for the range of titles on the NSW Secondary PRC list. Come on the journey with us! ___________________________________________________________________________ NEW ‘DISCOVERY’ HSC Area of Study Resources We have a number of new resources to assist both students and staff in the HSC new area of study, Discovery. A number of Year 12 students are already taking advantage of these books and we encourage Year 12 to continue checking the Library display and watching out for new titles. Georgina Haralambous Teacher Librarian Left: New ‘Discovery ‘ resources HOME ___________________________________________________________________________ TSP SPORT NEWS F TSP NETBALL TERM 1 2015 NUTRITION LESSON Our Netball girls enjoyed learning about the importance of eating well and preparing quick and easy snacks to consume before and/or after training sessions or netball games. They prepared a refreshing strawberry smoothie with crushed hazelnuts and honey; they topped a sliced baguette with ham, tomato, cottage cheese and diced onions and olives. To finish off they made pikelets with sliced banana and a drizzle of honey…YUM! The girls really enjoyed this lesson and are now equipped with the skills of preparing a variety of snacks for themselves. L. Blades and K. Mouratidis Coach and Mentor HOME TSP FOOTBALL (Soccer) Welcome back to another year of development in Football at ESHS. The break between 2014 and 2015 has seen some changes occurring in our program that are setting us up for a very promising future at Endeavour. New coaching staff We have pleasure in announcing the employment of Steve O’Connor as our senior coach for 2015. Steve comes with an extensive and elite background in Football, having been the Technical Director for Football for the Australian Institute of Sport for 12 years before joining us. He has just returned from Hong Kong where he was the Hong Kong Youth Technical Director and set up a framework and programs for their elite youth program. He has coached many former and current Socceroos and has represented Australia himself as a non-compromising central defender (44 caps for all those parents old enough to remember). He was inducted into Football Australia’s Hall of Fame in 2003. We look forward to giving our students the opportunities to learn from one of Australia’s most qualified coaches. Sydney FC Further exciting news is that Endeavour Sports High School has now been named a Sydney FC Football School. This takes place after some months of discussion where we put forward to Sydney FC the benefits of using Endeavour’s TSP and facilities as a basis for the implementation of the Sydney FC philosophy of: • • • An holistic approach to player development Respecting and supporting all the elements in a young player’s life, including the crucial area of education Developing a broad talent base of players over a long period of time, rather than just one squad of selected players in each age group Sydney FC, as reported on our facebook page, will be providing the following: • • • • • • • • • Regular presence at school training sessions Alignment of the school’s Football programs with the vision and philosophy of the Sydney FC Academy Learning Program Talent Identification Potential for Sydney FC involvement in recruiting coaches into the school’s programs Opportunities for utilisation of school program coaches in SFC Academy or other activities Combined school events (inter-school competition, coach education, sharing ideas on program integration into school timetable, etc) SFC assistance with trials and other activities SFC presence at key school events (eg Parent Information nights) And any other areas of mutual benefit We look forward to working with Kelly Cross, Sydney FC Academy Director. He too brings a wealth of experience as FFA’s Head of Coach Education between 2006 and 2013 and FFA’s Assistant National Technical Director until 2014. All this ensures some exciting times indeed for all girls and boys in TSP Football at Endeavour. What is happening Term 1 We have expanded our coaching and mentor ranks in TSP Football with Mr Edgar and Mr Smith now a regular part of our program. They are joining our regular coaches: Mr. Bradley, Mrs. Bradley, Stacy Alogdellis, Stuart Blake, Meco Tripodi and Debbie Fisher to make a team focused on ensuring your children have every opportunity to develop in an organised and supportive environment. All our students have now received their new football attire and programs are now all well underway. Our younger players are about to play their first games against Belmore Boys whilst our Open teams are preparing for their first Sports High School games against Hunter Sports High School. We are also in the process of trialling all our players in preparation for Futsal, which will be taking place early in Term 2. Please keep an eye out for details as they come out. A number of our older students are also involved in trialling for Sydney East, the first stepping stone for hopeful NSW Combined High Schools selection. We wish all girls and boys trialling the best of luck. This is the “quiet time” of the year with all students now settled into our program structure and we are looking forward to reporting more news as the football season begins. Much of our immediate news will now also be available on Facebook. Mr Bradley, Mrs Bradley, Mr Edgar and Mr Smith Mentors and Coaches TSP Football HOME TSP BASEBALL TSP Baseball is pleased to welcome to our coaching staff for 2015 and beyond, Mr Peter Worboys. Peter brings with him a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise in the field of Baseball and has already coached the Endeavour Team to its first win of the season. Peter, along with new mentor Mrs Chalk, hopes to further develop the boys’ skills and opportunities as well as build up the already growing TSP Baseball Program. His qualifications include: • • • • Over 38 years’ experience in coaching and playing Baseball. Level 4 coaching accreditation. Former NSW State coach. Board member for Baseball NSW. Aaron Donaghy TSP Baseball mentor HOME TSP RUGBY UNION This year is a fresh start for TSP Rugby Union, with a few changes and a vision of rebuilding. Current coaching staff consists of Director of Rugby Mr Daniel Hundt, Buchan Coach Ms Jess Rigg, Juniors Coach Mr Ben Cameron and Mentor Ms Elysha Rogers. We have had a positive and enthusiastic start to the year, focusing on general plays, core skills and fitness. Our Year 7 students have settled in and have shown some impressive skills both at training and game day. Our seniors are to be commended on providing great leadership for the younger members. Some students have been accessing tutoring by Ms Rogers during Tuesday TSP sessions which has been very successful so far in keeping students on track with homework and assessment tasks. On Tuesday 17th March, the Endeavour Rugby Union squad travelled to Cronulla for the under 13s rugby 10s and under 15s rugby 7s. In their first game of the year, Endeavour u13's played Cronulla at Cronulla High School's new field. The contest was tight as the boys went to half time at 10-10, but Endeavour scored two tries down the blind side, late in the game to win 24-10. Notable performances were from Joseph Reyes, Darcy Lohan, Rohnin Parsons, Layson Cooper, Chris Reihana, Tyrese Faalua, Ky James and Adam Archerkouk. Darcy was useful with the boot kicking 2 from 3. The u15’s had a great start to the season, also coming away with a win 29-5. Cronulla got off to a strong start scoring the first try but Endeavour fought back with a convincing win. All the boys should be commended for their efforts with special mention of Marley Smith, Rangi Noble, Laken Caldwell, Keenan McLean and Wesley RileyJohnson. Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Trials were held at Pittwater on Saturday the 14th of March. Gary Abel, Tyrell Charters, Paul Dunn and Kyle Timbery attended. The Lloyd McDermott Development Team was initially established in 1992 as the Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Trust, in Sydney, by a group of Rugby enthusiasts. The group wanted to see more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people playing Rugby Union. The organisation was named after Mr Lloyd McDermott who represented Australia in Rugby Union 1962, playing two tests against the All Blacks. He was formally trained as a barrister in Brisbane becoming the first Aboriginal barrister in Australia. The Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team Inc. was established to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to participate in Rugby Union. Kyle Timbery was successful in making the 2015 Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team. He was one of only two boys from public schools to make the team and he should be congratulated for his efforts. Kyle will be attending the The Scots College Schoolboy 7s on the 28th of March. This is a premier Rugby 7s tournament for schoolboys in Australia. We wish Kyle the best of luck. Mr Daniel Hundt, Ms Jess Rigg, Mr Ben Cameron and Ms Elysha Rogers Rugby Union coaches and mentor HOME TSP RUGBY LEAGUE Welcome back to all our TSP Rugby League students and their families. We also extend a very warm welcome to our Year 7 students and new students in other Year groups. We look forward to working with you all throughout 2015. The Rugby League season has kicked off at ESHS, with our regular training sessions at school and a few games already played. On Friday 20th March, we played an under 13’s trial match against Matraville Sports HS. Matraville were short on players, so we fielded 12 a side. Our boys displayed a lot of enthusiasm, many playing their very first game in the Endeavour colours, and were convincing in their win: 34 -0. The 14’s and Opens played the first Buckley Shield and University Shield games on Wednesday 25th March, against The Hills Sports HS at Ritchie Benaud Oval, North Parramatta. The games were very close and the boys played with intensity and commitment but unfortunately Endeavour lost both in the dying minutes. Buckley Shield: 24-18 University Shield: 12-10 Representative Players The following students are representing for their respective clubs: Harold Matthews Dragons: Connor Hart; Usaia Lovodua; Franklin Pele; Connor Sattler; Tristan Scott; Eniasi Tokelau; Te Kari Waaka; Sharks: Kai Broadhurst; Harrison DeMeio; Semisi Kioa; Fine Kula; Tamati McCausland; Luke Metcalf; Julian Spanos; Layton Tua; Mitchell Robertson Bulldogs: Michael Fahd; Evander Swann SWSAS: Ky Smith SG Ball: Dragons: Trey Brown; Lachlan Hughes; Joe Lovodua; Reece Robson; Jeffrey Tu’itavuki; Dean Xenos Sharks: William Kennedy; Luis McPherson-Strickland; Curtis Scott; Soakimi Tu’itavuki; Jaz Flavell; Awishkar Gnyawali; Donovan Briggs Bulldogs: Adam Keighran Sea Eagles: Jackson Watson Sydney East Trials The Sydney East Trials were held on Wednesday 11th March at Cronulla High School. A number of our students have qualified to represent Sydney East in the upcoming Sydney Red Trials: Under 15’s: Kai Broadhurst; Thomas DeMeio; Michael Fahd; Usaia Lovodua; Franklin Pele; Domenico Santaguida; Tremaine Terzis. Opens: Trey Brown; Awishkar Gnyawali; Lachlan Hughes; Adam Keighran; William Kennedy; Semisi Kioa; Fine Kula; Joe Lovodua; Luis McPherson-Strickland; Reece Robson; Curtis Scott; Jeffrey Tu’itavuki; Dean Xenos. Buettner Shield and Stanley Cup On Wednesday 1st April, our under 13’s and under 15’s will be contesting in the round robin qualifiers against Illawarra SHS and Matraville SHS for the Buettner Shield and Stanley Cup Finals, held in September. Endeavour SHS will be hosting the games on our back field. Below is the draw for the day. Each game is 20 minute halves with 5 minutes break. You are welcome to join us in supporting our boys. Time Age Teams 9.00 13 ESHS vs Matraville 9.50 15 ESHS vs Matraville 10.40 13 ESHS vs Illawarra 11.30 15 Matraville vs Illawarra 12.20 13 Matraville vs Illawarra 1.10 15 ESHS vs Illawarra Terms 2 and 3 Please keep an eye on the school’s website for details of upcoming games. We always look forward to your support at our games. Finally, please feel free to make contact with us at any time if you have any questions or queries regarding our program. Dave Howlett; Brad Kelly; Paul Leary; Georgina Haralambous TSP Rugby League Coaches and Mentors HOME TSP TENNIS 2015 has commenced very successfully for the Tennis program at Endeavour. I would like to welcome our new members for 2015: Kurt Dawson, Tomas Do Rosario Oliveira, Angelina Graovac, Kamil Kozlowski and Martin Mitford. At the Sydney East Boys Tennis trials which were held in February, five out of the eight semi-finalists were Endeavour students. In the Open Boys singles Matthew Scheers and Michael Ripia made the semi-finals and in the 15’s and under Kamil Kozlowski was Sydney East Champion and runner up to him was Mitchell Gilmour. Jack Clisdell made the semi-final. (Above) Mitchell Gilmour and Kamil Kozlowski At the NSWCHS tennis championships, held in March, Endeavour students also experienced some wonderful successes. Kelly Gilmour made the Open Girls singles semi-finals, which was a tremendous effort for a Year 8 girl. She also won the Bronze medallion in the Open Mixed Doubles, with Antoni Trajkovski (pictured right). Antoni made the Quarter Finals and Georgije Babic (lower right) made the Semi Finals of the Open Boys singles. Both boys have been selected to trial for the NSW team to play at the Australian All Schools Championships in May. To conclude a big thank you to those families who hosted Japanese students in March. Without your support the event and the benefits to the Tennis program could not have happened. HOME G. Westwood and S. Hibbert Tennis Coaches and Mentors GRADE SPORT The Port Hacking Zone Grade Sport summer season has now finished. Our junior girls Basketball team, coached by Mr O’Neill and managed by Miss Davey, were victors in the Final against Port Hacking High School. The score was a convincing 52-23 and Pipi Ardler received the Best and Fairest award for the season. The team consisting of Hannah Higgins, Daisy Paki, Nariah Welsh, Maya Svagelli, Leilani Tua, Daesha Baker-Khamphan and Montana Roberts were wonderful ambassadors for the school and deserve the highest accolades for a great performance. The Port Hacking Zone Grade Sport winter season commences on Thursday the 2nd April and continues until week 6 of Term 3. Endeavour has the following teams entered: Senior Boys Oztag, Senior Boys Soccer, Junior Boys Basketball, Senior Girls Oztag, Junior Girls Oztag and Senior and Junior Girls Netball. Good luck to all teams. At the Sydney East Boys Tennis trials which were held in February, five out of the eight semi-finalists were Endeavour students. In the Open Boys singles Matthew Scheers and Michael Ripia made the semi-finals and in the 15’s and under Kamil Kozlowski was Sydney East Champion and runner up to him was Mitchell Gilmour. Jack Clisdell made the semi-final. At the NSWCHS tennis championships, held in March, Endeavour students also experienced some wonderful successes. G Westwood ESHS SWIMMING CARNIVAL Our school swimming carnival was held under very grey, but thankfully, warm and dry skies on Friday 13th February. I would like to commence by saying congratulations and well done to all students who entered an event and especially the age champions, who are listed below. I am also very proud to say that the staff at Caringbah Swimming Centre informed me that the behaviour of Endeavour Sports High School students was the best of any school that had attended the centre, up to that point in time. The age champions were: 12yrs Girls Tamara Wright 12yrs Boys Kurt Dawson 13yrs Girls Hannah Higgins 13yrs Boys Ryan Dowling 14yrs Girls Katalina Amosa 14yrs Boys Joshua Fuller 15yrs Boys Nathan Clarke 16yrs Girls Metika Collis Glynn 16yrs Boys Reece Bereveskos 17yrs Girls Chelsea Clarke 17yrs Boys Caleb Wardman 18yrs Girls Lisa Slojewski 18yrs Boys Jake Tedder Thank you to all staff who attended and worked tirelessly on the day. G Westwood HOME PORT HACKING ZONE SWIMMING CARNIVAL Endeavour Sports High School fielded 35 swimmers at the recent Port Hacking Zone Carnival held at Caringbah Pool on the 25th February 2015. Every swimmer selected was punctual, well prepared and their behaviour was exemplary. In true Endeavour spirit the team’s positive attitude towards their team mates and determination in the pool contributed to some excellent performances and personal best times. Endeavour’s zone swimmers were: Tamara Wright Jade Roy Hanna Higgins Maya Svagelli Adam Griffin Nathan Clarke Jacob Greiss Daniel Mairi Reece Berevseskos Zeke Zambrano Thomas Abreu Allyson Faulkner Metika Collis Glynn Lisa Slojewski Alex Ingham Ezra Rusling Katoa Mairi Jake Tedder Callum Perryman Shyla Jackson Kurt Dawson Matt Knight Ahmed Ijaz Milos Stefanovic Connor Sattler Dylan Christie Adam Arkley Casey Stevens Jayden Hannah Chelsea Clarke Ryan Dowling Kurt Chalker Josh Fuller James Georgievski Anne-Marie Taumoelau The following students progressed to the Sydney East Regional Championship in individual events: Hannah Higgins Kurt Dawson Casey Stevens Nathan Clarke Allyson Faulkner Reece Bereveskos Lisa Slojewski Ryan Dowling Metika Collis Glynn Jayden Hannah Chelsea Clarke Adam Griffin Connor Sattler Relay Teams progressing to the Sydney East Regional Championship: Girls Medley Relay (Metika Collis Gylnn, Chelsea Clarke, Hannah Higgins, Lisa Slojewski) Boys Medley Relay (Nathan Clarke, Adam Griffin, Reece Bereveskos, Connor Sattler) Boys 13yrs 200m Freestyle Relay (Adam Arkley, Ryan Dowling, Callum Perryman, Jayden Hannah) Boys 16yrs 200m Freestyle Relay (Nathan Clarke, Adam Griffin, Reece Bereveskos, Connor Sattler) Girls 17-19yrs 200m Freestyle Relay (Metika Collis Gylnn, Chelsea Clarke, Allyson Faulkner, Lisa Slojewski) Some outstanding performances included : • Nathan Clarke broke the 15yrs Boys 100m Butterfly record • The Boys 16yr 200m Freestyle Relay team (Nathan Clarke, Adam Griffin, Reece Bereveskos, Connor Sattler) broke the 2014 16yrs Boys record by 17 seconds and their amazing time also broke the 17-19yrs record as well • Excellent performances in Individual Rankings from the Carnival: • Hannah Higgins - 2nd (13yrs Girls) • Metika Collis Glynn - 3rd ( 16yrs Girls) • Lisa Slojewski, - 2nd ( 17-19yrs Girls) • Kurt Dawson - 4th (12yrs Boys) • Nathan Clarke 2nd (15yrs Boys) • Reece Bereveskos 2nd (16yrs Boys) Well done to all those swimmers who competed in the Zone Carnival. Even though some of you missed a place in the Sydney East Regional team, the school is proud of your efforts. HOME SYDNEY EAST SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP On the 18th March, the Endeavour Sports High School swim team competed in the Sydney East Swimming Championship at Homebush Aquatic Centre with some excellent results. The team consisted of: Hannah Higgins Casey Stevens Connor Sattler Ryan Dowling Adam Griffin Metika Collis Glynn Chelsea Clarke Reece Bereveskos Callum Perryman Jayden Hannah Lisa Slojewski Allyson Faulkner Adam Arkley Kurt Dawson Nathan Clarke Many of the swimmers competed in multiple individual events as well as relays. In keeping with the Endeavour spirit every swimmer gave their personal best and there were some excellent results with 10 swimmers continuing on to represent Sydney East and Endeavour Sports High School at the CHS Championships. There were also many competitors just missing out on Sydney East representation with 4th and 5th placings. Nathan Clarke broke the Boys 15yrs 100m Butterfly record and the Boys 16yrs 200m Freestyle Relay team again broke the area record with an outstanding swim. This record had remained unbroken since 1998. Other excellent results included: Metika Collis Glynn: 3rd in the 16yrs Girls 200m Freestyle, 3rd - 100m Breaststroke Nathan Clarke: 2nd - 15yr Boys 200m Freestyle, 1st - 100m Butterfly Lisa Slojewski: 3rd in the 17-19yrs Girls 200m Freestyle, 1st - 100m Breaststroke, 3rd 100m Freestyle, 1st - 200m Individual Medley, 1st - 100m Backstroke, 2nd - 100m Butterfly Reece Berevseskos: 3rd in the 16yrs Boys 100m Breaststroke Hannah Higgins: 400m IM 12-14yrs Ryan Dowling: 1st in the 12-15yrs Boys 50m Breaststroke Multi-Class, 1st - 50m Freestyle, 1st - 50m Backstroke, 1st - 50m Butterfly Casey Stevens: 1st in the 16-19yrs Girls 50m Breaststroke Multi-Class, 2nd - Breaststroke, 2nd - 50m Backstroke, 2nd - 50m Butterfly Nathan Clarke, Adam Griffin, Reece Bereveskos, Connor Sattler – Boys Medley Relay 3rd Nathan Clarke, Adam Griffin, Reece Bereveskos, Connor Sattler – Boys 16yrs 200m Freestyle Relay 1st Metika Collis Gylnn, Chelsea Clarke, Allyson Faulkner, Lisa Slojewski – Girls 17-19yrs 200m Freestyle Relay 2nd We wish all swimmers good luck and success in the upcoming CHS Carnival. Liz Jackson Swimming mentor HOME
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ESHS Log 2016 Issue 1 - Endeavour Sports High School
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