LitNet - Literacy Network of South Berkshire


LitNet - Literacy Network of South Berkshire
Spring 2011
LitNet’s Annual
2010 Gala is a Tribute
and a Success
Each year LitNet asks its supporters for
the financial assistance we need to keep
doing what we do best: help people help
This year’s Annual Appeal solicitations emphasize the self-help aspect of our
work. By helping adults acquire basic
skills, LitNet enables people to improve
their own lives and the lives of their families
– and, by extension, the life of the community. Now celebrating its 20th anniversary,
LitNet has helped hundreds of people
achieve their own personal versions of the
American dream.
Your contribution, of whatever amount,
added to those of hundreds of your friends
and neighbors, will add up to better lives
for our neighbors who desperately want to
help themselves. All of us will benefit
from the results.
Some LitNet supporters already have
received their Annual Appeal solicitations,
while others will receive theirs in coming
Please be as generous as you can. On
behalf of LitNet’s hard-working students
and dedicated tutors and staff: Thank You!
More than $70,000 raised to fund literacy program
At the Gala held last October, LitNet presented its second
annual “Founders of America Award” to Edith and Loet
Velmans, shown above. The honorees emigrated from the
Netherlands in 1951, and achieved success in their respective
fields – Edith in geriatric psychotherapy; Loet in international
public relations. Now retired, the Velmans live in Sheffield
and are active supporters of the Berkshire community.
LitNet supporters
Tiffany and Carter
take a few quiet
moments during
the festivities to
read the Gala
Tribute Book.
Great Opera, Great Cause
LitNet is collaborating this
year with the world-famous
Boston Early Music Festival to
present an opportunity for
supporters to enjoy a great
opera while supporting LitNet
and its mission.
The opera is George
Handel's Opera Acis and Galatea
Frideric Handel’s much-loved
Acis and Galatea, in a production the Boston Early Music
Festival has toured around the country to rave reviews. This
will be a fully-staged chamber opera, featuring beautiful music,
Thanks go to Berkshire
Country Day School head
Paul Lindenmaier, shown
here with his wife Margaret,
for making the Fitzpatrick Hall
venue available to LitNet.
More Gala photos are on p.8.
world-class singing and acting, and gorgeous period
costumes. The Boston Musical Intelligencer describes the
production as “baroque re-enactment at its very best.”
LitNet has bought a block of tickets for the performance at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 27, at the Mahaiwe
Performing Arts Center in Great Barrington. Tickets are
$80 for choice orchestra or mezzanine seats or $55 for
second-best seating. A reception is included
With generous support from Iredale Mineral Cosmetics
and other donors, all proceeds will go to support LitNet’s
mission of helping adults help themselves.
Tickets can be purchased by calling the LitNet office,
413-243-0471, or through LitNet’s web site:
See you at the opera!
LitNet extends a Welcome to two new Selina Lamb is the founder and owner of a
board members.
nationally-known landscape design firm, working for the past 15 years with high-net-worth
Brian Tobin is a financial advisor with over owners, architects and contractors. For ten
26 years of experience in U.S. and interna- years prior to that, she directed product
tional markets. In addition to BA and MA development and marketing for several
degrees, he holds two continuing-education internationally-known retailers/designers.
certificates, one in Philanthropy/Fund- Selina lives in Gt. Barrington. She is a
Raising. Brian lives in Mount Washington trustee of the Conway School of Landscape
and is active in many area non-profit Design, where she chairs the Annual Giving
organizations, including Railroad Street Committee.
Youth Project, where he is board chair.
LitNet looks forward to benefiting from the
experience and perspective of these two new
The birds in flight look down and tweet.
The dog looks up and barks.
It’s clear they speak to me,
acknowledging my being,
or signaling a need.
LitNet Welcomes Back to the board Ann
Barrett of Sheffield, who stepped down
temporarily in 2010 to serve as the LitNet
Interim Executive Director, where she guided
the development of a Strategic Plan and the
reorganization of the office and staff.
100 Main St. • Lee, MA 01238
(413) 243-0471
Board of Directors
Lois H. Lenett, Co-President
John Felton, Co-President
Richard Taylor, Treasurer
Adrienne Cosel, Clerk
Ann Barrett
Lisa Cavender
Bill Dunlaevy
Patricia Flinn
Leon Glazerman
Selina Lamb
Georgia A. Massucco
Enid Michelman
Robert D. Montgomery
Mary J. Philpott (on extended leave)
Ginger Schwartz
Brian Tobin
Suki Werman
Laird White
Perhaps the birds, a tree-stop on their trip?
The dog, a long walk down the street?
Who knows?
He barks. They tweet.
If I could read the meaning of the bark,
the tweet, together, we could find,
not just a tree,
but fruited branch.
Together, we could walk the street,
maybe meet the neighbor’s dog
and play.
sharing words,
those stairs to possibilities,
we just might change the day.
Laird White
July 12, 2010
LitNet extends a sincere Thank You to
three out-going board members.
Paul Kopperl, long-time, staunch supporter of the LitNet mission, served multiple
terms as a trustee and served two years as
Co-President. LitNet is now benefiting from
his successful work to strengthen the board
and stabilize finances.
Walter Cliff also served several terms as
a director. His wisdom and guidance,
particularly on financial matters during
challenging economic times, will be missed.
Heather Veague brought a fresh outlook
and perspective, and was a staunch supporter
of LitNet’s mission, during her committed
and valued participation on the board.
We wish these three all the best in their
future pursuits.
Pamela Kittredge, Executive Director
Mary Spina, Education Director
Margaret Swann, Education Specialist
Sara McDonald, Assistant to Executive Director
LitNet Gazette Committee: John Felton,
Patricia Flinn, Pamela Kittredge,
Laird White, Mary Spina, Margaret Swann
Photos: Molly Cosel, Margaret Swann
Layout: Kathy Szpak
Printing by The Association of Marian
Fathers, Stockbridge
Who We Are. What We Do:
The Literacy Network of South Berkshire provides
free, one-on-one, confidential tutoring for
Southern Berkshire residents who are over 16 and
not enrolled in school.
Literacy Network’s staff trains volunteer tutors
and provides tutors with materials, meeting
locations, and ongoing educational support. We
match individual tutors with students based on
compatibility, location and times available. Often,
pairs become good friends and build long-term
Volunteers provide their time, talent and energy.
We have more than 110 tutors, who volunteer
11,440 hours of their time every year.
LitNet receives no government funding. All of
the revenue to support our work comes from
generous individuals and businesses.
LitNet – 20 Years of Helping
People Help Themselves
In the mid-sixties, Zoe Dalheim
and Peg Smith
Peg Smith,
became friends in
Co-founder of LitNet
Pittsfield. They both
attended the Unitarian Church, were
members of the Religious Education
Committee and Sunday School teachers.
Zoe’s college degree was in education;
Peg’s in social work. Teaching was in and
on their minds.
When Zoe learned in 1972 of a
Chicago service that matched teachers
with eager learners, they co-founded The
Learning Center in Pittsfield. Here, while
working with the matching service, Zoe
and Peg went to workshops and conferences and were trained by authors of
curricula designed for those with learning
problems. At this time they also
researched and published a guide entitled,
“Educational Opportunities in the
Berkshire County.” Discovering that
many adults were dropping out of learning centers, they began teaching reading
to those with learning disabilities, and
they documented the results.
It was not only teaching young adults
to read that inspired Zoe and Peg, it was
that in doing so they actually changed the
lives of the people they taught. One mem-
orable example of this was a story they
heard. A young learning-disabled man
told of what it was like to be dyslexic and
how his condition had brought him to the
brink of suicide when he was twelve years
old. He was “saved” by finding teachers
who taught him in the right way.
Another inspiring story was that of a
young woman named “Martha” who had
been labeled “retarded,” but, in fact, simply had a reading disability. Martha came
to the Lee Library, was tutored, and in
learning how to read discovered that she
was not retarded. She not only enjoyed
reading poetry, she came to write her own.
Zoe and Peg then began the Young
Adults with Learning Disabilities program, which discovered ways by which
education teachers could come to recognize, test and teach needy young adults.
Zoe and Peg traveled to six states, holding
workshops for teachers at adult education
centers. For their work they received a
state award.
Soon, Zoe was approached by the
Board of Library Commissioners to start
a literacy program in Berkshire County.
With support from Georgia Massucco,
Director of the Lee Library, the Southern
Literacy Network began evolving and in
1991 Zoe and Peg founded the Literacy
Did you know?
LitNet’s 110 students are a diverse group of Reading
students, adults studying for a General Equivalency
Diploma (GED), and
English learners
(ESOL). English
learners comprise
87% of the student
Network of South
During their
Zoe Dalheim,
first two years, Zoe
Co-founder of LitNet
and Peg spread the
word of their program by visiting libraries,
laundromats, Chinese restaurants, schools
and general stores. They hung posters,
handed out flyers and talked to groups in
surrounding towns. At that time the
organization had approximately 100 adult
students and 50 tutors. It was greatly benefited by the help of Nancy Nirenberg
and Vera Kalm, who brought people onto
the Board and contacted influential
sources interested in literacy.
The Literacy Network now boasts
110 tutors and learners, has 806 generous donors and serves 15 towns. Thanks
to the vision of Zoe and Peg, LitNet has
helped hundreds of people improve
their own lives by becoming productive
members of the community – thus
benefiting all of southern Berkshire
Zoe and Peg continue their work
today. They are on the Education
Committee and are working on a book
for the learning disabled. They have
been called “National Treasures,” which
they consider a joke. We think not!
Women make
up 65% of
the English
LitNet is always looking for new students. If you know
someone in need of tutoring, please tell them about
LitNet’s services, and encourage them to visit or call
the office at (413) 243-0471.
Academy Garden Club Of Lenox
Adam and Rachel Albright
Cathy and Richard Aldrich
Richard and Nurit Amdur
Richard and Pauline Arienti
Ellie and Art Aronoff
Ronald and Sondra Ashendorf
Alfred Baffa
Christine W. Baldridge
Joan Bancroft and Donald Grody
Edward Baptiste and Wendy Philbrick
Ann Barrett
Barrington Brewery & Restaurant
The Barrington Foundation
Stuart and Barbara Bartle
Robert E. and Elaine Baum
Malcolm and Barbara Bayliss
Sarah Higginson Begley
Rick and Candace Beinecke
Stuart and Diane Benedict
Bennington College
Ethan and Jamie Berg
Berkshire Bank Foundation
Berkshire Community College
Berkshire Life Insurance Company Of America
Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
Louis Bertocci and Bonnie Carnevale
Mary Blair and Stephen Murray
J. Stevens and Shirley Blanchard
Lee and Sydelle Blatt
Mel and Rita Blieberg
Katarzyna Bloch
Charles and Birgit Blyth
Jay and Dena Bock
Jeannene Booher
Thomas and Lorita Bosworth
Louis and Molly Boxer
John and Natalie Boyce,
Boyd Converting Company, Inc.
Steve and Ellen Boyd
Carl and Stephanie Bradford
Jane and Jay Braus
Arline Breskin
Andrew and Pamela Conroy Breslin
Marilyn and Arthur Brimberg
Marcia Brolli
Michael and Doris Bronson
Sally Brooke,
Bob and Maryann Brown
Robert and Marcia Brown
Beverly Brunette
Deborah and Richard Burke
Susan Burns
Jane Butler
Shirley A. Butler
Michael and Kimberly Cahalan
Cain Hibbard & Myers PC
John and Debbie Callan
Mario and Laurel Caluori
Jay M. and Dawn Carberry
Robert and Mary Carswell
Lisa Cavender and Nicholas Kierstead
Sally Chamberlin-Cook
Lo-Yi and Millie Chan
Alan and Roselle Chartock
Claudine Chavanne
Neil and Kathleen Chrisman
The Clancy Household
Sheela and James Clary
Walter and Ursula Cliff
Laurence Cohen
Leonard and Ileen Cohen
Noel and Baukje Cohen
Joel and Sue Colker
Arthur Collins
Denise Collins
Joan and Robert Comeau
Kathleen Connor
Michael and Shawn Leary Considine
Construct, Inc.
Mary Copeland and Joe Gonzalez
William and Adrienne Miesmer Cosel
Elizabeth Cox
Patrick and Margaret Coyle
Herbert and Jeanine Coyne
Stephen and Sandra Cozzaglio
Susan Crofut and Ben Luxon
Robert and Mary Woodson Crowell
Shyrley Cruz
Tom and Maggie Curtin
Zoë and Stuart Dalheim
Susan and Edmund Dana
George Darey and Virginia Akabane
Spencer Day
Barbara Priester Deely
Catharine Deely
Ari & Joan Delevie
Virginia Delugan
John and Virginia Demos
Dennis G. Welch Real Estate Ltd.
Frayda and Richard Diamond
Herb and Carol Diamond
Jeffrey and Amy Diamond
Channing and Ursula Ehret Dichter
Ditore Motors
Ted Dobson
Barbara and Nathan Doctrow
Timothy and Katie Doherty
Richard and Michaela Dohoney
Norma and Gilbert d’Oliveira
Ben Downing
J. Williar and Susan Dunlaevy
Sally Eagle and Dan Mead
Barney and Julie Edmonds
Cindy and Donald Elitzer
Clinton and Elizabeth Elliott
Thomas and Elizabeth Ellis
Gray and Marianne Ellrodt
Peter and Patricia Elsbach
George and Virginia Elvin,
Mary Jane Emmet
Monroe and Elise England
Jennifer English
Bruce and Reba Evenchik
Gwenn Evitts
Samuel and Betsey Farber
Daniel and Patricia Farley-Bouvier
Diana Felber and Stephen Glick
John Felton and Marty Gottron
John and Jennie Ferro
Robert Feuer
William and Nancy Fibiger
Charlotte Finn
First Congregational Church of Stockbridge
Linda Fisher
John and Jane Fitzpatrick
Nancy Fitzpatrick and Lincoln Russell
Robin Fleet and Philip Coleman
Steffi and Robert Fletcher
Patricia Flinn
Henry and Susan Flint
Rita V. Foley
John and Betty Fontaine
Andy and Tracy Foster
Bruce and Marcia Fowle
Don Freedman and Susan Rothschild
Joyce Freundlich
Barbara Friedman
Rebecca Fuore
Denis and Catherine Gallagher
Jim and Grace Gannon
GE Foundation
Robert and Olive Geehr
Marjorie Gelber
Bruce Geller
Michael and Eleanor Geller
Eve Geller-Duffy
Stan and Marilyn Germond
James and Virginia Giddens
Hans Gieskes
George and Cornelia Gilder
Charles Gilson
Leo and Lucy Gilson
Gregory and Paula Gimblette
Judith Gitelson
Murielle Glaser and Henry Aguilar
Leon and Ruth Glazerman
Alan and Joyce Glickman
David and Marita Glodt
Robin and Peter Goldberg
Nancy and Leo Goldberger
Roger and Barbara Goldin
Abbott and Nada Samuels Gomberg
Michael and Sally Gordon
Milton and Annette Gordon
Suzanne and Howard Gorham
Douglas and Sara Goudey
Kathleen Gowdy
Karen Gralla
Steven Green and Rose Ellis
Ellen and Christopher Greendale
Richard and Lindsay Crampton-Greene
Norma Greenfield
Sharon Gregory
Greylock Federal Credit Union
Kathleen Grieve
Ken Grinspoon and Selina Morris
Lina and Raymond Grogan
Edmund and Arlene Grossman
Judith Grunberg
Elaine and Clarence Gunn
Bobbie Hallig
Beverly Hallock
Yehuda and Hannah Hanani
Scott M. and Ellen Hand
Jonathan Hankin and Barbara Zheutlin
Beverly Hansen
Mary W. Harrison
George and Marilyn Haus
Eric and Carol Haythorne
Kate Heaton
Lorraine Heidemann
Heather Wells and Matthew Heim
Philip and Anita Heller
Robert and Aleva Henderson
Peter and Ann Herbst
Rhoda Herrick
Adam and Jenny Hersch
Hevreh Of Southern Berkshire Inc.
Eliza Hewat
Maureen and Paul Hickey
Lauree and Gregory Hickok
John W. & Clara C. Higgins Foundation
Hill & Knowlton, Inc.
Lois Hobbs and Bob Luhmann
Judith and Dan Hoffman
Henry Holt
Jill Hornor and YoYo Ma
Joyce Hovey
Maggie Howard
Mary Howard
Judith Hudson
The Geoffrey C. Hughes Foundation LLP
Eugene and Marilyn Hunter
Allen and Valerie Hyman
John and Marilou Hyson
Icon Identity Solutions
Arthur and Harriet Isack
Solomon and Carole Israel
Lola Jaffe
Marion Jansen
Johanna and Werner Janssen
Mary Lou Jarvis
Everett and Margie Jassy
Carolyn Jeffrey
J.I. Jensen
Mary Lee Johansen
Ingrid Johnson
Nancy Jones
Karen Joyner
Helga Kaiser
Chet and Vera Kalm
Nancy K. Kalodner
Armand and Gloria Katz
Howard and Nancy Kaufman
George and Sheila Keator
Katie Keenan
Michael Kelly and Rebecca L. Johnson
Peter and Cheryl Kenney
Barbara Kerans
Mary Kierstead
Mary Killeen
Kimball Farms
Richard and Athena Kimball
Dr. Susanne King
Kiwanis Club Of Otis & Sandisfield,
Suzanne and David Klausmeyer
Patti and Harvey Klein
Anthony and Susanne Knerr
Paul and Joan Kopperl
Barbara Koz-Paley
Elizabeth M. Kramer
Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health
Peter and Roberta Lafayette
James Lamme III and Wendy Linscott
Larkin Farm LLC
Rita Laviolette
Robert and Muriel Lazzarini
James and Jane Leahey
Lee Bank
Lee Library Association
Legacy Banks
Legacy Banks Foundation
Wayne and ColetteLemanski
Lois Lenehan and Burt Hanback
Stephen and Lois Lenett
Jack and Margie Levin
Sydney and Judith Levine
Mike and Gloria Levitas
Charles and Mimi Lieber
Ben and Sharon Liptzin
Edwin and Elaine London
Chauncey Loomis
Eleanor Lord
Lisa Loring
James Lostrangio
John Lyons
Richard and Wendy Mackey
Christopher and Jo Anne Magee
Robert Magnus
Barbara Mahony
Richard and Cindy Malkin
Philip and Ammy Mamolito
Matthew and Catherine Mandel
Jackie Manis
Roger and Barbara Manring
Dennis and Judy Mareb
Paul and Vicky Margulies
Stan and Akkie Martens
Georgia Massucco
Barbara and Christopher May
Judy Maynard
James Mazzeo
Wendy McCain
Frank and Connie McCarthy
R.J. and Brigitte McDonald
Robert and Elizabeth McGraw – Black Rock
Foundation Fund
David and Betsey McKearnan
Clifford and Lucille McKibbin
Katharine McLennan
Skip and Paula Meade
Richard and Joan Mears
George and Jane Membrino
Julie Michaels
Enid Michelman
Frank and Ellen Michelman
Barton and Marnie Miller
Jim and Catherine Miller
Joseph and Frances Miller
Nancy and Michael Miller
Tim and Nancy Minkler
Maxwell and Connie Montgomery
Robert Montgomery and Jane Iredale
John Morse
Jay and Jan Thompson-Moses
The Mount/Edith Wharton’s Estate & Gardens
F. Douglas and Dorothy Munson
Channing and Jane Murdock
Peter and Kathleen Murphy
James and Elizabeth Murray
Musical Dreams
C. Twiggs Myers
Alexander and Judith Nardacci
Michael and Anne Nardi
Fadi and Beverly Nejaime
Joseph and Dana Nejaime
Nabih and Marilyn Nejaime
Neonet Technologies
Leon and Barbara Nesis
Katherine and John James Ness
Faith and Larry Newmark
The New York Community Trust
Eric Nickerson
Nancy Nirenberg
Ethel and Bill Noonan
Kevin Noonan
Robert and Mary Ann Norris
George and Janet O’Brien
Elisabeth O’Connor
John and Sylvia Ogilvie
Lesley Oransky
Kathy Orlando
Emily Ostrower
James Overmyer and Ellen Weiden
Mary Palmer
Purcell Palmer
Tician and Judy Papachristou
Marcia Parnell
Tony and Carolann Patterson
Larry and Janie Pellish
Michael and Celeste Perkins
William and Marina Perry
Stephen Peters
Mary and John W. Philpott
Steven and Helice Picheny
Andrew and Katharine Pincus
Claudio and Penny Pincus
Ellen Plageman
Dennis Pollock and Elizabeth Neale
David and Margaret Poutasse
Marcia Powdermaker and Andrew Potler
Lawrence and Abby Pratt
Richard and Victoria Premerlani
Penne Prigge
Jonathan Prince
The Pumpkin Foundation
Maureen Quinlan
Bruno and Minkie Quinson
Keith and Marie Raftery
Mary Patricia Rahn
John and Cheryl Raifstanger
Railroad Street Youth Project
Cris Raymond
George Raymond and Ada Hastings
Charles and Julie Reich
Joseph and Carol F. Reich
H. Juergen and Leslie Reiche
Haldor and Eugenia Reinholt
F. Peter and Mary Rentz
Rodney and Jinx Reust
Patricia Ricci
Paul and Betty Rich
Rick and Nancy Richardson
Robbins - De Beaumont Foundation
Jerome and Dorothy Rosenberg
Bob and Roz Rosenblatt
Jeffrey and Karen Ross
Sanford and Patricia Ross
Stanley and Edith Ross
Colleen Rossi
Jean and Georgeanne Rousseau
Jack Rubin and Lenore Borzak
Joan and Robert Rubinstein
Fred Rutberg
Jane Ryan
John Rys and Kathleen Phillips
Malcolm and Barbara Salter
Roscoe and Midge Sandlin
Wynn A. and Elizabeth Sayman
Larry and Christine Schaub
Loretta Scheel and Bob Bujalski
Joyce and Lewis Scheffey
Mike Schiffer
Brian and Michelle Spina Schmidt
Peter A.V. and Janine Schoeffer
Henry and Pearl Schour
Charles Schulze and Lucy Holland
Ginger and Arthur Schwartz
Seymour and Molly Schwartz
Carole Schwimmer
Alexander and Charlene Sedgwick
Anthony and Freya Segal
William and Martha Selke
Mark and Betsy Selkowitz
Marcie Setlow
Ann Shanks
Jeffrey and Susan Shapiro
Patricia Shea
Terrence and Jane Shea
Kenneth and Roberta Shearn
Harley and Margaret Shepardson
Barry and Anne Sheridan
Arthur Sherman
Thomas and Elizabeth Cornman Sherman
Michael and Jean Shirley
Bill Short
Claudia and Carl Shuster
Carole Siegel
Marion Simon
Walter and Mary Simons
Christine and Kenneth Singer
Marcia and Jane Slaminsky
Jason Slingerland
Maria and Mac Slingerland
The Carl and Toby Sloane Family Foundation
Cynthia Slosek
Wayne and Lisa Slosek
Turbi Smilow
Debbie and H. Ashley Smith
Elske Smith
George Smith
Kathleen and Philip Smith
Margaret and Robert Smith
Sandra Smith
Starbuck and Anna Smith
Susan Sparks and Tim Newslow
Jack and Judy Spencer
Mary Spina
Doug and Nanette Spoehr
Max and Jean Stackhouse
JoAnn Stechmann
Elaine Steinert
Barrie Stern
William and Anne Stickney
John and Katherine Stookey
David H. and Lorna M. Strassler
Robert and Leila Strassler
Lawrence Strauss and Fran Weinberg
Carol Strother
Rose Ann Sturgeon
Lenore and Paul Sundberg
Jerry and Elaine Swaffar
Jon and Marianne Swan
William and Margaret Swann
Evelyn Szelest
Len and Ellen Tabs
Aso Tavitian
James and Kim Taylor
Kirsten Taylor
Richard and Ingrid Taylor
Marja and Robert Tepper
Randy and Sheila Thunfors
Thursday Morning Club
Elizabeth Tierney
Brian Tobin
Rusty Tobin
Arlene and Franklin Tolopko
Toole Insurance
Joseph and Lynn Toole
Forrest C. and Margot Towl
Since the last newsletter, LitNet supporters have honored
or memorialized friends and loved ones with donations to
LitNet through our “Gift of Literacy” program:
In honor of:
continued from page 5
Town Of Otis
The Ultrawellness Center
Brian and Sidney Urquhart
Laughran Vaber
Kate Van Orman
Adrian Van Zon
Heather and John Veague
Loet and Edith Velmans
Sheila and Peter Viale
Donald Victor
Jeffrey and Sally Vincent
Shirley and Reginald Vincent
Maggie Vinciguerra
Barbara von Clausburg
Norah Walsh
Ward’s Nursery and Garden Center
Cecille Wasserman
Terry and Lois Weaver
Kolleen Weinrich
Sidney and Susan Weinstein
Janice and Robert Welcome
Diana Wellington
Robert A. and Claudia Wells
Thomas and Suky Werman
Jane and George Wheeler
White Pines Condominiums
Amy White
B. Carter and Carol White
Reid and Laird White
Peter and Jean Whitehead
John and Marilyn Wightman
Michael Wilcox
Carter and Tiffany Wilding-White
John and Samantha Williams
Robert and Carol Williams
Michael and Sherry Wilser
Debby and E.W. Winslow
Jay and Teresa Wise
Charles Wohl and Alba Passerini
Hellmut and Alice Wohl
Raymond and C. Nancy Woitkowski
Jack and Georgia Yablonsky
Robin Zeamer
Deborah Zecher
Richard Ziter
In memory of:
Peter Spina — Judy Maynard, Academy Garden Club of Lenox, Brian and
Michelle Spina Schmidt
Leah Karpen — Arie and Joan Delevie
Peggy Noonan — Icon Identity Solutions, Robert Magnus, Linda Fisher,
Beverly Hansen, Maggie Vinciguerra, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health,
Lee Glazerman — Arthur and Harriet Isack
Penne Prigge, Rusty Tobin, Jackie Manis, Kevin Noonan, John and Debbie
Patricia Flinn — Starbuck and Anna Smith
Callan, J.I. Jensen, Robin Zeamer
Heather Veague — Mary Harrison
Jo Baldwin — Lenore and Paul Sundberg, Sarah and William Bell, Mary
Heather Veague — Heather Wells Heim and Matthew Heim
Ellen Fahs, James Overmeyer and Ellen Weiden, Joan and Peter Williams,
Ute Spors-Arnold
KiJoo Kim — Chicago Albumen Works, Inc.
Harrison Golding — Nancy Nirenberg
If you care to honor or memorialize someone through a tax-deductible
Richard and Ingrid Taylor — Nancy Nirenberg
gift to our “Gift of Literacy” program, please call us at 413-243-0471.
LitNet Gala to Honor Yoko
and Emanuel Ax
LitNet will present its third annual
Founders of America award to two distinguished musicians who for many years
have been prominent part-time residents
in the Berkshires: Yoko Nozaki Ax and
Emanuel Ax. LitNet will present the
award to the husband-and-wife couple at
its annual gala dinner, A STARLITNET
NIGHT, to be held on Saturday, October
15, at Berkshire Country Day School.
Yoko and Emanuel Ax exemplify
the characteristics LitNet celebrates
through its annual Founders award: the
talent, passion and heart freely given to
build impressive careers and to enrich
the lives of all of us in the Berkshire
Community and beyond.
Yoko Ax was born in Tokyo and
emigrated to the United States with her
family when she was 12. She entered
Julliard School as a piano student and
later won the Concert Artists Guild
Award. Yoko Ax has performed at
numerous music festivals, including
Tanglewood, and has been a featured
guest artist of the Chamber Music
Society of Lincoln Center.
Born in Poland, Emanuel Ax moved
to Winnipeg, Canada, with his family
when he was a young boy. He has lived
in the United States since entering
Julliard. Emanuel Ax – known to his
many friends and fans as “Manny” – is
one of the world’s most celebrated concert pianists. He has performed with
top orchestras around the world,
excelled as a soloist, and collaborated
with many other great musicians,
notably his good friend, cellist Yo Yo
Ma. His annual performances at
Tanglewood always are a highlight of
the summer season in the Berkshires.
Yoko and Emanuel Ax live in New
York City and West Stockbridge. They
have two children: Joseph and Sarah.
Please mark your calendars for a
very special occasion on Saturday,
October 15.
STUDENT HIGHLIGHT: Marta from Colombia
Meet Marta Escobar,
our energetic and
talented student from
Born in Bogota, she came to the
Berkshires ten years ago and continues
to live in Great Barrington with her
daughter Daisy. She comes from a
Marta Escobar
family of six children, three of whom
still live in Colombia. One brother,
who is living in Ashley Falls, inspired and helped her move to
this country. A sister also lives in Great Barrington with her
family. Marta’s father owned a successful electronics store and
was able to send his children to school. After high school,
Marta attended culinary school and worked in a “large and
elegant” hotel in Bogota for twelve years.
Hearing that the United States was “like a paradise with
many opportunities and safe,” she followed a dream to work
here and learn English. Marta began her own business as an
independent house cleaner and works every day for many
clients in Southern Berkshire County.
As an advocate for the expanding Latino community,
Marta serves on the Patient and Family Advisory Council at
Fairview Hospital and the Teen Pregnancy and HIV
Prevention Focus Groups for Berkshire United Way.
She also has her own local radio show with another of our
students from the Dominican Republic. For the last three years,
Marta has helped plan the Latino Festival in Lee, a well-known
event that is part of Founders Weekend. She also initiated a
multicultural dance group that entertains for certain events in
the community.
In addition to her very busy schedule, Marta organized a
special recognition dinner for all the local agencies that have
helped the Latino population. Every agency, including
LitNet, received a plaque in honor of their work. “I’m very
grateful for everyone who has helped us and feel I can’t do
enough to show my appreciation,” says Marta. “I also love to
volunteer and share my beautiful culture,” she adds.
Marta’s future goal is to attend college in the United
States and earn a degree in Psychology so she can help to
improve the lives of the Latino population. “Every day I say
thank you for my blessings and for having the opportunity to
be here to discover who I am and what I can do for others,”
says Marta. “I’m very grateful for my tutor at Literacy
Network and for classes with the Southern Berkshire
Collaborative for helping me reach my goals.”
We are grateful to Marta for her ambitious work in the
community. She is an inspiration to us all and we know that she
will be successful in all her future endeavors.
Literacy Network
of South Berkshire
Lee Library
100 Main St. • Lee, MA 01238
(413) 243-0471 • [email protected]
Look for us on
May 17, 24 and June 2: SPRING TUTOR TRAINING,
LitNet is celebrating 20 years
of helping people help themselves
2010 GALA
Mary Crowell
Nancy Kolodner and
Douglas Shufelt
Cindy Malkin, Carol Williams
and Ginger Schwartz
Andrew Potler, Marcia
Powdermaker and Bill Cosel
Melissa and
John Bissell
Bobbie Hallig and
John Trimarchi
Jo Anne Magee and
Janet Laudenschlager
Trey, Sharon and Jill Gregory
Kathleen Chrisman
Bob and