Message from Pastor Steve:
Message from Pastor Steve:
UPCOMING EVENTS: May 2, Pig Roast & Sanctuary Theater The Messenger M A Y Message from Pastor Steve: May 15, Bishop’s Open Servant Led Ministry May 23, Highway Cleanup May 24, Kingdom Quest returns W W W . P U M C D U N L A P . O R G May 14, Senior Breakfast 2 0 1 5 May 31, End of the Year Music Celebration INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Last month we heard about God’s recipe for overcoming pride in the healing story of Naaman (in the Old Testament book of 2 Kings). Almost lost in the story is the means by which God worked so powerfully… Naaman is introduced to us first…”Now Naaman was the commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded…he was a valiant soldier.” (2 Kings 5:1) He’s clearly a “big man on campus” who was brought to his knees by one small problem…He. Had. Leprosy. We are then introduced to another character in the story…a young girl who had been taken captive from Israel by the ‘raiders of Aram’, and who served Naaman’s wife.’ This young girl said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria. Surely he would cure him of his leprosy!” (2 Kings 5:2-3) Rev. Jessica LaGrone, in “Set Apart”, notes that there couldn’t be any greater contrast between these two characters. Powerful warrior…little, young girl. Commander…servant. “Naaman, a great man in the sight of the king”…victim of human trafficking who goes unnamed. Yet it is the faith of the slave girl who sets the stage for Naaman’s healing. She knows that God is more powerful than the disease that has inflicted her powerful boss. She is bold enough, and forgiving enough, and faithful enough to offer this proud, seemingly self-sufficient man the very news he needs to become whole again…“Go meet my God, and seek healing from Him.” Calendar 2 Finance/ Pig Roast 3 Upcoming Events: “Living Well” Retreat, Father’s Day Carnations, Music News 4 Missions/ Updates 5/6 Congregational Care 7/8 Youth & Teen/ VBS 9/ 10 In reality, we are both Naaman and ‘the servant girl.” We are the proud and we are the humble. We are brought low and then lifted up. We fluctuate between our false sense of self-sufficiency and the acceptance of our great dependence on God’s grace and mercy. We need each other… and we need to be there for each other, through every season of life…that we might all receive the new life that comes from “bathing in the cleansing waters of Jesus’ presence.” Book Club/ Purple Panda/ After Care 11 Thank you for being part of the Prospect family as we seek to grow in faith and make a difference for Christ in our community and around the world…together! Somehow, Naaman humbles himself enough to go to the backwoods country of Samaria (central Israel). He goes with horses, chariots, a letter signed by the king, gold, silver and fine clothing… resources of the proud and powerful. He is met, once again, by a servant…who brings a message from the living God, “Go wash in the Jordan seven times.” When proud Naaman storms off at this suggested means to healing, yet another servant steps up to save the day, convincing the warrior to give God’s prescription for healing a try. How does God minister to us today? Often through the servant who will bring God’s message of healing to a world bent towards self-sufficiency. Often by bringing together very different people who can see God’s presence in the world from very different perspectives. Often by breaking our pride. As we seek to grow in community with God and with one another, there will be seasons where we are the proud, powerful, independent but broken Naaman who needs a word from the Lord. And there will be seasons where we are the servant, called to boldly step out of our comfort zones to offer ourselves and God’s healing presence to those who aren’t even asking us to get involved, but who clearly need the help of the One whose provision is greater than our every need. <><, Pastor Steve May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 28:30-3pm, 6-9pm, “Loving Well” Retreat 7-9pm, Chinese Dance Class (lower level) “Loving Well” Retreat 1-5pm, Chinese Culture Training 4-7:30pm, PIG ROAST 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8am, Trustees Worship Sunday School Kids Music Practice 6pm, Methodist Men 6pm, SPRC 6pm, Endowment 7pm, Choir 7:30pm, Prospectors 7pm, Congregational Care 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Mother’s Day 9am, Worship Kids Musical Performance during Children’s Message Sunday School 6-7:30pm, Kyle Small Group in Conference Rm. 7pm, Choir 7:30pm, Prospectors 8:25am, Senior Breakfast Bishop’s Open 1-5pm, Chinese Culture Training 178:40am, 18 19 20 21 22 23 Prospectors Playing 9am, Worship Sunday School 1:30-4:30pm, Student Recitals in Sanctuary *last week of Purple Panda* 6pm, Finance 7pm, Ad Council 7-9pm, Nettle Creek HOA meeting in Fellowship Hall 7pm, Choir 9:30am, Staff Meeting Noon, June & July Newsletter Articles Due 9am, Highway Cleanup 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Pentecost Sunday 9am, Worship Kingdom Quest during Worship Sunday School Memorial Day Office Closed Noon, Senior Citizen Potluck 7pm, Mary Martha Circle *last day of After Care* 6:30pm, Book Discussion 9am, Newsletter Committee 2-5pm, Taylor Catton Grad Party in Fellowship Hall 31 9am, Worship Kingdom Quest Sunday School 6pm, ALL Music end of year Potluck in Fell. Hall 1-5pm, Chinese Culture Training PAGE 33 Finance-Treasurer’s Report Spring is here, just look around and see all of God's wonders before us. We at PUMC have been very busy this past month and just to name a few: The rummage sale netted $3538.35 thus far thanks to Stan and Donna Carlson and all of you who donated, helped, and bought stuff. The chicken noodle lunch under the leadership of Marlowe Meinders made $862.00. What fun it is to make noodles with a bunch of ladies. The parade of palms brought in $5932.00 for the mission budget and they will be meeting soon to determine how that will be spent. This brings to mind a scripture, Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he". We here at PUMC have been busy with fundraisers this past month so we can continue to be in mission to this church family, this community, and this world. Our next big challenge will be Making Dreams Possible for the scholarship fund at African University. This is very doable at 25 cents per member per week. We were very successful with our fundraising for Imagine No Malaria and I know through prayer and our giving we will do great things for this campaign. Remember to turn in your pledge card. I am so thankful for all of you as we continue to be mission minded here, your generosity to this church and the needs of others. May God continue to bless all of you. God Bless, Bonnie Mankle, Treasurer 29th Annual Pig Roast & “Sanctuary Theatre” Presenting entertainment by Prospect Youth & Friends throughout the evening! Dunlap Prospect United Methodist Church Saturday, May 2nd from 4 pm to 7:30 pm Dinner includes: Pulled Pork Sandwiches from Hickory River Smokehouse, Coleslaw, Applesauce, Chips, Homemade Baked Beans and Desserts Carryout Available Tickets: Adults: $10 Children: (ages 5-12) $5 – Age 4 and under eat free! For ticket information, please call the church office at 243-7300 on weekday mornings or visit Musical Lineup: 4PM-Jim Mayberry & Friends, 4:30PM-Andrew Harlan, 4:45PM-Matt Cramer, 5PM-Prospectors, 5:45PM-Zach Stroup, 6PM-Jaelyn & Alex, 6:30PM-Liz & Aimee, 6:45PM-Gabe Jones, 7PM-Kirsten Jones We need your help to make this event a success. You can lend a hand in a number of ways: selling tickets, helping with food preparation, setting up/ cleaning, serving, making homemade desserts, and/or donating miscellaneous items. An insert is included in the church bulletin to give you an opportunity to indicate how you plan to help. There will also be sign-up sheets in the lobby of the church. We are excited about this year’s event. Please join us by volunteering to help in whatever way you can. Don’t forget to buy your tickets and come out to PUMC on May 2nd for great FOOD, FUN, FELLOWSHIP & ENTERTAINMENT! PIG ROAST HELP NEEDED! PAGE 44 Loving Well Retreat with Beth Moore: Northwest United Methodist Church Friday, May 1 (6-9PM) and Saturday, May 2 (8:30-3PM) Call 692-0421 for more information. It’s Almost Time to Place Your Carnation Orders! In celebration of Father’s Day, June 21, 2015, all friends and members of Prospect are encouraged to help build the glorious bouquet. Each carnation purchased at a cost of $1.00 will create the bouquet. Order forms available on the back page of this newsletter ! All carnation orders must be into the office by Sunday, June 7, 2015. MUSIC NOTES WANTED!!! ALL musicians, poets, readers, singers, instrumentalists and talented individuals! Please contact Kirsten Jones at 309-361-5200 or [email protected] if you are interested in helping out this summer with special music. Over the school year, the choir works tirelessly to bring us beautiful anthems and special music, so I am asking for some fresh faces to help this summer. I have lots of music to browse and find something to sing or play. And if I do not have it myself, I will search for music for you. So please, contact me in the month of May to sign up for a Sunday to do special music. It is always a blessing to share and I hope you will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity! Thanks -Kirsten MUSIC NOTES: CHOIR SCHEDULE: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM PROSPECTORS Prospectors will play again on May 17th at 8:40 AM! Kid’s Choir May 6th, 13th, 20th Children’s Choir will sing again on Mother’s Day! Practices are every Sunday during the last 15 minutes of Sunday School. End of Year Music Party & Potluck Calling all choir members...prospectors...bells...accompanists...soloists...youth band members and anyone else who has participated musically at PUMC this year! Please join us on Sunday, May 31st at 6:00pm for an end of the year celebration. Family members welcome! We will enjoy a potluck in the fellowship hall. Beverages and a main dish will be provided. Please bring a dish to share! PAGE 5 Missions News: A BIG thank you for helping with our Easter baskets. It is truly inspiring to me to see what happens when everyone works together out of love for another. From anonymous donations, creative ideas, grocery shopping, sending letters to pantry patrons, assembling boxes, packing boxes, setting up tables, and basket distribution all went so well! It may not seem like much to some, but one never knows who they will touch or show Jesus to through ANY act big or small. Thank you all! I especially want to thank Mrs. Gloria Callahan. She is such a gift to PUMC and her dedication and love for our food pantry should NOT go unrecognized. Thank you ALL!!!!!! -Camilla Parade of Palms Update: Parade of Palms was beyond a blessing as well. The total collected was the most I have EVER seen for supporting the mission budget. We collected nearly $6,000 and are very very close to meeting our budgeted goal of $12,400. PUMC’s generosity continues to show through and through. Highway Cleanup will begin again on Saturday, may 23rd at 9:00 AM. We will meet at the banner school parking lot. Please bring gloves, wear sturdy shoes and clothes appropriate for the weather. Hope to see you there! For questions, please call lois yoches, 243-5062. Africa University To date, through individual commitments and a “tithe” from our recent chicken noodle dinner and rummage sale fundraisers, we have received nearly $2500 towards our “Africa University Making Dream Possible” goal of $5600 (the total cost of 1 year's education for a student at Africa University). We have also received pledges for an additional $500. We welcome your continued support and creative fundraising ideas as we move to reach our goal by June 2016. Please contact the office if you would like a pledge card! PAGE 6 The Adult Work Mission Team has decided to head back to Chaddock for a mission trip in July. Anyone interested please contact Penny Kunkle or Vicky Brown. Your skills may be just what’s needed! In the past some have stained and painted...sorted files and shredded papers...mowed and trimmed and so on! We will once again be staying in a hotel and we welcome ALL. You may choose to come only part of the week as well since it is within driving distance. Our next meeting is TBA. Mary Martha Circle PUMC Men’s Club The Methodist Men will meet again on Monday, May 4th at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Gary Hoadley and Jim Mayberry will be preparing a light meal for us. Mary Martha Circle will meet again on Tuesday, May 26th at 7:00 PM. We want to send a big THANK YOU to all of you that made the Rummage Sale this year a great success. We are so thankful for all of the donations that came in. A big thank you to all the volunteers that helped lug, drag and carry all the stuff up from the basement. What an enormous task that was! Thanks to all of you that showed up to unpack the boxes and help arrange the tables to make it look appealing to the shoppers. Our thank you list could go on and on. Last but certainly not least, thanks to all the folks that shopped-which enabled the sale to total a little over $3,500.00! Blessings to all of you. –The Carlsons We are always looking for Sunday Greeters and Liturgists to serve on Sundays! Sign up is available in the Sanctuary on Sundays or you can call the office to sign up for a turn. There are plenty of spots to fill and all are welcome to participate! PAGE 7 SENIOR HIGH GRADUATE BREAKFAST Congregational Care will meet again on Congregational Care will be serving breakfast for the Dunlap High School Senior Thursday, May 7th at 7:00 PM. PRAYER CHAIN INFORMATION: If you have a prayer chain request, please send it to [email protected]. I only use the gmail account to send the prayer requests. You can also call Marti at 224-1392. Class on Thursday, May 14th at 8:25 AM. Congrats to all graduates!!! Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Easter breakfast!!! It was a huge success. Thanks to all who helped in any way to set up for breakfast, prepare food, serve the food, and clean up. Funeral Luncheons: If anyone is interested in being involved in this ministry, please plan to attend the next Congregational Care meeting on May 7th at 7:00. HERE TO SERVE: Your Congregational Care Committee is here to serve you! If you or anyone you know is in need of care (meals, rides, a listening ear) please let us Friends & Family of PUMC currently in the Nursing Home/Assisted Living: Independence Village: Violet Rickey 1201 W. Northmoor Rd. Peoria, IL 61614 Virginia Crouch Apostolic Christian Home Eureka, IL 61530 I want to thank each and every one of you for making my 95th birthday so special. It is appreciated beyond words to express. God Bless, Glenn Oertley Lisa Vodisek, Lynn & Penny Kunkle, Marlowe & Rick Meinders, Jim & Teri Durand, Dan & Terri Randolph, Brent & Julie Selburg...I know what you did! THANK YOU! -Ron & Pat Garmer Thank you to the PUMC staff, Pastor Steve and all the church members for the kindness, cards and well wishes at the passing of Ellie Sniff. Our family very much appreciates everything you have done to help us through this time. Mom loved the church and the community and we are grateful for the support. - The Family of Ellie Sniff Proctor Home: Marjorie Johnson Liberty Village: Ben Juliusson Assisted Living (Rm 222) 6906 N Stalworth Dr. Peoria, IL 61615 PUMC is way more than my church or a place I go just to worship. PUMC is family to me. I thank God for everyone in my PUMC family. I especially want to thank all of you who took time to pray for my father’s shoulder surgery in April. “POP” power of prayer, brings amazement to my heart every single day. Thank you also to those who spoke with him, checked on him, cooked for him, as well as checking to see how my mother and myself were doing. You are all so deeply appreciated. Thank you so very much! Love, Camilla Pietreniak PAGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! MAY 2 Gerry Snekhaus MAY 3 Stan Carlson MAY 4 Wilma Fry MAY 5 James White MAY 6 Diana Maddox Philip McKenzie MAY 11 James Hafele MAY 12 Tanner Fillman Jacob Bevill MAY 13 Jon Karl David Catton MAY 15 Gary Pullen Brian Applen MAY 16 John Cline MAY 18 Alex Pichaske 8 MAY 20 David Klumpe Jared Selburg MAY 22 Leslie Brown MAY 23 Thomas Missen MAY 24 Michael DeBernardi Isabella Jones MAY 28 Amanda Burton MAY 30 Jill Schlosser The next Newsletter will be a combo of JUNE and JULY. 80’s & Over! Happy 90th birthday to Wilma Fry on May 4th! Happy 87th birthday to James White on May 5th! All Articles for the months of JUNE and JULY will be due Friday, May 22nd by Noon. Bible One-Year Reading Plan The Law History Psalms Poetry Prophets Gospels Epistles WEEK: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday May 3 Deut 10-12 2 Chr 33-36 Pss 128-130 Eccl 5-6 Hag Acts 13-14 1 Pet 1-3 May 10 Deut 13-15 Ezra 1-5 Pss 131-133 Eccl 7-8 Zech 1-7 Acts 15-16 1 Pet 4-5 May 17 Deut 16-19 Ezra 6-10 Pss 134-136 Eccl 9-10 Zech 8-14 Acts 17-18 2 Pet May 24 Deut 20-22 Neh 1-4 Pss 137-139 Eccl 11-12 Mal Acts 19-20 1 John 1-3 May 31 Deut 23-25 Neh 5-9 Pss 140-142 Song 1-2 Rev 1-6 Acts 21-22 1 John 4-5 **Youth-Kid’s Corner** SUNDAY LINE-UP May 3 Lainey Campbell & Mac Jones May 10 Bubka Carlson & Payton Faughn May 17 Jay Christophel & Isabella Jones May 24 Morgan Deenik & Alex Pichaske May 31 Lainey Campbell & Isabella Jones PAGE 9 May 3 Kirsten Deenik May 10 Bayaraa Carlson May 17 Courtney Alexander May 24 Bayaraa Carlson May 31 Kirsten Deenik Help Wanted-Nursery Opening This upcoming August, Matt Cramer, our church paid nursery attendant will be moving off to college out of state. If you or someone you know that is 17 or older is interested in the position, please contact Dani at [email protected]. The Teen Messenger Stay tuned...more information to come! Save the Date: Youth serving at the Hog Roast: May 2nd Senior High Mission Trip: TBD Jr. High/Middle Mission Trip to Chaddock in Quincy, IL: July 20-22 Cost: $75 Deposit of $50 due on May 10th (please send to the office) PURPLE PANDA PRESCHOOL JOB OPENINGS: Prospect United Methodist Church in Dunlap is accepting resumes to staff teaching positions at Purple Panda Preschool. Our current staff members have chosen to retire at the end of the school year after many years of dedicated service. Open positions include director/teacher, teacher and two teaching assistants. Purple Panda has been in continuous operation since 1974 and offers classes for children ages 3 and 4. For further information, please contact Dani in the church office at 243-7300 or via email at [email protected]. Summer Camps: Vacation Bible School: VBS is set for June 15-19th from 9:00-Noon, with early drop off starting at 8:30 AM. VBS After Care will be from 11:30 AM-6:00 PM (this will be a Youth Fundraiser-ages 6th grade and up) adult help is also needed! Please contact the office to help! IGRC SUMMER CAMP FLYERS ARE HERE! East Bay...Living Springs...Jensen Woods For ages 1st grade-12th grade during June, July & August. Don’t forget to place your Mother’s Day Carnation Orders! Ages 3 years-4th grade welcome. Registration is online and will also be available on the Monday of VBS from 8:30-8:45 AM. Order forms due Sunday, April 26th! Book Discussion: Everyone is very welcome to attend any book discussion at Prospect (and you don’t even have to read the book or say anything if you’d rather just listen). Our next discussion is Thursday, May 28, 6:30 p.m. in the Lounge: Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison by Piper Kerman. This book is a straightforward account of Kerman’s year in a minimum security corrections facility in Connecticut. (Note: It does not have the sensationalism that has been written into the television series.) On Thursday, July 23, we will consider the novel The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, about a family that emigrates from India to the U.S. (A film by the same title is based on the book.) Watch the Messenger for more information, including future dates and titles. Questions? Suggestions of good books to consider? Contact Nancy Varness at 309-274-8124 or [email protected]. PURPLE PANDA NEWS Our April 24th Spring Program was a big success. We had about 200 people in Prospect Hall and the Sanctuary for this special evening. It doesn’t seem possible that the week of May 18 th is our last week of classes. As always, it is a difficult time for our staff to say our goodbyes to all of our little ones. It has been a fun and productive school year! It is also extremely difficult for the entire Purple Panda staff and me to say our good byes to Purple Panda, the board of directors, the wonderful members of the congregation we have had the privilege to know, and the Prospect Staff we have worked with over our many years here. For these enriching years at Purple Panda, we say a very sincere Thank-you. Rose Morris and I will be retiring and Janice Pfalzgraf and Cecilia Rieker will be moving onto new career ventures. Even though some of our classes are full for the upcoming school year, we do still have a few openings available in some of our programs. If you have any questions or are interested in enrollment for the upcoming school year, please contact me through Dani in the Church Office at 2437300 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Marsha Dolson—Director, Purple Panda Preschool After Care News Registration for the upcoming school year for Prospect After School Care will begin in a few weeks. Like the preschool, the After care program is also beginning to wind down its school year with the last day of aftercare being Thursday, May 28th. Rose Morris and I will also be retiring from Prospect After School Care. We have really enjoyed this program, getting to know the children, and working with the Church staff and many members of the congregation. Toni Forbes will be returning as the On Site Coordinator. If you have any questions or are interested in enrollment, please contact me through Dani in the Church office at 243-7300 or e-mail me at [email protected]. Marsha Dolson—Director, Prospect After School Care Prospect United Methodist Church 300 E. Ash, PO Box 98 Dunlap, IL 61525 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Dunlap, IL 61525 Permit No. 4 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED We Are Called to Love and Serve All Without Boundaries Sunday Schedule Worship: 9:00 AM Sunday School: Following Worship Nursery Ministry Available Church Staff: Pastor Rev. Steve Pichaske FATHER’S DAY CARNATIONS In celebration of Father’s Day, June 21, 2015, all friends and members of Prospect are encouraged to help build the glorious bouquet. Each carnation purchased at a cost of $1.00 will create the bouquet. If you wish to order carnations, mark the blank accordingly, and attach the total amount due. All carnation orders must be into the office by Sunday, June 7, 2015. Name ___________________________ Phone No. ____________ [email protected] Office Administrator Dani Genandt Office Phone (309) 243-7300 [email protected] Music Coordinator/Choir Director Kirsten Jones 309-361-5200 Office Information Office is open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We are on the web at Number ______ White Carnations (In memory of) ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Number _____ Assorted Carnations (In honor of) _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
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Message from Pastor Steve: - Dunlap Prospect United Methodist
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Gene & Nelda Lalicker
Apt. 322
Liberty Estates
Peoria, IL 61615
Liberty Village:
Ben Juliusson
Assisted Living (Rm 222)
6906 N Stalworth Dr.
Peoria, IL 61615