INATECH ALOK SHARMA vf - International Bunker Industry
INATECH ALOK SHARMA vf - International Bunker Industry
ECA Compliance The facts, the options, the solutions Alok SHARMA IBIA Annual Convention, Hamburg 2014 “Transforming shipping and bunkering through intelligent fuel management systems” Agenda Context: Known and unknown What to expect on Fuel Quality when the regulations change? What is the planned enforcement regime in US and EU? What does “Continuous Compliance” mean? Key elements of good compliance Management solution The landscape has been and will change significantly in future HIGH CRUDE PRICES ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS HIGH BUNKER PRICES MORE INVESTMENTS (Buyers and Suppliers) NEW LOW SULPHUR FUELS SWITCH TO DISTILLATES LOW DEMAND SLOW STEAMING IMPROVED INDUSTRY IMAGE CLEAN ENVIRONMENT Emissions Regulations on the horizon 0.5% global sulphur cap (2020/2025)* Date 180 pending review by end 2018 latest EEDI Phase 1 0.1% ECA Sulphur Limit 2015 0.5% EU Sulphur Cap Nox tier III for new builds All EU Waters: EEZ (200NM) EEDI Phase 2 2016 2018 2020 Global CO2 MRV EU CO2 MRV Operational Requirements On Co2 Additional ECAS Established EEDI phase 3 2025 BC and VOC regulation Regulatory Unknowns The timetable for the development of Nox/Sox regs New ECA’s – Japan, Hong Kong, Mediterranean, Singapore, New Zealand ?? In port regulations – particularly US Enforcement Regimes and Penalties - US EPA (FONARs) Regulations for use of LNG as bunkers CO2 Regulations (Greenhouse Gas emissions) ECA Compliance key factors Continuous Compliance Variable fuel quality Emission Control Regulations Enforcement Change in Regulation has a direct impact on fuel quality Impact of Regulation on Quality of Fuel 01 Legislative change has a knock on effect on quality of product available. 02 Data shows a direct correlation between legislative change and increased number of off spec fuels. 03 Issues usually witnessed immediately before, during & after a significant legislative change. ECA Compliance key factors Continuous Compliance Variable fuel quality Emission Control Regulations Enforcement EU Policy Framework Emphasis on Implementation by MS through binding guidelines (Implementing Acts to be adopted by the end of 2014) – Directive 2012/33/EC adopted in Nov. 2012, transposed by Member States 18 June 2014 • 1.00% until December 2014 and 0.10% as from January 2015 for SECAs • 3,50% as of June 2014 and 0,50% as of January 2020 • 0,10% sulphur content for ships at berth and 1,50% for passenger ships on • regular service (maintained outside SECAs) including cruise ships • strengthening of monitoring of compliance and enforcement to reach environmental objectives while preserving shipping market sustainability • Member States should notify the provisions on penalties to the Commission Consequences of infractions What are the legal consequences of non- compliance by ships being considered EU Member states are discussing level of penalties • Administrative fines: 15 Member States • Criminal penalties: 8 Member States • Ship Detention: 15 Member States • Denial of entry to ports: 4 Member States US Enforcement is beginning to lead the way US EPA steps up ECA enforcement efforts Focus to date been on checking the relevant documentation, such As the bunker delivery note and the ship’s log of fuel changeover Timing and procedures. Taking fuel samples from ships to test for compliance with the relevant sulphur Ship detention is ‘an effective Sanction’ 6th October 2014 13:17 GMT The EPA has also been experimenting with flyovers, whereby a plane files through a ship’s plume and measures the sulphur dioxide (SO2) to carbon dioxide (CO2) ratio to calculate the fuel sulphur content EU : Electronic reporting requirements are to be expected How compliance is checked today? By inspectors: Documentation, Statutory Samples and ad hoc on board Sampling and Analysis, or continuous monitoring data for ships using EAMs By the Commission: yearly, based on Reporting by MSs each 30 June And after 1/1/2015? By inspectors: Additional mandatory frequency for sampling fixed by the EU targeting and monitoring progress) Criteria on board harmonised tool (in By the Commission: Electronic Reporting by MSs can be virtually checked real-time, more exchange of information MS In EU: MRV approach relies on monitoring vessels trading to/from EU The European Commission's Proposal for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of CO2 Emissions from Ships Bunker Delivery Note Tank Sounding Monitoring Plan Flow Meters Annual Emission Report Emission Measurement Verification Central Database ECA Compliance – key factors Continuous Compliance Variable fuel quality Emission Control Regulations Enforcement Key Procurement Drivers Demand Projection Buying Strategy Buyer Performance (Benchmarks) Procurement Drivers Supplier Management Ship Performance Compliance Hedging A lot of moving parts in the process which is fine when things go smooth MKT PRICE PROVIDERS SUPPLIERS/ TRADERS/ BROKERS Vessel Regulation Department Finance INTERNAL Technical Department SURVEYORS LABORATORIES SHIP AGENTS Bunker Department Fleet Management EXTERNAL REGULATOR Continuous compliance monitoring mechanism should have three pillars ACCURACY ENFORCEABILITY The data collected should reflect as closely as possible the real emissions of the ship. Practical and robust enforcement can only be guaranteed if emissions data is easy to collect, survey and verify. The procedure for data verification should be simple and rapid. TRANSPARENCY Transparency would lead to better decisions and could possibly improve energy efficiency Port State Control activity Source : Practical Options for Emissions monitoring Transport Environment, 2014 Continuous Compliance – salient points TRACK Vessel entry, exit , and ECA steaming Auto log switchover positions Auto record of ECA Fuel BDN and Labs Statutory Reporting (TBC) Store SEEMP’s , BDN and other docs ALERT CONTROL Ensure that ship and shore are alerted on every change in status of ECA Fuel Log ECA fuel consumptions and measure against baseline Allow Vessel/ Voyage/ Region specific “safe zones” to allow for difference in switchover Ensure ECA cost is built into Yield Calculations and BAF Ensure that company procedures are followed Calculate Voyage “Compliance Cost” to highlight CSR This presentation contains confidential materials proprietary to Inatech. The materials, ideas and concepts contained herein are to be used solely and exclusively to understand Inatech’s offerings The contents of this presentation are intended only for the use of chosen reviewers and may not be distributed to third parties.. Copyright © 2014 Inatech. All rights reserved. Proprietary and Confidential.
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