NEWSLETTER [Date] 14 June 2013


NEWSLETTER [Date] 14 June 2013
School year 2012 - 2013
Final assembly
Jip & Janneke
Words of thanks from
Dominique and Joris
Photos sports- & games day
English: reading tree & BOB
Book tips for the holidays
Reading is fun
Advisory council
Volunteer appreciation
Visit PSV
Important dates
Formation 2013-2014
Groups assignments 20132014
Rectification school
calendar 2013-2014
Summer reading for parents
and children
14 June 2013
All yearbooks 2012 - 2013 ordered may now be collected
at the administration office.
Some extra copies were printed, in case you did not
preorder a yearbook and would still like to purchase one,
they are available while supplies last.
Dear parents,
The assembly took place in our gym today, which is
already starting to look like a theater. The group 8s are
now fully engaged in the preparation of their musical
‘Hairspray’ and will be rehearsing in the gym as of next
week. Group 2b took advantage of the set up to
perform their home made play ‘The witch Patronella’.
The PSV youth players T-shirt was displayed and we sang
happy birthday for all June and July birthdays.
Today is an important day, because attached to this
newsletter you will mind more details about the school's
formation 2013-2014.
Have a great weekend on behalf of all of us.
Attached to this email we present to you the formation 2013-2014. In this document you
will also find some unfamiliar names, these are the newly hired teachers that will introduce
themselves shortly in next week's edition of the newsletter. In the document are unfamiliar
names and some familiar names are missing. You will see these names in the relief list for
HSL, and Saskia Huntjes and Gerard Veneman will play a role in the extended school
hours for J&J (Saskia) or the primary school NSA (Gerard). We also attached the student
lists of all the classes, where you will also find the names of the new students joining us next
Tuesday 18 June: Musical
Parking is permitted on the Swiss Club 2nd parking lot (intersection of Bukit Tinggi and Swiss
Wednesday 19 June: High Tea group 8
We were granted a parking waiver for Bukit Tinggi Road between 10 am and 12 noon and
are also allowed to use the Swiss Club 2nd parking lot (intersection of Bukit Tinggi and Swiss
Friday 21 June: Last day of school
Throughout the morning parking is permitted on the Swiss Club 2nd parking lot (intersection
of Bukit Tinggi and Swiss View). We also received a parking waiver for Bukit Tinggi Road
from 9 am to 1 pm.
On Friday 21 June from 8.45 to 9.45 am we will say goodbye to all children and teachers
who are leaving the HSL this year.
You are most welcome to join us for this special assembly.
We were given a parking waiver for Bukit Tinggi Road between 10 am and 12 noon and
are also allowed to use the Swiss Club 2nd parking lot (intersection of Bukit Tinggi and Swiss
View). We would still like to advise parents to either carpool or arrive by taxi.
We're almost out for the summer!!! But we still need to get some things done before we
can lay out our towels on the beach in Scheveningen (or maybe pull up to the fire place
in a thick sweater, you can never tell in the Netherlands). On June 3 I started making the
first preparations for next school year. In addition, Annemarie is doing the placements for
all new students, next year our groups will be staring full! Jip & Janneke has now received
98 applications, 100 here we come!
There appears to be some uncertainty about the Jip & Janneke school hours for next year
and the questions has arisen why these school hours haven't been previously
Jip & Janneke will continue to have the same schedule as this year, 8.30 am - 12.00 noon
with extended hours on Tuesday and Thursday. This was decided based on the parental
satisfaction survey held last March. In the survey we proposed three different end times: at
1 pm, at 2, 30 pm or at 3.30 pm. The results from the survey showed that most parents are
content with a 12 noon end time and that some parents did want to choose the
combination of a short and a longer day. The end time of the extended school day for 3+
children on Tuesday and Thursday depended on the primary school end time for us. Now
the primary school end times are finalized and the MT decided groups 1 and 2 should be
on the same schedule.
This gives us the following schedule:
8.30 am - 12.00 noon
8.30 am - 12.00 noon + extension to 2.30 pm for 3+
8.30 am - 12.00 noon
8.30 am - 12.00 noon + extension to 2.30 pm for 3+
8.30 am - 12.00 noon
Marjolein will also be available for the J&J management function next year. Unfortunately
Annemarie will be leaving Jip & Janneke and is transferring to work in the lower grades of
our primary school. The J&J formation has not been fully completed yet, as soon as it
becomes clear who will be teaching which group we will naturally inform you .
Next week we will send out an information letter and an application form for the
extended school day 3+.
Should there be any questions, please feel free to look us up. Marjolein is at the J&J office
daily or can be reached by email or telephone.
Dear HSL parents,
After 4, respectively 5 years in Singapore we are saying goodbye to the HSL. With sorrow
in our hearts. Not because we aren't ready for a new and wonderful challenges, but
because this means having to leave behind all the special people here.
We will always have a special place in our hearts for Singapore and the HSL. The place
where we found each other, where the marriage proposal took place and where we
repeated our "I do's" in front of the whole school.
But also the place where we learned so much. Where we've grown tremendously, both
on a personal and a professional level.
Therefore we would like to express our gratitude to everyone. To our colleagues, for their
expertise, their creativity and especially their passion. To all parents for their
engagement, for the support we received at all the special times we went through and
for their confidence in letting us teach their children. And of course we want to thank
the children: for their enthusiasm and great commitment; they were the reason we
came to work happily every single day.
It will take some getting used to next year to not be at HSL next year and not see all of
you anymore. But we are positive that our next step should be in the Netherlands. We
wish all colleagues, parents and children all the happiness in the world.
Dominique en Joris
Last Saturday the first HSL sports- and games day.
A huge success! Especially thanks to the great efforts of the parents and teachers.
A BIG thanks to all of you, once more.
Wonderful photos were taken in the course of the day.
These can be found on the Picasa event site:
To log in you'll need your usual event password. In case you have lost it, your child's
teacher will provide this to you with pleasure.
We would hereby like to announce the upcoming staff changes in the English department
in the academic year 2013-2014.
Peter Larsson will be leaving us to return to Sweden to assume the role of Academic
Coordinator at an English/Swedish bilingual school.
Jessica Purchase has accepted a position as Middle School Humanities teacher at
the Overseas Family School.
Keri Mitchell will be spending more time at home with her baby and will be running
Sunday School English lessons at her church.
Saskia Huntjens will become part of the English department relief-teaching roster.
To ensure that there is continuity in the English program we have conducted a thorough
recruitment process and hired the following staff. The incoming staff will be introducing
themselves in next week’s newsletter.
Mrs. Sabina Lall will be the new English Coordinator; she comes on the back of five
years' worth of English Department coordinating at the Swiss School.
Mrs. Harvind Kaur will be joining us after recently having returned to her native
Singapore from the UK, where she obtained her teaching qualifications and taught
Mr. Robert Hennighausen will be joining us from Modern Montessori International
where he has been part of the management team.
Next week Thursday and Friday will be used for the handover. This means that
Wednesday, June 19th will be the last day of English lessons.
The English Team
Please be informed that the English Department requests all participants on the Oxford
Reading Tree and BOB Books Reading Scheme to return the mesh bags with the borrowed
books. We are no longer exchanging books but will continue the Reading Schemes next
school year. All participants will be retested at the beginning of the next school year.
We are very proud of our Young Readers and wish you a happy holiday! Please keep up
the good work in the holidays!
Books entry level
• Maan Roos Mis
• Pak me dan!
• De pet van Jett
• Pappa is kok
• Van een koe en een geit
Elle van Lieshout
Paul van Loon
Els van Egeraat
Kees de Baar
Ivo de Wijs
Books M3
• Joes wil een poes
• Stijntje Stoer
• Waar is de muis?
• Joep in de tuin
• Juf is in de war
Vivian den Hollander
Lian de kat
Marion Fellerhof
Rien Baars
Anneke Scholtens
Books E3
• Een geheim bij de buren
• Van een verre planeet
• Pien wil een pony
• Klein Suske en Wiske
• Hoor jij dat ook?
Marjon Hoffman
Gitte Spee
Annemarie Dragt
Jeff Broeckx
Claudia de Boer
Books M4
• Piraten!
• Een circus in de tuin!
• Waarom zit mijn haar zo raar
• Een vreemd konijn
• Vier tegen vier
Harmen van Straaten
Pieter van Oudheusden
Frank van Pamelen
Lian de Kat
Vivian den Hollander
Books E4
• Koen Kampioen
• Hier waak ik!
• Jubelientje speelt vals
• Heksje Lilly
• Het verdwaalde bultenbeest
Fred Diks
Chris Winsemius
Hans Hagen
Karin de Graaff
Books M5
• Mijn lievelingsdier is gebraden kip
• Spekkie & Sproet, verdwenen kaketoe
• Spring, meneer Luis!
• De Kameleon (Junior)
• De feestelfjes
Bies van Ede
Vivian den Hollander
Bavo Dhooge
Fred Diks
Daisy Meadows
Books E5
• Dolfje Weerwolfje
• Superjuffie
• De ninja’s van de overkant
• Bert en Bart en de zoen van de zombie
• Mees Kees
Paul van Loon
Janneke Schotveld
Reggie Naus
Tjibbe Veldkamp
Mirjam Oldenhave
Books M6
• Haak en Co
• Het geheim van de vleermuisjager
• De voetbalclinic
• Meester Max voor altijd
• De klassenfoto
Lydia Verbeeck
Els Ruiters
Corien Oranje
Rindert Kromhout
Betty Sluyzer
Books E6
• Munkel Trog
• De superhoofdprijs
• Spees de ruimtewees
• Toverpoeder
• Olijke Tweeling
Janet Foxley
Annie van Gansewinkel
Mirjam Mous
Bies van Ede
Marion van de Coolwijk
B- Books 9 - 12 year olds
• Het leven van een loser
• De Grijze Jager
• Dagboek van een Muts
• Achtste groepers huilen niet
• Raveleijn
Jeff Kinney
John Flanagan
Rachel Russel
Jacques Vriens
Paul van Loon
C- Books 13 years and up
• Hoe overleef ik mijn vakantie
• Dat heb ik weer!
• Harry Potter
• Alex Rider
• Vlaamse frieten, heilige koeien
en groot applaus
Francine Oomen
Carry Slee
J.K. Rowling
Anthony Horowitz
Peter Hoogenboom
Attached to this newsletter: ‘Summer reading for parent and child'.
The current advisory council has reached the end of its two year term. After receiving the
applications from eager parents and staff members we are happy to inform you that a
new advisory council will be at your service per August 2013.
The new advisory council will contain (in alphabetic order):
Jacqueline Alberts
Mathys Boeren
Daniel van Dijk
Kristel Stassen-Flizner
Nanou Hartlieb
The new advisory council will be introduced on our Orientation day in August . Until then
the current advisory council members will address the ongoing issues and prepare the
All HSL volunteers were invited to the traditional 'volunteer appreciation event' that took
place this morning in the school kitchen. There were warm words of thanks, cold drinks
and tasty treats and a small gift for all. Volunteers who weren't able to attend the event
are welcome to pick up their well-deserved gift at the administration office until next week
Friday. To all HSL volunteers: THANK YOU!!!!
Last Thursday the PSV A1 youth selection visited our school. Students from groups 5 thru 8
could ask them their questions and then enjoyed a football spectacle. PSV is currently in
Singapore to partake in the important Lion City Cup tournament. This tournament is
ongoing until 16 June and you can still see the matches with your child. More information
can be found on:
WEDNESDAY 19 JUNE 10-11 am
MUSICAL (see newsletter 36)
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, out at 12 pm
ü SUNDAY 18 AUGUST 10 am – 12 pm